HomeMy WebLinkAboutAir Permit Application - 6/7/1993KJ4 wl lu -. ny _C7, gi m plvision o*f Efivi'ronmenial Ma�a�6 en -Ra S,,. *a r- s Wf,; A t -t o- r me yy� -A, - n da�l M;5"T" U_ m SUBJECT '-Air Q�__I-ZitY 6 M'I't R 'A d f o Fd, 'Q�u ?L ni�� b Q e Tn a,'.: -B on A- - MESSAOM _-P:l e a se-', p no P,5�,Jrl M 1, c e '--the-' en c e d-.:App"l i c at i6n' foi,r_ -a -1 rte� q4Alf I -L 0- S, 0 y u r rh m 611 ay' Radf fd Qu�arrie)* f,'Boone'i I,nc 0 .,w ou Ld apprecia, 9 f)r`Odpt_,_�kugj2Cestipns !�hould there,' be a: n y i t e in s th at _tTe e d, --t o, b e ­A,d`(�j' ,r,i� s sh d 1,'m�ludlcd in the informadton, enclosed. A not-' 7A 73,­ i�2 .4, S[G�kt/D r17 on OUR --- T-7 -199i SIGNED, Mir Owl. 5,� 3, ,��4` �A , & I fl, T v�r ".4, Uf q�r jj, yp �v: XU P , 1j. t:,j q, & w, Apt, W6 T 17� �$. ef� 'Mori, p -7, - �tW kj Y;N I OV Iv -S, 1� Nv� Y 'r— 4 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Environmental Management Commission R E C VE AIR PERMIT APPLICATION U A P 0 7 19�5 GENERAL INFORMATION tAND QUALI page I of I INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK Ty S'Ecr/01V *To construct and o1plerate Air. Emission Sources and Control Devices In accordance with N. C. General Statutes Chapter 143, Article 21. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ATTACH APPROPRIATE EMISSION SOURCE AND CONTROL DEVICE FORMS FOR EACH SOURCE LISTED IN ITEM 6 BELOW. 1. Facility Name (Company, Establishment, Town, Etc.): Date FOR DEM USE ONLY Radford Quarries of Boone, Inc. 5-11-93 DATE RECEIVED: 2. Site Location (St./Rd./Hwy.): City Zip Code County Bamboo Rd. Boone, NC 28607 Watauga Latitude Longitude SIC Code 3. Mailing Address (P. 0. BoxISt./Rd./Hwy.): P. 0. Box 2071 City State Zip Code Phone with Area Code Boone NC 28607 704-264-7008 4. Applicant Technical Contact: Title Phone with Area Code PERMIT NUMBER: Bill Cecile President 704-264-7(. DATE ISSUED: S. Description of operation conducted at above facility: Stone Crushing and processing for gravel 6. List each EMISS ION SOURCE and CONTROL DEVICE for which application is made. Assign an I DNUM BE R to each emission source and control device which uniquely identifies that source. Attach appropriate emission source and c6ntrol device forms for each. YIN 6�� TROLI-DEVIC__Ez_fv�ffz�_ Cone Crusher 45 inch Water Spray Screen (51 X 12,11) Water Spray Conveyors (11) it (see exhibit attached for refer-ence) I USE SEPARATE SHEET(S) IF NEEDED 7. Maximum facility operation: 8 Hours/Day 5 — Days/Week 52 Weeks/Year 8. Name a d d o �pss f epgppering firm that prepared application or plans: Weather permitting LZ_6� 9. Signature of responsible perso or company official: B i 11 C e c i 1 e President —Date 5-11-93 Signer's Name (TY PE OR PRINT) Title Phone with Area Code Bill Cecile 704-264-7008 FORM AQ -22 GENERAL DATA FOR PROCESSES OR FUEL BURNING SOURCES page I of 3 NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR INCINERATORS, USE FORM "F". PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ATTACH TO THE GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A". IF APPLICABLE, ATTACH AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE FORM "C". USE SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH SOURCE. 1. Emission Source and ID NO. (FROM GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A", ITEM 6): Cone Crusher, Screen, (11) conveyors (Manufactured before 1985) 2. Description of Process or Fuel Burning Source Including Air Control Device: 3. Permit Application is made for (CHECK ONE ONLY): ( ) New Source " Existing Source Modification — Last Permit No. 9 1 3 5 R 4 Commence Construction Date J19— Operation Date 19_Z_2 4. Maximum Source Operation: Hours/Day Days/Week Weeks/Year 5. Air Contaminants Maximum Actual Emissions Emission Emitted: Before Control After Control Estimate Control Control (lb/hr) I (lb/hr) Method* Device" Efficiency % Particulates ........... Sulfur Dioxide ........ Nitrogen Dioxide ....... Carbon Monoxide ...... Hydrocarbons (VOC) .... Lead ............... PM -10 ............ Other ( ) - *REFER TO BACK OF GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A" FOR EMISSION ESTIMATION CODE "ATTACH AIR CONTROL DEVICE FORM "C" `­6—T�p—e 6T CHECK ONE A GENERAL PROCESS — Source not covered by B and C below. (Complete items 7, 8, 18 through 22) B GENERAL PROCESS WITH IN -PROCESS FUEL — Source where products of combustion contact materials heated. (Complete items 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 18 through 22) C FUEL BURNING SOURCE (boilers, etc.) — Source where products of combustion are for the primary purpose of pro- ducing heat or power by indirect heat transfer. (Complete items 9 through 22) 7. Process Operation: (X) Continuous ( ) Batch — Normal Batch Time No. Batches per Day 8. Process Name Materials Entering Process*: (include In -process Solid Fuelg) Input Rates (lb/hr) Design Actual ra - Requested x P e rmi t Input Rates (lb/hr) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. TOTAL WEIGHT ENTERING PROCESS *DO NOT LIST ANY VOLATILE HYDROCARBONS, USE HYDROCARBON EMISSION SOURCES FORM "E" DATA FOR PROCESSES OR FUEL BURNING SOURCES — continued B 9. Type of Fuel Burning Source: Industrial Boiler Institutional /Residential Boiler Electric Utility Boiler Process Burner(s) Other Make and Model No. 10. Type of Solid Fuel Burning Equipment Used: Hand Fired Over -feed Stoker Pulverized SpreaderStoker Traveling Grate Wet Bed Under -feed Stoker Shaking Grate Dry Bed Other (specifly) 11. Is collected flyash reinjected? NO YES Percent Reinjected Combustion Air: Percent Excess Air 0/6 Natural induced Specify method and schedule of tube cleaning: ( ) Lancing ( ) Tube Blowing Other Schedule 12. Boiler Horsepower Rating Boiler Steam Flow (lb/hr) 13. Fuel Burning Source Heat Input: Maximum Million BTU/hr Average Million BTU/hr 14. Fuel Data: Primary Fuel Type(s) (specify) Standby Fuel Type(s) (specify) FUEL TYPE FUELUSAGE Max. % Max. % Max. Design Max. Actual Annual Sulfur Ash BTU Value (gal/hr) (gal/hr) (gal/yr) (BTU/gal) �-6 Fuel Oil (gal/hr) (gal/hr) (gal/yr) (BTU/gal) `5 Fuel Oil (gal/hr) (gal/hr) (gal/yr) (BTU/gal) (lb/hr) (lb/hr) (ton/yr) (BTU/Ib) Coal (lb/hr dry) (lb/hr dry) (ton/yr dry) (BTU/1b) Wood 8,000 Other 15. If a combination of fuels is used, specify the maximum BTU/hr heat input for each: Fuel Oil Coal Wood Other 16. Total maximum heat input in million BTU/hr of all indirect fired fuel burning sources within property boundaries excluding that indicated above: Fuel Oil Coal Wood Other 17. Total No. of indirect fired fuel burning sources within property boundaries: Fuel Oil Coal Wood Other 18. Are there any fugitive emissions (storage piles, product handling, haul roads, etc.)? No Yes If yes, please describe in comments below, the type, size, estimated emissions and control measures. 19. Describe any liquid or solid wastes generated and method of disposal: DATA FOR PROCESSES OR FUEL BURNING SOURCES — continued 20. Stack or Emission Point Data: Height Above Ground (ft.) I Inside Area (sq. ft.) Volumetric Flow Rate Velocity (ft./sec.) (ACFM) Is scaffolding available for source testing? ( ) No ( ) Yes Gas Temperature (Deg. F) Direction of Exit (up, down or horizontal) Are sampling ports available? Is rain cap or other obstruction over No Yes stack? ( )No ( )Yes, (specify) Stack ID No. Sources with a common stack will have the same stack number. 21. Indicate monitoring and recording instruments installed on stack: ( )Opacity Monitor ( ) S02 Monitor ( ) NOx Monitor Other 22. Attach or sketch a flow diagram of the process or fuel burning source. Include air control device(s). (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK OF THIS PAGE): 23. Comments: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE C page 1 of 3 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ATTACH TO GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A". SUPPLY DESIGN DATA, SPECIFICATIONS, AND AVAILABLE ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. 1. Air Control Device and ID No. (FROM GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A", ITEM 6) 2. If there are several devices in series, list each unit in series starting at tile emission source. (1) (2) (3).-- ____ TOTAL UNITS 3. Indicate Emission Source and ID No. that Control Device(s) is installed on: 4. Narrative Description of Control Device(s): Manufacturer Model Name Model Number S. Estimated Cost of Control Device Period of Time Control Device is Estimated to be Adequate: $ Years 6. Permit Application is made for (CHECK ONE ONLY): ( ) New Source ( ) Existing Source Modification — Last Permit No Commence Construction Date — )19— Operation Date 119- 7. Emission Parameters: PART. S02 NO, Co VOC LEAD OTHER OTHER Pollutant(s) Controlled Emission Rate Before Control (lb/hr) = Emission Rate After Control (lb/hr) = Removal Efficiency Percent Particle - Size-bi-stri-bution of Pa - rticulates Entering Control Device (% Micron): — 0-1 1-10 10-25 —25 -SO 50-100 —Over 100 8. Gas Conditions at Control Device: INLET INTERMEDIATE LOCATIONS OUTLET Flow Rate (ACFM) Temperature (Deg. F) Velocity (ft./sec.) Pressure Drop (in. H20) Moisture (%) 9. Describe Ultimate Disposal of Collected Materials: 10. Stack or Emission Point Data - Height Above Inside Area Direction of Exit Ground (ft.) I (sq. ft.) (up, down, or horizontal) Are there obstructions over the stack? ( ) No ( ) Yes, (specify) Is scaffolding available for sources testing? Are sampling ports available? ( )No ( ) Yes I ( ) No ( ) Yes 11. Comments: SUPPLEMENTAL DATA FOR AIR CONTROL DEVICES C page 2 of 3 "CYCLONE" (MECHANICAL SEPARATORS) Efficiency Volumetric Flow Pressure Drop (in. H20) Baffles or Louvers (specify) Position in Series Direct Flame Rate (ACFM) Rate (CFM) of - Unit! Cyclone Dimensions (inches) Cyclone Body Diameter Cyclone Body Height (ft.) Cyclone Cone Height (ft.) Inlet Outlet (inches) Other No- �of No'zzles Wet Spray No. of Nozzles Liquid Used (specify) Flow Rate (GPM) Makeup Rate (GPM) % Recirculated s )No )Yes Fuel Type (Million BTU/hr) A process flow diagram must be attached If cyclone is routed to another cyclone or'other equipment, show sketch of entire system. CYCLO14E OTAGP&M CHECK APPROPRIATE OUTLET CCHFIGURATION BELCW SKETCH OTHER CONFIGURATION ON OIAGRAM DUCT 7 Below noy IEO0y INLET I HEIGHT DINIENSION I 13. Efficiency Volumerric Flow Rate (ACFM) *** "MULTICYCLONE" *** No. of Cones I Pressure Drop (in. H20) I CONE ICONE I HEIGHT 7/ 1 Position in Series 7r of Units Louvers Inlet Dimension of Individual Outlet Dimension of Individual Individual Cyclone Inlet Temperature No Yes Cyclone (inches) Cyclone (inches) Diameter (inches) (Deg- F) -4i;V;`F I LTRATION `(BAG FFOUSE)'iv*-� Efficiency Volumetric Flow Filter Surface Air -to -Filter Area Ratio Pressure Drop (in. H20) Rate (ACFM) Area (sq. ft.) (ft./min.) TYPE OF FILTER FILTER MATERIAL BAG CLEANING Fabric Filter (BAGHOUSE) Fiberglass Nylon Mechanical Sonic Packed Bed Mat Filter Nomex Teflon Reverse Flow Air Pulse Panel Filter wool Dacron Simple Bag Ringed Bag Other Cotton Orion Collapse Collapse Other Other No. of Compartments Time Between Cleaning Inlet Temperature Position in Series (mins./hr.) (Deg.F) of Units 15. "AFTERBURNER" (FUME INCINERATOR) Type of Afterburner: Efficiency Volumetric Flow Position in Series Direct Flame Rate (CFM) .4 Ir of Units Catalytic Other Maximum Burner Rating Combustion Chamber Retention Time Fuel Type (Million BTU/hr) Temp. (Deg. F) (sec.) Usage Combustion Chamber Dimensions (ft.): Length Diameter SUPPLEMENTAL DATA FOR AIR CONTROL DEVICES — continued C page 3 of 3 16- "SCRUBBER" Type of Scrubber: Electrical Usage (kw./hr.) Efficiency % Volumetric Flow Position in Series Venturi ) Orifice Type Rate (ACFM) # Impingement Plate Cyclonic -of -Units Packed Tower Gravity Tower Condenser )Other Pressure Drop Inlet Temperature Mist Eliminator Filter Area (in. H20) (Deg. F) (sq. ft.; Mist Eliminator Gas Flow Liquid Scrubbing Medium I Total Liquid Injection (GPM) Make Up Rate (GPM) Countercurrent and Additives (specify) Concurrent Venturi Inlet Area (sq. in.) i Throat Area (sq. in.) Throat Velocity (ft./sec.) Fixed Throat Scrubber Variable Throat Data: Packed or Surface Area (sq. ft.) Packing Depth (ft.) Type of Packing: No. of Plates Type of Plates Plate Tower Rings Saddles Data: Other 17. *** "ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR" *** Efficiency Volumetric Flow Rate (CFM) Total Collection Plate Pressure Drop Inlet Temperature Area (sq. ft.) (in H20) (Deg. F) Resistivity of Gas Viscosity (poise) Charging Field Strength (volts) Collecting Field Strength (volts) Pollutant (OHM -CM) PRECIPITATOR TYPE CLEANING METHOD Single Stage ( ) Low Voltage Hot Side Plate Rapping ( ) Washing U,� t4gei,-_,.:-.(_)-_CoId -Side �_ �_,.(_).Piate-.Vib (J -None,-. Other Other Corona Power Electrical Usage (kw./hr.) No. of Compartments No. of Cells/Comp. Position in Series (Watts/1000 cfm) # -of -Units 18. *** "ADSORPTION" *** Type of Adsorption: Efficiency Volumetric Flow Rate (ACFM) One -Pass Regenerative Recirculating One -Pass Nonregenerative Other Regenerative Method: Adsorption Material: Position in Series Discarded Thermal (dry heat) Activated Carbon Chemical Thermal (steam) Hydrous Silicated of -Units Other Other Pressure Drop Inlet Temperature No. of Compartments How are emissions controlled during (in H20) (Deg. F) regeneration? Size of Adsorbent Bed (ft.) Length I Width Height Diameter Regenerative Schedule: Maximum Time for Desorption Length of Time to Maximum Saturation AREA DIAGRAM L) Show all surrounding buildings and roads within 1500 feet of the equipment covered by this application. Attach a site diagram identify- ing each emission source location(s), property boundaries and building (structure) dimensions (height, width, and length). 1500 feet 1 N RTH 0 ( 1000 feet 500 feet INSTRUCTIONS CODE DESCRIPTION 1. Indicate location and type of building by the use of small (1) numbered circles with the decription below. (2) 2. Show roads as lines representing the road edges. Indicate (3) street names and highway numbers. (4) (5) 3. Show wooded or cleared area by approximate boundary (6) lines and the words "woods", "cleared", "cornfield", etc. (7) (8) (9) (10) Example: (1) Church (2) Residence HYDROCARBON EMISSION SOURCES page I of 2 NOTE: For emission sources of volatile organic compounds including spray booths, painting, finishing, printing and solvent usage. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ATTACH TO THE GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A". IF APPLICABLE, ATTACH AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE FORM "C". 1. Emission Source and ID NO. (FROM GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A", ITEM 6) 2. Process Description (INDICATE NO. OF IDENTICAL PROCESSES — BOOTHS, FINISHING LINES, ETC.) 3. Permit Application is made for (CHECK ONE ONLY): ( ) New Source ( ) Existing Source Modification — Last Permit No. Commence Construction Date 3 19— Operation Date 19- 4. Maximum Source Operation: Hours/Day Days/Week — - - Weeks/Year 5. List all VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS as used: USE NEXT PAGE (PRODUCT ANALYSIS WORKSHEET) TO DETERMINE IF PRODUCT IS REACTIVE (R) OR NONREACTIVE (NR) AS DEFINED BY 15 NCAC 2D.0518. TOTAL VOC PRODUCT PRODUCT VOLATILE EMISSION WEIGHT USAGE BY WEIGHT RATES PRODUCT NAME R NR (lb/gal) (gal/day) X (lb/gal) (lb/day) (ton/yr) X X X X X X X 0 L: -,--- -USE SEPA RATE--SHEET(Sr1-F7N—tEDED T 1A 6. Describe the storage and handling methods used in employing the organic products listed above. Include the ultimate disposal methods of the collected waste and wastewater. 7. Surface Coating Operations: Describe Articles Being Coated: Method of Spray: ( ) Airless ( ) Air Atomize Electrostatic Other Overspray Stack Flow Rate (CFM) Exhaust None Dry Filter Adsorption Control Efficiency Control: Waterwash Baffles Incineration Particulate % Other Hydrocarbon % No. of Bake Ovens Method of Steam Direct Fired Heating: Electric Other 8. Solvent Degreasing Operations: Describe Articles Being Degreased: Degreaser Type: ( ) Open Top Vapor Cold Cleaning Conveyorized Other FuelType Usage — Tank Capacity Makeup Rate Exhaust Control: None Surface Condensers (gallons) (gallons/day) Adsorption Closed Loop Other PRODUCT ANALYSIS WORKSHEET (SOL VENTS, PAINTS, FINISHING MA TERIA LS, ETC.) page 2 of 2 INSTRUCTIONS: COMPLETE ONE SHEET FOR EACH TYPE OF PRODUCT. GIVE CHEMICAL NAMES, NOT BRAND NAMES OR ABBREVIATIONS. FOLLOW THESE PROCEDURES IN DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT A PRODUCT OF VARIOUS SOLVENTS IS REACTIVE (R) OR NONREACTIVE (NR). A) GROUP THE CONSTITUENTS ACCORDING TO WHETHER OR NOT THEY FIT THE DESCRIPTION IN CLASS (1), (2), (3) OR NONE OF THE ABOVE CLASSES. IF A CONSTITUENT COULD FALL IN TWO GROUPS, IT IS PLACED IN THE MORE LIMITED GROUP. B) DETERMINE THE VOLUME PERCENT OF ALL LIQUID CONSTITUENTS OF THE PRODUCT AS APPLIED. (THIS SHOULD TOTAL 100%.) C) TOTAL THE VOLUME PERCENT FOR EACH CLASS (1, 2, AND 3). IF THE VOLUME PERCENT FOR ANY CLASS EXCEEDS THE PERCENT LIMIT FOR THAT CLASS OR IF THE TOTAL FOR CLASSES (1), (2), (3) EXCEEDS 20 PERCENT, THEN THE PRODUCT IS REACTIVE. IF NONE OF THESE LIMITS ARE EXCEEDED, THE PRODUCT IS NONREACTIVE. Product Name Product No. This Product is Classified as: ( ) Reactive (R) Nonreactive (NR) PRODUCT COMPOSITION % BY VOLUME OF THE ORGANIC TOTAL VOLATILES CLASS DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIC CLASS NAME OF CONSTITUENTS ACTUAL % LIMIT Product usage kgal/ r, Product Weight (lb/gal) Weight of volatiles in product (lb/gal) Total % volatiles by volume in product TOTAL = 100% IF THE TOTAL REACTIVE PRODUCT EMISSIONS EXCEED 40 POUND.S/DAY FROM YOUR FACILITY, DESCRIBE THE CONTROL*METHODS EMPLOYED FOR MEETING COMPLIANCE WITH DEM REGULATION 15 NCAC 2D.0518: A COMBINATION OF HYDROCARBONS, ALCOHOLS, ALDEHYDES, ESTERS, OR (1) KETONES HAVING AN OLEFINIC OR 5% CYCLOOLEFINIC TYPE OF UNSATURA- TION EXCEPT PERCHLOROETHYLENE — 5PERCENT SUB -TOTAL A COMBINATION OF AROMATIC RB S�W jEt(jUj�_Q _aN ffLH �MORE­�CARBON�ATOMST07HE� 850- MOLECULE EXCEPT ETHYLBENZENE — 8 PERCENT SUB -TOTAL A COMBINATION OF ETHYLBENZENE, KETONES HAVING BRANCHED (3) HYDROCARBON STRUCTURE, 20% TRICHLOROETHYLENE, OR TOLUENE —20PERCENT SUB -TOTAL ALL SOLVENTS NOT LISTED ABOVE Product usage kgal/ r, Product Weight (lb/gal) Weight of volatiles in product (lb/gal) Total % volatiles by volume in product TOTAL = 100% IF THE TOTAL REACTIVE PRODUCT EMISSIONS EXCEED 40 POUND.S/DAY FROM YOUR FACILITY, DESCRIBE THE CONTROL*METHODS EMPLOYED FOR MEETING COMPLIANCE WITH DEM REGULATION 15 NCAC 2D.0518: INCINERATOR F page I of 2 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. ATTACH TO THE GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A". IF APPLICABLE, ATTACH AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE FORM "C". 1. Emission Source and ID NO. (FROM GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A", ITEM 6): 2. Incinerator Description: Manufacturer Model Name 3. Permit Application is made for (CHECK ONE ONLY): ( ) New Source ( ) Existing Source Modification — Last Permit No Commence Construction Date , 19— Operation Date 4. Maximum Source Operation: Hours/Day 5. Type of Waste Burned: Maximum Charging Rate (lb/hr) (See codes on next page) I Design I Actual Days/Week Tons/Year Burned Model Number P19- -Weeks/Year Total Waste Generated (lb/day) 6. Combustible % Noncombustible —% Moisture —% Heat Value (BTU/Ib) 7. Primary Chamber: Secondary Chamber: Secondary Chamber Type of Feed Volume ft. Volume —cu. ft. Retention Time: Manual —cu. Temperature —' F Tempe ratu re — * F Seconds Automatic 8. Burner Data: BURNER RATING (BTU/HR) AIR FLOW (CFM) Excess Air Primary Secondary Overfire Underfire 9. Is there a preheat timer? No Yes, Preheating Time Min. --P-rimary Fuel Type(s) 10. Auxiliary Fuel ta: Secondary Fuel Type(s) FUEL TYPE FUEL USAGE Max. % Max. % Max. Design Max. Actual Annual Sulfur Ash BTU Value Natural Gas (SCF) (SCF) (SCF/yr) (BTUISCF) (gaf/hr) I (gal/hr) I (gallyr) Fuel Oil Other I I I I 11. Air Contaminants Maximum Actual Emissions Emission Emitted: Before Control After Control Estimate (lbs/hr) I (lbs/hr) Method* (BTU/gal) Control Control Device" Efficiency% Particulates ........ Sulfur Dioxide ...... Nitrogen Dioxide ..... Carbon Monoxide .... Hydrocarbons (VOC). Lead .............. Othqr (—). - - Other(_). *REFER TO BACK OF GENERAL INFORMATION FORM "A" FOR EMISSION ESTIMATION CODE "ATTACH APPROPRIATE AIR CONTROL DEVICE FORM "C" INCINERATOR — continued F page 2 of 2 12. Describe any liquid or solid wastes generated and method of disposal: 13. Stack or Emission Point Data: Height Above Ground (ft.) Inside Area (sq. ft.) Gas Temperature (Deg. F) Direction of Exit (up, down, or horizontal) Volumetric Flow Rate Velocity (ft./sec.) Are sampling ports available? Is rain cap or other obstruction over (ACFM) No Yes stack? No Yes, (specify) 14. Is a RCRA permit required by the N. C. Department of Human Resources? No Yes If yes, has a RCRA permit application been submitted? Date 019- 15. List ALL incinerated HAZARDOUS WASTE specified in the RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA) (40 CFR 261) in the comments section below: 16. Comments: TYPE OF WASTE BURNED CODE TABLE CODE Principal components. usual source, and typical moisture content 0 Highly combustible waste, paper, wood, cardboard cartons, (including up to 10% treated papers, plastic or rubber scraps), from commercial and industrial sources; 10% moisture. I Combustible waste, paper, cartons, rags, wood scraps, combustible floor sweepings; from domestic, commercial, and indus- trial sources; 255o' moisture. 2 Rubbish and garbage; from residential sources; 50% moisture. 3 Predominantly animal and vegetable waste; from. restaurants, hotels, markets, institutional, commercial and club sources; 70% moisture. 4 'Carcasses, organs, solid organic wastes; from hospitals, laboratories, slaughterhouses, animal pounds, and simflar sources; 8557o moisture. 5 Gaseous and semi-liquid industrial process waste; variable moisture. Describe in detail under comments. 6 Solid and semi-solid by-product waste, such as rubber, plastics, wood waste, etc., from industrial operations; variable moisture. Describe in detail under comments. AIR TOXICS APPLICATION FORM ATTACHED ARE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Toxics Data Form (TDF) 2. Air Toxics Regulations I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 15A NCAC 2D .1100 and 2H .0610 G page I of 3 4/17/90 This section must be completed for facilities required to obtain a toxic air permit by EMC regulation 15A NCAC 2H .0610 and for facilities who emit one or more of the regulated air toxics listed in 15A NCAC 2H .0610(h). As 'specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0610, if facility wide emissions for a listed toxic is above the amounts listed in 15A NCAC 2H .0610(h), then- a toxic air permit is required. Specific exemptions from toxic air permitting are contained in 15A NCAC 2H .0610. The attached Toxics Data Form (TDF) must be completed for each air emissions source that emits a listed air toxic pollutant. Include listed air toxic emissions from stacks, vents, chimneys, processes, and fugitive sources. Propose maximum emissions for the listed toxics in 15A NCAC 2H .0610(h) that are emitted by the source. The source ID NO. must correspond to the source ID NO. on item 6 of Form A. For assistance in completing this form please contact the approriate DEM field office listed on the back of Form A. To comply with 15A NCUAC 2H .0610(b), for each listed air toxic emitted from the entire facility in excess of the amounts listed in 15A NCAC 2H .0610(h), air dispersion modeling is required as part of the toxic air permit application. Prior to submitting the modeling, the modeling plan must be submitted by the applicant and approved by this Division. Section III of this form lists items needed in a modeling plan. Applicants applying under the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .0610(b)(2) or (c) should contact the Air -Quality S��qt:Lq -to discuss - determination. r 7 oMp ER64�- II. COMPLETING THE ATTACHED TOXIC DATA FORM Complete a separate form for each air emission source emitting a listed air toxic pollutant. Form data items are described as follows: ITEM (1) Source ID Use the same source identification number as assigned on item 6 of Form A of the AQ -22. ITEM (2) Source Description List the source type such as incinerator, spray booth, coal boiler, or storage tank. Include air cleaning devices if applicable. ITEM (3) Exhaust Type Enter the exhaust configuration of the emission source using the codes at the bottom of the Toxic Data Form. For the purposes of this application the following definitions apply: A. Unobstructed Vertical Stack or Chimney - any point in a source designed to emit solids, liquids or gases into the air, including a pipe or a duct but not including flares and that is constructed in a vertical direction and is void of restrictive obstructions, e.g., rain caps. . G page 2 of 3 B. Obstructed or Nonvertical Stack or Chimney - any point in a source designed to emit solids, liquids or gases into the air, including a pipe or a duct but not including flares and that is either constructed in a nonvertical direction or has a restrictive obstruction, e.g., rain caps. C. Other Point Source - an identifiable piece of equipment that is used as a complete unit to accomplish a specific purpose or produce a specific product which results in an emission through a vent or functionally equivalent opening excluding stacks or chimneys. Describe the particular point source. D. Fugitive Emissions - those emissions which could not reasonably pass through a stack, chimney, vent or other functionally equivalent opening. This includes ponds or lagoons which are used as reservoirs for cooling water, wastewater, or other liquid mixtures. Routine leaks entering the atmosphere from pipes, valves, tanks, condensers or other equipment are also considered fugitive emissions and must be reported. E. Other - all other emission types not identified by A, B, C or D. Describe the particular exhaust configuration falling within this category. ITEM (4) Toxic Emitted To Atmosphere For the source, list all the toxic pollutants in 2H .0610(h) that are emitted to the outside atmosphere. Use additional forms as needed. ��P!S if �hfi Nd7m List the number of the toxic pollutant as specified in 2H .0610(h). For example the number for toluene is (98), the number for ammonia is (5). ITEM (6) Requested Maximum Emissions For each toxic pollutant emitted, for the time periods listed in 2H .0610(f) list the maximum requested emission rate(s) in pounds per year, pounds per day, pounds per hour, or in pounds per 15 minutes. Emissions proposed are for annual periods over a calendar year, for 24-hour periods from midnight to midnight, for one-hour periods beginning on the hour, and for 15 -minute periods beginning on the hour or 15, 30, or 45 minutes after the hour. ITEM (7) Calculation Method Enter the letter(s) of the calculation method using the codes at the bottom of the Toxic Data Form which best describes the method(s) used to determine the emission rates in item (6). ITEM (8) Stack or Vent Diameter Give the inside exit diameter of the stack or vent in feet to the nearest tenth of a foot. G page 3 of 3 ITEM (9) Stack or Source Height Give the actual height in feet above the ground level of the emission outlet. For a fugitive emission give the height from which the emissions originate. ITEM (10) Exit'Velocity Enter the exit velocity in feet per second for the emissions at the maximum operating rate. For example: [Exhaust Volume (acfm)] / [Stack or Vent Area (ft 2 )] x [min/60 secl [Exit Velocity(ft/sec)) ITEM (11) Exit Temperature Enter the exit temperature in degrees Farenheit for the emissions at the maximum operating rate. III. MODELING PLAN REQUIREMENTS Air toxics modeling requirements are contained in 15A NCAC 2D .1106. Applicants submitting ambient dispersion modeling to comply with 15A NCAC 2H .0610(b) must first submit a modeling plan to this Division and receive approval of that plan prior to submitting the toxics modeling demonstration. The modeling plan should include the following information: 1) A diagram of the plant site, including locations of all existing and proposed stacks and associated buildings; 2) A list of on-site building dimensions (height, width, and 3) A diagram showing property boundaries, including a scale, key and a North indicator; 4) The location of the site on a United States Geological Survey (USGS) map; 5) Calculation of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height for each stack; 6) Discuss all aspects of the project not accounted for in a simple flat terrain model. These include cavity calculations, impacts on rolling and complex terrain, building wake effects, and urban/rural considerations; 7) Discuss reasons for model selections; 8) Discuss meteorological data to be used; and 9) Any other pertinent information. (1) Source ID (2) Source Description - Include Any Air Cleaning Equipment (4) (5) (6) JUAIU UAIA t-UKM Attach to General Information Form "A" Division of Environmental Management Toxic Air Permit Application (3) Exhaust Type a (7) b (8) (9) 4/1//9U G (10) (11) Toxic Emitted :to Atmosphere Requested Maximum Emissions Calcu-' lation'! Method: Stack1l Diam. (ft) Stack Height' (ft) Exit Velocity (ft/sec)� Exit T 8mP.1 F) a Exhaust Type: A. Unobstructed Vertical Stack B., Obstructed,or Nonvertical Stack B1. Obstructed Stack B2. Nonvertical Stack C. Other Point Source (Specify) D. Fugitive Emissions E. Other (Specify) U Calculation Method: A. AP -42 Emission Factor B. EPA Document (Give document name) ,1: C. Estimate (Attach related worksheets) D. Materials Balance (Attach related worksheets) E. Test Data (Attach related worksheets) F. Other Emission Factor (Attach description) K & C CRUSHED STONE PO BOX 2071 BOONE. NC 28607 E- I T S 0 T" S OU PICF IP1 4.50 Cone Crusher 9D 4 -ph Conveyors: 1 . Jaw Pelt 2. Cone Felt 4V 7, :% -./ Stacker Felt 4. Felt to Tunnel 5. Tunnel Pelt 6. Belt to Screen 7. Felt under (2) Cones 8. T-inse Screen Felt 9. :,Z'6,s Stone Pelt f;10. Screenings Felt 'I'll. 78m Stone Belt 3011 `,Vide 24" 1,11i d e 24" '!"i d e 2411 'T,lide 3011 77i d e -5011 ',Vi d e 3011 1.7i d e 2411 .1 de 'Vi 24 " I'Ji d e 24" "11i d e 24 " 1,7i d e COTT DEVICE V-j'ater Spray 1ATater Spray at e r SSp r a y ,!,,'a t e r Spray .iater Spray Water Spray Water Spray ater J1 -2 51x121 Screen -417 (2) 31 rone Crushers --40 Jaw Crusher Spray 61x16, Screen f6. 4'x8l Screen Conveyors: 1 . Jaw Pelt 2. Cone Felt 4V 7, :% -./ Stacker Felt 4. Felt to Tunnel 5. Tunnel Pelt 6. Belt to Screen 7. Felt under (2) Cones 8. T-inse Screen Felt 9. :,Z'6,s Stone Pelt f;10. Screenings Felt 'I'll. 78m Stone Belt 3011 `,Vide 24" 1,11i d e 24" '!"i d e 2411 'T,lide 3011 77i d e -5011 ',Vi d e 3011 1.7i d e 2411 .1 de 'Vi 24 " I'Ji d e 24" "11i d e 24 " 1,7i d e COTT DEVICE V-j'ater Spray 1ATater Spray at e r SSp r a y ,!,,'a t e r Spray .iater Spray Water Spray Water Spray ater Spray '-Vat e r Spray '.Vater Spray ater Spray Aater Spray ;.Vater Spray Water Spray Water Spray 7! at e r Spray I ater Spray