HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051117 Ver 2_More Info Received_200811257Q10 Subject: 7Q10 CC: <armentj@triad.twcbc.com>, "'Russ Willard"' <rwillard8@triad.rr.com> From: "Lang Wilcox" <llwilcoxjr@triad.rr.com> Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 13:13:44 -0500 To: "'Ian McMillan"' <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> Ian, Thanks for the message yesterday. Instead of calling you back I hope this email will be better use of your time. As all of the discussions have unfolded regarding the 7Q10 requirements, Jim Armentrout (whom you met at the meeting in your office) has worked on this with me. After my conversation with you week before last Jim provided me with the attached summary of his search for clear guidance on this issue. Please take a look at his memo and understanding of the situation. It should be helpful in your upcoming conversations with Cyndi Karoly, John Dorney and others. Again, it seems the NC statutes specifically address our situation and remain consistent with what I had found and transmitted to you from DWR and USGS. Thank you for your assistance in providing a solution to our situation. Very truly yours, Lang Wilcox Lissara Partners, LLC P.S. Thanks for the kind holiday wish. If I do not speak with you before, I hope you and your family also have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Lang 2008-11-17 Jim's comments re Lissara 7Q10.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 11/25/2008 1:40 PM November 17, 2008 To: Lang Wilcox - Lissara Partners, L.L.C. From: Jim Armentrout, Manager, Lissara Partners, L.L.C. Re: Lissara 401 Water Quality Certification - NCDWQ Request For 7Q10 Discharge Flow Supplement I found the time over the weekend to delve into the 7Q10 issue we have been dealing with over the last several weeks. Frankly, based on my under- standing of what I read, I am kicking myself for not having attacked this sooner. Here is what I think we are confronted with: The stream passing through the proposed Lissara subdivision will be impounded by a dam as permitted and authorized by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual 404 Permit, a North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 401 Certification permit, and a permit issued by the North Carolina Division of Land Quality, Dam Safety Section. 2. It is my understanding that the subject stream has been classified as an intermittent stream by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and it is identified as such on the most recent USGS Clemmons 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Sheet. This intermittent stream classification is key to the consequences that these permits consider and deal with. 3. I received your forwarded email from Mr. John C. Weaver, (USGS), who notes that a "quick-n-dirty" analysis of the Lissara stream basin would probably yield a 7Q10 flow estimate in the range of 0.02 cfs to 0.03 cfs. He further states that the USGS considers flows less than 0.05 cfs to be equivalent to zero flow. I take "zero" to mean "zero" for our purposes. And I also noted that the USGS was the agency we were referred to by Mr. Ian McMillan for the answer to the question of a 7Q10 flow estimate. 4. However, your recent discussions with Mr. McMillan of NCDWQ, suggest that the Lissara Partnership will still need to satisfy the project's 401 Permit 7Q10 permit conditions numbers 12 and 14 in order to be compliant with permit conditions and these 7Q10 expectations; conditions # 12 and # 14 speak to satisfying the state's dam safety 7Q10 requirements I would submit. 5. Chapter 15, Subchapter K, Section .0502(b)(1) of the North Carolina Administrative Code, pertaining to 7Q10 requirements, reads as follows: "If the mean annual daily flow is less than or equal to 3.0 cfs and the 7-day, 10-year low flow (7010) is less than or equal to 0.2 cfs; and if there are no existing point source discharges of wastewater to the affected stream reach; then no minimum release shall be required". Based on everything I know about our stream basin, we fall under this minimum flow description. 6. Our consulting engineers and hydrogeologists have estimated the mean annual discharge of the tributary stream that will be impounded by the proposed lake to be 0.19 cfs. 7. This flow rate and the 7010 flow rate, as estimated by Mr. Weaver, are each less than the above-noted regulation by a factor of 10. Further, there are no existing point source discharges to the affected stream reach. 8. Based upon this analysis of the administrative rules when applied to the flow rate provided by the USGS, it is my opinion that the regulation, as noted above, absolutely pre-empts the compliance requisites of condition numbers 12 and 14 as set forth in the 401 water quality certification for this project and is the operative permit condition to be met in our situation. 9. It would seem that the 401 permit's conditions for 7Q10 satisfaction were probably based on an inaccurate recollection of the Administrative Code previsions dealing with this issue. There would appear to be no reason in this process to deviate from the 7Q10 threshold used by the agency that has governed dam construction for many years. Indeed designing a system by having an expectation of an annual discharge greater than the one provided by the observations of what Mother Nature is doing would seem unreasonable to me. I would request that you provide Mr. McMillan with my thinking on this right away so that he may analyze it, allow further discussion of his concerns and expectations, and get back to us so that we may soon put this issue to rest. As you know, we are trying to finalize our dam design and submit it for approval next week. The 7Q10 release, if required under our 401 permit, will cause modification of the dam design and other associated narratives, calculations, etc. I know it is difficult to make all of the various criteria, standards, and regulations for the creation of a lake to fit together seamlessly. However, it appears that in the 7Q10 situation, the operative rules and regulations are clear and unambiguous when applied to our situation. Ian, Here are the results of my look at this Lissara dam project. I had a difficult time locating accurate lat/longs so I used the small regional map included on page 1 of the attached maps. I map- wheeled the stream at the confluence and got a drainage area estimate of 0.3 mi2. Using this, Giese and Mason (1993) <http://pubs.er.usgs rod v/usgspubs/wri/wsp2403> uses the following equations for zone HA9: 7g10 = 0.196*Drainage area(DA)^0.53; Mean annual flow (MAF) = Mean annual runoff (MAR) * DA. This gives a 7g10 of 0.103 cfs, and a MAF--using a MAR of .99--of 0.297 cfs. These values are higher than values found for adjoining streams in the USGS Master Files we have from the '80s. From the low-flow files: Bashavia Creek headwaters nr Stewarts: DA = 3.24 mi2; MAF = 3.24 cfs; MAF ratio = 1.0 cfs/mi2; ` j ,, vt S vv? f- Mill Creek headwaters @ Grapewood: DA = 2.08 mi2; MAF = 2.06 cfs; MAF ratio = 0.99 cfs/mi2; Mill Creek tributary: DA = 1.35mi2; winter 7810 (Nov-Mar)(typically higher than summer or annual 7810) = 0.29 cfs; 7q 10 ratio = 0.2 cfs/mi2. Logan Creek near Enon: DA = 26.4 mi2; 7q 10 = 2.1 cfs; 7q 10 ratio =.079 cfs/mi2; Yadkin River trib @ Donnaha: DA = 1.14mi2; MAF = 1.0 cfs; MAF ratio = 0.877 cfs/mi2; 7q 10 = 0.1 cfs; 7g10 ratio =.087 cfs/mi2; Using these ratios: the MAF ranges from 0.26 cfs to 0.3 cfs; the 7g10 ranges from 0.023 cfs to 0.026 cfs (or 0.06 using the winter 7g10). 0.02 cfs is equivalent to 0. 15 gallons/second, while 0.1 cfs would equal 0.7 gps. These ratios match what Curtis Weaver reported in his March 08, 2006 email, although he used different drainage areas for the some unknown locations. I don't know which Curtis would consider more credible, the low-flow files or Giese&Mason. As I said, this would be below the threshold for a flow requirement under the dam safety rules unless there is a NPDES discharge in the affected reach. Hope this helps. Let me know if I can be further assistance. Fred m 08006-9S-PREUHP-OV ALLOW Nov M 2608 xor w A t ? 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