HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060052 Ver 1_Other Agency Comments_20060306Q'~~ ~~~ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary December 22, 2005 Mr. Charles Riggs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ u Chazles F. Riggs &Associates, Inc. 2006 202 Warlick Street MAC Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 DElvre - Jr`Ai cFi (.1tJALITY yyETLANDS AND S?ORMWATER BRANCH Dear Mr. Riggs: The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for State approval for development of property located at the terminus of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway 50, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. It was received complete on November 21, 2005, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is February 4, 2006. An additional 75- day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. If this agency does not render a permit decision within 70 days from November 21, 2005, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project. Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner, developer, and project designer/consultant. NCGS 113A-119(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of--way fronting your property; or at a point along the road right-of--way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact me if you have any questions and notify me in writing if you wish to receive a copy of my field report and/or comments from reviewing agencies. mcerely, ,_ Jim Gregson District Manager Enclosure cc: Doug Huggett, DCM Jon Giles, Field Representative • Henry Wicker, COE Ted Tyndall, DCM Steve Padgett, LPO 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-3964.1 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project site is located at the end of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway 50, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. Photo Index - 2000: 26-329 H-I, 6-10 1995: 25-312 H-I, 5-9 1989:4 173 16 Q-R, 10-14 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2431531 Y: 244774 GPS File: S121317A 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 09/28/04 11/09/04 07/19105 12!13!05 Was Applicant Present -Yes 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received -Complete on 11/21/05 Office -Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan -Town of Surf City Classification From LUP -Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: ES (C) Water Dependent: No (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing -None Planned -Connection to municipal system (F) Type of Structures: Existing -None :- Planned -Subdivision road and utilities (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] T1RFTlr'FTl FTf r RTl nTi7~n (A) Vegetated Wetlands (404) 82 974 s ft. ~ q• (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands -open water (C) Other (Highground) 88,165 sq. ft. 86,784 sq. ft. (Restored to (Graded) wetland elevation) (D) Total Area Disturbed: 5.92 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is proposing to develop an 8.8 acre tract of land into a 37 lot residential subdivision including the construction of a single road with cul-de-sac and utilities. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer- 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at the end of Atkinson Road, off N.C. Highway 50, adjacent to Topsail Sound, in Surf City, Pender County. To get to the site from Wilmington, take U.S. Highway 17 North to N.C. Hwy 210. Turn right onto N.C. Highway 210 and continue to the Surf City stop light at the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and N.C. Highway 210. Turn right onto N.C. Highway 50 and travel south approximately 1.6 miles to Atkinson Road. The property is located at the end of Atkinson Road. •The property is a peninsula of land, extending into the intertidal marsh area of Topsail Sound, consisting of: approximately 4.016 acres of high ground; 1.904 acres of delineated §404 Wetlands; and 0.921 acres of delineated Coastal Wetlands. Man-made canals averaging approximately 50-60 feet in width border the property to the north and south. Approximately two acres of the recorded tract is below the normal high water line (NHW) of the adjacent man-made canals. The western tip of the peninsula is bordered by Topsail Sound. The landward (eastern) end of the peninsula is bordered by existing residential structures. The property measures approximately 240 feet in width by approximately 1,300 feet in length. The average elevation of the property is approximately 5 feet above NHW. The high ground area of the project site consists of an area along the perimeter of the peninsula that varies in width from approximately 20 feet along the northern side of the peninsula to approximately 100 feet along the western tip. High ground vegetation along this band consists primarily of woody species such as Southern Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera), Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), Hercules'-club (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) with a ground cover of Salt Meadow Grass and Catbrier (Smilax bona-nox). Within the center of the peninsula, beginning approximately 180 feet west of the eastern property boundary, is an area of §404 Wetlands averaging approximately 100 feet in width and running along the center of the peninsula for approximately 900 feet. This wetland area is vegetated primarily with Black Needle Rush (Juncus roemarianus), Salt Meadow Grass; cat-tail (Typha spp.), Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and Broom Sedge (Andropogon spp.) along the eastern half, and Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Cat-tail, Red Bay (Persea borbonia) and Bullrush (Scirpus spp.) along the western half. The waterward edge of the peninsula, along the canals and Topsail Sound, is bordered by a band of coastal wetlands averaging approximately 30-40 feet in width. Atypical area of this band of coastal wetlands consists of a border of Smooth Cordgrass Marsh (Spartina alterniflora) along the water's edge averaging approximately 15 feet in width, transitioning to high marsh species consisting of Salt Meadow Grass (Spartina patens) and Sea Ox-eye (Borrichia frutescens), in bands averaging approximately 15-20 feet in width. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality classifies the waters of Topsail Sound and the man-made canals, in the vicinity of the project area, as "SA". The area is not designated as a Primary Nursery Area by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries and is Open to the harvesting of shellfish. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, Nor{h Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equa! Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50°l° Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Three Based on review of file records, it appears that the peninsula was created in the late 1960's and early 1970's by the excavation of the two canals through marsh and the placement of the excavated material within the marsh area between the two canals. File records indicate that the canals were constructed under a permit . from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued in 1969 and from the State of North Carolina in 1970. The State permit was renewed in December of 1971 and reviewed again in February 1973 for a second renewal. Correspondence from the Division of Commercial and Sports Fisheries, dated November 6, 1973, states that "since the original overall project involved considerable additional fill being placed in important marsh species, the renewal was objected to by the Division and was denied in February 1973". This permit denial in 1973 appears to be the reason the center of the peninsula was not filled and remains as §404 Wetlands today. This area, although vegetated with coastal wetland species, is not considered coastal wetlands due to the fact that the center portion of the peninsula, having been cut off by deposition of excavated material, is no longer under tidal influence. The following is a brief history of past permit activity at the site by the Division of Coastal Management: In 1989, Ruth A. King filed a CAMA Major Permit Application, requesting authorization to bulkhead the perimeter of the property and to fill the entire tract, raising the elevation by 2 feet. The application requested permission to fill approximately two acres of wetlands in the center of the peninsula. The §401 Water Quality Certification and CAMA Permit were subsequently denied. A modified CAMA Permit Application was completed in July 1990. In November 1991, CAMA Major Permit #142-91 was issued to Ruth A. King conditional upon the applicant receiving all required permits and approvals, including a §401 Water Quality Certification. The Division of Water Quality later denied the Certification. Mrs. King filed a takings claim against both the Environmental Management Commission and the Coastal Resources Commission. The claim was based on: (1) the EMC's denial of her application fora §401 Water Quality Certification to fill wetlands for the purposes of constructing an access road for a residential subdivision; and (2) the CRC's issuance of a CAMA Permit for the project that was conditioned on Mrs. King obtaining the §401 Certification prior to construction. By an order dated of 3une 6, 1997, the North Carolina Supreme Court denied Ruth King's petition for discretionary review. The Court of Appeals upheld the summary judgment in favor of the State agencies on Mrs. King's takings claim. On February 3,1999, Mrs. King's son, Mr. Walter A. Warren, filed a CAMA Major Permit application for the development of the eight-acre tract of land into a 46-lot residential subdivision. This proposal included the filling of approximately 0.39 acres of §404 Wetlands within the center of the property for access road and driveway construction. State Permit No. 129-99 was issued on December 22, 1999, authorizing the development as proposed. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality issued Water Quality Certification No. 990169 for the project on September 13, 1999. In accordance with the Water Quality Certification, State Permit No. 129-99 required that a conservation easement be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters preventing future wetland impacts. The permit required that these mechanisms be put in place within 30 days of the issuance of the permit. State Permit No. 129-99 was renewed on October 29, 2002 and expired on December 31, 2004. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Red Apple Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island Page Four In February 2000, aone-lane gravel access road measuring approximately 10. feet in width was constructed on the property, resulting in the filling of a portion of the §404 Wetlands authorized for fill under State Permit 129- 99. In July of 2004, the property was sold to Red Apple Group, LLC. On August 27, 2004, the North Carolina Division of Water Quality issued a Notice of Violation to Red Apple Group, LLC and to Mr. Walter A. Warren for the failure to comply with the conditions of the §401 Water Quality Certification dated September 13,1999, which required that a conservation easement to be placed on the property within 30 days of the date of the §404 Permit, issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on October 21,1999. On May 11, 2005, the Division of Coastal Management received an application from Red Apple Group, LLC for the development of the subject property. On June 6, 2005, the Division of Coastal Management issued a Notice of Violation to Mr. Walter A. Warren for violating the terms and conditions of State Permit No.129-99, for the failure to record conservation easements on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands and waters and for the construction of the gravel road approximately 10-15 feet northeast of the permitted alignment. On June 10, 2005, a letter was sent to Red Apple Group, LLC's agent, Charles Riggs, notifying him that the permit application, received on May 11, 2005, would not be processed until the Notice of Violation was resolved. After consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, it was determined that the removal of the gravel road way and wetland fill would be sufficient for resolving the Notice of Violation. Red Apple Group, LLC in early August 2005, removed the gravel road and wetland fill. The current revised application was received as complete from Red Apple Group, LLC on November 21, 2005. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant's current proposal ~is to develop the 8.8 acre tract of land into a 371ot residential subdivision including the construction of a single road with cul-de-sac and utilities. The development would include the filling of the entire §404 Wetland'area (1.904 acres) along the center of the peninsula, as described above, for the development of the street Jsidewalks, water, sewer and future dwellings. The proposed roadway would begin as an extension of Atkinson Road and would extend approximately 1,100 feet to the northeast, terminating in a cul-de-sac. The roadway would consist of a 20 feet wide paved asphalt surface with five feet wide concrete sidewalks along each side. Approximately 8901inear feet of the proposed road would be located within the footprint of the §404 Wetland area. Water and sewer lines would be constructed within the street right-of--way, with a proposed lift station, measuring approximately 40 feet by 40 feet, to be located adjacent to Lot 16. Sewer and water service would be provided by the Town of Surf City. The 37 residential lots would range in size from 6,755 square feet to 19,485 sq. ft. at a density of 4..18 units per acre. The Town of Surf City would process future lot development proposals by individual property owners under the CAMA Minor Permit Program. The applicant is proposing to mitigate for the wetland impacts by the restoration of approximately 1.992 acres of wetlands along the perimeter of the peninsula, between the proposed dwellings and the coastal wetland line. The application states that the development plan would provide a proper and well designed drainage plan with storm water sheet flow over the street and around the proposed dwellings and filtering through the wetlands. Please see the attached document entitled The Peninsula at Topsail Island Compensatory Mitigation Plan, prepared by Land Management Group, Tnc., received in this office on December 22, 2005. The application also indicates that a low density approach would be utilized for the storm water plan and that a plan has not yet been submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality for review. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50°!° Recycled 110°!° Post Consumer Paper 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS The proposed project would result in the filling of approximately 1.904 acres of §404 Wetlands for the development of the street, sidewalks, utilities and future dwellings. None of the proposed road or utility lines would be located within the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC. Approximately 1.992 acres of high ground would graded for wetland restoration activities and an additional two acres of high ground would be . disturbed for overall site preparation and lot development. It is anticipated that future homeowners would request separate CAMA General Permits for individual dock construction into the canals and Topsail Sound and separate CAMA Minor Permits for individual lot development. Submitted by: Jim Gregson Date: December 22, 2005 Office: Wilmington 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1Affirmative Action Employer - 50°(° Recycled l 10°1° Post Consumer Paper ,.. r, , ' b'orrrt AChI-II-II"-I __ tANtp~SpNC; 1C~~'M~g ARCH .~-~1 ~~ ...r ~ -~~ ~.: (I'a Ere caernpleted by all applicants) _ b. City, town, community or Iandtnark S t>~"_ f ~.f y 1. APPLICANT c. street aaddress or secondary road number a, I.audowner: ._.N,,,_C_ H; ahwav 50 _ S~>>t-h Sh~rP Dri J . R. Triplett d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning Nama wed A=~ a Czr~~p . LLC jurisdiction? / Yes No Address P - O . Box 6 89 City Shallotte state NC Zip 28459 Day Phone (910 )754-7104 Fax (910 )754-7108 b. Authorized Agent: e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) Topsail Sound Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway 3. IDESCRIPTIOi`1 Ai~ID PLANNED U5E o~ PROPOSED Pl~orECT Charles F. Riggs, P.L.S. Name Charles F. Riggs & Associates, Ir~~c.-List all development activities you propose (~.g. 202 Warlick Street building abome, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. Address P.O. Box 1570 :- Construction of street, sidewalk, waterline, sewerline, sewer pump City Jacksonville 'Slate NC station, streetlights, Zip 28541 Day Phone (910) -455-0877 ~k Fax (910) 455-9033 c. Project name (if any) The Peninsula _ at Topsail Island NOTI:'_ Pcrrrdt will br iutrr~ in name of lartdonner(r), rout/or prvjcct name. a. LOC~I.TIOI'd of PROPO~~T~]Q PROJECT . a. County Pender Revised Q7/95 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of ati existing project, new work, or both? rvPw _ c. Will tlae project be for public, private or commercial use? Private d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of aonstntction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Installation of water -a~~ -S P Sa x r h ~ hi3-~.kY1.Qf~ C' n n S f' 7-i ~ r- t i. O of street by motor~grader. Apply 6" ABC and 2" I2. Y , L- %-/ ^~ ~ ? ~~ ~~ ~wlVi 4~d4~5;Ii„`~i.~ ~ Li ;~ IVV Form DCM-MF-1 '"'" m. I']escribe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 4. LAND AND WATER Pr°ject to utilize Town of surf CHARACTEKISTICS City Sewer system 8.849 Acres including a. Size of entire tract area hPi r,cT LAMA ,. n: normal high water line b. Size of individual lot(s) 6, 755 S9. Ft . to 19,485 Sq. Ft. c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NWL 5 .0 ' d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract Newhan Sand e. Vegetation on tract Phragmites australis , S.partina patens. Typha~..at;folia, Polygonum spp.,and Juncus effuses f. Man-made features now on tract 10' wide Gravel Road g. What is die CAMA Land Use Plan land classification Of the site? (Consult the [oml land use plan.) ~_ Conservation Transitional Developed Comittunity Rural ~_ Other h. Now is the tract zoned by tote! government? R-5 i. Is the proposed project consistent with theapplicable zoning? / -Yes 1~10 (Attach Zoning rn~lim~ce ee-ttjtt~te, if applicvhleJ j. Has a professional azchaeological assessment been done for the tract? Yes /~ No If yes, by whom? N / A __,.__ k. Is the project located in a National Registered Ilistaric District or does it involve a Fational Register listed or eligible property? Yes _~/ No 1. Are there wetlands o the site? f YeJ No Coastal (marsh) ~ Other 4 0 4 If yes, has a delineation bee4 conducted? Yes (Attach doaarmmtation, If trnrikrbkJ ReTised 03/95 Iescribe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary wastewater, industriallconunercial effluent,' "wash down" and residential discharges.)No Surface Runoff to State Waters _Low Deny Approach will_be utilized for Stormwater Plan o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Proiect.to utilize Town of Surf C Water System 5. ADDITIONAL, INFORMATION In addition to the completed applica[ion form, the following items must be submitted: • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title, plus written permission fmm the owner tv carry out the project. • A,n accurate, dated work plat including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ink on an 8 1/2" by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 7).07.0; for a detested description.) Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an adequate Humber of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel untamiliar with the area to the ' ~?~ ~„ j - For~rii DCM-MF-1 ~CT2~2005 site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmazks, and the like. ~' A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. q A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) 4indawners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have rvac~eived a angy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upvn signing this foam, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name SEE ATTACHMENT Address Phone Name Address Phone Name Address Phone 'u A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. 1, ~ A check for X150 made payable to the I7repartment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs o£ processing thc application. 'a.A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet azeas. ~ A statement of evmgliance with the N.C. Erivirorunental Policy Act (Ili.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or rise of public land's; attach a statement documenting compliance with t}ie North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. x~.~u a3r9s G. CERTI~'ICATIOPd ANA PERTVIISSIiDI`d T!~ RN'~'ER OWN ,ANA I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained +~ the permit. I certify that to the best of my 1nowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. This is the Z~I+i day of ~r.Jc~E~ 200 $ Print Name Charles F . Ri Signature Lmsdowner or itpthor~e g Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed proJ~- DCM MP Z Excavation and Fill Information ~/ DCM MP-3 Upland Development UC144 1VIP-4 Structures Information DCM MP-3 Bridges and Culverts UCM MP-6 Mazina Development NOTE: ~ Please sign and date each attachment frr the space provfded at the bottorri of each form. s~ ~~ 3 0~ ~4 " ,T'orm UC14T-11~fP-Z ~~ r ~ , 1 ~ r ~UG1;~ _ ~.~1 (Except bridges nr-d culverts) Auadr Qtis form to Joint Application for CAMA Iti~Iajor '~' T" ~"'""""' ' Permit, Form DCM-MP-I. De sure to corrrplele all l~ ~,~~C.I~~T.C~'J['~C~T~ other sections of the Joint Application drat relate to. this ... ~~~•~-~-~---~- Proposed project. a. •Anrount oC rnaleriaJ tc) be etcavalyd froth below Describe below 11re purpose of proposed excavation or I~4[IW or NWL itr cubic yards N/A fill activities. Alt values to be given in feet. U. 'Type of matcl-ial to be excavated N/A A,f•ernge Iir~.nl L,xistLog I"rnjcct L,en~l6 Stiid11~ t)cptb I?eptla Access channel (h4LV~ or (NV,'L) Canal Boat basin Doat ramp N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NJA N/A N/A N/A N/A• N/A N/A N%A N/A . ~` • ~ .... - . y s . ~ ii :. k~'~brcwr ~; NJA N/A ~~^'~~"' :. _.-:,~ . . a - - ~:.: .; . . T 9~q~~~ '_~T~Y H • -NJA N/A ??00' 205' Rock groin Rflck• breakwater Outer (Excluding eliorzline slebilizalion) c. )does t1tF a.re~a to be excavated include coastal wetlands (rn:ush), sui~nre.rged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or oll~cr wetlands? ~'n~ / No ll. Ili,~hground excavation. in cubic yards N/A h~~[11.'~'~.X~T ~.L a. Lvca[ion of disposal area N/A b. Diznensrorts oC lticposa! area N A c- Do you daitjt title to_ tlisposal area? N/A N/A ~'e.S i~lo If no, att.acli a l~tler granlitrg permission frow the Uwlrer. N/A d. Will a disposal area be available for future riraizrtenance'1 1Te5 ~ _ I•lo N/A If. ye:5, vrl2ere? NIA - • Re~•ised 03l95~ - ~ -----~~--- ---- ~---.... _ ~ s~~- 4 aF ~4 ~orui.llC11'I-NIP-2 e. Does the disposal area include a.r~y coastal ~vetlancls - If yes, ~ - (rnarsh), SAVs or ollrer ~vetlarrds? (l) ,~nu-tint of ur:rterial to be placed in il Xes / No tivsiter 0 _ _ ' (2} Dirnension_s of fill area ~ - .- f. Does 11~e disposal include any area in the water? ._ ib0'~x 1190' ;~ _ . yes _~ No ~ (3) I'~irpose of lilt _ s t-rPP t- . ~i_d_e~] k - -_ ~iy~~L pump s a ; on . . ,..:,-.~' =~ ' b..;_\'Vill GIl r~ratcri:rl Ite I~laced iu coast:r! ~vettand 3. SIIOIZE]LLNE S'7CA~BI~IZ~'~'IQl'`~T '-'~;'~'~ ~~~;~,~ -- ~~ _ ;-(rn~tr-sh), >A1's or other wetlands? . ' ~ .` _:`" I liirrtensiorts of (ill area _ a. -Type of shoreline stabilization ~~ O N A Bulkhead N__[_A Rlprap 160'. x 1190'. (2) t'urpose of ti(i _,c_trAP___ t,__ _.~' ~ f~PG7~~ b. Length N/ A d]ai.yeSeLa~--mil? s t a t inn c. Average distance waters*rard of h~IiW or N1VL ~ - d. Maxirnurn distance waterward of MhIW yr NYdL 5. ~;I~1~l.t;It.~1_T1 a. I-Iorr will e :cavated ur fill rrraterial be Relit ou sit e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 rnvnllrs and erosion cr_~rrlcolled'1 Fill material N/ - will be kept on site with (5our~r ajinjarmarion) silt fences f. 'T'ype of bulkhead or riprap material V ~ /p, ~ V. ~Vl~at tylre of cunsirur_tion erluipnreut will be trse+ . (for ez2nipie, dragline, bacYJ.roe, or hydrauli g. /Lmoun[ of bll in cubic yards t~ be plttcecl below dredge)'? - water level ~ - Backhoe, bulldozer, motor grader (2) bulkhead back:Fill - N/A c. Will wetlands lie: cr-XScd iu tra.n,pnjting equiprnen ~ h. Type of fill material N/A to project site.? ~'es ____^ No If yam, ezlrlain steps that will be taken [o Iesse~ environtnental ilrrpact_e. N/A i. Source of fill material NlA All wetlands to be crossed • ar-~_proposed to be filled. _ 4. Q1H~~Z I~]GL .~CTIVIJC~ (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will ft}[ material be brought to site? _~ ~'es No The Peninsula at Topsail Island n~~l~` r~P1~ ram ~:, ~_ Sig~.rnturr ~~~~ Dnlc iteriscd 03195 S ~~..~rj o~ Loo - i~ orm U CIl7i-11;1.1;'-3 IJ1p.~,~ND - ~ ~ - - _ (Cottsiruclivn andlvr land disturbinl; ttcli`•ilit:~) C~'..;''.;7 :;~'~'-~'''~~' 4-- .'. Attach this form to Joint Applicaliott for C,A.AIfl 1`-iajvr It. f'cnnit, corm DCNI-Iv1.1'-l. De sure lv cvtnpiete all other sections of llte Joint llpplicalion drat relate tv this propvsetl prujecl. ' a. 7'ypc and number of buildings, facilities, units ur stnrctures [tro[~osed Proposed private street, waterline, sewerline, j, sewer pump station b. Nutttbcr of Ivts or [Jarcels 3 7 c. Density (give the nutuber ~f residential units and 1Lc~ uniLS per acre) 37/8 .849 Acres or ___ 4.18 units/Acre d. Size of area tv be graded, filled yr disturbal including roads, ditches, etc. _ _ 5.92 Acres e. if the proposed prujecl will disturb tnvre titan one acre of land, the Division of L.~trtd 1Zesvurs~s must receive alt erosion gad seditnentatit?n control plan at least 30 t[ays before [acrd dislurbittg activity begins. if applicable, has a st:ditnentation apd erosion control plan been submitted to llte Uivisivn ctf .Land 1Zesvurces? •1'es _~ Nv 7f yes, dale subtitted Submittal Pendi~ f. List tine materials (such as snarl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. 6" ABC for base having 21' width 2" I2 asphalt having 20'width g. Give the percentage of lire tract vvitltin 75 feet of Nil-IW or NWL, or within X75 feet in [lte case of alt Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by .impervious andlvr built-upon surfaces, Such as pavement, builciings, rooftops, ur to be vsecl- t-vr vehicular driveways or parlcirrg. 10 ._5 a a'rujccls tlral rc{[uire a C=/1l\~/1 119ajor Develvpmen 1'crtttit tnay also require a Slonnwater Cctlificalivn hlas a site dcvclopntenl plan bceu subtttitletl lv th llilri.sion vCT'nvir-o-truental Mattagetnenl for review' ._ 7'es ~_ Nv if ye,;, date su[n.nilted Submittal Pending Describe pruposcrJ tttelhod of sewage tlispusal. Proiect to utilize Town of Surf C Sewer System j. llavc the facilities described in llem i. :-bvve received St;tte or local al~prvval'1 Yes . (annrh nJ:J~rn/rrinrc dnnn,rrnrnrinnJ lC. Describe location and type of proposed disdrrtrg~s k wafers of lire st:Uc (fur example, surface runoff sanitary wasletvater, industrial/cvnttttercial effluent "wash down" and residential discharges). Utilizing_the Low Denisty Approac a_ll stormwater__to sheet floe tYtro project. Describe proposed driitl;ing water supply source (e.g, well, conttnunit}', public system, etc.) Town of Surf City - nt. \Yill ~tvaler be inrpvundcd7 ~'es / No If yes, how tttatty acres? N!A tt. If the project is a oceartfrvnt development, wheu was the lot(s) pla(tcd ~utl recorded"l N/A The Peninsula at Topsail Island A.~tItiCDrll vr1i'rnJec.r a $r(~unltere - I~~ .. rTrnrr. tterisecl OJ/95 4OU copies of Haas public tlocutttet_tl were jJriarl.cd at a to[aI cyst ctr$7.0() or ~ AZ per copy. `~-4r=t ~ ~n b f ~O~ 1 t'l~ll Vl R~turlti fa [1olnep~g for r'GIYbEri ~C1VrATY !Cnd:rstlral 4234-14-5557-Qa PHILLIPS NICK C , ET AL 1 204 EAST ~~ MOUNTAIN VIEV RD J P.ALEIGH NC 276D4 133 ATIUNSOW ROAD LT 33 ATY.INSO~ SNORES Pd 36/~ ] 1212Ul7.OD4 1 2547l30G 1 4234 013 075 03: Q69933 1 , 02 ~.7a TOPSAIL 1 0.04 126147 1 1 x33327 3D9474 0 W M BOYD DIVISION G01 C53 R40 ALT PIN I~45402 MAPN 4234 013 075 03: FIEAT SG?_FT 251 Z NSRHD 04 EXEM AR7T FCL CLASS R _~ 1~ ~L =!{1 ~3 ~ r'il~C 1 Vt 1 / ,'7~ rl ..~~ ~ .' 5sa[e {appro~l.~ t_...,...~...r...._._.~. ~ - 0 G7 ~ ' f - .~._~ ..J 1> l[p://vvvvw.undersys.corn/pndtweb/ponder.htrr~l ,~~ ~ ~~l ~~ ~~ = a ~ ~! r;~• f ~" f-~ ~ 31U \f :. ~' ~ f ~. A` P' L ~~a~.~? f ~~~ ~ ~' N ~~ i` ''~ ~ 5 t~ . - 4/2l/7_UU5 5~~ I ~ 01~ ~4 _ t euuer R~turrt; to tlts'Yite~4a~~. ~~: Identi fy Results ''~ Layer: C:~das#ral PIN 4234-14-7618-00 NAME JAMES JEFFREI vT 3 ~Z GET AL ADDR P O BOX 2391 CITY SURF CITY STATE NC ZIP PROP ADDR 28445 ATICINSON RD PROP_DESC LT 34ATKINSO~ 1~ SHORES PB 361 ~ DATE 1 7!t/2004 SALE_PRICE 300000 ,i ~~ BK PG 2427/202 ~r~ afp GEO PIN 4234 013 075 03~ ~ ~ ~ AccouNT aszsz4 ~ '' nvsH 1oz tih / ~ TNSH_DESC TOPSAIL .?F1~J•T '~~~ ACRES 1~. 0.03 ~ LAND VAL ~'' ^~ 123610 ,?3` BLDG VAL 0 ~ ^^^^ ~ TOTAL VALU 123610 DEFERRED 0 SUBDMSIO W M BOYD DIVISION TAX CODES G01 C53 R40 ~~ - EXERIPT USE ALT PIN 45403 MAPN 4234 013 075 03~ HEAT SGI FT NBRHD 04 R 3~ / /~ ~ t ~ '~ l f'I t3 '.:., X30 ~ v~r~ ~ ;\'~ on VI` ~ ,r 32 + gel ~ ~ ,~~` ,~ ,-r~ j 7'f r '1 '~ ~0 ~~ ~ _ _I_' J `.! ' - I `-~' ~~.~ ~ ~ ` ' Scale (appro><_f 0 75 ~ ~.. http://www.undersys_com/pndrweb/pender.htmI - 4/21/2005 ~~~~o~~~ Return tl~ EttFEt1~)3D~f} •_ -.: For E~ENDE~! C~E7PJ~'1F ,. ~dert~til'y Results Layer: Cadastmal FIN 4234-14-7644-0Ot NAME WARREN VIIALTE A ADDR P O BOX 2611 CETY SURF CITY STATE MC 7_lP 28445 PROP_ADDR ATICINSON RD PROP DESC LT 3Z ATKIIJSOt` SHORES PB 36/~ DATE SALE PRICE= I BEC PG 293/273 GEQ PIN (4234 013 Oi5 03: ACCOUNT 23064 TTESH 102 ` TTISH DESC TOPSP,IL AGRES 0-03 ' LAND_VAL 126060 BLDG VAL 0 TOTAL VALU 126060 DEFERRED LO SUBDMSIO W M BOYD DIVISION TAX CODES (30'1 C:53 R40 EREEVIPT USE ALT PIN 45401 MAPN 4?.34 013 07v 03: NEAT_Sl1_FT NBREID 04 E)CEM AMT E''CL CLASS R PERS VALUE {_ ~ l~:7~7 ~1 r~3 ~, ~ _; _- ~ (T '. p~•~.: "~ Scale (approx.) r ~ + t 1,.~..~.....~..... . . r• 0 73 1 ±1 l J - i~ttp://vt~ww.unders~,~s.com/pndrvreb/pcEider.tatEni - t, G~ ,y), ~~~~ ~s ''' A ~l _ ~ S~;t~7 4/2I/2005 ~~ 20 a~~~ . a v~ius+~ Rtiturtt t~ 41ox~tiepagc for pENbER COt1MT'f ~clenlify Kesults )<,alycr: C~dastr:tl PIN 4234-14-5738-00~ NAME RED APPLE GROUP LLC ADDR 712 V1Ll~1GE RD SW CITY SHALLOTF STATE NC ZIP 28470 PROP ADDR ATKItdSON RD F'T LT 18 OFF N/• PROP DESC HWY 50 TO SOUND PB DATE 7/1 312 00 4 SALE PRICE 5550000 BIC_PG 2429/264 GEO_PIN 4234 013 075 TNSH ~ 102 TNSH bESC TOPSAIL ACRES 8-85 LAND VAL f 934803 BLD[3 VAL r0 TOTAL VALU 934803 DEFERRED 0 SUBDM510 W M BOYD DIVISION TAX_CODES G01 C53 R40 EXEMPT USE ALT PIN 45381 iViAPN 4234 013 075 NEAT 5(1 FT NBRHD 04 VALUE R L't1~c t v>i I ,~ - ~r_ y~ - .~nY 0 - " ~ R ~ / l~ ` 11~ ~~.f ~ ~,...~.,_ ...._..r ~ ~ Yh Scale )approx_) • ~ r- 0 4 67 ~~i _ ~ ~ http://www.undersys.com/pndwreb/pender.Iltn~1 - 4/21!2005 ,~ S 2~ a~ (v~l • • - -- Yage 1 of 1 r ' Pender• County home Page Data Layers Bac)cground Layers Search for a properly Search using a Street flame . ZOOM TO'FlafiEEL lDENT{FY RESULTS Layer. Properly Lines PIN 4234-14-3597-000 NAME BATTS JAMES HOWARD ET AL ADDR 129 SHAE S LANDING DR CITY SURF CITY STATE DIC ZlP 28445 PROP ADDR 129 SHAES LANDING RD PROP OESC L 14 SHAES LANDING PB 31/3 PB 31/1 DATE 11/10/1997 SALE PRICE 90000 BK PG 12817340 GEO PIN 4234 013 069 14 LAND VAL 118176 BLDG VAL 223860 SUBDMSIO SHAES LANDING ZONE R5 TAX CODES GOt C53 R40 36250 ~ ' ~ 4234 013 069 14 J ~"' "~ % w ~/: f =T 1754::: ~'" ,' - - .. 7. 04 y ~ i R ,;;i IE i } f ~ r~ P .~ ! ~ ~} i~~ -- - " -~- 1 .J littp://www.undersys.com/pndn~reb/pender.htmI 4/28/2005 ~~;\ t .~ 11L.[ [LIGI \~ ` ~ 1 \ ~c • g, Ty j \ ~ t ~~ \ aases~` a RY ~$ ~~ a~eaa `~ ik~ ~ ~ ~ eeaar .. ~ ~~:~ f _ ~ '~ '~ .~ ~ __ jj~~ ~ ~ ~Y .,, .. .. l2ttp://www_undersys_com/pndrweU/pender.htmi Page l ok 1 Pender County Home Page Data Layers Background Layers Search for a property Search using a Street Name . Z40Fd 7Q FkF1wLL IDENTIFY RESULTS Layer Property Lines PIN 4234-14-4498-000 NAME STUMPO RONALD ET AL ADDR 11100 SR/15S KETTLE RD CITY RALEIGH STATE NC Z1P 27614 PROP ADDR - 122 S11AE'S LANDING PROP_DESC SHAES LANDING PB 31!37 PLAT 15 PAGE DATE 712311 9 9 9 SALE_PRiCE 272500 BiC PG 1495/181 GEO_PIN 4234 013 069 015 ACCOUNT 590793 TNSH 102 TNSH DESC TOPSAIL ACRES 0.22 LAND VAL 115082 BLDG YAL 258025 TOTAL VALU 373107 DEFERRED 0 SUBDMSIO SHAES LANDING ZONE R5 TAX CODES G01 C53 R40 MAPN 4234 013 069 015 HEAT SQ _F-T 1864.... CLASS .~ 4!28/2005 Sa~ Z 3 of lv~' pcuuct Page 1 of 1 Pender County Home Page ~ Data Layers I Background trayers l Search for a property I Search using a Street Name . ZOOid TOPAR~[L `.1r • ~^,~+i ~ 3^:- .,rr_.~~ _.. rT.t .. -'~. ~.j~-z,-_y,ryr ~•r_...x-:•~~+.c~ F,...n._.r rr -S1' .,~ http://www.undersys.com/pndn~eb/pender.html 4/28/2005 s~ ~ 24 ~~ ~4 ~~ ; ~rur+rm oca~.v i~~ ~ ~ \ ` ~/ ~ ~ i f~ ~sr ^~~~- ~ ! Y ' ~ C + r. y~`~ ------~ i ___---- N.C. 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I it I ~ I , L~ ,Iz ;' '~ : n•as:.. .. _. Tq8 .'49 z50 z51... ~ . - "•~5Z -RO5 z53 ~ z5;1 ao•~ zq~oaon,.E a00nuuR,.E - • - ;,,_ Prepared and published by the Defense. Mapping Agency Mvlws 1000 .- ~~ ' Topographic Cenle., ,Mashinglon, D- C. I ~-y LEGEND ""_=^'~_'~ .-_ ' 1 SS MAP INFORMATIOIJ AS OF 1972 ~ - "-' -- IN DE`/ELOPED AREAS. Ohlll' THROUGH ROADS ARE CLASSIFIED RED TINT INOfCATES BUII T"1-IP AREAS IN WIiICH OIJIY LANDMARK BUILDINGS ARE SHOWN ROADS hlmd surface. hea•y duly, di.ided highways. arinoresa~a:~~ Hard surlnce. medium duly, Iwo Inner wide, 13 LANES with median strip _ _~ _ Ihr c^. tones wide ---"'~T Herd surlnce. heevy duly, Inur or more Innes wide 6 LANES Impro•ed Ilgl:l duly, street --------- Herd surlnce, hen.y duly. Iwo Innes wide, three Innes wide - ~ uNES Wrimpre.rd dirt ~ -_-_-_-_>:--__ Herd surlnce, medium duly, lour ar more Innes a+ide ~-~sne~uai Treck or Ireil ___ _______ Rvula mnrkerr: Inleslnle: Fede. nl: stale 95 ZRB ~) BRIDGES Feo:bridpe: Road: ~< - - c~t~~.. Railroad: Drewbridge_ I>-~ Hodeonlnl control sla lion ~ Inlerminenl Inke _~ ~ ~~ - $poI rle,rnlivns in mNers: Inlermitlenl stream _- _-. O•erpan: Underpnas-_ +, n ~'-~ Clacked: Unchecked " ,5tr , ~;q Dam: Enrll,en; Masonry-_-- r RAILROADS Ditch: Inlermillenl; Perennial linple smr4 r4elnple N•d Open pit mine nr qunnY :Q Marsh or seam - Slandard gauge ~T _ T P -Lt-~~ BOUNDARIES ~ T tanks; kncnlyd object ~ ~ Wreck: Sunken; Esposed ~.jp .~d Cvunly Iwilh monumenll_ -----p--- 8u~l.lings or structures ~ p Racks: Sunken; Awesh - ~- :.~ '~:~e Foreshore Ilnlr -'i61(I`" Corporate limits -_- _,._ Church; School 1 ~ Bvnom chnrnctrrisncs . -~ ~adb _z~},-. 1+IIL RES {I _ ~~ Military reserv Ron _°f`:._='~s. ::;;1yti~~ Ce L__ n me~ery _; Depth Nrvef And SOVSrdingf in melrr3_ 3 Othv reser.ntion •...-.~.,..-.>....- Woods or brusbwvnd _ ~ Reef - 4 ,;,,i • O~ limit vl danger Po»~er Irnnvnission line .__ _ _.___ _. Orclrnrd: vlneynrd Light, lighthouse _ - ~ _ ' Bench mark, manumented _ RM%<792 ln,.n-e •---"•"'•• '"-'~~ ~'--' yuhnrl, Pier Bench meek, non-manvmented %• A31 sa:.d _ „_] son wall SHEET 5452 I SERIES V742 EDITioN 7-QMATC TQPSAIL /~ , ~ ~ :a~o . ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ o !' o ~, ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ c~ cu 3 ~--, o ~ c~ .. '~~~ ~ a ~ _~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ O s' ~ ~.~. ttf ~ Z (~ ~ .~ U ~ ~~~ ~ o~ ao ~ o ai o .a Z ~~c~~~ ~ • ,~ ~ ~ ~ _~~° ~ o U ~ ..~'~ ~~,-~a ~. ~~a LU o ~ ~ U ~_ U ~ ~ a, Q" o,c~,~ ~ sZ. ~. ~ ~ ~: ~ . o ,~.,. ~ w ~ .~ ~ .~ ~ •V•~-~ ~ -(r ~ Q Q ~ ~ O 'G ~ ,S z c o ~~ U ~~ O~ w~ ,~ m U ~~ ~' U z-~ ~ o '~ ~~ Q~ w aw 0 w -~ ~ O OU "" '~ J ~' O h=- ~ r \i ~ "~ ~~-~ ~~a NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary January 20, 2006 Please add the attached to your CAMA Application Review packet for: Red Ap le Group, LLC /The Peninsula at Topsail Island. It was not previously included. 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 91 0-796-721 5 1 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper Environmental Consultants MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 2522 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 REC~;IVE~ FEB - 6 2006 W~l.~ll. ~L®. ~~C. Existing Wetlands: SHIPPING ADDRESS: 3805 Wrightsville Ave., #14 Wilmington, N.C. 28403 THE PENINSULA AT TOPSAIL {BLAND _ r ,, COMPENSATORY MIT{GATION PLAN ~ ~~~ Wetlands occurring on the property have been historically impacted via dredging and disposal activities. In 1970, a US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE} dredge and fill permit authorized the excavation of two large canals extending perpendicular from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (A1WW) along the northeast and southwest property lines. Disposal material from the excavation was side-cast into the adjacent area. This served to alter the elevation of the immediate area as well as hydrologically disconnect interior wetlands pockets from the fringe coastal marsh. Coastal marsh wetlands (as defiined by NC Division of Coastal Management regulations} continue to occur adjacent to the open water canals. lnterior of the coastal marsh is an area of contiguous uplands extending around the perimeter of the property. Section 404 wetlands occur within the interior portion of the property. These wetlands areas are not inundated by regular or occasional tides, but have retained the hydrology and vegetation sufficient to be delineated as Section 404 wetlands..The dominant species occurring in these areas is Phragmifes ausfralis - a species indicative of site disturbance. Other species occurring in these areas include Sparfina pafens; Typha lafifolia, Polygonum spp., and Juncos effuses. Wetland areas have been historically impacted by site activities and characteristic functions of the coastal marsh have been compromised. Typical functions associated with natural, relatively undisturbed coastal marsh systems include high primary productivity, detrita{ export, and feeding. and refuge habitat for benthic and aquatic species. Based upon the level of disturbance that has already occurred on the site, it is apparent that the interior pocket wetlands do not provide quality habitat for characteristic estuarine fauna. In addition, the lack of a regular tidal connection, severely limits and/or removes the detrital export function. These wetland areas do still provide some level of primary productivity and likely serve as nutrient sinks. Impact Summary: Approximate/ 1.55 ac f Section 404 wetlands will be impacted by the proposed activities (i.e. access road, driveway crossrngs, and sidewalks}. Areas of proposed impact have been historically altered via dredge and fill activities resulting in sub-functional wetland areas. Refer to the submitted CAMA Major Permit application and associated drawings for more detailed information related to proposed wetland disturbances. TELEPHONE: office (910) 452-0001 fax (910)452-0060 Proposed Mitigation: The applicant proposes to restore coastal wetlands on-site via the removal of upland berms occurring along the perimeter of the property. Approximatel 1.64 ac of coastal high marsh will be restored (corresponding to a slightly greater than 1:1 compensatory mitigation ratio). As identified above, the upland berms are the result of historic fill (sidecast) material from the excavation of the adjacent canals. These areas are of slightly higher topography and restrict tidal inundation. Mitigation efforts will include the excavation and grading of these areas to elevations consistent with the adjacent coastal high marsh. Based upon surveyed elevations of existing high marsh, the final grades of the restoration area will range between 2.5-ft and 3.0-ft NGVD 29. Refer to the site plan provided in the permit application depicting the plan view and cross-sectional view of the proposed mitigation area. The restoration is intended to restore high marsh (i.e. coastal wetlands located above normal high water). As such, the target vegetative community will consist of Sparfina patens, Disfichlis spicata, Juncus roemerianus,S. cynosuroides, Iva frufescens, and Borrichia frufescens. Approximately 1.64 ac of former coastal marsh areas will be restored via the re-establishment of tidal hydrology and characteristic high marsh vegetation. While it is expected that characteristic marsh vegetation will recruit naturally into the restored area, the applicant is proposing to plant herbaceous seedlings on 2-ft centers. This will correspond to the planting of approximately 18,000 seedlings. In addition, shrub species (e.g. I. frufescens and B. frufecens) will be planted on 8-ft centers around the perimeter=of-.the restoration .area. Site Performance Monitoring: '" ~' " - ' ' ~" " ~ ' - - .: ., - Performance Criferia: Site success criteria are used to evaluate the development of a created or restored wetland in relation to stated project goals and objectives. Monitoring of biological (i.e. vegetation growth) and physical parameters (i.e. hydrology) will help demonstrate the relative success of the marsh restoration site. .. Since this compensation project seeks to restore marsh habitat through plantings of nursery stock marsh seedlings, the primary success criteria will be: (1) "Demonstrated survival rate of plantings and naturally colonized individuals to meet or exceed 75%,"and - (2) "Vegetative density of the restoration marsh to meet or exceed 75% of the density of the reference marsh." The Braun-Blanquet (B-B) Method (Braun-Blanquet 1965) will be used to determine the frequency of occurrence (i.e. survival), abundance, and density of vegetation within the restored marsh and the reference site. The USCOE and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) have utilized this method and recommend it as a means of documenting marsh mitigation success. The B-B "method prescribes scale values corresponding to variations in percent vegetative cover in a designated quadrat (e.g. one meter- square). From a survey of randomly selected quadrats, frequency of occurrence, abundance, and density can be calculated as follows: ~ ~ - (1) Frequency of Occurrence = number of occupied quadrats /total number of quadrats, (2) Abundance = sum of B-B scale values / number of occupied quadrats, and (3) Density = sum of B-B scale values /total number of quadrats. The hydrologic regime of the restoration zones will mimic that of the selected reference marsh. The high marsh zone will experience soil saturation in the upper 12 inches of substrate and be periodically inundated during storm tides (mimicking natural high marsh habitat). Moniforing Plan: Monitoring of the restoration area will be conducted near the end of each growing season (September or October) to evaluate annual progress of the restoration effort. Natural marsh stands located ad}'scent to the proposed mitigation area will also be monitored to provide reference data. Planting densities will be ca{culated based on percent cover within one meter-square quadrats according to the B-B method. Meter-square quadrat sampling will be conducted via stratified random sampling techniques in bath the restored and the reference areas. Hydrology will be monitored each half-hour through the use of automated peizometers. Three peizometers wil{ be installed in the restored marsh and two in the reference marsh. Hydrographs depicting the , frequency and duration of inundation and/or soil saturation will be prepared for each planting zonemabitat type. Annual monitoring reports will be prepared and submitted for agency review each year for up to 5 years post restoration. Each report will provide qualitative and quantitative information regarding the development of the site and will include an evaluation of the restored area relative to the conditions of the natural reference marsh. If at the end of the 3-year monitoring period annual site success criteria have been met, then no further monitoring will be conducted. if the site fails to meet the stated performance. criteria, maintenance contingency measures (e.g. supplemental planting and/or Phragmifes growth control) will be implemented to rectify site deficiencies. Monitoring would then continue to the point at which reviewing agencies deem the site successful. _ _ _ FES-14-0~ 03:10 Phi CHARLES. F. RIGGS. RLS 910 455 9033 r CIIARLIrS r. RICiGS AND A.SSOCIA'I'~S, II~fC,. 202 WA,RLICIf S'I'RCsP!' P. O. I30Y 1370 JACICSONVII.LP, NORTI-I G'ARO.LINA Z85A 1-1 S70 'I'~1.,JiPI~IOlYE?: (9I0) 455-0677 rAC'SIMiLf~: (910) 455-9013 1/-MAIL: riggslattd cQbizec.rr.cvm I7atcx --...._ .....__, .-.,.- ----~ I'rolll. CI1f11IeN 1'. Rlg$9, I~..L..S. t! ... M~~~ic M. Rigg9 James L. Riggs ~-._ rdward J. Ricgel _ J~ckeon iietms ~_____ ror Your Itcview: --~ --- hor Your Comments: --• -- ; ror Yvur Use: -- Suhmitled for Approval: ~--,-~- Nwnher of Pages Including Covcr Sliest ~ _ NO'I'.I:S P. 01 ~, w~ . ; . ,.~.; FEE-14-96 93:22 PM CHARCES.F.RIGGS.RLS 910 455 9033 P. 02 C'[ [nltl.,l?S ~. R1GGS & ASSQCIAI"1 5, IN(.;. 2U2 W~1IZLICK S'.i'ItI~1~'1' I~,O. I~OX ! 57U JAC'ICSONV11,L1::, NUIt'1'l~l CAIZOI,INA 2$541 'I'I:;L,LI'[~ IC)NL;: (y l U) 45.5-087? I~i1C'St.M[LLf; (ylU) 455-9033 (;-M/11L,; rig~sltuad ct,bi~cc.rr.cona L,isl ofl~djftcent W~llerfrural (1Zihfu•iara) i,fuiduwners Nick I'1ai11il:as 204 L'F~st Muunl~ain Vicw Itc~~d ltalci~h, Nurlla C~u•<.alilaa 27GU4~ .Tell!"~y J111I'1C,5 I'.U. [iox 2391 Surf'C'ily, Nurt)a Car•oliraa 28445 Wallcl- Warrcll I'.U..I3c~x 2611 Sut•!'C'ily, Not•lh Cat•ulina. 28445 ,I,.unes I~low>Zr'd 13Filts l2y Shtac's L,nnding I)rivc SurCC'ity, l~lol-lla C.'aro[ina 28445 l2ubcrt 1~, I Iohkins 2U9 Clucc;lasf crry Itoaci Cary, North G'arolirirl 27511 lt.urialcJ Slutt~hc,~ ! 11.U0 13rass kell(c ltora~l IZE~leigll, North CarolinFi Z7G14 i' r ~~ Fn // `~ 4 .~ ~ _~ Gr y ~ 7iaM+PF.. `a>~ ~'ODy I~B~ t~~ y1, 3 NORIAAL FDGM WAIFR t9E u UNE TAB 2EYC1x lam LE 9Ea6No L7 1271 u lest u ns7 LS t7 to z+39 v 699 Ia 1Sp u mro rsnr ud 4.n LH 1731 u1 lan sy LI3 75p u4 US 7ess 13-01 ue 7696 U7 n,p ue aw L79 751 Lm 1691 lr L17 us 4 us L20 T7~ 76.91 n 79% a3e m.10 + L2T 77.06 us 7994 ~ aaar n.2s ut LR 7616 4Y Lzz 7x67 u4 zaa Lt6 7676 y NORM AL HIGH YGTt7t INE LTI LINE TAB 1f1G7N moo LE 9FIlMO L17 n9s u'6 13e Z>Lx ~ ~+ +r« L/O 7231 LN av tA2 ]su yr LQ 3L79 L44 7619 ~y LIS 7675 k L+6 iaa L47 71W C LI/ tas IN 1117 ~ 7161 r ts~ a4: l52 ]Li0 4 L9 a+/ l55 7175 l30 2791 l97 1730 Lx sass L'A 19p tD0 16r/ let i64/ u: 3za Ia3 164s W 7645 t6s mef Ls6 am l67 1402 im 1694 y tag w6 L70 20.75 UNE UNE TAB t211G LE L7t M 7623 ~~ u2 n9s r us 7e.zt va x1.m 461 L7s ea9 us 1z7e Ln te3s U6 1676 U9 13.16 uo zxez tnl 1173 ll2 1746 y to acu 164 ltl tas 24x 166 767s 167 n97 UM 1161 l69 1594 l90 1673 W 1695 l92 30.33 I9s ts9o L91 L9s 13.95 1196 L96 11.'A l97 an 196 L99 71.16 te 1 u9o . 4 n32 1101 2if0 uo7 1647 uw 3132 ua tan u05 1324 ~ ~ CHARLES E. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SaR9EYINC - CONVENTIONAL ~ GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEXS, LAND PLANNING A• CO.IG°[IPER NAPPING 202 WARLICK 57REET P.O. BOX 1570 JACKSOMILLE, N.C. 2 8 5 47-157 0 7ELFDHONE; (970) 455-0877 FAC5611LE:(91D) 455-9033 E-MNL• rlggslandObtuc,mcom UNE TAB LE lNE Ld47X tiE4011C uu 3607 uss 793e use 3t9e + us7 st.n uae 4157 1 ua9 a5to Lno ism L771 2670 i L772 1x79 ItJJ 7505 u74 zits L773 zoos u76 m37 Lm 31fi Lnd n L779 7512 Um 24.74 un a67s LM2 2/E9 L 7051 ua 1342 L705 4632 uel . 356r Ltr/ µ~{ L700 n.6t ue9 7LN L790 71.74 un 3162' L192 4679 U61 3191 ua ns7 1 L165 zur a u9a izn u/7 aaz u91 u91 U99 75.17 L700 7597 Lmt n9s tan a7a NORM AL NN91 WATER lBE TAB LE ut ua uNCn1 an 16Aw919 um xin uoe 71.94 um xi7e uto 7091 un 627 un 129s u73 990 UI4 430 urs m6 rue un ISn ta3e U1/ 1938 ut9 n32 Lrm 14.74 ua 1961 Lta 7107 u73 tts9 Ia +IC6uo tY11EAtKN POSC/16D ar L4O YItu00Lln QG7P, NG coA97u tlmLUa Ix49arna rQSa6Nn 9r 11747 YANA1,1',Ig17 4RJUF, MC 6 0Ay[I1 ~ CaK7µ YET. Moi1I.1L lltll 71A1EA lNE 6Y NuscN a s6vs7x Y+YUmert WETI.ANO MAP OF THE PENINSULA AT TOPSAIL ISLAND 8.849 ACRE TRACT ON WALTER R. ATI{INSON ROAD TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNTY, NORT}I CAROLINA rowN of suRF aTY nls rmts6s 1x~r tws as7 ar t19s ru7 ACCIIRAIFLY OFPCt9 7i[ tte7eaM7 er ra ,uosaenox a SmMN 4a or aE ctEAx rAlEa 1rr .L5 OE1D11Nm m itf LwDOmom a 1x6 DrtE 106155 tNE1F ~ ~ WNifF N n1E utr 09 aR wtamlm 16'na.5 °F ~ +o+ 3r®tina wY eE aLt1m upa17'~YOa~ °frvaoa Ko7 m 3xcEm ms tt.ws ma nls ant tt9s oai71eat4~f 7G0 NILE tnLmxG of roar arras aF D+oNEEes waLUlos oEt7r+.nw u7NtuL tAEflFDMd1 iM~E ~{ tluT ME Grt ?Nay ~Atl~IClgll Nt1E (1+~7 C' ' (716E ~(ab Iy.~S roAm 01 ~I ~ aM-"_"__J 9R1F'fW000 LANE ~_" _ ""_ _ _. _ ~ - o6t \4. LEff~ SCM - SEi CONCRETE MONUMENT (CONTROL CORNER) 9PK =SET PARK R a/"~ E -KALON NAB (CCNRiOL CORNER) SIR .SET IRON ROD slgnpE _ ~ uA°NaEE~c NuL (CONTRIX. CORNER) EIA = DOSRNG REON Ab E {FOUND) g ~=~~~4ND . . DR ' E)OSRNG NEON ROD (FOUNOI ECM . EXLSIING CONCRETE MONUMENT (FOUND) A~~ EPK ~ PARKER-KAlpE MAN. ((FOU2ID) DP .EXISTING NEON PIDE (pbUND) 1 EA41 . EXISIINC MAGt$RC NAIL (FOUND) R AY a ~ 'CENTERLINE MBl' MI7BMt1M BUDDING lWE N/F -NOW OR FOFEAI('72LY. C.G ~ CONTR(+A CORNER U.E ~ DRAINAGE k UDUTY F.ASEMEM Po 'F'N" CHHN AMC FENCE ~ • POKER POLE EXISiWG FlRE HYDRANT 1S 'EXISTING SAFBTARY 9EWETt MANHO,E A~ach mtn~- f3 D~ ,, , ~ 1„~ ~ ~ ~~11 °~ ANCk I > I I 2 FORMERLY ~ ~ ~umTE o o 9s P, ze I a .or 2 ~ ~ 8 P. 90 ~ DBmEBS r RFD APPLE GROUP, LLC I f P.O. BOX 689 SHALL0TIE NC 28459 _~ D.B2429, p, 264 ~` O.B. 211, P. 78 1 ~ D.B. 383, P. 368 D.B. 473, P. 189 II D.B. 613, P. 87 ~ ~ D.B. 999, P. 333 O.B. 1095, P. 28 a: D9. 1419, P. 749 O.B. 1559, P. 193 D.B. 7867, P. 276 D.B. 2429, P. 264 M.B. 8, P. 40 M.B. 36, P. F4 GRAPffiC SCALE b q s e ~ m ~ ~ ~-- (A-!af) 1 feel ~ 60 R REN510N; WETLMIOS 04 O6/Ol DATE: OCTOBER 2& 2~4 DRAWN BY: M/LNACL. J. F>GK~NG FlELD BOOK: MD• PAGE 42 CHECKED BY: CGAIPUTER: W56\PR0.A0703 WE114ND dwg PROJECT NUMBER: OZ-o3-zzM3 ACCpppµOE MfiN TXE STANDAROS~~~ ~.ayu~,,i~L ililyd.'~~ l~ "l t '1 \ ?` r ~ 1NE RA71 6 R! NCRTH~ ~~rr~~' S'~+ T ' ' ' un ~ `'~~~ y i ' s '\ 1 " ` ~ _ ~ ~s ~ ~ r L- iHti 6 TO ' O yi : , CFRIIF t 7~,,~T LOCATED N TL000 ZOIE Y~ i ~} r I I ~ ; i N ~ AEI t"W4~ ~ NSOR/AKE iR T ~ I PROGR/1t. COENUN s7e ~ a I te6 aool E JIM t I t I i ~,`\\ ~ ',/'t ~i ILA ~~~/I tlf,. klt\ 7) EJ057R1G 2C Gmm FA.SElIQ1T wR tDYN cc sIRF a7r w $ MATER a SLYER lE5 MTNN Tlf PltlYA7E b' R/'E OF wALTFR R A1gN50N ROAD 2) ALL DarES IRE PERNOUS wATEREIR 3) TAbt TAT s 9JBdtT ro A s DRNNAGE t unuTr '°°" ~ EASf11ENT AIANA 7HE FRONT OF 1FiE EAT 4) tAGigN OT Et7STEY,' TREES AS SNONN s? s +zNarEa wA1x ALaq w~Ela, 510E aF STRFPf m eE 4' 1EBa ~ !~ Y a) PRreosED MATER wu+ s s A1D tm ro E70511HG e' wAN , 7110 THE 111'DP,WI15 PROPOEID AS Ef10AN >1104 TA:IEAlJD DEElIEA1fOR MA6 APPROVED fN U.s. ARMY cares aF Eras aN NoIETIeER ,, 2001 , a) coASrAL r4crwo DEC++EAtIDN wAS APPRO,}y 9Y °•'°" DNE1a1 CF COISTAt NAHACELQTi ON OCTOBER 12 2004 .~_ CANAL 4 m ^M e ~. qh J~ \/ ~ n~. v< ;Q ~~ R 2 ~ s r, ` \ I ~ ~~~J B I I r~uE j r * rr v r 7 w~i¢ .ata'"go ~~ c ~ ^ .~,..t wA NanwAL xa YGTER UIF S PER Y1510N CT WlSTAL wA11Af>:NENT R I Lf .~ i E~~ ; 1 'J '~ ~ t ~ i ~' ~1._„, c 0 ` ~- - I I I I --- I I I I J .t~ ~. r. ~ ~ O UI ~ L3 u W to ~ 1 H i I rar sm CANAL v~r Dom, Add N33'00'DO'W t_itaar t p CHARLES F. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYING -CONVENTIONAL & GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS, L,4ND PLANNING & COMPUTER MdPpINC 20? WARLICK STREET P,o. Box 1570 JACKSON4ILLE, N.C. 26541-1570 TELEPHONE (910) 455-0877 FACSIMRE(91O) 455-9033 E-MNL• rlgg6iand®b@ec.acom r Q r ..~ . ~.r ~.. I I , ~--J L__~J L_ ~: r--~ r_-~ r---~ ~.__~ I I I I I I I I I ~~ I I I ~ __~I I_ I I ~ I I i Ii ~'aa ~ .j m W .It'R11N, Ii ..r,-,.-.,. {1 I .. ~_l. 1.._, 1 ~._.,.., __. o awl I I _.I. ssd b_J -- =---.. a -~ f~ ¢~ ~ ~ ~' !: ~ L .•~~ ~~ •i'~~ ~~° 3 0 D M~~ ~ E7tlC Rft ~zlNa~:....,, ~ -~ a'~~' 3 ~' ° , ~ ' ~ ' ' to ~ 2 V ~ I N ~ I { I =g~D t s I -c I ~ 9m o AIKWSONISHORES ' C ° M.B. 36, P. 44 z°I~L31 EaA _ _{rav aw AANI5011 ROAp ~(ASPN.ILT-HiVA d NISVO'00'Y~er - „,r ~" ATKINSON SHORES h o 36,~P. +4 Q 8 - ~ ~ At A t <°f ~~ ~~~illy Vile NOW OR FORMERLY KURTH D.B, 1095 P, 26 LOT 2 M.B. 8 P, 90 33Tq'oo'E 134.45 10.00' 9R n N33T>o'aD•w 134.35' "°~ I tralv.r I I I { ~ ~ ZONED R-5 8' NOW OR FgtA&RLY M`~ 0 ~ :o: ! : ~~ CAwt NONIAL NGN NATFR DIE CURVE TABLE ° As Tot a6nE tENCnI RADnu aRECTtaw a1aRo f~, + ~" NOW OR FORMERLY °^~ ~ aASra wauaEO+r a 4 E I c, 1 JAMES:BATTS m-2a-DS cs ' ~o; I H o D.B. 1281, P, 340 ~ F ~ is ` N 'w o ~ i o S lOT 14 Ge ~~ I ~r~y SHAE'S LANDING ~ 74' ) M.B. 31, P, 1 -. w ~ ' ~ M.B. 31, P. 37 Y 'Y ZONED R-5 ~~ SPK c SET PARKER-K/LONUNAINLT{CgNTRIX, CORNER)) SIR =SET IRON ROD S~ =SET IRON PIPE SNN =SET MAGNETIC NAIL ((CONTROL CORNER) oA - E10STWG IRON AXIE ) N EXISTING 404 WETLANDS: 82974 SQ.Ft, ) (FW~ ECM ' E)aSTMC CONCRETE MONUMENT (FOUND) 1.9D4 ACRES DP ' Eb~S NRG IRON PIPE {FWND) ) PROPOSED 404 WETLANDS UPON °"" ~ Ef3S71NG NACNEIIC NAIL (FOUND) R =RIGHT--OF-WAY COMPLETION OF DEVELOPMENT: 86784 $q,F}, ~ c Nu ~E~Y NE ,1.992 ACRES ~ ' ~ a ~ ~ D.k U.E D RAE +A GE d U11 jJTY EASEMENT -ti~r-+t{r- =POKER LJNES -~(-lf-)E • 4' CHAIN LINK FENCE td =POWER POLE = EXISIWG FlRE HYDRANT _ ® =EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 1f AC. =ASBESTOS CONCRL~E PIPE ~ =ADDRESS n =LOT NUMBER ' PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE PENINSULA AT TOPSAIL ISLAND ~(• PROPOSED FlRE HYDRANT ~ =PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE m = ~~~ WDLAE~MI ~~ 8.849 ACRE TRACT ON WALTER R. ATKINSON ROAD TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP, PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CgROIINA TOWN OF SURF CITY =p ; S I _ t{nc a at ~ ~ PELICAN PEIES PROPER11E5 LLC • ~. - - - ° ® ~, ~ 0.8. 1419 P. 149 _ _ I LOT 3 OO OO TAC ~ ,~ v ~ I N.B. 8. P. 90 = p u I P I f I r I as ~ °°° ° sx f ZONED R-5 I CANAL ~ m~ee I Z~ FRONT . 15' I SIDE ~ 7.5' LOT 15 REAR - 3D' CAMA I • ACC£S5 a GATE EASEyENT TO' PUBLIC ACCESS EASBIENT ~ 8.849 ACRES I INC1UtRNG THE I AREA BELOW ~;, THE APPROXBAATE I MEAN HIGH WATER LINE I RitY` I 9Y~SS I IffD MPLE GROUP, IJ.C ~ '~ J ' P.0. BOX 689 SHALLOTTE, NC 26459 ¢ ~~=LANDS ~ Ti cn6~ ` D.B. 2429, P. 264 R/w-` SW a i _ D9. 214, P. 78 r ' D.B. 383, P. 368 D.B. 473, P. 189 D.B. 613, P. 87 I D.B. 999, P. 333 ~ r D.B. 1095, P. 28 m D.B. 1479, P. 149 D.B. 1554, P. 795 GRAPHIC SCALE Db. 1867, P. 210 ~~ ~ 24 P . a P 90 M.B. 36, P, 44 ( Il3 FEET } 1 inch = 100 f},. n r--~ t' r_.r._„~, ..r.._.. `~~ ra 21 1 ~ ' __ ~ I ~ IKK ~'Yal r' I I T ,~,~-J --~~± J L~ J L~ J l__J L__L_J _. aara a war ~ 0 ..~. ~~ ~~ ; L y y I } ~ 7i s lea ' INTa IIf 7~ ~i ~ ki ® Y! mm~® ~ mat Tote NOW OR FORMERLY HOPKINS ZONED R-5 ~`~ A ~~i `' ~ °,°j I~ R/x--" ~. ~ ~1 DRiFPH00D LANE (~_._____-.. ___-y SPIE cum.ervr ~ ~~ ~ r mrx ACREAGE; Re4s ALAES j mTK AatFAGE ro BE SU6C1NRlY: 6.8aP ACRES TDru AIXtEAOE Tp eE RE90QRw~ ao2o ACAFS roTAI ACREAGE m ~ Nt~ QE29 AaRS~Pa~o~A R/M) xuweER DT LOTS: 37 Q6DD ACRES SIZE aF TOTS 7.766 S4Ft. AIERRAff (5,000 Sq.F'F. woalw AFWRID) s~ DT swAUtsr For; 4TSS ~ (at5s Haas) {LOTS L 4. a a e) PROP0471 StR27 MOTIt: to' ASTNALT PRa+Dga gg1T-OF-NAY MD& 30' ~~~:~~ caNet , .,.,_. i ~` C a REVISION: WETLANDS oa/D6~o4 DATE: OCTOBER 26, 2604 DRAWN BY: J. HELMS FIELD BOOK: MD. PAGE 42 CHECKED BY: COMPUTER: W56\PR A020j nAe,_t.,. PROJECT NUM ER: 02-OS-22AI3 $HEET~ 64 nc .ca