HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthstone - 2018-01-31 Southstone SIASOUTHSTONE Stormwater Impact Analysis and Final Design of Stormwater Management Facilities / November 2017 STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS creating experiences through experience 3436 Toringdon Way, Suite 110, Charlotte, NC 28277 / 704. 527. 0800 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The proposed Southstone development is located along Stevens Mill Road in Union County, North Carolina. The proposed development on this site will consist of 165 single-family homes and supporting street, parking, utility, and stormwater management improvements. The proposed development is located within the Yadkin River Basin with stormwater runoff from the site draining to an unnamed tributary to Goose Creek. Per Town of Stallings regulations, stormwater management on this site shall meet the stormwater performance standards for the Goose Creek District as outlined in the Town of Stallings Development Ordinance. These are as follows: § 52.38 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR GOOSE CREEK DISTRICT. (A)Development standards for low density projects. Any drainage area within a project is considered low density when said drainage area has less than 10% built upon area. Such low- density projects shall comply with each of the following standards. (1)Storm water quality treatment volume. Storm water quality treatment systems shall treat the difference in the storm water runoff from pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm. (2)Storm water quality treatment. Storm water quality treatment systems shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids from the storm water quality treatment volume. (3)Storm water treatment system design. General engineering design criteria for all projects shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.1008(c), as explained in the Design Manual. (4)Stream buffers. Undisturbed buffers are required for perennial and intermittent streams as well as the ponds, lakes, and reservoirs (excluding wetlands) with hydrologic connections to such streams. The buffer width is 200 feet wide if located within the 100-year floodplain or 100 feet wide if located outside the 100-year floodplain. Buffer widths shall be measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the surface water, landward from the top of the bank on each side of the stream. Development within this watershed must follow the requirements of the Site Specific Water Quality Management Plan for the Goose Creek Watershed. (5)Storm water volume control. Storm water treatment systems shall be installed to control the difference in the storm water runoff from pre-development and post-development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm at a rate equal or less than the pre- development discharge rate. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours. STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS creating experiences through experience 2 of 3 (B)Development standards for high density projects. Any drainage area within a project is considered high density when said drainage area has greater than or equal to 10% built upon area. Such high-density projects shall implement storm water treatment systems that comply with the low density standards and the following additional standards. (1)Storm water peak control. Peak control shall be installed for the 10-year and 25-year, six- hour storms. The emergency overflow and outlets work for any pond or wetland discharge with a minimum recurrence frequency as specified in the Design Manual. For detention basins, the temporary storage capacity shall be restored within 72 hours. Requirements of the Dam Safety Act shall be met when applicable. In order to meet the above applicable standards, six stormwater management facilities (SWMF) were proposed. This report serves as the stormwater impact analysis for the proposed development and includes final design calculation for these facilities. CALCULATION METHODOLOGY >Rainfall data for the analysis was taken from the City of Charlotte BMP Design Manual. Please reference the precipitation information section within this report for additional information. >Using maps contained within the Union County Soil Survey, the on-site soils were determined to be hydrologic soil group (HSG) ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ soils. Since the method chosen to compute post- development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, care was taken when selecting the appropriate Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN). A composite SCS CN was computed for each pre- and post-development sub-basin. For example, Subbasin #1 in the pre-development analysis consists of approximately 88% HSG ‘B’ soils and 12% HSG ‘C’ soils. Therefore, for the open area cover condition, the composite SCS CN is computed as follows (assuming good condition): Composite Open SCS CN = (88%x 61)+ (12%x 74) = 63 >A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for both the pre- and post-development condition for each subbasin using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the pre-development condition were taken from available survey and GIS information. Land cover conditions for the post-development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. >The time of concentration was calculated using SCS TR-55 (Segmental Approach, 1986). The Tc flow path was divided into three segments: overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The travel time was then computed for each segment, from which the overall time of concentration was determined by taking the sum of each segmental time. STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS creating experiences through experience 3 of 3 >PondPack Version V8i was used in determining the pre- & post-development peak flow rates for the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year storm events, as well as routing calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities. >The proposed stormwater management facilities are designed in accordance with the Minimum Design Criteria (MDC) standards set forth in the NC DEMLR Stormwater Design Manual. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Peak Runoff Control Requirements: As shown in the Summary of Results provided, the proposed stormwater management facilities provide the necessary on-site peak runoff control such that there are no predicted increases in the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year storm events at each of the studied Points of Analyses (POA). Water Quality Requirements: The proposed stormwater management facilities provide the necessary runoff treatment for the difference in volume. difference in the storm water runoff from pre-development and post- development conditions for the one-year, 24-hour storm Please note that SWMF ‘C’ is sized to accommodate the future amenity area. CONCLUSION If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in Town of Stalling Development Ordinance will be met. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: >The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. >The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. 8 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY B 6 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 7 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY A 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 2 MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION 5 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 3 WATERSHED SOILS INFORMATION 4 PRECIPITATION DATA 12 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY F 9 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY C 10 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY D 11 DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY E SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS Pre-Dev Post-Dev Return Period [cfs][cfs]% Increase 1-Year 24-Hour 123 102 -17% 2-Year 6-Hour 127 106 -17% 10-Year 6-Hour 409 359 -12% 25-Year 6-Hour 563 497 -12% 100-Year 6-Hour 800 717 -10% Pre-Dev Post-Dev Return Period [cfs][cfs]% Increase 1-Year 24-Hour 114 97 -15% 2-Year 6-Hour 117 100 -15% 10-Year 6-Hour 368 334 -9% 25-Year 6-Hour 501 463 -8% 100-Year 6-Hour 709 662 -7% Pre-Dev Post-Dev Return Period [cfs][cfs]% Increase 1-Year 24-Hour 88 86 -2% 2-Year 6-Hour 90 89 -1% 10-Year 6-Hour 277 274 -1% 25-Year 6-Hour 378 373 -1% 100-Year 6-Hour 530 523 -1% Pre-Dev Post-Dev Return Period [cfs][cfs]% Increase 1-Year 24-Hour 9 7 -22% 2-Year 6-Hour 8 7 -13% 10-Year 6-Hour 34 30 -12% 25-Year 6-Hour 49 42 -14% 100-Year 6-Hour 73 72 -1% SUMMARY OF RESULTS POINT OF ANALYSIS #1 POINT OF ANALYSIS #2 POINT OF ANALYSIS #4 POINT OF ANALYSIS #3 Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'A' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =10.18 acres Design Impervious Area =2.95 acres % Impervious =28.99% 1" Water Quality Volume =11,488 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =23,750 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =14.97 in Top of Dam =622.50 ft NWSE =618.50 ft Siphon Diameter =2.50 in Siphon Elevation =618.50 ft Number of Orifices =2 Orifice Diameter =6.00 in Orifice Bottom Elevation =619.80 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =621.30 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =618.00 ft Downstream Invert =617.00 ft Length =27 ft Slope =0.0370 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'A' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 8.52 0.14 619.37 3.13 2-Year 6-Hour 9.78 0.14 619.32 3.18 10-Year 6-Hour 28.17 1.31 620.39 2.11 25-Year 6-Hour 37.93 1.95 620.87 1.63 100-Year 6-Hour 53.66 5.46 621.45 1.05 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'B' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =17.49 acres Design Impervious Area =6.59 acres % Impervious =37.68% Water Quality Volume =24,704 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =37,472 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =15.18 in Top of Dam =633.00 ft NWSE =628.00 ft Siphon Diameter =3.25 in Siphon Elevation =628.00 ft Number of Orifices =2 Orifice Size =2' x 0.5' Orifice Bottom Elevation =629.40 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =631.50 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =625.50 ft Downstream Invert =625.00 ft Length =57 ft Slope =0.0088 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'B' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 22.35 0.31 629.38 3.62 2-Year 6-Hour 26.89 0.30 629.31 3.69 10-Year 6-Hour 63.65 7.29 630.16 2.84 25-Year 6-Hour 82.26 10.30 630.70 2.30 100-Year 6-Hour 111.80 14.63 631.56 1.44 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'C' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =9.28 acres Design Impervious Area =3.82 acres % Impervious =41.20% Water Quality Volume =14,174 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =20,227 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =14.54 in Top of Dam =625.00 ft NWSE =620.00 ft Siphon Diameter =2.25 in Siphon Elevation =620.00 ft Number of Orifices =2 Orifice Diameter =6.00 in Orifice Bottom Elevation =621.30 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =623.00 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =616.50 ft Downstream Invert =615.00 ft Length =72 ft Slope =0.0208 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'C' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 18.08 0.55 621.60 3.40 2-Year 6-Hour 23.21 0.70 621.66 3.34 10-Year 6-Hour 44.39 2.48 622.97 2.03 25-Year 6-Hour 54.76 8.76 623.25 1.75 100-Year 6-Hour 71.00 22.88 623.56 1.44 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'D' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =15.31 acres Design Impervious Area =4.17 acres % Impervious =27.25% Water Quality Volume =16,413 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =40,453 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =15.45 in Top of Dam =634.00 ft NWSE =628.00 ft Siphon Diameter =3.25 in Siphon Elevation =628.00 ft Number of Orifices =3 Orifice Size =2' x 0.5' Orifice Bottom Elevation =629.40 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =630.40 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =623.50 ft Downstream Invert =620.00 ft Length =70 ft Slope =0.0500 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'D' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 26.72 0.63 629.42 4.58 2-Year 6-Hour 33.77 0.91 629.44 4.56 10-Year 6-Hour 68.18 10.39 630.13 3.87 25-Year 6-Hour 85.16 16.59 630.54 3.46 100-Year 6-Hour 111.82 35.32 630.97 3.03 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'E' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =17.24 acres Design Impervious Area =6.18 acres % Impervious =35.87% Water Quality Volume =23,329 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =20,227 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =14.90 in Top of Dam =620.00 ft NWSE =614.00 ft Siphon Diameter =2.50 in Siphon Elevation =614.00 ft Number of Orifices =2 Orifice Diameter =6.00 in Orifice Bottom Elevation =615.30 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =617.50 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =613.50 ft Downstream Invert =613.00 ft Length =37 ft Slope =0.0135 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'E' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 28.40 1.34 615.89 4.11 2-Year 6-Hour 35.58 1.52 616.02 3.98 10-Year 6-Hour 73.94 9.18 617.75 2.25 25-Year 6-Hour 92.94 22.55 618.06 1.94 100-Year 6-Hour 122.84 31.92 618.84 1.16 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'F' SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =13.60 acres Design Impervious Area =2.87 acres % Impervious =21.09% Water Quality Volume =11,836 cf 1-Year Treatment Volume =11,248 cf Treatment Vol Ponding Depth =11.42 in Top of Dam =643.00 ft NWSE =639.00 ft Siphon Diameter =1.75 in Siphon Elevation =639.00 ft Number of Orifices =2 Orifice Size =2' x 0.5'in Orifice Bottom Elevation =640.00 ft Riser Size =4' x 4' Riser Crest =641.50 ft Barrel Diameter =24 in # of Barrels =1 Upstream Invert =636.50 ft Downstream Invert =636.00 ft Length =38 ft Slope =0.0132 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 'F' ROUTING RESULTS Inflow Outflow Max WSE Freeboard Return Period [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 24-Hour 9.04 0.50 640.04 2.96 2-Year 6-Hour 9.60 0.72 640.07 2.93 10-Year 6-Hour 32.92 7.90 640.91 2.09 25-Year 6-Hour 45.70 11.24 641.52 1.48 100-Year 6-Hour 66.49 28.39 642.04 0.96 SUMMARY OF RESULTS SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION Esri, HERE, DeLorme, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors 0 600 1,200300Feet1 inch = 600 feet ¯SOUTHSTONE SITE AERIAL MAPPROJECT #: TAC-17000UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet1 inch = 2,000 feet ¯SOUTHSTONE USGS TOPO MAPPROJECT #: TAC-17000UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Legend Cross-Sections Base Flood Elevations Flood Hazard Zones 1% Annual Chance Flood Regulatory Floodway Special Floodway Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Future Conditions 1% Annual ChanceFlood Hazard Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee LOMRs Effective Map Panels Digital Data Unmodernized Maps Unmapped USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery National Flood H azard Layer FIR Mette 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet Ü80°37'42.53"W 35°8'23.42"N 80°37'3.56"W 35°7'52.81"N Date: 9/1/2017 Time: 11:53:29 AM This map complies with FEMA’s standards for the use ofdigital flood maps. The flood hazard information isderived directly from the authoritative NFHL web servicesprovided by FEMA. The base map shown complies withFEMA’s base map accuracy standards. The NFHL is a living database, updated daily, and thismap represents a snapshot of information at a specifictime. Flood risks are dynamic and can change frequently due toa variety of factors, including weather patterns, erosion,and new development. FEMA flood maps are continuallyupdated through a variety of processes. Users shouldalways verify through the Map Service Center(http://msc.fema.gov) or the Community Map Repositorythat they have the current effective information. NFHL maps should not be created for unmapped orunmodernized areas. Legend Cross-Sections Base Flood Elevations Flood Hazard Zones 1% Annual Chance Flood Regulatory Floodway Special Floodway Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard 0.2% Annual C hance Flood Future C onditions 1% Annual ChanceFlood H azard Area with R educed Risk Due to Levee LO MRs Effective Map Panels Digital Data Unmodernized Maps Unmapped USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet Ü80°37'39.70"W 35°8'1.96"N 80°37'0.74"W 35°7'31.34"N Date: 9/1/2017 Tim e: 11:57:16 AM This map complies with FEMA’s standards for the use ofdigital flood maps. The flood hazard information isderived directly from the authoritative NFHL web servicesprovided by FEMA. The base map shown complies withFEMA’s base map accuracy standards. The NFHL is a living database, updated daily, and thismap represents a snapshot of information at a specifictime. Flood risks are dynamic and can change frequently due toa variety of factors, including weather patterns, erosion,and new development. FEMA flood maps are continuallyupdated through a variety of processes. Users shouldalways verify through the Map Service Center(http://msc.fema.gov) or the Community Map Repositorythat they have the current effective information. NFH L maps should not be created for unmapped orunmodernized areas. SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 WATERSHED SOILS INFORMATION Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County, North Carolina (Property Line) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/13/2017 Page 1 of 43887200388730038874003887500388760038877003887800388790038880003888100388820038883003888400388850038872003887300388740038875003887600388770038878003887900388800038881003888200388830038884003888500534000534100534200534300534400534500534600534700534800534900 534000 534100 534200 534300 534400 534500 534600 534700 534800 534900 35° 8' 20'' N 80° 37' 38'' W35° 8' 20'' N80° 36' 57'' W35° 7' 36'' N 80° 37' 38'' W35° 7' 36'' N 80° 36' 57'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 300 600 1200 1800 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Meters Map Scale: 1:6,610 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points A A/D B B/D C C/D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Union County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 20, 2016 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Feb 11, 2011—Feb 13, 2011 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County, North Carolina (Property Line) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/13/2017 Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soil Group— Summary by Map Unit — Union County, North Carolina (NC179) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BaB Badin channery silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes C 10.8 12.2% CmB Cid channery silt loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes D 7.1 8.0% GsB Goldston-Badin complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes D 12.2 13.9% ScA Secrest-Cid complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes C 19.0 21.6% TaB Tarrus gravelly silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes B 38.6 43.7% TuB Tarrus-Urban land complex, 2 to 8 percent slopes B 0.5 0.5% Totals for Area of Interest 88.1 100.0% Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County, North Carolina Property Line Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/13/2017 Page 3 of 4 Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Hydrologic Soil Group—Union County, North Carolina Property Line Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/13/2017 Page 4 of 4 SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 PRECIPITATION DATA Element Details 154ID Notes CharlotteLabel 1 inch 1 inchLabel min5.00Increment years0Return Event min360.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 1 inch Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0000.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0030.00325.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.00450.00 0.0060.0050.0050.0050.00575.00 0.0080.0080.0070.0070.007100.00 0.0120.0110.0100.0090.009125.00 0.0390.0250.0220.0190.013150.00 0.0430.0750.1880.1080.050175.00 0.0120.0140.0200.0230.028200.00 0.0080.0090.0090.0100.011225.00 0.0060.0070.0070.0070.008250.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.005275.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.004300.00 0.0030.0030.0040.0040.004325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0030.0030.003350.00 1 year 24 hr 1 year 24 hrLabel min6.00Increment years1Return Event min1,440.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 1 year 24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0000.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.00330.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.00360.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.00390.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.003120.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.003150.00 0.0040.0030.0030.0030.003180.00 0.0040.0030.0040.0040.003210.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.004240.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.004270.00 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE 1 year 24 hr Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.004300.00 0.0050.0040.0040.0050.004330.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.005360.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.005390.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.005420.00 0.0060.0050.0050.0050.005450.00 0.0070.0060.0060.0060.006480.00 0.0080.0080.0080.0070.007510.00 0.0080.0080.0080.0080.008540.00 0.0100.0090.0090.0090.008570.00 0.0120.0120.0110.0110.010600.00 0.0170.0160.0150.0140.013630.00 0.0270.0250.0220.0200.018660.00 0.3540.1970.1230.0610.030690.00 0.0320.0370.0430.0490.245720.00 0.0180.0190.0210.0220.025750.00 0.0130.0140.0140.0160.017780.00 0.0100.0110.0110.0120.012810.00 0.0090.0090.0090.0100.010840.00 0.0080.0080.0090.0090.009870.00 0.0070.0070.0080.0080.008900.00 0.0060.0070.0070.0070.007930.00 0.0060.0060.0060.0060.006960.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0060.006990.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.0051,020.00 0.0050.0050.0050.0050.0051,050.00 0.0040.0050.0040.0050.0051,080.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.0041,110.00 0.0040.0040.0040.0040.0041,140.00 0.0040.0030.0040.0040.0041,170.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,200.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,230.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,260.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,290.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,320.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,350.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,380.00 0.0030.0030.0030.0030.0031,410.00 (N/A)(N/A)(N/A)(N/A)0.0031,440.00 2 year 2 yearLabel min5.00Increment years2Return Event min360.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE 2 year Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0080.0080.0070.0070.0000.00 0.0090.0090.0080.0080.00825.00 0.0100.0100.0100.0090.00950.00 0.0140.0120.0110.0110.01175.00 0.0180.0170.0160.0150.014100.00 0.0280.0260.0240.0220.021125.00 0.0890.0580.0500.0440.031150.00 0.1000.1680.4200.2420.115175.00 0.0290.0330.0470.0540.064200.00 0.0180.0210.0230.0250.027225.00 0.0140.0150.0160.0160.017250.00 0.0100.0110.0110.0120.012275.00 0.0090.0090.0090.0100.010300.00 0.0080.0080.0080.0080.009325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0070.0070.008350.00 10 year 10 yearLabel min5.00Increment years10Return Event min360.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 10 year Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0120.0120.0110.0110.0000.00 0.0130.0130.0130.0120.01225.00 0.0160.0150.0150.0140.01450.00 0.0230.0180.0180.0170.01675.00 0.0290.0270.0260.0250.024100.00 0.0490.0450.0420.0390.036125.00 0.1610.1030.0890.0790.054150.00 0.1770.2750.5900.3950.201175.00 0.0510.0570.0840.0960.112200.00 0.0300.0380.0400.0430.047225.00 0.0230.0240.0250.0270.028250.00 0.0160.0170.0170.0180.019275.00 0.0140.0140.0150.0150.016300.00 0.0120.0120.0130.0130.013325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0110.0110.012350.00 25 year 25 yearLabel min5.00Increment years25Return Event min360.00End Time 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE 25 year min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 25 year Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0150.0140.0140.0140.0000.00 0.0170.0160.0160.0150.01525.00 0.0190.0190.0180.0180.01750.00 0.0250.0230.0220.0210.02075.00 0.0330.0310.0290.0280.027100.00 0.0580.0530.0490.0460.043125.00 0.1890.1200.1040.0930.064150.00 0.2080.3240.6800.4660.235175.00 0.0610.0670.0980.1110.131200.00 0.0340.0450.0480.0510.055225.00 0.0260.0270.0290.0300.032250.00 0.0200.0210.0210.0220.023275.00 0.0170.0170.0180.0190.019300.00 0.0150.0150.0160.0160.016325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0140.0140.014350.00 50 year 50 yearLabel min5.00Increment years50Return Event min360.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 50 year Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0170.0160.0160.0160.0000.00 0.0190.0190.0180.0180.01725.00 0.0220.0220.0210.0200.02050.00 0.0310.0260.0250.0240.02375.00 0.0390.0370.0350.0330.032100.00 0.0660.0610.0560.0530.049125.00 0.2090.1330.1160.1030.073150.00 0.2310.3560.7490.5130.260175.00 0.0690.0770.1090.1240.145200.00 0.0400.0510.0540.0580.063225.00 0.0310.0330.0340.0360.038250.00 0.0230.0230.0240.0250.026275.00 0.0190.0200.0210.0210.022300.00 0.0170.0170.0180.0180.019325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0160.0160.017350.00 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE 100 year 100 yearLabel min5.00Increment years100Return Event min360.00End Time min0.00Start Time IncrementalStorm Event Depth Type 100 year Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Time (min) 0.0180.0180.0170.0170.0000.00 0.0210.0200.0200.0200.01925.00 0.0240.0230.0230.0220.02250.00 0.0320.0280.0270.0260.02575.00 0.0410.0390.0370.0350.034100.00 0.0710.0650.0600.0560.053125.00 0.2260.1470.1260.1130.078150.00 0.2500.3860.8300.5550.282175.00 0.0740.0820.1190.1360.160200.00 0.0420.0550.0580.0630.068225.00 0.0330.0340.0360.0380.040250.00 0.0250.0250.0260.0270.029275.00 0.0210.0220.0220.0230.024300.00 0.0190.0190.0200.0200.021325.00 (N/A)(N/A)0.0170.0180.018350.00 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE 100 year 50 year 25 year 10 year 2 year 1 year 24 hr 1 inchDepth(in)0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 0.000 Time (min) 1,400.001,200.001,000.00800.00600.00400.00200.000.00 10/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI INPUT SUMMARY Total Area Subbasin ID Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total Impervious 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way Open Wooded Pond Total [acres]SCS CN Tc [min] 1 0.52 0.59 22.48 0.00 23.60 0.00 6.44 22.10 4.39 0.79 0.76 0.00 34.48 58.07 67 26.85 2 1.57 4.45 38.19 0.00 44.21 0.04 3.29 6.87 1.92 0.87 5.42 0.00 18.42 62.63 73 30.23 3 0.00 0.11 4.15 0.00 4.26 19.62 6.48 25.81 11.73 53.30 111.54 2.07 230.54 234.81 74 42.97 4 0.83 2.04 10.50 0.00 13.36 1.03 0.00 1.32 0.00 3.90 9.75 0.00 16.00 29.36 68 23.96 Unanalyzed 0.04 0.42 2.23 0.00 2.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.69 57 - Totals 2.96 7.60 77.56 0.00 88.12 20.69 16.21 56.11 18.05 58.86 127.47 2.07 299.45 387.56 1-YEAR VOLUME SUMMARY Subbasin ID [cf][acre-feet] 1 12,862 0.30 2 84,194 1.93 3 6,343 0.15 4 18,661 0.43 Unanalyzed 1,227 0.03 Totals 123,288 2.83 PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC SUMMARY Onsite Area [acres] 1-Year Runoff Volume Offsite Area [acres] Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:1 SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =88% HSG 'C' =12% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 63 Wooded 57 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 71 1/3 Acre Lot 73 Right of Way 86 WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 22,705 0.52 63 25,837 0.59 57 979,259 22.48 100 0 0.00 98 0 0.00 71 280,617 6.44 73 962,678 22.10 86 191,261 4.39 63 34,275 0.79 57 33,114 0.76 100 0 0.00 Total Area =2,529,746 sf =58.07 acres Composite SCS CN =67 % Impervious =20.00% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =174 ft Upstream Elevation =662.00 ft Upstream Elevation =660.00 ft Downstream Elevation =660.00 ft Downstream Elevation =645.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Height =15.00 ft Slope =0.0200 ft/ft Slope =0.0862 ft/ft Manning's n =0.40 wooded-light underbrush Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =4.74 ft/sec Segment Time =20.50 minutes Segment Time =0.61 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =1495 ft Length =46 ft Upstream Elevation =645.00 ft Upstream Elevation =598.50 ft Downstream Elevation =598.50 ft Downstream Elevation =598.00 ft Height =46.50 ft Height =0.50 ft Slope =0.0311 ft/ft Slope =0.0109 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel)Flow Area =36 sf (assume 6'x6' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel)Wetted Perimeter =18 lf (assume 6'x6' channel) Channel Velocity =4.46 ft/sec Channel Velocity =5.48 ft/sec Segment Time =5.59 minutes Segment Time =0.14 minutes Time of Concentration =26.85 minutes SCS Lag Time =16.11 minutes Offsite Pond - Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Assume good condition - Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Onsite Pond PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments Contributing Area Onsite Impervious Onsite Open Comments - Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious - Assume good condition - RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =23.60 acres Onsite SCS CN =58 S =7.28 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.15 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.30 acre-ft =12,862 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:2 SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =16% HSG 'C' =57% HSG 'D' =26% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 73 Wooded 69 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 80 1/3 Acre Lot 81 Right of Way 90 WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 68,456 1.57 73 193,625 4.45 69 1,663,672 38.19 100 0 0.00 98 1,857 0.04 80 143,370 3.29 81 299,370 6.87 90 83,799 1.92 73 37,987 0.87 69 236,186 5.42 100 0 0.00 Total Area =2,728,322 sf =62.63 acres Composite SCS CN =73 % Impervious =9.18% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =944 ft Upstream Elevation =668.00 ft Upstream Elevation =665.50 ft Downstream Elevation =665.50 ft Downstream Elevation =622.00 ft Height =2.50 ft Height =43.50 ft Slope =0.0250 ft/ft Slope =0.0461 ft/ft Manning's n =0.40 wooded-light underbrush Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =3.46 ft/sec Segment Time =18.75 minutes Segment Time =4.54 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =269 ft Length =1136 ft Upstream Elevation =622.00 ft Upstream Elevation =612.00 ft Downstream Elevation =612.00 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =10.00 ft Height =7.00 ft Slope =0.0372 ft/ft Slope =0.0062 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel)Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel)Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =4.87 ft/sec Channel Velocity =3.15 ft/sec Segment Time =0.92 minutes Segment Time =6.01 minutes Time of Concentration =30.23 minutes SCS Lag Time =18.14 minutes Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =44.21 acres Onsite SCS CN =71 S =4.12 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.52 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =1.93 acre-ft =84,194 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:3 SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =20% HSG 'C' =73% HSG 'D' =7% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 72 Wooded 67 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 78 1/3 Acre Lot 80 Right of Way 89 WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 0 0.00 72 4,680 0.11 67 180,958 4.15 100 0 0.00 98 854,495 19.62 78 282,086 6.48 80 1,124,430 25.81 89 511,161 11.73 72 2,321,801 53.30 67 4,858,503 111.54 100 90,025 2.07 Total Area =10,228,139 sf =234.81 acres Composite SCS CN =74 % Impervious =15.59% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =876 ft Upstream Elevation =736.00 ft Upstream Elevation =734.50 ft Downstream Elevation =734.50 ft Downstream Elevation =712.00 ft Height =1.50 ft Height =22.50 ft Slope =0.0150 ft/ft Slope =0.0257 ft/ft Manning's n =0.24 dense grasses Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =2.59 ft/sec Segment Time =15.29 minutes Segment Time =5.65 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Pipe Flow Length =1799 ft Length =1353 ft Upstream Elevation =712.00 ft Upstream Elevation =668.00 ft Downstream Elevation =668.00 ft Downstream Elevation =647.00 ft Height =44.00 ft Height =21.00 ft Slope =0.0245 ft/ft Slope =0.0155 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.013 RCP Flow Area =9 sf (assume 3'x3' channel)Flow Area =1.8 sf (assume 18" RCP) Wetted Perimeter =9 lf (assume 3'x3' channel)Wetted Perimeter =4.7 lf (assume 18" RCP) Channel Velocity =5.18 ft/sec Channel Velocity =7.43 ft/sec Segment Time =5.79 minutes Segment Time =3.04 minutes Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Segment 5: Channel Flow Segment 6: Pipe Flow Length =1735 ft Length =51 ft Upstream Elevation =647.00 ft Upstream Elevation =628.00 ft Downstream Elevation =628.00 ft Downstream Elevation =627.00 ft Height =19.00 ft Height =1.00 ft Slope =0.0110 ft/ft Slope =0.0196 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.013 RCP Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel)Flow Area =1.8 sf (assume 18" RCP) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel)Wetted Perimeter =4.7 lf (assume 18" RCP) Channel Velocity =4.20 ft/sec Channel Velocity =8.35 ft/sec Segment Time =6.89 minutes Segment Time =0.10 minutes Segment 7: Channel Flow Length =1498 ft Upstream Elevation =627.00 ft Downstream Elevation =612.00 ft Height =15.00 ft Slope =0.0100 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =4.01 ft/sec Segment Time =6.22 minutes Time of Concentration =42.97 minutes SCS Lag Time =25.78 minutes RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =4.26 acres Onsite SCS CN =68 S =4.79 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.41 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.15 acre-ft =6,343 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:4 SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =40% HSG 'C' =60% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 69 Wooded 64 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 76 1/3 Acre Lot 77 Right of Way 88 WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 35,977 0.83 69 88,752 2.04 64 457,276 10.50 100 0 0.00 98 44,849 1.03 76 0 0.00 77 57,641 1.32 88 0 0.00 69 169,754 3.90 64 424,576 9.75 100 0 0.00 Total Area =1,278,825 sf =29.36 acres Composite SCS CN =68 % Impervious =7.67% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =387 ft Upstream Elevation =671.00 ft Upstream Elevation =669.00 ft Downstream Elevation =669.00 ft Downstream Elevation =649.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Height =20.00 ft Slope =0.0200 ft/ft Slope =0.0517 ft/ft Manning's n =0.40 wooded-light underbrush Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =3.67 ft/sec Segment Time =20.50 minutes Segment Time =1.76 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =464 ft Length =612 ft Upstream Elevation =649.00 ft Upstream Elevation =634.00 ft Downstream Elevation =634.00 ft Downstream Elevation =625.00 ft Height =15.00 ft Height =9.00 ft Slope =0.0323 ft/ft Slope =0.0147 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel)Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel)Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel) Channel Velocity =4.54 ft/sec Channel Velocity =3.06 ft/sec Segment Time =1.70 minutes Segment Time =3.33 minutes Time of Concentration =23.96 minutes SCS Lag Time =14.38 minutes Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious - Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious - Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =13.36 acres Onsite SCS CN =67 S =4.96 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.38 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.43 acre-ft =18,661 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:Unanalyzed SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =100% HSG 'C' =0% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 70 1/3 Acre Lot 72 Right of Way 85 WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 1,798 0.04 61 18,254 0.42 55 97,244 2.23 100 0 0.00 98 0 0.00 70 0 0.00 72 0 0.00 85 0 0.00 61 0 0.00 55 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 Total Area =117,296 sf =2.69 acres Composite SCS CN =57 % Impervious =1.53% RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =2.69 acres Onsite SCS CN =57 S =7.67 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.13 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.03 acre-ft =1,227 cf Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious - Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious - Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Project Name: Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:Reach Data REACH DATA (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). REACH 1: POA 2 to POA 1 Length =962 ft Upstream Elevation =605.00 ft Downstream Elevation =598.00 ft Height =7.00 ft Slope =0.0073 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =36 sf (assume 6'x6' channel) Wetted Perimeter =18 lf (assume 6'x6' channel) Channel Velocity =4.48 ft/sec Segment Time =3.58 minutes REACH 2: POA 3 to POA 2 Length =1136 ft Upstream Elevation =612.00 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =7.00 ft Slope =0.0062 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =3.15 ft/sec Segment Time =6.01 minutes REACH 3: POA 4 to POA 2 Length =1026 ft Upstream Elevation =625.00 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =20.00 ft Slope =0.0195 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel) Channel Velocity =3.53 ft/sec Segment Time =4.85 minutes PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS RE A CH2 REACH110/20/2017TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 14.19734.0081,375.0001Pre 1 Year1 13.59208.0056,982.0002Pre 2 Year1 60.05204.00206,322.00010Pre 10 Year1 86.85204.00291,998.00025Pre 25 Year1 130.03201.00430,782.000100Pre 100 Year1 27.45734.00137,641.0001Pre 1 Year2 27.00206.00103,180.0002Pre 2 Year2 86.31205.00302,962.00010Pre 10 Year2 117.83205.00410,499.00025Pre 25 Year2 166.62202.00579,725.000100Pre 100 Year2 87.54744.00549,534.0001Pre 1 Year3 90.18218.00417,438.0002Pre 2 Year3 277.43212.001,190,629.00010Pre 10 Year3 377.50212.001,602,885.00025Pre 25 Year3 530.44212.002,248,805.000100Pre 100 Year3 8.77731.0044,710.0001Pre 1 Year4 8.27204.0031,688.0002Pre 2 Year4 34.40201.00110,212.00010Pre 10 Year4 49.32201.00154,742.00025Pre 25 Year4 72.74199.00226,502.000100Pre 100 Year4 Node Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 123.19749.00810,449.0001Pre 1 YearPOA1 127.46222.00609,288.0002Pre 2 YearPOA1 409.21217.001,810,126.00010Pre 10 YearPOA1 562.76216.002,460,125.00025Pre 25 YearPOA1 799.78216.003,485,813.000100Pre 100 YearPOA1 114.45745.00730,355.0001Pre 1 YearPOA2 117.05218.00552,306.0002Pre 2 YearPOA2 367.65218.001,603,804.00010Pre 10 YearPOA2 500.84213.002,168,127.00025Pre 25 YearPOA2 709.09213.003,055,031.000100Pre 100 YearPOA2 87.54744.00549,534.0001Pre 1 YearPOA3 90.18218.00417,438.0002Pre 2 YearPOA3 277.43212.001,190,629.00010Pre 10 YearPOA3 377.50212.001,602,885.00025Pre 25 YearPOA3 530.44212.002,248,805.000100Pre 100 YearPOA3 8.77731.0044,710.0001Pre 1 YearPOA4 8.27204.0031,688.0002Pre 2 YearPOA4 34.40201.00110,212.00010Pre 10 YearPOA4 1/12/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Node Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 49.32201.00154,742.00025Pre 25 YearPOA4 72.74199.00226,502.000100Pre 100 YearPOA4 1/12/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI INPUT SUMMARY Total Area Subbasin ID Impervious Open Wooded Pond Total Impervious 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way Open Wooded Pond Total [acres]SCS CN Tc [min] 1 To SWMF A 2.13 4.25 0.48 0.42 7.29 0.00 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.55 9.84 73 5.00 1 To SWMF B 5.62 7.01 0.37 0.60 13.60 0.00 3.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89 17.49 78 5.00 1 Bypass 1.17 5.05 3.49 0.00 9.72 0.00 0.00 22.10 4.39 0.79 0.76 0.00 28.04 37.75 72 10.73 2 To SWMF C 3.82 5.09 0.00 0.37 9.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.28 85 5.00 2 To SWMF D 3.35 4.73 0.52 0.64 9.24 0.00 3.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.78 0.00 6.07 15.31 83 5.00 2 To SWMF E 6.01 6.82 2.13 0.33 15.30 0.11 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.54 1.09 0.00 1.94 17.24 82 5.00 2 Bypass 0.47 6.17 2.49 0.00 9.13 0.00 0.00 6.87 1.92 0.27 1.55 0.00 10.62 19.74 76 15.95 3 0.00 0.57 0.59 0.00 1.16 19.62 6.48 25.81 11.73 53.30 111.54 2.07 230.54 231.70 74 42.97 4 To SWMF F 2.51 4.44 0.62 0.29 7.86 0.02 0.00 1.12 0.00 0.40 4.19 0.00 5.73 13.60 70 5.00 4 Bypass 0.00 1.86 2.59 0.00 4.44 1.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.55 5.55 0.00 10.12 14.56 73 23.96 Unanalyzed 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.11 61 - Totals 25.08 47.09 13.28 2.66 88.12 20.75 16.21 56.10 18.05 58.85 127.47 2.07 299.50 387.62 Subbasin ID 56x66 Lots 50x65 Lots 1 To SWMF A 15.00 0.00 1 To SWMF B 6.75 29.50 1 Bypass 2.75 9.75 2 To SWMF C 10.00 11.00 2 To SWMF D 0.00 23.75 2 To SWMF E 7.25 29.00 2 Bypass 3.75 1.00 3 0.00 0.00 4 To SWMF F 16.50 0.00 4 Bypass 0.00 0.00 Unanalyzed 0.00 0.00 Totals 62.00 104.00 POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC SUMMARY Onsite Area [acres]Offsite Area [acres] 1-YEAR VOLUME SUMMARY Subbasin ID [cf][acre-feet] 1 75,316 1.73 Includes 1-To SWMF A, 1-To SWMF B, and 1-Bypass 2 165,101 3.79 Includes 2-To SWMF C, 2-To SWMF D, 2-To SWMF E, and 2-Bypass 3 2,016 0.05 4 29,909 0.69 Includes 4-To SWMF F and 4-Bypass Unanalyzed 883 0.02 Totals 273,225 6.27 Subbasin ID [cf][acre-feet][cf][acre-feet] 1 12,862 0.30 62,453 1.43 2 84,194 1.93 80,907 1.86 3 6,343 0.15 (4,328)(0.10) 4 18,661 0.43 11,248 0.26 Unanalyzed 1,227 0.03 (344)(0.01) Totals 123,288 2.83 149,937 3.44 ALLOCATION OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME % Allocation based on drainage area to Stormwater Management Facility Difference 1-Year Vol 1-Year Vol 1-Year Vol Req'd Provided Subbasin ID Facility ID [cf]% Allocation [cf][cf] SWMF A 40%24,981 25,489 SWMF B 60%37,472 37,472 SWMF C 25%20,227 20,227 SWMF D 50%40,453 40,453 SWMF E 25%20,227 23,329 4 SWMF F 11,248 100%11,248 11,836 Totals 154,609 158,806 1 2 62,453 80,907 1-Year Runoff Volume 1-Year Runoff Volume Post Development Pre Development Difference 1-Year Runoff Volume Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:1-To SWMF A SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =100% HSG 'C' =0% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 70 1/3 Acre Lot 72 Right of Way 85 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 15.00 4,350 65,250 0.00 4,000 0 --27,398 Total Onsite Impervious Area =92,648 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 92,648 2.13 61 185,276 4.25 55 21,107 0.48 100 18,430 0.42 98 0 0.00 70 111,160 2.55 72 0 0.00 85 0 0.00 61 0 0.00 55 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 Total Area =428,621 sf =9.84 acres Composite SCS CN =73 % Impervious =28.10% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Onsite Open Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =7.29 acres Onsite SCS CN =74 S =3.58 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.64 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.39 acre-ft =16,913 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:1-To SWMF B SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =80% HSG 'C' =0% HSG 'D' =20% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 65 Wooded 59 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 73 1/3 Acre Lot 75 Right of Way 86 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 6.75 4,350 29,363 29.50 4,000 118,000 --97,330 Total Onsite Impervious Area =244,693 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 244,693 5.62 65 305,441 7.01 59 16,139 0.37 100 26,146 0.60 98 0 0.00 73 169,457 3.89 75 0 0.00 86 0 0.00 65 0 0.00 59 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 Total Area =761,876 sf =17.49 acres Composite SCS CN =78 % Impervious =37.68% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =13.60 acres Onsite SCS CN =80 S =2.51 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.94 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =1.07 acre-ft =46,419 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:1-Bypass SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =81% HSG 'C' =19% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 63 Wooded 58 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 72 1/3 Acre Lot 73 Right of Way 86 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 2.75 4,350 11,963 9.75 4,000 39,000 --0 Total Onsite Impervious Area =50,963 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 50,963 1.17 63 220,021 5.05 58 152,206 3.49 100 0 0.00 98 0 0.00 72 0 0.00 73 962,678 22.10 86 191,261 4.39 63 34,275 0.79 58 33,114 0.76 100 0 0.00 Total Area =1,644,518 sf =37.75 acres Composite SCS CN =72 % Impervious =28.22% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Channel Flow Length =77 ft Length =1158 ft Upstream Elevation =638.00 ft Upstream Elevation =631.00 ft Downstream Elevation =631.00 ft Downstream Elevation =598.50 ft Height =7.00 ft Height =32.50 ft Slope =0.0909 ft/ft Slope =0.0281 ft/ft Manning's n =0.24 dense grasses Manning's n =0.045 natural channel P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel) Segment Time =6.03 minutes Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel) Channel Velocity =4.23 ft/sec Segment Time =4.56 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length =46 ft Upstream Elevation =598.50 ft Downstream Elevation =598.00 ft Height =0.50 ft Slope =0.0109 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =36 sf (assume 6'x6' channel) Wetted Perimeter =18 lf (assume 6'x6' channel) Channel Velocity =5.48 ft/sec Segment Time =0.14 minutes Time of Concentration =10.73 minutes SCS Lag Time =6.44 minutes Offsite Pond - Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Assume good condition - Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Onsite Pond Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments Contributing Area Onsite Impervious Onsite Open Comments - Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious - Assume good condition - RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =9.72 acres Onsite SCS CN =65 S =5.29 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.34 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.28 acre-ft =11,983 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:2-To SWMF C SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =29% HSG 'C' =8% HSG 'D' =63% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 74 Wooded 70 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 80 1/3 Acre Lot 82 Right of Way 90 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 10.00 4,350 43,500 11.00 4,000 44,000 --79,031 Total Onsite Impervious Area =166,531 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 166,531 3.82 74 221,598 5.09 70 0 0.00 100 16,054 0.37 98 0 0.00 80 0 0.00 82 0 0.00 90 0 0.00 74 0 0.00 70 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 Total Area =404,183 sf =9.28 acres Composite SCS CN =85 % Impervious =41.20% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =9.28 acres Onsite SCS CN =85 S =1.77 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =1.24 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.96 acre-ft =41,689 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:2-To SWMF D SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =6% HSG 'C' =35% HSG 'D' =59% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 77 Wooded 73 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 82 1/3 Acre Lot 83 Right of Way 91 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 0.00 4,350 0 23.75 4,000 95,000 --50,932 Total Onsite Impervious Area =145,932 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 145,932 3.35 77 206,033 4.73 73 22,751 0.52 100 27,944 0.64 98 0 0.00 82 143,370 3.29 83 0 0.00 91 0 0.00 77 0 0.00 73 121,062 2.78 100 0 0.00 Total Area =667,092 sf =15.31 acres Composite SCS CN =83 % Impervious =27.25% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =9.24 acres Onsite SCS CN =86 S =1.65 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =1.30 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =1.00 acre-ft =43,635 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:2-To SWMF E SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =8% HSG 'C' =92% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 73 Wooded 69 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 79 1/3 Acre Lot 80 Right of Way 90 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 7.25 4,350 31,538 29.00 4,000 116,000 --114,449 Total Onsite Impervious Area =261,987 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 261,987 6.01 73 297,022 6.82 69 92,750 2.13 100 14,583 0.33 98 4,691 0.11 79 0 0.00 80 8,861 0.20 90 0 0.00 73 23,486 0.54 69 47,499 1.09 100 0 0.00 Total Area =750,879 sf =17.24 acres Composite SCS CN =82 % Impervious =35.87% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =15.30 acres Onsite SCS CN =83 S =2.08 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =1.11 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =1.41 acre-ft =61,359 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:2-Bypass SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =28% HSG 'C' =67% HSG 'D' =6% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 99 Open 71 Wooded 67 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 78 1/3 Acre Lot 80 Right of Way 90 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 3.75 4,350 16,313 1.00 4,000 4,000 --0 Total Onsite Impervious Area =20,313 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 99 20,313 0.47 71 268,897 6.17 67 108,288 2.49 100 0 0.00 99 0 0.00 78 0 0.00 80 299,089 6.87 90 83,799 1.92 71 11,955 0.27 67 67,625 1.55 100 0 0.00 Total Area =859,966 sf =19.74 acres Composite SCS CN =76 % Impervious =19.13% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =43 ft Upstream Elevation =626.50 ft Upstream Elevation =622.50 ft Downstream Elevation =622.50 ft Downstream Elevation =619.50 ft Height =4.00 ft Height =3.00 ft Slope =0.0400 ft/ft Slope =0.0698 ft/ft Manning's n =0.40 wooded-light underbrush Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =4.26 ft/sec Segment Time =15.54 minutes Segment Time =0.17 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length =172 ft Upstream Elevation =619.50 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =14.50 ft Slope =0.0843 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =11.65 ft/sec Segment Time =0.25 minutes Time of Concentration =15.95 minutes SCS Lag Time =9.57 minutes Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition - Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =9.13 acres Onsite SCS CN =72 S =3.96 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.56 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.42 acre-ft =18,419 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:3 SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =20% HSG 'C' =73% HSG 'D' =7% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 72 Wooded 67 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 78 1/3 Acre Lot 80 Right of Way 89 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 0.00 4,350 0 0.00 4,000 0 -- Total Onsite Impervious Area =0 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 0 0.00 72 24,617 0.57 67 25,887 0.59 100 0 0.00 98 854,495 19.62 78 282,086 6.48 80 1,124,430 25.81 89 511,161 11.73 72 2,321,807 53.30 67 4,858,503 111.54 100 90,025 2.07 Total Area =10,093,011 sf =231.70 acres Composite SCS CN =74 % Impervious =15.80% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =876 ft Upstream Elevation =736.00 ft Upstream Elevation =734.50 ft Downstream Elevation =734.50 ft Downstream Elevation =712.00 ft Height =1.50 ft Height =22.50 ft Slope =0.0150 ft/ft Slope =0.0257 ft/ft Manning's n =0.24 dense grasses Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =2.59 ft/sec Segment Time =15.29 minutes Segment Time =5.65 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Pipe Flow Length =1799 ft Length =1353 ft Upstream Elevation =712.00 ft Upstream Elevation =668.00 ft Downstream Elevation =668.00 ft Downstream Elevation =647.00 ft Height =44.00 ft Height =21.00 ft Slope =0.0245 ft/ft Slope =0.0155 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.013 RCP Flow Area =9 sf (assume 3'x3' channel)Flow Area =1.8 sf (assume 18" RCP) Wetted Perimeter =9 lf (assume 3'x3' channel)Wetted Perimeter =4.7 lf (assume 18" RCP) Channel Velocity =5.18 ft/sec Channel Velocity =7.43 ft/sec Segment Time =5.79 minutes Segment Time =3.04 minutes Measured Impervious Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition - Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Pond - Offsite Impervious - Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Segment 5: Channel Flow Segment 6: Pipe Flow Length =1735 ft Length =51 ft Upstream Elevation =647.00 ft Upstream Elevation =628.00 ft Downstream Elevation =628.00 ft Downstream Elevation =627.00 ft Height =19.00 ft Height =1.00 ft Slope =0.0110 ft/ft Slope =0.0196 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.013 RCP Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel)Flow Area =1.8 sf (assume 18" RCP) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel)Wetted Perimeter =4.7 lf (assume 18" RCP) Channel Velocity =4.20 ft/sec Channel Velocity =8.35 ft/sec Segment Time =6.89 minutes Segment Time =0.10 minutes Segment 7: Channel Flow Length =1498 ft Upstream Elevation =627.00 ft Downstream Elevation =612.00 ft Height =15.00 ft Slope =0.0100 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =4.01 ft/sec Segment Time =6.22 minutes Time of Concentration =42.97 minutes SCS Lag Time =25.78 minutes RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =1.16 acres Onsite SCS CN =70 S =4.37 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.48 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.05 acre-ft =2,016 cf Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:4-To SWMF F SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =73% HSG 'C' =27% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 65 Wooded 59 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 73 1/3 Acre Lot 74 Right of Way 86 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 16.50 4,350 71,775 0.00 4,000 0 --37,722 Total Onsite Impervious Area =109,497 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 109,497 2.51 65 193,423 4.44 59 26,908 0.62 100 12,685 0.29 98 775 0.02 73 0 0.00 74 48,779 1.12 86 0 0.00 65 17,475 0.40 59 182,677 4.19 100 0 0.00 Total Area =592,219 sf =13.60 acres Composite SCS CN =70 % Impervious =21.09% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Time of Concentration =5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time =3.00 minutes Offsite Pond - Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Impervious - Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Onsite Impervious - Measured Impervious POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition - Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Contributing Area Comments RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =7.86 acres Onsite SCS CN =76 S =3.14 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.75 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.49 acre-ft =21,356 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:4-Bypass SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =5% HSG 'C' =95% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 73 Wooded 69 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 80 1/3 Acre Lot 81 Right of Way 90 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 0.00 4,350 0 0.00 4,000 0 --0 Total Onsite Impervious Area =0 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 0 0.00 73 80,964 1.86 69 112,605 2.59 100 0 0.00 98 44,073 1.01 80 0 0.00 81 0 0.00 90 0 0.00 73 154,689 3.55 69 241,899 5.55 100 0 0.00 Total Area =634,230 sf =14.56 acres Composite SCS CN =73 % Impervious =6.95% TIME OF CONCENTRATION (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length =100 ft Length =387 ft Upstream Elevation =671.00 ft Upstream Elevation =669.00 ft Downstream Elevation =669.00 ft Downstream Elevation =649.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Height =20.00 ft Slope =0.0200 ft/ft Slope =0.0517 ft/ft Manning's n =0.40 wooded-light underbrush Paved?No P (2-year/24-hour) =3.51 inches (Charlotte, NC)Velocity =3.67 ft/sec Segment Time =20.50 minutes Segment Time =1.76 minutes Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious - Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious - Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Segment 3: Channel Flow Segment 4: Channel Flow Length =464 ft Length =612 ft Upstream Elevation =649.00 ft Upstream Elevation =634.00 ft Downstream Elevation =634.00 ft Downstream Elevation =625.00 ft Height =15.00 ft Height =9.00 ft Slope =0.0323 ft/ft Slope =0.0147 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel)Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel)Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel) Channel Velocity =4.54 ft/sec Channel Velocity =3.06 ft/sec Segment Time =1.70 minutes Segment Time =3.33 minutes Time of Concentration =23.96 minutes SCS Lag Time =14.38 minutes RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =4.44 acres Onsite SCS CN =71 S =4.09 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.53 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.20 acre-ft =8,553 cf Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:Unanalyzed SCS CURVE NUMBER (REF: TR-55 and NRCS Web Soil Survey). HSG Impervious Open Wooded Pond 1/2 Acre Lot 1/3 Acre Lot Right of Way A 98 39 30 100 54 57 77 B 98 61 55 100 70 72 85 C 98 74 70 100 80 81 90 D 98 80 77 100 85 86 92 HSG 'A' =0% HSG 'B' =100% HSG 'C' =0% HSG 'D' =0% Cover Composite Condition SCS CN Impervious 98 Open 61 Wooded 55 Pond 100 1/2 Acre Lot 70 1/3 Acre Lot 72 Right of Way 85 ONSITE IMPERVIOUS BREAKDOWN Imp per Lot Imp Area # of Lots [sf][sf] 0.00 4,350 0 0.00 4,000 0 --0 Total Onsite Impervious Area =0 sf WATERSHED BREAKDOWN Composite Area Area SCS CN [sf][acres] 98 0 0.00 61 48,152 1.11 55 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 98 0 0.00 70 0 0.00 72 0 0.00 85 0 0.00 61 0 0.00 55 0 0.00 100 0 0.00 Total Area =48,152 sf =1.11 acres Composite SCS CN =61 % Impervious =0.00% RUNOFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method where, Q* = direct runoff (inches) S = potential abstraction = (1000/CN) - 10 P = accumulated storm rainfall (inches) Onsite Drainage Area, A =1.11 acres Onsite SCS CN =61 S =6.39 P (1-year/24-hour) =2.58 inches Q* =0.22 inches Onsite Runoff Volume =0.02 acre-ft =883 cf Assume 25% impervious Assume 30% impervious Assume 65% Impervious Offsite 1/2 Acre Lot Assume 25% impervious - Contributing Area 56' x 66' Lots 50' x 65' Lots Measured Impervious Offsite 1/3 Acre Lot Assume 30% impervious Offsite Right of Way Assume 65% Impervious - Contributing Area Comments Onsite Impervious - Onsite Open Assume good condition Onsite Wooded Assume good condition Onsite Pond - Offsite Impervious POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Comments - Assume good condition Assume good condition Q* = ((P-0.2*S)2)/ (P+0.8*S) Offsite Open Assume good condition Offsite Wooded Assume good condition Offsite Pond - Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Mattingly, EI Subbasin ID:Reach Data REACH DATA (REF: SCS Segmental Approach, TR-55). REACH 1: POA 2 to POA 1 Length =962 ft Upstream Elevation =605.00 ft Downstream Elevation =598.00 ft Height =7.00 ft Slope =0.0073 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =36 sf (assume 6'x6' channel) Wetted Perimeter =18 lf (assume 6'x6' channel) Channel Velocity =4.48 ft/sec Segment Time =3.58 minutes REACH 2: POA 3 to POA 2 Length =1136 ft Upstream Elevation =612.00 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =7.00 ft Slope =0.0062 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =16 sf (assume 4'x4' channel) Wetted Perimeter =12 lf (assume 4'x4' channel) Channel Velocity =3.15 ft/sec Segment Time =6.01 minutes REACH 3: POA 4 to POA 2 Length =1026 ft Upstream Elevation =625.00 ft Downstream Elevation =605.00 ft Height =20.00 ft Slope =0.0195 ft/ft Manning's n =0.045 natural channel Flow Area =4 sf (assume 2'x2' channel) Wetted Perimeter =6 lf (assume 2'x2' channel) Channel Velocity =3.53 ft/sec Segment Time =4.85 minutes POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 2 BYPASS 4 BYPASS 3 2 TO SWMF D 2 TO SWMF C 1 BYPASS 1 TO SWMF B 1 TO SWMF A 2 TO SWMF E 4 TO SWMF F SWMF D SWMF C SWMF B SWMF A SWMF E SWMF F REACH3 POA2 POA3 POA4 POA1 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 8.52716.0021,813.0001Post 1 Year1 TO SWMF A 9.78187.0016,211.0002Post 2 Year1 TO SWMF A 28.17186.0047,600.00010Post 10 Year1 TO SWMF A 37.93186.0064,496.00025Post 25 Year1 TO SWMF A 53.66186.0091,084.000100Post 100 Year1 TO SWMF A 22.35716.0053,291.0001Post 1 Year1 TO SWMF B 26.89186.0041,284.0002Post 2 Year1 TO SWMF B 63.65186.00106,000.00010Post 10 Year1 TO SWMF B 82.26186.00139,300.00025Post 25 Year1 TO SWMF B 111.80186.00190,631.000100Post 100 Year1 TO SWMF B 26.26722.0077,952.0001Post 1 Year1 BYPASS 24.96192.0057,491.0002Post 2 Year1 BYPASS 80.03190.00174,022.00010Post 10 Year1 BYPASS 109.80190.00237,364.00025Post 25 Year1 BYPASS 156.44190.00337,489.000100Post 100 Year1 BYPASS 18.08716.0041,819.0001Post 1 Year2 TO SWMF C 23.21186.0033,937.0002Post 2 Year2 TO SWMF C 44.39186.0074,538.00010Post 10 Year2 TO SWMF C 54.76186.0094,322.00025Post 25 Year2 TO SWMF C 71.00186.00124,085.000100Post 100 Year2 TO SWMF C 26.72716.0061,999.0001Post 1 Year2 TO SWMF D 33.77186.0049,694.0002Post 2 Year2 TO SWMF D 68.18186.00113,843.00010Post 10 Year2 TO SWMF D 85.16186.00145,561.00025Post 25 Year2 TO SWMF D 111.82186.00193,584.000100Post 100 Year2 TO SWMF D 28.40716.0066,094.0001Post 1 Year2 TO SWMF E 35.58186.0052,638.0002Post 2 Year2 TO SWMF E 73.94186.00123,230.00010Post 10 Year2 TO SWMF E 92.94186.00158,400.00025Post 25 Year2 TO SWMF E 122.84186.00211,828.000100Post 100 Year2 TO SWMF E 16.23725.0053,037.0001Post 1 Year2 BYPASS 16.00195.0040,588.0002Post 2 Year2 BYPASS 43.84194.00109,625.00010Post 10 Year2 BYPASS 58.19194.00145,770.00025Post 25 Year2 BYPASS 80.24193.00201,929.000100Post 100 Year2 BYPASS 86.38744.00542,256.0001Post 1 Year3 88.99218.00411,909.0002Post 2 Year3 273.75212.001,174,860.00010Post 10 Year3 372.50212.001,581,655.00025Post 25 Year3 523.41212.002,219,020.000100Post 100 Year3 9.04720.0024,356.0001Post 1 Year4 TO SWMF F 9.60187.0017,551.0002Post 2 Year4 TO SWMF F 32.92186.0056,727.00010Post 10 Year4 TO SWMF F 45.70186.0078,462.00025Post 25 Year4 TO SWMF F 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 66.49186.00113,141.000100Post 100 Year4 TO SWMF F 7.41729.0032,069.0001Post 1 Year4 BYPASS 7.19202.0023,988.0002Post 2 Year4 BYPASS 22.81201.0070,434.00010Post 10 Year4 BYPASS 31.12199.0095,435.00025Post 25 Year4 BYPASS 44.12198.00134,777.000100Post 100 Year4 BYPASS Node Summary Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 102.35749.00805,310.0001Post 1 YearPOA1 106.44222.00646,865.0002Post 2 YearPOA1 359.08222.001,932,532.00010Post 10 YearPOA1 497.20217.002,620,693.00025Post 25 YearPOA1 716.65216.003,695,822.000100Post 100 YearPOA1 97.26745.00710,135.0001Post 1 YearPOA2 100.19223.00561,041.0002Post 2 YearPOA2 334.37218.001,649,052.00010Post 10 YearPOA2 463.44218.002,224,958.00025Post 25 YearPOA2 661.69213.003,123,368.000100Post 100 YearPOA2 86.38744.00542,256.0001Post 1 YearPOA3 88.99218.00411,909.0002Post 2 YearPOA3 273.75212.001,174,860.00010Post 10 YearPOA3 372.50212.001,581,655.00025Post 25 YearPOA3 523.41212.002,219,020.000100Post 100 YearPOA3 7.47729.0043,828.0001Post 1 YearPOA4 7.25202.0033,426.0002Post 2 YearPOA4 30.46201.00118,971.00010Post 10 YearPOA4 41.90201.00165,678.00025Post 25 YearPOA4 72.17198.00239,671.000100Post 100 YearPOA4 Pond Summary Maximum Pond Storage (ft³) Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel (N/A)(N/A)9.04720.0024,356.0001Post 1 YearSWMF F (IN) 13,023.000640.040.50871.0011,759.0001Post 1 YearSWMF F (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)9.60187.0017,551.0002Post 2 YearSWMF F (IN) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Pond Summary Maximum Pond Storage (ft³) Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel 13,336.000640.070.72293.009,439.0002Post 2 YearSWMF F (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)32.92186.0056,727.00010Post 10 YearSWMF F (IN) 25,327.000640.917.90210.0048,537.00010Post 10 YearSWMF F (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)45.70186.0078,462.00025Post 25 YearSWMF F (IN) 34,746.000641.5211.24207.0070,244.00025Post 25 YearSWMF F (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)66.49186.00113,141.000100Post 100 YearSWMF F (IN) 43,201.000642.0428.39196.00104,894.000100Post 100 YearSWMF F (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)28.40716.0066,094.0001Post 1 YearSWMF E (IN) 36,886.000615.891.34823.0036,969.0001Post 1 YearSWMF E (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)35.58186.0052,638.0002Post 2 YearSWMF E (IN) 39,750.000616.021.52293.0034,295.0002Post 2 YearSWMF E (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)73.94186.00123,230.00010Post 10 YearSWMF E (IN) 81,063.000617.759.18218.00102,352.00010Post 10 YearSWMF E (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)92.94186.00158,400.00025Post 25 YearSWMF E (IN) 88,908.000618.0622.55202.00137,420.00025Post 25 YearSWMF E (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)122.84186.00211,828.000100Post 100 YearSWMF E (IN) 109,368.000618.8431.92201.00190,781.000100Post 100 YearSWMF E (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)8.52716.0021,813.0001Post 1 YearSWMF A (IN) 15,952.000619.370.141,440.005,860.0001Post 1 YearSWMF A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)9.78187.0016,211.0002Post 2 YearSWMF A (IN) 14,888.000619.320.14364.008,821.0002Post 2 YearSWMF A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)28.17186.0047,600.00010Post 10 YearSWMF A (IN) 37,098.000620.391.31295.0029,065.00010Post 10 YearSWMF A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)37.93186.0064,496.00025Post 25 YearSWMF A (IN) 47,803.000620.871.95279.0045,002.00025Post 25 YearSWMF A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)53.66186.0091,084.000100Post 100 YearSWMF A (IN) 61,372.000621.455.46234.0070,769.000100Post 100 YearSWMF A (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)22.35716.0053,291.0001Post 1 YearSWMF B (IN) 40,549.000629.380.311,440.0012,740.0001Post 1 YearSWMF B (OUT) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Pond Summary Maximum Pond Storage (ft³) Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel (N/A)(N/A)26.89186.0041,284.0002Post 2 YearSWMF B (IN) 38,357.000629.310.30365.0019,652.0002Post 2 YearSWMF B (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)63.65186.00106,000.00010Post 10 YearSWMF B (IN) 65,918.000630.167.29226.0080,537.00010Post 10 YearSWMF B (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)82.26186.00139,300.00025Post 25 YearSWMF B (IN) 84,001.000630.7010.30220.00113,514.00025Post 25 YearSWMF B (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)111.80186.00190,631.000100Post 100 YearSWMF B (IN) 114,457.000631.5614.63217.00164,341.000100Post 100 YearSWMF B (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)18.08716.0041,819.0001Post 1 YearSWMF C (IN) 27,314.000621.600.55908.0017,276.0001Post 1 YearSWMF C (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)23.21186.0033,937.0002Post 2 YearSWMF C (IN) 28,490.000621.660.70331.0017,704.0002Post 2 YearSWMF C (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)44.39186.0074,538.00010Post 10 YearSWMF C (IN) 54,903.000622.972.48260.0056,517.00010Post 10 YearSWMF C (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)54.76186.0094,322.00025Post 25 YearSWMF C (IN) 60,839.000623.258.76213.0076,143.00025Post 25 YearSWMF C (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)71.00186.00124,085.000100Post 100 YearSWMF C (IN) 67,647.000623.5622.88198.00105,796.000100Post 100 YearSWMF C (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)26.72716.0061,999.0001Post 1 YearSWMF D (IN) 44,353.000629.420.631,000.0018,294.0001Post 1 YearSWMF D (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)33.77186.0049,694.0002Post 2 YearSWMF D (IN) 45,004.000629.440.91361.0023,138.0002Post 2 YearSWMF D (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)68.18186.00113,843.00010Post 10 YearSWMF D (IN) 68,524.000630.1310.39214.0086,746.00010Post 10 YearSWMF D (OUT) (N/A)(N/A)85.16186.00145,561.00025Post 25 YearSWMF D (IN) 82,968.000630.5416.59208.00118,310.00025Post 25 YearSWMF D (OUT) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Subsection: Master Network Summary Pond Summary Maximum Pond Storage (ft³) Maximum Water Surface Elevation (ft) Peak Flow (ft³/s) Time to Peak (min) Hydrograph Volume (ft³) Return Event (years) ScenarioLabel (N/A)(N/A)111.82186.00193,584.000100Post 100 YearSWMF D (IN) 98,597.000630.9735.32198.00166,191.000100Post 100 YearSWMF D (OUT) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY A DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 618.50 0.00 12,935 618.75 0.25 18,860 15,898 3,974 3,974 0.25 619.00 0.50 19,293 19,077 4,769 8,744 0.51 619.75 1.25 20,615 19,954 14,966 23,709 1.25 620.00 1.50 21,063 20,839 5,210 28,919 1.49 621.00 2.50 22,888 21,976 21,976 50,894 2.48 622.00 3.50 24,770 23,829 23,829 74,723 3.51 622.50 4.00 25,733 25,252 12,626 87,349 4.04 b =1.1092 Ks =18588 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 18588x1.1092 R² = 0.9999 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A ABOVE NORMAL POOL Normal Water Surface Elevation = Temporary Ponding Elevation = Wetland Surface Area = % of Wetland Zone Surface Area Deep Pool - Forebay 618.00 to 615.50 13% Deep Pool - Non Forebay 618.00 to 615.50 7% Shallow Water 618.50 to 618.00 43% Temporary Inundation 619.75 to 618.50 37% ` WETLAND ZONE CALCULATIONS 618.50 1,527 8,800 7,680 20,615 Elevation Measured Area [ft][sf] 2,608 619.75 Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A WATER QUALITY VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =10.18 acres Total Impervious Area =2.95 acres % Impervious, I =28.99% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.311 acres WQV =0.264 acre-ft =11,488 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =23,750 cf =0.545 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =23,750 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =18588 b =1.1092 NWSE =618.50 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =1.25 ft =14.97 inches Elevation =619.75 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =2.50 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =18588 b =1.1092 NWSE =618.50 ft WQV =23,750 WQV Elevation in Pond =619.75 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 619.75 23750 0.175 619.64 21457 0.167 0.171 2,293 13,413 619.53 19188 0.158 0.162 2,269 13,994 619.42 16946 0.148 0.153 2,242 14,675 619.31 14732 0.138 0.143 2,214 15,491 619.20 12551 0.127 0.132 2,181 16,496 619.09 10407 0.115 0.121 2,144 17,778 618.98 8305 0.101 0.108 2,101 19,503 618.87 6255 0.085 0.093 2,050 22,022 618.77 4270 0.066 0.076 1,985 26,282 618.66 2375 0.035 0.050 1,895 37,773 Drawdown Time =2.29 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.572 ft Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.034 sf Flowrate, Q =0.124 cfs Drawdown Time =2.22 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:10/30/2017 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =3.30 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =29.700 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =39.571 cf Weight of Concrete =5,619 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =39.571 cf Displacement by Open Air =52.800 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =130.371 cf Weight of Water Displaced =8,135 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =3,736 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =53.980 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =66.480 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =18.00 in AF Block Provided =96.000 cf Total Concrete Present =123.071 cf Total Concrete Present =17,476 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF A DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =1.36 cfs Slope =3.70 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =2 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =12.00 ft Outlet flowrate =1.36 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =6.28 ft/sec Stone diameter =6.00 in Material =Class B Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 6.28 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (ft²) Area (ft²) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.0012,601.000.0618.50 3,906.0003,906.00046,877.0618,860.000.0618.75 8,675.0004,769.00057,228.2719,293.000.0619.00 23,638.00014,963.00059,851.0520,615.000.0619.75 28,848.0005,210.00062,515.8021,063.000.0620.00 50,817.00021,969.00065,907.5522,888.000.0621.00 74,640.00023,823.00071,468.4124,770.000.0622.00 87,265.00012,625.00075,749.9125,733.000.0622.50 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft618.50Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft622.50Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 622.50619.80CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Circular 622.50621.30CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 622.50618.50CulvertForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular 622.50618.00TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft27.00Length ft27.02Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.037Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft620.28T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft620.58T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft621.30Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft618.50Elevation in2.50Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 2Number of Openings ft619.80Elevation in6.00Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t) 0.00(N/A)0.00618.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.01618.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.05618.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.07618.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.09618.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.10619.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.12619.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.13619.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.14619.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.15619.40 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.15619.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.16619.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.17619.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.18619.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.23619.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.37620.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.58620.10 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.83620.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.16620.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.34620.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.49620.50 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.63620.60 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.76620.70 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.87620.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.98620.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.09621.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.19621.10 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.28621.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.37621.30 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)3.97621.40 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)6.80621.50 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)10.45621.60 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)14.56621.70 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)19.04621.80 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)23.53621.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)25.86622.00 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)26.33622.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)26.80622.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)27.26622.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)27.72622.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)28.16622.50 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF A (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft618.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s8.52Flow (Peak In)min716.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.14Flow (Peak Outlet)min1,440.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft619.37Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³15,951.696Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³21,813.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³5,860.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³15,943.000Volume (Retained) ft³-10.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF A (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft618.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s9.78Flow (Peak In)min187.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.14Flow (Peak Outlet)min364.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft619.32Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³14,888.342Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³16,211.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³8,821.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³7,382.000Volume (Retained) ft³-8.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF A (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft618.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s28.17Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s1.31Flow (Peak Outlet)min295.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft620.39Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³37,098.058Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³47,600.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³29,065.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³18,526.000Volume (Retained) ft³-9.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF A (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft618.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s37.93Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s1.95Flow (Peak Outlet)min279.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft620.87Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³47,803.057Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³64,496.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³45,002.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³19,483.000Volume (Retained) ft³-12.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF A (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft618.50Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s53.66Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s5.46Flow (Peak Outlet)min234.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft621.45Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³61,372.385Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³91,084.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³70,769.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³20,304.000Volume (Retained) ft³-11.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY B DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 628.00 0.00 26,146 628.50 0.50 29,554 27,850 13,925 13,925 0.50 629.00 1.00 30,443 29,999 14,999 28,924 0.99 630.00 2.00 32,802 31,623 31,623 60,547 1.98 631.00 3.00 35,218 34,010 34,010 94,557 2.99 632.00 4.00 37,690 36,454 36,454 131,011 4.05 633.00 5.00 40,219 38,955 38,955 169,965 5.16 b =1.0757 Ks =29097 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 29101x1.0838 R² = 0.9997 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B MAIN POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 624.00 0.00 13,372 625.00 1.00 14,931 14,152 14,152 14,152 1.01 626.00 2.00 16,115 15,523 15,523 29,675 1.98 627.00 3.00 17,325 16,720 16,720 46,395 2.98 627.50 3.50 17,939 17,632 8,816 55,211 3.50 628.00 4.00 19,481 18,710 9,355 64,566 4.04 b =1.0921 Ks =14062 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - BELOW NORMAL POOL y = 14062x1.0921 R² = 0.9998 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage WEST FOREBAY Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 624.00 0.00 1,645 625.00 1.00 1,985 1,815 1,815 1,815 1.01 626.00 2.00 2,351 2,168 2,168 3,983 1.96 627.00 3.00 2,742 2,547 2,547 6,530 2.97 627.50 3.50 2,947 2,845 1,422 7,952 3.50 628.00 4.00 3,400 3,174 1,587 9,539 4.08 b =1.1913 Ks =1788 y = 1787.8x1.1913 R² = 0.9991 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage EAST FOREBAY Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 624.00 0.00 1,517 625.00 1.00 1,836 1,677 1,677 1,677 0.95 626.00 2.00 2,180 2,008 2,008 3,685 1.84 627.00 3.00 2,549 2,365 2,365 6,049 2.78 627.50 3.50 2,743 2,646 1,323 7,372 3.28 628.00 4.00 3,266 3,005 1,502 8,874 3.84 b =1.1955 Ks =1650 y = 1650.2x1.1955 R² = 0.999 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B TOTAL VOLUME Volume of Main Pool =64,566 cf Volume of Forebays =18,413 cf Total Volume Below NWSE =82,978 cf =1.90 acre-ft Total Volume Above NWSE =169,965 cf =3.90 acre-ft Total Volume of Facility =252,944 cf =5.81 acre-ft FOREBAY CALCULATION Total Volume Below NWSE =82,978 cf Volume of Forebays =18,413 cf % Forebay =22%Forebay volume should be approximately 20% AVERAGE DEPTH OF POND Total Volume Below NWSE =82,978 cf Surface Area at NWSE =26,146 sf Average Depth =3.17 Average depth must be greater than 3.0 VOLUME CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B DRAINAGE CHARACTERISTICS Total Drainage Area =17.49 acres Total Impervious Area =6.59 acres Include both onsite and offsite impervious area % Impervious =37.68% DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED SURFACE AREA (REF: NCDWQ BMP Handbook, 2007). Average Depth =3.17 ft TSS Removal =85% SA/DA table for Piedmont/Mountain region 3 30.0%1.34 37.7%1.64 40.0%1.73 SA/DA required =1.64 Surface Area Required =12,490 ft =0.29 acres Surface Area Provided =26,146 ft SURFACE AREA CALCULATION Lower Boundary % Impervious Upper Boundary Average Depth Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B WATER QUALITY VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =17.49 acres Total Impervious Area =6.59 acres % Impervious, I =37.68% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.389 acres WQV =0.567 acre-ft =24,704 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =37,472 cf =0.860 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =37,472 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =29097 b =1.0757 NWSE =628.00 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =1.27 ft =15.18 inches Elevation =629.27 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =3.25 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =29097 b =1.0757 NWSE =628.00 ft WQV =37,472 WQV Elevation in Pond =629.27 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 629.27 37472 0.294 629.15 33927 0.279 0.287 3,545 12,355 629.04 30408 0.264 0.272 3,519 12,958 628.93 26918 0.247 0.255 3,490 13,672 628.82 23459 0.229 0.238 3,459 14,538 628.71 20036 0.209 0.219 3,423 15,620 628.60 16654 0.188 0.199 3,382 17,031 628.48 13320 0.163 0.176 3,334 18,985 628.37 10044 0.135 0.149 3,276 21,974 628.26 6843 0.096 0.116 3,201 27,702 628.15 3747 0.042 0.069 3,096 44,858 Drawdown Time =2.31 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.565 inches Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.058 sf Flowrate, Q =0.208 cfs Drawdown Time =2.08 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:10/19/2017 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =6.00 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =54.000 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =63.871 cf Weight of Concrete =9,070 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =63.871 cf Displacement by Open Air =96.000 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =197.871 cf Weight of Water Displaced =12,347 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =5,130 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =74.108 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =86.608 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =18.00 in AF Block Provided =96.000 cf Total Concrete Present =147.371 cf Total Concrete Present =20,927 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF B DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =7.29 cfs Slope =0.88 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =2 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =12.00 ft Outlet flowrate =7.29 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =6.14 ft/sec Stone diameter =6.00 in Material =Class B Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 6.14 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (acres) Area (acres) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.000.600.0628.00 13,916.00013,916.0001.920.680.0628.50 28,915.00014,999.0002.070.700.0629.00 60,530.00031,615.0002.180.750.0630.00 94,533.00034,003.0002.340.810.0631.00 130,980.00036,447.0002.510.870.0632.00 169,928.00038,948.0002.680.920.0633.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft628.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft633.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 633.00622.00TWForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular 633.00631.00CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 633.00628.40CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Circular 633.00626.00TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft57.00Length ft57.00Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.009Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft627.81T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft628.10T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft631.50Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft628.00Elevation in3.25Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Area 2Number of Openings ft629.40Elevation ft²1.0Orifice Area ft629.90Top Elevation ft629.65Datum Elevation 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n) 0.00(N/A)0.00628.00 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.02628.10 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.06628.20 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.11628.30 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.14628.40 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.17628.50 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.19628.60 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.21628.70 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.23628.80 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.24628.90 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.26629.00 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.27629.10 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.29629.20 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.30629.30 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.31629.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.29629.50 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.26629.60 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)3.24629.70 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)4.21629.80 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)5.18629.90 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)6.08630.00 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)6.85630.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.54630.20 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.17630.30 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.75630.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)9.30630.50 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)9.82630.60 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.31630.70 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.77630.80 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.22630.90 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.66631.00 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.07631.10 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.48631.20 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.85631.30 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)13.24631.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)13.60631.50 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)15.48631.60 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)18.60631.70 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)22.54631.80 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)27.07631.90 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)29.98632.00 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)32.80632.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)35.37632.20 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)37.20632.30 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)37.74632.40 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)38.07632.50 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)38.41632.60 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)38.74632.70 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)39.07632.80 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)39.40632.90 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)39.72633.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF B (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s22.35Flow (Peak In)min716.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.31Flow (Peak Outlet)min1,440.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft629.38Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³40,548.984Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³53,291.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³12,740.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³40,530.000Volume (Retained) ft³-21.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF B (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s26.89Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.30Flow (Peak Outlet)min365.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft629.31Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³38,356.853Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³41,284.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³19,652.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³21,616.000Volume (Retained) ft³-15.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF B (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s63.65Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s7.29Flow (Peak Outlet)min226.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft630.16Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³65,918.215Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³106,000.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³80,537.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³25,447.000Volume (Retained) ft³-16.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF B (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s82.26Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s10.30Flow (Peak Outlet)min220.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft630.70Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³84,000.874Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³139,300.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³113,514.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³25,771.000Volume (Retained) ft³-15.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF B (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s111.80Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s14.63Flow (Peak Outlet)min217.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft631.56Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³114,456.823Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³190,631.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³164,341.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³26,274.000Volume (Retained) ft³-16.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY C DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 620.00 0.00 11,109 620.25 0.25 16,481 13,795 3,449 3,449 0.25 621.00 1.00 17,786 17,134 12,850 16,299 1.00 621.25 1.25 18,228 18,007 4,502 20,801 1.24 622.00 2.00 19,576 18,902 14,177 34,977 1.97 623.00 3.00 21,422 20,499 20,499 55,476 2.97 624.00 4.00 23,324 22,373 22,373 77,849 4.01 625.00 5.00 25,283 24,304 24,304 102,153 5.10 b =1.1268 Ks =16286 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 16286x1.1268 R² = 0.9999 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C ABOVE NORMAL POOL Normal Water Surface Elevation = Temporary Ponding Elevation = Wetland Surface Area = % of Wetland Zone Surface Area Deep Pool - Forebay 619.50 to 617.00 18% Deep Pool - Non Forebay 619.50 to 617.00 6% Shallow Water 620.00 to 619.50 38% Temporary Inundation 621.25 to 620.00 39% ` 7,120 WETLAND ZONE CALCULATIONS 620.00 621.25 18,228 Elevation Measured Area [ft][sf] 3,203 1,070 6,836 Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C 1-INCH TREATMENT VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =9.28 acres Total Impervious Area =3.82 acres % Impervious, I =41.20% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.421 acres WQV =0.325 acre-ft =14,174 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =20,227 cf =0.464 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =20,227 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =16286 b =1.1268 NWSE =620.00 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =1.21 ft =14.54 inches Elevation =621.21 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =2.25 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =16286 b =1.1268 NWSE =620.00 ft WQV =20,227 WQV Elevation in Pond =621.21 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 621.21 20227 0.140 621.11 18254 0.134 0.137 1,973 14,400 621.00 16305 0.126 0.130 1,949 14,990 620.90 14382 0.119 0.123 1,923 15,678 620.79 12488 0.111 0.115 1,894 16,500 620.68 10626 0.102 0.106 1,862 17,505 620.58 8799 0.092 0.097 1,826 18,780 620.47 7015 0.082 0.087 1,784 20,478 620.37 5281 0.070 0.076 1,734 22,922 620.26 3609 0.055 0.062 1,672 26,950 620.16 2023 0.031 0.043 1,586 36,985 Drawdown Time =2.37 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.559 inches Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.028 sf Flowrate, Q =0.099 cfs Drawdown Time =2.35 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:10/19/2017 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =6.50 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =58.500 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =68.371 cf Weight of Concrete =9,709 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =68.371 cf Displacement by Open Air =104.000 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =210.371 cf Weight of Water Displaced =13,127 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =5,388 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =77.835 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =90.335 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =18.00 in AF Block Provided =96.000 cf Total Concrete Present =151.871 cf Total Concrete Present =21,566 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF C DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =2.48 cfs Slope =2.08 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =2 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =12.00 ft Outlet flowrate =2.48 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =6.14 ft/sec Stone diameter =6.00 in Material =Class B Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 6.14 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (acres) Area (acres) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.000.260.0620.00 3,427.0003,427.0000.940.380.0620.25 16,274.00012,847.0001.180.410.0621.00 20,775.0004,502.0001.240.420.0621.25 34,949.00014,173.0001.300.450.0622.00 55,441.00020,492.0001.410.490.0623.00 77,807.00022,366.0001.540.540.0624.00 102,104.00024,297.0001.670.580.0625.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft620.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft625.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 625.00623.00CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 625.00620.40CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Circular 625.00617.00TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular 625.00619.00TWForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft72.00Length ft72.02Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.021Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft618.80T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft619.09T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft623.00Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft620.00Elevation in2.25Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 2Number of Openings ft621.30Elevation in6.00Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t) 0.00(N/A)0.00620.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.01620.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.04620.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.06620.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.07620.40 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.09620.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.09620.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.10620.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.11620.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.12620.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.13621.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.13621.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.14621.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.15621.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.20621.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.33621.50 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.54621.60 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.79621.70 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.12621.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.30621.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.45622.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.59622.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.72622.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.83622.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.94622.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.05622.50 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.15622.60 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.24622.70 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.33622.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.42622.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.50623.00 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)4.10623.10 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)6.96623.20 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)10.62623.30 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)14.95623.40 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)19.86623.50 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)25.24623.60 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)30.96623.70 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)36.10623.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)38.83623.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)39.15624.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)39.46624.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)39.78624.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.09624.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.40624.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.70624.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.01624.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.31624.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.60624.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.90624.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)42.20625.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF C (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft620.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s18.08Flow (Peak In)min716.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.55Flow (Peak Outlet)min908.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft621.60Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³27,314.107Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³41,819.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³17,276.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³24,525.000Volume (Retained) ft³-18.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF C (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft620.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s23.21Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.70Flow (Peak Outlet)min331.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft621.66Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³28,489.972Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³33,937.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³17,704.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³16,225.000Volume (Retained) ft³-8.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF C (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft620.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s44.39Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s2.48Flow (Peak Outlet)min260.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft622.97Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³54,902.878Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³74,538.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³56,517.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³18,013.000Volume (Retained) ft³-8.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF C (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft620.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s54.76Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s8.76Flow (Peak Outlet)min213.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft623.25Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³60,839.178Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³94,322.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³76,143.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³18,171.000Volume (Retained) ft³-8.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF C (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft620.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s71.00Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s22.88Flow (Peak Outlet)min198.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft623.56Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³67,646.571Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³124,085.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³105,796.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³18,281.000Volume (Retained) ft³-9.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY D DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 628.00 0.00 27,944 628.50 0.50 31,039 29,492 14,746 14,746 0.51 629.00 1.00 32,227 31,633 15,817 30,562 0.99 630.00 2.00 34,646 33,437 33,437 63,999 1.97 631.00 3.00 37,122 35,884 35,884 99,883 2.97 632.00 4.00 39,654 38,388 38,388 138,271 4.01 633.00 5.00 42,242 40,948 40,948 179,219 5.09 634.00 6.00 44,887 43,565 43,565 222,783 6.23 b =1.0823 Ks =30775 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 30752x1.09 R² = 0.9996 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D MAIN POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 624.00 0.00 14,980 625.00 1.00 16,167 15,574 15,574 15,574 1.01 626.00 2.00 17,379 16,773 16,773 32,347 1.98 627.00 3.00 18,612 17,996 17,996 50,342 2.98 627.50 3.50 19,238 18,925 9,463 59,805 3.50 628.00 4.00 20,925 20,082 10,041 69,845 4.04 b =1.0797 Ks =15470 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - BELOW NORMAL POOL y = 15470x1.0797 R² = 0.9998 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage FOREBAY Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 624.00 0.00 3,975 625.00 1.00 4,583 4,279 4,279 4,279 1.01 626.00 2.00 5,220 4,902 4,902 9,181 1.97 627.00 3.00 5,879 5,550 5,550 14,730 2.97 627.50 3.50 6,217 6,048 3,024 17,754 3.50 628.00 4.00 7,019 6,618 3,309 21,063 4.06 b =1.1452 Ks =4230 y = 4229.7x1.1452 R² = 0.9994 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D TOTAL VOLUME Volume of Main Pool =69,845 cf Volume of Forebays =21,063 cf Total Volume Below NWSE =90,908 cf =2.09 acre-ft Total Volume Above NWSE =179,219 cf =4.11 acre-ft Total Volume of Facility =270,127 cf =6.20 acre-ft FOREBAY CALCULATION Total Volume Below NWSE =90,908 cf Volume of Forebays =21,063 cf % Forebay =23%Forebay volume should be approximately 20% AVERAGE DEPTH OF POND Total Volume Below NWSE =90,908 cf Surface Area at NWSE =27,944 sf Average Depth =3.25 Average depth must be greater than 3.0 VOLUME CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D DRAINAGE CHARACTERISTICS Total Drainage Area =15.31 acres Total Impervious Area =4.17 acres Include both onsite and offsite impervious area % Impervious =27.25% DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED SURFACE AREA (REF: NCDWQ BMP Handbook, 2007). Average Depth =3.25 ft TSS Removal =85% SA/DA table for Piedmont/Mountain region 3 20.0%0.97 27.2%1.24 30.0%1.34 SA/DA required =1.24 Surface Area Required =8,260 ft =0.19 acres Surface Area Provided =27,944 ft SURFACE AREA CALCULATION Lower Boundary % Impervious Upper Boundary Average Depth Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D WATER QUALITY VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =15.31 acres Total Impervious Area =4.17 acres % Impervious, I =27.25% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.295 acres WQV =0.377 acre-ft =16,413 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =40,453 cf =0.929 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =40,453 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =30775 b =1.0823 NWSE =628.00 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =1.29 ft =15.45 inches Elevation =629.29 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =3.25 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =30775 b =1.0823 NWSE =628.00 ft WQV =40,453 WQV Elevation in Pond =629.29 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 629.29 40453 0.297 629.17 36611 0.282 0.290 3,842 13,260 629.06 32800 0.266 0.274 3,812 13,895 628.95 29021 0.250 0.258 3,778 14,647 628.83 25280 0.231 0.240 3,741 15,557 628.72 21581 0.212 0.222 3,699 16,692 628.61 17929 0.190 0.201 3,652 18,167 628.49 14333 0.166 0.178 3,596 20,204 628.38 10806 0.137 0.151 3,528 23,304 628.27 7364 0.100 0.118 3,441 29,042 628.15 4045 0.044 0.072 3,319 46,253 Drawdown Time =2.44 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.576 inches Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.058 sf Flowrate, Q =0.211 cfs Drawdown Time =2.22 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:10/19/2017 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =6.90 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =62.100 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =71.971 cf Weight of Concrete =10,220 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =71.971 cf Displacement by Open Air =110.400 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =220.371 cf Weight of Water Displaced =13,751 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =5,594 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =80.817 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =93.317 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =18.00 in AF Block Provided =96.000 cf Total Concrete Present =155.471 cf Total Concrete Present =22,077 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF D DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =10.39 cfs Slope =5.00 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =3 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =16.00 ft Outlet flowrate =10.39 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =12.69 ft/sec Stone diameter =13.00 in Material =Class I Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 12.69ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (acres) Area (acres) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.000.640.0628.00 14,739.00014,739.0002.030.710.0628.50 30,555.00015,816.0002.180.740.0629.00 63,984.00033,429.0002.300.800.0630.00 99,861.00035,877.0002.470.850.0631.00 138,242.00038,381.0002.640.910.0632.00 179,183.00040,941.0002.820.970.0633.00 222,741.00043,558.0003.001.030.0634.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft628.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft634.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 634.00629.40CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Area 634.00630.40CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 634.00628.00CulvertForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular 634.00623.50TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft70.00Length ft70.09Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.050Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft625.77T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft626.06T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft630.40Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft628.00Elevation in3.25Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Area 3Number of Openings ft629.40Elevation ft²1.0Orifice Area ft629.90Top Elevation ft629.65Datum Elevation 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t) 0.00(N/A)0.00628.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.02628.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.06628.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.11628.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.14628.40 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.17628.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.19628.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.21628.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.22628.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.24628.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.26629.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.27629.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.29629.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.30629.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.31629.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.77629.50 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)3.22629.60 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)4.68629.70 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)6.13629.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.59629.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.92630.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.07630.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.10630.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.06630.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.92630.40 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)15.25630.50 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)18.80630.60 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)23.13630.70 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)28.07630.80 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)33.45630.90 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)36.29631.00 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)38.09631.10 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)39.49631.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.18631.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.48631.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)40.79631.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.09631.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.40631.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.69631.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)41.99631.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)42.28632.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)42.58632.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)42.87632.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)43.15632.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)43.44632.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)43.73632.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)44.01632.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)44.29632.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)44.57632.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)44.85632.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)45.12633.00 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)45.39633.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)45.67633.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)45.94633.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)46.21633.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)46.47633.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)46.74633.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)47.00633.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)47.27633.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)47.53633.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)47.79634.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF D (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s26.72Flow (Peak In)min716.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.63Flow (Peak Outlet)min1,000.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft629.42Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³44,353.137Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³61,999.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³18,294.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³43,685.000Volume (Retained) ft³-20.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF D (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s33.77Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.91Flow (Peak Outlet)min361.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft629.44Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³45,004.278Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³49,694.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³23,138.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³26,540.000Volume (Retained) ft³-16.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF D (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s68.18Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s10.39Flow (Peak Outlet)min214.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft630.13Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³68,524.344Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³113,843.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³86,746.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³27,081.000Volume (Retained) ft³-15.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF D (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s85.16Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s16.59Flow (Peak Outlet)min208.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft630.54Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³82,967.586Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³145,561.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³118,310.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³27,236.000Volume (Retained) ft³-15.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF D (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft628.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s111.82Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s35.32Flow (Peak Outlet)min198.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft630.97Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³98,596.504Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³193,584.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³166,191.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³27,378.000Volume (Retained) ft³-15.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY E DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 614.00 0.00 13,212 614.25 0.25 17,952 15,582 3,896 3,896 0.25 615.00 1.00 19,897 18,925 14,193 18,089 0.99 615.25 1.25 20,555 20,226 5,057 23,145 1.23 616.00 2.00 22,653 21,604 16,203 39,348 1.97 617.00 3.00 24,034 23,344 23,344 62,692 2.98 618.00 4.00 25,448 24,741 24,741 87,433 4.00 619.00 5.00 26,891 26,170 26,170 113,602 5.04 620.00 6.00 28,365 27,628 27,628 141,230 6.11 b =1.1296 Ks =18273 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 18273x1.1296 R² = 0.9998 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E ABOVE NORMAL POOL Normal Water Surface Elevation = Temporary Ponding Elevation = Wetland Surface Area = % of Wetland Zone Surface Area Deep Pool - Forebay 613.50 to 611.00 15% Deep Pool - Non Forebay 613.50 to 611.00 9% Shallow Water 614.00 to 613.50 40% Temporary Inundation 615.25 to 614.00 36% ` WETLAND ZONE CALCULATIONS 614.00 20,555 Elevation Measured Area 3,079 1,846 8,287 7,341 615.25 [ft][sf] Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E 1-INCH TREATMENT VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =17.24 acres Total Impervious Area =6.18 acres % Impervious, I =35.87% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.373 acres WQV =0.536 acre-ft =23,329 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =20,227 cf =0.464 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =23,329 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =18273 b =1.1296 NWSE =614.00 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =1.24 ft =14.90 inches Elevation =615.24 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =2.50 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =18273 b =1.1296 NWSE =614.00 ft WQV =23,329 WQV Elevation in Pond =615.24 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 615.24 23329 0.175 615.13 21050 0.166 0.171 2,279 13,365 615.03 18799 0.157 0.162 2,251 13,913 614.92 16579 0.148 0.153 2,220 14,555 614.81 14393 0.138 0.143 2,187 15,322 614.70 12244 0.127 0.132 2,149 16,262 614.59 10137 0.115 0.121 2,106 17,459 614.49 8080 0.101 0.108 2,057 19,060 614.38 6082 0.086 0.093 1,998 21,382 614.27 4158 0.067 0.076 1,925 25,264 614.16 2333 0.036 0.051 1,825 35,453 Drawdown Time =2.22 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.569 inches Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.034 sf Flowrate, Q =0.124 cfs Drawdown Time =2.18 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =4.00 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =36.000 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =45.871 cf Weight of Concrete =6,514 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =45.871 cf Displacement by Open Air =64.000 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =147.871 cf Weight of Water Displaced =9,227 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =4,098 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =59.198 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =71.698 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =15.00 in AF Block Provided =80.000 cf Total Concrete Present =113.371 cf Total Concrete Present =16,099 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF E DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =9.18 cfs Slope =1.35 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =2 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =12.00 ft Outlet flowrate =9.18 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =7.63 ft/sec Stone diameter =6.00 in Material =Class B Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 7.63 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (ft²) Area (ft²) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.0013,212.000.0614.00 3,880.0003,880.00046,564.7117,952.000.0614.25 18,068.00014,187.00056,748.5019,897.000.0615.00 23,124.0005,056.00060,675.3220,555.000.0615.25 39,320.00016,197.00064,786.5222,653.000.0616.00 62,661.00023,340.00070,020.2924,034.000.0617.00 87,398.00024,738.00074,212.9025,448.000.0618.00 113,564.00026,166.00078,498.5526,891.000.0619.00 141,189.00027,625.00082,874.1728,365.000.0620.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft614.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft620.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 628.00632.00CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 628.00623.30CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Circular 628.00622.00TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular 628.00628.00TWForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft37.00Length ft37.00Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.014Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft615.81T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft616.10T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft617.50Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft614.00Elevation in2.50Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 2Number of Openings ft615.30Elevation in6.00Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n) 0.00(N/A)0.00614.00 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.01614.10 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.05614.20 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.07614.30 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.09614.40 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.10614.50 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.12614.60 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.13614.70 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.14614.80 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.15614.90 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.16615.00 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.16615.10 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.17615.20 Siphon (no Q: Riser,Orifice,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.18615.30 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.23615.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.38615.50 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.58615.60 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.84615.70 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.17615.80 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.35615.90 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.49616.00 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.64616.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.76616.20 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.88616.30 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.99616.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.10616.50 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.20616.60 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.29616.70 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.38616.80 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.47616.90 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.57617.00 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.64617.10 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.72617.20 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.79617.30 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.87617.40 Orifice,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.95617.50 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)4.53617.60 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)7.37617.70 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)11.04617.80 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)15.17617.90 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)19.72618.00 Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)24.49618.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Orifice,Culvert,Sipho n 0.00(N/A)28.95618.20 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)29.69618.30 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)30.11618.40 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)30.53618.50 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)30.94618.60 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)31.35618.70 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)31.74618.80 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)32.14618.90 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)32.53619.00 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)32.92619.10 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)33.30619.20 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)33.68619.30 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)34.05619.40 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)34.43619.50 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)34.79619.60 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)35.15619.70 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)35.51619.80 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)35.87619.90 Riser,Culvert,Siphon (no Q: Orifice) 0.00(N/A)36.21620.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF E (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft614.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s28.40Flow (Peak In)min716.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s1.34Flow (Peak Outlet)min823.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft615.89Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³36,886.472Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³66,094.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³36,969.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³29,095.000Volume (Retained) ft³-30.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF E (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft614.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s35.58Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s1.52Flow (Peak Outlet)min293.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft616.02Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³39,749.560Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³52,638.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³34,295.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³18,332.000Volume (Retained) ft³-11.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF E (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft614.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s73.94Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s9.18Flow (Peak Outlet)min218.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft617.75Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³81,062.566Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³123,230.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³102,352.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³20,864.000Volume (Retained) ft³-13.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF E (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft614.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s92.94Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s22.55Flow (Peak Outlet)min202.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft618.06Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³88,907.760Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³158,400.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³137,420.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³20,967.000Volume (Retained) ft³-13.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF E (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft614.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s122.84Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s31.92Flow (Peak Outlet)min201.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft618.84Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³109,367.555Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³211,828.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³190,781.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³21,034.000Volume (Retained) ft³-13.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE SOUTHSTONE TAC-17000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY F DESIGN CALCULATIONS Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Calculated Contour Stage Contour Area Contour Area Contour Vol Contour Vol Stage [ft][ft][sf][sf][cf][cf][ft] 639.00 0.00 8,986 639.25 0.25 12,481 10,734 2,683 2,683 0.25 640.00 1.00 13,564 13,023 9,767 12,450 1.00 640.25 1.25 13,932 13,748 3,437 15,887 1.24 641.00 2.00 15,057 14,495 10,871 26,758 1.98 642.00 3.00 16,606 15,832 15,832 42,590 3.00 643.00 4.00 18,212 17,409 17,409 59,999 4.07 b =1.1172 Ks =12504 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL y = 12504x1.1172 R² = 0.9999 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00Storage(CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F ABOVE NORMAL POOL Normal Water Surface Elevation = Temporary Ponding Elevation = Wetland Surface Area = % of Wetland Zone Surface Area Deep Pool - Forebay 638.50 to 636.00 13% Deep Pool - Non Forebay 638.50 to 636.00 13% Shallow Water 639.00 to 638.50 39% Temporary Inundation 640.25 to 639.00 36% ` 4,946 WETLAND ZONE CALCULATIONS 639.00 640.25 13,932 Elevation Measured Area [ft][sf] 1,818 1,777 5,392 Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F 1-INCH TREATMENT VOLUME (REF: Simple Method, Schueler, 1987). WQV = P x Rv x A / 12 where, WQV = Water Quality Volume (acre-ft) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009 x I, where I is % Impervious Cover A = Area (acres) P = Rainfall (inches) Total Drainage Area, A =13.60 acres Total Impervious Area =2.87 acres % Impervious, I =21.09% Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Rv =0.240 acres WQV =0.272 acre-ft =11,836 cf 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME Pre/Post Difference in 1-Year Volume 1-Year Treatment Volume =11,248 cf =0.258 acre-ft ASSOCIATED DEPTH OF 1-YEAR TREATMENT VOLUME IN POND Water Quality Volume =11,836 cf Larger of two volumes above Ks =12504 b =1.1172 NWSE =639.00 ft Depth of WQV in Pond =0.95 ft =11.42 inches Elevation =639.95 ft Spillway must be set above this elevation WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using falling head Orifice Diameter =1.75 inches Number of Orifices =1 Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Ks =12504 b =1.1172 NWSE =639.00 ft WQV =11,836 WQV Elevation in Pond =639.95 ft Average Incremental Incremental WSEL Storage Siphon Flow Flow Volume Time [ft][cf][cfs][cfs][cf][sec] 639.95 11836 0.075 639.87 10688 0.072 0.073 1,148 15,624 639.79 9553 0.068 0.070 1,135 16,279 639.70 8432 0.064 0.066 1,121 17,046 639.62 7326 0.059 0.062 1,106 17,961 639.54 6238 0.055 0.057 1,088 19,083 639.45 5169 0.050 0.052 1,069 20,508 639.37 4123 0.044 0.047 1,046 22,409 639.29 3105 0.037 0.040 1,018 25,152 639.20 2121 0.029 0.033 984 29,690 639.12 1184 0.016 0.023 937 41,110 Drawdown Time =2.60 days 2-5 day drawdown required DRAWDOWN DESIGN Using average head Average Head on Orifice =0.440 inches Orifice Coefficient, Cd =0.60 Area of Orifice =0.017 sf Flowrate, Q =0.053 cfs Drawdown Time =2.57 days 2-5 day drawdown required WATER QUALITY VOLUME DRAWDOWN CALCULATION Project Name: Southstone Date:1/18/2018 Project Number: TAC-17000 Calculated By: J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F INPUT DATA Inside Length =4.00 ft Inside Width =4.00 ft Wall Thickness =6.00 in Standard Base Length =5.00 ft Standard Base Width =5.00 ft Standard Base Thickness =6.00 in Inside Height of Riser =5.00 ft Concrete Unit Weight =142.00 pcf Unit weight of manhole concrete is 142 pcf per NC Products Outside Diameter of Barrel =30.00 in Drain Pipe (if present) =8.00 in TRASH RACK DISPLACEMENT Bottom Length / Width =7.00 ft Calculation for truncated square pyramid Top Length / Width =1.00 ft Height =2.00 ft Trash Rack Displacement =38.000 cf CONCRETE PRESENT IN RISER STRUCTURE Riser Walls =45.000 cf Standard Base of Riser =12.500 cf Less Opening for Barrel =2.454 cf Less Opening for Drain Pipe =0.175 cf Total Concrete Less Openings =54.871 cf Weight of Concrete =7,792 lbs AMOUNT OF WATER DISPLACED BY RISER STRUCTURE Displacement by Concrete =54.871 cf Displacement by Open Air =80.000 cf Displacement by Trash Rack =38.000 cf Total Water Displaced =172.871 cf Weight of Water Displaced =10,787 lbs RISER ANTI-FLOTATION CALCULATION AMOUNT OF CONCRETE TO ADD TO RISER STRUCTURE Safety Factor =1.15 Recommend 1.15 or higher Add'l Weight for Bouyancy =4,614 lbs Bouyant Weight of Concrete =79.60 pcf Bouyant Weight w/ SF =69.22 pcf Add'l Concrete to Add =66.653 cf Less Standard Base =12.500 cf New Base Design Required =79.153 cf ANTI FLOTATION BLOCK DESIGN CALCULATIONS AF Block Length =8.00 ft AF Block Width =8.00 ft AF Block Thickness =18.00 in AF Block Provided =96.000 cf Total Concrete Present =138.371 cf Total Concrete Present =19,649 lbs Project Name:Southstone Date:1/12/2018 Project Number:TAC-17000 Calculated By:J. Aldridge, PE Facility ID:SWMF F DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION Calculations based on NY DOT method - Pages 8.06.05 through 8.06.06 in NC Erosion Control Manual. Flow, Q10-yr =7.90 cfs Slope =1.32 % Pipe Diameter, Do =24 in =2.00 feet Number of pipes =1 Pipe separation =0.00 feet Manning's n =0.013 Zone from graph above =2 Outlet pipe diameter =24 in Length =12.00 ft Outlet flowrate =7.90 cfs Width =6.00 ft Outlet velocity =7.27 ft/sec Stone diameter =6.00 in Material =Class B Thickness =22.00 in Zone Material Diameter Thickness Length Width 1 Class A 3 9 4 x Do 3 x Do 2 Class B 6 22 6 x Do 3 x Do 3 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 4 Class I 13 22 8 x Do 3 x Do 5 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 6 Class II 23 27 10 x Do 3 x Do 7 Study Required RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION 7.27 ft/sec 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Velocity(ft/sec)Pipe diameter (ft) Figure 8.06.b.1 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ft³) Volume (ft³) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (ft²) Area (ft²) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.008,986.000.0639.00 2,671.0002,671.00032,057.2912,481.000.0639.25 12,436.0009,764.00039,056.2413,564.000.0640.00 15,872.0003,437.00041,242.7713,932.000.0640.25 26,741.00010,868.00043,472.5815,057.000.0641.00 42,566.00015,825.00047,475.5416,606.000.0642.00 59,969.00017,403.00052,208.4718,212.000.0643.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft639.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft643.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 643.00640.00CulvertForwardOrificeOrifice-Area 643.00641.50CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 643.00639.00CulvertForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular 643.00636.50TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in24.00Diameter ft38.00Length ft38.00Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.013Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 1Ke 0Kb 0Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 1T1 ratio (HW/D) 1T2 ratio (HW/D) -1Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft638.81T1 Elevation ft³/s15.55T1 Flow ft639.10T2 Elevation ft³/s17.77T2 Flow 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft641.50Elevation ft²16.0Orifice Area 1Orifice Coefficient ft16.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1K Reverse 0Manning's n 0Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft639.00Elevation in1.75Orifice Diameter 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice Structure Type: Orifice-Area 2Number of Openings ft640.00Elevation ft²1.0Orifice Area ft640.50Top Elevation ft640.25Datum Elevation 1Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Convergence Tolerances ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t) 0.00(N/A)0.00639.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.01639.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.03639.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.04639.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.04639.40 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.05639.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.06639.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.06639.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.07639.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.07639.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.08640.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)1.04640.10 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.01640.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.98640.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)3.94640.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)4.91640.50 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)5.79640.60 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)6.56640.70 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.25640.80 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.87640.90 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.45641.00 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.99641.10 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)9.49641.20 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)9.98641.30 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.45641.40 Orifice,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.89641.50 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)12.83641.60 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)16.01641.70 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)19.98641.80 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)24.55641.90 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)27.37642.00 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)30.03642.10 Orifice,Riser,Siphon,Culver t 0.00(N/A)32.23642.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)33.31642.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)33.68642.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)34.04642.50 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)34.40642.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)34.76642.70 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)35.12642.80 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)35.47642.90 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)35.82643.00 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 1 year 24 hrLabel: SWMF F (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft639.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s9.04Flow (Peak In)min720.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.50Flow (Peak Outlet)min871.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft640.04Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³13,022.526Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³24,356.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³11,759.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³12,585.000Volume (Retained) ft³-12.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 2 yearLabel: SWMF F (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft639.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s9.60Flow (Peak In)min187.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s0.72Flow (Peak Outlet)min293.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft640.07Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³13,336.412Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³17,551.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³9,439.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³8,107.000Volume (Retained) ft³-5.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 10 yearLabel: SWMF F (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft639.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s32.92Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s7.90Flow (Peak Outlet)min210.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft640.91Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³25,327.070Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³56,727.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³48,537.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³8,185.000Volume (Retained) ft³-5.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 25 yearLabel: SWMF F (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft639.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s45.70Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s11.24Flow (Peak Outlet)min207.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft641.52Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³34,745.794Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³78,462.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³70,244.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³8,214.000Volume (Retained) ft³-5.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE Storm Event: 100 yearLabel: SWMF F (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft639.00Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s66.49Flow (Peak In)min186.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s28.39Flow (Peak Outlet)min196.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft642.04Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ft³43,201.068Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ft³) ft³0.000Volume (Initial) ft³113,141.000Volume (Total Inflow) ft³0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ft³104,894.000Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ft³8,243.000Volume (Retained) ft³-5.000Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 1/18/2018TAC17000.ppc Jessie Mattingly, EISOUTHSTONE UNITED IN OUR PURSUIT OF YOUR VISION, WE WILL LEVERAGE OUR KNOWLEDGE, OFFERINGS AND CULTURE TO CREATE MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCES. 1. 800. 733. 5646 www.mcadamsco.com > Durham, NC Headquarters 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 > Charlotte, NC 3436 Toringdon Way Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28277