HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005088_FINAL_CSA_Appendix_G_201801312018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra APPENDIX G SAMPLE CHARACTERIZATION Source Characterization – HDR CSA Appendix C Soil and Rock Characterization – HDR CSA Appendix D Surface Water and Sediment Characterization – HDR CSA Appendix F Groundwater Characterization – HDR CSA Appendix G Includes Duke Low Flow Sampling Plan Field, Sampling, and Data Analysis Quality Assurance / Quality Control - HDR CSA Appendix E Mineralogical Characterization of Soil and Rock 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION – HDR CSA APPENDIX C 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra SOIL AND ROCK CHARACTERIZATION – HDR CSA APPENDIX D 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra SURFACE WATER AND SEDIMENT CHARACTERIZATION – HDR CSA APPENDIX F 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra GROUNDWATER CHARACTERIZATION – HDR CSA APPENDIX G Includes Duke Low Flow Sampling Plan 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra FIELD, SAMPLING, AND DATA ANALYSIS QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL – HDR CSA APPENDIX E 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Cliffside Steam Station SynTerra MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOIL AND ROCK Table 6.8a. Cliffside Petrographic Analysis SummaryQuartz Plagioclase Microcline Biotite Muscovite Sillimanite Pyrite Sphene Apatite Tourmaline Garnet Kyanite ZirconGWA-25D HDR C-GWA-25D 47.7' to 48.0' 30 15 5 20 15 5 5tr2tr tr 5 tr - Garnet Biotite Mica GneissGWA-32BR HDR C-GWA-32BR 59.95' to 60.3' 35 20 tr 5 25 15 tr tr tr tr - tr tr Mica GneissGWA-30BR HDR C-GWA-30BR 43.0' to 43.3' 35 27 tr 30 5 tr 3 tr - - - - tr Biotite GneissGWA-30D HDR C-GWA-30D 39.65' to 40.0' 40 28 tr 30 - tr 2 tr - - tr - tr Biotite GneissMW-38D HDR C-MW-38D-1 67.9' to 68.2' 50 30 tr 20 - tr tr tr - - - - tr Biotite GneissMW-38D HDR C-MW-38D-2 79.5' to 79.8' 45 25 20 - 5 4 - tr - - 1 tr - Quartz Feldspar GneissBG-1D HDR C-BG-1D-1 74.2' to 74.5' 30 15 tr 20 10 10 5 2 tr 5 3 tr tr Garnet Biotite Mica GneissBG-2D HDR C-BG-2D-1 51.7' to 52.0' 50 20 tr 25 - tr 3 2 - - - - tr Biotite Gneiss1Percent Mineralogy estimated using Comparison Charts for Estimating Percentage Composition.Pyrite: FeS2Sphene: CaTiSiO5Apatite: Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)Garnet: (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn)32+(Al, Fe, Cr)23+(SiO4)3Kyanite: Al2SiO5Zircon: ZrSiO4Rock Type 2tr - Trace Amounts.Boring IDPetrography BySample IDSample DepthMineral Percentage by Volume1Sillimanite: Al2SiO5Quartz- SiO2Microcline feldspar: KAl2Si2O8Muscovite: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2Biotite: K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2 Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~20%, light brown to brow, coarse, defines foliation. Muscovite - ~10%, in books and single crystals, generally associated wit muscovite. Quartz - ~30%, Sutured grain boundaries. Undulatory extinction. Sillimanite - 10%, occurs as prismatic crystrals and felted masses of fibers. Sphene - ~2% Apatite - Trace Zircon - Trace Tourmaline (Dravite) - ~5%, lath-shaped with some crystals showing zonation. Garnet - ~3%, not present in thin-section; estimated from hand sample. Kyanite - Trace Rock Type: Garnet Biotite-Mica Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG June 22, 2015 PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-BG-1D-1 74.2' to 74.5' Layers with crystalloblastic and lepidoblastic texture, layers with cystalloblastic textue consist primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts with minor bioitite and sillimanite (indicative of upper amphibolite metamorphic grade) and tourmaline defining the foliation. Quartz grains exhibit undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation). The lepidoblastic layers consist primary of muscovite, sillimanite crystals and fibrous, fine-grained mases of sillimanite, biotite and pyrite. (No garnet in thin-section.) Plagioclase - ~15%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth with minor saussurtization. Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Pyrite - ~5%. Garnet Biotite-Mica Gneiss. Interlayered light gray, medium- to coarse-grained gneissic layers (quartz/feldspar) and medium light gray, very fine-grained schistose layers, layers 5 to 10 mm, impure garnets to 10-15 mm wide. Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~25%, Reddish brown books define foliation. Quartz - ~50%, Sutured grain boundaries. Undulatory extinction. Sillimanite - Trace, occurs as slender prismatic crystrals and felted masses of fibers. Pyrite - ~3% Sphene - ~2% Zircon - Trace Rock Type: Biotite Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG June 25, 2015 Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Crystalloblastic texture, consists primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts. Quartz grains exhibit undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation). Brown biotite defines foliation. Trace sillimanite is present, indicating upper amphibolite metamorphic grade. Biotite Gneiss, light gray to medium light gray, very hard, fine- to medium-grained with large clasts of quartz-feldspar, biotite defines a poorly developed foliation. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-BG-2D-1 51.7' to 52.0' Plagioclase - ~20%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth with minor saussurtization. Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~20%, light brown to brown, coarse, defines foliation. Muscovite - ~15%, in books. Quartz - ~30%, sutured grain boundaries. Undulatory extinction. Plagioclase - ~15%, Some secondary crystal growth with minor saussuritization. Microcline - ~5%. Sillimanite - 5%, occurs as prismatic crystrals and felted masses of fibers. Sphene - Trace. Apatite - Trace Tourmaline - Trace Garnet - ~5%. Kyanite - Trace Rock Type: Garnet Biotite-Mica Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG October 9, 2015 Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Pyrite - ~5%. Garnet Biotite-Mica Gneiss. Interlayered light gray, medium- to coarse-grained gneissic layers (quartz/feldspar) and medium light gray, very fine-grained schistose layers, layers 5 to 10 mm, garnets to 10-15 mm. Layers with crystalloblastic andl lepidoblastic texture, layers with cystalloblastic textue consist primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts with minor bioitite and sillimanite (indicative of upper amphibolite metamorphic grade) and tourmaline defining the foliation. Quartz grains exhibit undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation). The lepidoblastic layers consist primary of muscovite, biotite, sillimanite crystals and fibrous, fine-grained mases of sillimanite, and pyrite. Large, fractured garnets contain inclusions of quartz, pyrite, and epidote with muscovite-biotite wrapping around the grains. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-GWA-25D 47.7' to 48.0' Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (two thin-sections): Biotite - ~30%, light brown books, defines foliation. Muscovite - ~5%. Quartz - ~35%, sutured grain boundaries. Undulatory extinction. Plagioclase - ~27%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth. Sillimanite - Trace, occurs as slender prismatic crystals and felted masses of fibers. Pyrite - ~3%. Sphene - Trace Zircon - Trace Rock Type: Biotite Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG October 9, 2015 Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Crystalloblastic texture, consists primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts. Quartz exhibits undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation), Brown biotite defines foliation. Trace sillimanite is present indicating upper amphibolite metamorphic grade. Biotite Gneiss, light gray to medium light gray, very hard, medium-grained with large clasts of quartz-feldspar, biotite defines a poorly developed foliation. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-GWA-30BR 43.0' to 43.3' Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~30%, light brown books, defines foliation. Quartz - ~40%, sutured grain boundaries, undulatory extinction. Plagioclase - ~28%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth. Sillimanite - Trace, occurs as slender prismatic crystals and felted masses of fibers. Pyrite - ~2%. Garnet - Trace Sphene - Trace Zircon - Trace Rock Type: Biotite Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG October 9, 2015 Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Crystalloblastic texture, consists primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts. Quartz exhibits undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation). Brown biotite defines foliation. Trace sillimanite is present, indicating upper amphibolite metamorphic grade. Biotite Gneiss, light gray to medium light gray, very hard, fine- to medium-grained with alternating biotite and quartzo- feldspathic layers that define the foliation. Scattered garnets. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-GWA-30D 39.65' to 40.0' Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~5%, light brown to brown, coarse, defines foliation. Muscovite - ~25%, in books and single crystals, generally associated with muscovite. Quartz - ~35%, sutured grain boundaries. Undulatory extinction. Sillimanite - 15%, occurs as prismatic crystrals and felted masses of fibers. Sphene - Trace Apatite - Trace Zircon - Trace Tourmaline - Trace. Kyanite - Trace Rock Type: Sillimanite-Mica Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG October 9, 2015 Plagioclase - ~20%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth with minor saussuritization. Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Pyrite - Trace. Mica Gneiss. Very light gray to light gray, fine- to medium- grained, hard with poorly developed foliation defined by coarser quartzo-feldspathic layers. Crystalloblastic texture, consists primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts with minor biotite and sillimanite (indicative of upper amphibolite metamorphic grade) and tourmaline defining the foliation with lepdioblastic layers consists primary of muscovite, sillimanite crystals and fibrous, fine-grained mases of sillimanite, with minor epidote and biotite. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-GWA-32BR 59.95' to 60.3' Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Biotite - ~20%, reddish brown books, defines foliation. Quartz - ~50%, sutured grain boundaries, undulatory extinction. Plagioclase - ~30%, possible trace microcline. Some secondary crystal growth. Sillimanite - trace, occurs as slender prismatic crystals and felted masses of fibers. Pyrite - Trace Sphene - Trace Zircon - Trace Rock Type: Biotite Gneiss Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG June 25, 2015 Upper amphibolite grade metamorphism of an impure sandstone. Crystalloblastic texture, consists primarily of anhedral quartz and feldspar crystals with sutured contacts. Quartz exhibits undulatory extinction indicating strain (deformation), Brown biotite defines foliation. Trace sillimanite is present indicating upper amphibolite metamorphic grade. Biotite Gneiss, light gray to medium light gray, very hard, medium-grained with large clasts of quartz-feldspar, biotite defines a poorly developed foliation. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-MW-38D-1 67.9' to 68.2' Site:Project No.: Location:Cleveland and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina Sample #: Depth: Rock Core Description: Microscopic Description (one thin-section): Muscovite - ~5%, in books. Quartz - ~45%, sutured grain boundaries, undulatory extinction. Plagioclase - ~25%, some secondary crystal growth with minor saussuritization. Microcline - ~20%, distinguished by polysynthetic twinning. Sillimanite - 4%, occurs as prismatic crystrals and felted masses of fibers. Sphene - Trace. Garnet - ~1%. Kyanite - Trace Rock Type: Quartz Feldspar Gneiss (Migmatite). Origin: By:Date: M. F. Schaeffer, LG October 9, 2015 Migmatite developed during high grade metamorphism of sedimentary rocks. Quartz Feldspar Gneiss (Migmatite). White to very light gray, coarse-grained with garnets to 2-5 mm.. Cystalloblastic textue consists primarily of coarse anhedral quartz and feldspar (plagioclase and microclinie) crystals with sutured contacts with interstitial muscovite and sillimanite. Myrmekitic intergrowth of quartz in microcline near plagioclase crystals is common. Sillimanite occurs as needles and fibrous masses near muscovite. Garnet are irregular shaped and fractured. PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION Cliffside Steam Station 392 246412 001 C-MW-38D-2 79.5' to 79.8'