HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2220_Scoping_Data_Sheet.pdfPDEA Scoping Scoping Information Sheets Rev 3/19/08 Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Scoping Information Sheets TIP No.: R_222p Sent Date: 2-g-2018 WBS No.: 34394.1.1 Revision Date: N/ A Federal Aid No: N� q Meetinq Date: 2-20-2018 Division: 9 (30%) / 8 (70%) COunty: Davidson / Randolph PrOjeCt DeSCrlptlOn: US 64 from I-85 east of Lexington to the Asheboro Bypass General Project Need: Widen to four lanes to improve the traffic carrying capacity and to reduce the accident potential (rear-end and angle crashes) along US 64. Metropolitan / Rural Planninq Orqanization: High Point MPO / Piedmont Triad RPO NEPA / 404 Merqer Candidate: Feasibilitv Studv Completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No � Yes ❑ No � To Be Determined Date of Study: 06/06/2011 Proiect Schedule: Type of Document: Environmental Document(s): SEA / FONSI Right of Way Authorization Date: Cost Estimate: TIP Estimate Current Estimate: Let Date: Construction 144,820,000 Right-of-Way 48,658,000 Dates: 2020 2021 2023 Total Cost: �cludes prior years 211,080,000 PDEA Scoping Scoping Information Sheets Rev 3/19/08 Design Criteria: Lenqth of Proiect: 19.4 miles Riqht-of-Wav: Existing: 150 feet Proposed: 250 feet Type of Access Control: Roadway Typical Section: Existing: None Proposed: Partial Existing: 2-Lane, 2-Way Proposed: 4-Lane, 2-Way S�J eed: Existing Posted Speed: 45-55 mph Proposed Design Speed: 45-55 mph Bridqe/ Culvert Inventory: 4 Bridges, 1 Culvert Functional Classification: US 64 — Other Principal Arterial NC Transportation Corridor: No CTP/Thorouqhfare Plan Davidson/Randolph Countv CTP — Expressway Desiqnation (Facility Type): needs improvement. Non-attainment Attainment Air Quality Status: � Davidson County � Maintenance � Randolph County Horizon Completion Year (Lonq Ranqe Trans. Plan� 2047 Typical Section in Compliance with � Yes - Exempt Conformity Determination? Traffic (AADT� Year Range of Traffic Current Year: (2011) 7,300 - 26,000 Design Year: (2035) 11-900 - 34,600 Desiqn Standards Applicable: � AASHTO ❑ 3R ❑ No % TTST: 10 - 15 % Dual: % DHV: PDEA Scoping Scoping Information Sheets Rev 3/19/08 Railroad Involvement: One gated, at-grade crossing (836515Y) between SR 2112 (Decker Road) and SR 2774 (Asheboro Street) — High Point, Thomasville & Denton Railroad Utility Involvement: High Natural/ Human Environmental Features (include comments from environmental a encies : Several electric transmission line crossings. The project is in the Yadkin River Basin. One river crossing (Uwharrie River) and multiple stream crossings exist. Quad Maps: Lexington East, Fair Grove, Denton, Farmer, Asheboro.