HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Wetland & Waterbody Construction & Mitigation Procedures_20130501MAY 2013 VERSION "88 I-jjzs,r STREEI NI [.',, NVASI IJINCTON' DC 20426 N.Vww. FF I RC.(,ic)v FEDERAL ENUcy RECLIUVI'ORY CONIMISSION " OHICEOF FNLI�CV PROJLCTS IM " I cal -9161 11bg 9 u L APPLICABILITY ... - ............................................. I 11. PRECONSTRuc-nON FILING .................................. 3 111. ENVIRONME�4TAL INSPECI-ORS ...... --.— .... ....... —4 IV PREG0Ns,rRUCTION PLANNING ................ ............ 5 V. WATERBODY CROSSINGS ....................... - ....... - 8 A.NOTIFICATiON PROCEDURES AND PERMITS ................. 8 B.INS'I'A],[.,V]'ION .............................................................. 8 1. Time Window for Constructiori .................... ......... 8 2. Extra Work Areas .... ..... ........... ....... 3, General Crossing Procedures 4. Spoil Pile Placement and Control ........... ... 10 5. Equipment Bridges ......... ..... --- .... ..... 11 6. Dry -Ditch Crossing Methods... ............................. 12 7. Crossings of Minor Waterbodies ........ ........... ..... 15 & Crossft-igs of Intermediate Waterbodies ... ........... 16 9� Crossings of Major Waterbodies .... ... — .......... 16 10. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control ......... 17 11, Trench Dewatefing...,—,,.,....,, ..... ...... i- 18 C.RFSTORATION .... -- ..... ---- --- ....... ................. 18 D.Posl'-CONSTRLIC.-TION V1. WLTLAND CROSSINGS ....... -- ................. 21 A.GENERAI ... — ... — .......... ............................................... 21 13. INS'IALLATION ............................................................ 23 1, Extra Work Areas and Access Roads .................. -.23 2. Crossing ProcedUres ... ............................ ........... -.24 3. Temporary Sediment Control ............................... 26 4. Trench Dewatering ................. ........... ............. 27 (IRESTOR/mON... ........ - .... -- ......... ............................. 28 D.POST-CONS'IRUCHON MAINTENANCE & REPORTING-- .... ............. ........ ---29 V11, HYDRomnc TESTING. ....... ........ 31 A.NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES AND PERMITS ........ -- 31 B. GENE.RAL ... ---- ............................................... -... 32 C.INTAKE SOURCE AND RATE ............. ... — 32 D.DISCIIARCF LOCKHON, MFTUOD, AIND RATE 33 wE,rLANF) AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) 1. Appi.]CABILITY A. The intent of these Procedures is to assist project sponsors by identifying baseline mitigation measures for minimizing the extent and duration of project -related disturbance on wetlands and waterbodies. Project sponsors shall specify in their applications for a view FERC authorization, and in prior notice and advance notice filings, any individual measures in these Procedures they consider unnecessary, technically infeasible, or unsuitable due to local conditions a nd ful ly descri be a ny afte rnative measures they would use, Project sponsors shall also explain how those alternative measures would achieve a comparable level of mitigation. Once a project is authorized, project sponsors can request further changes as variances to the measures in these Procedures (or the applicant's approved procedures). The Director ofthe Office of Energy Projects (Director) will consider approval ofvariances Upon the project sponsor's written request, if the Director agrees that a variance; provides equal or better environmental protection; 2. is necessary because a portion of these Procedures is infeasible or unworkable based on project -specific conditions; or 3. is specifically required in writing by another federal, state, or Native American land management agency for the portion of the project on its land or under its jurisdiction, M AY 20 1 3 VERM 0 N Sponsors Of projects planned for construction under the automatic authorization provisions in the FERC's regulations must receive written approval for any variances in advance of construction.. Pioject-related impacts on non-wetiand areas at(, addressed in the staff's Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance [liar) (Plan). 1. "Waterbody" includes any natural or artificial stream, river, Or drainage with perceptible flow at the tiffle Of crossing, and other permanent waterbodies such as ponds and lakes: a. "minor waterbody' includes all waterbodies less than or equal to 10 feet wide at the water's edge at the time. of crossing; b� 'intermediate waterbody" includes all waterbodies greater than 10 feet wide but less than or equal to 100 feet wide at the watel"S edge at tire time of crossing; and c, 'majorwaterbody " includes all waterbodies greater than too feet wide at the water's edge at the time of crossing. 2. 'Wetland" includes any area that is not in actively cultivated or rotated cropland and that satisfies tire requirements of the current federal methodology for identifying and delineating wetlands. WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCUON AND mrrIGA'n0N PROCEDURES (PROCEDIARES) 11. PRECONSTRUC710N FiLING A. The following information must be filed with the Secretary of the FERC (Secretary) prior to the beginning of construction, for the review and written approva I by the Director: 1. site specific justifications for extra work areas that would be closer than 50 feet Frorn a waterbody or wetland; and 2. site-specific justifications for the Use 01'3 construction right -of' -way greater than 75-f-eet-wide in wetlands. B� The following information must be filed with the Secretary prior to the beginning of construction, These filing requirements do not apply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization provisions in the FERC's regulations: 1. Spill Prevention and Response procedures specified in section IV.A; 2� a schedule identif�ymg when trenching or blasting will occur within each waterbody greater than 10 feet wide, within any designated coldwater fishery, and within any waterbody identified as habitat for fiederally-listed threatened or endangered species, 'rhe project sponsor will revise the schedule as necessary to Provide FERC staffat least 14 days advance notice. Changes within this last 14 -day period must provide for at least 48 hours advance notice; t4m 2013 VERSION 3 3. plans for horizontal directional drills (HDD) under wetlands or waterbodies, specified in section V.13.6.d; 4. site-specific plans for major waterbody crossings, described in section V.B.9; 5. a wetland delineation report as described in section VI.A.1, if applicable; and 6. the hydrostatic testing information specified in section VI 1. B. 3. 111, ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECFORS A. At least one Environmental Inspector having knowledge of the wetland and waterbody conditions in the project area is required for each construction spread. The number and experience of Environmental Inspectors assigned to each construction spread shall be appropriate for the length of the construction spread and the number/significance of resources affected. B� The Environmental inspector's responsibilities are outlined in the Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan (Plan). 11 WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MrUCKKION PROCEDURES (PROCEDUPES) IV, PRECONSTRUCTION PLANNING A� The project sponsor shall develop PrOjecIL-SpeCifiCSpill prevention and Response Procedures that rneet applicable requirements of state and federal agencies. A copy must be filed with the Secretary prior to construction and made available in the field on each COBSIRICtiOrl spread. This filing requirement does notapply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization provisions in the FERC's regulations. I . It shall be the responsibility of the project sponsor and its contractors to structure their operations in a mariner that reduces the risk of spills or the acciderltal exposure of fuels or hazardous materials to waterbodies or wetlands. The project sponsor and its contractors must, at a minimum, ensure that: a. all employees handling fuels and other hazardous materials are properly trained; b� all equipment is in good operating order and inspected on a regular basis; c. fuel trucks transporting fuel to on-site equipment travel only on approved access roads; cl� all equipment is parked overnight and/of fueled at least 100 feet from a waterbody or in all upland area at least 100 feet from a wetland boundary. These activities can occur closer only if the Environmental Inspector detern-iines that there is no reasonable M A Y 2 0 13 V H RSJ ON 5 WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONS I RUCTTON AND MITIGATION PPOCEDURES (PROCEDURES) alternative, and the project sponsor and its contractors 2, The project sponsor and its contractors must structure have taken appropriate steps (including secondary their operations in a manner that provides for the containment structures) to prevent spills and provide prompt arid effective cleanup of spiHs of fuel and for prompt cleanup in the event of a spill; other hazardous materials, At a minimum, the project c. hazardous materials, including chernicals, fiLiels, sponsor and its contractors must: and lubricating oils, are not stored within 100 feet a. ensure. that each construction crew (including of a wetland, waterbody, or designated municipal cleanup crews) has on hand sufficient supplies of watershed area, unless the location is designated for absorbent and barrier materials to allow the rapid such use by an appropriate governmental authority. containment and recovery of spilled inaterials This applies to storage of these materials and does not and knows the procedure for reporting spills and apply to nornial operation or use of equipment in unanticipated discoveries of coritarnination; these areas; b. ensure that cacti construction crew has on hand f. concrete coating activities are not performed within sufficient tools and ritaterial to stop leaks; 100 feet of a wetland or waterbody boundary, unless C. know the contact names and telephone numbers the location is an existing industrial site designated for for all local, state, and federal agencies (including, such use. These activities can occur closer only if the if necessary, the 11. S. Coast Guard and the National Environmental Inspector determines that there, is no Response Center) that must be notified of a spill; and reasonable alternative, and the project sponsor and its contractors have taken appropriate steps (including d. follow the requirements of those agencies in cleaning secondary containment structures) to prevent spills up the spill, in excavating and disposing of soils and provide for prompt cleanup in the event of a spill; or other materials contaminated by a spill, and in g. pumps operating within 100 feet of a waterbody or collecting and disposing of waste generated during wetland boundary Utilize appropriate secondary spill cleanup. containnient systems to prevent spills; and h. bulk storage of hazardous materials, Including B. AGENCY COORDINATION chemicals, fuels, and lubricating oils have appropriate lbe project sponsor must coordinate with the appropriate secondary containment systems to prevent spills, local, state, and federal agencies as outlined in these Procedures arid in the FERC's Orders. MAY 2013 VERS ION 7 V. WATERBODY CROSSINCS A. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES AND PERMITS 1, Apply to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), or its delegated agency, for tire appropriate wetland and waterbody crossing permits. 2. Provide written notification to authorities responsible for potable surface water supply intakes located within 3 miles downstream of the crossing at [east I week bet ore beginning work in i he waterbody, or as otherwise specified by that authority. 3. Apply for state-iSSUed waterbody crossing permits and obtain individual or generic section 401 water qualiq, certification or waiver. 4. Notify appropriate federal and state authorities at least 4H hours before beginning trenching or blasting within the waterbody, or as specified in applicable permits. 1. Time Window for Construction Unless expressly permitted or further restricted by the appropriate federal or state agency in writing on a site- specific basis, inmream work, except that required to install or remove equipment bridges, must occur during the following time windows: a. coldwater fisheries - fune I through Septerrober 30; WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITICATtON PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) and b. coolwater and warmwater fisheries - June I through November 30. 2� Extra Work Areas a. Locate all extra work areas (such as staging areas and additional spoil storage areas) at least 50 feet away from water's edge, except where the adjacent upland consists of cultivated or rotated cropland or other disturbed land. b. '['be project sponsor shall file with the Secretary for review and written approval by the Director, site-specific justification for each extra work area with a less than 50 -foot setback from the water's edge, except where the adjacent upland consists of cultivated or rotated cropland or other disturbed land. The justification must specify the conditions that will not permit a 50 -foot setback and measures to ensure the waLerbody is adequately protected, c. Limit the size of extra work areas to the minimum needed to construct the waterbody crossing. 3. General Crossing procedures a. Comply with the COE, or its delegated agency, permit terms and conditions. b. Construct crossings as close to perpenclicu I ar to the axis of the waterbody channel as engineering and routing conditions permit. M AY 20 13 V E RSI 0 N 9 c. Where pipelines parallel a waterbody, maintain at least 15 feet of undisturbed vegetation between the waterbody (and any adjacent wetland) and the construction nght-of-way� except where maintaining this offset will result in greater environmental impact. d. Where waterbodies meander or have multiple channels, route the pipeline to minimize the number of wa terbody crossings. e. Maintain adequate waterbody flow rates to protect aquatic life, and prevent the interruption of existing downstream uses. f. Waterbody buffers (e.g., extra work area setbacks, refueling restrictions) must be clearly marked in the field with signs and/or highly visible flagging until construction-Telated ground disturbing activities are complete. g. Crossing of waterbodies. when they are dry or frozen and not flowing may proceed using standard upland construction techniques in accordance with the Plan, provided that the Environmental Inspector verifies that water is unlikely to flow between initial disturbance and final stabilization of the feature. In the event of perceptible flow, the project sponsor must comply with all applicable Procedure requirements for 'waterbodies" as defined in section 1; B, 1, 4. Spoil Pile Placeinent and Control WFIIAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MTTIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) a� All spoil from minor and intermediatewaterbody crossings, and upland spoil fi-om major waterbody crossings, must be placed in the construction right- of-way at least 10 feet frorn the water's edge or in additional extra work areas as described in section VB.2. b. Use sediment barriers to prevent the flow of spoil or silt -laden water into any -waterbody. 5, Equipment Bridges a. Only clearing equipment and equipment necessary for installation of equipment bridges may cross waterbodies prior to bridge installation. Limit the number of Such crossings of each waterbody to one per piece of clearing equipment. b, Construct and ma"I otain equipment bridges to allow unrestricted flow and to prevent soil from entering the waterbody Examples of such bridges include: (1) equipment pads and culvert(s); (2) equipment pads or railroad car bridges without culverts; (3) clean rock fill and culvert(s); and (4) flexi-float or portable bridges. Additional options for equipritent bridges may be utilized that achieve the performance objectives noted above. Do not Use soil to construct or stabilize equipment bridges. c. Design and maintain each equipirient bridge to 10 MAY 2013 VFRS [ON 11 withstand and pass the highest flow expected to occur while the bridge is in place. Idign culverts to prevent bank erosion or streambed scour, If necessary, install energy dissipating devices downstream of the culverts, d� Design and maintain equipment bridges to prevent soil froin entering the waterbody. e. Remove temporary equipment bridges as soon as practicable after permanent seeding. f. If there will be more than I month between final cleanup and the beginning of permanent seeding and reasonable ahernative access to the right-of-way is available, remove temporary equipment bridges as soon as practicable after final cleanup. g, Obtain any necessary approval from the COE, or the appropriate state agency for permanent bridges. 6. D ry- Ditch Crossing Methods a. Unless approved otherwise by the appropriate federal or state agency, install the pipeline using one of the dry -ditch Methods outlined below for crossings of waterbodies up to 30 feet wide (at the water's edge at the time of construction) that are state-clesignated as either coldwater or significant coolwater or warinwater fisheries, or federal [y-clesignated as critical habitat. b. Dam and Pump WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) (1) The dam -and -pump method may be used without prior approval for crossings of waterbodies where pumps can adequately transfer strearnflow VOtUrrICS around the work area, and there are no concerns about sensitive species passage. (2) Implementation of the darn -and -pump crossing method Must Meet the following performance criteria: (i) usesufficient pumps, including on-site backup pumps, to maintain downstream flows; (h) construct dains with friaterials that prevent sediment and other pollutants from entering the waterbody (e.g., sandbags or clean gi avel with plastic linel); (iii) screen pump intakes to minimize enn-ainment of fish; (iv) prevent strearnbed scour at pump discharge; and (v) confinuOUSly monitor the dam and pumps to ensure proper operation throughout the waterbody crossing, c. FlUnle Crossing The flume crossing method requires implementation of the following steps: (1) install flume pipe after blasting (if necessary), but before any trenching; (2) use sand bag or sand bag and plastic sheeting 12 ­ M A . Y 2 . 0 . r 1 3 . V E . I Z, . S I ON 13 diverSion Structure or equivalent to develop an effective seal and to divert stream flow through the th-11-11C pipe (some modifications to the strearn bottom may be required to achieve an effective seal); (3) property align flume pipets) to prevent bank erosion and streambed scour; (4) do riot rernove flurne pipe during trenching, pipelaying, or backfilling activities, or initial strearribed restoration efforts; and (5) remove all flume pipes and dams that are not also part of the equipment bridge as soon as final cleanup of the stream bed and bank is complete. d. 1-forizornal Directional Drill For each wateybody or wettand that would be crossed using the H DD method, file with the Secretary for the review and written approval by the Director, a plan that includes: (1) site-specific construction diagrams that show tire location of mud pits, pipe assembly areas, and all areas to be disturbed or cleared for construction; (2) jL[Stification that disturbed areas are limited to the minimum needed to construct tire crossing; (3) identification of any abovegrOUnd disturbance or clearing between the HIDD entry and exit workspaces during construction; (4) a description of how an inadvertent release of wEfLAND ANDWNTERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) drilling mud would be contained and cleaned up; and (5) a contingency plan for crossing the waterbody or wetland it) the event the HDD is unsuccessful and how the abandoned drill hole would be sealed, if necessary� 'rhe requirement to file I tDD plans does not apply to projects constructed under the autornatic authorization Provisions in the FERC's regulations. 7. Crossings of Minor Waterbodies Where a dry -ditch crossing is not required, rninor waterbodies may be crossed using the open -cut crossing method, with the following restrictions: a. except for blasting and other rock breaking tneaSUres, complete instream construction activities (including trenching, pipe installation, backfill, and restoration of the streambed contours) within 24 hours, Strearnbanks and unconsolidated streambeds may require additional restoration after this period; b� lintit use of equipment operating in the waterbody to that needed to construct the crossing; and c. equipment bridges are riot required at minor waterbodies that do not have a state -designated fishery classification or protected status (e.g., agricultural or intermittent drainage ditches), However, if an equipment bridge is used it Must be constructed as described in section VB.5. 14 MA I Y 1 20 1 1 3 V . E . R . S I I . 0 . N ­­ ....... 15 M 8. CFossingsofti-itermediateWaterbodies Where a dry -ditch crossing is not required, intermediate waterbodies may be crossed using the open -cut crossing method, with thefollowing restrictions; a. complere insticarri construction activities (not including blasting and other rock breaking measures) within 48 hours, unless site-specific conditions make completion within 48 hours infeasible; b. limit use of equipment operating in the waierbody to that needed to construct the crossing; and c. all other construction equipment must cross on all equipment bridge as specified in Section V�B.5. 9� Crossi It gs of Mai or Waterbod i es Before construction, the project sponsor shall file will) the Secretary for the review and written approval by the Director a detailed,isite-specific construction plan and scaled drawings identifying all areas to be disturbed by construction for each n-rajor waterbody crossing (the scaled drawings are not required for any offshore portions of pipeline projects). This plan must be developed in consultation with the appropriate state and federal agencies and Shall include extra work areas, spoil storage a reas, sediment control structures, etc., as well as mitigation for navigational issues. The requirement to file major waterbody crossing plans does not apply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization provisions ofthe FERC's regulations. WETLAND AND NAIATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND N4rrIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) The Environmental Inspector may adjust the filial placernent ofthe erosion and sediment control structures in the flield to maxii-nize effectiveness. 10. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Install sediment barriers (as defined in section IV.F.3.a ofthe Plan) immediately after initial disturbance of the waterbody rn adjacent upland, Sediment barriers must be properly maintained throughout construction and reinstalled as necessary (Such as after backfilling of the trench) until replaced by permanent erosion controls or restoration of adjacent upland areas is complete. Temporary erosion and sediment control rneasures are addressed in more detail in the Plan; however, the following specific measures must be implemented at stream crossi rigs: a. install sediment barriers across the entire construction right-of-way at all waterbody crossings, where necessary to prevent the flow of sediments into the waterbody. Removable sediment barriers (or driveable berms) must be installed across the travel lane. These removable sediment barriers can be removed during the construction day, but FnLISt be re -installed after construction has stopped for the day and/or when heavy precipitation is muninent; b. where waterbodies are adjacent to the construction right-of-way and the fight -of -way slopes toward the waterbody, install sediment barriers along the edge of' the construction right -of way as necessary to contain 16 MAY 2013 VERSION 17 spoil within the construction right-of-way and prevent sediment flow into the waterbody, and c. use temporary trench plugs at all waterbody crossings, as necessary, to prevent diversion of water into upland portions of the pipeline trench and to keep any accuinulaied trench water out of the waterbody. 11. Trench Devvatering Dewater the trench (either on or off the construction right -of way) in a manner that does not cause erosion and does not result in silt -laden water flowing into any waterbody. Remove. the dewatering structures as soon as practicable after the conipletion of dewatering activities. I . Use clean gravel or native cobbles for the upper I foot of trench backfill in all waterbodies that contain coldwater fi.sheries. 2. For open -cut crossings, Stabilize waterbody banks and install temporary sediment barriers within 24 hours 01C01-11pleLinginSLream construction activities. For dry -ditch crossings, complete strearnbed and bank stabilization before returning flow to the waterbody channel. 3. Return all waterbody banks to preconstruction contours or to a stable angle of repose as approved by the Environmental Inspector. WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONSTRUMON AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) 4. Install erosion control I , abric or a functional equivalent on waterbody banks at the time of final ban]( recomouring. Do not use synthetic monofilament mesh/netted erosion control materials in areas designated as sensitive wildlife habitat uriless the product is specifically designed to minimize harm to wildlife. Anchor erosion control fabric with staples or other appropriate devices. 5, Application Of Fiprap for bank stabilization niust comply with COE, or its delegated agency, permit terms and conditions. 6. Unless otherwise specified by state pernalt, limit the use of riprap to areas where flow conditions preclude effective vegetative stabilization techniques such as seeding and erosion control fabric. 7 Revegetate disturbed riparian areas with native, species ofconsen,ation grasses, legumes, and woody species, similar in density to adjacent undisturbed lands. 8. Install a Permanent slope breaker across the construction right -of way at the base of slopes greater than 5 percent that are less than 50 feet From the waterbody, or as needed to prevent sediment transport into the waterbody. In addition, install sediment barriers as outlined in the Plan. In some areas, With the approval of the Environmental Inspector, an earthen berin may be suitable as a sediment barrier adjacent to the waterbody. 18 P.VIAY 20 1 13 1 VERS I I I ON 19 9. Sections V.C.3 through VC.7 above also apply to those perennial or interritittentstreams not flowing at the finte of construction. D. POST-CONSTRUGI'ION MAINTENANCE 1. Limit routine vegetation mowing or clearing adjacent to waterbodies to allow a ripariari Strip at least 25 fect wide, as measured fronr the waterbody's mean high water mark, to per rnariently revegetate with native plant species, across the entire construction right -of way, I lowever, to facilitate periodic COFrosion/leak surveys, a corridor centered on the pipeline and Lip to 10 feet wide may be cleared at a frequency necessary to maintain the 1046ot corridor in an herbaceous state. In addition, trees that are located within 15 feet of the pipeline that have YOOtS that could compromise the integrity of the pipeline coating may be cut and rernovedfrom the permanent right-ofway Do not conduct any routine vegetation mowing or clearing in riparian areas that are between FIDD entry arid exit points. 2. Do not use herbicides or pesticides in or within 100 feet of a waterbody except as allowed by the appropriate land managerrient or state agency. 3. Time of year restrictions specified in section VILA.5 of the Plan (April 15 - August I of anyyear) apply to routine mowing and clearing of riparian areas, NE WETLAND AND WATERBODY CONsrRuCTION AND MITIGATION PROCFmIkES (PROCEDURES) V1. WETLAND CROSSINGS A. GENERAL 1. The project sponsor shall concluct a wetland delineation using the current federal methodology and file a wetland delineation report with the Secretary before construction. The requirement to file a wetland delineation report does not apply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization provisions in the FERC's regulations. This report shall identify: a� by milepost all wetlands that would be affected; b, the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) classification for each wed and; c. the crossing length of each wetland in f"t, and d. the area of permanent and temporary disturbance that would occur in each wetland by NW] classification type. The requirenients outlined in this section do not apply to wetlands in actively cultivated or rotated cropland. Standard upland protective measures, including workspace and topsoiling requirements, apply to these agricultural wetlands, 2. Route the pipeline to avoid wetland areas to the maximum extent possible. If a wetland cannot be NtAY 20u VERSION 21 avoided or crossed by following an existing righl-of- way, route The new pipeline in a manner that rninbruzes disturbance to Wedands� When, loopingan existing pipeline, overlap the existing pipeline right-of-way with the new construction right-of-way. In addition, locate the loop line 110 more than 25 feel away from the existing pipeline unless site-specific constraints WoLdd adversely affect the stability of the existing pipeline. 3� Lintit the width of tire construction iight-of-way to 75f�celorless. Prior wriuen approval of the Director is required where topographic condkioas or soil limitations require that the construction righl-of,way width within the boundaries (if a federally delineated wedand be expanded beyond 75 feet. Early in the planning process the project sponsor is encouraged to identify site-specific areas w1wre excessively wide trenches COUld occurand/or where spoil piles could be difficult to maintain because existing soils lack adequate unconfined compressive strength, 4. Wedand boundaries and buffers must be clearly marked in the field with signs and/or highly visible flaggifig until CODStrUction-related ground disturbing activities are 5 Implement the ineasures of sections V and V1 it) the event a waterbody crossing is located within or adjacent to a wedand crossing. Ifall rneaAirc.s ofsections V a ' nd VI cannot be ittet,the project sponsor must file with the Secretary a site-specific crossingplan for review and WETLAN 1) A N 1) WATER 13 0 DY CONSMLYMON AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES) written approval by the Director before construction at a min]MLHIT a. spoil control; b, equipritern bridges; c. restoration of waterhody batiks and wetland hydrology; d- timing of the waterbody crossing; e. method of crossjng� and f. size air(] location ofall extra work areas. 6. Do not locate aboveground facilities in any wetland, except where the location of such faciliLies outside Of WeLlands would prohibit compliance with US Department offransportation regulations. �. �k 1. Fxtra Work)kreas and Access Roads a� Locate all extra workareas (such asstaging areas and additional spoil storage areas) at least 50 feet away front WeLknict boundaries, except where the adjacent upland consists of cultivated or rotated cropland or other disturbed land. b. 'The project sponsor shall file with tire Secretary for revie�,N! and Written approval by the Director, site- specific justification for each extra work area with a less than 50 -foot setback froin wetland bOUndaries, 22 MAY 2013 VERSiON 23 exrepi where adjacent upland COIISiStS r)fCUltivated or rotated cropland or other disturbed land. lhe justification rnust, specil� the site-specific conditions that will not permit a _50 -foot setback and measures to ensure (lie wetland is adequately protected. c� ' Fhe construction right of way may be used for access when the wetland soil is firm enough to avoid. runing or the construction right-of-way has been Lipp ropria rely stabilized to avoid rutting (e.g., with timber riprap, prefabricated equipment mats, or terra mws), in wetlands that cannoL be appropriately stabilized, 311 COTIStrUCliOn equipment Other than that nef-cled to install the wpdand ciossing shall use access roads located in upland areas. Where access roads in upland areas do not provide reason.able access, limit all other construction equipment to one pass through the wetland using the construction right-of-way. d. The only access roads, other than the construction right-of-way, that can be used in wetlands are those existing roads that can be used with no modifications or improvements, other than routine repair, and no impact oil the wetiand. 2. Crossing Procedures a C'omply with COEI or its delegated agency, permit terms and conditions. h. Assemble the pipeline in an upland area unless the WE'TLAND AND 1AW[Y'RRODY CONSTRUCTION AND NIFFIGArION PROCEDURES (PROCtMIR1,S) welland is dry enOUgh to adequately support skids and pipe, c, Use "push-pull' or 'float' techniques to place the pipe in the tretich where water and other site conditions allow. d. Minimize the length oftirrie that topsoil is segregated and the trench is open. Do not trench the wedand until the pipeline is assembled and ready for lowering ill. c. Limit construction equipirient operating in wetland ,areas to that needed to clear the construction right -of way, dig the trench, fabricate and install the pipeline, backfill the trench, and restore. the construction right- of-way� f. Cut vegetation just above gFOUnd level, leaving existing root systems in place, and remove it frorn the wetland for disposal. The project sponsor call burn woody debris in wetlands, if approved by the COE and in accordance with state and local regulations, ensuring that all remaining woody debris is removed lot clisposal, g� Limu pulling of tree stumps and grading activities to (I ifeCtly 0VCr I lie trench line Donotgradeor remove StUnips or root systems from the rest of tile construction right-of-way in wetlands unless the Chief I rispector and Environmental Inspector deiernune that saf�cty-rclated construCLiOn constraints 24 MAY 2013 VERSION � 1 25 require grading or the iernowal oftree sturrips front Under the working side of I lie construcdon right-of- way. 11. sq'regate [he top I f - out of topsoil front the area disturbed by trenching, except in area,,, where standing water is present or sons arc SMUTMCCL Immediately after backfilling is complete, restore tire segregated topsoil to its ofiginal location. I. Do rim use r�)ck, soil imported front outside tile wetLind, Iree SILIMIRS, Or brUSh ril)rap to SLIPPOrt equipment on tile COTISO-LICtion right-of-way. I, 11'standing water or &iturated soils are present, rn- ifconstruction eqUiPITICtik Causes ruts Or mixing of the topsoil and subsoil in wetlands, use low -ground - weight construction equipment, or operate normal equipirtent on firriber riprap, prefabricated equipment mats, or ten a n iats. k. Remove all project-relatcd material used to suppoi I equipment on tire construction right-of-way upon COMPIeLion of constrUCtiOn. 3. 'Icniporary Sediment Control Instal.] sedirrient barriers (as defined in section IV -F -3-a of the Plan) in-innediaiely after initial disturbance ofitic: werland or adjacent upland. Sediment barriers roust be properly maintained fln-OLIghOUt consIrticijon arid reinstalled as necessary (such as after bachfilling of WFTLAND AND %,,twr�',RBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MT11CMION PROCEDURES (PROCI-DURES) the Irench). Except as noted below in section VI,B,3,c, maintain sechn-rent barriers until replaced by Per manent erosion controls or restoration of "AdJaCel'It Upland areas is complete. Temporary crosion and sediment control measure,, arc addressed in moic detail in the I'lart. a. I nsmil sediment ban iers across tire entire construction righ�-ol-way irrunedia(Cly LIPSIOPC Of - the wetland Innindary at all werland crossings wherc necessary to prevent sediment flow intc) (lie welland, b. Where wetlands are adjacent to the C0nSIrnCLiOn right -of way arid the right-�)f-way slopes toward the wettarid, install sedinlCrit barriers along the edge of the construction right of way as necessary to contain spoil within the constrUCticn-1 right-of-way arid prevent sedirnent flow into tire wetland. c. Install sediment barriers along the edge of the CODSIYUCLiOn right-ol-way as necessafy to contain spoil and sediment within the construction right- of-way, throng]-) wetlands. Rentove thew sediment barriers dricing right-of-way cleanup, 4, Trench Dewatering Dewater the trench (either On or off the construction right-of-way) in a manner that does riot cause erosion and does [,Of result in sill -laden water flowing into any weiland. Remove the dewatering structLIWS as soon as Practicable aftez [lie completion of dewatering activities. 26 MAY 2013 VERSION 27 C. RESTORATION L Where the pipeline Irench may drain a "Vedand, construct trench breakers at the wetland boundaries and/or seal the trench bottom as necessary to maintain the ofiginal wetland hydrology. 2. Restore pre -construction wetland contours to maintain the original wetland hydrology. 3. For each wetland crossed, install a trench breaker at the base of slopes near the boundary between the welland arid adjaCCUL Upland areas. Install a permanent slope breaker across the construction right -of way at the base of slopes greater than 5 percent where tire base of the slope is less than 50 feet from the. wedand, or as needed to prevent sediment transport into the wetland. In addition, install sediment barriers as outhned in the Plan. I it some areas, with the approval of the Environments] Inspector, an earthen berm may be Suitable as a sediment barrier adjacent to the wetland. 4, Do not use fertilizer, firne, or mulch unless required in writing by the appropriate federal or state agency. 5. Consult with the appropriate federal oi state agencies to develop a project -specific wetland restoration plan- The restoration plan shall include measures for fe-establishing herbaceoUs and/orwoodys-pecics, controlling the invasion and spread of invasive species and noxious weeds (e,g,, puiple loosestrife and phragmite�), arid monitoring the success of the W WE'FLAND AND VVATERBO DY CONSTRUM ION AND MITICATION PROCEDURES (PROCEDUREs) revegetation arid weed control efforts. provide this plan to the FERC staff upon request 6. Unfif a project -specific wetland restoration plan is developed and/or implemented, temporarily revegetate the construction right-of-way with annual ryegrass at a rate of40 pounds/acre (unless standing water is present). 7. Ensure that all disturbed areas successfully revcgetate with WeLland herbaceous and/or woody plant species. S. Remove temporary sediment barriers located at the boundary between wetland and adjacent upland areas after revegeiation and stabilization of adjacent Upland areas are fudged to be successful as specified in section VIIA.4 of the Plan, D, POST -CONSTRUCTION MAINTENALNCE AND REPORTING 1. Do not conduct routine vegetation mowing or clearing over the full width of the permanent right-of-way in wetlands. However, to facilitate periodic corrosion/leak surveys, a corridor centered on the pipeline and up to 10 feet wide may be cleared at a frequency necessary to maintain the 10 -foot corridor in an herbaceous state. In addition., trees within 15 feet of the pipeline with roots I hat could compromise the integrity of pipeline coating may be selectively cut arid removed from the permanent right-of-way. Do not conduct -,my rOUtinevegetation I I. I. - MAY 2013 VERSION 29 inowing or clearing in wetlands that are between FIDD entry and exit points, 2, Do not use herbicides or pesticides in Or within 100 feet of a wetland, exceptas allowed by the appropriate federal or state agency. I Time of year restrictions specified in, Section VILA.5 ofthe Plan (April 15 - August I of any year) apply to routine mowing and clearing of'wetland areas. 4. Monitor and record the success of'wetland revegeLation annually until Welland revegetationis successful. 5. Wetland revegetationshall be considered successful if all ofthe following crireria are satisfied: a. the affected wetland satisfies the current federal definition for a wc1land (i.e., soils, hydrology, and vegetation), b. vegetation is at least 80 percent of either the cover documented for the wetland prior to construction, or at least 80 percent ofthe cover it) adjacent wetland areas that were not disturbed by constrUCLjon; c- if nautral rather than active revegetation was used, th�f plant species composition is consistent will, early successional wetland plant communities in the affected ecoregion; and d. Jinvasive species and noxious weeds are absent, unless they are abundant in adjacent areas that were, not disturbed by construction. 91 WETLAND AND \VATERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGATION PROCEDURES (PROCEMIRES) 6. Within 3 years after construction, file a report with theSecretaTyidernif ingflicstanisofthewedand y rcvegetadon efforts and docuinenting success as clefined in section VI.D.5, above. The reqUirvillent to file wetland restoration reports with the Secretary does not apply to projects constructed uncler the automatic authorization, prior notice, or advance notice provisions in the FERC's regulations. Foi any wetland where revegeration is DOI SUCCC.SSful -it d ic. end of -3 years after construction, develop and implement (in consultation with a professional werland ecologist) a temedial revegetation plan to actively revegetate wetlands. Continue revegetation efforts and file a report annually documenting progress in these wetlands until welland revegetation is successful. V11. HYDROS FXFIC TFSTINC ...... . . . . A. NOTIFICNFION PRO C1, DU RES AND PERMITS 1, Apply for State-rSSUed water willuirawal permits, as requir(cf, 2. Apply I , or National p(AlUrant Discharge Flinnnation System (NI'DES) or state -issued dischargc permits, as required, 3. Notify appropriate state agencies Of intent to rise specific sources at least 48 hours before testing activities unless MAY 2CD3 VERSION 31 They waive this I-e(lUirernent in writing. B. GENERAL 1. Perforn-) 100 percent radiographic inspection of all pipeline section welds or hydrotest the pipeline sec6ons, before installation under waterbodies or wetlands, 2, If pumps used for hydrostatic testing are within 100 feet of any waterbody orwedand, address secondary containment and refueling of these pumps in the profect's Spill Prevention and Response ProcedUreS. 3� The project sponsor shall file with the Secretary before construction a list identifying the location of all waterbodies proposed for use as a hydrostatic test water s source or discharge location. This filing requirement does not apply to projects constructed under the automatic authorization provisions of the FEIZC'% fe-,Ldai,ions. C. INTAKE SOURCE AND RATE I , Screen the intake hose to minimize the potential toi entrainmem of fish. 2. Do nor use state -designated exceptional value waters, waterbodies which provide habitat for federally listed threatened or endangered species, or waterbodies designated as public water Supplies, Unle." appropriate federal, state, and/or local permitting agencies grant WETLAND AND WNFERBODY CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGAI PON PROCEMUREs (PROCEDLIRES) written permission. 3. k4aintain adequate flow rates to protect aquatic life, provide for all waterbody uses, and provide for downstream withdrawals of water by existing users. 4� Locate hydrostatic test manifolds oulside wetlands and riparian areas to the ntaximurn extent practicable. 1.). DISCHARGE LOCATION, mErHOD, AND RATE I. Regulate discharge rate, use energy dissipation device(s), and install �edirnent barrieni, as necessary, to prevent erosion, strearnbed scour, suspension of sediments, or excessive strearnflow. 2� Do not discharge into state -designated exceptional value waters, waterbodieswhich provide habitat for federally listed threatened or endangered species, or waterbodies designated as public water supplies, unless appropriate federal, state, and local permitting agencies grant written permission. 32 MAY 20l't VERSION 33