HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 2_Add Info Rec'd 9-29-17 with KH notes_20170929No Atlantic Coast Pipeline North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Response to Infort-nation Request for 401 Water Quality Certification Dated September 14, 2017 September 29, 2017 LTUMMOMMAJ, MI. Response to NCDE,Q Reguest for Additional Information dated September 14, 2017: The North Carolina Department of Envirom-nental Quality (NCDEQ). Division of Water Resources (Division), sent a "Request for Additional Information" to Atlantic Coast Pipeline, LLC (Atlantic), dated September 14, 2017, to address public comments from a public comment period held by the Division between June 16 and August 19, 2017, and to address public comments from public hearings held on July 18 and 20, 2017. Consistent with a previous request for information submitted to Atlantic dated June 28, 2017, the Division stated that Atlantic's response to the September 14 request was necessary to process Atlantic's application requesting an Individual Water Quality Certification/Buffer Authorization for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project (ACP or Project). Atlantic has reviewed the NCDEQ request for additional information and is providing the following responses and attached information according to the NCDEQ request. This is part 2 of Atlantic's submittal. Previously submitted items are noted in the responses below. Each of the requests for information, as numbered in the NCD�EQ request, is provided below, followed by Atlantic's response in italics: I . The proJect invokes IlUmerous stream crossings that have the potential to affect downstream water quality both temporarily during construction and permanently. YOUr application and responses to the Division provide thorough general descriptions of the plans for the proJect, however more site-specific detail is necessary to ensure that do�,\nstrearn water qualiaN is protected. Provide the additional,justification requested below: a. Add a column to the V,'etland and Waterbody Crossini4 table (appendix C- I for each kkaterbody more than 30 feet in vvidth that provides site specific reasons why each crossing could not be completed Lising the HDD method or a conventional bore to avoid impacts to the strearri channel, Atlantic Coast Pipeline North Carolina Department ofErivironmenial Quality Response to Infonnation Request for 401 Water Quality Certification Dated September 14, 2017 September 29, 2017 ,411anlic 's Response: Response to this hiformation request ivas provided to ATCDEQ on September 221 2017 via email, and hard copy on Septeinber 26, 2017 via F( ,dFY. b. Many CrOsSin-s are proposed to be installed using tile OPCII CLIt n-lethod that do not make accommodations For the vkork to be completed in the dry or kvithout exposure to flowing water, Z� Pro,, ide a site -spec I I ic,j usti flication for not v�,,orki no i n the dry and a crossing plan for each open cut crossings proposed. These plans L - should include turbidity curtain locations, and upstreat VdON,�r -T ristream water quality sampling locations For turbidity and total dissolved solids (sampling for total dissolved solids is only required within Z -- Water Supply Watershed areas). A/ltnuic's Response: Allantic received comments on construction crosion andsedirnent conlrol plansfi-om VCDEO Division of Energy, Mineral andLand Resources Und AtIantichas modified the construction erosian andscdhnent control drawings to include turhidiii, curtains and waier quality.sani.pling locations where the o ) n -i, t method is- proposed at perennial waterbo(/Y fTOSSI . provided UlOt7g iviih this subinittal (Appendix A). Allantic iri/I sample vraler 50 ' f�,el abo ve and 50,1cet below pe7-ennial waterboa�y crossings that are open cut and where water is present at the time of construction. Monitoring will occur at a minimum rate (?f'2 thnes per day during the period iA,�hen active construction is occurring, in both the background 7-,� A\;M location (50jeef above activiiy� and downstream location 00.feet below activity). :) The IPA�M Z\CIA first monitoring event will occur approximately 30 minutes prior to the commencement qfconstruction, and the second will occur a mininuun 2-4 hours I qfier start qf instream construction. Measurements qf turbidiiy grab samples will continue during �instreampipeline installation activities. Once the crossing is complete and restoration occurs, monitoring will be conducted,/br,f6IIr da - vs at a minimunz rate (?f I time per da -y to evaluate residual impacts due to construction. Should the post -construction turbidity readings (4 -day average) C�Vceed standards, reinediation qI'the source will occur and monitoring will continue once per da y until the source is addressed (aid readings are within water quality standards, Turbidity will be measured in the field at each of the perennial open cut crossings listed in Table I below, and total dissolved solids will be 00 could contribute to cumulative impacts, The region of influence vanies depending on the resource being discussed. The anticipated cumulative impacts of the Project and other actions 04 are discussed below. 00 STUDY AREA BOUNDARIES 00 Atlantic analyzed cumulative impacts on resources found within the construction _Lq�nnt�sf the three M&R stations proposed in North Carolina. Other projects within three counties were analyzed to determine if potential cumulative impacts on these resources would 9 0 occur, The proposed Smithfield M&R station is an approximately 5.5 acre site located in 00 Johnston County- The proposed Fayetteville M&R station is located in Cumberland County and encompasses approximately 6.75 acres. The proposed Pembroke M&R station contains 00 approximately 2.5 acres and is located in Robeson County. 00, Smithfield M&R station is located in central Johnston County, in a rural setting OR approximately 2.5 miles west from the town of Smithfield. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Johnston County had an estimated population increase of 13.3% from 20 10 until early 00 2016,. Johnston County has experienced a steady, long-term increase in economic activity. This is attributed to the Research Triangle associated with Raleigh and Wake County. Recently, the county has seen a transformation of a primarily agrarian land use to a mix of urban, agricultural, and forested landscapes. According to the County Comprehensive Plan, Johnston County has had significantly high growth rates since 1990, a trend expected to continue (Johnston County, 2009). The closest population center to the Smithfield M&R station is the town of Smithfield. 00 According to the town's website, Smithfield is considered a small, historic town with growing business opportunities. The Fayetteville M&R site is located in northern Cumberland County. The proposed site is approximately 10 mdes north of the city of Fayetteville and 1.5 miles west from the town of Wade. The area inimediately surrounding the site is rural and contains agricultural fields. In OR 2009, Cumberland County adopted a 2030 Growth Vision Plan and a Land Use Policies Plan that describes growth in the economy and development while maintaining a desire to preserve open space and rural character (Cumberland County, 2009). The Pembroke M&R Station is located in Robeson County, North Carolina, According to Robeson County's Comprehensive Plan with a Health and Wellness Component, population is expected to increase approximately 20% by the year 2030 in surrounding counties. The town of Pembroke, North Carolina is approximately 3 miles north of the Pembroke M&R Station. The town experienced a 10.9% increase in growth from the year 2000-2010. Robeson County has also seen an increase of housing of 10.3% between 2000 and 20 10 (Robeson County, 20 14). Wetland and Waterbody Resources Atlantic conducted wetland and waterbody delineations within the proposed construction footprint of the three M&R stations located. One watefbody was documented within the luilding' I to be built on the same c Station CO Ile (c wit Construction ofthe site as the Smithfield M&R station M&R Station Adarnic Coust Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Johnston UtilitV Services for the Intersects Proposed, to -41, 111pefirre U1111tv LLC Smithfield Nl&R Suiiihfickl m&R coincide with Services Station and oft'ice Station COnstiruction of the Attachment 1 Nl&-R Station 40 Adarnic Coast Pipeline, Johnston Pa" Pre' Past. Present, and ReasonshIN Foreseeable Future Projects for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Proposed, to Pipeline H.0 the Similificid NJ&R Smitbfield M&R coincide with Commu ni cations Eu_ I Station lio construction of ACP Network C!,:)SCSI Dislance above- ound a Facihtwslalc� I fly "'I"' Common Selina -Wake 230 kV and Direction Froin Johnslon COns1ruction ofline 40 Anticipated Summer L l N pr(Iject i aice 0 ' at c Proponent f" op COUntic-sA,ines. Descrtption Project Slanis North Carolt ia No't h Car"I"'. 201' Nedirioril Facility Piedmont Natural Gas Johnston, Upgrades to existing 400 .-'knticipalcd 'Xinter Contiplele 540 1, North Carolina Department Johnston Completion of Urrkno�N n Anticipated Robeson of 1'ransportation Higimay 540 toll road Spring 2018 to Pembroke M&R Stations Sprm2 7021 Dominion Cumberland 1-40 Widening 'd �Nort o n� North Carolina Department Johnston Road widening 20.4 miles Anticipated stall North Carolina 13 1.0 and I ' 5A Summer 2013 Southeast Raleigh to ol, Transportalion Department of flOrthwCst date Fall 2018 Clayton llrojw Fa�ellevillc Dupont Dominion through 2021 Install neik tap line Unknown In progress - Winter Lec-Schna 1 15 kV Dominion Johnston Line relocation I �nkrlown Anticipated Spring Cumberland Solai Line 2016 01� 2016 diFough I"Yet(eN ille Dupont Dominion Cumberland InLstall new tap line Unknown Summer 20 17 115 k V Line - Grays Frwin-SvInia '30 kV Dominion Jolinmon Une replacement 0.8 mile northivest Amicipaled 1;ummer Summer 2015 Line Dominion Cumberland Install fine s�N itches Unknown 2015 through 115 kV Line - Line 40 Winter 2014 through Swilches winter 1-0 16 Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Johnston A new office building Fritireb, v� ithin the Proposed, to Unknown to Npel i nc Office LLC for pipeline o crations Smithfi Id ­­ ; ; I L Clifdale Road luilding' I to be built on the same c Station CO Ile (c wit Construction ofthe site as the Smithfield M&R station M&R Station Adarnic Coust Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Johnston UtilitV Services for the Intersects Proposed, to -41, 111pefirre U1111tv LLC Smithfield Nl&R Suiiihfickl m&R coincide with Services Station and oft'ice Station COnstiruction of the Nl&-R Station Atlantic Coast Adarnic Coast Pipeline, Johnston Microtkavc tower at Within the Proposed, to Pipeline H.0 the Similificid NJ&R Smitbfield M&R coincide with Commu ni cations Station Station construction of ACP Network above- ound facilities Selina -Wake 230 kV Domilliort Johnslon COns1ruction ofline Unknown Anticipated Summer Line car) 20 1 � through Winter 201' Nedirioril Facility Piedmont Natural Gas Johnston, Upgrades to existing Intersects at the .-'knticipalcd 'Xinter %loch fications Cumberland, facilities Sirnthfield, ol'2016 Robeson I , -'ayetteville, and Pembroke M&R Stations Dominion Cumberland Relocate Structures for Intersects near MPs In progress - 115 kV - Change and North Carolina 13 1.0 and I ' 5A Summer 2013 Relocate Department of through Spring 20 15 Fransportation pi-Qject Fa�ellevillc Dupont Dominion Cumberland Install neik tap line Unknown In progress - Winter I I S kV Line - '0 14 throti-h Spring Cumberland Solai 2016 01� I"Yet(eN ille Dupont Dominion Cumberland InLstall new tap line Unknown IT, progress - Spring 115 k V Line - Grays 20 14 through Creek Fup Summer 2015 Favetteville [)uponj Dominion Cumberland Install fine s�N itches Unknown Anticipated - 115 kV Line - Line Winter 2014 through Swilches Spring 2016 Fayetteville Fort Dominion Cumberland Line relocation Unknown In Progress - Winter ra B gg 1-30 kV I ine -- 0 14 through Winter Clifdale Road 201 i Fuyelte� I Ile Fort Dominion Cumberland Line relocation Intersects near MP Arnicipalcd - Bra&�, '30 kV Line - 135.1 Win lei- 2014 thi ough 1_29S Bypass Sormiz,2016 Attachment I Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Clo,,est Distance Fjciljtv�Siatc: Common and Direction From Piojeci Name Proponeritt CounticsXitics Description ProJect Status FavetteN Ole Vander Dominion Cumberland lit"'tall neiv lap line Inlet -sects near MP III Progress - I I)- kV Line - Tap to 144. 1: runs parallel SUnrimer 2014 Vander froin MI's 144.6 to through Spring 2016 145.8 Fort Bragg Woodruff Dominion Cumberland Install ic-condUCtor I inknow n In pTogress - Winter Street Loop into line 20 14 through Raeford Spring 2017 Richmond - Fort Dominion Cumberland Install lVUDSII1iSSi0fl Unknown Anticipated - Bra�_,g 230 kV loop Summer 20 15 through Winter 1-018 1, i.S. 401 Corridor North Carolina Department Cumberland Road excpansion sludy Unknown Anticipated �ftldy offransportation environmental impact statement date 2015; Not funded Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Cumberland Utilitv services IZ)r the Intersects Proposed, to Pipeline Utilitv LLC Fayette% ille M& R Fayetteville M&R coincide with Sel Vic" Station Station construction ofthe M&R Station Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Cumberland microwave lower at Within the Proposed, to Pipeline LLC the Fayetteville M&R Favenevtfle M&R coincide with Corn municalions Station Station conslinction of'ACP Network uboNc-round facilities Piochriont Piedmont Natural Gas Cumberland, Modifications to Varies Anticipated Winter Aboveground Robeson existing aboveground of.20 18 Facilities facilities Piedmont Pipeline Piedmont Natural Gas Robeson 26 miles of 20 -inch Intersects at MP Anticipated Winter natural gas pipeline IS1.8 01,2018 St. Pauls.lohn,,on Johnson Brothers Uuljt� Robeson New asphalt plant 2.2 miles southeast In progress - Phasc I Brothers Facility and Paving Company completed July 2014 Weatherspoon - LOF Dominion Robeson Convert to rernote Unknown In progress - Spring 115 kV control 20 14 through ["all 2015 Weatherspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Install tap For solar Unknown Anticipated - Spring - Delco Braden Solar I'acifitv -101 ' 5 through Winter Farm ]"at) -1016 Weatherspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Replace structures Unknown Anticipated - Spring - Delco Replace 201 5 through Solaf'rap Summer 20 16 Wentherspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Install tap For solar Unknc)N�n Anticipated ­ - Favettc% ille Solar facility Winter 2014 throualt Fann Tap Summer 20 If) Weatherspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Install tap K)r solar Unknown In progress - Fall Favelteville Solar facility 20 14 through Spring "rap 2016 Weatherspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Line replacement Unknown Anticipated - - Latta Replace and Winter 2016 throu2h Pole Transmission Summer 2017 Weathcrspoort Plant Dominion Robeson Replace cxistntq, Unknown Anticipated - - LOF 115 kV structures Winter 2016 through StructuiQ Replace Spring 201 7 Weathcrspoon Plant Dominion Robeson Replace existing Unknow it Anticipated - .- Marion 115 kV' structures Winter 1-0 1 � thl`01.1�11 Structure Replace Surninei-2016 M -A M, M Ml W Attachment I Past, Present, and Reasonabiv Foreseeable Future Projects for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Closes[ Distance Facility/State/ Corrarion and Direction Froin Prc�jcct Name Proponent Cournics/Cikics Description PTOJCO Status WOj III CrST100fl- Dominion Robcson Line iclocation Unknown Anticipated — Raeford I 15 kV 1, ine Summer 20 16 Relocate throUAl Winter �019 Wcathrispoon- Dorninion Robeson Line replacement I llnkno�k n Anticipated — Raeford 115 kV Lare Surrimer 2015 Replacentent through Surninct 201� Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Robeson Utilitv services for the Intersects, I'Toposed, to Pipeline Utility LLC Pern�rokc M&R Perribroke M&R coincidc with Services Station Station construction of (he -NI&R Station Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Robeson Microwave tower at Within Tile Propocd,io Pipeline Ll C the Perribroke M&R Pcnibrokc M&R coincide with Communications Station Station construction ol'ACP Neivrork aboveground facilities Allantic (,east Atlantic Coast Pipehne� Johnston A new office building Sinithrield M&K I k) co incale with Pipeline LLC t6l. StU1011 construction of'the Office Building pipeline operations to M & R be built station on the sarne site as qie Sundifield M& R Station Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Johnston Utility %er�iccs 1�11- tile Smi(hfield M&R To coincide with Pipchne LLC Smithfield M&R Station construction ofthe U61ity Services Station arid M&I R ") ff-I c c Stinion Atlantic Coast Atlantic ('cast Pipeline, Johnsion Microwave tower at Sinithfield M&R To coincide �k uh Pipeline LLC the Station construction ofihe Utility Scr� ices Smithfield M& -R M& R Station Station Piedmont Facility Piedinont Natural Gas Johnston Piping modifications Smithfield M&R ConStluction it] Modifications and Station Winter additions for 70 18 interconnect at the Smithfield M&R Station Piedmont Facility Piedmont Natural Gas Cumberland Piping modifications, Fayetteville COnstruction in Modifications and M& R Stat ion Winter additions R)r the 7018 interconnect a( the Fayctfe� if le M&R Station Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Piliclinu, CUMberland Utflitv services, for the Fayenevilic -To coincide �N ith Pipeline LLC Fayette% ille M&R M& -R Station construction of [he L."tilitv Services Station M&R Station Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast pipeline, Cumberland MicrowaN e tower at Favette� tile To coincide with Pipeline LLC the Nll&,R Station construction ol'ACP ConitaLmications Favette� i Ile M& R aK)%cground Network Station facilities Piedmont Pipeline Piedmont Natural Gas Robeson 20 miles of`20-inch Crosses; Anticipated W�jiter natural Las Pipeline Pembroke M&R 2019 Station