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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029033_Industrial Waste Survey_20180122City of Raleigh RECOVER/OENIR/DW JAN 2 7 2018 Water Resources Permitting Section Industrial Waste Survey Submittal Date: 1/22/18 NORTH CAROLINA January 22, 2018 Mr. Monti Hassan N C Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Pretreatment, Emergency Response & Collection System (PERCS) Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: 2018 City of Raleigh Industrial Waste Survey NPDES Permit #NC0029033 NPDES Permit #NC0079316 NPDES Permit #NC0030759 NPDES Permit #WQ0002708 Dear Mr. Hassan, -RECEIVE®/®ENR/®WR JAN 2 7 2018 Water Resources Permitting Section Pursuant to the regulatory requirement for each POTW with an approved Pretreatment Program to submit an Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) summary once every five (5) years, please find attached to this cover letter a summary of the continuous survey efforts before and since January 22, 2018. An updated IWS is due to the PERCS Unit by February 1, 2018 The City of Raleigh IWS was last approved on March 19, 2013 The attachment includes all businesses that were inspected by staff with a brief synopsis of each inspection At this time, no additional SIUs have been identified through the IWS; however, under the "Permitted" column, facilities with the 'radar' notation will be inspected more frequently to assess the significant industrial user applicability to the respective discharges If warranted, the control authority will proceed to require the completion and submission of long forms and issues permits. This IWS covers all Jurisdictional areas for the City of Raleigh, which includes Raleigh, Knightdale, Garner, Rolesville, Wake Forest, Wendell, and Zebulon The City also includes the Town of Middlesex, as it has an Intermunicipal Agreement accepting wastewater from the area. To survey the commercial and industrial entities within these Jurisdictions, the Control Authority routinely reviews the North Carolina Manufacturer's Directory, Google and internet searches, federal Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), water usage data, and drive-by and on -demand surveys As part of the City of Raleigh's Mercury Minimization Plan implementation, and in preparation for the now finalized dental amalgam rule (40 CFR 441), an extensive public education and survey effort was completed in 2015 and 2016 A summary of this survey is also attached Letters were mailed to inform dental dischargers within our service area of the dental amalgam rule and sought to obtain basic information about their office, if they were applicable to the rule, and if an amalgam separator was already installed if needed. Over 500 surveys were completed Of those that were deemed subject to 40 CFR 441, about one third already have a separator installed The City will continue its outreach as required to fulfill its requirements in implementing the dental amalgam rule. If there is additional information required for your review and approval not included in this IWS, or if you have any questions, please contact me at 919-996-3679 or electronically at roan faw@raleighnc gov Sincerely, Ryan Faw Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator cc: file RECEIV`-®1®ENR/DWR JAN 2 7 2010 Water Resg rcp Permitting Industrial Waste Survey 24 Hour Flower92004i3112-C StoneyBrook Dr_a Raleigh NC k Assembl of fy-lowerv_ending machines_ E Beasley W 24 Hour Flower Y...,... 7J22f20123112 C Stoney B rook Drive _ Raleigh NO �F`Iower coolers�Dome_stic Gomick N0 919 Emb-dr, _ _ 4/8/2016}2420 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NO 27604kEmbroldeum, 1Dom b-aly _ _ _ Gormck _ NO _ i A&GMachining _ - _ _11(20/2006333 Technical Ct_ _ _ Garner NC Make metal Etplastic parts - Sludge removed bVSafety Kleen _ ^_ W Bergeron NO i y i ,gal/day washing water soluble cd and simple A&G Machmng 8/17/2012333 Techmcal Business Ct Garner, NO Aluminum steel andplastfcmachlneparts Gormck NO _ _ green or dawn A BStone Boutique_ LL _ - 9/24/2012� 6512 Chap el Hill Rd-�_Ralmgh NC _ Gramtlandmarble countertops -__ i0omestic only, _ Gormck - 111Ogtal prnt g offset printmg contracted to �Domestc only 1Gornck -(NO- ADSP t gC 5/13/2014 ]3300 H rgett S[ Rale gh NO 276111 i � �I _ _ _ brokers AMilikW dP bng_ 1120/2006111St Cutt rCt _ _ _Garner NC _ i _ Resitlen[al _ __ Bergeron NO HandAMlghtyP Ming ]/18/2012II1 St C tt rCt IGa rner NC OffsM pr nt ngmm w T Zero J Gornick NO APlace to Copy _ _ 4/8/200512900,101 Atlantic Ave _ Raleigh NC Copying i _ IBuchanan NO ( _ A Piaceto Copy _ 812712012 29005pring Fares[ R_d 5[e 101-302 ^- Raleigh NC Printing__ _ �yDomestic yGornick _NO _-{4---- APiace[oPrint Inc _SO/14/2W 3812 Tarheel Or, Ste D Raleigh NC ' �fopyi�typ 1s .I g printing tNomesticonly Faw N0� E A Piaceto Print, now5u5peedy equipment purchased by5n �_ 5/13/20141801 St Albans Or Raleigh NO 276094 Printing Presswaterrecycled Waste Domestic - .w Gornlck ENO (� SpeedVand mwedfrom 3812 Tarheel Dr- _ _-______ _____ W _ drummed far disposal ____ _ I ___ _ _ _ 1_ - -_ __ AACapRalfity Welding(also-CaprtalGty Weldlnq� � 8(9/20123207 N New Hope Rd- Rala,ghmmNiC (Welding Residential —Gornick NO ( _ A-1 Weldmg _ _ 8/1/20074601 Benson Hwy _ Gamer NC , Not m service area � - 'Holmes w -�NO A1Weltling --- - v 12/3(200]4_601 Benson Hwy -- - _ Gmer Nc ( Bergeron _ NO AAA Louvers _ 8/9/2012�]3285iemens fld _ Wendell, NC (Wood and pvc lowers -' Well andseptic system _ __ _Gornuk-- IND 'AAA Lowers Inc 5/21/20077328 Siemens Rd _ WendelI NC (Well&Septic _ _ Bergeron NO ( _ iX Aardvark Screen Prmtmg_8/17/20093019E Whltaker Mlll Rd Raleigh NC _ Screen pnn[IngT_ _-- Washscreenso_/week-l2g.1 H2O _ _ Faw LO Aardvark Screen Printing Inc 4/28/2014 1019E Whuakermill Rd Rale h NC 27608`Gra hicdesi prig g screen wash t hose regular household ! - � g p gn andtshirt tin iGornick NO water soluble products t Aardvark5creenprint ng _T 1/1L0062D9 Bickett Blvd _ _Raleighc NC ( Sc=eenpnnting- makescreensinshower �W Aardvark S-reenpun[_ng Beckett BNO _ Raleigh NC 27608'Closed _IBergeranNO --I Heavner NO X ABStone Botique -6/3D/2016209 1/1/2006j651OChapel Fhll Rd Raleigh NC f 27607 Gramteand Marble _ _ No follow up needed _ Bergeron NO I 1 This location closed merged with City Pock, k AS Stone Bputmue 5/16/201416510 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh NC 27607Vos[oneandm,v,dt, 10310Moncredfe Rd ClosedGornick NO X Abatement Restoration Specialist I 6/15/2016(2806 G resham Lake Rd Raleigh NC Ste 107 27615�Indoaren--mental duc,workcleaning Uttiewhite doKwm Ho staff member Gornlck ' NO 4 said the facilitygbdwas tlomesustile c only �AB3Inc - 4L16/2010'940Main Campus Dr-- __ Raleigh NC Busi_ss office____ I iDomesticonly _----_� Faw NO ,ABB Inc Power ProductsOvsion 3/182016940-500Mein Campus Or Raleigh NC 27606 Empty Smte »Domesticonly ABCSupply __7/30/2009�2412Yonkers Rd Raleigh NC _ Wholesale 1Domesticonly ..W 1 jDrmast(cpar2009IW5 Wholesaler/distributor ABCSupply Co Inc 4/15/2014k2412 Yonkers Rd Raleigh, NC 27604 DIstrlbute rooting siding windows, and doors per Mfrs Re Aced Of lnnov Woodworking _ 5(21/20046325 Rushmg Smak Dr- Raleigh NO Resldentlalwoodworking ACC Mangum Co_ W..__ 6/J2008;6001 Westgate Road _RaleighNC- Mm akehot asphalt_Doestic Accen_tlmina �- _---- - -- -- -- - -_ - 8 8_2 6303 E Angus Or wRaleiga NC Vacant _ M Accent Imaging _ _ - 12(19/200 � W 7/22/2004'6503 Whom Dnve _ _ _ Raleigh NO _ iBiueprinung Accentlmagmg - _ _ _-5/6/]0138121 Brownleigh Or _ _ _i Raleigh, NO I Copies, sales and serviceof office egmp _ Damest€c only ACcen[I gig -_ v 6/27/2016Y6503Hlburn Or _ - �Ralegh NC i 27613 OClosed I Accent Imagingl 7/1212012!8121 Browgtal prntg equipment alnie gh Or Raleigh NO ! Ce Domesiu only-- _ ,Accurate Machne&Tool LLCM _ � _ � 9/4/2D125124TrademaLk Or V-��Rale h, NC (Machine me[ d last cs � Domesua g., _ _._...._ _njp_ _ _ ...._ °n Y ......____ _ Accurate MachlneTool Cc __ _ 7/16/20045124Trademark DrvI Raleigh NO CNC Produtt hineshop _ Accusign Ince_ _ _­_ 6/24/2004 2940._14 Trawick Road Raleigh NCor �- InteriSigns A<cusign, Inc_�6/20/20162940-14 Trawuk Rd-� Raleigh NC 27604�CIosed ---(Arrow Ex<erminabng now mthat suRe Accu Tech USA 7/16/2012112339 Wake Oman Church Rd Unq 110 Wake Forest NO Dlstflbutof of linearmotion equipment 1Domesbc Wholesaler/distnbutorco per NI -factor reser Accu Tech USA Inc � 4/4/201314460 New Falls of Neuse, Ste 149 717 Raleigh NO 44 E Domestic _ j Register Achilling Fabrication-� - -�- _ -8/5/20041221 Hen[age Dr,ve - Wendell NO _� _ i„- _ _ __'septic _ Ac k Laboratone _ �_ 7/9201511041 Woewood Dr 8102 Raleigh NO 27605yreseller of ar-luncture neetlles iResidenb.1 didnotenter LL Ac -b Engineering 4/21/20101113 Transport Dr Raleigh NC { Office/warehouse celling/flooringmaterial Domesticonly SAcoustic Image LLC �- rnq/24/20141582OTnangle Dr -- - Raielgh, NC 27617 Mfr musical lnstrumentamplifiers 4� �DomesHc only AcroprintTlme Recorder, _ �� 6/29/200411 40 Departure Drive Raleigh NO Assembly of campute_rdtlmeclocks ACroprmt Tlme Recorder Co --� - �8/2]/2012�5640 rture Dr�_- Raleigh NC _ 1 E Tfineand attendanceegmpment —[Domesticonly Brock NO Garrick NO Beasley "NO Dell'Oho__ ANO p.q,c n NO Beasley _ NO Garrick IND Hea Gornick NO Gormck NO Gornick NO Boone _ _ 'N0 v X - 'Garrick - NO Faw NO Gornick NO �; �t BeasleyiNO Gornick "NO i Non categorical 125 000 __Igpd !`Non Categor I "Non CIU <25,000gpcl _ ( Non Categor cal 125 000 gptl } -_ EN�_n Categoricai_ -_ E i% _ Non Categorical X -- ----------- Categorical e Nan Categorical ' E � Nan Categorical _ _ I! - 001 t _ € rvo_n tacegorica�_ Action Designs^- 6/10/2010(26215Saunders St Raleigh NO Screen printing �^ ESmallamoun[of screen washing -no paint down Faw INO € drmn '4 Nan CIU 125000 glad Domestic only oil based inks and mineral spirits Anion Designs 4/8/203626215 Saunders St Raleigh NO 27603ETee shirt printing Gornuk NO e v %� (((((( are drummed and hauled _ ! Aamn Designs _ 6/10/2016330WDawe St Raleigh, NC 27601(Clpsed _ (f _ _ €Gornick _ NO Action Ergonomics -�-�� 12(2 2002 3208 116 WeIlington C[ _-W Raielgh NC {Shipping of ergomm equipment t - Buchanan rN0„_,,,____._f_.... _. x Action industrial 7/11/20023219 Northside Dr Raleigh NO 276151Welding--�- Buchanan NO _ " -E :Non Categorical 125000 HPd Actio In austral _ � 4/19/20173219 Northside Driv dftaleigh NC ICouldn't fmd, appears to not be there -- � - Heavner v ENO X _( �,�� - -� Acuren Inspection, Inc 5/14/201413201 Wellington Ct Ste 111 Raleigh NC 276151Nondestr,Mvetestingofmaterials infield Domestic only noaw sh,ng or lab work Gormck !NO k 1x ice_ M - AdcaGlobal 518/200418521 siz Forks Road Raleigh�NC Corporate Office 'Adhesives`dSealants Brock NO �i - -.V j - _ v;Non Categorical_ AdcoGlobal _ 7/19/20168521 Siz Forks Rd _ _ _ Raleigh 27612CIosed No sign ofthis businessat this address Gormck {NO (XApproximatelyl5galperweekisputonpress,is ' ADS Printing 12/16/2002 ]33 W Hargett 5[ Raleigh10Hse[ Printing _ P timed chanan NO ADS Printing � 7/1/200473300 He Street Raleigh, NO �� Commeraal Printing _ Ico_ mm�(Beasley NO fw f 4Non Caiegprical AOS PnnOng_ _ 7/30/2009¢73300 Hargett 5[ -m--- Raleigh, NC �ICommernal Prin[et W �Plateproapss2r 5gal/tlay (Brock -ANO '_ d�...._._ iNon CIU, <25000HPd Ativance Procesing 4/25200656055prin Court m. ftv_Ieigh NL M�nufacture5urgmal Carmen= Bergeron INO i - ..-._ -../-gmm. ___.._..._ _�__....�__ ...._�,V_� �on Categorical s Dstribute finished plastic products deo-_� Advance Processing Technology 9/18/20125605 Spring Court Raleigh NO i EDomestic only 4Garrick NO X w business"norwenue With Caromet € Advanced Auto Parts Inc (HQ) 5/11/20162635MiIlbrookRd Raleigh NC 27604�Wholesale of autoparts Name change in mfrs reg DBA Car quest Autpparts!Heavner iNO % �__� Advanced ElectrialTesting - 12 2/2002 3215 103 Wellington Ct Ra hNC LIElectrlcalTestingaf Nature a.,ccessories�E Bathrooms -� IDuch anan INO a 'Ativanced Exterior Systems 4/5/201313640 Banks Rd Raleigh NC Outofservueareeper Raleigh.rdl l v GormckNO X 'Advanced Exter-Systems 5/19/20144501 Beryl Rd Raleigh NC 27606,Met.1 els and trusses tD:aniameng or -ly No water usetl in cutting No Pan [ 'Gornuk �NO � � % I _ __ (cleaning or washing _ __ -i _ _ _ L -- Advanced Plasuform 7/2/20042806 Gresham Lake Road Raleigh NC Plastic vacuum and pressure formed parts !Beasley !NO j :No, Categorical _Y Advanced Plastiform8/17/20121535 Mack Todd R Zebulon, NO ` Make plastic parts Usewater In closed loop coolmg, no wash Ing iG.rrdck ENO I % i Advanced Plastiform 6/17/2D162HO6Greshem lake Rtl _Raleigh_NO 276151-Iclosed lno floor dralns In Product- area water used far ' contact coaling Is recycled with no plans to Advanced Piastiform Inc (API) 7/10/2015�535 Mack Todd Rd Zebulon NC 275971 plastic manufactunng non IGornick , ' (duposedowndraln Rehlledwh—lulledand , I Imwerchanged J Advantage Conveyor 4/26/20D68816{Guif Ct Raleigh NC Stainless Steel Conveyors _--_No Phosphate/pain[ _ Brock INO � Non{ategoncal___ 'Advantage Conveyor 7/12/20128816-C Guif Ct _ Raleigh, NC' Conveyors for food _pharm _me[Ic_s ��omestic _ 'Gomi<k _ �NO 1X ,Advantage Marketing 4/8/200545024 Departure Dnve_Raleigh NC �Damestic Only _ I _ _ Beasley _ NO LAdvantage Marketin 41620101623 Beechwood Or Raleigh NC Resell products mestic only_ Faw_ ,NO X Aerolatar System (Captive Aire) _4/75(2006�31005mokeron Ct 1010 Raleigh_NC Tmm (Sales office only _ `_ Domestic_ ,Bergeron NOIx— Do 7/22/200415808 Lease Lane v _ Raleigh NC a Fire Suppression Systems_ _assembly Beasiey NO (Non Cacegoncal u 'Afex Fire Suppression Systems 9/4/20125808 Lease Lane Raleigh NC 1Automabcandvehicle fire suppression system Onseptl, system Gornlck NO IX 'Affordable Stone _ _ 1/1/20062_208 Associate Dnve Raleigh NC 27603, On Fuquaysewer No fallow up needed IBerReron_ _ N0 X 3 _y _ _ _ - - T ___ _— _ _ _ _ 'Affordable Tran_sion&Auto Care 6/1/201522900 Capital Blvd Raleigh, NC 27604_Auto repair_-__ -_ Domestic only �Gornick NO ! 'H as parts washer, waste hauled Employees wash Affordable Trans u mit And Autocare 7/9/2035 2900Capual Blvd Raleigh NC 271Transmusion Services hands In sinks IGornick NO I Ager Six Printing 8f5/20085328 TocRy,y Dr I Knightdal_e,_NC Sing le family residence, well/septic Bergeron NO Aggr_,ve Electron l� —�� 7/3920042422 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh NC Electronic Assembly Assemblyanly IBuchanan NO I—:- 1 I Aggressive ElMronlps _ _ 6/9/2016 2422 Atlantic Ave _ ftale,gh NC _ 27604(Closed (Gornlck _ 'NO x _ _ {( f2sinks oniyhandwashingdowndram Wastes j ( 1 Non Categoncal Agile Sciences Inc 3/28/2016 1793 Vars,ry Or Raleigh NC 27606 Small scale pharm research Heavner ( 2 ..m _ ___ __ hauled _ _ �..... Q5 90 � ARrl Supply Co(HQ)_ _ _ 10/21/2009632 Hwy70W�m �_� Garner NC Admmistrat-offices Domes[Iconly _ (Faw NO _ i% � AHNlnternatlonal LLC__ 4/14/2010'85215,x Forks Rd,Ste 105 Raleigh, NC Office bwld,ng Domes[Ic only �yi F_aw_NO _ i_ International titin conducts clinical and I W_ _I AHRM(Apphed Healthcare Resource Mgt) 7/2/2015901Paverstone Dr Ste 3 Raleigh NC 276151 eco office bulld,n&domestic only Gornlck NO X _ In ctrl at hospnals_ y �_ _ __ I rAiken Bags Holly(SMch) 4/25/2006521 W North Street Raleigh NC_tDes,gnantlmakemndbags (Domestic _(Bergeron__ _ NO__I__ __ _% r Aiken �eslgn Passy 4/25/20064812 Hargrove Road Raleigh __� Clothing Man faMne One WhashinRMachine Bergeron INO <25000gpd 'Almet 3/4/2009115 Legacy Crest Ct Zebulon NC 275961asuc Bead Injection Molding Bergeron .NO Non<ategoricat, <25000 Aimet lndustnes 4/8/2005, 4200Y121 ASI. abc Ave Rale,gh NC IPlastihmettion Mottling _ _ 'Buchanan_.jINO Non Categorical [A,met Industries _ _ _ _ 6/9/20164200.121 A[Ia rule Aye Raleigh NC 27604 Closed _ _ _ Gomick (NO X _ Almet Technologes 6/16/20081115 Legacy Crest Ct Zebulon NC Plastic Injection molding Water used as coolant, blowdown tasewer Faw/Dell Olo NO No n CIU<25000gpd 1496to 89012 gallons used per month tact Non Categorical 125000 Aimet Technologles Inc 2/20/20151115 Legacy Crest Ct Zebulon N' C 275961Injettion molder make plastic parts Gornlck 'NO __,.._..______ _—__ -. _n____ __'��_ __ 'cooing, Usereusewater_ _I __ __a Complaintinvestiption Floordralnlnmechanlcal I i I ' lormoncmaitlenmakepheating Water used) 1 ( Non <a[egoncal <25000 ,AImMTechnolog,es Inc 2/20/20151 115 LegaryCres[C[ Zebulon, NC 2]59]1 Ito contained plastic parts spill con[a,nment Gomick NO for noncontatt coating or heating I ( )gpd Issues New main[ mgr[ry,ng to correct I Aimet Technology 5/15/2013!115 Legacy Crest Ct Zebulon, NC Manufacture plastic parts Injection molding [Domestic �lohnsan IN. AIr Clean Systems 6/3l) D0413248Lake Woodard Dave Raleigh, NC ,Ductless Fume Hoods ^~^ _ ��,B=chanan NO—i t Alr Clean Systems_ _ _ 914/201]3248 Lake Woodard Dr _ _ _Raleigh NC -_ I Polypropylene fume hoods _ Water not used in mfg process_ Gornlck 'NO I X J _ Sell andserv,ceinteriorpollutlon contra1 'Caataminanbwashedlntogrease pt and then into (Air Cleaning Spec,allsts .� 7/20/2009'3]01 Bastion Ln Raie,gh NC Iequlpment seweY (Brock NO - ' I Non CIU, <25000gpd r_ _ - __- - -�--- - - (AIr CIeanln 5 Svc,ndooralrcleanes Contaminantsditposed Non Categoncal <25,000 g pec,al,sts Inc 5/21/2014 3701 Bastion In Rale,gh NC 2]6041 Y 'Business decreased by SOY=by indoorsmoking ban IGornick NO 1 �[o grease pct, then sanitary sewer 1 Ggptl I 1 All Liqu,tle 12/20/2006326 ForesN,lle Rd Wake Fares[, NC IPunfy Oxygen, NRrogen Argon (Holmes Radar 1121 OOD pd i , 10 gam cooling tower blowdown 200 gpd � INpn Categoncal<25000 Air Liquitle ]/16/20121326 F.—Ile Rd Wake Fares), NC AirseparationofO NAr and truck refueling_ domestic_tfGomlck- INO _(gpd_______ (Air Power , _4/25/2006, 2304 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh NC Dutributorof Auoperatedequip _ IB_ergeron NO % �- _ ___ Air Power r 2/21/2014_2304At1, ntic Ave Raleigh NC 4lndusinal pneumatic equipment Domestic only no chems that are Hushed—'j{-Gornlck NO , %__ - 4AIrPowerinc-- - - -- 5/31/20173040202 Berks Way - - - Rale,gh NC 27614, Oistnbmion only per MFR - - I -- - �Heavne> r NO� x jAlr Pow_Inc _ _ 6/6/201712304AHanbc Ave_ __ Raie,gh NC 27604[Dutnbubononlyper MFR __ !_m_;ApPe [o have moved location_ IHeavn�_ _ !NO (AIr Power,Inc y I 7/15/2009'2304Atl t A -_ Relelgh NC DisicbutionYBrock _ .4NO _ X Air Purf cat on 6/14/20108121 Eb Church Rd Ralegh NC Arfltot,cm/cleaning equlpment distribution Domestic only Faw 1N0 X AlrPunfica[,on Inc �� 5/11/2016'8121Ebenexer Church Rd Raleigh NC I 27612 Dotnth—m only per mfrs reg 'Domestic only per IWS 2010 (Heavner 'NO X _-- _ _ Aladd,n Doors ofthe Tr,_angle__ _ 6/17/2015211_110E51x_Forks Rd _ Rale,gh NC _ 27609 Sell premade_garagedoars _ 'No mfg or painting Domesticon_ly _ IGornick IN0 _ I _ X Alcatel __4/5/20052301 Sugar Bush Rd Raie,gh NC I( �Office_plex no mfg—IBeasley �NO�t X___ i Alfred W,11,ams&Co -11/13/20891813Cap,tal Bivtl Raleigh,NC ! Office furniture retall IDomestic only_ (Faw INO ' % IAIIen Skin Software _ _ _ _ _ _4/25/20061111 HaMes St_ _ _ _ _ _Rale,gh NC _ Make Saftwar_efor RraphicdmIgners_ _ ___ _ ____ _ _ [Bergeron _ _ NO Allen Sk,n Software__ ]/13/20121111Haynes St_ _Raleigh NC Soflwaredevelopment --��Domestic Gornlck fMO ALK Investments LLC 5/31/20167880.300 Alexander Promenade Pl Rale,gh NC 27617 (D,s[ribu[,on only per mfrs req__�laames[Ic only 1—merNO �AIIAmerican Sem,candoctor _ 4/28/20061121S,tus Ct 103 Rale,gh NC � D,stnbutorof Eledronia _ Bergeron All KIndsa S,Rns _ _ _ _ _ _ __6/28/2004 4821 Hargrove Road 'Raleigh NC I Spec,alry s,gnssllk screening___ ___ _ _ Buchanan NO It _ _ _ Noon Categoncal IAII KIndsa Signs �_ W ]/6/20364821Hargrave Rd _Rale,gNC 276161 Closed sign of All KIndsa S1 Is Gornlck NO IX F. »_.....__ AIIeRhany Granite_ _ _ 9/7/200616221WestgateRd _ Raleigh, NC 27617 _ _ _ � No follow up needed _ _ _ Bergeron _ NO 1 _ ( AIIeRhany Granite _ I6/17/2016 6221 Wes[ga[e Rd ftale,gh NC_ 276171 _closed replaced_ by Elite Countertops_ Heavne___ NO .Allen Kelly 4/8/2005'2020A Try on Road Raleigh NC Unable to locate )Boone NO Allen Kelty _ _ _ _ _ 6/13/2016 202DATryon Rd _ _ _ _ Raie,gh NC _ _ `Wrong address in 20051WS _ _ _ Marking as closetl to removefram querry__JGoroick _ No %_ Allen Kelly&Co 4(]/2006x220 Tryon Rd _ Raleigh NC_ Heating and Air, DUR_work fahrication_ _ _Bergeron _ 1N0 Allen Kelly &Co Inc 9/1412012220-AT Heabngand ACservlce Onslterepairsand e yTryon Rd Raleigh NC Domestic IGornick NO 1 X _ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ ___ __ (Installation Alliance for Cooperative Energy Svcs Power Marke[,ng (ACES( 6/512015 n311135unday Dr Raleigh NC 276071 Off. environment sinks tollets Domestic only IGornick 'NO X Allkindsa Signs 6/9/20101228 Umted Or Raleigh NCthcare LLC omeNO ! _ Out of service area117- jhAllscripts Heal9/4/]012185195u Forks Rd__ 4 Rale,gh NC-_ (Retail and computerpro8ramming_ !D- _ lGarnlckNO ---- 76_­ _ '_ ��X _ _ w'% 4All South 6upPly x_12/22/22002F3215107 Wellington Ct Rale,gh NC (Stucco D,stnbuilon _..._..� (Bathrooms _,Buchana NO (Alltech _ _ _ 7/2/20045995114 Chapel H,Il Road _Raleigh NC _Laser Printer Cartridges _ _ _ _ _ 1Buchanan _ 1N0 1 t Non Categoncal__ (Alltech_ 6/A 2016i5995114Chapel Hdl Rd Raleigh NC 2760] _ (Closed, on—Ato_location__ _ IGornick___—rN0_ 1 _ _ _ _ _ Nond,scharge cleaning of Ink cartridges for (Alltech 6/17/2016'6001 Chapel H,II Rd Rale,gh NC 276071 recydmR__ (Non discharge (Heavner NO 1 —% t I __ Alltel 12/3/200213651 Junction BNd Role ,gh NC_i Switching Office -_ ballroomBuchanan- INO Alphagraphla 6/30/290426408 FaIIs Neuse Road Rale,Rh NC Copying Pr,ntwork Buchanan INO ,No_Catego_I Aphagraph,cs__ _ _ _ _ _7/8/201616408 Falls of the Neuse Rd Raleigh NC 27615 Closed_ I_ Heavner_'NO __X A;,c.Me[.1, _ _ _�5/18/200413101PoplanvoodCourt R_ale,RhNC Corparate0fficeBrock 'NO j Alsco MMals 6/30/2016,317 O1 Papla arwori C[ T� Rale,gh NC 27604 Cosed HeavneeNO ALSCO Metals Com j 4/22/2010t220HmR.nDr Sulte218 Rale,gh NC LIT for Aluminum company Do mestic on ly Faw fNO 1 X A%fde Supply Center_ _w. _ 6/4/200811215United Or _ LL Rale,ghNC_ _ �Wholsalevinylslding andwindows ___ Domes[Ic only � _ _ Bergeron- I_NO 'Al sid /R reSuppiv Cen[e� _ � 7/12/20122055 Rogers Ln__ Raleigh, NC ,V nyl and wl tl d,s[ribu[ar IDamestR - Gornlck Alter Corp _ 4/27/2006'5511 Captal Center 0r _ _ Rale,gh NC _ IOOB777 _ � � _ _ v�B�easley _ _iNO _ I% IAMamz Roll Form Corp _ _ 10/22/20023909 Commerce Pkwy _�_Rale,gh,NC iManufaRure Metal Farm,nR Machinery_Damestic Only _ BuchananNo 1 Alva rez Roll Form Corp _ 4/27/2006�y128 Corporation Parkway Rale,gh, NC 27610Make� ROI1Forming Mach lnery_ Dryprocessino industrial water use ,Berge% 'NO. X Rhos Incorporated12117/200216320.0 Angus Dr _ Rale,gh NC_ _ I Commercial Palmers_ ino paint on s,te_�Buchanao MO_ _j x___ AmaxingTauch CleamnRServices 7/2/2015j1800 Evergreen Ave Raleigh NC 2]603 Residen[,aladdress per googlemaps Res,dentiald,d not enter__--- _Heavner 'NO_ I % AmberBrooks Publ,shing 72/2015 ]2 hag Rd Rale,gh NC 27615 Muscpl ubluhing resltlentialadd— 'Domasticanly !Heavner INOt��mmX __ / A_-- --�--� _..._. American Biographical Institute _ 5/8/20065126Bur0ak Rd _ Raleigh NC AmercanBographrallnsttute 7/18/201] 5126 Bur Oak Circle Rale gh NC American Countertops 7/2/2004 12811Superior Drve- Forest NC - - -_— I American Countertops - --Wake 12/21/200612811 Superior Drrve Wake Forest NC 1American Countertops Inc 8/8/2012 2811Supenor Dr Wake Forest NC Amerlcanurywall_ ___ 1/6/2002 916Trlangle Or Raielgh NC !Amerlcan Metal&Parts 5/23/20072212 Hwy 70 E Garner NC _ _..m...0 ,Amerlcan Metal &Parts Co Inc .. _ _7j14/2012j2212USHwy70E ___V Garner,NC ,Amerkan Postal Supply 8/8/2006d 4938 Windy Hlll Or Raielgh NC American Sheet Metal 4/21/2006�542101tl Poole Rtl Raleigh NC _ _ Amerlcan S'gn Shop _ _ _ _ 6/30/200413031105CapiLOBlvd__ _ _ _ _Raleigh NC Amerlca15lgn Shop _ 6/30/]01613031105Cap'tal Bivd _ NC_ an AmericTne_D-butars Inc __7/13/20121615WoH_pack Lane4121 _`__Raleigh _Raleigh, NC American Weidmg&Gas Inc(HQ)_ ry 6/20/2 BE d900 -I50 Fallsdf Neuse Rd Raleigh NC Amc,IRas ^ 2/ 13/20171503 Garner Rd Garner NC IA m or[ Gas _ 12/3/2W21503Garner Rd _ rGarner NC Anra,Nteel __ _7/1[2.m42126Garner Roady_ Raleigh NC___ Ametek Elettronic Systems Protection' 7/9/2016 8001121 Knightdale Blvd I Knightdale NC IFaw _4NO__�_ 27615 Closetl Amtal Medical Equipment 5/20/201317711Walborn51 Ste 106 Raleigh NC Anchor Concepts 6/2/2008 37300verlook Rd �RaleiRh NC Anchor Concepts 7/6/20163730 D, nook Rd Flair, h.NC Anchor Hardwoods LLC 5/8j2C13j 71601d Wake Forest Rd Raleigh NC_ _ _ 5oa_p_ 6/4/2008 2OD Powell Or_S_uite_I_17 Raleigh NC rAnders_Natural �� FCold processed soaps and mist bath and body _ Anders Natural Soap Co, Inc 7/17/2009�200�r Suite 117 Raleigh NC ,,Anders Natural Soap Co Inc - 6/4/2014' 200 Powell Dr It. 117 Raielgh NC li Andrew Corp _ 5722/200i'108 Rand Park Or Garner NC Andrew Corp _ _ _ _ _11/22/20o6y108 Rantl Park Or _ _ _ _Garner NC_ _ IAndrew Corp 6/8/2010620 N Greenfield 11,00 Garner NC Andrew Carp 3/24/20161620 N' Greenfield Pkwy Garner NC 'Andrews and Hamilton_ 8/4/20088804GuHR _ Raleigh NC�_ And,oL,Toolworks_ _ _ 10/2/20041220 Corporation Pkvry_ Raleigh NC j Anything with a Plug Reryding com 12/8/20161008 Hammell Or Raleigh, NC 'Apex Steel _ _ 5/2/20061301 P,tfnders Ln _ Raleigh NC Apex Steel Corp 9/4/2012301 PeH'nder Ln Raleigh, NC APIAdvanced Plastiforminc m SI/3/20022806Gresham Lake Rd � a� _ Raleigh NC iApplletllndustrial Technologies_____ W __-__SO/21/2002'1301Corporation Pkwy_____ Raleigh,NC___ Aquafl wTech Inc 7/9/2015j1001Navaho Dr Ste 109 Raleigh NC Arbor Pharmaceut¢als_ _ _ 7/24/2012[4505Failsof Neuse Rd Ste 420 ftalemh,NC _ Inc 7/16/3012 617Hutton St Ste 101103 Raleigh, NC =Arbavax ArchifecturalP-amation 7/2/20044207 Windsor Place - Raleigh NC Architectural Presentation 9/4/201214207 Windsor Place Raleigh NC 'Arco Restoration 1_ 5(8/2000G�it32275potts-d1 St R.,_Ieigh, NC __ _ Rora4on Arco est _ 1 (20101_ 6(153227SpoUswood St NC - _Raleigh. ARCon Parts LLC �- 7/13/20123700 T Bastion to Raleigh, NC Arcon Parts LLC 4/8/2016121 James Rd Raleigh NC Argos Ready MixjEwolirn Corp _� _4/13/2016l3610BmhSt Raleigh NC Argos Ready Mixed Concrete 5/15/201715025 Unit -Dr Wake Forest, NC Arkles 8f2/200413400 Yonkers Road Raie'gh NC V _ 1Atlington Press 6129/M0477605 elborn Street Raleigh NC 1Arlington Press _ _ I_W 5/8/20067605 B Welborn St_ Raie'RI, NC ....... (,Armac Print&Copy_____ 9/10,/20044011 Atlantic Ave �e Raielgh NC Armac Prmt&Copy _ _ _ _ _ 5/9/2016�4011Atlantic Ave _ _ _ _ _ Raleigh NC_ Armac, Inc 1 9/6/20124027 Aflantic Ave Raleigh, NC I Around Him Pubhshing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7/8/2015 5 W Hargett St _ __ __ _ __ Raleigh, NC Around The Bend5/22/20072DOC a_ gtan Or Garner NC___ Artcraft 7/12/10121406 He1s1orough5t Raleigh NC Artcraft Sign Co _ _ _4/28/20061406 Hahborough 51_ Raleigh NC Artisan Services 11/7/2002! 8219 No rthside 0r Raleigh NC IClercal office for pubishing co __ _J_ ___ ___ Gornlck__(NO___ I Bergeron _ NO (Pub -1. ,u clerical office ant~ ____kDomestic 1Fabr rate Countertops _ INO Raleigh NCY NO INO 27529,A,ll propane distribution only —Buchanan BuchaGomicnan EFabncatelaminatecountertops Raleigh NC !Bergeron (N0 Domestic _ _ W (Doestic, dust from granite does msawlaround_drains s_ not get 27616 Closed _ FRebarfabricationl_ _ 'Kitchen and bathro oun[ertaps_ Artnals rnlck �NO Out of service area Hang Drywall ^- jj}}Domestic � ---{G _ IBuchana NO L _ m N �E(`"Ph, (septic Holmes jN0 'X lautO_moirve supplierforrebulltlers� _ _yWellwareronly fGarnlcknell _ �NO X____, Postal S5uppllm IN ndustrlal water use Bergeron _ _E NO 1Fabncate Heating&Air Oucts _ Domestic �Bergeron _ NO _ _tUre and wheel distribution_ _____~Domestic only _ ___ Gornlck__(NO___ 2]6151Appears to be closed _2]6091dis1ribuuon onlXper manf reg_` Gori Gornick INO Raleigh NCY Mechanical Systemsdesigni 27529,A,ll propane distribution only Domestic only (Gornick N0 Raleigh NC Pratotyp ngd Ig /light chine services 27529LSell Napa- Domestic _ _ Buchanan _f JNO _ 27616 Closed _ FRebarfabricationl_ _ own IN. ash J. - Artnals 8/1/200712849 Penfold to Wake Forest NC Out of service area IM anufacterer of Sure ...8 protectors boards are Compressors and chillers to o/w separator follow IFaw i _Raleigh NC� Make Saws_ _ Ory Process 27545' shipped pre -plated assembly, flux and solder �up to occur 9/4/2012321&GWellington C[ INO sharpen and sell saws :Dry Ashcroft Saws and Tools 11/19/200213216GWeilmgtonft ._ ._--�... Raleigh NC ___ Shareen Tools Saws etc �_ -sharpenercaolingwaterisrecyci process assembly of medical equipment ±Domestic only (Gornick ,NO Electronic PrintmR_,,,_ _ ____ Fou! B. -ms no longer [here IFaw _4NO__�_ 27615 Closetl 27616 Closed { Gornick NO X 7}-Reta'ILumber Sales _ Domestic _ _ Johnson I o4ea onni,s lotlsal[s Slnk and drshwasher to wer se _IFaw/Dell Olio rNO !NO _ FCold processed soaps and mist bath and body tube washing Brock ) Assembly Technology Components IAT Components 1produtts _ ,Dishwashing/ Pc 27529 Switches and,nd,,t,[,l component IND 200IW5 t 276061 Make soap Pols are wiped out before washing I Less than 100 gallons of water used per week for washing (Gornick (N0 ,protorypin& and applications per mfr reg 275291 OCL m. _a008�_ __ _ v Bergeron __ Bergeron _ NO NO�% X Raleigh NC Officebullding/domerticonly Faw jNO W'relesscammunlcatlons, per2010surveyan Appear to have—d new occupant In bullding 1 27529 office building____ i m for pas[6on[hs_ Gornick NO X No longer a[address _ Faw NO 'X i_ 27610 Tool D_ atnbtmon _-1 _ lUu&mm _ NO __ Take apart and sort appliances and elMrania rI 1 2]603 Process daesn[use water (Gornick NO Ito el ferycles Steel fabrication&erection 'No industrial H2O Use 1BerReron NO ) tt_ ISteelfab Palmandcutiingsawcaolant-ste Domestic Gornick NO _ - _ !Non Cate' gorical i _ Zero Dscharge --- iNon categorical <25000 (gallons per day Non CIU <25 BOOgptld 1 Non<21000gpd I (Non Categorical <25,000 ollettetl and h aided 27615, lastic Molding and Fabrication _ _ _Water to mol plastic well and septic _ Buchanan NO 276101D,,t butor,bearings,pneumatirs___ Prlmarilydomestic ___ 'Buchanan _ IND _3x_ I_ _ Sun had another business name on door, noon l 27609 �No[a[location inside a Gornick _ INO IX -- 1___ _ i - Pha weuucal distributor i Ha_vedto Atlanta GA }Gornick iNO B'atechnola-R&D ------ (Wmbin i -- i ar, - I -- - _ - - Nontategorlcal <25000 gy gequ pmen[antl glassware Go_,a NO # Igpd __ 'Residential Buchanan NO I Domestic -little plastic models constructed no i Architectural models Gornick 'NO X water used _ _ _ _ ' t( Fire and Flood Restoration_ NOlndustrlal H2O UseI¢{IBergeron NO _1� Non Categorical reson _ 27615 toratiwaarehousing_ cleamngconfracted out �IGornlckNO _II— x �_ IBmld automated manufacturing equipment Domestic - _ 1Garrick N0� _ X 1 27604 Automated assembly per mfrs reg Residential Did not enter no signage for business, Gornick NO 091Admmo 276flce _Dm oestic only no ( erformed �_I Gornick 1NO X _ 1 ion septic, Argos and Ready Mixed Concrete are 2]58] Concrete (same bus in entat,I ;Gornick NO X 1 es per repres }I- Nomanufacturinq/closed IoHices v LBuchanan (N0 ' X_— [Printer _ {Buchanan _ (NO _ Non Ca[egorcal !Offset printer _ No Industrial H2O Use _ {Bergeron I NO I ori _ _ _ _ i Non Categcal CWindow Oaplav_Printing _ _„,_ Foust _ NO f �_� T - - tNon{ategarical 276D4 Closed _ ...n_ _ _ 44 __ (Gornick NO X __ Screen printing W.I Unknownamtofwaterduchargedfromscreen iGarnickNO 1 TNamcategorical <25000 washing withcleaning agents _ qpd 27WI Publishing IHeavner _,NO ttI _ X____ _ Located in Ian-_nCo out of service_ area �BLgeran NO 1 IX Sign tlesign_ handwashmg bathroom only Gprnlck Screenpnntmg Signs_ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _!Bergeron _ N0 j _ __INoo Categorical rs { Non Categorical,<25000 27615ISystems design/pro[orype machine shop I (Buchanan NO � I ( ^ CIsan Serv,cas 2/14/201718219 N Side Or -_Raleigh NC 2]6151Appears to be closed I Gori isan Serv_Ices Ltd_ _____ __ I 5/8/2DD613200 Gresh am_ Lake Rd �`j Raleigh NCY Mechanical Systemsdesigni _I No industrial H2O Use Ber( IArtisa 5 ces Ltd 7/22/201213200-113 Gresham Lake Rd Raleigh NC Pratotyp ngd Ig /light chine services Domestic Artlsa 5 ices Ltd 1 7/6/20163200Gresham Lake Rd _Ba NC_ 27616 Closed _ Could notfintlon building iiiGor IGon Artnals 8/1/200712849 Penfold to Wake Forest NC Out of service area Hot, Ashcroft Saw&Tool _ __/28/200632_16 Wellington Ct _Raleigh NC� Make Saws_ _ Ory Process - Iger{ AshcroftSaw&Tool 9/4/2012321&GWellington C[ Raleigh NC sharpen and sell saws d,notd,schar dCup Ashcroft Saws and Tools 11/19/200213216GWeilmgtonft ._ ._--�... Raleigh NC ___ Shareen Tools Saws etc �_ -sharpenercaolingwaterisrecyci IBucl Ashely Rantlall Communications _9/14/2004146Wmdchime Rale'gh,NC i Electronic PrintmR_,,,_ _ ____ Fou! Ashely Randall Communlcat'ons 1 6/27/20161146 Wind Chine Ct Raleigh NC 27615 Closetl Gorl (Gori ASR Pro LLC __ _ _ _ _ _ 5/14/2014 6120Saint Giles St Ste i60_ �vIN_ll/17/10067Hein Raleigh NC _ 27612 Sell software no prig _ _ _ Domesiica�_ _ 'Assembly Technology Or 'Garner NC (Mfg Elettromechanlcal Switches Y lAssembiyonly--_fBer{ Assembly Technology Components IAT Components 7/2/20151467 Hein Or /r2 Garner NC 27529 Switches and,nd,,t,[,l component Assembly, domestic only per 200IW5 ,protorypin& and applications per mfr reg ( !Gor' Assured Client Link. now Signature Mailings 4/30/201416712 V'rg'lia Ct Ste 101 Raleigh NC 27616 Greeting card ma'lingservice __ Domesticonly Home office meetings and (Gor' _ _ ercial Printing_ ___.T._.0 1�� _ I_ (Non Categorical NO X T e NO t SIX Non Categanml !NO_IX INO 'X �1 N0 As[eel Flash i 12116/201616833 Mt Herman rd MOrnwllle NC PCBA assembly Solderingsurface mounts Fluid 27560 upfinal product Wash water goes to fdters of Dl system Water reused notsenttodraln Same busmess as 'Catalyst lust new_m_ Garnick jjNO # % ( Non Categorical _ i Dr—_ Raleigh NC i Raleigh NC _ _ _ _ Auto Trader _9/1]/2004j2E09Dacovery Or NC _ _ Raleigh NC _ _6/15/20162609Dncovery ! 11/22/2002L3201Wel1mgotn Ct I Balogh, NC Smallpartspassivatedonsne Large IWastershauletlmonthlyby5hamrock LOG _ _Raleigh, NC _ Damesticonly Aux Kitchen -T � 6/30/2016; 15 19 Brookside Dr mm� (Astro Pak 11/17/20166720FIeetwood Or Raleigh NC 27612systems/pipes passivated at customer site eg Lines is pharmaceutical plant inspected In Aug by EPA Sumppluggedm ipassivatinga rea a ad wastes staged in 2 large tanks Gornlck 'NO Rd 3% A( TComponent_ IAT Components B(4/3008146]HelnOr 5/8/2013467 Hein Dr GaTr NC Garner NC _Manufac[uswches, Manufatturing Industrialfontrols(assembly) _ll ,Domestic Olin ANO4 (Johnson _ _ __ I 4/28/20061329 Kirklantl Rd % _ IAT&T Advertising and Publishing__ — 6/4/201)8'1201 Edwards Mill Rd pµ00 Ralmgh NC iAdvertisinR/s ales far pho book _ __ Domes[Ic only _ `_ _ r Faw/DeIl0110v_ !NO iN0 I % _ ! i _ _!__ X AT&TAdvertning Solution ATD(formerly Touch Scientific, Inc) 4/8/2013T1203Edward! Mill Rd, 4th Floor 7/24/2012 8394 Ste 102 Six Forks Rd Raleigh NC Raleigh, NC IAdvertisingantlsales per2008suweK Da_s[k Gornlck INO As sembleapthalmlcdlagnOSHcmachines mfr Domestic IGornick NO I doneelsewhere t X (Web ba sed solutions tlamesbc only Ga_ick NO `y x _ _ _ 5/8/2006 ]]SS Welborn 5[_ _ ,Atlantic BT 6/20/2017'4509 [reedmore Rtl Raleigh, NC Atlantic Countertops 1 4120/2030'52500ld Wake Forest Rd Raleigh NC -Fabrication/ installation of countertops Domestic on ly Faw NO i _ _I X t t I water as much as possible bysettling but I Ion {ategolrcal<25000 IAtlantic Countertops 1, Accesosries 4/13/2016,5250 -SOD Old Wake Forest Rd Raleigh NC 2]609 Fabnca[Ion installation of countertops use Garrick NO (h ave to dispose whenrtg'es tlrttyenough 1 , gpd kAIlan tic Countertops Access 9/13(200414805 Hargrove Road _ _ Raleigh NCJJ �Coun[ertop Consttuttion�v _ FoustNO(�--''�'--7 _ 'Non Categorical AHantic Countertops Access I�7/IS/2016�4805H g Rd Ralegh NC 27616JCIosed i._ AIId nUC Countertops Inc 9/5/20062013N Hope Church Rd _ _ Ralegh NC 27604 Gran to and Marble iN f II wup neetled Bergeron NO ALlanttc Steel Fabricators_ _ _9/13(2W44809A b nKnlghtdale NC _ Rale gh, NC_ Steel Fabrica[lon _ t5 p[ Tank _ IFousi _ NO _ ryX Atlantic Whirlpools&Billards 4/26/20068721GIenwoad Ave Raleigh NC Sales office Domestic (Bergeron NO X 'Atlantic Whulpoals&Billiards 9/4/2032' 8721 Glenwood Ave _ Raleigh NC_ _ ,Retail Domestic _ Garnick __NO _ _ _ _ _ _,X a JacabbitSiRns A�=asSignslnc dbkR ____ 5/6/2013521 12 Capnalgivd Raleigh NC Raleigh NC ,AusU. Powder fo5/22/20071x399 Three Sisters Rd Knightdale NC Raleigh NC_ 'Auto Trader i Dr—_ Raleigh NC i Raleigh NC _ _ _ _ Auto Trader _9/1]/2004j2E09Dacovery Or NC _ _ Raleigh NC �nmoparts Unlimnetl '�—T��' _6/15/20162609Dncovery ! 11/22/2002L3201Wel1mgotn Ct _Ralelgh _ Raleigh NC Balogh, NC Autotron Technology Ltd _ _ _ _ _ 8/4/2008,4500 Pamlico Dr _ _ _Raleigh, NC _ Damesticonly Aux Kitchen -T � 6/30/2016; 15 19 Brookside Dr mm� Raleigh NC _ Saler/dIntrlbutorco per Mand—rens AVX Cmporatim, 7/26/2012i3900Electronia Dr Raleigh NC (_Award Express/28/200612808Trawick Rd Raleigh NC IGornick (Award Express 91412012,2808Tra—ak Rd Raleigh NC _ _ _ _ II Axi`_Con —m, _ _ __ I 4/28/20061329 Kirklantl Rd —. Raleigh, NC iAxle Connection 6/29j20161329Krkland Rd Raleigh NC Axon Corp _Styrotech___ _ '__4/27/2006,3080Busmess Park Or_ _ Raleigh NC Axon LLC i 5/20/201J3080Busmess Park Or Ste 103 Balogh NC (Axon Styrotech 7/22/200913080 Busmess Park Or Ste 103 Raleigh NC Awrelise Chocolate � I� 9/22/2006jl 208 HarrinRton Street Raleigh NC _ _ ..ST—(,Repair Inc ]/16/2 0 151 10 8 5 9 E Finch Ave i _ Muldlesex, NC B3Systems In _ _ _ _ _ 5/8/2006 ]]SS Welborn 5[_ _ Raleigh NC __ _ __ B&C%terior Cleaning Service 9/4/2012142 Anna... Ct Raleigh NC__ SBM Peterson Enterprises LLC 7/2/20158376 Pnmanti Blvd Raleigh NC B35ystems __ _ __—_— __ v _SS/14/20021�,7111 We1bo.m Raleigh NC iB3SysL.m l n c t— 6/15/201617711 Welborn St Raleigh NC �B6USA(BaySix) _ _ 8/6/20084140upont Clr _ Ralelgh NC 6/20/2008y7412 ACC Boulevard ___ �Baen Books 11/10/20091414 Burchbimd or Wake Forest NC eahn E r -no -t ISpecialsts Inc 3/28/2016,4412 Tryon Rd Ralegh NC 'Bams.. E n—onemal Specialties LLC arM1rn Barefoot Press Barnhill Cantramng Barnhill Contractmg Cc Barnhill Contracting Cc IBarnhlll Contracting Co (mfgsde) Barr Mullin _ v 1 (Barr Mullin _ ' t—Batca Fitness__ _ tlatca Fnness Systems �� Batts DiArlbmmg Co JamesB Batts Truck&Trader Bauscher Hepp Inc 1 Bav Six 4/19/201014412 Tryon Rd Raleigh NC _8/2/200µ'i630 Wake Forest Road Raleigh NC 4/6/2005'323W M"Street Ralegh NC _____ 10/2016 X323 W M rtin St_ Raleigh NC_ 414/20101731 Pershing Rd Raleigh, NC NO�X Raleigh NC 5/4/2016731Pershing Rd Raleigh, NC 432�nt Valley Dr _ _ Raleigh NC 4/20/2010 4325PIeasant Valley Rd Raleigh, NC 5/5/201614325 Pleasant Valley Rd Balogh, NC 5/5/2016!4425PIeasam Valley Rd Raleigh, NC (Beauford Imports LLC _ jBeau(ord Imports LLC iBea, omd Imports LLC_ I Beautiman Manufactured Marble Beautimar Marble Co _ Beautimar Mfg Marble Inc Design mfr andinstall signs/graphlcs___ Domestic only __ Garnick NO -- % _ I _ Septic Tank_Holmes 'N 1- _O _I% y I Magaim_e Typesetting _ _ '_ _ _ ___ Foust_ _ sN0Non{ategonal 27616 closed Garrick NO _ Distribute Auto parts _1bathrooms (Buchanan NO iIx I Residential did not cvn enter (Faw NO =� j d 27604 Food prep for 6 restaurants Dishwashers sinksk, forfor ovkingantl cleaning JHeaer NO 17 (Non Categoncal, <25,000 { 'Non Categoncal, 125,000 1 Manufacture glass capacitors Water used In cutting operation Garrick NO 1AssembleTrophies&Iagraye ,Bergeron NO _ �— X —! Trophy_hop___ _ Small scale eagraving,no water used__Garnick__ _ !NO 'Auto Repair No Industrial H2O Use (Bergeron IND_ _�iZero Orscharge_____ r —_ 27603 1osed - —_ — — er (Gornlck _ 1 0 1 — - -- AssemblePacMrRMachinery INoindus[rial H2O Use tBergero ((NO ! _ _ 11Zero Discharge 27610 Assemble ka In terlal machines Domaticonly Receptionist said nontontac[ Gornickn [NO pac g gma steam condensate is not rel eased to sew FIJI empty test containers for tool runs of �c !Manufattureautoma,edpackagingmachinery Brok NO Non CIU, <25000gpd equipment (Chocolate Poling _ Dnhwashing 1Bergeron NO attptedta contactnumou erstimes,appears 2755] Olesei enginerepo Ir per Manta em G abandoned (ornlck NO z —_rEnvironmental Consulting No industrial H2O Use ___'Bergeron _NO _ {__ �_ _ Zero Di __ _ scharge 'Pressure washer equip retail Some assembly, no_fa—fing_ Gornlck__ ! 27612Reslden[ial address per google mapNowebslteorphonenumberavadable Fromnew s �Gornick NO I% x (____kbuslu.ornstinR__ ___ _ _ __ __ __ yEnvnonmen[al Tesnnq `Ba[hr_s tBuchanan NO I 276151 closetl Gornick__, NoIx x _ y5creen anatmg/emroidery !Screen washing Faw/Dell Olio NO _ t { (Non CIU<25000gpd r_Door Frames _ _ No process water .. _ _ Bergeron ENO ,Residential didn—mer (Faw NO % Bu Id cl mate controled chambers for 27606 maceutical storage Metal fab no discharge of waste Domestic only IHeavner NO phar_ 1Assembiy&tetngofenvlronmentalchamberz , Domestconly _ Faw — NO ;X _- — Res,dental Area BuchananNO X Commercial Printing_— _ _ _ _ _ _____ _-- Beasley__ N-0— _ _ _ _ Non Categorical 27601 FCased _ Gmnick NO ,X f Offset printing (Domestic only ___ Faw ___ INO X f— �m Water used In press with alcohol and low volatility I -- 276081Lithaoffsetpress chems like leve (col 10 gal ! , ( Non Categoncal <25000 propy glycol ga evhl,ty Garrick NO _ _ months ' ! gpd JAlsphalt ProductsI�.,. _-- _ _ Foust _ _ _;NO -j --'--I^ (Non Categoncal ^_ Office bullding(or contractor /asphalt producerIDomesticaniy (Faw µN0 i �X 27612VAdmin office for asphalt mfg on (Domaticonly see IWS If 1467 for mfg locatiorn on IGick _ NO ( _ Ix ! I� Itarmixedwlthagglegate Nowaterosedin I( j 27612 asphaltnafg ,process and no, ash down to aty sewer Domestic Gornlck INO 5808 Triangle D, __ __ _W _ _ _ Raleigh, NC___ 1207New Hope Rd� Raleigh, NC 1207 N New Hope Rd _ Raleigh, NC 6616 Fleetwood Dr Raleigh NC 5006New Bern Ave Raleigh, NC_ 6612104 Fleetwood Dr Raleigh NC 2i 414 Dupont Or Raleigh NC 27 31119 Poplar Wood C[SUIte 219 Raleigh NC 1100 Corporation Parkway Raleigh NC L Development ENO X'% 1100 Corporation Pkwy Raleigh NC W� (Gornlck NO�X Raleigh NC Lent Storage___ _ _ 'Domestic_ an _ _ Buchan _ Y ,NO_ I ness equipment _ _ �mm Dom es[Ic only Faw/Dell0lio NO��_ _ listribu[lan warehouse _ Damesticonly Garrick_ N0 ,Pour marble into molds no washing or cutting _ Saler/dIntrlbutorco per Mand—rens _ _ rpomestic Commercial PUntln¢ IGornick NO __ iBergemn_ NO % l no response to voice mad showroom locked, stobe dinnerware showroom _(preu Goo`nlck NO — medtlomestic _ (Rinse out water soluble emulsion tOther printing I o ss G Ick 'NO Iwa_stes are hauled !Nolon¢er at addressµ Faw NO X �- -NO ENO X'% 1100 Corporation Pkwy Raleigh NC 27610 Closed 'Cauldnotfindthisbusinessatthisaddress 1100Corporatlon Pkwy Raleigh NC 27510'Closed 1221H...Ct Raleigh NC 276031 Granneand MarbleNo followupneeded 1221 Home Court Raleigh NC Manufacture culture marble &gr_ite 1221 Home Ct Raleigh NC 'Cuhuretl marble and granite fabrication ,Pour marble into molds no washing or cutting 130]Cam[al Boulevartl Raleigh. NC Commercial PUntln¢ -NO ENO X'% NO —IX NO 1I _ NO NO ( Non Categoncal <25000 (Bedford Pnniing ]/12/201611107Capital Blvd --- Raleigh NC27603 Closed _ Heavner NO X Bedford PrintingCo 5/3/2010,15015Blount St_______ Ralelgh NC _ Brokerprl_ting_ jDomesticpnly _ FaGornick IND _w_ -NO !Litho Pnnnng is in the same bldg and [ht Bedford Panting Co Inc 6/19/2017'15015 Blount St 'Ralelgh, NC 27603 Publishing only eyhavea _ printing press ( z Bedlzen Ornaments 509 NWest St-__ RalelghNC_ Reta Ldaftstore ^��Dpmesbc only �Bergdon NO 1 Bedoom Ornaments Inc 5/6/201611509N West St Raleigh NC 27603 beads charms pendants Store recently closed Websitewi11remaina—,j(ornlck (NO X E 8/10/200671902 Gamer Station 81vtl_ Ralelgh NC 27603 GfamtefabricaLon _ _ See VN Enterprise Corp _ {IBergeron Radar I Bella N .w Y6/14(2016,t1902 Garner Station Blvd ____Raleigh NC 2]603 Closed (Gornick NO % ( BenchmarkSlgns _ _ _ 8/4/20081 1258 Benson Rd _ _ Garner NC _ No longer at add ressm�_mmm Faw/Dell Olio NO _ X i BenchmarkSlgns_ _ _ 9/ 3/20091212 United Or _ _ _ _ Raleigh NC _ �mmm___ �_ ____ DOE _ _ __ _ __lcFawNO 'X—��--�-' _ Best Friends Pet Hotel 1 7/14/201715500 Running Fox Ln V Durham, NC 1 277031Dog Kennel --TLoa longtocannett to City Sewer — IRyan Faw 110 ` Ex _4124/2014 251ThbrerDry _ _ Gar er NC --j Pr, mt and Com jpomesbc W _ _ _ 'Johnson NO et5�s&Service Co____ 11/20/20061546 Dynamic Dr_ Garner NC Interior&EiRedor Signs ( NO Industrial H2O Use ~ Bergeron --T2 W - Beste<Inc _ 6/16/2017,141 a Tech nlogy Dr_ Garner NC 27529 Distribution only per MFR outsideservlcearea Gormck NO _ IBastec Inc 8/1]/200912013 New Hope Church Rd le, _N _ _ kElectrical Mfg_ Rcp Firm Domestic only Faw ENO („—_-.__._......_._,......W.._..�..__..___ _ p�T' — Bestec Inc 4/15/201412013 New Hope Church Rd, Ste F Raleigh NC 2]604,Dis[nbu[e electncal transformers, controls etc 'per g Domestic per 20091W5 Wholesaler/distributor ;Gornick Mfrs Re Beyuers Supply/Greenvllie __ _ _ _A 1305 Transport Dnv� _ Raleigh, NC__ _ _ Net on Citysewer/Package plant _ Brock _ _ INO Biblical Recorder _ 4 7/2006'222W Mlllbrogk Rtl _'_ W Raleigh fJC Relignlous Paper-Prmtedoffsite W �Edgeron - NO �} _ Biblical Recorder mm � _ 9/4/2012 moved to Cary from Millbrook Rd _ Cary Religious newspaper publishing Was printed offsite�G—Ick 7110 % BIe, dermann MFG Industries _ 8/25/20174541 Preslyn Dr__ Raleigh NC` 27616E _ _�Gorick �N0 `_ y Byledemami Mfg ind BMI 5(2/20064541 Preslyn Dnve ..._^ Raleigh NC _ ,Berg Make sma11 mfg parts _�_ �allo industrial H2O Use eron iN0 7 Biedermann Mfg Industries(BMI) 9/4/201214541 Preslyn Or Raleigh NC Corporate HQ and screw machine products Not active but dry process if they start back up Gornick 1N0 Biedermann Mfg Industries Inc 4/5/201314500 Preslyn Dr _ A Chan NC g WRalei h Not actbut dry prcessif the"'- back up IGorlck �.. ge of address see 2012 survey ive �InO pet 2012 survey Big Boss Brewing Cov ...._�.......__ 30/14/2009' 1249AWicker Or _ Raleigh NC Midp-hrewery_ r5ee Survey IFaw I Iproduttion at 78000 barrels per yr Appir xSOgal � t Big Boss Brewing Co 7/10/201511249 Wicker Dr ��� Y Raleigh NC 27604 Brewery Gornick __.... NO per day used in cleaning _ _ 5 _ Mfrs reg says sauce mfg" subcontracted In .IS MS BBQ Sauce (HOJ 5/21/20131300 Londonderry Grcle Ralelgh NC IResidentiai-did not enter (Gornick NO 8i1lings and Garrett Utilities Con - 11/14/20023200 Northside Dr _ Raleigh NC Utilities Contractor _ not on cit, water_ 'Buchman NO Binswanger Enterprise LlC 7/17(20122527 Atlantic AveRaleigh NCGlassand_metalstomfrvn[ _ IDomesnc _ 'Gornick �N0 Binswznr G gelass _ /20 4C 9/1304242rabtree Boulevard Ralele N[C (Commercial Residential&Auto Glass Buchago NO _ T 'Bio Delivery Sciences international Inc 6/4/2008801 Corporate Center g201 Raleigh NC Administrative work Domestic only _ Few / Dell 01Io ]NO� Bio Tech Prosthetra &Orthotics pf Raleigh _ 7/26/2012 3709 National Dr Ralelgh, NC_ Custom molded orth.— Domestic __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Gornick NO f5lodelw 5cienceslnternational mm _�.......m 5/4[ 2016 A11225Park Lake Ave �RaleighwN„C 27612Ecorp-2HO, sales an tl marketing__"„_ n�faRuirn tsourged Gormck NO _ Biodelivery Services lnternationa1 4/5/2013 801 Corporate Center Or Ste 210M �... Raleigh NC I Admmistrativeworkper2008survey _ lo1Domestic $Gormck ;NO 1 BGala Biologics Inc ' 8/7/20086213 DAngus Or Raleigh NC i � 1Probttttj No chemical waste, biological medium only down mtic research Faw/Doll Olin NO BmGam Biologics Inc 6/27/2016'6213 D Angus Or Raleigh, NC Bird Toys, Etc 8/4/20081 4 7504 Tynewind Or Wake Forest NC Blackboard Connect ­...__W_._.....__'9/44(2012;402OWestchase Blvd Ste400 Raleigh N, C__ BLD Science LLC (formerly Best Lab Deals) 12/18/200911000 Management Way Garner, NC B, `Dunt Inc _ ._:. 2/2620071535Mack Todd Rtl Zebulon NC _ Blue Cross Home Care & Health Se-cas Inc 7/16/2015 4909 208 Waters Edge Or Raleigh, NC Blue Ridge Design&Steal 7/14/2015,7413 Six Forks Rd Raleigh NC 1 IFin, /Dell 011o NO W— loftware development BMCEast(Bodding Materials and Components) 8/30/201718401PIaner Mlll Rd (Middlesex NC BMISouth .... .V W 7/7/20044541 Prelyn DrrveryRaleigh NC BMISouth 5/16/200814541 Preslyn Drive Raleigh, NC Boardrpm 6reetingsm � � � 6160176]12 -SOI Vngilla Ct ��Raleigh N� C_ Bcdy Shop lnc,The SO/23/2009� 5035 Or, World Way WakeF—t,NC ` 'Domestic only raw IND Bonettl Valves/NACB LLC 5/15/20068311 Brier Creek Raleigh NC� j Bon—Val—NA 8 LLC 7/12/20128311 Brier Creek Pkwy Ste 105257 Raleigh, NC Booselm, - V_9/14/20042019 Pro¢ress Onve �Ralei¢h NC� 3Domesnp Holy YNo, Categorical 125000 'god _ _ t_ phone 1 _dr_am (_ ]osed {Rep Widmspecter the facAiryis closing 63016 (Heavner NO IX — Appeared residential via Google IFin, /Dell 011o NO t x loftware development Office nepaimufaqyning Gornick IND X _�____ _ ant tt _ _ Buchanan NO)ath� equitun.m.nd lab upplbuebmmedlcal 'Domestic only raw IND X IDp..pc Only, Offic,:esand dutnbuIhm Holmes - iffice suites no ,sponse to voice mad, office locked presumed Gornick X I nine c eb site or Info ,variable from New Bus I!NO I 1 276151 OOB7 UPS store at this address ,Gornick INO lx I Lsting,(urther loilow up unnecessary 1 I Manufactures wooden trusses and stocks 2755] 1 'contractor supplies surveyed In 2016 T � � ... � Heavner 1110 (Machine screvrs � �u �200gpd to evaporation iu,h nan €Non CIU <25000gpd c i Waterfor Cleaning Parts Only Evaporated _ W Dell Olio [NO I I jX 1 1 27616rGree[ing Cards IResidential _. Gornick )Officeand distributionwarehouse^ �Domesnc poly ._u...r � Faw 1110 % ' Resldenbal __ Bergeron-0�.�.�.' 1Consulung acid reseller of,,d,,tr,al prmducts None 4Gormck NO I IPoss_I 00B Buchanan Ir tlX �_ Bposelnc Randall _ 10/4/201212019 Progress Ct _ Raleigh NCMachining7obshop manual millwork Unableto contatt Go nick NO_—_�P_� — BoschPackaging _ _ 6/3/2008244OSumner Blvd Ralelgh NC } Work onex.,stionpackagmg, common t Domesoc-ly mm ;F P_LDeIK011o 'tN0 _ X i I Bosch Packaging 5/20/201324405umner Blvd Raleigh, NC Shipping and receivin Domestic only -parts washer rarely used waste 999 t g, machine modification 'hauled Gormck 1N0 #% Boyd&Associates Inc _ 9/4/2009j,P0 Box 99189 �___ _ Raleigh NC _ Sales pRiceforfoodexportmg_ Domestic prly_ _ Faw _ 7110 _ _ IiIX I Bradsher Contracting Inc RL 9/4/2012 i 3729 Overlock Rd Raleigh NC Sandmining HQ. Offic—d—astic landscaping stockpile area drains to Gresham Lake ;Gormck IND �I% 7 ( Mamly sales and distubutlon with some cutting t a Brandco Inc 5/14/2014163171 Richartl Dr (Raleigh NC 27EV11withwetsaw saw effluent flows onto gravel 'Domestic only Onsepti ),stem Gornick INO 1X ( 1 _ parking lot _ _ _ ' i j t5tr1 Ing&Pobshing of Brass&Copper Out of c I I Brass&Copper Polishing 4/20/20065815 HIIIsborough5t Raleigh NC FP 1Bergeron NO i IX __ _ I a_ry limits _ (III ) E Brass and Copper Pollshing Works _ _ _ Il/12/20D25MMINti. ugh5t Raleigh NC 2]6061 _ nocltyhopkup _ }Buchanan 1110 x _ �T Brazeal Stone Co 9/6/20062660 Yonkers Rd Raleigh Ni C _ _ _ 27604Granrte, Marbla ad Quartz _ I No follow up needed Bergeron _ IND Brazeal StoneCo ]/13(2016(122660 Yonkers Rd Raleigh Nc276G4Closed _Gornick NO % ( ^^ _ W� -__�_-_ Y_ ___ ____ �� _ k Brewer Machine &Tool 5/21/200712214 NC Hwy 231 Wendell NC _ IWeII&Septic Bergeron �NO (X � Brewer Machine &Tool 7/19/2012,2214 NC Hwy 231 w _ Wendell NC General machining and toot and dleshop j 5epucsystemm Johnston County Gornick NO , Ix i Briggs pad Son The _....__.�� 9/14/2004807 Hodge StreetRaleigh NC Automo[ove Service ----------- u fine, drainsoone �v'NO W ,Non Categorical Bergs and Son Tire � _ —_—7/7L2D36Y807 Hodge St� _ m-�'Ralelgh,NC 2]608 Closetl i� _ Heavner w'NO X - 3040Wendell Blvd mo,edf,om Washsomebrushes lnsink a coup le gallons per ^' Non ca[egoncal, 125000 Broach Custom Signs NCLLC 9/4/2012 Wendell NC Makesigns Gornick IND ' _ god _ Stoneybrook Or _ we, 7/8/2005{3112 S neybropk OnveRaleigh NC_ Domestic Only _ _ !_ _ _ _ _ Boone _ _IND _ _% j Brooks Machine&DeMinidnc ..� T _ 522/2013114240k1U5264 Zebulon, NC Machine5h_op i Domestic 'Johnson 7(110 ___.,...,..H__�._....� __�_�.._......a..__ Brooks Machine and Design 10/5/200611424 Old US 264 _Zebulon NC (Tool and Die shop _-�- t0omestrc only_,_..._ 'Holmes NO rx , Brooks Machine antl Design _ 8/7/2___L142401d US264HwY __�______ Zebulon, NC Specialty machine produttion �__ Domestic onlyBergeron NO 1__ Brown Toes 6/SB/20021404WaIIRd 0400 Wake Forest NC ( i Not in seance area-De11011. IND { tX I iNowebsne Frpmnewbuslnesslisting search ' I E]348 Fontana Ridge lane, also J2p8 1 BSB Products, Inc 7/]/2015 Raleigh, NC 27613" engmesays BSB is in °business services ` Rmfdentlal per Google maps did not enter, Gornick INO % :x Sawbuck Cc Raleigh 27613 find trv, � f � i BTC Electrpmc Components _ _ _6/29/200415809Deprture Dnve_____ _ Raleigh NC�Warehpuse Out someassemblV_`_ _ _ _ _ 'Buchanan _NO_ BTC Electronic Components 12/13/20062709 Connecta r Or Wake Forest, NC I I Holmes NO X _ I BTCEl---Components _ _ 1 6/15/20165809 Departure Or _ Raleigh NC 276161't _ _ _ lclosed _ _ _ GornickNO �MBTCEIectronic Components,lnc 7/12/20122709 Connector OF Wake Forest NC 1Dc__nbutecpnnecmrs s,m,,ss,,bly 7:Domestic 'Gprnick 1NO x X uli �.......�i0wner establrshed website bus_( essn --� i� YLLT �I�- W�µ Buff&Shine Auto Oe[a,ling ..._�___x_� 612/201512342 Putters Way Raleigh NC 17fi141aunched Cpn[actInfo from New Business (Google maps shows address„residential Gornick NO % 1 Isubdwision I Building Services Group_ _ 11/18/20023208 Wellington Cc_ _(Gornick NO _____Raleigh NC _ 'domestic Buust chananNO _ ( _ x__ �B,usnass to buisness 8/3112007,3801 Wake Forest Road ~Raleig�m NC fBu,snes, leader maR Doesucuas poly ,FoNO t X 200 Bull MarketingSystems _ 11/19/213216Wellmgton Ct �R,�leigh NC Marketing Firm _ domestic ,Buchanan _ANO Burton Printing 9/4/2012I-�- 12d0 Newton Rd Raleigh, NC discharge a few quarts permonth of fountain 1 ,Non categpncal<25,000 ( 1 ” _ Commercial printing _ sow_npn_ I I qpd Bus(ness Cards Turner,.. 9/13/100415?O Brookside0nve Rale,Rh, NC Wholesale Printer (Buchanan NO 1---Non Catego_I Business Cards Tomorrow Inc 9/4/2012 11520 Brookslde Dr Ralegh NC Business card printing Domestic only everything digital and disposable fGornlck NO % -'YI- 1 Business Journal u ��W �� ] 120041305 Navaho dnve�_ Rale, h NC B ,su nes,' Newspaper 1` Boone �ND rx ��_ INonCate ical.L_2/ /____.- __q1 _ ._.__11s._... __ �... gar6/21/201617305 Navaho Or Raleigh NC 276091 Closed 'Gprnick _.__ NOi �� _ (Business Leader Metlm_ 6J320083101 Wake Foes'Rd ste215 RalaghcNC 'Business Leadermagailne��_ _ Domesticonly �_ iBergeron���NO Business Machnas Inc 8/19/20093121 CGI R IRd R igh NC � Office Equpment Sales and Sery ce (Septic ----Ila. NO X •---.__..... _ S. _ ..�_�. Bus ness Mach nes, Inc _ _ _ _ _ _ 5/14/2014x3121 C GI RVI Rd _ _ ft igh NC 27617 office equipment d-fluttlon _ _ 10n septic _ Gornick Business News Magas tie _ _ _ _ 9/Id/2004 3801 Wake Forest Road R I igh, NC Business News Magazine i Buchan, NO _ _ INon{ategor cal Business News Magaxne 7/15/20163601Wake Forest Rd Rale Rh NC 27609 Closed Gornick _ ANO _ ,X Butler Communications _ 4/7/3006:]]2151x Forks Road _Raleigh NC 008 _ Boone __ __ __ __ - _-_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ __ Butterball Ulf _ 528/2014118utterball Ln Garner NC Corporateoffices Domestic 'Johnson NO % _ Butterball ic-HQ) �10/19/?OD91 I Butterball Ln Garner NC 'Corporate HQ Oomestic_ly Faw_ NO Buy Direct Cabinets _ _ 5/30/2D061053E Whitaker Mill Rd Raleigh NC ,�Buy&Sell Cabinets NOlndustrlal Water Use SBergeron _ iN0 'Non{a[egpncal Buy DIreRCabinets _ _ 7(12/2016, 3053E Whitaker Mlll Rd__ Raleigh, NC I 276041CIosed� IHeavner !NOI%_F_ LB rd Pnnnn 5 4 200650_24 Departure Drive�Ralei h NC " Offset Printingv..� Ber eron _ NO_ Non Cale Dotal p_ ,B rd Printin Co _ I 832012502410e arture Dr _ __Rale, h NC Offset or, _ _ Domesi,c _ G.rn,ck _ _ANO 4 g PY,ng / / " P g , p_ g Byrum Opticians 9/ 144004, 60OWade AvenueRaleigh NC__ Prescription Eyeglasses _ Buchanan _!fN-pn Categoncal___ - !� v� _1 � J Wastewaterfrom frstfineconta,ns fneplwtic 1 i " 1 �I Non Categorical <25,000 Byrum Opticians Inc Leon 9/4/2012600 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC `Eyeglasses IGormck ;NO ____ _ _ _ _ _ _particles 1/2gpd _ _ _ _ _I _ Jgpd_ CESates Co 5/15/2006550 Pylon Drive —•Raleigh NC Sell products for heavy aeulp No industrial H2O Use B_erge_n -'NO :Non Categoncal CESales Co 6/222036550 Pylon Or Raleigh NC _2]606FFClosed Gornick NO %_ _L_ � _ - C&D Metal _ 9/13/2004, ]00 Freedom Orrve_ _ _ _Raleigh NC �Proc_es_s Scrap Metal_ washtraI1e,s __ ___ _ _ _'Buchanan_ iNO� _ _ —��i_ _ _ Non-Categorical _ jHav used floor drains 1, putd-jund--of) � C&O Metals 4/12/2016 ]OOFreetlom Or Raleigh NC 27630 Transfer s[atipnfor Lee Ironworks eun GornIck — _ iforage area C&F Foods _ _ _ IS/12/2002`52030eparture Dr _ Raleigh NC 27604'Bean packing, washing and distributing _ _ Buchanan NO I CC DicksonC. _ _ 8/19/2009 L220 T__ ryon Rd, Ste C'Raleigh, NC_ �HVAC(R Wholesale Distributip_Dpmestic"t CC_ Dickson C. V _8/19/20092305_Lau,elbro.kSt Raleigh NC EHVAC/R Wholesale Distribution Domestico nly_ �FawtNO CC Dickson Cc 4/15/20141220Tryon Rd Raleigh NC 27603!Wholesaler of HVAC equip EDomesticper20091W5 Wholesaler/dutributor Gornick .�.._ iN0 ____ __ __ _ _ _ _ prumfis Reg____ � I % I 1 paper / / g gpane pe eg �In residential subdrv,s,pn appears residenilal did ,CDNC & Sheetmetal, Inc 562 126Tmberlake Dr Raleih NC 276045heetmetal rpotin Is rrafrsr (Gornick 'INO x _ _ _ _ not enter - ICabinPublishmg -~ 8/3/2007 PO Box 18308 Raleigh NC Pubhshm_goffioffieonly Pnncedin Durham (Bergeron 'NO - % No 8L Cable Network Construction I/2/20D2,5831Tnangle DrRaletgh NC Store Cable Equipment 'domestic Buchanan NO— CableTechnolog,es _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6117/2016 2650.102 Discovery Or _ Raleigh NC __ 27616 _ _ _ __ closed now task m_ Inistnes _ heavner no _1x Cable Technology,___ _'__ 9/13/2W4"2650-102 Discovery Drive Rale,gh`NC ( )_[able Assembly_ _ _ _iBucha_nan�_—ANO _ Non Catego_al ,Cable s Frame House 9/14/20047806 St MarysS[reetRalegh NC Picture Frame Assembly vv 'Buchanan NO :Non{ategorical Cables Frame House _ _ 1 6/10/2016I8065t Marysst _ _ Raleigh, NC_l 276051 Frame pictures Domesticonly _ jGornlck NO Cacti Inc _ _ _ 1_ _ 6/16/2017_6521 Creedmoor Rd s[e 206_ _ _Raleigh, NC _ _ 27613 yPrepackaged software development _ _ _ JGomick ____1N0 Cal CheckiX W 7/1/20041' 1600BIack Horse Run Raleigh, NC I_ I �iNo Cry Water/5 wed_ [Cal Check w v 7/1212012111600 Black Horse Run Ralegh NC �1Envronner-Itesting spectph t meter S ptl system, Wake Co :Gornick NO % x� rCal,(or_ Closet 7/16/2(1158411105 Glenwood Ave Ste Raleigh NC 27612Ishaw, room only (d_ tic only Gornick NO X I Cab(ornia Closet Co 6/18/2014I6316)R,chard Dr Ste A Raleigh NC � 276171Closetorganizershowropm_ ______Domesticonly �Gprn,ck __ NO_ x Cahforn,a[Iose6 ___5/12/20067409Acc BHd Raleigh NC 111 t0`esign&Build S[oraRe Solu[,ons NOlndustrlal H2O Use _Sergeron___ NO _' N_on Categorical I California Closets 4/20/20106316-T Richard Dr Raleigh NC Closet manufa-rult Domesticonly_IFaw NO L 1X- -& J 1 ,Calnorma Opsets _ _ 6)17/20167409 ACCBIvd_ _ ___Raleigh, NC _ 2]61]1 _ Closed F(HenmerNO__ � :Camera Graph: �_ ____9(14/200440d Hillsborough Street Raieigh NC �_ Graphic Arts Prepress Services (Buchanan NO _ - Non Categorical _ Camera Graphs ��^_616%2016 404 H Ilsboro>ugh St Raieigh, NC 27603 _ Closed _ Gornick NO x I y ___f pr ps / / g g i p p [Maps suggests only Fort ma, nat [ha[address (Gornick NO I x 1 1 - CanaltaEmar Ise,' ULC see Philll Iron Works 52420134809 Auburn NC Rd Raleih NC metalfabsho ,well andse septic .�__ ___ - _ --- --L .v_ _...�._.._ �_. _...._ _ - (Canyon Stone Inc 8/8/20121423 Wan Ave Wake Forest NC :Natural stone veneers IOn septic tank Gornick NO W 44 Environmentalconsulling professional " Cape Lopkpu[Environmental Sciences PLLC 6/20/1O15I8005 Clear Brook Dr Raleigh NC 2]615 JDomes[Ic only (Gornick INO I ix geological services_ _ Capital Area Trusses _ _ _ _ I_ 8/2/20075380 Raynor Rd_ Garner NC_ Build wooden trusses N_o_industrial water use 1Holm __ANO � _ _! % _ _Non Categoncal Capital Area Trusses I1/22/2008i53ELO . orrd Garner NC_ 27529 Bergeron ,NO 'Capital Area Trusses8/17/201215380 Ramor Rd Garner NC I Wooden trusses Usealrto blow off saw no longer spay with water 'Gornick ANO Capital Area Trusses Inc 6/4/1014103 Rupert Rd` Rale,g yNC 2]603 Build trusses_ On septic _ Gornick Capital BumperCompanylytic 7/27/201182 Purser Dr ��Rale,RI NI Wholesale auto parts salesonly Domestic Gprnick NO Capital OtyTrophlas ��— _ 5/3/2W611632S Saunders St _ _ Raleigh, NC {Assemble Trophies NO Industrial water use Bergeron NO r % jNon Categorical ,Capital Oty Weldmg(so, A A Capltal City Weld„g)9/14/2004I3207New Hope Road_ _ Raleigh NC_ _ _ _ v _ _Residential _ Buchanan_ _ NC _ _ xNon Categorical_ Capltal Hydraul,a 9(14/2W4j 0 Hillsborough Street Ralph NC SBS already done _xBuchanan NO T ( WI }domestic only-closed varsol basin for cleaning I Capital Hydraulic (now W&W CO Inc) 7/26/20126301 Hillsborough Street Raleigh NC hydraul,a repair__ IcyLnders (Gornick IND 1 X Capital Ughm�ing Protection 6/6/2006743 Pershing Rd Raleigh, NC Ugh[ning Rods No,ndus[rial wacer us (Bergeron Capital Lightning Protection Inc__ _ _7/12/2D322.43Persh,ng Rd _ _ _ Raleigh NC_ Product UghmLgProtection Parts �Tp,ietandnnk Noprocessd,scharge Gomlck__ __ NO_ _s r _ _ ___ X 2095 US I Hwy is Physical recycling--~ --- --- I - CapitalMatenalsandRecycling,LLC 1 7/2/2015 location Offceat8310Brandfprd Way, Wake Forest, NC 275870utdoor recycbng of concrete wood and solids Franklin county On well IHeevner NO I I% __ _ _ IRalegh 1 I x [Capital Fabncabon _ - ---J- - - _ -� -� - - I ------ _ --- - --- - - � -- - - � - --- - - 5 - --- i ---- - - 5/6/2016220Tryon Rd Raleigh NC 27603 Metal fabrication Domesticonly Gomlck INO 1 Ix Cap,[alMe[al Fabr,ca[lon_ � �( Cap,[al Promotions Inc 9/8/200914908 A1p1,ls Or Ste 102 Raieigh NC ITsh,rt printing _ Wash screens one hour per day FdW NO INon CIU, <25000gptl :Screen Printing Screens cleaned with pressure 11000.200gpd Nonphthalatechem,calsused All I N Categorical <25,000 �Capl[ai Promotions, Inc 6/13/20144908 A1p,n,s Dr Ste 101 Raieigh NC 2]616 1 _I Gornick NO � on ,slier biodegradable RP_tl CapltalSign Solutions _ _ _ _ _ 1 4/24/2014,'5800 MCHmes Pit Ste 110 _Raleigh, NC _ 276165,9,,' turnkey _ _ _ ,Domestic onlyIGornick _ NO� I Appears residential with some garage-_ like Capital City Signs Inc 5/14/2014 5028 Grasshopper Rd Raleigh NC 376101DgnalpnUng,wnylsigns banners Heetgmphits structures Wake Co IM,ea nd,catesonseptic no (Gornick {NO I% x __ ----_ _ __ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ city sewer available Capitol Oty Agiss _ _ 5/3/2006 LSO Pople Rd Ralegh, NC Make Vinyl Signs I No industrial water use (Beg _ NO _ _ __ _ I Non Categoncal [ap�rolOry signs Inc_ 9/8/20095028 Grasshopper Rd RaleighyNC -- ft dentlal_Ditl not en ter _ Faeeron NO �n ___ Capitol Flag and Flagpole _ _ _ } _ _9/14/2004'623West Lane Street -- Raleigh NC _ _ t - --_ -_ Unable to locate _ _-_ Boone Cando( Flag and Flagpole_ _ 9/4/2012y623W lane St _ Ralelgh,NC _ t Retail and semce _ (Domestic only _ !Gornick CapnveAire 5/8/2007j4641 Paragon Park Raleigh, NC [orporaie Ofhce_ }No,ndus[rial water use Bergeron NO Capt1w,fure Systems Inc 9/4/201214641 Paragon Park Rd Raleigh NC (Headquarters Kitchen ventilation systems Nearest plant is in Youngswlie NC no mfrug ,Gornick f NO IX - 'Domestic Only Development Products mostly I 1 Carbon Ceramla 1/6/2003 6006-A Triangle Dc Raleigh, NC Development Lab Buchanan INO Ix 1 1 chemical, refused entry to development area 1cargo Pak Corp 12/2/200213215 A Wellington Ct Raleigh, NC 276155ell specialized packaging Warehouse packaging materials bathrooms Buchanan NO W % 'Carle&Montanan _9/13/2004625-10]Hutton Stseet_ ftal.,gh, NCOffice Only 1j Boone ;NO 1__-__._._ Carle&Mantan-USA 7/12/2012625-107 Hulton St Raleigh NC (Sales and service .1 -poetical, equipmentDomestic 1G.rnlck NO W X T w ' Carlos PortBlo Car Oetalling 7/7/20151,4W4 Old Coach Rd Raleigh NC 27616No eb sne No phone From new business �Residential per Google maps did not enter Gornick NO � %%-'- , Car lton BatesCompany__- _ 1/18/20051501 CUwharne Court Raleigh NC El Rranic Parts Warehouse _ a Buchanan NO I 1__-_x -�----+- -- �% ---- I- 'CarltonBa[esCo _ 9/5(20121503 AUwharrie C[_ Raleigh NC Distribu[arof electronic camponen[s_v_ Warehousev domesh_ly Gornick INO _ ICarolma Auto 6/2/2015Y6400Poole Road Raleigh NC 2]630 Dump trucktransport/Mechanics Domestic Only IHeavne, Il Carolina Builders _ _ _ 11/2]/2002'}]]08 Burwell St _ _Raleigh NC 21615 Build prefab wall panels _ IBathrooms Buchanan _ NO ' �% 1 Carolina Business Forms 9(14/200418612Honeycutt Road_ _ Raleigblrl_ 27615 i Unable to locate -__- lBoone__ Carolina Business Forms 6/IS 0158612Honecutt Road Rale, hl NC 2]615 Heavner NO X %� n ____.�. Y____ _ _ �_.......... a. &_ ..m.�.._ ._ p. ._�..� �CarolinaCeramic C.aUrg(Custom Ceramic Coating) 4/25/211146213 A Angus Dr(Suce 300) Raleigh NC 27617Cera mmcoatIngs-loos D.--tic.nly, nowashing.rd,a,n disposal Garrick NO �% _ ___ I_�_�_ Carolina Ch inn&Cable i 6/28/200412728N Capital Blvd Raleigh NC cope andchain mfg ,. lBonne_ �NO1Non-Categorical Carolina Chain &Cable 5/20/2W8'2630Yonkers Road _ - ,Mfrcham and rppe slings -_ IND process water __- _ _-- 'Dell Olio__- 'NO- Google does not find this address to be a legitimate( ii Carolina Chain &Cable 7/12/201612728 Capital Blvd Raleigh NC 276INI Closed address businessappearst,havemovedtonext (Gornick jN0 j% door2630Yonkersrd See20131WS IIIIII }- 'Carollna Chain &Cable Inc 5/22/20132630 Yonkers Rd Ste 106 Raleigh NC I Mfr Win _pe and chains Domestic_ly, pr.cessdoesn t use water Gornick NO In Carollna Cotton Growers Coop _ _ _ _ _ 1,17/20081015igma Dr Garner, NO IMarkolur cooperative _ __ __ e _ BergeronNO _ �% I Carohna Cmmjtrtop, tit; _ 5/3/200638WTryon Rd _ Raleigh, NC _ } Laminate Countertops_ No Industrial water use Bergeron, _ NO_ _y i � _ (Non Categorical Car.11 C nterts Intim�mm6/20/203800 Tryon Rd_� Raleigh, NC 27606 Closed Business no[found at this adtlress� v Gornick NO X __ [Carolina Country _ 6/26/200613400 Summer Blvd Raleigh NC Magazine Pubhshningmm� �v 1Nolnd-dalwateruse y�Bergeron _ NO M (� �(N nCategorical _ Carolina Country 9/18/20123400Sumner Blvd Raleigh NC _ - 'Maganne Publehlag _____ ___ (Officebldg Magazinesprintetleisewhere _IGo_lck NO _ %p_ __��_�__ ____a __ Carolina Cracker 8/6/20081nc.rreR Address IDidnotvislt/Called_wnh (a 11' dresults (Dell Olio NO i I I'Address.n Goa Ie Ma to -be 1 ' 1 g ps appears ( I Carolina Cracker 6/14/2016ITen Ten Road Raleigh NC Pecan Cracker connected to sewer Shells shipped away and no IHeavne, NO i lX _ pecans are washed j I 1 Carollna Custom MoIcinR--_ - 6/8/2006'3901 Atlantic AveRaleigh NC Custom Metal Cr- wn Molding'No Industrial water use__ Bergeron 1NO _�_ �- _ INon Categorical Carolina Custom MoId,ng_ 6/9/201613901Atlamc Ave Paleigh NC 2]604 Closed _ v Gornick IND X _y.- _ ,Carollna Custom Molding Inc _ 6/9/20103260 Lyan Ridge Rd Raleigh NC Residential _did not enter IFaw NO I Carohna Fabricators _ 1/10/20026016 Triangle D, _ Rale,gh, NO 27617 Fabric ate metal Domestic Prlmarilywelding _no plating Buchanan _ NO i- _ _ l% jx I Carollna Fabricaters _ ___ ___ __ _ _ 4/2�20061601166Tn.nCLDr _ _ t Commercial Ste el _ _ 1Domestic _ _ Bergeron` 'N0 I %I_ r( _ Carolina Fabricators 5/220086016 Triangle Dr_ _ J vRaie,gh, NC ending, Forming Welding Dry_Pro eC ss(N-o proC_ater_ -'Berg _on ANO Carollna Fabricators _... _ _ _ - 4/7/20136016 Tn.m Drive Raleigh NC _ ( Steel Fabrication _- kuomesUc _ Ilohnsan NO % Carolina Fo.dSerwce Solutio_ 1 _ 7/14/2015311W Millbrook RtlRale,gh�NC___ 276091 mF uufcutgrers reps ___I domestic only, _ Gornick_ N Ca101ma Gold Enterprises 9/13/20047474 Creedmoor Road Raleigh NC ' ��� .� 'Unabletoi.cate 4 8...a NO 1Car.11na Gold Enter Inc9/5/2012 74]4 [reetlmoor Rd Raleigh NC IGold Jahn i habb plater <20 Ipe, ornick fN0 ; jNNpaa-categancal <2500D prises, g plating Y ga yr ` Carolina Graph,c Press 5/24/200]101 Rand Mill Rd Garner NC 'Flex.& Offset printing (Coyne picks up rags B,ngetun 'NO �INomfategorical 1 _ _ .._ _.._ -t Carohna Graphic Pres 6/13/20161111 Rand MIII Rd Gamer NC 2]529 Closed --j Now "Alco Cabinets Gormck- _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ .l_ _ ---- - I _ _ _ _ j -_-- _ i Wastewater from battery washing,, treated with Service and Repair of equipment ng Forklift SABO unit Bad batteries. randa, returned t. the Carolina lndurtrlal Product 6/13/2016301 He,ndr Garner, NC 2]529 batteries nn-faccurarifmooded Most battery repair is ,Gornick NO 1 , ped.rmed off generate, is bought performed cash, catio i Ail waste generated(, brought back to the location 1 I i 1 Caroima Up, Science LLC 6/22/ 20152012 Park Falls OrRaleigh NC 27616IAppears[o be residentialpergooglemaps �♦Raldentlal did na[en[er Heavnei tNO ( �x 1_a[eeorical Carolina Marble and Granite 10/21/2002111]Corporation Pkwy Raleigh NC � lCustem Marble IWashdown,nro sumps pumped out monthly Buchanan NO <25000 � I I gpd Carohna Marbleand Granite _ _- 9/15/20064]20 Old Poole Rd Raleigh NO 1G-r-nd Marble _--_-__ sNo followup needed_-- -__ BergeronNO__-I�' ,Car.inaMarbleam,16-te _6/16/201(4720 Old Poole rd Raleigh N;_ 27610 J_closed ___ (Gornick NO Ix Carolina. M a rble a nd Granite -2(14/ 201] 11117 Corporation Pkwy Raleigh NC 27610 Appearst. be closed INosign of this business at thisatldress Gornick ,NO Car.11 M bl G rote 7/1/2004'1117Corporation Pkway Raleigh, NC r JOOB lBoone 'NO X�� 1 f ; (Caroli Mulch Epress ( 9/20/2012 30006 Lawn suppll Rowland LF it, Rowland h mLake Rd Raleigh NC _ lNo longer at thisaddrim, (Gornick NO X hasl�ndf lip [ _ � i ics i a i ers Carolina Opthalm6/18/2014 - Hark S[Ste 137 Rale gh NC ' 2]601'amps,[Digital adapt -pie r Mfrs FeR,_,- for retinal cameras rdsl[ ,Unable [o locateaddress Gornick NO IX (Unable to locate w (Carolina Op[halm,a 1 7/8/20151300 W Hargett,[ unit 137 Raleigh NC 271 Receptionist at Hue apt bldg said apartment as did Residential not enter Gornick NO ( X 60 _ ,res,dennal unit r__ - _ _ Carolina Packaging&Supply , Inc 6/30/20303901 Atlantic Av_-e Rale,Rh-_NC IDninbutoc of packaging material Domestic Paw_ E i ,Carollna Packaging Supply Inc 4/26/2016 40391Atlanttc Ave Raleigh NC 276041 Dntnbunon of packaging, safety and janitorial Domestic only Heavner NO �X C_rol,_Plumbmg5upply _ J/3/200814601Trademark Dr Raleigh NC �yWhole�saie plumbing supplier_ DomesticonlyFaw(DeIP01_NO_x_ X �j 'Wholesaler/drstributerco per Manufadurers (Carollna Plumbing Supply Inc 4/4/2013146 OSTrademark Or Raleigh, NC 1Registet Domestic Gornick NO % 1 ( Carohna Printing _ 5/18/20061 510 W lohns.n St _ _ Raleigh, NO OHsetyrinter _ Fllm procceess Ilmhed use_ _ Bergeron_ _ _ NO _ _ _ Non Categorical_ Carolina Printing �_... Y_ 6/10/20161510 W Johnson St Raleigh NC 27031 Appears to be Closed Y Builtlingmostly restaurants, does not appear to G.mlck �`NO �IX _ 'house a printshop _ __ ith g done 1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - w - - - - r - - - CarollnaPn- Printing 9/5/201228031ndus[r,al Or Raleigh NO Commercial printing (D,gual printing no discharge cleaninrags Gomlck IND ( % 1 Carolina Specialties -- _ _ _ _-_ -_6/3/20083731 Barron Ln _-_ ,Raleigh NC _ 4Sypthen,stucco - _ - Sink swathing mixing parts - -__, Faw/DeIl0lio_ -IND_ _ Non CIU<25000g,nd Wholesaler_ b_tor co p rManufacturers Carohna Speuahles Inc 4/4/201313731 Bastion Ln Balogh NC j Domestic Gornick (NO X 1 1 _ Reg ,ter L.J _ Carolina Smock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7/2/20068620Barefoot Industrial Rd Raleigh NC IAggr Rates _ Domestic only seri[,. son tory sewer _ _ IBerRer.n��NOI -X Carollna Sunrock LLC 9/5/201215043 Un,con Or Wake Forest NC Concrete �Domes[,c Doty have NPDES permit for proces areaGornlck IND IX Car.l,na Sunrock, LLC 9/5/201218620 Barefoot Industrial Rd Raleigh NC Put- mixed concrete and asphalt 'Domestic on ly, have NEDE, permit for process area[Gornick IND IX Vehicles__ _8/20(20094105Graham N�wtan Rd _ Paleigh, NC y _ IOOB IFaw NO I%_-ir-- CarohnaUnmannedVehicles Inc _ 4/24/201414105Graham Newton Rd _ _ Raleigh NC 27605,Mfr aerostat systems �_ _ _INotconn,d,dto mieighwastesystem_ ,Gornick 'NO X 'Carolina Uplink 11/18/20023208{Wellington Cc Raleigh, NC Provide saU,I,t, transmissions for networks i (Buchanan NO ICarol,na Wdeo Security Inc 3/28/201614425 Beryl Rd Raleigh NC 27606V,deo security d,strilinurs and Installation I Distribution only per mfrs registry Haavner INO i I 1% Carohna Woman7/31/20061]406 Chape1H,11Rtl Raleigh NC ilMaggne Publhhing 7}No industrial wateruso iBecgeron �INO 1 INon Categoncal Carolina Woman _ __ __ 1 __ 6/20/2016(t]406 Chapel HAIRd _ __ _ _Raleigh NC 27607 Closed _____ _ Gornlck__ NO X___ Carolinas Cotton Growers CopperatNe,Int 4/11/201311O15igma Drrve r_ (_Produce j 276O3Closed 27616 1 Mo.— Deonbutor of Raw Catton o.— j].has.. NO_ X rs rgllnlan Publishing Co 5/172006610 Maywood Ave Raleigh NC Newspaper I No industrial water use Bergeron NO Non Categoncal Carolinlan Pubhshing Co__2/9/201011501 �,Carohniar Publishing Co 7/1_/12016630 Carolinian, The (Carolinian Publishing Co) —__ I 7/23/20125195 Caromed Int 1/24/20025605 E Davie St Raleigh AC _ _ Na longeratlootlpnj Office use onlyfor new occupant iGornick Fa=_NO iNO x —� Ma oodAve Raleigh NC Blount St — Raleigh, NC r Spring Ct Raleigh, NC Cam mminued typesetting, newspaper Domestic--- _ iGo Manufacture medical garments, assemble, sew and cu[ � Domestic -nick— — }NO Buchanan !NO j % % `` Plastic surgery garments, compression bandages (Boon ANO Non Categoncal Caromed International _.v 7/1/20041Jor 5605 ing Court— Raleigh, NC Caromedlnternational Inc 7/12/20125.SSpring — C[ Raleigh NC Mfrppstsurglcal compression garments Sgalion bucket for dyingwrthheated water �___ Garrick �NO _ Non.Categorlcal `Carpa[hTan Woodworks Inc 61/2017832203 .r Purser Dr_ Raleigh NC 27603 iAutamotrve _]I_ Buld cabinets Domestic only GornkCk —�NO X I Dom— [arquest j 9/]3/20042635MillbrookRoad Raleigh NC ( Parts Dstr 'Warehouse ! j Boone NO X I Nam tegorlcal 125000 gpd j C�rques[Auto Parts 91320O41608Gerna.—vn Road Raleigh NC _ _ Auto Parts&Machine She I Boone IND Non Categorical } Carquest Auto Parts 1 9J2012 608 Germantown Rd Raleigh NC General machining of bshoD Rinse water collected In tank and recycled Garrick NO i X 'Carrier 1/14/200212018Garnerstation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Carroll MFG Dr Garnet, NC _ __ _ _ 20.0 Purr Drive_ Raleigh -NC iSery a Air Conditioning_ _ i Mostly field service _ ____ No Guy Water/Sewer Buchan jNO Boone N0 Carroll Printing 9/_33/200425225 �_ Wilmington Street Ralelghs NC Offset Printing.� � _� Non Categorical i Carroll Printing /14 /2010 [C (Carroll Printing ( 4/13/2016 15015 Blount St Raleigh NC 15015 Blount St Raleigh, Z].3 Commerclaloffset printing Ipomesticonly nn Offset ptingf.r HUD housing Very -Domestic only Solvents/inks rag cleaned and rags special¢ed disposed in trash Faw 1N0 ' Garrick NO % [ rtoI[P [Ing 6/10/2016 —__ _ _ _ _ _ _ �C—arte Printing 1 1211512.610015teeple 'Carter Erin" 1 8/6/3008Z31805Radner 25225 W Iming[pn St Raleigh, NC_ Square Kn gh[dale NC1 Way Rale ghl Nf _2]603 Closed I _ _ _ _ ___--- (sees— _ _ _ _ _ OHze[Pnntin ey G I k ENO — B geron NO X _ _— Non Categorical !Residential did not enter Faw ANO 1 x I Carter Printing&Graphic_____B/22/2012] CarVitlge Worltl 8/11/20O6l431214O 1001 Steeple Square Ct _ __KmgMdale NC,_ Pleasant Valley Rd Raleigh NC Vali °Rd Raleigh NC ; Commercial printing___ Domestic only Refill_&sell Cartridges Noa_Industrial water use 27612 Closed iEmprysinte 2707Asembly of audio electronic_ Domesticpnly _ _ _ 1Bergeron IND 1Gornick IND Heavner % I Non{ategorlcal Cartridge World 1 7/192O16411214OPlesaant CawAudlu Design U -C_ 4(26/201663O1Chapel Hill Rd Ralelghl NC_ CaryA ds _ 12/31f2O071241{Bucklones �CA ds ~u _9(6/2O121241Bucklpnes faryN ,The _ _ I 7/23(]O1411WO Case Speciailsts ! _ ___ _r 7/31/2006 Rd _ Rd R„aleih NC SI[us Ct, Ste 100Raleigh, NC 2033 Longwood Dr Raleigh NC INot ln_Ralelgh area (South Hills Mall)_ _ _-- �Bergeran_r____ jThy plaques award engraving Outside service 276061 Office bulitling is vacant and lacked INolonger at tht tldress 1_ _ Residential __ _(Bergeron NO �, Gprnlck NO !GornIck _ tN0 !NO i,,,% %` % � _ % _ _ _ _ __ _ Cashwell Sewing Machine 5124/20071O24Sparab Moss LN Garner NC Residential/ out of servlce area 'Bereron NO %� Cason Diesel Service _ I _ 7/_12/20121513DynamiCD_r_ ' _ Garner NC _ _ I Diesel and AC repair _ _ Safety Kleencoll—process_w_Mer Surface mount technology no clean, solder based manufacturing of pcbs all wash and rinse waters Gorelick_ 'N_O 1 1 I t Catalyst Manufacturing Services 4/2/20076833 M[Herman rd Mprrsv9e NC 2756111 PCB Manufacturing No clean and solder based (evaporated, picked up by safety kleen weekly, no amtary sewer dlsposal Catalyst requested and has been sent an IUP application Brock NO ( I �%_ j C[ Cal Forest Products 112020091535 P---- -- - L_J_ /_ Mack Todd Rd ~2ebul_a,in NC _ __ _ iNo ion era[address _ _ g_ _ _.__------- - law NO — CavallerSal 12/18/2009503 US Hwy 7O E, SteS Gamer! NC !Not at address Faw NO % Corp 8/7/20084515 ��_ CCL label Inc 4/25/2014,3085 l 1 'CONCopper &Sheet Metal Roofing Inc 4/22120102126 Falls pf theNeus e Rd Suite 250 Raleigh NC Ro In Ste 120 Raleigh NC ! gers g 27610 ;Computer software — +Domesticanly pharmaceutical Domest�sonly plus floor moppet&water not used label interior local h uncal cos ! pfO — i{-Roo—Flag and gutters 1 Few /Dell Oh. NO Gornlck !NO — Faw NO % % — % -- — — Timberlake Dr Raleigh, NC 'CDN C.pCopper/Sheet Metal 1/1/200412126 Timberlake Drive Raleigh NO i IResidentlal Beasley NO % Ix ICE Sales Co Inc 6/SO/20101030Nowell CEA Power ( 8/1/200682 RO _ ___Raleigh NC 150 Lease to Raleigh NC s � _ I No longet location _ 1 Oisributor of batteries — F Not on Ary water/sewer Faw_ NO__IX BerReron NO j �% Cea Power LLC 1 9/6%201215820 Lease Ln!Rale! h NC (Battery backup systems Do not use water in anything they do Garrick NO X CEI The Digital Office 7(24/20128701 � Brickel) Ave Raleigh NC 11areliouseandolIke Domestic Gornick X COWIca_ _ BLSf2008t940OGIobe ex 6/26/ 200613740 _ Center Dr Sulte121 _Morvile, NC Overlook Rd—Ralelgh NC Rd �_Ralegh, NC_ _ _ W _ _ IRead y Mix Plant—Domesticseweruse__ _ No lonBera, address_ _jN0 Few NO erge_n sN0 Gornlck _ IND -I _ X— I �� —__ X _ iCemIII^^C--e�--m ex�� _ _ _ 9/20%2O121374O_Overlook _ IReady Mixed Concrete _ _ ___jDomestic, NPDES far indus[naldischarge__ _ Center for Orthotic& Prosthetic Care of NC Inc 9/21/2012134. Executive Dr Ste 102 Raleigh NC 27617 27616 I Orthotics and prosthetic 1 Plaster trap on sink drain 10 gaVwk process water Gornick 1NO Non -categorical 125,000 gpd �Centrifuge Metlla 5/11%1016'7249-101 ACC Blvd Raleigh NC services, DVD duplication name tagsd teleconferences Domestic only 1 Heavner [NO % 1 Century Fasteners 6/9/20088221 Brownleigh Dr AS Raleigh NC Distnbutoroffasteners Domestic call I Faw NO x Century Fasteners Corp 4/5/2013 8221 Brownleigh Or Raleigh NC RWhOes ler/drstribumrco per Manufacturers Domestic Gornlck 'NO % 1 Century Printing11(20/2006IBD Century Steps 11/14/2.2 Centu_ry5teps Inc_ ._..._ -f---^-6(26/20063720 C.__Inti 1 811 .65504 US Hwy 7OWest Garner NC 3]20Overlook Rd _ _ _ !Raleigh, NC Overlook Rd _v Raleigh _NC Commercial Ave Raleigh!NC IOOB Bergeron NO % Manufacture prefab concrete steps _ _ Concrete5[eps�_� Assemble Rlterhausing I No City watefsewer, No IrdusVt water use Buchanan _ _ NO BergenrL 0 Bergeron NO x it � — — -- (Non{ategorlcal iNoslgn of this business atthsaddress I Drain in wash area Gornlck _ NO _ Bergeron NO IX ( <25000gpd �Certek,Inc _ _712212015504 CG&DD 6/512.816906 Commercial Ave _ _ Raleigh NC Glenwood Ave Raleighs NC _ Creedmoor Rd !Raleigh NC 27612 27613�Restaurant, Closed _ ___ ManufaRuredoors andert glass employees know not to Oush paper towels, have pubklc restroom �fhdls Asian Bstro see Nail Trenz in bintler 9/12/2014'8347 i( !Complaint lnvestlgatlpn _ Gornick NO I _'iINan{IU I j Non{ategorical 1211 (gpd Chamblee 62612.6113. Hodges St Raleigh NC Offset Printing Bergeron NO (Non{alegoocal iChamblees Inc 1 9/6/20121300 Hodges St Raleigh, NC 2]591 j Commercial printing applied with disposable rollers Nowaterng dksposeddlow,drain Back Su po Safety Vests sllkscree_n/_d_omesticonly ~� Closed {Gornlck ANO % Chain [on Er nomlc Product g/q/2.4 415OWendellgivd Wendell NC (Boone [NO jHeavner NO x Non Categorical Ergonomic Product j 6(28/2O16415OWentlell BNd Wendell NC �Iam,lan _ _ _ plan s Choice Awards n 9/J2O.�392O pions Choice Awards _ Butler BlvdgRaldill, __ 3920 Butler BNd Raleigh NC __ —I1 R_esldential Did not enter _ _ — (ResidentialBergeron _ jFaw __NO NO New Nope Rd Raleigh, NC CharlesRiver Lab 8/25/2016'4015 2761Oiftases 276151 1 Drysweep and mopanimal areas All chems on rodents for science ,split containment Cagewashers filtered I Heavner ENO Non Categpriral,<25000 gpd l Chase Flooring _' _ _11/18/200213208 Chase, Diesel Inlection Service 11/20/20. M Weilington_Ct_ Raleigh NC__ _ 513 Dynamic DR —. Garner NC , Buchanan INO _ iN0 Irohnson IND _ _ x_ _1 Diesel Repair Safety Kleenyicb up all waste---tB-ergeron Dies IRepairgarage Ipp ely til _ % 1 Chalon Diesel Service 1 4/14014513 Dynamic Dr Garner NC % ChemwarelNC _ 6/9/2O08j9.Ridgehekd Chem_Inc. I�S/2O139. Dr#15( Raleigh NC RIdgeField Dr5te 15O Raleigh, NC Software company _ 1tDpmesticonly Software Co per20085uryey IDamestic onlyper 2.esurvey Fl—cstntorlor ]Domestic only Few __ANO _ Garrick NO Few :NO %___ x X j Cherokee Wholesalers Inc 6/6/2D0812.Corporatin oParkway Solt. 311 Raleigh, NC -Chesapeake Pharmacerfcal&Packaging, LLC 4(2OJ701OL76O4eborn5t__ C mnick Cprp 3137(2004 Chesnickforporation__ _ _ _ 7/12121123_2361ake �CCsen Machine 7/2(2.437O8_BGelder Raleigh Nc_ Pharmaceutical&healthca_packaging_ ID am_esticonly______ Manufacture Cabinets ! (_Milhvorking cabinets, desk etc IDpmestIt i SNo CityWater/Sewer Faw ___ _ iN0^ Buchanan NO Garrick NO iN0 _ _ _� (% _X_ 1 _ Nan{ate aNwl 3236 Lake Woodard Raleigh, NC Woodard Or Raleigh NC drive Raleigh N[ _ Chesson Machine Co, Inc 9/6/20123708 B Gelder Dr Raleigh, NC _}Boone 'I Machining lobshop `Septic tank, not within service are Gornick NO % `Chrstlan&Assonates(Color Graphics)_ 6/ DO' l Christian Marble 1/110O2i 15W��CapIWl Bl yd __ Raleigh NC _ _ 1107 New Ho eRd Raletgh,NC (Signs&Graphic_ _ _ i_ N, industrial water use r 1 Bergeron_ NO (Buchanan NO x 1 Residential !Buchanan NO % } (CigarGoods 9162004 67Pointe sta Raleigh NC Tigan Traveler Co Inc _ a 4/20/2007 10791E Finch Ave Mitltlesex NC COB 003 Holmes NO X k - _ ` _ _ _ _ _ Cimarron Leather Studio 6/12/2015,212 N Bloodworth St Raleigh, NC 27603tIMakebehs,bags etcfrompremadeleather 1Domesticpnly Heavner NO .... CT �_ _.... _.-....�... P_ _ ... ..._ CIP 12130/200215813 CTriangle Dr 'Raleih NC Service batteries andchargersfor indushial� Elias H2504onsi[e some process H2O use butno F g (Buchanan NO �x forkliffs andtrucks_ _ dis_charge__ _ _ 5alesonly Stonecutting donein West Gate —'- Oty Rock byVostone 5/16/2014,10330 Moncre,fe Rd Ste 107 Raleigh, NC 27617 Domesticonly T Gornick ,NO EX , location notsurveyed _ _ f _ _ _ _ Gtyrock byVostone _ _ ]/16/201210330 MoncreiHe Rtl Ste 107 Raleigh NC _Grange Countertops _ _ Gormck yN0 _ €_ _ _'Non Cat_egorlcai__ pppppp _t_. __�........__ Clark Art w�5/17/20061300GIenwood Ave _ RaI h, NC I ICenvls Awnings&Canopi � ,NOlndus[nal wat.- Berger NO W � � Non Categorical_ Cla rk Art _.._._... mm 6/10/2016 300 Glenwood Ave _ Raleigh NC 27603 Closed _ _ !Gornick m_ rN0_ X� Clark Art Shop _ 7/17/2012--�112-27055cenic 0�_ Raleigh NC Framing Moved outof cty nowon septctankGornick NO Clearscxpes Inc_____ 6 6/20081311 W Martin St _ � RaI gib NC Art studio 'Domestic only IFaw NO Clearscapes PA 513/20131311200 W Martin St - - -- - Raleigh NC tAnchitecturelse aces Domesticonly � � IGormck NO y _ iyx ._.�.._ Cleveland Post 5/23/2006; 503 L Hwy 70 E Garner, NC 4� Produce Newspaper no printing at this fanlity Bergeron !NO € ! 3 Nan Categoncai Cleveland Pos[� __......—_ 6/13/2016'503 LHM70E _ Garner NC 27529 Closed M� Now Seay Weil sen s'`Gornick W IND '%I II ClnlcalTnalManagemen p7/2/2015,3008tGrou Inc 200 Anderson Or Balogh NC 27609`[linkalmals No Office building no mfg or medadm,n,,tr,t,,n I E ` 8 !actual performed at this address Domestic Gornick 1NO Ix t `Mgr says no process waste dlscharge Waste i Closure Medical 12/11/200215250 Greens Dairy Rd Raleigh NC ( 27616 Maketlssueadheswe(surgical) picked up by Onyx st,r,luM,,n completed ,Buchanan NO X elsewhere Closure Medical Corp 6/26/2006€5250 Greens Dairy Rd Raleigh NC EMedlcal Adhesives dermabond liquid bantlaid 3 Bergeron NO i I 1 Closure Medical Corp 7/6/2016€5250 Gne ne sDairy Rd Raleigh, NC 27616'ICIosed �_..�1 Building totally Vacant _ _ (Gornick NO _ %TI Clubessential6/20/2017LU18120Dale St Raleigh NC __276051 Wutesoftwa no mf8 orrepalrs__ Tenant in office buildi _(Gornick_ _ NO € _ % L ClubsoH of North America Inc 6/2/20141318120 Dale St Raleigh NC 276051 Office Wnte software No repairs no mfg Domesticonly IGormck NO X_ -- ! t Repackage and assemble products for swimmmg) CMI 4/IS/20105816Tdangle Or Raleigh NC Dpmesticonly raw NO X r '-CMI _ E----'Ypcol mdustry _ _ fMI(Consolidated Mfg lntemauonal) 7/I6/2012f5816Triangle Or _ _^-Raleigh, NC __ (Repackage pool and spa products W Domestic Gornick _ 'NO % jI )� CM Matnx Corp 6/8/20151134Harvey St 'Raleigh NC 27608Computerhardwaresalesordersviaemail I Business in home domestic only Gomlck {(NO I x ) ! PCBmfB acid -m flux rm B 150 d gPinn es w.le, CMS Associates 6/28/2004i �1104E Corporatipn Parkway Raleigh, NC Boone IND Wendell location on Well d ( ischarge Crv, M_S Assolates i� _� 5/19/200873085iemens Road Wendell NC PCBAssembiy� LL Well(Septic NO Sewer Bergeron 'NO�J�X W��a� CMS Associates v—rt 6/8/20161100-E Corporation Pkwy Raleigh NC 27610CIosed Could not and this busmess at this address Gormck NO % 1 ( - -s CMS Asso<ia[es 682016'110UE Car pration Pkwy Relei h,_NC ____ 27610'Ciosed�(Gomlck Ni.%_���i 4-m.. CMS Assoca es Inc � 5/10/2013 7308 Semens Rd Wendell NC Domestic T ylphnson 'NO G Wat,,ja cutting use water wuh Sr amte Wake Counry]Map, confirm , s reps statement theyI CNC Machineln[ernational 5/23/201337340verlook Rd (Raleigh NC ,Gornick NO 1X i ,abrasive to cut Step filter before discharge are on septic system ti CNC Machines Intl 1/25291013200 Spottswood Ste Ste 101 - Raleigh NC (Assembly/ManufaRure of CNC machines 'Domestc only_ _ Faw _ sN0 ) _ % Coating lncmmm .��_ v 20035901 Triangle Dr _ Raleig�NC (_aiming Contractors - Oomesbc only, offsite painting only Buchanan NO Co be Grapuc5upphas _ _ 6/9/20D6]3112Stoney Brook Dr _ _ _ Raleigh NC f Graphic SuppNSales m Noindustnalwateruse 1Bergeron_ ,NO _ _ x i - Non Categoncal Cobe Graphics _ _ 7120120125i€-31125t.myBrook Or Raleigh NC_ _ graphic/prinungsupplies____ tlomestic _ _ _ _ _ nGorntck ANO k X Coca Cola Bottling Co 8/6/200812200South Wdmmgtan5t Ralelh NC - Ois[rib_ute beverages _ Oomestconly IPan, /Oell0lio ANO- �� % ( COEN _ _ _ _ _ 8/5/2008!861 Old Knight Road Suite ill_ _ _ Kmghtdaie NC, ^mm Outofbusiness 'Bergeron NO _ IX _ Coleman Steel Systems Inc _ _ 7/12/ 20123713 Benson Dr Ste 101 flaletgh, NC _ €Enrm,erng urs_ _ W Domestconly Gormck _ INO _ ki %� „Color Graphla SSOO Capnal Blvd M Raleigh NC Iign&Graphic Mfg NolndusVlalwateru ��Berger �NO ( 4 ENon Categorical Sign banner vehicle graphic Production and E --=--� Color Graphics (Chnstmn&Assocs) 7/12/201211500Capital Blvd Raleigh, NC nsallbann jNoprocess dischargee �Gorn]ck NO S % , Commercial Business Machine .`Y 9/15/20041125131Corporation Poway Raleigh NC Closed777 v I� Buchanan NO X� Commercial Business Machin 9/21/20121125131 Corporation Pkwy W _ Raleigh NC Rebmlt office machines and toner cartridges- 1Appearsclosed Farramsigninwmdow !Gomkk - _ NO X Commercal Business Machines 6/20/2017132409 Slacertone Ct Raleigh, NC 27614 Office machines printers and mk cartirdges Not on City sewer per l MAPS Gormck NO z 4 fommermalOpen]ngsrv9/15/20D43904 Capital Boulevard Raleigh NC_ (Doors&Hardware Warehouse Dist 'Buchanan_ iNO j k `Non Ca[egpncal € _ w__ _ ........ _ Commercial Openings 9/6/2012€3904 Capital Blvd Raleigh NC 1Dom frames and hardware No water used or wastewater generated In process Gornick NO X Commercial PrintmgW8/2/2006'1313 Fairview Rd Raleigh, NC [= ,.t self contained plate wash emptied ever month Bergeron 777 i ! Commercial Punting 5/20/20081313 Fairview Rd (Oignal Process,ng Commercial Printng v IFawTrt,NO ' €NonCateganca�` Cpmmercial Poreng Company 5/7/2013,1313 Fall— Rd Raleigh NC Generatmmmertial printing dlgllal and offset Domesticonly ,Gornick NO v ( X Cpmmunity Wardle rce Solutions 6/5/2083011 Falstaff Road Raleigh NC Packagmgfor Glaxo and puhshingcompanles Domesticonly ,Faw/Dell Olio 1NO �% t Commumty Workforce Solutions 6/3/201313011Fa1staff Rd� Raleigh, NO l iPacka dkittin Startin tlm f( Non Categoncal<25000 gmgan g g perservlce 1--lbwasherstorunldayperweek Gormck INO f - f((( pd 2washers 2dy-, laundrysvr ending in January jT_ _.... __... Non Categoncal <25 G00 CommunityWorkforce Solutions 12/12/2017€3011 Falstaff Rd Raleigh NC 27610,Packaging, laundry for diapers and hotel 2018 per she mgr `Heavner ��NO 1 (}ip _ igpd yComponent Prpcessmff Corp 12/31/20071104New Hope Rd R_leigh NC ( €Adv,,I.mof PMF(a.perrnmodindustry) _ __ �IBergeron NO { _ Non Categoncal Ca mponent Processing Corp 10/16/2 012 1 110 4 New Hope Rtl Raleigh, NC `ContraRmechanicalassembly dktpckaging 0 y n ticonlomfg Puttogornic etherkits Gk NO x Components MlMKln< _ 9/11/2009'2620 Peachleaf S[ Raleigh,NC _ R Itl tial Odnot enter �Fa- _ t ,Computer Dynamic Software , 4/8/2013,9229 Sancturary Ct Raleigh, NC Computer Service Partners Inc 9/13/200911310Nowell Rd Ralelgh NC services ` Domestic and Inks mm6/11/2014)1330 NO Computer Service Partners Inc Nowell Rd Ralelgh NC fomtech_ W 1 1/2/20035905 rn.ngle dr Ralelgh NC ,Concept Pack aging Group r 7/3)20081140 New Hope Rd Raleigh NC i 131 Concrete Supply Co,formerly Cemex 5/11/2016,37400verlook Rd Raleigh NC Consolidated Electrical Dis[nbu[ors Inc _ -n1/2009 1125 Capital _ Blvd Ralelgh, NC Consolidated Electucal Distributers, Inc 4/15/20111125 Capital Blvd Raleigh, NC Consolidated Labs _ _ 8/3/100]7]000 Haps Mill Rd Raleigh NC f Consohda[ed labs Consolidated Labs International 7(8/2016700_0_Harps Mill Rd 1/2/2008 1065 Bullard Court Raleigh NC_ Raleigh, NC Consolidated Labs International LLC _ 6/2/20067000 Harps Mill Rtl_ -.- Raleigh NCv Consolidated Laundry Equipmentlnc 7/12/20125530M.yw.dAve Ralelgh, NC , ConsolldateE LaunduryEtc ulO 5117129061530 Maywood Ave i Raleigh NC � Consoldated MFG � A` 10(2003 €i6WlTriangle 0r ste A&DRaleigh _ NC Residential par 20OR survey Residential/Did no[Enter ,Residential ,Faw _v IGormck ,NO NO ,Cam puter netwp rung and support services ` Domestic and Inks Faw NO (Com user re sue, some at office Domestic only No water used a round the p pair s.... n si y µ ��� �__.........._ 27607[ location_ W� oomputens W�Aamestic Gornick NO�^� fC, ut cmperservrtes _v Buchanan 'NO 1Businessnolongerthere _ Faw/Dell Olm INO �% I Surveyedas Cemexin1012 Domesticonly Hatl ANO 27616,Readymixedcpncrete tNPOES perml[for mfg runoff/waste Heavner Wholesale eI,arlcal distubutpn _ 'Domesn_nly Faw !NO F 27603,Oistribu[e elettn<supplies Domestic per 20091WS Wholesaler/da,lnbutor Garrick I NO per Mfrs Reg I 1 GM—s! _ ! Berger^__ NO I 2]6151tClosetl �Ii_ 99ff IN0 X v Hydrotex listed below tat this location _ �Heavner ,Bergeron NO X (�Aaually 276151_ _ _ '.Fau,t W _ laundryequlpmentsalesandsevice Domestic Garrick fNO JCommerdal S Sery e & Partsfor Laundry Equip NO Industn al water use _ - r..,_ Bergeron NO �D t bu[lon Domestic B hanan 7N0 ' t Non CIU <25 000 gpd IX { � 1 X%�_____...._.._... Non Categoncai i Consolidated MFG (CMD _ _ _ 6/2/200616021 Triangle Dr palelgh NC IManufaRure of elettriacl pmdme1 a- Not on city sewerBergeron ,NO €% Contech Construction Products--- inc �8/2/2006i16115 Chapel Hill Rd _ Raleigh NC Mfg Corregated metal pipe _ _ _ Mill &cutter use water -v- - - Bergeron _ NO Carte hC t tti nP d ctssinc �� ___._._�--5/21/2IXI8ti-6115 Chapel Hill Rd� ICortugated Plpe __ _ Bergeron NO X ContehEngineeredScimi - 6/6/301316115ChapeIH111 Rd _ Raleigh NC (Mfrcorrugated metalppe Domestic only Garrick rNO� %�-( t1 Contemporary Publshng _T`^ -__ 8/2/20D6I6DDIChap,lHIIRd Raleigh N,, C __ Book Publishing _ �Prmalag don In Misch Bergeron INO % 1 3 Contemporary Pubh- hing Co of Ralelgh NC Inc _ry 7/13/201- 5849 Lease Lane Raleigh NC S€ LPubhsh warehouse and shm book - 'No pr"a UI, _yGornlck �NO_T C,ntemporaty Products _ _ 11/1]/20062]5 Hem Or Garner NC l01stnbute Trophy components No industrial water use ,Bergeron NO I_ % Contlnental Golf _ 4119/201011401 Capital Blvd _ Raleigh NC � iGuf club sales/repairs Oomesuc only 4 IFaw- NO s_ _ X _ Continental Golf -W__ -_ 5/26/201], 3401 fapRal Blvtl- - -i Roieigh NC 27603 Retail andrepair IDryym-s _ _ Gornick No - X 0omesnc onl r _ Continental Golf, Inc 8/2/200611319 Capital Blvd _ _ _ Raleigh NC____ I Assemble Golf flubs - _- No_ Industral water use ---- 4Bergeron NO-�._.. X ) d ,Contractor Yard - - -- - 5/19/2008 525 HIghway�O East - Gamer NC - j ,Camber Dry Wal ^I etc Oistnburor� _ _ _ __,,,__,,_j1.O__ell_O�ho _-yNO�y�-- X ConvertedFlexabies 11/19/2 0 0 2 1 3 2 16 Wellington Cl ,Raleigh NC _-j 27615�fonvert blg rolls of plasticmto small, ar nes No process water use ,Buchanan 1NO € - (X , k Converted Flexible inc _ 8/22200613216 WeIIInRton Ct--�� Raleigh NC I ,Cuts plastic {No industrial water use _ Bergeron INO ,EX_ Converted Flex ble, Inc - - -- 9/20(2012{''3215_Well nRho CC Rele gh NC PI [I f bricat on App as losetl fieal[ys qn n w ntlow - G,om ck „-„I,NO �% Cook Pr nting ......._.__..._ 9/15/2004]26215 Wlm ngton StreetRale gh NC _ Commarcm5nmorW IB chanan LNO _ I ry1 Non Ca[egor cal _ Cook Pnmmg­ - -- -_ - _ 6/10/201612621S WLnngton St Ralegh NC-� 27603 Closed Coolftyer Systems_ _ 6/9/2008i)�L04 Falls of Neuse Rd _Ralegh NC4 �,5.oftware co p y IOomesticonly Faw (NO I _ IX ,Cool Rwer Systems _ _�- 5/24/2013' 9204 Falls of Neuse Rd Ste 202 _ Raleigh NC I ,Software Engl g fgatlocanon Dourest con"off ce v� Gornick _ _ NO t_ 1 �'�7}'% l sealetlfioordralrswash basm haso l/water v i Cooper Kenworth 11/14/2002!]500 Reba Dr Raleigh NC , 2]616 Truck leas ng business has pil ! Buchanan ANO _ _ _ Copiers Plus 1/18/20051549 Pylon Orive Raleigh NC I IOlstnbute Cppmrs,fa.os _-- -f -- mmM -Buchanan mmNO Corals I 111 pa/Industral Air Solutions 9/6/2012€6212A Westgate Rd Ralelgh NC � Distribution of dust mist collection systems Domestic Gornick NO � % 1 Core Stone LLC 9/]/2006 5907 Triangle Dr Bulldmg4 _ ,Ralelgh NC Granite and Marble _ _ NofoBow u p needed_ _ �_ {NO �% ,Corneal Scen_ce _ _ _ 9/15/2004(3209128Gresham Lake Rd Ralegh NC Out of Busness _Office Empty, ,,.-.._._._ _ Buchanan iN0_ X Corporate Press5/1]/200613305 Durham D< -_____T- Ralelgh NC_ _ _ OHse[Pr titer -- _ ___ Bergeron'INO - N Ctegoral -- a �- Replacedbydome ,conlylnternation TMn-eeG- CorporatePress 7/8/2111633051115 Durham Dr Raleigh NC 276031CIosed €Press Gornick INO -- I ,Cor rection Enterprises(HO (NCDeptof Publlc5afe_ry) _ 6/8/20062.2.1 rkam Rd Raleigh NC 10H¢e for DOC Kitchen wah grease trapsrear— —�'Ni i Correction Enterprises, aka NC Dept of Public Safety 5/6/201312020Yonkers Rd MSC4240� Raleigh NC _ EAdmmistratmn_ _ _ - Domestic only Carrick NO k _ €X _1 Correction Enterpnses Metal Plt 9/6/201211150 Martln Luther King 1, Blvd iRale,Bh NC ( Make license plates No water used liquid waste coll,d,d and hauled 'Garrick 'NO I% Cosmos _ 9/14/200618005 Winchester Dr _ Raleigh NC { No KIFIT pneeded- !Bergeron NO Cosmos Grange&Marble _ _ _ ]/12/2012(5015 New Hopes_ _ Raleigh NC 11Slab distribu4on_ Domestic Gornick sNO X Counterpgint Woodshop - i - - 6/15/200711117 White St Wake Forest NC [ ,Outofservice area _ Bergeron NO 1 % I Countertop FaRory_ 1211BL20028604Jersey Ct -�- - Raleigh, NC _1 27617 Fabricate codon solld surface Domestic 7Buchan 1N0 1% C� ow Catchers I., therwcrks _ 4/25/2006 30061ndustnal Dr _ Raleigh NCthe, products manufacture~_ N-cl.c nal water us - ISergero _ _-1N0Non Categorical Cow Catchers Leathework _ -_ -- ]/12/203212045 Progress C[ ��v_ Raleigh NC ,Mfr custom leather productsF-}Domestic _ -mm- Gormckw Cow Catchers Leathework _ _ _ _ 6/28/201613006_ Industrial Dr_Ralelgh NC 276091 Closed _ 1 Heavner INO X Cox TeMile Service _- - 6/13/2006�22_OS New Hope Ch Rd W �flalelRh Nm, C _ Industrial Laundry { Bergeron ES T �- J SIU Co. Teztile Serwce _ 6/21/201612205 New Hope Church Rd Raleigh NC 276041Ciosed _ _ _ _ _ _ _�-Gormck _ NO-- X __ I Coyne TeM'les 11/26/200232083015potiswood St Ralelgh NC 2]615 Serviredepoi for uniform rental Domestic only distribution hub clothes washed In Buchanan NO X VA ,� Coxartlnc William _ _ _ _ 5/17/20061320 Harrington Street mm Raleigh NC - € Retad antique furniture _ 1No lndustnai water use - Bergeron W NO _ X CrawlSpa_nd Basement Technology__ _ 6/7/201] 2650 Discovery D rive _ _ Raleigh,NC _ IWaterproofingser,cDome- Only ygrnick_ NO Creative Acoustla �- 6/9120062419 AtIantic Ave Raligh eNC 1Mfg speaker boxes i-No_Intlustrieiwater use v--�- Bergeron IND -� - ]Non Categoncal Creat A t Inc 7/12/201212419 Atiantc Ave _ Raleigh, NC 1,,,aker cabinetmfr speakerre-al 10omestic _ _ Garrick (NO _ i% Creat ve Embrodery� _ _ W 9116/2004J3208Spotfswood5i Roieigh NC 1Embraider _ _ _ _ -Boone {NO _ _ €Ix Creative Embroidery �_...._ _ 8/27/2009320,9 Gresham Lake Rd Ste 126 Raleigh NC Embroidery � _ F _ �es[ic only - Na_SFaw � � EX Crea[ve Embroidery_ _ _ _ 9/18/20123603 Bastion Ln Ste 107 _ Ralegh INC Embroidery `"` """11Y"Oomestl<only Gornick NO _I X Creatve TShrts&Imaging 6/22/20152526 Hllsb-agh St Ralegh, NC 27607 Screen printing 5gallons/3 months solvent used Heavner NO 1 1 Non -categorical <25000 ___ 1 (-_ ePd Creedecp - � _ 12/19/2002 6301BAngus Dra _ Ralegh NC _ ManufaRure Co...Commerl Plumbng No city water or sewer ,Buchanan NO x 1 I 150 Jeffrey Way (2520 Laurelford In is Office outsideservice area, owners home address ( € Crlmptronlx 6/1/2015' 1Youngsville NC 2]596 Assembly of eiettncal/mechanical parts Gornick NO (X % 1 _ _ _ Thome adtlress ofowner) __ t iIn Wake Forest- CmchetCrafts byHeln-- _ 8/3/2007 PO Box 486 -� �- Wendell NCW� 'OOB_ --T -- -_ -18ergeron ,NO tX I Cross Company Hose&Fang _ - _ 6/13/ KIS 22660Y k Rd _ __ Balogh NC 1H _ __-_ 1 es&fttngs N tlustralwateruse 1Bergergn 'ND 1 j �X WfW J Cross Hose&Flttmgs ]/2/201512101W tI ghouse, Blvd Raleigh NC _ 276041 Hydraulgshop hoses and f ttings D es[Gpply lHeavner� NO 1 -�-- % � I�- CRS Ma dial, and granite 9/11/2006+8004 Winchester Dr _ Raleigh, NC _ 276121Distributorof Granite Slabs Ncfollow up needed Bergeron INO Crystal Springs_ _ _ .� 11(26/2002I,32165potswod s[�Raleigh NC IDrshibute water bottles distnbunon only --- Buchanan INO € _ t x___ ( Site now part of Air Clean Systems, n o water € €T- aMedicai LLC - 9/18/201213311 Lake Woodard Dr Raleigh NC € ,used 1D,mc,br,nly Gornick INO i I 1 Cube It North Carolina 5/4/2016€6321 Angus Or Raleigh NC 27617 Refurbishing cubicle panels light assembly Donn-Irmaly Strip off fabric and replace No f washing Gornick NO ! € X Cummings Property Management 9/12/20021 1117 Cor Corporation Property Management Severalindividual businesses all on oneshared ( 1 Dora kwy Raleigh NC 27610 Commercial Mana t watedsystem 1Unknown (NO ! Cumorngs Proper Management __ - 2/ 14/201713117Corporahon Pkwy ~Raleigh, NC _27610 Appears to beclosed No signoftms businessatthis_address Gornick IN X Curvemakers 692006I7"W Johnson St Raleigh NC Curved millwork arches No Ind-nalwateruse _ B`errgge'r`o�n NO I _ 1 _ - x Curv^emakers__ _ 6(2012 ]03W Jphnson5[v-_ -� Raleigh,NC _ Arches and curvedmoldings ^-LRaleigh loca[ion_isshowroam_ _ Go1 mlck -yN0 ` _ % i_ _ Costom_Bnck&Supply Co �- 7/25/201211833 Capital Blvd q Ralgh eNC- tes Brick distribubroker m __Domestic___ � Gornick V 1N0 _y - X 1 � Custom Cabinet 12/30/2002,5816 Triangle Dr _ Raleigh NC Make Cabinets 'Domestic �u Buchanan NO� Custom Canvas _ 11./20/2006 540 Dynamic Dr GarnerR NC - � �E#,nor Aw_gs- _ _ _ No Industrial water use _ _ Bergero, n__ _iN0 _ _ _ �%_- SUstgmCrvasWork --��_�-- e. 7162012(540D is Dr y Garner NC mfr and Installer of_anva's ducts No to race 'Garrick NO -� _ -- - / ILL- ynam pro �P _ ......_ .._..! 1X - Custom Controls Unlimited - ..� - 4/13/201612600 Garner Station Blvd 'Raleigh, NC Vl 27603 Mfr control panels/Assembl, _ rpomesticonlyss _ 'Gornick NO I I_-� mm 1X m w ~� Wiring of eleRrical panels No water used in J 1 ! Custom Controls Unlimited Inc 6111/20141152 Annaron Cl Raleigh INC i 27603jwrn Domestic only Gornick NO i €X { € _ _ € Custom Dynamics LLC 7/12/201232335203 Wake On on Church Rd Wake Forest NC ,Office W Domestic Garrick 'NO , I .- -% 4 *Custom Engraving & Trophy v - �- 6/9/2006 61?,N Person St .W Ralelgh, NC _ Trophies �.._._-iNo intlustrial water use - Bergeron W NO I _ _ 111' X ._......... f....._ __,.__.......______.. Custom Engraving&Trophy _ 9/6/2012 612N Person St _ _ Roieigh NC itt Trophies banners engraving _ !No Industrial water use Garrick _ ,NO f _ _ XW ~Custom Fiberglass (CFI!- _ - _ - 1 2012' 5240NC Hwy96 Ste 102 _ _�-youngsville,NC Boat repair - - Has movedshopto Voungsvilie v -___ !G,mlck NOr _ IX Custom Glass &Door Studio, Inc 9/24/20126909 GI od Ave Raleigh NC I Stained carved etched and b Bled glass RI alcohol ss, so,, mild ilddetergent cleaner IsopropyllGornick 1N0 9 - t NNpodn categorical, 125000 Custom Glass&Doors of Raleigh _ _ -]/31/20065301 HIIb_gh St __-^Roieigh NC__-tr Mfg Art Glass __ _ �N idustrialw[ u_BerRer� NO y_- _1X Irt -V �_- Custo Gold Pl. ,a _ting - -- ^� 4/7/20061 ]474 Creedmoor Road- w Ralelgh NC 7 1Mobiie Goidplating _ �Unabletolocate __ mm Bergeron Custom Signs Inc 6/22/2015 12223 600 Hampton Way Wake Forest NC I 275871Vinyl printing 1Domestic only Heavner NO I 1 % -�_....,..� _ - .00 Make tiles domestic plus minor brush washing -� - ( Non Categorlcal<25000 Custom Tiles 6/28120161390010]Tarheel Or Raleigh NC 27609< � No need far Win, up Heavner NO 3 _ lgalper3days_ _ _ f god Custom Truck Liners_ __ _ ,4504 Castlebar RpadRaleigh NC 1,__ __ _ ____ _ _ _ Unable to locate_ _ _Boone _ NO �Customwood Shutters&Blinds In v m _9L2/20095213Camtal Blvtl T Raleigh NC ,- I No longer at location �Faw NO X Cutting Edge Engmymg _ 8/7/100616420Wynbrook Way _ �_Raielgh NCC_ -' _ _ _ __,Residential _ m Bergeron ND 1 Busnnp-sin home Laser engrevervapornes rather, I Cutting Edge Engraving inc - 9/]/2012, 6420 Wynbrook Way Ralelgh NC Plaquesand engravetltags Gornick_ NO 1X ( _ than producing sawdust 1 _ -� � - Shee[me[al fabnca[lon, use plasma torch and -���� I ' CuttingMetal Fabrication 8 6 201212207 Edge g / / ryon Rd Ralelgh NC solventglue hot do no[discarge industrial ,Domestic only Gornick NO �% jNO -C&B -PlI.I.-g 9116/2664 3OOOT1,nvIckR.vd - &m1::c11IF`1mtmg - - I I - Non Categorical D&S Printing 9/7/2012,3000 Tavack Rd IRaleigh IN C", -I printing -1g,l/,k to pl,tes all other -tar,s 'Garrick 1NO iNn categorical <25 baps.nnacl� durmgjpjoces�s Rod D�l Tile . ........... . 511 �Nobllp Road� Raleigh NC Imble to locale Bmme NO ,Dpna�,th Photpio,Rhy 1/18/2005 alligh NC ti�grapber Buchanan X OOBJ73 OLak -he I,, Rd Ra h IC� Wds fifa. fi-ame av 0 ,�.n CcLi:ma�icmc___ q- �&pll and septic Dan Notch Sign, 5/6/2013,7405 Louisburg Rd Z:�gh NO ALtyp,,,f,,gns a-clectac vinyl �Scpticsystena G,:, "k- No X Daniel D Jones C. 6/2/2O15,533Caun.geW.mdsCu Ralr,gh, NC 276071 Hla!,dcrafted leather products and crafts , Not in sea,ce area Comacturfo from Nevv !He per NO x _____�u�lne�Ljst(Ag _Wcajacl in Cary__ 1 Ra�,;h NO A 3�- &o s 5�igps S/I2/2OO.1�H.S1.mIslbmrg d �Slim top Well & Septic / Might change In 2 years I F.. aJO --9/j4L2Ok2jS6O1S,xForIoRd-___ Re , NC- - 10iffice car' -pate HC, Dma,,t,r,pIy_____ nick �NO X IV8 ZC�L41,2�12LDayIst,vm Road lil�ng� C Rasfdenu �l ne:::�— -7N Data So drum 4/B/2W6:4700 Falls of Rd Raleigh NC Unable to locate Bargarcn [NO ix I 9/11/20061150 Rush St alath 27603'Graruta and M,rale Nofollow up needed a-- ,pavid-Allon Co oerw- - - I NO - 'Have vater ell Into passed to cod, enforcement far ftill- up- U ade,01cond 1-Inng Marble q,aft-untermi,s p,d,,t,l,fr b I,mn Categorical, �25 OCO David Allen Co 6116/20161 150 Rush St 'Raleigh NC 27603 slatue, etc ,I,, c ned 4 6 pm, Waterjet s- I Garrick NO 'gpd ,,aid, and r .... s ,let but v,ate, eventually changed Gar,ge area probably has O/W sal, 9iff; DccjaysL�and�Reenlals 9 aleg NC - no in Atorag2.nnlv ic� NO ager at this location Unable to I-ta a /21/2 N M -St Wendell -6e cu, k Lag Home, 5 M_ 7 704A.apm take D, _--fB;rgeann NO 4 D07 2 D,:p I/JB�2q oLcular Biology :r� Categorical Raleigh, NC- M -e- _Lalbm�atci�y_ Brock fNO JNL D .... tyne Entomology gm, St /NCSU Raleigh, Nc 276071E.ban.f.gyRo-rch Bldg Molecular R�.g�nt�d,�p.��dp�run,�r�,tygu,d�[,�es Some ItGralri, NO Non Categorical 25,000 it. 5 S, same drummed ad disposed I god PINZ� PI h NE as agan�fo��avncjI -a 'Emf-d 1h -1 No Industrial water use NO . ___ Sa�h_ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _BergeL -- -II-- Defond Noah America, LLC HQ 9/71201212841 Fil- PI Ste 200 Raleigh NO Commamy)-Meleammach ... cal coanp .... is 'Just an office cl-asti-aly .,nick NO Ix Del Blanco Enterpnses, LLC 4/13/2016�3410 203 Executive Or Raleigh NC 27609[ Mf cabal. Tram under sink to capture plaster particles G,nmck NO Ncm C,t,g,,,c,l 125,000 'P' -R DdtaCqrs.hdated 8/1095,L728 Cantal Bml-rd Raleigh NO 'Plastic cv�fs -�,crtact -Img ochanan NO .�a Categorical ---j# - -- ---- _ ____ __ _ - --- -- - - INon Buchanan 7112/2016-2n8 Capftal Blvd -R-1egh Ac- 7604'Cl,sed -IG .... ck 0 nc- t Delta C ... Mating 12/10/�.OT22728 Cantal Blvd Raleigh NC Manufacture Plastic Boxes jSomrH20us,dfmc,mIIn&p,,kmI, Innarlea Buchanan JNO -- -- - ........ ... . . .................................................................. . Daft.Gypsum 7130/201211307 N Wh Ile It Wake Forest, NO Dry,vali supply Domestic G.roick 'NO X �Dclft.Gyptmajac___ 6 12/ 006LOION Raml,,h, C Rcl alegh NO T I & Dp�Y-11 PRO -�!Ilcvv -11T-RPIY B.rwon X L I- 2_ N- - -- ----PL- - - --I- -- - - ---- - - - _ __ -- -- --- Delta Gypsum LLC 10/20/200911317 N While It W,k,F,r,,t NC Occ,,l ... I truck -h Pa. 'NO 1 -on CIO <25 OQOgpd DENR Camn,tryl-,ib 9/17/201014405 Ready Creck Rd R�la,gh, NC 90%ofs-plesfirmasmfe-Mr, Ilmestoarpi-I Pa. NO I .-Ine-A-mr, Irian OW QS -.Ipd1 DEQ ChamlMUI, 6/2412016 4405 Reedy Crack Rd Raleigh NO 276,7jSurf`c" gaund-ter and -R atr, lc,ds diluted and d,,p.,cd via s , have Iline pit far I.mI,1 'NO Ivan Cat ... m.1 121 OW ___�compamtjanalys,s 1111, smks� __aL __ ____ ___ - gpd- L Descher LLC 6/111 4 Domes [,only L,q,,d,a,t,,drumm,d ad X 201�j 1613 Old Louisburg Id Ralin.1 all 276041 Machining of metal pan, haul,d',w,y Garlick NO i Design Dlpae-smu Inc- _-5/t8/?OO 9I)jN_WestSt_ h,_Yq._ Industrial OasISR reen, R ce s Lunuedluse -st 1 9 _ __ __ IE� -- - ,D,,,g,D,,e,,,,,rnc 5/21/20081901 West Street Graphics Prototypes cAllbut, 'Dell One 'NO jN,m Categorical <25 ODO __R,l,lgh,NC-_ 276I5jkA�.mK%.rdrg_ Nqfl,,r dr,i,,, domestic only Amhamm NO I x - - - - - - , _at me, but can t Us, water,,d-.I.pfflm �Gmmcl, NO Design Dimensions 6/5/20131 -IN W -St R.Ia,gh NC Is gns In apan ,D.,kn Surface; 8/8/2006'1 Sea S.utham Granite & Marble Bar cam ___P.d.r esig Surfaces -----I;L111�2�0�H2 artSt Ra�:;gh NC� eavner No X D-gnS,ffaaas,fNC,LLC 6/9/2010I1212FrontSt �R gh NC Counterbom mfg Domestic only Fav, !NO Designer Glass 4130/2014149COTmunt- Rd Ste Ill Raleigh NO ,6,,1GI.sss.ppIe, do-haNnn, bathroom Domestic only 1G,mkk NO Iaccessc�ry ast.11.Lion Ix Clasp- , C,f& see Nall Trepa In binder 9/12/2OI4j8369Cae oorRd Raleigh NC 27613 Bake,, d,then-cl-up ch-flu,hl-als 1C.mpIamtmmtIg,tm. G.rmck NO or jN.n C.tag.rnal,�25cixo �ags rm ng�t�taff- _,gpd--- D-1 Dog 10/5120061400 1 Ganumn Z.bol.. NC -in. Holmes NO 1 Q5 ODOgpcI Nor, jDamm Distribution finns - h t I ]Categorical I IU P1,I,rg ,I c,n,,Ill,t,n, pr,,I,,s,nc,r,,l Devil d.g Mfg 6/14/2016 P 0 Box 69/ 400 E G.mcm Av. Zatml.o, NC 27597 information The P 0 Box services the given Ha.v.a, NO I,ddr.s IF, C. 4j24/20141400 E G.a ma, A�a Zatuimi,al J�Ppmra Distribution pdTost lc Johnson IND orCIU QRRtpd 'Rad D.g_M_ - S25 Devil Deg Mfg 10/28/200 0 Box 69 Zabul.n NC TAppa F S1 P ral d,stubmilm, Sam ,aDh,n& listed in M.rufiaturar s Regis INO Non CIO, �25 000,,cI s �D-tt Real EstateService _1211612(002�Ml 501 Bensor�St_ Raleigh �C_._-27609'Admnistt,t,v�off,ce,-- Slumleiloollualt, ,ch,-,, lim6ar.n - - 4 NC__ I D. 11 --2YII/1OTL 8�_ R.1ag1bLNC room �B2qae, N(L JX Dealer Inc 9/7/2012 841lGI,n-dAve Ste 101 Raleigh NO Corporate HO, upholstered sofas tateni hmv room I G.rmck NO q IT'D -a-T R. LH!i 11 � I -mod to/ 2� / 2 0 0 13 5 0 1 jo, h eel D r aleigh NO 27609 )aL11mLpIWmmd Domestic 'NO �X- Riamcind �pterpjisa Sfgjs__2/26/�C�7 _�40 W Barbee St Zebul.- 275971 Makes Decals HmInnes Residential d,me,t,c,nly-nolong,r,t340W Diamond Enterprise Signs 11/9/200911023 Boddlogfield Dr Kinghtdole NC Large frm,t digital printing and Ign,ge Barbee St Zebulan 'To. NO jX !X X -F Diamond Entcrp�no Signs ______5/14jZ0I�4I 112L3 Beddinialfa�1,LQ, ResLdeltall/ IdRataifttc� D.masol, iSelf c,nt,ln,d edging 0 than CIU,<25,000gpd Diamoridl ____7 EikZO1�6 N h r hSt losed 'Nov�ac�hu�ch,,g��tll,r�b,ltd,ng �Gt L lR_.q ma __- L _ _ __-- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Lph agm D alt1lon 7L2412017 7711 .104WellbornSt __11alaid, NC_ Enstraytonga.1y Gr"'ck X- D ebm Id Zebu an n.mor� & Mu -a, 6/19/2008, .2 N Church St - C tam h-ar, and ourrar, machine 'ell Ilm N 0 Zrb.I.n 27597 Lm Lck _J1. -0 Dab,ldSoft,, ... Solutions, Inc 6/17/201418024 Glamvood Ave Ste 305 Raleigh NO 0 S,fbvarvS,I,tam, In, 9/2/2G09,8O24GIrpvmm1Avo Sloi_305_ Raleigh NC B�rungs.ft-re D.masticanh, T 27612 Sales of financial software 'D,mast-oly Pla,t,,,,,th,,V,a,b,tc,nt,n,,I�.rn,C, NO X -I C,mp,t,,c,n,,ft,,g c� -Onptal Map­glvc�n. Dama,t,c only io 5/5/2DI31106N Old Pipe Ct Raleigh NC_ Go,., NO X Eb:,t, ____4J30/20 4LCL16 Hillb.m.9 St l.jgD Raleall, NC 27607!C,mp,t,,r ... liar and se"ll, center Domestic art IG.mak NO X NC Heavrar ,P qk� al Ig a -D-I.R. I� _a, t 11- a, � e--- ---- - -- Dill-S,pply 5/17/2DD6.216S WastSt R.Ia,gh NC �:,ov be d No Industrial -tar use 'Famt 0 I Miller, Supply C, 1,11,2111,440 C,- Ilvd Ralcqb, PC :WImlesalar f,te,l and industrial .pph,s I Domestic only IF.. NO Dillon Supply Co 9/712012'2165 WastSt Raleigh NO Distributorof industrial equipment iF,,kIhft ash pit I forklift per week IG-ki, NO T---N.n categorical 25 000 Dill 9 2 4AE0jqBIy -Lon�Sypply_co E7/2iDI j I Raleigh yar�hims��tcr I.d.strIaIup,LjLs D.mest[L ly a k ix NO I No. Categorical �25 CC7-1 �.Dillon Supply C, 6/6120141223 5 West St Raleigh, NO 27603iF.,ki,ft,upply d,stribnt.r IWash about I ft,khft per v,aek 'Garrick NO 0 Dmaref- Oat. 7/17/201214101 take Bonn, Trall Ste 200 Rale,h NC Sell C,,,, gea r and manage niff,stmaures Dom"ta-ly Garold NO x 6me,samdJx Inc 11640 Car ion?kwy 11 alrghAC rag de2nCrnarkle �ibrfcatmn T�enakto oftin to kt se-er Bar .... N j/5/2100il'-11.0raj_ _ _G__ _ _ _ s 1- Pal q ___F` -- -0 Yon CRI �Q5 000gpd- D I�oneu,'Iac 16+1042 lllqorpqrtjn Lkw FbiNagh 'NO 2761NI.sad ,yjm ns, 0 ___j��mIck_ N x 8/ -5N D G D,m,n,,,,etix Inc 6/8/tln16,1040 Ill Corp ... tan PkW R.Ic,,h NO 27610 D,mr,akmchxC1.lcd -1 ormck 0 Ix 2irect Dmtrbbut�m 6/16/20081632 US 70W Game, NO [kdmin Office for AgL1_SupPIy_____IDqmeiu�nIy__ _M_1011m, 1N0__ I �X Mst�jLtql�,jnc (HQ)_ 15/29L711001artl.Stst� T66 Garner A 275211 D,stn1:mlI.n,,,m!yp��MER Cicanck jL NO tDuec[Dis[nbumrs, Inc �_ 4/11/2013632 USHwy70W _ _ Garner, NC €D,strlbutorof AgrlcultureSupPhes 'Domestic _ 'Johnson JNO Y4� �X Sistlo-e Signs _ _ _ 8(8/200813500 Kapalua Way _ Raleigh NC _ e <Residential did not enter _ DeIl011o_ __]NO Oi tnbubon Tnd_ent T _ 6/12/200612114 AUanHC Av_egnue Raleigh, NC Insulation tlisVfbutor_______ hm,strlalwater useW _ e exon NO DRchwitch of NC INC ` 8/2/2007, 329 Hwy 70 E- v Garner NC Heavy equipment wash- recycled and picked up ,_ Holmes 0O W Commercial, Non_ SIU nob ` by le _ __ ___ € Solds from equpment wash waterscolle¢ed E E Non Categorcal Ditch Witch of NC Inc ]/1]/20121329 US Hwy 70 E Garner NC Garrick iNO € __ _ E _ _ _ bywaste hauler _ _( _ _ <25000gpa j € Ditch Witch of Na1es Rentalsandservceofconstructlon orth Carolina Inclnc 11/22/2006329 Hwy ]OE Garner NC Noblepicks up parts washerandusedol €Bergeron NO Non Categorcal _ equpment _ <2_s,_DDogpd Diversdied Energy V.�...W_ 12/12/2002 246 Greens Dairy Rd f Raleigh NC 27616 Adminlstmtive offices for electrical membership Domestic M _ ,Buchanan `NO I 1 (Diversified Floating 12(3}/2002y5817121 Triangle 0r �TRaleigh NC 27617 Warehouo�aet Domestic W v BuchaNO rk10114/2009 OKB Woodwo&Design _ _ _ _ 1D/14/2009719NPermm St _ Raleigh NC 1 'Cusmmwoodwork computerdesigns (Domestic only Fa NO X DKB Woodworking _____ _ _ _ 9/2412004719N Person Street _ Raleigh,NC i Not obi t_peakw/anyone__ 'huane )NO_ �KB Woodwarkng 6/162008�719NP--rh St `•Pale gh NC Cusmm cabine6 �D uc only mm �PBezgeron NO m DMSNeon 9/16/200412517 Atlantic Avenue Ralegh, NC Copying/Imaging Boone 1110 ) a % r....._........._...._ DMS Neon _ _ _ _ 9/28(20046524 Bethany Church Road_ Raleigh NCEResidenflal_ _ Boone NO_v% DMSNeon _5/21/70076524 Bethany Church Road Wendell NC i R_esidential_ (Bergeron ---------€NO DMS Neon Signs _ _ _ �- 6/1O/2010j542101d Poole Rd Ste 106 _ Raleigh NC No longer at location IFaw �NO DMS Neon Signs Inc _ _ _ 8/SO/2012y6520 Be[hanV Church Rd _ yWende11, NC _ slntenor and exterior signs €On septic tank _ 'Gornick NO DNA Group l�,nc m ]/2(2015 2841200 PIeia Pl N Raleigh _NC__uH___� 27612 FOHice b_ uilding(headquarters) Domertic� Gomick NO t Ix ,I tem Docmagnet Inc _ 9/7/2012 620-1O8 2Raleigh, NC _ _ jMagnetic clamping syss assembly cOn site assembly no water used 'Gornick NO DoCmmagnet Inc �a 4/5/20131060901d Angus Pi no — Raleigh NC Change of address see 2012 -ay on sue assembly, no water used per 2008 survey Gornick NO x I _..�.._._3._..�._,.-.._e _v.. I Assemble components any washing done with I � Docmagnet Inc 6/6/2014 6220Ang.sDr Ste 300 'Raleigh, NC 276171 denatured Icahn[ to remove grease Not �Domesticoniy Garrick NO X (disposed down dram i _ _ _ _______ Document Technologies _11110/2009421 Fayetteville 5[ 5[81306 mm Raleigh NC OfficebuildmR-domesticonly IFaw NO _ D_ocumentTechnoloAies lnc_ 6/20(2014421 Fayetteville St Ste1106 Releigh�NC 2]601 Reprographla and imag ng per Mfrs Reg (Domesticer20091W5 Gornick NO _ IT ous Embroidery^_ _ 11/26/200232081065pcttswoodSt_ Raleigh NC 27615 Custom Embroidery Bathrooms _ �IBuchana� NO —Ax Donmark Custom Publishers _ _ 8/8/20065868 Faringdon Pl Raleigh INC _ _ _ Mag,zlno pubhshing/add sales �No industrial water use ,Bergeron NO ` X Donmark Custom Publishers Inc _ _ 6/9/2D102435106Lynn Jul Ralegh NC _____ ��i_ _ )Nolo_ngeratatldress _ 'Faw _ NO i,—L-- € Do mark Custom Publishers inns - 5/4/20162435106L,yon Rd 4LL 0.Raleigh NC 2]612 Publishing m. Domestic only do notp,otpnsite ,Gorn ck� ,NO % Double Dart Mfg 8/16/2012 Hwy 97E Zebulon NC jOlstnbution only girls clothing _ Domestic !Gornick NO ( m^ % W go g paper, printer computerized Domestic only do have an antiquated printing Double Data 4/4/2016110501120 Li nMill Rd Wake Forest, NC 2JSS7j Printing laser to c m u[enied kGornick iNO % _ _W_..... Press but no[in use Dougherty Equipment Co 9/7/2012,8205 Brownleigh Dr Raleigh NC [ ' Forklift and construction equipmenttistniu-mr EOn well and septicsystem no mfg 'Gornick NO € ix Douglas Fab & Machine Inc 7/12/2012l4301ndustnIal Dr Wendell NC machineshop fabDomestic only closed loop cooling water withnca[eparts 1 k 'NO X 1 holding tank [Gornic _ _ Douglas Machine&Fab 8/5/2W44,430 Industrial Drive Wendell NC S 'Steel and PlasVC Fabncabon� DomesticOnly� 'Boone �aNO _ X Douglas Machine&Fab _ � � ..._ 4/17/200b1y30endoll 41nndustnal Drive WpHCj lSteel and Plastic Fabrication�DomesVc Only �_IBergero _ I�00�_ X Doves Nes[ Doves Nest _ 5/22/2D0]1140 Benson Rtl 6/9/201] 511 Plaza Circle Garner NC _ 5 Garner, NC___ i ID -est only _ Domestic Only Closed Bergeron Heavner NO ( _ (X , NO _ Doves Nest __�__W_� _ _.._._�_.._. 10/1qj2M511 Plaza C,r_ t Garnerz NC ....__ Jhmmgal&screen prmting _ _ _ _ Wash screens w/bio safewash —1{ (Faw _ Dovetall wootlworks _ _ _ _ 9/24120D4124C.mme,ce Place __7 _ Raleigh NC i( _ _ _ _ W _ _ _ Not able to speak w/anyone _ ��4_ Boone _ TNO� mm _ :NO mm _ Dovetail Woodworks 99200,8€24fommerm Parkwa y__ .._.// Releih NC _ g � Artist/furnRuremaker__ Some brush washing/ water soluble Ink �Someacryhcfmrsh ____ Bergeron__ �- T _ iNO�_� ___— �____ y Dovetall Woodworks `` 5102013124 Commerce Place / / Raleigh NC f g M.kcf.rniture does not strip 5 finishes, use aprox (brush per month 1 ,Garrick �NO Ave �W * - { mostly ml washed in sink 2/26/200711OAreneil daye E Dozier Welding` _ _ _ _ _ 9/16/20048809 Ray Road _Raleigh NC_ _ _ _ Res If tla1 _ _ Boone X �A.. _......_...._ Dmmen In< _ _ _ 7(22/20126D110]Hu[[on St Raleigh, NC _ mjAssemble andr aeR lramputers Domestic only �-}Gornick IND iX Oratories by Townes _...._.�. ,....._ 8/10/20064601 Paragon Park Rd _ Raleigh NC ___. Shippmg/Receiving/Showinq Upholstery _ No intlustrial water use _ mmaBrack _ M NO ,.-�.�...m......... DSA 6/2/201510681 World Trade Blvd Raleigh NC 2]61] Prehangingsolitlwooden doors< Small amount of staining with water soluble stain Gamic!,ND ...... _ Raleigh, NC Earps Wmlesalc Scafood LLC v i— Raleigh NC I East Coast Drilling ___ 100 ga1(month water usetl - - East Coast Drilling �- 7/21/201699912701 Connector Dr DSI Black Pages 4/26/2016116201 ma n Dr Raleigh NC 176151D-dorypubb-ft , printingtloneelsewhere Domestic only residential Heavner NO _11/14 _ - Suntan Design__w_____,6(29(20042308 Wake Forest Road Raleigh NC______ 'Jewelry _Boone NO Ralegh NC Duncan Design, Ltd 7/16/20122308 Wake Forest Rd Raleigh, NC Retalijewelry lewelrycleanmgwaterlgal/wk EGomick IND E Eastern Corporation Duncan Fa hell Ave �W Rale(h_NC Archltec[uraI Des ign Y Domestic EFoust _ NO_ V 2/26/200711OAreneil daye Duncan Parnell Inc _ _518/2006201_Glenwo_od _ 7/20/2012 O1Glenwootl Ave Ralegh NC _ Print building plans and color graphics Domestic Gornick NO € Egipmen[wash watergoesthraugh ail/water�R _ IHeavner �uratech Southeast __!_ �W _..._ 6/12/200888176u1f C[ _ T, Raleigh, NC_ !Silkscreen printing _ Septic ___ _ fFaw� _ NO __FX I Duratech Southeast LLC 7/15/2013 88176 If Ct Ralegh NC I Screen pr tit ng wash -1surn and very I 31nk down duan the Average 10208 I/ k t useage Garrick NO € �X Duraw Mfg Inc_______ _ 95000 tR ad _ _ Ralegh NC IYamaha motorcycles _ � B _ ,NO ' _ Dynagraph cs 10/22/20021205303 Corporation Parkway Raleigh NC ,... i 276101Screenpu titin&embro dory pramo[ons _e Frimauly domestc, has Safety Kleen pick up Buchanan cleaning stuff _NO ' _ _ _ W Dynagraphics5creen Printing _ _ 8/7/20081205 Corporation Pkwy Ralegh, NCkscreening/Embroidery__ _t_ X i _ Screen washing IDell Olm -0 -NO Domestic only Dynagraphcs Inc 6/3/20131120SCorporation Pkwy Ste 103 Raleigh NC I )Screen Punting env fuendlyinks and cleaners est<100 gpd plus domestic IGornck Domestic only _ _ D namic Pnnt Solutions _ _ Y _ ,,,,,, !� 5/31/2017,6516 _0 d_Wake _I Forest Rd a Raleigh R I gh, NC �( �Dgrtal Printing �He� a�vner , NO IND EeoyeI&Associates �6/3%2008860151x Forks Rd .._.. Raleigh NC _ Inte_natlonal trades _ _ _ Domestic only � � Bergeron ......,.. _ NO ' i Ea IeS 27529(En ronv mental Consultant Firm _ 'Bergeron _INO ,domestic plus approx 2 test wash loads per month 1 € ' rtswear LLC G po7/17/2015M 4251 Wendell Blvd/PO Box 127 Wendell, NC g mfr, cu 27591 clothin tand sew Grnick lin domesti<sized washing machine i o NO I e Domestic ncprocess m b4dgGamick 5/21/2007(375E3rd Si � N Wendell NC 1 'Warehouse � pomestic Bergeron E NO -7 Eagle US _ Eagle USA 8/9/2012375 E 3rd5t _ _ 8/14/2012'375E 3rd St Wentlell, NC j WendeIl.NC W Warehouse _ _—[Domestic 275911Warehouse � _-y Gornick IDOmestic no mf¢� W ick -muck Eagle USA, Inc (Eagle Sportswear Middlesex Plant) 4/21/2016110447 5 Nash St Middlesex NC 1 to,Upoistery&Trim .w.,...�..J 6/9/2006,3100 Staley Brook Dr _ ...... _ Raleigh, NC Earps Wmlesalc Scafood LLC 4/5/20134 Fenton St Raleigh NC I East Coast Drilling 12/13/20060 nectar Oc Wake Forest NC - - East Coast Drilling �- 7/21/201699912701 Connector Dr _ 'Wake Forest NC East Coast Fire Protection____! /200217711-103Welborn St Raleigh NC ] __.�_.__._.-^_ _11/14 —_ East Coast Packaging Corp (ECP) 7/10/20151 30235 E Finch Ave ,Middlesex NC East Coast Plastic&Metal_ Shady Grove Circle Ralegh NC East Wake News __7/1/2004it5895 `- 8/820081110 N A[endell Avg _ Zebulon NSC Eastcoast Packaging =_...��......___�...W. 7/8/201330235 E Fmch Ave _ ___ _ __ Middlesex NC Eastern Corporation 11122/200213201107 Welington Ct Raleigh NC Eastern Technical __ _ 8/22/20073302 Anvll Or _ Garner, NC Eastern Wake News _ 2/26/200711OAreneil daye Zebulon NC W Eastern Wake News 5(1920132155McDowe,II S[_______,�Raleigh, NC )Non CIU <25,000gpd�_ I Non CIU^<25_000gad _ Non Categancal 125 000 gpd #Non categorical 125000 % gpd I Non Categorical, 125,006' Non{ategor cal 125,000 275571 Sewing only no creon pr ng gPd _ 1 !Non Categorical _ ' T� Non categorical 125,000 i gPtl wash _INon CIU <25000gptl I 'Non Categorical <25,000 si try _ Rod iBergeron _.._ NO _ _.T....... ____..._..,,_ iNon categorical 125000 !UP" 'Wholesaler/dMrIbutorco per ManufaRurers gpd X -- X` _ � _._.__ �.______- — 275571 Sewing only no creon pr ng UtlAB fratt t washing, h G k { NO Non Cateorl-IQ1 000 f smiml(1 or 21 ads per week) wash E I Egpd si try _ INo nshe al water use iBergeron _.._ NO _ _.T....... ____..._..,,_ !UP" 'Wholesaler/dMrIbutorco per ManufaRurers � ) _ Domestic Gornick NO i ! x % � �_ _ (Dnllin Brock done offsite Wash Trucks/Noble picks up Holmes 'Radar i Non Categorical -�-; Ban g 2]587Rock blasting and Egipmen[wash watergoesthraugh ail/water�R _ IHeavner NO - _ I ! Non Categancal, 125000 isepara[ar I ( gpd 27615 In, stallsprinklersystems _ _ _ Bathro oms _ N_O �X ! aging maufacturer In5+years maytlo (packprinting yBuchanan_ _ _ 2]5571 die cut and fold boxes domestc (Gornick INO { (X _ _ _ W ITawnhome Community _ _ y _Boone_ NO -NO _t_ X i {Community en wE!aper____._ _..... 4{Recycled Domestic only Faw/_Dell Olio ��John- �- paperboard Domestic only _ _ 'NO ` I X f 27615€ Canstructsheet metal roofs #Es[is mostly warehouse of shee[metal t !Buchanan IND , X � (Bathrooms i i 27529(En ronv mental Consultant Firm _ 'Bergeron _INO i ' %_ 27597 Newspaper _ __ �ORlce Panting Performed at N&0 m raleigh_ Holmes NO _ _' _ T � forproducingnews ancon[ Domestic ncprocess m b4dgGamick NO ry i _ Eaton Miiddex Plant 3/4/2009�8171PIaner Mill Rd Middlesex NC 2]55] M ... fadurehydrauhchoses u l floor drains capped Altrasonic Bergeron (NO i Eaton - Middlesex Plan[ _ SO/14/200918171 Planer Mill Rd Middlesex NC ;Manufacture hydraulic hoses cleaners, chillers water quenchers Ultrasonic , , 'Few NO , Raleigh N: � EMC Corp 4/8/20131701 Corporate Cancer Or Ste 425 Raleigh, NC Eaton Corp 4/25/2014' 8171 Planer Mill Rd Mlddlesex, NC Manufacturer of Industrial and Aerospace Hose Cooling Testing Hoses Rmsmg Johnson NO I Eaton Corp T 5/20/2015!.-, Planer Mill Rd Middlesex, NC ((� 27557! Mfr of,ndustnal and aerospace hose(hydraulic), Noncomact a ad contact cooing water used .... Garrick�NO 4/26/2016,3434-112 Edwards Mill Rd Eaton Corp Electrical Div (HQ) 9/7/20128609 Six Forks Rd Raleigh, NC iD,vision HQ, mdanterr.libllepower supplles 'Corporatebidg, domestic only Gornick NO Eaton Corp _ 9/7/20128380 Capital Blvd NC Logistics center _ 1Warehouse repair and testing only mm Gornick NO , Eaton Corp Powerware Div 9/7/2012133015pring Forest Rd (Raleigh Raleigh NC Uninterruptible Power supplles ( No processm the factory uses water, domestic Gornick NO iR.Ie,Bh,NC ---- _ _ _ 11/27/200213227 Wellington Ct _ _ _ __Raleigh LL� 1/1/2004 5155 Bloun[Street �v m _ NC I Raleigh NC En graving Gallery_ 9/8/2008515 S Blount St 'Raleigh NC Eaton Corporation Power Quality 5/2/201386095a Forks Rd Raleigh NC RPI and battery corporate office building Domestic only Gornick NO 1 Eaton Power Suff T mm 4/ 21/2W634o1,3501 Sprang Forest Raleigh NC � Assemble UPS systemsm Domesbc,T a (Bergeron NO Eco Solve 11/13/20023209147 Gresham Lake Rd Raleigh, NC 27615 Make a,Vw,t,, separators for ships Make small amounts of emuls,iers no discharge Buchanan � Ecano Export Pros Inc 11/26/2002 3209 G Wellington C[ Iass Raleigh, NC Exportshlpping/eledr.mcprmJacts(some 27615 embly) 'Bathrooms Buchanan YNO i - NO 'ECS Carolinas 10/27/20149001 Glenwood Ave Raleigh, NC (Consulting no cleanup materials brought back nseptic and well 2]61] Complmntinvesopti n to_oHiire Na solvent use o Garrick NO t X ((( 1 Eidolon Designs_ 9/17/2004 414 Dupont Grcle Raleigh NC Cabinets furniture ................ ..e.�.��_ Boone NO 7 Eidolon Designs _ _ i .... .. .......Y 5/]]/2006 414 Dupont Orcle _ v_ ...._ RaleighiNC iCabmetsi furniture _ _ ,[Bergeron NO _ f Eidolon Designs 7/27/20124144 Dupont Circle Drive Raleigh, NC I Custom furniture 11 gal/yr washing of paint and glue brushes Gornick NO i ,EJKidd__ W_ _ 9/24/200412620Discovery _ Raleigh NC Mdlwork Mfr _ _y „ No lndus>_Water Use(Buchanan NO El Kidd 5/21/20082620 DIsc—ry Drive Raleigh NC Molding and Millwork/c. wood 1Dell Oho NO i El Nidd _ ELC v v....... _ _ 6/15(2016I26200iscoverydr 5 0/2007485LOld Wdson Rdq Raleigh, NC Wendell NC 27616(_ Installs restruantequip J_closed _ VW � gornick Berger°o_ ! INO _ INO � ..._... �lDomestic -- Electric Motor Shop 6/15/2007, 1225 N Whne St 'Wake F-1, NC �yWake I On well and septic ----- Bergeron NO X a Electric Motor Shop 7117/20121225N Wh lte St 33 Forest, NC i l On well and septic Gornick!NO !X Eiectnc Supply Co 6/5/20081205 Bickett Blvd Raleigh, NC Wholesale eleRncal supplles D_omestic only Pawl Be110110 INO LL` _ Elednc Supply Co Inc _ _ _ 4/5/2013i 205 Beckett Blvd _ v _ Raleigh NC _ _ iWholesaier/distnbuturco p M nufadur� tRegster �` IDamesbc I Gormck ( _I INC ! I Electrical Equipment 6/11/2008 1440 Diggs Or _ _ _ Releigh,,NC w Electric motor rep air ^� �Domesti only_ — Faw__ NO Electrical [Com Equipment pant' / / Diggs'RaleighWholesaler/tlistributorco 4 5 2013 1440 Di Dr NC per Manufacturers Domestic Garrick ,NO _ Register Electra Assembly, Inc 4/26/2016151 646110 Departure Or Raleigh NC 27616!Cabledisbibution,permfrsreg This business did, t seem to be at this address �Heavner NO ±X Electronic Network Products ]/2/20041]2233 bbecky Orcle_ Raleigh NC t ( Boone NO 1 Electronic Network Products _ _ 9/5(200817223 Beckrcle ��� Raleigh NC [ Cablecompany Septic_ iFaw[De110110 NO i_X__ Electrgnlc Ne[Work Products _ 72016,7223 Becky Circle Raleigh, NC ^I 27616 Closed about 2V!s _ New occupant is domestic only y�Gornick NO mm �X Electronic Protlud Design _ _ _ 8[5/200412231 Wendell Road _ _ Wendell NC Elearonic Products Design Inc 7/18/2012 25541ake Wendell Rd _ _ _Wendell, NC EIedronic System Protection Inc (ESP) �9 /2003 51] Industrial Dr. m Zebulon NC Electronic Systems Protection Inc _ 10/19/2009 517 N Industrial Or _ Zebulon NC Electronic Systems I'mtection/Surge. 6/4/2015'8001121 Kntghtdale Blvd Knightdale NC 6/13/2006201)Yonkers Rd _ _ Raleigh NC Eledroswitch Electronic Products 7/12/201212010 Yonkers Rd Raleigh, NC Elegan[Rock 5/18/200811932 Pleasant Forest Way Wake Forest NC I Elegant Rock v 11/9/20091932 Pleasant Forest Way ---Wake Forest NC Elegant Rock 6/2/201411932 Pleasant Forest Way Wake Forest NC El egant Rock 1 12916Tutman Court �_ flaleigh NC 1 Elite Countertops, _ 9/7/20( 6,6221Westg,te Rd-__ Raleigh NC _ Elite Waste Services LLC 4/26/2016119385 Wilmington Raleigh NC ElsterSoiutionsW_ �___ 9/7/201220L SS Rogers Ln Raleigh N: EMC Corp 4/8/20131701 Corporate Cancer Or Ste 425 Raleigh, NC EMC2 Corp _ _ _ _ _6/5/20081701 Corporation Center Or J NC__3 Emergency Technlnologles, _ _ _ W_ _~ 7122012t85215ix Forks Rd e St110 _Raleigh Raleigh Nt v I Enepay Corp _6/9/200817226 Summit Waters Ln Raleigh NC Enepay Corp_ _ _ _ _ r _ _6/16/20102434Edwards Mhl Rd Ste 112 Raleigh,NC Prepay Corp 4/26/2016,3434-112 Edwards Mill Rd Raleigh NC i Energy Control Systems 4/29/203324 Oct— St Raleigh, NC Energy Control Systems 7/22/201213304 Octavio St (830 Purser O r St G) 'Ralelgh NC Energy Controlsystems__� �P3240da111 Street_ Raleigh, NC __ ENG Solution Inc8/7/2008 135 Martin St SUR` 201 �-Raleigh, Raleigh NC Engine Experts 12/19/2002,6001Resco Ct NC Engine We Do, INC m 8/242006544009 Oak Forest Raleih NC Engine We Do Inc 6/15/2016154090ak forest Or� iR.Ie,Bh,NC _ Engineered Construction Company_ Engraving 6alleo __�_� _ _ _ 11/27/200213227 Wellington Ct _ _ _ __Raleigh LL� 1/1/2004 5155 Bloun[Street �v m _ NC I Raleigh NC En graving Gallery_ 9/8/2008515 S Blount St 'Raleigh NC Ensolve Biosystems _ _ _ 9/28/2004{3209 Gresham Lake Raleigh, NC _ Ensolve Biosystems I/l/200813209 Gresham Lake I Ensolve Biosystems 8/20/20095805D parturo Nd Stell 1Raleigh, NC Ensolve Biosystems_ _ 6/15/2016(3_209 Gres ham Lake rd mm 'Raleigh NC Ensolve Biosystems, Inc+ 4/28/2014! 5805 Departure Dr Ste B Raleigh, NC Enterprise Rent A Car 10/27/2014190D5 Glenwood Ave 'Ralelgh NC Pnvatesepucsyffgr__ _'Gornick ___ NO 275975urnoprotem ctor asseblypr y _____LDrocess No board manufacturing_ �Gay� JNO �Manufadure powerfilters 'Domestic only (Faw NO Elednc power line fileters antl transient surge 27545{suppressors er mfrs rea IDomesbc only (Gornick INO c rotary switches _ N mtlustrul water use _ Mfg Coaling tower plus domestic use I C gno goencal 125000 4_ i V;No, Categorical 125000 Non categorical 275871 Residential home Did not enter 'Bergeron 1113'NO X I% .0 4Residenbal-Did not enter v Faw ^-�-'NO_� Resldenbal/Did not enter 4Domestic Johnson IND i % 'x FResidenbai _ Foust NOX 27617,Solid Surface and Lamnate Countertops _'N,ffollowupneeded_ Bergeron_ _ NO j Wholesaler of scrap metal and plastic recycling 27603lDlstnbu[lon only per mfrs reg �Heavner NO 1 i X per mfrs reg �Assembleeledricmeters _ Plastic and metalassembly_domesbc only v Gornick NO_ )X (_ Sales office for technology software per 2008 sir ( Do mestic on ly per 2008 survey Garrick IND z tx ,Salesoffice for technology software_Domesticanly __ _ Faw/Bell Olio _ IND SX I Software Co _ �rpom"to _ ..v Gormck _ �11esidanbal/Dldnat Enter t.No longer atlocatlonTFawNO x 27612this E Plastic hot tackand heat seal testing equipment No longer a pment' I ! u�' it[h siocat on Heavner 'NO E% 1 1 ,per mfrs reg Solarheatng and cooing Do mestion y _ Faw _ NO 1 =� [X �S,I,renergyR&D Domestic Gormck y!NO 1 1X !Residential 'Faust IN Engineeringfirm �Domesbconly _ gero___, O _j______________ %_�._._. _�_._.........._._.._ _ 2]61](11—al—l-remanufadured engines Domestic no drains, no city water or Buchanan n�NO� �tX - ' R' ebuiltl, Replace & Repalrr�ines � Bergeron ��NO I t �� � Non Categorical 27116�mmmm LL ,Closed ..� GornIck sNO 27615 Commerml general contractor _ 'Administrative offices bathrooms Buchanan _ iN0 ..__ Nomspecuan ompleted Beasley W 'NO 1 �m 008 'Faw/Dell Olio JNO X Nroil/wacer separators for ships ._. _� �Foust� ''IND__ _ o longer at the location 'Faw iN0X iNoionger at this location 'Water treatment des gra for manna market tDomertic only Faw �NO j ix 27615, _ _ cl..d _ gornick__ :NO X F Design water treatment (mfr is outsourced) iDomesticonly !Gornick NO r X ,Car rental Cars cleaned in wash bay with Go, 27617`matblter Oil change and other maintenance Complaint Investigation JGormck iNO S Non Categon cal, 125000 gpd ,,contracted to autaobgarages mve __ _ (Nan CIU, <25000gpd _ I Non{IU <25000gpd X Non CIU <25 0009p No n categorlcal 125000 Jend (x I C gno goencal 125000 4_ i V;No, Categorical 125000 Non categorical 275871 Residential home Did not enter 'Bergeron 1113'NO X I% .0 4Residenbal-Did not enter v Faw ^-�-'NO_� Resldenbal/Did not enter 4Domestic Johnson IND i % 'x FResidenbai _ Foust NOX 27617,Solid Surface and Lamnate Countertops _'N,ffollowupneeded_ Bergeron_ _ NO j Wholesaler of scrap metal and plastic recycling 27603lDlstnbu[lon only per mfrs reg �Heavner NO 1 i X per mfrs reg �Assembleeledricmeters _ Plastic and metalassembly_domesbc only v Gornick NO_ )X (_ Sales office for technology software per 2008 sir ( Do mestic on ly per 2008 survey Garrick IND z tx ,Salesoffice for technology software_Domesticanly __ _ Faw/Bell Olio _ IND SX I Software Co _ �rpom"to _ ..v Gormck _ �11esidanbal/Dldnat Enter t.No longer atlocatlonTFawNO x 27612this E Plastic hot tackand heat seal testing equipment No longer a pment' I ! u�' it[h siocat on Heavner 'NO E% 1 1 ,per mfrs reg Solarheatng and cooing Do mestion y _ Faw _ NO 1 =� [X �S,I,renergyR&D Domestic Gormck y!NO 1 1X !Residential 'Faust IN Engineeringfirm �Domesbconly _ gero___, O _j______________ %_�._._. _�_._.........._._.._ _ 2]61](11—al—l-remanufadured engines Domestic no drains, no city water or Buchanan n�NO� �tX - ' R' ebuiltl, Replace & Repalrr�ines � Bergeron ��NO I t �� � Non Categorical 27116�mmmm LL ,Closed ..� GornIck sNO 27615 Commerml general contractor _ 'Administrative offices bathrooms Buchanan _ iN0 ..__ Nomspecuan ompleted Beasley W 'NO 1 �m 008 'Faw/Dell Olio JNO X Nroil/wacer separators for ships ._. _� �Foust� ''IND__ _ o longer at the location 'Faw iN0X iNoionger at this location 'Water treatment des gra for manna market tDomertic only Faw �NO j ix 27615, _ _ cl..d _ gornick__ :NO X F Design water treatment (mfr is outsourced) iDomesticonly !Gornick NO r X ,Car rental Cars cleaned in wash bay with Go, 27617`matblter Oil change and other maintenance Complaint Investigation JGormck iNO S Non Categon cal, 125000 gpd ,,contracted to autaobgarages mve __ ` k{ �Commer<laltruck rental contractortloeson site, , Enterprise Truck Rental 10/2]/20141 9009 Glenwood Ave ,Raleigh,NC i 276171PMs such as all change Used oil and other Complaint Investigation Gormck NO 1 chemicals kept Pn contractor struck until disposal Have wash bay with Geo mat assglass raw a m Environment Tech Gp 1 12/18/200218600Jersey Ct Raleigh, NC 27617AII pollution testing Wh ame some chemicals, eth Cl, Buchanan NO NO ( _ _ _ __ _ ; 1 acetone methanol j wI Epic Engraving 8/9/2012 4908 Alpines Dr St, 110 Raleigh NC Awards and recognition crystal glass ,ad Ing a Use water to nose sandblasting film 12 gal/day Gormck ANO ._._... ......._.._.._.._._.._.._..__......_...m.. _._.M._mnBrav__ ___ __ _ ! Domestic only Dust from engraving dpesn tgo io Epic Engraving„ 4/25/201615020-H Departure Dr Raleigh, NC 27616 Engraving by sandblasting the crystal material ISS Gormck IND f_ Erimos Phartn (BID Cure) �_ �i� �- 4/31/200693D Main Campus Or� Raleigh NC Office onlyW _ INo Indus[ Water Use Y Bergeron^,_ YNO 'Escalade5ports Woodplay Div -�_ 4%24/2014j2101Harrod5t Raleigh NC_ 27604,Manuf.=,, redwood playsets Domestic only ,Gornick iNO , � Escalade_gort_ Woodplay Div _ _8/20,20092101Harrod5[_ _ Raleigh NC f [Ma_nufattureredwood playsets Domesticonly_ 9Faw `ND ESP EIeRrpnic Systems PrateRion 10 5 2006 5171ndustrlal Dr Zebulon NC ssemble surge rotectors Comes Il _ (Holmes NO 12,5..Indus......_.. __....._.... P _...._ nY ESP Energy lntelhgence lSurgex) 9/14/2012 51]Industnal0r _ 2ebulon NC rs es mbley no wiring or coating_ mm Domesticonly � � � _ �Gornlck N0� ' eTnals com_ _ _ _w2701 Aerial Center Parkway Cary,_ _ _ _ yW- Boon_e NO m Evans Analytical Group 5/22/2008, 616 Hutton street Microscopy Metal polishers (buffing) used ance per week/ ,Faw NO Formerly Materials Analytical Survey Wateris not used In process no.r Evans Analytical Group V _..._...... _ 6/22/2016628103 Hutton St �ARaleigh NC 27606ISurface analysis on semiconductorswashing no Gormck iNO _ _ (Plating Everett Enterprises Inc ,J � _ 9/ 1/2009110024BaI yywlck Rd_ Raleigh NC C E Clockassembly_ tDomestic only W las photvdeveloping with potential need for silver Evergreen Packaging 9/22/2016'Z2155 WIImIng[on 5t'Raleigh NC276031 Print antl laminate cartons for liquid packaging ((recovery has parts washer seesurvey or Gornick €NO , t Evergreen nonpermitted industry file Evergreen Packaging, Inc w 7/16/2012122155 Wilmington Stw �v Raleigh NC puri laminatecartonsforllgmd packaging Dome—piussmall partswasher Gornick IND V � E -view Technaiogy �] 16/2012`4909 Green Rd Ste 133 flaleigh NC _ mfr software _ __ LLOom_estic only Gormck NO E%Ce14APps Inc 7/2/201518514102Six Forks Rd _ _ Raleigh, NC 27615 SoRwaredevelopment� _ nomf&domesticonfy Garrick ,NO ( _ Fairway Outd000r Advertising _ _ 6/6/2D06'S08Capjal Blvd iRaleigh NC _ Sales&Insttlatmn _ No Industrial water�useBergeron Fa «vay_0 uttloor Advertising LLC _ ]�19 2012 508 C pt I Blvd mm Rale, h NC (Outdoor advertsing b Ilboardss Domes[ c only G ick NO Fairway Printing - w 10/l/2D041821 AP Drive _ Raleigh NC `Ptintng _... F t eNO� � Inks consumed in process, not discharged { Fairway Prntng Inc 9/10/20121821 A Purser Dr Ralegh, NC 'Prntng Gormck NO domestic iHalr salon hasoniyoner-1—nn keepstrash` !Fantastic Sams see Nail Trento binder 9/12/2014 8363 Until.—Rd Raleigh NC 21613 Co mplaintlnvestigation Gornick NO I Inside w to 1.11- paper toels Fast Signs _ � 6/26/20064031129 Capital Blvd Raleigh NC ! !Vinyl Thermal Inkjet,& Solvent Printing _ INolndustrlalwateruse _ (Bergeron NO € _Fast Signs�� �J/15/2016`4011129 Capital Blvd`— flaleigh NC 276041CIosed _ i Garrick NO !x ast Fenal Co � 10/21/20098610Id Knign[Roat �Kmghtdale NC Retallsalas Domesticonly Favi NO Fastenal Co s 11/4/2009 16365 Saunders St _ Raleigh NC _ I }Retail sales Domestic only Faw iNO '1 a Fastenal Co _ _ _ _11/4 /200912660Yankers Rd Ste K_ _ _ _Raleigh NC __ _ Retadsales _ �Oomes[iI only __—q—Faw A 1NO 8(I6/20121 1,, 34001d US Hwy 264 _ 2ebulon, NC �ReteJonly m mm �poin tic _ _ !Gornck 1N0 t_ _ Fastenal C, 8/16/2012 5W8 Spring Ct Ste 106 Raleigh NC jRe[ai only 'Domestic Gormck IND Wholesaleroffasteners s,ftoo ety,q,lp ls Domestic per 20091W5 Wholesaler/dfstr6mor Fastenal Co 4/15/201416365 Saunders S[ Raleigh NC 27603 Garrick 'NO _ .1ma,f,es per Mfs Reg i FASTSIGNS _ 4/19/20102621-1055pring Forest Rd_ Raleigh, NC �Retailsignshop— - - (Domesticonly Few !NO__} z _ Signs Die cu[vmi offset pnntin&solvent Domesticonly s,Iv,ntw,,t,(cartridge,) Fastsigns 4/2]/20162621105Spring Forest Rd Raleigh, NC 27616f :Gornick 'NO i ii printed ink which is laser applied drummed Faurat Forensic Products_ 6/9/20063630 Capital Blvd _Raleigh NC l,Nolongeratthislocation —a__ _�__ _v Bergeron iN2---4' 0 .-4X__._E_.._.. Fawn Plazti¢ 1220200610235 U5264A Midtllesez NC �4 ,Automotive Injection Molding Products^_ _ rBrock -`NO E Fawn Plastics _ _ _ _ 7/11/2016110235 U5264 ALT _ Middlesex NC y 275571 Closed _ Now ECP surveyed in 2015 _ Gormck _ No Ix Fedex Kinkos _ _ _ _]/31/20D6E2]15 HIIIsbarauRh St_T _ Raleigh NC _' Co Xing signs faxes, shipping eR_ _ __V.yDomestic use only_ Brock 'NO Fedex Kinkos J� ~_ 7/31/20066115[ pit IB I and Raleigh NC 1CopVing signs faxes shppng Pct Oomestc use o Ply Bmck NO �mm Fedex Kmkas � 7/31/20066820 Glenwood Ave Ralegh, NC Copying signs,(axes slippng,ect _�_ �Oomestcuse only Brock ,NO Frd.Kfnkos _ _ 7/31/20061908Springfield Commons Raleigh NC Copying signs, faxes shipping ea___ __ LDomestic use only__ _ Brock NO FedEx Office&Print Center ..._ ... 9/1/200983]3 CreedmeIr Rd W ,Raleigh NC _i ICopVinq printing etc Dom estfcenly ��Fawe _ _ NO Fedex Office&Print Center _- 9/10/201242712-102 Hillsborough St Raleigh NC Instant printing _ f Domesticonly _ — _ _ Gornick NO_ } Fedex Office&Print Center 9(1020126115 Capital Blvd Ralmgh,NC Instant printing iDomestfconly _ _ _ _EGornick NO Fedex OfFce&Pr tit Center „_� 9/10/20126820GIenwoodAve �RalelghNC _I Commertal mn ntlnRandtypesttenonl R IDamestcy Gornck NO � mm Fedex Offce&Print Center mm _ 7— w 9/10/2012908 Springfield Commons Dr Raleigh NC ,Leser g _ ._ �..._ iDomest mly Gornck NO_ (Fedex see had Treat In binder 9/12/2014i8373Creedmoor Rd Raleigh NC 27613 Copying, pnntin&dontdomuch cleaning ,Complaint investigation Garrick NO � E Ferguson Enterprises _ 6/18/200811418 Wall Rd —�-- ,Wake Forest NC t 'Wholesale heating/plumbing Domestic only Dell Olio IND ' _W Ferguson Enterprises, Inc i 8/20/20095563 Western Blvd Ste 1112 iRaleigh NC 1 Distribution plumbing parts pipes and fittings IDomestic only _ Faw IND Ferguson Enterprises, lot 8/24/200912700 Yonkers Rd, Unit A Raleigh, NC t Wholesale plumbing products distributor IDomestic only Faw, NO Ferguson Enterprises Inc 4/15/201412]00 Yonkers Rd Unit Raleigh NC # 27604 Distribute plumbing supplies and HVAC equip Domestic per 20091W5 Wholesaler/distributor Gornick !NO per Mfrs Reg_— �Domesticper20091WS Wholesaler/distnbuto Ferguson Enterprises Inc 4/15/2014 5563 Western Blvd Ste 11 B Raleigh NC 2]606 Distribute plumbing supplies Gornick ^'NO per Mfrs Reg t Ferguson Heating & Cooling 8/25/2009 308 S Rogers Ln Raleigh NCHVAC Distributor ^ v v �Domesti only aFaw tN0_ Ferguson Heating & Cooling 4/11/20131418 Wall Rd Wake Forest, NC IDistnbutor o(HVAC parts --- (Domestic Johnson ANO Ferguson Hearing &Coaling 4/15/2014,3085 Rogers Ln Raleigh, NC 276101 HVAC Distributor jDOmeer20091W5 Wholesaler/distributor spcpGarrick IND ____..... ._._._.___, �......�. _._.._ __�__ ............ _........ _ _......._... ._....._... _____d__.__�___..............___�__.._._._..... _.._._.__..._.�_ erP Mfrs,Beg .....� _ Ferguson Waterworks 1/25/2010950DDurant Rd Raleigh, NC �( iWholesalewater/sewer/stormmateriais Septic jFaw IND x Ferrelgas Inc ^� 9/30/20126111 Corporate Ridge Rd _ Raleigh NC 1Dlstribute propane gars _ �1Warehouse daes[ic LL Gornick_ ANO Ferrell Gas 7/31/2D06510Corporate Center Dr Ralelgh NC Ffil, rrebuild LP gas tanks _ !No[oncirysewer�ockT� NO fu % Fiber Sales Inc 10/2012009x11351gma D� Garner NC _ Furniture supe dis[nbutor Domesticonly Fa, NI __` N ;l — I'll Chem Inc ]/1/200416300.0 Westgate Road Raleigh NC 1Dist-LRmus paper & fon determination kits Boone NO i Fd Chem Ince_ _ _ 2/9/20105011 Falls o(Neuse Rd, S1._IC __Raleigh,NC v-__ 2]609 T ��No longer at location _ _ _ _Faw _ __ ANO _ A FIIChem Inc 4222010,5882 Farin on Pl NC Lab sir I sales _ Domestic onl _..,�_..._.._ .........�...... /_/ ,.__B .�_—.-..�Raleigh,......� U_._.Ppy..� _...__.. j y iFaw� ,ND �.b._ PH papers and ion determination kits per mfrs `3 Fil Chem Inc 4/13/20161 5 0 11 Falls of Neuse Rd Raleigh NC 2]603(fag INo longer at this location 'Garrick NO f% Flim graphics _..._.._�4_ 9(26/20043900.105 Tarheel Drive Ralelgh NC j OeveFllm _ ���Buchanan'NO� Film graphics 5/21/20081 21 2008 3900-105 Tarheel Drive I Film developing liver recovery 4 gmp / / � � gw/s ery I Bergeron SIN—DSI �Fi�lm GraphLa y 6/28/20163900-IOSTarheel Dnr iRaleigh NCS 27609CIosed_W i(Heavner _ :NO !x 7J7 Fllmgraphcs Inc 6/10/20133900 Tarheel Dr Ste 1D5 Raleigh NC — Io Ps'elop photos print 1—mate Closing at end I Discharge developer replemsher and fl- after (Gornick NO 1 ihI[ratlon �_..._._ 1 1 -- — Non Categorical <25000 gad INPn categorfcal <25000 gpd Non categorical <25000 K � i K _ K 'Nan CRI <2500Dgpd E !Non Categorical <25000 (gpd Categorclal I<25 OOOgpd_._........___ _ ,Non -Categorical <25000 gpd x Nan SIU x _ x Non C 4 LLilg,`� i ategorical 125 000 Non Categorical <25,000 3) gpd_ ..� _� 11/22/200213200.1035pott1wood Sf Raleigh NC 2/14/2017 3200 1035pottswood St Raleigh NC Fineiine Prototyping_8/20/2009 9310-100 Focal Pt _ Raleigh NC 4Raleigh Fineline Pro[otyptnR. Inc _ 4(29/20149330 Focal Pt Ste 100 � � W NC Fntmniz ]/2/20155995 ChapeIH IIRd Raleigh NC Fintronx _ _ 7/2/201415995 ChapeIHII Rd Raleigh NC _ Fres ton__ — _ _ 3/15/2004'5058 New Hope Roatl —_ Raleigh, NC _ -Raleigh, 'Firestone i 6/20/201615D58 New Hope Rd NC First Service Carolina Inc _ _ _ _ _ 5/16/201313933Arraw Dr Ste 10D _ _ Raleigh NC _ _ i ,Fisher/Rex Sandwiches I 6/5/200815198rookside Dr Raleigh, NC Flsher/Rex Sandwiches 1 6/30/20161519 Brook side Dr _ Raleigh NC ,Flag Designs by Cheryl _ _ _ _ _ _ 8/8./2006`4938 HIII Dr Raleigh NC _ Flag Dgfgnsb6heryl___9/11/20124938AWndyNIl Dr p �Ralegh, NC —{ Fleet Servces_ 11/19/20023222 M Wellington Ct iRaleigh, NC Fle€c[rim � 9/26/20041I:111,gma Orl_v_e Fleztnm 5/21/2008' 511 Sgma Drive Garner NC Flextrim_�_ �_...._.....— 6/21/2016111Sgma Dr Garner NC Flank Fine Art&Framing _ 8/7/2006,427 Woodburn Rd _ Raleigh, NC Floors to Go 11/6/2014 8917Glenwaod Ave Raleigh NC 'Floraleads _ _ — _ _ v 4/28/20065308 Dutchman Dr Raleigh NC 27615Coffeeservice Work on coffee makers Some water use Buchaan nNO { losed auto body shopin location where NO t 27615 "Former coffee machineservice Appears, c v Gornick ?NO 'suite should be � Prototyping_�.._____.�__i..— _ Beasley _ NO_I «Closed _laP__ P H 1G,. ormck ❑ NO yX � p �Manufaaure rota a st; arts M1 'H2O artnnseandstlin remova andustl `Faw _ "NO ryP 2]61]3Dprinting service plastic prototypes Domestic only_ _ Gormck tN0 � % 27607 Manufactur f LED B Ib _ Assembly only no Hg� (HeaVne� ,NO f-� 27607Mfr LED bulbs assembly only iNo H&domesu—mly ,Heavner NO _ }X __,€Tire B rock__.._.___._.. NO_. ii Nofurther need to fol low up any vehicle I T T1re,a11 coolant It svc Have O/WSeparatar malntena nc,fac,l,rysh,,Idh,v,O/W,ep,r,t,r (Gornick NO { _ �andfalis under FOG Junsdlcuon _ _ _ Computer n,tw,rk,,pp,n and installation (Domestic only {Gormck NO i X i Make and dwiches Floor<Ieaned dailywiM degreaser and washed rap son t Faw/Dell Olio NO _ _ aown drain _ ,_— 276D4CIosed Now Auz Kitchen }Heavner _ _iN0 IX Mfg decrotrveflagsNo industrial watetuse _ _ Bergeron 'NO I%_ _ Commerclaanrednbalfgs wer usadmmfgpsdomsilc'Gorco-- — ­ 27615,Aut—oh-fle,tmaintenance Rest—mss, -,car washing, no drains in shop Buchanan 'NO 1 � - %� i_ _ _ Moltlinp Mfr Polyy rysin molding Buchanan NO No longer at this location `Bergeron ,NO % 27529yClosed __y rSterlin Prens!,i occupiesaddress IGo int ck INO� X $._ _______ 7_ _..._.__ :A, ornblewoodframes fNoindustrialwateruse _ _ (Bergeron NO j _ X_ _ Sella reinstall carpet hardwoods floating Do € 276171noton—f—re Useonlyh ousehold cleaners Compla,nt,nv,,tlga,,n Bldgonseptic ,Gornick FNO j% sinwarehouse 1ta 1 Skin Care Products __ (Office only ____ _ _ JBergeron _ NOX Mfg Golf Cart Perts_�� Nom ch -nal water use �aw ^Bergeron YNO (Warehouseanddistributeofficesupplles and Forms&Graphic Systems 7/14/20123209 Gresham Lake Rd#124 Raleigh NC i Domestic Gornick NO i ihterature Forms&Graphic Systems Inc2/20q t329 Gresham take Raleigh NC� ( Offset printing��Contact cooling Wa[er(orpre-ss Bergeron NO _, �_ Forms and Graphs¢ 1/1/200%, 3209 Gresham Lake � No longer at this location t mm�Faw ANO )% _ _ _ !__�__ � ��_�_ 1Forrnworks____w__ T3(1](2004�381€ 03A Yorker Roadsigh NC Concrete _ _ _ v i Buchanan iN0 Formworks 6/2212016138103A Yonkers Rd Raleigh, NC 27604CIosed {C,,Idnotfindbidg google could, time rtenher� Gormck j[N'O fX Forrus Researchy� _8/3/2004 742 200 McKnight Drive _Knightdale, NC _ Office/Assembly m u Boon NO mm Cleamngchemicals pHmonderingand adlustingE e Fortran, Inc 8/10/2012 ]400 Semens Rd Ste C Wendell NC € On septic tank Gornick iNO equipment_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Forvus Research_ _ 9/2]20041742 McKnight Roed Knightdale NC,_Y t ,Test &Package Circurtl: ards Designso"are _ —_ Buchanan T NO____v '_ _..�.._... _ I Forvus Research Inc _ 9/18/20121742200 McKnight Dr Knightdale NC �fomputer hardware Moved no info found on new atldress_ _ Garrick NO ix ,a Four�8/8/2008�4913RBDnve Raleigh, NC Commercial printingResitlentlal did not enter______, Bergeron_ _'NO I _ !Rmfobomnewbusmess Residenbalper Google Maps,locatedinlarge Franklin Publishing LLC 5/22/201510811 Grand tourney Ave "Raleigh NC 2]614'Publishing Contahsting residenhalsubdlvision !Gornick NO .._� — Non categorical, <25COO — Red i 7Nan�Wl } I E JL Non CIU -1—gpd j �1;-langerat th is loeatbn ,No longer at this location —... ..._ rx ......_.,_ i% Franklins Panting —_ 8/23/2006»240 Newlon Rd _ — !Raleigh NC _ {,Copying offset _ _ no film process _ _ IBerge(on —_ _INO__ j Franklns Pr n[ng N7/g/2016'240 Nevrton RdRaleiRh NC 2]615'Cs_I,-,osed _— i Heavner NO X ----- {{ C_.___..i__. IAutomat,,,I,ilandmaintenancc Has _ i t i grease 11 € Not Categorical <25000 Fred Anderson Toyota 30/2]/2014€9101 Glenwootl Ave Raleigh NC 27617 interceptor, only pau water soluble materials ,Complaint investigation Gornick IND t { jdawndram Seesurveyformorelnfo ]Vehicle gpd maintenancef,eltyshould have OJWFred Anderson Toyota 6/20/201619101 Glenwood Raleigh, NC { 27617Does not regwreaddl4onal (allowup !Gornick IND j sep_a,.tgrardfa1lsunder FCGgr" ,�«. _... _ .�._..... _....._ _ �H,,O/Wsep,r,t,rf,req,fpwash,ng Mudand ' Gormck 1N0 i Non c-goncal<25000 Fred Smith Co (FSCII LLC( 9/21/20126105 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh NC ' Asphalt produRs ! __ all hauled to la ndFlll_ v I_ ._...._..._._tRpd Fred Sm [h Co iFSCILLC West ate Plan[ 814/20126o01Wes € use a_ _ _ .,_.s_„, �,,,.- ,� 8 _ (mm_ m m tgate Rd fialergh NC 1 Ho[miz asphalt mixi�for pawns _septic system .� Go_ickrr­NO Fred Smith Company _ _ 6/30/2017,6105 Chapel Hill Rd � Raleigh NC 27607Contr,d constructlon and maintenance ilia skim pit and odwa[er separator _ Heavner _ €NO _ " r �t _ —}Non Categorical 'Fred Smith Company 7/24/201] 6001 Westgate Rd Raleigh NC 1 Asphalthic,hry nosewerconn,amnfor i } _t g _ g i lasphaui[ rp aduRion � !,Garrick NO € �z Fnto tay Inc5/10/2004"7504 Precision Drive _ Raleigh NC _ _ Warehouse Drs[ i _ ,Brock _ NO Fre Rabbit 4309 Front White RWMartin Street Raleigh NC VPesrs� i _ 'yFrost jrapo�ier Autob.chyj.pply 46/2005 ,1305T�ansport D,slve _Raleigh NC �S Warehouses nofloordalns 'Boone ,NO —I ' Frost Converting Systems _ _ 6/5/2008f3737 Glenwood Ave _ Raleigh NC_ � �at No longer location �Bcrgrrmn NO Rollers rinsed w/water at sink, safety kleen pu an 1 i4 Future Graphics 2/26/20071113 Legacy Crest Ct Zebulon NC 275971 Offset Printing all digital y Holmes NO % j i_ __whazweste _ _ _ 8/8/2008113 Legacy Crest C[ _ ,Zebulon NC i� Commercial pnntmg ,D,meshc,nhV (Faw/Dell Olio��NO Future Medical Solutions ]172015{3100 Berkeley I ppears residential did not enter, large from new business listing no further follow up�z _�_...._....._..._ i — / / y Springs Pl 'Raleigh, NC 1 27616a t (Gornick NO 1X -----I townhamesubdwision Large office building not enter no — j— FutureRalagh 2/9/2010t4700Homewood Ct Ste 106 Raleigh NC 27609 �F. wwN i ~Wture Raleigh � � � � —]/8/20164700106 Hom we ood Ct� Raleigh, NC 2]609 Closed G&S Iron Design 10/1/2004,2100 Gamer Road Raleigh NC DomesticOnly ust NOl( 1Garment Design Automation12/17/200276320 BAngus Dr RaleighcNC 276173 Design automation10fficework uchanan ANO Garner News 5232006 503 LHv_ry JOE ___ —Gamer NC fj NO Industrial water use--� Bergeron` NO ta_ 1 X Gas Systems v _ 1/8/20036002Tnangle Dr _ Raleigh, NC , tab and Analytic Services _ !Buchanan NO G-Autllo Sound_ _ 8/Bf20081.4559 Capital Blvd Suite 175 Raleigh NC _ ,Address does not exist _ _ Bergeron___ NO GE Polyme—r ,shapes W VW W�� 7/12/200d 540 Gwc Blvd Suite 175 _ Raleigh�NC Cuts/tlis[ Plastic sheets Boone NO-"_ Geaml_ ..v W m�7/16/2012{3915 Beryl Rd Ste 101 _ Raleigh NC _ Packaging material paper converting _ No water used for pr Lcumn (Gornick NO _ t _ X t i I Domestic only per 20121W5 Suite number j Geami 6/20/201413915 Beryl Rd j Raleigh NC 276071 Ecofriendlypackagfngmaterials omitted In mfrs reg address bu[voice mail greeting' Gornick !NO X I� �Indfcatesaddressst,llth,s,m,a,in2Ol2 _ i0ut of service area per Raleigh antl i Gelder &Assocs,lre, 1 4/8/2013 WakeC. 3901 Gelder Dr Raleigh NC Maps Gornick NO €X Gelder Assa_c_6L6/20083901Gelder Dr _ _ Raleigh NC _ Hol mi_sphaIt __ 'Septic _ _ tDell'Olm� NO i% y } -1-- ._.._._ — _.�........_ .._.�...�} General Partslnc Carpuest� 6/12(20062635E Millbrook Rd� —_Raleigh NC j0istrubution Center fo_rquest �Nolntlus[rial water use 'Bergeron NO+__ _..� Watch.— for distribution of automotive t ` rjj� General Parts Inc, torques[ 7/26/201212635 Millbrook Rd Raleigh, NC NOlntlustnal water use (Gormck NO General5hale Brick 10(1/20041520 Buckhaven Drive Rale! h Ng C _ 15ales,No Mfrg i— Faust General5hale 8/21/1009j8820West Gate Park Dr ._ Raleigh NC { {Masony products distribution Domestic only Faw _ NO _ il �X f General5hale Brick, Inc — _ _ _ 6(6/2014�8820W Gate Park Dr _ _ Raleigh NC 276175alesofflceand storage ofbncks _ Domestic only _ _ Garrick _ NO _ _ % Geo Technology 11/18/20023200 Wellington Ct Raleigh NC 27615: Sail testing concrete and asphalt testing _ ;pomestic �iBuchanan NO Sales and rental of enweanmental sampling ( f t { Non categorical, <25 Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc 9/SO/20122517Nobhn Rd Ste 103 Raleigh NC i Wash with detergent and ,,sesame rental Items Gornick NO Gerdau Amerlsteel US INC 6/8/2006 2126 Garner Poad _Raleigh NC T_ Gerdau Ameristeel US Inc 9/10120121212(1 Raleigh NC I Gerson& Gerson inc Distribution Center 7/10/201510601 E punch Ave Middlesex, NC Ijljljj Gotsco — �y 7/10/201510793 E Finch Ave Middlesex NC� Gbdder_&Assooates7/7/200439_01 W� umm W Gielder Drive Raleigh,_NC_ I W Giftmaker Systems _ 6/12/20064108 Atlantic Ave_ _ Raleigh NC Cutmaker Systems Inc __ ______ _ _ ...._ 9j10/201214108 Atlantic Ave _ __Raleigh NC _ _1k( Glass Ooctgr _� 1/3/20035912 Triangle Dom_ Ralph N,N _ Global Circuits Inc .. - u W W _ v 11/]/20131 150 Pony Rd _ Zebulon NC Global Control Solutions 9/11/201211}_6307 C Angus Or Raleigh NC Global Fitter Sauce LLC 9/10/201216212 Westgate Rd Ste A Ralegh NC 'Global Golf � .� 1 2 v"5809ATrlangle Dr Raleigh NC Global Software Int _ _ 7/16/2012'3201 Beechleaf Ct Ste 170_ Raleigh NC � Glover Printing Inc 7/38/2D12� 2401Atlantic Ave Raleigh, NC Glover Printing Inc 6/12/2W62401A[Ianbc Ave'Raleigh, NC Gotlwin Pumps _rn_ .._ _ _ 6/16/200813733 Cgnques[ Or - Garner NC _ Golden State Food, 6/21/2010 14W N Greenfield Pkwy - -I Garner, NC jj� Rebar fabrication _ No indus[rlal watersue "Bergeron INO NO Pnnnngaitd r �Oomestic snip lengths of ,,bar I—segments I ' Non Categorical Reinforced steel bar Gormck i rerycle millscale [hat comes off_ iNO IND �Commerclel offset printer Rentandsell pm ups less than a couple loads per week of test washing Barg"', Dell O110N_0 11NO 27557 distribution center for children, dresses land quality controlin domesticsued washing Gornick NO € 1 separator �machine_�_� NO 2]55]!distnbutor emptytptes returned to mfr without nosing out jGprn"ck IND 10/1S/2009`2803 Old Williams Rd _ _ XSQ01411908 Garner Stat on Blvd _ Ralegh NC _ i Raleigh NC _ 2]606 Assemble eleRron cs gns __ 1Domestic only_ Faw �Gom ck NO lX NO € Grange andmarble World_ _._._� -. INot In City bmrts ,,, _Y Boone NO Sales office ooly _ Fold gdt boxes C1 ardboard g,tboxes _... _ _ _ I Domestic water use }Bergeron `Domestic, midying or water use In process Gornick NO NO _„f 1 { Windshield Repair tBuchane IICgnvertprintedmatenalmtoboxs,sleeves 7^_� _ __ Sign faded Neighbonigmehress n,taw,reof _NmO INC) S (((}Appears to be closed ahem Garrick W N_ointlustnal water use___ _ 4% _ Bldg automauonantltemperaturecon-I isystems Domestic, assembly only Gormck NO { lj Airfdter distnbut,ga_ _ EOomesnc� Gormck 1 _ NO Graphic Power^Signs & Designs Graphic 11 Irinanoalsoftware IDomestic _ ]Gormck NO Pnnnngaitd r I Energy Elite Developre& Replemsher and RE795 I Non Categorical packaging pac (plateGornick Bum IND �Commerclel offset printer Rentandsell pm ups j Septic Barg"', Dell O110N_0 11NO _m Distribution _ _ � washing_ Power station connected to oil/water �[ warehouse 1 separator Brock NO Non categorical <25000 gpd x 1 .._.. xT X _ X I N GreenfieldP 8/26/2016,1400 kwy Garner NC ( 27529 'Non Categorical, 1Havecondensernotchillers Havediasal refueling Gornick E ANO jX Non Categorical 1 E Non CIU <25,OWgpd Golden State Foods N GreenfieldP 8/26/2016,1400 kwy Garner NC ( 27529 Faod distnbu[ipn 1Havecondensernotchillers Havediasal refueling Gornick E ANO ��� ,Non Cam tegoricai� area with 0/W sap antl it,, washing nearby k 1 Golf Flags Co Inc10/2/2008PO Box 977 __.__.W Garner NC I Sell gggs/Home Bmsnes_ lfflaiai Domestic _Bergeron _ NO ___E _ GottaH ItP g t � �, 9/28/20046443Stag Tral Ra. let, NC j 'Resdent_ _ come NO 'Go. H ItP [ g Grand III d tl ,Inc _ 10/1S/2009`2803 Old Williams Rd _ _ XSQ01411908 Garner Stat on Blvd _ Ralegh NC _ i Raleigh NC _ 2]606 Assemble eleRron cs gns __ 1009 Domestic �Oryp s_only Faw �Gom ck NO lX NO € Grange andmarble World_ _._._� -. 9/7/2006i5910Curaleigh Rd __.ReleighcNC 27612 Sales office ooly _ _ tNofoilowupneeded �B�.:ron.,_ _mm_mm N� 1— .............._......_ Graphic Oiecuttmg 9/20/2004,2307 Laurelbrook Raleigh NC IICgnvertprintedmatenalmtoboxs,sleeves 1 'Buchanan NO Graphic Maste__ 6/15/20063141 Capi[pl0lvd� Raleigh NC Offset Pnnter� N_ointlustnal water use___ SBergeron�;NO (� Graphic Master 9/10/2012{3141 Capital Blvd Ralelgh NC j Commercial pnnting �� Waterusedin process" co sumed domestic Gornick 1N0 Graphic Power^Signs & Designs Graphic 11 _ 8/14 20061316 W Caber sSt 6/14/20063603 BastlonU Raleigh NC _ Raleigh NC _ Embrodery&Promotion Products m _ _.. No longer @ thls location Noindustrialwateruse _..� _ Berge_.. IBurger.. _ �NO I NO ]f {N�__{_ Bloc Roots Pr,��_ __ —,5/1]/Z006'4D15W Peace St _Raleigh, NC _ Offset Printer _ _ _ u INo industrml water use ,Foust r6rass Grass Roots Press Inc 7/16/20124011/2W Peace St Raleigh NC !Offset printing of paper products Offsetdampeningf-mamsolbonm leftoveror 4 iGprmck i 'NO _ rGreenlmagmg&Design In_ jj Ave Ste 104 Raleigh NC i 'Signs and wide format olgital printing ori[ of tle[e _ Inodrsposedbywestehauler Domestic___ IGgrnick ENO Green lmagng and Design,lnc see Signs by To morrow ___ _9/102012i6701GIenwood 5/29/20136320 EAngus Or W_ _ Raleigh N� C _� _ ,Signs d.,,,_esign pr�dumonastallation D mesbc _ Gprnick N, 0� p 1 �X Greenleaf Academy 9/22(2006€505Dralmond Drive Ralelgh NC 27615 Residential Bergeron NO Greenwlch_Bay Trading, _ _w____ _ ___w__ _ 7113/200C1 5809 Triangle 0nve _ _ Raleigh NC ( _ _ (soap m(r shampoo lotion _ Boone _n _ _ NO GreehBay Trading 5/27/20081584 09Tr1i. 0r Ralelgh NC iMfgscap ctmn shampoo Greenwich Bay Trading Company—'TS/]/20135809Triang le0r Ralelgh NC Tolletryproducts indgredientnotdrschar ged to Cleaning less than 100 gpd Gormck E f NO Gregmy POole _T 7/20/20174807 Beryl Rd Raleigh NC [ontractcmu"mctmn equipment rental and has skim pit and oil water separator Heavner iNO i _maintenance Griffin Prim 1/18/2005�S-O.O.-Uwharne_Court v Raleigh NC PnntinpL _ _. _ ._..�.___ 4 __....__...... _ _..._._.�._ Buchanan NO _J__ Gr Hln Pr ming "Grissom Sheet Metal 4/16/201]ES000wharde Ct Ste A _ 4/7/2006t61511ethey Grove Sch _ Ralelgh NC Ralegh NC— �Pr .[Ing copying Res dent al IDpmes[ic _ Gornick Bergeron _ _NO y _____ NO y GRT Electra— ]/12/20043805 Beryl Road { Raleigh NC iPCB Assembly closed loop board washer 1 t lRatlar {Boone k ,PCB Assembly,closed loop board washer � GRT Ell—mics 4/20/20063805 Beryi Road Raleigh NC Bergeron Radar , —_ _____ _ _ _ _ Y _ -_ —_ ..._ _.._w 3 tarboncyliaders _..�_ all gal wash water from on board washer -11 ' GRT Electronic 7/13/20123805 Beryl Road Raleigh, NC I "Gormck ENO k _ _ _ Epurged every 8-12 wk { Build P3C1 Buy and populate PBa soldermg { k3k313( GRT Electronics 7/18/201613805 Beryl Rd Raleigh NC 27607Use2closedloppdishwasherswithresmfilters Nocategoncal washingonly md433nrcmtboaril Gornick NO and dischargethewatertoss every8to30 manufacturer Not plating wks 17ga11onsfrpmeach t Grubrof 9/20/2004 4558 Capital Boulevard Raleigh INCNC 'UPS Sore Packaging Shipping B chanan IND M" % GSKEngravmg__ _ _ _ _ _ 4_ 7/31/200614325 Glenwood_ 'Raleigh hl F�ashgn Liters Plated , Nolndustnal writer use _____ IBergeronn �NO _' _ -W. V ..._._ Number disconnected Google tlpesntplace th_ GSK Engraving 7/20/20164325 Glenwood Raleigh, NC 7612 Closed Numeldiss In Raleigh Gornick �NO GTS il/22/200213208212 Spotswood St Raleigh NC 276151 Chinn— Sears appliance and accessories iBathroom Buchanan NO C x Guaranteed Supply Co 9/15/20091421 Diggs Or_ _ Paleigh NC D tarsi butor of construction supplies Oomestic only "Faw _ENO { % estic per 20091WS Wholesaler/distnbutor Guaranteed Supply Co 4/15/20141421 Diggs Or Ralelgh, NC 27603 Distribute bldg materials E mm Gornick NO � % Guild Master Graphic Inc 8/8/20064226 Arbutus Or `Raleigh NC aResidential Home BergeronNO j % Guild Master Graphic, inc 9/10/20124226 Arbutus Or Raleigh NC W iCpmmernalandfullcolorprmting Domestic pnweliwaterbutdoesusesewer Gornick IND { i x 1Unable—colact Numbernolcngerin svc IH P MServices 6/18/20141117 C. rporation Pkwy Ste 102 Raleigh NC 27610 Traffic signs per mfrs reg 1-c-11edown BglldingcontamStpoisand Gornick NO ___�_ Imatedakbutnpone them ____ ? i H&H Representativesw 6/16/2W8j372OConques[Or� Garner NC Warehouseforcommercial drainage ISeptic iDell Oho NO F% H&H Repesentatrves Inc 5/15/201513720 fon [Dr Garner NC 27529 Whol008I /distnbu[pr per mfr reg On septic Imo ps suggests sanitary sewer does not serve that quer i (Gornick INO I (% _ _ per 20081W5 _ end of the street _ } ( _ Haas Publishing _ 8/11/20084000 Westchase Blvd _ Raleigh NC� INot atadtlress mm_ _ _ tDell OlioNO'X uE Hagemeyer North America _ 6/9/2008"2820yonkers Rd v _ _ Raleigh NCDhtrofeleRricalrepairmaterial _ Domesticonly Dell Olio N0_ I_ Hahn Mason Alr Systems ... v ]/31/2006�4100berlin Rd A Raleigh, NC Mfgrepforhea[Ing&airsupply _rOHiceoniy _I Bergeron Hahn M nAlr Systems Inc e _ _ _ 9/11/2012�1001Wade Ave _ Raleigh NC Wholesaler of ndustr ai fans IN d tial water use Domes[Ic Gprnck _ NO w _v a J _ tX Harply _ _ 4/7/2005J10240Durant Road Raleigh, NC Itsnow Extra Attic Self Storage_ y one iN0 {X Hamboitlt ���..r .... W im-—�1/19/200St D�Iondnve� _ W RaIIsigh NC't �assembly(mfrtmtingegipment �v�NVW _ --eeasley Ham"Iton Machine Works 6/28/2005908 Withers Rd _ Raleigh NC (t "No[on n[y sew Bergeron_ NO„ Hamilton Machine WgrksW _ W_ 4/14/2010(908 WRhers Rd YT_ Raleigh, INC _ _(General machineshop EDomestic cin iy Faw NO % �lWellandseptic Has potentlalt—unnecttootyl— HamiltonMachineWorksLLC 4/13/20161908 Withers Rd iRaleigh NC 27603Maclumung and fabrication Gormck NO % _ 4 _ water but has not done so Hamilton Machinery _ 1/16/2003j908 Withers Rd _ Raleigh NC 3 �Machi� _ _ _v Buchanan_ aNO Hamlln Companies The (Hamlin Roof,,& Sheetmetal, and � ] 8/22/2012�1411W Garner Rd Garner NC No water used in mfg Domestic Gornick NO % Fab1 ricated Metal i Hamlm Sheet Metal Co _ _ 4/7/2006'1411W Garn___�Rd_ _ _Raleigh NCResidential small building out back_ _ Bergeron E _ IND _� _ _X_ Non Catgegmdca1 <25000 igpd INon Categorical 125,000 god E Unable to contact Nan CIU, 125000 gallons 1 per — — rdday ��� ,Non Cam tegoricai� {Non categpnca1 <25000 find , Non{I U, QS,000gpd Non Categorical 125000 sfNon Categorical C [ go_al _ INpn SigSIU._...._._._ GRT Ell—mics 4/20/20063805 Beryi Road Raleigh NC Bergeron Radar , —_ _____ _ _ _ _ Y _ -_ —_ ..._ _.._w 3 tarboncyliaders _..�_ all gal wash water from on board washer -11 ' GRT Electronic 7/13/20123805 Beryl Road Raleigh, NC I "Gormck ENO k _ _ _ Epurged every 8-12 wk { Build P3C1 Buy and populate PBa soldermg { k3k313( GRT Electronics 7/18/201613805 Beryl Rd Raleigh NC 27607Use2closedloppdishwasherswithresmfilters Nocategoncal washingonly md433nrcmtboaril Gornick NO and dischargethewatertoss every8to30 manufacturer Not plating wks 17ga11onsfrpmeach t Grubrof 9/20/2004 4558 Capital Boulevard Raleigh INCNC 'UPS Sore Packaging Shipping B chanan IND M" % GSKEngravmg__ _ _ _ _ _ 4_ 7/31/200614325 Glenwood_ 'Raleigh hl F�ashgn Liters Plated , Nolndustnal writer use _____ IBergeronn �NO _' _ -W. V ..._._ Number disconnected Google tlpesntplace th_ GSK Engraving 7/20/20164325 Glenwood Raleigh, NC 7612 Closed Numeldiss In Raleigh Gornick �NO GTS il/22/200213208212 Spotswood St Raleigh NC 276151 Chinn— Sears appliance and accessories iBathroom Buchanan NO C x Guaranteed Supply Co 9/15/20091421 Diggs Or_ _ Paleigh NC D tarsi butor of construction supplies Oomestic only "Faw _ENO { % estic per 20091WS Wholesaler/distnbutor Guaranteed Supply Co 4/15/20141421 Diggs Or Ralelgh, NC 27603 Distribute bldg materials E mm Gornick NO � % Guild Master Graphic Inc 8/8/20064226 Arbutus Or `Raleigh NC aResidential Home BergeronNO j % Guild Master Graphic, inc 9/10/20124226 Arbutus Or Raleigh NC W iCpmmernalandfullcolorprmting Domestic pnweliwaterbutdoesusesewer Gornick IND { i x 1Unable—colact Numbernolcngerin svc IH P MServices 6/18/20141117 C. rporation Pkwy Ste 102 Raleigh NC 27610 Traffic signs per mfrs reg 1-c-11edown BglldingcontamStpoisand Gornick NO ___�_ Imatedakbutnpone them ____ ? i H&H Representativesw 6/16/2W8j372OConques[Or� Garner NC Warehouseforcommercial drainage ISeptic iDell Oho NO F% H&H Repesentatrves Inc 5/15/201513720 fon [Dr Garner NC 27529 Whol008I /distnbu[pr per mfr reg On septic Imo ps suggests sanitary sewer does not serve that quer i (Gornick INO I (% _ _ per 20081W5 _ end of the street _ } ( _ Haas Publishing _ 8/11/20084000 Westchase Blvd _ Raleigh NC� INot atadtlress mm_ _ _ tDell OlioNO'X uE Hagemeyer North America _ 6/9/2008"2820yonkers Rd v _ _ Raleigh NCDhtrofeleRricalrepairmaterial _ Domesticonly Dell Olio N0_ I_ Hahn Mason Alr Systems ... v ]/31/2006�4100berlin Rd A Raleigh, NC Mfgrepforhea[Ing&airsupply _rOHiceoniy _I Bergeron Hahn M nAlr Systems Inc e _ _ _ 9/11/2012�1001Wade Ave _ Raleigh NC Wholesaler of ndustr ai fans IN d tial water use Domes[Ic Gprnck _ NO w _v a J _ tX Harply _ _ 4/7/2005J10240Durant Road Raleigh, NC Itsnow Extra Attic Self Storage_ y one iN0 {X Hamboitlt ���..r .... W im-—�1/19/200St D�Iondnve� _ W RaIIsigh NC't �assembly(mfrtmtingegipment �v�NVW _ --eeasley Ham"Iton Machine Works 6/28/2005908 Withers Rd _ Raleigh NC (t "No[on n[y sew Bergeron_ NO„ Hamilton Machine WgrksW _ W_ 4/14/2010(908 WRhers Rd YT_ Raleigh, INC _ _(General machineshop EDomestic cin iy Faw NO % �lWellandseptic Has potentlalt—unnecttootyl— HamiltonMachineWorksLLC 4/13/20161908 Withers Rd iRaleigh NC 27603Maclumung and fabrication Gormck NO % _ 4 _ water but has not done so Hamilton Machinery _ 1/16/2003j908 Withers Rd _ Raleigh NC 3 �Machi� _ _ _v Buchanan_ aNO Hamlln Companies The (Hamlin Roof,,& Sheetmetal, and � ] 8/22/2012�1411W Garner Rd Garner NC No water used in mfg Domestic Gornick NO % Fab1 ricated Metal i Hamlm Sheet Metal Co _ _ 4/7/2006'1411W Garn___�Rd_ _ _Raleigh NCResidential small building out back_ _ Bergeron E _ IND _� _ _X_ Non Catgegmdca1 <25000 igpd INon Categorical 125,000 god E Unable to contact Hanger Chide 7/16/201213031 New Bern Ave Ste 102 Raleigh NC Hanger PrstheVcs(OrttlOtics_, ______ y - s235unnybrook[toad Raleigh NC _ Hangar Prasthetics/Orthotics 5/21/2X8123 Sunnybrook Road Raleigh, NC HaerPmsthetla/Orthotcs,� 6/20/2016m23 Sunnybrook RdRah NC - Hanson Aggregates _ 8/8�20D6 5001 D sleigh Rd _ _ _Raleigh NC Hans on Aggregates 8/3/2037i10501Captol Blvd Wake Forest NC Order and/or fabricate orthotic antl prosthetic IUseplastctrapsinmfgareatopreventsediment [Garrick !NO `— L I gemng into drehn _ Plaster lambs(braces „ 'Bono--N( Prosthetic/0rthotic plaster molds Dell Olio NO Closed ...._._�___.�... sleigh Medical Park Wake M_d FaclhtyGornick _NO i% ?Septic? ` _ _ Bergeron No On any water but not sewer ( Bergeron NO Hanson Aggregates 7/13/201215001 Duraieigh Rd Raleigh NC _ t€€ Granite shop process wastewater but tank -- n s ooptic 1GalnlCk INO % Raleigh, NC Hanson Aggregates— 8/8/2012110501 Capital Bivd Forest NC iCrushed grange 1Officeo septic tank, se at plant Garrick (NO 5/22/20089909 Mid way West Road ACC Boulevard Harlen Co,lnc,l - 7/16(20_1_2_(}2811 Van Nunn OrW --- -Wake :Raleigh NC IOisbu[e aLclocalhnemansupplles tnDistribute Domestic_ lGorm_k !NO ANO j _X iHarlen Co 1 8/1209 281Ve 1 n Huron Or 'ftaleigh NC u[ili tools&safety ge _ �Ber Holly A1ke_n_,Bags _ ' % Harrell Sign Co 8/2/2X6[ 512 Pershing Rd Raleigh NC Metal Plastic &Neon Signs iNoIndustrial water use Raleigh NC _ tNO� € �% Horizon Forest Pratluas _ 6/9/2X814115 Commodity Pkwy _ _ _ -0Bergeron Hotstick USA Inc R 8/16/2096[ 2500 Catalina Ct —„flaieigh, NC Harrell Sign Co,lnc 9/13/20121512 Pershing Rd Raleigh NC Elearlc neon end vinyl signs Nindus[rial waste water needs roof drain Gornick Houghton__ ( X Houghton International 1 YuFaw orm/sanitaryseJa,conn:ction determmatlon 111' 1 :NO E 1 'Raleigh NC—i Horns Wholesale,lnc _ _ _ L 7(150009 420 Cmc Bivd `- Raleigh N( �(-B-evemge wholesaler _ Domestic only ITruckwashhasollwaterseyarator u Brock -Faw 'NO _g_ n _ _ -�tX- HornsWholesalelnc _ _30/20/2009) 29 Civic Blvd__ Raleigh NC j Beverage dlstnianmr- Ac�y Jeffrey Distributing Co to NO HPM Services � 3 'Harris Wholesale, Inc 7/15/20161420 Gvic Blvd Raleigh NC 276101CIosed s and moved 'Garrick ANO 'X iNo t } _ 27610'Closed Could not find busmess atth is atldress_ _ _.,�._____.___ _ yGorm Is _ rather business par kin Raleigh X I �' 27630 Closed _ :Printing (of(,.) _ f____. €Domesticonly _ Gornick- Dell Olio Harris Wholesale, Inc 7/15/2016429 CNIc Blvd Raleigh NC 27630'Closed Acquired by Jeffrey's Distributing Co and movetl to ( iGornick NO % C -1111-C, _ _ H�artiey Presse mm_mm _ 8(23/2Q06(66081ohnsdale Rd Raleigh NC 4W _ W_ �vanother business park In Raleigh Residential _ Beron ANO_ _.__n..�_._.1 X i_ He rtley Press 9/24/201216608 Johnsdale Rd Raleigh NC Letterhead, business form and card printing 1Residential Warrick NO wash t% 'FD Supply��� - -_ -.--...__6/17/20D8 205 E Gannon A- Zebulon NC j FResldentialpiumbinywhollesaler -� �Oomestm 'Faw/Dell Oho NOY Make tertmgequip for sml&ssph_alh --1tYX_ HD Supply Electrical Ltd 4/15/201412909 Trawick Rd Raleigh NC 27W4 Distribute electrical supplies DomestIcper2X91WS Wholesaler/dlstnbutor 'Gornick NO X Inc 9/29/2X912.9 Trawl -Rd eigh RalNC �tr/Wholesaler eleancal and light 27604 _per Mfrs Reg____ hiHDSupply ,Domestic only Faw NO X ____, 4/1112013120SE Gannon Ave _ 1,1,1,n _NC_ _ materials lWholeselerofplumbingflatmes Domestic �w Johnsons v� NO W �� % Henry&Ryelnc 5/30/2X]485301d Wis.. Rd Wendell NC E Mfr stainless steel egulp bend shape, weld, 2]591E Closed, Namechange see Lucas Enterprises Bergeron iNO X X Heritage Millwork__ _ 5/20/2c0816XHentage Commerce Court _ €domestic only IW_arehouse Only No produRmn _ i E__ _ �_ 1TFaw �NO _iIr _ X Hl Tech Fabnca6,on „ Hl Care (Illinois Tooi Works) ](1220048900 MIS West Road 9/4/2003!530E Gannon Ave Raleigh,NC mm Zebulon NC Powd rcoati�cleaningbaths Well and septic 27597 Melt plastic Into sheets for soft drink holders Water used for cooling of machines i,eo_an j% Gay NO i _ SF Hl Cane(Drvisian oflllmois Toolwore, --�^- SO/6/2X6530E Gannon AveZebulon NC Hl Cone/ Drvlsit, of Illinois Toolworks 3/3/2009 530E Gannon Ave Zebulon NC Hightech Signs 4/7/2X5' 6003ChapeIHIII Road --v_ WRaleigh NC H11 Printing _ - 6/6/2006606GIenwood Ave Raleigh NC Hdi Printing _ _ 12/4/2X9POBox27373 _ _-____ Raleigh, NC Hg dton 5ins - 1/1/2X24.._ Hobart 1/1/2X81540 Pylon Dr- Raleigh NC Hobart_ ,_4 6/22/2016r540Pylo n Dr _ __Raleigh NC Hobart Corp __ � 7/8/2004540 Pylon Drive___ Raleigh, NC Hobart Sales &Servlce 9/11/2X9320OLake Woodard Or Site IX ....... Raleigh NC HobartSales&Service 421] Sc.Six Forks Rd_ iRaleigh NC HI -Tech Fabrication 5/22/20089909 Mid way West Road ACC Boulevard H„T,Tech fabrication _ ]17/2012'_89XMidway West Rd _ _ Raleigh NC Hi ~Tech Fabnca[ion� 8/240178909 Midway west Rd Raleigh, NC Hl Te ch Fabrication 8/24/20178541 Glenwood AveRaleigh NC HITech Fabncation Inc 5/10/2013 DO Medway West flaleigh NC Ht Tech Fabncation Inc 6/17/2014,8541GIenwood Ave Raleigh NC Holly A1ke_n_,Bags _ _ _ _ -__ 4/ 20L01020EHargett St _ Raleigh NC Hi Tech Fabrication, Inc 6/17/201418900 Midway West Rd 'Raleigh NC Hobart 1/1/2X81540 Pylon Dr- Raleigh NC Hobart_ ,_4 6/22/2016r540Pylo n Dr _ __Raleigh NC Hobart Corp __ � 7/8/2004540 Pylon Drive___ Raleigh, NC Hobart Sales &Servlce 9/11/2X9320OLake Woodard Or Site IX ....... Raleigh NC HobartSales&Service �4/15/2014(32XLake Woodard Or Ste 100 A Raleigh, NC Hoftlnc _BAT7/8/2007412 _Brokerforpnnting _ _ ACC Boulevard _Raleigh NC Hoftlnc BA 4/5/20137412 ACC Blvd Raleigh NC Holidaylce I1/17/2016i14025m Rh Reno Rd Raleigh NC Holloman Associates Inc„ 4/21/10102517Atlantc Ave _ Raleigh, NC Holloman Assotslnc/Type Esthetics 5/13(2006i23412Atlantc Ave Raleigh NC_ Holly A1ke_n_,Bags _ _ _ _ -__ 4/ 20L01020EHargett St _ Raleigh NC Holly Aiken Beg (Such) 4/26/2016120E Hargett St Raleigh NC es iHom&Land_ _ _ 9/20(2X413200 Wake Forest Road Raleigh NC _ Homes &Land I_nc 9 SU2X914818 SIx Forks Rd Ste 202 _ Raleigh NC Horizon Forest Pratluas _ 6/9/2X814115 Commodity Pkwy Raleigh NC i Horizon Forest Products L P ' 4/5/2013,4115 Commodity Pkwy 'Raleigh, NC ' Hotstick USA Inc R 8/16/2096[ 2500 Catalina Ct —„flaieigh, NC Hotetick USA, Incl^__- 161012125X Catalina Ct _ 'F „.i Raleigh NC_ Haughton i 9/26/2004133M manner Court Raleigh, NC Houghton__ 6/28/2016'3309 Bramer Ct Raleigh, NC Houghton International 5/21/2008 1100.105 Corporation Parkway YuFaw X 27606(Closed _ _ Hough can _618/201611100.105C�orationP"._ ....._ 'Raleigh NC—i j--International_-v Houghton lnte_rnabonal _ 6/8/201611D0.105 Corporaton Pkwy IBid gh NC_ Housing Forms/Litho Printing 6/9/2X8115015 Blount St_ Raleigh NC Housing Farms Inc 5/7/20131501S- 1Blountit Raleigh NC — Howells Motor Freight Inc _ HPM Services _ _ ... �� 1 9/22/2010 705 Beacon Lake Dry _ _20[2004 3054 Wake Forest Road _... Raleigh NC Raleigh NC HPM Services � _10/2 1117 Corporation Pkway Raleigh NC J HPM Services 10/30/2009 1117 Corporation Pkway Raleigh NC Hughes Supply(HD Supply(___________ _ 2/26/200]'[205E Gannon Ave _ _ NC__„1. Humboldt MFG Com_ _ �_ ____._ 5/12006 551 D Pylon dnv _Zebulon „Raleigh NC,� Man'(actureplastics_--e'ng__ Closed loop rootingsystem THalmes NO - 27597Meltplasticlntosheetsforsoftdrinkholders Commercial food equipment onsite serviang IOomestic only _ 1llDomesOc IBergeron NO NO i% �_ ,Beazley__ - ,NO ,L r � jOOB _ — IBergeron _ }NO _ )X _Brokerforpnnting _ _ Domestic only _ law_ _ _ ANO _ 27609N.such business_tldress isln mall Buchanan ,NO IX Metal Fabrication Powder Coat _ Bergeron NO !No 'Sheet metal fabrication_ _ _ No process drscharge _ _ Gornick _ NO Out of Business Heavner NO (% - 27612 Outof Business _ Heavner NO 1% i5heetmetal fabrication Domestic only —Gornick -No - (Shippmg and Pimserung (assembly of hardware 2]612€antl Domestic only No water usetlin NO fNo NO parts) process IGcrnkk k NO �_ IDomesticonly Evaporate6Xgal/monthprocess 27691 Makes hand bags and clothes }Maganne Publishing Adverhshgsalseagd pubInIdrW Domestic ono test washing or painting Domestic only _ ,Closetolerance metal fabrication and assembly water and drum residuals as nonhaz waste Used jGormck I Radar 1 conly to be on well Now city utilities avmlable ( fNO 1 27606: No longer at this location YuFaw X 27606(Closed _ _ [Register 'Goran- _ _ NO IX { Non Categerlcai 125 XO X _........._„.____ X x Service Faod Equip _ _ 'Sandpt rinsemachlnes ........1 ..._.._ __....,..._.,........ one tNO ........�._....�_..�........_.._.... ' Commercial food equipment onsite serviang IOomestic only _ 1llDomesOc Faw NO i% �_ per2X91W5 Wholesaler/dls[rlbut r � � �� — 27604 pgrdnute commercial food equip per Mfrs Reg 16ornick IND i jIX I Metal Frame Fabricatlon l_..__� _...r _ ID_ry r ess � �� 'III Boon_ 'NO Wholesaler/drshibutar co per Manufacturers -� _ Domestic _ _ ..__ + }Gornick !No IX Register Makes Ice majority offlowrs domestic and 27X3 melt k Fare,IN0 I ce No RO Discharges M, (Domesnearly X --f}-largeform_at color pnntmg _ i_,No lndustnalwateruse fNo NO { Sell wnylhandbags/attessorles (Domestic only my _Bergerac Faw_ NO �_ _ _ -----x _ X 27691 Makes hand bags and clothes }Maganne Publishing Adverhshgsalseagd pubInIdrW Domestic ono test washing or painting Domestic only _ Garrick Buchanan'(NO veFaw ENO 1NO X X ' X CWarehouse&first conly Bergeron NO _ _ X ,Wholesaler/d¢[ributerco per Manufaaurers _ 'Domestic _ 'Gornick _ Y [Register Residential _ _jBergerm, NO X _ �snail A_Cvoltagedem or _ 'No pr aces s, just�esidential use 'Gornick NO k X „- R&Dsal[ba[hs tumbling tleburring ' P` (phosphatinq Buchanan (Heavner_ .� _IINO IX Metal parts cleaning w/tumbler �Da,I01fo iNo t } _ 27610'Closed Could not find busmess atth is atldress_ _ _.,�._____.___ _ yGorm Is _ !tt!lliN0 X I �' 27630 Closed _ :Printing (of(,.) _ f____. €Domesticonly _ Gornick- Dell Olio INO NO IX _ 1 Distribution of forms printed by Litho Printing Domestic _ Garrick INO _�X I X C -1111-C, _ _ IDomes[ic only_ Faw IND X 'Address Not Correa iNo X i_ ��Cl,eanngccompan orksat ni ht Y_w___ ,-,-g-._ _ _p _ __ _ _Buchanan ,Bergeron iNO� i W - Building Maintenance wash [Favi NO 27597 Distribution Only ;Truck _ _ `Holmes _ }X Make tertmgequip for sml&ssph_alh _ ^Noindustrial Water Use - iBe�eron_ _�NO__ NOmm� X INon categorical "I XO INon Categorical ( Non categm-1 125 009 ....________ gpd.._.. _______ _ Not on Sewer No longer at this location INon Categorical i E _ j Nan Categorica1,<25,OX 7k.n <25000gpd Humboldt Mfg Cc/Humboldt Sccnuhc 8/24/20121551 D Pylon Dr Raleigh NC Humboldt Sciennfc, INC5(16)200_6 551 D Pylon drive_ Raleigh NC Humboldt Scientific Inc _ _ 5/4/2016,2525 A[Ianuc Ave _ Rale,gh NC Hunter Farms 1/6/2W215929 Triangle Dr Ralmah. NC Mfr testing equipment for soil and asphalt No mdustrial water use Gornick NO {Make [es[Ing equip for soll&asphalt No industrial Water Use Bergeron NO 276MrZ,embly of mechanical parts ^Domesucanly _ Gornick IN6- 27617iFreight depot YW 'Ship milkdomestica_ _ �Buchan_NO €PVC M,Ilwork i mastic only Hunterinnovauans LTD _ _ _ _8/23/20069800 Chandler Dr _ _�Rale,gh NC {{{tit _� _ _ 'Restdenual Bergeron NY"�__ Hunter lnnovadans, LTD _ _ 8/1/20D7s9800 Chandler Dr __ Raleigh NC_ lResidenual _ _ 1 _ __ ___ Bergeron _-NO Hunter Innovations Ltd v^ _.._ m5/12 20144113321Hobby Ct Rale,gh, NC 27604(PVC millwork-f-a_bricator Dmrgmticonly Gornick .... NO Hur&Hur _ _ _ 5/22/2007113426 Cleveland Rd _ Garner NCj Neti in service area _ _ _'Bergeron N0 _ X _ Hurr&Hur- _6/17/2WB113426 Cleveland Rd Garner,NC __ 1 Notm Servce area__ _ Faw—__ rN0 _ lx Hurr and Hurr ���11/2013y13426 Cleveland Rd Garner NC__ IWrough[Iran FurnitureT��—On Septic _ _ lohnson ,NO IX Hydrill �_ �_.� 6/17/2008t1221Hentage Dr Wendell NC _ _.__ IDemgn equipment_ Well&Septic Bergeron IND �- IX _ HydriIILLC __5/28/2013)y1221 Heritage Dr _Wendall,NC Design&Protoe_stic type ____ _{k}Dom_ lohnson SN_0 _ Hydrmll Inc_ _ __ 6/17j2006_3029StoneVbrook Roatl _ Raleigh N,C Developunderwte ardemohuan robots 4(� Berger i�0 Hydroflo Inc w 8/8/2008i3]21)unRcn Blvd _ Raleigh NC longer at locauon v _ _ Faw _ mm NO i% H drepze Technologies inc _ 8/11/2008, 3209 Gresham Lake Rd Smte109 Ralelgh NC ( yBus,nesJs seemed 00B FawtNO % Hydrotex 1/2/2008 n1065 Bullard CourtRale,gh NC (pffce Space Only Bergeron N0 Hydrotex USAlnc_ r 6/12/2006' 1065 Bullard Court _ Raleigh NC jNolongeratthalocabon Brock iN0 (X Hydrotex USA,Inc(HOl_^ _6/5/20131065u11aCt legh, iDlttuto only 1Dom_e_uc _ _Gornick ANON 'ICES �-8/272004,3200-103 WSllin o Court RaleIh, NC t&'t Sdryce lcee Machines __ ._ __ Ideal Prec ,si on Meter _ 7/7/20045816 Creedmoor Road Raleigh NC 4Offce only no mftg _ !Boone iNO Ideal Pre -um Meter 9/11/20125816 Creedmoor Road Rale,gh, NC rcmAPte ft [rmryems and [ el Sales office only domestic !Garrick NO ,Ideas Aesthetech � _ 8/15/2012,402E End St _ _ Wendell NC _ Prototypes ovemens pan~ Domesticonly !Garrick iN IOEASAsthetch_LL 5/21/20W 402E 3rd St Wendell, NC Private Residence .� !Bergeron �Sgallonofsol t ery3months Mosts,gns Yry ItlentiryS,gns Tees and Awartls 6/22/2015 5720S FCap[al Blvd Raleigh NC 27616�Screen pr n[ng appareland[sh rt, vinyl pr tit ng Heavner iN0 111111 thrown awav t shed ��2/2007�1n.2 Hwy 264 ALT _ Mlddlese%NC i(Lawn farther&seed packagngDomestic Only HplmesNO 1 Illumaware Corp 5/26/201]11042105 While St Wake Forest NC 27587 1Illumawarehasclosed Proprletorret,redaboutioccupantofthebudd,ngis Hatch,acommunal 1 i workspace far marketing firms etc whch rent desk Gormck NO I. i) Syed -S ago----- ispacethera _ _ _ I Image 360 � � 5/ 20 6320 EAngus Dr'Ralelgh 'NC- ( _2761758 hop �� Domestic only, �T � iG mck NO � W ImmunoRea # 'Washglassware Bllingrecordsshowapprox �! gents Inc 6/4/2015(6003153 Chapel N,II Rd Raleigh NC t 2]607 Mfr an[,bod,es and do custom punfi<attons Gornlck NO ____ _ 125,000 gal/month foEenure bldg ,Indcal Mfg �_ 5/10/200714150 Wendell BNd� Wendell NC OOB� y 008 B�reon' 'NOIX� T____ WW Wholesaler/distributor per mfrs reg Per 2012 1 �y— Dlstnbut,onoflndusteal dust and mist collecdon`same address names changed from Coral J { Industnal A,r Solutions, inc 5/SS/20156212A West Gate Rd Raleigh NC 2]6174 a Gorn,ck ANO I E (systems air cleaners and vas kSpa/Industnal A,r Solm,ons, tlomes[,c only at that i 1 !time Industrial Design___ 8/3/20047633 Highway 64Erv___ Knightdale, NC _ lc eleRram_echannalassem bly 0omesuc Only_ _ 1Boon2 NO _ PO Box 233, ]633 Knightdale NC BNd,Ste JContract manufacturer of eI,lrcal and ^ 'Industnal Design&Service Inc 30/19/2009 Knightdale NC IDomesuc only m�� ,Faw LL�INO , 1117 _ mechanical deuces 1 _ j I No water usedwahmachlnes nowashdown Rep' Industrial Design&Servce Inc _ 6/17/20151763311] Knightdale Blvd Knightdale NC 27545, Build machme parts/electroma believes theyare on septic and well although lmapsIGormck NO ` I% Shows -fable s -ice ' Indus[ral Machine Soiutlons m __7/13/2W4�37340verlook Road Raleigh NC ',Indusiriel Machl_ eery M(r� Septic Buch�anaa�NO Industnal Machine Solutinns _ 7/17/2012 37340verlook Rd Raleigh NC Welding fabncauan machine shop Well and septic Gornick _ _ NO I (% _ Industnal Machine Solutions 7/6/201613734 CSmkok Rd Raleigh NC i On septic no city, sewer have w,teget for cutting' i _g 7 27616 Oes,gn and build machinery - that uses clanfierto remove solids poor to drsposaliGorn,ck `ND {% Industrial Packaging -^^ 11/22/200213200-112 Spottswood 5[ ,Raleigh NC 276151 Bring In and distribute _- ID,s[r,bute packaging products Bathrooms Buchanan NO�, Industnal Power Sales _ 8/18/20068461Garvey Dr _ Raleigh, NC 'Sales oH,ce No (,do tualw,for use Bergeron _ No Industrial Products _ 88/22/2002 3200109 Spottswood 5t Raie,gh NC_, 27615JDIstr,bute fasteners Domestic _ _ —^—TBuchanan ,Indu.ctrial5Sppiy Soluuoas � 6/162W8E1325Managemeat Waw Garner NC 'Rebuild and Service Pumps Domestic ciosediooy coolantwater y t0_ell0ho Industn05upply Solutions Inc 1 4/11/201311325 Management Way ,Garner NC Dlstnbutor of industrial bearings and valves {Domestic [lohnson NO [ 1 l _ Infmi 4 8 2002 6010-B Trian Ie Dr Rale, h NC 27617 Sell 1, h[,n ux[ures _N 1/ / _ `Domestic _ Buchanan Infinity Fre Protect,on_ _ 2/9/2009 1000 Freedom Dr Raleigh NC 27610tlnstall (Ire procectmn sprinklersn[ems � eDry storage domestic water use only Bergeron ' �lone-elch Inc _ _ __- _ 9/20/2004 6320Angus Drive _ _0.Rale,th NC Machme Shop_ _ _ _ __ _ Boone NO o lat n a titin wash down only sub eve h n Innovaave Fabr cat on 7/15/2015,1730 Round Rock Dr Rale gh NC 27615 make sheetmetalf bparts ,n p g p & ,, g G.muk out Domestcanly InnovatveSgn System___741642012128E Cabanne St _ Ralegh,NC _ Em sol inks ylb renal _Domestic only ornick __ ;NO Innovatve Sl -G� '^ gns� �� � � ]/12/20D4128E Cabarrus Street � Rale gh NC Sgn Fabr cal Some xDomest<Only �� tBuchanan INO I _ Computer network System integration and Innovative Software Servce, inc 6/19/2014402 W,Imot Dr Raleigh NC E 27606€ Residen[,al did no[enter Gonick�NO j _ ___i _ __ _ v! programming __ �f(� _ ___ _ ______ 111 Ins,te Solutions LLC ..._ ..r ..... 10/19/20D9[510DUmcan Dr,Ste 104^� �_ Wake Forest NC Distributor of safety supplies (pamesticonly Faw INO , f Insl[e Solu[,ons LLC S3D0 Atlantic Ave 6/17/2014I5100Umcan Dr,Ste 104 Wake Forest NC Safety Supplies D,str,butor 1Domes[Ic !lohnson NO Instatit l m Struts 9/24/201214500 Falls of Neuse Rd Raleigh, NC Temlascreen punting and embr,,d,ry 'A few gallons per day of water wuh Ink !Gormck NO Instan[Impnn[s 6/13/20141 €Screen printing Emuinonsolutionremovesmk m 200250galper-cliatost Chemicalsare T � � .� ' Raleigh NC 276001 ,[ Y [before pressurewasherwash envuonmentallyfriendly GornlckNO __ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Instrotek� ......�..__._. �..� Sl/22/2DD2 3201 301 We11,n on Clg t� �Raleiph NC 27615 Manufacture instruments m^ No process water ba[hr oo ms� Buchanan NO Instratek _ 9/20/2004 3201 WOhmium Court _ Raleigh NC t t _ _ No longer at this address _ _ T1 Boone NO n I Instratek 9/8/200815908 Triangle Or �Rale,gh NC Manufacture moisture measurment devices Domestic only Fans, /Dell Olio 'NO j ,instrotek u....� _.._ �c59D8 Triangle Dnve Raleigh NC ,Mfr Measuremen[Ins[rumen[a[,on �v ! _...._ !Buchanan __iN0 w[� Assemblyandtestmgelectromes Nocircult i j( Instratek, Inc ]/15/201315908 Triangle Or Rale,gh, NC i iDomesticanly Garrick !NO __ _ Fb-oards no washing _ dSty Prmm � 8/23/20066520 Falls of Neuse Rd [Raleigh NC t ffset Copying No film process m Bergeron ,NO - - _ _ _ ___ _ Inst Pnn6 1 812 Tarheel Dr Ste D Rale, h NC _ _ 1212003 g No longer Faw NO X Y / / g �alnsurance Systems Group _ 9/17/200998827N Bloodworth Slt aleigh, NC µComputersofty�are ,Domestic andY Faw NO �y Insurance Systems Group Inc ._.._ 6/18/2014I827N Bloodworth St _ _ Raleigh NC �WI 2]604ISaftware development co ��DomesHc only _ � � Gornick NO Integrated Dealer Systems, inc (IDS/Monol,th)� �- 7/13/2012111 12339107 Wake Union Church Rtl 'Wake Forest NCZSoftware sales to boat RV dealerships Domestic Garrick 1N0 ! i F-ts D..cSt,c Oeveloper,sdu,hargedvia Safety 1 } 1 _ International Minuteres Ps 1/15/ m 2W211BD56aer5[at,On Blvtl Raleigh NC , 27603IPrints Brock NO 1 International Minute Pres _1/1/200fi 1600 Martin Raleigh, NC _ € iNo longer at this atldress_ ;Foust In[ernauanal Minute Press _ _ 9/16/2006 4940-D Capital Blvd mm Rala,gh NC� Offset printer m Safety Rican picks up f,xer_ m Bergeron NO - _ - InternatianalMlnutePress_8/8/2008,,uN ECapilal BIsd _V _ 'Raleigh, NC Offset prmung _ _ _ _FDamesuconly ry _ W Bergeron_ v_NO „International Minute Press _�_.. _ � 9/28/2W9f221W Martin St _ V sRale,gh NC Quick printing coeymg Domestic only --- Faw N0 interna{ onalMnute Press 6412420132231E Mllbrook Rd R I igh NC Ali dgrtal prin[ng shop use cartridges [Domestic no future plans for lndustr altlscharge IG nick NO Interna{ onalMnute Press_ v 6/18/2014 �221W MartnSt _ _ ,R Ie,gh, NC Z]WS Ogtal print ng �Domestic only__ G rmck ... i Nor, categorcal,<25000 gPtl Closed Non categorical <25 WD pd i IFF t _ I i �I7 ix I Nan categorical 125000 i gpd Y Non Categorical [ 125 000gpd f +t V X t _ _ X_� .....' _-_-� .... Presses use very IRtle water which is consumed InternMianal Minute Press I 7/8/20163305305 Durham Dr Raleigh NC 27603 Printing, mostly digital,smallam_ of ffset i Gprnick NO % i _ _(__ _ ____ _ __ _ tdrscharged__ I ItematlonalPaper I 11(182002320aftilington Ct Raleigh, NC 27615 ftebwld 11 ndpackagtng machines o Domes tic no drais� 'Buchanan NO — Inter tl IPP �_ �_�_ _ _ 9/20/200422155 Wilmngton Street _ Raleigh, NC_ Liquid Packaging _ _ ±Boone_ NO LucalP rmittee _ Igternatlonal Paper _ 6[30(201622155 Wlmington St Raleigh NC 27603 Closed i 1boughtoutby_Eve19Ieen Pkging_ __— IGnrnick_ tNO % Internatipnal Precision Tech ]/12/2004420OAtlanocAve _ Raleigh, NCMetalY Fabrication 'Some waterforearts cleaning Buchanan�- InternatianalPrecisionTech _ _ __ 5/20/2OO842COAtl.nt(c Ave _ _ _ Metal Fab-Cut, Punch, Grind Weld ' No processwater iDaII Olo NO :I�n[ernatianal Prec cion Tech _ _ _ 6/9/2016E420D Atianic Ave _ _ Rale gh NC 27604 Closed _ _ _ _ _Gornlck NO (ISG ((,sura,-c_e_Systems Gro ) ^� 6/9./2008127_ NBI_oo_dworth5t- Ralegh,NC gesitlential Dltl not Enter OeII01fo IND -t Itahan Marble Creanpns _9/5/20014 Old Wake rarest Rd Raleigh NC 27609 Gramte and Marble _(NPfollow up needed Bergeron_ NO +Itahan Marble Creations 6/28f20161 551401d Wake Forest Rd _ Raleigh Nc 27609 Closed i Heavner IND Itron 6/9/20084401BIa nd Rd Raleigh, NC Softwa er compo, ��IDo esticanly .� DeII Oho INO v % il�� _ __ ___ , 4/8/2033±4401 Bland Rd __ _ _ Raleigh NC Software Co per2008s...y _ Domestic only per 2008 survey _ Gornick_ _ !NO _ % ± i_ _ _ ( TI i ( Non Categorical <25000 ifRNHi Cone ]/26/2012y530EG non Ave Zebulon NC Mir plastic pa<kagngfor beverage Industry ICPol ngtower bleed Gorn ck NO 1 Ivy House Publshing Group _ _ _ _ 7/Ui/2 _21j�,1MIurOtkClrde _ Raleigh NC Publshcr, all bust, ess sclerical�P Domestic _ _ _ _ 1Gornick v NO _ % ]- 'IWPublishingGr_p 8�1(2007�5122Sur Oak Circle Raleigh, NC _ {Publrshing �fficeno printtnA+ ^_ IHolm_ NO---{--.-�.. _ x P i .1&G Custom Solution, Inc dba California Closets 7/13/2015 6212{ Westgate Rd Raleigh NC 27617 closet8.l nmffr�and Installation dpmestl Gornick { NO I (�- � X J1&M Sheet Metal Fabrication _ _ _ _4[11/20063223 Durham Or _ IRaleigh, NC _ Sh tMetal Fabncation _ Notndusmalwateruse_ _ Bergeron _ _ 'NO 'J&MShe Metal Fabncation 5[221200832230urham DrHVACSheMMMal Fabncation IN owar _ p_rte_�De1P01Io rjJ&M Sheet Metal Fabrlcatlon _� W 78 2016 3221 Durham Or RaltghR NC 27603 Closed s� Gornick 4N0 W X J Everett Enterprises _-_ 6/9/200830D24BaileywlckRd +Raleigh NC _ (Residential/Did not Enter [Faw _ NO (_ 1X_ J D Stack _ X2008 911 N Wert S[ Raleigh, NC_Upholstery 1Dom_e_s__ticonlY­_ _ 1DStack seealso Rambow Upholstery 6/5/2013911 N West St Raleigh NC IU holste-n—Irtingorwaceruse Domestic only Gornick IND I X 12lnstruments _ _ _ _ _ _ 9/21/2004 2928 Golden Oak Ct Raleigh NC _ _ esli dentlal _ _ _ _ _ _ Boone _ NO _ i ! _ _ _ X _ _ JA Kmg __ 6/20/20177239101 ACC Bud _ Raleigh NC _ _jCalibraiesmeasurement equipment _ is INO I { x x_ Jack RablRS%s T 73120066025-B Glenwood Ave IRaleigh�NC IVlnyl, Thermal lnk(et.sign mm No industnalwateruse IBer ercm ^NO Jack Rabbit5igns 6/9/2008 3031C,PR lfflvd Raleigh NC ' Signs Domestic only _ _ _ (Dell Obo _ NO _ t_ X __ _ „Jack Rabbit Signs ^_� 9/13120126025 Glenwood Ave Ste B lRalmiit CiVMylsigns _ Domestic Gornick NO + _�_ W X -I - -�-- lack RabbtSignsaseealsoAurasSigns 5/6/20135212 Capital Blvd Raleigh, NC 'alsignnmfr and mstallsigns/graph!.Oomestic only Gornlck IND sJarobs Custom Cabinet '9/20/20045816 Triangle Drive _ Raleigh, NCCustom Cabinetry_ _... Boone IND —1614/40-08x 1,_mes8 Batts Drstribu[mg Co __� 1 6[4/2008fi616 Fleetwood Dr Raleigh NC �[eramictile distributor DP_mesbc only_ ____ Bergeron INO �_ % �E James RrverEgmpment 6/21/201]1128 US Hwy 70 West Garner, NC 27529 Service Equipment and Equipmen[Rental Maintains on water separator and skim pit Gornick NO i !Non Categorical Observed records and location _ I _ ilanilink _ _ -3 18(2,0052226 Capital Boulevard !Ral_eigh NC _ f _ ±Buchanan IanILink - � - 9/8(2008y1-22-26—Capital Blvd SUTeB� Raleigh, NC �Jankorlal supplies wholesale � Domestic only � IFaw(Dell'Olio (N0� (purchased by other ]an ltorial supply bus nes, 77II i Ilanilink 6/21/201612226 Capital Blvd 'Raleigh, NC 276041Closed jwhich is domestic only and requires no further jGornlck —[N.— O 1 (follow u tttttt JD Shack _ _ _ -_ 7/12/2004911N West Street Raleigh NIBuild Furn tore _ _ Oomest<Only Buchanan NO tt x 'Jeffreys Debnbuting Co LLC 7/15/2016420C1vic BNd !Raleigh, NC 27610IClosed Moved to another busness park In Raleigh Gormck IND IX ECo HQandwholesaler,fbeeraneenergy Have truck wash M buildmgnexbeoor withan 0/W� i .I 1 Noncategonca1,<25000 Jeffreys Distributing Co,LLC,RA 9/21/2012420Civic BNd Raleigh NC Gornick NO E 1 seoP�ramr_ gpd_ ,JerrysAr[atama w-` 6/9/2008 5325 Departure 0r Ralelgh, NC Warehouse&dist Of arlsupplies0 es[I<only Bergeron_iN0 Jerrys Ann- _ _ _ _ 4/22/2010) 6104 Maddry Oaks Ct Raleigh, NC �Ca[aloguesales, artist supplies _Domestic only _ Faw _ _ NO _ X ;Domestic per 20101WS Wholesaler/d,nrdmutor lerrysArtarama 4115/2014161M Maddry Oafs Ct Ste A&B Raleigh, NC 2]6161Distribu[eartsuppbes Mfrs ReGorni<kNO �% P g __ Jet s Pizza, see Nail Trenzin binder 9112/20141.1- Creed-.or Rd Raleigh, NC 2]613 Restaurant remindingemployeesnmtoflush ! �! I + {Non Categoncal,<25000 Complaint Investigation Gornick NO I Paper towels has Pubflcrstroom �__ __ __ �_ _ E _I _ god_ JL Machine 6/112015 1220 Old Bunn Rd *Zebulon NC� Z] 597�Machlneshop El maps suggests outside ofsewer servicearea Gornlck - IN �X 1U1Enterprlse� 9/21/2DO4112100Budford W,,d,Dr Raleigh NC j (Apartment Complex iB�oone ttiNO X 1IA Entetpmses 9/25/2012 00 Bedfa�c1 Woods Or _Raleigh NC FComp�uter systems nd se Appears residential lMte_as returned ±Gornick N0� % 1MASignCo _ _ _ _ 9/21/2004I201Tryon Road Raleigh NC _� _ rve. !Out Business _ EBoone NO X 1 7 _.. _- i { .i _ _ _ John Nomad Investments LLC 6/2/20152]17 Leighton mile Dr 'Wake Forest NC i 27587 Orthotl¢ and prostheti. ±Domestic only Heavner NO 1 ' John West Auto Service _ 7/29/200432161ake Wpodarddrive - Raleigh NC 31 +Automotive Fabrication Brackets _ _ _ t_ _ 'Boone_ _ NO_ _ _ _ _ _ 'John West Auto Service 5/22(200832161ake Woodard drive Automotive Repair ' 'Faw �Amomotiveshop,hherandrecycle block I k( John West AutoService Inc 5122/201 3216 Woodard Dr Raleigh NC I Damesnconiy (Gornick NO �T % Ti I _ _ flushing water_Waste oil hauled I _ _ _ __ Joh_nson_Controfs 81/2008633 Hutton St Smte 104 �rtRatelgh NC _ Offcef0FVACcompaoy {Domesn<only _ (Faw ____NO__ %_ _I IJ;ohnson s WeldingSrvice _r 9(2120048116Fayettevllle Road Garnen r�NC f _�v -`_T_ Not inO Limits 0- one NO X Johnson's Welding Semce 9/18/20128116Fytt elle Rd Ralelgh NC 1F bication andweldnglobshop Not on cry wa[ ear Wake Tech 'Gormck NO X Johnstone 5upplY, Inc �9/11/2009�29051 d ti l0r _¢Raleigh NC {HVAC Wholaale/D strbut Pn Domes[c only n (Faw NO X +1 equipment Domes[c par 20091WS Wholesaler/dstrbutor E E lohnsrone5upply Inc 4/15/2014290518 [110 Raleigh, NC 27609 HVACe i [wholesaler per Mfrs Rcg {Gornick NO ( X _ ,Joseph[ Woodard W. W 28155 S d sStreM,R _ales h NC O sat print ng b churesv etc T 'Brock NO _ +Non Categorcal Joseph C Woodard Printing _ _ _l1/1120102815S Saunders St _ Raleigh NC IPrintmg Few NO _( ±Non{IU <25000gpd E Mostwastedr-need InoneareaofprImm& 1 ( Non{ategoncal, 125 OGO �JosephC Woodard Printing Co 4/26/20162815 S Saunders St Raleigh, NC 27603PdmIn&offset and dignai 120L of Azure TS gum plus water isdispo,ed per (Gornick NO year II 1 :gpd JPS Communicanon� ___ _ _ 7(13/2004+S Ap9parntr Orlvv _ RaleighiNCT_v ls5urface_Mounts _ DImestk Only (BuchananNO__�-�--- X _ - J�sPrototype5ervlces I 8(11/10081W [023 Stone Hill Or rtRaleigh, NC T Residential did oat enter (Faw 4N0 1^ Junxure ._. 7/30/2012l3651Trust Or Raleigh NC f 15So-([waa re_services co _ _ Domestic Gornlck _ NO _ _ _ _ _ % x heavy machinery Domestic, no drains May or ma [b { JW Burgess I 1/10/200216012 Triangle Or Raleigh, NC 2761] Sell and service hea hine ynp Buchanan NO % _ conne eetoss _ _- -- IKDue 1/1/200210705Pepprmr1l O, _ .Raleigh NC _ 27614 House__ _ one, Buchanan _ ­NO I X (X + _ K A M Tool &Die 7/39/20125301ndustnal Or Zebulon NC Tool anddie Water used as coolant In machinetools Gornick NO ( -Non categorical <25000 gptl KAM Tool &Die 9/3/2003530Industrial Or Zebulon, NC 2]5971MMal and steel cutting IGay NO INon w[egorical, <25000 E _&Pd 1(AM Tool&Ole_^- ���� 10(10/2006 5301ndustrlal Dr Zebulon NC �� Custom Tool&Die shop *.q­'!.cl sta'Wplu by waste contractor Holmes ��_ 'NO I -� % !Kara[ Inc _ _ _ 6/26/20061719Capftal BNd_ __ �'_� 'Raleigh NC __){#R,epalr&sellleweiry _ Only _ _ _ _ _ yBergeran NO___- *Kara[,Inc�-��__7/152012t1719 CapRal BlvduNaleigh NC _ +Jewelry IDomesticanly 'Gprnick IN % Kay&Sons Woodwork _ 8/]/20072040 Fprr.Nille rd_ Wake Forest, NC (on well and septic _- I Holm. NO % Kay and Sons 8/8/201212040 Forestville Rd Wake Forest NC (Wooden call M_IOn septiboth house and shop �Gprnick ENO �% Kelly & Co (see Allen Keil, _ _ _ _ _ 9/21/2004 1133 Rudfortl Drive _ _ _ _ _ Garner, NC _ _ Resident al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Boon __ _ _ __j N0_ _ _ X I (Kennedy Office Supply Co 11/3120094211 A Atlantic Ave 'Ralelgh NC Commeraal sales of office products _ 1Domesnc Pnly _ Faw e NO _ _ Y Domestic per 2D09IW5 Wholesaler/ j Kennedy OfficeSupplyCo 4/15/201414211Atlannc Ave Ste A Raleigh, NC 27604 Co HQandwholasalerof offlcesupplios Mfts_Reg Gornick NO J X 11 aints mixed near drain, standing water in Kenseal Construttion 6/17/200811105igma Or Garner NC IConstrucbon supply co nches its Bergeron rN0 (Non CIU, <250DOgpd _LP____._„ Kenseal ConstruMion___ ___ _ 6/13/201L(i igma Dr _ _ Garner NC 27529 Closed-77--:771z- DISH"l5atelhtedrstrbution1 _vlGornic`u X�- ^--- KensealConstruRionProducis of Carphnas, LLC 9/14/20122539 N.M. Rd Stet 'Raleigh INC Distributor of constr-on/masonry substances Minoramt wash In& rinsmg of water based tmt `Gornick 'NO i— --i Non categorical <25�0G0 _. Kidd&Company _....��v� 1/12/20042620 Dacovery Drive Raleigh NC ((( W,ndowg,lle,, metal screens millwork one _ ,IND Right Medical 1019/2002{3222AWell,ngton CL Raleigh, NC 27615E Provide medical equipment for home car `Reshooms IBuchanan iN0 € _�vYil�,....._. iK,nad. _ ]/1]/2012,6517 Hilburn Dr ,Raleigh NC ( rOHlce for ms[allation of process piping a DomesNconly IGornick NO _ % K,oti Tractor D,v_on 4/27/2006,6300Kmto0r_ _Wendell NC _ Assemble Tractors _�___Brock ^_ IYO K,sner Corp�arol ria Fabricators �_� 616201]'6016 Trion Ie Dr '^ Rale, h NC _ ��— ( / i.,,____ C q�, IBendmg Forming Welding l Up dating Name of group same business Heavner (NOW i 1 (Non Categorical Kitchen &Bath Galleries _ 6/2/2006'S411GIenwaod Avenue Ralelgh NC [Sales office ~i Restroom, Appliance Demo_ _ _k Bergeron �NO m 3 I locabont—Ilygutted non Enghlh-speakers I € 3 KI Natural Stone 7/14/2015i3216SpottswoodSt Ste 111 Raleigh, NC 276151 Custom granite fab and installation, OOB? painting thew ails Sign faded ors,r,bb,d off IGornick No tx € _ _ Ewmd— KnowledgeSharing5ystems` W _ _ _ _ JIJ17(2009940 ht Campus Dr,ste 150 Rale,ghNC _ _ No longer at addrd Faw_ _ NO�M1X Knowletlge shar,ngAystems LLC 6/«102013930 Ma,n Campus Or Ste IS Rale, h NC (software only no mfg plans for fu[ `Oamestic, office only Gorn4ck NO [X _.�... q......... iftwar.urs_ Kobesteel 10/12/2006] 3117 Poplar Ct Rale,gh NC Office _ 1 _ _ _ vi Brock 'NO �N % i Grocery Hasonly2pplclean,ng a round store I # Non Categoncal,<25000 Kroger 8/12/20148345Creedmoor Rdl Raleigh NC , 27613 Complaint Investigation !Gornick NO gpdmm __ Il speak with theme _ _ KYMATechnologies �...._ _ mm 4/21/20068821110-1 West Rd _ �Rale,gh NC ��i Produce GA Nltrlde Substrates m ��_ mmm !Bergeron !Radar '% Kyma Technologies___ J 10 29L M,dw Wes[RdW i_ _Raleigh, NC I Septic _ _ ,Faw _ 'NO % _.. _ ( ....._...�_ Wash ammonium chlondedown dranwhen w [ { I Producegalhummtrlde See,urveyand 'reactorcleaned R,nseoffsolventand acid f , Non Categorical Kyma Technologies Inc 5/16/2014{8829 Midway West Rd Raleigh, NC i 276171 Ir Gornick INO 1 !attachments es,duesfromparts Smallamoun[ sow volume of IND 'water __.._._....._.............. ____�_....._..._ ..._....._... !water �L Fishman&Son Inc 2/9/2010:1100Corporat,on Pkwy,5te X Raleigh NC I rlooring tools and lnstalleoon parts wholesaler Domestic only 'Paw ;NO { _ % LEAAID �— ._..._ � 5/16/20132609 D,swv ay Dr St 125 T Rale,gh NC Im(randsales of surveillance 'Domesticonly------- Go nick iN0 1 La fonex,on _ 11(20/ 200915E Martin St _Raleigh, NC INoionger ataddress ,Faw NO ,% 1 ria Co_xm_n _ __ 9/14/2012€2115 Wdmington5t _ __Raleigh NC I Spanish newspaper publishing _ Domers _e,toonly papprintedelsewhereor _ Gnick W NO__I__ La Conex,pn/Velasquez Com ncaoon [orHoraoon 6(16/201] 12151anes Frmklln Rd (POBox228)Ral.,gh, NC I 27606 PubL,, mg no printing mute^ __ _ EGornick NO to Signs& Screen Printing _ _ 6/8/20104104 E Ma,n St _ Garner NC 'Prmtshm, {Domestic only _ ,Faw 'NO f x I% I _ WSigns &Screen PnntingA_^_____ 3/24/2016104EMa,n St_ --ACL 27529GDlgital pori, andwnyl letters �Domes[Ic only v _ €Gornick N_O_ Labp t but gl c _-- 6/200872605 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC I !Baso no ion er there Dell 01 INO % Labp [ but g,l c 6/9/2016!2605 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC 276041CIosed _--" ess _ Gmmck NO fX I( Lancat BBQ&Catering_..... .�_ 6(13/20161301 Heln Dr Garner, NC _ 27529[Ciosed _ _ _ _ Gormck_ _ �NO jX_ 1 _ Lancaster, BBQ &Catering 5/22/2007301 Hein Dr Garner NC Catering&packaging BBQ 3000 gal grease trap Perna— NO j iFood Sew—Estabhshment Lancaster_BBQ &Catering _ 6/13/2016301 Hann _ Garner NC_ 2]529 _Closetl Gornick_ NO ix Landmark Pnnong � 8/16/200 0 Hodges ST Month NC t'Commenaal Printer TDarkroomW Y W _ _Bergeron 'No _— �...... "Non Categorical Landmark Pnnting� _ 7/16/20121901W Hodges St _ _ Raleigh NC IPr,nt shop, paper in Domestic Gornick Landscaping 12/30/200258138Tr,angle Dr Raleigh, NC 27617( landscaping ,Wash equipment an d do m.t,c Buchanan IN. E i Non categorical <25 000 �_n _ _ _ landstar _ � 12/19/200216307 CAngus Dr _ _ _ Raleigh NCI 27617}Trucking Co No city water or sewer 'Buchanan aN0 1 }X_ Lane Construction(Lane Con,tructlon) ]/23/201415801 Chapel H,I1 Rd Raleigh NC 27607 Asphalt prod co Domeat—nly Na water—dm production 'Gormck NO �x a,ph.W—crate plant, no change since 2012 Lane Cons[ruct,an Corp ]/1]/20153D10Gzesham Lake Rd Raleigh NC 27615 domesticonly j(i.mIck� NO ! W iX except name change __ _ 7 __ ___ _ _ _ { _ _ 1 LarrysBeans Inc V ]/1]/2012150]&1509 Go—St pRate,gh, NC I Coffee bean roastr� i €toliet and dishwasher Y Gornick NO { 1 W �— IN.. Categorical, <25 ODD rood LarryIs Coffee Bears_ _ 7/13/2004150]Gav,n Street _ _ _Rale,gh NC Ro-CoH_ee/dry pro_ ( mmm 'Boone NO _ _ {X Wy � Laster Support Systems Inc 13/1]/20 9'38S1Tarheel Or St 101 T� Ra , h NC _ INo ion er at address ,Paw IN0 X W _ ILaserSu rt5 tem, Inc 52420132]08 D,sc 'Comm -1.1 printer # Non Categorical, <25 000 F opo ys _—/_/ _very Dr Stell Raleigh NC (cover_ T approx l0 gal/dayfrom dishwasher Gornick— NO , i --+ { rood___ Lash and Associates 8/7/20071708 Young Forest Rd :Wake Forest NC (Resitlentlal Holmes - iN0 t €X W _� Lastinglnpressrons _ 4/7/2005]331ohnson5treetRaleigh NC{ { Offs_et P_nnting Do mmtL Rags shipped _ Buchanan NO i iCommerc,.I prmong no discharge of fountain Lasting Printing 6/6/201328031ndustrial Oz Raleigh, NC In Domestic Gormck w fNO € 4 X tasting Printing&Graphs¢ _ 11]2009]33WlohnsonSt Raleigh NC �Commerc,al prmtin jDomesoconiy faw_ 1N0 1 X { tauras Mov,nglnc_ ___. � r 1126/20023208308Spo___St Raleigh, NC 2]615 Moving dstorage l Do mesticsomestorage ter m owing Buchanan NO 1 X Law Enforcement Assors_ 10/14/20092609 Discovery Dr NRale,gh NC e _ �Elettronicassembly Domesoconly Faw __~mmWNO_ _J �m �X Lawrence, Weld,ng� �_ �_ _ 714/2004'3129Corporation Parkway _ Rale,gbNC _l___ Metal Fabrlcationheat to moUr i 'Boone ANO ,Lawrence s Weltlmg� v �/U2008i1129 Corpatatlon Park way 10ut of Business _ __ _ _Faw NO X , Welding � v 6/20%2016'3129 Corporation Parkway _ _ Ralelgh NC 2]610[Out of business __ ,Closed_ 'Gornick NO % ( u 3 7— Lawrence Lawyers Weekly 5/]/2013'510GIenwood Ave Suite 103 R,I,,gh, NC [0 ,1 no pro ngons,t,Domestic _ Flohnson _ -!N_O_ y 4y _ __X ,Lq yjrs Weekly Pubhcations(fdCLawyer s Weekly?) e/142006307FayettWlleSt Mall �Rale,gn NC _ lyNe�pape....�...._.....__ € Printed in MD.... ...._._ _ .. ... Bergero n INO __i ` �X ( ----• _..� Lee Iron&Meal Co 4/19/2010,700 Freedom Dr Raleigh NC ( 'Ree/cling _ yDomestic only Faw �NO EE Lee Iron&Met, Co Inc 4/12/2016700 Fedom Or Raleigh NC 2]610 MetdIr,c,lmg-nsfdrsttionfm Leeiron& Drains q,room storage no washing or water I { rei l usageinthatarea O,Igpesintoaseparate Grmdk 11,10F X Metals In Sanford €contamment NOHgallowcd _ _ I Leelewelry _ _ 4(]/20051719 Capital boulevard Rale,gh,NC _ JMake, sell fix jewelry _ _Buchanan NO Legary Graph,zs Inc 9/14/20124 �1Technology Dr_ Rale,gha NC Comme„�raal printing Fanhty,n Johnston Ca� Gornick ,NO_���% i �- LeisureT,me11/19/2002'3222GWell,ngtpn Ct_ Raleigh NC 27615 Distribute snacks _ pomestic _'Buchanan NO _.._ 1X 1 Lets Make Scents_ _ _ _ __814200612325wm hne Wa _ Ralel h NC �LL � _ _ _ _ - ' -- / / g Y_....._. g R, esrdenbal iBergem�_ NO �t iX i Lets Makescents 12325winglyne Way �Ralegh NC� € Res,den[,al F _oust _ NO�IX Softwatdevelgpmentpermfrsreg AppearstoT k W Lexis Interaction 6/5/2015'1801 Varsity pr Raleigh NC 27606 pomestic only Gornick NO { {X { be office bldg per gooCle maps L,ghtech Signs 9/28/20D4E 6003141 Chapel Hill RoadRale,gh NC Sign Manufacturing M�........... .....,_...� Buchanan ,NO Uposclence__ _ 9/19/201225005umnet BNd _Rele,gh, NC_ Blootlworkanalysis_ __JDomestic_ __ Gornick ,NO _ i_ _ iX W4 Utho Pr,ntlnC'_ ___??21/202411501 Bloun[5[ree[ Raleigh NC ... Litho Printing Inc 8129/2012L SCIS Blount St _ _ Raleigh NC Utho Printing Inc 4/13/2016115015 91ount5t N Ralelgh NC Liverman Machine Shop 1/1/2006{10851 Hwy 96 Zebulon_NC L,yr—n Machine Shop 10/19/200910851 H, a lway96_____ Zebulon, NC_ Uverman Machine Shop Inc 5/15/2015 10851 Hwy 96 �_ Zebulon NC L. op- _ 6/9/200810220Bushveld to _ _ ,Raleigh NC ;Logoport Inc 1013/100913920 Song Sparrow Dr Wake Forest NC Lang Beverage Inc Long Beverage Inc Long Pnntlog Low Country Imparts LR Correll ���� _OffaetPrinting ;Commercial printing I Domestic Buchanan Gornick 'NO NO 2]603k Closed Owner operates contmues to operate Carrol aleighuNC mDomestic Reg,etr _ _ 'Offs [Prino� � ��— ,% ._.._ Printing out of same address GornickNO � (w 27597mm i Holmes ,NO I% yWholesale HVAC Products ' Buchanan NO i % _wRale,gh, NC _ _fav On septic per 20091WS (maps suggests out of _ _ 'Gornick _ �f 1 27597�General mach, n,ngjob shop per mfrs reg ervice area NO X _ ResidentiOld al/no[En[er Call Oho NO I lResidenal d,tl not enter _ 'Faw _ 27615tArch,tectural millwork _Build specialized woodwork No tlrainsW Buchanan_ INO _yINO ' 4/5/20131050D World Tratle Blutl 'Raleigh NC Wholesaler/d,stnbutorco per Man f,a rers G NO I .�_..W ._._I W � 8/16(20064910 Departure DE�J 6%15/2016t4910Departure aleighuNC mDomestic Reg,etr _ _ 'Offs [Prino� � ��— 1._.__..�__ OPM_ ..._ iGorn,ck _ � —,�7„BergeWn _ mm �_ _ - 1 NO m€X m _ _ Dr jj 4/5/2013a 3820 Bland Rd Raleigh No Raleigh NC � 276161 _ _ EWholesaleuto r/d,stnbrco per Maers mf—r closed f Domestic ,Gormck Gornick No NO ' 1/1812005'504 Uwharrie Court Raleigh NC yWholesale HVAC Products ' Buchanan NO ^___�_ __6/,2/2008;5325 New Hope Rd`_ _wRale,gh, NC _ _ �D,g,tal printing and copying_ W Domesticonly _ _ IBergeroor� _ LSG LLC 6/3/20131532S New Hope Rd IRalelgh NC i �Lubeado Designs ___ I 7/12/2004 3005 ROlhgeb Dnve IRalelgh NC�__ Lubromationof Raielgh I _ 7/14/2004[6216-CAngus Dnve (Raleigh NC_ Lubromatlon of Raleigh 7/24/201216216 Angus Dr Ste C ( Raleigh, NC Lucas Enterpnses 5/10/2007i4851 Old Wilson Rd Wendell NC Lucas En[ermises, LLC_v_-- _ - _. _ __7/12/2012 46801d Wilson Rd - `_i_LWendell, NC _ _ -luck Stone Cen[emr 1/1(200615tone Center Ce pita,[ _ 1Ralelgh, NCmm LUWA Envlramental v _ 8/14/20064412 Tryon Rd (Raleigh, NC Lux Salon, see Nall Trenz In binder 9/12/20148377 Creedmoor Rd IRalelgh NC JVJSpa 2/25/20142308 Atla ntic Ave � iRaielgh INC ILIO Research&Display LLC 7/19/20127300 ACC Blvd M B Goldsmith `� 8/3/2012 8111123 Creedmoor Rd Raielgh, NC MAC Group Sce cce _ H78202 Sr, Forks Road Raleigh, NC j Machine&Welding5upply _- �v 5)16/200631 Wilmington 5t Raielgh NC Machineand Welding SUppIVC, _ _ _ 7/13/201213401 S Wilmington StRaielgh NC �MacXaV [ommunicatlons ]x/2004`3691 Trust Dr-, ,Raleigh NC Mackay Marine Inc(Mackay Communicatons ----9/14/201213691Trust Dr - Raleigh NC Mackay Radio _ _ _ — 5249Capual BoulevardRaleigh, NC_ Maror Industries, Inc 7/20/20124909 Yates Mill Pond, Rd Raleigh NC Mac s Cabinet Shop 8/8/20D8'2408 Barrington 0 _ Raleigh NC— Matlsports&Designs ]/12/2012(IIE Thud St _Wendell NC Magnum Co C C__6/17/201616105 Chapel Hllird _-_ relelgh NC Mahoney Environmental 6/3/201411501 Old WHon Rd Wendell NC Male_stic Marble 1/3/1tX13Ei6009Trangie Cr Raleigh, NC Malestic Marble&Glass _ _ _ _ _ _ 8/14/2006fr5617Dep-re Dr -Raleigh NC _ Majestic Marble and Glass9/13/2006184� 1-1Glennwood Ave ftalelgh NC Majestic Solutions _ __ 3/31/2008-�-IOO1Corp,Ltion Parkway _JRalelgh NC Majestic Solutl0ns _ �12/9/2016'1001 Corporatian Parkway _ _ _ Raleigh NC Malt Shop Cookles LLC _ _5/4/2016,8]OS SIIverthorne Dr _-_ _ IRalelgh NC__ MarRunn`Co CC 8/15/20066105 Chapel Hlll Rd Raleigh NC _ Man gum Services _ 9/21/2006001 Wes[ga[e Road Ralmgh NC Mangum Services6/17/2016 6001 WestgaMRd _ _ _ Raleigh NC Manning BUlltlingProducts LLC __5/23/2013 108 Professional Ct T Garner, NC Marble Point 10/21/20021300 Corporation Parkway( Raleigh NC�� (Marble Point 9/13/20064801 Tratlemark DrIRaleigh, NC Marble Paint 6/20/20164801Trademark Dr Raleigh NC Marschalk Corp 1 8/31/200818600 Jersey Ct Raleigh NC Marschalk Carp _ v -_ _ 6/1512015 /8600 Jersey C[Raleigh, NC ___ LMarshall Miller antl Assoc late_^— 1/2/2003'�59m06Tnangle Dr _ Raleigh, NCS Marteklostrments Inc 6/16/200615201 Old Poole Rd _ IRalelgh NC _.. j Martekinstruments Inc - 9/14/20125201 old Poole Rd _ IRalelgh INC Martin Manufacturing Co LLC 8/15/20122555 Wendell Blvd _ -Wendell NC 'Martin Marietta 7/13/20126028 Tri angle Or Raielgh NC -� Martin Marietta 7/31/201712500 Woterfleld Dr (Garner NC Martin Marietta Aggregates-- 9/14/20121 ME Garner Rtl Garner, NC yartln Marietta Materials INC _ _ _ _ _6/2/2006 6028 Triangle Drrve _ _ _ RaleiRh NC Martin Marietta Matenals� INC _ _ 8/16/20062710 Wycllff Rd - tRolelgh, NC Martin Marietta Materials, INC 5/23/200]1}}--111E Garner RtliGarner NC Martn Marietta Materials Inc _ - _ _ _ _ 9/(4/2012(2710 Wycliffe ftd-__ _ ,RaleiRh NC _ Martini Print Media _ _ ^8/22/2006616633220 CCaapual BNtl Raleigh, NC Martm[Prmt Media Inc _ ]/1_6/2012w6t 320Caprtal Blvd Raleigh NC__ Mason Aluminum _ - 8/4/200411601Lake Wheeler Road Raleigh NC_ Mason Corporation 7/30/2011: 3601 Lake Wheeler Rd Raleigh NC Massage EnW,see Nan Treitz in binder 9/12/20148357 Creretlmoor Rd Raleigh NC Mas ter Brand Cabinets__ _ _ - _8/11/20086300 Lmousine Dr _ _ _-_ Raleigh NC M�=ste, Ha1co _ _ _ _ _9[2]/2004 817Purser Oro _ _ _ -,Raleigh ,Master Halco V _ 5/19/2006yg17 Purser Drive Raleigh NC Master Pools _6/11/2008y5202 Capital Blvd _ _ _ FRalelgh NC Master Pools_ _- _ -_ _ _ 11/9/2009'8951 Harv_es[ Oaks Ot Ste 105- Raleigh, NC Materials Analytical Survey 1/18/20051616 Hutton street IRalelgh NC Mateua% Analytical Survey_1616 _ _ - _ d 6/22/2016 Hutton St _Raleigh, NC_ _Matmia15Development _-T 714/20046003-121 Chapel Hdl Rd _ IRalelgh,NC Materials Mgt Warehouse 1/19/2005 Ligon street/NESD ��Raleigh NC IMaxweilsgormet Foods.. _� 6/1�20153208Wellin9ton Ct (Raleigh NC _ {Maxwells Gourmet Food 7/12/2004 3208 Wellington Court Ralelgh NC {MB Goldsmith _ -__ __-6/16/2010�2650D,scovery Dr Ste 114, __ Roleigh,NC IMC EIeRric �_ v��� 11/2/200213200 Spottswood 5tLRaleigh, NC _ McEwen Lumber 4/5/2013I4725Auburn Knightdale NC Rd 'Raleigh NC McEwen Lumer Cov �_ - -�- 6/11/20084LMAuburn Knightdale NCRd ���i Raleigh NC McGahey Design(Week Dye Works) 3/24/2016I1510Mechamcal Blvd (Garner NC MCKIm&Creetl _9/14/20121]30 Varsity Dr it, 500_ Raleigh, NC Meadwestvaco Healthcare 5/23/200] 191 Technology D,'Garne(r NC Mecha Inc ^^ 8/2512017,6204 Daimler Way - - - Raleigh NC Med Faxx Inc13/2012 5255 Whrte St _Raleigh NC_� Medfaxx - -- -- _ - 6/15/200] 143 it-. Wake Forest NC t Medical Solutions _ 11/13/200_2 3209-144 Gresham take _ Raleigh NC ' Medlpak EnergySKtems 6/2/20159521 Lumley Rd Morrisville, NCq 1176-200 Mine take Ct (relocated from Mel 6/22/2015 Raleigh NC (6]36 Fall -Neuse Rd)_ _ Mehhch Electronics R/t sl7m6i a5aa -1 11 n.ivieh ur Cola, or b&w copies use cartridges, nomk iDameztic only IGornick !NO ' I { _—iwashinR�.-___ iBergeran - J. .-�___ ___ 'Nodncharge resin%/housefor sale - �NO Boone NO_ iX 1i_ Distr/repai, pumps - t _ �Bonone No 'NO _ _ Distrlbutar of automatic lubrication systems Rceti jeponist said Raleigh branch closed before I IGarrick 1 IND X { No i- T _.- Mfr _ nstmas _ __ , { 1 Mfg stainless steel restequip ]ChDomestic only Bergeron NO X �Ousside Sewer Service Are__a��Johnson 4Mfr stain less Stell sinks far restaurant{Go_Ick _ NO �X _ le marble an d granite stone NO Buchanan 2]601) _ No follow up need ed_ 1Bergero IND [ Assembl�yaf Envlromental Chambers I iBergeran �NO Gornick Hair salon already know not to Rush paper 276131 towels __ Complaint investigation ____ IGornick ____ NO _1- ANO I _ _ ��<25,000gpd Non Categorical Makespachairs aodlonons INo washing or drain drsposal per owner Gornick drysaws to cut some materials down [t %�_ IGornick Buy/sell LCOdisplays 'Oomestic r -- — -- — -- --- --- - t NO_ %__Jewelrysalesantlrepalr _ Jewelry rinsing Cabine[distribu[ion 1C:p1_&__ Gnick IND { Non Categorical <25,000 _ _ j 6L.6-ri IND nst_alielettricwinng Vholasaler/distributor co per Manufacturers No larger,[ location _ Domestic_ _ m ...�...... D I _ {Faw {Buchaon NO__X IND Office Space-OOB2 Boone -1 Sell Welding Supply[&Equip No industrial water use�Bergero��NO��— _lNO X Gas and weltlmgsuppfvdistd,utor !Domestic No X }IGornick_ (Boone NO_y_ Wholesaler of satellite marine electronic I Domestic only, co rporate HQ IGornick X { Assembles Ratlios _ 1Domgtic Only 4NO IND X i— _ _1Buchanan _ _ homebased diz[nbutor of tick removal devices jNo manufattur[n&Dwell and septic IG -Ick IND '% _ _ 'Countertops and cabiness_ __ Wel_l antl_ septic- IFaw {NO % Commercial prmtingand embroide�mgticpof [Garrick INO�_ i 276071 - ,Closed now Fred Smith Co 11 -1 -mer dNo - -- - It, a nd Marble tNOlongeratthlslocatlon iBergeran _ IND- _ % _I _ IND I ,No fallow up needed iBergeran No - ___ 'Nodncharge Brock_ - �NO manufatturedetalhnglawducts 100%reclaim of Ingredients i INO XX nllkcoakles per fs rer8_-�_ .. Residentlalsubdlvision did notenter 'Gornick 'NO {0fheayyequip oil/�--Rerator{Bergeron _zX NQL-- No i- T _.- Mfr w (Bergeron (Buchanan NO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ closed_ now fred smith co 1Hedvner No {Bergeron �Ousside Sewer Service Are__a��Johnson septicnodlscharge_ NO �X _ le marble an d granite stone iDomestic Buchanan NO j { It, a nd Marble a few galloniwater plus salt used `egwp ea Week No follow up needed_ �Bergeronn IND I '3ran losedI__� _1 'us hed stone product- `Domestic only _____ _ jND __ Construman materials testing lab and INotat address mml Dell -011. i INO XX ,rehouse facility with maintenance shop 'Outof Business IHeavne�__- { INO nm vironental Engineeringfum _ _ _ (Buchanan_ _zX NQL-- 120 quality anil[zers m._mmmm No industrlal teru a ,.� wa w (Bergeron NO _ Mir water h[ I quality yzers _ �Oomestic a few galloniwater plus salt used `egwp ea Week to test analytical ` ,Gornick NO _ JJarehousefanhty only Garrick IND 1 �� 'us hed stone product- `Domestic only _____ Gornick_ jND __ Construman materials testing lab and Arch itecture and design w,th Weeks Dye Works Architectureofficeis [� ,rehouse facility with maintenance shop Nospectal processesor products mfd on skefor { INO offices conferen e sale or drstnbution IFaw )Gornick 0uarry sep[Ic system Gornlck �NO % 4ggrigates O-muconly into-darysewer Bergro en NO _ -porate HO Nolndustnalwateruse {Bergeron NO_ septicnodlscharge_ ____ ieptic_ _ Holmes NO 1X :orporate HQ____-,Oomesttc - _ jGmnick _ NO copying offset (Bergeron_ NO i 'enprintmg opY shop Domestic Gornick 'NO 01st Aluminum Bldg Products_ Domestic Only Warehousing__ Buchanan �NO_ 1 i 0lstnbuUon for aluminum bldg products -use :N0 drysaws to cut some materials down Domestic only IGornick NO — r -- — -- — -- --- --- - t -- - -' -- Massage emmdemployees and cleaners not to flush b poppaper towels Complaintinvestigation Garrick NO 111 Cabine[distribu[ion Domesticonly Dell 0110 IND __ ___ Wholesale fencing _ _ j 6L.6-ri IND Ix � Ix � 'Non Categorical xNon Categorical , Non categorical <25000 jgpd � Domestic oply 4 I _ X �1 Non{ategorlcal` 1 X [ (Non Categorical <25,000 Rod X Nholesaie fencing _ —Bergeron_ `NO —4N0 Distr Of lumber ll water �DeIl0110 (NO sines nlongerth_ Buso ere Dell Arch itecture and design w,th Weeks Dye Works Architectureofficeis Heavner _ ddress_�Faw___ Not at address-Se NO [X_ (Domestic_ _ )Gornick Evans Analytical) Seml Conductor Seryice (1 Holmes __ — Y _ ab -- jNO iBuchanan NO - I :losed^ i jGornlck NO___ IX 'Bergeron !NO R=nthomemedlcaiegwpment _ mm Baone _ _ ___­NCL___;X M facture cables, no water used _Warehouse _ IDOmesticonh• 'surplus Property Warehouse _ _ ( Brock No :N0 (closed �IGrease Gornlck 'N0_ �X _ _ :hocota[e Candy Mfr Iran on2 coni sink (Boone ANO nst_alielettricwinng Vholasaler/distributor co per Manufacturers No larger,[ location _ Domestic_ _ m ...�...... D I _ {Faw {Buchaon NO__X IND _r I % Register �v- 10mes[c Gornick- NO 1 Distr Of lumber ll water �DeIl0110 (NO _ In mfrs reg as" Week Dye Works share building Arch itecture and design w,th Weeks Dye Works Architectureofficeis Heavner tlo- a be only �— HQ and municipal control system (Domestic_ _ )Gornick _ _ NO F_ out afserncearea-__` (1 Holmes INC C_Metal Met, Fabrication {screen printing -traded oul, lubricant is {Gornick -- jNO ______ - v_cgo-ble oil _closed loop - - Drstubutdurable mediralegwpment ,Domestic _ Garrick INo_-�_ Domestic use only 'Bergeron !NO R=nthomemedlcaiegwpment Comestm Buchan (NO M facture cables, no water used _Warehouse _ IDOmesticonh• Heavner_—rNO ` sell ventilated stretch funs mfg done.. Greece, domestic only Gornlck :N0 Nurse Call Systems Soak board sin pans Food Service Establishment DomemcDi, % y ( X --I— - Mehlich Electronics 1/1/20083533 Nal St Service intercom systems iNo mf&no process wafer ell CUP Mehhch Electronics 7/16/20123533 Nell St Raleigh, NC 27616 Assembly and inspection of intercom systems Domestic 1Gomick NO , X 1 Meld USA ___9/21/200d 4724 Hargrave Rd__ Raleigh, NC_ _ _ 'No_followup needed _ iB-rReron ___JNO_jX EPr�=astconcrete Meld USA 9L 2004 4724 Hargrave Road Raleigh NC IPrecastcancrete 'Buchanan No X 'Meld USA, Inc 10/15/20093001103 Spring Forest Rd Raleigh NC Water is collected, Mitred and gravity slued Faw NO ;Non[ IU <25,000gpd Meld, USA, Inc, akaLF Stone 6/13/2014 30015pnng Forest Rd Ste 103 Raleigh NC 27616 27615 ' Precast Concrete Use filters and settling and pH adjustment to Gornick ENO pretreat process water Abom 250 gal per week DIstrlbute fuel injection Parts Domestic {Buchanan NO Dlstrlbutar ofdesielinjettarparts 'No Industrial water use Foust 'NO { ist bate locomoth, and truck engine diesel Dist'. in[ett�arts Domestic Gornick NO - % % X $-[a Nontegorlcal 125000 god MclexFuellnjettionSystems 1u15 2002 3200 110 Wetling[on C[Raleigh NC Wellington Ct Raleigh NC -t — Meier Fuel lnjectlon Systems 8/16/2D063208:10 Meter Fuel Injection S t 9 19 012 J Systems / /2 glom g 3208 110 Wellin Ct Raleigh NC (M-emorlm on a Bottle 9/29/1[1069101aurens Menus Plus LLC 7/20/201212605 N.Y... Ralelgh NC Gross Ave Wake Forest, NC Residential { Laser printing 'Domestic Br_d/cake distributor (Domestic only $Buchanan!ENO Gornlck IND (De11,0110 IND % % % 1% Men 8/12/200811408 N New Hope Ral< h NC `Merl North Amerlcd, mc(HQ)- - - I- --4/27/20166501 Six Forks Rd- - ---- Raleigh NC ~Raleigh, 27615 Corporate HQ iDomesticanly _ fGornlck___INO { X $� IMetalon,InS _8(18/I006�205 __.__..� BIuestream Ct NC Resldentlal_I % - Metalonulnc 1 8 20075205 ......... . ......._ .�... Metalubeof NC 8/1/2007 1Metr.P Blue Stream Ct. RaleIh NC g PO Box 1546 (Wake Forest' NC Chapel HIII Rd Raleigh NC _.]_. Residential -'--i out of service area i T --Hol—mes— Offset printer - �IDPM W Clines IND KINO��-� $Holmes !NO { _ ENO rv� X %--�?`„_-.-- _ TNn{ategorlcal - duttlpns 8/16/20066005 o _ $Bergeron NO { [Me�duttlansflnc - _ _ 19/19/20126005 Chapel HIII Rd - _ _Ralelgh NC_ Cammerclal printing and graphic design IDomesbcfGomlck �NO X______________ Met -Tech 7/]7/2012 ._ 1055 Wilmington S[ Raleigh NC _ Pool table retail Domestic JGornlck _ NO_ _ % _ 1 Pooltablesales No industrial water use IBer eros NO rMe[Tech Englnering 8 24 2006 105 5 Wllmingmn St 'Raleigh NC % _ } jBelieved to be the same business as Cooper MHCXenworth 4/6/20177500 Reba Dr Raleigh, NC 27616 'Kenworth based on gatheredinfo was not ideemed aconcern for the POTW and was Heavner NO 1 Non{ate gorical Iunder 27617 the jursldiction of the FOG group I I ! E _ 'Mlcell Technologies 8/11[008 7SI6Precislon Or 'Paleigh NC Blomedlcallab 'Minot glassware washing Dell Oho NO Non{IU <25000gpd Mlcell Technologies6/17%1016 7516 PrecBla_n Or _ Raleigh NC _ rClosed NO I _ ____ —Heavner INolpngeratlpcation Faw ND IX ___ ________ -i _ Michael Parkec[abinetry 8/8/200i�414 Dupont Circle Ralelgh NC Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh NC Micro Cell Corp 9/19/20126003.153 Fuel cells no longer in business IClosed Gornick IND IX i I Mlcrocell I 8/15/20066003153 ChapelH8l fld Raleigh,NC M_f&Hydrog-tIelceilsfor research_ i !NO LMlcrocraft i 7(13/200432W -15q Gresham lake -Raleigh NC _ _ _Bergeron_ Software Design DomesticOnly_ 1Buchanan NO i X Microdyn Technologies e/1U2008E 1204 Briar Patch Ln Raleigh NC Rezlden[ial did not enter -_ Fa NO 1 Mld Atlantic Crane_ _ _ 9/22/20043312 Northside Drive_ _ Ralelgh, NC Mfr Service Sell Cranes _ _ _ w Buchanan NO _ _ _ _ _ X 1MItl Atlantic Crane & Equipment, Inc 6/6/20143224 Northside Dr Raleigh NC 27615 Overhead cranes, service, sales, and snare parts DomesticonlyGornlck NO i X Mitl Atlantic Fab&Finishing _ _ 3/11/2004205 Forest Dr _ __ ,Kq,ghtdale NC Phosphat,Metal Finisher_ _ __EEvaporaied _ Buchanan_ _NO _ ( _ _ X 1433 Evaparaban__ _ Mid Carolina Media, Inc 6/13/20142505 Kenmore Dr (Ralelgh, NC 27608 HWnRdog training book, DVD videogame publlshlnq Appears residential, did notenter J Gornick N� xW MId-Atlantic Crane&Equipment Inc 9/20/2012 _ _ _ _ _ 3312 Northside Dr Ralelgh NC _ _ _ _ _ Overhead cranes sales, service parts mo estic __ _ _ Gornick _ NO _ _ % j !Mid Atlantic Fabrication 5/22/2008205 Forest Dr Knlghtdale, NC, Powder Paint Iron Phosphate All process water evaporated E (Dell Oho NO I 1Zero Dacharge pf 433 Metal Fn[shine Wastwatem I Mtd-Atlantic Fabrication 5/1/2014205 Forest Dr Knightdals NC Sheet Metal, Punchin& Welding, Laser Cutting Domestic EJohnson IND I % a Mikes customs w_mili 4/30/200] 109143 Claude Lewis Rd Middlesex NC 1_Resid_emial Bergero 'NO �% �Mimotopes 4/15/20061073BUIIard _ 6Raleigh NC __ Pharmicoucal Sales ORice - Sell Paver _ _ _ _ _ _ Bergem,_ 'NO X !Mini Mac Papers 30/9/20122533 Atlantic Ave Raleigh, NC IDomesticonly {Gormck IND X CMisy____ _ _9/13/2004[ 8529 Six Forks Road Ralelgh NC Corporate Offices E __Buchanan DlstributeequlpmenttohedI1care NO 'Misys �- INO Healthcare Systems 11/19/20023222EWelIing[on Ct Raleigh, N[ 27615 Distribute e computer equipment field (Buchanan % Businesslowflonclosed owner does asmallamt 1 M ltchell's Printing Service 9/9/20121520 Brookside Dr Ste 2 Raleigh NC Letterpress and die cutting, commercial printing of printing and cutting at home, doesn'[wash Gornlck 1N0 % 1 anything down the dram rMitchtilVk Printing Services8/2/20061520 Brookside Dnve Raleigh NC Brock NO % rMrttubishllnte_tional 7/14/2004521 CU_wharrle Court Ralelgh NC_ CompmerAsse. bly _ Domestic Only (Buchanan NO % � 1MLF Co Inc 4/1 20063821[omm _t- cre ePark Ralelgh NC Bergeron INO % OrNmentalM eta! Work Noindustnal Water Use Co Inc E 4/12/201613248 Lake Woodard Rtl Raleigh, NC 27604 Coppersetenlum solution rinse disposed to sewer Mfr Lighting flMures furniture handrails APProx100gal/dayMobile app creation platform software E 1Heavner �MAVBE May be caregoncal Gornick NO _ _ {{[(�M� Faw_-____ -MO - - �iNO - X !- Non CIU <25,000gpd_ _ lesmith 6/22/2015 ern Business Systems_ F6(12/2D08 5400TrinityRd Ste 208 Ralelgh NC 8600Jersey Ct Ste B_ RaI Igh NCv 27607 _ Google streetvlew Indicates office building development �MISofllming and document scanning i ��. _ _ _ Modern Business S stems 6/6/2014 Yg 819 Purser Dr Ste D Raleigh, NC 27603 pmlcro(Ilm Develop gal perweekfor microfilm, plus domestic !! Gornlck � 1 Non{ategorlcal 25 000 Modern Business Systems 6/27(20168600-Blersey i Cf RaleighcNC_,_ 27617LClosed _10 Gornick_ 1146 _ IX god IModern Tpol Service 8/5/2004100 Walnut Street Wendell, NC I Unable to Wacte Boone NO !Modern Tool Service 9/e/20081100 Walnut Sl Wendell NC_ fab_ Septic _ _ Bergeron NO X Modern Tool Service 5/23/201311_00 Walnut St Wendell, NC __ N t itysewer v_Ia iM Johnson NO % IModusLlnk Carp 4/ 8/20161990NGreenfleld Pkwy G mer, NC 27529ge 27529minate Gornick NO_E COmpu[er Software N are, useage or disposal �P�a _ X _ 1 Mohawk l nfustrles, Inc 418/2016E 2000 Pergo Pkwy Garner, NC Ooorlng Pe19oacquiredbyMohawkln2D13 Surveyln '15 Indicates domestic onN $Gornick INO i I III X Monolith Corp 7/13/20045275 Capital Boulevard Raleigh NC Software Design DomesucOnly 'Buchanan NO I X Moore Printing &Graphies 6/13(200611509 (Moore Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC Offiel_prin[ing _ Saver re<avery_in place Bergeron NO L Non{ategnrfcal Printing&Gra hl 4/19/20105328 Departure Ir Raleigh NC 27604 27616 'Il Printing, offset Dourest conty IF w 'NO { _ __-�_ % _ _ Moore Printing&Graphic I 6/920162509 Atlantic Ave Ralegh,NC Closed Gormck INO '% 'Moore Printing &Graphlts Inc 4/27/20165328 Departure Or Raleigh NC #Domestic only, bag cleaning rags for pickup no Offset and digital Gornick 'NO 1 printing [Floor drains X 'Morganite industries 8/15/200640WChaseBHd rcRaleigh NC Holding Comte Noindustnal Water Use NOldingcamps my, ccrp office Domesticonly Bergeron IN. Faw ANO _�) X %_ $Morganitelndustries4/10/101D 4000.170Westchase Blvd Ralelgh,NC Morganitelndustries,Inc (HQ) 5/5/20164000.170 Westchase Blvd Raleigh NC 27607 Corporate offlcefor mfg firm doesno mfg in NC Dpmesticoniy Gornick ENO % i $Moins &Associates 9/17/2012803 Morris Dr ,Garner, NC Mfr Refrigeration equipment Ewafer only used for ice maker testing M(r Pe(riRslenient { no Ind Water -�� Gornick 'NO Buchanan NO 1 I I Non<ategorical 121 ODD i Morris Associates, 03 Morris Drive Raleigh NC Marr111e1aper Co _ _ _ 8115/2D063081Buslness Park Dr _ _ Raleigh, NC _ Dist of Packaging suplies _ _ warehouse Bergeron NO X Morrlsette Paper Co 9/19/20123081Buslness Park Dt Raleigh NC Dist PackingandjImImrIalsupplles iWarehouse plus occasional truck washing Sew knitsportswear 'Wash test for shrinkage3 loads per day _ Gornlck No 1Gornick (NO _I_ 1 1 Non categorical, <25000 g d IN.. $Non categorical <25000 Mortex Apparel LLC 9/4/2012104475 Nash St �- Mlddlese%%NC Ma exit Corp 8/4/20044251 Mens/VJomensSm,tswear �Domestic Only F ____ __,,,, _ 2homesbewashers Boone INO Holmes _ENO _ _ _ % I_ _ _ Non{ategorlcal Wendell Avenue Wendell NC 1M ex Corp _____ _____ 5/2/2007104475 Nash 5t__ _ _Middlesex NC__ Mortex Coro ration 8/14/20124751 Wendell BNd Wendell NC (Apparel mfR cuttingandsewing cloth Domesticonly __ Gornlck_�NO_�_t %�_ __ Marts Inc 8/21/2006220W Davie St _....�__ Raleigh NC iTrophias Plaques iiii`wash engraved plates ..� (Bergeron NO i �� W �� 4Non Categancal, 25000gptl Mortsim, ^T 4/26/2016150 Annaron Ct rtRaleigh, NC 27603, Engraving Umphles t�Domestic only do not dispose drillings) at, SS Gornick NO 1 v % Mons Inc_ 9/19/2012'220W Oavie St _ _ __RalelRhc NC �T�ophies plaques znd awzrds__ _IDomestl�on�yW_ G_o_rnick_ _ dN0 X Mosaic The Co 10/14/200912641N tip Rd Raleigh NC _ 14Whoiesale tele distributor Oomesticonly _ _Faw NO (- X _ � i Mosaic The Co 4/35/20142641Nobhn Rd Ste 100 Raleigh NC 276N Distribute ceramicwallantlfloartiles { Domestic per 20091WS Wholesaler/distributor Carrick NO 1 % ...�. .._. _._......_ .... _....._ Per Mfrs ReR - Motion industries_3/15/2003'2012Gamer S[aH„on Blvd Raletgh NC 0istnbutian only _ Brock �INO x € Motion Industries_ _ 11119/20092012 Garner Station Blvd _._..._. Raleigh NC _ Distribution of industrial parts Domesuconly _ _ `Faw #NO_ x ( V ' Met,,,S/2 industries 4/I0142rn 012Gaer Station Blvd 'Raleigh NC 27603 pis[nbu[eindustrial parts Do.asucper200ii Wholesaler/distributor € Gornick �NO % { t __ per Mfrs Reg_______ _--Y- , Motor eleanc Repair _ ---8/22/2007112165 ers 12165 SauntlS[ 1 Raleigh NC _ � Repair electric h'cles _ __ _ __ I �� � Bergeron , 1€ (Domestic only, offset printing cleaning rags picked i MPS HRL, LLC (Multi Packaging Solutions) 4/28/2016,]605BWelborn St Raleigh NC ; 27615�Pnntleafle[s (orpharmaceuHcalinserts byrontractor Gornick €NO i % ' �..... �_____ .... __.. _._._...m MR&OLLC 8/8/2008€4418Louaburg Rd Raleigh NC �u Sales office Domestic only Bergeron NO _ % _ MSClndustnal Supply Co_ _ _ f�13/20g6E 2660ycnkers Rd_� Raleigh NC� LIndustnal supplytlistnbutor dDomestic Only _ __ 1Bergeron NO __ x SO/23/20092300Westinghouse Blvd Ralegh NC _.1 1lndustr al supply salesµ,____ �Domestconly (Faw ...... INO % I €DOmastcper20091WS Wholesaler/dstrbutor MSCIndustrialS Supply Co 4/15/2014,2300 Wes[ nghouse Blvd _ Raleigh NC 2]604 Wholesaler of Industrial equipment IGorn ck NO € % € Eper Mfrs fteg i , fff MSC Waterworks Ink, Fortiline) 9/19/2012E 31Rupert Rd Raleigh, NC E�j Distributor of automated line hydrant supplies {Domestic Garrick P �NO��E X Muhlheim MfrQ _4j]/2005�4216 Six Far Road__ _ Raleigh NC _ (Unable to locate _ _y800ne NO €X Muhlheims Jewels 11/19/2t109f21113 Crabtree Blvd Ste 103 Raleigh, NC (I(�� _ 'Nat ataddress _Faw IMuhlheim's Mf Jewels 6272014] 2413 Crabtree BNtl 5[e 103 Rale) h NC 21604€`Jewel € yY� IN- Categorical 125000 H - / / g ry repair and casting €Rmsejewelryeftercla-mg 'Garrick NO -- ___...__....� _...� ....,_ .___....._._._— - _ i - _ _ .._._ �...._,_ ---- - - -4-- Mulch ----Mulch Mastersof NC Inc The 9/20/2012110200 Durant Rd Raleigh NC Hardwood mulch Domestic rep said no washing or other water use Gormck NO ! �X ! Mullin Group, The 1014/201216629 Old Wake Forest Rd v_ 'Raleigh NC I Electronic machine saws for woodworking Appears COB not able to contact (Gornick NO Elettornic machinesawsforwoodworking Mullin Group, The 6/10/2013'118 Hawthorne Rd Raleigh, NC Residential did not enter (Gornick 'NO , industry-__ k �x Furnitu--ration metal�LL-� Mumford Restoration 11/17/201618813 Gulf Court �1Raleigh NC 27617,,.oration/ant,qu,ng performed by techlncl,ns INofloordlemslnfacility dryprocess (Heavner NO IN __ mthe fields Mutual Distnbutin^23 g__� 6/11/2008{23 Cx m[al Blvd V Raleigh NC 'Datr_Ofwme malt beverages- €Domestic only {Bell Olio NO _ X Mutual Distnbuting 6/21/201012233 Capital Blvd Raleigh NC of alcoholic beverages/warehouse _ `Brock NO I !% i Domestic warehouse beverages no bottling v�Mutual Dishibuting fo 12/9/20022233 Capital BNd Raleigh NC 2]604�Dtulutmp esale distribution of beverages .Buchanan NO iI X_Snapplewater wine Mutual Distributing Co 5/11/2016€2233faptiai Bivd Raleigh NC2]604butlan only mfrs regDomestic _ ,Heavner'NO NA Docker 10(14/2009�302W Lane St _ RaFgh NC Equipment sales _ Do ri only Faw € DomestiCper20091WS Wholesaler/distributor NA Bocker 4/15/2014302W lane St Raleigh NC 27603rDistributeslat,andsheetmetalworkingtools r Mf(Gornick }NO ( X Mfrs Reg _ _ _ _ .j}� Four tubs for pedicures,empty,,t,,,w re after Fkeverycustomer Cleaningpraducts soaps scents € 'Non categoncal, 125000 �NaIl Fashions 7/7/2011GE Third St Wendell, NC 21591 Nail salon [only No acetcnedowndram Soakedupwith Faw IND gpd tton ballsatiash €Nall salon carefully put all paper Towels in trash Non Categorical 125000 Nel Trenz 9/12/2014'8379 Creed.00r Rd Raleigh, NC € 27613 €fomplatntinvesugabon Gornick NO I ____} ^'don'twant mclogdmu __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ €gpd _ Na4o al Alr Fdters 7/13 /2 012 1 13 0 9 New Hope Rd Raleigh NC I Air fiher distribution Domestic_ _ Gornick NO National Filters J _ 7/14/2004'1109New Ho pe Road _ Raleigh NC 1 Fabricate Fll[ers _,Do Only � Buchanan NO _T _ � National Linen __ _ __ __ 10/21/2002i1100_Corporationparkway R,I,,gh, NC _ 27610 Distribute linens Domestic Such. ANO { €%_ National Ni Ind e f6/20D6r14 Glenwood Ave Rale Rh,NC 'j1t--€a52age Curtin Mfg 'Domestc Ony Bergeron National Packaging Solution -T- 7(14/200412840 Plaza Place _�_ Ralegh NC 3 - €Domestic Only ]Buchanan INO ( ) _ % _ National Semiconductors Corp �.. _ _8/11/20084020Westchase Blvd Raleigh NC _ EI� €Notataddress D_eIl'011o� _I NO National Water Tech 9/22/200415 Yonkers Road Raleigh NC €Warehouse/Drst Water Treatment Chemlcals € 'ry1Buchanan W {NO % k E added to water In drums not disposed National Water Technologies Inc 9/20/20125FYonkers Rd Raleigh NC Mfr, c� hemicals (or cooling towers boilers etc down Chemsdrain Garrick NO % National Welders _ _ 1115/20032002 Garner Station Blvd _ Raleigh NC Distribution only Brock 'NO j x Natural Gallery Kitchen and Bath _ _ _ 9/X2006,2201 Brentwood Rd Raleigh NC_ 27604 gmnite� -- - € Nofallow up needed_ _ Bergeran— _ANO--L—L— Natural Gallery, Kitchen and Bath 1/12/2016 2201Bram m did _ Raleigh NC 21604 showroom only m Domestic only Heav er ANO mmk mm I {Custom fabrication of granite and marble �mm n I ..... € Natural Granite&Marble 7/20/2012'3100 Stonybrook Dr Raleigh, NC { un[ert_ops €Domestic Garrick NO ' % 4/21200615120 TradSeai Or W _ Raleigh NC Distributosof henting&airsupplysf � B nT IND � _..L ...F ----f eWgef_p._____ _._....._.___._- -_. x_ NC Conference Christian Advocate _ _ 6/16/20081307 G Ienwood Ave _ _ Raleigh, NC Wine edit design newspaper Domestic only IFe 1NO j % NC Gonfer_ce Christian Advocate _ 8/1]/20121700 Waterfleld Ritlge Pl _ _Garner, NC _ ,Newspaper publishing _ Domestic only v � _'Gornick_ _ {NO_ % i NCpept of Public Safety(C tt Eterprsej� 7/30/20122020 Yonkers Rd µRalegh NC� Gov officeadmnstraton Domestic_ Gornick _� €NO t �_ �% NC Dept of Pubic Safety, to Correction Enterprises 5/6/2013{ 2020 Yonkers Rd MSC 4240 Ralegh, NC 1 EAda nstratlon mDomestc only Garrick NO €� i�X `J 1 NC Lo m [SS�creen punter, a small amount of detergent { Non categorical <25000� Lag co 5129/201514429 Beryl Rd Raleigh, NC 27606�anddegreaser us Complamtfollowup Se IWSformfor SDS Garrick NO 1€ glad Mulch __� _ 8/�200]132]]PranQ Creek Rd _ `Middlesex NC 1 10,taf service,,,, _ _ IBergeron' _ _ NO % _ NCO,mics&P-thetcs, Inc 6/2/2014112L tlowlck Ln Wake Forest NC�1 [Residential/Did not enter Domestic Johnson jNO j % NCOrthotcs&Prosthetics, Inc (HQ)/John Nomad Investments �� __ { I LLC 6/2/20152J1]Lelghten Ridge Or Wake Forest NC k 2J58J`Ortho[cs and prosthetics Domestic only !Garrick NO � € % ( i I € I Micmbiology,chemistry newbornscreening, District 1 � NC Public Health Lab 7/30/201614312 Disct Or Raleigh, NC 27]virology serology biotermounn and emerging � Heavner NO Non Categorical, 125,000 [ pathogens toxicology, autopsy necropsy labs } € glad NC Steel 9/22/20048005Fayetteville Road_ _ Raleigh NC_^_^ EEstablishmen[is movingmmm _ _ E_ _ _ __ Buchanan NO 6/20/20168005Fayettoydle Rtl � Raleigh NC 27603`Closed _ W _ Heavner y NO x 1 NCTees 9/20/201212660 Discovery Dr Raleigh NC Apparel screen printing and embroidery Env Safecleaner used to remove Ink from screens'Gomick NOv Non categorical<25000 gpd rLL --~ INon Categorical 125000 NCSU Dairy and Process Applications Laboratory ]/2/2013'415chaub Hall Campus Box ]624 Raleigh NC {Make ice cream, fill milk cartons kapprox 1,000.2000 gal per week washdown water 'Garrick NO jQpd 'NCfiU Schaub FaodScienca _ _ 182008�Schaub HaII NCSU ,Raleigh NC 'eM11k/Ice Cream PackaQinR `Process�8000 g,11,1, Ber �,.NO Network 8/21/2006140 Southcenter OOr �Mornsville NC _ _ LNot on Raleigh5erwer Bergeron lNO € X 1 €design and print shop No equipment w¢h Neuse Rrver Prmtmg&Graphics 6/19/20151 110 E Vance St Zebulon NC 27597iwaten Domestic only Gomick 'NO'� Neuse Rrver W,,m, LLC(aka Neusiok Wmes) 5/11/20165020-8 Departure Or Raleigh, NC 276161Winery small scale 900ga11ons/yearwine )gal dregs per 12 galwine 111 -nee, NO 1 1 Non categorical 125000 gpd New lzon� Y _ _ 13201 WeIlington Court _ _ Raleigh, NC v {Nolongeratesabhshment —T___ -- _ � _ �_ Boone_ _ ANO 1t% 'Newcomb &Cc 12/16/2002(3000, .fort Ct Raleigh NC 21604 Heating and AC sales, service etc 'Domestic W-limseparts ii-robleductwork (Buchanan NO ( X News&Observer(East,rn Wake News) i ___l0/5/2006€130N Aeadell Ave____ _,Zebulon NC W,malloffcenotypesettng __�___ Domestic Only, (Holmes NO --L X --- x-- Nem & Observer Recycling Center News and Observer Recycling Center Ne rts P t �- 6/16/2008 1402 Mechanical Blvd Garner NC 6/21/201711402 Mechanical Or Garner NC Nexu S tiro I c _ 7/31/200618024 GI d Ave _ _ _ R I igh, NC No_ C mpiRer Carp -Y 6/14/2010i6308A gus DrSte 0 _ __ __Raleigh NC__ Nissan Computers 7/14/2004�lfiRk lOSChapel Hill Road _Rsleigh NC j Nitronix ..._ _ ..� 1/1/2004 628 Hutton Street Raleigh, NC _W _ - - Mine x 5/22/2008628 Hutton Street , Nitranix 2016618103Hutton St Raleigh NC Nivel Parts&Mfg Co LLC 9/201201212315 1aurelbrook St iRaieigh NC Op[o Acoustic Sensors _....._. _.____ i Nomaco 914/20031501NMCOr Zebulon, NC Nomaco _' 10/10/ 02 06 SOINMCOr _ Zebulon NC _ Namac. NMC Or Zebulon NC systerm Gormck m3/3/2009501 ti �33 Nomaco 2/13/20151501 NMC Or Zebulon NC Nomaco 2/13/2015€1OINMCDr Zebulon NC Optral _ _ � 'Opuol 12(9/2016530E Gannon Zebulon NL Nomaco lnc -yv-_ _ 4- 9/6/2012501 NMC 0= Zebulon NC' Nom acorc 9/4/2003505 NMC Or Zebulon NC Nomacorc - ...__._._. 10/25(2006 505 NMC Dr� _ -_ Zebulon, NC� Nomacorc 3/4/2009505 NMC Or I Zebulon NC Nomaco-rc 2/13/2015'505 NMC Dr 2ebuion NC _ Nomacorc � ---��� 2/13/2015 505 NMC Or I - Zebulon,NC 3 Norandex Building Materials Distribution _ 7/12/2012'1317Transpart Drr_ Raleigh NC Norandex Reynold_ _ �- X9/27/20041317 Transport drives_ Raleigh NC Nordic 1/16/2003;915 Withers Rd :Raleigh, NC North American Rocker Roofing 6/6/2006:302 Lane5t _ iftaleigh NC Nuo_rth American Packaging___ _ _ _ 9/27/20044301Lake BoaneTrail Raleigh NC NW Orth Brothers ....................__.. 9/22/2004w2114Atlannc Avennue T North Carolina Lawyers Weekly 7/23(2012510 Glenwood Ave Ste 223 _ Raleigh NC North Carolina Mulch _ �6(IB/2008t32]]Prong Creek Rd _ _ _ Mltldlesex, NC North Carolma Mulch 5/23f20133277 Prong Creek Rd _ r(.,.__ �_ Middlesex NC� North Carolina Orthoucs&Prosthetics Inc -� i _ -- 4/25/2D142231E Millbrook Rd Ste 101 Raleigh, NC North Carolina State University Burlington Labs 10/2112016,25005tmson Or Raleigh NC News distribution and recycling TOnedraininsmallgarageconnectedtooil/water paper ryc g i �F- ,NO Non CIU <25000gpd separator ( Formerly, recycling operation but recently I :Storage for endrolls and recycle paper stopped and only ships paperaway Sarah Gornick NO -� €Domesuc Only �fommez tial Pr n[erTNondus[rlelwa[eruse Bergeron NO 1-`---1 " prams. bw a NOId trial water use _ Bergeron NO { jX_ I _ _ __Nalongerat location _ _ _ _ Faw _ _ NO _-X Computer Assembly iDomest Onl 1Buchanan NO mm E -_J _ _. . v _ SemFCondus:or Research&Development^IBeasiey NO j No longer at this location :Bergeron kNO I% ' 1 INo longer,[this location 276061Closed t�-Icr i EvansAnalycal now at in,, address Grnick 1N0�Rlle life cam, shl in wat thisvelParts, y pp gco no ppearsto beclosed (Gornick NO i% 1___laterusedfrcooling Closed loop on cooling Non categorical <25 000 2759] Foam products -plastic extrusion Gay NO gpd (polyethylene foam extrusion IUP Application on File _ :Holmes _ �NO �7 _ Net subject to 460 Foam extruder water baths deactivated except: 1 Non categorical <25000 2]59](t one for possible R&D Bergeron NO 1 gPd EWater bath may be usetl occasionally for R&D 1 Noncontact coon ngwaterusedinchiller Allwat k Non Categoncai,<25 BOB oa 27597(Fm-ruder Product is air cooled er jGormck NO idocharged[hrough separator maintained to keep ( � :gpd (beads out of SS ! {{ Comt,,n,dpl for fl ..ire Beadhat arator �� € i on, waterbaths deac[ivatedexcept� I m i Non categorical <25000 27597:1 Imamtained for floor trenches that are now Gornick ND i tie for possible R&D j ( I 'gpd 27597zPlasbc Emrusi n (NO Beads going to sewer � WW� ,Faw � NO i _ I Noncategorical <25000 Polyethylene foam Have pit with strainers to catch beads IGornlck NO 275911E#rusion of,,nth-Ic corks Water usedfor cooling ;Gay NO ( Non <5 000 _ (gpd �MFsyntheHicork ___ IUP Apulicatlon nF€le !Holm s ANO �__ _ �TI N- at subject to 460 _ 275971 Extrusion of synthetic corks I (Bergeron 'NO 'Bpla'odn-categorlcal <25000 Water baths far cooking ]amve lines sanrtrzetl dram, h Condensatealsosbe,d,ed to Floor 1 Non Categorical <2500D 275971 Foam extruder make corks for wme bottles IGomick kN0 I drains Screen system keeps beads out of sanitary � glad ­cr ( 'C densatemsumer Tankssanzedl/month v Foam extruder, make corks User water baths nmm( + Non categoric,( <25000 ifor cooling 2]59] aper line Trenches covered by stainless steel mesh Gornick ANO � I I m most areas of plant gPd I Bulldmg materials disMbution Domestic onlymm IGornlck _ _ NO NnylSiding Drstr W $Bucrvhsaan N0_ CI old Storage - Warehouse_ (Brock rN_0_ _ x Metal Roofing Tool Sales Domestic IBergeron N0 Buchanan NO _l. X Warehouse Buchanan NO _ % y wspaper and other publican ns_ _ Domest€c _ Gornick aNO __ Retail mulch seller 'Well&sepuc _ �Faw� iN0_ ?Retail Mulch Seiler .On Septic ilohnson m� ,otic, €Non Cale I, <25,000 2]604(i Patient service, orthotics and prosthetic 145inks for wash down Gornick NO 1 approx 10DOgai per month Condensatedunng ! iNuclearreattorand engineennglabs Realtor summer labusage general malntenance,cooling I i ,Non categoncal <250tX1 2]695 IF.. (NO 1 used for research, no power generatmn tank (15 BOB gal tank) overflow dischargefrom ( I gallons per day some machme,y i - I__ _ _ _ _ _ Resell exterior shutters mfr and sell screens, North State Screen&Shutter 8/1/2012,2620Discovery Drive Raleigh NC iOomesuc IGornlck NO install both Northside Shopper�M _ � .... v.__..._ 8/17/2006(69250ld Wake Forest Rtl Raleigh, NC 1008 _ _ Bergeron _ NO I% Northstar Graphics A66 Old WIson Road Wendell NC __ Sc_reeo Printi_ngv W Boone __ _ NC € Northstar Graphics Inc 5/7/2030'2612Huntdaie Trl ^ Zebulon, NC _ (Residential Did not enterN0 _ € Notch Signs Dan _ _ 8/18/200617405 Louisburg Rd _ Raleigh NC Paint Metal(Rustolium) !Sewer to connect 7/07 :Bergeron NO ( (X Notch Signs Darl5/22/300817405Louaburg Rtl__ Santlbiastsigns_ ,Bergeron NO ( IX NovaCenters 9/191201216003ChapeIHII Rd Sle 153 Rleigh NC iR& D on electrachemcal sensors R gl re afewgallonsperweek Gorn ck NO Nova Lght nq _ 12/2/20023215103 Welingum Ct Raleigh NC 276155elllght bulbs _ W houseantldstr butelghtbulbs ,Buchanan__ NO NovellyTiles6/32/20083900Tarheel Dr #107 � Raleigh NC _ Tllemanuiactuzer� _ 15mall amount ofwater/glaieto drain IILICllo_�NO_ _ Novelty Tiles 5/6/2013139D0Tarheel Dr Ste 107 Raleigh NC IHandmade and hand painted ceramic hies iAppm, 20ga1/month,washtools hands brushes Gornick 'NO II -Ni- 9/23/ 0 ]51]Precision Driver ~Raleigh NCJ rChemlcal5tandaLds ��- _Ti _f Buchanan Radar I rinse salts from glassware using dishwasher waste NSI Solution Inc 9/24/2012.7212 ACC Blvd Raleigh NC (Makechemicalbubersandstandards Gornick NO _ __ _ _ _ I_ N51 Solutions v W 5/23 200817517 Pression Drive v iAnalytical Reference Material _ v Dell Olio f NO _ NSI Solutions 6117/2016'7517 Precision Dr _ _ _ sleigh Nc € 27617 closed Heavner _ _,NO i% N utcracker Pubbshing___ _ 9/21/ 2004_3501 Cumberland Creek Residential _Boone _ 'NO _ Oberlin CPns[ructmn __..� ___._ w �,�4/7/2005 6601 Richfard Road - Raleigh* NC__4 Residentlal T Boone W { NO .. w _ Office Depot Inc 3/24/20162580 Timber Dr Garner NC 27529 0ff,ceretail Name changefrom na-usbusm... urvey 9392 Heavner NO 5/ 22/200](3580 Timber Or__ Gorn r NC� Domestic (Domestic^ �v __ v_ Bergeron OH,cs Max lnc 8/1]/2012,2580 Timber Dr_ _ _ Garner NC (Make rubbers[ampswRh inkbag inside a0omestic 'Y Il Gornick 'NO � Old Castle Precast/NC Produces _ _ _ 6/13/2008920 Withers Rd _ Ralmgh�NC Formation of concrete pipes Weli&Septic ____ 4Faw/Bergeron -{NOI -t-% �Oldcastle Precast, lnc East_ 6/30/2013920 Withers Rdv�� ReleighyNC _ Pr, lcest concrete v� Septicstem entlwellwater _ Gornick INO �i (x 'Omnia LLC 8/8/20085605 Primavera Ct Raleigh NC^Fiber processingmm Occasionally soak f,ber material in water ell Olio V v....�._...____�__;._.�- Not on Sewer Non ---cal 121 BOB sed _ X .. u Nown CIU <25 OOOgpd Non Categorical <25 000 -'Ton categoncal <25G00 (Non CIU <2�pd� X_ x ._...._ �......_`. Omnra LLC __6/20165605 Primavera Ct RaleighcNC 2]616:Closed tOm�_fa has moved to Dxford Gornick NO (X ( W �...� We CIU 125000gptl ` OmnisM Corp _ 8/16/20067711 Welborn 5[_ v Raleigh NC Software &eleq-jU Systems ( Nolntlustdalwater use i 0mnisys Corp __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6/15/2016,7]!3 Welborn 5t _ Ralelgh,NC 276151 (closed :Gormck NO Ix ) _ One Stop Printing& Promatio ns, Inc 10/16/200912609 Port Chester Ct :Raleigh NC Prin-dpromotlonal fmc,comdetnbutor residen[,al 'Faw NO T � X !x � Op[o Acoustic Sensors _....._. _.____ 9/24/200411706 Medfield Road _ Residenbai � v �i0omesti<only , NO Orin Acousbc Sensors _ 9/20/201211706 Modfield Rd _ _ Raleigh NC ; _ _ _ (vibration and position sensors Not on the Raleigh Wastewater treatment systerm Gormck _ r IND , IX , Optrol _ _ ]/14/2004I 30.GPurser Drive _ -_ -v Raleigh NC ! rPCB mir Boo a NO # � Optral _ _ � 'Opuol � _ 4/27/2006830-G Purser Drive _ _ Raleigh, NC J Electranlcs Manu(actum Septic Tank _ �8erge�on (NO€X _ _ ____ 6/20/2016 830-G Purser Dr Raleigh -N-C- .,,� 27603I{Closed Heavner�_!NO % _ mm .-- Sales sho row om poly 12 yrs No Oaguml Mattress Factory 11/6/2014891] Glenwood Ave Raleigh NC 27617 No mfg in hemicals sed or stored on site Complam[investigatlon Bldg on septic Gornick iNO� �X (cu O" L._,dicServicefp � _ 5(_22/20132521Nobhn Rd ,Raleigh, NC — Install stalr lifts _ Nomfgor%ater�useage Domesticonty `Gornick Orthopedic Services/Van Products _ _ _ 6/12/200812521 Nob11n Rd Raleigh, NC Handicap accessible partssu Iplier 10..wash bay used Infrequently Few _ PNO mi _ INon CIU,<25000gpd Otis Elevator_ _Y8/20021601C-DTr-j;In Dr_ Raleighw, NC 2]6171nstallserviceelevators _ Domestic _yBuchananNO %_ _ ._._. Outdoor Images _v � 8/24/2006 PO Bo%17285 Raleigh NC Landscape C„_o _, __ _ Op eratmgputofhcme {Bergeron _v NO W T m�I% {Sell Install andrepmrdoorsandd,ckmg i Overhead Door Co of Raleigh 11/13/200213224 Gresham Lake Rd Raleigh NC -- 2]615 (egmpmentv -{F mestic only Buchanan NO Owens&Minor..� ]/20012{4200Global St RalelgNC ptstribu[e medlcalantlsurgical supplies IDpm_estic_-�� PMWProduc[slnc 6/17/20141315Hubert St Raleigh NC 276035mallamountofassembly IDomesthonly Gormck _ INO� � % a - - — - - - - Pageteklnc___ /13/2W4{182 Wmd Chime Court Surte102Raleigh NC PCBAssembly wash boards m smk Boone Pa nock Inc m��mmm mm�4/2]f200682 Wind ChimSo e Court ne 302_ �Ralelgh, NC� EleRromics Destgn{ClosinqBergeron �_ _�l isNO Pagetek Inc _ 5/28/2008`382 Windchlmeinc�Raleigh NC !Build arcui[boards _ _ IWash each board once/2550 per year _ !Faw/Bergeron�{N0_INon{IU <25 DOOgpd PageTeklnc___ _7/18/2016182-104 Wind Chime Ct _ Raleigh, NC 276151CI... d_ _ Mpvedto Atlantic Beachper website_ Gornick Pa etek Inc ( Software Concepts Inc) 7/13/20121192 /13/ Chime g2012'182104 Wmd Che a Ralei h NC ( Develop softwar.,mfralarmandmonrtpring E'�€ �� (j- �W Non{ategoncal g _ __ I �Clean water soluble solder from boartls Gormck NO _ _ _ { egwpment Trade bindery convert panted sheett,finished 1,25 OODgpd Paper Speaalties 7/12/201214200 Atlantic Ave St. 191 Raleigh NC � Domestic Gornick NO X , _ PaperSpeaaltms Bindery_ _ _ _ 6/13/20064200 A[IanticAve Raleigh NC Bmd,,V Cutting 1Nolndus[rialwater usev _ 'Bergeron NO X �� � LL I Parker Monu mens_ 6/17J200872D3 Knightdale, NCBlvd_ _ Knightdale, NC, Retad mo.umenttlealer - W_ _ Well&Septic _ _Bergeron NO aX_ Parker Monumentsv � _562013I7703Knigh[dale NCBNd� dKnightdale,NC ,Ret Lngraving mm +On Septic 'Johnson NO X 1 Pathway Technologies Inc 4/24/2014j8400Su Forks Rd Ste 202 _ _ Raleigh, NC 27615 Provide access control to corporations ¢Domestic only Gornick NO _ % I Patsy Aiken Designs_ _ 2/1/200414812 Hargr_Road_ _ Raleigh NC EChddrens Clothing _v 'Beasley ,NO _ % _--- _ _ _ € ..�.__...-W test wash I load every six months reg washing —w-- Non categorical <25000 Patsy Aiken Designs Inc 9/25/20.1,2T4812Hargrove Rd _ Raleigh NC !sewing _ machme Gornick IND 1 { gpd Paul Casper, Inc _ �_� _ W _.._ 10/22/2009+3533Rosinburg Rd Zebulon NC 1IMillwnghts welding steel supply_ Faw 'N0 t X .....rf Rebuilt heavy equipment, machining and Cutol's—cear...osewe sr vcper20091WS T_.,., € __ ..., Paul Casper Inc 5/15/201513533 Roslnburg Rd (PO Box 9) Zebulon NC ( 2]59] Gornick fN0 % fabaca4pn per mfr reg ilmapz suggests no sewer sv in that vicinity PB&1 lndustties-`^ 6/21/201 r2t6320 Angus Dr Stec Raleigh NC IDrstnbutenewantl used arcatle games �DomesticGorNck_ NO PCSigns&Graphics 5/23/20062091'rmlof Merhn Dr _ _ Garner, NC Residential home _ _ IBergeron NO _ X x PCSigns&Graphics _T_` _ _` __ 11/13/2009; 1016 Red Brick Rd �i6arner NC_ '11-denha1 did not enter {Faw NO 1 % PCSigns&Graphics 5/18/20131180 Hem Or Garner, NC (Wholesaler of large format digital panting Domestic Johnson tNO X ,PC Signs&Graphics 13(2016110_16 Red Back Rd _ Garner, NC Residential per goggle maps __a0utude service area per IMAPs !Gormck INO � _ _j% X „PD �W.��. 12/8/1996T8205 Holly Berry Court Raleigh NC i personal residence or salesoffice_� _ Brock NO 'Peach Tree One LTO _ 8/5/200411200 Mylynn Dave Raleigh NC IResidence _ BooneiNO_ _ 1 L X ,Peach Tree One LTD ....__ 9/28/20041200 MVlynn Orive_ _ �Wendell�NC ._�¢.Residen[lal _ _ _ Boone_ _ _ NO_ % In ware washing, envvPearlTherapeu[la 8/30/2010!5410TrinityRd Ste 108 Raleigh NC ( R&DpfpharmaceuticalmetereddoseInhalers Intlurtry marled NO GIU <25000gpd } densate dehumidification i Pearl Therapeutcs _ _J/12/2216 5410-08Trmitny Rtl Raleigh NC 3 27607'Closed_ _ (Gormck_ IND Peidmont Litho-,Inc ~- [Sl6 Hillsboroogh St ���Ra1eRh NC _ v (Brock 'NO__ P,ld—tPlastics Inc 8/8/200616720 Fleet wood Dr _ _ Raleigh NC i _ IBergeron iN0 IX� Pendel _ _ _ 9/22/20046304 Westgate Road __ Raleigh NC IAmphFler Mfrg_ _ _ ..... �Bopne _ _p!NO Pendel �_ _ v _ 9/5/2DO86304 E Westgate Rtl Raleigh, NC Manufacture travelingwavetube� Septic Faw/Dell Oho 7NO +X Mfr Electro mechan cal RF a phf for EMC Pend Electromagnet- Inc 7/31/203216304 Westgate Rd Ste E Raleigh, NC test labs 1Domestc 1Ggrn ck ANO 1 X Penet ct p duct line of 155- -- �^ 8/I/200615050berlln - _�_Raleigh NC Admin Office _ v _{No ndustr al water use �Bergergn INO Pennco _ 8/27/2012110143 US Hwy 264 Alt Middlesex NC Blendferncsulfat. Domestic ..v _ Gornick NO % Pennco 7/30/2015'10143 US Hwy 264ALT Middlesex NC � 275571 water treatment products no dram to sanitary sewer from production area Gornick 'NO f % Peoplefluent 4/14/2014484 Fayetteville St 9th Floor Ral.igh NC i 216111Talentmanagementandsoftwaredevel,pment D em sh o,Ithfl,,r,f,fl',,Illg Gornick mm 'NO� � X w _...Y..._µ ��.cwar _ _....._ _..... Perfect Power 12/19/2002 630]AAMus Dr Raieigh NC 27617 No city water&sewer Buchanan NO % _ tlomesti-mly repsaidwastmaterhauledawayas l �- Pergo (Unilin Flooring Garner Location) ]/13/201512000Perin Parkway Garner, NC 2]529 mfr laminate flooring that Gornick NO % Pergo_Inc ��� m _6/16/2008!2000 Pergo Pkwy �Garu,�NC 1Manufacturelammatefl—Mg _ rt� Closed s"m cooling ��� �pell Ol_o ANO �� rcNon CIU <2500Dgptl Perry Electronic mm -1/3/200315821Triangle Dr RateiRh, NC Storage Only_ __ _ !! (Buchanan NO _ �:_ F _ PGI- Nonwove 8/8/20081100_Navahe Dr _ _ Raleigh NC _ ......_...r� _ ( Not atiocatmn__ �pell Dim NO _ % _ Pllk- hAmphfiers � 9/24/20043617 Cas[legate Dnvr _� v vNotm Cnyhmrts Boone_ _ NO % Metal fab shop mailing addres PO Boz 2208 'PK well and sewer (Maps suggests onlyforce main Phdhps Iron Works see Ca.alta Enterprises 5/24/20134809 Auburn Knightdale NC Rd Raleigh, NC NO {X }Ger,__ _ _ near that address _ _ _ Phoen ax 1515 Inc �� X6/11/08!!3800-[ Tryon Rd Ralelg�NC Distr Of anitorialsupplles D nIgleonl �.11'Oh. NO _ _-41- 2q X P J l_........... J_Y „ .. ._.. ._ Phoenix JS Inc 380DT 4/5/2013 Wholesaler/defnbutor co per Manufacturers ryon Rd Ste C IRalelgh, NC_4Re ister Domestic iGom ick NO Photo Press Printing � � � 2/26/2007!120. Gannon Ave � Zebuion NCµ 27597COHse[pnntinq j Noprocesswaste water es LLNO Nnn Categorical Photo Press PrmtmR Corp 10/28/2009120 E Gannon Ave _ Zebulon NC f {Prmtmq _ {Photo dueR _ {Faw NO _ i M� !Non CIU <25000gpd Photo Press Inc (dba Zebulon Pant,n 7/16/2015 120E Gannon Ave Zebulon NC 27597 commercial punting < gal per wk from cleamng the camera 'Gormck INO f € INon categorical <25 OW g)pa do 1 ( Photo Stennl LIC - � y 8/11/20081319 US Hwy 70 East SuiteD Garner NC m i _ m No longeratrotation � NO Plcklelron Co gf Raleigh i_ _.._ 11/19/200913209 Wellmgton Ct, Ste 104 _Raleigh NC No[at address_ _ _ _ Faw LNO X_ _� r t.m tLrtho _ 5/3/20133126 HIIIsbormr hSt_ Raleigh NC � µlfppy center and print tom any Domestic poly _T IGUSI, NO �G 1 _ X y Retlmont Litho Inc .._ _ 10/15/200913116 Hillsborough St Raleigh, NC {Printing and copy center DomesCic gnly FawND a 1 IX Pike 91020131 SOSON New Ho Rd Ralel h NC Office andgamg, for Progress Energy Domestic, garage recycles oil degreaser waste ! I / / pe g Gormck NO 1 jX _ __ _ Crontractor hauled greary ragzdlsposedymm + Pine Gln Products - 1/4/200814145 Mam Street -__ Rolesville, NC _ ! Cleaning Prptlucts -95%Zero Discharge _ 'Bergeron iN0 �mm Non SIU - _P,eGloProducts 52/2013{4145 Main St Rolesville NC € Household Cleaners Domestic Johnson NO r �X _ _ _ WE r_... _ _ _..._._....1, �........,.. _...�.. _ _ _ _... .— ._ ____ --I Plgne_Erteriors ....� 6/7/200 28405 Wllming[gn S[ Raleigh NC E Homelmprgvement _ No industaal water use Bergero �NO _ Pioneer EMeriprs Y 9/26/2012128405 Wilmington St Raleigh NC j !Aluminum awnings doors windows, anopies iDpmesHc �'Gornick NO 1 ~� 1X PIP Pa_ ntinR,,,� 4—� _ _ 8/22/2006 ]209 Creedmoar Rd �4 ~Ralmgh NC jCgpying offre[ �c��LLW Wi DPM changetl2x/year -1Bergemn NO t _ X_ PIP Printing_ _ 7/13/2012'7209 Creedmoar Rd _ Raleigh NC 'Prmtshop No water used In any process v�Gorntck NO X_ _vYW_ilJ� Plpelinw.Supply Co X6/12/2008+31 Rupert Rd _ Raleigh,NC Wholesale water/sewer pipes esuconiy _ ID_ell Olio_ NO X jjA... rs to have closed Aramark sign an � { Piper Technologies Inc 7/8/201317424 ACC Blvd Ste 101 Raleigh NC tdopr Closed Gornick 'No X.- PKHealthcareResearch5535 Nrte View Ct _ 1RaleiRh, NC _ E restdentlal Boone_ _ N PKDSW,creen Pnntmg �_...__,...�.v_ �w 11/13/20092813 Banks Rd _ _ ,Ralelgh NCCno _ 1 _ _ Residential didtenter 'Faw -NOOD �� (Screen printing no industrial wastes water +t PKD Screen Printing Inc 6/10/201412813 Banks Rd_ Raleigh NC 27603E recycled, other wastes picked up by waste { On septic system �IGomlek 'NO X hauler fpr incineration lt_ _ ____ 1 Plant Health Care Inc 7/8/20152626GIenwoodAve St.350 Raleigh NC { 276084€Ag business global HO, research done in Seattle Domestic only Gormck NO 1 X ,-_ ___ _ ____ ._5..._____.__ Plastic& F fiber Glass Prod c[s Co 10/20(20093834 New Bern Ave _ Ralmh NC - Sell lastmsheets �Y Dmuesticoniy Faw -IN 6 .._ J._l- _. ._ .... _ Plastic Art Design � 9/22/2004 5811 MCHines Place _ � Raleigh NC _ E _ Plexiglass Fabrication � _ _ Boone IND _ ( % Plastic Art Design m _ _ 9/21/20125811 MCHines Place Raleigh, NC _ AcrVN-nd plexiglassfabrications_ po_m�e`s[ic_ �yl Gormck No X Platipus Earth Anchoring Systems 6/1/2015 1902 Garner Stat-Blvd Raleigh, NC I 27603 E g ring d construction, tree and Domestic only contact nfo from new bus ness Hoo,ner 'NO X € l irrigaumn, pipeline buoyancy etc perwebste 'Istng Pleasants Co JamesM� �_ W 8/22/2006�7511MomingDvg e� Ralmgh, NCS 1Sattali[e pfFlce_ ��No ind¢5t�ial water use ��Bergeron _ _CNO % W w- Pieasants Co James 9/25/20127511Moumd,g Dove Rd Raleigh NC i —T,,ofmmmersal HVACegmp Domestic only aIImd,,tu,I water usesatlobste 'Gornick ...r NO x 1 i� 182006'47.10,aper Rd _W W AflaI gh, NC � u W LLv _Residential --- Bergefon NO _ % PMF 9/13/201311100 New Hope Rd Raleigh NC Metal timshmg _, Clean use, and seal metal ,Gormck jNO )Noo ca[egoncla <25W 0 gPri 7/14(200471349 Ezpress Drve _TGamel NC {Plastic Mfr Domestic Only�� _ j PMWProdusInc s _ _ 10/16/2009315 Hubert St 4Raleigh NC_ Sellplastichuntingbllods _ 'Oomest—nfy _ _ �IFaw INDX_ ,Pocosin Press_ _ __ 9/22/200414916Grinnell Drive _ Residentialone ]NO !_ _ _X_ ......._ �10/18/]009 53245endero Or W Raleigh NC � Publish paddhnR gmtlebocks p mt,9go;tusloc.tI.n d.rrnjt only FawNO X _ _ t V Pocosm Press 5/20/201415324 Sendero Dr Raleigh, NC 276121 Ptbluher, books are printed by book mfgcos Domestic only ..,nick M NO 1X _ x mPolytote enc _ ����_ 8/22/2063216 Wellmgton Ct Raleigh, NC Full cutting No industrial water use _ _ �Bergero n_ _ NO-i�—-- Poole Equip Co Gregory _ 5/15/2006)4807 Beryl Rd _ Raleigh NC_ GSell&Repan Heavy Equip Wash equip rerycle H2O Bergeron NO k ! (Non CIU <25000gpd m. I `SafKlein ety Klhauls all liquid waste from shop Poole Equip Co Gregory�m uW ...Y._ WY 7/20/10121480] Beryl Rd Raleigh NC E Heavy equipment wholesaler - Gornick 1NO % 1 _ Safety Klein hauls all liquid waste from shop Poole Equip Co Gregory ]/20/20121701 Blue Ridge Rd Raleigh NC Heavy equipment wholesaler Gornfck INO Ix 1 Poole Printing Co_Inc_„� � _ ~�W 8/17/200626095pring Forest Rd W Raleigh NCv Offset printing Iver recovery- _� Berg geron 1N0 y ��T1 —_ Non CIU<25r000gl _ ( _ Non Categorical, 125,000 Poole Pr tRgCo Inc 7/13/201226095pring Forest Rd Ralegh NC Commercal prnter paper and label stock photographic hermitry, about l gpd {Gornck NO € w IRpd Festive Results 1/18/ 21H5541Pylon Drive �w Rale gh,NC Phato Stud.�omestl<Oaly� _ IBuchaan. 0 €��i Post&Pickets � M mmmmmm 9/23/20D4215Tryon Raad Raleigh NC E ,Ron Joneswouldnotanswer )Boone Post&Pickets �__ _Wv_ ___ 8215Ton d_�Raegh, ( dmalboxesDomestconiy Faw/DelOio O ! % _9/8/20DSesu�N_o n Categorical, <25000 zPost&Pickets LTD 6/10/2013 215 Tryon Rd Ralelgh NC 1 Paint mallboxes most paint ssprayed Wash some br shm, latex paint <lg,l/day IGornick NO 1BOd Pests Tek _ __ 9/23/20041005t Albans Drive Raleigh NC _ _ _Unable to to cat Beane _ NO i% _ 1 _ '_ _ v(Unablemiocate_ �) Pots Tek T m9 9/2008 1005t Albans Onve Raleigh, NC �u Address tloes not exert_, Bergron NO — t .� i ......._._.........________................__,.........._,._............,.._.a IPwean with air, aaumalate dust fire,,hosphating with steam gun Nond¢charge Powder Coat USA Inc 5/21/2014 4200 Atlantic Ave Ste 126 Raleigh NC 1 2]604 Do—tic only Gormck `NO i %Phospha1 i duedfor d water is vacuumed off floor and 1 1 �dned for rsposal No phosphatmg Hose off parts over Hoordrain Non Categorcal <25,OW Powtler Caat USA Inc 4/25/20162501 Ratchford Or Raleigh NC 1 276041 Powder coat in booth Heavner INO 1 1 (before coating Powtler cleaned up wth va € ^`� gpd PaweL11edical Equipment 1/18/1005501 DUwharre Court Raleigh NC (Medical Equipment Disti �J t 'Buchanan ,N0 1 % 1 , Power Secure �. 4/28/20141609 Hertege Commerce [t Wake Forest NC ( Corporate offices rm'!m'v�aR�Domestic Johnson 'NO �X Powerly[e Paintball Game Prod[ 8/18(200109MCH,nes Plr --Raleigh, NC 'Mfg palntballaccas files Safety kleen ptksup az[e� �^ Bergera� NO PowerSecure Inc 12/17/200911609 Heritage Commerce Ct Wake Forest NC 1Design/buidbackup generation systems Do mrtic only FFaw NO X 1 Precast Ter2.zzo/2004 � _ 7141107 New He RoadNC opRale gh Well and 5eptc W Boone_ NO X Pre-Cast Terrazzo Ent � � 1/1/20021107New HOPe Rd Ralemh NC 276301Fabrcatepro-castterrazo _ Domesticate, Nofloordr1l111 Buchanan `NO % s Precast Terrazzo Enterprises, enc 10/2/2012110] N New Hope Rtl_ Rale,ghNC_ tPrecastterrazzo products _ On wallwaterandsept¢[ank Gornick iNO Pression Cabmet Wcrks r YY~ _v 9/23/2D04�1224 Home Court W_ �JCarrier NC 1 _€ wNot on Oty Sewer _Boon_e — NO Precis€on Cabinet Works _ _ ._....10/9/20121224 Home Court Raleigh, NC _ Custom cabinets On well ands,pt,ct,,k �_ ;Gormckmm �lND X _ - PressionCuttingSystems____ 7/15/20043D295toombrook Road _ Raleigh NC Cutting Machines _ _ tWgpd_ _ _ Buchanan 'NO Precision [uttingtem 5/16(2008 30295toneybraak Road Raleigh, NC 1 No longer a[[his location r OeIl Olio _ ,ANO X , Precision Cutting Systems 7/15/20163029 Stoneybrook Rd Raleigh NCi _ 27604 Closed _ IGornick iN0 Precision Measurement J_ 1(18/2005553 E PV Ion Orive �RaleiRh NC 11 nstrumett Servte&Calibration_ i 1_ tBuchanan iN0 ' X y_ _� 'Sales Repmr, &service of sawblades& ._....._ Precls,on5aws 8/1/200625 Barefoot Industrial Park Raleigh NC INet an City Water/Sewer Bergeron NO IX u �� k _ _ jMachinery _ _ I P_rec€ston Screen Pnn[ &Monogram _ _ __ 8/20/20121343 Technology Dr� v v _Garner, NC _ Printing and embroidery_ Iln Johnston or Co _ _ _ Gnick_ _ _ NO i Pression Screentirint �__�7/16/20045450-30201d W_a_ke Forest Rate,gh NC Src eenprinnng ....__ _Buchanan (Pres ion Screenpdn[ _ _ _ 5/23/2007J343 Technology Or Garner, NC JOut m i,erace area Holmes NO i% Precision ScreWnn[!6/28/20161,5450-10201d Wake Forest Rd Rale€gh INC 276091 Closed �_ _ Heavner _ NO % Precis on�Signs_Incw_ 4(26/201_6' 6601H,IIsborough5t _Raleigh NC 276061FO ! 1prntmgforsigns —Domestic only IGornick W� `NO X Precision Stampers(Stamp Tech)_ _ 8/5/2W4,480 Old Wilson Road Wendell NC iseptec _ 'Boone _ANO Precision Stompers enc aka StampTech 4/5/20164800Id W,Ison Rd _ iWendell NC__I 2]591ErMetal fabrication _ On septic tank _ €Gornick _ NO _ X Precision Walls 21/2004136408anks Road �� �Ralefgh NC )Drywaliv,nyl coating _ ^��Buchanun­ `NOv Pression Walls 7/21/20044501 Beryl Road _ Raleigh NC lVmyl Wall Fabrication _ Domestic Only no drains Buchanan W NO Precision Wails __ _ _ _ __ _ __ 6/28/2016 3640 Banks Rd _ _ _ _ _ Raleigh NC 27603 This address is out of svc area _ _ South of Wake Tech off of Rt 401 _ __ Gornick _ _ NO _X_ Precisloµn Walls/Advanced EMerlor5ystem � _J _6/2/20083640 Banks Rd �� Raleigh NC� EHenorwail conrtructionWell&Septic m _ i"iron NO IX--------------------- Pro-Fn-We Pression Welding 7/16/2004 2322 Kennington Road Raleigh NC residential Buchanan NO ) j M p �� % _ I. W ( Pression WaIdu5ervices____ _ 7/12/2D122322 Kennington Rd�Ralmgh NC Portableweltling andrepair DomesticNOW W % ) _ Prempas Enterprises i 6/18/200812605 Gross Ave Wake Forest NC (Residential/Did not enter Dell Olio v `NO 1� Price Tool Co _ _ 8/2/2006,3]01 Tarheel Club DrY_ _ Raleigh NC _ i _ ' _ _BrockNO (� tX ___ Price Tool Co tt10/9/2012i3705Tarheel Club Dr W� Raleigh NC Toolandd,elobshop _ (Rural ad_dres;couid notJocc tamalbox G.rmck% Prices Auto Parts �_- 6/17/20081900014 Crews Rd_ _ Knightdale NC Au[a Parts store frWell&5eptic� iBergeron NO Pr€ces Auto Parts LLC 4/11/2013'19000ld Crews Rd Kmghtdale NCDistubutor of used auto parts 'Domestic (Johnson NO € j _ X Pnn[_Cam v WW W 7/2020046701 Fleetwood Ralemh NC� iPtintshop _ 'domesrc only u� Buchanan NO_ _ X��mmrt ' Some process use Glass arrives ands _ 1 { Non-Categorical 125000 Prism Research Glass 11/8/20026004 Trlanglepr Raleigh NC 2]617 Manufacture sclenuficglassware Buchanan NO superheated Fabnca[ion operation -{mm_ _ v �1 _ grid Pr, sir Re search Glass]20/20046004 Tran le Drve Raleigh NC Glass Mfr cutting cleanln �20.30ailonssihconwater _ 4Buchana� Prism Research Glass 5/20/20086004 Triangle Drive _ Manufacture Scientific Glassware Fa NO Non CIU <25000gpd Approx39 gpd used in protluc[lon somewater NO i Non Categorical, 125000 Prism Research Glass Cc 7/15/20136D04Trangle0r Rale,gh, N4 €LaboratoryGlass use water baths for cooing IGornick NO ) _ poured mon ground gpd {Dry clearing drop off location only 2 employees Non Categorical 125000 ,Pro Cleaners, see N,,ITrenz in binder 9/12/20148355 CreedmoorRd Rale,gh NC 276131 Complaint— estigation Gornick NO do no[flush paper towels _ _ ) d --- --- — — — — _ Rte— ProoGlass __ _ _ �5[7/2010(112N Church 5t Zebulon, NC � T�No longer at location�Fawmm NO ` d-nna,U ny Wmi,di-eincustomers'homes jjjjjj Pro Glass 7/0120151 1413 N Arendell Ave � n� Zebulon NC 27597lnstallationofshowerdoorsetc Gornfck IN0 X W — ___ _ __ i { nocoatings applied atfaciliry PraBudd��� �_J 11/20/200912512 Yonkers Rd Raleigh NC I Sell building matenais �v'Domestic only Faw !NO II % 7/18/2012825 US Hwy 70E_ _ Garner NC ` I Building supplier for home /commercial_ Domestic Gornick _ NO % x I Probudd Co, LLC 5/15/20151525 Hwy 70E Garner, NC 1 27529 Distributor of ori,vall and supplies f Contractor Yard atsame,ddress was domestic `Gormck NO % --- [ W,_,holesaler/distributor per mfrs reg only per 20081W5 I-- ,,.. 1 „__ _ __ ......_ .... ........._.... __1_W [ 1 Do mestfc per 20091W5 Wholesaler/distributor ..a� o- e..� Probuild East LLC 4/15/201412512 Yonkers Rd Raleigh NC 276040rstnbu[e building materials Gornick :NO ' mmm rIx --.__ IMaubhshmgco Useand outside vendor` { ! 1 Production Media Inc 6/3/201512501250 Blue Ridge Rd Raleigh, to print NC 2]607 Domestic only 'Gornick €NO x I , ( I � I _ ,Intp.publications _ _ __ _ IProfes_ nal Concrete Cutting _ 1/15/2003 2008Garner Station BNd _ _ Raleigh NC _I Cut Concrete _ _ __ _ _ 13-1, _ NO_.___1 ProfessfonalDesign&Im„prints ��— 8/1 a 2906';3800Tryon Rtl V W 'Raee,gh, NC� ,�__,___ Screenprnting � STT �W� Beugerm, NO x Non CI U,<25000gpd� Firm—ionalDesign&Imprints _ _ 6/14/2016(38M Tryon Rd Raleigh NC 2760screemminting _ _ _ <50galions Gornfck No mm � _ _ § <25000Ra11ons Professianal Machlne&Tool_ _ _ _ _ _ _1/1/20068245 Meadow Rd _ Raleigh NC� )Noton Cty Sewer _ (Bergeron _ 1ND_ _4__!X Prafesslonal Machine&Tool _ ^' 6/16/2010€8245 Meadow Rd RaleighyNC 1 Resldentlal not in sery Faw_ NO �_ X_ x._____ _ Professianal Mall Services 7/19/2004656085pring Court Ralsgh NC Administtative Works_ Idomes[iconly _._ _Buchanan 1N0 € ProfesslonalOrtho[ics&Pros[etia _ 6/13/2006€5300 AHantic Ave ^_ m �yRaleigh, NC m Mfg Cob. It, Plaster Traps In place_c mm ry Bergeron 1N0 1 _ 4 _ Non CIU, <25000RId_3 wProfes alOrthotics&P [etia V` 7/18/201215300 Atlantc Ave Raleigh NC .� Metl,cal oHce art€ficfal lmbs Domestic _ Gornick �I�NC Protil(orm 1(1/25/20023301 Brame, Dr Raleigh NC 2]604 Manufacturing of wrapped meid,ngs� Waterbillapproz $40permonth ` «Buchanan ANO I( % �dgmes[i only_ � c _ _._� —.-� -- '--� Address not alive websge,nd,cates business —Closed Phone Profilform 8/31,201633018ramer Dr Raleigh NC 27604 GornInk ANO % _ _ (disconnected _ relocatedto Henderson NC Proforma Camtal Prmtand Promotions 8/8/2008i1616Hernage Garden St Wake Forest NC ISesldentlal d,dnotenter 1Fow NO X Progress Body Jewlry 1 _ 8/1/20081800 Lake Park Or Raleigh NC--dendal Bergeron jN0_ (% (LLL I ,.�... Progress Energy_ _ .....� _..._...__ _.._ -_ 3/17/2(104, 1406 Mechankal Drrve W ~Garner NC_ Trans former Maunt meters « Brock INO i i� _ (z No^CIU <25000gptl (••Seesurvey befo..... aubng ••Wash repaired € f « Progress Energy 611/2016` 1406 Mechanical Or Garner NC27529(Transformer repair trans formers at paint shop use pant booth with Garrick NO ( Non Categorical 125000 ( 1 i ( € water based pains Small amt water used for spray gpd Qtyof Raleighha,300 ( III f mg/L oil and grease limit j gun wash weekly Max 60 gal/month est , Progress Fuels Carp 8/17/2006! 410 S Wilmington St Raleigh, NC 27601Progress Energy HO, subsequentmspection Refused to meetwch pretreatment Inspector i 4 `Bergeron NO X I j � (determined office bmltl,ng domestic onlyT requestetl to schedule apt Progress Fuels Corp _ _ — _� 6/12/200Wilmington St _ Raie,gh, NC .__.. New offlce buildng�__ _ �OeIPOr-- .1:1410S O11 -bldg m, downtown Rate,gh presumed .._ Progress Fuels Corp 6/24/24105 Wilmington St Raleigh NC 27601( Gormck NO % _ Itlgme,bl _ _ water used for washlog egwpment outdoors Progress Solar Soiut,,n, LLC 4/12/20161104 New Hope Rd Raleigh, NC 27610j5o1ar system assembly and sales (same Heavner ___Domestic only _ Progress Telerom_ mm 10/21/200211200101 Corporation Parkway mm Raleigh, NC 276101 Distributes tele[ mequipment ,Domestic Buchanan �NO_m Progressive GraphicsT _ Y _ 1/1/200415]06 Ch el Hill Roed — � Raleigh NC_- t00B,Church f T Beasley INO__ S,, enswashed small—ontofp-washing all ' Progress ve Graph: 12/8/2009'3707 Hillsborough S[ Raleigh NC ( €T shirts screen pr n[ng, embroidery � 'Fa, NO � Non CIU <25000gpd (E b oiafe chemicals _ € Progressive Grapha,lre 5/20/201413707HIIsbomugh St 'Raleih, NC ( 27607(Use ( Non Categorcai <25000 g pressure washer Avg from water ,249 gptl Gornick NO Pmgress,ve International Electronics 6/13/2006'2422 Atlantic Avenue — Raleigh NC_ Electronic Mfg _ _ _ Cucun borards mfgmf Zebulon m _ Bergeron N (ND 1 ue Does not perform any of6 Progressive International Electronics 5/23/20082422 Atlantic Aven ,Raleigh, NC C,rcu,[Board Assembly No water Usage Manufacture equipment Few NO ( X 433 Core o tions per: Progressive International Electronlcs _ ...... 4/12010 x1106 Great Fails Ct _ �Kh[daie NC_ _ «Light manufacturing_ Domestic, wash basin �IIFew _ NO } _ i ( ,Non CIU <25000gpd Rrogressivelnternm,onal Eiettrcnics 6/9/2016'2422At1antic Av_e - v` Raleigh NC m 27604 Closed,_ _ _..- .... Progressive International Electronics 7/6/201611106 Great Fails Ct _- Kmghtdole NC i 2]545«Assembly of elettromcs Domestic only IGor^ickmm NO FProl,neTraliers/Rampant Trailers/Sou[hag_ _ 4/5/2016(2023 Wendell Blvd Wendell, NC i 275915111 [railers__ �On septicsys[em _ _ IGomick _ LNO_ }Pros,gn Desmn 3005 Bethlehem Road __,T,K_mghtdale,NC Pesldentlal _ )Reside^bal no sewer W� jBrock_ Prgsmn Oesmn LLC _ �OS Bethlehem Road Raleigh, NC_ IResidenhal-dldnotenter _ Faw 'NNm.____. _... z li'Zin Design LLC _ _ 4/26/201W30058ethlehem Rd _Raleigh�NC __I _2]610 Resitlenbai, did not enter (Residential _ Gornick Pro Tec Fmishmg Y�4/21/20066L5200 Tratlemark Drive� Raleigh NC tComercial Pa,nbngo industrial water use ............. 10 No Proteque _ _ w� _ 4020Westchase Blvd _ Raleigh NC �� (Unablemlocate Boone yProtignics Inc_ f3/200486_T 1IJId Knmht Road W Kni hg tw.d _ale Nom_ PCB Mfr board washing«2 Resitlenbai dBhwashers Boone Pmtionies Inc 4/19/2006861 Old Knight Road iKnightdole NC PCB Mfr boardwashing Long form 4/20/2006 Bergeron NO Doesnorm any of six -413 o opee,rations EleRramcs contract mfr Assembly rework iNotcategorical Washing only, not 433 c,cu,t Non Categorical <25 W0 Proiron,cs Inc 7/712016'861 Old Knight Rd Kn,ghtdale NC 27545,11111ofprinted circuit lods Make prototypes € board manufacturer Not plating Garrick NO € - gpd _ P-r-lcs Inc 8 23 2012�8610ld Knight Rd ,Kni htdale NC 27545iPCBMfr reworkin pmr,was g Wash nrcurt bd Assemblies I dishwasher cycle per E / / B g g, and re h,n da Gormck NO ` ( ._.. Non Categorical Pro Leer Signs&Graphs¢_ _ _ 6/ 8/2010i533Dynamic Drrve _ _ Gamer NC _�I_ « Distribution ofwholesala,mnsupplies _ _ Domestic only Faw NO Publications Urlimited A i _ ]/21(2004«1307 Glenwood Ave Rale,g_NC ( ___+ residential 1Buchanan iN PVBu,Id,ng Services 11/27/2006312]Spobswood St Raleigh NC .._ 2]615'Warehouse Store equipment _ 19 garage bays Bathrooms _(Buchanan -,No 3X ! Physical locationautsideservicearea mailing Quality Conrad Mfg Inc 5/23/2013,4105 Quad Hollow Or (mauling only) Raleigh NC ( ( Located in Franklin County(Lqu,sburg) Gornick NO X address inside service area Qual,tylmportetl Parts_ 8/11/20064724Hargrove Road Raleigh NC _ Car partssalesNo industrlatwa[er use _ _ 'Bergeron INO Quartz Su_rfacing__.___ ___ _ _9/5/20063600 Lake WoodaLd Or Raleigh NC_ quartz countertop fabrication ` No fallowupnended IBargeron N_ Quartz Surfacing ._... �� 6 20 2016 3600 Lake Woodard Or Rallh, NC 2]604 IX ,_.. __�__..... _ ( /.. 8_,..._. __...W�-_I GOfnICR ANO 1X t � u Quest Academy 4/19/2016109985ti,ckland Rd Raleigh NC 27615No cafeteria no grease trap generic Hgsurvey 1 Charter school EG.rc,tk NO € X _0 S1ndicates nwo Hg _ _ quest Communicebons� — _ 1/ 16)20032300 Garner station Blvtl _ Raleigh NC _ Storageof Telecomm Equipment -�_ __ Brock Quik Stitch, LLC _ ~- � 5/21/2014«2420Atlanbc Ave _ Raleigh NC 2]604 Embroidering Dmestic only _ Gornick NO � (X_ �- I IUse eva t for waste Quinn Powder Coating 5/15/2013«8246 Planer Mill Rd Middlesex, NC j Paint Raw Material No water Discharge/Evaporator jJohnson 'N0 ( ` water pora to QV S Software Inc 7/2012017 5950 Six Forks Rd mmRaleigh NC Sofiwaredo-lopment mm_ fHeavner 6N0 � R&H Produce C. Inc 10/14/20091117 Agncul[ure St __— Raleigh NC _ Wholesale listr,bu[fan fruits and veg_— WDomestic only IFaw _ _ _ NO _ I % T ---€€€ R&H Produce Co Inc 4/15/20141117 Agriculture St Ste 4 Raleigh NC 27603 Wholesaler of produce 1Dome,tiCPer2D091W$ Wholesaler/d,stributor Garrick II iN0 j X « Per Mfrs Reg _ 1 ` R W Moore_ _ _ _ 11/2020061128 US HWY 70W _ Garnel_NC Dealer for lohn Deere _ _ _ Noble rocks upall wasteBergeron _ �NO € -{}-- _ _ _ _ W yNon CIU <25000gpd__ REMchel Company 6/12/2008J310Hodges5t Raleigh NC l HVACdstrmm pomesbc only _«Faw :3 _::j_ �{{ k % �- RWMooreEquipmentCo 8/20/20123128 US Hwy 70W Garner NC ( HQ and d,Ar,bumrofconstr,d,,n equipment I Closed loop wash pit wastehauled Domesticonly Gorn,ckNO i X Y � « Raun Water Solutions Inc 5/11/201613812 C Tarheel Dr Rales h NC 2]609«Con tractaudd,trbun-f—,ori barrel , g Domes[,<only - He nva er � NO � I -� X (Installation office,, distribution only « Rainbow Upholstery _ 8/]/2008 911N West St Raleigh NC _ ,Reupholster fum,[ure jDomerticonly __— Bergeron^_ NO _ x___ Rainbow Upholstery&Furnture Co 6/6/2014 911N West St_ "-Raleigh NC 27603 Uphoivstery Domestic only_ _ Gormck NO %� Rain Go Exteriors 7/19/20173941 Hwy 42 _ Raleigh NC 276031 Not on city sew_ Heavner Raleigh Computer ReWcl,ngand D,spo,ai 12/12/2016317 W Morgan St Raleigh NC Appears closed, cannot,,,anyhis sign of tI i - Garrick NO «% j i _ business .1 this location _ Raleigh Oen,m Workshop Inc —`_ `4/13/20161319100 W Martin St Raleigh NC 1 27601 Mfr denim Jeans jl or less washing machine load per weekGarrick 1N0 NonCtg 125000 Rale, hDurham Quar 6028 Triangle Drive ^Rale, h, NCw_____ a=ca <� 8...,._, r_V ._ 7-i/23/20041 J....�,.._._ian g Raleigh Engraving 7/23/20041806 N West Street Raleigh NC Printing [domestic only �FBuchanan �NOmmIW��__� % ;Rale,ghMachineCo��_ ry /20083200Spotiswood St__„m _'Ralmgh, NCt{7-Notatatldress _ DelI01,o NO X Raleigh Mechanical&Metal Inc �..._...__ _9/21/20121740SACC111W _ T_� Raleigh NC Sheet metal fabrication .�{Domestic _ _ Gornick 'N X Raleigh M echanical&Metals _ _ 8/5/2004:]405 ACC Boulevard Raleigh NC %br,cate Ductwork 7Noindustnal Water Use _ «Buchanan (NO �^ I _ _ % Raleigh Metal Recycbng_ ^` 7/20/2012~2310 Garner Rd_ Raleigh NC i IS, rap metal processing/ree mg_ _ �6ornick _ _ NO _ _I % Ralel hMetal Shop _ 6122008`28_0_0 Rowland Rd,Rale, h,NC _ Bu_s,ness no longer [here ,Faw ,NO X Raleigh Metals Processo,s Inc_ 5/8/20062310 Old Garner Rdmm� _ Raleigh NC Metals recychng-gym mm (No Industrial Water Use _ iBe,geran NO �� i f - iRaleighPlastic - 7/29/20048811B Gulf Court Rala,gh, NC Plastic trays containers Cooling Water (Buchan:a=_ 1N0 Non contact cooling water Raleigh Plastic 6/27/2016'881FB Gulf Court Rale, h NC 27617,CIosed jSUReBhas been eliminated Advantage Conveyor_ 1 g Heavner �iNO �% __ }-__occuples_both sw[es now _ _ Raleigh Pnn[ �� — ��-7/23/2006305 Eas[Martin StreM W� Raleigh, NC [✓rint�ng - — Buchanan ,NO _ j Non CIU<25000gpdL— Raleigh Print _ 6/10/2016` 305 E Martin St _ _ Raleigh NC 27601«Ciosed t _ _ v Gornick _ _ _ NO X"Jy-�^m�_— _......._ Rale,gh Printing&Tymng_ 5/19/20061 5415 Fayetteville Rd Raleigh _NC__,_� jOHset nt pnmg____ __ INot on city water/sewer_ _ lBergeran N_0 �'X- Rale,ghPrntng&TyP ng Inc 7/12/20125415Fayettevlle Rd Raleigh NC Graphicde,gn copying small offset prnting 'Prvatewell and pt,c system G Ick NO X Raleigh Rubber Stamp _ __ _ 7/23/20D4`1420 Brooks de Dr -- _AaLmh NC Stamps, seals a1 rgns B h ria iNo Seimdwater washout solutionmci clean _.._ _r1...�_ a^ P Non categorical 125000 Raleigh Rubber 5[ amp 9/21/201211420 Brookside Dr Raleigh NC :Rubberstamps Gornick kNO W_____iolasbolymer _ ___ _'__� Rale hSaw Co _ 7/26(2004806 McCulloch Street Raleigh, NC----�--j Saw Blades (Metal Sludge Buchanan T ryNo .r _ I Raleigh Saw Co 5/23/20085805 Departure Dnve _ y_� { Saw Blade Sharpening m �� aFaw _ iNO r _ —� t -- (Non CIU<25000gpd Raleigh Saw Co7/11/2016806 McCulloch 5t_WWRalelgh NC 2]603FCIosed _ [N _!In are domesticonly_�_Gornick NO IX j_ _€ _�__� _! Once per mo nth empry30-gallon tank that ^_ 1 4 Raleigh Saw CO Inc 5/23/20135805 Departure Dr Ste C Raleigh NC Sharpen circular saw bladessI contains oil eating enyme and small amt of rust IGornlck NO I (� € Non Categorical 125000 ,inhibito, _ _ _ _ ( _ (p---_ ` (gpd Raleigh Shee[Metai _r ___r_ 7/26/2004'517 Pershing RoaC __ ,_ Raleigh NC Cutbend wild shntrretall Domestic Only m W Buchananm {NO�( � % Raleigh Sheet Metal 5/23/2008,517 Pershmg Road -i Sheet Metal Fabrication Roofing Products �Faw 'NO I % Raleigh Sheet Meta l V� jL13(.2013g517Pershing Rd���� Ralelghr NC� ` (S heetmetalfabncation ,Domesnconiy (Gornick ENOL Rale1 8 h Tee 7 29 20044509 113 AI E �^ er mm g _ _ _ _ _ / / pin's (Raleigh NC Screen Pdnt �v Hauled O(f-srte Buchanan � NO r�—t � _ TiNon CIU <25000gpd i( Ownerhostiletosurveyine process Water's used C RaleighTees 7/13/2016�4909113AIpInis Or Raleigh NC i 2761615creen printing I to wash screens free of chemicals green theins€Heavner NO l Non CIU<25 000 gpd _ _ _ _ _ __ _ bnly k _ _ RaleighTme Recorder _ _ ]/30/200412252 Rumson Read ___ Raleigh NC_ 1 R_esidenbal Area _ _ i _ _ _ ��Bm,h1 n tN---_jOi X I __...._.._ �tlegreas�sed an rags which are disposed in !! -"""' _ __ — ..,._ _ _ Raleigh Time Recorder 6/23/201212252 Rumson Rd (Raleigh, NC 'Time clock sales and service Gornick IND % { _ 'landfill_ Raleigh Vocational Center v v _7/28/20073011 Falstaff Road _ _ i Raleigh, NCjPackagmg a n d Assam bly — Noprocess water used _ Buch ana_iNO mfrdenim Jeans Sewingplusoccaslonal TOomestic and less than ane washing machine load Non Categorical <25,000 Raleigh Workshop, Inc 7/10/20141319 W Marto St Raleigh NC f) 27601 Gornick NO i j washing Denim manufactured elsewhere Iperweek gpd ..._ - __ ...... _._....__ ....._____ — n __.`......________.....______._ ___444 _.-- _ _... _ ......_....___ _____ ___ _ _ — —p__ ____ .._____,_ _ _.. _...__L._ Raleigh Wrought Iron/Raleigh Powder Coating 11/4/201612100 Garner Rd Raleigh NC 27610 Welding, no plating Powder coating performed is for painting Does not'Heavner N0 X _ 111111 j (chemically alter the surface No floor drains 1E ' Raleih0urham Rubber&Gasket ��3019200 536 Lease Ln Raieih NCIndustrial distributotofrubbetppoducts _1NO g..... __... ._.._�.._ _. /__.(_ ..... 8 __,._rt IOomstic only Faw (N0___,.�...... X j i Makerubbergaskets Ory ass emblyofhydraullc Nowashmg,nomdustnalwateruse Domestic T �~ �( Raleigh Durham Rubber&Gasket 6/6/2014(5836 Lease Ln Raleigh, NC 27617 hoses_ _ only Gomlck ,NO , € X R,dy Broachl _9(14/20011,3112 E Stoneybrook Drive Raleigh NC S �jS�lgn As seW chanan _ N_0__ rolls of paper info smaller pieces for �m Ranpak Corp GEAMI 4/2]/20163401122 Gresham Lake Rd Raleigh NC 2]615 Domesticonly,nodying panting orgluing��Gomick W NO ! X i pack_aging�Xx= Ram[hmeonJPSCommunlcations8/1]/20065800DepartureDrive Ralel hg NC semble EleRronia Noproceswalegrsed IBergeron NoRaytheonJPS Communications, Inc 7/18/20125800DepartureDr Raleigh NC Assembly and sales of hardware and software No lnduestrial wastewater Gornick NO i rRB3 Enterprises .� 6(18/200816005 Main St Pot_xville NC IWltle format panting v Domestic n� Bergeron 1, NO m tX f R83 Enterprises 6/11/2014; 4701 Rodgers Rd Wake Forest NC IResidential/ Not on sewer v,a,Maps Johnson INO !X i RC Printing 7/22(.2004.j}�7-6'-4,3Trowbridge Court Ralegh NC v Residence Buchanan NO� X _ RC Prnum _ 7/12/2012' 7643 Trowbridge Ct Raleigh NC _ Broker ofprf,ting and office supplies _ �No mfg Domestic Gormck RC Woodcraft 4,7/20051008 Ha_mil_Dr,o Raleigh NC_ Builds Balling per neighbor _ Buchanan RRC,rWoodcraft� T T T 6/21/2016 SODS Hammell Or ^Raleigh NSC ,_ 27603 Closed I__ Gornick N 8/8/2006,1411 IW Ln Raleigh NC s m��._. Residence _ �Bergeran IND _ (X yRDU Rubber &Gasket _ 7129/200485836 Lease Lane Ralph NC Ruuber Mat Dis[r_ ^^ _v (Buchanan NO__r_ REM h 1/16/20031922 Garner Staton BNd �_ Ralegh NC �u 'Wholasaleofhvac equptnentWuyW_WT_�' Brock 'NO ReaC t ct_..... 6/8/2006'1201E Garner Rd ._.�_._._. Garner, NC Asphalt SpI kl for dust � _ T Berl g _ NO _ _ _ x � i ReaC t ct n_ _ _ 7/31/2006 5801 Chapel Hill Rd _ Ralegh NC I_Asphalt N AW Dach gas (Brock _ _ �NO 1 I �X 1 _ �j rRea Contracting �� �v � _� 8/24/200613010Greshanr Lake Rd � �"_ Ralegh NC �f 10, Wash �_ (-Foust' iNO �� �( i rN CIU <�S, pd i Rea Contracting_ _ 8/20/201211201 E Garner Rd _ Garner NC f- _"It J _ On septic IGornlck �NO i ,% it Rea Contracting _ _ ...._ 9(25/201213010Gresham Lake Rd _~Raleigh NC Asphalt concrete plant _ _ _ _Domestic only Gornick NO_o Rea Conttacting___ ________ ~_ 10/11/20125801 Chapel HAI Rd-. W Raleigh, NC _ Asphalt �DomesUconlyGolmck N0� IX T� Ready Mix Concrete �_ �...._ 11/10/2003623 E Garner Rd _ Gamer NC Batch concrete_ iDomesbcanly _TFaw NO X Ready Mixetl Concre[e� �. _ 26/20041714 Pershhing Road _ _Raleigh, NC _ i6Concrete Buchanan Ready Mixed Concrete 12/20/2006(5025 Umcon Dr Wake Forest NC 275871Cmcreta any run offls reused in proces v Holmes NO —% i mm Ready Mixed Concrete 6/15/2007(1801N whitest Wake Forest NCOu[of service area Bergeron NO % (Wash water etc, kept on site end reused via Ready Mixed Concrete 7/25/20125025 Unicon Dr Wake Forest NC 275871 Concrete plant Gormck NO iiX _ __._.....�._.____ _— ...._.�.....______........___ ..._.. Jrecycle pft Ready Mixed Concrete 8/8120121801N White St Wake Forest, NC i{Concrete Septictank and well (Gornick jNO % Ready Miltetl Concrete _ 10/15/2012_714 Pershing Rd _Raleigh NC `1 Ready mixed concrete_ _ Domestic only__ _ _ __ 'Gormck IND Ready Mixed Concrete(Souther, Egilpmenit Co Inc) 7/28/20043630 Bush Street _RRaleigh,NC jAtlmin Office_ w _ _ - T�Buchanan IN Ready Mixed Concrete Co (HQ) _ 4/8/20133610 Bush St_�_ Raleigh NCimm iEAdmin Office per 2004 survey _ kDomesti only mym3�Gor In ck NO j X Reclaim Filters&Systems 6/18/200811129 Hidden Hlls Dr Wake Forest, NC ( i Not In service area }9ergeron IND I. Recialm Filters & Systems Inc 5/18/201311129 Hidden Hills Or Wake Forest NC ( Homesales office of water filtration equipment On Septic Johnson JNO i(tit% ' '"___ Recialm Fll[ersand Systemslnc 1/4/2008I3129Hidden Hills Or Wake Forest NC i 27587i � Water Filtration Equipment ._..r (Holmes( NO �x Recycle Amenca� _ W 7/28/2004'1815Capital Blvd _ _W Raleigh, NC WE _ LBrock _ NOj X _ _ _ _ ! - RecyclogManagement Resources 10/4/2012115055 Blount St Raleigh NC ,Wholesalerofrecycledpapers plastics metals 1Domemmew conly soaterconsumedbybaier (Gormck INO IX 1 Red Hat _ _ 7/27/20121!18o1Varsiry Dr_ Raleigh NC €Opensourcesgftware _ _(Domestic Gornick NO _ I X _ 1 8(23/20061801arsity VWMRaleigh, NC ,Software 0evelopment� INo industrial water use_ _ __—fit Brock Red Het Inc 5/30/2014, 1000n—St Raleigh NC 27601ISaftwaredevelopmentpermfrsreg Tomes[Ic only google maps shows office bldg IGornlck 1N0 X 1 2 ^ Red Line Design �_Wv ^�_ 5/11/200733N Main Street �� Wendell NC S= printinting_____---_shines of screens.._._............_.._._mmlll�Bergeron v. IND _.. _ # —'i_ Non CIU <25000gpd 1 O.�._. Red Une Design 6/28/2016133N Main S[ Wendell NC 275911CIosed (Nowa,t,queshop instead f,cr,enprint,r no I need to rewslt Heavner NO 'X^ Red Viking Bold Engineering 6/17/2016j720BACC111d Raleigh NC 276171Engineertestequipment assemblyonly ^'Same business new name �4 � Heavner IND € x 1 jit I IRyanevaluatedthehighwater usage of this € f Reddy Ice 11/17/201611- Ice Dr Raleigh NC 1 276171 Makes Ice and distributes Indust ryandidecidednottomaketheman SlU (Heavner NO Non Categorical ; 17 j Check back In5years _Reddy ice Corp _ _ __ 6/12/20D818700 Ice Drw Ralelgh NC Ilcemanufacturer _ W Ice leftoverwastesent to s�ew_er_'Fxw_ jNO (, � _' Non C'I s25000gpd J -i ( ' Non categorical Potable COR water frozen inn ce for real Icemalm-11a meltwater mmoontact cooling ( {retreatment Reddy Ice-Ralelgh (431) 5/23/2013187M Ice Drive Raleigh, NC Gornick NO pprogram d stnbu[ on 1dim-11c and washdown 1 word naror to determine i status _ Reggie Matthews Promotions_ 6(14/20063603 BashIon Lu _ Raleigh NC d I Promotlona l Products Sales _ 'No industrial Water Use _ _ Bergeron _ (NO Rellan[ Rubber Col 12/20/200615107 Unicom Dr Wake Forest NC die curt gaskets no H2O used in process Holmes 1NO 1 ( X m Die cut rubber, cork plastic and sponge I No wale ed no chemicals or liquids discharged' Rellan( Rubber Cc _�.... �I 7/12/20121 5107HUnicon n_ _...__.__ Wake Forest NC Gornick ___ products v _ _ tOsanRarysewer m Rewket 8/24/2006316W Cabarrus It Raleigh NC �TResaletelacom equp Nolndustrial Water Use... ry Bergeron NO Remote Light Inc _ � 8/22/2006,8824S[ Ford Rd _ _ Ralaigh NC Resider. _ Foust NO T_ Remote Ught Inc_ ____ 9/25(20128824State Ford Rd _ Ralelgh, NC — OP tical lighting Instrumentation IAPPea is residential _ _ Go ick i N0 _ X _ 1 Repco Marke[Ing, Inc _....__ 6/14/2006 A3101Stoonney BroakCr m Raleigh, NC ,Mfg OWl Machines mm !Na l ndustrial Water Use T Bergeron NO Fence Marke[og Inc 7/12/201213101188 St oneybrook Dr Raleigh, NC �Mf breathalcoholsimulate, and solution [Regular f slks dt it is IGpr A NO _�-�% RepublcSery ces 9/22/201013909 Memo Ct Rale gh NC Fb cyci g 1F fl da b Id gincluding work area Faw NO ` j�Non{IU,<25000gptl Republ cSetvires �� __ �vW6�20/2016'3909 Memo Ct _ Rale gh, NCL _ 27610 CI tl_ _ N w Pro Shred Securt es Gorn ck WNO `% IAnalyt-Itesong HPLCassays,usebmFdcd1 _�V ���- _ Non categorical <25 DOD Research Triangle Labs 11/13/20023209119 Gresham Lake Rd Raleigh NC 2]615 water _ �PHmarilydomestic tBuchanan NO i _ Research Triangle Labs 2/14/201713209119 Gresham Lake Rd (Raleigh NC 27615,Formerlab closed Keller Mobile Cuisine now occupies thatsurte IGormck NO �fff%m Resplrics _ _ 7/29/20046008101 Triangle Onve _ Raleigh, NC � � Medical Devire Development_ ""�""f"55 gallons Hauled offsite mm u+Buchanan _ aNO a �W~ _ Non{IU <2S.00gpd jj tGlassware washing / Waste picked up by outside Y Respincs 5/28/20086008101 Triangle Dbve Raleigh NC i R&D for respiratory devices compay Faw/Dell 011o NO t Non{IU <250DDgpd Respincs _ _ _ _ 6/27/2016;6008101Trlangle Dr_ _ _ Raleigh NC , 27617jCIosed� _ _ Heavner N0�_ Resmrics Inc_ 3/7/20036008301TragleD_ Raleigh, NC Medical Device Design___ _ Buchanan! NO _ Responsese Pintmg �� � � ]/26L200A 5020Departurn Drrvvv _ fRaleighRalt NC _FOHset Printing m t Fdm Developeylgppppih �Buchanen N0 ` i Non CIU<250 Ogptl Response Printing _ _ 6/15/201615020 Departure Dr _ ,eigh NC 276161 _ _ closed _ 'Gornick NO _ _ X�{ �, Revcar Fasteners Inc_ _ __8/20/2012800N Green(Ield Pkvs� Ste 810 Garner, NC 1 Distributorof industrmlfasiene w Oomestfconly_ __ 1Gorn_ick NO Revcar Fastners _ v T_ 11/17/2006800N Greenfield Parkwa Garner NC Ostnbucorof carfastners W — ��Sellto Mfgs iBergeronN0� X _ _Y_��_._.__ RH Creations _ �_ _ 7%22/200417604 The Polme _ _ _ _ Raleigb —NC--7� ~Residence Buchana NO NH Creations _ _ 7/12/2D127604 Th a Pointe__ _ Raleigh NC Cufflinks no currenroduRionW Sellingremaining Inventory IGornickn _NO Rhmo Liners _ 8(3/2%84 12PurserDrrve_ Ralefgh�NC 1Spray an Bedliners _ Nolndustnal Water Use tBuchanan NOT ` X� Rickard Air Diffusion W...__.._.r.7/27/2D04j 7]13110 Welborn Read _ Raleigh NC ��IEiectranic Diffusers T Warehouse AssembNBBuchanan IND { X�M mm�� Right angle Mdpamrk 8/3/20072736 Marks Creek Rd !Knightdale NC, ` (Budd Cabmets _Oomertic only _ �eerggron NO X X rRightof Way Egmpment �1 6/ 12/20085500HIIIsborough St ,Raleigh NC ITurfequipment Wash parts oiiwa[erseparato -_ Dell Olio ___NO � _,Non CIU <25000gptl_ Wholesaler/distributorco per Manmactueres k Right of Way Equipment 4/5/201315500 Hllisborough St Raleigh NC Domestic Gornick iN0 X _ Te _ _ Rvi e,.,r Metria 1(1f2006j 2705 Rust¢Brkk Rd,_, _ _ Raleigh NC � - Reside cn a �- �- ,Bow-- RLSCommerciallntenors_ _...� 5/21/2007] 7212 Senn—Rd Wendell NC m. (Well &Septic IBergeron NO R Commercial lnrer�— Siemens Rd 6666,__ Wendell, NC - _- ]Arch Rrd1ba,millwork _ �havewell and septic tank Gornick NO I X _ v ii Use recycled water for concrete mixing 4,000 gal € � 1Noncategorlcal <21000 RMC 11/14/2002137400verlook Rd Raleigh, NC 27616 Domestic and uuckwater tanks_ per da Buchanan NO_ t Y _ _ _ _ _epd _ RobbinsCLstomwoodworks 5/23/20074712 Fayetteville Rd Garner NC (domestic_ domestic only_Holmes_ `NO 1 t % m ,Robert lames, Sale ( ._.__ _ E _ _ 1/1420032030Gerner Statmn Blvd Raleigh INC Mstnbutmn _ Brock NO Robyn Co 7/27/2004 304W Millbrook _ Raleigh, INC }} _ _ _ < estdence _ Buchanan NO % { _ Rob lyn Co ..._r _ ]/17/2012j304W Mlllbrookfld Raleigh�NC i flewelrywrepair ���domesbc _ _ (Gornick NO _�� Wholaalerof oodles video lighbn&staging —�� Rack Quarry Productions 9/25/2012! 3510 Rock Quarry Rd Raleigh NC VVmp Oames[ic-warehouse and offices N .W ..._ ,Gornick NO % Rock Quary Productions _ _� 8/23/2006k3510 Rock Quart' Rtl _ Raleigh NC _ If -tractor-for sound&lighting No lndurtnal Water Uso Brock _ NO i !i _% RaIlmsEconomy Cl er 6/16/2016407 W Peace St raleigh NC 27601 La drycleannganddrycieaning 3commerclalwashers drycleanngsentoff Gornick 3NO! �<25DDOgallons _ {_ Rollin E �mYCleaner_s _ 12/18/199]140]W Peace St _�- _ Rale gh, NCS ! _ _ 6666 _ _ _ Brock_ !NOi_ _ 1 (Non CIU<250DD,Rd 1 R,o _man Catholic Diocese -8/21/2006 715 Nazareth 5[ RaleIN igh NC _ C Catholic Mag Pnoted in Ml V eBergeron NO J—' j %_ Roman Cathchc Diocese_ _ _ 9/25/2012a715 Nazareth 5t _ rR.Ie h NC _ !publish NCCatholia ml,,I,ne D,,mt,-no printing done on site Garrick NO Roman Catholic Diocese _ _ 6/6/201417200 Stonehenge Dr Raleigh NC 276131 publish a magaame _ _ _ IDomestic only, _ Gornick NOI Roofers Supply of Greenville _____tl______ 1/1/1109Transpar[Drr �Ralah, NC u i ____�_ _� v Not on city wa[e�sewer �Bergero NO _i X —[X- 22061 F T� Roofers Supply of Greenville 4/19/20101109 Transport Dr Raleigh NC t Roofing ma[enai distributor/small warehouse IDomesticonly Faw _ reN0_ Roofers Su plY of Greenville ..._ � � � ]17201213826Generoslry Ct v Garner NC —� Commercial roofmg d,,tributor Domestic _ 1Gornick NO I i [%'- y� Roofing Supply Group Raleigh LLC_ _ _ 4/114/2201013609Jones Sausage Rd _ Garner NC ! !Wholesale roofing detnbuhon jDomesticonl, _ _ _ Faw NO %i 1 1 Royal Cup Coffee _ _ _ _ _32/2(20023216-116 Wellmgton Ct Raielgh NC _2]6151 Warehouse coffeeshlppmg _ Oom_esticonly 1Buchanan_ IND X j Royal Oak Stairs�� �_ 1(1/20023201104 We111nq[on Ct �_Raleigh NSC m iBulld Wooden Stairs ,Bathrooms _ 'Buchanan NO - _ x_- ROVaI Oak Stairs 1/1/2003201104 Wetling[on Ct Raleigh NC _ 2]615 Builtl Wooden Stairs _ i0omestic only _ - _Buchanan _iNO mm % i Royal Oak Stairs _ 6/12f200B 3201 Wellington Ct 8104 _ _ Raleigh NC intake 5talrs/staircases _ _ Domes[Ic only 6666_-,� -,,,,,Faw_ NO Royal Oak Stolrs Inc __ T�_24/20133201 Wellington Ct 5[e 104 Rech NCIBuiltl 5talrs�Do [Ic ori Gornick NO _ _ `X mf Royal Presume 9/13/20063305 East Millbrook Rd _--Raleigh NC 276091 No follow up needed v _Bergeron EX Royce&Co 6666_ _ _ _� 7(27/2004,4821 Hargrove Road_ 'Raielgh NC _ _ Sheet Metal Fabncauon _ _ pomesuc Only__` Buchanan jN0 i yx (� t K.Vice&Co� _ 5/23/2D07i129 Technical Ct �--yGarnrO NC �Hvac durcwork non process water _ Holmes _ ]NO,_--_-_--q1x Royce Co _ 8/20/2012�129Technlcai Ct Garner, NC _ HVACbusinessclosed _ _ _ ClosedGornick v �NO Foy eCompany - 66.6.6, W 7/12/2014821 B Hargrove Raleigh NC _ Custom sheet metalfabncatmn_ Domesbc_ _ 6666 _ Garrick ANO __- - RSR Fitness _ ]/20/20041207New HopeRoad 4V Ralelgh,NC _ Mfr Frtn_e_s_s_Egmp �__ Pyowder Palnt� _Buchanan 'N0 1 _ % —N. Phosphaunq etc —{ RTC Solutions _ --�-w 8/23(20069004 Grassington Way _ _ _ Raielgh NC Readontial _ Bergeron IND ___ X x � RTi Machine&Weldmglnc _ _ _ �5/240013� 138 E Vance St _Zebulon, NC _ Machine5hop&Welding_ Domestic _ 'Johnson_ dN0 1 _ _ kX _ �F RTTMachme&Welding, Inc 4/8/201612671WHW97 -^' Zebulon NC 27597 General machlningjob shop permfrsreg 0, ,ptfc,v,t,m _-__ Gornick �NOr X iRTT Machine and Welding _ _ 8/8/20081135 EVance S[ _ _2ebulon NC _ Commercial machlning_�_ _ Domestic only _yBerger0, NO ��II% fiupps Custom CabinetryT 8/ 8(20082830 Yonkers Rd .� Rath, NC Ou[of business ^ Faw � NO X x Russell Carroll Mfg _ 8/11/2008 2009 Carr For Dr _ Raleigh NC (Manufacture library furniture Well and septic Faw INO % Russell Carroll Mfg 9/5/20122009 Carr For Dr Raleigh, NC Wooden products and msb[uuonal furniture On sepbcsystem Gornick �NO � X 5_... ,.y......___.__ �. iR%Sample Solutions LLC 835251x Forks Road Raleigh NC � � � office only _ Boone W iN0_ RxMedic Systems Inc 4/4/201612701 Leighton Ridge Dr Wake For NC 275871 Make pharmacy robotics iAssambly.n:y Domestic Garrick ANO I i % Rye Industries _ - _ 9/17/20121065hore Dr Garner, NC �_ Mfrautlm cables and headsets Appears residential _ €Gornick ]NO � % Rye lntlustries Inc _ 11/20/2006106 Shore Dr 6666_ Garner, NC_ _ _ {Residential_____ tBergeron NO �_ __ _ %_ _x RYscor Scmm _.._ 311/2004�Wellingtan Court—wftalei h NC ~Research&Development Chemicals t Boone Radar v � ce. ...._._.._„/ m ----j._ _.____.._ �.__ _ g.._.w.. 4..,. _ Ryscor Science 12/21/20062713 Connector Dr Wake Forest NC ,see Synthonix HI Boone f i Ryscor Sciences w - 6152016-1t3-222 Wellington Ct 'Raleigh NC 27661st cl losek �igornick v`ND 5T Wooten Corp 7/16/2012 4 9 01 Barbie St E# _ Zebulon NC i _ Ready mixed concrete (Domesuc only _ €Gornick NO , f% Sabic Polymershapes_ _ �rt 6/12(2008!540 C—Blvd, Su 175 fialeigh NC _ 1Warehouse and Oistr _ tDomes[ic only Bergera= NO 1 _ __, _ %_ W 1Whalaalsea D,,t rco per Ma ufactueres -j Sabic Polymershapes 4/5/2013,540CM, Blvd Ste 175 ft leigh, NC Domestic Gornick ANO i �% Regstcr SafelReGlass Co _ �12/2�0024000.1158us ness Park Dr Raleigh NC27610 _ i 6666_ 6666 �NO Safelrte Glass Co� i -! - - � _T- 2/14/2017400x115 Business Park Or ��Raleigh, NC 2]610�App ae rs obe closed W --W-- ��� Suae now_o ogled bV Sheol ECIeRranics (Bernick NO Safety -Klee, Systems 1/1/20066225 Old Stage Rd _ Raleigh NC ' ,Not on city so— Safety Bergeron NO i% Safety K_ _5w ms 10/23/20091255ommerville ParkRd _ Raleigh NC _+Environmental serviceswaste pick up Septic FawiNO 'X Safety Kleen Systemslnc 4142014125_Sommerville Park Rd �ftaleigh, NC---i7603�g4Sed oll_and drycleaning fluids ,Onseptic_per Wake Coup1fl1A s TGomick �NO web -based financial analysis software�� Sageworks,inc 9/25/20125565 Cen[erview Or Raleigh NC _ Domesuc `Gornick !NO _ _ ( __ ,development i , Salient Healthcare Tech .� ........_W_ �1/1/200 ,619400 Ransdell Rtl Raleigh NC ,Unable [o locate ^_ W� _ ,Bergero CNO '� % --v—�_ 'Salient Healthcare Tech 6/15/201519400 Ransdell Rd �Raleigh, NC jjj 1Out of Service area _ _ fHeavner ,NO dx-- Sahx Pharmaceutical 6/12/201318510 Colonnade Way — Ralmgh NC mm !Co HQforpharmaceuticals us ontrac[mfrs IDomesucanly nofuturemfgplans jGornickn SandeRord Sausage _ 4506 Jones Sausage Road Garner, NC }OOB777 'Brock 1NO _ Xv Sanfrancisco � _ _ 3236 Benson Roatl __ Garner NC ,OOB _ _ _ i yBuchanan _ NCL X W —1/16/2003 Garner Stanton Blvd WLL�� RalelghNC -_ - ^Phone SwitchinR�__ - Brock_ iNO ,SBS_ _ _ 8/24%2004'6301 Chapel Hili Rd _ _ _ Raleigh NC j _ (Design computer Boards _ _ Bucha an n��� IND 5855_ _ _ _ 4/27/ 20066301 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh, NC_ 1_ Design computer Boards�X �- SBS_gym w w� 16/17/20166301Chapel Hlllyd Raleigh NC __2760] µ m v� ,closed now caryaudio, seeg1456__ �gamick�_� �_ „—m ''Schrader Anderation_Inc 8/8/2008126415 Blvd R lNC ergh I INotataddrm, Ipell Olio NO I% _ _ _ SnrechP bl hI g__ _ 2dXW 5601N H wth Way Raleigh NC i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Residential (Boone NO X ,_ — Sn_tech Publishing _ _10/ _ _ r 12/8/2009_911Paverstone Dr Ste B _ i Raleigh NC i_! _ SOfticefar pubbshing company _ _ Domestic_ly Faw_ NO ��IGornlck _IIx_ r X Scltech Pubhshmg 5/4/2013 911Paverstpne Dr Ste B_ 47625 Raleigh NC _ # No longer In business per realty broker Nolongerin business _ — t Sc tech Publishing Inc Wellesley Park N formerly911 5/13/201di Raleigh NC 2]615!Employee warts out of homeoffice Domestic only IGornick NO X Scootworks IPaverstpne Dr 8/g/2008108 E Va_e R _ Zebulon NC f Motorcycle machine shop Domesiicpnly _ _ (Bergeron NO SCP _ _ 14701Trademark Dr Raleigh NC{Swimming pool chemicals_warehouse Domestic only BrockNO _ �Screenscan Systemsm- _ 1/1/2004j3100Mango Drive — Raleigh NC _ _ _ _ resrdenre � _ IPP --Beasley NO �! scripturewear Inc 1/1/2004J1809 Snow Wmd Drive Raleigh, NC ChristlanJewelry 'resldence��� (Beasley ANO IScrtpturewear LLC _� W _ 10/15/2009 131261,,Castle Way___—_...__ _ Raleigh NC �Rateigh Makelewelry (Domestic poly_ Faw NO_ 1X� .Scriptu__LLC Glencastle Way NC _ _ _ 2]606 Chrrs[ranlewelry—� T!Resldentlal did not en[er _'Garrick NO _ 27557�&,trlbutor_ _ jdomesticonly Garrick_ NO Ix I 00B(Bergeron �NO K J __j/4/20L411312 Select Source/Western Excelsior _ _ _ _ _7/30/2015!10025 USHwy26dALT _ Mrdtllesex NC Self Cabmt Maker Terri 6/8/200611028Hammeil Dr _ _ Ralergh NC SensorSaferyPfpducts 10/15/2009(6003 Chapel Hill Road Ste 117 Raleigh NC Manufacturemcdlcaltlosime[ers Trace toluene and acetone from glassware wash Faw iNO jNon{IU<25000gpd ---i -— iSensors safety Products - 5/2/2014 6003 Chapel Hill Rd Ste 117 Raleigh NC 276071 Mfr and analysis of ddfusrve samplers —_- Trace amounts of mluen and rid acetone from I Gornick NO washing — -- IIIc Non Categorical <25000 I % II _ (Sensors Safety Products 6/17/201616003117 Chapel FIX Raleigh NC 27607Alr Tes[rng Sensors Rlassware r ekInse water from cleaning equipment <50 gallons a (Heavner ,NO I -jgpd < 2500D gallons ISens., 4/101081700SIz Fords Rd_ __52 60 e leigh SNC .�R __ — — —C _ m IDomesticonly — Faw _ NO —� �_ --_ % 6nsus(HDI _ 5/4/2016'8601700Six Forks Rd _ Ralergh NC 2]615jkadqu lers _ Domestic only IIGornlck NO % � Sem, 'Meliring5ystems- 55orrentec(Lloyds ReR s[er) 6/1220088601 Six Fords Rd #300 4/25/2006�319W Martin street Raleigh, NC _ Ralergh NC _ _ _ _ -`Pharmlceu[cal ConsultlnR/nm (Domestic only _ __IDell'Oilo _yN0 �.I Domestic �Bergeran N0�1 % �u %� Serlgraphlc Industries_ r 8/22/2006t8817Gu1f_C[ Raleigh NC Screenpdr,erpn water/nos ... r sewerm_ streetFoust N0__ X__ _ serotec _ _ _ _ _ 9/20/2004 3200-SOSAtiantic Ave__ _ _ _ Raieigh NC Office _i _Buchanan ;NO ___i X ,Service Plus Countertop Scpecial,sts Inc _ 10/4/201215401 Old Poole Rd , Ralergh, NC 1 Commercial countertops _ 'Watton Reid, Has pu rchased bldi, Service Plus IGornick I appears008 ,NO iX 1 4J _rv,ce_Plu8/1266615401 Ses Countertop Spec _ 8(15/2006I540301d Poole Rd Raleigh NC_ _ Granrte_F_abrica0on Iseeform Bergeron _ �No (Non OUs 1250001 Fabricate Heating &Air Septic Not_ Sewer IBergceo NO�_ Iz Shee_Metal Products 401/2006137280verlook Rd Raleigh, NC Electric Supply Co 30/15/2009�3925Tarh eel Dr Ralergh NC Wholesale electrical mated,ft Domestic only Fare, NO _ 4 ! X j 1Shepherd _ (Sheridan Dosrgns_ _ _ Sherwin WIIllams _ _ _ __8/23/2006 ]605 ProspeRor PI_ d 17 2015 2616 Wake Forest Rd Ralergh NC Ralergh, NC _ _ __ ___ _� _ _ — Residential _ 'Bergeron NO — 27608 Retail Int and supply sales �Tomestic_ _ Faw rN0 1_ e= _ _ � X I _ -- X' ""x''-"'""`"' Williams Wake Forest Rd 1 4/1]/20152414 Wake Forest Rd Raleigh NC j 276081 Re[arl 1100%domestic wastewater, no theins or paint 1d Faw (Sherwin paint and supply sates 1 NO products will be mixed with domestic (pro u X I 1 Showl,ne_ I 6/16/2010r3308New Hope Rd Raleigh NC tDrshwashinq bqufd mlg_ NO I % __ _ Showlmm e Apmatrve _ 1/1/20041308 New Hope _ _ ~Raley h NC IU uid Dish Soap _septic_ __;Faw _ Septic Noon Sewer IBe le No % I —IX Showiine Automotive 1308 New Hope_ Raleigh NC _Mfg Dish Detergent Not an Citysewe_ (Faust 'NO Mu bottlehouseholdcleaningproducts all p (Domestic only no production water discharged Gornick NO _ e�ss product rerytled —ext `domestic X �i Shpwbne/US Soaps 5/3/20132114 Atlantic Ave 5[e 160 Raleigh NC -- _ Ishred,[ (Cintas Corp per caller ld) ; 7/28/2015I1251Intrepid Cl Ralergh NC 2J610Edocument des[ructlon only, water used to wet down balesrs�— `consumed Gornick IND LShutterWprks __ LShutterworks The — _ _ 8/6/200](8520 Hillard Rd i�27/20128520 Hilliard Rd v _ Middlesex NC Middles, tx NC W ,Out of servicearea _ Wooden shutters Bergeron 'NO 4On sep llc tank W Garrick T — _ NO M 1X i _._... ^��7 Siemens Industry Cities and Infrastructures 9/14/2012(]000 Siemens Rd Wendell NC Electrical systems mfg moved [o Mexico Water from large sump still an site to be hauled by 2011 Gornick kN0 r_ Sigma Electric Mfg Corp _ �.__—_— __ 9/19/201�220Srgma Dr Gaper NC I Electrical wmng accessories Fall, grng� _(W holesalerofel-r-Itparts _ CommercialSigns SK _ _ ___ _ _ _ Npmfg Packageand tlutrrbutetlomestic IGO_nlCk W NO Warehouse _ iBergeron_ NO 1 IBeasley _ ' f% W, {X Sigma Electron,, _ _ _ _ 11/17/20061205igma Dr Garner NC Rama 1/1/20044721-319AtlanticAa Ralergh -19.A ISiRnARama _3/1/2004IS619H,lisborpugh Street _NC Raleigh NC _ Intenor/E_#errpr_Signs� NO Beasley NO X SignARama_ Sign A Rama _ qn Shop USA Sign Solutions Large Format t_.... .... 7/16/2012(5619 Hillib... eBh St_ _ _ r—_2/2013 201Tryon Rd 5[e 101_ 6/I7/2008y533Dyna in Drive 8/24/201718337 Hillard Rd _Raleigh, NC —Raleigh, NC Garner NC Middlesex NC _ Fullservicesign shop_ _ (Sign company, WholesaleSlgn Supply&Dgribution Digital and screen printing _DomesticonlV Garold _ _NO�__� -Do_ [I_nly Gornick NO No Industrial Water Use 'Bergeron NO Town of Mlddlesez stafftcld us that the location is Heavner iNO notoncRyconnectlon_-1(_ IX ISIgn ARama 6/11/2008(201Tryon Rd p101w Ralergh, NC Vinyl signs -__ Domestic only DeIl0110 NO,X tt� .._— Sign A Rama __ _ 8/8/200814]21Atlantrc Ave _ 'Ralergh NC ISigns banners IetterinR �0 tic only _ _(Dell Olro Domestic _ _ _ _ % Sign A Rama 6/16/2010,5619 Hillsborough St SudeG&H Ralergh NC_ —� 15lgnmanufaRuring _ MIND _ Oimesuc only iFaw__ INO %_ Sign-ARama 5/2/20134721119 ASIantic Ave Raleigh NC IMakengns Domestic only Gornick NO I I% I 'Signature Greetings I 5/5/2016 6712 101 VngAla Ct Raleigh NC `Greeting card mailing service per 20141WS 27616 Mm,,ddontalnrsiume nameechangeriptron same address presumed name change Residential per 200rTWS ,ntl google maps at Gornick NO 10pmes[ic only per 20141WS presumed same I I % ix Signature Mailings formerly Assured Client � 4/30/20146717 Virgilio C[ Ste 101 Raleigh, NC 2]616(Greetrng card mailing service l meetings and home office Domestic only, , Gornlck NO commercial priming__shing � % —�I y�_ r5lgnature Pubbshing IISignergy 1 1/1/2004}512 Brickhaven Drive _ I 7/2/201515215 Capital Blvd RaleiRh NC Raleigh, NC �Magaxine Pubb 27616`sign shop Beasley �NO occasional washing Gornick NO i t < categorical 2500brush ' i — Rns Iby Blaylock _ _ _ 1/1/200611011 Flanders Dr _ _ Garner NC 27529, IBergetona— NO I FSSlgns by Blaylock_ __ — 5/23/ 20071011 Flanders Rd in __'Residential _ lR_esrdemial _ 1Holmes_ 'NO__ _ _ %__X Signs By Tpmorrpw 1/1/2004527 Hillsborough Street Rate[[ hi Small Sign Shop _ Beasley ANO _` _ _ Signs by Tomorrow _ _ 9/25/201 Si7Hdtsb—ingh St_ _ Ralergh NC _ _ rlMumandexteriorsigns ���n:i IDomestic nopalmingorwashing___ Gornick _ NO _1 —X Signs by Tomorrow/Green Imaging 6/9/2 0 10 1 6 70 1-10 4 Glenwood Ave Ralergh NC gn and graphamanufattuang/pnnting Domestic only IFaw� 3N0 Signs by Tomorrow,a also Green Imaging and Design Inc (Signs Etc 'Signsetc 5/29/20136320-E Angus Or 1/1/2004510]Falls Neuse Road Raieigh NC Raleigh NC gns design production Installation Tor(Ex[erlor_SIRnsM` (Domestic T Garrick NO Beasley NO I X 1_ ��-X _��, _ ^----- _ gns Now_ _ _ �- ., — — 6(31/20082210E Millbrook Rd _ _ i _ _6/3/2015I2424AV-1c Ave RatelRh, NC Raleigh NC_ (Signs painting __276041SIgnage business _ Domesticonly 'Domestic Dell'011o NO Heavner—_ v _INO ( % ; �� _—_— X_ Signs Etc 6/10/201312210E Millbrook Rd Ste 107 Balogh, NC Signs made by cutting vinyl printing outsourced IDomestic only Garrick NO X SlgPxck 11/5/2002E24405umner Blvd Ralergh, NC 27616 Modernize packaging equipment I CNCmachining to make beat sinks Irgh[ 27609 Idon— only rebuilds packaging machines i pomesticanly, no process water goes to sewer (Buchanan ;NO i 1 z — z ISimonlndusRies 9/14/201529101ndus[rial Dr Raleigh, NC I mannuai assembly of mechanical comppnen[s _Engineepgdoslgn,somellghtassemblbr Furniture Rental M_anuf.—e Measurement _ _ _ _ _ Pnv_ate resitlen ce _Do mesiic Only T^— IGarrick I:NO Bergeron_____ Gornlck (NO Buchanan jN0 Buchanan jN0 r I X __ �X (Simple Machines_ _ _ _ _ 8/18/200627_16 Scottsdale Ln _ _Raleigh NCResidential (Simple Machin_ _ V7/14/2012 2716 Scottsdale In RaleiRh NC _ 51 Inpzle Furnl[ure Rentals Tll/26/2002 3216 Spots wood St _ RaleiRh, NC ISinsrotek _ _ 9/19/2004, 5908 Triangle Drive Raleigh NC ��— 8/8/200611801 It Albans Or IRaleigh NC Offset Printglnq _ Hauletl offsite _ Bergeron IND 1 INon CIU, Q5000gpd _ hS-lr Speetly�_ Sir Speedy Printing _ I�._8/15OO6Ai 2526 Htllsbo_gh St 18015t Albans Or,f,rmerlyat3812 5/13/2014 _— Raleigh, NC Raleigh NC Offset Printglnq __i DPM -- Bergeron {NO IGornick 1N0 _ r-- _ Non CIU <25,000RPd_ 1 X Prmung Presswaterrecycled Waste 27609, 'Domestic only _ Tarheel Or_ _ _ itlrummed (ordisposal { Sir Speedy Finding(GLK Incl 7/12/2012,18015t Albans Dr Raleigh NC I Printing and marketing trice ommercial chemical or process water I IGornick NO 1 1 X _-- __—_ _ _ _ __ ISI!Speedy Panting Center __—_—______ --- 9/25/201212526 Hllbborough it Raleigh NCI __ A_—__ _ _ Instant printing, signs and banners ;_discharged__ Do not d,scharge water or chemcal' from process IGornick NO I Su Speetly Printing Center — _ _. 4/26/2016)]00 SOI Blue Ridge Rd pRaleigh NC 27606 Doti — MOVED TO 210103 Avent Ferry Rd Heavner� JNO IN DI at printing operation, moved from 700 Blue i ` Sir Speeedy Printing Center 5/2/20162109 Avent Ferry Rd Raielgh NC 27606 Domestic only Heavner (NO X _ _ _ Rldge Rd 7 7 S,rtage il 1/1/204 12 Turner Street Raleigh NC 'Residential Area_ ~µ_ €Beasley ANO {{{(%Ix i 32D9Grwhamfake Rd 5te 102mmimg Repaand ales ofc—tructkon and seying Rmsesmailparts,ns,nk before repair, much less Nom Categorical <25 000 Srtech Mid Atlantic LLC 5/9/2014f Raleigh NC 27615` ir uryGornick NO site is a[ 4805 Green Rd Ste 110 j equipment than 100 gptl � god Mid AiLLC Srtech _lanuc _ _ _ 5/11,/2016j4805 110 Green Rd_ Raleigh NC _ --J76 Dns nbutmn only per mfr, reg_ _ _ Dpmesh,:Mly _ Heavner N0 _ _ % Satriever 4 1916Wndrow Lane RI gh, NC ( It Residential_ Foust No Smith Addre ss ng Machine Service _......___ 11/13/2009'151 Technology Dr� _ Grner NG _ ( Out of servlcearea 'Faw _v�_ NO�LLMt !Sall and— equipment with access control Domesticonly Located,n Johnston Co ,Maps ... 1 Smdh Addressing Machme5erv,ces 6/4/20151151 Technology Dr Gamer INC 27529, ,Heavner NO % _ uipment ID cards suggests no sewer svc I Floor.?.�.._..._.._ _.. Smith antllohnson Flooring 12(2/202321510]Well,nq[on Ct _ _ Raleigh NC t _ Warehouse Flooring _ _ _ Buchanan (NO Smith Seal of NC 5/6/201318441 Garvey Dr Raielgh NC iD,stnbution of gaskets and sealing products Domestic only (Gormck (NO X Smith Seal ofNC -- 5/6/201318441Garvey Drive Raleigh NC � jOistnbutlon ofgasketsand sealIng products Domestic^mtl�—m !Johnson ENO �X S,mlth Seal of NC_ —~ _6(12/20088441 Garvey Oz��Raleigh NC a (Distr Ofwashers/gaskets JDomesti only _ Y Dell Olio (NO Smurfit Stone Contalner _ _ 8/4/204(3801 Tarheel Drive _ Raleigh NC ) _ (Corrugated Boxes 1525gpd wa,hwat,r T `Heasley ;N& _ _ Non CIU <25000gpd Smurfit Stone Container 6/3/208'3801Tarheel Dr Raleigh NC ECorrugated box printing 12 flexcgraphic printers w/ Pits and washdown Bergeron !NO ( (Non CIU <25000gpd Smurfit Stone Contalner 6/28/20163803 Tarheel Dr—Ralemh NC2]6091 C_ -.ii— (NowTn[on Slone Group _ Heavner mm -NOM {% �...___ 1 i- i<25,000 gPd not Smurfit stone Container _ 10/22/20023801 Tarheel Dr mmv Raleigh, NCm 27609` _ �W Buchanan iNO E ii s_ I c to I i Software Concepts(Pagetek) 8/1/207182 Wind Chime Court, Suite 102 Raleigh, NC build 20-30 circuit boards annually &wash ( Holmes ,NO Doe snot perform any of6 3 433 care Operations _ Software COncep[s 711812016' 182 Chime C[ Raielgh NC 27615CIosed ( Atlantic Beach per website IGOmick iNO%"�j' _ Software Concepts, Inc dba Pagetek 6/4/2013182 Wind Chime Ct Ste 104 Raleigh NC �Mfrmdhandwashsmalln0 ofcircu,tbds 16 boards ih rsyear Also wore software Gormck 'NO .. I_ ! Non categorical <25,00D ------������------((zz(s--:--:: SOlargemx� 3/17/2042101-115 Westinghouse Bivd _ _ Raleigh NC _ Warehouse Dkt Buchanan mjNO —7 i Non Cdteg—cat, 125 GOD SolarH2Ot Ltd 5/6/20141305 Transport Dr Raleigh NC 27603 Make panels pumps[a[,Ons and cOmponen[s 1Use3 gallons per week [o pressure tes[produRs Gormck `NO g tl ...�_____.. _ p._.. ... ....�__ Sonoco Rerycl,ng _ m - 6/16/20081111S Rogers In � Raleigh NC Recycling plant _ m �m'DOmestic Only _ _ - � --TF ... zNc {{ Wholesaler/tl,s[ribu[or co per ManufaRueres f Sonoco Recycling 4/5/2013E Ill Rogers L Raleigh NC Domestic (Gornick NO IX 1€ ____ T !Man.f. __ ..._..... _.._...._.. .� I _� t South Ag _ _ _ 8/20/204 6 202 3 Wentleil Boulevard IWentlell NC_ �ManufaRure Trailers {Buchanan _ _ ]NO South Ag Mstnbuting, Inc 8/15/2012y2023 Wendel( Bivd --_ Wendell NC _ �Unhtytrailers _ ,Well and septic G.mick NO %_ �( kD.mosticpr,20D91WS Wholesaler/distnbutor South Cenral Poai Supply 4/15/20144]01 Trademark Dr Raleigh, NC 2]610) D,s[r,butor of swimming pool equipment Gornlck iNO X 'per Mfrs Reg _ South Central Pool Supply,- c_^ m^ 10/14/2094701Trademark Dr Raleigh, NC _ _� _ Wholesalesw,mmingpo"I dfpartsDomestlkofy �Faw� N00 _i w _ South Side Shopper _ 6/6/20612339 Timber Dnve� _ Garners NC Sales office No lndus[nal water use Berger On _kNO 5outhEastern Digital Imaging 6/16/2010r630114 Linn—me 0, �_ Raleigh NC Large format graphics Domestic only_ _ _ T_ _ Faw T _`NO E 1 % — 'SoutheasternDigitalImaging _ _ _ _ _ _6(14/2016'630Lim -no Dr_ Raleigh, NC ' _ �_ V _ ,Closed_ _ ,Heavner, NO jk- _ Southeastern Freight Lines 5/3/2012,7501 Precision Dr rRale,gh NC I Trucking Co dryproductsonly NO1mm�{4 E (Non CIU <25000gpd Southeastern Gram[e� 8/2/20046701 Fleetwood Raleigh NC _ i ,Cut/Process Gran,te7Marble _ _ 3�day(moving to Alca[eH _ _ _ Buchanan _ NO t _f i _N_on CIU <2500gpd Southeastem Grannie � �-627/20166701 Fleetwood Dr _..__ Raleigh NC__ ] 27612€Closed _ H nem NO X st Southeaern Screen Pr int _ _ _ 8/12/208,7300ACCBIw! Raleigh NC_ ^j s _ _ INot at location Dell Oho _ NO ix _ Southeastern TVppgraphy __ 8/2/20432_0 Glen Royal Road _Raleigh NC___ _t_ 'Sign ShOo-00B7 _ Buchanan (yNo fX Southeastern Typograp-hy X6/16/20101 y__mm _ m _ See South Eastern DigRallmagmg _ Faw___ Southern Equipment Company Inc 7/17/2012 3610 Bush 5[ Raielgh NC or Office for Ready Mixed Concrete CoDomestic €Gornlck NO X Fu Gmmte&Marble0061212 Front St _ Relelgh NC ^Granite fabrication €Hauled off,' ReLL Burger ---NO _(Non -CIU <25000gpd �€ t 4 ( N Domestic only Large hold ing tank where water ,s ( f € So uthrm Granite&Marble 6/16/20101212 Front St Raielgh NC Stonecutting Faw NO % 4 reused and goes through filter press `Southern Grande and marble—� 8/8/206i1212Front StRaleigh NC� �[ 27609 Granite Fabrication `Nofollow upneeded Bergeron NO Southern Gramte and Marble _ 6/21(2016j 1212wFront St _ _ Raleigh NC t 270_91 Closed ___I __ Heav_ ANO % € _ 'Southern Pump and Tank Co LLC _ --- --W-_—LL9/21/201215015 Bloodworth St .� _Rale,gh, NC �D,stnbutegaspumps,dapensers andtanks IOccasionalwash,n&a(ew gallons perweek 'Gormck �� NO ry .. vW f 'Non Categorical 125000 _ _ _ _ 1 1 gPd _ Southern Roofing Metals_m_ ` _ _ _ � _ _ _ 9/29/2004t16� 01 Lake Wheeler Road ___ Raleigh NC _ _ _ ;D�str NO M(g_ _ _ _ _ i Beasley _ _ NO _ _ X Southern5eeds _ _ 4/20/2007e680E Finck Ave _ �Mddlesex,NC 1 D_str NO MfgDOmestc _ �Holm_es 1N0 i _ lx��, y� Southern Seeds Inc _ _u...� W _ 7/10/2015'10680E Fitch Ave _ Mddlesex,NC—_ 275571 seed, chemical fertllizer distributor domestic only no floor drams 7Gornck w�_"0 ' uthern Starcase 1/ 1/2041200 Cc rpOraton Pakway Ralegh NC f Outof Busm [Heasley _W#N0Southern Starcase 420/20103215 Walington Ct 5u to 106 RaleghN ,Warh,,,e/ nufdrigofstLIslDomes[conly Fw NO Southern Staircase, Inc 1 42720163215-106mdl07WoI1mgtm Ct Raleigh NC 276151 wOodenstancasesinstaRedmcustomers Domestic Only, no painting or gluing No utility ,Gornlck NO I IX __ / / __ �0. g ,location sink Southside Shopper �— 8/21/20122339 T,mbeLDr` G�arner�NC 'Office for,_newspape�publishingry �No[published pit sRe-domestic ��Y �Y�Gomick NO--EpX i���' �� Southtech Orthopedics ��7/12/2012610 Maddry Oaks C[ _ Raleigh NC Sell orthopedic products to hospitals Domestic Only a6ornick NO i t%xw South Tek System�_ 6/1212ODS 47245harpstOne Ln�__ _,RaleighNC _ E _ _W _ JResidenHal LDld not Enter _ Dell Olm _ �'No Sparks Press 8(3/2049000 Mian Street IRalemh NC _ offset pnnting ( NOlndustrial Water Use Buchanan NO Speccommintemational 8/8/206s58D8 Faringtlon PI _ Raleigh NC JMagn,no Publishing _ _ mm No lndustnal Water Use ,Bergeron NO Speccomm nternational Inc _ _ 9/25(2012'3101 Poplarwood Ct S[e_115 _ _Raleigh NC_ _ iMagannepublam.m_{Pub nhing ci meeisewhere domestic _ Garrick _ IND lWhOlesaler/dstrbutor to per Manufactueres _ 1 { Specialty Pd cts & Insulation Inc 4/5/2013115135unrse Ave Ralegh NC Regster Domestic !Gornick NO j % { pec ItyP d S /In tI 6/12/200815135un rise Avg Ralegh NC ( .tea lnsulati�o_n _ _ Domestic only EDall Dim �N0 X Spectra Integrated Systems Ince v ...._ ...._Y.W 8/9/20063209 Gresham Lake Raielgh NC (Sell& repair constmctlonequepNO Industrial Water Use T jBeergerpn (NO v_ -------- .,6 Spectra Integrated Systems, Inc _ 11/3/20094805Green Rd,Ste 110 Raleigh NC {[ _ Laser Repair IDomesticonly 'Faw NO Spectra Prec It ii _ _11/15j202j3209102Welborn St_ Raleigh NC € 27615 E1-5ellandrepair sLL eymstruments__ _ _, noprocessuseof water _ Buchan Spell P duc6 _�W N ~— 1/1(204420Atlantc Ave v Ralegh_, NC 1 mm M €Out of Business Beasley NO X _ Sport Id _ 9/28/2041 33N Mein Street JReta,l Only W.� Boone IND —-..-r_..._�__ % Sport _Id _ _ �______- 5/21/207, 11E 3rd St _ Wend_eII, NC �,r 5pomng goods embrordery� _ 'DOmestit _ aBergerOn IND _ j %�_ 1-rtsworld Printing _ 6/14/206, 3603 Bas[,on Ln �_ R_le,gh NC ,Screenprinbng Spray ou[screens _ Berger_NO ( No CIU <250DOgpd I Sprotsworld Printing 7/11/2016 3603 Bastion Ln _ _ Ralegh NC 27604 Closed Heavner NO % -,— j e bmlding, Property orgrsays at: k , I Sprout Pharmaceuticals Inc 4/28/2014High rise of, (42085,x Forks Rd Ste 1010 Raleigh NC ! 2760 (Domestic only Gormck NO ( X swtes in that caddress are office only _1 _ __ s __ _ _.jGo1mck �,NO ISRB Mongramm,ng 7/8/2013�31040arien Or_ Raleigh NC 'A ppeared residential did not enter Reidential --T , City water ands we er somech,m,c,is homed I ST Wooten Concrete Plant 11/14/20021 6937 CapRal Blvd Raleigh NC J Concrete company wash bay recycles water 30 kgal/daywaterusage Buchanan IND duringsummer 250g,l/dayw,nter ST Wooten Concrete Plant 2114/201716937Ca tai Blvd Raleigh NC 27616�Former concrete cam M�... e._..... Closed per Concrete Supply Co rep nen door on p g puny Gornick 'NO 1x , Out of busness _ _ __ Overlook Rd a W _ J �- W STWOOtenC���� �_ 5/10/10110 901 Barbee St Ext Zebulon NC 1Ready mix mncrete���u� xSeRtic system Faw IND X i� ST Wooten Corp 6/8/22010'12304CIeveland School Rtl rn Gaer NC .... 'Ose utofrv,cearea Faw NO _* X � _ _ Stackpole Elec me Inc __ _ 6(13/206P3261 Atlantic Ave_ iMRaleigh, NC�}Sales offlefor Electronic Components _ _ 'Bergeron _ NO _ X_ „Stackpole EleRronla Inc �� _ 1014/2009E 2700 Wycl,ff Rd Ste 410 wRele,gh, NCmm _ !!Sales officiomer service vv_�DomesticAonly� Faw TNO X I�� y I Domestic per 2009 IWS Wholesaler/distributor '2700 WycIff Rd Ste 410 .. Stackp,le Electronics Inc 4/15/2014 Raleigh NC 2707 Corp HQ and distributor of electronic parts per Mfrs Ran Garrick F!111 Rd! mm_X 'italmod Glass Associate, 12/15/2M6 221 N First St hall NC, Stained glass Ae Bame... IND 11N. 1CIU <5 0009nd staL'n�dG-IasLAssociates -L(�------2/18/2012'221N First St —jnfghtclalo �NC In 'Gpolcl� INO Staj,las�Steel FabricaLp_rs_ NC IWIndustr,alWater Use NO less Steel all[ Inc 4 Carl 1111 Il NC Stainless Steel Fab Stainless Steel Fab 7/16/2012 5325 Departure Dr Raleigh NC Welding and metal bending 'Domestic and 200 gal/month for pan, washing !G'rnc' Stain L I NnInd. trial Water Use Buchanan r,l Bergeron S1 .1-StanISP I.M. Inc 1113/20092025 Carr our Dr Raleigh NC I Custom Fabrication Septic Jaw IND -,X ,StijnIass_EteSISpRc,a1tIe Inc4/14/2010 2025g.,rmrD, Ral 'Sheet metal 1�ab,,catcn� I - !NO h, NC (9501 Fayetteville Rd (2025 Car, Pur mi Raleigh NC NO Stainless Steels Inc 7/12/2012 survey) Metal fabrication Carl- only ;G -Ick t al Wendell NC -1—Small P.MsyLtal fabricatom Talk ­N(j_ �Suu _h_ __ _ --11/20/20061480 Old Mhl- Road ___�PaSaptic_ Stamp -Tech (Pr . ..... . Stamper, Inc) 7/17/20121110 Old Mhl- 11 Wendell, NC Metal stamping and machine shop Paris tumbling and cleaning Garrick 4NO 2t-ara-es-MaOmo %��eldiing­ 9J30/20K 511 Nowell Read Raleigh NC thine 51h welddine Beasley— 'ND -1 cp�- Sta,p,int Global Services /9/2002 2201 S Wilmington St Raleigh, NC Data security assatracklng rewd Goal 'Buchanan 1" F Imonagemen document conversion State Electric Supply Co :/5/201313925 Tt,hael Dr Raleigh, NC Whdte�,rI,r/d,,trIbutorco perManufacruar is Deal !NO Rene 6/1212008,83I3Sr,F.rk,Rd #10 —R.le,g—C D�-manaprnrrnt Domestic.aly )Gell Olio � rNO -Tlal�tks & Data Corp In N t yAleitSafaaxces 200 Kirkland Fil _Rajelgh _NC nt_n4k_e_,,fetys,g,s__ Industrial waternse rgerm _Sj _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -_6/7j_ T111 Slay Alert Safety Services 9/25/2012 1240 Kirkland Rd Raleigh NC !Temporary traffic central q,,pm,nt 'Wash company truck every few month, 'Garrick NO ay� t R,g-hjPreca,tConcrota� __8/1/20073109resham Uke Rd Raleigh NC M0YeA9utm` 5e-m!Se-are-a -Perge�-r0in— -NLO-.XL L G -Stly"Lo _jJI14L22�31qq raharqLal oJg1h �C entic mostly bathrooms �h�riaao N!j - - _�'22tG_ a t_ _ -1L 9/2W553 Steal Fab of Virgin,, 1119/2W5 534 Pylon DnV1 RABI, NC ManagernaltFac,iny Beasley jNO Stool Fab fV,,R,n,o,__ _IY15/2mg 5 100__ Raleigh _lAcglontinpandnies office �imma alynglma, aw� Steel Network Inc li.4 No Cold formed steel framing bracket, St,,If,b,fV,,gi,la Inc 4[24j2014j1101Bur Oak Cu, Sto 100 Raleigh N Copor,tooffic, soles/pral- C 27612 Sh accounting Domestic only Garrick NO Sterling Precision 8/22/2012 111 Squa. D, Garner NC Ste,l,,g Precision Inc 6/2112616i III Sigma Dr Game, NC StaInTachnal.g,as_Yv 1/1/2004A�2L`W-r�h,,IDNIs Raleigh NC Steve'sTees 11/12/2009€3129 Heritage Trade Dr 'Wake Fermi, NC Steve's Tees 4/28/201413129 Heritage Trade Dr Wake Forest NC St-asTs & Unnf.mas, Inc 4/4/201612125) 10. lfarftagaTrade l)r Wake Forest NC StitchCastle Inc 5/5/2014130520 NalardSt Raleigh NC - StockBolIdIng -8L4/2BAj322LSp-.qod .1a,.h Stock Building 9/2:/2W4j3227 Wallington Ct Raleigh, NC Stock Bolding — 9/28/2004„7708 BmwnlI St Raleigh NC StDcQuildingAmply 19L20 9 3000 Yonkers Raleigh NC mm mm_ Stock Building Supply 4/15/20143000 York- Rd Raleigh NC Stock Building Supply 1/21/2016:8401 Planar Mill Rd Middlesex NC Stock Building Supp1y_(HQ)__ ll/IC�/2009i8O2O-ArcoCorporate D, Raleigh NC Stock Building Supply (HQ) 4/14/2014!8020 Arc, Corporate Dr 4th Fl R.1a,gh NC 5-liCarroonents 2/.L00718.40I Planner M,[�Rcl 5L Middlesex, C -'M 'N Stock Components 7/10/201518401PIsrI Mill Rd Middlesex NC Stockton Grah,m, & C, 9/25/20I2j41WC.It.Lake .r Rala,gh NC '�t�. Accents 1/1/2006 612 harratt tmm_ ii Uanh C N Stone Accents_ 1/1/2W616_12W Her '"St lc,gh NC Stone Accents 7/11/2016612W rR.ttSt NC Stcon, Age Dc,sign, 9/5/2"G612517 N.blm Rd Ralc,gh NC §,lonaarad1jS1Craab.ns__ - 1w.0618825Wast"ate�11ark L- Raleigh NC __ 'Stone ardTfl. Crean- 7/13/201618825 Westgate Park Dr R.I.,gh NC Stone a ndble Impi qS1_ St,n,,ndT[I,Imp,m 6/27/201i6t(5316-D J Richards D, Raleigh NC 'StoneCnY 6110/201311.5 Wake 101- Rd NC 'Raleigh Stone Container Corp 1/1/20023801 T.rheni Dr R.Ia,gh C Stony Hill Cabl,-.rks 5/22/20071586Wo,dl,,dCh,rch Rd Wake Forest, NC SlmoyWIC.boalwor1c, 8/9/20121586Wo,dl,,d Church Rd Wake Forest, NC _LtoryOfhco Ewho III ents Inc _10/14/20091 ICBM World T r.d. d . . . . . . - - --jeAIN Raleigh, C M-- I St-OfficeEnafirmnarate Inc 1128120141 10.00 World Trade Blvd Rala,gh, NC RallIN!j NC Strickland,,.eSh.p- 8/1,012J4020WIndell Blvd Wendell NC Atronbam MrLaL_ Triangle D, Ralanit NC_ Stroll -Metal Works-- 'it,rmrabalrg ­_)[2/30/20,1215812 jLL4/2W6 5812T""I'l . . lta��l eit, h _NC Metal Works 7/14j2009 5812Triaoll 'Raleigh NC Stro-ba�Sheet M-IW,,B Inc 6/17/2014 670111—IdDr f.r..,I,.5812 Raleigh, NC Tll-llIa Dr Stymtecl 7/2/2004'IMLExprossDove, - Suburban rseuLl� Anon., ,L _a_ 61B/20�4'60WS Main StSte A asy-Ilc Sumitomo Electric Lght,aw, 6/7120171201S Roger, are Raleigh NC IaSummers&5[n cklend Printing 5/23/2006;, 106E Mann lSt_____ga,mnr NC _- awr annfalmliftall, -- - - Make -Id, for pharmaceuticals and other product, � Water not used in process If- washing machine 27 29 CNC machine work t to wash dust off aprons Wash scr...s daily b,,,,f,inkwdcle,n,r Embroidery and screer, printing Screen Printing and Embroidery Washout Sink G.,nl,k NO L -- - - ANO !NO 275820k screen and embroidery Use locIn them, Wa,hw,thwter 50gpdest jGornIck 27614 Embroidery Domestic only no washing or process water :G -Ick Panels Beasley of bid supplies D,mmtk,pr,2ffl9IW5 Wholes,ler/detnInutor Gamxk d,,,,,,n of Stock Bldg Supply Build !D—o-oly opanitinginwashms; Garrick 0 1 F I I NO ANO ENO NO -NO—J - i NO NO X --- Non Categorical QS CCOand Non C. 111.1 11250( X L 1N,, cat .. ncal, 121 Rod X -- x X x - X --n Catell.f., <25060 Lpd X X— No. CIU, <25 000gpd X IN.I CIU,<25000gpcj Non Cate �25 go,--- X-- .X- X X I any w 27604 Co HQfrwind,,, do,,, wall Is 'D,mosocIne,2009-ty, 4thfi,orefficablkig a' Gom,ck NO Ix hire rag and Fulfil, maps 'Holmes NO 27557,t.... m,,ufact,rfn& no painting orwashing domestic only Garrick NO Ix - 'Coffee roasting antl wholesale of coffee tea) Domestic G.Imck 'NO x 276031 cps No fall.. up needed 'Bergeron NO Mak,St,,eC,un Meqops Bargar.m___No M 2 g,al 276031CI.,ad 27604'1),,Tibuta�rchat Bergeron NO t €x 27617 No follow up -eded 'BergNOeron_ Water used with saws goes to roxyd, talks which !Non categorical, 25,000 27617ISh.w room and fabrication are cleaned out several tun as per year Garrick 'NO gpd Ganite and Marble__ ______IHo follow up a eating __ qergero a NO 12761177 Closed 7d Garrick IX Countertops, recycle cutting -ter Cl... filter, -I30Find (30% which cannot be ' ;N. Non Categorical <25 000il- 1-ard residuals -, month recycled) IGarrick Igpd Fl,,pIncM,chIno ,c,,r,g,t,,I taping Blue— Buchanan iNO Wooden cabinets residential X 1W..d.n cabinetsi otic tank ndwell ,n —Fr,nk?-, Co-- , --7`G-.m-1c-k NO Ix Wash lSais,a!mf service of office furniture (25) )Fawn 5 000gq _eymy other month Non Clu,�j 'Sell andnistall c4ficef-ione, wash cars a,a,y I 27617 , Domestic only G.rmck IND x .he, month and hawsprinki,rsys AymniciialeAeryloe 9 a x Boone 'In 8' Service rogirm, On septic tank ;k NO X Buchanan 'Fabricate and InstallHVACdk�clwmrk^ a! estic__ Buchanan_ NO i hl� -- Ft)tACDuq%,�q:Tk 0 r 'r, 0 Domestic maron X -- jShaetmetal Fabrication 1D.Iriest-mly Brock-- IRO x 276121 M .,ad from Triangle Dr recently Dry pro- Domestic In lymc 'N Welding and curtarg No painting or washing - - ----- - GrI X JM sayf-ore labeling machine Not a is City Smor/Pack,joe Plant IO N'. J_ _ _ __- tBuchoram _ _ S,l1sPnaP,ne-----qcmaenc­­­ ­ , Johnson INO I I x Extrusion for cables and assembly offibari lH.-ar NO Nor, C.tIFI,1,sl Wes I - Non Cl pripling No ridusT,15yater use Berge, ran __Aon CIU,.<25,w Summers and Strickland Printing _ _ _ _ 6/13/2016106 E Main St _ _Garner W- 27529Closed N-th, Gamer FI -1,' �Gornlck NO X ._Sun Machine 8/9/20048724AGIenwaod Av___ Raleigh NC 7 _ �00B7 _ Buchanan NO Sun States Maintenance ��� _ _ 12,191200216301 C Angus Or_ Raleigh«NC _ �Lanitorial5ervices _ _ _ Domestic oniyn eso wer LL J Buchanan NO -{+!x Ix _k _30/19120091200 Horizon Or Ste 100 Raleigh NC Office _ _ 'Domestic only _ _ Faw NO �) �X ".Sunstate Secubty ___ 12/19/200216301 BAngus p ry Raleigh NC Security Company No city sewer�Buchanan.TNO Ix Engineering_rvlceorovlder Coolingof urachi__ 'Mailed to aHiceNO I Superior ContralsT- 30/20/20107208 ACC Blvd Raleigh NC 'No. CIU <25000Rpd Superior Hardwood __ 11/18/20_02'3208 E Wellington C[ _ Raleigh NC 276151 Distribute hardwood flooring Oomestic only _ IBuchanan NO _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ Superior Masan Products _ 1 5/26/201711601 Lake Wheeler Rd Raleigh NC Rale 27603 lsmbWholesaler of canopies/screen rooms DutIon only ria mfg B,,oma,dmop Warehouse C Gornick 1 NO ! 1 X 'Domestic only Superior Systems Car Audi, _5/23/2007 1000 Hardlan Dr_ _Garner NC _ _ _ _ _ tReudential _ _ _ Holmes !Bergeron _ NO _ _ _ �% ~NO _ _ % Superior Syst ms CC rAudlola, _ 4 __1/1/2006 % Caraudioequtpmentandacces Appears resitlen[lalGornick ND _ _.� —10 Car Audio Inc 9/17/20123WOHadrl an Dr Garner NC I % X ,So Superior Systems Car Autlio lnc _ 3/24/2016216 Forest Hills Dr _ --Garner NC�_275291Car Audio _ _ _ OOB _ _ _ _ _ IHeavner_ 'I __�_ _%___ Superior Tooling 12/13/20062800 Superior Or Wake Forest, NC !Make molds knects-m olds and precision machining crystal clean removes ww Cooling water recycled or hauled, domestic Holmes only Gornick NO I NO .._ % _t ! % Superior Toolin&Inc 1/9/2012[28005uperlor0r Wake Forest, NC_Plastic !Surfaces unlimRetl� 9/]/20061200 Corpora[Ion Parkway Raleigh NC % 27610 SOIId Sur/ace0nly— No fellow up neetle_d Bergeron IND Surge protector mfg Populate premade circuit Ober Surge,/Electornic Systems Protection 6/22/2015,8003121 Knlghtdale Blvd Knightdale NC, 275456card, No Dcmestrconly Gornick iNO 1 % i kind In mfg _ u....„_....�. W ISurgitec Inc 1/6/200316006 Triangle Dr Raleigh NC Make Surgical Instrument,M _ IBuchanan IND 1 x Swesttruth Chocolate _ _ 9/IIM04900Servic:b2rry_C[ _Raleigh NC _ - Resldentlal __ _ _�-___ _ _ _��... _ !Beasley NO _« X Synthonix/Ryscor ! 12/21/200612713 Connetar Or Wake Forest, NC yonthetic pre -curlers for pli—ceubcal 1 Holmes (NO « 1 Synthonix/Ryscor 6/2/2008 2713 Connector Dr Wake Forest NC mPanles _ Glassware p...I sed then washed m sink waste hauled off_ (Faw/Dell Oho NO I 1 I Non{IU <25000gpd 1 'Smkusefarcleaningup Use fizz waste hauler for, 1 Synthonix, Inc 4/4/20162]13 Connector Dr Wake Forest, NC 2758]1 Makechems for pharmaceutical co waste disposal see Ryscor IWS 2004 for historic btu Garrick 'NO Non{a[egoncal <25,000 1 d 1 of ch ems on site I gp 1T&MCus[om Printing _ 6/13/201411601 Falls Ct _ 2aleigh NC 276151Home office _ iDomesbc only_ _ _ Gomick NO _ _ X_ � I___ 'T&RSgns __ _ u 5/23/20061110 E Martin S( Grner NC __ �PAn[er ANO _ _'Cut Paper Index Tabs _ _ Industrial Watr Use Bergeron ,R esdential didnotenter_av _ IN, Industrial Waste_____ Buchanan_ NO NO —^( �_ X I ! 160 T&MCustam Priniingv 11/10/20091Falis Ct Raleigh NC Ix -- _1 Tab Index_ _ I 7/3012004139013 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, NC Tab lntlex 9/26/2012,39014 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC ! Paper index [abs and div w _ed sol`tion _ IA couple gallons per month at,, basiders �Gornlck NO { Non{ategorical <25000 ppu<etlee aawnmmm i lgpd I ITaiiored Text 8/11/2006'6601HIllsbpraugh St ____Raleigh NC1 _ Printing �NO Industrial Watr Use_ IBergeron f}_ X 1 Tannis Root Productions Tannis_Roo_tProductions___ 1/1/200x731 West Hargett Street 31_W Hargett St� Raleigh NC Raleigh NC 1 __ _ Temile5creen Printing_ Screen prinUng. _ Sm all amount afscreen washing_„__ Beasley Faw _'NO _ _ NO-I_i NO NOn CIU<25 OOOgpd _' NO CIU <25000gpd j_ ..._� Tannis Root Productions Inc mm6/16/2010'' 5/6/20161731W Hargett St _ _._ Raleigh NC Closed formerscreen business has moved to ll20Ing Blvd SeIWStl mmmm_.__ business � 2]6031 �^ _ I �en printer _ � Varsolst[ion is self contained Water use Gornick est 1/2 iNOi � 1 ! TaPratluctions, Inc nnis R-2016 5/6/ 1]20 Capital Blvd Raleigh NC printing shop l water p.... reen avg 40 screens per week Use Ewgaaterbased ink and photosensitive emulsion, have Gornick NO � 1 Non catgoncal <25 000 I � ged triple filtratmn system to catch particles I Tarheel FllingCo 8/2(20063400 Lake Woodard Lake Woodard Dr _ Raleigh NC Raleigh NC Custom&Prefab[abinetry _ I No indmo-lwater use 10omestic __ (Brock _ V NO I_ _ __ i «' x %�r T: heel Flling Co,minc Tarheel Metal Craft Tarheel Metal Craft 7/13/20123400 6/15120071955 5/23/201319550Id J- rArch andmlllworkandsamerettlsales _ Outof Servlcearea _ __ _ _ 90utside Sewer Se_vIce Area_ Gornick NO Bergeron NO X Johnson NO IX_____ ; Old Drug Stare Rd _ Gainer NC Drug Stare Rd Gain-, NC __ � �artsJewelers 7/30/200413503Capnal Boulevard Ave Ste 161_ Ave _Ralel In, NC Raleigh NC__ Raleigh NC Retillewelry Beasley _ i % _ Taylors Fine Paper Gifts _ _ _ 10/1/20042603GIenwood Taylorsof Raleigh Fine Paper&Gifts 10/15/20122603161GIenwood _ �Tl Glft Shop tase_r Prmbng_ �Oomesttconly ilk cartridges recycled 'Gornick_ IND _ _ a _ IND_ %_ TBDProtlucts 6/1/201513093 Agricultu_St Dr ____.Raleigh Raleigh NC NC -176031 Repack bath salts Domestic on 1y 'Gornick IND % TCG Legacy _ _ 6/S6/2017t191Technalo9y _ -2 - 75291 connecty Not ed to csewer_ _ _ Heavner_NO_ '% Team Electric Inc 5123/201317303 Stony Hdl Rd Wake Forest NCi Outside Sewer Service Area 'Johnson NO Team Highball Inc 5/22/200713833 Graham Siberian Rd Wake Forest NC Well&Septic (Holmes NO % X Team Highball Inc 8/9/2012 3833 Graham Sherron Rd Wake Forest NC Sig-core vinyl and paste enta aluminum preGornick colored signs [Domesticonly i NO ITECU[drties Supply Inc__ _YSO/21/20093321Jones Sausage Rd Garner, NC Warehouse _ !Domestic only ��Domes[ic __ u� TECUIIIRies Suprly,lpe _ !Ted til Corp _ _ _ 4/14/20143321Jones ­_ 12/11/2002 Sausage Rd �� 3080.101 Business Park Dr Gamer_NC Raleigh NC �Wa[er and Sewer Matehal0istributor E#erlor Bid products _ IOomestic sell and distribute bid products ilohnson IBuchanan NO NO� X !Telepathic Graphics,_Inc _ �__ 4/26/20166D01106Ch�el Hill Rd V 'Raleigh NC _ _ printing andgraphicdeslgr, Domestic onlr !Gornick _ NO X ITeletec Corp 8/17/20065617 Departure Dr Dr Raleigh NC Raleigh NC � __2]607401RItl _ Pur chasing office, __IN OHlce reseller ._ Olndustrlal water use _ Domestic _ Bergcronn - ornick NO _ X � Corp 7/16/20125617Departure tlTeletec To Plus Systems _ _ _ _ _ _- 1/18/2005500.CUwharrle Cou,t _ Raleigh NC_ Computer.)RtribUW 'V _ W LL _ _ !Beasley _�-NN NO _ Tesla Motors 6/3/2015 BBDO Westgate Park Dr Raleigh NC Autonnotivedezler Svcantl inspect Tesla ? 276171 !electronic vehicles i Domestic only Gornick NO I X IT this Inc _ _ _ i2/22/2015602VrIangle DriveRaleigh,NC 27617IBIopolymer Absorbants R&Dtab_ Larches andsal[s_ _ s-v _ `Heavner v_'Faw Y NO 1 s �_Y ETe[his Inc Z/3/20175237Capital Blvd flaleigh NC ' R&D facility tha[developes chemically modnied Shortcnetl p:rmlt app onfde with rzlelgh 1 2]616 'NO ( _ - iNon Categorical _ ITethrs Inc 4/27/2016y8354204 I+I+ 51x Forks Rd_ Raleigh NC _ biopolymers (strach based) _ 2]_615 Corporate office for Tethis pretreatment _ IDomes[ic only_ I_ !Gornick_ 'Tholes Computers 8/10/200613100 Sprmg Forest Rd v Boulevard_ UwharHe Court World Way Raleigh Ac— _Raleigh NC_ Raleigh NC Wake Forest NC Design5oftware&computrboartls�� ilii _ Amplifier Assembly ___ _L �_ BInC Business Documents _ _ INoindustnalwateruse _ _ _ ! Bergeron tBeasley__ IBuchanan _-(NO_ iN0 _ 'NO ___X iNO X I iThales Mackay Radm_ _9/27/20045249Camtal The Bindery 1/18/2005]SOf!_D I X x The Body Shop 9/4/200750360ne -_ Olstnbutlonanly 'Holmes NO The Body Shop S/7/20135WGOne World Way Wake Forest NC Beauty Product Distributor Domestic Johnson NO X The Cary News _ _ The Church Initiative Inc _6/9/203011000 4/28/201412505 Sit" Ct,Ste 100_ _ _ Allen Rd _ Raleigh NC _ Wake Forest NC _ _ I Church Materials Distributor IO(flces building domesticonly !Donn -c III _ Faw Johnson NO Nn X �X I The Cotton Exchange _ _ _ _ _ The Cotton Exchange _ _ 8/5/2004 6/1]/2008 115E 3rd Street _ 115E 3rd Street Wendell NC Wendell NC_� ITuolle Screen Printing Commercial Screen Printing _ _ _ 50.100galwashbin forscreens �~ _ Boone IBergeron NO -}- _ NO I _ IN Clu <25000gpd �TI NonCIU <25000gpd Glenwood Ave _ _ 5831Trlanlge Dr _ _ Raleigh NC Raleigh NC The Countertop Company 9/14/20066701 TheCountertopFactory 1/1/2006 2]612 Showroo�nly_ T INofollowupneedea EBergero—ANO 276171Solld Surface Granite 1N�o''follow up needed IBergeron 'NO X �X The Oov_es Nes[ _v__�_ 10(20141511Plaza Cr Garner NC_ _ _�5creen Printing Domestic �w Johnson NO� 'The E [ Wake News (and The Garner Cleveland Record) 7/22/20151110 NA dell Ave Zebulon NC t^--t-'�'---"- €Y` 2759]1 wspaper polish ng I p tmgonste DomestIconly IGornck INO x :The H I p ver___ 6/9/2017`8319SI Forks Rd Raleipth NC 4 Magazine publlshlnR pub1NhingonIy _ }NO 4_ I ITh:News& 0 bserver Recycling Center �u _ 4/11/ 2013I1402Mechanical _ _ Bivd Garnet, NC _ Whole_saler of Rerycled Paper _ m� _ 10omes[ic j]JJohnson ANO % 'The River 11/15/200213200 Welborn St Raleigh NC 2]6151 _ [Domestic „IHeavner ,Buchanan INO _ ITheSunrock GrouP(CacoltnaSUnr.Ck LLC) 7/27/2012! 200 Hortzan Dr Ste 100 Raleigh, NC ready mix concretearl but mix asphalt HO Domestic offireonly Gornick NO X 1 1 Wheel and the resale per 20081W5 Google The Wheel Exch ange 6/8/20151533 Dynamic Drive Garner NC 27529 search produced nowebsne Phone jNotmmfrsreg No further follow up required !Gomick NO ( 1 disconnected Probably OOB��_ I ! ! T111111111 11 dl��111 --d— g �R. o.. AveA. 111iEll�' �Iltl W whocIhigh Zebulon —Commercial uca, I, Zebulon,—lo I rue NC -gravel — — ... sticomay­ Dell Oiio NO lichnsmi NO I Third Street Screen Print Inc 4/5/2016 � 115 E 3,d 51 Wendell NC 27591 Sc,— printing Waste Is drummed to be extra coml... mon domestic G.I.Ick NO 21 4101-Atlarruc Ave T Hmff 6L13t�008 119� IN West St hugh NC _LAutomotl,a reach[, e shop— 'One part, w she, with two screen, Fa�o�rg2rm 'NO T Hoff 6/8/2016(1109N West S[ Raleigh NC i 2760316-7 Garrick NO X T.H.ff 6/8120161109 N Wast St .1 Ph NC- ---- �76q3jClc,cd — G.InIck __ A—I T -Hoff Inc 415/2013 1109 N West St Raleigh, NC lVah.1—lar/distributerco perMmuf,c— Register Domestic jCmnIck NO _jhqmasCcncrqe_ Thomas Cumyret 6j7/_2C061611T.ckerSt 8/11/20061131N_,:West St� 11,1elgib, NC _j ale Rib !_ _NC j Sales Officelor pLrLt I udvmc. cohc-� No Ind.shl. I water us. RmmoffR ejt.salf�Rm.Leci L ci ot Bergeron Pierce Thomas Concrete 8/3/200712621 Tahatec Plam Wake Forest NC __=.ccr. ell . s.ibc 1.a,..,.n iNO x Thomas Concrete8/15/2012'2621T,It :Plaza Wake For- NC Read, mixed concrete 0 1 septic 1(imuck 11 N 0 x Thomas Concrete Inc 8/15/201211131N Welt St Raleigh NC Ready mixed concrete Wash w,t,rec is recycled let, concrete or hauled 6ornick I,NO Thomas Concrete Inc 15/20121611TICIIIII Raleigh NC Offire off In dried concrete as waste Dmuestf-mly Gmmck NO Thomas Concrete Inc 5/11/2016 P 0 Box 12W Raleigh, NC 2160� POB,,fmcc,porateoffIc, N,c,,,,,p,,d,ng IC,,p,r,t,off,cepre�t..�ly�.—yed,n2Ol2.t Hewner 'X physical location to survey 1131N West St Raleigh !NO _Thomas Cook Printing_8/11/200626215W,LMb,9tquSt Raleigh Net at ­aid class Bell Olo x ,jhInmscunCa1bnatSh0p __ _ _fitW2EEGj7j2FaycdttcvjlIcRcL (Raleigh ef. hinatry, _ inchii �ai use _ ___ T r -B" N91 - Thompson Cabinet Shop 7/19/20124712 Fayrd-Ile Rd Raleigh PIC jOut of business, 12/8/11 jG—Irk NO ---____7/28tLOO415995Ckpl_tlLR,ad — — -- - — -- __ I NO Thy� Kpp Elevator 10/111210/31/20125995 Chanel .111 Incl Raleigh NC Installation and maintenance of elevator' waste ma collected by hauler domestic only Gk 'onuc INO T ILlmpqq� 12/18/`200216.221Or Pale le Lh NC III yyacliumce —,Bhch-I-I ---LN—o— a— Tickle Imports_ 4/15/2=01 Don.-Itricr 9 IWS Wh,l,,al,r/d,,tr,b,t,r 4� 6321 Angus Dr Raleigh NC 27617 Wholesaler of furniture per Mfrs Ron 6mrIck NO Typ,caidrycle.nfn&hasap,.ce.called Backt. Black uses black dypa, etit-attmeblack ThIeDuyCl,aners 4110/7P15 6144 Falls of N— Rd Raleigh PIC 27615 Drycl—Few ars t, chat k lung Ismail dye color od,vi Packets) I Dry clearing back to black dyeing with minimal !Solvent waste hauled buckets used as spill Tide Cry Clear— 4/101 Falls of Neuse Rd Raleigh NC 27615 mm _, 'co a - see IWS form for teweter washing with Tire products 15 It mucautfordlyepacket, :Few DS 110 Tilde, Total Car Care Center 2/21/2014:2300 Atlantic Ave Raleigh NC IA—maintenance no floor drains no grease Domestic and soapy war,, from ff... dcamung 1G.ruck INO use waste haulers 7 27 832202P.—rD-e C I I --STT^ --'icmun NO X -foddlerTables at L_RRL,�s ower Toddler Tables 7/18/2012834 Purser Or Raleigh NC Mfrchlidrnsf,rn,t,r, (Domestic umtIcTank Gormck ;No :,X jullPackaiding_ Boulevard WIndi,11 et food P-clum-B D-m-hcomly .no NO e _--- — AC— - --- -----L --- --- - -- - - — —j Ec --4-- 'jo­11 Packaging _quoup,8/5/200412505 ulk�,arjd chill f 9�LP�.kagmg Dry L.ce�()Inncst c only Boone WcqJeRjio_ L A(�m _VC _ P" _ _ _ _ � _L__ ­ onmm Tornar Industries 8/3/2004114005 mith Reno Read Raleigh NC Autmeen—Cleaning5.,iplies S- Residue B-ce Radar Have Imed and relocated off to Greensboro Tmrar Industries 7/24120121 14M Smith Ren, Rd Raleigh NC Automotive Cleinlug Supplies Meru(?) Haeting an d AC n,w at 14005 Inch Reno 'G,,nlck N _,Rd jmhorindustirf� —6/ tEaqi-5&o-o Smith Ran. R d— Rai, 'b_NC 276030. of business— 'COB Heev— No Ix ! Waste Water goes into evap,rat,r,,Iudg,,, Top Coat 1/6/2002 6001 Triangle D, Raleigh NC Industrial Coating Buchanan NO hauled off I I To p C,ut 7/28/20041,50OV11nungle give Raleigh NC metal Finisher jN, tI I City Sewer 'NO x ------- I Use h,,I,d ,Top Coat 10/26/2012 6001T-ngle Or Raleigh, NC Powder coating and Industrial painting i solids ... ...... Evaporatee im"s Grrrd,1 10 No haBbig or baths no zlucornzatio, no 1ph,,Ph,t,ng Only dischargers 50-100gipd of hot Top Coal 10/20/2017'6001 Triangle Or Raleigh NC 276171Cu,tc- painting !water with 2% detergent (pressure waslungso,p) G.mIck �110 used to clean Ills ff before painting Waste paint Is drummed O05j417 Eby Raleigh NC 27610,1, imitate IN.f.11—pneeded Bergeron 2IL200 14.301ndustni Inch, C OOB 'CLOBBergeron_ Top Shmp of Raleigh 911472 6r 'N. ,10psaiLElectronles -7, Wendell -K—Nq___ x ---- Tm-fm, Enterprise, Inc 6/5/2015112120 Blvd, St. 401112 Wake Forest NC 27587 design mfg mds,les of I,ctr,n,c produce, (Domestic Only 'Ho.— (NO i - - - LND longerhere iX Toshiba 3120108 ReeCh Ni _JNO_ Total Cc mechon, LLC, The 1 6/22/20157 W 3rd St Wendel NC 275911 Newspaper publishing subcontracted cut (Domestic only 'Gornick jm�cTouch of G,Id Inc _ one i10 Touch Gold 7/,??L2004 S,6�'D Fa�ll .,I Road RIS,,gh, C wol, NO �L cL_ I ih— :Le- -y- A Pe__— - ---111940-09 26501),scci F.w NO X Touch Scientific 11/13/2002 3209 Greshm, US. Rd Raleigh NC 276151 Delmnoed H2O use research and development, Buchanan NO domestic T— ehbfic _Z/28L2�04 320_qreiil�aro Ulu, Fbd­I�Igh_ Cqmidlnn�: zLly,,,Mch,,;; NO -- iouch Scloonfic Tn c .KTD) 7/24/2012183945te 1025,xforloRd 'Raleigh NE Assemble opthalmic machines l Moved and changed names -now ATD jGornlck iRiT Touchstone Inc —1 8LIlk2CnEL4Z24Hargrove Rc�.dlg1h IL OBg�n NO �alj, _ N __ B _ _ __ _ _'}Bergeron _ _ _ ___ —A Tower Cam 1/30/20036017 Triangle Or Raleigh NC Build Conn Towers!Buchanan 'NO Tower Fasteners 11/1612002 3216 111Spoes—dSt Raleigh NC Wholesale fastener, and dfistubuni Domestic R.I.ghAC__ thilumirtor If U"r,l h,rdw.. IN. dustrIal .20k,, erg I INO L I -E, -----Ralegh_N� — - - _ _ R— '.7I - - — TPF S.hpva,,� 16FO�7'87?2.Gle, Gleneagles 216121 are Development Howne, it iqO_ T B 'No Trade, Supply Cc 6/17/2008!1201 Mammoth D, KIBbtdale NC FRoiall,da.p ....... ,Trad,rS,pplyC2 Inc /1112013ItE203 Mammoth0_ _xnIghbi ale, NC__ DistributorIf Agriculture Supplies !Domestic,.n NO Tradewinds Coffee Co 6 /20085500 Atlantic 5pnngs Rd p306 _ Raleigh .C I Sale and supply of roasted coffee beans Sink fcrwasIbngLweIy_used IDclF0F1. NO WWI l.r/d,studbutmu, parlylanufacmer" Domestic 'NO Trade—cf, Coffee Co Inc 4/5/20135506106Atiant,cSprings Rd Raleigh NC i Gmn,ck TraneTr no16/4IN —I, I2/12/20D24000-SOS Business NLk_Dh,(TrainingLandalstrbutf�a NO T ek Dorothea Drive Raleigh N� lhte T2;04 Oe TI. Residential uch.n.n NO Irokht. Inc 904 Dorothea Or Raleigh C r�prpduq�, Dmp�,�,c only 3qrL]ck NOL, t_ I b-1— !s"L _ ___ __ _ ­­­ _ __ __ _ j Tni jr, LLC Triangle Alternator Tr angle Iunclery­_ ____ _ Triangle Business Journal ,Triangle Business Ilr,,l TnangIcC—Wmk Inc jr,angle Comnication mu 10/1/2012,5831TnargleDr _ - _ R.Ia,gb NC 7(28/20046304WestgateRaleigh NC 6M2005,1 1460 Diggs D - r Raleigh NSC 8111j2Wi'ii0 S Navaho Blvd Raleigh NC 7/24/2012!3600GIanw..dfiwo Ste 100 Raleigh NC 5/7/2014I8820GVCt SteH C 21 4101-Atlarruc Ave �Cu,,tmn designed and built boat traders 'Domestic [Relmilld Staftc,smhl Aftemai [�cl In -de -- % — Dminestic only EN spaper publ,shfn& all printf g done offste [OmmUc only irk cabinets Pr-intinng— Benno— NO —13emumi W NO Dell 1) h, NO Our c'NO Gmuck No IBuchanah NO t IX Ix I Non ON .25 "gpd Nan categorical <25 000 Put! Nor, Categorical 125000 No, CIU 25,000gpd ,N,d,,charg,asmthbthho Evapc rate all 433 Nice -,cr-I <25000 gpd ev.p.rct-11433 t categorical <25000 Trlangle Communlcatlons Group _ _ 6/8/2010'191Technology Or Garner NC _ _Out of service area Faw�I%- _--- TriangleCommunicalonsGroup,lnC 3/24/20161191 Technology or G ner NC 275290utsidesvc are. Outofsvcarea per20121WS 8256 and per lmaps ,Heavner NO �% Triangle Fixture&Millwork_ _ 7/30/2004 B601Ebenexer Church Rd Raleigh NC_ _ (Not on City Sewer - IBoone Triangle FlMure&Millwork 7/16/20128601 Ebeneier Church Rd Raleigh NC uRaleigh { Plasticlaminatecasework andcabinets I Septic tank �itywaW inutnotse�wer ice Mfg 1 (Gormck IBro<k �N0 NO % r ' Triangle Ice 5(10/2WE 8]OOIce Drrve NC , Triangle Ice _ _ _ _ _ _ 6/20/2016187001re Or _ _ _ Be NC _ _ _2�_ Closed ____ __ ____`Now ReddYlce surveyed in IW52013_ _ 1 _ __I Cam _ _'NO y Triangle Iron Design and Fencin&Inc 5/6/2016I1031N King Charles Rd �_ Raleigh NC No m etal finishin&brush washo&nor hosing 27610' Metal fabrication I down Door o' metal scraps IGornick 'NO i '% Triangle Microsystems 1 7/27/20o427I60ucovery0rrve Raleigh NC�ICCB assembly lDiv Process IBoone I NO Does not perform any of care -433 operations Triangle Microsystems 4/27/20062716 Discovery Drive Raleigh NC SecondaryAssembly �DryProcess 1 Bergeron NO j 1 , Does not perform any of I core -033 operations Trio ogle Microsystems _ _ 5/26/2017j1807Gamm _ Station Blvd _ _Raleigh NC _ 27603 Assembleluelpumpcontrols_ _ _ aarcurtbaards not manufactured here _ Gorni& W N0___j 1 % �T (DomesUconly (Assembly of gas consoles circuit boards used in 1 _ ____ _ Triangle Microsystems Inc 1 6/2/20142716 Discovery or Raleigh, NC 276161produd but not manufactured orwashad }Domestic only IGornick 'NO E ( X 1 Assembly is dry 4 I Neon Glassworks i �_- _ 8/11/20065024 Departure Onve4� 'Raleigh NC_ tiNeon Signs I No in dustrialwater use_ Bergeron iN_0 % 'lTriangle Trlangle Plastics Inc 7/24/20126435 Mt Herman Rd Raleigh, NC Cut large plastic rolls int, small rolls, distribution 'Domestic _ it Gornick yEt_ fNO € v %� Triangle Pool Man g Managers 12/17/20021632PA _ I Angus Dr Raleigh NC lChemlcals On site, used In field, CK12 abd murdIc ,Pool Maintenance load Buchanan NO x ! 1 Trlangle Radiator 5/10/200418808 DRunning Oak Or _ Raleigh NC __ lRadlatorRepalr )No duchame/conn-hm _ Brock_ % UTrlanRleRerycilnq_�_ 10/21/2009485 _ g9 Old Wilson Rd_ Wendell NC Recyci computers&elecumnics {Nowateruse �Faw {NO _ - I % I Triangle Recycling 4/5/2016 485309old Wilson Rd Wendell NC 27591 l 1Sortm& unit has no water or drains Some units 1 Callen recyclrables Gornick !are on septic, this one has portable toilet !NO TrIanglieReprogfxphiCS 8/15/2006 5325 New Hope Rd Raleigh NC i Copying offset Bergeron NO Non{IU <25000gpd Triangle Samtatlon Supply INC _ _ _ 5/23/2007 302E Garner Rd_ ____Garner _ NC _ _ _ sales only _ _ Es _ HHIM. NO % Trlangle Slgn Shops 4/6/2005 60258 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh NC _ 276151nstall Printing&Vinyl Signs B_on _ _ iNX _ % Trlanglesalullons 12/23/199] 5300Afandc Ave Raleigh NC _ scannin&Imaging_ C aidedtlesigp.,_ Br-o—ck--+IND antl service gutters and insulat(on Drypmcess,Mproducttolengths Domest�ornick fNO 1 % Trldly1 sulatlonof Raleigh 7/6/2016,7204 Becky Circle Raleigh NC X Trico Machining Fab Wendell NC Septic �i� 'BponTiNO %� r Trico Machining Fab _9/29/2004j920H,-1-97 6/8/201512920 Hwy 97 _^ Wendell NC ! 2]5910n septic per 20041WS Wake Co ImoPszhowsnosewersvca—fable IND —fX I ,Gormck 1 ,Trident Dls[rlbutlon 4/5/2013'2114 Atlantic Ave Ste 108 Raleigh N i Wholesaler/distributorco per ManufaaueresC Domestic Gornick IND X 1 ,Trident Distrluthm 6/16/20BI1114 Atlantic Avennue Raleigh NC i Fabrlat, and distribute metal building Dome. poly Dell 01'. ( 1 ,NO X Tdtech --�_W�— _ Wind Chime Ct Raleigh, NC Insulation Based on research appears[otlevelopsof(ware'Business not at location Heavner ,NO l True 2 Form - —6/9/201711106 -- 2/9/2009 4802 Hw Y 64 Raleigh NC 27610� � �Y carwash degreaser ale Meenpicksupexcess CoglskmRePalr ,chems recycle and burn old paint �Beeron� rg .W NO Truswootl Inc___8/18/20068816Runnlnq �^ Oak Raleigh,NC _Mfg Roof&floorTrusssystems (NO indus[rialwateruse _ _ 'Bergeron _ ( X Truswood Inc I 9/26/20128816Rumdng Oak Dr Raleigh NC Wooden floorand,,ofmgtru,ses Onse_gic system Gornick mlNO���% Truswood Inc 8813 Running Oak or (prev address 5/11/201 aiT•� Raleigh NC 2J617�FIoorantlrooftrusses �Ousepticsystem Dpm.11t.nly 'Heavner IND I� I% 8816wasmfrsreg error) ! Truck maintena eco wastes captured and hauled Coohngwater larshreder unit is consumed Hand TT&E Iron&Metal 7/20/20161529 W Garner Rd Garner NC 27529 Scrap metal recycling iwashingm shop only No lloordralnstosandary Gornick NO I 1 1 Nonutegoncal 125,000 sewer Warehouse isdryswept only office floors ' lgpd i sanitary sewer mopped and disposed to 1 Turner Printing Services 8/10/2006I2116S Wilmington St Raleigh NC Offset printing &copy work wrier has stoppetl offset printing and no longer ____ _operates silver rerove_ry ___ _ _ — Wrong address Building ofthisnumb_erdoes not exist Ber �gemn 'G��rnick NO i ,NO� I% I INon CIU <25000gpd Turner Printing _eN es 6/10/201621165 Wdm� ingmn5t 'Raleigh NC I 276031 s Turner Printing Services _ _ 6/24/20162165 Wliminq[on St _ Raleigh NC _ 27603IOigitalpantmg domestic Only _ _ No moreoHsel printing or sliver recovery Gornick _ NO r I _ice % , Turner Printing Services, Inc 8gton 7/16/20121216 S Wdmin St Raleigh NC 2]603iCopy r Printing plate development offset press fountaln shop, offset printing �solutlon Gornick _ _ 'NO _ i Non Categorical, <25 000 Turnkey13—Systems off—fHamlin Co) _ ur Tnkey Millwork v_ 6/2/2015' 12450204CIeveland Rd 10/4(20046231 Westgate Road _ _ Garner NC _ Raleigh NC 2]529 Sales office for sheet metal products Oomesticonly PVCPorch Columns E Gornick Buchanan_ _rNO _ _ tNO A pd Icy �_�_ % X Turnkey Millwork _ 10/15/2026231 Westgate Rd _ Raleigh NC _�_ _ _ _ _ ArchiteRurallpvc) millwork {Oomesticonly_ ruck IND I (Twin Performance Tuners I Typ Esthetics w _ _ 6/21/2016109 Sigma Dr 8111/20082412 Atlantic Ave _ rn Gaer NC _Raleigh NC _ _ 27529 _ Harley Davidson malntemmou '13-0coniy _ 4_ `Not at address_ Gornick Dell 011o _ NO NO__ tX % � !Ultimate HVAC&D0oL___ m 7/30/30D423191aurrelbrook5treet�4 Raleigh NC _ _ M OoorAssembly Boone `!NO X 1 (Ultimate Products Inc 7/16/201212400 Alwin Ct Raleigh NC Mfr garage doors, distribute carwash and ;Domestic Gornick NO X _ greenhouse heaters__ Ultimate Products, Inc 6/6/20143201 Wellington Cl, Raleigh NC 27604 Mfr garage doors, distribute arwash and Domesticpnly vGornick _ _ �NO .� % greenhouse heaters Ultimate Supply, Inc 4/27/201613201 Wellington Ct Raleigh NC g 27604 Mfrgaragedoors duiributecatwashand 'per 20141WS greenhouse heaters per 20141W5 _ i Gornick _ t IND % Ultratech Intl /Hamlin _ _ _ _ _ 5/23/20061411W Garner Rd_ , Garner NC _ Sheet metal fabrication_ Industrial H2O Use _ _ _ _ Bergeron ~ Ultratech inti/Hamlin 8/22/2012 822201211411W Garner Rd Garner NC Air measuring devices and industrial HVAC `Domesticonly-Namin Roofn&Sheetmetal and , Gornick NO % controls (Fabricated metal also domestic j . -- - --- - - UmlcoreBulldmgProduces USA - 8/13/201212320-110 Presidential or Durham Domestic only have moved from 3600 Glenwood -- WarehouseforcoilsandroI6 ofxmcfpr or ofng 11a 1Gormck and2810Ypnkers Rtl t 'NO I % Umlcore Precious Metal _ 5/12/20061.3420 Tarheel Or 100 Raleigh NC (Make Flux _ (Ail waste hatlod by Permafot Bergeron _ _!N0_ 1 1 Umlcore Precious Metal 6/2/2008 13420 Tarhe11 or Raleigh NC Corporate office Dmnes conly/ moved to 3120 HIghwood581vd 'Bergeron Hilo NO _ % Umicare Precious Metal _ _ _ _ 6/28/2016I3420Tarheel Or _ Raleigh NC _ _ 27609ICIOsed _ _ —~NOlndustrial IHeavne ,X Amicore USA Inc_____—__- Umicare USA,Inc_ 5/12/2006,I3120HIghwoods Bivd__ 6/28/201613120 Highwoods Bivd � Raleigh NC _ I'Impprtand Sell Me[ais__ _H2O U_se_ Ciosetl_ — _1B_ergeron __,NO _ INO ~N0L—�xw­— Umlcore USA Inc 5/11/2014113600GIenwood Aye Ste 250 Raleigh, NC Raleigh NC 27604 27612 _ Office salesandadmin D.—Itonty IHeavner (Gormck NO ' X Union Martin Masonry ��_ 6/16/20084708 ForesN,lle fld Raleigh NC _ _ IResitlen[lat, tlld npi enter Bergeron _ _ NO Unique Concepts 8/23/2012t485801tl Wilson Rd Wendell NC Wooden reception stations and conference �Onsaptfc lank Gornick IND jX U nlque Concepts_ _ _ 14858DId Wilson Road _ NC __�, ltalbes No[on Gty sewer_ Brock _ IIIIII3 NO l �U naource Worldwlde m (United Relrigeratlon Acroalre A/C&Hearing __ _y 6/9/2030) 107OWatedield Dr _ 2/21/2014,2312 Atlantic _Wendell GarnerrNX �Ralelgh __ _ _ 1Dlstnbu[lon of business supplies _�DomestlI only mm HVAC RefrlReratlon _ Few _�_X pNO L—__ United Restauran[Equlpmen[Coo____ Ave 5/26/201742654SSaunders St NC Raleigh, NC _ _ _27603 Sell equipment _ _ Domestic only DIs[ributlon/sates�— 'tlomestic Gornick IGorrdckk_ NO _ _ % United Stales Power Squadron 6/20/2 015 1 3504 Blue Ridge Rd Raleigh NC : 27607TNonproflt _— magaxlne only iHeavne ENO ,UnitedStatesPowerSquatlron see also Ensign, The �__ 6/8/201511504 Blue Ridge Rd _ Raleigh NC� 27607 �_— Non profitboatingorganhation .-industrial Domestic only IGornick United Supply Co 10/19/200913816106 Tarheel Dr — Raleigh INC ID,stnbumrofdraperyhardware bl'ndsand Ion__ only (Foca NO �X I _ _ __ rnorkp.omsupplies _ I__ _ _ Universal Printing—_ �9/28/200d ]IO West Peace Street _ Raleigh, NC CopyrJLaser Prtn[InR —� _ Buchanan NO E % US Case Corporation _ _ _ _ _7/30/200463011 Richard Drive ___ Raleigh NC _ I Reusable 5hippmR Cas �______tt Dry_ _ Boone_ US [ase CPrpaia4_ 8/30(2006163011 Richartl Orlve Raleigh NC_i IReusableS�ping Cases _ (Dry Bergeran _y.NO% I US Case Corporation 7/12/2012'63011 R'chard0r Ralei h, NC `Reusable shFU1 acontainer_ �no pr water Garrick NO X t-_— _ e_ (US Department of Agriculture 12/19/2002 6213Angus OrRaleigh NC ' 1.^ W.rkWlldIdeprablems INocitysewer,nrayh... citywater domestic Buchanan NO z ao —�#—_ —_ _ US Food Service 9/9/20031 PO Box 1248 Zebulon NC 275971 Food product distribu[lon _..__ i sed loop chiller Closed loop truck wash N0 __ -_ ^T- Non categorical <25,000 _ IOII/water separator _ y x rod _ US Food Setwce _ SO/4/2006h ISM NCHwy 39 -_ - _Zebulon NC !Food service_dntrlbutlon center Tal water seperator for truck wash IFH-Dimes NO _ �T T E 1Non{IU _<250DOgpd 'Water used and dlsposetl from ice maker and from ^I� Food dirtribut—,no packaging Receive full Ewashln trucks Have O/W se for bate ,US Food Service 5/12/201611500 NC Hwy 39 Zebulon, NC I 275971 cos Pac g g g p battery rGornnck NO 'Non{alegorical <25000 es put an racks ship full cases !floor scrubber wash pit, truck shop truck wash ,gpd I and tralie_ ash USF Dugan ]/2/2003?2909 Tnangie Or_ _ Raie'gh NC__ _ EFrergh1 Company _ _ EBuchanan No USI 1/Sd/200312020Ga_eer Sntlon Blvd_ Raienh_NC [ompu[e�Repalr"BBro_ck NO Value Pnnbng _ _z 6/8/201]17406 Chapel Hdl Rd steD Ralegh NC 27607 Not on c or IHeavner_ ­NO _ Van Products _ _ _ 7/30/2004'2521 Nobhn Road _ Ralelgh NC #Handicap Vans Boone _ INO _ z % s Van Products Inc 5/22/2013 2521 No111n Rd Ralelgh NC ,telt vans Wash around 200 vans per year 'Gornick NO (( !Non{ategoncai <25000 .02,3..____._ Variety Wholesale �� ' 11/13/2002i3409Gsham take Rd � !Raleigh NC ^_ iDis[nbu[l.n center Domestic Buchanan NO Vedlo Control System _� 4/30/2007E 125D3W Nalnes 52 - _M'tltllesex, NC BW &resale N's_ _ApomesN__- tHolmes�^ 'NOX IS II tl al encs Spanlshlanguage t r_-- Velasq [ i anon Corp 6/2/203515304 A Western Blvd Raleigh NC 2]6061 Paper Domestic only Garrick NO % IVertl IT ch..Iof,es 10/19/2009 BOSB aeon Lake Dr __ Raleigh NC 5 eAccuFab ~ Business In same btndmg as AFAR _Fav,_ IND See AFAR Par l Vertical Technol.g es 6/29/20161gO1 Bea�take pr Ralelgh NC 27603 Co mslde Accufab Domestic P nljprraccufabrecrpbonist Gornick ANO % Voss Aer. Concepts Inc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �5/7/2013`5024Departure Dr Ste E/F Raietgh NC Engmeenngs—kes hobbysales___ _ rpomestic only _ _ _ _ _ GornickNO I (_ _ _ %____� Vide C.nI Systems__ 1 10/10/2009�12503WHanes Ave ___ Middlesex, NC �IReta'Isales Teivlslans_ pomeSiic Pnly____ 'Faw NO X 'Video Con[rol5ystems 6/17/201412503WHanes Ave Midtllesexr NC Sells Ns Oomeslic _ 'Johnson No % i VIdarl Factory S/3/201332]W Davie Sl Ste 100 Rale'Rh NC Chocclatep,,cl-lon retail _ Domestic only �G ..Its NO 1 X E I _ Evaporate all 433 V'sara lnternatl.nal 8/27/200416833 Mt Herman flood 1Morrisville, INC PCB mfr ,evaporation, wash boards IReasley NO Wastewaters _ V,saralnlernabonal _ _ 6/14/20166833Mt Herman Road rMorriswlle NC 1 _ f IHeavner u �NO ,X Vision Enter ernes _ 8/11/20066003 Chapel -,If Road____ _Raleigh, NC Sign Mfg __ IN, industrial water use _Bergeron NO V! on Enterpnses Y _9/26/201216003 Chapel Hill Rd rR.1e,gh NC Intel, ndexteriorsigns_ � !Domestic IGornick _AD —I IX _ Vrs1.n Enterpnses 6003Chapel H'll Road Raleigh NC _—rCould not locate ,BrackENO_ _ 'X Vision Envelope 9/43209Gresham lake _ Raleigh NC Nolonger at this address jRuchanan 'NO IX 2]/200'_ __ E Vision Envelope 11/10/20096541 Meridian Or, S[e 119 Raleigh NC _longer address Fa NO X ,Mdlwork mfr In GA Ralelgh location ,s V's'on Stairways&Mdlwork 6/22/2015,2101115 Wesbnghouse BNtl Ralelgh NC 2]604 Domestic only �G-arrick NO I 1X 1 L _�_ _ _____ tlrstnbution warehouse __ I _____ Vision Technologies 8/12/20086500 Taylor Blvd Wendell NC �ftesntlenllai,did no[enter _I Dell 011. IND Residential per 20081 WS Resldentiaiareape s z Vision Technolpgies 6/8/201516500 Taylor Blvd Wendell, NC 27601 r Not in mfrs reg No further follow up requiretl �ank NO X _ gpogle maps VN Enterprise !Bella) _ _ _�f 8/SO/20D61902Garner Station Blvd Raleigh„r NC YJ2]6D3tGran'te Fabrication ^� floor draines holdiraj.nk No E j -I ��Non CIU, <25,000ff IVN Enterpr'se(Bell.) 6/14/20161902Gamer Station Blvd Raleigh, NC 27603 Closed-- _ k 1NO%IVN Enterpnses Corp 8/10/2006I1902GarnerStation BlvdRaleigh NC 27603 Grande FabricationNo follow up needed ronNO E Vapak 1/e/2W3 W 01 ATr'angle Dr Raie'gh NC—� Chem'cial Drs[rlbuHPn�_ E (Buchanan #NO Voss Ughbng___— 1/14/2C032D2g Garner Station Blvd Raleigh NC_ Commerical Distribution _ Brock _ NO r —1—_ _ V. one _ 6/16/20088626 Barefood lndusVial ftd Raleigh NC Granite and marble fab Well&Septic ,Veyager Pharmaceutical Co 4/21/2006854OColoaade Center DrRaleigh Aq Finance&Admin Department _(Bergeron £NO t-��_� X _ `Vulcan Matenals Co ---- 6/16/20081516Hwy I1W -- ^— ..._ rpddresalmost in K'nstan could not reach by (Faw `NO III X # Domestic only have closed Varsol basin for W&W Co Inc (formerly Capital Hydraulics _ 1 7/26/2012E 6301 Hillsborough St _Raleigh NC Hydraulics repair drys ,NO X III 11 _ cleaningrylintlers WW Grainger _ V_— J- 6/18/2010j48205ignett Dr _ Raleigh NC — _ IOlstnbutlon of lndus[dal equipment&supplies —NO 1X Wake Medrehab(Former) 12/28/2015535 WGannon Ave Zebulon NC 27597E Rehab center and cataract and laser center closed for sale Gornick IND lx 1 (Wace nom .mart 5/24/2007j213N Mann St Rolm,llle NC_ �I goes to sor. sew er I(Bergeron NO Wake Monument C. B/8/2012i 20N Mann St R.Iewdle, NC fmonumenl carving and (leltl based cleaning OPmesUc-santlblasHng'sadry processes Gornick NO 1X 'Wake Plumbing&Piping 8/16/2006F'3016Barr..v Rd Ralelgh NC IPlumb,ng CP _ INo'ndu ,Ia wateruse �Bergeran 'NO X Wake Prmbng _ _ - _ 9/29/2004t217 B'ckett Boulevard _ Raleigh NC_ Offset Printing- _ _ _ _ u _ _ !Buchanan IND ty.n{IU <25000gpd Wake Println8_�_� __ _ ^6/30/2016,121]Bnckett BNtlRaleigh NC _ 27608'CI _aced - - _ ---- IH_eavner N0%_�j. _------- -� _ - ;- Wake Regunnal Juvenile DetentionCenter 9/22/201017006eacontakepr Raleigh NC Juvenile detention center OPmestic/cleantng Faw IND --1—� �WakeStane Corp _ 12/15/20066723 USHwy 64E Knfghtdale NC _ Quarry&Headquarters IWall&septic _ leerpeton IND ( TX E DPmesticfromcorporate office only have NPDES Wake Stone Corp 8/31/2012 6821 Knighttlale NC Blvd Knfghtdale NC, quarry and crush granite Derrick NO X —i{}- __ permit for Industrial stormwater Wake Supply Co Inc _ 6/16/2010'65BMaywootl Ave, Ste A Raleigh NC Wholesale distributor Domestic only 44Faw_ NO X _ 'Wake5uppiy Co Inc _ _ _4/26/2016658 AMaywcodAve Ralengh, NC 27603! Oatr'butnon only__ I Deck railing sfdIng, and fencnngsupply fHeavner NO % 1 - -- - WakeWeekly6/15/2007'229 E Owen Ave Wake Forest NC Newspaper publishing printed In Henderson Bergerpn NO ( X I Wake Weekly,Th. 8/9/2012'229 E Owen Ave Wake Forest NC Newspaper publishing 'Domestic send newspapers off for pr,nt'ng !Garrick NO X 'Pharmaey retail Small...tamer base very littler Walgreens 9/12/20148385 Crerdmo.r Rd Ralengh, NC 27613 cleaning, low llkehh-el rags comingfrom Complaint Investigation Garrick IND ! Non{ategorlcal <25000 Walgreens according to mgr I gpd Ward TransformerW_ _ _ '6/2/20066720 Mt --He_an Rd_ _ _ Raleigh, NC DOB_ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ !Bergerpn_ NO f CX LWartls Fruit&Pr.duce I—q/20/1010,1109 Agriculture St _—Ralelgh, NCF�ryt/vegetablednstributlon_�_ .iDomesticonly� (Faw _ NC­—_.. % _ _ r......_._._...._.. Warren Dbt,lboung(aka Snead", Sports Wholesalel _ 6/16/2008,2400Atlantic Ave_ _ Raleigh NC IOnstr'bute firearms and hunting suppl'esD.mesticonly _ (De[101IotNO _ E _ �X Ii_ Waste Ma_gemenl Recycle America10/15/200911815 Capdal Blvd RaIcgh,NC ie clingsorting/aclllty 'Domestic only -#Faw INO _—j{X--4___�i_ Management Recycle America 10/15/2009]2200 Atlantic Ave i Raleigh NC IPlas[tc reeycler Domestic only (Faw IND i� IX �v Waste Management Rerycte America 5/21/20141835 Capital Blvd Ste 100 Rale' h NC 27604E5m lestream D.mesticonly Nowaler...df.rplocess No I��_��_— g g retribnionf ate, (washing Gornick IND X E #--- - — - __—_—_— y j 1 Warehouse/tlistributlon of water antl sew Water Works Inc — — 6/16/20081420 Diggs Or Raleigh NC upplies e. Domesticanly 'Bergeron iN0 ' % Waterworks, Inc 4/5/2013'1420 Diggs Or Ste B Raleigh Wholesaler/distrlbutor co per Manufactue NC res (Domestic IGornick NO X 'is[er J 1 J EWa[s.n Refngeratlo^ 10/4/2012540101d Poole Rd Ralelgh NC Ins[allandservice refrigerators Domesti.anly Allworkdoneoffs'te IGornick _ NO 1 %� VJB Sheet Metal _ __ _ _ 2/2]/1998 3216101A Spotswood__ _ Raleigh NC_ _ 'metal fabrication HVAC duttwork _ _ _ 'Orock_ NO % 'Web-Dan _ �9/14/20062113Harrod5t __ _ V Raie'gh NC 27604 Grannte_and Marble `No (ollowup en eded �_IBergero�_ MO_ _ X __ `tom__-i,- -,, �j Weeks Dye Works--� - ----- _li 10/21/20091510103 Mechanical Blvd -- -- Garner, NC 1Package dying - - ,250gal/dayofdnlaeddye--- _ 'Faw ----- NO -L------- ±- - .,_._�CIU <25000RPd { Weeks Dye Works 9/17/2012 ]SIO Mechanical Blvd Ralelgh NC !Yarn and fabric dying s aba.t300gpdwa,tewater somepHadJustedwnth Gornick NO (Non-Categ.r'cal 125 ODD _ __ u exalts dyes 1 # ` ,gpd (Use salts sotla ash acne aad to aff'z [he tlyes—j---� 'Non{ategoncai <25000 Weeks Dye Works 6/19/20171510-103 Mechanical Blvd GarnerNC 27529rDye(abr'candth... d specialize in averdymg Smallvolumed'scharged and not a categorical _IGornick NO i 1 .industry I Igpd ``Weeks Dye Works _ _ ISSO Mechanical Blvd _ _ i Garner,NC_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _f __ Brock____ NOi _ _ _ _ 'N_on{_IU_<25000gpd (Weiss&_Hughes Publishing_ !8/1820065870 Weiss&Hughes Publishing 4/26/201 Faringdor Pl-(200) Raleigh NC Wakellving C, _rollna Prefer PrintedIn VA Magaxlne/Advertising Dgmesticonly I Bergeron _�N0 � Faw NO X 189 104 Wind Chime Ct Raleigh NC _ Weiss Creative Inc 4/27/20161189104 Wind Chime Ct Raleigh NC ( 27615 publishing-sales,graphicdeslgn wrung (Domestic only do printing elsewhere Gornick IN. i X 'Welders Suppl 8/30/20065812 Lease Ln Raleigh NC OOB Bergeron NO �% I Wendell Printing 9L/2012300W Wendell Printing&typesetting I SL 200] 3rd St Wendell NC _[Commercial printing _ IBwidmgforsate appearsgct.fbmI—s Offset prinung_ Domestic IBergeron GornickNO NO % 100W 3rd St Wendell NC { iNon{a[egonral, Wendy's 9/12/20148209 icapped Ceeedmoor Rd Raleigh NC 27613 Restaurant, remodeling underway a[ time of suvey,pap,rt—Isandrag, notin use Drams onplamtlnvestig.thm off for construction ! ( Gornick NO <25000 Bed I West Auro _ _ 9(28/20043216 Wheel Exchange The 11/20/3006553 Lake Woodardtlrrv= Raleigh NC -as I_ 'Garner NC General auto Repair _ Wheel &Tire Resale --__ 90%sold on Internet — !Bergeron Occasional d ... up,lessthanl0galperuseage _ Residential,dld not enter Buchanan__1N0 iN0 ! Gornick FNO ! DeIPOIio NO I X X on- NCategorcal 85000 Whitaker Millworks j 6/6/20144712 ')d 8/1120086803Middieboro � Fayetteville Rd 'Raleigh NC _ Dr Raleigh, NC 27603 Cabinetry y_ Wick id i 6/8/2015 6803 Middleboro Dr Raleigh, NC 27612 Residential per 20085urvey Google maps places address in residential subdivision No[ in mfrs reg No further follow up required Gornick NO ( % x { Wig gins Monument f 5/10/2010204 S Main St R,I—,Ile, NC _ Manufacturing/ delivery of stone monuments Mfg building ansoptic /office an ,war Few NO X Wlggbs Monument_ __�—_—!__ Highway 401 ROIesvilie NC _ Ce metay Monuments Plumbbgproducts distributor No sewer _ _ Domesticont, Brack _ NO % WIIklnson5upply Co 6/162008 3300 Bush St Raleigh NC Bergeron NO X W lkinson Supply Ca d/5/20133300Bush St Raleigh, NC _ Wholesaler/distributor co per Manufattueres Re isle' gd !Domestic Gornick jNO % — Retad Antiques � u --� {Buchanan NO I X ^^T WIIIIam Coxart 9/25/2004320 Harrington Street Raleigh, NC Wllifams&Company Alfred 4/5/2013 IWIuon Finley Co 6/1B/20105901 4105 Salisbury S[ Umi 200 Raleigh, INCholesaler/distributor Chapel Hill Rd PO Box 50198 Raleigh, NC 27650 co per ManuNdueresC Register 'Domestic I Company HQ/wholesale of heavy construction equipment _'Faw 0 mestic only No floor drains Parts washer waste Parts and repair IDomesh-land (Gornick IN. 111 N. Garrick 'NO ( _ X X X (— 1 �Wibon Finley Co 5/5/20165901 I Chapel H0I Rd Raleigh, NC 'Windbf[LLC 6/6/20145905 Triangle DrRaleigh NC 276_07 Wind power research Nomfg her 1G.rakk NO � 'Wood Graphics 8/11/200621_01 Harrod St RaleighRNC 39W-IO6 Tarheel Or Raleigh NC 27609 Signs&Red wood Playlets I No industrial water use Mfg work subcontracted out Occasign touch up Signs Mostly design and stage for installation ah latex pamt with small amt of brush washing _ Bergen_ NO Gornick NO _%_ Non-rategonwl <25000 gpd Wood Graphlrs I 6/8/2015 1 Wood Produtts Inc 612006 507N Harrington St Ralelghh NC Cabnitry Domestic water us onl Bergeron NO % Wood Produtts, Inc _ _ _ __ 7/23/2012 Wootlgraph1. SO/15/200939_00.106Tarheel v SO7N Harrlagton St_ _ _ _ Raleigh NC Dr Raleigh NC cabinetry Domestic _ _ Man ufacture_dsigns IDomesticonk Gornick NO 'Faw NO _ % X IW..d ra hiss 6/13/20143900Tarheel g p I Woodieaf Co 5/4/2016701 I I _ __ Dr Ste 106 (Rales h,NC g I I Pershing Rd Raleigh NC ___ _ 1___ _ _ 27609 _ 27608 Make deslgn,anddmribute signs Mam pro query Occasional washing of latex paintfrom brushes duction done elsewhere Paint Infrequent Less than 10 gal per week touched up Domestic only No floor drains, use rag on oil Design and build cabinetry, high-end goods �Lnlsh,disposerags Glue applied by finger is _ __ washed in handwashingslnkLL — _�� Wood Fornicate No Industrial water use Gornick NO '`} Gornick NO i � I I i Non C""""I 12.1,()00 god Non ca[egoncal, <25000 gintl IWoodleaf Co,The 8/10/2006211 Hoke St 'Raleigh NC Bergeron NO % _ fWoodl,af Co The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8/7/2012 211E Hoke St _ _ _--__ Raleigh, NC_ !Custom furniture and cabinetry _ _ ___ Domestic _ _ _ _ _ or. 'NO f_ _ _ �x X _ _ _ __— _ _ _ lWoodramter W,,d,,rks, Inc i 6/22/20151423600 Walt Ave Wake Forest NC 27587 Millwork, cabinets, interior trim 1Onseptic Drumwasteforplckup Gorelick ;NO WoodplayPlay Systems I e/1//20082101Harrod _ -_ _- _ _ _ SL Raleigh NC (Make wooden pla is Da_mesticonl v Dell Olio N0�_ !WoodsFabricatlon 1 11/22/]006414 __- _ - --_ Avery St Garner, NC _- - 275291 _ _-___ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __--t -_ __ - 'Faust 'NO _X - Woods Fabrication 5/23/200414 AverySt Garner NC Residential Holmes 'NO% Ix Woods Fabrication 8/24/2012414 Avery SL Garner NC General machining sh,p noddy refrgerati0n`` paw Domestic only in house shop doesn t havewater !Gornick INO % Woodwork&Design 9/24/2012719N Person St Raleigh NC Wooden cabinets .Appears to be closed iGoreick IND X Wooten Corp, ST 9/18/201212204 Cleveland School Rd Garner, INC Concrete and asphalt, field office for engmeers Outside service area, in Johnston Co Gornick ING X i � ST 10/10/20129001 Fortune Way Raleigh NC Read y-mixedconcrete DomesticonlY IG.mlck IND X Wooten Corp, ST Garner Concrete Plan[ 9/18/201212200 Wooten [aro,ST , plt7 7/16/20125201 Cleveland Rd Garner INC Beryl Rd Raleigh NC Ready mixed concrete , Outside service area in Johnston Co Ready concrete 'Dourest@only Gornick _ -0 Gprnick NO ___IX Wooten Corp ST v 10/ 26(3009 Wo PO BOx74D8 Wllson,NC locatetlin Wdson NC 'Faw !NO _% Garrick NO % Wooten Corp ST 3/24/3016925EGarner ' Rd 'Garner NC 27529 Concrete EOnSeptic stopped in offlceat 104HIgh Hope Lane 'Tech called over to quarry to verify Wooten Corp, ST pit 8/10/20065201 (Wooten Car, S1 6/1]/200812105 Beryl Rd _ 'Raleigh NC Clevelandlid _____ IGarner, NC 5200 Milton Road 'Raleigh, NC Ready mix concrete_ _ �evaorotNe washpi[ _ _ _ _ Natinservicea ______�tl�F.a_w__ Resldentlal._ —�LL—_J —_i-�— _ _ r�—� jBergeron NO _�NO IBuchanan� (NO 1 X _ _ CWord Smith Press —t _ X (Wordsmith Press _ — — _ _ 6/9/20303200MIItan Rd —_ _ I Raleigh NC _ _ lResitlentlal-dltl rpt enter{Faw f4 INO_ WorldG nate&Stan. Art 91121200617165 Albans Dr {Raleigh NC Granite and marble 1settling tanks/ sometimes released to sewer (Bergeron iNO I !Non{IU <25000gpd W an rid Granited Stone Art _ _ _9/12/200517165 orld Grannceand Stona& PL12120MS17165 � Worldgranite&Stoneart,Inc 9/26/20121716 Albans Dr _ Raleigh NC _ Albans Or Raleigh, NC 27609 2760_9 Granite and Marble__ I No follow up needed Granlreand Marble INofollpwup needed Bergeron NO !NO I I X t St Albans Dr Rale qh, NC Bergeron G ra nice and stone countertops Recycle water_rn_ev-er discharge OomesHc Gornck 'NO Worldpac _6/16/20Q8 'Worldpac, Inc 4/15/20142708 2708Olscovery_Or Ralegh,NC __ DIscovery Dr Raleigh NC 27616 Wholesaiedls[rlbutingofau[oparts Domesticonly_ Distribute auto parts DOmestIcper20081WS Wholesaler/distbutor ' per Mfrs Re Deli Olio NO — Gornick INo _ _ % _1_-- X I } !Wrought Iran Creative 11/10/2001)4036Jonesvil[a Rd Wake Forest NC !Residential - did not enter Few ANO Ix i 'Wrought Iron Creative, Inc 5/1613016 4036 Jonesville Rd Wake Forest, NC 275871 s Wrought Iron weltling Proprietor rated he Is going out of business right—_i Gornick NO % 1 �WyattCo,D 12/15(3006932 _Iow IResidential IlSeptle tank % Bethlehem Rd ft�gh[daleN IBerReronLNO 1 iz Wyatt Co D 8/22/2012932 Bethlehem Rd Knightdale NC I General an achlningj2b shop Ons, tic tank Gorelick NO % 1 WyattQuarlesSeed Co 5/19/2008 730 US HIghwav70E Ganear�NC— Olstr Garden&Seel Supplies DeIPO1io No W act uarles Seed Co Inc 41 2013 V Q _ __— / 1/ _ 730 HI hwa 7OW Garner NC —R -y _�_ OhtrIbu rof 'ant Seeds _ P (Domestic Johnson NO Watkins Rtl Wendell NC I Wyrecart l NC52 20076001 Residential Wire dispensing tools_ _ _ Onspeticsystem _ ____ (Bergeron Gornl _ck _ FNO �Wyrecart,lnc _ _ 1 8/15/20126001 Watkins Rd _ _Wendell NC — !X ... fl, Inc ]/29/20157516-101 Precision Dr Raleigh, NC 37617i polymer nanoflber production R&Dphase jwashinglab glassware 50 gal/wk (Garrick NO Kae or ca IN tg 1 l<25000 �XPEDX - _ — 8/11/20062533 Atlantic Avenue _-_ _- Raleigh NC _ Retail office supply s/Wholesale _ Domesticonly Bergeron_ ___ NO %pd (Xpedx 10/9/20122533 Atlantic Ave IRaieigh NC Wholesaler of paper and printing s,pplles I0. of business Gornick IN- 1% %ylem _ _ - _ _ _ _ 5/23/2007 �%yLee,"_,lnc �12(2012I3326 13326 Bobbit DR_ _ Garner,NC _— Bobbitt Dr IGarneir, NC Bobbitt Dr Garner, NC ___ --_ _ _ —--_--.. __ _ 27529 —_ -- Domesticonty —__ _ _ Cusmmcabinet mfr Domestic only _ Drum all waste/excess paint/ solvent Dom tic Custom oodworks/carpentry — ion! _ Y._._.__ _ Holmes___ INO Gornick_ ANO �Jf Gore 'NO __ 1 111 — __ __ J --1_— ---- —_ rr Xylem Inc 3/24/201611328 — --- --- --- __t Yorklnternatlonal Corp 6/8/2015 �28DO-172 Sumner Blvd Raleigh NC Yorkln ornmoanal Corp 8/11/200812800 Sumner ONd Ste 172 Raleigh NC Youngs Fur Dressing 9/19/3017 507 Somerset Drive Zebulon NC Vtek __ 7/28/2004I2634PIeasan1Union Church Raleigh NC_ Ytek 6/8/20152634 Pleasant Union Church Rd Raleigh NC Zebra Printing 6/22/2015: 100 W 3rd St Ste 102 Wendell NC Zebulon Printing `_ _ _ __ _ ___ __8/12/Z0081ZOEGannon Ave__ J� Zebulon NC_ Zebulon Printing_ 6/18/2014A120EGannon Ave_ Zebulon NC Zenecar 4/5/2013110224 Durant Rd Ste 201 Raleigh NC Zerarea i I 9/4/20155300-102 Unlcon Dr Wake Forest NC Zion Guitar TechnoloRV _ — _ _ Zion Gu¢ars______ _ Van Hand Crafted Electric Gull— ratingequipsupplyandpartsper Yellow I Appears to sell be closed Google maps doesnot C r �� 2]616Nowebslte Probably OOB dRexisted �placethu business atthis location No follow up Fheran Gornick NO �X was probably dutnbution only Irequired ` ........... ---'W.t a[atltlress �._I___ 'x I 1:F- NO 275971Home Based pickling/[amm,gof animalskins Notanning waterdischarged onlyplckling NO f_ --___1F_ Not in Ciry_Nmi[s I 1Bo_--- N0_ _ lma ile search ps 276141Ofor Ytek, probablyout of Not in mfrs reg No further fallow up regwred IGornick NO X business —f Zebra printing purchased f-Iny and moved to 275911 Location is closed iHeavner IN. Maorrmestl¢w clie only _ �Prin[InR D 'Dell Olio IND 1 1 % � lDomesUc Wholesaler/dishlbut—o per Manufactua,as 1 � iReglster Domestic iGornick ANO 1 % 1 2]58] Carpel Cleaning Recerve9 vans per tlay of carpe[cleaning water It ..,nick (NO I full 40 gallons per truck i 1 Raleigh NC__ Raleigh NC ~Raleigh NC Raleigh, NC IGormck IDuch— Brock iDomestic only Leftover paints dried and disposed iGormck NO I max 400 gallons per day �avgdady150gai pH between 6 8 to ibsh Filtered before discharge !E, powered water = rack salt generated hydrolysis j Has light charge, pH 10 5 when u,ad Spotting agents rather innocuous and c ischatged m ddute farm L_ Dental Discharger Survey 2015-2016