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North Carolina Department of Environmentai Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017 September 22, 2017
pr -1
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Response to NCDEQ Reguest for Additional Information dated September 14,2017:
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Water
Resources (Division), sent a "Request for Additional Inforrnation" to Atlantic Coast Pipeline,
LLC (Atlantic), dated September 14, 2017, to address public comments from a public comment
period held by the Division between June 16 and August 19, 2017, and to address public
comments from public hearings held on July IS and 20, 2017. Consistent with a previous
request for information submitted to Atlantic dated June 28, 2017, the Division stated that
Atlantic's response to the September 14 request was necessary to process Atlantic's application
requesting an Individual Water Quality Certification�Buffer Authorization for the Atlantic Coast
Pipeline Project (ACP or Project). Atlantic has reviewed the NCDEQ request for additional
information and is providing the following responses and attached information according to the
NCDEQ request.
Each of the requests for information, as numbered in the NCDEQ request, is provided below,
followed by Atlantic's response in italics:
The project involves numerous stream crossings that have the potential to affect
downstrearn water qUality both temporarily during construction and permanently.
Your application and responses to the Division provide thorough general
descriptions of the plans for the pro�lect. however more site-specific detail is
necessary to ensure that downstream water quality is protected. Provide the
add itionalj ustification requested below:
Add a column to the Weiland and Waterbody Crossing table (appendix C- I
for each waterbody more than 30 feet in width that provides site speciflic
reasons whv each crossinc, could not be completed using the HDD method
or a conventional bore to avoid impacts to the stream channel.
A Ilantic's Response:
Atlantic reviewed waterbodies that are not already proposed to be crossed via the
HDD method or the conventional bore method that have an ordinary high water
mark width qfgreater than 30feet based onfield studies conipletedft)r the
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to hiformation Reque,,it for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 7-017
September 22, 2017
Prq1ect and idewify d two crossings that nict this criteria. Beaverdam Sivanip (it
MP 23. 1 with a width qf 45fiet and Rqfi Sivamp at AlIP 174. 0 ivith a width q1'40
.t�eta.i-eproI)osetlol)ei,icii.tcrossiiig,�. Since there are onl�,, tivo crossings atissne,
Atlantic respecffiullypresents itsjitst�fication beloiv,
Beaverdain STvamp-
Justification,lbr no TIDD:
Assianing int . in . mal elevation change hehveen the HDD ei id poin ts, a 3 6 " HDD
installation will need to be,,`a, roxiniately 1600,feet in length. This length wi/I
require an endpoint near Richneck Road, which, in turn, will require the road to
be closed during pullback (?f'the pipeline afier the HDD is complete, resulting in a
local traf
Jic detourfi)r 12-24 hours, In addition, the residences adjacent to the
site will be subjected to noise levels that arennich higher and qflonger
duration than those associated vtith conventionalpipeline constniction. Finally,
the horizontal alignment along this route is not horizontall ' y "straight
Cun,,ature within the HDD path is designed to minimize longitudinal stresses
imposed npon the pipe. Redesigning the alignment vvithin this section to achieve
acceptable carve radii,'wo uld likely4uuse the pipeline to deviate.froin the
negotiated easement bozln�aries. /"Y
Justification.for no Conventional Bore,�
In order to minimi:7e the impacts to the waterbody, sqf
.ficieni depth qfcover will
be needed. In order to achieve si�fficient depth qfcover, the installation will need
to be deep (e.g., deeper than l5jeet), resulting in deep borepits, Since the bore
pits will need to be built in saturated andlorflooded wetlands, sign�fzcant
gt-�ostclti�elkyclrostttticpresstir(--s�,villbeencoiiittei-e(l. Bore pits designed to
withstand these �vpes qfpressin-es typically require driven sheetpiling and
sign�,ficant bracing and1concrete floors,' Constniction qfthese �ypes qfbore pits
will be time Consuming and will re-vult in additional disturbances and impacts to
the local residences, especially when compared to the muchfaster, linear "cut
and cover - construction.
R aft Si va nip -
Justiftcationfi)r no HDI?, -
An HDD to avoid this water bod�y would need to be approximatelt) 4200fi�et in
length, The anticipated soil conditions conldpresent a high hydrauliefiracture
risk. Additionally, dzie to the pipeline alignment, either Shannon Road will need
to be closed duringpidlback (24-48 hours) or additional work -space to layout the
pipeline will be needed at the Point of inflection (PI) at approxiniate MP 174.6 to
September 22, 2017
Prq1ect and idewify d two crossings that nict this criteria. Beaverdam Sivanip (it
MP 23. 1 with a width qf 45fiet and Rqfi Sivamp at AlIP 174. 0 ivith a width q1'40
.t�eta.i-eproI)osetlol)ei,icii.tcrossiiig,�. Since there are onl�,, tivo crossings atissne,
Atlantic respecffiullypresents itsjitst�fication beloiv,
Beaverdain STvamp-
Justification,lbr no TIDD:
Assianing int . in . mal elevation change hehveen the HDD ei id poin ts, a 3 6 " HDD
installation will need to be,,`a, roxiniately 1600,feet in length. This length wi/I
require an endpoint near Richneck Road, which, in turn, will require the road to
be closed during pullback (?f'the pipeline afier the HDD is complete, resulting in a
local traf
Jic detourfi)r 12-24 hours, In addition, the residences adjacent to the
site will be subjected to noise levels that arennich higher and qflonger
duration than those associated vtith conventionalpipeline constniction. Finally,
the horizontal alignment along this route is not horizontall ' y "straight
Cun,,ature within the HDD path is designed to minimize longitudinal stresses
imposed npon the pipe. Redesigning the alignment vvithin this section to achieve
acceptable carve radii,'wo uld likely4uuse the pipeline to deviate.froin the
negotiated easement bozln�aries. /"Y
Justification.for no Conventional Bore,�
In order to minimi:7e the impacts to the waterbody, sqf
.ficieni depth qfcover will
be needed. In order to achieve si�fficient depth qfcover, the installation will need
to be deep (e.g., deeper than l5jeet), resulting in deep borepits, Since the bore
pits will need to be built in saturated andlorflooded wetlands, sign�fzcant
gt-�ostclti�elkyclrostttticpresstir(--s�,villbeencoiiittei-e(l. Bore pits designed to
withstand these �vpes qfpressin-es typically require driven sheetpiling and
sign�,ficant bracing and1concrete floors,' Constniction qfthese �ypes qfbore pits
will be time Consuming and will re-vult in additional disturbances and impacts to
the local residences, especially when compared to the muchfaster, linear "cut
and cover - construction.
R aft Si va nip -
Justiftcationfi)r no HDI?, -
An HDD to avoid this water bod�y would need to be approximatelt) 4200fi�et in
length, The anticipated soil conditions conldpresent a high hydrauliefiracture
risk. Additionally, dzie to the pipeline alignment, either Shannon Road will need
to be closed duringpidlback (24-48 hours) or additional work -space to layout the
pipeline will be needed at the Point of inflection (PI) at approxiniate MP 174.6 to
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017 September 22, 2017
provide a st(zging areafin- the pullbaek section, If the pullback section is
fiibricated on the westside, then either Snipes Road ivill need to he closed during
pullback (48-96 hours) or several pullback strings and nniltiple niid-Tvelds ivill be
required, thus inereasing risk Qfrcjected welds that ivoukl require repair to
unacceptable levels, Finally, there are residences a(#acclit to where the HDD
equip,unent ivould be setup, which would be subjected to noise levels that are tnuch
higher and qflonger duration than those associated with conventiOnal pipeline
Justijlcationfi)r no Conventional Bore:
In order to ininitnife the impaets to the ivaterbody, sqfficient depth o 'eovcr will
be needed. 171 order to achieve sqfficient depth (�I'cover, the installation vt,,ill need
to be deep (e.g., greater than 15,fi�et), resulting in deep bore pits. Since the bore
pits need to be built in saturated andlorflooded wetlands, sign�.'ficant
geostatic1hydrostatie pressure,�- will be encountered. Bore pits designed it)
withstand these types (#'pressures 07.,fically require driven. sheetpiling and
significant bracing and concretefloors. Construction (#'these lypes qfbore pits
�+-ill be nine consuming and ivill result in additional disturbances and inyxicts to
the local residences especially when compared to the much.faster, linear "cut and
cover " Construction,
b. Many crossings are proposed to be installed using tile open CLIt method that
do not rnake accommodations for the vork to be completed in tile dry or
\,k lthOLlt CXPOSUre to ilo,,N, i nor water.
i, Provide a SltC-SpMI-1C'jUStification for not %korkino in the dry and a
crossino plan for each open cut crossinL-,s proposed. These plans
should include turbidit,, curtain locations. and upstrearn/dwv�nstream
water qualit� sampling locations for turbidit'� and total dissolved
solids (Sam [in,, I -or total dissolved solids is only required within
p I =4
\Vater SUPPIv Watershed areas).
Atl(OWC'S Response
A Ilainic is i i,,orkin- to ma.ke )'nodifications to die erosion u) -id seditnent
controlth-avvings al proposed open cia locations and t,ril/ provide updaied
c ka) 14n Illy and a response bi-Scptcinber 29, 201
11 -
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017 September 22, 2017
ii. Your 12. 210 17 response to the Division indicated that the open
cut method was proposed for several crossinos due to the presence of
iflUridated �ketlands, Many of these wetlands do not appear to be
irlUnclated based on aerial photograplix and identification ora discrete
channel b� the fleld SUrvev. Provide dOCI-linentation that the adjacent
�\,etlands are inundated beyond the discrete channel for each of these
Ailantic 's Rc,spoiise.-
Atlantic reviewed wetlands a(�jacent to the 27 waterbody crossings that wer(--,
listed in Table 4 qfthe July 12, 2017 response document as crossings that noted:
- This is an inundated ivetland with a waterbo.�y channel contained i'vithin the
wetland and vt,,ill therefore be treated as a tvetland crossing during construction
,following thc FFRC Procedures. " Sixteen ofthese crossings inchided ad�acenl.
ivetlands with hydrologv indicators that demonstrate inundation during the
growing season or where photos indicate that standing water was present at the
time (Y'thefield study. Datasheets jbr the 16 wetlands are included in, Appendi-YA,
Datashects.1br the remaining I I waterbodies ident�fied in Table 4 of the Jn1v 12,
2017 response document cis waterbodies with ac�jacent inundated wetlands �vhcre
reviei�ved b - v Atlantic, and field conditions documented (it the time qffleld studies
ivere not in inzin dated. Thus, datashects.f6r these areas not inchided.
Furthermore, Atlantic has conductedfiti-ther review of these I I waterbodilus and
determined that the construction method to cross can be changed,l�om the
previously proposed open cut to a dry crossing where perceptible flo-ti, exists
using either a dam andpump orflume crossing method_for these crossings,
U'aterhodies changingfirom, open cut to dam andpump orfliane include:
0 sh 1h 0 08- MP 2 0. 1
• stvioO01-JUP
67, 7
• swio002-
MP 67.8
• sivioOO.)--
,VfP 69.3
• si+4013-
MP 70.9
• sivio011-,VP
• svvioO12-- MP 71, 0
• VopOOl- MP 84� 6
• sjoo003--- Y11P 85,9
• sjob003- MP 103.9
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Departtiierit�-if'Eri�iroiiiiieritaI Quality
Response to InformatiOrl Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017
,�, 11 11,
0 ssaoOOI-MP1169
September 22, 2017
iii . Your JUIN 12. 2017 response to the Division aiso stated that utilizing
a dry rnethod for several strearn crossings �,\ OLI]d result in More
impact for a longer duration. Provide an explanation of the additional
impact and duration ofthe impact compared to LISino a dr" method,
includino specific plans shovvin- the additional impact.
Atlantic 's Resj��onse:
The wwterboflies in the July 12, 2017 i-ev�onse whereAtlal7liC nolecl hat a (hy
cl-ossinlg woulel I-CSI(II in 11101-e U 10111(,le7- (110'(WO11 al -C i,7tCI-MittCIIt
slreams that (.-u-e 3 to 9ftel wi(L lu accoi-&n7ce i�t'ith the FERC Pi-oceclures, in-
sti,eatn consti,tiction aclivities at each o0hese crossnig will be limite(l to -74
hours. The equiInnent use(I to excavate the trench wil/ he ol)ei-atedftont one oi-
both banks qfihe 11'UteI-bO(1Va17CI Will not operate in thesti,eam
itself 7"eI77j)oI-a;-V Siflecast rnate�-ial cxcavatc(,Ifi�(wn the ty-ench will be placcel on
the bank above the hio-h i-i-afei- mai-li (at least I Ojeetfi-oin the e(k,,e o 'i.he
watei). Uye (�fa &-,j; crossing methoct at these localions woulel i-equh-e
u(Nitional lifne (1176k',��wearn be(llbank iinpactsl to acconuno(late the installation
aw/ 1-etnoval (Y'the inatei-ials neede(I to isolate thefloir�, of the sti-eani (e.g-
flumes, san(lbagi�). Due to the .size ofthese ci-ossingy, it I'Va,S' (letel-Mil7Cd that
the oj)en-cut crossing inethotl woult/ have the least iinjuact mi thcsti-canis wul
use qfa (,by crossing n7ethoel wou/c/ not reduce oveiwll eavironmental imj)aets.
iv, Both dam and pump and flurne method are listed for many strearn
crossings. Provide the criteria for selecting one method over the
other, including �,kho �,Ol make the decision and when the decision
N"' will be made.
Allontic'S Resj)onse:
The cwossing methocl is clej)enclent on the streftin conchlions at the limc of
ci-ossin(T The cktin an(I methoa� wi/I be zlse4l (a streoins i-viih a lot.t,el�
flow I -ale fit the (itne (�fel-ossing �vhei-e 1.)wn[)s ean be efteciivelv usect to
transl�,i- the i�slafer allouncl the w,oi-kyace an(,1j.)i-ov0e itninterruj.,)teclflow.
Theflulne Ineilloa' will be use(l al strewns with lot��rerflow rwes ot (he iinw
ofcrossing or i,rhei-e cannol be on the banks, The
environmeim'd insj)ectoi-s wot-king ivith the site sor 1�1111
nzake the tleie7-ininafion on the n7ethofl to eml-VoY. Because
Atlantic Coast Pitielitle
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification Sepierriber 22, 2017
Dated September 14, 21017
tlischargcl rclles' be predicted at this time, the deCiSion will
be intale al the lime o fcrossi"g
V. The typical diagrams for each strearri crossing method indicate that a
temporary hridge xvill be installed "if needed'". Provide the criteria to
. a ternporar% bridge be needed. If a teniporarN
determine it'
bridge isn*t needed, explain hwN eqUipMent OPerate v\ ithoUt
crossing back and Forth within the stream channel.
.-Itlatuic's Re.s-I)o"se:
Teml)(irary bridges' (Ire jj,�e(l �tj (,, 111iijoriii, (�fi.he streani crossin,�o: to (11101"
eqIliptneni and Crews 1(.) irwve al(mg the right qfji,�(jy in a logical inanner.
-t,jrj� im fit
Atlantic will install teml)w Ycs cil eih`,�treams that cun accom e
a single ,s-j,)un or shy'll)IC
Streaui cro,ssi",t where the bank-,; ore cjecp�j,, irjei��e(/ (In(] narrow vrould be
W7 cxany)le where a bric�gc ki�oidel not be used. In thi.y case the
,lbrm the ii.wrkftotn the banks hY reaching
cxcavatiorl equil)rneill wouhlper
into the vt,uterhociv.
-ovide construction drawings. inClUdino constrUCtion sequencin, Cor
vi, Pi 1 Z71
the Neuse River crossing.
A dantic will utilize the HDD method to cross the Netise River.
c. Provide a restoration plan for all stream crossings. This can be accomplished by
providing a site-specific plan for each crossing, or by providing a typical
restoration plan for each different type of restoration (e.g., restorat on of
preconstructi.on contours, laying back banks on incised streams, or placement of
riprap to ensure streambank stability where the conditions at the crossing warrant
this protection) and assigning which restoration plan will be used at each stream
Atlantic's Re.,q?onse:
Atlantic has provideti ti ical (letails clepiefing standard ivaterbo(jj, cro.�Sin
restoration am] reslorutioT? Ofwuterbodies ivith rij)raj) stahili.:atioll
13). The lipe qfrc,qoj-ejjjoj-j to be pei'-fin-med al each ttwierbocIv
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Departi-nentol-Eii,,iroiiiiientaI Quality
Response to ftiforniation Request for 401 Water Quafi�v Certification
Dated September 14, 2017 September 22. 2017
crossimy ill 'VOrth ('Urolina iv to be Tipe I'fin- till ivwerboaiie,�.
7), -pe I resioralion it Ill inVolVe ShlikkIrat I-CSIOI'(lIiol7 077a' �Yh1bili--alioll (Y1'
slrewli bu"ks� Tipe 2 restoraii0n, as (lepi(Vect in Me tipical eirawirig,
on/v be zisc(l i stubiliZation (�I'u ivaferho�lv
tt.ye qfriprap oi- geolgri4l inalerial along Me ban�.S-.' Rock riprap or gcogricl
inalerials woukl not he piacca' beloti,- the plane o0he orclinor'.v high
d, Provide a plan to monitor a] I stream and wetland restoration through two growin(y
seasons once ve(yetation is established. Explain your method for deterrnining
whether the success criteria provided. in your application are met.
.-Ithintie's ResI.wnse
A dantic will nionitor wellanit restoration for three vears after construction, tvhich
is required by the Federal Enerjgj� Regidaton,, Commission 's (FE- RQ JVetland and
Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Proee(hires, Section VTA 4-6, which
" Wetland revegetation shall be considered succes#id �f till qfthe-tbIlowing
criteria are satisfied. -
a. the aj
.fected wetlandsatisfies the current,federal dqfinitionfi)r a
wetland (i.e., soils, ky(Irolog a
,y, anely,��gct, tioq);
b. vegetation is at least 80 percent qfeither the cover elocumen tedfi)r the
wettand prior to construction, or at least 80percent QI'the cover in
acijacent wetkind areas that were not disturbed by construction,,
c� �fnatural rather than. active revegetatiol'7 ivas uset-1, the plant species
coinigosition is consistent with early successional wetlellulplant
coinnninifies in the tif
,)�,cted ecoregion: and
J invasivespecies and noxious weeds are abseni, unless they are
abundarit in adjacent areas that were not disturbed bY construction.
Within 3 Years afier eonstruetion,filc a report with the Secretary iden4)54ng the
statils qfthe wetland revegetation effi)rts and documenting success as cle
filled in
section VI.D.5, above. The requirenient to.file wettand restoration reports with
the Secretary J`oes not apply to projects constructed under the antoinatic
authorization, prior notice, or atIvance notice provisions in the FERC 's
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Departniertt of Environmeyital Quality
ReSPOT)se to Information Request for 401 N)Vater Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 20 17
For an -v ivetland where revegetation is not success-fitl tit the end o.0 Years qftcr
construction, develop and intpleawnt (in cons ultation with a prq/��ssional wetland
ecologist) a rernedial revegetation plan to active1v revegetate wetlands, Continue
revegetation (ftbrts andfile a report annually documenting progress in these
i,vctlands until vvetland rcvegetation is successfid. "
In addition, Tvaterbodv bank restoration ivill be nionitored according to the FERC
Erosion Control, Reveg
,etation, and Maintenance Plan (FERC Plan),
Section VII.A. I and VII.A. 4, which reqnires that A dantic:
1. Conditctfi)llo1+--i.tp inspections q1'all disnirbed areas, as necessarv, to
delerinine the success qfrevcgetation and address landowner concerns.
At a tninimuni, conduct inspections ajier thefirst (Ind second growing
2� Reveggetation in non-agricultural areas shall he
itpon visitalsurve ' 1; the densitv and cover qfnon-nuisance vegetation are
sinii1ar in densil ' v and cover to adiacent undisturbed lands. IT?
agricultural areas, revegetation shall be consideredsuccessfid when
upon vi sual snrve-v, crop growth and vigor are sitnilar to at�jaccnt
undisturbed portions qfthe saniefield, unless the easetnent agreement
spccities other-tvise. Continitc revegetation eftbrts until revegetation is
3. (This itein, is not applicable to ivaterhodv bank restoration)
4. Restoration shall he considered -vncces#id �fthe right-qf-wa.v su�fitce
condition is shnilar to adjacent undistarbed lan&:, construction debris is
reinoved (unless otherwise approved by the landowner or land managing
agency per section VA. 6), revegetation is sueces,�1111, and proper
drainage has been restored.
There are numerous places throug out the application where qualifiers are used when
citing methods to protect water quality (e.g., may, as appropriate, as near as practical,
where feasible, when needed, etc.). Propose a standard method and provide Justification
for each variation from the standard for each waterbody crossing not using the standard
.411(twie's Response:
A tlantic can provide thefi)llovving clarffication as to the ttse qf'standard inethods
Mid ivhen deviations nwv be necessary
01% Atlantic Coast Pipeline
0% North Carolina Department of Environmental Quahty
Response to hirormation Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
0% Dated September 14, 20 17 September 22, 2017
Thesupplemenial infin-mution to the application states that "bridges 'Inav'
include clean rock 11 over culverts, thy-iber mats supported kv n cs r ilcal
float appartaitses, or other qpes qfspans. " For clarification,
A tlantic ivi/l use clean rock over ezilverts.f6r access across the mqjoritv of'
streams croSsed by the pipeline that tire othervvise
04 _�_w_uzalv t be crossed ky a
01% single timber mat bric(ge. Timber niats supported �yjhnnes ivi/l be ased.lin-
access across streanu crossed �y the pipeline that have too much , 17mv fi)r itsc
01% clean rock over culverts, lRailcar beds will be usedfi)r access across streams
crossed by the pipeline that are greater than 40,1eet �,vide and cannot
0% ... .... . acconnnodate (I Center support. I tTimber mars will be usea"Ibr access across
smaller streams crossed by the pipeline where a Sh7gle mat can span the width
thestream. Fle�v�floatapparatitses are notproposed. No other types ofspans are
10% The sitpplemental in1brination to the application states that "waterpumps.fbi-
01% withdraiving hydrostafic test water, I nuq'need to be operated continuousIv, on
the banks of wal.erbodics and 'mtg' require re
fi teling in place. " A tlan tic has
identified the need to operate water pumps continuous�y, thereky requiring that
refilcling occur ivithin 100jeet qf'ivaterbodies. Pumps would be rqfiteled in
Secondary coi7teiittiiieizt,vtitictiii,es and,ffiel WOUld 170t be stored it.,ithin 100fi�et q/'
the edge (Y'the ivaterbody or adjacent ivetlantls�
The supplemental illtbrination to the application states that -stream banks will
then be restored, -*Ws near asprootical,, -to preconstruction conditions and
o, v
stabilized. " A tlaillik its let'! the " ju � Ii car as praetical ' G reflect theftict
q a _�Ier as'h'
that some streambanks cannot, or shoult-I not, be put back to preconstruction
contours. In instances where streambanks arc incisedprior to construction,
Atlantic Y-vouldgrade the banks to a stable slope and taper the new contours into
the ac�jacent, undisturbed conditions otitside olt"the right-(#4vqy cis part qf'
restoration qf'streambanks.
The stipplemental infimnation to the application states that "StabiL7ation
measures will include seeding, installation of erosion control blankets, or
installation of ripral) materials, 'as appropriate', " Atlantic Plans to utilife
stan(hird restoration measures with erosion control blankets. ff�vaterbotIv.17ow
fi)rces require greater stabilization, Atlantic would itse riprap or a geogrid �Vpe
material, cis ontlitted in response to item I. c, above.
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Cerlification
Dated September 14, 2017
September 22, 1-017
The supplemental iqftwmalion to the cipplication states that "a limited (imonnt of
stump rcinoval an(ligrading 'may'be conducted in other areas ifreqiilred b -v
sqf�4,, related issues, - At m,-etlantls crossingi� where the lan(iscapc is not level or
conditions exist that prevent the level application of timber mats over ivetlands
soils, solne stump removal may he necessary, in order to pro(hice 41 level and sqte
travel corridor anelprevent equi . pmen(froin sliding q/ n
iber mals, The
re717011fIl ofstumps lVould occur on an as needed basis to slipport sq/�,
construction and not (is a standam1practice. Coiiclitionsit.,illbeasse,v,ve(l(iiiriiig
construction to deterntine where stump retnoval is required.
3. Provide a list of the drinkina water well testing parameters.
Atl(tniic's Rcspoii.,w:
If" iter ivells within I iO-
It qfihe limit (#Wisturbuncc (LOD) aresu,,nple(l (,m I
leste(I'lbr pH, tolal su,�pcncle(.l soflcls', tolul &,ssolvedsolicls, conchictivitY,
�.dkalinitv, sullaies, oil grecise, phen.Olic, iron, rnctng�mesc,
o1nminziln, jecal colilorm, copper, lea(l, Wckel, silver, 111alliIIIII, Zine,
chromium, arsenic, inercur.1", selenium, C'J411,7,0e, calciIIIIII mugnesilfm�
harelness. ehlori�lcs, ciatimonY, cadmium, itml berIvIlium.
4. Provide the locations and rate of discharge of hydrostatic test water.
Athimic's Response:
The table behm, provi(Ics the nlilel)osl locution, ra/e o/ (IiScheirgel una' t1pe
o I'hvt1rostalic lesi thtit will gen.erate the (.Iischurg-e water 0,nainline or HDD
e.h-ill selginepil).
Hydrostatic Test Discharge Locations by Milepost, Rate of Discharge and
Source of Hydrostatic Test water in North Carolina
AP -2
Rqle��()JDke r c
kwalAUSLI2 e) - m in I I te
Hveirostatic T—est Tvpe
0. 00
5 0 0 0
Mainfine Hreb-otest
5000 gm,)
Mainh�ie Hidroiev
Y) ��)m
HDD Preiest
.5000 qml
500L) a wn
Mainline Hwirmest
5000 gpm
zvfainfillc PAWrotest
1500 y
, L)m
HDD llret��st
Hydrostatic Test Discharge Locations by Milepost, Rate of Discharge and
Source of Hydrostatic Test water in North Carolina
AP -2
Rqle��()JDke r c
kwalAUSLI2 e) - m in I I te
Hveirostatic T—est Tvpe
0. 00
5 0 0 0
Mainfine Hreb-otest
5000 gm,)
Mainh�ie Hidroiev
Y) ��)m
HDD Preiest
.5000 qml
Vlainfine Metrotesi
500L) a wn
Mainline Hwirmest
5000 gpm
zvfainfillc PAWrotest
1500 y
, L)m
HDD llret��st
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated Septern ber 14, 21) t 7 September 2-1- 210 17
Tahle I
Hydrostatic Test Disehafge Locations by Milepost, Rate ol'Discharge and
Soterce of lb'dii-ostatic Test water in A"Orth Carolina
Raie oLL)Lychqi��Le
4LI=/If)jIS,j2eJ- Ofint'le)
Hvth-ostatic Tesi Tvne
5000 gInn
Mainline I-hdl-olesl
1500 awp
HDD Pi-elest
"Wainfine HVdi-olesT
5000 gx)m
Mainline Hvdivies(
1500 gpn�--
HDD Netest
5000 gpin
iWaildine Hwh-ofesf
1500 &�Lin
HDD Pjwc,�t
75� 70
.5000 g2m
ttainline Hildi-oi.est
5000 gypin
Vainh"e HI'(11-olest
HDD Preiest
.5000 g2m
.14ainfine Hveh-oleyl
&K 68
5 0 0 0 'J" Tn'
Mtlilllil7e Hv(It-otest
Mainhne Hvd)-olesi
93 80
Mainline Hydiviest
5000 awn
ffainhne Hvch-ol.esi
Mainline Hvdf-otesf
121� 10
5000 gl2m
"Vainflne HwIrolest
5000 IL2in
Nfaildine Hvdmtest
;Wainline I&dl-ofest
5000 ZLai
Mainline Hi-di-otest
Mainline Hvdrolest
Mainline Hydrotest
HDD Piwest
5000 ZL)171
1141intille Hrdrotcst
5000 gfw
Vamline Hvdmk-�w
5000 gj)"I
iifainflne Hvdwle�si
Lkinhne Hwkotest
5000 2m
Mainli)w I-hdrofesl
AP -3
MI'litiline Hvdrolesl
5. The Division received numerous comments expressing concerns over potential
sedimentation and turbidity from the construction of the pipeline. The Division
understands from the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) that
the proposed pipeline has submitted two Sediment & Erosion Control Plans for review
AtIantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Intonnation Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017
September 22, 2017
(one for Northampton, Halifax, Nash, Wilson, and Johnston Counties, on for Sampson,
Cumberland, and Robeson Counties), but there may be an exemption from NPDES
Storinwater permitting.
a. Provide all Sediment & Erosion Control plans for the project using the following
link: https:/�,edoes.deg.nc.Rovi'Fom-ts/S.uppleiiiental-Infc)rm.at.lon�Fon-n.
Atlantic's Response:
'�editnenl and Erosion Control plans ivere uploaded.1br the A CP in A"orth
Carolina to the iveb-link provided, on&,plember 20, 2017. The uploa�,'Icd
'files include the application materials that -were submitted to the NCDEQ
DEMLR Raleigh and Favetteville re ional qffices on 13 March 2017 (rev 1)
and revised application materials that ivere submitted to the Raleigh and
Fay,etteville regional qffices on 28 August 20 17 (r e v 2).
b. Provide an overview of the sediment and erosion control measures you plan to
implement as part ot youSechment & trosion Control Plan, including it there are
any measures or steps you plan to voluntarily take above the minimum
requirements (e.g., implementing the requirements in Section ILB of the
NCGO 10000 Construction Stormwater General Permit, etc.).
AtIontic's Response. -
The erosion ondsediment control measures ident�fied,fi)r use on the Prqject
were selected in accordance with the requirements in the FERC Plan and
Procedures, and the iVorth Carolina Erosion and,'�edimenl Control
Planning and Design Manual. The baseline erosion and sediment control
measures include temporary andpermanent waterbars, trench plugs, belted
silt retention ftmces and coir logs.
In addition to the baseline erosion and sediment control measures, Atlantic
has committed to implementing enhanced erosion and sediment control
measures at 89 waterbodylivetland crossings ident�fied as sensitive b - y the
U,S� Fish and Wildl�f� �ervice (U,5FWS). Spee�fical�v, compostfilter sock
will be utilized a/ these waterbodj, crossings instead qf the baseline erosion
and sediment control measure (i. e., belted silt retentionftnce). Compost
filter sock is general1j) recognized as having siperiorstespended solids
,filtering and removal e
fficienev as compared to most sediment barrier
technologies and is ojien used.1br protection Q1'exceptionall-high qualitv
environmental resources. The 1,t,,aterbodv/uetland crossings to recei . ve
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to hiformation Request for 40 1 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017
September 22, 2 0 17
711bic 2
ff"werbot�OVetland Locatioits Where Enhanced Erosion wid Sedinuent Confrol Measures tire
Plairized in Norrh Carolina
Project Seginewl
Ot que ID
420st i
A a-sh
A as/?
5 S
� A I'io Tar River
59 1
f A / Io Tur River
-5 t). I
I A Tto Tar River
I cW Ravi-
snuoO I I
LAI lo lar Ro:er
11 il�of?
6,'�. 3
(,.\I to Afarsil S;l
sit io(,)03
11 fl'yo)l
() 9� /
I [ A T I�o I 1d)-sAl Sti
sil ioO04
t A /' to I lors;l S�I mnj)
It i�SO)7
6 9� 5
1 \ T to I forsh Sivall7j)
) w iotw(i
11, il's o)?
0 �
JLrsh swany-)
S11 i000-
�0 4
\ Tfo Ilarsh Swany)
70 5
�,A Tfo 11arYhSvrarPq)
-1) t)
1 to klary/7 Sw(wy)
sit ioO 13
if lison
I /() tlarsh Swoplv
-I ()
Z to I larsh Siramj_�
si-ivoO i 2
U\ Tlo Cowerwleo Crec4
It I/Son
-2, 3
Tio Comewilect Creek
S1 vic 00 1
t -1-10 Cmtrewwa
ic-00 I
11 il"),on
t A Tto Coniewwa Crccli
Wil.s ov,
I.A Tio �'owcwizcw Creck
i I il.� oil
1 AT to ('onlenowet ( 'rc,,k-
S"I iblOO
A T Io C.mlemwea Crcck
- 1.
1 AT lo ( (wlc�vlwa ( 'ecek
�11 i17( )00
-4 4
7" to Hieckl7orn Brcmcii
SVI, i0t) I
Tio Biec�lwrii Branc;?
\1 to Blwk�ldwll Brunci?
S 1 0
I to Lwi-c-Riv"r
� -1 0
VA TO) LHIL, Rivei-
�j . o13003
�S2 5
A Tw little River
Little River
,� 1,
- 6
A T(o Litle Rivcr
Ao�?c crc),�)M
�3� 4
UA 7' lo Bliffido Creek
�ioc 005
'J i
(,A Y to BWfillo Creck
Johr)s(o,l 1
84. �
S 4. 6
Tw Br(Inch
84. - i
1, A I 1 10 8� Branch
1� 5 � 9
7' to Little (''reck
�S�, . o0003
8 (). -i
IjIlle Creck
98, �
A c, Ilse River
sli ob 10 -�
110 6
Parker ponc!Nwamr) Joltil 1\
1-54� 7
Caj)c FeLv- River
11'otc�vbotA \,tme cis 'A oize cro.�,wtl reorc'Se;ll. IoL"Ilifins 411�mg I/le Plf-)cline
�[ �111 1,01er" enhuf1c,"i ej-(,�,Swn wO SV(ffijlcW contro; 117C'MOVS I'vill he ro
Off'P�171-(Y , lr(o I-voler resOlirceA.
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 2017
September 22, 2017
6. The Division requires additional information regarding cumulative impacts. It is
important to note that an analysis of cumulative impact is required regardless of whether
these projects are separate from the ACP, not within ACP's purview or undertaken by
entities other than ACP.
a. Provide a map of the proposed pipeline showing all existing transmission
pipelines and their associated distribution points in North Carolina.
Atlanlic's Response:
A map depicting existing transmission pipelines (based on GIS datafiroin a
commercial vendor, REXTA G) and the proposed,4CP in North Carolina is
provided as.4ppendix C. Distribution points along the existing systems, other
than metering and regulCiting stations along the existing Transcontinental Gas
Company system in ivesfernVorth Carolina, ivhich are included on thefigure,
are not readil-v available.
b. Provide the shapefiles for the proposed pipeline route,
Allantic's Response:
A shape
file of the proposed pipeline route with mileposts in North Carolina has
been provided to NCDEQ cis a ZIP -file attachment to an email sent to Ms.
Jenn�f�r Burdette on September 20 2017.
c. The application indicates Metering and Regulation stations will be constructed in
Johnston, Cumberland, and Robeson Counties. Provide a qualitative cumulative
impacts analysis for these counties. Refer to the Division's Cumulative Impact
Policy for 401 and Isolated Wetland Permitting Program (Ver 2. 1, dated April 10,
N 2004) for guidance, available online:
]'Policies Guides Manuals/CurmilativelmpactPoIjiz �.df
Atlantic 's Response:
\6 Atlantic is working to complete a qualitative cumulative impacts analysisfi)r
\0 the counties ivith zVetering and Regulation stations, and will provide the
updated f inaNsis by, September 29, 201
d� Based on the Division's review, the proposed pipeline will cross Moccasin Creek
[27-53�(0.5)1 in Johnston County, which is a 303d stream impaired for benthos.
Atlantic Coast Pipeline
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Response to Information Request for 401 Water Quality Certification
Dated September 14, 20 � 7
September 22. 2017
The proposed pipeline will also cross just upstream of the following 303d
i. Stony Creek [2S -68b] in Nash County, which is impaired for benthos and
dissolved oxygen;
ii . Tar River [28-(36)b] in Nash County, which is Impaired for dissolved
iii. Mill Creek [27-52-(I)b] in Johnston County, which is impaired for
dissolved oxygen.
Based on past concurrent construction projects, provide a quantitative cumulative
impact analysis from construction activities for the 4 watersheds listed above.
Alternatively, provide a commitment to implement the requirements in Section
II.B. of the NCGO 10000 permit, or other similar additional best management
practices, in these 4 watersheds.
Aduntie'�s ResI)onse:
�4 d(nitic coininits to implementing the requirements in Section II, B qf"thc
NCGO10000permit in these 4
Atlantic has provided these responses and will provide the remaining responses by September
29, 2017, within 30 days from September 14, 2017, per NCDEQ's request for additional