HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051518 Ver 1_Complete File_20050913 ~.:. ~,:-,;~:_,:-.:,<,"r:":--:+:. :-.:- ;_:.~ ;..: .:--': ;.,:-:..;..-:..;..;.; .:_~.:--;~:..:.". ;...;..;..:-{.; -;-: -:. :. ;--;.;.: .;-:..:-.\-:..;..-:-; : ;->:-:--:. :..;..:-;.-:..:.{-.;..;.:-: ;-:.:-:~;. :<.: .;~:- ;..;.. ( :. ~..:-:<-..; .;.;.> ;--:.-;..;..: .: ;.:-.:~:~:--:.:> :.;..;. :-:.:--:--: .;-.:.:-.:~:..;..:......:..:,:.:. :..:..;.; -;..:..-: .:.; :..;..:~:---:..:~;..:..:..:.<.:~: . Permit Class NElV Permit i~lIl::h'r 9R-()(i f )~ ,~ ... { :;: ~~ :<: 5; .;; ;~ !:: ,. ;( " ;; rr: } ~ t ~ >. ), ~ I ::: ::: ~~@~UW~ID JUL 0 '3 2005 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment ancl Natural Resources ancl Coastal Resourccs Commission ~~trmit for ~ Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern DENR.WAT~~?UALI~",CH pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 '-.mNltl,. ,..,IQ Q10iMIl,l:rER IA....... ,i.. , os- \S\2 ';) _ Excavation and/or filling pursuant to ,NCGS 113-229 Issued to Moss' Propcrty Partncrs ail~l City. of \V~shington,6870 Clark's Ncck Rd., Wasilington, NC 27111)1}____ _ ___ Authorizing dcvelopmcnt in Beaufort County at adj. the Pamlico River, \Vater Stm'!_L_____n_ Wasbington ,: as rcqucsted in the permittce's application datcd 7/12/05 (MP-l. ~lJ~~ ~.\Jl~-_ 3, &. MP-4) & 6/22/05 (MP~6). inc!. the aU'd workplall drawi~gs (7), 1 dtd rev'd 10/25/05,4 dtd 6/16/05, & 2 did 7!0JO':i This permit, issued on~lInp. 2R, 200n , is subject to compliance with the application (where cunsi\1cnt with the permit), all applicable regulations; special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these tCIIll'; Ill.IY be subject to fines, imprisonment or civ:il action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Piling/Sub-Surface Debris Removal. 1) . Any and all pilings to be remo'ved from bdow.the normal' water level within the projcct sirc shall be approved for removal by the Division of Coastal Management in consultation with the Division of Marine Fisheries prior to the start of construction. I l\ilarina 2) . Prior to the occupancy of any new slips authorized under this permit, a marine pump out sewage disposal . facility shall be installed and operablc, and maintained for the life of the marina. 3) Prior to the occupancy of any slips authorized by this permit, the permittee shall meet on-site with a representative of the Division to ensure that the required pump out facility is in placc and operable. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the pem1ittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DE:-';R ;lI~d tl:~ Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. 71/ Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. Charles S. Jones, Director Division of Coastal !\IallageIlll~llt All work must cease v,hen the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. December 31, 2009 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature ot' l\:rmiltcc ( , ...;:,::::: l:;:::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::: ::::::::::~. :~: :::::;: :: ::::: :::::::: i.:::::::::: :--x...o-ow: ;: l: :: ~-r:-;-x:-.......;-;.-;-;-;-;-;._;..,;-:-;-<-A r ......:"; .;..:..;--}.>-;*:-r)oo'....;.-:.<:~:<<~~....:-:.;..;~;->>rX.;'<;.tl-:-:.{..;..;.;;..:-<....~.;..:..:' x.<:-:.{.v-:--:,......;.y.;.....,:,.;-......:...:~;.w..~x.x.-:'........;...:~;..:...;"':-v-:..:~:-;,.X>{..:-.;.<X-."'Y....:'......:.y.;...,..;...;,,>>.:~{..}{..;./....;...:...:-;....'-<":"r>>~';..:u;"';..{.':'v ;.-:^'v...;...;.,;-<.-N.;-..,..:-X-:.y...;:..:.......:-X~;.~,X-{>Q.v.;--: ,:.~..;.r....;.<..;.-~ ;'-:'(''''':>j: ~ -} * Moss Propert.y Partners and Cit.y of Washington Permit. #98-06 J. , ~ Page 2 of 4 I }. x ~ ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS ~ ~ ~ :~ 4) The marina shall display a sign showing the location of the on-site pump out facility, including other 1 * appropriate waste disposal information, at the entrance and exit from the main pier(s). ): ~ t ! 5) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from any boats using the t t marina. Any sewage discharge at the marina shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the ~ ,.: . permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced tllIoughout the entire existence . of the permitted structure. 16) '* I 17) x This permit authorizes only the docks, piers, and other structures and uses located in or over the wate~ that are expressly anq ,specifically set forth in the pemiit application. No othe'r::strudure', :vh~thcr floating or stationary, ,"may become a permanent part of this marina without permit modification. No non-water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over public t~st waters without permit modification. :' " The pier and associated structures' shall have a minimum setback distance of 15 feet,between any parts of the structure and the adjacent property owner's riparian access corridor. This corridor is detenri.ined' by drawing a line parallel to the channel, then drawing a line perpendicular to the channel line that intersects with the sho~e at the point where the upland property line meets the water's,edge. 8) No permanent structures shall be', located within the 46-foot federal channel setback area, inCluding support-pilings and fixed docks.. . . , 9) In order to ensure compliance with Condition Nos. 7 and 8 of this permit, an as-built survey shall be performed on the docking facility, ,and copies of the survey shall be provided to the Division of Coastal Management, within 60 days of completion of construction. NOTE: Failure to provide the survey referenced in condition #9 may result in a violation of this permit. 10) No attempt shall be made by the'permittee to prevent the full and free use by the,public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. 11) The permittee shall maintain the authorized work in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. The permittee is not relieved of this requirement if he abandons the permitted activity without having it transferred to a third party. 12) This permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project, and the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage to the authorized structure or work, or injury which may be caused from existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. 13) The permittee shall install and maintain at his expense any signal lights or signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulation or otherwise, on the authorized facilities. At a minimum, permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure in order to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. 14) This permit authorizes a maximum of 92 boat slips .\-: -: -;..;..;..;..: :.: .-:..;_;-:..;.-:..;..:-:_.:..;.:.:.~ :--{_:---:~;.,-:..;.::--: .;, :-.;~: ':'V':": .;-:-;.;. ~ :.,..:-; ;- :..:,,:.~..:.v.:-:<-:.;.,,:-~.:..:-:<_.:.;.; :-:-:..:..;..:--:-:.;. : .;-:..;,:.: ;--:.;..: .;-:-;-;..:--.-;..:.~..:-;..:. >;..;-:-;..:. :-.:.:..:-:..;. ;-:..:--.:..:-;.~..:..:..:-;..:---:~..;..:-:. :,,;,,;,,:.>~'<~:'~';--:":":-';'''.. :--.; .;.-:--.;..; -:-"'. X * Moss Property Partners and City or Washington ~ " i; I- j: f :( x :r * ~ 15) .;. " :r ~ J. * ~ NOTE:. I , Pcrmit 419l:.()(i Pagc 3 of .J ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Easemcnt Prior to the construction of any ncw boat slips or othcr docking facilitics under this pcrmit, th\~ ]'CIlllilkC shall apply for and rcceive an Easemcnt from the Departmcnt of Administration's State Propnty Oil ice as required uncleI' N.C.G.S. 146-12(e). ,Scdimcntation and Erosion Control An Erosion and Sedin~cntation ~OlltroJ Plan will be required for this project. This. plan mll.q be filed at least thirty (3'0) days prio~ to the beginning of any land disturbing activity. Submit this plan to the Department of Environment and Natural Rcsources, Land Quality Section, ().U W'ushington Square M~Il,Washington,'NC 27889 16) All disturbcd arcas shall be properly grade,d and provided a ground covcr sufficient to restrain erosion within thirty days of project completion. Stormwatcr Management 17) The N.C. Division of Water Quality approved this project under stormwater management rules of the Environmental Management Commission under Stormwater Permit No. SW7060402 on 5/4/06. Any violation of the permit: approved by the DWQshall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. 18) 19) 20) ,. ,. 21) Shoreline Stabilization The existing riprap stabilization structure may only be repaired and/or replaced within its existing alignment. No riprap shall be placed outside of the limits of the existing rip rap structure. The alignment of the authorized riprap material shall be staked by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of construction. Failure to initiate construction within 30 days, or erosion of the shoreline by adverse weather conditions, shall require the alignment to be restakcd by DCM within a maximum of 30 days prior to the new expected start of construction. The riprap material shall be free from loose dirt or any pollutant. It shall be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. The riprap material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as, but not limited to, gr~milc. marl, or broken concrete. Cultural Resource Protection 22) The permittee shall submit the schematic, design development, and final plans and specifications for all upland development, including the site and building plans, to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for review and comment. The plans shall be developed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and take into consideration the size, scale, massing, materials, and design of the Historic District. No work on the upland portion of the project shall proceed until the permittee completes all three phases of the design process and meets the Standards. 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Z " * t General ~ J, * ~ 24) I ? * I ~ Yo" X The permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States requires the removal, relocation, or other alteration of the structure or work authorized by this permit, or if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Armyor his authorized l:epresentative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free ri~vigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice .from the Corps of Engineers, to remoVe, relocate or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States or the state of North Carolina: :No claim shall be made against the United States or the state" 9f-North Carolina on account of any such removat"or alteration. ' ,25)"' No vegetated wetlands or open water areas shall be excavated or filled, even temporarily, without permit modification. ' 26) Any mitigative measures or environmental commitments specifically made by the applicant in the Environmental Assessment, dated, revised 3/18/05, for this project shall be implemented, regardless of whether or not such commitments are addressed by individual conditions of the permit and any subsequent modifications. NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: , " This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be, required. Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (252) 946-6481 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this dete~ination. The permittee is further advised that, in accordance with the rules of the Environmental Management Commission, many non-water dependent activities are not authorized within 50 feet of the normal water level or landward edge of any coastal wetlands. Contact the Division of Water Quality at (252) 946-6481 for this verification. The N.C. Division of Water Quality has authorized the proposed project under General Water Quality Certification No. 3400 (DWQ Project No. 051518), which was issued on 9/13/05. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has assigned the proposed project COE Action rd. No. 200511756. I Michael F. Easley, Go\crncr William G. Ross Jr" Sccrct~ North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Dircckr Division of Water Quality September 13,2005 DWQ Project # 05-1518 Beaufort County Moss Property Partners and City of Washington 6870 Clark's Neck Road Washington, NC 27889 Subject Property: Marina At The Pamlico Pamlico River [030307, 29-(1), SC NSW] Approval of 401 Water Quality Certification (GC3400) with Additional Conditions Ladies and Gentlemen: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to dredge 200 cubic yards of non-vegetated wetlands (river bottom), place fill material within or otherwise impact 0.08 acrcs of non-vegetated wetlands (river bottom), and shade 0.539 acres of non-vegetated wetlands (river bottom) to build a 92-s1ip marina with associated single-family homes and a Hotel and Conference Center, as described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 OversightlExpress Review Permitting Unit on August 9, 2005. After reviewing your application, we have determined that the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) General Watcr Quality Certification Number 3400 covers these water impacts. This Certification allows you to General Pcrmit No. 198000291 whcn issued by thc US Army Corps of Enginecrs (USACE). In addition, you should get or otherwise comply with any other federal, state and local requircments before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) erosion and sediment control regulations and CAMA. Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval is for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 150 linear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. Dee , NorhClroli:1a ;\ a/IlTilII!! 401 OversightlExpress Pennitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-1786/ FAX 919-733.6893/lntemet: htto://h2o,enr,state,nc,us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Affinnative Action Employer - 50% Recycledll 0% Post Consumer Paper I Moss Property Partners and City of Washington Page 3 of3 September 13,2005 This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919-733-9721 or Kyle Barnes in the DWQ Washington Regional Office at 252-946- 6481. Sincerely, ~y~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. A WKJijm r Enclosures: GC 3400 Certification of Completion cc: James W. Foreman, JR, P.E., Coastal Science & Engineering, P.O. Box1643, Morehead City, NC 28557 Doug Huggett, DCM USACE Washington Regulatory Field Office DWQ Washington Regional Office File Copy Central Files Filename: 0515185MarinaAtThePamlico(Beaufort)40 1_ CAMA GS-ISI8 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS Washington Regulatory Field Office P.O. Box 1000 Washington, North Carolina 27889-1000 IN REPLY REFER TO August 17, 2005 Regulatory Division Action ID No. 200511756 Ms. Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 \O)@,@@,~~@, ~ ~ uS ~ 5 lGIJI) ~ , E.R QuALI\'( \0\ OE.HR - WP'-'\()\\I.Nj~~R BAAl .-n ll'OS /-1\1) S1 \'ir. \ IJ'O' Dear Ms. Karoly: Please reference the application of Moss Property Owners and the City of Washington for Department of the Army authorization and a State Water Quality Certification to construct a 92- slip marina, 49 multi-family residential units, and a Hotel and Confcrcnce Center, on propcrty located off Water Street, in thc City of Washington, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Your reccipt of this letter verifics your acccptancc of a valid request for ccrtification in accordancc with Scction 325.2(b )(ii) of our administrative regulations. We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 ofthc Clean Water Act, and we have dctennined that a water quality ccrtification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army pennit will not be granted until the ccrtification has bccn obtained or waived. In accordance with our administrative regulations, in most cases, 60 days after rcccipt of a request for certification is a rcasonable time for State action. Therefore, if you have not acted 011 the rcquest, or asked for an extcnsion of time, by Octobcr 17,2005, the District Enginccr will deem that waiver has occurred. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Raleigh Bland, Washington Regulatory Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telcphone 252-975-1616, extension 23. ISJncRre~, t 1~0i~ \I\{~ kalcigh .. Bland, P. .S. Regulatory Project Manager (~..._~ s, ~ . . . , North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Cyndi Karoly Env. Biological Supervisor Division of Water Quality, Wetlands Unit ~~@~nw~~ AUG 9 Z005 FROM: Doug Huggett Major Pern1its Processing Coordinator DATE: 5 August 2005 DENR - WATER QUALITY \','ETIJ.JlDS AND STORM'NATER BRAliCH SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review APPLICANT: Marina at the Pamlico by Mr. James Forman, P.E., Coastal Science & Engineering, Agent PROJECT LOCATION: Beaufort County PROPOSED PROJECT: Applicant proposes to build a 92-s1ip marina with associated single-family homes and a hotel and conference center. Please indicate below your position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 26 August 2005. Please contact Mike S. Thomas, at 252-948-3950, if you have any questions regarding the proposed project. When appropriate, in depth comments with supporting data ar~ requested. REPLY This office has no objection to the project as proposed. This office has no comment on the proposed project. This office approves of the proposed project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This office objects to the proposed project for reasons described in th~ attached comments. Signed Date N~ImCarol:r.:l /Valumll!! 943Ylashington Square -Man~ Wasliington,North Carolina mag Phone: 252-945-6481 \ FAA: 252-948-0478 \ Internet .........w.nccoastalmanacementnetJ DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT '. 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Marina at the Parnlico 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Off Water Street, adjacent to the Parnlico River, in the City of Washington, in Beaufort County, North Carolina. Photo Index 2000: 100-1142 R-lO 1995: 100-1065 S-16 State Plane Coordinates - X: 656,449.608 Y: 2,579,442.639 GPS Rover File # H072814A USGS Quad: Washington: Center right 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 28 July 2005 Was Applicant Present - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 28 July 2005 Office - Washington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Municipal District (B) AEC(s) Involved: PT A, PTS (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public and commercial (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - City of Washington, municipal sanitary sewer and trcatm::nt system. Planned - N / A (F) Type of Structures: Existing - rip rap along shoreline, wooden boardwalk, consnuctcd wetland. Planned - 92-slip marina, (5) 2 story condominium units, (19) Townhouses, a bathhouse, parking areas, and a 75 room inn and conference center. (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - - -- .- - --- - ---- (A) Vegetated Wetlands I (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands ::t200 c.y. ::t3,500 ft.2 ::t23,507 shadcd Ii River bottom River Bouom + 1.70 acre PIA impacted (C) Upland Development ::t8.03 acre (graded) DRED_GED [AREA] FILLED OTHER 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: (D) Total Area Disturbed: ::t2.32 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes - Inland (F) Water Classification: SC/NSW Open: No 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: Applicant proposes to build a 92-s1ip marina with associated single-family homes and a Hotel and Conference Center. '. Marina At the Pamlico Moss Property Partners, LLC City of Washington Beaufort County Project Setting The project area is located along Water StreeL adjacent to the Pamlico River in the Historic District of City of Washington, in Beaufort County North Carolina. Historically the project site was the location of Moss Planing Mill. The planing mill ceased operation in 1996 and the property was subsequently purchased by the City of W:ashington. In the late 1990s Moss Planing Mill and the associated structUres were removed from the property. Existing structures on the project site consist of a wooden boardwalk (CAMA Major permit #63-01) and a constructed storm \yater wetland. The storm water wetland was created under a permit from the North Carolina Di\ision of Water Quality utilizing grants from the Clean Water Trust Fund. Mimicking a Riverine Wetland System the storm water wetland treats runoff from a portion of the City of Washington. The shoreline for the entire length of the project is stabilized \\ith riprap. The property is bordered to the west by the ~orth Carolina Estuarium, which is operated by the North Carolina Partnership for the Sounds. Continuing west is the downtown business district of Washington and the City's docking facility (CA.MA M~ior Permit # 119-98). The project site is bound to tlle east by an industrial site that manufactures building materials and by a Norfolk and Southern rail line. The rail line features a swing bridge over the water and a wooden bumper system that extends both upstream and downstream of the train trestle. Single-family homes bound the project area to the north. The Pamlico River along the project site is classified as SCIN'SW by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission and is designated an inland primary nursery area by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. \Vater depths range from :l::3' to :l::IT below normal water level in the vicinity of the project area. The storm water wetland is vegetated with a variety of wetland and aquatic species such as Typha spp., SCilpllS spp., and Nymphaea spp. Lawn grasses partly atop relic ares offill make up the ground cover of the upland portion of the project area. Project Description The City of Washington and Moss Property Partners, LLC propose to construct 63 permanent boat slips, 29 transient boat slips and =350 feet of rip rap shoreline stabilization. The marina and shoreline improvements are part of a larger overall project that will include mixed use development, a hotel and conference center, and 49 multi- family residential units. The applicant proposes to construct a 92 slip marina. The marina will consist of 63 permanent boat slips and 29 transient boat slips. The 92 boat slips \\ill be configured from 6 floating docks with lengths of =294', =293', :l::133', :l::135', =176', and :l::225'. The widths of these docks will range between =8' to :l:: 10' . Sub-surface debris and piling removal is proposed for 11 sites along the project area as part of the overall improvements of the development site. Seven of the debris sites will have additional riprap added to the existing riprap stabilization (=350l.f.). Five 2-story condominiums, 19 townhouses, and a Hotel and Conference center are proposed for the adjacent 8.03 acre upland tract. A dock master's office \\ith '. restrooms, showers, laundry facilities and a parking area to support the marina will also be located in the upland area. Anticipated Impacts The project as proposed will result in the shading of :t23.507 square feet of River <l?sociated with the floating docks and :::3500 ft:: of River bottom filled ~ a result of the proposed riprap. Upland development will impact :::8.03 acres. The project as proposed will result in localized, short term, turbidity as a result of the marina and shoreline stabilization construction activities. \ \ es€ '. COASTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PO [lOX 1643 MOr.EHEAD CITY NC 28557 · TEL 252-222-0976 · FAX 252-:222-0967 . ENAIL ::se.;:::oo.srolsOence,Gxn July 12,2005 ".. Mr.Mike Thomas N.C. Division of Coastal Management Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington. North Carolina 27889 Phone (252) 946-6481 Fax (252) 948-6478 Re: Major CAMA Permit Application Marina at the Pamlico (2078) Beaufort County Dear Mr. Thomas: Please find the Major CAMA Permit application documents for the referenced project that have been revised in accordance with your letter of June 30.2005. Included with the appli::ation is a check for $400.00. The following revisions have been made to the application documents: . From MP-I is revised as per your letter. Letter(s) authorizing this office to act as the Authorized Agent are provided under a separate cover. . Form MP-2 is revised as per your letter. . Form MP-3 is revised as per your letter. Copy of City" s discharge permit is attached. . Form MP-4 is revised as per your letter. . Sheet 1 is revised to show upland development plan. The development plan is preliminary and subject to change. We do expect that the plan shown is a fair representation of what the final plan will look like. Allowable and estimated impervious surface areas are provided for the plan. The rotational radius of the railroad bridge is shown. The fender system is within that area. The limits of the swing bridge were survey located and shown on the plan. . Bathhouse parking areas are shown on site plan and are part of the overall development plan. Floor plans for the bathhouses have not been developed at this time. . Details of each dock complex are provided on sheets 7 and 8. . The site plan provides the development plan and the items outlines d on Form MP-3. Your review of these documents for completeness at your earliest convenience is greatly appreciated. '. Mr. Mike Thomas Major CAMA Permit Application [2078] Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sin~erely, \ COASTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING . W. Forman, Jr., P.E. Senior Engineer Enclosures CC: Fred Fletcher, Moss Property Partners, LLC Stewart Rumley, Manager, City of Washington July 11.2005 p~~c ~ '. Major CAMA Permit Application Marina at the Pamlico June 21, 2005 Revised July 8,2005 proposed by: Moss Property Partners and the City of Washington 6870 Clark's Neck Road Washington, North Carolina 27889 prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 prepared by: COASTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING P. O. Box 1643 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Revised June 7, 2005 '. MARINA AT THE PAMLlCO MAJOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Contents Application Documents DCM MP - 1 Application DCM MP - 2 Excavation and Fill DCM MP - 3 Upland Development DCM MP - 4 Structures Information DCM MP - 6 Marina Development Narrative Description of Project Introduction Project Description Existing Conditions Stormwater Management Methods of Construction Project Schedule Compliance with the N. C. Environmental Policy Act Adjacent Property Owners Application Drawings Sheet 1 Marina Site Plan Sheet 2 Project Location Map Sheet 3 Existing Conditions Sheet 4 Details Sheet 5 Debris Removal Plan Sheet 6 Comparison of 1995 and 2003 Hydrographic Surveys Sheet 7 Dock Details Sheet 8 Dock Details Deed, Proof of Ownership Copies of Letters to Adjacent Property Owners Certified Mail Receipts (Green Cards) Memorandum, November 29, 2004, Consistency Review of City of Washington N. C. Division of Water Quality, Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Permit. April 1 , 2005 An Underwater Archeological Remote Sensing Survey, Proposed Moss Property Marina Site on the Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina, Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc., 5 March 2004 '. Form DCM-MP-l Re\ised -; 1 05 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark Washin[rton. NC c. Street address or secondary road number Water Street d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? l Yes No 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: Name: Moss Propertv Partners and Citv ofWashin[rton e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. rin:r. creek, sound, bay) Pamlico River Address: 6870 Clark's Neck Rd. City: Washimrton State: NC Zip:27889 Day Phone: 252-975-6990 3. DESCRIPTION .-\..1'\D PL-\..'\~ED CSE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Fax: 252-975-6998 Name James. W. Forman. Jr.. P.E. Coastal Science & En!!ineerin!! Address: P. O. Box 1643 a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. building a home, moteL marina, bulkhead. pier, and excavation and/or filling activities). 92 Slin m:1rin:l vd floating docks. fixed pier access strucmre~. debris removal along shoreline. bath house. parkin<:? multi- familv housing & commercial retail and hotel development. b. Authorized Agent: City: Morehead Citv State: NC b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of ~n existing project, new work or both? New work. Zip:28557 Day Phone 252-222-0976 Fax: 252-222-0967 c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? Public and commercial. Project Name (if any) Marina at the Pamlico d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. Ifmore space is needed, please am:::h additional pages. Public commercial ma.-;n:1 \\-! hoth permanent & transient docks. Construction will he bv conventional marine construction method~, Upland construction also bv conventional methods. 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED PROJECT a. County: Beaufort Form DCM-MP-l ... 4. LAND AND \" A TER CHARACTERISTI CS a. Size of entire tract 8.03 ac b. Size ofindividuallot(s) N/A c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL 5' to 10' on site up to 16' at Water St. . d. Soil types(s) and texture(s) of tract Fill material. sand & wood debris fill. e. Vegetation on tract Grasses and weeds. f. Man-made features now on tract Created wetlands for stormwater treatments. timber walkwavs and riprap shoreline stabilization. g. What is CAMA Land Use Plan land classification of the site? _Conservation .....2LDeveloped _Rural Transitional Community Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? B 1 H Central Business Historic District 1. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning?~Yes_No J. Has a professional archeological assessment been done for the tract? --X- Yes _No If yes, by whom? Tidewater Atlantic Research k. Is the project located in a National Register Historic District or does it involve a National Register listed or eligible property? ~Yes No 1. Are there wetlands on the site?XYes _No Coastal (marsh)~Other If yes, has a delineation been conducted? (attach documentation, if available) No. area is small and not in proiect area Revised i 1 05 m. Describe existing wastewater trea::ment facilitie~. Citv of\Vashinlrton. municinal s,u1itan' scwer and treatment svstem n. Describe the location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff sanitary wastewater, industrial Icomrnercial effluent, "wash down", and residential discharges). stormwater discharQ:es to crealed wetlands o. Describe the existing drinking water supply source. Citv ofWashimrton municinal Willer supplv svstem. 5. ADDITIONAL INFORl\lATIO.:\ In addition to the completed anplication fom1. the following items must be submitted: · A copy of the deed (with state aooIication onl\") or other instrument under which. the applicarn claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be owner of said property, then forward a copy of the dced o~ other instrument under which the O\\l1Cr cbims title, plus written permission from the O\\11:::r to carry out the project. · .,\n accurate dated work plat (including pb:l VIew and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to a scale in black ink on an 81/2" bv 11" white paper. (refer to Coastal Resources .Commissio:l Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed description). Please note that original drawings are prcferrd and only high quality copies \\ill be accepted. Blue line pr~ts or other large pLns :uc acc~ptable only .If an adequate number of quality copIes are provIded by applicanL (Contact the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers reg2Jding that agency's use of larger drawings). :\ site o~ location map is a part of plat requirements and must be sufficiently detailed to wide a~enc\" personnel unfamiliar with the area to the- sit::. Include highway or secondary road ( SRI numbers, landmarks, and the like. Form DCM-MP-2 '-EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) \, \ Anach this' fOml to the 10int Application for C-\M.-\ Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the joint application that relate to this proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation pr fill activities. All values to be gh'en in feet. Average Final Existing Project Lennth \Vidth Depth Depth Access Channel (1\ IL W) or N/A !'\IA N/A N/A f\,VL) Canal N/A N/A N/A N/A Re\ised 7/1 /05 1. EXCA VATIO:!\' a. Amount of material to be excayated fTo:11 below 1\ffiW or 1\"\\'L in cubic yards. -200 c.\". b. Type of material to be exc2.\'ated Conner:.> d~-:J,is c. Does the area to be eXC2vated include c02.Swl wetlands (marsh). subme:-s:ed a.:matic \'e ~e:2.:i or: -. - (SA V's) or other wetl2.lld.s?_Yes X ~o d. Highground excavation in :ubic yards No'A 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MA.TERIAL N/A Boat a. Location of disposal area Licensed 501i :: \;..~~te Basin NIA N/A N/A N/A disDosal faciliTY or conI:aci:or's choo5in~, Boat b. Dimensions of dispos2.1 are.:. N /-. Ramp N/A !'\IA !'\IA N/A Rock C. Do vou claim Title to ruP()s2.1 2.:'ea? ~'_~ Groin N/A N/A ~ ~ _Yes _l'O lfno, anach a lener granting permission :To::: the Rock O\vner. Breal,:water N/A N/A d. \Vill disposal area be 2\'a:J.able 10:- r:..:~re Other maintenance? y..- ~o ~/A (Excluding _....~ - shoreline N/A N/A N/A N/A lfyes, where? Sabiliution) Form DCM-MP-2 .. e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetla."1ds (marsh), SA V's or other wetlands? _Yes_NoN/A f. Does th~ disposal area include any are::: In the , wate:?_ Yes_NoN/A 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Type of shoreline stabilization _Bulkhead X Riprap b. Length 350 1.f. '. c. Average Distance waterward ofMH\V or ::'\'"\VL ] 0 ft. d. Maximum distance waterward ofMHW or ::'\'"\\L ] 0 ft. e. Shoreline erosion during proceeding 12 months N.lA (Source of Information) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material Granite rnatchin!! existin!! rock. g. ..\.mount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below water level (1) Riprap -200 c.\'. (2) Bulkhead backfill N/A h. Type of fill material Marine limestone 1. Source of Fill material OuaIT\' of contractor's choosing 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) !\/A ..... l;{ Will flll material be brought to the site? -p<J __ YesiNo- Re\i5~: ~ 'j '~'5 If yes. ( 1) Amount of matenc.: ,~ b:: ?lacec ir. the w::::: ~'_-\ (2) Dimension of the IiI are<:. NA (3) Pu.-pose of IiI: N'A b. Will material be placed in coastal wetlands I :::~rs~. i. SA V's or other wetlands? ~.t.... _Yes No 5. GE~ERAL a. How will exca\"ai~d W2.t","':,l b~ k""Dt 0" C;'O ._- - .....I_..............A. -'...... emsion controlled? 1]';1;:=""'1e exca'\'2.:i0~ c~:m;<;'~ ---.. erosion control measures. ::::bris re:ncr..:>c ...,;11 . hauled to offsite lane TIE. b. \\"-nat type of cOIlsnu:tion e~ipme:iJ.t v.il] :J;: us;:.: (for example, ci.c.~line. i:::ackhoe. or hy.:.rau:i: ciredge)? Backhoe. b2:!!e :::J::lunted c. Will wetlands be crosse':: IT :ran.:,?o:TIng e~~?:n::::: to project site? _Yes X :\0 If yes, explain ste?5 :::2.: ',~-ill be :ate:: to j;:ss:::: environmental im:;:J2.c:s. Marin2 aT the Pa.:..,J.1i:o Date 7hz~5 / / ~ Form DCM-MP-3 '. UPLAND DE,V,ELOPMENT (Construction and/or disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to,this proposed project. a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures proposed: 5-2 story condominiums wi 6-12. units each. 19 townhouses alon g Water & Academv Sf. 6-75 room Inn b. Number of lots or parcels ] 9 underlvinl! parcels c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre 12.5 units per acre d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including, roads, ditches, etc. 8.03 acres e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? Yes LNo If yes, date submitted f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for the paved surfaces. Concrete. asphalt. pavers and pervious concrete g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of MH\V or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by impervious and lor built-upon seIyices, such as pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular - driveways or parking. None Rcvis::d ; L 05 h. Projects that reqmre a c.-\M.-\ ~1Jjor Development Permit may also reqUlr::: a Stormwater Certification. Has:.1 site development plan been submitted to the Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes ---X-~o If yes, date submitted 1. Describe proposed method of sewage dispoSJI. Discharged to Citv of Washinl!ton municin:1I svstem. Dischan:re Permit is attached. J. Have the facilities described in Item :.lao\'\.; received state or local approval? ves (.4.ttach appropriate documentaTion) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (for example. surface runoff, sanitary \\'2.5t:::\\':.1ter. industriallcommercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges). stormwater dischan!es to created wetlands 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g. well, community, public system, etc. Citv ofWashinl!ton municinal water sUD,,1\' svstem m. Will water be impounded? _Yes X ~o If yes, how many acres? n. If the project is a oceanfront development. when was the lot(s) platted and recorded? NiA Date 7//zh> , I Form DCM-MP-4 '. STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Perrilit, Form DCM-MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) (1) ..x. Commercial _Community LPrivate (2) Number 6 (3) Length 294.293'.133'.135'. ]76' &225' (4) Width 8' and 10' (5) Finger Piers L Yes No (i) Number 45 (ii) Length 40'.44' (iii) Width 4'. 10' (6) Platform(s) LYes No (i) Number 7 (ii) Length varies. 35 to 85 feet (iii) Width 10 and 12 feet (7) Number of slips proposed 92 (8) Proximity of structure to adjacent riparian property lines 15 feet (9) Width of water body varies. piers extend to Federal channel limits (10) Water depth at waterward end of pier at ML W or 1\T\VL I 1 to 15 feet b. Boathouse (including covered lifts) N/A (1) Commercial Private (2) Length - (3) Width c. Groin (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) NIA (1) Number (2) Length(s) d. Break-water (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) NIA (1) Length (2) Average distance from MH\V N\VL or , , wetlands (3) Maximum distance beyond MHW, ~WL, or wetlands Revi~::d -: 1 0:; e. Mooring buoys ~/A (I) _ Commercial_ COITh.l1unity _Private (2) Number (3) Description of Buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc. (4) \Vidth of water bodv (5) Distance buoy(s) to-be placed beyond shoreline f. Mooring structure (bo3tli::, mooring pilin~l~. etc. (I) X Commercial Communitv X Private (2) Number 46 - . ~ (3) Length 40 to 50 feet -/- (4) \Vidth :\/A g. Other (Give complete descripTion) N/A '..', ~j 7/~ /~r Date / / Form DCM-MP-6 '. MARINA DEVELOPMENT (Required for the mooring of more than 10 vessels) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-l. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed Project. . 1. MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. Check below the type of marina proposed. l Commercial lPublic Residential b. Will the marina be open to the general public? 3-Yes No c. If there is residential development associated with the marina, how many units or lots are planned and how many are currently developed? 60 residential units planned d. Check all of the types of services to be provided. _Full service, including travel lift and/or rail _Dockage, fuel, and marine supplies ---X-Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips 92 _J)ryStorage Number of boats Boat ramp(s) _Other (describe) e. Check below the proposed type of siting. Land cut and access channel _Open water with dredging for basin and/or channel ---X-Open water, no dredging required Other (describe) f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for example, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed types). Mixed sail and power Rcyis:.:d 7.' I 05 g. Typical boat length 40 to 50 feet h. Maximum boat length lOO feet transient 1. Are any floating strUctures planned? ~ If so, describe floatin~ docks moored t'l\' steel or concrete Diles 2. MARINA OPERATIONS a. Check each of the following sanitary i3cilitics that will be included in the proposed proj~ct. Office toilets -LToilets for patrons Number 2 Location Marina bath home ---X-Showers ---X-Boat holding tank pumpout Tank and location Dock A b. Describe treatment type and disposallocJtiol1 for all sanitary wastewater. c. Describe the disposal of solid waste, iish offal and trash disposal. Pumped to Citv of \Vashin~ton sewer svstem d. How will overboard discharge of sewagc from boats be controlled? Bv marina rules and reQUlations e. Give the location and number of "No SC\\'Jgc Discharge signs proposed. 7 Si01S. one e:JCh at each access walkwav '. Form DC\1-\Il'-6 1'. D~~L'fitH.: tht.: spl:cial dt.:sign. jf ~lppiic<1hle" Cor containing industrbl tYPL: pollutants. such as paint sandblasting waste and Pdrukum products. \'1arina m1cs and re!!ulatiems Drevent use ~md dischan~e (If pollutants g. \Vhere will residue from vessel m:.lintenance be disposed of? N/A h. Give the number of channel markers and "':<0 Wake" signs proposed. :\'0 additional markers required '- 1. Give the lucation of fuel-handling facilities. and describe the safety measures pbnm:d h) protect area water quality, :\0 fuel systems m manna J. Describe design measures that promote boat basin flushing or circulation and that reduce water quality impacts. F1o:ltin!! docks and no reouirement f(lr dred!Cin~ k. What will the marina policy be on ovcmight and live-board dockage? l.in~-a-h('lards not rcrmincd. time limits fi1r 0\'crni!.!ht occupants 1. Is the proposed marina ]oc3tcd nC3r 3ny shellfish leases? Yes --X-:\o If yes. give tbe Ilame ;md address of the lcasehol deL \' i,.:\ m. If tllis project is an expansion of:m existing marina, what l)11eS of services arc currently provided? NiA 11. Ho\\' many slips ar~ now J\'aibbk? :-;OllC 'C-s,\', 7/2.7;':'-"; s: 0, b tilt.: marina proposed \\jthin a prim:l:") " sec(lndary nursery arc~:': _L Yes __:\~: ~,-- ;' ~ p. (s the marina prop(J~cd within an an:a or:.::; to shelliish harvcsting'.' __Yes X:-:o LJ. Giye the localion and number of "Pumpo:l: :\ vaibhlc" signs proposed 7 siQns. l'l1C at each access \\'alkw3\' \1aril1rl :-It the Pamlico ;\~~nt~I,:;~l/mc/ /) (d~ ~'V:::t7~Ci-7r' 'Si::~' III '..' ~,n ( , \.""-\. I 'Ct:"-N,)8:. '" -?..,.. 2. or ';.--"IJ __ t - -tA...-L-- ?- '- ." t"-.... -' ~ Da ~ '. MARINA AT THE PAMLlCO MOSS PROPERTY PARTNERS, LLC AND CITY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, BEAUFORT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA " PROJECT NARRATIVE INTRODUCTION The City of Washington and Moss Property Partners propose to construct 63 permanent boat slips, 29 transient slips and placement of riprap over approximately 350 linear feet of shoreline along the public trust shoreline owned by the City of Washington on the Pamlico River. The proposed marina will provide 92 additional slips along the City's riparian shoreline to serve public boating access needs as well as dOGkage to serve development on the Moss Planing Mil! Property (see Sheet 1) The proposed shoreline improvements will remove hazardous concrete debris that has accumulated along the toe of the existing revetment slope and dress the slope with riprap similar to that placed on the upper portions of the slope. The boat slip and shoreline improvements are part of a larger overall project being undertaken by the City and r.10ss Property Partners, LLC to transform the old Moss Planing Mill property into a mixed use development that will include 49 multi-family residential units and a hotel and commercial center. The project is located within the city limits of the City of Washington on the Pamlico River along the downtown waterfront east of the Highway 17 Bridge just south of the North Carolina Estuarium (see Sheet 2). The marina will be located between the boundary of the federal navigation channel and the riparian shoreline of the City of Washington shoreline adjacent to the created wetlands and the Moss Property. Five acres of the shoreline portions of the Moss property have been previously developed by the City into a created wetlands area for treatment of stormwater from the downtown areas of the City (see Sheet 3). This wetlands and riparian shoreline will remain under the ownership of the City in perpetuity. Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21. 2005, Rev. July 8, 2005 Page 1 of 8 '. The City of Washington and Moss Property Partners, LLC will be joint applicants for tie Major CAMA and associated permits. The City will be an applicant as the riparian property owner. Moss Property Partners, LLC will be requesting a permit to use the City's riparian pro~erty. PROJECT DESCRIPTION General - Every effort will be made to make the Marina at the Pamlico confonn to the Clean Marinas Program. Portions of the floating docks that will be in contact with the water will be manufactured of inert polyethylene materials, such as those in the aforementioned marinas in New Bern and Chocowinity. Guide and mooring piles will be of steel or concrete construction eliminating the possibility of leaching of heavy metal chemicals inherent in treated wood products." A sewage pumpout station will be provided and the marina will have a strict set of operating rules that will prohibit discharge of sewage and other substances into the River. Floating Docks and Piles - The project will consist of construction of floating docks and fixed timber access structures supported by piles. The total coverage of floating docks over the water will be approximately 23,507 square feet. The total Public Trust Area to be impacted is 1.70 acres. Docks will be held in place by approximately 80 steel pipe or pre-stressed concrete guide piles. A concrete or steel mooring pile will be placed to separate boat slips where there are two slips between adjacent finger piers. Electric and potable water utilities will be provided for each slip. Installation of guide and mooring piles will be by conventional barge mounted marine pile driving equipment. Boat Dock Access Structures - Access to the marina will be provided by seven (7) articulated ramps connected to fixed ramps attached to the existing boardwalk (see Sheet 1). Tne ramps will make the boat docks handicap accessible during periods when river water levels are at or above the normal level. The timber ramps will be built above the waterline of treated timber materials. A typical elevation of the existing boardwalk, ramp and articulated ramp is shown in Sheet 4. Shoreline Improvements - The shoreline adjacent to the proposed boat docks has historically been stabilized with concrete debris from road and bridge demolition. A collection of concrete Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21. 2005, Rev. July 8. 2005 Page 2 of 8 '. debris, some with reinforcing steel protruding, has been placed along the shoreline above and below the waterline. In some locations, the debris has an objectionable appearance and is an obstacle to installation of piles for construction of the fixed access docks. To the extent nec~ssary to remove hazards to boaters. improve the appearance of the shoreline and to c1ea~ locations for pile installation, some debris removal will be necessary. At locations where large pieces of debris are accessible for removal, the debris will be removed and the space created filled with riprap in order to improve the shoreline and not leave behind an eroding cavity to endanger the stability of the existing revetment protecting the wetlands perimeter. In order to improve the appearance of the shoreline, additional riprap will be placed at the shoreline to cover up debris and failing timber structures. Sheet 5 shows the locations identified where shoreline improvements will be required. Approximately 350 linear feet of out of 1500 linear feet of shoreline will require some improvements. The shoreline improvements will consist of replacement of small amounts of NCDOT Class B riprap (5 to 15 inch diameter) material along the shoreline. The new riprap will repla:::e or cover up unsuitable debris along the shoreline below the elevation of the riprap placed as part of the stormwater wetlands project. Upland Development - Development of the 8.03 acre tract between the created wetlands and Water Street will include both multi-family residential development and commercial development and a bath and restroom building with additional parking to serve the marina. The bathhouse, shown on Sheet 1, will be a single story building of approximately 1500 square feet. will include parking for 16 vehicles and will provide showers, restrooms and laundry facilities to serve the marina. The Moss site lies within the Historic District of the City. Development on the upland site will be required to meet the City's development regulations and will require approval by the Historic Commission of the City of Washington. The project will include a multi-family residential component, small parking area and building to serve the marina, and a commercial and hotel center. The areas of the site where L1e residential and commercial development components will be located are shown on Sheet 1. Construction of the upland development will require installation of underground water, sewer and electrical utilities, grading and street construction, building construction, stormwater management facilities, lands~aping and paving. Construction of the project will require approval of an Erosion Control Plan and a Stormwater Management Plan for high-density development. Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21, 2005, Rev. July 8, 2005 Page 3 of 8 '. The created wetlands were designed to treat the first inch of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces covering 70 percent (5.6 acres) of the 8.0 acre development site. Water, sewer and electricity will be provided by the City of Washington. Timber walkways will connect the boat docks to the landside development. The walk\vays will be 6 feet wide and average 150 feet long, and will provide pedestrian and utility supply access across the wetlands to the marina facility. The walkways will connect to the existing walkway that runs parallel to the shoreline along the riverfront of the wetlands. The deck elevations of the new walkways will approximate the elevations of the existing walkway, which are generally about elevation 5.4 NGVD. A conservation easement agreement between the City of Washington and the State of North Carolina permits the City and Moss Property Partners, LLC to construct approximately 21,000 square feet (10 percent of the wetlands area) of timber walkways over the wetlands. The existing walkway has an area of 9,389 square feet. An additional 4,965 square feet is proposed for a total of 14,354 square feet. Of the 4,965 square feet of additional walkway area to be constructed, 2,565 square feet will be constructed over the 50-foot wide Tar Pamlico River buffer (see Sheet 1). A copy of the conservation easement is attached to this application along with the deeds for the upland site owned by Moss Property Partners, LLC and for the created wetlands site owned by the City of Washington. Parking to serve the marina will be provided on the upland development site. City of Washington development ordinances require 0.5 parking spaces for each boat slip in the marina. Forty-six (46) spaces will be required to serve 92 slips. Boat slips will be offered to the buyers of residential units. Of the 92 slips, 49 will be allotted to the residential development. Each unit will include parking accounting for 49 spaces. An additional 16 parking spaces is provided with the bathhouse facility for a total of 65 spaces provided in the development specifically to serve the marina. Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21,2005, Rev. July 8, 2005 Page 4 of 8 '. EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Topography and Hydrography - The topography of the upland development site is relatjvely flat varying from 5 to 10 feet in elevation on the site and up to 16 feet along the centerline of Water Street. The Moss Site consists of sand and silt fill along with a significant wood chip component in the fill. The base flood elevation at the site is 10 feet (NGVD 1929 datum). The proposed boat docks will be located in naturally deep water with depths from 5 to i 8 feet (Sheet 1). The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted a hydrographic survey in 1995 of the federal channel from the U. S. Highway 17 Bridge to the railroad bridge. Coastal Science & Engineering conducted a hydrographic survey of the proposed marina site in 2003. De;Jths from both surveys, relative to the local mean low water datum, are shown in Sheet 6. Comparison of the bottom elevations from both surveys shows areas of both shoaling and scour. The general trend since the 1995 COE survey has been one of scouring of the river bottom in the area of the proposed marina. Soils and Sediments - In order to evaluate the character of the bottom sediments in the area of the proposed marina, three samples of the sediments were collected within the footprint of the proposed marina. A qualitative analysis was conducted of the sediments collected. Results indicate that the material consists of 50 percent sand and silt with the remainder being organic materials principally wood chips and woody debris. Land Use - The project area is located in the downtown area of the City of Washington adjacent to the old Moss Planing Mill site, a 13 acre tract purchased by the City in the late 1990's. The marina site is adjacent to the created wetlands developed by the City of Washington. The upland area, 8 acres of the 13 total, between the created wetlands and Water Street are owned by Moss Property Partners, LLC. The project is on the waters of the Pamlico River adjacent to the Federally maintained navigation channel serving the City of Washington and upstream reaches of the Tar River. The City of vyashington in conjunction with the N.C. Clean Water Trust constructed a created wetlands area on approximately 5 acres of land adjacent to the proposed marina site. The wetlands serve to treat stormwater runoff from a significant portion of Downtown Washington, as_ well as the upland development proposed for the remaining 8 Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21,2005, Rev. July 8,2005 Page 5 of 8 '. acres of the Moss Planing Mill property. The remainder of the land parcel between the wetlan:::s and Water Street is expected to be developed for multi-family residential and commercial use. HistQrically, the riverfront of the Moss Planing Mill was an industrial waterfront site. The Moss Planing Mill Site ceased operations in 1996. Following a phase one environmental assessment of the site and some minor cleanup, the site was purchased by the City of Washington. A boardwalk was constructed across the site, which ties into the waterfront promenade that runs along the waterfront from Gladden Street along Stewart Parkway north of the site. The boardwalk will provide access to the boats slips. Wetlands - There is a small pocket of coastal wetlands at the southeast comer of the site (see Sheet 3) that lies within the 50 foot Tar-Pamlico River buffer. There are no other wetlands on the site. Areas of Archeological or Historic Value - The proposed marina project is located within the designated Historic District of the City of Washington. The Moss Planing Mill site on the upland property adjacent to the proposed marina was an industrial port and timber mill established around 1895. The Port of Washington was the site of a significant amount of maritime activity over the past two centuries. Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc. conducted a remote sensing survey of the proposed marina site during February of 2004. Analysis of the remote sensing data confirmed that no submerged cultural resources are present within the proposed marina area. A total of 7 magnetic andlor acoustic anomalies were identified along the shoreline and within the footprint of the proposed floating docks. All of the anomalies appeared to be associated with riprap, pilings, logs, tree stumps, pipe, cable and reinforced concrete debris employed for shoreline stabilization construction. None of the anomalies exhibited a signature characteristic of significant submerged cultural resources. A copy of the report prepared by Tidewater Atlantic Research, Inc., titled "An Underwater Archeological Remote Sensing Survey, Proposed Moss Property Marina Site on the Pamlico River, Washington, North Carolina", dated March 5, 2004, was included with the Environmental Assessment. Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21, 2005, Rev. July 8, 2005 Page 6 of 8 '. Navigation - No fixed structures (as defined by the Army Corps of Engineers) will be placed within the setback from the federal channel. Only floating docks anchored by piles wil! be usee for dockage. The docks will be set back 1 foot from the channel line (see SheBt 1). " The federal channel boundary line runs along the entire western margin of the proposed marina site. The federal channel is 200 feet wide with a project depth of 12 feet at mean low water. The channel has not been dredged for many years because naturally occurring river fbws tend to maintain the channel depths without the need for dredging. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The deveiopment agreement between the City of Washington and Moss Property Partners dictates the amount of impervious areas that will be permitted as part of the upland development. The impervious area limits are based on the design capacity of the created wetlands to treat the first flush from the downtown area as well as development on the Moss Mill Property. A stormwater management plan approved by the Division of Water Quality will be required for the upland development of the Moss Mill site. METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION Marina construction will be by conventional marine construction methods. Since land access to the site is not possible, all construction will take place from the water side with barge mounted equipment and access. Pile driving and dock installation will be accomplished with barge mounted equipment. PROJECT SCHEDULE After the required CAMA Major permit is obtained, construction of the marina facilities will begin. Development of the upland site will occur concurrent with marina construction. Pile installation and marina dock construction will be limited to the construction moratorium for dredging and excavation, November to March of any given year. Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21, 2005, Rev. July 8, 2005 Page 7 of 8 '. COMPLIANCE WITH THE N, C, ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT The work proposed as part of this application is private development, does not involve exp~nditure of public funds. Since the project involved construction of more than 10 boat slips. review under N. C. Environmental Policy Act is required. An Environmental Assessment was prepared, has been reviewed and a Finding of No Significant Impact issued on May 27,2005 by the N. C. Division of Coastal Management. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNERS T. D. Litchfield 135 Harbor Road Washington, North Carolina 27889 252-946-2370 Partnership for the Sounds (N. C. Estuarium) 223 Water Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 252-974-1044 Marina at the Pamlico Major CAMA Permit Application - Narrative June 21, 2005. Rev. July 8. 2005 Page 8 of 8 '. City of Washington P.O, Box 1988, Washington, NC 27889-1988 MEMORANDUM Date: November 29,2004 To: Doug Huggett, Manager Major Permits and Consistency Unit Division of Coastal Management (DCM) N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources From: Bobby E. Roberson, Director Planning and Community Development ~ City of Washington, North Carolina (City)' -- Re: Consistency Review / City of\Vashington Land Use Plan Proposed Moss Property Marina Site This memorandum is a follow-up to your attached November 4, 2004 letter to Mr. J.W. Foreman of Coastal Science and Engineering (CSE) regarding your initial completeness review for the draft environmental assessment (EA) prepared for the proposed Moss Property Marina on the Pamlico River in the City by CSE. In your attached November 4, 2004, letter, you requested that a more detailed analysis of the proposed project's consistency with the City of\Vashington Land Use Plan be provided as part of a modified EA. This memorandum is intended to provide the requested analysis. Background The City's 1996 Coastal Area Management Act (CA!vL';') Land Use Plan Update (LUP). certified by the Coastal Resources Commission on January 29, 1999, established policy statements to guide the City's local planning and future development. Most significantly. these policy statements directly address proposed developments in State designated ..\.Teas of Environmental Concern (AECs), such as public trust areas, estuarine waters and coastal wetlands. 102 E. Second Sr. b:th:f ~......~ · Telephone 252.975.9300 '(liD TDD 1-800.735.2962 · Fax 25:-94r< 965 II ,. '. Memorandum Page 2 The following general project description is excerpted verbatim from the ano\"e- -referenced draft EA prepared by CSE: "The City of Washington and Moss Property Partners propose to construct 6-i permanent boat slips, 30 transient slips and approximately 350 linear feet of shoreline improvements along the public trust shoreline owned by the City 0:- Washington on the Pamlico River" (see page 1 of the EA) Whereas the proposed project is in an identified public trust area., it is subject 10 th~ policies set forth in the City's CAMA LUP. Applicable CAMA LUP Provisions Section IV(A) of the CAMA LUP provides vision statements that express. in broac terms, desired conditions for the City in the future (see page IV-2). Among the exp:-essed vision statements supported by the proposed Moss Property project ("project") are :ne following: * Enhance the City of Washington's waterfront and central business diSi:ricL and Enhance the City of Washington's historic district; and Increase tourism * * The City of Washington believes that the proposed project suppons the above visio:: statements and does not conflict with any of the other vision statemems in the CA...i\i-\ LUP. Section IV(B) (Marina and Floating Home Development) (b) of the C-\...\1.-\ LL1> specifically addresses the type of development envisioned by the proposed project by stating "The City of\Vashington shall permit open water marina construction which is consistent with the 15A NCAC 7H minimum use standards and the City ofWashing:on's zoning ordinance" (see Page IV-8 of the CAMA-LUP). As is stated on page 21 of the EA, the proposed project is zoned BIR Central Business Historic District. Marinas of the type proposed are a permitted special use in the B 1 H zone. The City also believes that the project as proposed and described in the EA meets the 15A NCAC 7H minimum use standards relative to marina development, Section IV(B)(Stormwater Runofl)(a) of the CAMA LUP suppons effecti\"e stormwater management and states "The City of\Vashington recognizes the value of water quaE::-' maintenance to the protection of fragile areas and to the provision of clean water fo:- recreational purposes. T~e City'ofWashington will support existing state reguiatio::s relating to stormwater runoff.", ", '. Memorandum Page 3 As pages 27 and 28 of the EA describe, the City of Washington has created a modern ~tormwater collection and treatment facility as part of its recently completed Stewart Parkway renovations which will collect stormwater from the proposed project site and result in improved water quality for the Pamlico River downstream of the City. Therefore, the City finds that the proposed project is in confonnity with the aforementioned provision of the CAMA LUP regarding stormwater runoff, Section IV(B)(Estuarine Access) of the CAMA LUP specifies that the City \\rill "SUPPOIL the State's shoreline access policies as set forth in NCAC Chapter 15A, Subchapter 7M." These policies encourage the expansion of environmentally responsible public access to estuarine and coastal shoreline areas. As explained on pages 3 and 4 of the EA, the estuarine shoreline at the existing :\1oss sit~ is currently inaccessible to the public and contains extensive debris. The proposed project will allow safe and convenient access to, as well as protection of, the estuarine shoreline at the proposed project site. Therefore, the City finds that the proposed proje=: is in confonnity with the above-referenced provision of the CAM.A.. LL'P regarding estuarine shoreline access. Conclusion A thorough review of the CAMA LUP indicates that the proposed project does not conflict with any vision statement or policy of the CAMA LUP not cited above and that the proposed project is consistent with the City's policies regarding marina development, stormwater management, and estuarine access. Sincerely, ~~~ Bobby E. Roberson, Director Planning and Development ,-- -- r-~ 7' .-/// 0<" --..... / ' / 0 /.~: ~, ~ I lSru.....~lUIJ ue. ) ., .7) .' / I '0 -'. ,I .t_, I " '/"--,,~~~,' --"'-~I~_~- l7 '--.... I ~__ . ~~~~~~~-:~,~;) - --.... ........--.... I ~ ' f , .;... . ': l ... . ,~ .... t _' 0( :. ~L >-, ------........ ~---------~--------- ................ l:\Jsn"c '0 --.... ........ ""'NCe liNt- ........--....--.... --.................... -- --.. .~ ........ --------- --.... --.... ftlSTI"c " -.::: ~IW~ I",C "'........--.... ........................ --............--.... \ "' / \. 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X_.,I CSE SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION. 100 50 o 100 200 SCALE: 1"=150' / / ( , , , ...... , , , \ , ,... ".J 17.2 ".2 15.1 n.s '.e ... 'I~! 1/ ,....... ,/ I " " I .........../ I I ~:I, I ~ ' I /.,,~.. '" ...... ....... I .,.....':/j:)o .... / I '. ">>1,;" .. I ~'o .. I I .', I?,....~ " ". I 'j / / / -', ;." I I 1'0.. I I I I i I I I /p II I I$' lq'" I I I /' III h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I YJI 'yo// )( (,,/ \ /...y 15' \ / ,/ -\ \ ,/ /,/ 15' , ./ / / \ , ,ft.... ",/ ,/ \ ,/,/,/ 7,1 \ 12.J'-'''' '(,/ ,/ \ \ ,/ '(' '.a \ ".J / \ '/ '+.' \ '\ '0') 12.7 12.3 ~~\ 7.0 ~ ,.. ~, G' 11.0 ~, 12.0 ..... , , , , , , , '. '. .'. ". ". ., '. ., .'. ., .'. .', " , , '. N/F C1lY OF WASHINGTON 219514,68 sq. It 5,04 Acres \..a 1!1.4 .- .., "., '4.2 14.1 .-on 1..1 1S,.1 \ 10.' , \ 1).. 13.e\ f2.3 , \ 12.2 5.' ISlAND H.J\ \ 10.1 , ..2 ~ a.. 11.3 ',4 ., PARCEL 1 349577,34 sq. It 8,03 Acres MOSS PLANNING MILL SITE " '. " ... .... ... ... 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