HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051690 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_2009021205-4?? CARBONTON DAM - DEEP RIVER WATERSHED RESTORATION SITE 2008 Annual Monitoring Report (Year-3) KECEIV-- t:D NOV)0fj8 KHAN ,EMENT PROGRAM rY cos%stem vre ?uanm Y'.,, tai) rid I ?' 23 1-j OENR-WATER-CkXITY 'J'r` , LANDS AND STORM'S I TER BRANCH ran aft r. o= D NNR CSist `_ "' GGRA3 1 ZI I (6(c)" ?w? CARBONTON DAM - DEEP RIVER WATERSHED RESTORATION SITE 2008 Annual Monitoring Report (Year-3) Chatham, Lee and Moore Counties, NC NCEEP Project No. D-04012A Design Firm: Milone and MacBroom, Inc. Prepared for: NCDENR - ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1619 Prepared by: ECOSCIENCE: A Division of PBS&J 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 rY ti?co Will November 2008 1 1 CARBONTON DAM - DEEP RIVER WATERSHED RESTORATION SITE 2008 Annual Monitoring Report (Year-3) PREPARED BY: RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC PROJECT MANAGER: GEORGE HOWARD 1101 Haynes Street Suite 211 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 F oScience A division of Mr ECOSCIENCE: A DIVISION OF PBS&J PROJECT MANAGER: MATT CUSACK 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 AND The Catena Group THE CATENA GROUP PROJECT MANAGER: TIM SAVIDGE 410-B Millstone Drive HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Dam removal projects performed pursuant to the guidance released by the North Carolina Dam Removal Task Force (DRTF) are required to quantitatively demonstrate chemical and biological improvements to restored in-channel ecosystems in order to achieve compensatory mitigation credit (DRTF 2001). The following monitoring report documents the latest efforts of Restoration Systems, LLC, on behalf of the N.C. Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), to document changes in the study area of the Carbonton Dam removal project (Cape Fear Hydrologic Unit 03030003). The suite of ecological evaluations performed and described herein establishes new standards for mitigation monitoring. This standard is in keeping with the goal set forth by state and federal agencies to provide functional ecological gains to North Carolina watersheds through the efforts of the NCEEP and its contract partners. The site of the former Carbonton Dam is approximately 9 miles west of Sanford, North Carolina at the juncture of Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, North Carolina (Figure 1, Appendix A). The on-site dam removal activities restored unhindered flow to approximately 126,673 linear feet of the Deep River and associated tributaries from the impounding impact of the dam. The limits of the former Site Impoundment have been identified as any stream reach of the Deep River or associated tributaries located above the former Carbonton Dam with a thalweg elevation less than 227.6 feet above mean sea level (MSL), prior to dam removal. Impacts to water quality within the former Site Impoundment (i.e., river and stream reaches formerly impounded by the dam) were manifested in the form of lower dissolved oxygen concentrations, higher temperatures, and increased sedimentation. The character of the aquatic communities within the former Site Impoundment shifted from a free-flowing (lotic) river system towards an impounded (lentic) condition following construction of a dam at the site. Rare and endangered mussel and fish habitat, which depended on free-flowing lotic conditions, was absent or greatly diminished within areas of the Deep River impounded by the former dam. These affected stream reaches will be hereafter referred to as the former "Site Impoundment." The dam was removed in a manner that minimized impacts to water resources both upstream and downstream of the dam site. Dam removal began with dewatering (lowering) of the Site Impoundment on October 15, 2005, followed by breaching on November 11, 2005. Demolition activities continued in stages until dam removal was completed on February 3, 2006. Third year monitoring activities began in March 2008. Monitoring is being performed for a minimum of five years, post dam removal--or until success criteria are achieved. Post removal monitoring data will be compared to baseline values collected in April-June 2005, Year-1 monitoring values collected in April- June 2006, and Year-2 monitoring values collected in March-July 2007. Monitoring Plan A monitoring plan was developed in accordance with the DRTF guidelines to evaluate the fulfillment of the project's primary success criteria, which include: EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 1 1) Re-colonization of rare and protected aquatic species, 2) improved water quality, and 3) an improved ' aquatic community. Reserve success criteria include: 1) downstream benefits below the dam, and 2) human values (scientific contributions and human recreation). In order to evaluate project success for the above criteria, a monitoring network was deployed in 2005 throughout the former Site Impoundment, contributing waters, and reference areas both upstream and downstream of the former dam site (Figure 3, Appendix A). Within the established network, biological ' surveys were conducted to provide baseline (i.e., pre-dam removal) aquatic community data within the Site Impoundment, and will be monitored until 2010 to assess community changes following dam removal. Monitoring cross-section stations were also established to assess changes in bankfull channel ' geometry, channel substrate composition, and aquatic habitat. Water quality data within the former Site Impoundment and at a downstream reference area were obtained from North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Ambient Monitoring Stations (AMS). ' Third Year Monitoring Results ' Water Quality Ambient Monitoring Station (AMS) data indicate that dissolved oxygen concentrations within the former Site Impoundment continue to persist above the established threshold required to meet the success criteria ' (mean value is 4.62 mg/L higher). Additionally, water temperature has remained below the state standard during Year-3 monitoring. Fecal coliform within the former Site Impoundment exceeded the state standard of 200 colonies/100 ml twice during Year-3 monitoring. It should be noted that for both events ' that resulted in high fecal coliform measurements, reference data from the Ramseur station were not sampled on the same day. Additionally, greater than 1-inch rain events occurred the day before the date of sampling for the Site Impoundment for both outlying data measurements. Therefore, it is expected that ' the reference station would have also shown similar spikes in fecal coliform data if they were available. The Year-3 mean biotic index (used as a proxy for water quality) for formerly impounded stations is slightly more than (0.46) one standard deviation of the reference mean. Year-1 data show that following dam removal, the success criterion was met by 0.21, suggesting that some variability may be present between years. ' Aquatic Community Based on habitat reconnaissance performed prior to mollusk sampling throughout the restored reach of the ' Deep River, it appears that much of the former reservoir pool has reverted to lotic conditions. Riffle/run/pool habitats have formed at varying intervals throughout the restored reaches, promoting aquatic species recolonization. Morphological features at many of these sites have created various ' hydraulic conditions and, in turn, multiple microhabitats which correspond to potentially high quality habitat for aquatic species. A total of eleven freshwater mussel species, three aquatic snail species and one freshwater clam species were found within newly formed riffle habitats in the former impounded ' reach. Recruitment of freshwater mussels was evident in the newly established riffle habitats in the upper 1 (upstream) sections of the former reservoir pool, while lotic-adapted aquatic snails were found to have colonized riffle habitats throughout. Benthic data from stations within the former Site Impoundment EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report ii indicate that the number of EPT (Ephemeroptera [mayflies], Plecoptera [stoneflies], and Trichoptera ' [caddisflies]) taxa and the number of total taxa has decreased in Year-3 Monitoring. This negative shift also occurred for the same metrics among reference stations, suggesting an altered benthic community composition and abundance throughout the Deep River watershed, likely due to persistent drought conditions. The NCDWQ Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet was completed at each station in order to evaluate the quality of in-stream habitat and to provide a comparable score that describes the available habitat. Compared to baseline conditions, the mean total score of the formerly impounded stations quantitatively increased in Year-3 monitoring from 42.39 to 59.56, indicating improved aquatic habitat. ¦ Rare and Protected Aquatic Species Rare and Protected Aquatic Species success criteria within the former Site Impoundment is based on the ' documented presence of any rare species throughout the monitoring period. Success criteria were met last year when a total of 41 specimens of the endangered Cape Fear shiner (Notropsis mekistocholas) were collected. These individuals were identified throughout the former Site Impoundment at eight of the sampling sites, while an additional six sites continue to develop favorable habitat for future colonization Year-3 monitoring indicates that freshwater mussels are also re-colonizing habitats previously impounded by Carbonton Dam. A total of eleven freshwater mussel species, three aquatic snail species and one freshwater clam species were found within newly formed riffle habitats in the former impounded reach. The surveys documented several mussel species of conservation interest associated with lotic condition, including five state listed species: yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa), creeper (Strophitus undulatus), triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), eastern creekshell (Villosa delumbis), and the notched rainbow (Villosa constricta). The presence of notched rainbow is especially significant because this species is extremely rare and has only been collected once in the Deep River in the past 100 years. Reserve Success Criteria Reserve Success Criteria have been achieved based on the implementation/refereed publication of scientific research related to the removal of Carbonton Dam, and the establishment of a public park at the location of the former dam. The Carbonton Dam removal project provided funding to the University of ' North Carolina at Chapel Hill to support original research by Adam Riggsbee, PhD, and Jason Julian, PhD. Dr. Riggsbee has published three papers with one in revision from his dam removal research while Dr. Julian has published one paper pertaining to the restored reach of the Deep River. r Furthermore, a new public park has been established at the site of the former dam that consists of vehicle parking, picnicking sites, bank fishing, and improved access to the river for kayakers and canoeists. RS i formally transferred the new park to the Deep River Park Association during a ceremony held on the grounds on November 22, 2008. ' Summary After the third year of monitoring, the removal of Carbonton Dam has resulted in the continued restoration of lotic conditions with functional improvements recorded in water quality, fish and mollusk ' abundance, and sediment transport. Mitigation success has been demonstrated for the following criteria: Re-introduction of rare and endangered aquatic species, water quality improvement with respect to EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report iii t dissolved oxygen concentrations and benthic biotic indices, scientific research, and public recreation. Continued monitoring is necessary to confirm success for the convergence of benthic EPT taxa to reference data. See table below. 11 11 1 1 1 2008 Criterion Parameter Anticipated Chan e/Result Success Primary success Presence/absence of criteria: Re-colonization of rare/protected Unknown Yes d d individuals rare an protecte aquatic species Rare/protected species Improvement/expansion Yes habitat Benthic biotic indices Decrease (= improve) Yes Improved water Increase within former Site quality AMS dissolved Impoundment (must be > oxygen data 4.0 mg/L or consistent with Yes reference station data) Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Increase (i.e., converge with Ongoing, Improved aquatic Trichoptera taxa, total reference station data) Improving i number of benthic taxa commun ty Demonstrated shifts in Fish, Mussel, and communities from lentic to Yes Snail community data lotic character Reserve success criteria: Downstream Deep River bankfull benefits below channel within Narrowing/increased Ongoing dam formerly eddie/scour stabilization of channel pool areas below dam Scientific value Published research Successful completion Yes Public recreation Construction of Successful completion Yes planned on-Site park I EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report iv 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................i ' 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................1 1.1 Location and Setting ......................................................................................................... ..1 1.2 Restoration Structure and Objectives ...................................................................... ..1 ' 1.3 Project History and Background ............................................................................. ..2 1.4 Project Mitigation Goals ......................................................................................... .. 3 2.0 PROJECT MONITORING AND RESULTS ................................................................................ .. 5 2.1 WATER QUALITY ......................................................................................................... .. 5 2. 1.1 Biotic Indices .......................................................................................................... ..5 2.1.2 Ambient Monitoring Station Network .................................................................... .. 7 Dissolved Oxygen ...................................................................................... ..7 ' Temperature ............................................................................................... .. 8 Fecal Coliform ........................................................................................... .. 8 ' 2.2 AQUATIC COMMUNITIES ........................................................................................... 2.2.1 Benthic Macroinvertebrates .................................................................................... .. 9 .. 9 2.2.2 Fishes ................................................................................................................ 13 2.2.3 Mollusks ................................................................................................................ 13 ' 2.2.4 Habitat Assessment ................................................................................................. 14 Sediment Class Size Distribution ............................................................... 16 Channel Cross-sections .............................................................................. 18 Flow Velocity ............................................................................................. 20 Photography and Videography ................................................................... 20 2.3 RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES .............................................................................. 20 ' 2.4 RESERVE CRITERIA ..................................................................................................... 20 2.4.1 Public Recreation .................................................................................................... 20 2.4.2 Scientfic Research ................................................................................................... 21 ' 2.5 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix A: Figures 1. Site Location 2. Functional Benefit Area 3. Monitoring Network Deployment 4 Monitoring Cross-sections 5 North Carolina Drought Monitor Data Appendix B: Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data Appendix C: Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Fish Monitoring Report Provided by The Catena Group Appendix D: NCDWQ Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Appendix E: Monitoring Pictures and Videos (data DVD) EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report v LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Stream Mitigation Units (SMU's) Generated by Removal of the Carbonton Dam .....................2 Table 2. Project Activities and Reporting History ................................................................................... ..2 Table 3. Project Contracts ........................................................................................................................ ..4 Table 4. Project Background .................................................................................................................... ..5 Table 5. Benthic Biotic Indices of Formerly Impounded and Reference Stations ................................... ..6 Table 6. Dissolved Oxygen Summary Data ............................................................................................. ..7 Table 7. Water Temperature Summary Data ........................................................................................... .. 8 Table 8. Fecal Coliform Summary Data .................................................................................................. ..9 Table 9. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Summary Data ................................................................................ 1 l Table 10. Mollusk Sampling Results ....................................................................................................... 13 Table 11. Habitat Assessment Data of Formerly Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations ................. 15 Table 12. Sediment Class Site Distribution .............................................................................................. 17 Table 13. Cross-section Bankfull Channel Geometry ............................................................................... 19 Table 14. Mitigation Success Criteria Summary ...................................................................................... 22 LIST OF GRAPHS Graph 1. Mean Biotic Index of Formerly Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations ..............................6 ' Graph 2. Recorded Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations on the Deep River ................................................ 8 Graph 3. Mean Total Taxa of Formerly Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations ..............................12 Graph 4. Mean EPT Richness of Formerly Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations .........................12 1 EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report vi ' 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Location and Setting ' In order to provide stream restoration in the Cape Fear River Basin (Hydrologic Unit 03030003), Restoration Systems, LLC (RS) has removed the Carbonton Dam formerly located at the juncture of Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2, Appendix A). The former ' Carbonton Dam was located on the Deep River approximately 9 miles west of Sanford, North Carolina, immediately downstream of the bridge crossing of NC 42 (35.5200N, -79.3485W). The Deep River is a 41n-order river with a watershed upstream of the former dam location of approximately 1,000 square ' miles. For the purposes of this document, the 5.5-acre land parcel that supported the dam will be hereafter referred to as the "Site." All construction activities mentioned in this report occurred on-Site, unless specifically mentioned otherwise. ' The on-Site construction activities freed approximately 126,673 linear feet of the Deep River and associated tributaries from the impounding impact of the dam. These benefited stream reaches will be ' hereafter referred to as the "Site Impoundment." The limits of the Site Impoundment have been identified as any stream reach of the Deep River or associated tributaries located above the former Carbonton Dam with a thalweg elevation less than 227.6 feet above mean sea level (MSL), prior to dam removal. 1.2 Restoration Structure and Objectives ' The Site Impoundment formerly covered approximately 116 acres with water depths up to 25 feet and bank-to-bank impoundment widths from 150 to 260 feet. The former Site Impoundment occurred within the channel of the Deep River, which is characterized by steep banks with occasional areas of bank failure in locations where mature trees have been toppled by storms or flood flows. The lentic flow that characterized the Site Impoundment resulted in a stratified water column, where velocities were low near the surface, and stagnant at depths below the crest pool elevation. ' Site restoration efforts consisted primarily of the physical removal of the Carbonton Dam. Construction activities associated with the removal of the dam were phased in order to minimize disturbance to aquatic ' resources upstream, downstream, and in the immediate vicinity of the Site. Furthermore, throughout the dam removal process, construction best management practices were utilized to prevent/minimize potential impacts to aquatic resources. t The demolition and removal of the Carbonton Dam is expected to generate at least 90,494 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) for use by the NCEEP. The majority of the credits generated by this project ' will be validated by evaluating the ecological benefits that occur in the Deep River over the five-year, post-removal monitoring period. Bonus factors (reserve success criteria) include downstream benefits and human values such as recreation and scientific research. Table 1 displays the amount of SMU credits ' that are proposed for this project. The primary success criteria are being monitored in accordance with the Dam Removal Task Force (DRTF) guidance. The mitigation ratios have also been derived from the DRTF guidance (DRTF 2004). The amount of restored channel was determined through methods described in Section 1.1.2 of the Restoration Plan (Restoration Systems 2005). The number of SMUs were determined by multiplying the amount of channel returned to lotic condition (linear feet) by the ' EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 1 mitigation ratios. While up to 114,356 SMUs may be potentially created in accordance with the DRTF guidance, the project will only be evaluated for the amount of credit that is committed to NCEEP. TnhlP 1 CtrPnm Mitiontian iTnitc tCMiisli Generated by RPmovni of the Cnrhanton Dam Primary Success Criteria Channel Restored (feet) Mitigation Ratio SMU 1) Water Quality 2) Improved Aquatic Community 126,673 feet of free-flowing 3) Rare and Protected Aquatic Species river and tributaries under 0.7:1 88,671 the crest pool Reserve Success Criteria Channel Restored (feet) Mitigation Ratio SMU Downstream Benefits - 500 feet below dam 0.7:1 350 Below the Dam Human Values 20 percent 1) Human recreation ----- Up to 25,335 bonus s bo 2) Scientific value Total Potential SMUs 114,356 Total Committed SMUs 90,494 Primary success criteria will be monrtoreo to verity ana confirm positive enanges to eacn runcnonai criterion as ouumeu m uus report and in the Dam Removal Guidance. Reserve criteria will be monitored for possible augmentation of the primary SMUs. If all primary criteria are successfully met, these reserve criteria should result in excess, unsold credits becoming available at the end of the monitoring period 1.3 Project History and Background Table 2. Project Activities and Reporting History: Carbonton Dam Restoration Site Activity Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Com lete Actual Completion or Deliver Restoration Plan Jul 2004 N/A August 2005 Final Design Jul 2004 N/A August 2005 Construction February 2006 N/A February 2006 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area February 2006 N/A February 2006 Permanent seed mix applied to reach/se ments February 2006 N/A February 2006 Installation of Trees and Shrubs March 2006 N/A March 2006 Mitigation Plan January 2005 N/A June 2006 Minor repairs made filling small washed out areas N/A N/A N/A Final Report N/A N/A N/A Year-1 Vegetation Monitoring N/A N/A N/A Year-1 Stream Monitoring September 2006 Jul 2006 2006 September Year-2 Stream Monitoring Se tember 2007 Jul 2007 November 2007 Year-3 Stream Monitoring September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 2 1.4 Project Mitigation Goals The desired result of this project is ecological improvement within the former Site Impoundment through restoration of natural, lotic flow conditions. ' The specific goals of this project include: • Restoration of approximately 126,673 linear feet of impounded river and stream channels to ' natural free-flowing riverine conditions. • Restoration of previously inundated shallow water habitat for the Cape Fear shiner (Notropis ' mekistocholas), a federally endangered freshwater fish. • Reduction or elimination of thermal stratification, which results in seasonal declines in dissolved oxygen concentrations below levels measured in reference reaches. ' • Restoration of appropriate in-stream substrate. • Restoration of upstream and downstream fish passage, and reconnection of currently disjunct populations of rare aquatic species of concern. • Restoration of lotic mussel habitat. ' • Improvement in the diversity and water quality tolerance metrics for benthic macroinvertebrate communities. • Provide public recreational opportunities at the site of the former dam. ' • Support independent academic research, resulting in peer-reviewed publications regarding the ecological consequences of large dam removal. EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 3 Table 3. Project Contacts: Carbonton Dam Restoration Site Designer 307B Falls Street Milone and MacBroom, Inc. (MMI) Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 271-9598 Construction Contractor P.O. Box 1654 Backwater Environmental, Inc. Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919) 523-4375 Planting Contractor 908 Indian Trail Road Carolina Silvics, Inc. Edenton, NC 27932 (252) 482-8491 Seeding Contactor P.O. Box 1654 Backwater Environmental, Inc. Pittsboro, NC 27312 (919) 523-4375 Seed Mix Sources 1312 Woody Store Road Mellow Marsh Farm Siler City, NC 27344 (919) 742-1200 Nursery Stock Suppliers 1312 Woody Store Road Mellow Marsh Farm Siler City, NC 27344 (919) 742-1200 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery 3067 Conners Drive Edenton, NC 27932 (252) 482-5707 Taylor's Nursery 3705 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC 27610 (919) 231-6161 International Paper Nursery 5594 Highway 38 South Blenheim, SC 29516 (800) 222-1290 Ecological Monitors EcoScience: A Division of PBS&J 1101 Haynes Street Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 828-3433 The Catena Group (TCG) 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 Stream Monitorin POC Matt Cusack Vegetation Monitoring POC N/A (project does not require vegetation monitoring) EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report n 1 Table 4. Project Background: Carbonton Dam Restoration Site Project Count Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties NC Drainage Area Approximately 1000 square miles Impervious cover estimate (%) <10% Stream Order 4` -order Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion (Griffith and Omernik) Triassic Basin Ros en Classification of As-built N/A Cowardin Classification R2SB3/4 Reference Site ID Dee River Dominant Soil Types N/A (stream restoration project only) USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03030003 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-06-10 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference WS-IV HQW, WS-V HQW An portion of an project segment 303d listed? No (NCDWQ 2006) Reasons for 303d listing or stressor Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes, Deep River, Sub-basin 03-06-11 (NCDWQ 2006) Reasons for 303d listing or stressor MS4 NPDES Percent of project easement fenced N/A 2.0 PROJECT MONITORING AND RESULTS The monitoring results described herein document the Year-3 (2008) monitoring activities performed to determine the project's success in meeting the stated mitigation goals. Monitoring activities occurred at fifty-one (51) stations established prior to dam removal in 2005, as part of the monitoring deployment network (Figure 3, Appendix A). One (1) additional station was added in Year-I (2006) monitoring for a total of fifty-two (52). Pre-removal baseline data (2005), Year-1, Year-2 and Year-3 monitoring data are compared to evaluate improvements in water quality, the aquatic community, rare and protected species, and human values within the former Site Impoundment. 2.1 WATER QUALITY 2.1.1 Biotic Indices After identification of collected macroinvertebrates, the North Carolina Tolerance Values or Hilsenhoff Tolerance Values were assigned to each of the collected species. These Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms intolerant of organic wastes to 10 for organisms very tolerant of organic wastes. The biotic indices of each station sampled for benthic macroinvertebrates were tallied, and then summary data were generated for comparison between formerly impounded and reference stations. Success for this particular mitigation goal is defined as follows: the mean biotic index of the impounded stations must be within one standard deviation of the mean biotic index of the reference stations. Table 5 presents the summary data for benthic biotic indices of both formerly impounded and reference stations. EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 5 Table 5. Benthic Biotic Indices of Formerly Impounded and Reference Stations 2005 (Baseline) 2006 (Year-1) 2007 (Year-2) 2008 (Year-3) FORMERLY IMPOUNDED STATIONS REFERENCE STATIONS FORMERLY IMPOUNDED STATIONS REFERENCE STATIONS FORMERLY IMPOUNDED STATIONS REFERENCE STATIONS FORMERLY IMPOUNDED STATIONS REFERENCE STATIONS Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index Biotic Index High 7.97 6.91 8.58 7.62 8.52 5.71 8.19 6.36 Low 5.67 4.78 5.76 4.29 4.28 3.92 5.13 4.66 Mean 6.83 5.9 6.99 6.16 5.86 4.94 6.52 5.56 Median 6.79 5.99 6.72 6.02 5.3 5.02 6.40 5.60 Standard Deviation 0.83 0.75 0.95 1.04 1.52 0.62 1.05 0.50 Standard Deviation of Reference mean (Success Criterion) .65 .20 .56 .06 The mean biotic index from Year-3 monitoring in the formerly impounded stations (p=6.52) is more than one standard deviation of the reference station (p=6.06). Although the formerly impounded dataset was 0.46 above the reference station's standard deviation, the Year-3 reported value is within one standard deviation of the reference station's baseline value. Moreover, the Year-1 data show that the success criterion was met by 0.21. Therefore, some variability between years may be present. The following Graph 1 depicts the change in biotic indices from 2005 to present from both the formerly impounded and reference stations. Graph 1. Mean Biotic Index of Formerly Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations with Standard Deviation Note: A lower index value is indicative of less tolerant species (= higher water quality) 8 7 6 x 5 a? r; 4 0 P? 3 2 1 0 Impounded Mean Reference Mean - +/-1 Standard Deviation 2005 (Baseline) 2006 (Year 1) 2007 (Year 2) 2008 (Year 3) Monitoring Year EEP Project No. D-04012A 6 Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 2.1.2 Ambient Monitoring Station Network Aside from the in situ sampling occurring at each monitoring cross-section, physical water quality parameters are currently collected at an Ambient Monitoring Station (AMS) located within the former Site Impoundment at NC 42 (135575000), immediately upstream of the former Carbonton Dam. A reference AMS is located on the Deep River at Ramseur, NC (135070000). These data have been obtained from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), and data coverage exists on a monthly basis for at least the last 10 years. AMS data dating back five years prior to dam removal are used to provide a historical record of water quality and compared to post-removal sampling. Due to time delay between collection date and public availability, the most recent AMS data available from NCDWQ is through December 5, 2007 at NC42, and through June 30, 2008 at Ramseur. Data collected by the AMS are not standard for all samples, but are always sampled at 0.1 meter depth and can include: water temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH (field measured), conductance at 25°C (µmhos/cm), turbidity (NTU), fecal coliform bacteria (number of colonies/100 milliliters), suspended residue (total suspended solids) (milligrams/Liter), ammonia as nitrogen (milligrams/Liter), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (milligrams/Liter), nitrite and nitrate as nitrogen (milligrams/Liter), total phosphorus (milligrams/Liter), and assorted metals. AMS data are used to evaluate physical water chemistry and associated parameters throughout the project's monitoring period. Water quality trends from AMS data are utilized in determining the project's overall success, using state standards established by NCDWQ's "Redbook". Dissolved Oxygen In order to achieve success, dissolved oxygen concentrations within the former Site Impoundment should not fall below the minimum NCDWQ standard for Class WS-IV waters (unless a similar failure is recorded at the reference station). The NCDWQ standard is an instantaneous value of no less than 4.0mg/L (daily average no less than 5.0 mg/L). Table 6 provides the minimum, maximum, and mean instantaneous values for dissolved oxygen recorded within the former Site Impoundment, as well as the number of samples that fell below the state standard for all monitoring years. Table 6_ nissnived nyvapn Cnmmnrv data Baseline Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Minimum Value (m ) 1.10 7.20 5.20 5.40 Maximum Value (m /L) 15.00 13.90 10.60 14.30 Mean Value (m ) 8.07 10.87 7.41 8.62 Number of Samples Below State Standard 6 0 0 0 Graph 2 depicts the AMS dissolved oxygen concentrations measured at a 0.1 meter depth within the Site Impoundment (135575000), and at the reference location (135070000), from December 2000 through December 2007. Since the removal of Carbonton Dam, instantaneous dissolved oxygen concentrations within the former Site Impoundment have remained at or above 4.0 mg/L. Throughout the five-year monitoring period, it is expected that mean dissolved oxygen values recorded at NC 42 will continue to demonstrate success as the river has returned to its natural lotic condition. It is also expected that dissolved oxygen levels within the former impoundment will stay above the state standard as free-flowing conditions persist. ' EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 7 Graph 2. Recorded Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Deep River (Green line indicates state standard of 4.Omg/L) 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 v 7.00 0 6.00 A 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Dam Removal - l 11 N m r', It v-? kr) Ic 11C r` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o R R R R r r` r r` r` r r` r r r r r` r r N N N ?J N N N ?1 !` I N N N N N (`J ?O N ?C N ?O N ?O N ?O N ?D N ?D Date ?¦ NC 42 (135575000) ¦ (Ranncw-) B5070000 r 0 r` N Temperature In order to achieve success, the water temperature within the former Site Impoundment should not exceed the NCDWQ standard of 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the monitoring period. Table 7 provides the minimum, maximum, and mean values for water temperature recorded within the former Site Impoundment during all monitoring years, as well as the number of samples the recorded value exceeded the state standard. Table 7_ Water TemnPratnrP Cnmmnrv data Baseline Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Minimum Value (de F) 65.48 41.18 45.32 41.36 Maximum Value (de F) 87.62 64.58 85.82 84.02 Mean Value (de F) 63.26 52.76 67.57 63.99 Number of Samples Exceeding State Standard 0 0 0 0 Water temperature within the former Site Impoundment has remained below the state standard of 90 degrees Fahrenheit since dam removal on February 3, 2006. Fecal Coliform In order to achieve success, fecal coliform concentrations within the former Site Impoundment should not exceed an average daily count of 200/100 ml in any 30-day period. Table 8 shows the minimum, EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 8 maximum, and mean values for fecal coliform recorded within the former Site Impoundment during all monitoring years, as well as the number of samples the recorded value exceeded the state standard. Table 8. Fecal Coliform Summarv Data Baseline Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Minimum Value (count/ 100 ml) 3 22 26.0 14 Maximum Value (count/100ml 6300 47 160.0 5800.0 Mean Value (count/100ml) 369.7 35.7 62.6 782.3 Number of Samples Exceeding State Standard 31 0 0 2 Fecal coliform within the former Site Impoundment exceeded the state standard of 200/100 ml twice during Year-3 monitoring. The two events that exceeded the state standard both achieved significantly elevated levels (1700/100 ml and 5800/100 ml) and consequently raised the mean value to more than ten times the previous year's value. With the exception of these two events, all other daily fecal coliform values recorded during Year-3 monitoring were significantly lower than the state standard (<100/100 ml). It should be noted that for both events that resulted in high fecal coliform measurements, reference data from the Ramseur station were not sampled on the same day. Additionally, greater than 1-inch rain events occurred the day before the date of sampling for the Site Impoundment for both outlying data measurements. Therefore, it is expected that the reference station would have also shown similar spikes in fecal coliform data had been collected on the same day (Ward 1990). 2.2 AQUATIC COMMUNITIES To determine success for the aquatic community's habitat criterion, the former Site Impoundment was monitored for baseline data and included benthic macroinvertebrates, fishes, mussels, and snails, as well as the quality of available microhabitats that developed. Benthos, fishes and mussel and snail sampling following dam removal will be used to demonstrate an increased abundance and quality of aquatic habitat within restored reaches of the Deep River. 2.2.1 Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled within the former Site Impoundment, as well as in the reference reaches both within the Deep River and its major tributaries. Stations were visited prior to dam removal (2005) and subsequently sampled in 2006, 2007, and 2008 at the same locations. The comparative metrics utilized for the success evaluation include the total number of organisms collected, the total taxa represented in the samples, the richness (diversity) of taxa from the Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), and Trichoptera (caddisflies) Orders (hereafter referred to as EPT taxa), and the biotic index of organic waste tolerance. Benthic macroinvertebrate data, located in Appendix B, are based on laboratory identifications of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa by Pennington and Associates, Inc. (P&A) of Cookeville, Tennessee. P&A is a NCDWQ-certified benthic identification laboratory. Table 9 provides the baseline and Year-1 through Year-3 summary data for the benthic macroinvertebrate collections. The summary data shows that the mean value for the biotic index was the only metric that improved at impounded stations in Year-3 monitoring. Mean total organisms, total taxa, and EPT EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 9 richness within formerly impounded stations worsened during Year-3 monitoring. This negative shift also occurred for the same metrics among reference stations, suggesting an altered benthic community , composition and abundance throughout the Deep River watershed. Extreme and severe drought conditions within the Deep River watershed during benthic sampling (April 3-23) contributed to low flow conditions and may have contributed to degraded benthic macroinvertebrate collections. The North , Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council reports that drought conditions of this degree have not been recorded in North Carolina in the 100 years of modern records. Drought conditions in the Deep River watershed during Year-3 monitoring represent a progression of rainfall deficits experienced almost , continually since dam removal. Figure 5 (Appendix A) displays drought conditions in North Carolina during Year-3 monitoring and shows the progression of drought intensity in the Deep River watershed, with the longest persistence of Exceptional Drought (Level D4) occurring in November through March , 2008, just prior to Year-3 benthic sampling. Continued sampling is recommended to ensure that data sets are more reflective of normal ambient conditions without the influence of extraordinary factors such as 100-year droughts. 1 EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 10 1 1 1 Table 9. Renthic macrainvertehrntn snmmnrv data Graph 3 and Graph 4 depict the change in mean total taxa and mean EPT richness from 2005 to present from both the formerly impounded and reference stations. The graphs show that mean total taxa and mean EPT richness decreased across all stations in the current monitoring year. Impound ed Stations Reference Stations 2005 Total anisms [ Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index Total Organisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index High 40 3.00 62.00 10.00 7.97 1168.00 70.00 24.00 6.91 Low 97.00 18.00 1.00 5.67 237.00 41.00 14.00 4.78 Mean 223.33 39.78 5.89 6.83 549.75 54.88 19.13 5.90 Median 207.00 43.00 6.00 6.79 404.00 56.00 19.00 5.99 Standard Deviation 96.69 12.02 2.76 0.83 340.66 10.33 3.14 0.75 Impounded Stations Reference Stations 2006 Total Organisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index Total Organisms Total Taxa EFT Richness Biotic Index High 360.00 49.00 15.00 8.58 546.00 61.00 21.00 7.62 Low 55.00 17.00 5.76 89.00 33.00 5.00 4.29 Mean 177.50 33.00 7.70 6.99 220.63 42.63 12.50 6.16 Median 160.00 33.50 6.50 6.72 155.00 37.00 12.50 6.02 Standard Deviation 87.71 11.65 5.85 0.95 158.86 10.76 5.81 1.04 Impounded Stations Reference Stations 2007 Total Organisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index Total Or anisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index High 1168.00 83.00 36.00 8.52 1242.00 83.00 38.00 5.71 Low 117.00 31.00 1.00 4.28 506.00 59.00 14.00 3.92 Mean 466.40 55.30 20.30 5.86 849.63 68.75 27.75 4.94 Median 475.00 60.00 24.50 5.30 861.50 66.50 31.00 5.02 Standard Deviation 318.14 18.76 13.00 1.52 250.69 8.01 8.28 0.62 Impounded Stations Reference Stations 2008 Total Organisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index Total Or anisms Total Taxa EPT Richness Biotic Index High 342.00 73.00 20.00 8.19 687 66.00 27 6.36 Low 21.00 16.00 1.00 5.13 246.00 41.00 10.00 4.66 Mean 160.80 36.90 8.10 6.52 384.25 55.13 19.25 5.56 Median 145.00 34.00 6.00 6.40 339.50 58.50 20.50 5.60 Standard Deviation 106.57 17.21 6.30 1.05 157.35 9.45 6.07 0.50 EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 11 Graph 3. Mean Total Taxa of Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations with Standard Deviation 100 Impounded Mean Reference Mean - +/-1 Standard Deviation 80 60 c? F- 0 E- 40 20 0 2005 (Baseline) 2006 (Year 1) 2007 (Year 2) 2008 (Year 3) Monitoring Year Graph 4. Mean EPT Richness of Impounded Stations vs. Reference Stations with Standard Deviation 40 35 30 25 a? c 20 E- W 15 10 5 0 Impounded Mean Reference Mean - +/-1 Standard Deviation 2005 (Baseline) 2006 (Year I ) 2007 (Year 2) 2008 (Year 3) Monitoring Year EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 12 2.2.2 Fishes Fish surveys were not conducted during Year-3 monitoring due to the overwhelming success of sampling efforts during Year-2 monitoring. A total of 34 fish species were collected at the fifteen fish monitoring sites. Survey collections demonstrate that riffle adapted species continue to colonize in newly restored habitats that were previously impounded. Additionally, at least ten of the sampling sites contain emerging fish communities that emulate reference conditions found beyond the former impoundment. Overall, a greater number of fish species were documented throughout the former impoundment during Year-2 monitoring relative to baseline and Year-1 surveys. 2.2.3 Mollusks Year-3 monitoring emphasized mussel, snail, and clam sampling to support success evaluation for the aquatic community and threatened and endangered aquatic species criteria. Mollusks were last sampled by The Catena Group (TCG) preceding dam removal to obtain baseline data. Since these fauna are slow colonizers due to their dependence on host fish species, 2008 represents the first year for mollusk sampling since dam removal. Freshwater mollusks were conducted at 14 monitoring locations throughout the restored reach of the Deep River (Figure 1, TCG Report, Appendix Q. Habitat reconnaissance was conducted in the entire restored reach, and observations of in-stream habitat conditions and bank stability were recorded. At least 12 substantial riffle habitats have developed in the Deep River and a general progression towards a lotic community continues throughout the restored reach. Mollusk collections indicate a recruitment of freshwater mussel species in riffle-adapted habitats (primarily in the upper reach or the former reservoir pool), while lotic-adapted aquatic snails have colonized throughout. When comparing the mussel fauna observed during the pre-removal surveys with the 3-Year surveys, it is evident that the fauna has transitioned from one comprised of habitat generalists and lentic-adapted species, to one comprised of habitat generalists and lotic-adapted species. A total of eleven freshwater mussel species, three aquatic snail species and 1 freshwater clam species were found within newly formed riffle habitats in the former impounded reach (Table 10). Table 10. Mollusk Samnling Recultc Scientific Name Common Name TCG Sites Freshwater Mussels Alasmidonta undulate** triangle floater 1,1a, 7, 8,9 Elliptio an ustata Carolina lance l,la,3,8 Elliptio complanata Eastern elli do All except 12 and 13 Elliptio icterina variable spike l,la,3,4,57„8,9 Elli do lazarus Atlantic delicate spike 1,3,5,8 Elli do roducta Atlantic spike 2,3 Lampsilis cariosa** yellow lam mussel l,la,2,3,4,5,8,9*,10* P anodon cataracta Eastern floater 10* Strophitus undulatus** creeper 4,7,8,9 Villosa constricta** notched rainbow 2 Villosa delumbis** Eastern creekshell 1a,4,8,9 Uniomerus carolinianus Florida pondhom 8*, 10 Freshwater Snails and Clams Cam eloma decisum pointed cam eloma 2,5,8,10 Elimia catenaria ravel elimia All Helisoma anceps two-ridge rams-horn 2,5 Corbicula uminea Asian clam All * F-- Relict shell only ' EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 13 2.2.4 Habitat Assessment Habitat assessment data were collected at all 52 monitoring stations to evaluate the potential for changing aquatic habitats to support changes in community populations. The NCDWQ Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet was completed at each station in order to evaluate the quality and character of the sampled habitat niches and to provide a comparable score that describes the available habitat. Table 10 displays the NCDWQ Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet scores from baseline and Year-3 monitoring. The categories channel modification, light penetration, and riparian vegetative zone width typically did not change in the span of a single monitoring year. Other categories including in-stream habitat, bottom substrate, and bank stability showed improvement within formerly impounded stations. Compared to baseline data, the mean total score of the formerly impounded stations quantitatively increased in Year-3 monitoring from 42.39 to 59.56. The mean total score for reference stations remained relatively unchanged with an increase of only 1.55. Success evaluation is defined as a perceived progression of the former Site Impoundment habitat values toward those of the lotic reference stations. During Year-3 monitoring, the mean total score for stations in the former Site Impoundment increased 1.65 percent compared to last year, and shifted to within only 1.55 points of matching Year-3's mean total score of the reference stations. Thus Year-3 scores of stations with the former Site Impoundment are equal to the reference station's total score during baseline monitoring. EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 14 04 w 9 O to \O en to oc IT h b h oo M to .r ?O N co ,a 00 to ?d in M to rr in h M to b h R e' to et m co m to IT N M M to O to h oo ? O ? ? h O h O ?c to ,O ,O to 00 i ao t- O h 00 Vl N b -4 to to ,0 t`. ,O M to N M oo R O ?O to O?. try .? h 00 h 7 00 do h O R ? O V i b F VJ d .c G O 0 0 0 t., Op 0 0 0 pp d. O O O , 0 0 pp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p O. 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O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O I c V 00 00 ' ,o ,0 00 00 00 e m W 00 ?0 ?c dt 00 A. Q C Qa ? y C O C7 R ^r m - N N ^r ey - - - .-- .ti C M 00 N N: 00 ? 00 cn N 'D ? 00 O A a N tip ? ^ '? y A ? ti •--i N -- [1' .-? N 'r O O ..-, N .-. O .-- ?p .--, ,-. [? ? t/1 Q\ .-. ...r: O, to M ? C ,-. to ..r .-. ? ON ^' D O ?C '- ?U vJ O O N ? 0 ?w U o ? ? o z z N M V' ,A (? 00 Q? --? NO _ N N N N N N _ M _ M M M M M _ d" V V V O V; V?j Gi .Nr } L' 00 O? f/1J N M fin t??1 V t? VM} Vf1 w ?A zz w?c ao paF wF., W N 0 0 Q z 'o^ a a w w rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r r r r rr rr rr rr rr Sediment Class Size Distribution Sediment grain size distribution was analyzed at 38 monitoring stations in 2008 (24 formerly impounded, 14 reference). At each of the 38 stations, 100-count pebble counts were performed consistent with the Wolman method (Wolman 1954). As expected D16, D50, and D84 values from stations within the former Site Impoundment continued coarsening during Year-3 monitoring. Values for D16, D50, and D84 have increased in each of the three monitoring years following dam removal. The medium grain size (D50) for impounded stations sampled in 2008 is 9.30 mm coarser than dam pre-removal substrate (2005). The 1316 and D84 size class indices also coarsened within impounded stations. Reference stations showed only minor changes in sediment size class following dam removal. Table 12 provides baseline, Year-1, Year-2, and Year-3 sediment grain size distributions attained by pebble count method for both reference and impounded stations. Sediment grain size classes are defined as follows (per Wolman 1954): Particle Size Size Class <2 mm Sand/silt 2-8 mm Fine gravel 8-16 mm Medium gravel 16-32 mm Coarse gravel 32-64 mm Very coarse gravel 64-128 mm Small cobble 128-256 mm Large cobble >256 mm Boulder EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 16 EcoScience staff performs a pebble count in a restored riffle at Station 12. z 0 a x oq 0 0 00 0 0 N id O E O x E Q C O G O Q N U Q ?Q?r+ fi N rl .Q c? E? E E E E ° b o N M N M D D 00 E E N N E N E N N M N M D N v N i N N 00 E E N M N M N E N ^ ?D ,O N^ N ^ V V V V V N V V V C V V V V p ?'p ,? V N M 00 N ao N ,? ^ 4 , M N N V N V .c 00 N V N V b ? N v 00 g E E E E E E E F E E E E E E E E 4 v N 00 M N M t Ey C E E N C N C N E C b C M M ? 4 4 00 E 00 E E 00 E E N N M V V V V V V V V V N 00 00 b 00 M M N V C N V V C (V N M V E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ' N E E E E E E E E E E E E E E d N v N V 00 ry N v M 6 N V N V N V N V N V N V N V Cl V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V 00 N V 00 N N V N V N N N N N N N cal N 00 V V V V V V V V Q E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 00 o W) N M o h N M D h V C,4 cq 'o N ov E C E C E N N 'IF E N N M N M ? It ? 00 1" 00 :! °O E N N N M 00 E! E N ^ O n n V V 00 V v V V V N V p z V N oo N 4 V C C V %O N V M N M 4 4 M S O .. ° E E E E E E E E E W o N 00 N N V C N V Op N V C N V C V C E N V C N V N V 00 N C M M M M C 00 C E E M M N N V p b D N M b V N V N fV 1c v E E E E E E I E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ., 'b N E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E N V N V N V N V M N V N V N V C N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V 00 N 00 N N N N N N N N C N N N V V oo V V V V V V V N V E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E i c N C4 WS oc E E c E N v i E A N D N V V V 00 V C V C V C V C e N C M ?O N C 00 N M ?D N w A N N N V O C V p 0 N V - en ? N m M 00 00 0 N " o E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 00 00 00 C E E rq E Cl E E E 0? E N E 0 N 1 1 E E E E E E E N 00 N 00 N V V fV V V V C V C V V V C 0 N V C 0 o ? N ? p 9 N V V V N V V V V V 0 o 0 M ,; E E E E gg E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E i E i E N <V (V N V N N V N v N v C N V C N V N V N V C1 N V N v N v ?.{ V N V Op N V C 00 00 E C E c? E N E C E c-4 E o? E eq N N N V N V V V V V V N V a00 E E N E E E E E E E E E E c?g E E E E E E E E E E q,^? E Cj- E N V N V M N V N M N V C N N N ?y N C N N N N E N E C.1 N M C m p D v s E N E N N M E N M o0 N 00 N E V V V V V V V V V V V V V N A4 C9 M V V C V v , ., N v M b 8 N v °n E E N E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E N V N V M N v 10 r. N v C N v (V N N N N N C N N N E N E N N E N N O eq M 00 N 00 v `" E N E N 00 N E N E R 00 v v v v v v v v v v V v v V N N N V V N V V N N V R7 CO ? M M 00 a0 M 4 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 8 E E E E E U N o E E E E E E E E E E E 'b V V N M p N v 00 N N V N V N V C N V c?yy V N V N Y N N E N N E N N E N E ccVV E C C U E E E 00 E C14 E E rq eq E C11 E E E C, V V V V V V V V 0 V V V 00 V C V V V C V V 0 00 O M tt \O 00 N N N N N M M M M M M 7 V V 7 VT In h W) N 00 CT N N M M m h N W) Vj 7 h h Q?QAIflOdL1II d'RI?Y1RI03 d?PId2Id3diI U N O Q z U N a a W W t- rr r r? r r? r? r r r r r ?r ?r ?r r rr r ¦? ¦? Channel Cross-sections Cross-sectional surveys of channel geometry were performed at all 52 monitoring stations during 2008. Thirty-four (34) permanent cross-sections were revisited throughout the former Site Impoundment and on ' tributaries where functional restoration is expected to occur. Eighteen (18) permanent cross-sections were revisited on reference reaches above and below the former Site Impoundment. Cross-section locations are displayed on Figure 3 (Appendix A). All monitoring years' cross-sectional surveys are displayed on ' Figures 4A-4D (Appendix A). Table 13 provides bankfull channel geometry including bankfull cross- sectional area (Abkf), bankfull width (Wbkf), maximum bankfull depth (Dmax), mean bankfull depth (Dbkf), and width-to-depth ratio (width:depth). ' In general, bankfull channel parameters were largely unchanged compared to conditions assessed during Year-1 monitoring. Only minor scouring and erosion of bank material was detected at formerly impounded stations, with an associated, minor increase in bankfull areas. High flow, bankfull events that occurred during Year-3 monitoring (April 28, 2008 [2,220 cfs] and August 27, 2008 [8,470 cfs]) have further demonstrated that the Deep River channel is geomorphically stable, and that erosion is episodic ' and localized. Station 55 was established following dam removal and therefore no baseline (2005) bankfull channel geometry data are available for this station. At Stations 7, 15, and 17, only one of the original benchmark pins was recovered and a new pin was established in 2006. Hence, the discrepancies ' in cross-sectional dimensions and bankfull channel geometry between the baseline and Year-1 monitoring data at these locations. JEEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 18 EcoScience staff prepare to perform a Total Station cross-sectional survey of the Deep River at Station 8. z x ?n 0 0 00 0 0 N O N C1i A G O G O A t u O 0 O U w C." M C O Ski U ri C1i F* N h h M 00 00 10 M O ? h 0 1,: o0 ? O N O ? O d oo -? O V) -mo d V? ?. h CT 01 tn N ?t ? t? 00 ?D O d 00 ON N 00 00 V) 00 10 ? O 06 O 3? O N C )W) c0 , C? tri M OO 4 ?O ?D ? ?O vi - h o0 oo ?0 ? .?-, M 3 - .-. M 00 ? h M 00 M ? DO --? \p 10 N V1 1? 00 1? 0 oo O M M 01 M N C? l? M ? h V) O? ? 00 •--? ?O ? ? M ?-+ tn o? 00 V) N O -Q w .--? OO OO OO h h Vj 00 - N 00 N N M M --? N M M V) trj N V) \D OO OO CY ? V1 0? %C IO V) "t M m h M h 0 ?0 ? 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N N O\ N V) «. 00 -- N M "t M tn O W) O M O\ N 's O N l- 01 tn CT W' d1 Mm ? j N N M 01 [0 60 D N CT - 00 [- ,D a M O [? 00 N ^- _ N t 01 01 t ? ? 1 0, . r ? n N - w W w 0 r 0 0 r M 0 a-, 1 -? I N ? M 00 tn N 10 N N ? K 0O 00 O ct 4?, - N M O? N N ? 0\ °0 1Q K5 10 kr M i N N C, N - ^+ V ? h cM (? N O', d 0\ 0? W.) ?/ o O v) d Ci O? o0 Vi 0N Q ? h om r - n O M ? O N O t- r-- C N N ? M M oo p? h tp h `-' h oo 00 N h m It o • N tn h ? h ? ? ? ? f h m ? N m ? m ? m ? ? m ? z kn o - - ? N t? m 1D oo N h rt lo c i N 'n C; N 16 000 ? cc m N ? N m N M N h l M M <' , M N N - N N M N N N 0 O ro N M 11Y tn 1O 1- 00 01 0 t--? 4 N 0 ffI*1 N N eq N N h N C? N O M --i M N M M ?0 M 00 M 0 t7 ?--i ? N ?! M ! ? 00 ? 01 ? O V t-- ?I tn ? N •• "T in lC h o0 01 V1 10 M Rol h 01 7 Vs 41 N m ) ) ? t ? ? ? .i .. ,..i N N M M M M 7 cn L 1 suo.1 IS papunodtui Xjjawao3 suol;e;s aauaaaJag rn Q N 0 0 A 0 z U O t. a a w ' Flow Velocity Flow velocity was not measured during Year-3 (2008) monitoring because a substantial increase in river flow was demonstrated in Year-1 (2006) monitoring. Surface and stream bottom flow velocities in the former Impoundment exhibited an increase greater than one order of magnitude in Year-1 monitoring; thus the success criterion was met. Following the initial increase in velocity from the removal of Carbonton Dam, stream flow will now fluctuate greatly as determined by drought and precipitation ' events, and can no longer be attributed to restoration efforts. Photography and Videography ' Photography and videography were conducted during Year-3 monitoring data collection to assess qualitative changes in channel cross-sections and in-stream habitat. Monitoring pictures and videos for all stations have been included on a digital video disc (DVD) in Appendix E. ' 2.3 RARE AND PROTECTED SPECIES The documented presence of any rare species within the former Site Impoundment throughout the five- year monitoring period will constitute success in fulfilling the rare and protected aquatic species criterion. The federally endangered Cape Fear shiner was found during Year-2 fish surveys by TCG at eight ' sampling sites throughout the Deep River. A total of 41 individuals of the endangered Cape Fear shiner were collected during the Year-2 surveys. Furthermore, favorable habitat areas for the Cape Fear shiner have developed at many other locations, and the recruitment of new populations is expected to continue ' over time. The emphasis of the Year-3 monitoring effort is to document whether freshwater mussels are also re- colonizing habitats previously impounded by Carbonton Dam. A total of eleven freshwater mussel species, three aquatic snail species and l freshwater clam species were found within newly formed riffle habitats in the former impounded reach. The surveys documented several mussel species of conservation interest associated with lotic condition, including five state listed species: yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa), creeper (Strophitus undulatus), triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), eastern creekshell (Villosa delumbis), and the notched rainbow (Villosa constricta). The presence of notched rainbow is 1 especially significant because this species is extremely throughout the Deep River. Four collected mussel species (triangle floater, yellow lampmussel, creeper and eastern creekshell) were targeted rare species identified in the pre-removal report. 2.4 RESERVE CRITERIA 2.4.1 Public Recreation In 2007 RS completed the establishment of Carbonton Park as a recreational area in the vicinity of the former Carbonton Dam. The newly completed park consists of vehicle parking, picnicking sites, bank ' fishing, and improved access to the river for kayakers and canoeists. RS formally transferred the new park with an endowment to the Deep River Park Association during a ceremony on November 22, 2008. EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report ' 20 2.5 SUMMARY After the third year of monitoring, the removal of Carbonton Dam has resulted in the continued restoration of lotic conditions with functional improvements recorded in water quality, fish and mollusk abundance, and sediment transport. Mitigation success has been demonstrated for the following criteria: Re-introduction of rare and endangered aquatic species, water quality improvement with respect to dissolved oxygen concentrations and benthic biotic indices, scientific research, and public recreation. Continued monitoring is necessary to confirm success for the convergence of benthic EPT taxa to reference data, and the recolonization of mollusks in the newly restored lotic community. See Table 14 below. Table 14 shows the primary and reserve mitigation success criteria and parameters for this project. The final column evaluates the success in fulfilling project criteria. Table 14_ Mitiontinn Snerecc f ritPrin Cnmmarv 2008 Criterion Parameter Anticipated Chan e/Result Success Primary success Presence/absence of criteria: Re-colonization of rare/protected Unknown Yes rare and rotected individuals p aquatic species Rare/protected species Improvement/expansion Yes habitat Benthic biotic indices Decrease (= improve) Yes Improved water Increase within former Site quality AMS dissolved Impoundment (must be > oxygen data 4.0 mg/L or consistent with Yes reference station data) Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Increase (i.e., converge with Improved aquatic Trichoptera taxa, total reference station data) Ongoing, Improving communit number of benthic taxa y Fish, Mussel, and Demonstrated shifts in Snail community data communities from lentic to Yes lotic character Reserve success criteria: Downstream Deep River bankfull benefits below channel within Narrowing/increased Ongoing dam formerly eddie/scour stabilization of channel pool areas below dam Scientific value Published research Successful completion Yes Public recreation Construction of planned on-Site park Successful completion Yes EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report 22 APPENDIX A: FIGURES I EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report Appendix A ( i1 ? l V _ ? t? . i C`eQ1( ; o Carbonton Damn 7 s'r ;Sanford `' > ?' cw?on `„H r T; 1 GORE 7 ?. 1 Q 6 , 12 ! Miles a v' rL Q BrAric , r :r, r ..--,, Site Location FIGURE Drawn By. Date: MTC - SEP 2006 , -_ 11 Deep River- Carbonton Dam Chkd By: Project No: Restoration Site APS _ 06-288.03 , Lee, Chatham, and Moore SCALE: Counties, North Carolina AS SHOWN i7i ?P III ilem Greensboro N W -4t- E To- S 1] Q¢Jgtkoint ?` GUI Hill ^ Ra r I Si e? Ci ?? ittsigg PC] r I r ort ion Den RA O ?Carbonton Dam II Golds'tbn py? .0 1 HINDI Legend 0 8-Digit Hydrologic Unity Boundary E3Site Impoundment Major Rivers Q River Basins River Subbasins 0 Count I; 4 030 ylnes 10 0 10 Miles Major Cities L Hydrologic Units Drawn By: MTC EcoScience FIGURE Corporation Deep River-Carbonton Dam Chkd By: GRM Raleigh, North Carolina Restoration Site Date: SEP 2006 Chatham, Lee, and Moore Counties, 2 North Carolina Project: 06-288 (0 z 01) 0 00 LU Z w O > N U O a 20 «?-- O' W O wZJ Z Z H o ?•?,? _ H?=H ?=o0 W00 w U N w ? H O? ? m W H O N ¢o= Z Fa- 0 p U C) z 0 ?' I-L ?o"? v ??QN =off OHO WU? 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'weujpg0 ma aoipow p46noaa £ aeaA 6uia01pow euiloaeo 41aoN wea uoiuogae3 :011!1 :loafoJd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B: BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE DATA EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report Appendix B SPECIES T.V. F.F.G. IMPOUNDED Sta. 1 Sta. 3 Sta. 5 Sta. 8 Sta. 10 Sta. 40 Sta. 42 Sta. 47 Sta. 51 Sta. 55 PLATYHELMINTHES Turbellaria Tricladida Planariidae Girardia (Dugesia) tigrina 7.2 NEMATODA 6 MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula fluminea 6.12 FC Sphaeriidae 6.6 FC Musculium transversum *8 FC Gastropoda Pleuroceridae 3.4 Elimia sp. 2.46 SC Basommatophora Ancylidae SC Ferrissia rivularis `6 SC ANNELIDA Oligochaeta CG Tubificida Enchytraeidae 9.8 CG Lumbricidae CG Naididae *8 CG Dero sp. 10 CG Nais communis 8.8 CG Pristina sp. 9.6 CG Tubificidae w.h.c. 7.1 CG Tubificidae w.o.h.c. 7.1 CG Branchiura sowerbyi 8.28 CG Limnodrilus hoffineisteri 9.5 CG Spirosperma sp. 10 CG Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae 7.03 CG Branchiobdellida Hirudinea P Arhynchobdellida Erpobdellidae P Erpobdella sp. 8.3 P Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae P Helobdella elongata 9.5 P ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea Acariformes Arrenuridae 5.5 Arrenurus sp. 5.5 Lebertiidae 5.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 2 13 1 1 3 1 4 2 3 21 6 2 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lebertia sp. 5.5 Torrenticolidae 5.5 Torrenticola sp. 5.5 Crustacea Ostracoda Copepoda Cyclopoida Cladocera Chydoridae Isopoda Asellidae SH Caecidotea sp. 9.1 CG Amphipoda Crangonyctidae Crangonyx sp. 7.9 CG Hyalellidae Hyalella azteca 7.75 CG Decapoda Cambaridae 7.5 Cambarus sp. 7.62 CG Palaemonidae Palaemonetes kadiakensis 7.1 CG Insecta Collembola Ephemeroptera Baetidae CG Acerpenna pygmaea 3.9 eaetis intercalaris 7 CG Plauditus sp. *4 CG Pseudocloeon sp. 4 CG Caenidae CG Caenis sp. 7.4 CG Ephemerellidae SC Attenella sp. Ephemerella sp. 2.04 SC Ephemerella needhami 0 CG Eurylophella sp. 4.34 SC Serratella sp. SC Timpanoga sp. CG Heptageniidae Leucrocuta sp. 2.4 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) : *4 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) a 3.8 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) r 5.5 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) r 2 SC Stenacron interpunctatum 3.58 SC Isonychiidae FC Isonychia sp. 3.5 FC Leptophlebiidae *2 CG Leptophlebia sp. 6.2 CG Paraleptophlebia sp. 0.94 CG Potamanthidae CG 6 2 2 1 7 1 27 2 3 48 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 36 8 16 29 3 2 7 2 1 1 1 1 22 1 2 9 3 2 5 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 5 1 2 1 48 2 1 21 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Anthopotamus (Potamanthus 1.5 CG Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus sp. 5.8 CG Odonata Aeshnidae 5.6 P Boyeria vinosa 5.97 P Boyeria grafiana 6.1 P Nasiaeschna pentacantha 8.1 Coenagrionidae *9 P Argia sp. 8.17 P Enallagma sp. 8.9 P Corduliidae *5 P Epicordulia princeps 5.6 P Macromia sp. 6.16 P Neurocordulia sp. 5 Neurocordulia obsoleta 5.2 Gomphidae *1 P Arigomphus sp. Dromogomphus spinosus 5.1 P Erpetogomphus designatus Erpetogomphus sp. Gomphus sp. 5.8 P Hagenius brevistylus 4 P Perithemis tenera 9.9 P Libellulidae 6.7 P Erythemis simplicicollis 9.7 Libellula cyanea Libellula semifasciata Libellula sp. 9.6 P Pachydiplax longipennis 9.9 Somatochlora sp. 9.2 P Plecoptera Nemouridae SH Amphinemura sp. 3.3 SH Perlidae *1 P Acroneuria cf filicis Acroneuria mela 0.9 Acroneuria sp. P Neoperla sp. 1.5 P Perlesta placida sp. gp. 4.7 P Perlesta sp. 4.7 P Perlodidae *2 P Cultis decisus 1.6 P Isoperla sp. *2 P Taeniopterygidae SH Taeniopteryx sp. 5.4 SH Hemiptera Belostomatidae Belostoma sp. 9.8 P Corixidae 9 PI Hydrometridae Hydrometra sp. 27 2 1 4 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 12 2 5 1 6 27 9 1 8 1 2 1 9 61 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pleidae Paraplea sp Nepidae Ranatra sp. 7.8 P Veliidae P Microvelia sp. P Stenovelia stagalis Megaloptera Corydalidae P Chauliodes pectinicornis 9.6 Corydalus cornutus 5.2 P Nigronia serricornis 5 P Sialidae P Sialis sp. 7.17 P Trichoptera Hydropsychidae *4 FC Ceratopsyche sp. FC Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.2 FC Hydropsyche sp. 5 FC Hydropsyche simulians Macrostemum Carolina Hydroptilidae *4 PI Hydroptila sp. 6.2 PI Leptoceridae *4 CG Ceraclea sp. 2 CG Nectopsyche sp. 2.9 SH Nectopsyche exquisita 4.1 SH Triaenodes sp. 4.46 SH Triaenodes injustus 2.5 SH Lepidostomatidae SH Lepidostoma sp. 0.9 FC Limnephilidae Ironoquia sp. - Philopotamidae FC Chimarra cf obscura 2.76 FC Polycentropodidae FC Polycentropus sp. 3.5 FC Coleoptera Carabidae Chrysomelidae Dryopidae Helichus fastigiatus Dytiscidae P Hydroporus sp. 8.6 PI Neoporus sp. (Hydroporus) 8.62 PI Elmidae CG Ancyronyx variegata 6.49 SC Dubiraphia vittata 4.1 SC Macronychus glabratus 4.58 SH Microcylloepus pusillus 2.1 SC Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC Gyrinidae p 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 2 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 8 12 2 1 2 1 19 13 2 12 2 2 6 12 Dineutus sp. 5.54 p Gyrinus sp. 6.17 p Haliplidae Peltodytes sp. 8.73 SH Peltodytes duodecimpunctatus Peltodytes sexmaculatus Heteroceridae Hydrophilidae Berosus sp. 8.43 CG Enochrus sp. 8.8 CG Helochares sp. P Hydrochus sp. 6.55 SH Sperchopsis tessellatus 6.13 CG Tropistemus sp. 9.7 P Psephenidae SC Psephenus herricki 2.35 SC Scirtidae SC Scirtes sp. Staphylinidae P Diptera Ceratopogonidae .5 P Bezzia/Palpomyia gp. 6.9 P Chironomidae Ablabesmyia mallochi 7.2 P Ablabesmyia rhamphe gp. 7.2 P Cardiocladius obscurus 5.9 P Chironomus sp. 9.63 CG Cladotanytarsus sp. 4.09 FC Clinotanypus sp. *6 P Conchapelopia sp. 8.4 P Corynoneura sp. 6.01 CG Cricotopus sp. *7 CG Cricotopus bicinctus 8.5 CG Cricotopus trifascia 2.8 CG Dicrotendipes neomodestus 8.1 CG Dicrotendipes simpsoni 10 Diplocladius cultriger 7.4 CG Eukiefferiella claripennis gp. 5.6 CG Glyptotendipes sp. 9.5 FC Hydrobaenus pilipes 9.5 SC Nanocladius distinctus 7.07 CG Nilotanypus sp. 3.9 P Orthocladius sp. CG Paracladopelma sp. 5.51 CG Parakiefferiella sp. 5.4 CG Paralauterborniella nigrohalte 4.8 CG Parametriocnemus sp. 3.65 CG Pentaneura inconspicia Polypedilum flavum (convictu 4.9 SH Polypedilum halterale gp. 9 SH Polypedilum illinoense 7.3 SH Potthastia longimana 9 CG 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 28 2 1 5 1 2 3 11 22 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 3 2 1 50 1 3 2 1 13 10 3 1 1 1 3 16 1 9 29 1 3 38 9 1 1 4 1 3 3 4 5 1 5 7 2 6 1 6 1 4 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Procladius sp. 9.1 P Psectrocladius sp. 3.6 SH Pseudochironomus sp. 5.4 CG Rheotanytartsus exiguus gp. 5.9 Tanytarsus sp. 6.76 FC Thienemanniella xena 5.86 CG Tribelos jucundum 6.3 Tvetenia paucunca 3.7 CG Tvetenia vitracies 3.6 CG Unniella multivirga 0 CG Zavrelimyia sp. 9.11 P Culicidae FC Anopheles sp. 8.6 FC Dixidae CG Dolichopodidae P Sarcophagidae Sciaridae Simuliidae *6 FC Prosimulium sp. 6 FC Simulium sp. 6 FC Stratiomyidae CG Odontomyia sp. Tabanidae PI Chrysops sp. 6.73 PI Tabanus sp. 9.2 PI Tipulidae *3 SH Antocha sp. 4.3 CG Hexatoma sp. 4.3 P Limnophila sp. *4 P Pseudolimnophila sp. 7.22 P Ormosia sp. 6.3 CG Tipula sp. 7.33 SH 15 2 3 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 1 2 131 5 1 7 1 4 1 9 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANIMS TOTAL NO. OF TAXA EPT INDEX BIOTIC INDEX Assigned BIOTIC INDEX VALUE EPT ABUNDANCE 342 87 21 68 287 184 113 256 177 73 73 37 16 25 48 45 22 49 23 31 20 8 3 4 17 4 4 11 1 9 5.60 6.74 5.47 7.02 5.89 7.72 7.44 5.13 8.19 6.06 5.90 6.52 5.60 6.94 5.74 7.69 7.37 5.67 7.32 5.90 145 14 4 5 49 17 9 135 15 16 SPECIES PLATYHELMINTHES Turbellaria Tricladida Planariidae Girardia (Dugesia) tigrina NEMATODA MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula fluminea Sphaeriidae Musculium transversum Gastropoda Pleuroceridae Elimia sp. Basommatophora Ancylidae Ferrissia rivularis ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Tubificida Enchytraeidae Lumbricidae Naididae Dero sp. Nais communis Pristina sp. Tubificidae w.h.c. Tubificidae w.o.h.c. Branchiura sowerbyi Limnodrilus hoffineisteri Spirosperma sp. Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae Branchiobdellida Hirudinea Arhynchobdellida Erpobdellidae Erpobdella sp. Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae Helobdella elongata ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea Acariformes Arrenuridae Arrenurus sp. Lebeniidae T.V. F.F.G. REFERENCE Sta. 12 Sta. 14 Sta. 18 Sta. 19 Sta. 39 Sta. 45 Sta. 52 Sta. 53 7.2 6 6.12 FC 6.6 FC *8 FC 3.4 2.46 SC SC *6 SC CG 9.8 CG CG *8 CG 10 CG 8.8 CG 9.6 CG 7.1 CG 7.1 CG 8.28 CG 9.5 CG 10 CG 7.03 CG P P 8.3 P P 9.5 P 5.5 5.5 5.5 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 13 6 6 18 1 1 1 4 1 1 17 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 6 6 2 3 16 12 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Lebertia sp. 5.5 Torrenticolidae 5.5 Torrenticola sp. 5.5 Crustacea Ostracoda Copepoda Cyclopoida Cladocera Chydoridae Isopoda Asellidae SH Caecidotea sp. 9.1 CG Amphipoda Crangonyctidae Crangonyx sp. 7.9 CG Hyalellidae Hyalella azteca 7.75 CG Decapoda Cambaridae 7.5 Cambarus sp. 7.62 CG Palaemonidae Palaemonetes kadiakensis 7.1 CG Insecta Collembola Ephemeroptera Baetidae CG Acerpenna pygmaea 3.9 eaetis intercalaris 7 CG Plauditus sp. *4 CG Pseudocloeon sp. 4 CG Caenidae CG Caenis sp. 7.4 CG Ephemerellidae SC Attenella sp. Ephemerella sp. 2.04 SC Ephemerella needhami 0 CG Eurylophella sp. 4.34 SC Serratella sp. SC Timpanoga sp. CG Heptageniidae Leucrocuta sp. 2.4 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) sp. *4 Sc Maccaffertium (Stenonema) exiguun 3.8 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) modesty 5.5 SC Maccaffertium (Stenonema) pudicun 2 SC Stenacron interpunctatum 3.58 SC Isonychiidae FC Isonychia sp. 3.5 FC Leptophlebiidae *2 CG Leptophlebia sp. 6.2 CG Paraleptophlebia sp. 0.94 CG Potamanthidae CG 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 8 24 14 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 5 2 1 6 69 4 2 3 11 7 1 8 18 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 8 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 7 3 2 2 4 21 20 3 6 1 27 105 56 121 61 4 9 14 20 6 11 5 1 2 15 9 1 4 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 Anthopotamus (Potamanthus) myop. 1.5 CG 4 12 3 20 29 8 Siphionuridae Siphlonurus sp. 5.8 CG 8 Odonata Aeshnidae 5.6 P Boyeria vinosa 5.97 P 1 3 1 1 Boyeria grafiana 6.1 P 1 Nasiaeschna pentacantha 8.1 14 Coenagrionidae .9 P 1 Argia sp. 8.17 P 5 3 2 12 5 6 Enallagma sp. 8.9 P 3 1 1 Corduliidae *5 P Epicordulia princeps 5.6 P 1 2 Macromia sp. 6.16 P 1 2 1 3 1 3 Neurocordulia sp. 5 Neurocordulia obsoleta 5.2 2 13 1 2 Gomphidae *1 P Arigomphus sp. 1 Dromogomphus spinosus 5.1 P 1 Erpetogomphus designatus 1 1 Erpetogomphus sp. 2 1 Gomphus sp. 5.8 P 4 1 1 Hagenius brevistylus 4 P 1 Perithemis tenera 9.9 P Libellulidae 6.7 P 1 1 1 Eeyihemis simplicicollis 9.7 Libellula cyanea 1 Libellula semifasciata 1 Libellula sp. 9.6 P 1 Pachydiplax longipennis 9.9 2 Somatochlora sp. 9.2 P 3 Plecoptera 2 3 Nemouridae SH 1 Amphinemura sp. 3.3 SH 2 13 13 2 1 Perlidae *1 P 1 1 Acroneuria cf filicis 3 Acroneuria mela 0.9 3 3 4 1 Acroneuria sp. P 1 3 Neoperla sp. 1.5 P 26 1 1 7 2 Perlesta placida sp. gp. 4.7 P 3 10 32 7 6 36 95 23 Perlesta sp. 4.7 P Perlodidae *2 P 1 Cultis decisus 1.6 P 1 Isoperla sp. *2 P 1 3 1 29 76 11 3 Taeniopterygidae SH Taeniopteryx sp. 5.4 SH 5 2 Hemiptera Belostomatidae Belostoma sp. 9.8 P Corixidae 9 PI 4 Hydrometridae Hydrometra sp. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pleidae Paraplea sp Nepidae Ranatra sp. 7.8 P 1 1 3 Veliidae P Microvelia sp. P Stenovelia stagalis Megaloptera Corydalidae P Chauliodes pectinicornis 9.6 Corydalus cornutus 5.2 P 1 1 Nigronia serricornis 5 P Sialidae P Sialis sp. 7.17 P Trichoptera Hydropsychidae "4 FC Ceratopsyche sp. FC 2 Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.2 FC 2 1 1 Hydropsyche sp. 5 FC 3 2 Hydropsyche simulians Macrostemum carolina Hydroptilidae *4 PI Hydroptila sp. 6.2 PI Leptoceridae *4 CG Ceraclea sp. 2 CG 1 Nectopsyche sp. 2.9 SH Nectopsyche exquisita 4.1 SH 1 Triaenodes sp. 4.46 SH Triaenodes injustus 2.5 SH 1 3 Lepidostomatidae SH Lepidostoma sp. 0.9 FC 2 Limnephilidae Ironoquia sp. - Philopotamidae FC Chimarra cf obscura 2.76 FC 30 1 1 2 Polycentropodidae FC Polycentropus sp. 3.5 FC 1 Coleoptera Carabidae Chrysomelidae Dryopidae Helichus fastigiatus Dytiscidae P Hydroporus sp. 8.6 PI Neoporus sp. (Hydroporus) 8.62 PI Elmidae CG Ancyronyx variegata 6.49 SC 1 Dubiraphia vittata 4.1 SC 1 1 1 Macronychus glabratus 4.58 SH 3 2 4 3 Microcylloepus pusillus 2.1 SC Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC 13 2 2 2 Gyrinidae p 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 6 14 1 1 29 2 1 1 22 1 3 2 2 6 1 3 29 1 Dineutus sp. 5.54 p Gyrinus sp. 6.17 p Haliplidae Peltodytes sp. 8.73 SH Peltodytes duodecimpunctatus Peltodytes sexmaculatus Heteroceridae Hydrophilidae Berosus sp. 8.43 CG Enochrus sp. 8.8 CG Helochares sp. P Hydrochus sp. 6.55 SH Sperchopsis tessellatus 6.13 CG Tropisternus sp. 9.7 P Psephenidae SC Psephenus herricki 2.35 SC Scirtidae SC Scirtes sp. Staphylinidae p Diptera Ceratopogonidae *5 p Bezzia/Palpomyia gp. 6.9 P Chironomidae Ablabesmyia mallochi 7.2 P Ablabesmyia rhamphe gp. 7.2 P Cardiocladius obscurus 5.9 P Chironomus sp. 9.63 CG Cladotanytarsus sp. 4.09 FC Clinotanypus sp. *6 P Conchapelopia sp. 8.4 P Corynoneura sp. 6.01 CG Cricotopus sp. *7 CG Cricotopus bistnctus 8.5 CG Cricotopus trifascia 2.8 CG Dicrotendipes neomodestus 8.1 CG Dicrotendipes simpsoni 10 Diplocladius cultriger 7.4 CG Eukiefferiella claripennis gp. 5.6 CG Glyptotendipes sp. 9.5 FC Hydrobaenus pilipes 9.5 SC Nanocladius distinctus 7.07 CG Nilotanypus sp. 3.9 P Orthocladius sp. CG Paracladopelma sp. 5.51 CG Parakiefferiella sp. 5.4 CG Paralauterborniella nigrohalteralis 4.8 CG Parametriocnemus sp. 3.65 CG Pentaneura inconspicia Polypedilum flavum (convictum) 4.9 SH Polypedilum halterale gp. 9 SH Polypedilum illinoense 7.3 SH Potthastia longimana 9 CG 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 8 1 3 2 1 1 3 12 4 8 13 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 10 7 5 16 90 11 5 7 29 50 16 11 67 49 32 3 3 1 3 1 7 1 2 9 8 8 1 9 64 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 11 22 61 19 1 1 1 5 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 5 1 3 3 4 18 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Procladius sp. Psectrocladius sp. Pseudochironomus sp. Rheotanytartsus exiguus gp. Tanytarsus sp. Thienemanniella xena Tribelos jucundum Tvetenia paucunca Tvetenia vitracies Unniella multivirga Zavrelimyia sp. Culicidae Anopheles sp. Dixidae Dolichopodidae Sarcophagidae Sciaridae Simuliidae Prosimulium sp. Simulium sp. Stratiomyidae Odontomyia sp. Tabanidae Chrysops sp. Tabanus sp. Tipulidae Antocha sp. Hexatoma sp. Limnophila sp. Pseudolimnophila sp. Ormosia sp. Tipula sp. TOTAL NO. OF ORGANIMS TOTAL NO. OF TAXA EPTINDEX BIOTIC INDEX Assigned BIOTIC INDEX VALUE EPT ABUNDANCE 9.1 P 3.6 SH 5.4 CG 5.9 6.76 FC 5.86 CG 6.3 3.7 CG 3.6 CG 0 CG 9.11 P FC 8.6 FC CG P -6 FC 6 FC 6 FC CG PI 6.73 PI 9.2 PI -3 SH 4.3 CG 4.3 P *4 P 7.22 P 6.3 CG 7.33 SH 1 1 2 7 1 1 12 56 52 4 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 31 46 39 5 11 1 1 1 6 1 15 10 13 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 249 246 403 300 271 539 687 379 59 51 62 58 42 41 62 66 22 15 23 19 13 10 27 25 4.66 5.68 5.87 5.44 6.36 5.51 5.21 5.72 4.92 5.39 5.55 5.66 6.62 5.70 5.06 5.53 125 81 194 168 75 202 373 182 APPENDIX C: CARBONTON DAM REMOVAL YEAR-3 FISH MONITORING REPORT PROVIDED BY THE CATENA GROUP EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report Appendix C I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Catena Group 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 CARBONTON DAM REMOVAL YEAR-3 MONITORING REPORT Deep River Watershed Restoration Site Cape Fear River Basin Cataloging Unit 030300003 Prepared For: Restoration Systems LLC November 12, 2008 Prepared By: The Catena Group, Inc. Timothy W. Savidge EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Carbonton dam removal project performed by Restoration Systems, LLC (RS) is projected to result in the restoration of -10 river miles of the mainstem Deep River, as well as portions of three major tributaries (McLendons Creek, Big Governors Creek and Little Governors Creeks) and fifteen smaller tributaries. One of the goals of the restoration effort is to restore habitat for the federally Endangered Cape Fear shiner (Notropis mekistocholas), several species of rare mussels, and other riverine aquatic species, including fish and mollusks. Restoring this stretch of river will also re-connect the upstream and downstream populations of the Cape Fear shiner, which have been essentially isolated' since the dam was constructed in the early 1900's. The restoration success criteria established by the interagency Dam Removal Task Force (DRTF) and the goals of RS require documenting the diversity of aquatic fauna and characterizing habitat within the reservoir pool created by the dam, and then monitoring changes in faunal composition and habitat following the dam's removal. The Catena Group Inc. (TCG) was retained by RS in 2005 to conduct the pre-dam removal aquatic species surveys. Eighteen sites were surveyed for freshwater mussels and clams, aquatic snails, and freshwater fish, the results of which were provided in the August 07, 2006 Pre-removal Survey Report (TCG 2006). The success criteria for the Cape Fear Shiner were met during the 2-year post removal studies, and documented in the October 01, 2007 Carbonton Dam Removal Year-2 Monitoring Report (TCG 2007). The thrust of the Year 3 monitoring effort is to document whether freshwater mussels, in particular the targeted rare species identified in the pre-removal report (TCG 2006) are recolonizing habitats previously impoundment by the dam, and to document the evolving habitats at each of the monitoring stations. Surveys targeting freshwater mussels were conducted at each of the 13 established Deep River impoundment monitoring stations. General observations of in-stream habitat conditions and bank stability were recorded throughout the former reservoir pool and at each of the monitoring stations. At least 12 substantial riffle habitats have developed. Morphological features at many of these sites have created various hydraulic conditions and in turn, multiple microhabitats which correspond to potentially high quality habitat for aquatic species, including the Cape Fear shiner and various rare mussel species. Based on field observations and mussel surveys during the Year-3 monitoring studies, it appears that the habitats within the former reservoir pool are continuing to transition to habitats more typical of lotic conditions. The surveys documented several mussel species of conservation interest associated with lotic environments, including five state-listed species: yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa), creeper (Strophitus undulatus), triangle floater (Alasmidonta undulata), eastern creekshell (Villosa delumbis), and the notched rainbow (Villosa constricta). Survey results indicate that mussel recruitment has occurred in the riffle habitats in the upper limits of the former reservoir pool; however, recruitment is not evident in the lower sections. ' In the strictest sense, the isolation has been substantial, but not total, since fish from upstream ' groups can transit over the dam during full flows. This would theoretically enable some genetic exchange between upstream and downstream groups. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................1 1.1 Monitoring Plan ....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SURVEY EFFORTS ................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Survey Methodology ................................................................................................. 2 2. L I Habitat Reconnaissance ..................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 Mollusk Sampling ............................................................................................... 2 3.0 RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Freshwater Mollusk Surveys ................................................................................... 5 3.2.1 Site 1 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 5 3.2.2 Site ]a (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................. 6 3.2.3 Site 2 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 6 3.2.4 Site 3 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 7 3.2.5 Site 4 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 8 3.2.6 Site S (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 8 3.2.7 Site 6 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 9 3.2.8 Site 7 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 9 3.2.9 Site 8 (Deep River-Impoundment): .................................................................... 9 3.2. 10 Site 9 (Deep River-Impoundment): ................................................................ 10 3.2. 11 Site 10 (Deep River-Impoundment): .............................................................. 10 3.2.12 Site 11 (Deep River-Impoundment): .............................................................. 11 3.2.13 Site 12 (Deep River-Impoundment): .............................................................. 11 3.2.14 Site 13 (Deep River-Impoundment): .............................................................. 12 4.0 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................12 4.1 Habitat Reconnaissance .......................... .............................................................. 12 4.2 Freshwater Mollusk Surveys ................... .............................................................. 12 4.2.1 Freshwater mussel fauna ................... .............................................................. 12 4.3 Aquatic snail fauna .................................. .............................................................. 16 5.0 CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................16 6.0 WORKS CITED .....................................................................................................177 FIGURES Figure 1. Site Map ....................................................................................4 TABLES Table 1. Permanent Monitoring Survey Locations-Carbonton Dam Reservoir Pool ......... 2 Table 2. Mollusk Species Collected .................................................................................... 5 Table 3. Mollusk Species Collected Site 1 ......................................................................... 6 Table 4. Mollusk Species Collected Site 1 a ........................................................................ 6 Table 5. Mollusk Species Collected Site 2 ......................................................................... 7 Table 6. Mollusk Species Collected Site 3 ......................................................................... 7 Table 7. Mollusk Species Collected Site 4 ......................................................................... 8 Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 Table 8. Mollusk Species Collected Site 5 ......................................................................... 8 Table 9. Mollusk Species Collected Site 6 ......................................................................... 9 Table 10. Mollusk Species Collected Site 7 ....................................................................... 9 Table 11. Mollusk Species Collected Site 8 ..................................................................... 10 Table 12. Mollusk Species Collected Site 9 ..................................................................... 10 Table 13. Mollusk Species Collected Site 10 ................................................................... 11 Table 14. Mollusk Species Collected Site 11 ................................................................... 11 Table 15. Mollusk Species Collected Site 12 ................................................................... 11 Table 16. Mollusk Species Collected Site 13 ................................................................... 12 Table 17. CPUE of Mussel Species Pre-Removal and Year-3 ......................................... 13 Table 18. Estimated Age Groups of Live Mussels Collected Year-3 ............................... 15 11 Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The removal of the Carbonton dam on the Deep River by Restoration Systems LLC (RS) is projected to result in the restoration of -10 river miles (RM) of the mainstem Deep ' River, as well as portions of three major tributaries (McLendons Creek, Big Governors Creek and Little Governors Creeks), and fifteen smaller tributaries, all within the Cape Fear River Basin. Specific goals of the project are to restore habitat for the federally ' Endangered Cape Fear shiner (Notropis mekistocholas), several species of rare mussels, and other riverine aquatic species. Restoring this stretch of river will also re-connect the upstream and downstream populations of Cape Fear shiner, which have been essentially isolated' since the dam was constructed in the early 1900's. The restoration success criteria established by the interagency Dam Removal Task Force ' (DRTF) and the goals of RS require documenting the diversity of aquatic fauna and characterizing habitat within the reservoir pool created by the dam, and then monitoring changes in faunal composition and habitat following the dam's removal. The Catena Group Inc. (TCG) was retained by RS in 2005 to conduct the pre-dam removal aquatic species surveys. Eighteen sites were surveyed for freshwater mussels and clams, aquatic snails, and freshwater fish, the results of which were provided in the August 07, 2006 ' Pre-removal Survey Report (TCG 2006). 1.1 Monitoring Plan ' A five-year monitoring plan has been initiated to evaluate the success of the dam removal. Success criteria identified include the documentation of Cape Fear shiner ' recruitment into the formerly impounded reach of the river and establishment of lotic fish, freshwater mussel and aquatic snail communities. This five-year monitoring plan involves conducting aquatic species (fish, freshwater mussels and aquatic snails) surveys at 16 permanent monitoring stations within the former reservoir pool, that were ' established in the pre-removal surveys. Fourteen stations are in the Deep River and one each in McClendons Creek and Big Governors Creek. The success criteria (re-establishment within former reservoir pool) for the Cape Fear Shiner, and establishment of lotic fish communities were met during the 2-year post removal studies, and documented in the October 01, 2007 Carbonton Dam Removal Year-2 Monitoring Report (TCG 2007). The thrust of the Year 3 monitoring effort is to document whether freshwater mussels, in particular the targeted rare species identified in the pre-removal report (TCG 2006), are re-colonizing habitats previously impounded by the dam, and to document the evolving habitats at each of the monitoring stations. Based on field observations in the Year-1 and Year-2 studies, the decision was made not to sample McClendons Creek and Big Governors Creek, as these did not appear to be as far ' along in habitat transitioning as the sites on the Deep River. In the strictest sense, the isolation has been substantial, but not total, since fish from upstream groups can transit over the dam during full flows. This would theoretically enable some genetic exchange between upstream and downstream groups. ' Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 1 2.0 SURVEY EFFORTS Freshwater mollusk surveys were conducted for the Year-3 monitoring effort at the fourteen Deep River monitoring locations (Table 1), by the following TCG personnel Tim Savidge, Tom Dickinson and Chris Sheats on August 07, and October 01, 2008. The locations of the sampled sites are depicted in Figure 1. Table 1. Permanent Monitoring Survey Locations-Carbonton Dam Reservoir Pool Site # Site Location GPS Location 1 Deep River (impoundment) 35.49298°N, -79.41518°W la Deep River (impoundment) 35.49315 ON, -79.40278°W 2 Deep River (impoundment) 35.48996°N, -79.38668°W 3 Deep River (impoundment) 35.48269°N, -79.38307°W 4 Deep River (impoundment) 35.46404°N, -79.39042°W 5 Deep River (impoundment) 35.46126°N, -79.38965°W 6 Deep River (impoundment) 35.45722°N, -79.38024°W 7 Deep River (impoundment) 35.47221°N, -79.36856°W 8 Deep River (impoundment) 35.47767°N, -79.36000°W 9 Deep River (impoundment) 35.47855°N, -79.35072°W 10 Deep River (impoundment) 35.49891°N, -79.33601°W 11 Deep River (impoundment) 35.50792°N, -79.34282°W 12 Deep River (impoundment) 35.51258°N, -79.34925°W 13 Deep River (impoundment) 35.51962°N, -79.34761°W 2.1 Survey Methodology The surveys had two components, habitat reconnaissance and fresh water mollusk sampling. 2. 1.1 Habitat Reconnaissance Habitat reconnaissance was conducted in the entire restored reach of the Deep River by canoeing from the upper limits of the former reservoir pool downstream to the former dam. Observations of in-stream habitat conditions and bank stability were recorded. Mollusk surveys were conducted at the monitoring stations, as navigated to with GPS. 2.1.2 Mollusk Sampling Specific visual searches were conducted for freshwater bivalves and freshwater snails at each of the monitoring stations shown in Figure 1. The survey team spread out across the stream into survey lanes to provide total width coverage as they ascended the site. All appropriate habitat types within a given survey reach were searched for bivalves thoroughly via visual surveys using primarily mask/snorkel and/or bathyscopes (glass- bottom view buckets). Tactile methods were also employed when appropriate. All species of freshwater mussel were recorded and returned to the substrate. Searches were also conducted for relict shells. The presence of a shell was equated with presence of that species, but not factored into the Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE), which is defined as the number of individuals found per person hour of search time. All species that are Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 2 TCG Job # 3202 monitored by the NC Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) were measured (total length). Snails were hand picked from rocks and woody debris. Dip nets were used, where appropriate, to sift through leaf packs. Collected snails were identified to the species level and each species was assigned a relative abundance rating to correspond to the survey site. The CPUE (# per survey hour) was calculated for freshwater mussels, while relative abundance used for other mollusk species was estimated using the following criteria: Freshwater Snails and Clams (per approximate square meter): • Very abundant: > 50 estimated • Abundant: 31-50 estimated • Common: 11-30 estimated • Uncommon: 3-10 estimated • Rare: 1-2 estimated The length of the survey reach, and amount of survey time varied between sites, and was dependent on amount of suitable habitat. 3.0 RESULTS Based on field observations, it appears that much of the habitat within the former reservoir pool has reverted to lotic conditions. Riffle/run/pool habitats have formed at varying intervals throughout the restored reaches. Recruitment of freshwater mussels is evident in the newly established riffle habitats in the upper (upstream) sections of the former reservoir pool, while lotic-adapted aquatic snails have colonized riffle habitats throughout. 3.1 Habitat Reconnaissance The Year-1 monitoring report questioned whether riffle habitat would form at Sites 9 and 10, as predicted during the pre-removal studies. In Year-1 these sites were characterized by moderate to deep rocky run/pool habitats; however, Year 2 sampling indicated that cobble/gravel bars were beginning to form near Site 9 (TCG 2007). As a result a small amount of riffle habitat has formed at this site. Little change has been noted at Site 10. Numerous other areas with similar characteristics (deep rocky runs) were also observed throughout the Deep River, but were not marked or recorded, as the intent of the habitat reconnaissance was to mark the riffle areas. All other riffle habitats that were noted as having formed in the Year-1 and Year-2 studies appear to be more developed and stable. In general, vegetation has colonized the river banks throughout the former impounded, and the banks appear to be stable with very little scour and erosion noted. As was noted in the Year-2 studies (TCG 2007), there were a few areas where patches of moderate streambank erosion and scour was observed, most notably below site 10 and in the general vicinity of the WRC boat landing. While these areas still exist, although not Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 3 TCG Job # 3202 r? u A' arbonton Dam Cc ?'t \ 13 .,k # Legend Y is ior ??' - ;G" .. • Survey Site Survey Site with Cape Fear Shiner Present Streams l? Primary Road d Secondary Road ?.. Former Impoundment F Date Figure The Site Map November 2008 Catena Year Three: Mollusk Surveys scale Group (Carbonton Dam Removal Project) shown Moore and Lee Counties. North Carolna Job No 3202 Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 4 TCG Job # 3202 I measured they appear to be smaller in size, with less severity of erosion. Also, as noted in the Year-2 studies (TCG 2007) the invasive Japanese hops (Humulus japonica) has become established along most of the river bank in the lower reaches of the former impoundment. The plant is considered to be an invasive species and can be spread by ' wind, water, and soil movement to an area where it quickly forms dense thickets that excludes native vegetation and greatly alters the natural ecosystem. The species has a shallow root system so, in the absence of other native vegetation, sites overgrown by Japanese hops could become susceptible to erosion following winter dieback of leaf material. Measures to control this species include manually pulling up the plants, or use of herbicides (http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/invasive plants/weeds/Japanese-hop.pdf). 3.2 Freshwater Mollusk Surveys A total of eleven freshwater mussel species, two aquatic snail species and 1 freshwater clam species were found within newly formed riffle habitats in the former impounded reach (Table 2). Mussels were very rare to absent in the lower sites (Sites 11-13). The ' lentic-adapted gravel elimia (Elimia catenaria) was common to abundant throughout, while the pointed campeloma, a species more common in slow flowing habitats was rare to absent. Table 2. Mollusk Species Collected Scientific Name Common Name Sites ' Freshwater Mussels - Alasmidonta undulata triangle floater 1,1a, 7, 8,9 Elliptio angustata Carolina lance l,la,3,8 Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio All except 12 and 13 Elliptio icterina variable spike l,la,3,4,57„8,9 Elliptio lazarus Atlantic delicate spike 1,3,5,8 Elliptio producta Atlantic spike 2,3 Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel l,la,2,3,4,5,8,9*,10* Pyganodon cataracta Eastern floater 10* Strophitus undulatus creeper 4,7,8,9 Villosa constricta notched rainbow 2 Villosa delumbis Eastern creekshell 1a,4,8,9 Uniomerus carolinianus Florida pondhom 8*, 10 ' Freshwater Snails and Clams - Campeloma decisum pointed campeloma 2,5,8,10 Elimia catenaria gravel elimia All Helisoma anceps two-ridge rams-horn 2,5 Corbicula fluminea Asian clam All * relict shell only ' 3.2.1 Site I (Deep River-Impoundment): This sampling station occurs near an old mill site. Some of the dam material (rock and timbers) remain in the river, and a riffle run sequence has continued to develop below the former mill site. The substrate is dominated by rock (from the old dam) and cobble. Coarse sand and gravel have accumulated in the shallow areas at the head and base of the ' Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 5 TCG Job # 3202 1 riffle. Cobble-gravel bars have formed below the old mill site and have been colonized by various species of herbaceous species and woody shrubs. Five freshwater mussel species, including the targeted yellow lampmussel were collected. Table 3. Mollusk Species Collected Site 1 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator ' Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio angustata Carolina lance 1 (0.5/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 44 (22/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 1 (0.5/hr) Elliptio lazarus Atlantic delicate spike 1(0.5/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 1 (0.5/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Common Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.2 Site I a (Deep River-Impoundment): h i f or target A large gravel/cobble riffle has formed at this site, providing excellent ab tat species and was thus sampled as an additional survey station in Year-2 (TCG 2007). The substrate is dominated by cobble/gravel and coarse sand, which extends across most of the river's width as a shallow riffle. Cobble-gravel bars have formed along each of the river banks. Six freshwater mussel species, including the targeted triangle floater, yellow lampmussel and eastern creekshell were collected. While conducting mussel surveys, ' several Cape Fear shiner were observed. One seine net haul was performed to confirm the underwater identifications, and 3 individual Cape Fear shiner were captured. Table 4. Mollusk Species Collected Site la , Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Alasmidonta undulata triangle floater 2 (1.3/hr) Elliptio angustata Carolina lance 1 (0.7/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 160 (106.7/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 2 (1.3/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 1 (0.7/hr) Villosa delumbis Eastern creekshell 1 (0.7/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Abundant Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.3 Site 2 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site is situated within a long riffle/pool/riffle run sequence, with a rocky/cobble island bar that has formed from the center of the river to the left descending bank, creating a long run along the right descending bank. The substrate is dominated by cobble and gravel overlain with coarse sand. A variety of habitat conditions occur at this site providing habitats for lotic and lentic adapted species. Five mussel species were collected including the targeted yellow lampmussel and the notched rainbow, which Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 1 1 had been collected only one other time in the Deep River within the last 100 years. The gravel elimia was very abundant in the riffle habitats, and the majority of individuals appeared to be newly recruited (small in size). Two seine net hauls were also performed and 5 individual Cape Fear shiner were captured. Notched rainbow individual found at Site 2. Table 5. Mollusk Species Collected Site 2 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 30 (30.0/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 2 (2.0/hr) Elliptio producta Atlantic spike 1 (1.0/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 1 (1.0/hr) Villosa constricta notched rainbow l(1.0/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Campeloma decisum pointed campeloma Uncommon Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Very Abundant Helisoma anceps Two-ridge rams-horn Rare Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.4 Site 3 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site was selected prior to dam removal due to the presence of large rock outcroppings in an area of constricted channel. Since dam removal, much more of the rock outcropping is exposed and small (< 20 feet in length) riffles with accumulated gravel and cobble over bedrock have formed. A cobble/gravel bar has formed at the upstream extent of this site. Six freshwater mussel species were collected, including the targeted yellow lampmussel. Table 6. Mollusk Species Collected Site 3 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio angustata Carolina lance 1 (1.0/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 48 (48.0/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 3 (3.0/hr) Elliptio lazarus Atlantic delicate spike I(1.0/hr) Elliptio producta Atlantic spike 1 (1.0/hr) 1 Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 1 (1.0/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitorin g Report 7 TCG Job # 3202 J Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Common Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.5 Site 4 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site is situated within a long, riffle/run/pool sequence that is essentially contiguous ' with Site 5. The substrate is dominated by cobble and gravel overlain with coarse sand. A large bar of this material is present at the site with flow in a run along the left , descending side of the river. Six freshwater mussel species were collected including the targeted yellow lampmussel, creeper and eastern creekshell. Table 7. Mollusk Species Collected Site 4 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 77 (77/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 51 (51/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 7 (7.0/hr) Strophitus undulatus creeper 3 (3.0/hr) Villosa delumbis Eastern creekshell 1 (1.0/hr) Uniomerus carolinianus Florida pondhom Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Corbicula fluminea Asian clam * relict shell only 3.2.6 Site S (Deep River-Impoundment): This site was selected prior to dam removal due to the presence of large boulder and bedrock rock outcroppings. Since dam removal, much more of the rock outcropping is exposed and the channel has braided flow around several of the large boulders creating hydraulic breaks where sediments have accumulated that have been colonized by herbaceous vegetation in some areas. This site is essentially contiguous with Site 4. This station is situated adjacent to a boulder/gravel/sand bar. Four mussel species including the targeted yellow lampmussel were collected. Table 8. Mollusk Species Collected Site 5 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 48 (48.0/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 1 (1.0/hr) Elliptio lazarus Atlantic delicate spike 2 (2.0/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 2 (2.0/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Campeloma decisum pointed campeloma Uncommon Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Common Helisoma anceps Two-ridge rams-horn Uncommon Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 1 3.2.7 Site 6 (Deep River-Impoundment): ' This sampling station occurs in a small riffle/run sequence on the left descending side of the river just below the SR 1621 (Carbonton Road) bridge. This habitat was created by large accumulations of woody debris trapped by the bridge. Only three individual eastern elliptio were found; however they were all young (newly recruited) individuals (21, 34 and 40 mm TL). ' Table 9. Mollusk Species Collected Site 6 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 3 (4.0/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Common Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.8 Site 7 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site is characterized by a large gravel/sand bar island in the center of the channel that has created a shallow riffle along the right descending bank and a riffle/run of moderate depth along the left descending bank. The island is colonized by herbaceous and woody vegetation and appears to flood on a fairly regular basis, as is evident by numerous pools within the island that retain water. This station exhibits some of the most complex ' habitat selected for monitoring, as a variety of substrate and hydraulic conditions are present. Four mussel species, including the targeted triangle floater and creeper were collected. The highest number of Cape Fear shiner found during the Year-2 studies were found at this site (TCG 2007). Numerous individuals were observed while conducting the mussel surveys, but no seine net hauls were performed. Table 10. Mollusk Species Collected Site 7 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels # (CPUE) Alasmidonta undulata triangle floater 1 (0.3/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 25 (8.3/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 3 (1.0/hr) Strophitus undulatus creeper 2 (0.7/hr) ' Freshwater Snails and Clams Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Abundant Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.9 Site 8 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site occurs at the mouth of Big Governors Creek and is dominated by a shallow sand/gravel riffle in a long riffle/run/pool sequence. A cobble/gravel point bar has formed at the confluence. Eight mussel species, including the targeted triangle floater, ' yellow lampmussel, creeper and eastern creekshell were collected. Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report TCG Job # 3202 Table 11. Mollusk Species Collected Site 8 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels CPUE ' Alasmidonta undulata triangle floater 3 (1.0/hr) Elliptio angustata Carolina lance 1 (0.3/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 30 (10.0/hr) Elliptio icterina variable spike 2 (0.7/hr) Elliptio lazarus Atlantic delicate spike Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel 1 (0.3/hr) 1 (0.3/hr) Strophitus undulatus creeper 1 (0.3/hr) Villosa delumbis Eastern creekshell 7 (2.3/hr) Uniomerus carolinianus Florida pondhorn Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Campeloma decisum pointed campeloma Uncommon Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Common Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant * relict shell only 3.2. 10 Site 9 (Deep River-Impoundment): , This site was selected during the pre-removal surveys due to the presence of large boulder and bedrock rock outcroppings. Since dam removal much more of the rock outcropping is exposed, and during Year-2 gravel/sand bars that had begun to form adjacent to river banks were noted (TCG 2007). These bars have created small riffle areas. Six mussel species, including the targeted triangle floater, yellow lampmussel, , creeper and eastern creekshell were collected. Table 12. Mollusk Species Collected Site 9 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels CPUE Alasmidonta undulata triangle floater 1 (1.0/hr) Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 11 (11.0/hr) Elliptio icterina Variable spike 2 (2.0/hr) Lampsilis cariosa yellow lampmussel Strophitus undulatus creeper 1 (1.0/hr) Villosa delumbis Eastern creekshell 2 (2.0/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Abundant Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant * relict shell only 3.2. 11 Site 10 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site was selected during the pre-removal studies due to the presence of large boulder and bedrock rock outcroppings. Prior to dam removal, flow was virtually nonexistent and the rocky substrate was covered with large accumulations of fine sediments. Since dam removal, much more of the rock outcropping is exposed, however riffle habitat has not formed. It appears that most of the fine sediments have been flushed from this site, and Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 10 TCG Job # 3202 1 accumulations of gravel and sand are evident in some areas, but it is unclear whether riffle habitat will form. Three mussel species were found at this site, all of which were found along the right descending bank at the waters edge. Table 13. Mollusk Species Collected Site 10 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels CPUE Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 6 (4.6/hr) Pyganodon cataracta Eastern floater Uniomerus carolinianus Florida pondhorn 5 (3.8/hr) Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Campeloma decisum pointed campeloma Patchy Common Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Patchy Uncommon Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Common * relict shell only 3.2.12 Site 11 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site occurs in a long straight reach of the Deep River and is characterized by a gravel/cobble riffle/run area with a bar developing along the right descending side of the 1 river. Only one eastern elliptio was found; however it was a young individual (29 mm TL). The gravel elimia was very abundant, primarily young individuals. Table 14. Mollusk Species Collected Site 11 ' Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels CPUE Elliptio complanata Eastern elliptio 1 (1.0/hr) 1 Freshwater Snails and Clams Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Very Abundant Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 3.2.13 Site 12 (Deep River-Impoundment): ' This site occurs in a long straight reach of the Deep River and is characterized by a gravel/cobble riffle/run transitioning into a boulder fall. No mussels were found. The ' gravel elimia was abundant. Table 15. Mollusk Species Collected Site 12 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator ' Freshwater Mussels CPUE None Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Abundant Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant ' Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 11 TCG Job # 3202 3.2.14 Site 13 (Deep River-Impoundment): This site occurs in a shifting shallow riffle/run consisting of shifting sand and gravel beginning just below the location of the former Carbonton dam and extending upstream. No mussels were found. The gravel elimia was abundant. Table 16. Mollusk Species Collected Site 13 Scientific Name Common Name Abundance Indicator Freshwater Mussels CPUE None Freshwater Snails and Clams - Relative Abundance Elimia catenaria gravel elimia Patchy Common Corbicula fluminea Asian clam Abundant 4.0 DISCUSSION Semi-quantitative surveys for various freshwater fish were conducted at 15 specific locations in areas formerly impounded by Carbonton Dam to document establishment of lotic habitats and associated freshwater mollusk communities. 4.1 Habitat Reconnaissance At least 12 substantial riffle habitats have developed within the Deep River. Morphological features at many of these sites have created various hydraulic conditions and, in turn, multiple microhabitats which correspond to potentially high quality habitat for aquatic species, including the targeted Cape Fear shiner and various rare mussel species. It is anticipated that mussel recruitment will continue in these areas as the substrates become more stable. Moderate to deep run habitats, as those observed at site 10, are also expected to provide quality habitats for various lotic-adapted fish and freshwater mussel species. 4.2 Freshwater Mollusk Surveys While both freshwater mussels and aquatic snails were found within the former reservoir pool prior to dam removal, the Year-3 surveys demonstrate a transition from lentic to lotic adapted species as well as an increase in species diversity. 4.2.1 Freshwater mussel fauna Prior to dam removal, the freshwater mussel fauna within the former reservoir pool was dominated by habitat generalist, or lentic-adapted species generally confined to bank habitats. Establishment of more lotic-adapted species was expected to occur in the newly formed riffle habitats following removal. This aspect of the monitoring plan was not implemented until Year-3, to allow for re-colonization of the newly restored habitats, and allow for the newly recruited individuals to attain a size that are easily detectable with the least habitat-invasive survey methodology. Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 12 TCG Job # 3202 t t Species Composition When comparing the mussel fauna observed during the pre-removal surveys (TCG 2006) with the 3-Year surveys, it is evident that the fauna has transitioned from one comprised of habitat generalists and lentic-adapted species, to one comprised of habitat generalists and lotic-adapted species. For this analysis, each mussel species found was assigned a habitat guild based on habitat preferences reported in the literature as well as personal observations made by TCG staff with over 26 years collectively studying mussel distribution. It should be noted that these guilds represent habitats "typically" occupied by each species, and species can often be found "outside" of these habitats. The combined CPUE for each species (grouped by habitat guild) found in the former impounded reach are shown in Table 17. Table 17. CPUE of Mussel Species Pre-Removal and Year-3 Mussel Species CPUE Pre-removal CPUE 3-Year Lentic-adapted Pyganodon cataracta 0.95/hr 0.0/hr* Utterbackia imbecillis 0.23/hr Habitat Generalists Elliptio complanata 37.9/hr 25.0/hr Elliptio producta 1.19/hr 0.1/hr Uniomerus carolinianus 11.0/hr 0.3/hr Lotic-adapted Alasmidonta undulata 0.23/hr 0.3/hr Elliptio angustata 0.2/hr Elliptio icterina -- 3.5/hr Elliptio lazarus@ 1.19/hr 0.3/hr ' Elliptio roanokensis 0.23/hr Lampsilis cariosa 0.0/hr* 0.7/hr Strophitus undulates 0.3/hr N Villosa constricta 0.05/hr Villosa delumbis 0.6/hr @ identified as Elliptio sp. during the pre-removal surveys * relict shell only The freshwater mussel fauna prior to dam removal was represented by two lentic- adapted, three habitat generalist, and four lotic-adapted species. Of the four lotic-adapted species, the triangle floater and Roanoke slabshell were ea ch represented by only one individual, and the yellow lampmussel was represented by only a relict shell (TCG 2006). ' Based on size and appearance, it was speculated that the Roanoke slabshell may have been alive prior to the dam being constructed (TCG 2006). Sites 10 and 11 are the only sites that contained live mussels that did not exhibit a trend of increasing number of lotic-adapted species. Four additional lotic-adapted species were found during the Year-3 surveys, the variable spike, creeper, notched rainbow, and eastern creekshell. Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 13 TCG Job # 3202 The presence of the notched rainbow is especially significant, as this species is extremely rare in the entire length of the Deep River, with a single relict shell collected at the SR 14456 crossing in Moore County in 1997 (personal observation), being the only other recent collection. While the overall CPUE appears to be lower during the Year-3 monitoring than pre- removal, this is more a reflection of habitat than relative abundance. As stated earlier, prior to dam removal, mussels were concentrated into small pockets of suitable habitat on the banks, thus the majority of search time was spent in these areas, and very little time was spent in other areas. The results of the Year-3 surveys indicate that mussels are more distributed across the river; thus sample time is not concentrated in small areas. In addition, no mussels were found at Sites 11, 12 and 13, lowering the overall CPUE. 1 r a t ° P ' 1 1 d ' ? I i. aka Young creeper (top left), eastern creekshell (top right), eastern elliptio (bottom left) and triangle floater (bottom right) found in Deep River within formerly impounded reach during Year-3 monitoring. Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 14 TCG Job # 3202 Post-removal Mussel Recruitment While field-determination of the exact age of an individual mussel can be difficult, size measurements, coupled with observations of growth rests and an understanding of typical growth rates by species and latitude allow for estimations to be made. With the exception of eastern elliptio, each individual mussel collected was measured. To save time and limit stress to individuals, a subset of the eastern elliptio were measured at sites where numbers were high. Based on size measurements, it appears that the majority of mussels found were individuals recruited into the former reservoir since dam removal (Table 18). Young eastern creekshells and a triangle floater (bottom right) found in Deep River within the formerly impounded reach-3 year monitoring Table 18. Estimated Age Groups of Live Mussels Collected Year-3 ' Scientific Name (%) of post-removal age (%) of pre-removal age Alasmidonta undulata 100% 0% Elliptio angustata 50% 50% Elliptio complanata 79% 21% Elliptio icterina 81% 19% Elliptio lazarus 80% 20% Elliptio producta 50% 50% 1 Lampsilis cariosa 64% 36% Strophitus undulatus 100% 0% Villosa constricta Villosa delumbis 100% 100% 0% 0% Uniomerus carolinianus 0% 100% ' As discussed above (Sec., Site 10 appears to retain many of the lentic characteristics that were present prior to dam removal. As a result, the species composition has changed little, and the live mussels that were found were dominated by 1 older individuals (73%). This was the only site where older-aged individuals outnumbered younger ones. ' Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 15 TCG Job # 3202 6.0 WORKS CITED 2006, TCG. Carbonton Dam Removal: Pre-Removal Survey Report, August 07, 2006. 2007, TCG. Carbonton Dam Removal: Year Two Monitoring Report, October 01, 2007. Carbonton Dam Removal Year-3 Monitoring Report 17 TCG Job # 3202 APPENDIX D: NCDWQ HABITAT ASSESSMENT FIELD DATA SHEET EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report Appendix D t t t t 1 1 3/06 Revision 6 t t 1 1 Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Mountain/ Piedmont Streams Biological Assessment Unit, DWQ ?rOTAL SCORE Directions for use: The observer is to survey a minimum of 100 meters with 200 meters preferred of stream, preferably in an upstream direction starting above the bridge pool and the road right-of-way. The segment which is assessed should represent average stream conditions. To perform a proper habitat evaluation the observer needs to get into the stream. To complete the form, select the description which best fits the observed habitats and then circle the score. If the observed habitat falls in between two descriptions, select an intermediate score. A final habitat score is determined by adding the results from the different metrics. Stream Location/road: (Road Name )County Date CC# Basin Subbasin Observer(s) Type of Study: ? Fish ?Benthos ? Basinwide ?Special Study (Describe) Latitude Longitude Ecoregion: ? MT ? P ? Slate Belt ? Triassic Basin Water Quality: Temperature °C DO mg/l Conductivity (corr.) µ&cm pH Physical Characterization: Visible land use refers to immediate area that you can see from sampling location - include what you estimate driving thru the watershed in watershed land use. Visible Land Use: -%Forest %Residential ___%Active Pasture % Active Crops %Fallow Fields % Commercial %Industrial %Other - Describe: Watershed land use : ?Forest ?Agriculture ?Urban ? Animal operations upstream j Width: (meters) Stream Channel (at top of bank) Stream Depth: (m) Avg _ Max ? Width variable ? Large river >25m wide Bank Height (from deepest part of riffle to top of bank-first flat surface you stand on): (m) t Bank Angle: ° or ? NA (Vertical is 90°, horizontal is 0°. Angles > 90° indicate slope is towards mid-channel, < 90° indicate slope is away from channel. NA if bank is too low for bank angle to matter.) ? Channelized Ditch ?Deeply incised-steep, straight banks ?Both banks undercut at bend ?Channel filled in with sediment ? Recent overbank deposits ?Bar development ?Buried structures ?Exposed bedrock ? Excessive periphyton growth ? Heavy filamentous algae growth ?Green tinge ? Sewage smell Manmade Stabilization: ?N ?Y: ?Rip-rap, cement, gabions ? Sediment/grade-control structure ?Berm/levee Flow conditions : ?High ?Normal ?Low Turbidity: ?Clear ? Slightly Turbid ?Turbid ?Tannic ?Milky ?Colored (from dyes) Good potential for Wetlands Restoration Project?? ? YFS ?NO Details 1 Channel Flow Status Useful especially under abnormal or low flow conditions. A. Water reaches base of both lower banks, minimal channel substrate exposed ............................ ? B. Water fills >750/. of available channel, or <25% of channel substrate is exposed ........................ ? C. Water fills 25-75% of available channel, many logs/snags exposed ............................................. ? D. Root mats out of water ................................................................................................................... ? E. Very little water in channel, mostly present as standing pools ..................................................... ? Weather Conditions: Photos: ?N ?Y ? Digital ?35mm Remarks: 39 I. Channel Modification Score A. channel natural, frequent bends ........................................................................................................ 5 B. channel natural, infrequent bends (channelization could be old) ...................................................... 4 C. some channelization present .............................................................................................................. 3 D. more extensive channelization, >40% of stream disrupted ............................................................... 2 E. no bends, completely channelized or rip rapped or gabioned, etc ..................................................... 0 ? Evidence of dredging ?Evidence of desnagging=no large woody debris in stream ?Banks of uniform shape/height Remarks Subtotal 11. Instream Habitat: Consider the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colonization or fish cover. If >70% of the reach is rocks, 1 type is present, circle the score of 17. Definition: leafpacks consist of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay (not piles of leaves in pool areas). Mark as Rare, Common, or Abundant. -Rocks Macrophytes Sticks and leafpacks Snags and logs Undercut banks or root mats AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >70% 40-70% 20-40% <20% Score Score Score Score 4 or 5 types present ................. 20 16 12 8 3 types present ......................... 19 15 11 7 2 types present ......................... 18 14 10 6 1 type present ........................... 17 13 9 5 No types present ....................... 0 ? No woody vegetation in riparian zone Remarks Subtotal III. Bottom Substrate (silt, sand, detritus, gravel, cobble, boulder) Look at entire reach for substrate scoring, but only look at riffle for embeddedness, and use rocks from all parts of riffle-look for "mud line" or difficulty extracting rocks. A. substrate with good mix of gravel, cobble and boulders Score 1. embeddedness <20% (very little sand, usually only behind large boulders) ......................... 15 2. embeddedness 20-40% .......................................................................................................... 12 3. embeddedness 40-80% .......................................................................................................... 8 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................. 3 B. substrate gravel and cobble 1. embeddedness <20% ............................................................................................................ 14 2. embeddedness 20-40% ......................................................................................................... 11 3. embeddedness 40-80% ........................................................................................................ 6 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................ 2 C. substrate mostly gravel 1. embeddedness <50% ............................................................................................................ 8 2. embeddedness >50% ............................................................................................................ 4 D. substrate homogeneous 1. substrate nearly all bedrock ................................................................................................... 3 2. substrate nearly all sand ........................................................................................................ 3 3. substrate nearly all detritus .................................................................................................... 2 4. substrate nearly all silt/ clay ................................................................................................... 1 Remarks Subtotal IV. Pool Variety Pools are areas of deeper than average maximum depths with little or no surface turbulence. Water velocities associated with pools are always slow. Pools may take the form of "pocket water", small pools behind boulders or obstructions, in large high gradient streams, or side eddies. A. Pools present Score 1. Pools Frequent (>30% of 200m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 10 b. pools about the same size (indicates pools filling in) ............................................................ 8 2. Pools Infrequent (<30% of the 200m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 6 b. pools about the same size ...................................................................................................... 4 B. Pools absent ............................................................................................................................................ 0 ? Pool bottom boulder-cobble=hard ? Bottom sandy-sink as you walk ? Silt bottom Remarks 40 Subtotal_ ? Some pools over wader depth Page Total V. Riffle Habitats Definition: Riffle is area of reaeration-can be debris dam, or narrow channel area. Riffles Frequent Riffles Infrequent Score Score A. well defined riffle and rim, riffle as wide as stream and extends 2X width of stream.... 16 12 B. riffle as wide as stream but riffle length is not 2X stream width .................................... 14 C. riffle not as wide as stream and riffle length is not 2X stream width ............................. 10 7 3 D. riffles absent ................................................................................................................... 0 Channel Slope: ?Typical for area ?Steep=fast flow ?Low=like a coastal stream Subtotal ' VI. Bank Stability and Vegetation FACE UPSTREAM Left Bank Rt. Bank Score Score A. Banks stable 1. little evidence of erosion or bank failure(except outside of bends), little potential for erosion.. 7 7 B. Erosion areas present 1. diverse trees, shrubs, grass; plants healthy with good root systems ..................................... 6 6 ' 2. few trees or small trees and shrubs; vegetation appears generally healthy ........................... 5 5 3. sparse mixed vegetation; plant types and conditions suggest poorer soil binding ................. 3 3 4. mostly grasses, few if any trees and shrubs, high erosion and failure potential at high flow.. 2 2 ' 5. little or no bank vegetation, mass erosion and bank failure evident. ......... * ...... *,*,**,** ............ *,*,* 0 0 Total Remarks _ VII. Light Penetration Canopy is defined as tree or vegetative cover directly above the stream's surface. Canopy would block out sunlight when the sun is directly overhead. Note shading from mountains, but not use to score this metric. Score Remarks A. Stream with good canopy with some breaks for light penetration ............................................. 10 B. Stream with full canopy - breaks for light penetration absent ..................................................... 8 C. Stream with partial canopy - sunlight and shading are essentially equal .................................... 7 D. Stream with minimal canopy - full sun in all but a few areas ....................................................... 2 E. No canopy and no shading ............................................................................................................. 0 Subtotal VIII. Riparian Vegetative Zone Width Definition: Riparian zone for this form is area of natural vegetation adjacent to stream (can go beyond floodplain). D efinition: A break in the riparian zone is any place on the stream banks which allows sediment or pollutants to directly enter the stream, such as paths down to stream, storm drains, uprooted trees, otter slides, etc. FACE UPSTREAM Lft. Bank Rt. Bank Dominant vegetation: ? Trees ? Shrubs ? Grasses ? Weeds/old field ?Exotics (kudzu, etc) Score Score A. Riparian zone intact (no breaks) 1. width > 18 meters ..................................................................................... 5 5 2. width 12-18 meters ................................................................................... 4 4 3. width 6-12 meters ..................................................................................... 3 3 4. width < 6 meters ...................................................................................... 2 2 B. Riparian zone not intact (breaks) ' 1. breaks rare a. width > 18 meters ......................................................................... 4 4 b. width 12-18 meters ....................................................................... 3 3 c. width 6-12 meters ....................................................................... 2 2 d. width < 6 meters ......................................................................... 1 1 2. breaks common a. width > 18 meters ......................................................................... 3 3 b. width 12-18 meters ...................................................................... 2 2 c. width 6-12 meters ....................................................................... 1 1 d. width < 6 meters ......................................................................... 0 0 Remarks Total ' Page Total ? Disclaimer-form filled out, but score doesn't match subjective opinion-atypical stream. TOT AL SCORE 41 Supplement for Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Diagram to determine bank angle: LA*.4. 90° 45° Typical Stream Cross-section This side is 45° bank angle. Site Sketch: Other comments: 42 1 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E: MONITORING PICTURES AND VIDEOS (DATA DVD) EEP Project No. D-04012A Carbonton Dam Removal 2008 Monitoring Report Appendix E