HomeMy WebLinkAboutMore Info Requested - 5/14/1993-State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Land Resources
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
May 14, 1993
Mr. Bill H. Cecile, President
Radford Quarries of Boone, Inc.
P.O. Box 1114
North Wilkesboro, North Carolina 28659
Adobodommodw ���
ID E_= F1
RE: Application for a Mining Permit
Bamboo Road Quarry
Watauga County
Dear Mr. Cecile:
This office has completed its review of your application for
a mining permit for the above referenced site. In order for this
office to continue its review of your application, the following
items must be addressed:
1) This office needs verification that your corporatdon has
applied for the necessary water quality and air quality
permits for this site. Copies of the completed
application forms should be forwarded to this office for
our files.
2) An overall mining permit boundary has not been indicated
on the mine maps. Said boundary must be clearly labeled
on the mine maps to include all existing and proposed
land disturbing activities. All buffer zones, visual
screening, highwall barriers, erosion and sedimentation
control measures, processing and stockpile areas, primary
crusher area, access roads leading to and around the pit
area, and all stripping and mining areas must be located
inside the proposed permit boundary. In addition, a
revised acreage must be provided for the overall permit
area to replace the 9.75 permitted acreage indicated in
item A.1. of the application form.
Please note that the above delineation will likely
increase the acreage to be covered by the application.
Therefore, as the permitted acreage will increase,
additional application processing fees will be required
to cover the additional acreage. Please reference the
attached Fee Schedule to determine the additional fee
P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-3833 FAX 919-733-4407
An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ I O'k post -consumer paper
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 2
L//3) The 100 -year floodplain line for 'this section of the
South Fork New River,, as currently published in the Flood
Insurance Rate Map, Community -Panel No. 370253 002 D,
revised April 16, 1993, must be clearly labeled on the
mine maps. once such line is delineated on the mine
maps, all erosion and sedimentation control measures,.
stockpile areas and processing areas must be relocated
outside the floodplain line. The revised mine maps must
indicate the new locations of these items and indicate
that any disturbed areas between the f loodplain line and
the top of the river bank will be permanently revegetated
with native and wildlife species and remain undisturbed.
---'4) A revised construction detail is 'needed f or the perimeter
dike proposed to divert all surface water runoff from the
Processing Center to Sediment Basin No. 1. The dike
detail must clearly indicate that an excavated channel
will be installed at the inside toe of the dike to
sufficiently carry the runoff to the basin without
breaching or overtopping the berm. Design calculations
are also needed for the perimeter dike/channel system to
support the size and proper stabilization of the channel.
5) Design calculations and construction details are needed
for Sediment Basin No. 1 to ensure that it can handle a
25 year 24 hour storm event and maintain a settling
efficiency of 70% for the 40 micron particle. In
addition, if a riser basin is found to be more
appropriate than the rip -rap filter basin presently
proposed, supporting calculations for all aspects of the
principle and emergency spillway systems must be
provided. Please note that the basin must be constructed
in natural ground below any fill areas and cannot be
located in the fill material itself. The emergency
spillway must also be constructed in natural ground.
,/6) As required by the attached memorandum from the
Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives
and History, please forward a set of the mine maps
directly to Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley at the address
indicated at the bottom of the memorandum. This office
has maintained only one copy of the mine maps and does
not have the facilities to generate a copy of the mine
maps for Ms. Earley's use. Please provide this office
verification that said maps have been forwarded to Ms.
Earley as requested.
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 3
-"�7) Attached for your information and consideration is a copy
of the May 6, 1993 memorandum sent to this office by the
Wildlife Resources Commission regarding their revised
comments on your application. The majority of their
concerns and recommendations have been incorporated into
the contents of this letter.
t�/8) The visual screening proposed in the application form and
indicated on the mine maps does not appear to be feasible
or safe for vehicles entering or exiting,both sides of SR
1514 at the proposed operation. It is recommended that
this screening be eliminated from the maps and replaced
by proposed screening, such as trees and shrubs, directly
in front of the shop and processing plant on the west
side of SR 1514 and in front of the primary crusher on
the east side of SR 1514. This revised screening will
provide a direct visual screen for these aspects of the
operation while providing a recessed screen that will not
interfere with sight distance on SR 1514. Locations and
details for this revised screening, or other similar
alternative, must be provided on the mine maps. -
,-/9) All access roads to be utilized to access any stripping
and mine areas on the east side of SR 1514 must be
located within the mining permit boundary and must have
properly designed and constructed erosion and
sedimentation control measures to prevent offsite
sedimentation. Locations, design calculations and
construction details for each structure must be provided.
How will the access road be stabilized that exits onto
the east side of SR 1514? A construction entrance
detail, with corresponding stabilized side ditches, must
be provided to prevent tracking of sediment onto SR 1514.
1-40) In the application form and on Sheet 2 of 4 of the mine
maps, it was indicated that the mine excavation will be
dewatered. However, the location of the discharge pump
and corresponding pipe to the river has not been located
on the mine maps. Please indicate the locations of these
items as well as the location of the culvert under SR
1514 and the approximate discharge point in the river.
It was also noted in the application form that a closed
system "recycling tank" will be utilized at the site.
Please indicate its location on the mine maps and provide
a schematic diagram of this system. I
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 4
-*`�ll) Is the bold line around the "Quarry Site" on Sheet 2 of
4 of the mine maps the proposed 10 -year limit of the mine
excavation? A typical cross-section of the pit must be
provided to clearly indicate the permit boundary, buffer
zone width, highwall barrier, safety ledge, the 2
horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter overburden slope, the
minimum 10 foot wide safety bench at the toe of said
slope, and subsequent benching of the quarry face.
Please be sure to clearly label on the mine maps the
width of the undisturbed buffer zone that will be
maintained between the top of the mine excavation and the
permit boundary on all sides of the site.
Please note that the application form states that all
overburden will be sloped to a 3 horizontal to 1
vertical. This angle does not appear to be practical in
some areas if the bold line is the proposed limit of
disturbed area. In addition, present unconsolidated
slopes on the south side of the pit area are steeper than
a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. As presently
indicated on the maps, these slopes could not be#graded
to a 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope within the permit
boundaries. Please be advised that this office will not
allow any slopes steeper than a 2 horizontal to 1
vertical without a geotechnical report to indicate that
a steeper slope will be stable. Therefore, you must
clarify this issue.
V"12) If the areas encompassed by the bold lines are intended
to be the disturbed areas at the site, this office
measured these areas and arrived at the following
approximate acreage:
a) 2.82 acres for the Processing Center
b) 8.52 acres for the Quarry Site
Furthermore, additional areas that will be utilized by
the operation that were not included within the bold
lines are as follows:'
C) 0.67 acres for the primary crusher along SR 1514
d) 0.71 acres for access roads south of the Quarry
Site shown on the map, used to access the stripping
and mining areas
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 5
As can be noted from the above information, the acreage
to be disturbed that is outlined on pages 2 and 3 of the
application will need to be revised. This information
also supports the fact that greater than 9.75 acres will
need to be permitted at this site to include these
existing and proposed disturbed areas at the site. The '
mine maps will also need to be revised to clearly define
the acreage and boundaries of all areas to be disturbed
as part of the mining operation. In addition, the
boundaries of all disturbed areas must be broperly marked
at the site, once the mine maRs -have been revised to
include the above information, to facilitate this
office's site evaluation of this aRRlication during the
aRRlication review Rrocess.
/13) Sheet 4 of 4 indicates that the disturbed area at the
site is 58 acres. Is this supposed to be the acreage to
be permitted? Does this include both sides of SR 1514?
Please clarify this issue.
-/14) Will blasting at the site be designed and conducted by an
experienced blasting company? How many times a week or
month will shots be pulled at this site? Please be
advised that if a permit is issued for this site, it will
require that detailed blast records be maintained and a
seismograph be utilized for each blast conducted at the
site. This is a standard operating condition for quarry
operations across the state.
--'15) Clarification is still needed regarding notification of
adjoining landowners as outlined in my letter to you
dated April 29, 1993 (copy attached). In addition to the
above, please be sure to provide this office verification
that the landowners of the property upon which the site
is located have been properly notified. This would
appear to be Ms. Jenny Hollar on the east side of SR 1514
and Mr. Raymond Cecile on the west side of SR 1514.
%-/16) on page 2 of the application, items A.4.a.and b.
indicates that the mine depth will be 120 feet.
Furthermore, on page 8 of the application, item 10.a.
indicates that the depth to the groundwater table at the
site is 40 feet. However, item 10.b. indicates that the
excavation will not extend below the groundwater table.
In light of the above and the fact that the excavation
will be dewatered, how can this be correct? This
discrepancy must be addressed.
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 6
17) The location and acreage of all scrap metal, junk
equipment and parts, and other refuse must be clearly
indicated on the mine maps. How and when will this
material be removed from the site and properly disposed
of offsite?
18) The Revegetation Plan must be revised to provide seeding'
mixtures, seeding rates and seeding dates for year-round
seeding at the site.
-19) The attached Land Entry Agreement must be completed by
you as well as all owners of record of the land upon
which the mine site is located (i.e., Ms. Jenny Hollar
and Mr. Raymond Cecile).
In order to continue processing your application, please
forward three (3) copies of the requested information to my
attention at the following address:
Land Quality Section
P.O. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
Mr. Cecile
May 14, 1993
Page 7
If you should have any questions on the above or would like to
schedule a meeting with Mr. Doug Miller and me at a mutually
convenient date and time to discuss the contents of this letter,
please contact me at (919) 733-4574.
Sinc rely,
;r;cvy Davis, E.I. �T.
a 1
State ining Specialist
Land Quality Section
Attachments: Copy of Mining Permit Application Fee Schedule
Copy of Memorandum from the Division of Archives
and History dated May 4, 1993
Copy of Memorandum from the Wildlife Resources
Commission dated May 6, 1993
Copy of Letter from Tracy Davis to Bill Cecile
dated April 29, 1993
Land Entry Agreement
cc: Mr. Charles Gardner
Mr. Mell Nevils
Mr. Doug Miller
Ms. Sueanna Sumpter
Mr. Randal Marsh
Mr. Dwayne Sullivan
Mr. Joe Napoleon
Mr. Dave Paletta