HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061952 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20061221~~~ .~...~ ~~ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary December 18, 2006 20061952 MEMORANDUM: TO: Ms. Cyndi Karoly Environmental Biological Supervisor Division of Water Quality FROM: SUBJECT: Applicant: Project Location: Proposed Project: Doug Huggett Major Permits Processing Coordinator a ~,C~C~~~~ D 2 ~ 'Z006 ~SCP1i~ ~ ~4Ai~~:t'i ~UM-~1 ~ w~ ~ t,,~+as ~ gTp~W~,1ER BRN~ CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Wilmington Commercial Property Carteret County: Adj. Whitehurst Creek within Avalon S/D at 181 Landing Road, Straits, NC. The applicant proposes to construct a community pier with observation platform to serve the new subdivision of Avalon Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by January 08, 2007. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Tere Barrett at (252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50°~ Recyded 1 10% Post Consumer PzFer -_ !!Illa~~r Permit Fce Schedule DCM $ DWQ $ Development Type Fee (14300 1601 435100093 1625 6253) (24300 1602 435100095 2341) I. Private; non-commercial development that does not involve he filling or excavation of any etlands or open water areas: $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) II. Public or commercial development that does not involve he filling or excavation of any etlands or open water areas: $400 100% ($400) 0% ($O) Itl. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open ater areas, determine if A,B, C, or D below applies: III(A). Private, non-commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached) can be applied: $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) III(B). Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (See attached) can be applied. 'x$400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) III(C) If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) III(D). If General Water Quality Certification No. 3490 (see attached) cannot be applied. $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) IV. Development that involves the filling and/or excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/or open water areas: $475 60% ($285) 40% ($190) < < DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Wilmington Commercial Property 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Adjacent to Whitehurst Creek within the common area of the new subdivision known as Avalon. The tract address is 181 Landing Road, off of Straits Road in the Straits community of Carteret County. Photo Index - 2006: 6360, grid L-12; 2000: 667, grid L-11 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2735700 Y: 365900 Longitude: 34 43 49.66252 Latitude: 76 33 04.25234 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: LAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 10/27/06; 11/09/06; 12/05/06 Was Applicant Present - No; Yes; No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - cc: 12/01/06 Office - MHC 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan -Carteret County Land Classification From LUP -Rural/Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: CW, EW, PTA (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Community (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -None Planned -None (F) Type of Structures: Existing -Roadway, utilities Planned -Pier, Observation platform (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION: T1RFTlfiFTl FTT .T Ti'il Turnnvicu ~ r.~n (A) Vegetated Wetlands Mixed Coastal Marsh 252 sf (B) Other High Ground 72 sf Open Water 582 sf (D) Total Area Disturbed: 906 sf (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes (F) Water Classification: SA Open: Yes 8 PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to construct a community pier with observation platform to serve the new subdivision of Avalon. Field Investigation Report: Wilmington Commercial Property Page 02 --------------------------- 9. Narrative Description: The property is an 18.83-acre tract recently subdivided into 22 residential lots. The roadway and utilities were installed landward of the CAMA 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC, and as such the project has required no CAMA Permit to date. The applicants received DWQ Stormwater Permit #SW8060304 for the work that has been done. Presently, the developers wish to install a community pier on the common lot, and are applying for a permit to do so. The tract lies on both sides of Landing Road and abuts Straits Road in the Straits community of Carteret County. The property fronts Whitehurst Creek to the east, and Pig Point Creek to the west, but is bound by private residential properties to the south. Pig Point Creek is a local name for the western branch of Whitehurst Creek. Vegetation on the tract currently is mostly new lawn grasses and weeds following the recent disturbance. A fringe of pines, live oaks, and yaupon holly form the perimeter. A narrow fringe of Juncus roemerianus, Spartina alterniflora, and Spartina patens separates the high ground from the creeks. The Carteret County Land Use Plan classifies this area of the County as Rural, with AEC's classified as Conservation. The waters of both branches Whitehurst Creek are designated Primary Nursery Area per the NCDMF. Both branches of the creek are open to the taking of shellfish per the NCDHS. The waters of both branches carry a water quality classification of SA. The elevation of the tract ranges from insl to +3' and +5'. Bottom substrate within the creeks is very fine and silty, and lends easily to resuspension. On the eastern shoreline of the property is a lot between #'s 9 and 10 that is dedicated as the common area for the subdivision. It is on this 12,260 sf lot that the immediate project is proposed. The lot is vacant, as are all of the lots in the subdivision. There is an asphalt turn-around for vehicular traffic, shrub/scrub perimeter, and fringe of coastal wetlands along the 45' shoreline. This is the shoreline of the property that abuts the main, or eastern branch of Whitehurst Creek. There are several small residential piers to the north along this shoreline, and one to the south. A small pier with dock lies to the immediate north of the proposed pier site. The request is for a community pier and observation platform. The 6' wide pier would begin on high ground in the middle of the lot, and extend 12' ±over high ground, 42' ±over coastal wetlands, and 69' into the waters of Whitehurst Creek. At the waterward end, there is a 12' x 14' covered gazebo proposed. The complete structure would extend approximately 72' into the 500' + body of water. The design is such that a dogleg is necessary midway thru the structure for it to remain in the riparian corridor, and 15' from each. The corridor as depicted appears to align 90° from the main channel of the creek. At the terminus of the structure, the applicant shows -1.9' of water at nlw, however field visits have failed to verify as much. The gazebo is for observation, fishing, crabbing, etc. No boat slips or docking areas are proposed. Field Investigation Report: Wilmington Commercial Property Page 03 10. Anticipated Impacts: As proposed, the pier will shade 72 sf of high ground, 252 sf of mixed coastal marsh described above, and 414 sf of open water/shallow bottom habitat. The gazebo will incorporate and shade another 168 sf of shallow bottom area in the open water system, for a total of 582 sf. Turbidity impacts should be short term during the driving of pilings. The intended use does not include the docking of vessels. Assuming it is not used for this purpose, there should not be future impacts such as scarring and resuspension. The proposed structure will not be a hazard to navigation or exceed the established pier length within this creek. Tere Barrett December 14, 2006 Morehead City Q~c~~oe~~ DEC 2 1 2006 2006 1 952 Form DCM-MP-1 pENR - WAl'EFt QUALITY YVE11AN03 AND STORMWATER BRANCH ~ ~ ~ ~` ~~f ~ ~~'`'~ TION A PPLI ~ , A (To bt completed by all applicants) lLloret~ea~ City DC~, b. Ci ,town, community or landmark ~~F,eS zsc.~r~ lsrx,~~rs Tow,~s~tP 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: c. Street address or secondary road number I fr 1 GAS ~2 nJL~ 20,4 ~ Name G/tC..rv~ ~.UL Tam ~aHm~,CcrAt ~~-oO~~`/ ~ proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction. Yes _~ No Address ~ a . ~Q~ 3 yyz e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, City ~=c-~T'~ul~ 7?~.~/ State N c- Zip L~'{0~6 Day Phone~t0 ~ 9 2 ~ ~ 79 Fax ~9~0) 79Y-YZoZ b. creek, sound, bay) fIN~TE//c~~ST G~~EK 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Authorized Agent: Name .~T li~4eFy ~~~C-.[.T.~l~' ~~T`iEa Address , • 0 • ~o x ~~O ~,c,.~.v ~ Ts vr~~E' lf,E~ c.~f City State N ~- Zip 2 ~ ~ Day Phone ~ ~ o~ ZlQ `l ` 9 97~ Fax Oro ?9 L -09~{Z c. Project name (if any) ~' V 19-L bnJ lVi07E: Perndt wiu be irsaed in Want of lmidoM+ner(s), and/or prvJecT name. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County C ~4- 2 i ,~ 2E T List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. ~'.~ S T~9 t.~,9 rSv,J o F fi'• ~'£!~ f~N o aR SER~~rryv r`~a rFo RM b. IS the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? ~VEW !,~/D~I~ c. Will the project be for public, private oc commercial use? ~ P~tr v~ 7-E d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of ooostrucdon and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Co~t,~ u .~ r iY u S D F /~-,u ~ Rs ESC r ~-T~~1 P~~ . S T74 .~l 0.4 ~ d rt ~ 2 i .t/ E C o.y S T')t. r.. c T .~.ocJ ~ 6 Tim O S wrLC. ~o?c-Y D~.LJ A]IAL c ~ ~~ ~: ~~~~ Form DCM-MP-1 .,, `~ ~ ~" J~ ~ - 1 ~~ m. Describe existina~. ~e°w~e?~1re"~ad"'-'~ra~il~~V~ 4. LAND AND WATER CHARACTERISTICS - nfowF a. Size of entire tract / ~l • ~ ? ff-~ ES i ~ b. Size of individual lot(s) ~2 7~ '/ ~ f-~F c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL S d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract ~4-r-r~4-cefEO e. Vegetation on tract ~- L~i4 R-E D LOTS f. Man-made features now on tract 2 Ft r p E,~ rlAc. sTxEETs g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? (conralt the (ocn! !md ~~ P~.~ y Conservation Developed _~ Rural Transitional Community Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? P/¢i~.G,~C. DoT Z.a~~D ~ PER- /~ r-M,~r~ i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? ,~~ Yes No (Attach Zadng aorr~liar+ce certificate, if aPPliaablel j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes _~ No If yes, by whom? k. Is the project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or ell ible property? Yes ~No 1. Are there wetlands on the site? / Yes No Coastal (marsh) / Other If yes, bas a delineation been conducted? ~ (Attach doc~nirntation, if auailab/eJ n. Describe location and type of dischazges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Srtrc.F~-c.F d u.voFF o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. No~E. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be submitted: • A Dopy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project. • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and aoss-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the Revised 03/95 Form DCM-MP-1 o ~~~Q~~ D DEC 2 1 2006 ~~~ ~, ~ .~ ~. ~- . - ] r' ii , . ~ mpg yrD STOfiM+Nl-TER BRANCH Morehead City CSC site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the like. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners sad signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certiCed mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained ~~ the permit. I rectify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies witb the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. ~Now~ ~ S /(/~ c G ~F I .certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, /(oG N1 c G ~ ~ /?fslNFo,~ r, ~ c_ grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned leads in connection with evaluating information related to this EDM oiv D Q ~i4~ permit application and follow-up monitoring of the 4/G 9v Coc-va~,4L C~,eee.E. fX~vTT~Y .v c- project. • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. SW f~06O ~O `I - S7aitM N.4TtQ- • A check !or ~Z50 made payable to the D~artment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing dte application. • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. I13A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public land's, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. I further certify that the information provided in ibis application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the Z~ day ofNOyF~(jE~~ p¢ ZaoG Print Name T ~ ~ ~ ~~ `'~ Signature r or Artlwrized Age~u Please ind"irate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fi11 Information DCM MP-3 Upland Development ~ DCM MP-4 Strucxures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign a~td date each anadrment fn the space provided at the bottom of each form. Form DCM-MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) . ~~ J~ 1. - !~'1h 1 Morehead C;cy GCS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major e. Mooring buoys Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all (1) _ Commercial -Community _ Private other sections of the Joint Application which relate to (2) Number this proposed project. 1~ (3) Description of buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) (1) _ Commercial Community _ Private (2) Number ~ (3) Length / Z ? ' (4) Width G ' (5) Finger Piers Yes / No (i) Number (ii) Length (iii) Width (6) Platform(s) / Yes No (i) Number ~ (ii) Length !2 (iii) Width ~l' (7) Number of slips proposed (8) Proximity of structure to adjacent riparian property lines 1 S (9) Width of water body St/D (10) W er depth at waterward end of pier at LW r NWL 1. 4 b. Boathouse (including covered lifts) (1) Commercial Private _\\~ (2) Length N (3) Width c. Groin (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) \~ (1) Number ,1 (2) Length(s) ~" d. Breakwater (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) (1) Length \~ (2) Average distance from MHW, NWL or 1 wetlands 1" (3) Maximum distance beyond MHW, NWL or wetlands (4) Width of water body (5) Distance buoy(s) to be placed beyond shoreline f. Mooring structure (boailift, mooring pilings, etc.) (1) _ Commercial -Community _ Private \ (2) (3) Number Length (4) Width g. Other (Civr enrry~lere description) r\`~ Applt or Pro' t Name Sig Date Revised 03/95 TO BEAUFORT US HWY 70 0 0 z ~' J M N N Q'. ~ UJ W U Y Z ~ Q 2 N DEC - i ?00 Morehead City DCM A _.. , ~!_~ 17 ~'!''~ ~ n DE is ~ ~ ~~~ (~ "s~:~~ NCSR 1335 STRAITS RD I~ z 0 z Q J N AVALON SUBDIVISION ~~ ~~~~~ ~ v Y W W U CT R~ I SfTE LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE Y W W U ~- H 3 SITE NEW COMMUNITY PIER AT: AVALON SUBDIVISION STRAITS ROAD CARTERET CO NTY, N.C. FOR: DEANS HACKNEY PO BOX 3442 WILMINGTON, N.C. DRAWN BY: WILLIAM H. WARREN, JR. NOVEMBER 28, 2006 SHEET 1 OF 2 i I , 14 2'x8' Rowuwo Cr. 9 4'x4' POST 6 ~. 2'x8• DECK ,~ J DECK. EL = +7.Ot ~i~ ~ ~ _ l ,~ ,1 ~ L 2'x8' STRINGERS - v 'J ON 2'-0' CENTERS O O 2'x10' (DOUBLE) AND SPIKED ~`"~ ALT """"'~"~ ~ ead Cit DCM r 8' DIA. TREATED PILE ON 8'-0' CENTERS !} t S EIP EIP BOTTD-~ vARIEs 11 10 ~ ~ 13 12 PEAR GILDING CODE ~. PROPERTY Of: / THOMAS E. McGEE. JR. I 2 / WETLANQ~ (AS FLAGGED N / TYPICAL PIER SECTION APPAR THIGH WATER BY oTH S EIP NOT TO SGLE MARK (FIELD LOCATED) ~,~_` n PROPERTY OF: ~ ~ y~~ ~~.~ 1 I EDMUND L. DEAN y,~ EXISTING GRASS LINE) ~, / I ~A 0 I EIP 12'x14' GAZEBOS 1 1 z DEPTH s 1.9' -~ - - -_---- -m-.-z PIER PLAN 100 50 0 100 SCALE IN FEET SOUNDINGS BASED ON MLW=0.0 FLOOD EBB wHITEHURST CREEK NEW COMMUNITY PIER AT: AVALON SUBDIVISION STRAITS ROAD CARTERET COUNTY, N.C. FOR: DEANS HACKNEY PO BOX 3442 WILMINGTON, N.C. DRAWN BY: WILLIAM H. WARREN, JR. NOVEMBER 28, 2006 SHEET 2 OF 2 DEPTH-2.0~~ ' ~ 8 g ~ ~ o~ U ~ ~ ~ 90' °' q 3 ~ ~ g~ ~ h o° DEPTH=2.0' ~ 3 ®DEPTH= t .5' _ ~ ~ 5~~~~ i i y~ r ;-~ DEPTH=1.0' ° `w, .. ~, ~ '~pO6 _ arm v~~., ~~ `~~'Cf' . S ~ ~ V '~ MapQuest: Maps . M-APQV~ST. _ Straits NC , US Notes: Page 1 of 1 ' ~~~ it l'~ , ~I\t-~,"';~' n~ DEC - 1 2006 T/~All OARD SVIIEEP 'ty °c~ ^ Nor~~ ~/vr~a,~: December 16, 2006. ~" AMTRAK' e`~ , _ ..,. ~~'" r-;r,.,,.( H E R E ,(.a> r!r/rrrf.; , ^!ckin Cove Ciry 43, ° '7~' ; 55; RePlsbora 41 • Rwrr bend l~.r l~1FS r I~cbucken Rdjhoro Florence 13 Z:i Var.>l,c-~ Trenton 1009 Ara~ahne Pollorktvill~ - - - - ;. ., ,115 `3Q6; F:1d'ySV'IIP 11ave~ock 17 r .. Pumpkin c:entPr Ne:•;po•t Prney Green 5S'. 24; Emerald Isle CdOP Carteret ~ ~• ii7~ - i3.~ ; F:IPffIR'nln ~~ r'!tl.~nti, Uavis '•0 Morehea~t•,~ ,•Beaufort .~ rt=e n r; t: U~e~r1 ~ ~ r~ 0 i ~....,.~ ~ 4,_, I .~~ ~~~,~ f Laos ~~ :;,: ; :.~,~mr 9mi 0 Ocracoke '`r 2006 F.1apQuest, Inr ; tE; 20D6 Talc Atlas All rights reserved. Use Subject to License/Copyright This map is informational only. No representation is made or warranty given as to its content. User assumes all risk of use. MapQuest and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use. ~~cc~tcl ~,i~la>zu~cijlell~ ~tc~r~i, ~yzc. ©(' ~L~'; t ~~r~~irariy~ie~a~a~ ~~~~t3i~lf~cj~rfi .'r ~~ ~ ~ n ~ 7! ,,. ~ iJ `~~rliriii~fi~tv,.~~ni~~ ~~aknli~r«>~4~0: Morehead City DC~; U~ >l~i,,;,,~/,-,,.. i ~~~ -,,,,,,.; DEG 2 1 „~„~„~./,,,~,,,,~,.,,,-/ DENR - WAY~~ CrINUT'fi' , WEn,~ M1p 8T0~~"i~' drt1JK~ DATE: April 30, 2005 SUBJECT: Preliminary land, soils, and wetlands evaluation of the Hackney -Straits tract (~18 acres) for on-site waste treatment suitability and potential 404-CAMA Wetland areas. Tract located south of Straits Road (NCSR 1336) and Landing Road intersection, Gloucester/Straits areas, Smyrna Township, Carteret County, North Carolina. TO: Mr. Dean Hackney P.O. Box 3442 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 392-3379 [o] Mr. Tim Newcomb, PLS P.O. Box 20242 Raleigh, NC 27619 (919) 219-9922 timnewcomb@nc.rr.com A preliminary land & soils evaluation was completed of the Hackney -Straits tract (~18 acres) for on-site waste treatment suitability and potential 404-CAMA Wetland areas. The current rules and regulations of NCGS 130-A and NCDENR (NCAC 15A-18A-.1900) were used as guidelines to determine site suitability for on-site subsurface waste treatment systems. The 1987 Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating 404 Wetlands was used for the 404 Wetlands evaluation. The NCDENR-DCM-CAMA guidelines were used to determine CAMA coastal wetland areas. The enclosed preliminary land & soils map shows the various land/soil classifications and their locations. The following is a brief description of each land & soil classification and their potential for usage: The "Yellow" Areas (see map) are uplands that appear to be usable for on-site waste treatment with conventional, shallow conventional, or low pressure pipe systems. These soil areas have an estimated seasonal high static water table +24 to 36" from the soil surface during the wet season, based upon soil wetness indicators. Permeability is 30-80 min/in to +30" depths, based upon soil texture and structure. Soil types found are Altavista. The "Brown" Areas (see map) are uplands that appear to be usable for on-site waste treatment with fill mound conventional, fill mound low pressure pipe, or alternative systems. These soil areas have an estimated seasonal high static water table +14 to 23" from the soil surface during the wet season, based upon soil wetness indicators. Permeability is 30-90 min/in to 30" depths, based upon soil texture and structure. Soil types found are Augusta and Altavista-wet phase. PAGE 1 of 3 D~ ~.~ %~ ., , The "Pink" Areas (see map) are uplands that appear to be unsuitable for on-site subsurface waste treatment systems due to seasonal high water table indicators j~~?'~';r,~~t~ ~thQQ~ o(~~~¢[[~~ poor landscape positions, and/or high organic surfaces. Soil types found are ~omotle~ a'~Sd'''M Augusta-wet phase. The "Light-Gray" Areas (see map) are potential 404 Wetland areas that will likely come under U.S. Army Corps-EPA and NCDENR-DWQ jurisdictions, based upon hydric soil and vegetative indicators. These upper limits of wetland areas were delineated in the field with "pink/black- striped" flagging. Jurisdictional 404 Wetlands cannot be filled or massively disturbed unless the proper Federal 8 State permits can be acquired. Typically only minor fill permits (0.1-0.3 acres) are allowed unless wetlands mitigation is proposed. The US Army Corps makes all final 404 Wetland determinations. These areas are also unsuitable for on-site waste treatment usage. Soil types found are Tomotley, Arapahoe, and Deloss. The "Light-Green" Areas (see map) are potential CAMA-404 tidal marsh wetland areas that are tidally influenced. These areas are likely to be classified by NCDENR-CAMA as jurisdictional CAMA-404 tidal wetlands. These areas are dominated by Smooth Cord Grass and Black Needle Rush which are CAMA marsh species. CAMA coastal wetland areas and an AEC zone (area of environmental concern) which is 75 ft landward of the normal high water line, requires state CAMA approval and permits before any development can be initiated. The coastal marshes cannot be filled or massively disturbed, and typically can only have water dependent structures such as piers and docks. The landward 75 ft AEC review area will allow individual residences that are built out of CAMA wetland areas and >30 ft from the normal high water line. Soil types found are Hobucken and Carteret. These areas are also unsuitable for any on-site waste treatment usage. Waste treatment systems are typically located +50 to 100 ft from the mean high tide line or surface waters, pending location. The "Blue" Areas (see map) are the saline tidal waters of Whitehurst Creek or Pig Point Creek, which come under NCDENR-DCM/CAMA rules and USACOE-EPA Section 10 & 404 jurisdictions. These are Waters of the U.S. and Waters of the State to the extent of the normal high tide line. Only water dependent structures (piers & docks) may encroach upon these waters after proper CAMA permitting. Waste treatment systems are typically located +50 to 100 ft from the high tide line or surface waters, pending location of the mean high tide line. This is a preliminary land & soils evaluation of this tract. This report and maps should be used for general planning purposes only, as specific on-site evaluations, delineations, approvals, and permits are required by each respective regulatory agency before any development activities are initiated. NCDENR-DEH and the Carteret County Health Dept regulate & permit on-site subsurface waste treatment systems. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-EPA regulate 404 wetland areas. NCDENR-DCM-CAMA regulate all tidal wetland areas and reviews all development activities that are 75 ft landward of the normal high tide line. U ~~ t, ;, 'i -',,, DES t~ 2 ~ , ~. ' - Z 2006 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ !i ,/ ,rte :.', Larry F. Baldwin, CPSS/SC ARCPACS #2183; NCLSS #1040YMC!L,~r ~~_`-%, ~_... PAGE 2 0~ 3 {~ ~~'' ~.+ ' : t - -- - 1}! Yb~ ` ~' ~~X•f rr,,i~ti° ~ - 'rl,~ ` `~~~4~' ,~'~AZ;'r rt ~`_• {y.. ~ ~~ :..`~ fit. ~ 'y. q~ L ~ea i ~~- ~st ~ ~•,~~~ ~ -'? , ~a~ .~j,,~ `la>~`''!~, f+ 'p ~ ~~• ,1 a ~ ~~ ~~• t~~' ~ ~ e '~ M,~+°,. ~~yx'~',l,.~'!S• 1- - ' ~ rL'C.+• i x'3'1. 1. Z ..~~~~ .*r' , _- *~ ~ :r~•- -.. ~ '~i ~f ~~.~-.i~ ~~}~'.~7(kyy~,~tt ; -._ ~i. ,'fir ,• _ -~l~ ~~ " 7 t ~~j~ das ~ r " - ~~• A ~ '~~ ,~~ !~ rid ~ -'~'^~_ ~, '•-. "CYO :r 4 y..' ~ ' ~ .i-~~,,,1~: t~ ~..f ~ t ~~+. x ~';; i~ ;~~! t }' X7'7 Y,~~' 4~Tp,1 r'n`r-j _ ~ s' ..~• Y•A ti :.'1F1, ~.~ - '., S , ~' ~ ., y.~! t t ~ ,~ *a ; 4x1 ~ ~ =rri ,~. ~, t _„A ~. ~~' Y ~ - ' S / "f ~ ~;.'~~. 1 .-S T, ar ,7, ~ t~ .lam ~ - ~'t tl; '.~-! ^~.~~*`,~ ~`s 1 `~' as r ~ ~ ~ ~ (~. ' L -' a;' y t _~, .- f;~i } • y~ ~( ~~.. ~ f:.~-'1 +t .,~ ,A~ ~~ ( •{ „11~ 1 ~: _' a -' ,~ ~w F • ~C "' , rat. ~ ' _ 1i ~. :~ `qs` _ ::sue •i~' w-~Y '~ ~ ~ ~ ir; If ~~ j ~`~~ ~~ li iC,~,~.~~la;np.~T~i~~ •, •~ytj.i~. r~' s~ i i • t '~ ~ :.4^~'~-, ;<~ a., ,"- aS'~ ~ ~ ~~+~iC t ~~•!i-+C~V t ~ .7rf~t[~_}K"TAT. t}~:~.~ ~a~l'~~ . , 1~ ~~ k~ yt*,.. _,,, .+~~,._ _ ~ ~;. ~'lt C,..~~ ~ r f ~,w~u ~;ft 'I'yi ' Y~."i ~ tiaa, ~~TS,,y~~~ • ~ - e%~r~. F~a f _ ~~.'~' r t~ to ~ i~!' ~x *, • ..ya t„ ! Y~ .i ftia ~ , ;`~ ~~~ - ~" ' } 1 1~ ^ - y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ : r ~`x,y~ ~. r ,,rteb .. ~: f .i ! .t~. ~+µy~~.k`~'~'t, 4~"'t ~~R+~~ta•• .i M ~ ~ t~~*x ~ ..~t t Hackney -Straits Tract ~ `~~ ~ 1 in. = 500.0 feet SEC 2 ~ Z006 - '~r _.~ ~: ~ Ai ~K QUP~I.t1Y __.~. nEh.: ' W __......u,TSk BRANCH PRELIMINARY LAND & SOILS MAP OF THE HACKNEY -STRAITS TRACT (~18 acres) FOR ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT USABILITY and POTENTIAL 404-CAM WETLAND AREAS f'~' C. .; Gloucester/Straits Area -Smyrna Township -Carteret County `: ~ ,.'L7' ~ 3! ,,; ~~~4. ~' ~ 'OQ.S SCALE: 1 Inch = 300 Feet R ~~ NcsR 1 ~~~t~ R°ad 1ead City ~~f (all lines paced 8 approximate) APRIL - 2005 Land Management Group, Inc. ~'/ ~ D °~ ~E~ 2 1 2006 ~- DENR - WgTER ~AI.tTY D N~ D 7 cL C d Q~ N m ~~ o Provisionally suitable soils for on-site waste treatment with shallow conventional, low pressure pipe, or shallow fill mound systems. Est seasonal high water table +24 - 36". Est permeability 30-80 min/in to +30" depths. Altavista soil types. Provisionally suitable soils for on-site waste treatment with fill mound, fill low pressure pipe, or alternative systems. Est seasonal high water table +14-23". Est permeability 30-90 minlin to +30" depths. Augusta soil types. Predominantly unsuitable soils for on-site waste treatment due to shallow seasonal high water table indicators, poor ` landscape positions, and/or slow permeability. To motley and Augusta-wet phase soil types. Potential 404 Wetland areas under USACOE-EPA jurisdiction. These areas cannot be filled or massivley disturbed without Federal & State permits, Unsuitable for on-site waste treatment usage. Potential CAMA-404 tidal wetland areas under NCDENR-DCti1-CAMA 8~ USACOE jurisdictions. These areas cannot be developed in any fashion except for waster dependent structures. Unsuitable for on-site waste treatment usage. Open tidal waters of Whitehurst of Pif Point Creeks. These are class S.A. Waters.