HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_1_22_2018 L Culpepper notes on hearing officer's report (2)_20181122J'a.n-u-ary 22- .2�­018 MEMORANDUM— To: 'Und:p Culp-epper MterAesources P r am.- :$rian Wrenn,. Ec0_-sy#emS RM-rith SUPP17VISOT Divisio.n.bf Water Resd..urc.05) Vater'kient-'Os, Section tt ian eco m- - m e n d ation's Subfect: .� I, d,R. Ailtifftic Coait Pipeline-,, UC ..�kptb-()rizati,o.n,-.Ci�rtific- atO$-, 401 Water- Quality Urtific-;Airob- and'. B-U#d(' bes "N "I" ':d',a* d R6 on a ps Um eran. n Nbrthampto*n 'Halifax', Nash Wilson. Joh"n'sto.n.J.-S' M. on, 0"' Counties serve. d as the Hear.Ing. Offic.er-forthe sub: .. -b1i* Hearings held -atthe Fayetteville Technical j e c t -'Fu c Community College in �ayetteville� -NC on....July-18" -2017- and at. the- Nash Comm u nfty 'CoIlep.., ii'n- "Rock M, 20-17."the,.Pjublic--h.earings--were h.eldun-der-:theiauthorit-.Y..�q.,f Title*15A y.:M*ou.nt. NC on July .2 he. PI 'Osion NcAc 0*2:H .-05*04'. The pq.rpose of -these: p.0blic hearings,:. wasIp. rece,Ive-coMment on t VI dC ..) an . boffer-o pri Ot 'C ti. ic -d V. - on it e . tjqq -(401 W ith Of Water Resources� 401 Water Oual". y -.,,r,.f a L '(ACO.). A-41 WQC certificates appli' atiron (App `b(A):s 'bmitt6d by-AtIt*ritic C �eline LC. c Ond �_Lj oast Pip. ri MO -rip I gas pipelifte. thro,U and, buffer authorization 0,& c . .. .1.1 .. ....g�h .tificate� ar-Li, needed to co.nstru t -a: -Cumber h pncu -ou ties, Northarn pton,, WNW), Math, Wi.ls6n.,- John-stoh. Sam 1'' d* and kiobdson C a pson, at,the pti.blit" h atih 1, h;�Ve- h­V..e*wed,,All wtitt lb a.ddition W listening t ' 6 oral ;com.-m.:ehts-. e e.A en c. m er the p u b 11 totn­ - ent.�-.O iod, I -n preparation -of thi's p comments received prior-, dul'it'ing-, an. d -after pu c rec , ord,.dit u s ns te.po rt, I have co nside red -a-I I df th-e p.Ublid Corn M ents,.-th e-; ' 'bli"" `itsJo' -.-withDivisi6n of Water Resources.(D.WR) staff related* to- AM ruliesi an'd. their'rev,i6w. df the' -applications. for -the P.r.0ject. *. The report has-been prepcired'usl--ng.---,the.fi6l]:G-win.g.-o-ut-l'ine:!- Site History /- 'Dackgrourid' fl, July 18.. 2017 Pu.blic Hearing- Somrh. tty 11. July 20, 2017.Publit Hearing.SuIrn, rha,fy IV. Cdrnmehts V. Reito mn-e- o:d -at! on -s" V1. -$U-nimary VIL Appendices:, Background 0� A0 nktoa '(A -CP) -sqb-rnI*tted: ari -a-p Ocatjon. for a 4-011VO� bn May 9,20 a t �st I p C P --eviou-My- a 'to'DWR. I -*... Gciobp 23 - and -buffer author*iiat**ion;,c�ertific-ates�.- AC'' ha pplie( . .. ... P pr 201 e 2015. OWR t6q- -additi-on'al information 'on- November 1 5, The. reqO-Aed p tion, an Augqlt_�!,. 2016. Inf6&n­a-ticin Was not provideid, thetefar6. DWR.-retproed the. ap ko­ e;- ong"in. er.s. at n X m a -t c n O.Oera e.an pprodi i r an t r tely. 6.05- m 11' ACP - 9% 0 Opdshig� d, -6 stt-UC­t_- A - bt d' N fth St � :1 rg n ia,, i rg S'. t ra n s rni ss' 1 o n 0 ipel i r! e sV�teffi- i:'nc-'I'udi�hg'l-zit�.,-e.**-r,als-th:t.b'u,ghWe" Vil"'i"J" V` dhia. n .0 .-ga Carolina. In North- CarolinA, ACP is,Propbsing to construct,olne compressot station and install 3, me -approximately.:.-1-86�n-tes-o'-f-t-r-a.ns-missi-ort-olpel-i-n-e-aq47@pp -r-tenjan and regulating. -Stations, 11 valve sites -and 4 pig launchers/receivers, through Northampton,, Halifak, 'N'95h, Wilson,, johnston, :�ampson; Lumbefland. and Kopeson LOuntles. AC. PjS proguting over iffl crossi S a s and open waters icti temporamy impa ing over 35,000 linear -feet. and permanently 'Impacting over 700 linear feet of stream. ACP is also PrOposing crossing-We-t-lia.ndsAe.-mpo.r-ari.ly-impa.ct'ing-o.v.e" so.- acre�. an-d—per-manent-ly.- m pacting'less th.an one acte of wetlands. ACP will -Impact protected riparian buffers within 4 - the N-euse.an-d.Tar­PamlIc6 River bas'in's, i mpacting over 655 000 &q-ua e'feet of zone I and over 4,59,000 sopare feet of zone 2 protected riparian buff6r.. DWR requested and received additional information severalti metthroughout. the app'lib-atibn review process: MORK June 27,2017 Req. for Add Info (1) july 12,. 2017 Add Info Received (1) September 14,, 2017 Req. fiorAddAnfo (2) -Septem.ber 22..2017 Add Info Received (2) Octob.er 2. 2017 Add Info Received (2) Octobe.r.131, .2017 Add Info. Receive'd (2) -Octob-e r 2 6,j - 20 17 Rieq. for Add Info (3) November. 4,.2017 Add Info, Received. (3) . Novembe . r .15, -20 . 17 Add Info Received (34 No'Verhber 28,.20177 R -eq- Jor Add Info (4) November -29, 2017 Add Info Received (4 .December 8 2017 JV Add Info Received (4) December �4., 2017 Req. -Correction to (4) December 20, 2017 Add Info Received (4) January 17.,'2018 Add Info. Received January 18, 2018- Add lnf6 Received Under the authority o -held a public comment period from f Titte 15A NCAC 02H .0504� DWR June 16, 2017 Until Augu.st 19,, Z017 to accept public input on- the. application. The public c comme? ht period. i*ncluded two public hearings described below. In accordance, With Title 15A NCAC 02H..0503,. notice of the public hearings,and availability of the 401 WQC and riparian. buffer authorization certificates application. was published jn� The Fayetteville Observer, the News & Observero the Rocky Mount Telegram, the Roanoke - Chowan News -Herald, the Rdbes'onian and the Wilson Times on June 17,, 2017, in the Daily Herald and theSampson Independenton June 18,. 2017, and posted online and sent by mad to the Water Quality Certification Mail' i. ing List on J une 16, 20 1-7 (Ap pe n d ix B). A correction to the public notice to correct a- typo in the pipe diameter was posted online on June, 19, sent to the mailing list. on June -2.0, and issued In the newspapers on June 21 and 22 (Appendix Q. 2 ded ot n August: 19.... 2! 1., th -was a The Rublic colmment.pefidd--: en 01-7�! howbi.Vdir, MbIzeAU94AW 9 `4t 'ts th", ' u' h? M.-dn'd*ay,..Ao.g�is-t�,..2-:l-,,,—.!-......– - *a yv� -aGcepted.=m- � im--,en ro g S -urd* 0 A. - IL jully.1% 2017 Public Heating Av ler !yv: ai A pvb4o hearl'Iff -W. as-rbzld"July 18, -.1.0 7 at, 6- pm.. a it t thre viffe-T-&W 61 TdMM' t illie,.*NC The ppWic heafingvas held tjnqlerthe.�a-uthoti -efIU&I-5. -AC ette-vi olle ..ge in Fay. 0 -�050 qblie �he ive pybHc com for the -'EMR 401... -W 2-H 4.. This: p. aring to rece A` �o �ne- A) s 'n o ro-e --construct ,a n.atu-ral gas t -ndik itt . a ico , r to, , lob (Ap, e ed by * ,.C.P -app] lii�-s th-r-"o-u-gh.-Ndrt.hzim'-'p"to'n'.,.H-a i,ax, N.;�..,�h,.Wi.i.s.on.--jbhri.�t-on' 8--amp--son, C' I be-rl.andi and k16 on COOU n fi - e s e ly 18 he r ---h ludin8 61' htstoff oti e- ,h u ii d r e -d ithirty� ne p6opl - otton-ded At- J-4 g -6d. th-e.­a:tte'nd'an-cLh tigh-irl a ign be' :fro m th e* 'De'pa rt* M ent. A.,toital of 131 ifidividu 'is So'' mem, rs tio* fl. The , Maring Officet, p'wv­,.'6I-ded Open1irig .sheets at the regls'tra n table (A-0-pe-nidi"ces D -and remarks-- a.nd Jefi- hiffer Burdette- DWR � p''t 6seh.ted �backgroiund information. 6n. the 401 ro-c-esss -,.a d applic-ation b-ef-ore- thkekt.h'a"Ing W -0s dpened - fbt. * P:-. U--' b Kbi - c 6 m m e n t n.d th.e. propose I emmen �Q.rty­�fb-u-r- th divi d uals rp..gR.-st-..qr-ed i n advaftee -of the .h., earl ng to , p to'' Vl& c-, am--i-d tWd ri-Ve.h -three a Mere "dition-al 1--o.diViduals* madetomme-hts -for -a-.Iot 1`& 4 speeaMir-s Speaker.& W z one !for-�­spv.4 c p. after e.m. _.ry. qkutes fo.r initial. aresentation.s.-. Additional time -was.-:. 'fl'o e -d h -e rist of mea -kers thatre�gflstored W. -Speak was fkisihed, which was used'�y- t q.e speAke-rsiI.. "n'luded-(Append" -'E)b- ix to i is'. --rt �-Apendlx is a. -a rOp odijtling or -'a] COMMJMts, ft- C JD -h T. ou-bli C-" h6aring. trans'c flipt 'r ox m e -9,600,writte-n -Z:ori-i'to6ht�,.*dur*itig.-th'e public. d0n- -ment fy` H). DW -TR olso. 'Ire- ceivied. r h at'. staft-t -�gio 'do Id '�al d* 'Itiz 'ry -gr,'Ou P*s period fhdm- letal ---and vernment,!agon'tie�, "t in - wi u -citizens�- a n cl e to t abd pk- j)r. Aporoximat6lv -.8 2*20 cotilioents Weee"' -0. dsdA th.i.. ppe jec apprGximeitely Ij-370 reJh--f a=.. - Soitnebf,theddftn' e':nt�*&L6-Wrltbd.h tri'ahistript§ of, -the Wed duflh.g, the: public ".hea "n s m e coma-ments Provvi �,&- Mary ri 4 : u m bf th e dd hi.., ht S: - fo r b oth- hear'in-gs and fh-e -cammefti- per'lad al'ong-With d.d.t-all-edi re -s a po.n-,ges that ha`vb-A d-.'I.Pet;t lM-,'V'Ct- `V -ow Im.-Sections- IV a,ftd.-. on certifica-t.-iorv.dercision...ma.k.irtg pro.cgss-,aare inclutled ills J'ply I D IDITPUbfic HeAring- Mas a ihe 'h ��Cqtn-- un#y..q- in* -A.;. go�, ond go'*b- fic'hearing wa�. held I 1y.,20t 2`617 6 p;;*ft- t. 6*1 J, 41 uihor dA e 15A XCA ...02- Roicky Mciunt:- -Nc Th e pubtic. heaflhg- Wgs.: held vn.dier thep it R ifneh Q P .05,04.ThJ's-*-wa'sa­ prOblic MA;fl-h, lo tetbive publit doffi t -I b r *a- b"WR _011 ap** lication .9 pe ixie tw (A ebid-ix. A).- wbm-litted 'byv NCR 'In, diNe.r to a -hat, r I mi ns, Gn. R o-) n h 'CUmbb-tit "" - N-OrthaMptid n-.,, Halifax., U-01-Sfi) W-rilkh Jdhi '"t" IM MPS Co-um'tleso P C.. :eairin& inbaUd !d`ight -staff ,e h-un,dred's-ever-i m 46 �P#end.'ed- the JbIti.v. 20 ubli"IT'. 'j On in's r bors., fr m v s sign en. ance, sign . . A �. 'id -5- d 'emx o ffie 'Depprimerit. A,t d[of 168- n -di* lual' ft rn oiaepin s h iaet'5. at t h e r n. '4je pp F an -4 G`,!) lhe 44 -e -a -r -ling Off iker p. 4d' r .. 11 , 1. - eglstratio ,,rovi .,ed 9 1 p n. I WQIC W -presenv�d: .,t.emorkt'a rid.)- filk r * b*urd'e'­fto;-. U.' -bait. �.grqund InSbrr qft.,the 40"' pARC: Co p, t oit s -s- ah -d the --r app. .1he'M ned e p -iog-oi.s, lleai b kire f at."fig a�, e.d: 'ea ri h 9 Q. Rip. ke,rs-wLsre tfi­. ivid ua,i]-;s- tdi s ev inadVafte of -th--.;e..*h- t- -make., co.mm-ePts".S e W .1 1 . ­ I -a given three minutes for presentations and the hearing was held open an additional thirty minutes to allow-al�7s-p_!�a_!��r�-��at-r-e r-ed-t-o7!�peak.—The--list-of-speaker-a-is-included-.- (Appendix G). The public hearing transcript, including oral comments, is attached to this report (Appendix .1,). DWR..aIs.o--re.ceJV&d aVprdx-ifhjtL:�IV--9,-6GO-Wtitt-e�h cb­irfifb��fft­s d®rtil-g-tKe- public comment period from local and state goverrim-ent agencies, citizens and citizen groups (Appendix J). Approximately 8,2-20- comm ents-we-r-e-opLpose-d-to-t-he-projeGt-a nd-app-r-oximately- -1,370- were- '1— in favor. Some of the comments were written transcripts of the comments provided during the public hearings,,A�ummary ofthecomments for -b.otb hearings.and the comment period, along with detailed responses that have a direct impact on the certification decision making process, are includedin Sections IV and V below. IV. General Comments The following is a summary of the comments received during the July 18, 2017 and July 20, 2017 public hearings and emails and other written comments received by DWR during the public comment period. Comments received outside of the public comment period were made part of the public record. An overwhelming majority of the comments were in opposition to the pipeline for a variety of reasons. Many comments received expressed concerns about the continued use of fossil fuel . s, specifically fracked natural gas, and their negative impact on climate change. Manythink NC and the US should be moving toward the use of renewable energy sources. Proponents of the project believe that natural gas is a "clean" fuel option to replace coal and other fossil fuels. These comments are outside of the evaluation criteria established in N.0 Administrative Codes for the 401 WQC and Buffer Authorization Certificates review and should be directed to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Many comments received were skeptical of ACP's promotion of the project as a job creation opportunity and economic stimulator for local communities. Several pointed out that ACP's own job creation estimates are very low and that the economic benefits to local communities are vague. Proponents of the project reiterated that the pipeline would bring jobs and economic development to NC. These comments are outside of the evaluation criteria established in N.C. Administrative Codes for the 401 WQC and Buffer Authorization Certificates review and should be directed to the NC Department of Commerce. Many comments received expressed concerns about the cumulative impacts analysis provided by ACP. Many believe that the analysis did not contain sufficient detail to properly evaluate the cumulative impacts. Some comments indicated that the temporary impacts from the project should 66�sidered in the cumulative -impact analysis and that the sheer volume of temporary impacts should be calculated to equal some level of permanent impacts. Cumulative impacts are addressed in Section V below. Further comments should be directed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). 4 ved ques'' Many M_ -any 'com ments recel.... tf'oned I e-. -apTippse and pv.ed the pp-Oject- th -e roMh of -ns-atu rkefs: e p ointed. to-_& de'noo..:that.. g fl'ne.1 'ligible,and q.o.estioned-the need -to build sqth-a la'rge-a-n.d*e*pen8" -.'e I POY q . � Y.g.plp gg erate h- 's ow w n A roug :qom;p.,qn:ke.. ed that th-e-, ma'rk-,*a­dom.a�nd-. _sge.. --th _h6 of Wiliated Vi�'- 'tatho i t. 'IMP 4nies aqd- th o iEA. S. .591MIef, I ng mmonp We- co W it h Do ke.;-a' nd-_. po e r.s. 4-h-6' ',',',.Nic, rt rmor 'a C VA 9 onie* --in:wrett', -FU h.& r, th-a-h- ��j. letififl�d o'Ug4#q .'NV g a S fit Was :m i A a,.d*i n 's ACP owft.-' that -the purpo.'e of ecdnom c b.�!he se s preaid- ttl*. h 'e permanen job * r6Wth a.*tewlt dfthio. prbijem 9 . - d. e'va u 11S."' Od Th e's'e comments are -.0,utside 6f the. I 'atioh d ffi?fid &,t -Ob h in NI. C. - Adth- Mistrative.-C-6d,65i.for -the 4-'01,WQC'-,and Buffer, AUMOrIM160 ,an- d should be—dinected to FE RC -and the:Gorps, Many comments recelved -exp-r-ess-ed" -contprn-s -pbout environmental fq$t 4 1 - Ce.: Issues ass'sociated-wit-h Pipellne"s con-struction and operatiom Manybelievei.hafthe plpelifl.e.witl mu- s. M 'n '.nc t. e , have ai cl;��'4prppartion-ate "iMpact, om 10w -i ome. an minp. my colm p y cum`meftem f that AC -P. fi-as nournadie -5ignifica6i efforts tO -M-Or-Onate -,v�fth these ther roptes that wOOd- reduce the 'I'r 'ts -th,eS6 communities. pr 1.0 -,cppsider p ..n pop .0 'd .10. k,,o �-Oor tNT16h S- -ec-Ifil'iMWIV, seVEWal* t 'Mmo, it -.M ti .C. Ori 't q .0thun-up-Itid, Sp n tors, i -an ACR 50P Op a . dre- th -y hem bes- sm `hlz�-th- L tob*eo On L F(I. i C er with do :ndt biflieve ACP aide.,qu.at Lidy add tb d tefiti'al -to esourcies sse.. po- i -ion .. �g -thio. p-ipe line. route. Envi'ronmentol Justke',& vddiVissed In Stotion Y 6 10 w.. Furff�- -.'0 '. d ments-shd-Uld bci RO C M e - -R -.. diriact d to. FE --C I. i n' 'bta" -os -n-ta.-ACKs useof-,reirn"nme, It-Oom-ai 'to o m Several cqrpmentersexpre-�sied opp itio right-of-way for the -pi* erine.. vqiqo n -cilferta �p*Or ed, jW- IV4 Thes com ents OM qutside of the e Administrative C"Odes-16r�be-4.0"! WOC�'.and**EiyNr.--A-i4ih-ar.izaiton;,-C,'O�tifi� es e- Vi6w. v -nd should -be directed to -the NCAttorney Genewvl�s--' Off Wi� bed -o* bon-�-dd- T' 'dgpl-�tions a, 'd.gOhl"it'g. With envitonimwentalt n Compliance. Inspeotion recommendations rL2. addressed ih N�-&Ibn V below. "'bkitt.zobe"" dftfili e': 04p-45,11ni-e Several, commenters r"a"1"5**edi.co.nce'-r-ns'abo:"ut'.* iivin-g-,-w,..i.th,�rn-,t.h,.e-.*, S 4-0. questimed A.W911jaWflity response.s.hould. ank - explo'ion or --cur, D.the* rs-:beflieve-Ahat -q--filpe is:q -szfe. and.efficient-way to-trans-vort naturit,gas. the pip These cammeas qr.g pig�ide 0youation pri rization C .Adm��trative Codes for and"Buffer AuMO)" and'shriould-b6-d-MepJe _pd -to FERC -,-,P* Of A .' c p- to 0-0 cobb qua I ity romerosion --ond sedimji�ntatiion co"MrOJOW-is inado-qUAe P. tv.e n ego. ive re a"m s t 6 b ifit. y. trenchih)g thr.'ou'gb..str-6aMI sabd'w' Wands W' illfia pfnd threaten.-WildlArb. `Ob.:ncern's. Water Quality is-addressed',lon'Section Vbelaw; 5 -Many' comments received expressed concerns Qve*r* impacts to wildlife, specifically threatened -an -d -end -an %JrrAA 0-9%ecAest—N�an bV_-1 yy --IF -.y4 It-Owt tviea em-str-utt-io.-n-aetiv4t�ies---:c-ould*--..--- destroy critical habitat and primary nursery areas for a variety of terrestrial. and aquatic species. Offidr'sle-Irtt-a-Ttli-e- -exteffs'iv-:Licd-o-rdinati"'o-n-pr*-'o*c-*e*"s--'s-"w-'ith-the US Fish and Wildlife Service and NC WWI . ife.Resources-.Commission-(N.CWRC.Yhas.a.deq4ate.ly addressed any potential* im acts�. p Aquatic species are addressed in Section V below, Further comment*s should be 'directed to NCWRC 0 Many co . mment-ers v .b lie.,,e t.h.at, the 401 W.Q� app.Ji ation is,...incooiplete. They pointed to the lack of erosion and sedimentation control '16ns. and p. P sitei-s'ecifit water body crossing d etails as evidence that necessary information was missing 'from the application'. In contrast, some- commenters believe that the ACP project ha� gone' through an extensive' regul-a tory review process. The Division requested additional information m& Itiple ftes as detdiled in Section I above. The overwhelming majority of comments received raised concerns over the degradation of -ground and surface waters. as -a resu.1t of* the construction and operation of th:e pipel ine.. M.any com-ment"ers mentioned,the large number of streams and wetlands that would be.crossed by the pippline and raised red . flags regarding the large amount of temporary.�an d permanent impacts. They connected these- impacts with the degrada !on aX ,of downstream U ses including *drinking waiter supply, life, primary and secondary contact recreation and fisheries. Furthermore, com m -enters spoke in detail -of the loss of Wetlands. through temporary impacts. Many felt the temporal and permanent vegetation changes from temporary wetland impac.ts should- be considered permaneht s Wetland impacts. Finally, many comments were made regarding potential impacts to dr*inkin,g water wells. A significant lev 'I of concern e was present among the commenters about impacts to wells frorri construction activitie s (mainly blasting activities) and operation -.of the pipe'lln',.e. Degradation is addressed in Section Vbelow. V. Certification Specific, Comments'and Rec 6mmendati , ons Based on the review of public comments, the application, -the North Carolina G' neral Statutes e and Administrative Code, and-discusslohs with DWR staff -J offer' the following comments an.d recommendations- on the criteria for I issuance of -a 401 WQC pursuant to 1'5A NCAC 02H a-nd the issuance of Neuse and Tar-Ramlico River Basin Buffer Authorization COrtificate"s p ursua ht to 15. A N CAC 02B .0233 a n d 15A N CAC 02B7 .0259, respectively. -15A NCAC 02H.OS06(b) (1) Has no., priActital -alternative under, the criteria out -lined in Paragraph (f) of this Rule.. Paragra0h (f) states: "A lack of practiccil biterinatives may be showh-* demonstrating that-,, considering the- potontia'l for a reduction in. size, configuration or density of -the proposed activity and- all,alternati-ve- donigp-s -the. bastc project.. purpose cannot be 6 -a m. a oer -which woul, ev d'..or re�- t"in les.s.-afterse. p ...F,p,tticafly -4cm-ne-Jished in ttp-p-oic,t.*t-o-.s,ur-tf�3-ce,..-wo-t- rs,.. rwifla-nds." WO -5 -virgiNd'and The pridy;eCt DrOPPSOS ta.conArUct& ipOlIn ransp&t nat 90 rq M. .0-1to -t- Urdj* f h& The A f -Portidn 0 - t Pennsylvdhtpa throdg h- Virgihid. Ond North- Car-olim. Iarth '�d Oil a hps _J -be tonstrU. W.M." PtOff.,­`,, I�ftKiel d rioposod.. are cted h)-bugh N6r.thcfm,,..-- r-a .1. J" "t t ,Sampson, .-OU.-M, tldnd�'- a'n'dRobeson- C64intles. A$:`�Oairt -Of th) FO-d� Regju 0., Vr-y -ea V P 1). n1d�ys--is­. -A' V ---mV r m ntal oficy t N� - " i missio -T7 Nd-tid v! f n''ie"" A Aft. a __C ,C n (): ?C xhdi En )b A. e f the. proi-e t"O'cluding, . jjec in p .se,ve.ri'ctl-�cilt-2ern.a.tives to. meet the rpdse-andne, do .n 6 te m' es.. f energy; -energy. n; servation, vnd..�ysttfii­ I ativ FERC.andACP t -the --�,pose at*dneed oftheiprojtct- fou-nd-that the b.aild-vitemative- best me pu. ltematives� a IvextAOclOcon 4uz cf6d an extensive. a ralysis on pot -6 g elihes. ps, -We te zollocation -of-the ACP with-.9.0sting PIP" !!Va-s ifos�ton vftd� rp rp.q. .0iternatives. U-Itimp'tely, -A-CP -,chbsa the Eastern, roate. as- -the., best optiOn hqs-ed or- �he -andItaforal resources. riety 6f.r.0-teria. 9-uv*h.-.as-:,Prpjec*f lengtkatld h man: evaladtion. of ava.. a­v.o-fig.tyI#-,humqn aO n A CP C.On tinued to re O.-Iteroativ fine the. EaSteM e balaptipg mented . resources-stich aS-PUbII;`C,4an&,F voa4s, con, sONOtion e.,O$-.'e--..r--ne..Ots�.forested*lands., evvir-onm rim on'.4-hom-fes,an d bus..'*[,P6ss8s.- -ea s. -and wetiands, nihisto sv. knQW r Develbpment of the pmgosed, Ii rout& MII*clud�d PIP& the angly Of S v,6 tee mqj6 ri ebifte f th o e r. j.gc alternativesand thrity-seven m. M& adj*ustmeh.t�.Jn the Ndrth Cdroihja� * P6 nxion in eff- o*i&d.n-'dfnInimiOze,im* acts.: to these res-ourc. es. a ah ort: to av -AI&.4in 1�.As Inc u- dd Pre and MMISSIO-h, n -ca mumunirdtibn­ with D,.W-R and MCWfid-life Rds.b.titcesCd (NC.W, Rq) -Post­�app.ficvtib te., on avipidanix-and minaff` nization: opportunifte-s, ACFhds-*c*o'n*- tin ued.t6,eeftjie,,-the.avoidan and minim-k'afion practices in rz-sp --to-add nafifif MV ,�r:m,ailon--reque-.!s�,tsfr,QrrrDWR.'-and---th, Qh- envirortmental com- miatments, Am.orede,,tailod.,.crl�cass�'t6nof'avoid�6nce'and'minim v? b.e,f,pqod-,b,eiow,. ff'IC ly rated 1h Ihore Is, no 't afl has- sq ht Op pot -Oo-m- onst R_: 0 C, i g, tione N ie. T -baskpurpose WtkMssod ac phaffical alternative that CM di�compfish: tho pe*tes, imp t ta�surface waters*�-or wetlands. .-basei Oh, -06 'd * "t-16 a Vat-rs. Will h"Mftie WVdift.0 iM to 0-6- -tuffIrme era L re olq ica A-im-bOt f"t'll nd. Wildlif 04*c es�: bfild- gi. -A 'existiq -topography, vegi a..; ts a' -conditions un'der the critAria. bUtllhed' I h Nita' gra ph,' (g)' b"his"' RjUl e`* "MiMmization-of impacts. ma -by--gh6wing-that s y thei smr(qm--Wp- 'iers Uands areable-to-co-n-finu e -to. up t -or pvrt�-the-v4 S .41 usies cifter wet... p-pp),go pom or'havthe impAds'are;-requIred dL;e. M., I'Lreadirements. afthe, prajfi.0-;vr- The. spatial and dimensibn-a m '�qte the -t- loc9ti-ofibf structural or oit-13tal -VeAt ores" that 'm ,Oi.c (2) TIT pt.til ejjt_'Cff c6m 1pobf igue.-Ati.` hV01110- Pip* pr 'efctvb' en t, rg Otos, o- ein Th of .'h 6 -t -an" hbw- t" e c t e mr, .Oos t e .Pro je .0 it .. o gurat-t6h.6rddiisIty. Theppplicant h -a.!- m. idmized.impacts- to surfatie- Waters dhd "ddijds -to M& OfteiMst exteht prq.c C be 7661- 116�drffie.et ijf--. tt�edms ;a*nd- 6.80 -ocres.-:-of .6 aL The perm. anevt 1, mnpactss- W-111 Willi wetlands. 1-he,.p eirmanent jopacts- related to. streams. and* -.we'tla n., ds-: a re-sult .1 7. din' .q and: improying. access roads- constructed fbr installation and moi ntenance of. Me pipefine, not from the plpefineitseU. All, cross g�t -jo'-M- in qjqr-r4-yeq-.-*11-be conducted'using horl"Zontal d1rectional dr11fihg­-(4D0)'fo avoid -open -trenchlhg. - The magnitude of thetemparqry the, Scope th-e .tMpacts ft very high,but. withih reason. consi enng size. and* of vroject. The iffase-,.anarro.wer,c�onstruction-carridor-when-crassin -appAcono' w. _wRtland�-_ -c S an q and on tructi technique.s, suc- h as'f1mber Matd�g, temporaty- woik bridjes, and -6-fean- rock over piping to minimiaze- ternporary impactsbo streams* and wetlands. T-emporary anks impacts. to streamb and, wetlond, areq.,� wilt be -7 restote'a to -the odg*inal contours and revegetated with native plahts. A CP will monitbr- any temporary imlpatt a "' strc�atns or wetlands to ensure there reas in is no permanent loss at these; locations. The monitorlhg plan includes mohito f6r- -a nn on!"of two yearg-for streams andthree yearsfor wetlands with stability, vegetation, and minim hydrology requiremehts. Upon successful completion of the restoration and moniton'ng ac-VWUO�5�. th;8- strea - and Wetland - iffipdc-t areas will continue -to sUpport existi6g uses of M hydrology - vegetdtlona nd aquatic and wildlife habitat, The applicant has committed.to a number of best management: practices to avoid and rninimize Impact -s, to streams and wedand's. DeiMrtatlon of wetland boundaries with flagging- go sigps p, not - to Start - of consttuOi I on U�e df temporary work bridges, mv dt6hg and pods to reduce the risk of soil compaction r -tench backfilling us -Ing , native mateddl- to prevent soil' contaminatiDn and to accel6rate revegetation Limiting operation of construction equipment in.. wetlands to only that nec'essary r f eleafing,' excavation) p'* elnstdfiationj backftilftng� and restoration 1P Installibg ttenith. breakers or plugs at th6 bo, n -wetlands to preven u darles of t draining of. we'tlah& PLtmp-quit, aciivitles. in. thel work, area. will bet routed through an -energy -.di-s.s,ipationlsedimentfiltration devic'e prior to discharging to -waterbodles W -ie-- of a-projt-tt -tiftinvasiv" ' p1d''t specl e*s* management plan e n stump -rem oval, gradihg, on. d e'xcd'v"a'tio'n'wi11'.b 'dd'.to the area immediately. -over e limit, the trench 11fie to md1fitain natiVeseed and rootstock Coating for- concrete -coated pt'pe- will be conducted at least 100--feet.frDm surface wafers -and spnngs Prohibiting use of live concrete. as:a buildihg-materialso that wet concrete doe not come in contact with surface waters - Prohibiting storage of chemlpats� fug1s, hazardous material$, and'lubn'tating oils 7 within 100feet of surftice- Wat ' ers- Voluntarily J I mplem-entin4the reqVirements- of the COnAt'actian Stormwoter 6eneral P& Mit Ift. NCGOI-00,00 'j. a 1P 1P We of horl"Z'onfai'd-iiectional drilling for all major river crossings a im mentotion of a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure plan and a pie Hafiz-ontal' Directional -Drill btl1flog. Aldid'Monttoring, Operations and, Contingency, -plan. 8 conswIta F'WS. ACP'bas- coMph5ted jWnW' Am. -With VS! Phh -and VV11- ory 0 - reatren ed- eind endangered s -pe a1mg 'the zorfidon. _-, hj_ an, ce-tober 1 '01.7 to 01 gx itive.- it t. opinion, Oh;YWS d-ld not Identliyanv throatehedun-d on - 'eto or sp.jecies -or d in-,Nc along the proposed.!o&rldot.. A� CP: hd�.,619o- Woratnat0d` Oy. th' N Th i:,6-6.rdihotj*.Qn h the altern'ativ' -aly -o P-w'Cl. -roitri .. . 6 4; of th 0, �N­­Ilhe.-, Is p ,gan wit es an 0 -is. OCIRM75 IPX .6.nS jes an e hobi tj ACP 'worked with mcm-C,to cilvoid th-keateiie-d- -' denda d` rig.. an n ggre spec and to develop relocation protobols- f br fish dtid mussels. _A C, -,P;--: Jt -ohduct-*ed.p,*r.i��:tdnt-�tt-.i4ic.tl6i7. Ver th -scurveys f-br in Neuse Ri T.Jesi� .fFsff7aiid­'in -Oss"' the - "b'" rit and d' *..'e than. -�urvgys .found Mot the'. muss.01 populdtio n* wals mu'ch more a undai ive'rs isr surve 'd - -it . NC ',�ul " -ACYs, prLD.-Wously known.- Th" Yandth..e.;,continue.d'codrdin ti6h.w h .W.R.-C. .e ted.in ,revised pTqp to- `iver ins q -s -al f. use,HDD at1he Wuse- IV fead'of.' open -.-trenthft7-g- ACF has. also - developed a-rel6cation planforfish and -mussels th-coordihatio'n %Wth-NCIA� -9 . at Ce -impact$- to. .-o -,,mend6tlomr P-b_g.- a --f-,ownt' has- sqff-jciqptjy.z Weir, onsfrafed; W. kor m p4 p We rratjqos,�: -n tural, -featu :the wat8,r_�. and wetlands dre _.rOq-qire*.4:due-Jo s. Offal res nd p. cons M put Irements mw. 'itaring, the ;..p 4fWg requ n go:� e of czt. -The, 4QI. WQC - V, Id pstprotipri am tephnporary p d.rnonitaringplan. IM pct areqs in. qcr-OrddOqe.-.W.hb- -the pO The caftification' -shduda-' d1so int.lu..de r en er ih th.e-- ..event that :vmpararily "t. * ft - to weda " d ditibb's-as --dof-h0d.b. S _Y d! "turb #-d wed n- o r, e rn sw ond-areas- d m con. y ine .so' * The, *ts� (Cbrp�)- --&tIdn­dMa*n0d1 '­ d-jc CO offngw" _W -,ed­..by-,d.-, re.", ntoti� e. dt -Ountf r . N it Cla .401 VQ -C t e--a'dd loh- m6openerlan g.tjage.,.,-should'*.,re.q*ui*r'e.d'mbdifi' tiOn tathe -,:-W .-Ct'd tion. all Oht - -, e n -i M-pdct.5 Ad d1hi ian. e4 - anent./Mpact� ah.dmit-19a fior, -Perm-an w Waid ai eperm 0. wrt 'ermbm tih-e-- WOC--§h-b'. b e-.-. c-bildiddhed-46 66 m- with- x.eed -1. :: a cr a. -F h ply ts. x -.the proposed.p ct as,,,welfas thefish nd anywark moratorlunw���ge§;ted-by NCWRCfor rq.e. . s.5el �relocation P m - v lan 'D .esull..-inth,,e-deg.r�;.ad-ation.,Qf-.g,�-.o.*up-d*;at-ers-..orsuffa)cw-.,wp.,.W,, s..., ves, not r C t, W 66- dor Th-e:,r.-n-J..-dIn vsk -to swf6ei?z tind grbuh-dftter-ft-M thO-A --. P, pro C I - � ,01", . . .. I - . whttrt .. - t -0 in ct�-tivlde�. These dsks M'tlud&,,s-odfi# -ion. vid-tve i4ity . sarfdc e-- -wo -er;s�.. bnv_ vh- W -- g fluids. dU r -i fig -HU&),. an-dvUh. Of.0viblev m pro ducts and.h-WiN drillin Wo ic idr-d` t&s ni-sed concernsx. Ing e neh Qi ah-d'equipment main* fe h ancL�.- III a jo n - . - -,i` :aC -.1vitits w. ith he Impa'tts tb drlhking �idter'weflsjfomi fewichip hg. j�adt': blds�tlh_- t* dsso.c.lated p�pe ik-�;, a pipefine- installation and -from .. pas,�sibl&tontd miln'dVoin -du&-to" lih b :,durihg bper: Vdil. Thea. ficant. has committed- to working. ih the.&Y.fibr ag stream andMetland, cry �wihgs, on- jess Vp _pf �opf- Dbtaksi� pr.. r sIte-specific v ondWom warrant workin iO wet candtflons.. and, thea,qp 'ion _011trai M UISU ,pproval from DWR. Proper grosion. a - d se-dimenItat e. res -'be W*teo q m Q. '­ 1. r.,eq.-viredfibr,tho eilt-Ire pr.. Ish a ce -w.Ith -.the Division- ofl Energy -grqtand ,,.,M,r 4fla All e te, Plan A -'Oil Res urcj?s (DEMLR) sedim, ntation qt7d-,er�.dn -cantrol.'Certiflca' Vf 4Cf e-; w vr pf- p em Ved PQ fj/1pIdtt*-dinsutfOb­ ­t,-mfL61ated-tb:o T -Th "t—of r)ds- i .comDiet&d a. str:-edtin n -P. we Once h7stallatIO0 the e e td- 'd- Ml fill W 'N. -M W. Ur. r.e;Ve9-.-eJr ix. preve n t --no -a - . ith. i AV -6 t e n. -o s, an will be, v, e'' s'. J�d t -h 6 -In . 6 It v -..not -Will A&Mmwd in as &Vfte� �rt B... lad. n- .-Is., =,ze f erosion.. OnIk bre i,`in,`!*VW.b*pa edb-elbw sufbilization (rip -rap, geDg!ld, ijtc.) techfiniques- b 'used.. -/Vd Men g-' -9 the: ordinary high watermArmk. Furthermore, theapplican t has volu'n tarily agreed to -meet the requir-ements-of-th-e�IVPDESConstruct�on-Activities-Gener-al-Perm-it--No.;-.NC--GOWOUO.----------.--.--�-...-- The applicant. wift store ch- emlcals,� fu&, hazardous materials andia-bricating,olls and conduct all equipment and vehiclefqefing and maintenance ­affeiast 100feetfron?-'surface -waters and 200 feet from prIvatJ6-'d nan- k/hg. wetter � wells ... In situations. where q ment must continue.- to yip pperote durin rio "ps near-.5urfate waters>. secondary ..yfueling activities such as, dewate gpurn contdi 9 nMent structures will be:- used to pre-Vient any spillage from reaching the surfa' ce waters. th*`,dppIicdhth'ds con dticte d. - d&-ktopsidive 'to identif. y. all known drink in waerwelhWith-I -9 in 1,50 feet of the Pipeline- c tj CoMefor. A - IMost 550 p'O onstructio n.vate drinking water -wells wete 16cated in''N.C., The aP.##ta'ht-p-top "es tot6tUeddhWell pri6; M constructid n Os r fibt a su''Ite of parameters including pH. total suspended -solids, total dissolved solids, conductivity, alkalinity, ac 1dity, sulfates, oillgrease, * pheholic, 'iron, manganese, alum-Inum, fetal coliform, copper, lead�- nickel, silver, thalflum, zinc, chromium, arsenw;, mercury, selenium, cyanide, calcium mqgneslum, hardness ,; chlarldes� antimony, cadmitim, and beryfflu m- as- well as well' Yields. These tests - wN provide a -baseline of ground.water.-quality and quantity against which to measure aPy constructloo-related impacts.. ln:the event that blasting -will- occur Within 5.00 Opp feetof--'a drinkihg -w-vter.,welij ficant proposes to- conduct- pre -blasting monitoring for, the pqrqmeters listed aboM- Shouid the applicant rece a comploint regardthg damaae to ive :,or -quantit)� the applicant proposes 11' wator 41JOisty to, conduct post -construction well 'testlngbf the same pardm6ters- t6 verify no adverse* Imp -a' vt* rs havi? dccurredm Furthermore,, in the event 'that d-dV#esie Impacts do 6.ttut 'Us 'a' res-Ult 6f' cons-thiction activity; ACP has committect to providing'.temporary Water supplies, andlor a new- water treatme,nt system or weff Operatidn- df -t h -e!. p"Ip"'e"Ime. is not.expect9d tid have adverse- effects on sudWce wate.rt and .groundwater. Any.pDst-co.ns-truction.-st.ormwater generated as a result of impervious.-sutfaces lhstafted-.during construction are -subject. to! state and local storm water requirements. ACPhas -committed-to using sheetflow and existing stormwater co-nveyoncess and-draina e ditches. W o curb and' gutter- starmwat-er, man t will be constructed. For ... : � I qgemM impervious surface$ -constructed In -aregs with no sta."t"e. or local stormwqter prograrns,- these storm water Morfgement techniques wN bep,rotective:of water quality. 4 - Many coMmeriters. raised concems about kaksfrorn the "' efineimpactinggroundw-dw. The PIP p eline will be transporting dry natural gas whkh & not solubk *` ;Water. Li uids-c6nta � ed ip In q in in- 06 9(a.5 -.are removed at- 6 natural gas- processing plant prior to transport and at* HqUld separators at compressor statiobs. Any remiaining liquid will be de minimus- and is not likely -to impa'cf.groundwater. R-ecomm''e-ndation: The projectis not expected to violate water quality standards if the conditions -in the 401 Water; Quality Certification -are fully. comalled-with by the applicant .(or its su�cessqr),' The -401 WQC should'be conditioned toi, .1 require full compliance with the following. Permitsi; 9 Certiflcat& of Plan- Approvql No. cumbe-2oi&o36, &gued by DEMLI?,. Fayetteville off Regional ite, w WDES-Termit-Nd. NCGOIOOOO issued by DEMLR- 10 4, 4k - A f�L LiLr4 .2 Ap"l-'Dtc- A -- The 401 WQC should also be contingent on the issuance of; a sedimentation and erosion ,control Certificate --of- Plan Approval issued -by DEMLR,,Raleigh--Re-glona1 - Office- -and. upo n issuance of appropriate :.5tate and local stormwoter permits. FERC NEPA and 401 WQC application documentation indicates that the applicant has --- agreed - to - conduct pre - ,construction watqrqual ity testiri . e -_ within.,._.150 ket',qf the pipellhe g for drinking Wat r wells construction -corridor--and within 500 feet of blasting activities-. -The-401--,WQC should -be - conditioned to require. ACP, tcrcohdOct pre- and post -construction testing -of a//-- wells within \y- 150feet of the construction corridor and within 500 feet of blasting activities.regardles5 of zz whether a complaiht� is received. Should post -construction testing indicate that well water quality or quantity has been impacted by the construction, ACP should be required to provide temporary water supplies, andlor a new water treatment system or well. An independent, qualified groundwater specialist should determine whether an impact has occurred or not. The 401 WQC should be conditioned to require monthly ride -through inspections with C appropriate DWR and DEMLR staff to measure compliance with the respective certifications and permits, The 401 'WQC should also require a pre-construcfion meeting with the construction contractors, ACP staff and DWR and DEMLR staff to review the.conditions and requirements of the respective certifications and permits for clarity and understanding. (4) Does not result in curnulati've inipactsi based uli.60 past w reasonably anticipated future impaos, that cause or Will cause, a violation of Aownstrearn water quality standards. Cumulative impacts are those Impacts that would result - from theihcremental effects of the prcj�ct.added to other past, present and reasonably foreseeable. future activities (15A NCAC 01C.0103). This includes secondary impactsor impactsfrom,future'. activities that occur as a .result of the proposed project. The proposed project for the -most part will consist of temporary water quality impacts from the installation of the pipelinei These Impacts could include sedimentation and temporary disturbance of'.Oquatic and riparian habitat during construction, Permanent impacts will occur in streams and wetlands.from access road improvements. The temporary and permanent impacts will be reduced through avoidance and mitigation efforts, erosion andsedimentation control and stormwater best management practices (BMPs), andspill prevention, control, 6nd countermeasure practices. Any p, o' ' t occurring in similar locations to the proposed project willbe sobject to local., state, andfederal regulations that address stream and wetland i acts, st6riwater management, -and watershed protection. Almost 80% of'the increased natural-gas supply has been committed to.naiural gas power plants. The remoiningsupply- Will be available for commercial, Industrial and residential use, However, only three:distributionpoints or M&R stations will'be constructedin /VC. These, AOR stations will be located in Johnston, Cumberland, and Robeson Counties, Secondary development as a result of the pipeline is likely to befocused around these distribution points; therefore, water quality impacts are most likely in.proximity to: these dfeas. The applicant conducted a qualitative analysis of the potential secondary and cumulative impacts in these three counties. 11 Ih th* qualltdtive dnalysl�,, the�.-applicant completed an ."indirect (-secondary) an&cumulative effects- screenin -mat-r-W-i where a -series of :parameters -thcluding- sc-ope�--o-f-;--t-he--pr-oiect�. population. growfh, available land, waterl.�ewer availability, natural as -availability, market f aevelopmi�n.-,, o r 1/cpoilcy, and notable water reso.urces,we-rcevaluur-e-d-uiitheiraLrilicy-t6- contribute to"' d..irect.,an-di�i4mul,6t!'ve*.*,eff6.ici .-onwaterquaM gased:on-these.,ra.tin-g�,qr.eas ty.. of potential growth-and-Vevelopmgni- were identif6ed - th. W compared ih. an actionloo-octlo n forecast where the differences in growth an.d -developmem between buildina the, pipeline and not buildingthe pipeline were determined Areas that had significant'- creases r'n* gjmwth atid developmentfrom building the pipeline were mappe.d. in AAV dis c ied abov.'.e uss dhy n,&W. de-vel6pm.O. t proftoat� will be subject. to* state and fed�ral- regulatio n',s* fdr impacts td stteatns and wetlan& and erosion and sedimen'taddh control. Ho.W,eveiri.. stormwater management regulations are vadable by location. Ex&lng state and 16 -cal stormwater prooiwlis' 'we're overlain on the areas of'potential growth identif-led.in action1no-action analysis to predict -the net i'mipact to water quality resulting from secondary &veippment... The act-honlitoo-action, analysls'� demonstrated th. at growth could significantly it?crease I in Johns -ton and Cumberland Counties. if the, pipeline, is built. These areas have existing tnf-rastructure. fi�r wqtpoower and transportation, are� predicted to have populationgrawth, artd'have a number of shovel -ready development sites; johnston and Cumberlan4 Counties are altnost entirely covered'by state and local stormwatgr prog.rams'and khns.ton- County I'S. �objeet to. f L -D - Neuse Rivgr.`NUtrI&t SefiWlve Waters' Mona etriebt Stfa'Wgy. Any potehtiol 9 wetter quality 1" ­ pacts du& -to gto with in, -the area would be mitigate M d through these programs. Most. of Robeson - Caanw does not have state or local stormwater programs.. Those that are presen t are associated with High Quality, Wat&s'- or Wiyter;-Supply Watersbedg "and are limited in area.. Howevef, the action1no'-action andl�sis demonstrated' -that Robeson County k not expected to -hdve a sigr1ificant increa�e in" growth and development d s a" resultof the pipeline. At cording, to A-CPs.. analysis I iacVtng� infrastructure, populat-Ion declin. e, and separation from m, etropolitan. areas has --stunted'growth in thl*$. Greo-,_ Only. one shovel -ready industrial site- is 1b. available in Apkson County. -and it is located in -the prot'ected Water $-Vppl� Watershed an.d woqId -be-. subject to alocal stormwater rogram. Water quality- impacts, from secondary P growth in- thIs. area -would be minlnM'aL kecammendation; ThO project Is hot expected to result in cumulative 1 i mpd�tsthat violate waW,qualky: standardsi i iilonsw 1 0 n.- thm' 401 WQC are fully im lemented by the f the cond p applicant (or its successor).. The qualitative- cuM:ulative impacts arial . is should be'forwarded YS to the N.C. Depdrtm&dt of Commerce for informational purposes� (5) Provides for; Orbt*cVon.df downstream Watee qualltv-sIandards through the Use of on- tite* stormwater -con. *trdl: m-easuries. - -- --- Pos-t-constru,cdon ist I -S. prmwdter * another potentidl -water qualo concern. The vast majority of the proposed.-Ape.fine project will not resukhn- new impervious surfaces. -ever, some How. new -impervious surfaces are proposef d as part of the project. The impervious surfaces include V . ip, mult;P16,1mioroved' access roadsi.. -eleven valve �tadons,, a compressor station, three metering 12. and regulating (MS�R) stp��ns pr# multiple contractor yords. Th.e: accez ro'eds P 9 -un aved raads_t-hat will be iinproved t"o d1low --constnroion.:.an-d"�-mo--'i'�-n*ienanc,.e, iak';"' sofely -pas& improvements will -include. minor wid . n cm- d1or.surfacg ,water- Ina e ing en Slo it d tegm- ol ulvtort exten, ps-)� val#e S es, e &-d "'t �the .,:min pip q .V:P-!g'r'0_*0eS (0 g anc ,p *ftne. for s ty a aperatio and main. ten- -pyrpOses, Tho it -ti e fe -M V' s WN..bex.../oi.t-'ot d .$6.h'os-ton, located, in Northampton -CoUnty, and the ,.,&R on Cumberland., ard-flobeson C-O.Onties. The applicant. has* ihdt ted -thaf sst-eirInwater'-will be 'g wdles. f6t - dcei��s: roads.. -No e ur and'-. kittet managed " -b - ' by.usin'- stormwater tohifeyances* are- proposedfdt, the-, compressor or-M&R -Aatibn-_'�j and -stbrm water exts 1hg dealhgyb dftcho� an'd's0-Wd16s,,,. w.i.17-b�e.m.at7.a-g.ed-th-.rough'' "t Water.m-onagaffi'ent for these 1m, pervtaus.- surfactes - mdff .. be. ..-r-.eg.ut'a.r;ed,*,*'-.-t-hro.od-4.. te St, r m .P.rograms.in -Phase v- ommatiffies -orby. jocat przo - wherel� qpplkd�le. VaNe 5*1tes.and gram;s S'Lraods valvi?,siie�s, and',q'p-ontractor acc-ess-roods in a-sma-H-portion ofWash taunly.--gnd-acces, bet regulated through.. the ,5tate-hnpfemePted- Phase. 11 yard I ynty will (�umh�erland -Ga . 5. . noral quo ,$.f0rm-w.qte-'r:P'1 rarn, A-0 will have to meet. -the WG xe ire _- f-� MoPts .Permit To Construct A tinear Utility Linme-and Associated Incidentat ui!i-V'.�'Pn'A.reV.($W .4) -or an dividual sta.t. stdrmw t qQ4 nd 01vidual s.tqN.- sf- tOr pietfti ..a er perm- it. $W reqvire. pmpfiance. with MLO. itions of thez respec-tive6 -p 'ts pnd With.: t es�-w 15A NCAC'.02H.1-000 i6n Law 200 64-.0 S. n' �4(-,W 200.8�- A-'! ."'wh4c ensure thLi Sess 04. h. priotecti . on dbwhstrL,�Pam­ --wa-tjExii quallt� ftandaeds- thro-04V6n"site- -§tdrrj7woter',d_'dntro1 % "!*&I tioe --di-eds C"" d -b -46 -sto Wat programs ww ..asures. A-n.v-it�7D.er.vi.-ou.ss-�ij.,.-f -&&s-bu'*iltJn "Overe y cal rm h0ve W-im'd e -et -the req'ijir"etne nit�,-:,of- the bdal §tdrM.-W& r'­.-*p'­r'o.gram Thb-.-� 'fid -di �-f­.dkio -e 9Pp n prapos. s tob-uild.-I"M-*P'i�tv.tbussu'ri;fdce-s�ih.'.,atea,s whereno:state or-loca[program-s are app-lic rL o 'he,dek 'P* tio s, -n t crip n . of*`Ajor m-, -water besf m-ona.giement, practices prqp.o4-ie# by --the -appf�cjqft -storm, water IS' not expected* -to -Walate downstream Wot-er qualif Yn #*j� -arem. Y. R�eomme-ndafionzo S q Law 2017-1 Q* p iDits D ftvM �Mqo*g on��o stoVWOW 47�- ­a�ovej,the .40. WQ. monoge-ment--throogh a, 401� WWo, As .-cossi5d to r*oquireVomgliatice with dito ble state.- di?d* local. �tdriij w terp rmi f t10 p ons ruc 0 ie i,5 Or 4: � t n of an ted lnw- ide n ta I bulk -.d bft ted o linear utility line,.( d..,.. to Peovides', far-ife0lac-eMent Of dAstfhg usetAft., rouib.- mitigatio-n. gath fadefol -and state- requirements.611-6w. for -the paetfids.e.Qf tln.,fieu fee-, ' d16 -110v C Pe ffsolt N C. A C .62. H* anavo -dable --to si-tt&bm, �r -and ".'tt6nds. DWR requires- mitigafibn.- [15A .0 5-06fh,)] at,a 111. rattafor-perm anen! r erenn! 1-:1 ratio for- permonent wefland Wrpacts above ..onp acre. Pqrennial stream and weitand- therefore; 1m. pacts- fior this.- -prp ject, wfll.not p-,S..gied respoct-&-o mt-0g.qt Jfire�h ldsi :b :.or gtj itigation stre-am. z'dm s re d bv. DWP-., is roqu! lre.d;'h,owevie,.� t q. r M 'PrPS ftoocts. Ri M-- t n..Is -.'- Y-.0 bf 4n-'906' --fOrth.0-- �,Ia. d, c n ersfon re. q- tif J uir8 r -the- as -es iden Qft-'h&A?ijsean fn Norrien't 5ensitive Wo S an StrdttWes. [15A. WCAC 029.,6�33(6)-'bnd 15ANEAC ent 02 59(fi)., xm*sp tive' -*E,,-- 'WITH -MIT-1 03A. -T. 'E W_ . 10-N.;"."" *�%L-10 W; -A--.. A 4- I't a 102 ei� 1k] -as- "'AL10 1A L - MITI GATION uses- are -&fted Jn-A-5-A MCAC 02B.-0234MM mid ISAA04C MR MWV4 3 .10"" respectively. Buff&- mitigation IS -1 discussed below In. the buffer authorization certificates - section.. Recomnrendefl6n.- -No.mitigatOn-is requiredfor st--ream or weihnd impacts as a result. of thg roject; 401 . WOC-shou& be conditionp.a.' to include- language. requ�ring proposg#* p miti4otion.sho'-d-ld pii-� fiffiftnent. impact changes occur that"e-weeed mirtgat[dri t1fresh 1&. 0 . ----��Iouse- aW`T_a �-Vtnlko NPA 6--nt Se''ritsit V,6:Waters Mangeement Stra Mi - i tM Th'e -Neuse, River B'Min Nutriont Sen'skive- Waters Management Strategy and the Twr,-�Pamlico 0.. River'. -Bas;­Ih Nutrient Sensitive W'atees Management. -Strateg"y have tM exact same requirements flS.A. NCAC 02B ..0233. and 15A NCAC 02B .02-5.9, respectively). Furthermore, ,the WtIgation requifement� for-, Impa�ts. to- protected buffers are exactfy the sarine -for the Neuse -.an*d Taf7Pamlico. Rivee-� gaisibs [15A NCAC 02B .0242 and 15A UCAC 02B IS'0260 respectivelyl an&both make reference to- the buff6f. mitigation rUlet. [15A NCAC 02B .02951. FO'r the --purpGses of this -report all the: buffer authorization -certificates recommendations wi be combined in one --discuss ion. ISAINCAC cond -15A NcAc 026-.02-59 S"' DIFOU-SE OLOW - REQUIAEMENT. Diffus .e flOw. of run-off shall'be maintained In the riparlan-- buffer. by d, ispers! rtg cotirentrated flow and reestablishing veg6tatlon, distm-Sed above ih-Section 5 of thi� 15Ar NCAC.02H'.0506 disic:ussion, the vast majority -of ih�e prop-osed'projecift will not.result In new impervio rfaces that will create concentrated storm wafer flow. However, there will be ved temporary and permanient actess roads, irrrpro andfl-vUe valve' s-Ites constructed and -M dintdined in the Neuse and'Tar-Pamllco RNet Basins as part of the.projecL. The -access roads; are 'existing unpaved roads that will be imp roved to allow construction-, and maintenance. equipment to safely pats. Upgrades Will In*clude minor wldening.andlbr surface watert crossing, upgrades (eg.,, minor p1pelcuivert extensions). The vai've sites wt/I consist,-qf gravel pads- aroun-d",pbove-groun d valves. with gravel - dfi've.ways. stormwater from these areas M11 be managed bysheetflow or by using exlstihg roadside ditches and swafesw Sheetflow ftom the access roads meets the diffuse flow requirements assOciated with the ]Veus�e and Tu'r-Pamlico River Basins Nutrient Sensitive Waters Monagoment Strategies [15A NC4t 028..0233(5) and 15A, NC4'C- 028.0259(.S)i respg-c-tively]. ACP: has com-mlited to mand gfhg the existing- roadside ditches and swcdes mi"himize sedim6ht, nutrients, on" tian: priorto, entering surfiat.-O waters. The Table of Uses d other pollu for, the Neusedn'd Air'-Parrifted RiVet Basih� Nutrient Sensitive Waters.Management Strategii�s [I�A AICAC 02B4O233(6). a'nd'1'5A. AVCAC 02B* ..02,59(6), respectively)'identiies, u -se of existirig draidge, ditc.-h-e�,. toadside ditc-he's,... andstormwater- outfalls proidded they are managed to minimize the.,Sedft. eht; nutrients, and :'Oth.dr pollution that conVey to waterbodh?� as �'Vt�IOPT-"'usrgis� '*89EMP7' uses -are. deft- ed -in .15A NCAC 02B.0233(7)(a)-and-I5A NCAC D2B .-0259(7)(a), ecrively, r0sp the appAcant proposes? to locate- the Smithfield -M&R station In Johnston County which is subject to the Neoso River Buffor Rqies�- This. station: Is alk subjed 'to: -state., stormwater 1.4 pe rm, itti n g r e- quker p-gn ts as part e Ph '11 �4fqr_ mwptor r S. -5tarmwatie cof� . I ... r mvpiso M11 dd ro rq$. s.e. d 'M U. g,*P; J g tv o, ate.s. itions re u avo m, -n vtl The b.yffo riz. ation r av 1p C, id -'s W C -6s. that diffuse -flow condidom- b.,e-*..mOj _1 I _ U .n tain e d fQ r iq Tom Jm ery ji stormwater f rfiq W "I. S nre M-Ihe­ requ .6 n t. with -the, pr otecNd -huffOrs in .-'O�cdtdct 'W' Viff 19 9 i0win '' to or' In -.�-"tdti�d dboVe.-or other Opplitable. bqffer .616fificatton"mOMO.S... .(6) T.,ABLE OF-USKSO No h4ltdrtc ut nes.. I*mpa;-ts pt r- than.. pe�rpepdtcufa-r�-z r assitom. in. Zene..X-.--�� ts r-cro-ssines InZom:- I A)rl.p,*W Able W t 1.m ? iother than,-perpend.ficulai pac. lines: .Non diettrit utility -piorp, n dir-ul-ar-cro e msings th did -u. b" grie''aterAm,40 lineo' t! v ti bW� .1 to 16r. th�a'_ _;j tha" I .5 er.- with: ia all ehtik"e, corrid great eir', n .0 _._,o ea feet 6f I ip Han' bu' m n. j f ft in -'h.. b I e wi. ft, h M 1 ti t 1 o -n W WO . Ot -th tA' ot ippr' R.'er-ppriOicular crossings a fturb--greaterihan i5O linew.fe, .r.ef rd Allow,.a- le: with Mi tigolfion� d tiscatego prqpasez projec. riz. rop. d des per-pendiculdr- andn-On_;_perp#ff crossings -ofstf6aMs "d other surlalte`..Wdt&� 4 r Ws rule. Dif Wid-thA tftrmaItn.t&na`nc0i c0r,r-, -0 01'boff, lmo et�: '0* f Ubr, 50 -i� th 6 a are 4ALLOWAgiLE'WIT-H-MITi--G,A.-T-IONI"-*U,S'-�t-- "ALLOW E-iA4f--T-H':.Ml.,,"nGA.TIOIV.- U."s-et dte'Vefin-6-d-In .* * .4 15A..,NC.4C,02,B..02-.33'(7)(c). and 15ANCAC,02B4O25,9(Y-j,(tj )t$Pectively. mendation: None. -T-he proposed project. -Is, 1�WLOWAB * .."'WITH MO.T.1; G.A-T-IV ff � - u-nd-er.- R_ er om the Table OfUseS. -ersorts Woo w.fs', DETERMINATION- OP "NO ALTERNATIVES!' Aesignated as.,,allQwpble:--or allow 6m-.-.'- with; t , i g mn 4tjon 1: gq . m-itA undoxtake.-'m ., Ils -.1 :� .... ­_ , , � -the.-OiVisjoh, dr.te;.the- Uirnatf vi et Matti t. for pra t al ;91 es' 6 e on to J 'p -.l i cp at the ce.1, tedauthority, The ap 't:.sh-AxerfjfV. th it td.e�ntffll delega -e IS�kulea.re.met,:Ihe;Divis'['on6tth-t.,-del"-,-,"*ftj,d'*Io.c.a-lauthorltV'-..sh-41.1gt-c ...tan ofth The C, -,r t C Vktiv:." AuthoriZation. .0tortifkate 4pon ..A -"'no pro-c;oidure for�ma'king, an.-AUthodzi3tiodn Ce'ttfificAtO �-h-a'!*!'*bd.ait-f.61�1'6*,si- n 6 a* - A ftiat wi tfif d Ost:f6r n Uth-& 00" Z&t. w.-MeAh, f7 h e (a) Fotia y..requ %a I tmev'! ""' th-16:eritfir " ptO - ad - an fi di `,of at tb_)W'_'* liether 6m. hm.ritV. Shia] OW j e a n th,# folfowing, requirements have been M.A. [h S'Upport- of -a One practle. a I alternalive!V' -4e .�pr-minaffon: pnot be prq, 1p-gly..'acc V) T.,.e.ba�tCf,pr.oj-go-.purpipA.e-,?c.A- prop 'q --th. .a moija r Ot. Wougld bef"ter (n _tpirnize- We: disturbah�:% p -es-p- elffe Yd "Kabitats, an -d qv_e ;iq u pootect water qvafity� Oi.)'The u -se c.annot pra.-C-t0ovillY bo r 4 -or edi4ped .1 stge vy, 0. fts, t. j -e.0- 0" yi 'd h ... Uit�_ tObetter*"M-'ini-mize*diaurbaihc pres* ii4matic --a'' abl: a .Ahct p."t-dt_6d.t_W- ti alty.' -er q U fl* e:d"'t 'b' n es ­M[bb- d If heeOst.; .0 MI ts ur - ance .0 B'" agehi e`et':*pramdb * A use atV nim z tib -dct Wat 4ijb I ft�VV- pre.serv,.e-aqu�ti,t.-Iife:a*n'dh 'jtat�,'I'an'd`O.*P.Ot er 15. Y� I lq�� I Yqq, Th,eprojecfproposestoconstruc2 pipeline.to transport natural gas from West Virginia and Pennsylvybia through --Virginia �n North Carolina. The - North --Carolina. -portion -of-the propose I I be constr ted through Northampton, Halifax, Nash, Wilson, Johnston, fl route w'/ n d�� es.onC untige,,, Theproposed prdlect will permanently impact Cur e:a'q Co t' 5 0 f ''to a u e f Protected riparian buffers in the Neuse. Piver SPps! squa 94, �7 eet 0 f t an e Tarz n Spectivly. -Dtr -.CP--­-------- A�pnrrtWthPrFERC,NEPA alysisA investigated several alternatives to meet the purpose and need of the project including, no build, alternative energy, energy conservation, and system -alternatives; of these alternatives, the build alternative best met the purpose and need of the project. Next ACP, conducted 01 extensive alternatives anab�sis on potential route locations in"cluding collocation Df the' ACP with existing pipelines as well as Eastern and' Western route alternatives. Ultimately, ACP chose the Eastern route as the best option based on an evaluation of a variety of criteria such as project length and human and natural resources. ACP continued to refine the Eastern alternative balancing a variety of human and natural environme,ntdl resources such as , 0 st public lands, roads, conservation easements f re ed lands, streams, wetlands, protected riparian buffers, known historical and cultural resources, and hom es. and businesses, Development of the proposed pipeline route included the analysis of - seventeen major route olternativa� and 3.7 minor adjustments in the North Carolina portion of the project in an effort to avoidand minimize impacts to these resources,. This analysis included pre- and post -application communication with D WR and NCWRC on avoidance and minimization opportunities. ACP has -continued to refine the avoidance and minimization practices in response to additional information requests from DWR and through envi ronmental commitments. The applicant hd.�,* demonstrated that the bask project purpose cannot be practically accom , plished in a manner that would better minimize the disturbahce� preserve aquatic life and habitat, and protect water quality. The applicant has demonstrated that the use cannot practically.be reduced in size or density, reconfigured or- redesigned to better minimize disturbance, preserve aquatic life and habitat; and protect water quality. The applicant has proposed a number -of best management practices in an- effort to minimize. -disturbance, preserve aquatic lif�eand habitat, and protect water quality including but not limited to the following; Use of temporary'w6rk bridges, matting and pads to reduce the risk ofsoll compaction Trench, backfilling using native material to prevent soil contamination and to accelerate revegetation" Pump -out. activities In the work area will be routed through an energy d Issipation/sedimentfiltration device prior to discharging to waterbodies Coating for'! concrete -coated pipe will be conducted'Ot least 100 f�et from surface waters and springs 4�: Use of horizontal directional drillingfor all majorriver crossings implementation of -a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure- plan and a Horizontal Dkiectional Drill Drilling Fluid Monitoring, Operations, and Contingency plah a Use of a prcje�ct-specific ihvasive plant species management plan 16 a t Limiting opOrdflon'%df constructi n quipment - wetid ds ta, tho 0 e in n necessary. or #4�4n­ * Stump removai rading and -'e' 0 n. -will be. /I Mx ited to t -he.. arev- Immedlately.vver g x avatio the trench, line to maintai'n--n-ative-.5eed-and-,ro-cftsreFe-k V. C G r q U. i ,e u r4 Von r. ene tif * voluntar-ItyimplemeMMg the- r me n. Pgrmlt No. N -CG01 0000 is tiedl -t ha�. gicien n t ... . .. The I that ..th'06-: Plic n tl� deowt s, rq. e, no proc --...Vth -1.6, od imp W77 act$ to bft&native that -;can &ctoh�pflsh th - p d'et, tt.� -b-tis-It poi-pbse r0j OtiotL�cted bqffo�ns. riz 1-o de 7= s Mftbo --,q-t fL- _Iii'A tt_sA0v1_d_b_b.. _zd adktiooe t in'co Po -ate r -dn ce'� thebestmana' men t pr dc''tices p­r'-o*p'os*ed-. by--.,thi'�e. Oreserve dqudtic [Ife- and habit -at Od.protect Water q . alit.k. fdrtherm"''ori.lq fhe buffer a U -of �'tote-dftod buff.dr. with.fla ing. vr h rizatibn eertificates. shouPd-1 require'. de m''Orc ation au -t .6 P 9__9 S S pri ;I or to the initiation oftonstruction-vndlimitin. � operation 6f constr uction equipment ign .9 #I idn�-- backfilling, and rs -tovnfy Mat necessary- for.cfeafing,-,exvavation� p!pe ins,tallat in. bu ff6 lres.taratldn :6.) Mitigatlan, Persoins�. wh 0 W A .to gn_4 a.ke 0' �-.ignOOd g$ 4(WWOte -wb -Ath ''04r, mitigation 's I mge' t, t.he- 1.9119,wing. -r.. e on. . d. Pm� e or tvto- ed!w spents. 01 I...ibe, pfbpos-ed usei .:alt (a) Obtain. a� determination no p --,r* ' * r he propose., se d' u kot 'Purtua nt to Item: (a) �of th,119. Rule, t t 6 15 X N C A C'.. &Z 0- M 42 1' U s.u,.a_n (b) 66-t approval.fdr-AmIti t1on A op ISANC A_C.02B.,0*-Z42-- an..d.--.-0Z-6-,0 bave-been repealedland replade-A.With 15A NCA -0O2-33402950 As dis7cu-ssed. -abipm the:qpplkant has�der-non-st-rafe-d�thatthere !s-.nq--xaeVca1 q1ternefive-ithat" �pqn_ . ganornplis- h- the - proka'� basic purp-me. ".fffi jess-:- advp�sp ,pratiected �v f07 Due- to thefiact that the main�fe..ttcfnc..e,--�,com"*dorfdr the, ose-dp' e... w. hog. a -m f pr9p 4 Btt TH -er than- '0 't -'or i mnp.aois- ore... consla6rod' ;-W, 0' -A I W."I gr e ovt -1 fieet, g1l -of btiff- 022'"j. MITIGA PON"" L!Ses:.and Sublect- t6 tk> bUffee',midgation t i�M846 t 5A. -NIC C 0 H6wev' D 6 C tS �td w- e b'u r q&(-.M1tj0ffdn tlqn. ds- 1-h e r., M rff-,! e rs n' c.us,�e pye e.equirements- and are re lated up', dOr 15A - N 0 --as. dlsi a db.. sectidn gu .(;4C*O ess. The b the. view oroc (6) of thi� 401 WQC -O'Plication 0�el i-tMoval of 'wetland are -as Within the. buffe'r. 1 -he 6P.P.1 a! at' h, v s; Propos e d,:td, Dbtain aft. ;b:uffe r inffiqa tion &edlits th rib ug'h th,' e. ih. -fee r addr6ss-e.d�&t*h'e-.­.qPP -cant. program- with:. M P Diviv'bn Smr.-Vices .(,D'M.. A lefte Is from.DMSdate Vay 4, 2W, and reneweffvn- Oc tober 6, 20"'17-StOtess 'that.-OM9.1 i4� ta. DWI '"fig U-1 qc oprpt ..p, vy w #nentfio,r the.b. ffor M. otion creajt--s�' fiov th-g --prqpqs-e- cwdano? m#h M-Liog. -t p pq r isfer the m, 109-ati6n. the -in a eL7 m mgn.t dat8d Jaly 28', 2010 go d' 15A N C-4 6012-&- 022.0�r 2z Reb-diftMen The bu ffer'-aifthadvitidn tte- 0,1-#-keitO MA.-aUtd- 'd t7 &&i� V, -0 buffer ititigatidt! in 4ed. n"'ce, With. .17 le', 9 ('0 T� 1 0 1 Ehvironm ental - Iustice One ofthe most common topic-s�bf the commenters was envi'r6nmental justice. As discussed above in the� General Comments- Section,, many comments -received expressed concerns ab -put enVironmental just -ice issues associated with pipeline's construcii-on and operation. FERC's Final Environmental Impact Statement determined, "'as a result of the proj 6 ea, n o disproportionately h.igh and a-dverse impacts on environmental justice- populations as a resuft of 9'ir quaky impacts, including* impacts associated with the proposed Compressor -S I tation . 21 would be expected as* a result -of ACP,and.SHP,. Also,. no disproportionately high and adverse 9 impacts on environmental justice populations as a- result of other resources impadswould be expe.cted.," Many commenters d*B�agreed with this determination and requested that the 401 WQC be denied basied on the potential envitonmental justice impacts. The Director oval . uates a -401 WQC applicatio h based on five- criteria including a no practical Iter ativ*6s '' alysit, minim on io surMce wbters,. an a n an izati*' of adverse irin'act�- t analysis of the p degradation of gr'oundwaters or surface waters, a- cumulative impacts analysis, and replacemient of existing uses through mitigation. Envitonmental justite is not included in th-e criteria upon which the- Director must evaluate the application.- Alfhou.gh environmental justice i's not! an. evaluation criteria, the Department has been intimately engaged with the stakeholders of North Carolina 0.rough the permitting process... On March 23,.2Of7, the. Department hosted -a stakeholder-meet.ing in Raleigh.. NCt'o'provid-e information and receive fL%edback. on the proposed pipeline project. Eight environmental organizationsi four government agencies, and a -,representative of the -Commission. of Indian Affairs -were in attendaricie. O'n July 18'and 20, 2-017 -the Department.hosted 401 WQC Application Public Hearings. This P 0 was to allow the citizens of North CarolinA'to commOnt on the certification. Notification of the public heatings was provided in accordante With 15A NCAC 02H'.0506(d) and (e).. In additio.n.-the Division of Water Resources provided notices of the hearings by mailing flyers in both, English and, Spanish to community -organizations, such as churches, governm.ent and non-t:government organizations, libraries..'etc. -On Augpst.9, 2017i the'Department participated in an b�v*"iron­rneniai -J­u_s_t_i'c_e'_ Fo__rum_ h.o*sted* by the Haliwa-Saponi. Indian Tribe and the North CarcilIna Commission of Indian Affairs.- The for.p.rn allowed an opportunity for triba ' I leaders, 'commission members, st.ate and federal regplators, an'd other stakeholders to. discuss information on the propos LM 'Atlantic CdAst pipeline. 18 Compensatory Mitigation Amount ftquired kiver A.. Buffers T301,168 (sluare feet) Ta r- Pa- in] i'd-6­ Q_2aTGX_ 318,868 (sq'uate feet) Tar-Pa'mlico -.03020101 2�5,612 ('square feet lNeusd OIOZOZ03 4861,844 (square feet) Neuse Q3020 ('0 T� 1 0 1 Ehvironm ental - Iustice One ofthe most common topic-s�bf the commenters was envi'r6nmental justice. As discussed above in the� General Comments- Section,, many comments -received expressed concerns ab -put enVironmental just -ice issues associated with pipeline's construcii-on and operation. FERC's Final Environmental Impact Statement determined, "'as a result of the proj 6 ea, n o disproportionately h.igh and a-dverse impacts on environmental justice- populations as a resuft of 9'ir quaky impacts, including* impacts associated with the proposed Compressor -S I tation . 21 would be expected as* a result -of ACP,and.SHP,. Also,. no disproportionately high and adverse 9 impacts on environmental justice populations as a- result of other resources impadswould be expe.cted.," Many commenters d*B�agreed with this determination and requested that the 401 WQC be denied basied on the potential envitonmental justice impacts. The Director oval . uates a -401 WQC applicatio h based on five- criteria including a no practical Iter ativ*6s '' alysit, minim on io surMce wbters,. an a n an izati*' of adverse irin'act�- t analysis of the p degradation of gr'oundwaters or surface waters, a- cumulative impacts analysis, and replacemient of existing uses through mitigation. Envitonmental justite is not included in th-e criteria upon which the- Director must evaluate the application.- Alfhou.gh environmental justice i's not! an. evaluation criteria, the Department has been intimately engaged with the stakeholders of North Carolina 0.rough the permitting process... On March 23,.2Of7, the. Department hosted -a stakeholder-meet.ing in Raleigh.. NCt'o'provid-e information and receive fL%edback. on the proposed pipeline project. Eight environmental organizationsi four government agencies, and a -,representative of the -Commission. of Indian Affairs -were in attendaricie. O'n July 18'and 20, 2-017 -the Department.hosted 401 WQC Application Public Hearings. This P 0 was to allow the citizens of North CarolinA'to commOnt on the certification. Notification of the public heatings was provided in accordante With 15A NCAC 02H'.0506(d) and (e).. In additio.n.-the Division of Water Resources provided notices of the hearings by mailing flyers in both, English and, Spanish to community -organizations, such as churches, governm.ent and non-t:government organizations, libraries..'etc. -On Augpst.9, 2017i the'Department participated in an b�v*"iron­rneniai -J­u_s_t_i'c_e'_ Fo__rum_ h.o*sted* by the Haliwa-Saponi. Indian Tribe and the North CarcilIna Commission of Indian Affairs.- The for.p.rn allowed an opportunity for triba ' I leaders, 'commission members, st.ate and federal regplators, an'd other stakeholders to. discuss information on the propos LM 'Atlantic CdAst pipeline. 18 10 a . . 1. . 2617 the . : L... Between- ft-gust;15 rrd ;1.7.., Oepartment, hosted ihtee Astehing.,session-s a.lbn- he 9 t h a R4 ditional-pub P -p-ropose,d_ 'lipelin obtal"'d .the Department the. NC Deportment. of Comm,erce.. NC De.-Par`tm ent- of''NWral and C-P.Itui...,fl. A-e-tources an -d the, 08 --Arm 1'neers-we*re-Pre�serit.., - .V�Corp­of On October 20_�*aff-&-2-1-,---2--0T7;- -the -)D6p0irtMLR!t- -99tt`iCiPt0d-!-ji . i*,---t.[Ti�--,Ndfth--C-�a'**'mi iina ed-Jd Environmenta Justice' Notwork's. Summit:. Thi.s.all"ow :r the bdp0rt M."en't.' td- peovide- M SUM, t he, _ tft _S�t'6.W -of t. P In additio'n to the V;6no'u*s -s't*ake'h.olde.'r-'.ibiig'A'g-.e" ents 16isted A01., me'rit7has'been. 't;e­nspa'rent* With itiz. s. who e on c en re-questLad--tosign- ti p4drth&om 4^11: n --6w- -fe 'd- Ab e., -Pr 'ect as 01 well .6s -meetings.-with th-e Commission of In-dian Affairs. The -Department has. been thorou `h ";g ittred4or the proposed Atfantit Coa�t-`Pi'p-e­line. in its. review -.Gf*the apphicailons sUbml :ry. V. 1 0: �u en, mla*.* 'the two. pq�'Vi-�c,:hqaripgs.-flocused�., P -011c c.0mmeMs concerning 4 f ' w a'lf y - fricluding.6--the 0--iffgpi&ticyn ..Ater *qu, it- cwmul-a Ve irnpaqf5,. !,9' jM!Pta 'itting processi'limpai0s jo 6`11dIffLe ik M. I cluaing dimentation aM o.rosion -,co�ntrol. the pf� Vt fl threatened ghd.-Ond8nger6d spe6as and -g"rbiu d a n*d' su �fato wat-er .9UP"p4y.,,' t `1041 rob.. A 1) Ue n t.0 the number of jSubI1c,co-fn'M­­ent-s,,- ro.driy df whic*exprressod '0 --ft t4d. _e.n. .o..n �ft e, h mw s... ja y -o m ants t K we.! d ir -tt d Of d" `d-` 'h ca.- mmt` -not' e: ev eoc m e is acioresse, -in,( ivi u 11'. DO IV I*,* ande ct, _e on. .the.c.-je!rtification decision. have. been a'd-d'res-sed i- n'. the tecommen.. a mentS� rec .As, stated. zibo'vo,a thorou gh �review of.:al.l public' com- eiv6d aind-th.-e. project recort! has-been c6n.ducted an -d ad.d'ItIbrn­aI'fhs:t--gbi- h-as-b.,een ob.t.amed th..,r.ough,--A:*t,�,-us.s.-i�o-n-s,-w-ith."Ei R -ion, i rv-f ;ft th Qppfity st., -rr-m mdat o- . -h e.,461 --'Water aff.- Based.-on-a*-11"'o.ft'h'["S.*I&hfo.rm-at it lis. rpyv --rec, g Certificatiort and g.-uffer Authorizati.on -Certificates- !be- I I ssued an.dsu0!ec'tfo. ;c pnditions included in --.the re-commeodatlons in 5 j�-n.y. [I. f h ,errecom"MY'londed--thot- WRincluot, n dftfonal.c ,::5 .6MW At th e p roj ect Wj 11. Wat a uali' *nditipns pggips. ory,-fo- ri th- _er.. ty 0 y ?4 aandards, VILe -Ap ta e-) Pond'10s (avallable: on -,ser-Mb. 41 00ft-ifildotiolh, --03 . k4t i . aft. A. M `VS -2017 401 Weitiet Q. ifty I A,*15 .a. Lzitierfic-he..Folde*r"Nam-.e,...4,.OI'App./itdtioh b'* -L j�-r` fic h -e' _Hhk�- g o V / W a t e - rR e so u r c esj.'.0 a I Z �---47, 5 T.1 a- ttgo 15/Row 5 �h -Hedocs.deamc., .6. Notice df. Pulblic.H*e-aring-s�-..;4une-.16-18,-201..7- a.i. Laserficbe"Pile-ijame': Listserve..Publ�ic-Afotjc---e..:66- 16161.7 bil La.serfiche. fihk: htt a p., ed.o*cs.d*-eg.nc.go-v/Wa-terR�!�so.u�rcL�Lg/`O'./d.(jr,.- S. 0.1. C, cotro-atton to. NWipt df P10blit H. [ea.iq - —JU hei 1.9 22,2017 e e C r .b La se Mi c h e IiJn k b-ge htto.11 e--docs..de' q. n c*.-.gO* yMaterResog rces/O/doc 88/*P,: 0 - D., Ail' 18,1017 N064pealik& sign4h �Iheet S' a, L-a:ser-f-Iche-FIlename--ACP Julyl-'8 Fayet-hM11.6-Hear1h, g n �:No * -5peaker-SignIn. Sheets. Laserfichellnk-d h'V t -D te�db C: s. d 'e ate rResources/o/doc/�5�'5'26.*-13`/��­P 0-61-agf' -q ing, go -g� E., Ady-18, 2011 Sp -list .�q4ker a aw LAserfiche, Fflename! ACP july18 Fayetteville He fina SpeakerSIgnInSheets 4. Las e-**rfiche'- link: htto !//e do cs.. d e�g. n c.g6'v/W8terResb!jrcO �/O/d 0 c/55 2 6 1 I/P age 1.as 0 Fa July 2-0, 20.17 Nbh4peaker'slign-tfi 16as a. Laset-fiche Filena'M e*.i AQJ-U1�2-Q..R-dckyMtHearing Ndn�-Spe'dkedi nlhSheet.� 9 b... U-v�dffichd-* link: http://edocs.de.g.n-c.goy/WaterR.e:sources�/`­o/­�doc/­"553245/*­PageI-,ra-s p*,x .G. july 1.0.; 2017 -Speaker list ,a,, Laserfiche Rename: ACP JuJy2,-Q_RpckYMt-Hearw** -9 SpeakerSiOnInSheets K� Laserfiche lin.k.: .http.".,//edocs;*d'-iaq.nc.go.v/W*aterReso,urcesZo/doc/55324ZLPagel.aspx lij�. July 18) -261'.I.-Oublic Hearing transcriptj including oral comments .a.. La�e'rfic%.Je FIlename; ACP Julyl8fayetteville Hearing Transcrip1s. b--., Laserrith-t NO:* htt.O:Z/e'd 6*c�. deg. nc..gov/WaterResou 'rces/Qjdoc/557323ZPage Las I., July- 20,, .7 -'Pu* blit Hearing',transtri I, including, bt-a I comments T zi Laser -fiche Fi'lename*'IL,ACP,.,Ji.j.,4i�-20r RockyMt* HedfingL ranstriph. bi Laserfiche link-,-- ,http-,-iHed*bcs.deg.nc.goy/WaterRe,s-ources/`0­/­`­doc 557322/Pa-gel.aspx L JI Written: comments received' c(qring the comment perfidd., including. -at the public hearing� a. Laserfiche. Folder Name: Public Notice Comments bi Laserfiche [ink: httP://e*docs.died.n'c.gov/WaterResources/QZfo1/­548242/­Rowl.asp.x: 20