HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070623 Ver 1_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20090212 D `.C 'COSY PR (,RAC' '?N,'?tyCEN4. tJT 1 CREEK LITTLE WHITE OAK STREAM RESTORATION POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT # D06027-B .-??° oFE S . Q 229 • a 01 SC?OTI Prepared For: ti Ecosystem Enhancement Program ' Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Ekowsteill K 01111111, Raleigh' NC 27699-1652 ? - >- \?? ?' ? t lONITORING REPORT (YEAR 1 OF 5) j9 JANUARY 2009 P!C ECOSYSTEM -NNANCEMENTPROGRAM. ' Owner NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center ' tosystelI I Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 ,i EEP Project Manager: Guy Pearce ' Phone: (919) 715-1656 ' Design and Monitoring Firm Mulkey Engineers and Consultants ' MULKEY 6750 Tryon Road fYGiu F.FR9 fi Cary, North Carolina 27518 Phone: (919) 851-1912 ' Fax: (919) 851-1918 Project Manager: Wendee B. Stith Phone: (919) 858-1$33 Project Engineer: Scott Hunt Phone: (919) 858-1825 F Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report Januarg 2009 Stream Restoration (Year 1 of 5) Table of Contents ' 1.0 Executive Summary ....................................................................... 1 2.0 Project Background ........................................................................... 3 ' 2.1 Project Location and Setting 3 2.2 Project Goals and Objectives 4 2.3 Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type 4 ' 2.4 Project History 5 2.5 Project Monitoring Plan View 5 3.0 3.1 Project Condition and Monitoring Results ............................................. Project Vegetation Monitoring 6 6 3.1.1 Vegetation Monitoring Methodology 6 ' 3.1.2 3.1.3 Vegetation Monitoring Success Criteria Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 8 8 3.2 Project Stream Monitoring 9 3.2.1 Stream Monitoring Methodology 9 ' 3.2.2 Stream Monitoring Success Criteria 12 3.2.3 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 13 ' 4.0 Project Monitoring Methodology ........................................................... 16 5.0 References ...................................................................................... 16 ' Figures ' Figure 1. Location Map Tables ' Table I. Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type Table H. Project Activity and Reporting History Table III. Project Contacts ' Table IV. Project Background Table V. Stem Counts Monitoring Year 1 for Each Species Arranged by Plot Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas Table VII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Table VIII. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Table IX. BEHI and Sediment Transport Estimates ' Table X. Verification of Bankfull Events Table X1. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Table XI1. Stream Problem Areas Appendices Appendix A. Monitoring Plan View Appendix B. Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix C. Reference Point Photos Appendix D. Cross Section Photos Appendix E. Raw Data Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year 1 of 5) ' 1.0 Executive Summary This annual monitoring report details the first year monitoring activities and their results for the Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Site (LWOC). All of the monitoring activities were conducted and the subsequent results are reported in accordance with the approved mitigation plan (Mulkey Engineers and Consultants, 2008) for LWOC. The content and format of this report were developed in accordance with the contract ' requirements for the Full Delivery RFP 16-DO6027 (NCEEP, 2005). Accordingly, this report includes project background information, project monitoring results, and description of the project monitoring methodology. ' Mulkey Engineers and Consultants (Mulkey) submitted LWOC for the Full Delivery RFP 16-DO6027 to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs). Mulkey was awarded the ' stream restoration contract and began work on the project on May 16, 2007 The primary goals of LWOC were to improve water quality, to reduce bank erosion, to reestablish a floodplain along each of the stream reaches, and to improve the aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat. These goals were met through the following objectives: • By using natural channel design to restore stable pattern, dimension, and profile for ' 18,290 linear feet of stream channel • By establishing a conservation easement, which will protect the streams from cattle intrusion and future development activities ' • By establishing a floodplain or reconnecting the stream back to its historic floodplain, or a combination of both, for each project stream reach • By creating or restoring floodplain features such as vernal pools, off channel ponds, or riparian wetlands • By increasing the amount of aquatic habitat through the addition of rock and wood structures • By reestablishing native plant communities throughout the conservation easement, whereby reintroducing shading, cover areas, and travel corridors. ' LWOC is located in Polk County, North Carolina near the Community of Mill Springs and is situated in the Broad River Basin. Past land use practices, including extensive cattle ' farming, stream channelization and dredging, and clearing of the riparian buffers resulted in substantial degradation of the stream systems at LWOC. LWOC is comprised of seven stream reaches totaling 18,290 feet of restored stream channel. All of the analyses, design, ' and restoration at LWOC were accomplished using natural stream channel design methods. In addition to stream channel restoration, the restored stream banks and the riparian and upland buffer areas along LWOC were also replanted with native species vegetation. ' The survivability of the planted vegetation at LWOC will be monitored at representative vegetation plots as well as project-wide. Stem counts, photo documentation and comparison, and visual assessment will be utilized. Bare root stock were planted at a density of 680 stems per acre (8 foot by 8 foot spacing) and live stakes were planted on the stream banks at a density of 1,742 stems per acre (5 foot by 5 foot spacing). A total of 24 representative vegetation plots were installed at LWOC based on the recommendations set FI L, Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year 1 of 5) experiencing the expected minor adjustments indicative of movement toward increased ' stream stability and are attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. Fluctuations in bed materials were expected to occur during the early years following construction. Fining of the bed materials was documented by the stream bed material monitoring. The stream systems at LWOC appear to be sand-dominated and therefore coarsening of the bed may not occur. However, the monitoring results do suggest that on-site sediment supply from LWOC has been greatly reduced as a result of the ' restoration. Fluctuations in bed materials are likely to continue and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Six of the eight crest gages recorded flood stages in excess of the bankfull stage. The evidence recorded by the crest gages indicates that a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 1. This documented the first of two required bankfull events over the five year monitoring period in order to achieve success with regards to hydrologic ' monitoring at LWOC. No stream problems were documented through the photo documentation comparison process. However, the project-wide visual assessment conducted along each of the project stream reaches revealed 12 specific stream problem ' areas which included in-stream structure failures and associated stream bank erosion, areas of floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion, and an area of stream bank erosion. Mulkey elected to promptly address all of the observed stream problem areas and conducted ' construction repairs of each in October 2008. All of the in-stream structures and the areas of floodplain and stream bank erosion were repaired. The repairs to the all of these areas of eroded stream banks included re-grading, re-seeding with appropriate temporary and ' permanent seed, re-installing coir fiber matting, and re-planting with live stakes. Upon completion of the repair work, LWOC experienced no other stream problem areas and was deemed a success for Year 1 Monitoring. Therefore, based on the positive results of both the vegetative and the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 at LWOC, Mulkey does not propose any additional recommendations or ' actions other than to proceed with the annual stream monitoring. 2.0 Project Background ' 2.1 Project Location and Setting ' The Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Site is located in Polk County, North Carolina approximately 2.5 miles east/southeast from the Community of Mill Springs along NC Highway 9 South, and approximately 0.5 mile northwest from the intersection of NC ' Highway 9 South and US Highway 74 (Figure 1). LWOC is situated in the Broad River Basin 8-digit cataloging unit of 03050105 and the 14-digit cataloging unit 03 05010503 0010. Mulkey proposed to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) with LWOC under the M Full Delivery RFP 16-DO6027 issued by the Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCEEP). Mulkey acquired and installed permanent fencing along an easement covering 55.3 acres, which encompasses the restored streams and ' associated buffers at LWOC. Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year I of 5) the stream bed. The second approach involved building a floodplain at a level lower than the historic floodplain through the construction of bankfull benches (the sections of the project stream reaches that were restored using Priority Level II methodologies). In-stream structures were installed along each of the stream reaches to provide grade control and stream bank protection, and to increase in-stream habitat diversity. The in-stream structures that were installed included rock cross vanes, j-hook rock vanes, rock vanes, constructed riffles, and root wads. Stream banks were further stabilized through the installation of coir fiber erosion control matting, temporary and permanent seeding, and the installation of native species vegetation in the form of transplants, live stakes, and bare root seedlings. All areas of the site that were disturbed during construction activities were stabilized using temporary and permanent seeding. The riparian and upland buffer communities along LWOC were also restored with native species vegetation using a target community which will emulate the Piedmont/Low Mountain Alluvial Forest described by Shafale and Weakley (1990). The conservation easement was fenced to permanently protect the restored stream and buffer areas. Information regarding the restoration approach and mitigation type for each of the seven project stream reaches is detailed in Table 1. 2.4 Project History ' The existing conditions at LWOC prior to restoration were a result of cattle use for the past 50 years. When Mulkey initially became involved with this project, there were approximately 200 livestock (cattle and horses) currently utilizing the pastures. The ' livestock had never been fenced from any of the stream channels within LWOC. This continual livestock access to the streams resulted in substantial erosion along the stream banks, incision of the channels, channel widening in some areas, and heavy siltation ' throughout LWOC, as well as reduced water quality due to large quantities of fecal matter into the stream system. Based on information gained from the property owner, it was determined that many of the streams at the LWOC, particularly the smaller tributaries, were ' historically maintained through channelization, dredging, and clearing of the riparian buffer. As a result of these land and water quality issues, Mulkey submitted LWOC for the Full Delivery RFP 16-DO6027 to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs). Mulkey was awarded the stream restoration contract by the NCEEP and began work on the project on May 16, 2007. The project activity and reporting history are detailed in Table II. Table III lists the contacts for the designer, contractor, relevant suppliers, and monitoring firm for ' LWOC. Table IV provides a complete listing of project background information. 2.5 Project Monitoring Plan View Mulkey conducted monitoring baseline surveys along the entire length of each of the restored project stream reaches using total station survey equipment. These surveys were conducted to establish and document baseline conditions for the newly restored stream channels for future monitoring activities. As-built drawings were developed using the results of the monitoring baseline surveys. These drawing depicted the post construction condition of LWOC and are included in Appendix A. The as-built drawings consisted of plan sheets that include the following: Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year I of 5) appropriate, to restore the riparian and upland buffer communities along LWOC within the conservation easement area. A complete listing of the planting zones, their corresponding acreages, and the corresponding vegetation species was included in the approved mitigation report (Mulkey Engineers and Consultants, 2008). The bare root stock were planted at a density of 680 stems per acre (8 foot by 8 foot spacing) and the lives stakes were planted on the stream banks at a density of 1,742 stems per acre (5 foot by 5 foot spacing). As-Built Surveys were initiated immediately following the installation of plant materials. In December 2007, during the as-built surveys and after the completion of planting, a total of 24 representative vegetation plots (vegetation plots 1 through 24) were installed randomly across LWOC. An iron pipe was installed at each plot corner for monumentation and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, along with a label specifying the plot number, was also installed at one of the corners of each plot. The plot corners were strategically located such that each plot has a total area of approximately 100 square meters. Between January and February 2008, after the establishment of the plots, the species of each planted stem in each plot was identified. Each of these stems was then tallied, by species, and marked with loosely tied survey flagging (on lateral branches) to facilitate future identification. The survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC will be monitored using annual stem counts at each of the plots. During the Year 1 Monitoring annual stem count, the planted stems will be re-flagged as required to insure that all planted stems were accounted for and considered in the survivability calculations. In addition to the stem counts, photos will be taken at each of the plots. Where necessary, the corner of each plot will be remarked with the PVC pipe and the plot number relabeled. This PVC plot corner will be used as the reference point from which the annual vegetation plot photos were taken from the same orientation for each plot. The photos will be compared to the photos from the previous year to validate and document vegetation success. In addition to the photo reference points established at each of the vegetation plots, a total of I 1 additional permanent photo reference points were installed across LWOC. Subsequently, three additional photo points (photo points 2.5Y1, 3.5Y1, and 8.5Y1) were added during the Year 1 monitoring period to insure adequate photo documentation would be conducted within the monitoring limits of the project stream reaches. These additional photo reference points were monumented using steel rebar and PVC pipe and will be used for additional photo documentation of vegetation growth across LWOC. Photos will be taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points with the same orientation each year and used for photo documentation and annual comparison of the vegetation growth across LWOC. This exercise will help to further validate and document vegetation success at LWOC. Between January and February 2008, after installation of the described 11 photo reference points, photos were taken from each of the photo reference points to document the baseline conditions at LWOC with regards to planted vegetation. Monitoring Year 1 photos were taken from all 14 photo points during the visit in August 2008. Project-wide visual assessment will also be used for vegetation monitoring at LWOC. A visual assessment will be conducted using annual field observation and pedestrian surveys to identify any specific vegetation problem areas at LWOC during the monitoring period. Any problem areas where vegetation is lacking or exotic vegetation is present, will be identified and categorized as bare bank, bare bench, bare floodplain, or invasive population. Such areas will be documented using representative photos and their locations will be mapped. 7 L Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year 1 of 5) 3.2 Project Stream Monitoring 3.2.1 Stream Monitoring Methodology Stream dimension, pattern, profile, stream bed material, bank stability, and bankfull hydrology will be monitored to evaluate the success of the stream restoration activities at LWOC. The monitoring of stream dimension, pattern, and profile, or morphometric monitoring, along with the monitoring of stream bed material, will be conducted using annual field surveys along with visual assessment. The morphometric, stream bed material, and stream bank stability monitoring will be conducted along representative sections of the ' project stream reaches. Hydrologic monitoring will consist of field measurements of bankfull events using crest gages. Project-wide stream monitoring will be accomplished using visual assessment as well as photo documentation. Major grading and channel construction were completed during the last week of November 2007. Immediately following the completion of the major grading and channel construction activities, all remaining plant material was installed during the months of November and December 2007. The as-built surveys of all of the stream reaches at LWOC were initiated immediately following the installation of plant materials and were conducted utilizing aerial ' photography and total station surveys while following the protocols set forth by the 2003 USACE Stream Mitigation guidelines (USACE et al., 2003). In addition to documenting the construction of LWOC for comparison to the proposed design, the results of the as-built surveys were also used to establish baseline morphology for the proposed monitoring. This information is presented in Table VII. A summary of the restored stream channel lengths is outlined in Table I. A complete set of As-Built Drawings including a monitoring plan view and longitudinal profile for the as-built conditions of the restored channels can be found in Appendix A. After the completion of the as-built surveys, the limits and corresponding lengths of the project stream reaches to be monitored at LWOC were determined using the sampling rates outlined by the USACE et al. (2003). A total of 5,893 linear feet (32%) of all restored stream channels will be surveyed annually during the monitoring period. Based on these the sampling rates, the limits of the project stream reaches to be surveyed annually for monitoring are as follows: Reach R1 -1,974 Linear Feet Total (Stations 14+00-R1- through 33+74-R1-) ' Reach R1A - 500 Linear Feet Total (Stations 0+00-R1A- through 5+00-RIA-) Reach R2 - 2,047 Linear Feet Total (Stations 25+13-R2- through 45+60-R2-) Reach R2A - 326 Linear Feet Total (Stations 0+00-R2A- through 3+26-R2A-) Reach R213 - 551 Linear Feet Total (Stations 9+35-R2B- through 14+86-R2B-) Reach R21) - 495 Linear Feet Total (Stations 2+84-R2D- through 7+79-R2D-) The upstream and downstream limits of these reaches were monumented in the field using steel rebar/PVC pin. Each pin was also labeled with an aluminum tag identifying the respective reach and the correct descriptor ("begin" or "end"). A total of 13 permanent cross sections, consisting of both riffles and pools, were established ' across LWOC and surveyed during the as-built surveys. The number of cross sections was Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year I of 5) same pebble count procedures on an annual basis. The results of the pebble counts for each ' specified project stream reach will be compared on an annual basis. BEHI information was collected during the existing condition surveys and sediment transport rates were subsequently developed. The resulting information served as baseline data for stream bank stability at LWOC. Stream bank stability monitoring using these parameters is required in Monitoring Year 3 and 5. Data collected during these years will be compared with pre-construction conditions to determine the change in bank erosion hazard indices and sediment export rates for each reach assessed. Positive change, namely reduction, in both the stream bank erosion rates and sediment transport rates at LWOC are expected as a result of restoration and will be documented as described to demonstrate success. During the as-built surveys, a total of eight crest gages were installed across LWOC, with one at each reach and one at the confluence of Reaches R1 and R2. At the base of each crest gage a permanent vertical datum was installed. The locations of each crest gage along with the elevation of the permanent vertical datum were surveyed during the as-built surveys. The crest gages will be used for the hydrologic monitoring at LWOC to verify the occurrence of bankfull storm events. Each crest gage was set during its initial installation and baseline ' photos were taken. The crest gages will be checked annually and the flood stage(s) recorded by each gage and measured relative to the permanent vertical datum of the respective gage. The results of these measurements will be used to document the occurrence of significant ' storm events, with the goal of specifically documenting the occurrence of bankfull and larger stream flow events. Photo documentation and project-wide visual assessment will be used for stream monitoring at LWOC to complement the other stream monitoring practices. A total of 14 permanent reference photo points were installed across LWOC (11 during the as-built surveys and 3 during the Year 1 monitoring period as described above). These photo points were monumented using steel rebar/PVC pins. Photos were taken at that time to provide photo documentation of baseline stream conditions. Photos will be taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points with the same orientation each year and will be used for photo documentation and annual comparison of the stream conditions across LWOC. This exercise will help to further validate and document stream restoration success at LWOC. The visual assessment will be conducted using annual field observation and pedestrian surveys to identify any specific problem areas along the streams at LWOC during the monitoring period. Any such problem areas will be identified and organized under appropriate categories. Such areas will be documented using representative photos, where applicable, and their locations will be mapped. The suspected cause and appropriate remedial action for each problem will be determined. If during any given year, the streams are not anticipated to meet the final established monitoring criteria, corrective actions will be considered. Such modifications will be documented and discussed with EEP. 11 I Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year 1 of 5) export rates for each reach assessed. Positive change, namely reduction, in both stream bank ' erosion rates and sediment transport rates at LWOC are expected as a result of restoration and will be documented as described to demonstrate success. Hydrologic monitoring success will be based on the ability to document the occurrence of bankfull storm events at LWOC. A minimum of two bankfull events, each occurring in two separate monitoring years, are required to be documented within the five-year monitoring ' period. The described crest gauges will be used to determine and document the occurrence of these bankfull events. As described above, photo documentation and visual assessment will be used to complement the other stream monitoring practices as part of the stream monitoring protocol at LWOC. If during any given year, the streams are not anticipated to meet the final established monitoring criteria, corrective actions will be considered. Such modifications will be documented and discussed with EEP. 3.2.3 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 In late August 2008, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 was conducted. The ' methodologies described in the Stream Monitoring Methodology Section above were used for the stream monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 1. Detailed surveys were conducted along the project stream reaches specified to be surveyed for annual monitoring as described in detail above. The results of these surveys were used as the basis for the morphometric monitoring, including stream dimension, patter and profile. All of the 13 cross sections were surveyed to measure the bankfull width, floodprone width, bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, width to depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius. The results of the cross section surveys are presented in Table VIII. Appendix D compares photos taken during Monitoring Year 1 with the initial baseline photos at each of the 13 cross sections. Appendix E provides an overlay of the Monitoring Year 1 and baseline conditions along with the raw data for ' each cross section. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 stream dimension morphometric data for each of the project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally proposed design parameters. The ' results showed that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustments including decreasing width to depth ratios, increasing entrenchment ratios, and minor increases in depth. Each of these trends was indicative of movement toward increased t stream stability and was attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. The comparison of the Year 1 Monitoring cross section photos to the as-built cross section photos strongly complement these suggestions, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. ' The pattern for all of the stream reaches was surveyed to measure the parameters of sinuosity, belt width, radii of curvature, meander wavelength, and meander width ratio. The results of the pattern surveys are presented in Table VIII. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 stream pattern morphometric data for each of the project stream 13 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report January 2009 Stream Restoration (Year I of 5) bankfull stage. The two crest gages that did not record flood stages in excess of the bankfull stage were the crest gages at Reaches R2A and R2D. The crest gage at Reach R2A apparently did not record evidence of a flood stage event. The crest gage at Reach R2D recorded a flood stage that was 0.26 feet below the bankfull stage. Each of the crest gages was reset after checking stage measurements to record future events. Table X lists the information related to the verification of bankfull events at LWOC for Monitoring Year 1 while the raw data can be found in Appendix E. The evidence recorded by the crest gages indicated a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 1. This documentation of the first bankfull event at LWOC during the monitoring period suggests success with regards to hydrologic monitoring at LWOC. Photo documentation and project-wide visual assessment were used to complement the other Monitoring Year 1 stream monitoring practices. Photos were taken from each of the original 11 permanent photo reference points. Three additional photo points (photo points 2.5Y1, 3.5Y1, and 8.5Y1) were also added to insure that adequate photo documentation would be conducted within the monitoring limits of the project stream reaches. Photo point 2.5Y1 was added for Reach R2, photo point 3.5Y1 for Reach R2B, and photo point 8.5Y1 for Reach R1A. After installation, photos were taken at each of the three added photo points. Appendix C includes all of the described photos and provides comparison of the photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the 11 permanent photo reference points. The new photos taken at three additional photo points will serve as supplemental baseline condition photos and subsequent photos at these same locations will be compared in Monitoring Years 2 through 5. No stream problems were documented through the photo comparison process. A project-wide visual assessment was conducted along each of the project stream reaches to identify any specific stream problem areas. Table XI presents the results of the project-wide visual assessment. The project-wide visual assessment revealed 12 specific stream problem areas. Each of these stream problem areas, including their description, location, and suspected cause, are listed in Table XII. The stream problem areas included eight in-stream structure failures and associated stream bank erosion, three areas of floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion, and one area of stream bank erosion. Mulkey elected to promptly address all of the stream problem areas and conducted construction repairs of each in October 2008. The eight stream problem areas categorized as failures of in-stream structures and were determined to be caused by incorrect construction of the given in-stream structure. The failed in-stream structures included j-hook rock vanes and rock cross vanes. All eight of the structures and the associated areas of stream bank erosion were repaired. Several of the j-hook rock vanes were converted to rock vanes during the said repairs to prevent future point bar erosion. The three stream problem areas categorized as floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion were determined to be attributed to the incorrect installation of floodplain interceptors. All three of the eroded areas were repaired and floodplain interceptors were installed using both rock and log materials. The remaining stream problem area categorized as stream bank erosion was determined to be caused by a minor field adjustment made to the stream alignment in order to save an existing mature tree at the request of the landowner. This area of stream bank erosion was also repaired. The repairs to the all of the areas of eroded stream banks included re-grading, re-seeding with appropriate temporary and permanent seed, and re-installing coir fiber matting. Black willow (Salix nigra) and/or silky dogwood (Corpus anzomum) live stakes were harvested on- 15 - - - - WATAUG NEB/ ROANOKE CHOW N Gm _ FRENCH rgRp PASQUOTANK LITTLE BROAp CABA YADKIN qM?? -- - 1 TENNESSEE f c NELSE co BROAD HIWASSEE? gpFF j ... - - f ..? - SAVANNAH Fq? I u,.a+.. _ !L WHITE--OAK 030501051. MeF I _.__. "- 108 V T it-- .:;nom I- 'Miu Sys f LITTLE WHITE OAK L ; --....__ MITIGATION SITE 35° 17' 211 80° 07' 00.4" W f ?- . r 9 C TO CHARLOTTE 1. h • ' f.,?`?i r ,_ /- -Oaf 2 ? '"?cem .. .•?tn- I -- --- white ?28 ,r' 906' ooa d X74 -1? TO ASHEVILLE I 0&? ?1t ? 1 1:36 000 Feet 1_- 0 1,000 2,000 3.000 4,000 999777::: _ _ I J I USGS 7.5- Minute Topographic Quadrangles: Mill Spring & Pea Ridge Contour Interval 40 Feet LOICATION MAP Figure Ecosystem LITTLE WHITE OAK STREAM RESTORATION MULKEY POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NO. D06027-B March 20, 2008 1 1 1 0 1 Table I. Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Stream Reach Restoration Mitigation Linear ID Approach Type Footage Stationing Comments Channel relocation with floodplain R1 P2 R 7,543 0+00-75+43 excavation Includes 850 feet of P1 and 190 feet of R1A Pl/P2 R 1,040 0+00-10+40 P2 channel relocation R2 (Upper Channel relocation with floodplain and Lower) P2 R 7,107 0+00-71+07 excavation Channel relocation with floodplain R2A P2 R 336 0+00-3+36 excavation Includes 250 feet of P 1 and 1224 feet of R213 P1/P2 R 1,474 0+00-14+74 P2 channel relocation Includes 100 feet of P 1 and 690 feet of R21) P1/P2 R 790 0+00-7+90 P2 channel relocation R = Restoration PI = Priority I El = Enhancement I P2 = Priority II Ell = Enhancement II P3 = Priority III S = Stabilization SS = Stream Banks Stabilization 1 C 1 Table H. Project Activity and Reporting History Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Completion Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Prepared Oct-06 Aug-06 12-Feb-07 Restoration Plan Approved Nov-06 N/A 30-Mar-07 Final Design - 90% Dec-06 N/A 16-May-07 Construction Jun-07 N/A 13-Nov-07 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area Jun-07 N/A 13-Nov-07 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area Jun-07 N/A 13-Nov-07 Planting live stakes Dec-07 N/A 11-Jan-08 Planting bare roots Dec-07 N/A 1 I-Jan-08 End of Construction Dec-07 N/A 11-Jan-08 Survey of As-built conditions (Year 0 Monitoring - Baseline) Jan-08 Jan-08 9-Jan-08 Monitoring Year 1 - 2008 Dec-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Year 2 - 2009 Dec-09 N/A N/A Year 3 - 2010 Dec-10 N/A N/A Year 4 - 2011 Dec-11 N/A N/A Year 5 - 2012 Dec-12 N/A N/A I Bolded items represent those events or deliverables that are variable. Non-bolded items represent events that are standard components over the course of a typical project. r n n 1 Table M. Project Contacts Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Designer 6750 Tryon Road Mulkey Engineers Cary, NC 27518 and Consultants Contact: William Scott Hunt, III Tel. 919.858.1825 Construction Contractor P.O. Box 796 Vaughan Contracting, LLC Wadesboro, NC 28170 Contact: Tommy Vaughan Tel. 704.694.6450 Planting Coordinator 150 Black Creek Road Bruton Nurseries and Landscapes Fremont, NC 27830 Contact: Charles Bruton, Jr. Tel. 919.242.6555 Seeding Contractor P.O. Box 796 Vaughan Contracting, LLC Wadesboro, NC 28170 Contact: Tommy Vaughan Tel. 704.694.6450 Seed Mix Sources P.O. Box 669 Evergreen Seed Willow Spring, NC 27592 Contact: Wister Heald Tel. 919.567.1333 Nursery Stock Suppliers 5594 Highway 38 South International Paper Blenheim, SC 29516 South Carolina SuperTree Nursery Contact: Geoffrey Hill Tel. 803.528.3203 762 Claridge Nursery Road North Carolina Forestry Service Goldsboro, NC 27530 Claridge Nursery Contact: James West Tel. 919.731.7988 Monitoring Performers 6750 Tryon Road Mulkey Engineers Cary, NC 27518 and Consultants Contact: William Scott Hunt, III Tel. 919.858.1825 t D Table IV. Project Background Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Project County Polk County, North Carolina Drainage Area [sq. mi(acres)] R1 4.46 (2854) RIA 0.11 (70) R2 10.85 (6944) R2A 0.54 (355) R2B 0.12 (77) R2D 0.05 (32) Drainage Impervious cover estimate (%) R1 2 RIA 2 R2 2 R2A 2 R2B 2 R2D 2 Stream Order R1 3 RIA I R2 3,4 R2A 2 R2B I R2D I Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Southern Inner Piedmont Rosgen Classification (As-built) R1, R1A, R2 C5 R2A, R2B C4 R2D C6 Cowardin Classification R3UB2" Dominat Soil Types Riverview-Chewacla-Buncombe Reference Site ID UT to Ostin Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference Project 03050105 Reference 03050105 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference Project 03-08-02 (Broad) Reference 03-08-03 (Booad) NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference Project C Reference C,Tr Any portion of any project segement 303d? No Any portion of any project segement upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced 100 lK) xivenne (s) upper rerenmal (uB) Unconsolidated Bottom (2) Sand 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 o e d o o ? o 0 0 '? '° o 0 0 0 ? o 0 rn W 00 ? N O ? N d d - N O _ n N O Y N .- ? r N N ... ? ? r', y' 7 rn ? - N V G Gt N [? N h 7 p l N O .. ? N rn V O - 7 7 ?' NO r o ? N P. vt D\ N p v ? O N N h p O 00 ? O N V' a N ? O O O O QI ? O N N O. O N p ? ? O ? Y ? 7 N ' p A 0.1 n 1 ^ 0 W r ? ? ? . . N N .--. op N O P m O O ? ,A Y a ? :. 7 M h 7 eI ? O N W L W q L d O O a L W o `D d ?+ .M-? N r P P v N Ol Ol O aYi • ? ° V G W O ?? 11 C O i Q ? a's o " 0 9 ' a ? P N N M V' rn ? O N b d ? W o? N vl 7 N N ? P O ? ? H ? h OO i? N ? O O o n V ? O V O N O N O ? ? -+ N N to O 'a v NO O ?O n ? O O ? N N o0 N N h ? O O N ? .r o? of r N ? O ? O 6 y ? d ? H o = c v = ° 3 ?` ? ° ? °' Q '? y c U a Q c ? ? ? _ o a ° g ? v a a ? ? a y e E-O Q F o y y u K _ - v _ o Q ?. - h d v u d _ ?n r" U Ci v? ? ,N Ir Qu O ?i i C Y c', a6, 81 d , rRI E z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Photo No. Feature/Issue Station / Range Probable Cause (If Available) No vegetative problem areas observed All proiect reaches N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 'O o yr -- N N W O C. --? N p h - D, h 0 G. rMi 7 N N N 7 oho O N N O 7 0, X c d i X R o7 N 7 00 U 00 ' y cd ,-? h N h oo N CY N O M N M rn rr G M O v'? N O O h N M O 'r h h h U O O h C' O N C' h h 'L7 O. O d. 7 (? •? v'? N oo 0, N v1 O N M N N M O? N 0 O M ? c. G p Coo' O O O, 00 a O O !2 W "Z" O hoo C. p ?p h U Q N N O h C oo O C\ u1 C ... oo C C, C' o0 c G M M <f• p N ? E C3 -a Vl 6 N : M Im C M oc oo ? O O O N •-- O? C%] - .G o r- G ° M NO C !. . v OO h M o0h ? N i. c M m p gyn v? cd ? p O I. Q G ON ? . , oo " O O N O M O p h 7 7 U Gi U A N CC_ O N It l- C' M C_ O O O C, ? C? M M .? N U ?`' 'c G M M c G O o oo O A a ? O ^ly r.'i O d C• -? M N M D, b l7 O •. oo 'G dd 00 h h V N 'G N O M a p (.?y CQ r G 00 c, M M h V'1 N N M m 1 M N " O rY W O Tj O ?N?/ w CQ W M U bo X ? M O oo l? ' M o O O: 00 iC cd ?O o0 M O? "'? y? cd C? V N p? N p p M 'D O 'O ?' -' rr G N I D M ?' V? r M o7 M "' .. h O p h Q 6 H W C_ m ?D O? O h N N C O et O N C ? tt V Q C G Rte ??- ++ G. I'D vN'? M N v-? 7 _ N N O _ O r . v . 1 , 0 G> U > ? c W N o `u N c W Wc ? x y ? ? v ? oo a a S7 c? 3 0 a 1 'O b 'O Q A RR r / r G r G C/j ,? = CC C r 4v o ?v r g 4v ? Cv q Q F 4' 4'+ O v v ? 'L7 'L7 wN.. N N N? "O O ^D .^r C .U ^D O O O C. U y W 00 = . % a cq a G o 3 a? - w? O o 9 - 0 Cj 6 44 > 91 r Pr o ai U i O C ed 8 A td a L a A v', b Q N •-. 'O C' l? 00 b c v? v? O ?" N M O O 'C rG N ?..? G O oo O G ? can N o?'O ? ? N p c? h O ° 00 . O C CC V O v? pC O O ? ? r .4 ? O ? N G ? 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FA u v ? ? C a o a a o? d a e d t 10 ;e W. a a m Q ? 1J F. ? f] G i< G ? yF L f]O W Iy? d Q V V ? O G X01 ? O v . . Wap a vs C4 10 a m ,. O =a ? F IyN.? G I} ., L O ya k ? U N N ? N h G N O ? B m r C 3 o o a ms L m 3 d E 'E a C4 [y -? Y 9 ? 8 ??? 3 W 3 x w y w 0 d C o o U m 8 A O „" 6 ttl O l! + G iy . ? u N X G c HHG_ 'p 9 O O ??++ G y F L d v 0 c lSl? G O N m .?' ^ b O ^ S?+ G m ^ N O 0. ' ^ O tl t r O ... N N i V .? O p pOp N ~ O O U C c G N N r N p v i G O O ?+ C 1? ,. b ? C m N "' a c = ' a ¢ a m? a 3 E E E E c s a i' ? o a 3 3 .W 3 L $ m? v ?` ` o u ? o e $ u? m S 3 `z ?3 ayay ?9 rya u a ? ? ? U o a o a? 0. a U A Y 7 u W f ? a - U o a? V a L . v a ?? o' F Q F a . a D e r ? z ? ti $ e a a a rn 6 s 1 L' G } z N c} 4 r G 0 a G N a 0 ? U ? ry 1}? C O L ? 2 8 ° U N ao C A L ? N N rj P N ? - ?O r P ? C - . . •q o o m L .V. w n V W L J ,fl WWW N d D 6 U qi+p L Y - - ap - y a o D ? ? - - P P b N N ? n ? - O f} G G 0 } O n m N ? P °' R W P - - C C C, O ° C v 3 a 3 y ,? u s a Q = a Q a r a z c = c ? 0 W a w h a m s Phi U 0 o m 6 O G 5-. O o ? L } C C z 9 L o v ? a N ? yY O C_ t ?. O O r h ? N m 9 'F. N < O p r N ? r O ? O cc?Y++ G ? ? O P r N r a Va ? - °` ? C P °` v? C ?D O ? O O P O N _ r U ? ? v - ? °? N o O n o r,? Y KA a s m E E a d s o_ m 'O 'O" m- W3 C C C 2 O C 1 C C .C ? ty = ' v ? F ?v S ?' ado" a s °' a -r - - ° Y :? F Ci $ U o a U K s p 7 Pe, Y a ; E Y 4 ` a 9 a P. v? t Q Q L ? O L OD O w Q 'a ? w L r] ?' 9 V]?j m L d a G oU _ cm r £ E?II 1C y a H ? l} G b O U y, O b ? G Q ? b ? ? P ? P N n ? j b ? y ?c ?a a ° _°-Oa f ° ° 3 3 d a a u ? c x m o 5 I s o w N m 3 x 0 °e m ' o d 9 0 S 'C 0 o ? W i l l I O O ? ?+ 4 c E y?rr i4 Q P r N `D O .a N ? ? o N ,^? p r O Q O O O v N o] N b ° O ? Q ?'+ O O b Q ? b V O G < N O N G N p Q ? O ? C O O C P O ?n ,..i C_ N o m m N a ry ? + G P O O oO a $ m E E a z 3 3 ,? d 9 as 0. L ??? C39 9 t ?? V d `0 7 s a c a ? ? 0 E 2 t 9 y p? fA e G } } G N G fyV G } } C G } W 4 8 ? N j ? O OD O o A O ? •? O W a r ? v ryry •o rii R? < a W ? d U MY o 41 ap ? o d r d a G F G ? fy G C G U 0 L m N Q O C ? (V P C 3 3 '?" A D a E ,E W w ? o c ? ? ? ?i v 3 d W v z ? ?, m a x a 0 u e C w f0 E a 9 O xx O r L G L V O XX O G 9 0 G _C v a N ? O cc G 1} .r N ? ' D O - ? + G fv ? N N I? b qq ? m N m ? m h ? r ? O ?, t? N b ?c G b O h Q U x ?C+ G. T ? Q ? C vPi P ? ?C_+ /? b P m N a° = s d c c r a r E E E E c c¢ IF a .. = ? c Y? e c a c "u c o '* a? m ? c ? W p; y u ? ? ? a 03 ?dG`' es ? ? •o Y ? a o u o U P: ? y 3 .o F ° a m o? a Y ! C G t a ° e a a m 'C ? l G H i l l ? 1} G 1yQ W G E ? N B ? ° o O A L o Q G •? o O ? V w W L ~~ W •= N Y W ?N?++. 4+ W a . F N 0 N O U N r . b . O r . b h G p .. h . N a N H .. h . p s '.s.'1 c s s Ri G 3 c m? ? 33 v oa??. Ea ? 0 G i m n c ? ? v 'm w ?, m m y 0 U e o m 8 A 9 G d O m O H I M I I I 9 9 N ? Y O ??vv ++ G ! G 9 V 0 9 99c G a 0 N X % O c 9 t? ^ b p ? ? :? N b N !! G b Q N m T Q l? N ? . r .•. ? Q ^ b C M P c l F CJ. O . .N- Q . N n O p . C ? N N N fV Q v C? z v t u a c g a . m r E E E 5 C C ?' G o a 'S c 9 ? C L ,? L 6 C U? O Q 6 V Y E G g-M a w a U v m o u? 6? a d o o? b' O e v ? 4 p, ? R. ? W 9 s 1 1 Exhibit Table IX. BEIH and Sediment Export Estimates Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Time Point Segment / Reach Linear Footage or Acreage Extreme Very High high Moderate Low Very Low Sediment Export ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % tons/yr R1 6530 5877 90 455 R1A 906 906 100 229 P i R2 5979 5381 90 767 reconstruct on 2006 R2A 625 625 100 32 R2B 1713 1713 100 1 120 R2D 526 526 100 4 1 250 TOTAL 16279 6813 42 6502 40 1713 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1853 R1 7543 R1A 1040 Monitoring Y3 R2 7107 2010 (NOT R2A 336 APPLICABLE) R2B 1474 R2D 790 TOTAL 18290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R1 7543 R1A 1040 Monitoring Y5 R2 7107 2012 (NOT R2A 336 APPLICABLE) R2B 1474 R2D 790 TOTAL 18290 0 0- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exhibit Table X. Verification of Bankfull Events Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo No. (If Available) 8/25/08-8/27/08 Unknown Crest Guage N/A Table XI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027-B Reach R1 (7543ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Reach R1A (1040ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Reach R2 (7107ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Reach R2A (336ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Reach R2B (1474ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Reach R2D (790ft) Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% Notes: The results shown above for each reach for MY-0 1 reflect the repairs made in October 2008 to the stream problem areas described for MY-O1 in Table XII. Stream Problem Areas. z? d z z z z z z z z z z z z r a? oL c 3 0 -o c ca V a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ate. ? Y ? L c c c b y 0 0 O N cm cm 0 o O 0 O 0 c 0 O 0 c 0 Q 0 O 0 L 0 L 0 L o U Y c ? C U U U N U U U N U U U N U U U U y y y p ? [ [? U U U U U U U U p U C U G U ? ? ?,' 5 L , aL+ aL+ y , _ _ ? A v m rn rn rn v? O b y , F O O cu O O O O O O O (? O CL O O O d L?.i ° d }' r0-+ S S O r% O w O w y N ro w In L A y X a - 00 01 O N in CI1 ? ? p L O N L QJ CA E E ? .? ? ! E ? .? a? ?.y y U a c z 3?. a z L W c z[^ N? Fem. ? 7 NN/ z • a z N yam. c zW N/ ? z 1 c N (i W W ?/ W I V ,? CC a 7 p =1 vl u .-. p y? U 7 7 U N i p? y 00 7 pp U O kn O O Q cd y) + M y N Y 7 "+O OL + ?! 0+0 ± F y C/] Cn M Q N L kn to i In . . V1 M M lp ? ? ? O ? O ? O ? O ? O ? O ? O O O O O 3 ? i w ? c03 i ? i ? y 9 , > w ? m V ?• ro i M U n X U U X of U N , n y U x n U U Y U U > U w U p U vi N w N n N ?' Ly' N R O E L 0.? E C? E O L E CIS a x0 c X X U X 0 X x0 >( 0 () X O X 0 X O X O X O X O O .0 x :? 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N O ° " ° N N r r N m ? z ? m N N -I I T < O m V m V - M m N ? O N cp z (1) x ` .. . l N . . ` . N ( O M O w o 0 0 U ~ W Z 0 m o rn N O :? M N ? M 0 m M M ?n rn ? O ? N rn N h Of N O> N c0 N V O 0 i T c0 N O O N 0 h V N M 0 . N N N tD V N < tp V n N n f O M cm'1 ? d Z F-- a O s ? N M o O O O O O a ? < N ; M ? < N ? (O ? 1? ? a e 5to`? ?P z w W LL- WLL- J Q Q u V) J ~ O O awz V O w N W _ S O L w?0 O LL L ? w O N ;I 'I ", I I ? w w a m o ?? ..... ....... j I ------------ - ------- - I j I I _ ? U t I ? f I L? T Q j? ... ........ C7 - ; - cj? f` 00 ..:.... _......... J .::: i Cl N-- ?J . o ? o ? o c ' ?o O I ? _ Lij ?: .. . LO -14 I f, ? Q t - o 2? h I .. 1 °o . M 0 V) c:) w / uuj ° ?j LLI o m F"' N L'i CL i I z r y ? ?=a O ' + JO J ax z L.0 a Z , C + m to r? O F C, N{I PROTOGRA-PMC LOG Little White Oak Creek Strewn Restoration Vegetation Plot 1 ? a As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 1 t PHOTOGRA-PRIC LOG Little White Oak Creek LI L_ K_ E_ Strearrc Restoration Vegetation Plot 2 t z "wi - As-built Survey: January 2008 g° .,,.?.vvx?+»•+=w rev: '::mom ?, ;;? ??? ? .?4 t yk c.•_'? ' Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: :?t> P IIOTOGRAJ'MC LOG Little 17,7iite Oak Creek Ha Stream. Restoration Vegetation Plot 3 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 3 U L_ - `- PHOTOGI),k['R[C LOO Little JU?ite Oak Creek ?1:G;,1??., .. Sty°eam Restoration Vegetation Plot 4 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 4 Year 5 Monitoring: M U L_K E"` PHOTOGRAR RIC .LOG Little Tf,77.ite Oak Creek I c.- - Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 5 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 5 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: l PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little TT177ite Oak Creek "- Stream Rest07°atio77 As-built Survey: January 2008 Vegetation Plot 6 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 6 Year 5 Monitoring: E L_K EE'L" PRO. OOIRAPRIC LOG Little TT77ite Oak Creek ? StreaI77 RestOrati.072 Vegetation Plot 7 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 7 I ?s ?:r' ?' x ?' yati r« ny 3y?; s '. rn J Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: U L_ K EPHOTOGRATTEC LOG Little YVhite Oak Creek - J -. Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 8 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: S Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRATHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 9 As-built Survey: January 2008 Little iT177ite Oak Creek Stream RestOrati0 l e as!N"' Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 9 ,- PH®TOG:€ APMC LOG Little R77ite Oak Creek Strean? Restoration Vegetation Plot 10 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: t i j_ b ' r ? e Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 10 L_K E PHOTOGRA-PRIC LOG Little TT77ite Oak Creek Sh•eanz Restoration Vegetation Plot 11 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: L-11 L- KE_ PHO T OGR-A-t C LO Vegetation Plot 12 As-built Survey: January 2008 't 41, X Little iJ'hite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 1 1 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 3 Monitoring: 12 Year 5 Monitoring: PHO OGRA-PffIC LOO Little IJl7zite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 13 I As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 E I Year 2 Monitoring: Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 13 U L-K E'," PH0T0 R_,kPIffC :LOG Little TViite Oak Creek - .- -'J = Stream RestOrati071 As-built Survey: January 2008 Vegeation Plot 14 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 14 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOG PHIC LOG- Vegetation Plot 15 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: _ I ??dK?, x=??' A ."?MUrM sy?u¢ t kr`+ j YW? r Y y,w ¢ yk13 p ", ?;+ +n ,y 'X6' 1 4 Little Tf7iite Oak Creek Stream. Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 15 C L_ KE-y- PHOTOO?A`p O LOCH Vegetation Plot 16 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little White Oak Cr°eek St1°ea»z Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 1 1 Year 3 Monitoring: 16 Year Monitoring: U, L_ K PHOTOGRAT HIC LOG Little Tfqiite Oak Creek Strea777 Restoratio» Vegetation Plot 17 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 17 NAE U L_ K_ E- s P OTOGRAPBIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Sh•eanz Restoration Vegetation Plot 18 c Ar ?Y ?"? 1 ? 1 A As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: i8 Year Monitoring: MU F "; PHOTOGRA-PHaC LO Little White Oak Creek _.1-. 3 ? Stream RestOrati072 Vegetation Plot 19 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 19 UL_KE",r P HOTOGRATMC LOG Vegetation Plot 20 Little TT,7iite Oak Creek Strewn Restoration z ?r As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 1 1 1 1 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 i i 1 1 1 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 1 20 , H F tOGRA_pE [C LO Little Uiite Oak Creek Stream. Restoration Vegetation Plot 21 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year') Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 21 M U1, L_ `K E., L? PHOTOGRAPPIC.LOG Little White Oak Creek . Streann Restoration Vegetation Plot 22 E As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 22 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTO GFcAPTC .LOG Little TJrhite Oak Creek Strea797 RestOrati072 Vegetation Plot 23 i As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 23 ?,?? PHO ?'OGRAPPIIC LOG Little i?hite Oak Creek -: - - Sty°eam Restoration Vegetation Plot 24 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitorins: Year Monitoring: 24 m M U L_ K ? e- PHOTOGRAl HIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Strea777 Restoration Photo Point 1; Looking Downstream on Reach R2 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHO 1 OGRAP:HIC LOG Little nite Oak Creek - Strea772 Restoration Photo Point 2; Looking Downstream on Reach R2 ^- As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: VI U L_ K E"10, P: OTOG PMC LOG Little iflliite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 2; Looking Upstream on Reach R2 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 3 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC :LOG Little ff,77ite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 2: Looking upstream on Reach R2A As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: a i t a 4s ti: j Y s x a F , e Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 4 Year 5 Monitorina: Liitle white Oak Creek Strean? RestOrati077 Photo Point 2.5Y1; Looking Downstream Along R2 Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: r! .+kf"" r 5'FPi r ?" ,. d SEA r ?, ,k ,y, e a"f +r^ b a' d k A?? L ? Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 5 M U L_ K E PHOTOORA.P IC LOO Little ifhite Oak Creek _ -11 -, 3 a _ - -- Strea»i RestOratiO77 Photo Point 2.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along Reach R2 Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 6 U L_ [< E ? PROTOGRATBIC :ACC Little THhite Oak Creek I.,,;11-11, & I. . StreGM RestOrati011 Photo Point 3; Looking Downstream ''YY = ? w+ J{I As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 7 M U L_ K ':-P OTOGRARRIC LOO Little iJ'hite Oak C7-eek Strea772 RestOrati077 Photo Point 3: Looking Upstream { u t As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year Monitoring: S NAEU UK E•:PHOTOGRAT' IC LOG Little TTrhite Oak Creek .,_.,_?%_ -. -1 - Stream Restoration Photo Point 3.5Y1; :Looking Downstream Along R2&rR2B Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitorina: 9 M U L_K E"-k.' PHOTO GRAPHIC LOO Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 3.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R2 Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 10 W E :. P OTOGR PIRIC LOG Little TVhite Oak Creek Strea192 Restoration Photo Point 3.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R2B Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little IUhite Oak Creek StreaM Restoratio7i Photo Point 4; Looking Downstream As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 12 Year 5 Monitoring: L_ K E: - R- PHOTOGRA-PRIG LOG Little fflliite Oak Creek ...__, - _. StreaM RestOratiO72 Photo Point 4- Looking Upstream at Confluence ofRl&R2 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 13 A L-K E PHOTOORAPPIC LOO Little 97iite Oak Creek -- _ Stream Restoration As-built Survey: January 2008 Photo Point 5; Looking Downstream Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 14 Year Monitoring: N11 U ?K EPHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek -_ Strea777 Restoration Photo Point 5; Looking Upstream As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 15 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: Li L_ E< E, r" PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek I _.,G.,._t- -- Stream Restoration Photo Point 6; Looking Downstream Along Reach R1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 16 PHOTOGRATHIC LOG Photo Point 6; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI ? 00 o• "a 4., , a ? As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little IVhite Oak Creek Strea»a Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 17 U L_K E: PHOTOGRAPIEIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 7; Looking Downstream Along RI As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 18 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U I K E `I'HOTOGR PMC :BOG Little Tfgiite Oak Creek I Stream Restoration Photo Point 7; Looking Upstream Along RI As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 19 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRA-PHIC LOG Little 97nte Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8; Looking Downstream Along R1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 20 MWL_K PLO'T' RYC L©C Little U77ite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8- Looking Upstream Along RI As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 21 MUIKFEN,,` PHOTOGRA IffC LOG Little IT17iite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8; Looking Upstream Along R1A a - IJpE`?y? t C As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 22 U L- K E"d PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 8.5Y1; Looking Downstream Along RlA Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 23 M ? PHOTOGI2A TIC SLOG Little TVhite Oak Creek - Stream Restoration Photo Point 8.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R1A Not Applicable As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 24 [LL_f '? ? r PROTOG l' C LOG Little TAite Oak Creek _ Stream Restoration Photo Point 9; Looking Across Reach RI As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 25 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Eh=, _ _ ._ Stream Restorati072 Photo Point 9; Looking Downstream Along Reach RI As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 26 PHOTO RPEItC LOG Little White Oak Creek - - Stream Restoration Photo Point 9; Looking Upstream Along Reach Rl As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 27 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L_ K E- 6- PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 10; Looking Across Reach R1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 28 MU@.._KE:,Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little TV cite Oak Creek Stream RestOrati077 Photo Point 10; Looking Downstream Along Reach RI f is As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 29 U L-K E"T'- PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 10; Looking Upstream Along Reach R1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little W77ite Oak Creek Streans Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 30 M U L_ K ES - RHOTOOIAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek _ ._ _ ,_.._ ... Strea»i. Restoration Photo Point 11; Looking Across Reach R1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: 31 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG ME U L_ K Photo Point 11; Looking Downstream Along Reach R1 1 ? P Y<' ?1 .. rt t '. {. F ? y(? ? e * T % .. t ?» 1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 32 U L-K E PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 11; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI _" .des{ +» .r • As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little TVhite Oak Creek Strewn Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: ,3) ?', , nA, F4 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little i?hite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 1 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: ? i i ?1Y y Q ! t : ? T c '! ! yA Y t St' 4L 11? f +y.n 7 ?, ],.? L ?w .JL.kk ??' k ': Y? 4. T ?k •N{'v. 1A.j? I Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 1 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek , .? Stream Restoration As-built Survey: January 2008 Permanent Cross Section 2 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 2 Year 5 Monitoring: ULIIEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little 17117 ite Oak Creek Streann Restoration Permanent Cross Section 3 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 3 Year 5 Monitoring: ?. ,? PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek ?? - Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 4 ffi w W" As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 4 Year 5 Monitoring: I U ,ram r PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little >J'hite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 5 W2 R a ! ? r As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: e? 4 P a L r « t ,M1* Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 5 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little Uiite Oak Creek Stream Restoration As-built Survey: January 2008 Permanent Cross Section 6 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 6 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 7 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 7 Year 5 Monitoring: tff U L K 7 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little if7iite Oak Creek Stream Restoration As-built Survey: January 2008 Permanent Cross Section 8 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 8 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Pennanent Cross Section 9 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 9 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration As-built Survey: January 2008 Permanent Cross Section 10 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 10 Year 5 Monitoring: z ?? Lr Y; PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek s < Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 11 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 11 Year 5 Monitoring: PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Permanent Cross Section 12 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: s - _ try { ??yA?? Y?? ??r IC I?(It °.`y ?R'?4J? 1 '- 4 a ' .1. L; „IS'- Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 12 Year 5 Monitoring: ' U L K ', PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak C7-eek Stream Restoration Pennanent Cross Section 13 As-built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: Year 4 Monitoring: Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: 13 Year 5 Monitoring: 1 1 1 1 N ? N e' R II w c x o A U N U) O o W L Q cu N C CV a U m W to u LL ? q 1 r 4-a O U 6 a) U) V/ Y Cl) c m c O m M L' ? II U N 44 ? x A N 3 c 0 U y e- N ? O O U? O 0 0 0 O O) O 00 0 $ C. U C N o N L 0 f? r-+ C 0 o N 0 2 0 :n 11 (4) UOIJen913 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: Cross Section 1 - Riffle (R2, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS -------- - ELEV NOTE 0 - --- 0 ------------------ 877.2423 ----------------------------- GS 9.98 0 876.9775 GS 15 0 876.5338 GS 24.95 0 874.4637 GS 35.26 0 873.9631 GS 39.7 0 874.1106 GS 44.33 0 873.7856 BKF 48.52 0 872.7499 GS 51.63 0 871.508 GS 52.37 0 871.4202 LEW 52.85 0 871.2242 GS 54.8 0 871.0079 GS 56.12 0 871.2656 GS 58.58 0 871.0046 GS 61.73 0 870.8115 GS 63.24 0 870.5582 GS 64.3 0 870.884 GS 65.13 0 871.3534 REW 66.91 0 871.6119 GS 69.53 0 871.907 GS 71.79 0 871.8985 GS 75.74 0 873.1833 GS 78.29 0 873.8027 RB 82.61 0 873.9535 GS 91.99 0 874.3521 GS 97.68 0 875.892 GS 104.5 0 876.8015 GS 109.64 0 877.1228 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- channel Left Right ' Floodprone Elevation (ft) 877.02 877.02 877.02 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 873.79 873.79 873.79 Floodprone width (ft) 99.71 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 33.97 16 98 16 99 Entrenchment Ratio 2.94 _ _ Mean Depth (ft) 1.89 1.95 1.82 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.23 2.95 3.23 ' width/Depth Ratio 17.97 8.71 9.34 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 64.13 33.16 30.97 wetted Perimeter (ft) 34.94 20.4 20.44 ' Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.84 1.63 1.51 Begin BKF Station 44.27 44.27 61.25 End BKF Station 78.24 61.25 78.24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side Slope shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 0 N N N r O d II N W C x O ? U N co O O (p r U? L Q cu W y C N a a) N L li x ? R LL > O 1 ? N C O y U ° N rn U_ C/ ,,^^ C V'^! w VI C N LO m CJ ' .. N W x o ? o IL N C O U (D U) y `- fp ? O N U > O O r O O O m O O O N CD c ca cn n +, C O N .` O It Z h V D (4) UOIIBA91=1 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R2 Cross section Name: Cross section 2 - Pool (R2, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS --------- ELEV NOTE 0 ---- 0 ------------------ 876.5906 ----------------------------- GS 9.04 0 876.5554 GS 16.89 0 876.3899 GS 18.86 0 876.0113 GS 27.9 0 873.7327 GS 38 0 873.376 GS 49.59 0 873.458 LB 52.65 0 872.7189 GS 55.75 0 871.8763 GS 59 0 871.5102 GS 61.11 0 870.9945 GS 61.8 0 871.4367 GS 63.15 0 870.998 LEw 64.61 0 870.3188 GS 66.55 0 870.2556 GS 66.99 0 870.0193 GS 69.56 0 869.6106 GS 71.17 0 869.0673 TW 72.1 0 871.0466 REw 72.85 0 872.3305 GS 75.92 0 873.3031 BKF 78.71 0 873.1089 GS 87.56 0 873.1096 GS 93.37 0 873.0317 GS 108.43 0 876.5328 GS 112.28 0 876.7982 GS 115.19 0 876.4244 GS 118.8 0 876.4646 GS ------------------------------------------- Cross sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------- channel Left Right ' Floodprone Elevation (ft) 877.53 877.53 877.53 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 873.3 873.3 873.3 Floodprone width (ft) 118.8 ----- ----- ' Bankfull width (ft) 44.23 22 12 22-16 Entrenchment Ratio 2.69 _ Mean Depth (ft) 1.2 2.15 0.25 Maximum Depth (ft) 4.23 4.23 1 81 ' width/Depth Ratio 36.86 10.29 . 88 64 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 53.17 47.57 . 5.6 wetted Perimeter (ft) 47.2 26.23 24 58 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.13 1.81 . 0.23 Begin BKF Station 50.24 50.24 72.36 End BKF Station 94.52 72.36 94.52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side Slope shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o° ?- u c+) w x o U N N N O O ca l0 r r) L Q y ., c N ° IL a) N r in ii O w x ? o I ? M C O y U ° U 'v c W c co 0 m N CY W x o R O 3 a M C O U N N ? N O l9 U>4-) O W t- co ? ? ? It n ti n O o) ao ? uj o co o 0 co co co co co co co r- co co co co coo (4) U011BA913 0 ti 0 cD 0 u? 0 v 0 O r 0 0 0 o ? O) a) U C o ? co N o t? c N o •? 0 2 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY -------------- ----- ------- ----------------- --------------------------- River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2 Cross section Name: Cross section 3 - Pool (R2, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/ 2008 ------------- ------ ------- ----------------- --------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry ' BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Readi ng: 0 ft ' TAPE --------- --- FS ELEV NOTE 0 - 0 ------- ----------------- 874.3382 -- ---------------------- GS 10.22 0 874.1291 GS 19.99 0 874.1371 GS 24 0 874.0576 GS ' 31.95 38.37 0 0 872.9249 872 7133 GS GS 48.13 0 . 872.774 GS 52.98 0 872.4855 LB 56.11 0 871.9301 GS 57.69 0 871.527 GS 57.41 0 870.3392 GS 59.68 0 870.0057 LEW ' 59.91 0 869.3558 GS 61.35 0 869.0455 GS 62 0 868.8563 TW ' 63.61 0 869.173 GS 64.94 0 869.2617 GS 68.28 0 869.9383 REW ' 69.32 0 870.1478 GS 75.56 0 871.1376 GS 81.3 0 872.3463 BKF 86.04 0 871.8262 GS ' 96.01 0 872.0181 GS 113.9 0 875.991 GS 119.98 0 876.1569 GS 126.11 0 876.0048 GS 138.05 0 873.9475 GS 147.94 0 873.7047 GS ' 156.67 0 873.9106 GS 163.99 0 874.7447 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ------------------------------------------------------------------ Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) Bankfull width (ft) ' Entrenchment Ratio Mean Depth (ft) Maximum Depth (ft) width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Area (sq ft) wetted Perimeter (ft) channel 875.84 872.35 150.18 43.76 3.43 1.24 3.49 35.29 54.41 46.29 Left 875.84 872.35 21.88 2.07 3.49 10.57 45.23 25.41 Right 875.84 872.35 21.88 0.42 1.2 52.1 9.18 23.27 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.18 1.78 0.39 Begin BKF Station 53.74 53.74 75.62 End BKF station 97.5 75.62 97.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side Slope shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 0 N CV N N v) ? II V W C X O R U ? N 00 CO) O N Ur L Q N C CV _o a U ? N ? II 4, N ? x Q C U N U YV JJ 'D ''^^ C U) cn Y C O IO ? CD N L ? U II N W x N R et C O U N fn .-. y r N ? O N U? O O O O O O 0 co O ? c c? D o C O L v° 2 O M O N O r O (4) U0118A913 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R2 Cross section Name: Cross Section 4 - Riffle (R2, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE FS ELEV NOTE 0 0 874.6785 ------------------------ GS 8.41 0 874.7499 GS 17.62 0 872.3206 GS 23.06 0 872.1019 GS 33.21 41.03 0 0 872.1239 871 9659 GS BKF 42.95 0 . 871.4335 GS 45.62 0 870.1768 GS ' 48.1 0 869.3806 LEW 48.93 0 868.7304 GS 50.08 0 868.7305 GS 51.71 0 868.7208 TW 53.91 0 868.949 GS 56.01 0 868.8795 GS 57.56 58.45 0 0 869.0718 869 1806 GS REW 59.74 0 . 870.2013 GS 63.92 0 870.7265 GS 68.54 0 872.6206 RB 78.04 0 872.3378 GS 86.05 0 872.1115 GS 95.96 0 873.7782 GS 106.06 0 873.2136 GS 116.03 0 873.3264 GS 120.37 0 872.8616 GS ______ Cross sectional ---- ____________ Geometry ------------ _______________ --------------- ____________________________ ---------------------------- Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) Bankfull width (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Mean Depth (ft) Maximum Depth (ft) width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Area (sq ft) wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Begin BKF Station End BKF Station channel 875.22 871.97 120.37 26.13 4.61 1.99 3.25 13.13 52.1 27.49 1.9 40.83 66.95 Left 875.22 871.97 13.06. 2.09 3.25 6.25 27.33 16.8 1.63 40.83 53.89 Right 875.22 871.97 13.06 1.9 3.09 6.87 24.77 16.74 1.48 53.89 66.95 Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified shields curve channel Left side Right side Slope shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) Q. ? O M IL II ? x o FZ4 U N u) y O O f6 r U (D L}? Q cu `}W / y ,C N ° ? a 0 C/) n O ° x c? 0 I LO c O U) ° L) U_ (1) co ''^^ C ?V/ w N C OL co N U ' II N w x O 'Q O 3 a C O U y ? y ? O N U >- O i I O rn c o ? CD t0 v m N n d co co bo ?o bo b6 o0- 00 op co (q) uOIJeA913 00 co co co co co 0 D D D m D D D D a) U c ca N n c O N ? L O 2 h u RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY ------ -------- -------------------------------------------------------- River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: Cross section 5 - Pool (R2, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/2008 ------ -------- -------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS ----------- ELEV NOTE 0 --- 0 ----------------- 871.583 ----------------------------- Gs 13.95 0 871.7439 GS 28.86 0 871.5156 GS 44.92 0 871.6589 GS 48.04 0 871.5644 LB 56.68 0 869.0614 LEW 58.98 0 868.4758 GS 60.93 0 868.1979 GS 64.76 0 868.1371 GS 66.53 0 868.0677 TW 68.6 0 868.9981 REW 69.1 0 870.1017 GS 70.46 0 870.5481 GS 73.09 0 870.8062 BKF 77.3 0 871.1763 GS 81.51 0 871.3567 GS 88.56 0 871.5819 GS 99.23 0 873.4296 GS 104.55 0 873.5183 GS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ------------------------------------------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 873.55 873.55 873.55 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 870.81 870.81 870.81 Floodprone width (ft) 104.55 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 22.49 11.25 11.24 Entrenchment Ratio 4.65 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 1.6 1.54 1.67 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.74 2.63 2.74 Width/Depth Ratio 14.06 7.31 6.73 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 36.06 17.31 18.75 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 23.83 14.21 14.86 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.51 1.22 1.26 Begin BKF Station 50.64 50.64 61.89 End BKF Station 73.13 61.89 73.13 ------------------------------------------ Entrainment Calculations ------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side Slope shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 0 0 0 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N N N ? ? II i w ? X C R O ? U N U) O O t0 L.. U } Q Q .. c ° LL U O ? II 4- ? R LP o U N? ? c ?/? w VJ Y N C , (0 ? I'0 0 ? II U N W ? X R ,o c 16 N ? N N O U >- O \ \ 1 I I I I II I II I cl i c o Ln v r? co m ap co CC) r r r r r Cl) co co co co cp co co co co co co co co (4) UOIIBA913 0 DO ? :o n ? U C cu N a o fu C N .` O D N 0 64 0 co co co RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY -------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak Creek ( Year 1) Reach Name: R2A Cross section Name: Cross Section 6 - Riffle (R2A, Year 1) Survey Date: 11/10/ 2008 -------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft ' TAPE FS -------------- ELEV NOTE ------ 0 0 ------------------ 880.2035 - ---------------------- GS 19.31 0 880.4614 GS ' 28.46 0 880.1445 GS 38.46' 0 876.9752 GS 42.25 0 876.1676 GS 47.22 0 876.2584 GS 50.41 0 875.8145 LB 51.88 0 875.4357 GS ' 53.11 0 874.8245 LEW 53.84 0 874.586 GS 55.44 0 874.4496 GS 56.6 0 874.2772 GS 57.19 0 874.1423 TW 57.97 0 874.4357 GS 59.42 0 874.4946 GS 61.02 0 874.7021 LEW 62.77 0 875.6016 RB 64.87 0 876.0269 BKF 72.82 0 876.5574 GS 79.31 0 879.4803 GS 84.11 0 879.8364 GS ' 89.27 0 879.9175 GS ' -------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry --------- -------- ------------------ -------------------------- channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 877.92 877.92 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 876.03 876.03 ----- Floodprone width (ft) 40.35 ----- Bankfull width (ft) 16.06 26.14 _____ Entrenchment Ratio 2.51 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 1.01 1.01 ----- maximum Depth (ft) 1.89 1.89 ----- width/Depth Ratio 15.9 25.88 ----- Bankfull Area (sq ft) 16.17 16.17 ----- wetted Perimeter (ft) 16.66 16.66 ----- Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.97 0.97 Begin BKF Station 48.86 48.86 ----- End BKF station 64.92 64.92 ----- Entrainment calculations ------------------------ Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side ' slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) ' Movable Particle (mm) F-I L 1 O O Ed N Co ?' II t` W x c ,p O ? U N U) _ N O N r? O (6 L U ? a a N m .? N a° L) N U Ln co ^` ? II W w `m x o C }, o U U N N c U) c r m 0 m L ? II U m w N x d' A N r C O U N U N U) t0 O U > O O 00 O 0 O U C f6 N (6 C O N 0 O co _ 0 :V 7 (4) uOIJEAG13 1 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2B Cross Section Name: Cross Section 7 - Riffle (R2B, Year 1) Survey Date: 09/04/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE --------- FS ELEV NOTE - 0 ------------- 0 ------------------ 874.9463 ----------------------------- GS 9.83 0 874.9017 GS 18.92 0 874.8935 GS 24.96 0 874.789 GS 32.98 0 874.7125 GS 35.97 0 874.652 GS 39.98 0 874.7078 GS 42.03 0 874.1088 GS 43.99 0 873.4516 GS 47.11 0 873.2923 GS 49.07 0 872.9583 GS 49.96 0 872.9506 LB 51.05 0 872.7587 GS 51.99 0 872.4992 GS 53.03 0 872.1381 GS 53.96 0 872.0547 GS 55.02 0 872.0194 Tw 56.08 0 872.088 GS 57.09 0 872.4319 GS 57.85 0 872.7895 GS 58.89 0 872.908 BKF 61.14 0 872.9226 GS 64.23 0 872.8586 GS 66.76 0 873.2168 GS 69.18 0 874.0729 GS 73.05 0 874.2865 GS 80.86 0 874.3224 GS 89.9 0 874.0824 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cross sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) Bankfull width (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Mean Depth (ft) Maximum Depth (ft) width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Area (sq ft) wetted Perimeter (ft) Hydraulic Radius (ft) Beqin BKF Station channel 873.8 872.91 25.46 8.7 2.93 0.52 0.89 16.73 4.48 8.96 0.5 50.19 Left 873.8 872.91 5.93 0.6 0.89 9.88 3.57 6.86 0.52 50.19 Right 873.8 872.91 2.77 0.33 0.81 8.39 0.92 3.72 0.25 56.12 End BKF Station 58.89 56.12 58.89 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve ' channel Left Side Right side slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb/sq ft) ' movable Particle (mm) 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N lY N Ii i W ? x c A o U a> mo o m V} Q 0 ? c N .o N d r LL a? `n a) II W ? U) W a) x o ??// A ry 1 W O U /N/?? co Y r [0 ? O? ? ? II U W x A 3 m } W co x 0 I I I ?I 1 1 LO V M N n _ r co r, f-- co CD b 5 co co co co 00 co 00 00 (4) UOIIEA913 D D n m U C 7 n cu c O .` O 2 D V 0 co RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R2D Cross Section Name: Cross section 8 - Riffle (R2D, Year 1) Survey Date: 09/04/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ---------- FS -------- ELEV NOTE 0 ----- 0 ------------------ 871.6481 ------------- ---------------- GS 4.49 0 871.5795 GS 9.75 0 871.4383 GS 16.6 0 871.058 GS 21.71 0 870.8233 GS 26.47 0 870.7301 GS 28.47 0 870.6976 BKF 29.43 0 870.5376 GS 30.77 0 870.2071 GS 31.2 0 869.8295 LEW 31.67 0 869.6601 TW 32.54 0 869.8094 GS 33.7 0 869.9324 GS 34.91 0 869.919 GS 35.77 0 869.7881 GS 36.42 0 869.8455 REW 39.25 0 870.6034 RB 42.19 0 870.961 GS 49.21 0 871.1897 GS 59.31 0 871.0629 GS 64.11 0 870.9877 GS 69.62 0 870.8823 GS ------------------------------------------------------------- Cross sectional Geometry ------------------------------------------------------------- channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 871.74 871.74 871.74 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 870.7 870.7 870.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 69.62 - Bankfull width (ft) 11.72 5.86 5.86 Entrenchment Ratio 5.94 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 0.57 0.59 0.56 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.04 1.04 0.91 width/Depth Ratio 20.56 9.93 10.46 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 6.69 3.43 3.25 wetted Perimeter (ft) 12.08 6.88 6.75 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.55 0.5 0.48 Begin BKF station 28.32 28.32 34 18 End BKF Station 40.04 34.18 . 40.04 ------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ----------- ------------- ----.------------------------------------------ Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side ' slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) ' 1 1 r r C 1 O O a II rn w c x o U N w y O O r Ua) Q m 0 / y C_ O CL U O ? II 0 y w x ? o rn c O y U^' ° ) U_ c VJ ? ? w N Y r C O m L . ro w x O 'A O a o? 0 0 U N U) V) O N N U >- 0 0 c-> 0 N O 0 0 O O 0 0 o ? (D U C tII O aCl) o Lo N .` 0 2 0 7 7 (4) UOIJeA913 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY -------------- ----- ------- ----------------- --------------------------- River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R1 Cross section Name: Cross Section 9 - Pool (R1, Year 1) Survey Date: 10/14/ 2008 -------------- ----- ------- ----------------- --------------------------- Cross section Data Entry ' BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Readi ng: 0 ft ' TAPE -------------- FS - ---- ELEV NOTE 0 0 ------- ----------------- 888.982 -- ---------------------- GS 5.16 0 889.0535 GS ' 10.01 0 888.953 GS 14.69 0 888.7614 GS 20.01 0 888.2744 GS ' 25.28 0 887.0475 GS 29.69 0 885.071 GS 32.62 0 884.3704 GS ' 37.33 0 883.8159 GS 41.92 0 883.5905 GS 47.68 0 883.5139 GS 52.13 0 883.1962 GS ' 56.75 0 882.8811 BKF 57.81 0 881.9791 GS 60.37 0 880.331 GS ' 61.09 0 879.9773 LEW 61.96 0 879.1695 TW 63.63 0 879.2015 GS ' 65.26 0 879.4292 GS 65.74 0 879.7095 GS 66.1 0 879.7933 GS 66.8 0 879.8549 GS 67.48 0 880.0727 REW 69.56 0 880.6332 GS 70.54 0 881.2023 GS 73.9 0 882.009 GS 76.39 0 883.123 RB 78.92 0 882.9899 GS 84.96 0 882.8646 GS 90.78 0 882.8831 GS 96.3 0 884.4865 GS 100.27 0 885.8104 GS ' 105.44 0 887.0679 GS 112.31 0 888.4927 GS 115.92 0 888.8783 GS 120.51 0 889.0468 GS 130.51 0 889.2544 GS ---------------------------------------- Cross sectional Geometry ------------------------------------------------------ Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) channel Left Right 886.59 886.59 886.59 882.88 882.88 882.88 77.18 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 24.68 12.34 20.71 Entrenchment Ratio 3.13 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 1.66 2.65 0.66 Maximum De th (ft) 3.71 3.71 2.37 width/Depth Ratio 14.87 4.66 31.38 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 40.9 32.72 8.18 wetted Perimeter (ft) 26.55 16.12 15.16 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.54 2.03 0.54 Begin BKF Station 56.75 56.75 69.09 End BKF Station 89.8 69.09 89.8 --------------------7----------------------------- Entrainment calculations -------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side Slope 0 0 0 Shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O a u 0 4-1 x o R U N N O O ?p L U? CU Q N ? .C O IL U f6 N O ? u 0 14 CL +O X O O I o? C O U ( U U C ) N 7 U) Y O C O m C- U • w X N } O O a 0 U) X 0 0 M I O N O 1 0 0 I O rn o co o $ ti U I ? O (n (D LO N 0 I = O 7 O M 0 N O 0 0 0 0 rn co t - co o (4) UOIIBA913 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: ' Reach Name: Cross section Survey Date: Little white oak R1 Name: cross section 10 10/14/2008 creek (Year 1) - Pool (R1, Year 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cross section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE ------ FS ------ ELEV NOTE 0 ----- 0 -------------- 886.8813 ---- ---------------------- GS 3.79 0 886.0528 GS 9.29 0 884.8979 GS 14.21 0 883.7397 GS 19.42 0 882.4609 GS 24.33 0 881.9533 GS 29.42 0 882.0849 GS 34.51 0 882.0655 GS 39.54 0 882.0581 GS 44.08 0 882.0574 GS 49.18 0 882.0207 GS 54.46 0 882.0533 GS 59 0 881.8604 GS 64.23 0 881.6602 GS 65.39 0 881.5705 LB 67.14 0 880.9866 GS 69.2 0 880.3866 GS 70.93 0 879.8058 GS 72.47 0 879.6055 GS 73.93 0 879.6784 GS 73.68 0 879.5218 GS 74.96 0 879.3781 LEW 74.92 0 879.1477 GS 76.11 0 878.5523 GS 76.5 0 878.3553 GS 77.73 0 878.0727 GS 81.1 0 877.8557 TW 81.89 0 878.2374 GS 82.08 0 878.7193 GS 83.55 0 879.3932 REW 83.66 0 880.8109 GS 84.3 0 881.5577 BKF 85.85 0 881.7273 GS 87.52 0 881.8809 GS 93.49 0 881.9836 GS 98.71 0 881.9906 GS 103.76 0 882.3211 GS 105.66 0 882.8868 GS 110.08 0 884.6739 GS 116.28 0 886.2119 GS 119.07 0 886.6256 GS 128.85 0 886.7806 GS ------------------------------------------ cross sectional Geometry ------------------------------------------------- channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 885.26 885.26 885.26 , Bankfull Elevation (ft) 881.56 881.56 881.56 Floodprone width (ft) 104.91 ----- ----- Bankfull width (ft) 18.9 9.45 9.45 ' Entrenchment Ratio 5.55 ----- ----- Mean Depth (ft) 2.15 1.32 2.99 Maximum Depth (ft) width/Depth Ratio 3.7 8.79 2.17 7.16 3.7 3.16 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 40.71 12.5 28.22 wetted Perimeter (ft) 22.46 12.46 14.34 , Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.81 1 1.97 Begin BKF station i 65.42 32 84 65.42 87 74 74.87 84.32 on End BKF stat . . ------------------------- Entrainment calculations ------------------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ----- -------------------- -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side ' slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? r o m o lD a u w c x o U N c N O O U a> L } M Q _ N O 10 U I 0 C II °3 w m x ? .a I O r r 0 ? U ca (D C5 _ A Y N N O m N L ? C) ? II 4-I x o 'A O 3 a c O W N `- N O N U? O (4) U011BA913 0 M O N 0 0 0 O O 0 CO ti m U C ca o 'r o cn 0 C `f' N .L 0 0 'IT O M O N O 0 RIVF_RMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY -------------- ----- ------- ----------------- --------------------------- River Name: Little white oak creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R1 Cross section Name: Cross Section 11 - Pool (R1, Year 1) Survey Date: 10/14/ 2008 -------------- ----- ------- ----------------- --------------------------- Cross section Data Entry ' BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Readi ng: 0 ft ' TAPE -------------- FS --- ELEV NOTE = 0 -- 0 ------- ----------------- 886.4446 ------- ------------------- GS 4.45 0 886.3885 GS ' 8.89 0 886.041 GS 14.31 0 885.9687 GS ' 19.04 23.9 0 0 885.8056 885.2437 GS GS 25.92 0 884.6872 GS 29.23 0 883.4106 GS ' 34.23 0 881.9198 GS 37.62 0 881.2731 GS 42.28 0 881.003 GS 47.68 0 880.8922 GS ' 52.21 0 880.6289 GS 56.46 0 880.8102 GS 57.23 58.91 0 0 880.9086 880 9018 GS LB 60.55 0 . 880.2154 GS 62.48 0 879.0119 GS ' 63.13 0 878.3965 GS 64.11 0 877.8867 LEW 65.98 0 874.5401 TW 66.46 0 874.5685 GS ' 67.06 0 874.9805 GS 68.1 0 875.5934 GS ' 69.4 70.99 0 0 875.8088 876 3042 GS GS 72.16 0 . 876.678 GS 72.15 0 876.9484 GS ' 72.8 0 877.7078 GS 74.05 0 878.1792 REW 78.63 0 880.3916 GS 80.2 0 880.8648 BKF ' 85.13 0 880.7019 GS 91.49 0 880.6985 GS 96.52 0 881.1097 GS 101.52 0 882.5236 GS 106.37 0 883.6097 GS 111.71 0 884.6097 GS ' 116.53 0 885.24 GS 121.18 0 885.4989 GS 129.26 0 885.5481 GS ------------------ Cross Sectional Geometry ----- ---------- --------- -- ----------------- ----------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 887.18 887.18 887.18 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 880.86 880.86 880.86 Floodprone width (ft) 129.26 Bankfull width (ft) 42.91 21.46 23.78 Entrenchment Ratio 3.01 ----- mean Depth (ft) 1.48 1.94 1.11 Maximum Depth (ft) 6.32 6.32 4.96 width/Depth Ratio 28.99 11.06 21.42 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 63.68 37.35 26.33 wetted Perimeter (ft) 47.48 27.41 30 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.34 1.36 0.88 Begin BKF Station 48.23 48.23 69.69 End BKF Station 93.47 69.69 93.47 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- , Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side slope 0 0 0 Shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m II ?w =x o A a U UI U) O O ?p L U D Q ? c N o LL a ?.? U N tU Co I x ? Q N 0 N U L) ? a Cn c m N O ? II U? W ?. x o ? N_ C O U O N U ? G c c (4) UOIJEA913 0 0 0 O co O n 0 m c cu D 0 0 N O 2 0 Cl) CD N C) 00 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R1 Cross section Name: Cross Section 12 - Riff le (R1, Year 1) Survey-Date- - 10/14/2008 ----------------------------- --------- Cross section Data Entry ------------------ BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft ' TAPE - FS ---- ELEV NOTE 0 5.11 -------- 0 0 ----------------- 885.5536 885 0686 --------------------------- GS GS . 8.4 0 885.1329 GS 10.88 0 884.0396 GS 15.31 0 882.4954 GS 20.48 0 880.4338 GS 25.31 0 880.1904 GS 30.79 0 879.9968 GS 35.26 0 880.1614 GS 38.76 0 880.1768 BKF 40.24 0 879.2987 GS ' 41.26 0 878.6773 GS 42.52 0 878.2842 GS 43.52 0 877.7308 LEw ' 43.44 0 877.2998 GS 45.12 0 877.0887 GS 46.54 0 877.0537 GS 47.14 0 876.9615 TW ' 49.21 0 876.9972 GS 51.41 0 877.0275 GS 52.9 0 877.8304 REW 53.72 0 878.066 GS 55.81 0 878.301 GS 57.26 0 878.1469 GS ' 57.08 0 878.3326 GS 59.91 0 878.8881 GS 61.44 0 880.197 GS 62.4 0 880.4494 RB ' 64.34 0 880.4467 GS 69.35 0 880.5116 GS 73.7 0 880.7063 GS ' 78.73 0 880.7546 GS 84.22 0 882.6033 GS 89.69 0 883.8705 GS 94.44 0 884.557 GS 100.3 0 884.9515 GS --------------- Cross Sectional --------------- ----------- Geometry ----------- ----------- ------- -------------- -------------------------- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elev ation (ft) 883.4 883.4 883 4 Bankfull Elevat ion (ft) 880.18 88018 . 88018 Floodprone widt h (ft) 74.93 _ _ Bankfull width (ft) 24.42 6.51 17.91 Entrenchment Ratio 3.07 ----- ----- mean Depth (ft) 2 0.95 2.39 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.22 2.89 3.22 width/Depth Ratio 12.21 6.85 7.49 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 48.92 6.19 42.73 wetted Perimeter (ft) 26.82 10.54 22.05 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.82 0.59 1.94 Begin BKF Station 37 37 43.51 End BKF Station 61.42 43.51 61.42 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve Channel Left Side Right side slope 0 0 0 Shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a II C W °- o x a) m rn r cn U L Q rn Q O d r? N U ? II y= ? w CV) r 0 U U Q? w v J t9 v' ?A Co m N r 0 Q w U Q O O U N CO cn O ( U>- 0 c c c c (4) u011BA913 0 0 0 0 0 Cl m O co i1 O U C tr> O N O I 0 ,It 0 co 0 N O O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY ------------------------- ------------------ ----- ---------------------- River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Name: R1A Cross Section Name: Cross Section 13 - Riff le (R1A, Year 1) Survey Date: 09/03/2008 -------------- --- ----- ---------------------- Cross section Data Entry ' BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE-----------FS -- ELEV NOTE ------ 0 0 --------- ------------- 887.5046 ----- GS ---------------------- 9.4 0 19 4 0 887.5958 887 573 GS . . GS 24.35 0 887.5662 GS 29.36 0 887.4985 GS t 34.15 0 887.4824 GS 39.37 0 887.4705 GS 47.34 0 887.3477 GS 51.43 0 887.6029 GS 54.46 0 887.7488 BKF 55.33 0 887.4676 GS 56.11 0 887.0532 LEW 56.36 0 886.934 Tw 58.27 0 887.0104 GS 59.16 0 886.9374 GS 59.71 0 887.0366 GS 61.09 0 887.4172 GS 62.49 0 887.8024 RB 69.22 0 887.5323 GS 74.28 0 887.5082 GS 79.11 0 887.6218 GS 89.14 0 887.4987 GS a 98.92 0 887.5286 GS 109.24 0 887.3593 GS 124.24 0 887.5896 GS - Cross Sectional Geometry ------------------ ------------- ----- ----- ------- -------------- --------------------- Floodprone Elevation (ft) 888.571 888.57 888.57 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 887.75 887.75 887 75 Floodprone width (ft) 124.24 . Bankfull width (ft) 7.84 3.92 3 92 Entrenchment Ratio 15.85 ----- . ----- mean Depth (ft) 0.54 0.58 0 5 Maximum Depth (ft) 0.82 0.82 . 0 81 width/Depth Ratio 14.52 6.76 . 7 84 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 4.21 2.26 . 1 95 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 8.13 4.85 . 4 78 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.52 0.47 . 0 41 Begin BKF Station 54.46 54.46 . 58 38 End BKF Station --------------------------- 62.3 58.38 --------- ----- . 62.3 --------------------- Entrainment Caicuiations -------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen modified shields curve channel Left side Right side Slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb/sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a? . =.oO + O M ?J Cl) vA? + C) a M X 1 1 0 0 CO W O O L n 0) CO O J LL U- T- Y 0] ?Lt ? co W U) O U • O G O O ? O ? 6 yea ) '' 721 EU N - Z L uoijoas s sa, - V ? a a O O O ? ? O ' a food - uogoas ssoj Cam' ? COW ? O ? O O O? O ? O ? V TeaJ77a) food - p u011oag ssa? O ? ? O p ? ? O 0* G? ? ll ?ea? La food - g uogoaS ssaO O ? ? G ?O O 0 0 0 0 Cl) 0 N O O M 0 0 Cl) 0 N O N 0 0 N O O co N O O N y_ O cu V (y N L N O C N 0 C6 00 N U N O (n O N 0 N rn 0 O 0 O 0 Ofl 0 0 0 0 LO 7 N a co co co M co ? r co r- to r r r co co co W OD OD co O O O co co co co (:4) U01jena13 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY -------- --------- --------- --------------- -------7--------------------- River Na me: Lit tle White Oak Creek (Yea r 1) ' Reach Na me: R1 Profile Name: (Year 1) R1 Long. Profile ( STA 14+00 -- 33+74) Survey D ate: 12/ 31/2008 -------- --------- --------- --------------- ----------------------------- ' Survey D ata DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 -------- --------- --------- --------------- ----------------------------- 1400 880.093 1400 883.591 1400 881.096 ' 1401.17 881.109 1404.645 883.681 1416.793 881.214 ' 1417.99 879.503 1434.563 883.185 1434.563 881.19 1434.563 879.79 ' 1439.29 881.052 1442.865 883.269 1458.437 879.856 ' 1459.888 881.101 1486.805 882.887 1487.407 883 005 t 1487.902 881.12 . 1488.733 881.08 1488.936 880.841 ' 1514.502 883.106 1516.787 880.749 1518.283 880.653 ' 1518.283 1519.755 880.014 883.522 1542.837 883.386 1546.723 880.64 ' 1546.723 880.235 1546.723 883.14 1548.746 880.604 1574.525 883.747 ' 1576.288 880.368 1577.367 879.622 1577.367 883.11 1577.687 880.446 1619.186 880.342 1619.186 883.014 ' 1619.186 879.58 1624.867 880.231 1626.102 882.879 1643.007 880.191 ' 1643.721 879.105 1644.267 882.828 1648.005 882.472 ' 1670.378 883.091 1670.578 880.244 1671.816 880.17 1672.296 879.659 1674.389 882.992 1689.592 660.159 1689.921 879.534 1713.763 880.198 1714.727 880.18 1715.554 879.551 1715.554 882.865 1719.304 883.105 1727.095 880,083 1727.899 878.944 1745.156 878.673 1748.437 879.988 1748.858 882.959 1751.429 880.063 1756.206 883.126 1784.368 879.17 880.025 882.881 883.123 1804.642 882.791 1808.197 879.989 1810.109 878.666 1810.577 880.04 1832.579 882.285 1834.019 880.056 1834.33 879.28 1836.651 879.852 1838.248 882.566 1864.157 882.608 1865.295 879.878 1867.245 882.773 1867.49 879.822 1867.49 878.783 1891.154 882.613 1891.28 879.143 1891.28 879.833 1891.966 879.836 1893.182 882.476 1922.604 881.72 1922.604 877.339 1926.101 879.679 1930.257 882.394 1945.504 878.845 1952.603 879.762 1954.143 879.112 1954.143 881.939 1955.641 879.719 1956.28 882.547 1982.254 879.534 1982.605 878.493 2000.546 882.386 2004.712 879.599 2008.575 878.366 2010.319 879.527 2010.521 882.78 2034.002 879.52 2034.223 882.731 2034.269 879.56 2034.269 878.653 2036.227 882.58 2058.83 882.838 2058.83 877.956 2059.991 879.626 2062.449 879.506 2068.17 882.373 2096.912 882.263 2098.623 879.492 2100.037 878.931 2100.031 879.573 ' 2101.135 2128.404 879.544 882.052 2129.473 878.686 2129.473 881.727 ' 2131.656 879.462 2137.859 882.174 2159.4 879.459 2161.36 878.951 ' 2182.694 878.626 2182.999 879.404 i 2183.214 2190.953 879.386 881.9 2192.495 881.728 2208.14 878.736 ' 2211.877 879.516 2237.897 877.856 879.386 881.558 881.571 2259.893 881.732 2264.284 879.388 ' 2267.14 881.831 2267.14 877.846 ' 2267.14 2287.183 879.53 881.528 2288.22 879.357 2291.556 878.52 ' 2291.556 879.437 2293.88 881.185 2310.994 878.684 2311.024 879.333 2331.429 879.391 2331.496 881.549 2332.257 878.49 ' 2332.257 880.89 2333.041 879.337 2339.798 878.29 2341.598 879.361 ' 2354.676 881.529 2357.902 879.329 2358.182 880.694 2360.068 879.412 2360.507 876.965 2376.569 881.36 ' 2376.888 879.426 2376.888 878.057 2380.234 879.405 ' 2384.902 881.45 2397.651 879.447 2399.448 881.242 2399.448 878.765 ' 2401.476 879.243 2402.084 880.862 2406.889 878.737 ' 2406.889 875.589 2415.701 878.245 2418.142 878.614 ' 2421.957 881.423 2423.205 878.652 2423.313 881.693 2449.983 880.891 ' 2452.902 878.166 2452.902 878.571 2455.481 878.626 ' 2455.779 881.277 2478.114 881.586 2478.114 877.727 2478.583 878.583 2481.539 878.515 2487.516 881.047 2517.191 880.748 2519.501 878.469 2520.448 878.046 2520.448 878.538 2520.448 881.145 2553.334 877.644 2554.698 880.942 2555.502 878.336 2561.731 880.714 2588.189 878.277 2589.841 878.238 2590.248 880.88 2590.248 877.637 2593.643 880.73 2619.741 878.326 2619.921 881.105 2620.234 878.329 2620.234 877.755 2621.423 881.187 2648.872 877.331 2649.313 880.476 2649.831 878.148 2651.133 878.29 2651.574 881.099 2670.752 876.285 2671.116 878.183 2689.438 874.54 878.033 880.865 880.902 2711.569 881.185 2711.569 877.562 2712.641 878.221 2716.771 878.124 2717.497 880.699 2737.589 880.522 2737.903 877.339 2738.244 878.123 2744.458 880.854 2758.05 879.96 2764.098 878.128 2766.14 880.58 2766.14 877.343 2766.282 878.133 2787.259 880.23 2789.975 877.888 2793.343 878.171 2794.212 875.261 2794.212 880.201 2805.964 877.203 2806.712 880.212 2807.127 877.872 2809.02 880.192 2834.916 877.914 2835.756 876.572 2835.756 880.558 2839.254 877.907 2844.711 880.12 2861.716 877.884 2863.48 880.642 2863.48 877.232 2868.692 880.641 2890.859 877.837 2891.042 880.844 ' 2891.042 877.184 2891.993 877.839 2894.54 880.417 2921.337 880.407 ' 2922.632 877.755 2924.706 876.746 2924.706 880.257 2924.706 877.689 ' 2950.104 880.554 2953.918 877.858 2956.493 877.886 ' 2957.169 876.709 2957.169 880.539 2993.532 880.54 ' 2993.745 877.781 2993.745 876.859 2996.974 877.78 2999.46 880.583 ' 3018.666 879.729 3020.321 875.733 ' 3020.321 3022.415 877.826 877.781 3026.556 880.463 3041.593 877.797 ' 3042.27 880.254 3043.299 877.808 3043.299 876.732 3049.557 880.368 3058.831 876.962 877.781 880.177 880.449 3101.904 879.59 3107.345 877.776 ' 3107.345 876.951 3131.305 877.717 3134.873 877.792 ' 3134.873 880.152 3134.873 876.244 3144.332 879.799 3171.91 880.051 ' 3174.463 877.673 3178.362 877.728 3178.362 880.306 ' 3178.362 877.328 3221.428 879.834 3222.507 877.407 ' 3223.993 876.807 3224.621 877.113 3228.188 879.669 3242.079 876.612 3242.401 879.802 3243.182 876.643 3243.202 875.788 ' 3247.672 . 879.92 3266.861 876.521 3269.584 876.578 3270.066 875.598 3270.066 879.06 3281.061 879.735 3304.575 876.489 ' 3304.69 879.15 3305.911 875.664 3307.184 876.416 ' 3309.42 879.408 3329.722 879.703 3331.643 3332.231 879.717 3332.966 876.459 3333.273 875.576 3356.608 879.522 3357.862 876.326 3358.154 879.165 3358.646 875.816 3359.433 876.439 3401.07 878.443 3406.927 876.321 3407.277 875.724 876.411 879.285 Cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type ------------- Profile station -- ---------------- ------ cross -------- section --- 9 - --------------------- Pool (R1, Year 1) Pool XS 1784 Cross section 10 - Pool (R1, Year 1)Pool XS 2237 Cross Section 11 - Pool (R1, Year 1)Pool XS 2689 Cross Section 12 - Riffle (R1, Year 1)Riffle XS 3058 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0 Variable Min Avg Max --------------------,------ -------------- S riffle --- 0 ---------------- 0 ----- S pool 0 0 0 S run S glide 0 0 0 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 Low bank ht 0 Length and depth 0 measurements in feet, slopes in ft/ft. 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little White Reach Name: R1 Profile Name: (Year 1) R1 Survey Date: 12/31/2008 DIST Note Oak Creek (Year 1) Long. Profile (STA 14+00 -- 33+74) ---------- 1400 -------------------------- --------------------------------- LEW 1401.17 REW 1416.793 LEW 1434.563 LEW 1439.29 REW 1459.888 LEW 1487.902 REW 1488.733 LEW 1516.787 LEW 1518.283 REW 1546.723 REW 1548.746 LEW 1576.288 LEW 1577.687 REW 1619.186 REW 1624.867 LEW 1643.007 LEW 1670.578 REW 1671.816 LEW 1689.592 LEW 1713.763 LEW 1714.727 REW 1727.095 LEW 1748.437 REW 1751.429 LEW 1784.368 XS9 - TW Intersect 1808.197 REW 1810.577 LEW 1834.019 LEW 1836.651 REW 1865.295 LEW 1867.49 REW 1891.28 REW 1891.966 LEW 1926.101 LEW 1952.603 LEW 1955.641 REW 1982.254 LEW 2004.712 REW 2010.319 LEW 2034.002 REW 2034.269 LEW 2059.991 LEW 2062.449 REW 2098.623 REW 2100.037 LEW 2128.404 LEW 2131.656 REW 2159.4 LEW 2182.999 REW 2190.953 LEW 2211.877 LEW 2237.897 XS10 - TW Intersect 2264.284 LEW 2267.14 REW 2288.22 LEW 2291.556 REW 2311.024 LEW 2331.429 REW 2333.041 LEW 2341.598 LEW 2357.902 REW 2360.068 LEW 2376.888 LEW 2380.234 REW 2397.651 REW 2401.476 LEW 2406.889 LEW 2418.142 REW 2423.205 LEW 2452.902 LEW 2455.481 REW 2478.583 2481.539 2519.501 2520.448 2555.502 2588.189 2589.841 2619.741 2620.234 2649.831 2651.133 2671.116 2689.438 2712.641 2716.771 2738.244 2764.098 2766.282 2789.975 2793.343 2807.127 2834.916 2839.254 2861.716 2890.859 2891.993 2922.632 2924.706 2953.918 2956.493 2993.745 2996.974 3020.321 3022.415 3041.593 3043.299 3058.831 3107.345 3131.305 3134.873 3174.463 3178.362 3222.507 3224.621 3242.079 3243.182 3266.861 3269.584 3304.575 3307.184 3331.643 3332.966 3357.862 3359.433 3406.927 3407.277 REW LEW LEW REW LEW LEW REW REW LEW LEW REW LEW XSll - TW Intersect LEW REW LEW LEW REW LEW REW LEW REW LEW LEW REW LEW REW LEW REW LEW LEW REW LEW REW REW LEW XS12 - TW Intersect REW LEW REW LEW REW REW LEW REW LEW REW LEW LEW REW REW LEW REW LEW LEW REW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q N ofad. O o o (6 CD C: C O O U, O J - m + 1-\ O O + LO a X O O O a Q + U) O o L n 0 m J J Q ne, U- 7- Y m L . W U) 0 U • ?v n O O . O? O . ? O .o b o ?? 0 o ?o ? o ? o ? o ?o O O . a o • ° N n 0 (7 co m m m of m w co co co (4) UOIJeA@13 co co co co 0 N D V h E m a? cm c 0 m 0 v U c co cn 0 co co . ? ` `'si .. : j ?I''. •?_?tY \ ?? .. ti. RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY ------------- River Name: ' Reach Name: Profile Name: Survey Date: ------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------ Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) RlA (Year 1) RlA Long. Profile (STA 0+00 -- 5+00)1 12/31/2008 --------------------------------------------------------- Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 0 891.14 0 891.379 0 891.872 4.838 891.794 25.316 891.781 26.084 890.953 26.084 892.033 37.61 892.072 37.61 890.969 38.98 891.485 ' 48.441 891.522 48.86 890.598 ' 49.107 61.815 890.183 891.442 61.994 890.955 62.456 890.754 84.29 890.01 84.29 891.092 89.073 890.883 95.595 890.702 ' 97.22 890.096 97.339 889.904 ' 97.751 115.474 889.726 890.513 115.474 890.785 115.97 889.961 116.886 890.633 124.946 890.778 124.946 889.733 126.721 890.463 138.059 889.529 138.059 890.19 139.79 890.355 ' 155.924 889.145 155.924 889.876 158.324 889.519 165.933 888.91 165.933 889.067 165.933 167.475 889.572 ' 177.14 889.713 177.636 888.988 177.799 888.897 ' 178.331 889.33 188.768 889.201 188.768 888.999 889.139 189.748 889.441 205.147 888.344 205.416 888.644 205.654 888.796 206.016 889.376 213.907 888.421 215.805 889.125 217.54 889.28 224.92 889.682 227.768 888.48 888.62 229.605 889.199 239.09 887.644 239.09 889.023 239.09 888.001 239.483 888.616 244.978 887.985 245.021 887.643 245.021 888.768 246.998 888.697 254.91 887.952 254.91 888.579 254.91 887.804 255.818 889.149 273.434 887.566 273.434 888.777 273.715 887.696 275.031 888.84 283.194 887.378 283.334 888.852 284.036 887.653 284.575 888.607 295.301 888.588 295.848 887.533 296.667 887.361 296.667 888.485 317.606 888.347 317.606 887.303 318.234 887.491 320.045 888.138 329.538 888.57 329.538 887.46 329.538 887.16 331.726 888.102 340.503 887.188 340.546 887.319 341.068 887.897 341.437 888.287 357.909 886.959 358.574 887.646 359.696 888.017 362.204 887.853 363.244 887.299 365.175 888.016 365.175 886.879 373.964 887.134 887.253 887.949 888.002 397.683 886.942 397.683 887.65 397.683 886.748 399.13 887.596 404.935 888.088 404.935 886.661 407.392 887.773 4-13.469 886.746 413.469 887.926 413.469 886.869 415.552 887.656 .- Y? 436.349 887.813 ' 436.364 436.913 886.499 886.841 436.991 887.931 443.049 887.757 445.183 886.668 446.119 886.868 449.122 887.798 457.99 887.928 ' 459.867 886.813 461.276 886.676 ' 461.629 479.115 886.546 887.305 479.115 887.252 479.115 886.756 ' 480.771 887.308 492.769 886.144 492.769 887.257 492.769 886.509 495.237 887.161 499.196 887.185 499.196 499.196 886.54 887.16 499.196 886.275 cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station Cross Section 13 - Riffle (R1A, Year 1)Riffle XS 373 Measurements from Graph Bankfull Slope: 0 variable Min Avg Max --------------- S riffle - 0 ----------------- 0 ---------------------- 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft/ft. 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak creek (Year 1) Reach Name: RlA Profile Name: (Year 1) R1A Long. Profile (STA 0+00 -- 5+00)1 Survey Date: 12/31/2008 DIST Note --------- 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- LEW 97.22 LEW 115.97 LEW 165.933 LEW 177.636 LEW 205.416 LEW 239.09 LEW 244.978 LEW 254.91 LEW 273.715 LEW 284.036 LEW 295.848 LEW 318.234 LEW 329.538 LEW 340.546 LEW 363.244 LEW 373.964 x513 - TW Intersect @ station 373.964 397.683 LEW 413.469 LEW 436.364 LEW 446.119 LEW 459.867 LEW 479.115 LEW 492.769 LEW 499.196 LEW 1 1 1 1 N co O + ?a.Ln N O N CT Q CD O ( j J fQ + O (C) + LO i M Ln a N + Q U) N cr 4=- o O L n ? co O J N U_ mm L ? W x U • O 0 0 0 v 0 0 v v 0 0 r? v N 7 O 7 0 0 v 0 0 0) M O 0 M 0 n Cl) o ? O 0 In m c O 0 0 m o U o C M ? 00 N Co 0 0 M O O O O N O O O N O O I- N 0 O CD N O N V Ch N O Q? co N n O OD mn co W -D m m CD m b O + ? _ yea ' Za food - 9 Ugoas s sa3 O? O O O ? O ?-h G? O a ? o z - - - - real. zld o d c do-[Togs s sojcj - p e 0 ?O O ? L aeal ' Za lood-- Z Uoijoes ss a? 1 0 - ? 0 + tl ? O ? ? ? O ? O 4 - L JeaA ni 9UH -- l uolloas ssa:5 - ? O ? J (4) UOIJeA813 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------ River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) ' Reach Na me: R2 Profile Name: (Ye ar 1) R2 Long. Profile ( STA 25+13 -- 45+60) Survey D ate: 12/ 31/2008 -------- --------- --------- --------------- ----------------------------- ' Survey D ata DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 -------- --------- --------- --------------- ----------------------------- 2513 869.741 2513.849 874.418 2514.284 871.557 ' 2518.555 873.781 2523.697 870.154 2545.662 874.048 ' 2548.026 873.69 2548.026 871.521 2548.026 869.824 2568.445 870.65 ' 2568.445 871.491 2586.049 874.43 2587.96 871.468 ' 2588.323 870.665 2592.202 873.873 2610.537 870.51 ' 2610.537 871.383 2637.424 870.558 871.42 873.786 873.803 2685.713 873.949 2688.734 870.462 2688.734 873.833 2689.814 871.248 2715.311 873.878 ' 2720.561 870.445 2720.875 873.215 2724.349 871.181 2744.866 873.836 2748.829 869.696 2749.493 873.504 2752.306 871.18 2764.119 871.155 2766.473 868.779 2766.473 873.994 ' 2773.694 873.852 2782.605 870.379 2783.639 871.089 2803.733 871.09 2806.415 869.964 2808.145 873-196- 2816.072 873.797 2824.932 873.753 2829.838 870.478 2831.791 873.706 ' 2831.844 871.211 2871.889 870.246 2871.889 873.793 ' 2872.455 871.293 2882.558 874.213 2909.129 614.43) 2911.839 873.483 2912.202 869.551 2929.616 870.214 2930.093 871.073 2955.318 870.589 2955.318 873.349 2955.401 871.241 2967.13 873.379 2995.814 873.401 3003.571 870.267 3003.976 873.513 3004.908 871.079 3053.903 873.822 3055.617 871.077 3057.756 870.477 3057.756 873.498 3088.215 870.276 3088.215 873.135 3092.693 870.958 3101.037 873.489 3110.016 869.067 870.998 873.303 873.458 3141.232 873.243 3145.092 870.878 3145.913 870.159 3149.068 873.147 3199.709 869.98 3199.737 873.618 3204.248 870.73 3206.51 873.038 3218.594 873.549 3227.71 870.637 3228.086 872.833 3228.086 869.474 3261.793 873.171 3265.347 868.481 3266.262 870.725 3267.499 873.097 3291.994 873.004 3291.994 869.173 3300.001 873.407 3338.602 872.872 3340.272 870.614 3340.852 872.93 3341.601 870.125 3383.74 870.103 3384.116 873.21 3384.726 869.594 3426.832 869.276 3426.832 872.639 3428.963 870.061 3433.888 872.842 3452.787 872:955 3459.426 869.914 3464.621 871.833 3464.621 869.069 3485.677 868.95 3485.677 872.607 3488.704 872.627 3528.102 870.034 3528.324 869.229 3529.176 872.984 3572.293 869.274 3572.293 870.059 G 1 G 1 1 u n 0 J5%L.z93 6/1.419 3576.748 872.309 3594.75 868.533 3594.75 870.028 3614.704 868.856 870.006 872.346 872.486 3651.82 872.354 3659.121 868.954 3659.531 872.244 3660.078 869.953 3687.058 869.83 3687.058 871.845 3687.058 869.302 3688.891 872.356 3726.846 871.276 3727.983 869.093 3729.485 869.914 3730.534 872.485 3754.555 872.257 3757.015 869.749 3760.788 868.935 3760.896 872.075 3776.667 868.426 3779.441 869.872 3780.434 872.259 3784.861 872.148 3800.827 872.236 3806.004 869.786 3812.2 869.15 3812.492 872.309 3835.424 869.263 3837.525 869.772 3837.805 872.043 3843.893 872.274 3862.689 872.433 3863.221 869.674 3864.912 869.119 3872.856 871.986 3911.713 872.143 3918.364 869.635 3918.422 868.666 3918.422 872.051 3932.844 871.823 3947.068 868.582 3947.641 869.454 3950.453 872.179 3960.232 872.317 3994.006 871.944 3994.008 868.414 3995.294 869.427 3999.273 871.617 4015.932 871.96 4015.932 869.487 4015.932 868.582 4021.377 871.489 4046.851 867.747 4046.882 872.117 4047.067 869.348 4053.5 872.18 4068.858 868.721 869.381 871.966 872.621 4121.678 869.133 4122.145 871.447 4123.004 868.413 4123.004 872.033 4150.446 867.957 4152.595 tsil.4uy 4153.609 869.093 4158.572 871.39 4166.893 869.115 4167.247 867.557 4185.909 871.132 4185.909 868.451 4189.007 868.993 4196.36 871.184 4215.33 871.196 4219.709 869.157 4221.019 868.162 4222.878 871.226 4269.601 871.459 4272.641 868.483 4272.684 869.003 4273.657 871.025 4294.374 870.66 4294.374 867.396 4294.529 869.08 4306.565 871.473 4328.568 871.376 4337.8 870.925 4337.8 867.958 4337.8 869.208 4366.229 871.037 4366.28 869.128 4366.383 868.415 4374.701 871.427 4411.983 871.124 4413.963 869.038 4415.301 868.446 4415.301 871.283 4435.033 870.955 4437.165 869.047 4439.741 868.305 4442.199 871.063 4477.775 867.574 4477.775 871.081 4483.025 869 4490.888 871.002 4516.567 868.068 869.061 870.806 871.564 4529.045 871.965 4534.383 869.032 4537.585 867.999 4537.585 871.192 4553.263 869.014 4554.473 868.277 4578.852 871.104 4585.663 868.328 868.968 871.183 cross section / B ank Profile Loca tions Name Type ---- ----------- Profile station --------- ----------------- Cross Section 2 - ---------------- Pool (R2, Year ---- 1)Pool X S 3110 Cross section 3 - Pool (R2, Year 1)Pool X S 3619 Cross section 4 - Riffle (R2, Year 1)Riff le XS 4076 cross section 5 - Pool (R2, Year 1)Pool X S 4524 Cross section 1 - Riffle (R2, Year 1)Riffle XS 2637 Measurements from Graph Ban Kruii 5iope: U ' Variable Min Avg Max -------------- S riffle ---------------- 0 --------------- 0 ------------------------- 0 S pool 0 0 0 ' S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P Pool length 0 0 0 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 ' Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and dep th measurements in feet, slopes in ft/ft. ' RIVERMOR PH PROFILE SUMM ARY ------------ Notes -- River Name: --- ------------- Little White Oak --------------- Creek (Year 1) ------------------------- Reach Name: R2 ' Profile Name: (Year 1) R2 Long . Profile (STA 25+13 -- 45+60) survey Date: 12/31/2008 ' DIST Not e ------ ----- 2514.284 LEW -- ------------- --------------- ------------------------- ' 2548.026 LEW 2568.445 LEW 2587.96 LEW 2610.537 LEW ' 2637.424 XS1 - TW Intersect 2689.814 LEW 2724.349 LEW ' 2752.306 LEW 2764.119 LEW 2783.639 LEW 2803.733 LEW 2831.844 LEW 2872.455 LEW 2930.093 LEW 2955.401 LEW 3004.908 LEW 3055.617 LEW ' 3092.693 LEW 3110.016 xs2 - TW Intersect 3145.092 LEW 3204.248 LEW 3227.71 LEW 3266.262 LEW 3340.272 LEW ' 3383.74 LEW 3428.963 LEW 3459.426 LEW ' 3528.102 LEW 3572.293 LEW 3594.75 LEW 3614.704 X53 - TW Intersect ' 3660.078 LEW 3687.058 LEW 3729.485 LEW 3757.015 LEW 3779.441 LEW 3806.004 LEW 3837.525 LEW 3863.221 LEW 3918.364 LEW 3947.641 LEW 3995.294 LEW 4015.932 LEW 4047.067 LEW 4068.858 Xs4 - Tw Intersect 4121.678 LEW 4153.609 LEW 4166.893 LEW 4189.007 LEW 4219.709 LEW 4272.684 LEW 4337.8 LEW 4366.28 LEW 4413.963 LEW 4437.165 LEW 4483.025 LEW 4516.567 xs5 - Tw Intersect 4534.383 LEW 4553.263 LEW 4585.663 LEW 1 1 Q N -ca [r C O ? N ? } CO O '' J d N + a M x I O O IL Q CO \^`/ W m Lr- d2 O O O m J ? Q N r' Y m L ? W N 0 2 U O ? ? ? ? O O O ? O O ? I i ? O i i I ? Ct i O c c c c CD co CD 0 n (4) U0118A213 O Ln co O 0 0 N M O LI) 0 0 ro 0 m N O N O N O ;D N D n N D N N D N u N O E m D a) L D U) D n O D N ? U D ? Q J 0 i i i i ------- ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------------- River N ame: Lit tle White Oak Creek (Yea r 1) ' Reach N ame: R2A Profile Name: (Ye ar 1) R2A Long. Profile (STA 0+00 -- 3+26) Survey Date: 12/ 31/2008 ------- ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------------- ' Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 -0------ ---------- ---------------- -------- ----------------------------- 0 874.525 0 877.364 1.811 877.38 ' 2.689 875.913 9.785 877.29 10.058 875.874 ' 10.116 875.087 12.689 877.266 22.995 876.605 28.783 876.921 28.783 875.065 28.783 875.798 37.494 876.978 ' 37.494 875.768 37.494 875.116 41.118 876.439 ' 51.829 876.875 56.163 875.136 57.207 875.297 57.656 876.614 70.82 876.928 72.016 874.083 72.666 875.262 ' 72.719 876.912 79.938 875.24 82.116 874.5 ' 82.116 876.878 87.787 876.87 96.498 876.692 ' 97.679 875.085 98.856 874.423 98.856 876.265 109.795 876.744 ' 110.246 876.009 110.38 874.332 111.166 874.917 ' 123.656 874.142 874.825 875.602 875.815 145.213 874.024 145.213 874.681 145.213 876.127 146.502 875.843 158.888 875.995 159.075 874.082 ' 159.075 874.423 162.296 875.908 176.963 875.411 ' 177.619 873.857 177.619 874.254 178.461 875.26- 202.635 875.392 204.948 873.551 205.698 874.734 205.698 872.389 214.389 875.048 219.181 874.191 ' 219.181 872.556 221.582 873.387 235.218 874.124 , 236.704 873.344 238.954 872.484 239.55 874.089 ' 263.265 873.297 263.687 872.037 263.687 873.787 264.824 873.534 , 290.606 873.587 291.201 873.207 291.201 872.12 ' 295.406 874.014 313.387 874.118 317.52 872.117 873.176 873.871 ' cross section / Bank Profile L ocations Name Type Profile station --------------- ' ------------------------------ cross section 6 - Riffle (R2A, ----------- Year 1)Rif -------------- fle XS 123 ' Measurements from Graph , Bankfull slope: 0 Min Variable Avg Max --------------------- ' ------------ -- ------------- S riffle 0 0 -------- ---- --- 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 ' s glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 ' Riffle length 0 0 0 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 , Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, sl opes in ft/ft. ' 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes ------------------------------ --- -------- ----------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak cr eek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2A Profile Name: (Year 1) R2A Long. Profile (STA 0+00 -- 3+26) ' Survey Date: 12/31/2008 DIST Note ------------------------------ --- -------- ----------------------------- ' 2.689 LEW 10.058 LEW 28.783 LEW 37.494 LEW 57.207 LEW 72.666 LEW 79.938 LEW 97.679 LEW 111.166 LEW 123.656 X56 - 145.213 LEW 159.075 LEW 177.619 LEW 204.948 LEW 221.582 LEW 236.704 LEW 263.265 LEW 291.201 LEW 317.52 LEW TW Intersect @ station 123.656 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I co ?, N _ X = u-) O co oIL+ a? F T+ 0 U) 3 CO 00 CL X M CF) d CU W LO O o L C O m J m ry Y r m L ? O x U O ?o O? 0 j ? O ? O d ?o O? ?o O? a? ?o O O ?O ? O? O ? G O O o . ?O 0* O O ? O ? O 131, O O O o> o] r co u - - 0 O co o> 'CO co co rw r- r co coco co (4) UOI?EA913 0 0 0 0 0 ?2 E Y r () 0) O m N U C m N > > 0 rn co cn co K1VEKMOKNH NKOFILt SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------ River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Na me: R2B Profile Name: (Year 1) R2B Long. Profile (STA 9+35 -- 14+86) Survey D ate: 12/31/2008 -------- ------------------ --------------- ----------------------------- Survey D ata DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 935 877.62 935 878.365 ' 935.913 945.086 878.326 878.724 946.014 877.663 946.014 878.867 ' 954.842 878.567 957.596 877.297 957.596 878.618 963.394 877.124 ' 963.4 878.656 965.197 878.17 973.138 877.262 ' 973.138 878.529 974.319 878.456 985.058 878.355 ' 985.663 877.884 986.278 876.835 1000.531 877.622 1000.555 876.908 ' 1003.52 877.825 1013.865 877.895 1015.654 876.829 ' 1015.799 877.423 1030.21 876.87 1031.601 876.382 ' 1032.766 877.467 1040.98 876.777 1040.98 876.029 1043.457 876.921 ' 1051.006 876.461 1052.54 875.594 1053.478 876.582 ' 1072.95 876.291 1075.166 875.55 1075.166 876.445 ' 1086.834 875.834 1086.834 875.061 1088.681 876.148 1095.843 874.839 1095.843 875.727 1097.049 875.94 1102.359 876.245 t 1103.764 874.668 1104.546 875.723 1115.92 876.338 1115.983 874.703 ' 1124.348 876.451 1124.348 874.796 1127.954 1133.145 874.611 1133.145 1147.068 1147.371 874.467 1147.709 1163.62 874.072 1163.62 1167.645 1177.155 1179.601 1179.601 874.298 1198.363 1198.363 874.073 1198.713 1208.158 1210.165 873.692 1210.165 1222.636 1225.546 873.887 1226.866 1238.671 873.244 1239.675 1240.112 1252.826 1252.826 872.939 1255.217 1259.72 1263.485 1263.485 872.958 1284.295 1286.902 1286.902 872.429 1292.895 1294.705 872.096 1294.705 1306.975 1309.432 872.563 1309.432 1321.238 872.019 1336.896 1337.11 871.944 1341.606 1348.361 1350.922 871.254 1350.922 1363.852 1365.618 870.311 1365.618 1366.807 870.397 1375.393 1377.408 869.946 1379.89 870.426 1381.049 1384.547 1386.931 870.423 1388.679 870.427 1388.679 1388.679 870.473 1400.433 1400.997 1402.302 870.113 1402.452 870.069 876.288 875.867 875.535 875.76 875.535 875.383 875.317 875.073 874.983 875.033 874.905 874.628 874.507 874.424 874.279 874.181 874.218 873.974 874.006 874.126 873.516 873.676 873.629 873.438 873.251 873.567 872.908 872.951 872.884 872.703 872.258 872.216 871.872 871.339 871.348 871.58 871.514 870.939 871.042 871.254 1410.973 870.027 v 1vvv ' 1410.973 870.077 1414.571 870.876 1423.108 870.505 1426.176 869.691 1426.698 869.855 1426.97 870.356 1461.105 870.604 1462.326 869.483 1462.603 869.279 870.354 Cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station Cross Section 7 - Riffle (R2B, Year 1)Riffle xs 0 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0 Variable min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 0 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 ' Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 ' Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft/ft. RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes -------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ' River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2B Profile Name. (Year 1) R2B Long. Profile (STA 9+35 -- 14+86) Survey Date: 12/31/2008 DIST Note ------------------------------------------------------ ' 1321.238 xs7 - TW Intersect 1366.807 LEW 1379.89 LEW 1386.931 LEW 1388.679 LEW 1402.302 LEW 1410.973 LEW 1426.698 LEW 1462.326 LEW D ? ?`om °I- N m o< o + J I+ + VJ 1A_ a X 00 N Q a I- CO 1-1 4=, co o Ir L O n c O m J J D ? N LL Y L m W O U • O O? O O O O O O ? ? O ?f ?O ? ?O t ? O ? O ? a ? o ?O ?o ? ?O O i I I I I I I I I M N O 01 co t` (D Lf) r r r O (D In ED co c0 co co fA W m 00 00 ro 0 _ co r- 0 _00 O O _ co N E (B O C O cB o N v U C CB N 0 0 _ co m 0 N co co (4) U0112A913 r\1vF-ixmuKrn rmu 1LC JujvnviHKT ------- ------------------- --------------- ----------------------------- River N ame: Little white oak Creek (Yea r 1) Reach N ame: R2D Profile Name: (Year 1) R2D Long. Profile (STA 2+84 --7+79) Survey Date: 12/31/2008 ------- ------------------- --------------- ----------------------------- Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 284 869.799 284 870.856 284 870.886 ' 288.453 869.66 869.83 870.603 870.698 300.231 869.131 300.231 870.492 301.491 870.974 ' 307.295 870.586 307.49 868.745 313.289 870.814 320.13 870.922 321.334 869.738 321.334 870.928 ' 336.079 870.64 338.804 870.939 338.804 869.267 353.457 868.828 353.457 870.094 356.651 870.283 365.201 870.591 367.492 869.314 367.492 870.083 382.987 870 052 384.043 869.467 . 385.948 870.079 396.423 869.005 396.423 870.147 400.905 870.094 408.189 870.038 412.129 868.82 ' 412.633 869.513 427.154 869.608 430.894 868.314 430.894 869.368 440.226 868.076 440.226 869.43 443.545 869.605 454.098 869.237 455.264 868.348 455.607 868.833 472.269 869.022 473.16 869.126 473.488 868.06 480.597 868.834 483.18 866.976 486.727 869.069 494.317 867.608 ' 494.317 868.651 496.411 any.vvy 510.023 867.452 510.126 868.389 511.494 868.382 521.519 868.085 525.384 866.755 525.384 867.826 538.798 866.674 538.798 867.65 540.771 868.32 558.311 867.696 559.985 866.691 560.295 867.718 568.452 867.56 568.452 865.716 572.372 867.432 583.284 867.06 585.995 865.774 586.849 866.781 604.225 866.317 606.366 865.32 607.741 866.212 619.492 865.259 619.492 866.287 622.991 866.477 633.904 865.346 633.904 866.091 639.151 866.379 647.999 866.15 652.843 866.039 652.843 865.16 661.793 866.248 662.914 865.985 663.104 865.114 676.118 866.371 676.118 865.061 678.559 866.185 683.265 865.529 685.837 865.977 685.837 864.794 694.384 864.645 695.36 866.257 695.861 865.893 708.52 864.589 708.52 865.404 710.939 865.76 719.257 865.547 720.816 865.356 720.816 864.268 738.832 865.464 746.465 865.589 746.465 863.948 cross se ction / Bank Profile Locations Name Type --- Profile station - cross se ---------------- ction 8 - Riffle (R2D, -------- Year 1)Rif fle Xs 288 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0 V Cl I i au i s ri I i i H V 9 IVIdX ' -------------- S riffle -- 0 ----------------- 0 ------------------------------------- 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 ' Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 ' Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and dep th measurements in feet, slopes in ft/ft. o ' RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2D Profile Name: (Year 1) R2D Long. Profile (STA 2+84 --7+79) Survey Date: 12/31/2008 DIST Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 288.453 XS8 - Tw Intersect 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N C L1. C N U a (Year 1) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count 0 iu 1uu 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) ? (Year 1) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ¦ (Year 0) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R1 ' Sample Name: Reachwide Pe bble Count (R1) Survey Date: 09/25/2008 ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- size (mm) ---------------- TOT # ---------------- ITEM % ----------- CUM --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 19 19.00 19.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 19.00 0.125 - 0.25 37 37.00 56.00 0.25 - 0.50 14 14.00 70.00 0.50 - 1.0 30 30.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 ' 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 ' 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 ' 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 ' Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.05 D35 (mm) 0.18 D50 (mm) 0.23 D84 (mm) 0.73 ' D95 (mm) 0.92 D100 (mm) 1 Silt/Clay (%) 19 sand M 81 ' Gravel (%) 0 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 ' Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. 1 1 (Year 1) R1A Reachwide Pebble Count (Year 1) R1A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) tv C IL C N U 4) D- (Year 0) R1A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) U.U i U.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: creek (Year 1) Count (R1A) Little white oak R1A Reachwide Pebble 09/25/2008 ------------------- -------------- ---------- ------------------ ' Size (mm) ------------------- TOT # -------------- ITEM % ---------- cum --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 34 68.00 68.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 68.00 ' 0.125 - 0.25 5 10.00 78.00 0.25 - 0.50 4 8.00 86.00 0.50 - 1.0 7 14.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 100.00 ' 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 8.0 - 11.3 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 ' 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 ' 180 - 256 256 - 362 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 ' 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.02 ' D35 (mm) 0.03 D50 (mm) 0.05 ' D84 (mm) D95 (mm) 0.44 0.82 D100 (mm) 1 Silt/Clay (%) 68 Sand (%) 32 Gravel (%) 0 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). 1 1 1 (Year 1) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (Year 1) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) N C lL C a) U Q) CL (Year D) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) 0 L .Ui U.-i i tU 1D0 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2 Sample Name: Reachwide Pe bble Count (R2) Survey Date: 09/25/2008 ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- Size (mm) ---------------- TOT # ---------------- ITEM % ----------- CUM --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 30 30.00 30.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 30.00 0.125 - 0.25 20 20.00 50.00 0.25 - 0.50 20 20.00 70.00 0.50 - 1.0 27 27.00 97.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 97.00 ' 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 97.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 97.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 97.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 97.00 11.3 - 16.0 2 2.00 99.00 16.0 - 22.6 1 1.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 ' 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 ' 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 ' Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.03 D35 (mm) 0.16 D50 (mm) 0.25 D84 (mm) 0.76 ' D95 (mm) 0.96 D100 (mm) 22.6 Silt/Clay (%) 30 Sand (%) 67 Gravel (%) 3 Cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. (Year 1) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count A (Year 1) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) U C_ LL C N U 0] 0- M (Year 0) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) v.v 1 1U 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- River Name: Reach Name: Little white R2A oak Creek (Year 1) sample Name: Reachwide Pe bble Count (R2A) Survey Date: 09/25/2008 ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- size (mm) ---------------- TOT # ------------ ITEM % CUM 0 -0.062 ---- 14 ----------- 28.00 --------------------------- 28.00 ' 0.062 - 0.125 0.125 - 0.25 0 12 0.00 24.00 28.00 52.00 0.25 - 0.50 4 8.00 60.00 0.50 - 1.0 11 22.00 82.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 82.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 82.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 82.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 82.00 8.0 - 11.3 1 2.00 84.00 11.3 - 16.0 2 4.00 88.00 16.0 - 22.6 1 2.00 90.00 ' 22.6 - 32.0 1 2.00 92.00 32 - 45 4 8.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 ' 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.04 ' D35 (mm) 0.16 D50 (mm) 0.24 D84 (mm) 11.3 ' D95 (mm) 36.88 D100 (mm) 45 silt/Clay (%) 28 ' sand (%) 54 Gravel (%) 18 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock M 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). 1 1 1 1 1 1 C !L U 4) t1 (Year 1) R213 Reachwide Pebble Count (Year 1) R213 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) (Year 0) R26 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) u.ul u.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) ---------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------------------- River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2B ' sample Name: Reachwide Pebble Count (R2B) survey Date: 09/25/2008 ----------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------------------- Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 40 80.00 80.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 80.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 80.00 ' 0.25 - 0.50 4 8.00 88.00 0.50 - 1.0 6 12.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.0 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 ' 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 ' 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 ' 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 ' 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 ' Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.01 ' D35 (mm) 0.03 D50 (mm) 0.04 D84 (mm) 0.38 D95 (mm) 0.79 D100 (mm) 1 Silt/Clay (%) 80 sand (%) 20 ' Gravel (%) 0 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 ' Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). 1 1 1 (Year 1) R21D Reachwide Pebble Count A (Year 1) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) C_ j C N ' U N (Year D) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) 10000 lu 100 100D Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY ----------------- --------------- ----------- --------------------------- River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 1) Reach Name: R2D ' sample Name: Reachwide Pe bble Count (R2D) Survey Date: 09/25/2008 ----------------- --------------- ----------- --------------------------- size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ----------------- --------------- ----------- --------------------------- 0 - 0.062 24 48.00 48.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 48.00 0.125 - 0.25 9 18.00 66.00 ' 0.25 - 0.50 14 28.00 94.00 0.50 - 1.0 3 6.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 ' 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 90 - 128 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 ' Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) D35 (mm) 0.02 0.05 D50 (mm) 0.14 D84 (mm) 0.41 D95 (mm) 0.58 D100 (mm) 1 Silt/Clay (%) 48 Sand (%) 52 Gravel (%) 0 Cobble (%) 0 ' Boulder (%) Bedrock (%) 0 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at le ast 60). 1 I?LO0)r ?cO 0 0or' u N O c LO N N CO r U) N M N -,;r ?- L N N ?JOdX?? ?uawipaS L O Co co 'IT CD Cn co CD M 10 C r ? ? ? ?.we N nnq-??1L?ajs=' w G 01t to w ? 4 ? m w+ i ;tom w ? co w1 ? o a apv 0 0 ?; o ° U) ?- ? v- " ch CQ ?ti ? ? 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