HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004979_FINAL_Allen_CSA_Appendix_E_2018_201801302018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Allen Steam Station SynTerra APPENDIX E SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS STANTEC Draft Report WSP Drawings 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Allen Steam Station SynTerra STANTEC Draft Report ALLEN STEAM STATION – FIELD RECONNAISSANCE Stability/Seepage Issues: ALL- 1: (Stantec Facility Issue 1) Stability analyses were performed on the Retired Ash Basin as part of the ash stack design. From the documents reviewed, it appears that the focus of the analyses was the stability of the stack. A global analysis of the Retired Ash Basin Dike does not appear to have been performed. Recommended Action: Previous slope stability analyses for the dike should be reviewed to ensure proper geometry has been used and the weight of the ash stack has been included. If not analyzed, the stability of the dike under the current loading conditions should be evaluated, accounting for existing geometry and piezometric conditions. Topographic surveys, geotechnical explorations, and laboratory testing may be needed to address data gaps. ALL- 2: (Stantec Facility Issue 2) A crack (approximately 35 feet long) was observed along the crest of the East Dike of the Active Ash Basin, with an associated bulge approximately 25 feet down slope along the external side of the dike. Recommended Action: The area should be monitored as part of the monthly inspections; if settlement of the crest or increased width or length of the crack is observed, proper mitigation of the area should be performed. ALL- 3: (Stantec Facility Issue 3) Seepage was observed above the bench of the stability berm on the northern end of the East Dike, near the tie-in with the North Dike. Recommended Action: The locations should be included in the monthly inspections and monitoring program to note any change in flow rate, turbidity, or increase in the saturated area. ALL- 4: (Stantec Facility Issue 4) Seepage was observed along the toe of the stability berms on the East and North Dikes of the Active Ash Basin. These seeps coincide with designed internal drainage of the dikes. Recommended Action: Seepage locations should continue to be monitored to note any changes in flow rate, turbidity, or the presence of new seeps. ALL- 5: (Stantec Facility Issue 5) Seepage was observed at the toe of the Retired Ash Basin along the edge of the coal yard. Recommended Action: This seepage should be included in the monitoring program to note any change in flow rate, seepage area or turbidity. This area, along the edge of the coal yard, does not appear to be included in current periodic inspections of the dam, and should be inspected regularly. Pipe/Outlet Structure Issues: ALL- 6: (Stantec Facility Issue 6) An undocumented pipe (18-inch galvanized steel) was observed near the toe of the Retired Ash Basin dike, along the edge of the coal yard. Recommended Action: The pipe should be video-inspected to determine the inlet location and the condition of the pipe. A survey should be performed to document the location of the pipe, and if necessary a plan to properly abandon the pipe should be implemented. ALL- 7: (Stantec Facility Issue 7) Access to the Retired Ash Basin riser structure is limited; at the time of the inspection the structure was inaccessible because of standing water. The previous independent inspection report (S&ME, 2008) indicates that the intake conduit has been displaced. Recommended Action: Proper access to the riser structure should be provided to allow for periodic inspection and maintenance of the riser structure. The CCTV inspection performed by Stantec on April 15, 2014 did not observe the previously noted displacement. Additional evaluation of the riser structure is recommended. Maintenance Issues: ALL- 8: (Stantec Facility Issue 8) Erosion was observed in the swales located on the stability berm on the Active Ash Basin East Dike. Recommended Action: Provide proper erosion control measures in the swales. ALL- 9: (Stantec Facility Issue 9) No vegetation was present under the coal yard outlet pipes on the external face of the Active Ash Basin East Dike. Recommended Action: Vegetation or other erosion protection should be established under the pipes. ALL- 10: (Stantec Facility Issue 10) Caps were not observed on piezometer riser pipes. Recommended Action: Vented caps should be installed on all piezometers. ALL- 11: (Stantec Facility Issue 11) Observation wells along the external face of the Active Ash Basin East Dike were observed to be missing protective casing. Recommended Action: Surface protection should be provided for active instrumentation. If wells are no longer in use, they should be properly abandoned and the riser pipes removed. ALL- 12: (Stantec Facility Issue 12) Animal burrows were observed along the dikes. Recommended Action: Burrows should be properly backfilled and reseeded. ALL- 13: (Stantec Facility Issue 13) Erosion and steep slopes were observed on the internal face of the Active Ash Basin North Dike near the western end. Recommended Action: Proper slope geometry and drainage should be re-established and erosion protection should be installed. ALL- 14: (Stantec Facility Issue 14) Erosion and sparse vegetation was observed along the western end of the Active Ash Basin North Dike external face. Recommended Action: Erosion should be repaired, vegetation should be re- established, and those areas should be monitored as part of the monthly inspections. ALL- 15: (Stantec Facility Issue 15) Erosion was observed around two culvert pipes under the sluice lines along the Active Ash Basin North Dike. Recommended Action: Proper erosion control measures should be installed. ALL- 16: (Stantec Facility Issue 16) Rutting and depressions were observed along the crest of the Retired Ash Basin dike. Recommended Action: Proper grading and repair should be performed. ALL- 17: (Stantec Facility Issue 17) Trees and brush were observed on the external face of the Retired Ash Basin dike. Recommended Action: Trees and dense brush that prevent visual observations should be removed. ALL- 18: (Stantec Facility Issue 18) Rutting and depressions were observed on the access road near the toe of the Active Ash Basin East Dike. Recommended Action: Proper maintenance should be performed on the access road to repair rutting and depressions. Active Ash Basin Dam (GASTO-061) Outlet Pipe: ALL- 19: (Stantec Pipe Issue 1) A hole in the pipe is located next to a joint approximately 475 feet from the pipe outlet. A circumferential crack is located next to the riser, and it is wider than a hairline crack. Recommended Action: Repair the hole and the circumferential crack. Decant Structure/Riser:  Issues: None. Retired Ash Basin Dam (GASTO-016): Outlet Pipe: Issues: None. Decant Structure/Riser: ALL- 20: (Stantec Pipe Issue 2) Infiltration was observed in a pipe joint of the riser, at a depth of 6.6 feet. Recommended Action: Repair pipe joint. ALL-21: (Stantec Facility Issue 19) Portions of slopes on the Active and Retired Ash Basin dikes were observed to be steeper than designed. In addition, the stability berm of the Active Ash Basin East Dike was observed to be narrower than designed. Recommend Action: Perform topographic survey to confirm geometry. If necessary, re-grade to establish design geometry or verify that stability criteria is acceptable for current configuration. ALL-22: (Stantec Facility Issue 20) Ponded water was observed along the external bench of the Active Ash Basin North Dike. Recommended Action: Proper grading of the bench should be performed. Lincoln Cabarrus Gaston Meckl enburg UnionYork SouthCarolina NorthCarolina #*#*#* !H !C !H !H !H #*#* #* !H #* !H #*RETIRED ASH BA SIN Ash sta ck Ce ll 1 Ce ll 2 Cell 3 ACTIV E ASH BASIN Polis hing Po nd Is sue No. 1 2 (mult ip le loca tions) Is sue N o . 8 (mu ltiple locations) Is sue N o . 2 Is sue N o . 10 (mu litp le loca tion s) Is sue N o . 11 Is sue N o . 4 (mu ltiple locations) Is sue N o . 18 Is sue N o . 9 Is sue N o . 3 (mu ltiple locations) Is sue N o . 7 Is sue N o . 12 (mu ltip le loc a tion s) Is sue No. 1 3 Is sue N o . 14 Is sue N o . 15 Is sue No. 4 (multiple lo c ation s) Is sue N o . 17 Is sue N o . 16 Is sue N o . 1 Is sue No. 6 Is sue N o . 5 Lake Wylie North Dike Eas t Dike Co al Ya rd Ret ired A sh Basin D ike Activ e A sh B asin D e c ant St ructu re Is sue N o . 20 Ret ired A sh Basin Decant St ruct ure Is sue N o . 19 (mu ltip le loca tion s) 14 6 15 1 4 5 10 12 2 3 13 Ju ly 20 1 4Project N o. 17 5 664005 0 1,0 00 2,0 00Feet1 i nch = 1 ,00 0 feet 0 1,0 00 2,0 00Feet \\us1243-f01\workgroup\1756\active\175664005\gis\data\FINALS_REC_PP_PC_removed\Allen_Fig1.mxdRevised: 2014-07-18 By: mbough± Le gend Coordinate S ystem: WG S 198 4 Web M erca tor Au xili ary Sph ere Aerial S ource: Imag e obtai ned from G oogle Earth Profess iona l on : 07/11/2014Imagery Da te: 11/0 9/2 013 Stantec License Key: JC PM X84H 47PH 7HTESRI World Im a gery (D ated 02/11/2 011 ) Is sues D efined In Station Report Notes1. 2. 3. Ge ne ral Ob servation Instrumentation !H $1 Stability/Seepa ge A reaStability/Seepage!H Pipe s/O utle t Structures!C Pipes/Outlet Struc ture s Area Mainte nance#*Maintenance Area Cli ent/ProjectDuke Energy CCB Imp oundmentField Rec onnaissance Figure No.1 - Site Plan TitleALLEN STE AM STATIONGaston County, North Carolina Lincoln Cabarrus Gaston Meckl enburg UnionYork SouthCarolina NorthCarolina %2%2 %2%2 Retire d Ash Basin Dike(GAS TO -0 16) Retire d Ash Basin Decan t Riser Tower Ret ired A sh BasinOutlet Pipe Ac tive Ash B asin D am(GA STO -061 ) Ac tive Ash B asin D ecan t Riser Tower Ac tive Ash B asinOutlet Pipe Lake Wylie RETIRED AS H BAS IN AC TIV E A SH BA SIN Po lis hin g Pon d Ce ll 1 Cell 2 Ce ll 3 Ash sta ck 12 34 Le gend Ju ly 20 1 4Project N o. 17 5 664006 Cli ent/Project Figure No.1 - Site Plan TitleALLEN STE AM STATIONGaston County, North Carolina 0 1,0 00 2,0 00Feet1 inc h = 1,00 0 fee t 0 1,0 00 2,0 00Feet \\us1243-f01\workgroup\1756\active\175664006\gis\data\FINALS_Pipe_PP_PC_removed\Allen_Fig1.mxdRevised: 2014-07-18 By: mbough± %2 Ph otog raph Obse rvatio n P oint Duke Energy Ash Pond PipeInspection Coordinate S ystem: WG S 198 4 Web M erca tor Au xili ary Sph ere Aerial S ource:Imag e obtai ned from G oogle Earth Profess iona l on : 07/11/2014Imagery Da te: 11/0 9/2 013 Stantec License Key: JC PM X84H 47PH 7HTESRI World Im a gery (D ated 02/11/2 011 ) Is sues D efined In Station Report Notes1. 2. 3. V:\1756\active\175664005\gis\data\FINALS_REC_PP_PC_removed\Allen_Fig2.mxdRevised: 2014-07-18 By: mboughPho tograph No. 1: Crac k alo ng crest and associated bulg e. Photograph No. 4: See page along toe of East Dike. Photograph No. 2: Mower rutting. Photograph No. 5: See page along toe of East Dike. Photograph No. 3: Bare soil under coal yard drainage pipes. Photograph No. 6: See page above b ench on East Dike. Ju ly 20 1 4Project N o. 17 5 664005 Cli ent/ProjectDuke Energy CCB Imp oundmentField Rec onnaissance Figure No.2 - O bservation P hotograp hs Title ALLEN STE AM STATIONGaston County, North Carolina Cli ent/Project Figure No.2 - O bservation P hotograp hs Title ALLEN STE AM STATIONGaston County, North Carolina V:\1756\active\175664006\gis\data\FINALS_Pipe_PP_PC_removed\Allen_Fig2.mxdRevised: 2014-07-18 By: mboughPho tograph No. 1: Ac tive Ash Basin outlet pipe. Photograph No. 4: Retired Ash Basin decant tower. Photograph No. 2: Ac tive Ash Basin decant tower.Photograph No. 3:Retired Ash Basin outlet pipe. Ju ly 20 1 4Project N o. 17 5 664006 Duke Energy Ash Pond PipeInspection V:\1756\active\175664005\gis\data\FINALS_REC_PP_PC_removed\Allen_Fig4.mxdRevised: 2014-07-18 By: mboughPho tograph No. 13: Higher crest e levation along a sh stac k.Photograph No. 14: Undocume nted p ipe near toe .Photograph No. 15: See page at toe of Retired Ash Basin along coal yard. Ju ly 20 1 4Project N o. 17 5 664005 Cli ent/ProjectDuke Energy CCB Imp oundmentField Rec onnaissance Figure No.4 - O bservation P hotograp hs Title ALLEN STE AM STATIONGaston County, North Carolina 2018 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update January 2018 Allen Steam Station SynTerra WSP Drawings ALLEN STEAM STATION BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, N.C. 1" = 600' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-08911 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC” ” Allen Overall REV 00 B O A T C L U B R DALLISON STSUNDERLAND RDCANAL RD HWY 273 -SOUTHPOINT RDBORROW AREA PLANT ALLEN R D INACTIVE ASH BASIN HWY 273HEATHER GLEN LN ARMSTR O N G R D HWY 273 -SOUTHPOINT RDWOODBEND DR REESE WI L S O N R D NUTALL OAK LN ACTIVE ASH BASIN PRIMARY POND 2 PRIMARY POND 3 GASTON COUNTYRAB LANDFILL PRIMARY POND 1 COAL PILE POWER HOUSE CATAWBA RIVER WILDLIFE RD CANA L CATAWBA RIVER CATAWBA RIVER BUCKLAND RDLYNN PARKER LNBRACEBRIDGE CTHWY 273 -SOUTHPOINT RDMECKLENBURG COUNTY533,000 532,000 531,000 530,000 529,000 528,000 527,000 526,000 525,000 524,000 523,000 522,000 533,000 532,000 531,000 530,000 529,000 528,000 527,000 526,000 525,000 524,000 523,000 522,000 1,402,0001,401,0001,400,0001,399,0001,398,0001,397,0001,396,0001,395,0001,402,0001,401,0001,400,0001,399,0001,398,0001,397,0001,396,0001,395,0002 1312 1110 98 76 54 3 ASH STORAGE DISCH A R G E C A N A L1,394,0001,394,000HIGHLAND WAY SOUTH FORK CATAWBA RIVER ARMSTRONG RDEGRET R I D G E WING POINT DR LAKE M IST DRCANAL RDTHE HOT HOLE RDTUCKER RDTUFFY LNL O C H F O O T D R SADLER RD SUNDERLAND RDALLISON STSOUTHPOINT RD1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000532,000 533,000 532,000 533,000 532,000 533,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 3 OF 13SEE SHT 4 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 2 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC B O A T C L U B R D CATAWBA RIVER 1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000532,000 533,000 532,000 533,000 532,000 533,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 2 OF 13SEE SHT 5 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 3 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC SOUTHPOINT RDHWY 273 - SOUTHPOINT RDCANAL RD 1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000530,000 531,000 530,000 531,000 530,000 531,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 2 OF 13 SEE SHT 5 OF 13SEE SHT 6 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 4 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC DISCHA R G E C A N A L POWER HOUSE CATAWBA RIVER1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000530,000 531,000 530,000 531,000 530,000 531,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 3 OF 13 SEE SHT 4 OF 13SEE SHT 7 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 5 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC HWY 273 SOUTHPOINT RDPLANT ALLEN RD PLANT ALLEN R D 1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000528,000 529,000 528,000 529,000 528,000 529,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 4 OF 13 SEE SHT 7 OF 13SEE SHT 8 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 6 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC PLANT ALLEN RD COAL PILE CATAWBA RIVERLANDFILL ASH STORAGE ASH STORAGE1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000528,000 529,000 528,000 529,000 528,000 529,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 5 OF 13 SEE SHT 8 OF 13SEE SHT 9 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 7 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC HIGHLAND WAY ARMST R O N G R D WARREN DR (60' R/W) PB 13, PG. 65 MITCHELL ST (50' R/W) PB 13, PG. 65HEATHER G L E N L N FARM RD (P R I V A T E ) MIDWOOD L N ( 6 0 ' R / W ) P B 2 4 , P G . 3 2 WILDLIFE RD (60' R / W ) P B 2 4 , P G . 3 2IDLEWOOD LN (60' R/W) PB 24, PG. 32SOUTHPOINT D R ( 5 0 ' R / W ) P B 1 3 , P G . 6 5 SOUTHPOINT D R ( 5 0 ' R / W ) P B 1 3 , P G . 6 5HWY 273 SOUTHPOINT RD1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000526,000 527,000 526,000 527,000 526,000 527,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 6 OF 13 SEE SHT 9 OF 13SEE SHT 10 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 8 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC PRIMARY POND 1 PRIMARY POND 2 PRIMARY POND 3 RAB LANDFILL ASH STORAGE ASH STORAGE CATAWBA RIVER1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000526,000 527,000 526,000 527,000 526,000 527,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 7 OF 13 SEE SHT 8 OF 13SEE SHT 11 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 9 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC HWY 273SOUTHPOINT RDHWY 273 - SOUTHPOINT RDWOODBEND DR DANA MICH E L L E C T (PRIVATE)1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000524,000 525,000 524,000 525,000 524,000 525,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 8 OF 13 SEE SHT 1 OF 1SEE SHT 11 OF 13SEE SHT 1 OF 1 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 10 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC CATAWBA RIVER1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000524,000 525,000 524,000 525,000 524,000 525,000 ACTIVE ASH BASIN 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 9 OF 13 SEE SHT 10 OF 13SEE SHT 13 OF 13 1" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 11 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC REESE W I L S O N R DMICHAEL DOMINICK CT(PRIVATE)HWY 273 - SOUTHPOINT RDHWY 273 - SOUTHPOINT RD1,395,0001,396,0001,397,0001,395,0001,396,0001,397,000522,000 523,000 522,000 523,000 522,000 523,000 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 10 OF 13 SEE SHT 13 OF 131" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 12 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC NUTALL OAK LN NUTALL OAK LN REE S E W I L S O N R D 1,398,0001,399,0001,400,0001,398,0001,399,0001,400,000522,000 523,000 522,000 523,000 522,000 523,000 SAWTOOTH OAK LN 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 100 ▪ Cary, NC 27513 ▪ 919.678.0035www.wspgroup.comN.C.B.E.E.S. Firm License Number F-0891SEE SHT 11 OF 13 SEE SHT 12 OF 131" = 100' Scale APRIL 17, 2014 Photograph Date 13 of 13 Sheet No.PREPARED FOR: CCPCURRENT OWNER: DUKE ENERGYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYALLEN STEAM STATION1570002.000 Job Number Allen Overall REV 00 DWG File Name AERIAL Drawn DR Surveyed DKB Checked 1003 Book No.BELMONT, GASTON COUNTY, NC