HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181192 Ver 1_C540_ICE_Memo_1_1117_20180122Memorandum on local �urisdiction Outreach and Methodology Updates (Quantitative ICE Assessment Memo #1) For Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension ,`_. � ��� . .�,�o����� �. 54p ����z� �.�: Wake and Johnston Counties, North Carolina STIP Nos. R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 Prepared for: Prepared By: Michael Baker Engineering I N T E R N AT I 0 N A L November 2017 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Table of Contents Tableof Contents ................................................................................................................................... i Listof Tables ......................................................................................................................................... ii Listof Figures ........................................................................................................................................ ii Listof Appendices ................................................................................................................................. ii 1. I ntroduction ..........................................................................................................................................1 qualitativeICE ......................................................................................................................................1 Pu rpose .................................................................................................................................................1 Current Regional Practice .....................................................................................................................2 2. Control Total Adjustments (Regional and County-level) ......................................................................6 Population, Household, and Housing Unit Projections ........................................................................6 EmploymentProjections .......................................................................................................................6 ControlTotal Adjustments ....................................................................................................................7 Distribution of Control Total Changes ................................................................................................13 2040 No-Build Scenario 2 Control Totals ............................................................................................18 3. Attractiveness Factors ........................................................................................................................ 20 4. Place Types (Parcel Level) ...................................................................................................................21 AngierPlace-Type Changes .................................................................................................................23 ApexPlace-Type Changes ................................................................................................................... 23 CaryPlace-Type Changes ....................................................................................................................23 ClaytonPlace-Type Changes ...............................................................................................................23 Fuquay-Varina Place-Type Changes ....................................................................................................23 Garner Place-Type Changes ................................................................................................................23 Harnett County Place-Type Changes ..................................................................................................23 Holly Springs Place-Type Changes ......................................................................................................23 Johnston County Place-Type Changes ................................................................................................23 KnightdalePlace-Type Changes ..........................................................................................................24 RaleighPlace-Type Changes ...............................................................................................................24 Wake County Place-Type Changes ......................................................................................................24 WendellPlace-Type Changes ..............................................................................................................24 5. Imagine 2040 Output for Dwelling Units and Employment ...............................................................24 6. Next Steps ...........................................................................................................................................25 7. References .......................................................................................................................................... 25 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 List of Tables Table 1: Control Totals for Imagine 2040 ...................................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Existing Highway Centerline Miles ..................................................................................................9 Table 3: Estimated Raleigh MSA Control Total Adjustments using Duranton and Turner (2012) Method 10 Table 4: Wake County Control Total Adjustments Based on TREDIS Modeling .........................................12 Table 5: Comparison of FLUSA Dwelling Units and Employment for Different Scenarios ..........................13 Table 6: Example of z-score Calculation for TAZ 1748 ................................................................................15 Table 7: Control Total Adjustments to 2040 Dwelling Units by County for No-Build Scenario 2 ...............18 Table 8: Control Total Adjustments to Employment by County for No-Build Scenario 2 ...........................19 Table 9: Meetings with Jurisdictions in the FLUSA .....................................................................................22 List of Figures Figure 1: Imagine 2040 Model Area ................................................................................. Figure 2: Land Use Scenarios Development Flowchart ................................................... Figure 3: Existing Limited-Access Highways and the Proposed Complete 540 ................ Figure 4: Traffic Analysis Zones in Southern Wake and Northern Johnston Counties .... Figure 5: Analysis of Job Access with and without Complete 540 at the TAZ level......... List of Appendices Appendix A: Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ Appendix B: Place Type Definitions from Imagine 2040 Appendix C: Meeting Summaries and Place Type Maps from Local Jurisdiction Meetings .3 .5 11 16 17 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 1. Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) propose to build a new, limited-access highway from NC 55 in Apex to US 64/US 264 Bypass (I- 495) in Knightdale, a distance of approximately 28 miles. This proposed highway, known as Complete 540 —Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension, is proposed as a toll facility. Through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, NCDOT has previously completed a qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Report (Qualitative ICE; H.W. Lochner, Inc., 2014) as part of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), which was published in November 2015. Qualitative ICE The Qualitative ICE analysis evaluated potential effects of the various project alternatives. The Qualitative ICE divided the project's Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) into nine zones and evaluated the potential for future indirect effects in each zone under each of the Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs). As stated in the DEIS, "[t]he qualitative assessment concluded that each DSA would result in indirect or cumulative effects of similar magnitudes, although the specific locations of these effects would vary according to DSA. For this reason, these impacts would not be a major factor in selecting the preferred DSA. Once a Preferred Alternative (PA) is selected, more detailed, quantitative analyses will be conducted for comparison with the "no build" alternative (sic)." Under the 2040 No-Build Alternative, the Qualitative ICE determined that growth and development patterns in the FLUSA would likely be influenced by the proximity to existing major transportation facilities and commercial and retail centers. The document noted that most of the existing land use plans for jurisdictions within the FLUSA assume construction of Complete 540; so it is possible that the 2040 No-Build Alternative would promote future development patterns that differed from those envisioned in local land use plans. The construction of Complete 540 would likely encourage higher land use densities, more commercial and industrial development, and a greater mix of uses in the areas surrounding the interchanges. In April 2016, NCDOT selected Detailed Study Alternative 2(DSA 2) as the PA for the project. This Quantitative ICE was developed for the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and provides the detailed study specified in the DEIS. The FLUSA used in the Qualitative ICE has been used in the current Quantitative ICE assessment. Purpose The purpose of this memo is to outline the methodology used in the Quantitative ICE analysis to forecast land use changes in the FLUSA between 2010 and 2040 with and without the Complete 540 project. The outputs of the land use forecasts documented in this memo will be used in a Quantitative ICE Assessment and a Water Quality Indirect and Cumulative Impacts (ICI) Assessment for the proposed facility. The methodology is based on information collected from the regional and local planners who are most familiar with the FLUSA, land use forecasting and socioeconomic data approved for use in the Triangle Region, and a review of recent literature on land use changes associated with the construction of transportation infrastructure. This memo outlines the methodology to: 1. Assess the existing, approved 2040 land use forecast (developed by using the Imagine 2040 regional planning process) Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 2. Develop an additional future land use forecast The goal is to have one current (2010; Baseline scenario) and two future year (2040) land use forecasts: one without the influence of Complete 540 (2040 No-Build scenario) and one with the proposed facility (2040 Build scenario). The resulting forecasts would then be compared to assess indirect and cumulative effects for the Complete 540 Quantitative ICE Report. This approach is consistent with the March 2010 FHWA Interim Guidance on the Application of Travel and Land Use Forecasting in NEPA (FHWA, 2010). Current Regional Practice Numerous factors affect how and when land is developed, and many of those factors have little to do with transportation infrastructure. Factors like regional growth trends, local jurisdiction land use regulations, utility access, school quality, and many others have as much or more of an effect on land use development patterns as transportation infrastructure (Transportation Research Board, 1995). The project team has examined growth factors for counties within the region and specifically within the FLUSA for the Complete 540 project through the Historic Growth Memorandum (Michael Baker Engineering, 2016). In the Triangle region, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Durham- Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) have cooperated through the Triangle J Council of Governments (COG) to promote a coordinated decision-making process for guiding growth and transportation planning using CommunityViz software, a scenario planning tool (also referred to as a `model'). The two MPOs and Triangle J COG began their coordination in 2010 to develop the Imagine 2040 initiative, a 25-year plan for the Triangle region. Imagine 2040 was an effort to "promote community- based regionalism, aimed at guiding growth and coordinating decision-making processes for a more sustainable transportation system" (TJ COG, 2013). The CommunityViz model was developed to "measure and evaluate the impacts of competing development scenarios and major investments in the regional transportation system"(TJCOG, 2016). Outputs of the Imagine 2040 initiative included data, tools, and recommendations; but, most important for the purpose of this study were the socioeconomic forecasts (SE data) at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level for use in the CAMPO and DCHC MPO 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTPs; CAMPO and DCHC MPO, 2013) and the Triangle Regional Model (TRM). Imagine 2040 concluded in 2013, but a new round of similar work is now underway, called Connect 2045, to support the next CAMPO and DCHC MPO MTPs. The modeling effort for Imagine 2040 included all of Wake, Durham, and Orange counties and portions of Johnston, Harnett, Chatham, Person, Granville, Franklin, and Nash counties. See Figure 1 for a map of the counties included in the Imagine 2040 model area. 2 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeasf Extension Project Locallurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Figure 1: Imagine 2040 Model Area Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 This Quantitative ICE assessment is effectively a scenario planning exercise applied to the context of a single transportation project. This scenario planning exercise measures and evaluates the effects of two different development scenarios: • A future development scenario in 2040 without Complete 540 (2040 No-Build) • A future development scenario in 2040 with Complete 540 (2040 Build) Since the CommunityViz model had already been calibrated to regional conditions and applied to regionally approved transportation plans, it is the best tool to use in this Quantitative ICE to forecast future land use in the study area. Use of this model necessitated the review of the inputs to the model and the evaluation of the model input and factors. This review of inputs and factors will determine the most appropriate assumptions and inputs to accurately reflect 2040 Build and 2040 No-Build scenarios and whether to use the already completed Imagine 2040 Preferred Growth Scenario as one of the two scenarios for this Quantitative ICE. To assess the CommunityViz model, the various model inputs were reviewed to determine what, if any, adjustments would be needed. Three major sets of inputs for the CommunityViz model required evaluation (see Sections 2, 3, and 4): 1. Control Totals of Dwelling Units and Employment 2. Land Suitability Analysis Factors (Attractiveness Factors) 3. Place Types (at the Parcel Level) Figure 2 provides a flowchart that guided the overall development of the land use scenarios for this Quantitative ICE process. The bottom half of the flow chart shows how the 2011 inputs to the CommunityViz model as it was run for the Preferred Growth Scenario resulted in the Build Graduated Grid Cell Output from CommunityViz. The Graduated Grid Cell output was then aggregated to the TAZ level to create the inputs for the TRM, which evaluates travel demand in the Triangle Region. The same Graduated Grid Cell output was combined with the parcel and National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) data to create the 2040 Build Land Use Raster. The top half of the flow chart shows the similar process used to develop the 2040 No-Build scenario. In this instance, however, the three key inputs (i.e., control totals, land suitability analysis factors, and place types) were adjusted before running the CommunityViz model. The process used to adjust these inputs is described in the remainder of this memo. 4 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Figure 2: Land Use Scenarios Development Flowchart Land Use Scenarios Development Control Totals Place Types Land Suitability Analysis Factors 2011 Inputs to CV Model . � v a. Na-Build Scenaria Graduated Grid Cells � Build 5cenario Graduated Grid Cells Combine with Parcel and NLCD Data Aggregate to TAZ Level Combine with Parcel and NLCD Qata Aggregate to TAZ Level a use Kaszet•s T � No-Build Scenario Land Use Raster Build Scenario Land Use Raster No-Build Scenario TAZ Data Build 5cenario TAZ Data Throughout this memo, forecasted values for population and jobs are reported, analyzed, and calculated for use in future modeling and analysis. Although results may be reported to a high level of precision, that precision should not imply that the values are highly accurate. Any prediction of future conditions, including future socioeconomic data, is an uncertain process with the potential for error. Available evidence on socioeconomic projection indicates that "forecast errors are generally larger for small places than for large places; are generally larger for places that have very high or negative growth rates than they are for places that have moderate, positive growth rates; generally increase with the length of the projection horizon; and vary from one launch year to another" (Smith et al.; 2001). For county-level projections of 25 years, the typical mean algebraic percentage errors are about 30 percent. For census tracts (which are typically larger than TAZs) errors are typically 45 percent for the same period (Smith et al; 2001). Thus, despite the best efforts of researchers and forecasters, the error rates for long-range projections are still quite high; thus, any projection or estimate of induced and cumulative effects must be considered the best estimate within a wide range of error. In the final results of the indirect and cumulative assessment, land use results will be rounded to a reasonable level, given the uncertainty of this forecasting process. However, numbers calculated in this memo are not rounded any higher than whole numbers to limit the introduction of additional error as calculations are carried forward in the modeling and analytical processes. 5 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 2. Control Total Adjustments (Regional and County-level) Most forecasting processes start with some basic assumptions. The Imagine 2040 process used assumptions about the total growth in employment and housing units for each county within the modeled area (the 10-county region described above). These assumptions are called control totals and are derived from long-term forecasting of population, households, and employment. The control totals for Imagine 2040 were developed and applied at the county level to provide a ceiling for the total number of dwelling units (and therefore people) and jobs added to each county (or portion thereof) included within the modeled region. Population, Household, and Housing Unit Projections Population projections for each county from the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management (OSMB) State Demographics branch were used as the starting point to estimate the population growth and number of households and housing (or dwelling) units added in Imagine 2040. OSBM forecasts were only available through 2031; so, CAMPO chose to use the growth curve of the last five years of the forecast period (2026-2031) and extend that curve nine years to 2040 to provide a forecast for 2040 (CAMPO, 2012). The forecasts developed by OSBM use time-series trend analysis of trend growth from 1990-2010 to forecast future year growth from past trends. For each county, an exponential smoothing or autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was selected that best fit the 2010 Census and 2010-2014 Census county estimates while maintaining a low mean average percentage error (NC OSMB, 2015). These models were then used to forecast population for each year out to 2031. Since these models are based on historic growth trends, they are not influenced by current or future decisions regarding transportation infrastructure, utility provision, or local land use policies. Employment Projections The starting point for employment projections was the NC Department of Commerce Labor and Economic Analysis Division (LEAD). Since the LEAD provides current and past employment statistics but does not provide forecasts of employment, growth rates from Woods and Poole Economics forecasts of 2010 to 2040 employment were used to project the LEAD employment totals from 2010 to 2040. Woods and Poole uses a top-down, national approach to forecast employment for all metropolitan areas and counties across the nation. The process begins with forecasts to 2050 of national income, earnings by industry, employment by industry, population, and inflation. The nation is then divided into 179 Economic Areas (EAs) as defined by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Each EA is an aggregate of contiguous counties. For each EA, Woods and Poole develops a projection for employment using an export-base approach. The export-base approach is founded on the principles of economic base analysis. Economic base analysis effectively treats each region as a small nation and uses the ideas of comparative advantage from trade theory to assess the base (or exporting) industries for a region by comparing the employment in each industry to the national averages. Industries where employment is higher than the national average are considered base (or exporting) industries. All other industries are considered non- basic. This theory presumes that the base (or exporting) industries are bringing in wealth from outside the region. Woods and Poole applies this economic base analysis to each EA to assess the basic industries for each EA and then uses the national projections to assess how employment change at the national level in 0 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 each industry affects the basic industries in each EA. This change then filters to the non-basic industries. The national projections of employment are used as a control total for the aggregate of all employment in each EA. This effectively links all EAs and counties together in a comprehensive national projection process to ensure that the aggregate projection at the EA and county level does not exceed the national projection. The same top-down process from nation to EA is used to forecast from the EA level to the county level. As this projection methodology relies on high-level economic and employment forecasting, there is no influence from current or future decisions regarding transportation infrastructure, utility provision, or local land use policies. For Imagine 2040, the growth rates from the employment forecasts for each county in the Triangle region were applied to the LEAD total for employment in 2010 to forecast employment in 2040. Table 1 shows the control totals for dwelling unit and employment growth by county that were inputs into the CommunityViz model during the Imagine 2040 effort. These numbers reflect the maximum additional units for each development type/category. So, in the SF (Single-Family) category, the regional total was limited to an addition of 365,765 dwelling units (DU). Table 1: Control Totals for Imagine 2040 County Single- Multifamily Industrial Office Service Retail Highway Family DU1 Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Retail DU1 Jobs Orange 16,351 7,967 2,778 3,628 28,293 2,413 3,231 Person 4,369 182 0 173 2,194 128 246 Durham 44,739 22,118 6,211 13,163 68,018 10,134 6,212 Chatham 10,921 679 964 1,089 7,878 671 132 Granville 8,461 837 1,870 1,991 6,308 491 424 Nash 791 129 840 43 1,279 132 262 Franklin 13,485 422 983 48 3,334 3 338 Harnett 13,671 1,352 1,750 379 4,078 461 842 Wake 206,581 82,440 21,334 30,597 177,977 16,977 21,082 Johnston 46,396 2,291 6,632 835 16,496 741 3,161 Totals 365,765 118,417 43,362 51,946 315,855 32,151 35,930 Source: Matt Noonkester, CityExplained, Consultant for Imagine 2040. 1 DU = Dwelling Unit Notes: These values represent the additional DUs and jobs to be added to each county from the base year plus committed development to 2040. These numbers differ from those in Appendix C of the Imagine 2040 report (TJCOG, 20163) because the official control totals were reduced by the committed development prior to being input to CommunityViz for growth allocation. Committed development was manually added to the base year prior to running the model. The numbers shown above reflect the number of dwelling units and jobs to be allocated within each jurisdiction by the CommunityViz model. Control Total Adjustments Estimating the additional growth that a new road might cause has several challenges. Every highway and every region is different, so it is difficult to find an analogous comparison. In the context of this study, NCDOT and FHWA have confirmed through coordination with CAMPO and Triangle J COG that the 7 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Imagine 2040 Preferred Growth Scenario best reflects a 2040 Build scenario given the inputs to the process at the time it was developed. Furthermore, the socioeconomic data outputs from the Imagine 2040 Preferred Growth Scenario were incorporated into the Triangle Regional TRM and adopted as part of the CAMPO and DCHC MPO Metropolitan Transportation Plans with the assumption that all projects in the MPOs' TIPs, including Complete 540, would be constructed. Therefore, the approach in this context is to determine what, if any change, is needed to reduce the county-level control totals to reflect a 2040 No-Build scenario. This raises the fundamental question of how a highway investment might influence the course of regional or county-level growth. The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (2013) noted that transportation investments can contribute to economic activity in two ways: • The economic activity associated with construction of the project, and • The improvements in "connectivity, mobility, accessibility, and reliability of the transportation system" that can "positively influence jobs, wealth, tax base and well-being." The first set of contributions is temporary, but the second can have long-term impacts on the growth of a city, county, or region. Therefore, assessing the potential for a change in the regional 2040 control totals requires consideration of the second group of effects. The project team met with CAMPO and Triangle J COG on March 15, 2016. CAMPO and Triangle J COG stated that they believed it was unlikely that failure to construct Complete 540 would have a sizeable or measurable impact on growth in the Triangle Region that would exceed the typical error rates in long- range growth forecasts. They did believe that growth patterns within the FLUSA would be influenced by constructing Complete 540 and offered suggestions on which factors used in the CommunityViz modeling for Imagine 2040 could be modified to be reflective of a 2040 No-Build condition. Based on the scope of this project, the project team examined ways to conservatively estimate population and employment for the region (one that maximized the potential influence of the project on future population and employment) by removing the potential influence of the proposed facility. The team conducted a literature review and examined how NCDOT had evaluated potential economic effects in their recent project prioritization efforts for the Strategic Transportation Investments law. Historical Research Approach The research of Duranton and Turner (2012) provides a long-term historical research approach to analyzing the effects of major highways on regional employment over 20-year time periods. Their analysis of the effect of interstate highway construction on regional employment growth in the US from 1983 to 2003 indicates that each 10 percent increase in the stock of highways within a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) causes about a 1.5 percent increase in employment over 20 years. Duranton and Turner define highway stock as the centerline miles of interstate highways at the beginning of their analysis period. This Duranton and Turner historical research approach is not completely analogous to the situation of Complete 540. Although it will connect to interstate highways and will have similar design characteristics as an interstate highway, the proposed project is a tolled highway and will not be designated as an interstate highway. Most of the interstate highways included in the Duranton and Turner study were not tolled. Nevertheless, it is instructive to estimate what the use of the Duranton and Turner relationship would show as the possible change in employment for the region. Since the Duranton and Turner relationship 0 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 was based on the centerline miles of interstates and employment levels at the MSA geographic level, this analysis will consider that relationship. The total existing employment in the Raleigh MSA in 2015 was 625,420, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2015 employment estimate (US BLS, 2016). The Raleigh MSA includes Wake, Johnston, and Franklin counties. In order to pick a growth rate, the time period for that rate must be considered. The estimated schedule for the Complete 540 project assumes that construction of the highway will occur in phases with the first phases between NC 55 Bypass and I-40 likely being completed between 2020 and 2025 and the final phase from I-40 to US 264 being completed between 2025 and 2030. The horizon year for the analysis in this Quantitative ICE assessment is 2040 to address the long-term growth potential associated with the proposed roadway and to maintain consistency with the horizon year of the CAMPO and DCHC MPO 2040 MTPs. Thus, Complete 540 will not be fully constructed by 2020 and would have fewer than 20 years of time to affect the future employment growth in the Raleigh MSA by 2040. Nevertheless, with construction anticipated by developers and the community at large, growth impacts may precede construction of the highway. This analysis of employment growth begins with an estimate of 2015 employment and forecasts forward to estimate the employment for 2040. Over the time period between 2015 and 2040, fewer than 20 years exist for the project to affect employment post-construction, and the time period starts from a baseline that precedes construction of the highway. For these reasons, it is reasonable to assume that the rule of thumb of a 20-year-impact of 1.5 percent for each 10 percent increase in highway stock from the Duranton and Turner (2012) historical research approach could be applied to the 2015 employment baseline to estimate the growth effects of the highway on employment by 2040. This would allow for a conservative assessment, anticipating the greatest reasonable effect of constructing the facility on population and employment (given that Duranton and Turner approach is based on 20 years of effects, which is greater than the post-construction timeframe in this ICE analysis). This estimate of growth effects can then be applied to household and population growth using ratios of employment to household (or dwelling unit) and employment to population estimates. Using the Duranton and Turner (2012) historical research approach rule of thumb, Table 2, Table 3, and Figure 3 show the: Centerline mileage of existing limited-access highway documented in the Raleigh MSA (Table 2 and Figure 3 in red) Increase in centerline mileage with the construction of Complete 540 (Table 3) Resulting increases in jobs, dwelling units, and people (Table 3) Table 2: Existing Highway Centerline Miles Route Miles I-95 (Johnston County) � 30.3 I-40 (Wake and Johnston Counties) 57.3 I-440 (Wake County) 16.8 I-540 (Wake County) 25.4 NC-540 (Wake County) 16.0 I-495 (Wake County, I-440 to I-540) 4.5 0 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Route US-64/US-264 (I-540 to US-264) US-64 (US 264 to Nash County) US-264 (US 64 to Nash County) US-1 (Chatham County to US 64) US-1/US-64 (US 64 to I-440) US-70 (Johnston County) NC-147 (Wake County) Wade Ave (Wake County) Miles 13.1 6.5 3.6 12.5 3.8 9.7 1.0 3.2 Total 203.7 Notes: Calculated in ArcGIS 10.1 from NCDOT Primary and Secondary Road Ares (LRC_ARCS.shp), 15� Quarter 2015 Release Table 3: Estimated Raleigh MSA Control Total Adjustments using Duranton and Turner (2012) Method Parameter a. Existing Highway Centerline Mileage1 b. Complete 540 Centerline Mileagel c. Centerline Mileage Increase (2015-2040) d. 10%:1.5% Ratio Applied to 13.6% Equals e. Employment Percent Increase2(2015-2040) [=d] f. 2015 Employment (total number ofjobs) g. Estimated Employment Increase (number ofjobs; 2015- 2040) [e x f] h. Dwelling Units per Job3 i. Dwelling Unit Increase (2015-2040) [g x h] Value 204 27.8 13.6% 2.04% 2.04% 625,420 12,759 1.02 13,014 j. Persons per Dwelling Unit4 2.60 k. Estimated Population Increase (2015-2040) [I x j] 33,836 1 Based on GIS calculations by Baker, see Table 2. z Based on Duranton and Turner (2012) 10%:1.5% ratio 3 Based on the ratio of Dwelling Units to Jobs from the Imagine 2040 Control Totals 4 Based on ratio of Persons per Dwelling Unit from Imagine 2040 Control Totals Note: All values are rounded and compounded rounding may result in different results when calculated independently. The Duranton and Turner estimate has a standard error of 3.7%; therefore, all subsequent calculations are subject to that same standard error. The results of this analysis suggest that employment in the MSA area would increase by about 12,759 additional jobs by 2040. Using the ratios of jobs to dwelling units and dwelling units to population assumed in Imagine 2040, this increase in jobs would yield approximately 13,014 additional dwelling units and about 33,836 additional people. 10 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeasf Extension Project Locallurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Figure 3: Existing Limited-Access Highways and the Proposed Complete 540 11 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Regional Economic Model Approach The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (2013) described different ways to assess the long-term economic impacts of transportation investments and concluded that Regional Economic Models (REMs) are the most comprehensive and commonly used analysis tool for large transportation projects. The academy recommended the use of REMs for estimating the economic impacts of major transportation projects. NCDOT uses a REM, the TREDIS model, to assess the long-term economic effects of projects as part of its data-driven decision-making process. The TREDIS model assesses changes in market access and travel cost to estimate economic changes using an input-output economic model. An input-output economic model uses the relationships between the inputs and outputs of different industrial sectors and assesses how the changes in those inputs and outputs affect overall economic output through industry linkages. The TREDIS model is calibrated to local economic conditions and uses inputs from Moody's Analytics, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other authoritative sources for existing and future employment, industrial output, and other essential model inputs. NCDOT used the TREDIS model to assess long-term employment changes that could be attributed to all potential projects as part of their Project Prioritization scoring process. TREDIS was used to generate relative rankings of projects. Although not designed to be used in Quantitative ICE analyses, TREDIS is publicly available and provides an independent estimate of potential long-term growth associated with Complete 540. Prioritization 3.0 rankings were the last to include all three phases of Complete 540 and estimated the project would increase long-term employment by 7,557 jobs within Wake County (the model area for this TREDIS model run). Although this modeled area does not coincide with the FLUSA or with the Imagine 2040 model area, it does cover the county with the largest existing employment in the Imagine 2040 model area and where the majority of the new facility will be constructed. Table 4: Wake County Control Total Adjustments Based on TREDIS Modeling Parameter Long-Term Employment Increase (20 years) Dwelling Units per Job1 Dwelling Unit Increase Persons per Dwelling UnitZ Estimated Population Increase Total Adjustment 7,557 1.02 7,708 2.60 20,041 1 Based on ratio of Dwelling Units to lobs from Imagine 2040 Control Totals z Based on ratio of Persons per Dwelling Unit from Imagine 2040 Control Totals Selected Control Total Adjustment Approach Opinions vary on potential regional and county-level growth attributable to the Complete 540 project. Triangle J COG and CAMPO feel that, although the project will influence growth patterns, it will not have a substantial impact on overall growth in the Triangle Region given the current and projected high growth rate in this area. Other approaches suggest that some potential long-term growth effects are possible. Given this range of opinion and the size of the Complete 540 project, the project team decided that the best approach would be to assess three possibilities and see how different the dwelling unit and employment outputs of CommunityViz model would be. Thus, the study team conducted a sensitivity test of three possible No-Build scenarios using different control total inputs to assess the sensitivity of 12 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 different assumptions about future growth. These three No-Build scenarios for the sensitivity testing were: • No-Build scenario 1: No changes to the control totals. • No-Build scenario 2: Control totals were reduced based on the Duranton and Turner historical research approach. The reductions in dwelling units and jobs calculated in Table 2 and Table 3 were subtracted from the control totals shown in Table 1 to create No-Build scenario 2 control totals for the CommunityViz model. • No-Build scenario 3: Control totals were reduced based on the TREDIS economic model. The reductions in dwelling units and jobs calculated in Table 4 were subtracted from the control totals shown in Table 1 to create No-Build scenario 3 control totals for the CommunityViz model. All three No-Build scenarios were run through CommunityViz, and the resulting dwelling unit and employment totals within the FLUSA are described in Table 5 below. FHWA, NCDOT, and study team staff reviewed these results and considered them in the context of input from local planners and engineers, and comments on the DEIS. Although the regional planners from the Triangle J COG and CAMPO felt that Complete 540 would not affect overall control totals for the region, the study team felt it would be appropriate to adjust the control totals in this case given the size and scale of this project relative to others. Table 5: Comparison of FLUSA Dwelling Units and Employment for Different Scenarios Parameter Dwelling Units Dwelling Units % Difference from Build Jobs Jobs % Difference from Build 1 NA = Not Applicable No-Build 1 143,078 -1.2% 88,243 -1.6% Scenarios No-Build 2 137,677 -4.9 % 83,604 -6.7 % No-Build 3 Build 139,656 144,775 -3.5% NA1 85,268 89,654 -4.9% NA1 Therefore, the study team considered the No-Build scenarios 2 and 3. The TREDIS model inputs used for No-Build scenario 3 would likely be more attuned to local economic conditions, but given that the area of analysis for the TREDIS model used for Prioritization 3.0 was limited to just one county, the study team determined that using this option would limit the potential adjustment to control totals without consideration of economic effects in Johnston and Harnett counties. Therefore, the study team determined that the most appropriate decision was to use No-Build scenario 2 as the input to the land use modeling and water quality modeling analyses. Although the Duranton and Turner historical research approach is not completely analogous to the situation of Complete 540, the study team determined that the selection of No-Build scenario 2 would provide the greater potential difference (i.e., greater estimation of induced impacts) between the 2040 No-Build and 2040 Build scenarios. The process used to develop the CommunityViz outputs for all alternatives shown in Table 5 is described in detail below with regards to the preferred scenario (Duranton and Turner historical research approach) and summarized in Section 6. Distribution of Control Total Changes Once the decision was made to adjust county-level control totals, the team needed to determine how these changes in control totals would be distributed around the region. Assessment of this question 13 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 required looking at how the proposed highway would affect the accessibility of different parts of the region. The TRM was used to analyze job accessibility with and without Complete 540. To ensure the analysis was not affected by assumptions about the location of future jobs that might be affected by the expected construction of Complete 540, this portion of the analysis relied on 2015 socioeconomic data for the number and location of jobs. The 2015 socioeconomic data was input into the TRM (adopted by CAMPO and DCHC MPOs), and the model ran using a roadway networks with and without Complete 540 (a 2040 Build Network and a 2040 No-Build Network) to assess how access to jobs across the region would change. This analysis estimated the number of jobs accessible within a 30-minute drive time from each TAZ during the PM peak period. This time period was chosen as it is the most congested time period and the comparisons between 2040 No-Build and 2040 Build scenarios would likely show the largest differences in access to jobs, based on network speeds. 1 The resulting number of jobs accessible to each TAZ within a 30-minute drive varies widely across the region. TAZs farther from downtown Raleigh tended to be accessible to fewer jobs than those closer to downtown Raleigh. Also, when comparing the number ofjobs accessible in the No-Build scenario versus the Build scenario, the mean and median numbers of jobs accessible are higher in the Build than the No- Build. This is expected because the addition of a new highway increases the overall accessibility to jobs if no other changes are made to the network or socioeconomic model inputs. To compare the relative accessibility change across the region requires a normalizing the accessibility results. The raw numbers of jobs accessible for each TAZ were normalized into standard scores (also known as z-scores), using the process of standardization as described below. A z-score is the number of standard deviations by which an observation is above or below the mean of the group. As an example, Table 6 shows the change in job accessibility for TAZ 1748, which is located just southwest of the proposed interchange of Complete 540 and Benson Road (NC 50). Figure 4 shows the location of this TAZ and other TAZs in the area of southeast Wake and northern Johnston counties. Appendix A reports the results of the Job Accessibility Analysis by TAZ. As seen in Appendix A, the job accessibility analysis shows that TAZ 1748 has the greatest increase in job accessibility from the No-Build to the Build scenario based on the z-scores. In the No-Build analysis of job accessibility, this TAZ has access to 215,224 jobs in 30 minutes. In the No-Build analysis, the average number ofjobs accessible within 30 minutes for all TAZs is 307,235 jobs, and the standard deviation of jobs accessible within 30 minutes for all TAZs is 176,922 jobs. Thus, TAZ 1748 has a lower than average accessibility to jobs for the No-Build scenario, and its z-score is -0.52, indicating that its accessibility is about half a standard deviation lower than the average for all TAZs in the region. In the Build analysis, the number of jobs accessible in 30 minutes from this TAZ rises to 388,077 jobs, compared to an average of 318,307 jobs across all the TAZs. Also, the standard deviation of accessibility for all TAZs in the Build analysis rises to 181,261 jobs. In this analysis, TAZ 1748 now has above average accessibility, as reflected in its z-score (0.385), indicating that its accessibility is about one-third of a standard deviation higher than the regional average. Thus, when comparing the difference in z-scores between the two model runs (with and without the Complete 540 roadway link), the result shows that 1 Model runs were completed using 2015 socioeconomic data and roadway networks with (Build) and without (No- Build) the proposed highway. Triangle Regional Model Version 5.0 (V5) Build Version 416, created 2/8/2016. 14 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 the difference in relative accessibility for TAZ 1748 from No-Build to Build is 0.905 standard deviation. The same results for all TAZs are shown in Appendix A. Table 6: Example of z-score Calculation for TAZ 1748 TAZ 1748 Mean (All TAZs) Standard deviation (All TAZs) Median (All TAZs) Number of lobs Accessible within 30 Minutes (2015 Jobs) 2040 No-Build 2040 Build Network Network 215,224 388,077 307,235 318,307 176,922 181,261 327,126 341,062 z-score of Number of Jobs z-score Accessible within 30 Minutes (2015 difference lobs) 2040 No-Build 2040 Build Network Network -0.520 0.385 0.905 Once z-scores were calculated for each TAZ in each scenario, the change in z-score from the No-Build to the Build was calculated to assess the relative change in accessibility to jobs. The resulting changes in z- scores for each TAZ are shown in Figure 5. As expected, the greatest increases in job accessibility are in and around the immediate vicinity of the proposed highway. The areas in dark blue see an increase in accessibility to jobs of 0.5 and 1 standard deviation. The point of this analysis is not to predict the additional number of jobs likely to develop in the Build scenario. Instead, the focus is on comparing the relative change in accessibility for TAZs across the region to estimate the areas within the FLUSA where Complete 540 has the greatest potential for influencing future land use. Of course, an increase in job accessibility is not a sufficient condition for assuming significant changes in future land use. Local land use regulations, utility availability, and other factors will affect the desirability of any specific areas within the FLUSA. Many of these factors are assessed within the CommunityViz model. Those TAZs with the highest change in job accessibility are the most likely to see an increase in jobs, dwelling units, and population. In this analysis, TAZs in southern Wake County see the largest increase in job accessibility with the Complete 540 project; therefore, these areas would likely see increases in jobs, dwelling units, and population. TAZs in northwestern Johnston County did have some increased accessibility to jobs and, therefore, are likely to see some increase in jobs, dwelling units, and population. The results suggest that northern Harnett County would experience minimal to no relative gain in accessibility to jobs from the proposed highway and, therefore, is unlikely to see much increase in jobs, dwelling units, and population from the Complete 540 project. Analyzing the relative change in accessibility indicates that approximately 70 percent of the improvement in job accessibility would occur in TAZs in Wake County; the remaining 30 percent would occur in TAZs in northwestern Johnston County. The exact location of the new dwelling units and jobs, however, is highly dependent on the local development regulations, sewer and water access, and other factors. Most of these factors are considered within the Land Suitability Analysis included within the CommunityViz model. 15 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeasf Extension Project Locallurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Figure 4: Traffic Analysis Zones in Southern Wake and Northern Johnston Counties 16 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeasf Extension Project Locallurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Figure S: Ana/ysis of Job Access with and without Complete 540 at the TAZ level. 17 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 2040 No-Build Scenario 2 Control Totals Based on the above analysis, the county-level control total inputs for the CommunityViz modeling for the 2040 No-Build scenario will be reduced as shown in Table 7 and Table 8 from the values in Table 1 to produce the control total inputs for 2040 No-Build scenario 2. Table 7: Control Total Adjustments to 2040 Dwelling Units by County for No-euild Scenario 2 2040 Build Scenario Control Totals for Dwelling Units from Table 1 County Single-Family Dwelling Multifamily Dwelling Total Dwelling Units Units Units Wake 206,581 82,440 289,021 Percent 71% 29% 100% Johnston 46,396 2,291 48,687 Percent 95% 5% 100% Estimated Reduction from Duranton and Turner Historical Research Approach and Job Accessibility Analysis Total Dwelling Unit Reduction from Table 3 13,014 Reduction to Wake County (70% of 13,014) 9,110 Reduction to Johnston County (30% of 13,014) 3,904 2040 No-Build Scenario Reductions to Control Totals for Dwelling Units County Single-Family Dwelling Multifamily Dwelling Total Dwelling Units Units Units Wake 6,511 2,599 9,110 Percent 71% 29% 100% Johnston 3,720 184 3,904 Percent 95% 5% 100% This analysis assumes that the split between Single-Family and Multifamily Dwelling Units within each county will remain the same. I 2040 No-Build Scenario Control Totals for Dwelling Units County Single-Family Dwelling Multifamily Dwelling Total Dwelling Units Units Units Wake 200,070 79,841 279,911 Johnston 42,676 2,107 44,783 18 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Table 8: Control Total Adjustments to Employment by County for No-euild Scenario 2 County Wake Percent Johnston Percent Build Scenario Control Totals for Employment from Table 1 Industrial Office Jobs Service Retail Highway Jobs Jobs Jobs Retail Jobs 21,334 30,597 177,977 16,977 21,082 8% 11% 66% 6% 8% 6,632 835 16,496 741 3,161 24% 3% 59% 3% 11% TotalJobs 267,967 100% 27,865 100 % Estimated Reduction from Duranton and Turner Historical Research Approach and Job Accessibility Analysis Total Jobs Reduction from Table 3 12,759 Reduction to Wake County (70% of 12,759) 8,931 � Reduction to Johnston County (30% of 12,759) 3,828 2040 No-Build Scenario Reductions to Control Totals for Employment County Industrial Office Jobs Service Retail Highway Total Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Retail Jobs Wake 711 1,020 5,932 566 703 8,932 Percent 8% 11% 66%a 6%a 8% 100% Johnston 911 115 2,266 102 434 3,828 Percent 24% 3% 59% 3% 11% 100% This analysis assumes that the split 6etween different employment types within each county will remain the same. 2040 No-Build Scenario Control Totals for Employment County Industrial Office Jobs Service Retail Highway Jobs Jobs Jobs Retail Jobs Wake 20,623 29,577 172,045 16,411 20,379 Johnston 5,721 720 14,230 639 2,727 TotalJobs 259,035 24,037 These calculations provided updated county-level estimates of dwelling units and employment estimates for the 2040 No-Build scenario. To determine what changes in the FLUSA could be estimated based on these changes, the project team reviewed which changes to the other CommunityViz inputs would be necessary, see Sections 3 and 4. 19 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 3. Attractiveness Factors The CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 included a Land Suitability Analysis (LSA) which was customized by Triangle J COG and CAMPO with the assistance of area planners in 2010, to gauge the appropriateness of an area for specific conditions or land uses. Factors input into the CommunityViz LSA had both positive and negative correlations to the desirability of an area. Factors included in the CommunityViz modeling for Imagine 2040 included: Urban Footprint • Existing & Emerging Growth Areas • Water Service Area • Sewer Service Area Development Activity Centers • Metropolitan Centers • Town Center & Central Business District Activity Centers • Regional & Community Activity Centers • Four-Year Colleges & Universities Environmental Features • Watershed Protection Areas • Significant Natural Heritage Areas • Flood Hazard Areas Highway System • NC Highways • US Highways • Interchange Locations • Major Intersections • Secondary Intersections • 2040 TRM highway network Transit System • Premium Rubber Tire Transit Corridors (also known as BRT Transit Corridors) • Regional Bus Routes • Commuter Rail Station, Area of Influence, 0.5 mile • Light Rail Station, Area of Influence, 0.5 mile Of concern to the analysis of effects related to Complete 540 are the factors associated with the highway system, in particular the 2040 TRM highway network and interchange locations. In the travel demand modeling for Imagine 2040, the 2040 TRM highway network included the centerline of the proposed Complete 540. In addition, the interchange locations factor used in the analysis included the interchanges associated with the proposed highway. Therefore, to properly conduct a scenario planning analysis for the Quantitative ICE assessment, the 2040 No-Build scenario will exclude Complete 540 and its proposed interchanges from the 2040 TRM highway network and interchange location factors included in the LSA. 20 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 4. Place Types (Parcel Level) The CommunityViz model used for Imagine 2040 required customized inputs of density and intensity controls for use in estimating the development potential for an area. A key input to that process is the place type. Place types generalize "the various development categories from zoning and land use plans used by local governments to describe, measure and evaluate the built environment" (TJCOG, 2013). In addition to place types, the model uses development status to determine whether a given parcel is fully developed, partially developed, or is not developable. The place types are combined with the LSA and the development status to allocate future growth across the region. In effect, the place type describes how much growth is possible in any given parcel by defining the type of development and the maximum intensity of development that is possible. Appendix B provides details on each place type used in the Imagine 2040 process. As required by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962, the 3-C planning process requires all MPOs develop long-range transportation plans through a process that is continuous, comprehensive, and cooperative. In 2010 and 2011, local government planning staff, MPO staff, and the consultant staff for Triangle J COG spent extensive time defining the appropriate place type inputs for the region. The Imagine 2040 process and the socioeconomic outputs of that process were approved by the regional MPOs as representative of the conditions expected with the construction of Complete 540. Therefore, the study team concluded that the place type inputs to the Imagine 2040 Preferred Growth Scenario are representative of a 2040 Build scenario. Consequently, the approach for this process requires determining the appropriate changes in place types to input into CommunityViz to reflect a 2040 No- Build scenario. In August and September of 2016, the project team met with all localities in the FLUSA to review and discuss place type inputs to best match local planner expectations for development in a 2040 No-Build scenario. Table 9 below shows the date, time, and attendees at each local jurisdiction meeting. These meetings were generally one to one and a half hours in length and consisted of an introduction to the Quantitative ICE assessment and a review of the place type inputs. Local staff at each jurisdiction reviewed the maps of the original place type inputs used in Imagine 2040 and discussed possible place type changes. 21 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Table 9: Meetings with Jurisdictions in the FLUSA Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Attendees Angier Sean Johnson, Coley Price, Lew Weatherspoon Apex Dianne Khin Cary Clayton Fuquay-Varina Garner Harnett County Will Hartye Jay McLeod Danny Johnson, Samantha Smith, Mike Sorensen Brad Bass, Jeff Triezenberg, Dave Bamford Jay Sikes, Mark Locklear Holly Springs Gina Clapp, Justin Steinmann, Kendra Parrish Johnston County Berry Gray, Matt Kirkland Knightdale Raleigh Smithfield Wake County Wendell Jason Brown Bynum Walter, John Anagnost, Kyle Little, Ray Aull, Ken Bowers Paul Embler, Mark Helmer Bill Shroyer, Tim Gardiner David Bergmark Meeting Meeting Project Team Attendees Date Time 9/6/2016 10:00 AM Ken Gilland, Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr 8/30/2016 9:30 AM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland 8/26/2016 1:00 PM Kristin Maseman, Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr 8/29/2016 3:30 PM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland 8/26/2016 10:00 AM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr, Ken Gilland, Kristin Maseman 8/30/2016 9:30 AM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland, Kristin Maseman 8/25/2016 10:30 AM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr, Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland 8/30/2016 3:30 PM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone 9/1/2016 1:00 PM Scudder Wagg (via telelconference), Jon Wergin (via telelconference), Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland 9/6/2016 1:00 PM Ken Gilland, Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr 9/7/2016 2:00 PM Ken Gilland, Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone 9/23/2016 11:00 AM Ken Gilland, Emaly Simone, Scudder Wagg (via telelconference) 8/29/2016 1:00 PM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Emaly Simone, Ken Gilland 8/25/2016 1:00 PM Scudder Wagg, Jon Wergin, Will Kerr, Ken Gilland 22 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 The meeting summaries (Appendix C) describe the differences that local planners felt would be appropriate if starting from scratch with today's knowledge. The study team reviewed the local input and adapted that input to fit the approach of understanding that the Imagine 2040 Preferred Growth Scenario is the most appropriate representation of the 2040 Build scenario. The discussion below along with the maps included in Appendix C summarize the adjustments to the place-type inputs to the Imagine 2040 model for the 2040 No-Build scenario. Where noted, the 2040 No-Build scenario changes indicate where changes were made relative to the original inputs to Imagine 2040. The appendix provides the full summary of each meeting and the maps showing changes to the place-type inputs based on the study team interpretation of local planning staff input. Angier Place-Type Changes No Changes Apex Place-Type Changes No changes Cary Place-Type Changes • Commercial place types near proposed interchange at Bells Lake Rd. changed to large-lot residential neighborhood. Clayton Place-Type Changes • Several parcels off of Guy Rd. north of White Oak Circle changed to large-lot residential neighborhood Fuquay-Varina Place-Type Changes • Non-residential place types changed to small-lot residential neighborhood at proposed interchange with Fayetteville Rd. and further south on Fayetteville Rd. Garner Place-Type Changes • Non-residential place types changed to small-lot residential neighborhood at the intersection of Ten Ten Rd. and Jordan Rd. • Higher intensity commercial reduced to neighborhood commercial center west of proposed interchange with Rock Quarry Rd. Harnett County Place-Type Changes No Changes Holly Springs Place-Type Changes Non-residential and mixed uses changed to small-lot residential neighborhood at proposed interchange with Holly Spring Rd. and at intersection between Sunset Lake Rd. and Holly Springs Rd. Johnston County Place-Type Changes • Small-lot residential and non-residential place types to the south and east of proposed interchange with I-40 changed to large-lot residential neighborhood. 23 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Knightdale Place-Type Changes • Parcels along Grasshopper Rd. between Poole Rd. and NC 264 changed from non-residential and small-lot residential to large-lot residential neighborhood Raleigh Place-Type Changes • Small-lot residential changed to large-lot residential neighborhood in between proposed interchanges at Auburn-Knightdale Rd. and Poole Rd. • Small-lot residential changed to large-lot residential neighborhood north of proposed interchange at Old Baucom Rd. • Suburban commercial center changed to neighborhood commercial center west of proposed interchange at Old Baucom Rd. Wal<e County Place-Type Changes • Small-lot residential changed to large-lot residential neighborhood at proposed interchanges at Poole Rd., Auburn-Knightdale Rd., Rock Quarry Rd., White Oak Rd., I-40, Benson Rd., Old Stage Rd., and Bells Lake Rd. • Commercial uses changed to small-lot residential neighborhood parcels at proposed interchange with Fayetteville Rd. • Suburban commercial center changed to neighborhood commercial center parcels at proposed interchange with Rock Quarry Rd. Wendell Place-Type Changes No changes 5. Imagine 2040 Output for Dwelling Units and Employment Based on steps outlined in Sections 3, 4, and 5; the project team updated the Imagine 2040 county-level control totals of dwelling units and employment and removed the influence of the Compete 540 project from the Imagine 2040 initiative inputs. These updated materials were processed using the CommunityViz software to estimate the changes in land use associated with the 2040 No-Build scenario. For 2040 No-Build scenario 2, reduction of county-level control totals using the Duranton and Turner historical research approach, the following FLUSA-level changes were estimated: Table 10: Comparison of FLUSA Dwelling Units and Employment for 2040 No-Build Scenario 2 with the 2040 Build Scenario Parameter Dwelling Units Dwelling Units % Difference from Build Jobs Jobs % Difference from Build 1 NA = Not applicable No-Build 2 Build 137,677 144,775 -4.9% NA1 83,604 89,654 -6.7% NA1 24 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 6. Next Steps The next steps will be to use CommunityViz outputs of employment and dwelling units from the 2040 No-Build 2 scenario (Duranton and Turner historical research approach) and the original Imagine 2040 outputs to produce a 2040 No-Build and 2040 Build land cover forecast for 2040. The differences between the two land cover forecasts will be used to assess changes in impervious surface and development patterns by watershed, and water quality modeling will be conducted. Then using the CommunityViz, land cover, and water quality analyses of each scenario, the indirect effects of the proposed project can be assessed. Building upon the indirect effects analysis, the cumulative effects will also be assessed by reviewing overall changes from the Baseline to the future Build and considering the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions by federal, state, local, and non- governmental entities. 7. References CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization). 2012. 2040 MTP Socioeconomic Data (SE Data) - Guide Totals. Raleigh, NC. CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization). 2016. Imagine 2040 - The Triangle Scenario Planning Initiative. Online information. Available at: www.tjcog.org/future-growth-scenarios-imagine- 2040-connect-222045.aspx (Accessed September, 2016). CAMPO and DCHC MPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and Durham-Chapel Hill- Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization). 2013. 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plans. Raleigh, NC. Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. 2013 Analyzing the Economic Impacts of Transportation Projects. Prepared for the Connecticut Department of Transportation, Newington, CT. Duranton, G., and M.A. Turner. 2012. Urban growth and transportation. The Review of Economic Studies, 79(4):1407-1440. FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). 2010. Interim Guidance on the Application of Travel and Land Use Forecasting in NEPA. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. H.W. Lochner, Inc. 2014. Indirect and Cumulative Effects Report. STIP No: R-2721, R-2828, and R-2829. Prepared for NCDOT, Raleigh, NC. H.W. Lochner, Inc. 2015. Draft Environmental lmpact Statement — Complete 540 Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension. STIP No: R-2721, R-2828, and R-2829. FHWA-EIS-15-02-D. Prepared for NCDOT, Raleigh, NC. National Research Council. 1995. Expanding Metropolitan Highways: Implications for Air Quality and Energy Use. TRB Special Report 245. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. NC OSMB (Office of State Budget and Management) Demographics Branch. 2015 Population Projections Description. Online information last updated May 30, 2015. Available at: 25 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 http://osbm2.osbm.state.nc.us/ncosbm/facts and fi�ures/socioeconomic data/population estimates/ demo�/prolinet2015.html (Accessed September 2016). Michael Baker Engineering. 2016. Historic Growth Memorandum. Prepared for North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh. Smith, S., J. Tayman, and D. Swanson. 2001. State and local population projections: Methodology and analysis. New York, NY: Kluwer. TJCOG (Triangle J Council of Governments). 2013. Imagine 2040 - The Triangle Scenario Planning Initiative, Final Summary Document. Durham, NC. US BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics). 2016. Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), 2015 Annual Average Employment. Data Series ID LAUMT373958000000005, revised April 15, 2016. Available at: http://www.bls.�ov/data/ (Accessed November 1, 2016). 26 Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Project Local Jurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Appendix A: Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1 353,768 367,758 0.263 0.273 0.010 2 357,538 373,875 0.284 0.307 0.022 3 360,542 375,582 0.301 0.316 0.015 4 356,346 372,991 0.278 0.302 0.024 5 358,725 372,233 0.291 0.298 0.006 6 376,885 379,532 0.394 0.338 -0.056 7 356,681 371,481 0.279 0.293 0.014 8 357,268 371,239 0.283 0.292 0.009 9 324,544 327,260 0.098 0.049 -0.048 10 376,988 383,939 0.394 0.362 -0.032 11 376,270 385,547 0.390 0.371 -0.019 12 332,439 342,686 0.142 0.134 -0.008 13 381,581 390,326 0.420 0.397 -0.023 14 333,324 347,115 0.147 0.159 0.011 15 356,828 369,971 0.280 0.285 0.005 16 372,316 377,977 0.368 0.329 -0.039 17 381,433 387,167 0.419 0.380 -0.039 18 381,098 388,130 0.417 0.385 -0.032 19 351,072 368,986 0.248 0.280 0.032 20 334,284 343,026 0.153 0.136 -0.017 21 330,827 332,656 0.133 0.079 -0.054 22 327,352 336,070 0.114 0.098 -0.016 23 324,406 328,734 0.097 0.058 -0.040 24 323,802 327,592 0.094 0.051 -0.042 25 322,160 321,775 0.084 0.019 -0.065 26 323,165 322,398 0.090 0.023 -0.067 27 318,675 320,871 0.065 0.014 -0.051 28 327,499 325,791 0.115 0.041 -0.073 29 325,221 326,676 0.102 0.046 -0.055 30 322,907 322,776 0.089 0.025 -0.064 31 315,907 319,373 0.049 0.006 -0.043 32 314,845 314,749 0.043 -0.020 -0.063 33 317,556 321,498 0.058 0.018 -0.041 34 332,481 331,793 0.143 0.074 -0.068 35 320,064 321,247 0.073 0.016 -0.056 36 322,539 322,904 0.086 0.025 -0.061 37 319,757 320,940 0.071 0.015 -0.056 38 327,645 330,537 0.115 0.067 -0.048 39 311,180 316,328 0.022 -0.011 -0.033 40 325,066 325,609 0.101 0.040 -0.060 41 335,597 338,734 0.160 0.113 -0.048 42 331,154 332,470 0.135 0.078 -0.057 43 317,396 317,251 0.057 -0.006 -0.063 44 311,991 312,501 0.027 -0.032 -0.059 45 300,861 300,880 -0.036 -0.096 -0.060 46 299,261 300,861 -0.045 -0.096 -0.051 47 308,474 313,570 0.007 -0.026 -0.033 48 331,782 331,628 0.139 0.073 -0.065 49 341,150 343,334 0.192 0.138 -0.054 50 341,217 346,107 0.192 0.153 -0.039 51 319,919 320,657 0.072 0.013 -0.059 52 317,508 323,095 0.058 0.026 -0.032 53 307,512 312,645 0.002 -0.031 -0.033 54 303,573 309,041 -0.021 -0.051 -0.030 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 55 336,667 340,380 0.166 0.122 -0.045 56 321,304 325,967 0.080 0.042 -0.037 57 316,035 319,537 0.050 0.007 -0.043 58 324,885 329,225 0.100 0.060 -0.040 59 326,527 326,750 0.109 0.047 -0.062 60 329,572 329,112 0.126 0.060 -0.067 61 324,654 324,260 0.098 0.033 -0.066 62 310,852 311,808 0.020 -0.036 -0.056 63 313,695 313,562 0.037 -0.026 -0.063 64 361,597 362,163 0.307 0.242 -0.065 65 308,988 319,539 0.010 0.007 -0.003 66 349,458 350,393 0.239 0.177 -0.062 67 340,899 341,094 0.190 0.126 -0.065 68 346,544 346,261 0.222 0.154 -0.068 69 300,887 302,233 -0.036 -0.089 -0.053 70 309,798 310,020 0.014 -0.046 -0.060 71 332,571 332,934 0.143 0.081 -0.063 72 346,780 347,605 0.224 0.162 -0.062 73 336,497 336,148 0.165 0.098 -0.067 74 339,340 342,744 0.181 0.135 -0.047 75 344,323 343,657 0.210 0.140 -0.070 76 355,894 356,612 0.275 0.211 -0.064 77 426,509 432,602 0.674 0.631 -0.044 78 314,600 314,431 0.042 -0.021 -0.063 79 314,134 313,313 0.039 -0.028 -0.067 80 339,238 342,148 0.181 0.132 -0.049 81 324,831 327,819 0.099 0.052 -0.047 82 285,079 287,464 -0.125 -0.170 -0.045 83 279,216 278,155 -0.158 -0.222 -0.063 84 286,493 286,504 -0.117 -0.175 -0.058 85 302,510 310,245 -0.027 -0.044 -0.018 86 314,197 317,897 0.039 -0.002 -0.042 87 401,756 405,752 0.534 0.482 -0.052 88 327,003 327,572 0.112 0.051 -0.061 89 347,041 348,101 0.225 0.164 -0.061 90 338,371 346,246 0.176 0.154 -0.022 91 404,000 415,943 0.547 0.539 -0.008 92 411,736 418,370 0.591 0.552 -0.039 93 464,725 470,028 0.890 0.837 -0.053 94 361,408 375,527 0.306 0.316 0.009 95 335,790 350,059 0.161 0.175 0.014 96 373,852 376,465 0.377 0.321 -0.056 97 380,589 389,228 0.415 0.391 -0.023 98 334,545 348,261 0.154 0.165 0.011 99 329,627 330,484 0.127 0.067 -0.059 100 321,887 321,136 0.083 0.016 -0.067 101 347,792 363,112 0.229 0.247 0.018 102 355,981 373,621 0.276 0.305 0.030 103 345,212 356,482 0.215 0.211 -0.004 104 345,296 364,587 0.215 0.255 0.040 105 345,720 363,814 0.218 0.251 0.034 106 89,151 89,151 -1.233 -1.264 -0.032 107 86,289 86,289 -1.249 -1.280 -0.031 108 83,078 83,078 -1.267 -1.298 -0.031 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 109 30,330 30,330 -1.565 -1.589 -0.024 110 140,424 140,997 -0.943 -0.978 -0.035 111 108,440 108,440 -1.124 -1.158 -0.034 112 166,960 168,142 -0.793 -0.828 -0.036 113 186,437 186,437 -0.683 -0.728 -0.045 114 227,999 227,583 -0.448 -0.501 -0.053 115 212,104 212,104 -0.538 -0.586 -0.048 116 258,436 259,087 -0.276 -0.327 -0.051 117 187,608 187,608 -0.676 -0.721 -0.045 118 236,062 236,100 -0.402 -0.454 -0.051 119 206,705 206,705 -0.568 -0.616 -0.047 120 212,637 212,722 -0.535 -0.583 -0.048 121 227,103 227,393 -0.453 -0.502 -0.049 122 245,496 246,033 -0.349 -0.399 -0.050 123 254,830 254,830 -0.296 -0.350 -0.054 124 274,970 276,178 -0.182 -0.232 -0.050 125 285,893 285,893 -0.121 -0.179 -0.058 126 289,880 290,290 -0.098 -0.155 -0.056 127 297,401 296,475 -0.056 -0.120 -0.065 128 271,972 273,174 -0.199 -0.249 -0.050 129 280,645 280,304 -0.150 -0.210 -0.059 130 258,287 258,287 -0.277 -0.331 -0.054 131 257,307 257,490 -0.282 -0.336 -0.053 132 225,047 225,062 -0.465 -0.514 -0.050 133 238,773 240,505 -0.387 -0.429 -0.042 134 186,786 186,786 -0.681 -0.726 -0.045 135 190,083 190,083 -0.662 -0.707 -0.045 136 152,602 152,620 -0.874 -0.914 -0.040 137 159,090 159,562 -0.837 -0.876 -0.038 138 223,258 223,258 -0.475 -0.524 -0.050 139 213,188 213,134 -0.532 -0.580 -0.049 140 248,337 248,337 -0.333 -0.386 -0.053 141 216,663 217,161 -0.512 -0.558 -0.046 142 248,600 249,088 -0.331 -0.382 -0.050 143 252,183 252,183 -0.311 -0.365 -0.054 144 318,386 317,876 0.063 -0.002 -0.065 145 267,376 267,081 -0.225 -0.283 -0.057 146 296,216 296,339 -0.062 -0.121 -0.059 147 291,322 291,322 -0.090 -0.149 -0.059 148 289,028 288,962 -0.103 -0.162 -0.059 149 267,054 267,090 -0.227 -0.283 -0.055 150 264,341 264,108 -0.242 -0.299 -0.057 151 290,180 290,180 -0.096 -0.155 -0.059 152 323,407 327,102 0.091 0.049 -0.043 153 317,314 318,509 0.057 0.001 -0.056 154 335,319 335,424 0.159 0.094 -0.064 155 312,633 312,909 0.031 -0.030 -0.060 156 313,973 313,479 0.038 -0.027 -0.065 157 310,778 311,430 0.020 -0.038 -0.058 158 316,562 318,612 0.053 0.002 -0.051 159 292,117 295,161 -0.085 -0.128 -0.042 160 294,906 294,934 -0.070 -0.129 -0.059 161 298,573 299,225 -0.049 -0.105 -0.056 162 297,870 297,882 -0.053 -0.113 -0.060 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 163 292,614 292,614 -0.083 -0.142 -0.059 164 299,091 300,212 -0.046 -0.100 -0.054 165 286,939 287,765 -0.115 -0.168 -0.054 166 285,094 285,864 -0.125 -0.179 -0.054 167 287,435 287,435 -0.112 -0.170 -0.058 168 310,234 310,772 0.017 -0.042 -0.059 169 332,249 334,767 0.141 0.091 -0.051 170 300,425 300,425 -0.038 -0.099 -0.060 171 335,877 336,778 0.162 0.102 -0.060 172 332,677 333,269 0.144 0.083 -0.061 173 340,646 352,028 0.189 0.186 -0.003 174 310,483 314,881 0.018 -0.019 -0.037 175 308,475 308,331 0.007 -0.055 -0.062 176 331,115 335,028 0.135 0.092 -0.043 177 304,529 309,494 -0.015 -0.049 -0.033 178 303,928 309,039 -0.019 -0.051 -0.032 179 306,968 311,958 -0.002 -0.035 -0.034 180 300,864 305,675 -0.036 -0.070 -0.034 181 306,453 308,762 -0.004 -0.053 -0.048 182 299,119 300,834 -0.046 -0.096 -0.051 183 274,672 274,672 -0.184 -0.241 -0.057 184 280,555 282,763 -0.151 -0.196 -0.045 185 283,970 283,970 -0.132 -0.189 -0.058 186 290,918 292,934 -0.092 -0.140 -0.048 187 287,346 287,375 -0.112 -0.171 -0.058 188 291,256 291,876 -0.090 -0.146 -0.056 189 294,958 299,981 -0.069 -0.101 -0.032 190 376,600 380,469 0.392 0.343 -0.049 191 474,079 480,029 0.943 0.892 -0.051 192 519,443 526,485 1.199 1.148 -0.051 193 533,484 553,259 1.279 1.296 0.017 194 523,479 525,770 1.222 1.145 -0.078 195 462,987 469,161 0.880 0.832 -0.048 196 443,300 444,316 0.769 0.695 -0.074 197 469,645 474,868 0.918 0.864 -0.054 198 373,332 379,379 0.374 0.337 -0.037 199 403,482 413,698 0.544 0.526 -0.018 200 358,131 366,966 0.288 0.268 -0.019 201 449,588 453,709 0.805 0.747 -0.058 202 410,283 415,930 0.582 0.539 -0.044 203 382,794 390,555 0.427 0.399 -0.028 204 410,392 420,669 0.583 0.565 -0.018 205 407,638 414,101 0.567 0.528 -0.039 206 357,393 373,278 0.284 0.303 0.020 207 358,114 378,385 0.288 0.331 0.044 208 356,641 375,294 0.279 0.314 0.035 209 354,252 371,964 0.266 0.296 0.030 210 330,641 338,851 0.132 0.113 -0.019 211 379,735 387,930 0.410 0.384 -0.026 212 335,873 355,668 0.162 0.206 0.044 213 353,763 368,932 0.263 0.279 0.016 214 380,015 390,749 0.411 0.400 -0.012 215 382,019 389,010 0.423 0.390 -0.033 216 345,736 362,691 0.218 0.245 0.027 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 217 352,885 369,341 0.258 0.282 0.024 218 348,628 368,309 0.234 0.276 0.042 219 339,481 361,214 0.182 0.237 0.054 220 327,775 332,089 0.116 0.076 -0.040 221 327,311 335,315 0.113 0.094 -0.020 222 338,174 356,858 0.175 0.213 0.038 223 337,486 349,725 0.171 0.173 0.002 224 329,433 338,308 0.125 0.110 -0.015 225 327,463 331,874 0.114 0.075 -0.039 226 326,794 330,074 0.111 0.065 -0.046 227 322,488 325,510 0.086 0.040 -0.046 228 330,558 343,305 0.132 0.138 0.006 229 328,232 341,665 0.119 0.129 0.010 230 320,818 324,154 0.077 0.032 -0.045 231 327,621 337,215 0.115 0.104 -0.011 232 325,211 328,042 0.102 0.054 -0.048 233 322,976 326,415 0.089 0.045 -0.044 234 315,998 317,075 0.050 -0.007 -0.056 235 321,218 323,243 0.079 0.027 -0.052 236 321,128 325,506 0.079 0.040 -0.039 237 318,368 319,250 0.063 0.005 -0.058 238 328,863 330,288 0.122 0.066 -0.056 239 328,823 338,817 0.122 0.113 -0.009 240 304,743 309,935 -0.014 -0.046 -0.032 241 356,231 370,756 0.277 0.289 0.012 242 329,672 333,817 0.127 0.086 -0.041 243 387,264 396,892 0.452 0.434 -0.019 244 434,771 440,937 0.721 0.677 -0.044 245 456,985 465,353 0.846 0.811 -0.035 246 430,017 435,918 0.694 0.649 -0.045 247 379,449 392,598 0.408 0.410 0.002 248 353,124 360,840 0.259 0.235 -0.025 249 443,013 450,429 0.767 0.729 -0.039 250 440,895 447,404 0.755 0.712 -0.043 251 464,439 471,291 0.889 0.844 -0.045 252 482,872 495,031 0.993 0.975 -0.018 253 518,249 530,871 1.193 1.173 -0.020 254 444,966 455,992 0.778 0.760 -0.019 255 468,863 474,945 0.914 0.864 -0.049 256 481,876 504,780 0.987 1.029 0.042 257 483,373 505,427 0.996 1.032 0.037 258 463,930 488,348 0.886 0.938 0.052 259 483,678 504,544 0.997 1.027 0.030 260 507,068 527,106 1.129 1.152 0.022 261 483,286 506,724 0.995 1.039 0.044 262 516,149 534,958 1.181 1.195 0.014 263 506,994 524,309 1.129 1.136 0.007 264 529,325 579,057 1.255 1.439 0.183 265 556,234 598,254 1.407 1.544 0.137 266 603,870 630,271 1.677 1.721 0.044 267 580,463 615,771 1.544 1.641 0.097 268 563,843 606,201 1.450 1.588 0.138 269 626,667 646,269 1.805 1.809 0.004 270 596,325 620,542 1.634 1.667 0.033 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 271 571,397 599,733 1.493 1.553 0.060 272 562,368 594,685 1.442 1.525 0.083 273 516,959 534,750 1.185 1.194 0.009 274 494,465 511,248 1.058 1.064 0.006 275 496,452 520,658 1.069 1.116 0.047 276 489,346 505,742 1.029 1.034 0.005 277 549,274 589,437 1.368 1.496 0.128 278 519,750 555,204 1.201 1.307 0.106 279 517,586 528,112 1.189 1.157 -0.031 280 517,641 524,511 1.189 1.138 -0.052 281 518,384 526,876 1.193 1.151 -0.043 282 461,019 480,531 0.869 0.895 0.026 283 484,149 506,319 1.000 1.037 0.037 284 469,580 486,474 0.918 0.928 0.010 285 467,910 489,258 0.908 0.943 0.035 286 475,309 492,225 0.950 0.959 0.010 287 436,645 440,274 0.731 0.673 -0.059 288 478,389 498,424 0.967 0.994 0.026 289 505,568 525,636 1.121 1.144 0.023 290 445,977 449,899 0.784 0.726 -0.058 291 449,322 453,174 0.803 0.744 -0.059 292 436,434 438,671 0.730 0.664 -0.066 293 431,087 434,033 0.700 0.638 -0.062 294 430,739 446,540 0.698 0.707 0.009 295 342,198 358,704 0.198 0.223 0.025 296 403,458 416,535 0.544 0.542 -0.002 297 429,654 435,059 0.692 0.644 -0.048 298 407,674 418,403 0.568 0.552 -0.015 299 419,881 435,775 0.637 0.648 0.011 300 440,514 449,176 0.753 0.722 -0.031 301 434,360 442,031 0.719 0.683 -0.036 302 408,030 414,411 0.570 0.530 -0.040 303 407,067 412,896 0.564 0.522 -0.042 304 439,211 458,267 0.746 0.772 0.026 305 482,160 502,607 0.989 1.017 0.028 306 433,842 444,153 0.716 0.694 -0.021 307 438,835 446,853 0.744 0.709 -0.035 308 413,347 419,077 0.600 0.556 -0.044 309 411,476 419,297 0.589 0.557 -0.032 310 524,151 544,818 1.226 1.250 0.024 311 452,182 456,009 0.819 0.760 -0.060 312 445,337 455,106 0.781 0.755 -0.026 313 409,894 416,452 0.580 0.541 -0.039 314 348,516 349,329 0.233 0.171 -0.062 315 350,544 354,526 0.245 0.200 -0.045 316 402,973 408,888 0.541 0.500 -0.041 317 330,583 344,185 0.132 0.143 0.011 318 356,921 373,744 0.281 0.306 0.025 319 388,410 394,758 0.459 0.422 -0.037 320 382,758 390,373 0.427 0.398 -0.029 321 416,265 424,377 0.616 0.585 -0.031 322 392,762 399,284 0.483 0.447 -0.037 323 380,355 387,401 0.413 0.381 -0.032 324 382,391 390,727 0.425 0.400 -0.025 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 325 373,400 376,786 0.374 0.323 -0.051 326 341,510 359,596 0.194 0.228 0.034 327 352,924 369,108 0.258 0.280 0.022 328 372,655 376,323 0.370 0.320 -0.050 329 376,467 379,239 0.391 0.336 -0.055 330 374,370 377,474 0.379 0.326 -0.053 331 377,621 381,625 0.398 0.349 -0.049 332 360,301 375,083 0.300 0.313 0.013 333 361,305 375,169 0.306 0.314 0.008 334 406,017 413,639 0.558 0.526 -0.032 335 405,301 411,935 0.554 0.517 -0.038 336 329,844 334,010 0.128 0.087 -0.041 337 338,335 351,956 0.176 0.186 0.010 338 350,952 369,730 0.247 0.284 0.037 339 349,761 367,827 0.240 0.273 0.033 340 360,898 376,892 0.303 0.323 0.020 341 345,350 354,389 0.215 0.199 -0.016 342 411,075 416,850 0.587 0.544 -0.043 343 410,474 414,565 0.584 0.531 -0.052 344 351,722 364,975 0.251 0.257 0.006 345 366,772 376,236 0.337 0.320 -0.017 346 366,152 374,026 0.333 0.307 -0.026 347 378,487 396,575 0.403 0.432 0.029 348 360,055 361,311 0.299 0.237 -0.061 349 337,513 340,979 0.171 0.125 -0.046 350 360,475 358,149 0.301 0.220 -0.081 351 355,926 355,124 0.275 0.203 -0.072 352 338,376 342,744 0.176 0.135 -0.041 353 351,632 349,924 0.251 0.174 -0.077 354 336,243 340,626 0.164 0.123 -0.041 355 331,905 332,099 0.139 0.076 -0.063 356 329,608 330,466 0.126 0.067 -0.059 357 309,862 314,302 0.015 -0.022 -0.037 358 323,314 324,029 0.091 0.032 -0.059 359 325,758 325,795 0.105 0.041 -0.063 360 343,798 348,724 0.207 0.168 -0.039 361 326,655 326,161 0.110 0.043 -0.066 362 329,464 329,669 0.126 0.063 -0.063 363 306,868 306,868 -0.002 -0.063 -0.061 364 328,755 329,434 0.122 0.061 -0.060 365 335,802 341,030 0.161 0.125 -0.036 366 353,713 355,855 0.263 0.207 -0.056 367 331,039 330,740 0.135 0.069 -0.066 368 311,661 311,330 0.025 -0.038 -0.064 369 311,356 311,691 0.023 -0.037 -0.060 370 306,771 307,245 -0.003 -0.061 -0.058 371 304,134 303,283 -0.018 -0.083 -0.065 372 314,827 314,810 0.043 -0.019 -0.062 373 335,803 333,226 0.161 0.082 -0.079 374 351,779 351,741 0.252 0.184 -0.067 375 343,062 344,766 0.202 0.146 -0.057 376 324,792 329,713 0.099 0.063 -0.036 377 375,082 391,645 0.383 0.405 0.021 378 370,646 384,391 0.358 0.365 0.006 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 379 354,332 364,911 0.266 0.257 -0.009 380 371,592 388,091 0.364 0.385 0.021 381 347,490 347,452 0.228 0.161 -0.067 382 410,465 418,820 0.583 0.555 -0.029 383 399,526 408,100 0.522 0.495 -0.026 384 351,186 354,056 0.248 0.197 -0.051 385 338,972 339,896 0.179 0.119 -0.060 386 348,071 348,848 0.231 0.168 -0.062 387 355,504 366,206 0.273 0.264 -0.009 388 335,801 351,455 0.161 0.183 0.021 389 327,710 329,535 0.116 0.062 -0.054 390 332,695 340,718 0.144 0.124 -0.020 391 335,934 345,760 0.162 0.151 -0.011 392 333,905 334,112 0.151 0.087 -0.064 393 343,113 343,026 0.203 0.136 -0.066 394 325,999 326,768 0.106 0.047 -0.059 395 322,931 324,550 0.089 0.034 -0.054 396 269,916 271,098 -0.211 -0.260 -0.050 397 330,205 328,472 0.130 0.056 -0.074 398 77,462 77,462 -1.299 -1.329 -0.030 399 145,700 145,700 -0.913 -0.952 -0.039 400 145,916 145,916 -0.912 -0.951 -0.039 401 182,704 182,641 -0.704 -0.748 -0.045 402 255,691 256,462 -0.291 -0.341 -0.050 403 235,084 237,320 -0.408 -0.447 -0.039 404 284,395 284,395 -0.129 -0.187 -0.058 405 327,248 327,226 0.113 0.049 -0.064 406 315,560 315,985 0.047 -0.013 -0.060 407 317,545 317,974 0.058 -0.002 -0.060 408 260,010 259,482 -0.267 -0.325 -0.058 409 267,589 267,831 -0.224 -0.278 -0.054 410 193,107 190,193 -0.645 -0.707 -0.062 411 324,346 328,759 0.097 0.058 -0.039 412 421,070 426,591 0.643 0.597 -0.046 413 459,219 466,205 0.859 0.816 -0.043 414 470,853 479,151 0.925 0.887 -0.037 415 526,766 538,365 1.241 1.214 -0.027 416 588,508 616,533 1.590 1.645 0.055 417 589,586 616,624 1.596 1.646 0.050 418 613,603 632,279 1.732 1.732 0.001 419 628,696 648,952 1.817 1.824 0.007 420 558,459 593,151 1.420 1.516 0.096 421 487,782 503,173 1.020 1.020 -0.001 422 528,211 546,889 1.249 1.261 0.012 423 457,346 474,291 0.848 0.861 0.012 424 455,307 477,029 0.837 0.876 0.039 425 435,262 440,324 0.724 0.673 -0.050 426 436,793 439,993 0.732 0.671 -0.061 427 408,187 416,646 0.571 0.543 -0.028 428 379,056 392,452 0.406 0.409 0.003 429 384,685 399,912 0.438 0.450 0.012 430 273,830 273,587 -0.189 -0.247 -0.058 431 341,146 345,383 0.192 0.149 -0.042 432 329,107 329,673 0.124 0.063 -0.061 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 433 314,068 314,302 0.039 -0.022 -0.061 434 295,817 295,817 -0.065 -0.124 -0.060 435 297,886 303,337 -0.053 -0.083 -0.030 436 325,060 325,060 0.101 0.037 -0.063 437 317,725 323,146 0.059 0.027 -0.033 438 352,956 350,819 0.258 0.179 -0.079 439 324,846 328,504 0.100 0.056 -0.043 440 340,103 336,640 0.186 0.101 -0.085 441 336,819 334,876 0.167 0.091 -0.076 442 342,548 345,297 0.200 0.149 -0.051 443 359,376 371,546 0.295 0.294 -0.001 444 245,231 245,231 -0.350 -0.403 -0.053 445 368,701 377,917 0.347 0.329 -0.019 446 376,857 379,555 0.394 0.338 -0.056 447 339,496 352,505 0.182 0.189 0.006 448 380,168 387,918 0.412 0.384 -0.028 449 354,713 370,645 0.268 0.289 0.020 450 331,174 345,558 0.135 0.150 0.015 451 342,027 360,097 0.197 0.231 0.034 452 333,703 346,411 0.150 0.155 0.005 453 317,604 318,274 0.059 0.000 -0.059 454 329,407 331,533 0.125 0.073 -0.052 455 330,303 327,620 0.130 0.051 -0.079 456 320,666 322,789 0.076 0.025 -0.051 457 341,315 346,265 0.193 0.154 -0.038 458 269,145 269,145 -0.215 -0.271 -0.056 459 297,013 297,019 -0.058 -0.117 -0.060 460 330,095 330,661 0.129 0.068 -0.061 461 374,912 379,368 0.383 0.337 -0.046 462 324,593 327,226 0.098 0.049 -0.049 463 317,757 317,896 0.059 -0.002 -0.062 464 109,840 109,955 -1.116 -1.149 -0.034 465 81,472 81,552 -1.276 -1.306 -0.030 466 131,319 131,194 -0.994 -1.032 -0.038 467 83,112 83,112 -1.267 -1.298 -0.031 468 136,430 136,430 -0.965 -1.003 -0.038 469 129,165 129,165 -1.006 -1.043 -0.037 470 145,689 145,689 -0.913 -0.952 -0.039 471 143,636 143,636 -0.925 -0.964 -0.039 472 215,190 215,563 -0.520 -0.567 -0.047 473 284,039 284,169 -0.131 -0.188 -0.057 474 199,926 199,926 -0.607 -0.653 -0.047 475 152,513 153,704 -0.875 -0.908 -0.034 476 286,990 286,990 -0.114 -0.173 -0.058 477 325,754 325,768 0.105 0.041 -0.064 478 326,795 328,687 0.111 0.057 -0.053 479 285,023 285,358 -0.126 -0.182 -0.056 480 297,682 297,188 -0.054 -0.117 -0.063 481 281,222 281,997 -0.147 -0.200 -0.053 482 294,947 299,915 -0.069 -0.101 -0.032 483 280,947 282,624 -0.149 -0.197 -0.048 484 464,182 468,009 0.887 0.826 -0.061 485 318,870 322,394 0.066 0.023 -0.043 486 251,236 251,373 -0.317 -0.369 -0.053 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 487 430,611 433,470 0.697 0.635 -0.062 488 354,109 367,831 0.265 0.273 0.008 489 353,759 369,578 0.263 0.283 0.020 490 345,798 346,869 0.218 0.158 -0.060 491 271,716 270,707 -0.201 -0.263 -0.062 492 445,467 454,335 0.781 0.750 -0.031 493 471,643 480,003 0.929 0.892 -0.037 494 518,722 532,824 1.195 1.183 -0.012 495 540,502 586,368 1.318 1.479 0.160 496 638,318 655,434 1.871 1.860 -0.011 497 626,627 642,723 1.805 1.790 -0.015 498 540,004 547,161 1.316 1.263 -0.053 499 534,964 546,605 1.287 1.259 -0.028 500 505,362 522,256 1.120 1.125 0.005 501 463,902 469,436 0.886 0.834 -0.052 502 424,867 431,139 0.665 0.622 -0.042 503 431,064 437,277 0.700 0.656 -0.044 504 430,688 432,962 0.698 0.633 -0.065 505 410,363 416,008 0.583 0.539 -0.044 506 421,351 427,209 0.645 0.601 -0.044 507 415,407 423,250 0.611 0.579 -0.032 508 402,496 411,920 0.538 0.516 -0.022 509 330,683 338,641 0.133 0.112 -0.020 510 373,339 376,171 0.374 0.319 -0.054 511 287,467 287,557 -0.112 -0.170 -0.058 512 378,597 381,989 0.403 0.351 -0.052 513 360,931 376,764 0.303 0.323 0.019 514 339,858 354,861 0.184 0.202 0.017 515 343,378 347,258 0.204 0.160 -0.045 516 368,428 384,351 0.346 0.364 0.018 517 362,692 366,430 0.313 0.265 -0.048 518 330,310 333,647 0.130 0.085 -0.046 519 315,797 315,659 0.048 -0.015 -0.063 520 305,318 305,940 -0.011 -0.068 -0.057 521 323,679 329,082 0.093 0.059 -0.033 522 325,889 325,573 0.105 0.040 -0.065 523 322,763 323,515 0.088 0.029 -0.059 524 331,320 331,366 0.136 0.072 -0.064 525 339,774 342,048 0.184 0.131 -0.053 526 340,031 338,792 0.185 0.113 -0.072 527 348,479 347,870 0.233 0.163 -0.070 528 349,962 352,798 0.241 0.190 -0.051 529 344,643 345,826 0.211 0.152 -0.060 530 377,560 393,928 0.397 0.417 0.020 531 312,972 313,061 0.032 -0.029 -0.061 532 460,514 465,687 0.866 0.813 -0.053 533 464,049 466,937 0.886 0.820 -0.066 534 464,452 467,955 0.889 0.826 -0.063 535 460,750 463,700 0.868 0.802 -0.066 536 462,178 465,719 0.876 0.813 -0.063 537 480,076 485,938 0.977 0.925 -0.052 538 482,774 494,888 0.992 0.974 -0.018 539 492,164 497,074 1.045 0.986 -0.059 540 496,106 501,948 1.068 1.013 -0.054 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 541 495,083 498,001 1.062 0.991 -0.070 542 479,422 492,693 0.973 0.962 -0.011 543 474,902 479,543 0.948 0.890 -0.058 544 474,088 475,812 0.943 0.869 -0.074 545 460,524 465,306 0.866 0.811 -0.055 546 463,553 467,818 0.884 0.825 -0.059 547 474,362 479,020 0.945 0.887 -0.058 548 466,730 476,322 0.901 0.872 -0.030 549 458,753 464,198 0.856 0.805 -0.052 550 449,856 455,455 0.806 0.757 -0.049 551 459,762 465,905 0.862 0.814 -0.048 552 461,538 465,248 0.872 0.811 -0.061 553 462,481 469,161 0.877 0.832 -0.045 554 463,689 474,184 0.884 0.860 -0.024 555 475,976 484,493 0.954 0.917 -0.037 556 480,103 500,810 0.977 1.007 0.030 557 497,750 508,029 1.077 1.047 -0.030 558 481,893 498,528 0.987 0.994 0.007 559 512,508 523,283 1.160 1.131 -0.029 560 520,563 523,859 1.206 1.134 -0.072 561 497,745 504,583 1.077 1.028 -0.049 562 498,809 502,212 1.083 1.015 -0.068 563 501,309 504,594 1.097 1.028 -0.069 564 502,813 511,709 1.105 1.067 -0.038 565 516,077 518,995 1.180 1.107 -0.073 566 505,607 508,351 1.121 1.048 -0.073 567 497,150 498,407 1.073 0.994 -0.080 568 493,046 494,442 1.050 0.972 -0.079 569 486,033 491,639 1.011 0.956 -0.054 570 490,310 497,627 1.035 0.989 -0.045 571 488,358 495,876 1.024 0.980 -0.044 572 447,656 453,713 0.794 0.747 -0.047 573 506,879 510,875 1.128 1.062 -0.066 574 510,484 515,830 1.149 1.090 -0.059 575 521,285 523,550 1.210 1.132 -0.078 576 450,469 453,069 0.810 0.743 -0.066 577 475,018 489,278 0.948 0.943 -0.005 578 453,074 454,002 0.824 0.749 -0.076 579 441,381 443,377 0.758 0.690 -0.068 580 454,403 456,445 0.832 0.762 -0.070 581 459,670 465,490 0.862 0.812 -0.050 582 439,310 445,625 0.747 0.702 -0.044 583 443,311 450,526 0.769 0.729 -0.040 584 436,190 449,416 0.729 0.723 -0.006 585 440,610 447,394 0.754 0.712 -0.042 586 456,815 466,818 0.845 0.819 -0.026 587 451,573 456,982 0.816 0.765 -0.051 588 522,202 537,905 1.215 1.212 -0.004 589 491,993 509,046 1.044 1.052 0.008 590 475,482 497,586 0.951 0.989 0.038 591 490,586 504,622 1.036 1.028 -0.008 592 473,234 494,107 0.938 0.970 0.032 593 494,197 505,943 1.057 1.035 -0.022 594 475,800 485,126 0.953 0.920 -0.032 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 595 503,279 513,432 1.108 1.076 -0.032 596 495,030 506,010 1.061 1.036 -0.026 597 537,309 551,325 1.300 1.286 -0.015 598 500,866 514,272 1.094 1.081 -0.013 599 486,496 499,813 1.013 1.001 -0.012 600 493,914 502,491 1.055 1.016 -0.039 601 533,874 540,775 1.281 1.227 -0.054 602 536,059 547,611 1.293 1.265 -0.028 603 528,579 538,035 1.251 1.212 -0.039 604 527,287 537,354 1.244 1.208 -0.035 605 537,297 544,584 1.300 1.248 -0.052 606 526,359 533,168 1.239 1.185 -0.053 607 522,243 529,706 1.215 1.166 -0.049 608 525,180 528,379 1.232 1.159 -0.073 609 530,396 536,748 1.261 1.205 -0.056 610 521,613 530,063 1.212 1.168 -0.043 611 525,942 528,627 1.236 1.160 -0.076 612 523,040 528,024 1.220 1.157 -0.063 613 524,147 529,316 1.226 1.164 -0.062 614 542,427 546,468 1.329 1.259 -0.071 615 517,798 522,265 1.190 1.125 -0.065 616 526,655 536,248 1.240 1.202 -0.038 617 522,966 528,424 1.219 1.159 -0.060 618 536,739 540,983 1.297 1.228 -0.069 619 518,253 522,376 1.193 1.126 -0.067 620 535,534 538,773 1.290 1.216 -0.074 621 532,126 535,784 1.271 1.200 -0.071 622 511,545 516,314 1.155 1.092 -0.062 623 514,512 516,999 1.172 1.096 -0.075 624 531,948 537,157 1.270 1.207 -0.063 625 531,513 535,049 1.268 1.196 -0.072 626 536,485 541,458 1.296 1.231 -0.065 627 540,152 545,128 1.316 1.251 -0.065 628 519,077 523,677 1.197 1.133 -0.064 629 529,173 533,297 1.254 1.186 -0.068 630 551,424 552,876 1.380 1.294 -0.086 631 511,789 518,899 1.156 1.107 -0.050 632 512,099 514,607 1.158 1.083 -0.075 633 505,893 509,701 1.123 1.056 -0.067 634 509,937 513,458 1.146 1.077 -0.069 635 515,959 520,761 1.180 1.117 -0.063 636 521,082 526,032 1.209 1.146 -0.063 637 522,926 525,532 1.219 1.143 -0.076 638 533,962 536,189 1.282 1.202 -0.079 639 526,381 529,974 1.239 1.168 -0.071 640 539,160 540, 716 1.311 1.227 -0.084 641 538,995 542,592 1.310 1.237 -0.073 642 540,859 544,650 1.320 1.249 -0.072 643 531,908 536,220 1.270 1.202 -0.068 644 530,663 532,517 1.263 1.182 -0.081 645 534,500 536,340 1.285 1.203 -0.082 646 515, 883 518, 627 1.179 1.105 -0.074 647 509,909 512,770 1.146 1.073 -0.073 648 506,882 512,749 1.128 1.073 -0.056 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 649 541,719 545,318 1.325 1.252 -0.073 650 521,599 525,062 1.212 1.141 -0.071 651 540,752 548,930 1.320 1.272 -0.048 652 517,765 525,640 1.190 1.144 -0.046 653 509,399 513,215 1.143 1.075 -0.067 654 491,242 495,673 1.040 0.979 -0.062 655 510,413 515,694 1.148 1.089 -0.059 656 515,331 519,391 1.176 1.109 -0.067 657 514,666 522,140 1.172 1.125 -0.048 658 514,127 520,173 1.169 1.114 -0.056 659 511,429 518,524 1.154 1.105 -0.050 660 521,111 525,254 1.209 1.142 -0.067 661 497,145 503,520 1.073 1.022 -0.052 662 487,266 494,081 1.018 0.970 -0.048 663 485,707 491,795 1.009 0.957 -0.052 664 517,803 524,236 1.190 1.136 -0.054 665 512,833 519,249 1.162 1.109 -0.053 666 519,171 520,557 1.198 1.116 -0.082 667 505,050 511,663 1.118 1.067 -0.051 668 510,747 514,833 1.150 1.084 -0.066 669 488,115 494,766 1.022 0.974 -0.049 670 507,378 512,721 1.131 1.073 -0.059 671 488,865 494,346 1.027 0.971 -0.055 672 475,214 488,434 0.949 0.939 -0.011 673 465,646 467,241 0.895 0.822 -0.074 674 494,281 498,818 1.057 0.996 -0.061 675 464,551 468,104 0.889 0.826 -0.063 676 470,050 470,767 0.920 0.841 -0.079 677 472,436 474,073 0.934 0.859 -0.074 678 432,787 443,021 0.710 0.688 -0.022 679 422,228 432,461 0.650 0.630 -0.020 680 412,887 425,604 0.597 0.592 -0.005 681 441,823 453,495 0.761 0.746 -0.015 682 445,615 458,966 0.782 0.776 -0.006 683 415,740 427,177 0.613 0.601 -0.013 684 438,462 452,898 0.742 0.743 0.001 685 437,089 448,781 0.734 0.720 -0.014 686 410,843 424,005 0.586 0.583 -0.002 687 444,940 460,724 0.778 0.786 0.007 688 455,842 471,932 0.840 0.848 0.008 689 412,674 431,365 0.596 0.624 0.028 690 476,723 489,351 0.958 0.944 -0.014 691 472,710 496,749 0.935 0.984 0.049 692 536,833 541,884 1.298 1.233 -0.064 693 534,570 542,149 1.285 1.235 -0.050 694 536,122 540,198 1.294 1.224 -0.070 695 529,152 534,625 1.254 1.193 -0.061 696 549,062 554,999 1.367 1.306 -0.061 697 516,655 521,710 1.184 1.122 -0.062 698 525,725 529,646 1.235 1.166 -0.069 699 536,727 542,830 1.297 1.239 -0.058 700 524,862 528,320 1.230 1.159 -0.071 701 534,216 537,320 1.283 1.208 -0.075 702 537,971 542,492 1.304 1.237 -0.067 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 703 543,161 549,437 1.333 1.275 -0.058 704 541,379 545,501 1.323 1.253 -0.070 705 548,679 553,379 1.365 1.297 -0.068 706 546,063 551,723 1.350 1.288 -0.062 707 535,019 539,689 1.287 1.221 -0.066 708 558,981 561,970 1.423 1.344 -0.079 709 550,161 554,730 1.373 1.304 -0.069 710 543,646 549,824 1.336 1.277 -0.059 711 562,236 564,457 1.441 1.358 -0.083 712 552,328 555,154 1.385 1.307 -0.079 713 553,565 557,534 1.392 1.320 -0.073 714 546,650 550,819 1.353 1.283 -0.070 715 549,617 553,136 1.370 1.296 -0.074 716 555,902 558,464 1.406 1.325 -0.081 717 552,981 555,496 1.389 1.309 -0.080 718 542,237 544,167 1.328 1.246 -0.082 719 562,457 563,881 1.443 1.355 -0.088 720 564,782 568,601 1.456 1.381 -0.075 721 569,569 574,834 1.483 1.415 -0.068 722 511,759 515,183 1.156 1.086 -0.070 723 525,082 530,708 1.231 1.172 -0.060 724 529,810 537,596 1.258 1.210 -0.048 725 537,443 540,922 1.301 1.228 -0.073 726 546,565 550,980 1.353 1.284 -0.069 727 507,502 509,854 1.132 1.057 -0.075 728 521,523 527,957 1.211 1.157 -0.055 729 542,599 546,812 1.330 1.261 -0.070 730 526,574 530,456 1.240 1.170 -0.069 731 548,671 553,724 1.365 1.299 -0.066 732 503,211 507,735 1.108 1.045 -0.063 733 510,814 514,167 1.151 1.081 -0.070 734 507,179 511,252 1.130 1.064 -0.066 735 518,631 522,569 1.195 1.127 -0.068 736 515,503 519,535 1.177 1.110 -0.067 737 516,659 522,554 1.184 1.127 -0.057 738 520,278 527,971 1.204 1.157 -0.047 739 500,309 507,029 1.091 1.041 -0.050 740 513,045 517,505 1.163 1.099 -0.064 741 505,602 509,865 1.121 1.057 -0.064 742 524,751 529,517 1.229 1.165 -0.064 743 530,804 534,703 1.264 1.194 -0.070 744 528,035 530,767 1.248 1.172 -0.076 745 499,760 504,536 1.088 1.027 -0.061 746 497,947 503,525 1.078 1.022 -0.056 747 484,915 490,169 1.004 0.948 -0.056 748 530,077 536,137 1.260 1.202 -0.058 749 495,420 507,165 1.064 1.042 -0.022 750 501,123 506,088 1.096 1.036 -0.060 751 503,320 509,913 1.108 1.057 -0.051 752 495,388 500,852 1.063 1.007 -0.056 753 501,412 507,575 1.098 1.044 -0.053 754 490,102 502,832 1.034 1.018 -0.016 755 488,174 496,738 1.023 0.984 -0.038 756 470,823 475,202 0.925 0.866 -0.059 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 757 472,131 477,469 0.932 0.878 -0.054 758 489,352 494,876 1.029 0.974 -0.055 759 485,407 492,872 1.007 0.963 -0.044 760 509,620 519,315 1.144 1.109 -0.035 761 495,610 502,338 1.065 1.015 -0.049 762 475,987 483,603 0.954 0.912 -0.042 763 472,037 478,958 0.931 0.886 -0.045 764 492,192 496,812 1.045 0.985 -0.061 765 496,401 501,030 1.069 1.008 -0.061 766 498,072 505,327 1.079 1.032 -0.047 767 473,850 479,489 0.942 0.889 -0.053 768 461,018 467,442 0.869 0.823 -0.046 769 469,631 474,112 0.918 0.860 -0.058 770 452,686 456,935 0.822 0.765 -0.057 771 445,593 450,392 0.782 0.729 -0.053 772 435,586 443,064 0.725 0.688 -0.037 773 452,271 456,687 0.820 0.763 -0.056 774 438,192 443,802 0.740 0.692 -0.048 775 448,927 460,983 0.801 0.787 -0.014 776 458,910 468,484 0.857 0.829 -0.029 777 443,549 454,526 0.770 0.752 -0.019 778 455,592 466,396 0.839 0.817 -0.022 779 423,686 428,236 0.658 0.606 -0.052 780 432,026 438,386 0.705 0.662 -0.043 781 401,125 406,478 0.531 0.486 -0.044 782 456,839 466,988 0.846 0.820 -0.025 783 456,816 462,637 0.845 0.796 -0.049 784 436,347 440,826 0.730 0.676 -0.054 785 479,317 484,614 0.973 0.918 -0.055 786 441,278 447,364 0.758 0.712 -0.046 787 407,229 417,455 0.565 0.547 -0.018 788 418,815 429,523 0.631 0.614 -0.017 789 459,287 465,004 0.859 0.809 -0.050 790 391,979 403,892 0.479 0.472 -0.007 791 455,400 465,845 0.837 0.814 -0.024 792 437,026 442,281 0.734 0.684 -0.050 793 446,591 453,789 0.788 0.747 -0.040 794 494,984 511,026 1.061 1.063 0.002 795 490,809 506,100 1.038 1.036 -0.002 796 491,568 505,248 1.042 1.031 -0.011 797 485,635 511,262 1.008 1.065 0.056 798 483,405 503,021 0.996 1.019 0.023 799 479,201 490,301 0.972 0.949 -0.023 800 465,419 474,465 0.894 0.862 -0.033 801 436,027 445,045 0.728 0.699 -0.029 802 426,867 430,562 0.676 0.619 -0.057 803 445,183 452,759 0.780 0.742 -0.038 804 436,420 440,768 0.730 0.676 -0.055 805 461,974 465,196 0.875 0.810 -0.064 806 480,526 482,980 0.979 0.908 -0.071 807 474,663 485,450 0.946 0.922 -0.024 808 463,782 469,991 0.885 0.837 -0.048 809 475,211 480,831 0.949 0.897 -0.053 810 468,895 477,718 0.914 0.879 -0.034 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 811 455,609 469,568 0.839 0.834 -0.004 812 441,765 451,105 0.760 0.733 -0.028 813 474,854 489,260 0.947 0.943 -0.004 814 451,246 469,998 0.814 0.837 0.023 815 476,061 496,643 0.954 0.984 0.030 816 427,441 443,319 0.679 0.690 0.010 817 460,539 483,091 0.867 0.909 0.043 818 459,031 468,690 0.858 0.830 -0.028 819 475,356 480,976 0.950 0.897 -0.053 820 467,477 472,602 0.906 0.851 -0.054 821 430,432 435,600 0.696 0.647 -0.049 822 442,516 445,419 0.765 0.701 -0.063 823 443,770 447,600 0.772 0.713 -0.058 824 449,666 451,943 0.805 0.737 -0.068 825 452,180 459,240 0.819 0.778 -0.042 826 473,135 476,230 0.938 0.871 -0.066 827 437,926 440,245 0.739 0.673 -0.066 828 451,995 457,890 0.818 0.770 -0.048 829 471,330 476,855 0.927 0.875 -0.053 830 426,827 438,714 0.676 0.664 -0.012 831 454,519 459,684 0.832 0.780 -0.053 832 450,901 457,035 0.812 0.765 -0.047 833 412,981 425,106 0.598 0.589 -0.008 834 421,761 436,589 0.647 0.653 0.005 835 431,963 453,136 0.705 0.744 0.039 836 424,128 444,398 0.661 0.696 0.035 837 417,496 438,834 0.623 0.665 0.042 838 402,776 421,197 0.540 0.568 0.028 839 408,892 425,747 0.575 0.593 0.018 840 394,004 404,914 0.490 0.478 -0.013 841 397,698 409,141 0.511 0.501 -0.010 842 405,997 421,712 0.558 0.570 0.012 843 406,492 423,838 0.561 0.582 0.021 844 407,660 422,484 0.568 0.575 0.007 845 401,099 416,189 0.531 0.540 0.009 846 406,053 421,430 0.559 0.569 0.010 847 404,205 414,701 0.548 0.532 -0.016 848 432,428 455,340 0.708 0.756 0.048 849 410,396 436,229 0.583 0.651 0.067 850 395,633 407,279 0.500 0.491 -0.009 851 429,475 444,084 0.691 0.694 0.003 852 397,818 409,753 0.512 0.504 -0.007 853 363,677 380,709 0.319 0.344 0.025 854 447,977 467,848 0.795 0.825 0.030 855 429,851 447,695 0.693 0.714 0.021 856 385,378 400,754 0.442 0.455 0.013 857 329,906 345,515 0.128 0.150 0.022 858 404,420 417,208 0.549 0.546 -0.004 859 390,283 403,789 0.469 0.472 0.002 860 534,031 546,066 1.282 1.257 -0.025 861 491,187 506,726 1.040 1.039 0.000 862 525,436 537,403 1.233 1.209 -0.025 863 498,557 514,354 1.081 1.082 0.000 864 508,401 533,468 1.137 1.187 0.050 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 865 502,276 516,579 1.102 1.094 -0.009 866 525,830 536,709 1.236 1.205 -0.031 867 494,652 511,129 1.059 1.064 0.004 868 440,310 457,866 0.752 0.770 0.018 869 472,863 488,527 0.936 0.939 0.003 870 438,003 457,247 0.739 0.767 0.027 871 447,451 466,841 0.793 0.819 0.027 872 468,170 495,859 0.910 0.980 0.070 873 454,374 468,158 0.832 0.827 -0.005 874 460,873 476,891 0.868 0.875 0.007 875 495,122 512,350 1.062 1.071 0.009 876 515,886 533,343 1.179 1.186 0.007 877 494,579 519,379 1.059 1.109 0.050 878 468,403 494,696 0.911 0.973 0.062 879 465,602 493,243 0.895 0.965 0.070 880 484,424 503,179 1.002 1.020 0.018 881 427,315 447,057 0.679 0.710 0.032 882 451,983 472,666 0.818 0.852 0.033 883 402,516 427,872 0.539 0.604 0.066 884 427,315 450,453 0.679 0.729 0.050 885 412,742 437,771 0.596 0.659 0.063 886 398,581 430,680 0.516 0.620 0.104 887 420,980 442,409 0.643 0.685 0.042 888 407,000 433,630 0.564 0.636 0.072 889 440,045 457,080 0.751 0.766 0.015 890 401,939 446,948 0.535 0.710 0.174 891 447,288 475,815 0.792 0.869 0.077 892 389,614 407,848 0.466 0.494 0.028 893 372,995 399,229 0.372 0.446 0.075 894 365,280 423,757 0.328 0.582 0.254 895 423,797 446,769 0.659 0.709 0.050 896 388,250 430,950 0.458 0.621 0.164 897 305,344 377,059 -0.011 0.324 0.335 898 364,894 448,716 0.326 0.719 0.394 899 345,814 415,120 0.218 0.534 0.316 900 395,610 454,151 0.500 0.749 0.250 901 334,097 386,096 0.152 0.374 0.222 902 363,074 402,462 0.316 0.464 0.149 903 326,877 367,851 0.111 0.273 0.162 904 343,463 386,037 0.205 0.374 0.169 905 400,137 434,755 0.525 0.642 0.117 906 407,900 434,248 0.569 0.640 0.071 907 380,760 404,802 0.416 0.477 0.062 908 398,910 425,219 0.518 0.590 0.072 909 391,539 421,375 0.477 0.569 0.092 910 425,448 449,939 0.668 0.726 0.058 911 427,162 450,431 0.678 0.729 0.051 912 400,486 425,004 0.527 0.589 0.062 913 379,440 403,526 0.408 0.470 0.062 914 362,612 386,938 0.313 0.379 0.066 915 381,693 407,032 0.421 0.489 0.069 916 349,039 373,095 0.236 0.302 0.066 917 356,307 382,344 0.277 0.353 0.076 918 355,634 386,308 0.274 0.375 0.102 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 919 341,238 379,964 0.192 0.340 0.148 920 366,951 401,405 0.338 0.458 0.121 921 358,058 386,572 0.287 0.377 0.089 922 361,044 392,040 0.304 0.407 0.103 923 397,580 428,528 0.511 0.608 0.097 924 375,339 412,116 0.385 0.518 0.133 925 354,787 393,826 0.269 0.417 0.148 926 340,871 371,918 0.190 0.296 0.106 927 394,150 425,405 0.491 0.591 0.100 928 368,326 402,930 0.345 0.467 0.122 929 385,259 418,441 0.441 0.552 0.111 930 407,833 435,653 0.569 0.647 0.079 931 381,427 422,816 0.419 0.577 0.157 932 396,143 425,909 0.503 0.594 0.091 933 418,697 446,796 0.630 0.709 0.079 934 429,164 452,676 0.689 0.741 0.052 935 442,161 476,840 0.763 0.875 0.112 936 429,859 456,482 0.693 0.762 0.069 937 420,509 448,961 0.640 0.721 0.081 938 443,768 464,946 0.772 0.809 0.037 939 460,429 481,582 0.866 0.901 0.035 940 468,076 495,842 0.909 0.979 0.070 941 417,665 441,653 0.624 0.680 0.056 942 438,370 462,884 0.741 0.798 0.056 943 393,152 421,425 0.486 0.569 0.083 944 410,698 435,011 0.585 0.644 0.059 945 534,599 546,218 1.285 1.257 -0.028 946 525,894 538,162 1.236 1.213 -0.023 947 523,574 535,368 1.223 1.198 -0.025 948 532,221 540,581 1.272 1.226 -0.045 949 518,845 537,273 1.196 1.208 0.012 950 527,892 538,499 1.247 1.215 -0.032 951 528,128 536,547 1.249 1.204 -0.045 952 548,277 555,159 1.362 1.307 -0.056 953 531,750 537,120 1.269 1.207 -0.062 954 537,927 544,622 1.304 1.249 -0.055 955 549,109 556,168 1.367 1.312 -0.055 956 526,184 530,794 1.238 1.172 -0.065 957 527,790 532,084 1.247 1.179 -0.067 958 516,009 526,781 1.180 1.150 -0.030 959 510, 2 64 517, 545 1.148 1.099 -0.048 960 505,259 514,032 1.119 1.080 -0.039 961 524,441 532,859 1.228 1.184 -0.044 962 503,793 516,040 1.111 1.091 -0.020 963 526,172 539,439 1.237 1.220 -0.018 964 520,803 531,394 1.207 1.176 -0.032 965 537,487 548,985 1.301 1.273 -0.029 966 533,076 547,770 1.276 1.266 -0.011 967 509,869 524,796 1.145 1.139 -0.006 968 451,677 472,434 0.816 0.850 0.034 969 494,877 510,204 1.061 1.059 -0.002 970 518,716 530,073 1.195 1.168 -0.027 971 517,179 525,051 1.187 1.141 -0.046 972 499,021 516,026 1.084 1.091 0.007 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 973 460,692 479,317 0.867 0.888 0.021 974 424,286 438,045 0.662 0.661 -0.001 975 454,997 472,386 0.835 0.850 0.015 976 422,897 448,743 0.654 0.720 0.066 977 495,427 511,866 1.064 1.068 0.004 978 526,039 533,961 1.237 1.190 -0.047 979 500,888 516,662 1.095 1.094 0.000 980 499,035 511,020 1.084 1.063 -0.021 981 482,643 498,265 0.991 0.993 0.001 982 474,963 495,214 0.948 0.976 0.028 983 415,108 453,359 0.610 0.745 0.135 984 414,623 446,618 0.607 0.708 0.101 985 417,263 475,050 0.622 0.865 0.243 986 522,410 533,424 1.216 1.187 -0.029 987 413,863 437,203 0.603 0.656 0.053 988 571,466 575,101 1.493 1.417 -0.077 989 571,841 580,909 1.496 1.449 -0.047 990 611,689 620,004 1.721 1.664 -0.056 991 615,687 622,966 1.743 1.681 -0.063 992 540,733 549,494 1.320 1.275 -0.044 993 568,664 580,354 1.478 1.446 -0.032 994 530,670 541,657 1.263 1.232 -0.031 995 535,500 543,571 1.290 1.243 -0.047 996 575,038 581,888 1.514 1.454 -0.060 997 543,552 550,985 1.336 1.284 -0.052 998 582,300 588,638 1.555 1.491 -0.063 999 553,959 560,201 1.395 1.335 -0.060 1000 550,034 553,128 1.372 1.295 -0.077 1001 567,323 584,951 1.470 1.471 0.001 1002 571,880 577,567 1.496 1.430 -0.066 1003 571,658 577,853 1.495 1.432 -0.063 1004 580,651 593,456 1.545 1.518 -0.027 1005 539,307 550,170 1.312 1.279 -0.033 1006 528,209 538,565 1.249 1.215 -0.034 1007 540,170 549, 693 1.317 1.277 -0.040 1008 496,370 506,415 1.069 1.038 -0.031 1009 513,414 524,387 1.165 1.137 -0.028 1010 510,301 518,948 1.148 1.107 -0.041 1011 503,958 517,695 1.112 1.100 -0.012 1012 520,644 530,147 1.206 1.169 -0.038 1013 526,622 535,802 1.240 1.200 -0.040 1014 536,478 547,592 1.296 1.265 -0.031 1015 509,101 519, 245 1.141 1.109 -0.032 1016 499,457 508,419 1.086 1.049 -0.038 1017 498,808 512,222 1.083 1.070 -0.013 1018 519,208 529,864 1.198 1.167 -0.031 1019 526,901 536,141 1.242 1.202 -0.040 1020 539,745 548,163 1.314 1.268 -0.046 1021 496,516 505,930 1.070 1.035 -0.035 1022 503,752 510,505 1.111 1.060 -0.050 1023 539,608 549,103 1.313 1.273 -0.040 1024 526,426 537,663 1.239 1.210 -0.029 1025 524,962 535,391 1.231 1.198 -0.033 1026 531,636 539,899 1.268 1.223 -0.046 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1027 511,905 524,527 1.157 1.138 -0.019 1028 531,726 540,139 1.269 1.224 -0.045 1029 560,131 569,800 1.429 1.387 -0.042 1030 553,321 565,414 1.391 1.363 -0.028 1031 551,490 564,701 1.381 1.359 -0.021 1032 543,189 556,644 1.334 1.315 -0.019 1033 541,946 553,295 1.327 1.296 -0.030 1034 547,000 554,537 1.355 1.303 -0.052 1035 565,480 574,974 1.460 1.416 -0.044 1036 522,605 531,039 1.217 1.174 -0.044 1037 542,104 551,181 1.328 1.285 -0.043 1038 529,570 540,879 1.257 1.228 -0.029 1039 522,720 531,694 1.218 1.177 -0.041 1040 532,611 541,890 1.274 1.233 -0.040 1041 541,308 549,471 1.323 1.275 -0.048 1042 520,701 530,442 1.207 1.170 -0.036 1043 545,381 555,543 1.346 1.309 -0.037 1044 528,967 537,076 1.253 1.207 -0.046 1045 536,558 545,892 1.296 1.256 -0.041 1046 515,082 524,205 1.175 1.136 -0.039 1047 489,809 500,131 1.032 1.003 -0.029 1048 524,112 534,679 1.226 1.194 -0.032 1049 535,737 547,883 1.292 1.267 -0.025 1050 503,892 511,611 1.112 1.066 -0.045 1051 501,524 508,785 1.098 1.051 -0.047 1052 514,351 522,809 1.171 1.128 -0.042 1053 491,435 498,356 1.041 0.993 -0.048 1054 492,461 500,346 1.047 1.004 -0.043 1055 488,347 497,136 1.024 0.987 -0.037 1056 501,167 510,140 1.096 1.058 -0.038 1057 488,560 496,557 1.025 0.983 -0.041 1058 491,143 498,322 1.039 0.993 -0.046 1059 504,029 510,480 1.112 1.060 -0.052 1060 485,836 494,269 1.009 0.971 -0.039 1061 492,832 504,211 1.049 1.026 -0.023 1062 497,810 506,356 1.077 1.037 -0.040 1063 497,235 509,311 1.074 1.054 -0.020 1064 498,272 506,818 1.080 1.040 -0.040 1065 501,942 510,757 1.101 1.062 -0.039 1066 486,007 496,461 1.010 0.983 -0.028 1067 470,807 485,247 0.925 0.921 -0.004 1068 494,674 509,820 1.059 1.057 -0.003 1069 505,344 515,074 1.120 1.086 -0.034 1070 447,184 464,151 0.791 0.805 0.014 1071 462,133 480,313 0.876 0.894 0.018 1072 464,521 479,183 0.889 0.888 -0.001 1073 509,118 523,290 1.141 1.131 -0.010 1074 577,678 586,341 1.529 1.479 -0.050 1075 549,359 562,692 1.369 1.348 -0.020 1076 462,141 473,907 0.876 0.858 -0.017 1077 497,353 509,327 1.075 1.054 -0.021 1078 548,894 561,513 1.366 1.342 -0.024 1079 550,340 560,975 1.374 1.339 -0.035 1080 546,988 572,644 1.355 1.403 0.048 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1081 539,407 549,793 1.312 1.277 -0.035 1082 632,574 643,236 1.839 1.793 -0.046 1083 632,984 647,393 1.841 1.816 -0.026 1084 653,608 665,804 1.958 1.917 -0.041 1085 653,540 666,940 1.957 1.923 -0.034 1086 637,425 650,554 1.866 1.833 -0.033 1087 582,014 594,302 1.553 1.523 -0.030 1088 589,492 598,919 1.595 1.548 -0.047 1089 576,754 591,173 1.523 1.505 -0.018 1090 548,722 565,083 1.365 1.361 -0.003 1091 594,159 615,798 1.622 1.641 0.019 1092 591,121 603,122 1.605 1.571 -0.033 1093 531,932 537,935 1.270 1.212 -0.058 1094 594,098 616,602 1.621 1.646 0.024 1095 533,742 553,659 1.280 1.298 0.018 1096 532,363 553,395 1.272 1.297 0.024 1097 497,909 536,741 1.078 1.205 0.127 1098 505,263 554,545 1.119 1.303 0.184 1099 516,018 545,344 1.180 1.253 0.072 1100 526,050 547,003 1.237 1.262 0.025 1101 502,438 514,405 1.103 1.082 -0.021 1102 521,066 537,901 1.209 1.211 0.003 1103 512,616 528,820 1.161 1.161 0.001 1104 516,402 527,467 1.182 1.154 -0.028 1105 524,817 548,486 1.230 1.270 0.040 1106 530,954 544,011 1.265 1.245 -0.019 1107 509,266 528,143 1.142 1.158 0.016 1108 484,609 504,379 1.003 1.027 0.024 1109 594,558 603,132 1.624 1.571 -0.053 1110 552,941 577,661 1.389 1.431 0.042 1111 508,872 521,816 1.140 1.123 -0.017 1112 444,721 459,676 0.777 0.780 0.003 1113 469,578 484,405 0.918 0.916 -0.001 1114 526,467 540,142 1.239 1.224 -0.015 1115 562,345 563,043 1.442 1.350 -0.092 1116 554,013 562,442 1.395 1.347 -0.048 1117 547,751 558,691 1.359 1.326 -0.033 1118 600,462 604,990 1.657 1.582 -0.076 1119 536,223 537,542 1.294 1.210 -0.085 1120 585,578 589,933 1.573 1.499 -0.075 1121 545,922 547,927 1.349 1.267 -0.082 1122 552,887 561,385 1.388 1.341 -0.047 1123 568,978 575,724 1.479 1.420 -0.059 1124 556,473 558,807 1.409 1.327 -0.082 1125 555,496 557,841 1.403 1.321 -0.082 1126 549,969 551,785 1.372 1.288 -0.084 1127 549,117 558,290 1.367 1.324 -0.043 1128 550,493 550,560 1.375 1.281 -0.094 1129 556,256 563,238 1.408 1.351 -0.056 1130 568,627 573,823 1.477 1.410 -0.068 1131 517,011 534,773 1.186 1.194 0.009 1132 570,279 579,954 1.487 1.443 -0.043 1133 527,743 531,716 1.246 1.177 -0.069 1134 580,203 601,238 1.543 1.561 0.018 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1135 482,278 487,292 0.989 0.932 -0.057 1136 501,206 502,684 1.096 1.017 -0.079 1137 398,171 399,568 0.514 0.448 -0.066 1138 496,744 500,437 1.071 1.005 -0.066 1139 519,014 533,153 1.197 1.185 -0.012 1140 528,170 536,770 1.249 1.205 -0.044 1141 440,141 438,168 0.751 0.661 -0.090 1142 326,253 329,854 0.107 0.064 -0.044 1143 567,618 565,535 1.472 1.364 -0.108 1144 551,323 553,568 1.380 1.298 -0.082 1145 483,311 489,511 0.995 0.945 -0.051 1146 442,536 447,126 0.765 0.711 -0.054 1147 465,335 474,159 0.894 0.860 -0.034 1148 462,976 469,824 0.880 0.836 -0.044 1149 482,634 487,062 0.991 0.931 -0.060 1150 491,898 499,867 1.044 1.002 -0.042 1151 521,012 527,002 1.208 1.151 -0.057 1152 484,610 497,475 1.003 0.988 -0.014 1153 502,312 512,092 1.103 1.069 -0.034 1154 482,991 496,145 0.993 0.981 -0.012 1155 543,102 544,166 1.333 1.246 -0.087 1156 523,452 527,627 1.222 1.155 -0.067 1157 413,687 416,907 0.602 0.544 -0.058 1158 97,544 96,866 -1.185 -1.222 -0.036 1159 147,050 146,824 -0.905 -0.946 -0.041 1160 233,907 235,183 -0.414 -0.459 -0.044 1161 73,360 71,549 -1.322 -1.361 -0.039 1162 159,480 159,423 -0.835 -0.877 -0.041 1163 116,343 115,664 -1.079 -1.118 -0.039 1164 139,495 139,071 -0.948 -0.989 -0.041 1165 119,317 120,155 -1.062 -1.093 -0.031 1166 100,234 100,234 -1.170 -1.203 -0.033 1167 173,801 173,812 -0.754 -0.797 -0.043 1168 206,621 206,818 -0.569 -0.615 -0.046 1169 293,272 298,548 -0.079 -0.109 -0.030 1170 134,019 133,978 -0.979 -1.017 -0.038 1171 131,375 130,021 -0.994 -1.039 -0.045 1172 156,816 156,823 -0.850 -0.891 -0.041 1173 218,802 220,629 -0.500 -0.539 -0.039 1174 194,983 195,192 -0.634 -0.679 -0.045 1175 206,415 206,719 -0.570 -0.616 -0.046 1176 216,192 216,162 -0.515 -0.564 -0.049 1177 216,514 216,842 -0.513 -0.560 -0.047 1178 275,300 277,524 -0.181 -0.225 -0.044 1179 272,395 272,795 -0.197 -0.251 -0.054 1180 433,477 449,035 0.714 0.721 0.008 1181 425,845 433,774 0.670 0.637 -0.033 1182 428,602 435,180 0.686 0.645 -0.041 1183 401,618 420,542 0.533 0.564 0.031 1184 400,082 416,265 0.525 0.540 0.016 1185 349,352 357,224 0.238 0.215 -0.023 1186 303,061 317,178 -0.024 -0.006 0.017 1187 310,069 316,017 0.016 -0.013 -0.029 1188 310,213 317,649 0.017 -0.004 -0.020 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1189 308,589 315,187 0.008 -0.017 -0.025 1190 352,302 356,212 0.255 0.209 -0.046 1191 281,360 283,790 -0.146 -0.190 -0.044 1192 281,376 286,066 -0.146 -0.178 -0.032 1193 273,808 286,970 -0.189 -0.173 0.016 1194 199,981 201,831 -0.606 -0.643 -0.036 1195 214,046 215,784 -0.527 -0.566 -0.039 1196 168,441 168,664 -0.784 -0.826 -0.041 1197 183,704 183,712 -0.698 -0.743 -0.044 1198 132,914 131,816 -0.985 -1.029 -0.044 1199 124,278 124,465 -1.034 -1.069 -0.035 1200 153,687 153,473 -0.868 -0.909 -0.041 1201 165,605 166,100 -0.801 -0.840 -0.039 1202 202,505 203,400 -0.592 -0.634 -0.042 1203 203,687 203,399 -0.585 -0.634 -0.049 1204 194,538 190,538 -0.637 -0.705 -0.068 1205 169,432 169,605 -0.779 -0.820 -0.041 1206 206,260 206,807 -0.571 -0.615 -0.044 1207 183,162 184,049 -0.701 -0.741 -0.039 1208 176,189 176,053 -0.741 -0.785 -0.044 1209 139,047 139,052 -0.951 -0.989 -0.038 1210 164,279 162,688 -0.808 -0.859 -0.051 1211 170,797 171,190 -0.771 -0.812 -0.040 1212 171,239 172,326 -0.769 -0.805 -0.037 1213 135,989 135,708 -0.968 -1.007 -0.039 1214 145,096 145,799 -0.916 -0.952 -0.035 1215 174,980 174,901 -0.748 -0.791 -0.044 1216 175,208 175,474 -0.746 -0.788 -0.042 1217 200,351 202,024 -0.604 -0.642 -0.037 1218 175,565 175,575 -0.744 -0.787 -0.043 1219 203,818 204,925 -0.585 -0.626 -0.041 1220 174,320 174,388 -0.751 -0.794 -0.043 1221 174,603 175,043 -0.750 -0.790 -0.041 1222 161,034 162,299 -0.826 -0.861 -0.034 1223 174,664 174,616 -0.749 -0.793 -0.043 1224 180,415 182,003 -0.717 -0.752 -0.035 1225 187,019 189,672 -0.679 -0.710 -0.030 1226 256,020 258,230 -0.289 -0.331 -0.042 1227 296,206 307,980 -0.062 -0.057 0.005 1228 276,251 283,405 -0.175 -0.193 -0.017 1229 187,523 188,149 -0.677 -0.718 -0.041 1230 198,139 202,827 -0.617 -0.637 -0.020 1231 245,669 255,659 -0.348 -0.346 0.002 1232 222,021 229,144 -0.482 -0.492 -0.010 1233 351,348 360,076 0.249 0.230 -0.019 1234 317,412 329,623 0.058 0.062 0.005 1235 374,016 395,830 0.377 0.428 0.050 1236 410,828 428,777 0.586 0.609 0.024 1237 416,937 435,120 0.620 0.644 0.024 1238 421,992 439,615 0.649 0.669 0.021 1239 357,383 373,324 0.283 0.304 0.020 1240 403,973 416,503 0.547 0.542 -0.005 1241 330,467 337,848 0.131 0.108 -0.024 1242 224,971 226,136 -0.465 -0.509 -0.044 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1243 219,681 221,458 -0.495 -0.534 -0.039 1244 158,750 159,359 -0.839 -0.877 -0.038 1245 154,775 155,638 -0.862 -0.897 -0.036 1246 154,138 158,468 -0.865 -0.882 -0.016 1247 194,143 203,357 -0.639 -0.634 0.005 1248 152,734 154,384 -0.873 -0.904 -0.031 1249 177,163 179,536 -0.735 -0.766 -0.030 1250 187,211 190,752 -0.678 -0.704 -0.025 1251 218,066 226,377 -0.504 -0.507 -0.003 1252 191,853 200,495 -0.652 -0.650 0.002 1253 200,076 213,749 -0.606 -0.577 0.029 1254 183,654 191,352 -0.699 -0.700 -0.002 1255 97,409 99,243 -1.186 -1.209 -0.023 1256 97,161 102,205 -1.187 -1.192 -0.005 1257 98,683 103,379 -1.179 -1.186 -0.007 1258 99,357 100,664 -1.175 -1.201 -0.026 1259 180,451 191,887 -0.717 -0.697 0.019 1260 56,143 57,461 -1.419 -1.439 -0.020 1261 168,371 180,939 -0.785 -0.758 0.027 1262 161,214 170,780 -0.825 -0.814 0.011 1263 72,539 77,341 -1.327 -1.329 -0.003 1264 118,613 124,782 -1.066 -1.068 -0.002 1265 94,945 99,679 -1.200 -1.206 -0.006 1266 143,387 152,387 -0.926 -0.915 0.011 1267 166,467 178,347 -0.796 -0.772 0.024 1268 182,312 194,052 -0.706 -0.686 0.021 1269 275,476 296,218 -0.180 -0.122 0.058 1270 246,708 266,121 -0.342 -0.288 0.054 1271 202,681 219,201 -0.591 -0.547 0.044 1272 243,362 261,997 -0.361 -0.311 0.050 1273 179,541 192,874 -0.722 -0.692 0.030 1274 151,433 163,977 -0.881 -0.851 0.029 1275 238,025 255,474 -0.391 -0.347 0.045 1276 195,932 213,014 -0.629 -0.581 0.048 1277 179,015 190,749 -0.725 -0.704 0.021 1278 174,393 187,974 -0.751 -0.719 0.032 1279 146,525 159,353 -0.908 -0.877 0.031 1280 140,363 150,573 -0.943 -0.925 0.018 1281 159,216 170,279 -0.837 -0.817 0.020 1282 89,672 97,020 -1.230 -1.221 0.009 1283 91,867 99,156 -1.217 -1.209 0.008 1284 104,320 110,333 -1.147 -1.147 0.000 1285 105,158 109,934 -1.142 -1.150 -0.007 1286 119,764 128,100 -1.060 -1.049 0.010 1287 138,512 146,078 -0.954 -0.950 0.003 1288 225,028 241,863 -0.465 -0.422 0.043 1289 261,560 279,198 -0.258 -0.216 0.042 1290 247,254 270,343 -0.339 -0.265 0.074 1291 227,308 252,733 -0.452 -0.362 0.090 1292 212,591 226,074 -0.535 -0.509 0.026 1293 312,743 326,406 0.031 0.045 0.014 1294 286,143 302,531 -0.119 -0.087 0.032 1295 357,825 375,496 0.286 0.316 0.030 1296 353,984 364,304 0.264 0.254 -0.010 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1297 337,771 347,705 0.173 0.162 -0.010 1298 399,079 410,673 0.519 0.510 -0.010 1299 372,070 390,428 0.366 0.398 0.031 1300 340,626 354,954 0.189 0.202 0.013 1301 344,169 359,516 0.209 0.227 0.019 1302 305,871 320,146 -0.008 0.010 0.018 1303 281,339 296,738 -0.146 -0.119 0.027 1304 199,178 209,639 -0.611 -0.600 0.011 1305 163,788 171,590 -0.811 -0.809 0.001 1306 167,412 175,237 -0.790 -0.789 0.001 1307 314,949 326,675 0.044 0.046 0.003 1308 331,152 346,121 0.135 0.153 0.018 1309 366,604 378,748 0.336 0.333 -0.002 1310 360,064 372,693 0.299 0.300 0.001 1311 285,170 294,470 -0.125 -0.132 -0.007 1312 284,241 293,262 -0.130 -0.138 -0.008 1313 289,608 300,220 -0.100 -0.100 0.000 1314 293,255 299,320 -0.079 -0.105 -0.026 1315 253,018 262,739 -0.306 -0.307 0.000 1316 261,736 272,176 -0.257 -0.255 0.003 1317 244,670 255,539 -0.354 -0.346 0.007 1318 243,430 252,507 -0.361 -0.363 -0.002 1319 305,080 312,825 -0.012 -0.030 -0.018 1320 309,051 315,546 0.010 -0.015 -0.025 1321 231,626 240,661 -0.427 -0.428 -0.001 1322 252,153 262,848 -0.311 -0.306 0.005 1323 236,264 246,941 -0.401 -0.394 0.007 1324 185,413 197,272 -0.689 -0.668 0.021 1325 139,608 147,007 -0.947 -0.945 0.002 1326 148,518 154,687 -0.897 -0.903 -0.006 1327 165,115 172,093 -0.803 -0.807 -0.003 1328 254,043 269,177 -0.301 -0.271 0.030 1329 314,890 323,145 0.043 0.027 -0.017 1330 344,994 354,059 0.213 0.197 -0.016 1331 352,065 365,199 0.253 0.259 0.005 1332 282,604 288,937 -0.139 -0.162 -0.023 1333 371,538 386,318 0.363 0.375 0.012 1334 341,045 391,970 0.191 0.406 0.215 1335 316,716 385,731 0.054 0.372 0.318 1336 317,373 394,240 0.057 0.419 0.362 1337 311,775 367,867 0.026 0.273 0.248 1338 284,665 355,668 -0.128 0.206 0.334 1339 283,811 359,037 -0.132 0.225 0.357 1340 247,249 408,870 -0.339 0.500 0.839 1341 209,629 379,351 -0.552 0.337 0.888 1342 164,803 235,507 -0.805 -0.457 0.348 1343 183,333 259,865 -0.700 -0.322 0.378 1344 185,716 262,469 -0.687 -0.308 0.379 1345 196,182 299,693 -0.628 -0.103 0.525 1346 198,039 278,011 -0.617 -0.222 0.395 1347 102,213 150,653 -1.159 -0.925 0.234 1348 131,725 173,399 -0.992 -0.799 0.193 1349 51,965 56,773 -1.443 -1.443 0.000 1350 253,107 286,599 -0.306 -0.175 0.131 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1351 221,819 294,392 -0.483 -0.132 0.351 1352 272,227 356,139 -0.198 0.209 0.407 1353 319,897 394,275 0.072 0.419 0.348 1354 307,922 388,186 0.004 0.386 0.382 1355 224,175 277,467 -0.469 -0.225 0.244 1356 173,970 208,498 -0.753 -0.606 0.147 1357 315,793 405,074 0.048 0.479 0.430 1358 292,755 355,040 -0.082 0.203 0.284 1359 286,433 355,433 -0.118 0.205 0.322 1360 252,915 291,466 -0.307 -0.148 0.159 1361 204,849 252,329 -0.579 -0.364 0.215 1362 171,857 193,376 -0.765 -0.689 0.076 1363 232,470 258,003 -0.423 -0.333 0.090 1364 237,388 271,157 -0.395 -0.260 0.135 1365 238,587 266,326 -0.388 -0.287 0.101 1366 235,813 277,208 -0.404 -0.227 0.177 1367 220,123 241,659 -0.492 -0.423 0.070 1368 219,367 237,418 -0.497 -0.446 0.050 1369 169,256 199,601 -0.780 -0.655 0.125 1370 101,776 133,695 -1.161 -1.018 0.143 1371 75,102 101,321 -1.312 -1.197 0.115 1372 66,839 73,639 -1.359 -1.350 0.009 1373 62,980 71,929 -1.381 -1.359 0.021 1374 80,219 98,465 -1.283 -1.213 0.070 1375 78,775 90,920 -1.291 -1.254 0.037 1376 96,272 98,074 -1.192 -1.215 -0.023 1377 176,378 206,089 -0.740 -0.619 0.121 1378 126,518 136,956 -1.021 -1.000 0.021 1379 201,126 216,535 -0.600 -0.561 0.038 1380 215,996 232,452 -0.516 -0.474 0.042 1381 175,290 188,157 -0.746 -0.718 0.028 1382 87,598 94,566 -1.241 -1.234 0.007 1383 122,828 134,774 -1.042 -1.013 0.030 1384 88,434 95,892 -1.237 -1.227 0.010 1385 89,107 97,220 -1.233 -1.220 0.013 1386 119,259 129,242 -1.062 -1.043 0.019 1387 189,868 203,186 -0.663 -0.635 0.028 1388 170,671 190,747 -0.772 -0.704 0.068 1389 209,933 268,745 -0.550 -0.273 0.277 1390 194,506 211,004 -0.637 -0.592 0.045 1391 193,352 215,068 -0.644 -0.570 0.074 1392 192,541 206,113 -0.648 -0.619 0.029 1393 132,866 153,522 -0.986 -0.909 0.076 1394 128,315 147,208 -1.011 -0.944 0.067 1395 149,041 165,552 -0.894 -0.843 0.051 1396 146,166 156,096 -0.910 -0.895 0.015 1397 133,059 155,164 -0.984 -0.900 0.084 1398 161,288 185,942 -0.825 -0.730 0.095 1399 184,766 201,805 -0.692 -0.643 0.049 1400 154,956 169,164 -0.861 -0.823 0.038 1401 213,814 234,510 -0.528 -0.462 0.066 1402 197,657 229,186 -0.619 -0.492 0.128 1403 303,867 380,410 -0.019 0.343 0.362 1404 378,522 473,449 0.403 0.856 0.453 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1405 228,660 250,376 -0.444 -0.375 0.069 1406 285,846 310,456 -0.121 -0.043 0.078 1407 335,528 379,884 0.160 0.340 0.180 1408 314,942 395,625 0.044 0.427 0.383 1409 399,512 455,402 0.522 0.756 0.235 1410 314,683 409,400 0.042 0.503 0.460 1411 211,780 237,712 -0.540 -0.445 0.095 1412 212,708 282,155 -0.534 -0.199 0.335 1413 140,812 149,291 -0.941 -0.932 0.008 1414 229,099 252,148 -0.442 -0.365 0.077 1415 333,723 366,181 0.150 0.264 0.114 1416 320,959 356,649 0.078 0.212 0.134 1417 91,206 93,830 -1.221 -1.238 -0.017 1418 177,779 194,676 -0.732 -0.682 0.050 1419 224,317 251,347 -0.469 -0.369 0.099 1420 120,064 134,032 -1.058 -1.017 0.041 1421 311,480 343,532 0.024 0.139 0.115 1422 377,406 400,814 0.397 0.455 0.059 1423 368,142 400,736 0.344 0.455 0.110 1424 282,309 319,070 -0.141 0.004 0.145 1425 470,787 511,534 0.924 1.066 0.142 1426 435,926 468,803 0.727 0.830 0.103 1427 427,223 447,104 0.678 0.711 0.032 1428 476,165 501,171 0.955 1.009 0.054 1429 453,998 487,412 0.830 0.933 0.103 1430 323,276 395,461 0.091 0.426 0.335 1431 290,144 311,531 -0.097 -0.037 0.059 1432 297,727 316,074 -0.054 -0.012 0.041 1433 317,086 339,034 0.056 0.114 0.059 1434 283,039 296,948 -0.137 -0.118 0.019 1435 277,356 295,903 -0.169 -0.124 0.045 1436 370,474 408,548 0.357 0.498 0.140 1437 358,848 394,555 0.292 0.421 0.129 1438 328,962 349,518 0.123 0.172 0.049 1439 390,691 425,078 0.472 0.589 0.117 1440 219,065 231,599 -0.498 -0.478 0.020 1441 315,591 333,896 0.047 0.086 0.039 1442 534,506 559,827 1.285 1.332 0.048 1443 497,087 517,999 1.073 1.102 0.029 1444 510,876 539,007 1.151 1.218 0.067 1445 464,754 489,184 0.890 0.943 0.052 1446 445,149 465,220 0.780 0.811 0.031 1447 465,849 492,310 0.897 0.960 0.063 1448 434,095 456,160 0.717 0.761 0.043 1449 502,782 532,029 1.105 1.179 0.074 1450 452,811 480,363 0.823 0.894 0.071 1451 466,290 496,547 0.899 0.983 0.084 1452 449,184 473,736 0.802 0.857 0.055 1453 459,221 482,425 0.859 0.905 0.046 1454 497,703 514,978 1.077 1.085 0.008 1455 493,946 515,288 1.055 1.087 0.031 1456 497,729 522,234 1.077 1.125 0.048 1457 474,423 499,352 0.945 0.999 0.054 1458 451,643 480,102 0.816 0.893 0.076 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1459 497,993 524,543 1.078 1.138 0.060 1460 502,104 530,929 1.101 1.173 0.072 1461 468,380 488,219 0.911 0.937 0.027 1462 490,396 505,542 1.035 1.033 -0.002 1463 489,860 500,567 1.032 1.006 -0.027 1464 489,823 499,635 1.032 1.000 -0.032 1465 498,469 513,321 1.081 1.076 -0.005 1466 497,594 509,659 1.076 1.056 -0.020 1467 514,885 526,447 1.174 1.148 -0.025 1468 474,430 488,961 0.945 0.941 -0.004 1469 499,000 523,393 1.084 1.131 0.048 1470 490,048 511,080 1.033 1.064 0.030 1471 522,431 537,584 1.216 1.210 -0.007 1472 539,501 570,241 1.313 1.390 0.077 1473 482,154 498,076 0.989 0.992 0.003 1474 493,322 502,934 1.052 1.019 -0.033 1475 478,082 493,052 0.966 0.964 -0.002 1476 317,733 326,433 0.059 0.045 -0.015 1477 204,789 205,015 -0.579 -0.625 -0.046 1478 252,610 253,050 -0.309 -0.360 -0.051 1479 334,880 350,126 0.156 0.176 0.019 1480 385,685 424,081 0.443 0.584 0.140 1481 379,562 400,199 0.409 0.452 0.043 1482 443,071 464,299 0.768 0.805 0.038 1483 412,579 440,612 0.595 0.675 0.079 1484 434,705 456,566 0.720 0.763 0.042 1485 427,737 456,754 0.681 0.764 0.083 1486 298,659 427,758 -0.048 0.604 0.652 1487 302,338 396,474 -0.028 0.431 0.459 1488 562,393 572,693 1.442 1.403 -0.039 1489 398,524 439,631 0.516 0.669 0.153 1490 419,885 463,133 0.637 0.799 0.162 1491 422,638 461,573 0.652 0.790 0.138 1492 493,492 521,406 1.053 1.120 0.068 1493 465,793 476,826 0.896 0.875 -0.022 1494 442,008 450,889 0.762 0.731 -0.030 1495 467,124 480,194 0.904 0.893 -0.011 1496 481,665 493,054 0.986 0.964 -0.022 1497 445,779 451,973 0.783 0.737 -0.046 1498 445,724 451,115 0.783 0.733 -0.050 1499 514,071 525,059 1.169 1.141 -0.028 1500 538,409 547,431 1.307 1.264 -0.043 1501 548,269 559,007 1.362 1.328 -0.034 1502 543,047 545,476 1.333 1.253 -0.080 1503 522,854 525,535 1.219 1.143 -0.075 1504 517,086 521,457 1.186 1.121 -0.065 1505 459,753 464,253 0.862 0.805 -0.057 1506 491,038 493,453 1.039 0.966 -0.073 1507 479,053 481,143 0.971 0.898 -0.073 1508 421,513 426,919 0.646 0.599 -0.047 1509 438,328 443,619 0.741 0.691 -0.050 1510 438,057 450,477 0.739 0.729 -0.010 1511 504,935 509,359 1.117 1.054 -0.063 1512 165,895 165,940 -0.799 -0.841 -0.042 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1513 198,782 199,132 -0.613 -0.657 -0.044 1514 525,374 531,033 1.233 1.174 -0.059 1515 532,761 538,836 1.275 1.217 -0.058 1516 539,236 545,709 1.311 1.255 -0.057 1517 337,292 346,930 0.170 0.158 -0.012 1518 230,553 232,552 -0.433 -0.473 -0.040 1519 220,308 220,615 -0.491 -0.539 -0.048 1520 160,768 160,377 -0.828 -0.871 -0.043 1521 529,818 538,712 1.258 1.216 -0.042 1522 446,718 457,599 0.788 0.768 -0.020 1523 485,637 507,687 1.008 1.045 0.036 1524 499,385 522,135 1.086 1.125 0.038 1525 484,712 498,892 1.003 0.996 -0.007 1526 453,388 467,736 0.826 0.824 -0.002 1527 495,605 509,556 1.065 1.055 -0.010 1528 469,917 488,067 0.920 0.937 0.017 1529 468,511 471,710 0.912 0.846 -0.065 1530 424,746 437,802 0.664 0.659 -0.005 1531 361,006 378,086 0.304 0.330 0.026 1532 453,602 468,338 0.827 0.828 0.000 1533 449,278 467,089 0.803 0.821 0.018 1534 384,466 410,540 0.437 0.509 0.072 1535 376,102 412,494 0.389 0.520 0.130 1536 410,079 427,438 0.581 0.602 0.021 1537 443,478 466,454 0.770 0.817 0.047 1538 345,618 353,858 0.217 0.196 -0.021 1539 423,685 447,851 0.658 0.715 0.056 1540 415,450 433,427 0.612 0.635 0.023 1541 375,784 385,784 0.387 0.372 -0.015 1542 378,579 390,744 0.403 0.400 -0.004 1543 462,863 482,535 0.880 0.906 0.026 1544 253,544 343,097 -0.303 0.137 0.440 1545 217,510 299,435 -0.507 -0.104 0.403 1546 439,849 462,328 0.750 0.795 0.045 1547 386,222 459,073 0.446 0.777 0.330 1548 310,765 364,336 0.020 0.254 0.234 1549 212,229 361,963 -0.537 0.241 0.778 1550 317,190 423,081 0.056 0.578 0.522 1551 487,818 497,311 1.021 0.988 -0.033 1552 427,533 462,877 0.680 0.798 0.118 1553 326,090 441,868 0.107 0.682 0.575 1554 348,395 387,110 0.233 0.380 0.147 1555 319,228 403,101 0.068 0.468 0.400 1556 423,484 469,582 0.657 0.835 0.178 1557 339,408 428,439 0.182 0.608 0.426 1558 279,748 312,475 -0.155 -0.032 0.123 1559 506,994 518,786 1.129 1.106 -0.023 1560 519,616 532,782 1.200 1.183 -0.017 1561 191,721 209,346 -0.653 -0.601 0.052 1562 528,651 536,974 1.251 1.206 -0.045 1563 481,394 503,982 0.984 1.024 0.040 1564 475,781 505,825 0.953 1.035 0.082 1565 586,457 592,672 1.578 1.514 -0.065 1566 421,027 464,274 0.643 0.805 0.162 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1567 186,971 191,895 -0.680 -0.697 -0.018 1568 602,558 621,688 1.669 1.674 0.005 1569 533,814 543,284 1.281 1.241 -0.039 1570 490,431 508,316 1.035 1.048 0.013 1571 515,104 547,880 1.175 1.267 0.092 1572 514,039 528,897 1.169 1.162 -0.007 1573 606,721 637,625 1.693 1.762 0.069 1574 383,307 405,983 0.430 0.484 0.054 1575 469,322 489,258 0.916 0.943 0.027 1576 564,781 569,425 1.456 1.385 -0.070 1577 294,807 305,662 -0.070 -0.070 0.000 1578 460,798 503,512 0.868 1.022 0.154 1579 451,329 492,957 0.814 0.964 0.149 1580 470,592 494,978 0.923 0.975 0.051 1581 320,936 350,501 0.077 0.178 0.100 1582 554,089 553,110 1.395 1.295 -0.100 1583 408,696 446,534 0.573 0.707 0.134 1584 458,518 489,237 0.855 0.943 0.088 1585 462,673 490,825 0.879 0.952 0.073 1586 483,349 502,178 0.995 1.014 0.019 1587 378,523 412,497 0.403 0.520 0.117 1588 486,417 502,771 1.013 1.018 0.005 1589 340,881 369,958 0.190 0.285 0.095 1590 392,699 419,397 0.483 0.558 0.075 1591 469,995 505,375 0.920 1.032 0.112 1592 195,970 196,951 -0.629 -0.670 -0.041 1593 458,934 466,719 0.857 0.819 -0.039 1594 443,981 449,233 0.773 0.722 -0.051 1595 390,047 397,133 0.468 0.435 -0.033 1596 493,344 493,704 1.052 0.968 -0.084 1597 410,636 414,915 0.584 0.533 -0.051 1598 479,994 483,229 0.976 0.910 -0.067 1599 578,968 580,573 1.536 1.447 -0.089 1600 452,500 454,353 0.821 0.751 -0.071 1601 474,534 480,652 0.946 0.896 -0.050 1602 404,617 412,311 0.550 0.519 -0.032 1603 467,863 475,022 0.908 0.865 -0.043 1604 393,006 393,838 0.485 0.417 -0.068 1605 429,474 435,176 0.691 0.645 -0.046 1606 466,371 472,129 0.899 0.849 -0.051 1607 450,400 462,959 0.809 0.798 -0.011 1608 464,757 477,476 0.890 0.878 -0.012 1609 578,693 579,469 1.534 1.441 -0.094 1610 551,545 552,924 1.381 1.294 -0.087 1611 558,228 566,002 1.419 1.367 -0.052 1612 545,348 552,948 1.346 1.294 -0.051 1613 463,187 479,541 0.881 0.890 0.008 1614 544,954 556,652 1.344 1.315 -0.029 1615 531,301 543,046 1.266 1.240 -0.027 1616 467,490 483,944 0.906 0.914 0.008 1617 522,733 528,835 1.218 1.161 -0.057 1618 517,754 532,579 1.190 1.182 -0.008 1619 499,630 508,977 1.087 1.052 -0.036 1620 484,261 495,049 1.001 0.975 -0.026 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1621 502,723 514,876 1.105 1.084 -0.020 1622 505,710 508,415 1.122 1.049 -0.073 1623 507,324 509,346 1.131 1.054 -0.077 1624 481,693 496,346 0.986 0.982 -0.004 1625 459,295 463,557 0.859 0.801 -0.058 1626 426,632 432,671 0.675 0.631 -0.044 1627 457,655 466,588 0.850 0.818 -0.032 1628 437,105 447,944 0.734 0.715 -0.019 1629 452,992 461,593 0.824 0.790 -0.033 1630 518,327 525,806 1.193 1.145 -0.048 1631 515,919 520,443 1.180 1.115 -0.064 1632 538,377 545,276 1.306 1.252 -0.054 1633 559,659 572,936 1.427 1.405 -0.022 1634 538,017 539,539 1.304 1.221 -0.084 1635 510,070 511,828 1.146 1.068 -0.079 1636 517,188 520,818 1.187 1.117 -0.069 1637 495,279 497,628 1.063 0.989 -0.074 1638 495,022 496,804 1.061 0.985 -0.077 1639 462,584 464,076 0.878 0.804 -0.074 1640 456,338 460,150 0.843 0.783 -0.060 1641 438,198 447,809 0.740 0.714 -0.026 1642 405,142 413,444 0.553 0.525 -0.029 1643 427,889 440,169 0.682 0.672 -0.010 1644 257,659 256,769 -0.280 -0.340 -0.059 1645 253,544 249,266 -0.303 -0.381 -0.077 1646 549,666 553,731 1.370 1.299 -0.071 1647 133,711 132,790 -0.981 -1.023 -0.043 1648 165,455 165,751 -0.801 -0.842 -0.040 1649 281,057 282,923 -0.148 -0.195 -0.047 1650 288,892 289,014 -0.104 -0.162 -0.058 1651 550,525 554,914 1.375 1.305 -0.070 1652 190,622 190,895 -0.659 -0.703 -0.044 1653 558,775 563,341 1.422 1.352 -0.070 1654 540,897 542,974 1.321 1.239 -0.081 1655 541,555 546,409 1.324 1.258 -0.066 1656 533,608 536,289 1.280 1.203 -0.077 1657 277,951 282,014 -0.166 -0.200 -0.035 1658 532,951 538,812 1.276 1.217 -0.059 1659 205,637 206,208 -0.574 -0.618 -0.044 1660 529,450 533,203 1.256 1.186 -0.070 1661 144,411 144,523 -0.920 -0.959 -0.038 1662 512,992 521,203 1.163 1.119 -0.044 1663 512,555 514,400 1.161 1.082 -0.079 1664 169,576 169,498 -0.778 -0.821 -0.043 1665 202,328 201,787 -0.593 -0.643 -0.050 1666 164,482 164,053 -0.807 -0.851 -0.044 1667 166,406 166,156 -0.796 -0.839 -0.043 1668 163,537 161,024 -0.812 -0.868 -0.056 1669 184,685 179,937 -0.693 -0.763 -0.071 1670 179,958 179,998 -0.719 -0.763 -0.044 1671 166,743 166,471 -0.794 -0.838 -0.044 1672 157,339 157,395 -0.847 -0.888 -0.040 1673 155,297 155,331 -0.859 -0.899 -0.040 1674 230,885 232,026 -0.432 -0.476 -0.044 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1675 251,932 258,356 -0.313 -0.331 -0.018 1676 285,245 293,157 -0.124 -0.139 -0.014 1677 461,824 467,365 0.874 0.822 -0.051 1678 141,465 144,881 -0.937 -0.957 -0.020 1679 434,869 436,971 0.721 0.655 -0.067 1680 116,056 118,676 -1.081 -1.101 -0.021 1681 437,761 443,857 0.738 0.693 -0.045 1682 105,906 112,535 -1.138 -1.135 0.003 1683 448,883 448,288 0.801 0.717 -0.084 1684 164,880 174,224 -0.805 -0.795 0.010 1685 428,367 436,646 0.685 0.653 -0.032 1686 448,851 458,684 0.800 0.774 -0.026 1687 129,220 136,399 -1.006 -1.004 0.003 1688 441,528 460,299 0.759 0.783 0.024 1689 450,133 472,882 0.808 0.853 0.045 1690 496,237 516,347 1.068 1.093 0.024 1691 499,367 525,256 1.086 1.142 0.056 1692 479,206 492,517 0.972 0.961 -0.011 1693 239,192 255,198 -0.385 -0.348 0.036 1694 461,006 473,564 0.869 0.857 -0.013 1695 416,908 417,717 0.620 0.548 -0.071 1696 186,983 202,541 -0.680 -0.639 0.041 1697 172,368 183,151 -0.762 -0.746 0.017 1698 155,599 167,609 -0.857 -0.831 0.026 1699 503,427 520,533 1.109 1.116 0.007 1700 164,986 177,143 -0.804 -0.779 0.025 1701 521,102 540,035 1.209 1.223 0.014 1702 448,128 459,565 0.796 0.779 -0.017 1703 449,509 458,888 0.804 0.776 -0.029 1704 146,982 156,161 -0.906 -0.895 0.011 1705 163,385 176,535 -0.813 -0.782 0.031 1706 166,530 178,153 -0.795 -0.773 0.022 1707 131,517 140,370 -0.993 -0.982 0.012 1708 499,868 515,570 1.089 1.088 -0.001 1709 64,813 70,536 -1.370 -1.367 0.003 1710 116,429 123,427 -1.078 -1.075 0.003 1711 70,354 76,231 -1.339 -1.336 0.003 1712 399,257 403,452 0.520 0.470 -0.050 1713 79,378 82,502 -1.288 -1.301 -0.013 1714 112,228 117,941 -1.102 -1.105 -0.003 1715 497,454 521,108 1.075 1.119 0.044 1716 477,140 479,202 0.960 0.888 -0.073 1717 472,311 490,517 0.933 0.950 0.017 1718 315,634 327,063 0.047 0.048 0.001 1719 477,580 481,358 0.963 0.900 -0.063 1720 424,365 430,663 0.662 0.620 -0.042 1721 435,079 441,758 0.723 0.681 -0.042 1722 408,314 428,613 0.571 0.609 0.037 1723 387,086 398,466 0.451 0.442 -0.009 1724 443,530 456,852 0.770 0.764 -0.006 1725 393,118 405,007 0.485 0.478 -0.007 1726 471,553 488,437 0.929 0.939 0.010 1727 384,891 424,235 0.439 0.584 0.145 1728 373,414 411,619 0.374 0.515 0.141 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1729 400,983 415,977 0.530 0.539 0.009 1730 397,094 414,211 0.508 0.529 0.021 1731 179,018 189,979 -0.725 -0.708 0.017 1732 406,304 421,076 0.560 0.567 0.007 1733 387,995 398,493 0.456 0.442 -0.014 1734 360,675 373,453 0.302 0.304 0.002 1735 385,682 405,504 0.443 0.481 0.038 1736 391,284 404,604 0.475 0.476 0.001 1737 404,296 420,481 0.549 0.564 0.015 1738 411,129 427,798 0.587 0.604 0.017 1739 377,058 400,745 0.395 0.455 0.060 1740 442,249 458,324 0.763 0.772 0.009 1741 372,766 392,341 0.370 0.408 0.038 1742 478,966 495,388 0.971 0.977 0.006 1743 475,300 491,573 0.950 0.956 0.006 1744 493,747 516,466 1.054 1.093 0.039 1745 296,105 313,172 -0.063 -0.028 0.035 1746 403,661 412,692 0.545 0.521 -0.024 1747 222,656 352,491 -0.478 0.189 0.667 1748 215,224 388,077 -0.520 0.385 0.905 1749 224,857 296,779 -0.466 -0.119 0.347 1750 259,538 350,100 -0.270 0.175 0.445 1751 463,620 482,868 0.884 0.908 0.024 1752 409,829 443,923 0.580 0.693 0.113 1753 380,510 425,789 0.414 0.593 0.179 1754 390,221 451,283 0.469 0.734 0.265 1755 400,773 492,443 0.529 0.961 0.432 1756 288,467 363,697 -0.106 0.250 0.356 1757 376,173 435,674 0.390 0.648 0.258 1758 293,869 306,707 -0.076 -0.064 0.012 1759 338,541 407,582 0.177 0.493 0.316 1760 374,288 434,579 0.379 0.641 0.262 1761 278,626 345,819 -0.162 0.152 0.313 1762 343,090 376,818 0.203 0.323 0.120 1763 396,176 426,456 0.503 0.597 0.094 1764 352,901 387,985 0.258 0.384 0.126 1765 323,220 413,007 0.090 0.522 0.432 1766 354,381 458,970 0.266 0.776 0.510 1767 328,929 446,300 0.123 0.706 0.584 1768 527,949 534,852 1.248 1.195 -0.053 1769 272,605 347,552 -0.196 0.161 0.357 1770 486,444 500,845 1.013 1.007 -0.006 1771 528,947 538,705 1.253 1.216 -0.037 1772 97,324 99,559 -1.186 -1.207 -0.020 1773 85,345 88,588 -1.254 -1.267 -0.013 1774 103,084 109,588 -1.154 -1.151 0.002 1775 492,174 502,303 1.045 1.015 -0.030 1776 412,827 450,753 0.597 0.731 0.134 1777 355,406 397,133 0.272 0.435 0.163 1778 164,991 186,600 -0.804 -0.727 0.077 1779 375,838 457,765 0.388 0.769 0.382 1780 223,287 255,374 -0.474 -0.347 0.127 1781 360,013 426,746 0.298 0.598 0.300 1782 364,412 465,488 0.323 0.812 0.489 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1783 364,571 440,522 0.324 0.674 0.350 1784 190,184 212,543 -0.662 -0.583 0.078 1785 394,064 459,155 0.491 0.777 0.286 1786 315,528 449,975 0.047 0.726 0.680 1787 353,894 407,214 0.264 0.490 0.227 1788 412,426 448,837 0.595 0.720 0.126 1789 332,787 427,819 0.144 0.604 0.460 1790 357,210 396,098 0.282 0.429 0.147 1791 517,593 528,132 1.189 1.158 -0.031 1792 533,132 542,257 1.277 1.236 -0.041 1793 335,491 399,623 0.160 0.449 0.289 1794 248,134 277,391 -0.334 -0.226 0.108 1795 168,912 192,617 -0.782 -0.693 0.088 1796 563,351 573,168 1.448 1.406 -0.042 1797 530,135 540,758 1.260 1.227 -0.033 1798 91,090 93,979 -1.222 -1.238 -0.016 1799 540,514 547,607 1.319 1.265 -0.054 1800 537,106 543,742 1.299 1.244 -0.056 1801 526,115 535,197 1.237 1.197 -0.041 1802 541,276 546,731 1.323 1.260 -0.063 1803 82,334 84,719 -1.271 -1.289 -0.018 1804 162,998 177,631 -0.815 -0.776 0.039 1805 524,687 533,805 1.229 1.189 -0.040 1806 493,464 510,082 1.053 1.058 0.005 1807 524,389 535,925 1.227 1.201 -0.027 1808 527,045 539,110 1.242 1.218 -0.024 1809 534,347 540,870 1.284 1.228 -0.056 1810 562,741 572,531 1.444 1.403 -0.042 1811 517,783 527,712 1.190 1.155 -0.035 1812 486,970 502,140 1.016 1.014 -0.002 1813 591,032 613,980 1.604 1.631 0.027 1814 586,839 617,520 1.580 1.651 0.070 1815 564,221 570,079 1.453 1.389 -0.064 1816 622,210 643,795 1.780 1.796 0.015 1817 306,808 333,173 -0.002 0.082 0.084 1818 403,759 444,967 0.546 0.699 0.153 1819 522,142 536,167 1.215 1.202 -0.013 1820 623,519 636,869 1.788 1.757 -0.030 1821 631,188 642,720 1.831 1.790 -0.041 1822 626,174 643,074 1.803 1.792 -0.011 1823 591,708 610,806 1.608 1.614 0.006 1824 269,917 287,684 -0.211 -0.169 0.042 1825 348,361 372,148 0.232 0.297 0.065 1826 125,011 127,303 -1.030 -1.054 -0.024 1827 73,479 80,270 -1.321 -1.313 0.008 1828 98,632 105,108 -1.179 -1.176 0.003 1829 619,737 639,065 1.766 1.770 0.003 1830 520,967 546,490 1.208 1.259 0.051 1831 506,724 526,439 1.128 1.148 0.021 1832 556,114 586,641 1.407 1.480 0.074 1833 591,134 622,087 1.605 1.676 0.071 1834 647,497 659,761 1.923 1.884 -0.039 1835 631,546 653,462 1.833 1.849 0.016 1836 482,390 508,869 0.990 1.051 0.061 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1837 558,968 573,329 1.423 1.407 -0.016 1838 525,494 547,534 1.234 1.265 0.031 1839 532,362 567,424 1.272 1.374 0.102 1840 564,154 596,689 1.452 1.536 0.084 1841 591,619 625,450 1.607 1.694 0.087 1842 565,983 568,557 1.462 1.381 -0.082 1843 498,016 520,157 1.078 1.114 0.035 1844 423,236 445,098 0.656 0.699 0.044 1845 500,696 513,759 1.093 1.078 -0.015 1846 573,388 577,272 1.504 1.429 -0.076 1847 613,699 618,439 1.732 1.656 -0.076 1848 554,013 562,526 1.395 1.347 -0.048 1849 435,736 465,721 0.726 0.813 0.087 1850 400,961 446,189 0.530 0.706 0.176 1851 537,636 540,539 1.302 1.226 -0.076 1852 456,732 480,977 0.845 0.897 0.052 1853 523,458 529,086 1.222 1.163 -0.059 1854 549,913 553,225 1.372 1.296 -0.076 1855 551,581 555,942 1.381 1.311 -0.070 1856 517,625 519,781 1.189 1.112 -0.078 1857 536,380 542,174 1.295 1.235 -0.060 1858 510,312 511,656 1.148 1.067 -0.081 1859 420,028 453,606 0.638 0.746 0.109 1860 458,834 486,993 0.857 0.931 0.074 1861 540,676 543,805 1.319 1.244 -0.075 1862 471,498 506,846 0.928 1.040 0.112 1863 500,565 525,068 1.093 1.141 0.048 1864 531,017 535,616 1.265 1.199 -0.066 1865 465,540 490,533 0.895 0.950 0.055 1866 475,779 496,391 0.953 0.982 0.030 1867 472,511 499,579 0.934 1.000 0.066 1868 512,286 533,902 1.159 1.189 0.030 1869 432,977 470,361 0.711 0.839 0.128 1870 458,179 496,242 0.853 0.982 0.128 1871 478,557 487,234 0.968 0.932 -0.036 1872 341,716 355,404 0.195 0.205 0.010 1873 445,360 468,970 0.781 0.831 0.050 1874 467,283 491,545 0.905 0.956 0.051 1875 183,704 183,712 -0.698 -0.743 -0.044 1876 71,034 71,034 -1.335 -1.364 -0.029 1877 133,009 133,512 -0.985 -1.020 -0.035 1878 125,986 126,459 -1.024 -1.058 -0.034 1879 190,561 191,728 -0.659 -0.698 -0.039 1880 93,650 93,650 -1.207 -1.239 -0.032 1881 83,582 83,582 -1.264 -1.295 -0.031 1882 40,868 41,475 -1.506 -1.527 -0.022 1883 104,573 104,161 -1.145 -1.181 -0.036 1884 164,629 162,147 -0.806 -0.862 -0.055 1885 79,360 79,360 -1.288 -1.318 -0.030 1886 80,368 80,368 -1.282 -1.313 -0.030 1887 27,460 27,488 -1.581 -1.604 -0.023 1888 102,077 98,787 -1.160 -1.211 -0.051 1889 91,781 91,722 -1.218 -1.250 -0.032 1890 21,655 21,655 -1.614 -1.637 -0.022 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1891 13,191 13,191 -1.662 -1.683 -0.021 1892 22,511 22,511 -1.609 -1.632 -0.023 1893 36,523 36,523 -1.530 -1.555 -0.024 1894 124,774 124,774 -1.031 -1.068 -0.036 1895 73,015 73,015 -1.324 -1.353 -0.029 1896 58,975 59,411 -1.403 -1.428 -0.025 1897 38,845 38,900 -1.517 -1.541 -0.024 1898 83,735 83,795 -1.263 -1.294 -0.031 1899 107,548 107,548 -1.129 -1.163 -0.034 1900 190,243 190,243 -0.661 -0.707 -0.045 1901 164,959 165,159 -0.804 -0.845 -0.041 1902 241,044 240,724 -0.374 -0.428 -0.054 1903 239,400 234,844 -0.383 -0.460 -0.077 1904 290,656 296,585 -0.094 -0.120 -0.026 1905 274,225 273,986 -0.187 -0.245 -0.058 1906 258,626 258,223 -0.275 -0.331 -0.057 1907 211,601 212,048 -0.541 -0.586 -0.046 1908 290,229 289,437 -0.096 -0.159 -0.063 1909 306,854 306,504 -0.002 -0.065 -0.063 1910 309,973 310,381 0.015 -0.044 -0.059 1911 306,926 306,904 -0.002 -0.063 -0.061 1912 307,677 307,677 0.002 -0.059 -0.061 1913 283,686 283,629 -0.133 -0.191 -0.058 1914 285,857 285,634 -0.121 -0.180 -0.059 1915 276,437 275,824 -0.174 -0.234 -0.060 1916 287,723 287,490 -0.110 -0.170 -0.060 1917 290,367 292,027 -0.095 -0.145 -0.050 1918 302,751 302,751 -0.025 -0.086 -0.060 1919 306,360 306,139 -0.005 -0.067 -0.062 1920 308,665 308,731 0.008 -0.053 -0.061 1921 308,397 309,141 0.007 -0.051 -0.057 1922 313,213 313,575 0.034 -0.026 -0.060 1923 313,477 313,161 0.035 -0.028 -0.064 1924 254,505 254,514 -0.298 -0.352 -0.054 1925 156,984 155,469 -0.849 -0.898 -0.049 1926 130,293 130,232 -1.000 -1.038 -0.037 1927 122,095 122,326 -1.046 -1.081 -0.035 1928 104,991 106,902 -1.143 -1.166 -0.023 1929 103,509 103,691 -1.152 -1.184 -0.033 1930 103,692 103,750 -1.150 -1.184 -0.033 1931 93,193 93,526 -1.210 -1.240 -0.030 1932 84,207 84,207 -1.261 -1.292 -0.031 1933 131,847 131,627 -0.991 -1.030 -0.039 1934 288,092 288,092 -0.108 -0.167 -0.058 1935 115,244 115,255 -1.085 -1.120 -0.035 1936 98,614 99,725 -1.179 -1.206 -0.027 1937 33,786 33,786 -1.546 -1.570 -0.024 1938 121,267 123,791 -1.051 -1.073 -0.022 1939 211,247 208,975 -0.543 -0.603 -0.061 1940 171,378 171,342 -0.768 -0.811 -0.043 1941 143,909 145,121 -0.923 -0.955 -0.032 1942 203,767 203,767 -0.585 -0.632 -0.047 1943 288,943 289,637 -0.103 -0.158 -0.055 1944 243,830 243,304 -0.358 -0.414 -0.055 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1945 150,601 150,630 -0.885 -0.925 -0.040 1946 316,981 317,648 0.055 -0.004 -0.059 1947 219,870 218,799 -0.494 -0.549 -0.055 1948 271,006 271,006 -0.205 -0.261 -0.056 1949 223,568 224,070 -0.473 -0.520 -0.047 1950 263,494 263,494 -0.247 -0.302 -0.055 1951 222,972 222,972 -0.476 -0.526 -0.050 1952 201,778 201,778 -0.596 -0.643 -0.047 1953 191,420 191,716 -0.655 -0.698 -0.044 1954 153,918 153,964 -0.867 -0.907 -0.040 1955 130,437 129,413 -0.999 -1.042 -0.043 1956 160,577 160,552 -0.829 -0.870 -0.041 1957 188,312 188,340 -0.672 -0.717 -0.045 1958 224,839 223,237 -0.466 -0.524 -0.059 1959 230,777 230,777 -0.432 -0.483 -0.051 1960 247,403 247,403 -0.338 -0.391 -0.053 1961 248,019 244,670 -0.335 -0.406 -0.072 1962 252,707 253,254 -0.308 -0.359 -0.051 1963 218,182 218,433 -0.503 -0.551 -0.048 1964 25,262 25,262 -1.594 -1.617 -0.023 1965 62,494 63,685 -1.383 -1.405 -0.021 1966 130,422 130,422 -0.999 -1.037 -0.037 1967 139,761 140,335 -0.947 -0.982 -0.035 1968 122,481 123,393 -1.044 -1.075 -0.031 1969 125,517 127,769 -1.027 -1.051 -0.024 1970 120,661 120,135 -1.055 -1.093 -0.039 1971 114,205 115,396 -1.091 -1.119 -0.028 1972 118,481 116,887 -1.067 -1.111 -0.044 1973 115,078 115,446 -1.086 -1.119 -0.033 1974 112,541 112,818 -1.100 -1.134 -0.033 1975 122,055 121,597 -1.047 -1.085 -0.039 1976 118,570 118,570 -1.066 -1.102 -0.036 1977 109,199 109,267 -1.119 -1.153 -0.034 1978 108,610 108,373 -1.123 -1.158 -0.036 1979 110,888 111,882 -1.110 -1.139 -0.029 1980 303,525 303,648 -0.021 -0.081 -0.060 1981 304,990 304,990 -0.013 -0.073 -0.061 1982 293,424 293,834 -0.078 -0.135 -0.057 1983 297,810 297,816 -0.053 -0.113 -0.060 1984 309,028 308,812 0.010 -0.052 -0.063 1985 250,065 250,411 -0.323 -0.375 -0.051 1986 256,489 255,994 -0.287 -0.344 -0.057 1987 311,016 311,468 0.021 -0.038 -0.059 1988 311,194 310,916 0.022 -0.041 -0.063 1989 322,102 322,228 0.084 0.022 -0.062 1990 329,365 329,178 0.125 0.060 -0.065 1991 313,718 314,183 0.037 -0.023 -0.059 1992 311,234 310,859 0.023 -0.041 -0.064 1993 305,573 305,079 -0.009 -0.073 -0.064 1994 304,954 304,516 -0.013 -0.076 -0.063 1995 302,715 302,693 -0.026 -0.086 -0.061 1996 256,450 257,628 -0.287 -0.335 -0.048 1997 254,685 249,057 -0.297 -0.382 -0.085 1998 271,152 271,482 -0.204 -0.258 -0.054 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 1999 265,433 265,594 -0.236 -0.291 -0.055 2000 286,220 285,770 -0.119 -0.180 -0.061 2001 319, 844 319, 715 0.071 0.008 -0.063 2002 301,583 300,856 -0.032 -0.096 -0.064 2003 286,695 286,791 -0.116 -0.174 -0.058 2004 266,817 266,817 -0.228 -0.284 -0.056 2005 267,888 268,534 -0.222 -0.275 -0.052 2006 251,775 246,007 -0.313 -0.399 -0.085 2007 206,869 207,385 -0.567 -0.612 -0.045 2008 167,557 169,157 -0.789 -0.823 -0.033 2009 235,375 235,180 -0.406 -0.459 -0.052 2010 254,135 253,615 -0.300 -0.357 -0.057 2011 259,422 259,394 -0.270 -0.325 -0.055 2012 119,987 117,715 -1.058 -1.107 -0.048 2013 110,188 110,379 -1.114 -1.147 -0.033 2014 110,649 110,191 -1.111 -1.148 -0.037 2015 120,128 120,078 -1.058 -1.094 -0.036 2016 120,323 120,731 -1.056 -1.090 -0.034 2017 125,172 126,017 -1.029 -1.061 -0.032 2018 162,404 162,404 -0.819 -0.860 -0.041 2019 215,691 211,475 -0.517 -0.589 -0.072 2020 212,875 212,986 -0.533 -0.581 -0.048 2021 177,904 178,432 -0.731 -0.772 -0.041 2022 189,583 189,945 -0.665 -0.708 -0.043 2023 175,210 176,604 -0.746 -0.782 -0.036 2024 167,286 168,584 -0.791 -0.826 -0.035 2025 114,679 115,146 -1.088 -1.121 -0.032 2026 117,871 117,709 -1.070 -1.107 -0.036 2027 110,217 110,764 -1.114 -1.145 -0.031 2028 116,362 116,353 -1.079 -1.114 -0.035 2029 122,708 120,436 -1.043 -1.092 -0.049 2030 135,119 137,736 -0.973 -0.996 -0.023 2031 151,228 153,008 -0.882 -0.912 -0.030 2032 125,186 125,642 -1.029 -1.063 -0.034 2033 111,941 116,116 -1.104 -1.115 -0.012 2034 136,391 133,290 -0.966 -1.021 -0.055 2035 164,610 164,407 -0.806 -0.849 -0.043 2036 127,088 126,292 -1.018 -1.059 -0.041 2037 126,891 126,090 -1.019 -1.060 -0.041 2038 139,756 142,272 -0.947 -0.971 -0.025 2039 145,498 144,486 -0.914 -0.959 -0.045 2040 137,532 141,102 -0.959 -0.978 -0.018 2041 246,513 245,448 -0.343 -0.402 -0.059 2042 192,647 190,897 -0.648 -0.703 -0.055 2043 204,429 204,251 -0.581 -0.629 -0.048 2044 168,442 165,259 -0.784 -0.844 -0.060 2045 148,047 148,056 -0.900 -0.939 -0.039 2046 264,589 264,602 -0.241 -0.296 -0.055 2047 288,833 289,527 -0.104 -0.159 -0.055 2048 126,138 126,291 -1.024 -1.059 -0.036 2049 94,658 93,766 -1.202 -1.239 -0.037 2050 136,573 136,638 -0.965 -1.002 -0.038 2051 226,751 227,167 -0.455 -0.503 -0.048 2052 198,751 199,295 -0.613 -0.657 -0.043 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2053 122,547 123,812 -1.044 -1.073 -0.029 2054 82,877 82,877 -1.268 -1.299 -0.031 2055 172,232 172,232 -0.763 -0.806 -0.043 2056 238,254 237,984 -0.390 -0.443 -0.053 2057 143,498 143,498 -0.925 -0.964 -0.039 2058 130,537 131,038 -0.999 -1.033 -0.034 2059 141,697 142,352 -0.936 -0.971 -0.035 2060 109,896 109,617 -1.115 -1.151 -0.036 2061 123,778 123,535 -1.037 -1.075 -0.038 2062 108,606 109,548 -1.123 -1.152 -0.029 2063 119,840 119,620 -1.059 -1.096 -0.037 2064 256,814 255,904 -0.285 -0.344 -0.059 2065 251,438 252,086 -0.315 -0.365 -0.050 2066 55,282 55,282 -1.424 -1.451 -0.027 2067 63,655 63,655 -1.377 -1.405 -0.028 2068 172,138 172,322 -0.764 -0.805 -0.042 2069 261,856 261,856 -0.256 -0.311 -0.055 2070 293,389 293,389 -0.078 -0.137 -0.059 2071 105,042 101,833 -1.143 -1.194 -0.051 2072 301,281 301,529 -0.034 -0.093 -0.059 2073 101,475 101,995 -1.163 -1.193 -0.030 2074 85,417 86,321 -1.254 -1.280 -0.026 2075 110,316 110,232 -1.113 -1.148 -0.035 2076 295,777 295,780 -0.065 -0.124 -0.060 2077 279,255 279,193 -0.158 -0.216 -0.058 2078 136,682 136,682 -0.964 -1.002 -0.038 2079 130,293 129,645 -1.000 -1.041 -0.041 2080 294,127 296,106 -0.074 -0.122 -0.048 2081 291,061 291,274 -0.091 -0.149 -0.058 2082 292,507 293,574 -0.083 -0.136 -0.053 2083 208,120 207,103 -0.560 -0.614 -0.053 2084 222,462 222,002 -0.479 -0.531 -0.052 2085 250,910 250,714 -0.318 -0.373 -0.055 2086 273,382 273,382 -0.191 -0.248 -0.057 2087 302,125 301,311 -0.029 -0.094 -0.065 2088 232,933 232,653 -0.420 -0.473 -0.053 2089 236,992 237,185 -0.397 -0.448 -0.051 2090 291,299 292,507 -0.090 -0.142 -0.052 2091 273,716 273,483 -0.189 -0.247 -0.058 2092 178,526 179,519 -0.727 -0.766 -0.038 2093 297,766 297,862 -0.054 -0.113 -0.059 2094 317,421 318,586 0.058 0.002 -0.056 2095 285,754 285,531 -0.121 -0.181 -0.059 2096 272,921 272,921 -0.194 -0.250 -0.056 2097 265,529 270,207 -0.236 -0.265 -0.030 2098 283,985 283,985 -0.131 -0.189 -0.058 2099 270,643 270,643 -0.207 -0.263 -0.056 2100 308,356 308,752 0.006 -0.053 -0.059 2101 325,691 326,641 0.104 0.046 -0.058 2102 335,208 335,911 0.158 0.097 -0.061 2103 306,790 307,038 -0.003 -0.062 -0.060 2104 306,173 306,151 -0.006 -0.067 -0.061 2105 276,774 271,178 -0.172 -0.260 -0.088 2106 99,694 100,018 -1.173 -1.204 -0.031 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2107 251,532 251,486 -0.315 -0.369 -0.054 2108 119,476 119,137 -1.061 -1.099 -0.038 2109 265,777 266,938 -0.234 -0.283 -0.049 2110 259,800 260,332 -0.268 -0.320 -0.052 2111 177,793 177,510 -0.732 -0.777 -0.045 2112 110,062 110,062 -1.114 -1.149 -0.034 2113 196,998 197,674 -0.623 -0.666 -0.042 2114 97,411 97,915 -1.186 -1.216 -0.030 2115 225,338 227,353 -0.463 -0.502 -0.039 2116 119,764 120,132 -1.060 -1.093 -0.034 2117 166,970 167,365 -0.793 -0.833 -0.040 2118 142,477 159,208 -0.931 -0.878 0.054 2119 126,910 127,580 -1.019 -1.052 -0.033 2120 118,897 120,209 -1.065 -1.093 -0.028 2121 105,105 105,370 -1.142 -1.175 -0.032 2122 121,855 121,708 -1.048 -1.085 -0.037 2123 125,473 121,919 -1.027 -1.083 -0.056 2124 172,014 167,700 -0.764 -0.831 -0.067 2125 83,774 84,154 -1.263 -1.292 -0.029 2126 94,011 94,011 -1.205 -1.237 -0.032 2127 73,643 73,643 -1.320 -1.350 -0.029 2128 69,772 69,772 -1.342 -1.371 -0.029 2129 79,570 79,570 -1.287 -1.317 -0.030 2130 67,873 67,873 -1.353 -1.382 -0.029 2131 80,560 80,560 -1.281 -1.312 -0.030 2132 134,036 134,546 -0.979 -1.014 -0.035 2133 90,066 89,977 -1.227 -1.260 -0.032 2134 66,615 69,524 -1.360 -1.373 -0.012 2135 94,419 100,384 -1.203 -1.202 0.001 2136 63,894 71,871 -1.375 -1.360 0.016 2137 55,421 59,619 -1.423 -1.427 -0.004 2138 142,777 150,228 -0.930 -0.927 0.002 2139 46,588 44,597 -1.473 -1.510 -0.037 2140 16,564 16,564 -1.643 -1.665 -0.022 2141 6,898 6,898 -1.698 -1.718 -0.020 2142 12,577 12,577 -1.665 -1.687 -0.021 2143 74,664 74,182 -1.315 -1.347 -0.032 2144 38,408 38,435 -1.519 -1.544 -0.025 2145 42,482 42,482 -1.496 -1.522 -0.025 2146 68,207 68,207 -1.351 -1.380 -0.029 2147 15,059 15,059 -1.651 -1.673 -0.022 2148 52,885 52,083 -1.438 -1.469 -0.031 2149 67,281 66,150 -1.356 -1.391 -0.035 2150 26,462 25,924 -1.587 -1.613 -0.026 2151 9,967 9,967 -1.680 -1.701 -0.021 2152 26,463 26,463 -1.587 -1.610 -0.023 2153 65,032 65,032 -1.369 -1.397 -0.028 2154 34,652 34,312 -1.541 -1.567 -0.026 2155 48,886 48,886 -1.460 -1.486 -0.026 2156 6,829 6,829 -1.698 -1.718 -0.020 2157 14,237 14,237 -1.656 -1.678 -0.021 2158 11,111 11,565 -1.674 -1.692 -0.019 2159 67,750 74,031 -1.354 -1.348 0.006 2160 76,012 82,196 -1.307 -1.303 0.004 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2161 7,669 7,669 -1.693 -1.714 -0.021 2162 7,296 7,296 -1.695 -1.716 -0.021 2163 115,059 110,172 -1.086 -1.148 -0.062 2164 102,837 102,402 -1.155 -1.191 -0.036 2165 276,109 284,288 -0.176 -0.188 -0.012 2166 326,225 332,740 0.107 0.080 -0.028 2167 319,127 326,348 0.067 0.044 -0.023 2168 5,967 5,967 -1.703 -1.723 -0.020 2169 82,933 82,933 -1.268 -1.299 -0.031 2170 114,807 114,799 -1.088 -1.123 -0.035 2171 94,012 94,012 -1.205 -1.237 -0.032 2172 160,467 158,267 -0.830 -0.883 -0.053 2173 224,102 229,021 -0.470 -0.493 -0.023 2174 181,294 181,294 -0.712 -0.756 -0.044 2175 5,810 5,810 -1.704 -1.724 -0.020 2176 7,561 7,561 -1.694 -1.714 -0.021 2177 7,344 7,344 -1.695 -1.716 -0.021 2178 183,267 193,561 -0.701 -0.688 0.012 2179 29,966 30,146 -1.567 -1.590 -0.023 2180 72,841 72,841 -1.325 -1.354 -0.029 2181 90,361 90,361 -1.226 -1.258 -0.032 2182 42,222 42,222 -1.498 -1.523 -0.025 2183 71,099 71,101 -1.335 -1.364 -0.029 2184 322,049 336,344 0.084 0.100 0.016 2185 404,708 411,309 0.551 0.513 -0.038 2186 25,700 27,617 -1.591 -1.604 -0.012 2187 74,228 76,173 -1.317 -1.336 -0.019 2188 70,588 70,655 -1.338 -1.366 -0.029 2189 51,612 52,564 -1.445 -1.466 -0.021 2190 23,839 23,926 -1.602 -1.624 -0.022 2191 14,523 14,523 -1.654 -1.676 -0.021 2192 85,455 85,455 -1.254 -1.285 -0.031 2193 63,181 63,299 -1.379 -1.407 -0.027 2194 86,982 86,648 -1.245 -1.278 -0.033 2195 82,203 82,016 -1.272 -1.304 -0.032 2196 299,494 311,797 -0.044 -0.036 0.008 2197 320,351 332,093 0.074 0.076 0.002 2198 223,429 223,561 -0.474 -0.523 -0.049 2199 168,846 177,076 -0.782 -0.779 0.003 2200 440,876 438,868 0.755 0.665 -0.090 2201 372,905 379,365 0.371 0.337 -0.034 2202 44,902 45,993 -1.483 -1.502 -0.020 2203 99,042 98,750 -1.177 -1.211 -0.035 2204 52,425 52,425 -1.440 -1.467 -0.027 2205 64,722 65,928 -1.371 -1.392 -0.022 2206 50,454 50,557 -1.451 -1.477 -0.026 2207 57,238 57,988 -1.413 -1.436 -0.023 2208 49,592 49,644 -1.456 -1.482 -0.026 2209 40,610 40,610 -1.507 -1.532 -0.025 2210 42,050 42,308 -1.499 -1.523 -0.024 2211 44,598 44,598 -1.484 -1.510 -0.026 2212 25,575 25,575 -1.592 -1.615 -0.023 2213 47,247 47,557 -1.470 -1.494 -0.024 2214 37,400 37,400 -1.525 -1.550 -0.025 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2215 42,331 43,358 -1.497 -1.517 -0.020 2216 31,519 31,529 -1.558 -1.582 -0.024 2217 38,805 38,805 -1.517 -1.542 -0.025 2218 77,252 76,524 -1.300 -1.334 -0.034 2219 51,962 51,962 -1.443 -1.469 -0.027 2220 31,237 31,408 -1.560 -1.583 -0.023 2221 126,557 126,533 -1.021 -1.058 -0.037 2222 60,510 59,292 -1.395 -1.429 -0.034 2223 44,932 44,932 -1.483 -1.508 -0.026 2224 77,459 77,252 -1.299 -1.330 -0.031 2225 50,119 50,119 -1.453 -1.480 -0.026 2226 128,299 128,262 -1.011 -1.048 -0.037 2227 93,588 91,113 -1.208 -1.253 -0.046 2228 88,826 88,843 -1.234 -1.266 -0.031 2229 104,834 104,834 -1.144 -1.178 -0.034 2230 126,637 124,392 -1.021 -1.070 -0.049 2231 103,789 99,463 -1.150 -1.207 -0.057 2232 88,548 86,811 -1.236 -1.277 -0.041 2233 131,797 132,123 -0.992 -1.027 -0.036 2234 73,555 73,598 -1.321 -1.350 -0.029 2235 65,252 63,872 -1.368 -1.404 -0.036 2236 65,570 64,493 -1.366 -1.400 -0.034 2237 32,929 32,929 -1.550 -1.574 -0.024 2238 38,866 38,785 -1.517 -1.542 -0.025 2239 23,048 21,945 -1.606 -1.635 -0.029 2240 22,240 22,240 -1.611 -1.633 -0.023 2241 69,382 68,809 -1.344 -1.376 -0.032 2242 68,414 67,938 -1.350 -1.381 -0.031 2243 32,846 32,993 -1.551 -1.574 -0.023 2244 39,024 38,961 -1.516 -1.541 -0.025 2245 33,825 33,832 -1.545 -1.569 -0.024 2246 31,747 31,747 -1.557 -1.581 -0.024 2247 9,085 9,085 -1.685 -1.706 -0.021 2248 25,452 25,452 -1.593 -1.616 -0.023 2249 7,044 7,044 -1.697 -1.717 -0.020 2250 15,082 15,131 -1.651 -1.673 -0.021 2251 20,692 20,692 -1.620 -1.642 -0.022 2252 8,305 8,305 -1.690 -1.710 -0.021 2253 33,706 33,710 -1.546 -1.570 -0.024 2254 16,214 16,214 -1.645 -1.667 -0.022 2255 17,930 17,930 -1.635 -1.657 -0.022 2256 27,012 26,907 -1.584 -1.608 -0.024 2257 8,904 8,904 -1.686 -1.707 -0.021 2258 15,461 15,452 -1.649 -1.671 -0.022 2259 22,103 22,103 -1.612 -1.634 -0.023 2260 19,620 19,620 -1.626 -1.648 -0.022 2261 15,873 15,873 -1.647 -1.669 -0.022 2262 32,419 32,525 -1.553 -1.577 -0.023 2263 10,873 10,873 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2264 31,068 31,068 -1.561 -1.585 -0.024 2265 30,068 29,701 -1.567 -1.592 -0.026 2266 26,295 26,295 -1.588 -1.611 -0.023 2267 38,072 37,857 -1.521 -1.547 -0.026 2268 17,403 17,181 -1.638 -1.661 -0.023 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2269 26,642 26,642 -1.586 -1.609 -0.023 2270 24,440 24,440 -1.598 -1.621 -0.023 2271 10,873 10,873 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2272 24,686 24,686 -1.597 -1.620 -0.023 2273 33,954 33,724 -1.545 -1.570 -0.025 2274 10,692 10,692 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2275 20,116 20,141 -1.623 -1.645 -0.022 2276 25,181 25,181 -1.594 -1.617 -0.023 2277 24,711 24,780 -1.597 -1.619 -0.022 2278 20,104 20,116 -1.623 -1.645 -0.022 2279 37,630 36,600 -1.524 -1.554 -0.030 2280 52,403 51,881 -1.440 -1.470 -0.029 2281 57,248 56,483 -1.413 -1.444 -0.031 2282 34,351 34,878 -1.542 -1.564 -0.021 2283 37,842 41,503 -1.523 -1.527 -0.004 2284 41,501 46,788 -1.502 -1.498 0.004 2285 43,461 47,486 -1.491 -1.494 -0.003 2286 37,513 38,314 -1.525 -1.545 -0.020 2287 46,480 51,829 -1.474 -1.470 0.004 2288 40,368 44,670 -1.508 -1.510 -0.001 2289 40,945 45,158 -1.505 -1.507 -0.002 2290 38,382 42,330 -1.520 -1.523 -0.003 2291 37,118 37,205 -1.527 -1.551 -0.024 2292 38,950 38,950 -1.516 -1.541 -0.025 2293 43,103 43,134 -1.493 -1.518 -0.025 2294 39,225 39,227 -1.515 -1.540 -0.025 2295 36,838 37,369 -1.528 -1.550 -0.022 2296 31,198 31,264 -1.560 -1.584 -0.023 2297 26,107 26,107 -1.589 -1.612 -0.023 2298 40,290 40,226 -1.509 -1.534 -0.025 2299 28,389 28,389 -1.576 -1.599 -0.023 2300 298,437 366,689 -0.050 0.267 0.317 2301 202,614 265,397 -0.591 -0.292 0.299 2302 142,397 166,667 -0.932 -0.837 0.095 2303 245,332 292,907 -0.350 -0.140 0.210 2304 309,038 373,141 0.010 0.303 0.292 2305 152,665 177,373 -0.874 -0.778 0.096 2306 237,948 308,608 -0.392 -0.054 0.338 2307 313,970 372,626 0.038 0.300 0.262 2308 259,332 311,581 -0.271 -0.037 0.234 2309 230,676 266,673 -0.433 -0.285 0.148 2310 264,008 336,982 -0.244 0.103 0.347 2311 327,931 384,168 0.117 0.363 0.246 2312 264,925 319,624 -0.239 0.007 0.246 2313 201,273 236,970 -0.599 -0.449 0.150 2314 196,869 248,616 -0.624 -0.384 0.239 2315 296,846 416,893 -0.059 0.544 0.603 2316 57,069 63,455 -1.414 -1.406 0.008 2317 77,008 86,074 -1.301 -1.281 0.020 2318 245,542 329,881 -0.349 0.064 0.413 2319 220,508 277,577 -0.490 -0.225 0.265 2320 306,807 368,322 -0.002 0.276 0.278 2321 247,603 293,298 -0.337 -0.138 0.199 2322 174,321 191,723 -0.751 -0.698 0.053 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2323 238,929 282,160 -0.386 -0.199 0.187 2324 279,874 335,374 -0.155 0.094 0.249 2325 305,644 358,913 -0.009 0.224 0.233 2326 202,816 251,900 -0.590 -0.366 0.224 2327 76,044 104,605 -1.307 -1.179 0.128 2328 305,437 415,747 -0.010 0.538 0.548 2329 268,454 395,141 -0.219 0.424 0.643 2330 69,266 89,762 -1.345 -1.261 0.084 2331 95,243 124,439 -1.198 -1.070 0.129 2332 302,375 362,920 -0.027 0.246 0.274 2333 240,506 282,633 -0.377 -0.197 0.180 2334 278,114 325,027 -0.165 0.037 0.202 2335 76,725 102,706 -1.303 -1.189 0.113 2336 271,592 321,573 -0.201 0.018 0.219 2337 256,791 299,297 -0.285 -0.105 0.180 2338 198,087 251,090 -0.617 -0.371 0.246 2339 107,940 130,790 -1.126 -1.035 0.092 2340 181,723 286,988 -0.709 -0.173 0.537 2341 209,254 292,472 -0.554 -0.143 0.411 2342 75,835 112,318 -1.308 -1.136 0.171 2343 104,066 167,895 -1.148 -0.830 0.319 2344 109,154 155,730 -1.120 -0.897 0.223 2345 314,919 423,874 0.043 0.582 0.539 2346 234,306 357,862 -0.412 0.218 0.630 2347 250,237 367,534 -0.322 0.272 0.594 2348 262,736 366,823 -0.252 0.268 0.519 2349 224,476 342,433 -0.468 0.133 0.601 2350 209,913 291,626 -0.550 -0.147 0.403 2351 148,535 249,091 -0.897 -0.382 0.515 2352 65,695 87,479 -1.365 -1.273 0.092 2353 271,292 398,518 -0.203 0.443 0.646 2354 265,967 386,597 -0.233 0.377 0.610 2355 77,855 103,835 -1.297 -1.183 0.113 2356 51,703 56,855 -1.444 -1.442 0.002 2357 64,107 76,619 -1.374 -1.333 0.041 2358 52,723 58,849 -1.439 -1.431 0.007 2359 101,715 125,458 -1.162 -1.064 0.098 2360 63,591 72,722 -1.377 -1.355 0.022 2361 43,608 50,137 -1.490 -1.479 0.011 2362 37,737 43,012 -1.523 -1.519 0.004 2363 37,650 42,618 -1.524 -1.521 0.003 2364 44,304 44,830 -1.486 -1.509 -0.023 2365 43,524 43,932 -1.491 -1.514 -0.023 2366 41,664 42,693 -1.501 -1.521 -0.019 2367 42,419 42,473 -1.497 -1.522 -0.025 2368 53,749 56,246 -1.433 -1.446 -0.013 2369 43,788 44,774 -1.489 -1.509 -0.020 2370 46,740 47,296 -1.472 -1.495 -0.023 2371 29,579 29,782 -1.569 -1.592 -0.022 2372 48,343 48,450 -1.463 -1.489 -0.025 2373 49,379 49,379 -1.457 -1.484 -0.026 2374 45,603 45,663 -1.479 -1.504 -0.025 2375 43,470 43,583 -1.491 -1.516 -0.025 2376 45,683 46,653 -1.478 -1.499 -0.020 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2377 50,946 50,946 -1.449 -1.475 -0.026 2378 43,710 43,819 -1.489 -1.514 -0.025 2379 43,480 43,511 -1.491 -1.516 -0.025 2380 41,901 44,852 -1.500 -1.509 -0.009 2381 26,326 26,479 -1.588 -1.610 -0.022 2382 35,664 35,751 -1.535 -1.559 -0.024 2383 87,918 113,905 -1.240 -1.128 0.112 2384 72,722 86,156 -1.326 -1.281 0.045 2385 80,615 94,529 -1.281 -1.235 0.046 2386 57,502 61,035 -1.412 -1.419 -0.008 2387 111,218 158,806 -1.108 -0.880 0.228 2388 47,402 53,114 -1.469 -1.463 0.006 2389 87,679 110,967 -1.241 -1.144 0.097 2390 31,062 34,120 -1.561 -1.568 -0.007 2391 70,183 86,537 -1.340 -1.279 0.061 2392 38,449 43,296 -1.519 -1.517 0.002 2393 99,267 122,720 -1.175 -1.079 0.096 2394 70,155 82,188 -1.340 -1.303 0.037 2395 64,648 69,371 -1.371 -1.373 -0.002 2396 44,372 44,336 -1.486 -1.511 -0.026 2397 34,936 34,934 -1.539 -1.563 -0.024 2398 40,526 40,247 -1.507 -1.534 -0.027 2399 45,259 46,840 -1.481 -1.498 -0.017 2400 43,418 44,677 -1.491 -1.510 -0.018 2401 44,974 48,494 -1.482 -1.489 -0.006 2402 46,392 46,714 -1.474 -1.498 -0.024 2403 43,029 44,704 -1.493 -1.509 -0.016 2404 43,196 43,278 -1.492 -1.517 -0.025 2405 47,509 49,266 -1.468 -1.484 -0.016 2406 51,183 54,720 -1.447 -1.454 -0.007 2407 46,107 46,290 -1.476 -1.501 -0.025 2408 39,157 39,111 -1.515 -1.540 -0.025 2409 47,553 51,517 -1.468 -1.472 -0.004 2410 48,148 51,749 -1.464 -1.471 -0.006 2411 43,029 45,824 -1.493 -1.503 -0.010 2412 44,382 47,515 -1.486 -1.494 -0.008 2413 44,794 45,121 -1.483 -1.507 -0.024 2414 48,458 51,848 -1.463 -1.470 -0.007 2415 46,593 48,260 -1.473 -1.490 -0.017 2416 46,939 50,239 -1.471 -1.479 -0.008 2417 53,603 58,301 -1.434 -1.434 -0.001 2418 43,265 43,163 -1.492 -1.518 -0.026 2419 54,408 60,101 -1.429 -1.425 0.005 2420 44,777 45,216 -1.483 -1.507 -0.023 2421 45,146 45,613 -1.481 -1.504 -0.023 2422 41,642 41,777 -1.501 -1.526 -0.024 2423 46,821 49,138 -1.472 -1.485 -0.013 2424 42,931 42,947 -1.494 -1.519 -0.025 2425 49,836 53,247 -1.455 -1.462 -0.007 2426 43,766 43,766 -1.489 -1.515 -0.025 2427 47,696 50,921 -1.467 -1.475 -0.008 2428 51,450 53,924 -1.446 -1.459 -0.013 2429 96,982 107,915 -1.188 -1.161 0.028 2430 181,830 195,898 -0.709 -0.675 0.033 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2431 55,890 58,057 -1.421 -1.436 -0.015 2432 181,151 195,828 -0.713 -0.676 0.037 2433 246,408 260,886 -0.344 -0.317 0.027 2434 48,485 49,823 -1.463 -1.481 -0.019 2435 194,688 211,161 -0.636 -0.591 0.045 2436 136,969 159,054 -0.962 -0.879 0.084 2437 107,818 120,616 -1.127 -1.091 0.036 2438 81,684 88,282 -1.275 -1.269 0.006 2439 77,043 83,037 -1.301 -1.298 0.003 2440 58,994 62,541 -1.403 -1.411 -0.008 2441 55,556 60,211 -1.423 -1.424 -0.001 2442 51,792 54,811 -1.444 -1.454 -0.010 2443 141,226 157,654 -0.938 -0.886 0.052 2444 58,406 62,334 -1.406 -1.412 -0.006 2445 62,352 66,989 -1.384 -1.387 -0.002 2446 56,722 63,309 -1.416 -1.407 0.009 2447 73,391 101,371 -1.322 -1.197 0.125 2448 245,702 346,349 -0.348 0.155 0.503 2449 283,550 358,448 -0.134 0.221 0.355 2450 260,843 336,185 -0.262 0.099 0.361 2451 234,506 277,454 -0.411 -0.225 0.186 2452 218,102 280,665 -0.504 -0.208 0.296 2453 35,621 35,621 -1.535 -1.560 -0.024 2454 31,550 31,524 -1.558 -1.582 -0.024 2455 34,623 34,623 -1.541 -1.565 -0.024 2456 92,507 92,453 -1.214 -1.246 -0.032 2457 25,633 25,633 -1.592 -1.615 -0.023 2458 66,054 64,806 -1.363 -1.399 -0.035 2459 55,869 55,879 -1.421 -1.448 -0.027 2460 205,097 207,574 -0.577 -0.611 -0.034 2461 156,050 155,830 -0.855 -0.896 -0.042 2462 175,608 176,537 -0.744 -0.782 -0.038 2463 104,046 103,715 -1.148 -1.184 -0.035 2464 69,529 69,529 -1.344 -1.372 -0.029 2465 25,523 25,368 -1.592 -1.616 -0.024 2466 58,759 58,496 -1.404 -1.433 -0.029 2467 40,157 40,210 -1.510 -1.534 -0.025 2468 142,145 142,145 -0.933 -0.972 -0.039 2469 66,160 65,927 -1.363 -1.392 -0.030 2470 17,400 17,400 -1.638 -1.660 -0.022 2471 31,632 31,667 -1.558 -1.581 -0.024 2472 109,722 108,163 -1.116 -1.159 -0.043 2473 87,898 87,844 -1.240 -1.271 -0.032 2474 23,662 23,654 -1.603 -1.626 -0.023 2475 18,031 18,031 -1.635 -1.657 -0.022 2476 29,986 29,986 -1.567 -1.591 -0.024 2477 17,516 17,516 -1.638 -1.659 -0.022 2478 49,407 49,185 -1.457 -1.485 -0.027 2479 16,389 16,389 -1.644 -1.666 -0.022 2480 24,737 24,737 -1.597 -1.620 -0.023 2481 71,372 70,863 -1.333 -1.365 -0.032 2482 20,780 20,780 -1.619 -1.641 -0.022 2483 130,939 130,887 -0.996 -1.034 -0.038 2484 179,375 177,840 -0.723 -0.775 -0.052 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2485 137,994 137,994 -0.957 -0.995 -0.038 2486 70,465 70,465 -1.338 -1.367 -0.029 2487 132,572 132,313 -0.987 -1.026 -0.039 2488 26,844 26,852 -1.585 -1.608 -0.023 2489 25,359 25,395 -1.593 -1.616 -0.023 2490 27,338 27,374 -1.582 -1.605 -0.023 2491 20,169 20,219 -1.623 -1.645 -0.022 2492 28,522 28,568 -1.575 -1.598 -0.023 2493 33,419 34,144 -1.548 -1.568 -0.020 2494 27,110 27,146 -1.583 -1.606 -0.023 2495 70,568 71,503 -1.338 -1.362 -0.024 2496 42,234 43,424 -1.498 -1.517 -0.019 2497 22,311 22,683 -1.610 -1.631 -0.020 2498 39,529 42,293 -1.513 -1.523 -0.010 2499 26,768 26,980 -1.585 -1.607 -0.022 2500 22,528 22,605 -1.609 -1.631 -0.022 2501 40,644 46,042 -1.507 -1.502 0.005 2502 33,055 33,164 -1.550 -1.573 -0.023 2503 27,725 27,933 -1.580 -1.602 -0.022 2504 22,702 23,001 -1.608 -1.629 -0.021 2505 32,381 32,555 -1.554 -1.576 -0.023 2506 28,528 28,704 -1.575 -1.598 -0.022 2507 13,362 13,362 -1.661 -1.682 -0.021 2508 44,769 47,539 -1.484 -1.494 -0.010 2509 58,134 59,666 -1.408 -1.427 -0.019 2510 65,500 66,502 -1.366 -1.389 -0.023 2511 47,026 48,989 -1.471 -1.486 -0.015 2512 60,761 62,716 -1.393 -1.410 -0.017 2513 38,654 39,305 -1.518 -1.539 -0.021 2514 51,353 54,933 -1.446 -1.453 -0.007 2515 40,507 41,218 -1.508 -1.529 -0.021 2516 26,921 27,092 -1.584 -1.607 -0.022 2517 25,738 26,116 -1.591 -1.612 -0.021 2518 23,808 24,368 -1.602 -1.622 -0.020 2519 24,335 24,335 -1.599 -1.622 -0.023 2520 23,723 24,265 -1.602 -1.622 -0.020 2521 24,943 24,950 -1.596 -1.618 -0.023 2522 14,856 14,856 -1.653 -1.674 -0.022 2523 56,723 57,713 -1.416 -1.438 -0.022 2524 48,935 50,130 -1.460 -1.480 -0.020 2525 78,577 79,533 -1.292 -1.317 -0.025 2526 47,701 50,839 -1.467 -1.476 -0.009 2527 65,551 70,137 -1.366 -1.369 -0.003 2528 37,339 38,052 -1.526 -1.546 -0.021 2529 54,952 56,573 -1.426 -1.444 -0.018 2530 32,640 33,850 -1.552 -1.569 -0.017 2531 36,113 36,688 -1.532 -1.554 -0.021 2532 25,418 26,067 -1.593 -1.612 -0.019 2533 20,196 20,914 -1.622 -1.641 -0.018 2534 34,649 35,242 -1.541 -1.562 -0.021 2535 32,791 32,921 -1.551 -1.574 -0.023 2536 35,324 37,570 -1.537 -1.549 -0.012 2537 16,785 16,785 -1.642 -1.663 -0.022 2538 10,737 10,737 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2539 12,580 12,580 -1.665 -1.687 -0.021 2540 10,710 10,710 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2541 11,068 11,068 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2542 11,068 11,068 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2543 11,068 11,068 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2544 11,136 11,136 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2545 11,577 11,577 -1.671 -1.692 -0.021 2546 11,167 11,167 -1.673 -1.694 -0.021 2547 11,167 11,167 -1.673 -1.694 -0.021 2548 10,809 10,809 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2549 11,470 11,470 -1.672 -1.693 -0.021 2550 11,318 11,318 -1.673 -1.694 -0.021 2551 10,778 10,778 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2552 11,751 11,751 -1.670 -1.691 -0.021 2553 11,783 11,783 -1.670 -1.691 -0.021 2554 13,534 13,534 -1.660 -1.681 -0.021 2555 14,724 14,724 -1.653 -1.675 -0.022 2556 10,338 10,338 -1.678 -1.699 -0.021 2557 10,686 10,686 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2558 11,113 11,113 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2559 12,346 12,346 -1.667 -1.688 -0.021 2560 16,330 16,330 -1.644 -1.666 -0.022 2561 17,652 17,652 -1.637 -1.659 -0.022 2562 15,798 15,798 -1.647 -1.669 -0.022 2563 10,181 10,181 -1.679 -1.700 -0.021 2564 10,775 10,775 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2565 10,759 10,759 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2566 11,054 11,054 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2567 14,114 14,114 -1.657 -1.678 -0.021 2568 28,138 28,138 -1.578 -1.601 -0.023 2569 11,895 11,895 -1.669 -1.690 -0.021 2570 11,760 11,760 -1.670 -1.691 -0.021 2571 28,317 28,317 -1.577 -1.600 -0.023 2572 12,288 12,288 -1.667 -1.688 -0.021 2573 24,814 24,814 -1.596 -1.619 -0.023 2574 19,176 19,173 -1.628 -1.650 -0.022 2575 14,520 14,520 -1.654 -1.676 -0.021 2576 33,898 33,898 -1.545 -1.569 -0.024 2577 13,717 13,717 -1.659 -1.680 -0.021 2578 13,800 13,800 -1.659 -1.680 -0.021 2579 16,843 16,843 -1.641 -1.663 -0.022 2580 14,910 14,910 -1.652 -1.674 -0.022 2581 25,012 25,012 -1.595 -1.618 -0.023 2582 10,859 10,859 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2583 11,319 11,319 -1.673 -1.694 -0.021 2584 11,068 11,068 -1.674 -1.695 -0.021 2585 10,639 10,639 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2586 10,539 10,539 -1.677 -1.698 -0.021 2587 10,439 10,439 -1.678 -1.698 -0.021 2588 10,366 10,366 -1.678 -1.699 -0.021 2589 10,775 10,775 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2590 10,781 10,781 -1.676 -1.697 -0.021 2591 11,299 11,299 -1.673 -1.694 -0.021 2592 12,212 12,212 -1.668 -1.689 -0.021 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2593 16,862 16,862 -1.641 -1.663 -0.022 2594 20,827 20,827 -1.619 -1.641 -0.022 2595 17,741 17,741 -1.636 -1.658 -0.022 2596 18,045 18,045 -1.635 -1.657 -0.022 2597 20,632 20,891 -1.620 -1.641 -0.021 2598 101,062 100,708 -1.165 -1.200 -0.035 2599 30,312 30,167 -1.565 -1.590 -0.024 2600 25,864 26,007 -1.590 -1.613 -0.022 2601 28,680 28,717 -1.574 -1.598 -0.023 2602 31,074 31,150 -1.561 -1.584 -0.023 2603 33,515 33,540 -1.547 -1.571 -0.024 2604 30,359 30,269 -1.565 -1.589 -0.024 2605 9,532 9,532 -1.683 -1.703 -0.021 2606 10,844 10,844 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2607 9,428 9,428 -1.683 -1.704 -0.021 2608 9,471 9,471 -1.683 -1.704 -0.021 2609 10,873 10,873 -1.675 -1.696 -0.021 2610 9,562 9,562 -1.683 -1.703 -0.021 2611 9,149 9,149 -1.685 -1.706 -0.021 2612 11,662 11,662 -1.671 -1.692 -0.021 2613 14,224 14,233 -1.656 -1.678 -0.021 2614 17,017 17,017 -1.640 -1.662 -0.022 2615 15,099 15,099 -1.651 -1.673 -0.022 2616 11,805 11,805 -1.670 -1.691 -0.021 2617 31,489 31,541 -1.559 -1.582 -0.023 2618 39,006 39,109 -1.516 -1.540 -0.024 2619 66,166 68,712 -1.363 -1.377 -0.014 2620 40,717 42,326 -1.506 -1.523 -0.016 2621 26,042 27,315 -1.589 -1.605 -0.016 2622 47,624 48,580 -1.467 -1.488 -0.021 2623 42,434 44,661 -1.497 -1.510 -0.013 2624 23,294 24,271 -1.605 -1.622 -0.017 2625 25,495 26,249 -1.592 -1.611 -0.019 2626 41,565 41,954 -1.502 -1.525 -0.023 2627 30,168 30,168 -1.566 -1.590 -0.024 2628 37,056 37,077 -1.527 -1.552 -0.024 2629 33,144 32,831 -1.549 -1.575 -0.026 2630 41,094 41,094 -1.504 -1.529 -0.025 2631 43,630 43,535 -1.490 -1.516 -0.026 2632 42,190 41,957 -1.498 -1.525 -0.027 2633 44,651 44,655 -1.484 -1.510 -0.026 2634 44,594 46,351 -1.485 -1.500 -0.016 2635 45,884 47,411 -1.477 -1.495 -0.017 2636 52,452 55,896 -1.440 -1.448 -0.008 2637 53,070 56,155 -1.437 -1.446 -0.010 2638 45,767 49,519 -1.478 -1.483 -0.005 2639 46,051 49,523 -1.476 -1.483 -0.007 2640 46,310 47,869 -1.475 -1.492 -0.017 2641 46,271 45,979 -1.475 -1.502 -0.027 2642 45,914 46,498 -1.477 -1.500 -0.023 2643 45,597 46,153 -1.479 -1.501 -0.023 2644 44,378 49,551 -1.486 -1.483 0.003 2645 62,425 69,200 -1.384 -1.374 0.009 2646 55,089 61,499 -1.425 -1.417 0.008 Complete 540 ICE Memo #1 Job Accessibility Analysis Results by TAZ November 2016 Appendix A Origin TAZ No-Build Jobs Accessible Build Jobs Accessible No-Build z-score Build z-score Z Score Change 2647 49,462 54,811 -1.457 -1.454 0.003 2648 43,153 47,464 -1.493 -1.494 -0.002 2649 30,909 31,783 -1.562 -1.581 -0.019 2650 29,024 29,033 -1.573 -1.596 -0.023 2651 16,678 16,993 -1.642 -1.662 -0.020 2652 14,880 14,880 -1.652 -1.674 -0.022 2653 12,528 12,583 -1.666 -1.687 -0.021 2654 25,736 25,940 -1.591 -1.613 -0.022 2655 52,243 54,403 -1.441 -1.456 -0.015 2656 127,601 131,920 -1.015 -1.028 -0.013 2657 155,764 161,681 -0.856 -0.864 -0.008 2658 6,445 6,445 -1.700 -1.721 -0.020 2659 7,700 7,700 -1.693 -1.714 -0.021 2660 7,885 7,885 -1.692 -1.713 -0.021 2661 6,076 6,076 -1.702 -1.723 -0.020 2662 7,336 7,336 -1.695 -1.716 -0.021 2663 5,744 5,744 -1.704 -1.724 -0.020 2664 5,128 5,128 -1.708 -1.728 -0.020 2665 8,175 8,175 -1.690 -1.711 -0.021 2666 19,169 19,169 -1.628 -1.650 -0.022 2667 75,984 75,984 -1.307 -1.337 -0.030 2668 78,027 78,040 -1.296 -1.326 -0.030 2669 75,145 75,145 -1.312 -1.342 -0.030 2670 73,997 73,997 -1.318 -1.348 -0.030 2671 90,947 90,947 -1.223 -1.254 -0.032 2672 162,788 162,679 -0.816 -0.859 -0.042 2673 193,787 193,444 -0.641 -0.689 -0.048 2674 135,125 135,813 -0.973 -1.007 -0.034 2675 22,239 22,650 -1.611 -1.631 -0.020 2676 16,938 16,944 -1.641 -1.663 -0.022 2677 17,100 17,100 -1.640 -1.662 -0.022 2678 12,497 12,497 -1.666 -1.687 -0.021 Summarv Results No-Build Jobs Accessible IBuild Jobs Accessible Average 307,235 318,307 Median 327,126 341,062 Standard Deviation 176,922 181,261 Appendix B: Place Type Definitions from I magi ne 2040 Place Type Summary Document Section B- Place Type Palette `��1�-.�'ylf��" :4 = - • ���.�; `,s �,w � r ,r� _ � � , y. . _� !� °' -'`� �� � . �� _ � ' �- ,� : _ �re�, �R - � + � ,�� �� �� . : �..s � �� ���' 3� � � �� �ti�d ' � `� . - :�r�i � �'wNsR�,s�d1�' . ," : � ,� �, � ��� � �, � `_ � +� w' °�, � '� �-_� -�.�, � � �. ' � � - 'a�:y ,.�,'tli.� a & ..��� ,�r.:� ��i����I���` ,._ ��� - �� �. . �t'4/. r . ��t-{M{ �T^^j - 1-� �� _;`�..� � ��. �� ��r��i::���'±����.J ����� Y� . 4 ��,r ��Y '� �'�I;� � . ,A1 �f � � �� y . .�. i�.�R`' _' " '� � n,:� • � ;� " � � .�" : , ° '��� ��: � b.: ,. a � � ��' �� � � r•' ' "- _- � -�� -� ��"�'�T°�` s `� � � ;� r �i� ,� � _ . � �y Aplace type palette was created for Imagine 2040 to identify and describe different development patterns, types, and intensities prevalent in the region. Other place types were added to the palette to represent emerging development themes or concepts popular in the region (e.g., transit-oriented development, traditional neighborhood development, or new village centers). The intent of the palette was to include enough diversity between place types so that participants would have sufficient means to describe their vision and plans for the region. The palette is not intended as an exhaustive list of every potential place type, and efforts were made to minimize the number of categories to allow for a meaningful comparison between development scenarios. Place types created for Imagine 2040 include: • parks and open space • working farm • ruralliving Imagine 2040 ,;,.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ♦�'�r� `� �� . - ..r : c7 � .. � �.�r° I:� � �� •�, ��- '�� <�� �a : ��E +i.i� ti,, _ : : . , , s:� r�.�, mobile home park large-lot residential neighborhood shade tree residential neighborhood small-lot residential neighborhood multi-family residential neighborhood mixed-density residential neighborhood urban neighborhood high-rise residential rural cross roads neighborhood commercial center suburban commercial center suburban hotel suburban ofFice center regional employment center light industrial center heavy industrial center mixed-use neighborhood mixed-use center town center transit-oriented development metropolitan center airport civic and institutional health care campus university campus Detailed descriptions for all twenty-eight place types are provided on the following pages. B.I Parks and Open Space (POS) Parks and open space include active and passive land dedicated for conservation. These areas are typically undisturbed or undeveloped and have been protected from development by local, state, and federal agencies or by public, private, and nonprofit organizations. In the region, Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • state park / wildlife refuge area • natural area • wildlife corridor • greenway • stormwater retention / detention area • community park • athletic fields Secondary Land Uses • cemetery • water dependent, recreation activities • community park B.2 ❑ these areas include state parks, permanent conservation areas, park land, athletic fields, cemeteries, and dedicated open space within residential neighborhoods. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor N/A Typical Lot Coverage N/A Residential Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height N/A Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size N/A Transportation Choices Auto, Bicycle,Wall<ing Typical Bloci< Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line N/A Open Space Elemenu NaturalAreas,Greenways Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions N/A Typical Street Cross Section Rural/Suburban General Water Usage N/A General Sewer Usage N/A ... �� � .i� �,�� _,;�i��r �, ij�.�r�r�� r:,.,� .;,..._ included in the form and �attern table. Imagine 2040 � ,. :r.� — ;i�- � . ` � fl ;� � �i�,-� ,"'�-�r .,�� � �.• ��r ��� �s`�,. ?� � ;� �' � j. . >::H e + ���";:��,��'.� '� � �a .�! a �,, � ,,, �' �` -._...�„ � ,� C � t � ,W .`�.,.- , �I '- • <� , � � , � ,n .� �' �i `�+� t ; ; ��� , � �� — - �, ; ��: , �I�`. � � , i ... � !r� n: , � T,� e . �1���� :•4,�`�- � e�� ' �. � � , ���� . ��I, . � r i r � : � �i �.�� � ��� , / ���:c J 7 . r�'iS .� , . � �� 7 � i:r�'" ,,����i !. �, .. s n �el�i `�'�� `-=. , .. ,-� Place Type Palette There are locations throughout the Triangle Region identified as parks and open space. These areas protect the region's natural terrain and water features, serve as buffers between incompatible land uses, and provide areas for active recreation. Notable sites include: Homestead State Park, Eno River State Park, Lake Crabtree County Park, Blue Jay Point County Park, Hemlock Bluffs, and Falls Lake Trail. There are also properties throughout the region held in conservation easements or owned outright with the expressed purpose of preservation. Imagine 2040 � Working Farm (WF) ❑ Working farms are acfively being used for primary residence of the property owner and any agriculture or forestry activities, including out-buildings associated with activities on the cultivated farmland, timber harvest, livestock, working farm. or woodlands. These areas also support the Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • cultivated farmland • timber harvest • livestock • woodlands Secondary Land Uses • single-family detached home • warehouse/storage • light industrial (ancillary to farm activities) B.4 Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 99% Typical Lot Coverage I-5% Residential Density 0.05-0.10 D.U's2/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.05-0.10 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I Story Average Dwelling Unit Size 1,500-2,000 SF' Average Non-Residential Building Size N/A Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blod< Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Cultivated Farmland, Woodlands Street Pattern N/A Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions N/A Typical Street Cross Section Rural General Water Usage (per SF) Varies General Sewer UsaQe (per SF) Varies induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 � � - r . � � � ► � w � � � f: � , - ,. .�► :--� ' �-� ' . . � ' � � � �, ^,� • .. `"��, � �� � .IF-.ry. ,� f y•. a �'.�'"`' ,+/ ,� k- � �� � - Y � '�:�.,�' '� `+� v � ` ro- �,,, � � Y ��.���`_ , �. �` . . - �.� a � . � 4, , ' . - � � ►��- ''ir'�' Place Type Palette Working farms are typically located in areas with fertile soils and good drainage. Large and small farms are scattered throughout the region; however, their frequency decreases as proximity to urban centers increases. This is a direct result of land prices and demand for other uses in urban areas. Working farms prevalent in the region produce hogs, poultry, tobacco, soybean, strawberries, cotton, peanuts, and small grains. Imagine 2040 � Rural Living (RL) Rural living areas are characterized by large lots, abundant open space, pastoral views, and a high degree of separation between buildings. Residential homes and hobby farms are scattered throughout the countryside and often integrated into the natural landscape. The lot size and separation between buildings decreases approaching areas with greater development densities. Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home • mobile home • hobby farm Secondary Land Uses • CIIUCCiI • natural areas B.6 ❑ Buildings at the edges of most rural areas are generally oriented toward highways and have direct access to the adjacent highway through a private driveway. More dense development in the place type may take the form of conservation-based subdivisions (a.k.a. cluster development), which leave larger areas for permanent open space and uninterrupted views of the surrounding countryside. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 99% Typical Lot Coverage 5-10% Residential Density 0.05-0.33 D.U'sZlAcre Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height I Story Average Dwelling Unit Size 1,500-2,000 SF3 Average Non-Residential Building Size I,000-1,500 SF3 Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blod< Length 2,500-5,000 LF^ Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Cultivated Farmland, Woodlands Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions Private Driveways Typical Street Cross Section Rural General Water Usage (per unit) 250 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit) 250 GPD induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(S.F.) - Square Feet a(�F) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 ="-' '� ... � � �� _ p ..u«_ L14.� � - ���l��i�1 Place Type Palette Rural living areas are present throughout the region. Many people choose to live in these places as a result of their connection to agriculture, proximity to natural areas or scenic views, or the enjoyment of living in a natural setting. . 'r ,nii °' ���`,� 'p,_ . . . .i��.�. , �' ' �� . ����ii�,� :71 .. 1� 1 . ,.. �'�_r,. _- ;;. ��;:�.�. a "d�� � � � �� �"" -.�, � �� ., �. � � a� r J� :-_ _ .. ` A ,. - _ . .. � " ^-_ '`:.�f__ . . - • .r�+'�-. i � ._ �.� .. _3y _ �� � .+ P - � -' . � � . ' . y.- ._ � ` . - �- - -�_ _ ..- �_ � �� �� s 'T•--_ - _ - _ A1r� �� _ _ 3 Imagine 2040 � Mobile Home Community (MHP) Mobile home parks are characterized by single-wide and double-wide mobile homes on individual lots, which may be clustered in an area owned and managed by a single entity. These Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-wide mobile home • double-wide mobile home • modular home Secondary Land Uses • community center • pool and amenities B.8 ❑ neighborhoods are found throughout the region and often provide an affordable housing option for residents. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Siz Transportation Choices Typical Block Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Parl<ing Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per unit) General Sewer Usage (per unit) induded in the forrn and �attern table. Separated Uses 90-95 % 50-65 % 6-12 D.U:szlAcre N/A I Story 500-I,000 SF3 e N/A Auto 400-800 LF4 Setback Requirements Greenways, Natural Areas Curvilinear Low Private Driveway Rural/Suburban 200 GPD 200 GPD z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(S.F.) - Square Feet a(�F) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 � _ "" -� - �ll _ ` �� � , j - �' ., � ; $ r �---' ' � , P - ._ � „�. � :-.. � ,�-� �� A � ��^ ' ` �� a.l - � yi _ � ,a ' i�, r - ' . ,, r � '� � �-. _ � . � i. � � �' � � ,�r'�'�:,�'` - �! a�- ;� '1 � � •�1 � �� k �-_ � e `t�h M I�Y � b �' �—� �. _ � 4 i .; 1 X �- � � y .�� k�` . - .. � . k �`i.� � � . ' � �� ��` ' 1�`� ti � .. � Place Type Palette Mobile home parks are scattered throughout the region. Some local governments restrict them to designated areas or districts. It is common for mobile home communities to be located in both rural or suburban areas of the region. � � �' ' "��� " ' � l 4 �,� �r�1i ' '' � �! ' h� 1�,� �� � n � � � � . � I '� � 9 � �'}r � , �i + '' ' k'� .J�, ��F . )' I' '� , �' .'t -+� ..�b�. � � � i �n �� � �' ' � � -�' s � ''�" � �� 14'�{��'1 � �l : � � � � �,' , �� _ '� �'�' ' � . , � � � ��,. � �" '" ` 1 � ' ' � � ,� ��j,� �� � d -=;,z -_ _ �' - � . . ... z� �� .� `' � �� ' � ' _ �'� � _ � • _ � � __ �- �� � �.o��,y� ' _ _ � __ - -- - �- � I� �� ' ` �W ��� �� �� � � � � ; �� �,���!� �',�� �� ' 9 il � � R N; �, �._ _ �._ f q �-�'rt� � .. �.. —s � , _�`-� � � � '� I _. __6 :'•�=s���— - - ._ �- � � -- � + ' y ��s� _ r� '. �� �� �+ - , �� -�,�,� -�� �.� � c , � �e� � � � � �.. � � 1,. • ' '� °- ^. � �����ti� - - - _ ''�.. � �4 �_� Imagine 2040 � Large-Lot, Residential Neighborhood (LLRN) Large-Lot residential neighborhoods are generally formed as subdivisions and consist almost entirely of single-family detached homes. Buildings are oriented interior to the site and are typically buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses, topography, or vegetative areas. Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home Secondary Land Uses • CiIUfCII • SC{lOOI • community center • pool and amenities • natural areas • horse stable B.10 ❑ Many neighborhoods 'borrow' open space from adjacent rural or natural setrings. Blocks are typically large and streets rural or suburban in character. In some cases, the neighborhood is served by only one long cul-de- sac. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Blod< Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Parl<ing Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per unit) General Sewer Usage (per unit) induded in the forrn and �attern table. Separated Uses 85-95% 30-65 % 0.33-I.00 D.U'sz/Acre N/A I -3 Stories 2,500-7,000 SF3 N/A Auto 800- I ,500 LF^ Setback Requirements Greenways, Natural Areas Curvilinear Low Private Driveway Rural or Suburban 250 GPD 200 GPD z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(S.F.) - Square Feet a(�F) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Large-lot, residential neighborhoods are generally found on the fringes of rural or suburban living areas. They are traditionally auto-dependent, with low street connectivity and an abundance of cul-de-sacs. Imagine 2040 � ShadeTree, Residential Neighborhood (STRN) Shade tree, residential neighborhoods include homes built in the post-WWII era on streets now with mature trees. They are found in close proximity to traditional urban centers, and provide the rooftops necessary to support nearby commercial and employment areas. Home architecture, building setbacks, and lot size and Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home Secondary Land Uses • duplex • mobile hoome • CiIUfCII • SC{lOOI • community center • parl< or playground • natural areas B.12 ■ width may vary within the same neighborhood. Lakes, parkland, and community buildings (e.g., schools, churches, or community centers) are prevalent features in the neighborhood. Large blocks and curvilinear streets make shade- tree, residential neighborhoods typically auto- dependent. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 25-65% Residential Density I-4 D.U'sZ/Acre Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height I-2 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 1,500-2,500 SF3 Average Non-Residential Building Size N/A Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blod< Length 800-1,500 LF^ Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Greenways, Natural Areas Street Pattern Modified Grid Street Connectivity Medium Parl<ing Provisions Private Driveway Typical Street Cross Section Suburban General Water Usage (per unit) 250 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit) 200 GPD induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(S.F.) - Square Feet a(�F) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Shade tree, residential neighborhoods in the Triangle-Region were generally developed between the 1950s and1970s in places like Apex, Cary, and Morrisville. Imagine 2040 � Small-Lot, Residential Neighborhood (SLRN) Small-lot, residential neighborhoods are generally formed as subdivisions or communities, with a relatively uniform housing type and density throughout. They are often found in close proximity to commercial and suburban ofFice centers, and provide the rooftops necessary to Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home • townhome • duplex Secondary Land Uses • CiIUfCII • SCI100I • community center • pool and amenities • natural areas B.14 n support the centers. Homes are oriented interior to the neighborhood and are typically buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses or landscaped areas. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Blod< Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattei-n Street Connectivity Parl<ing Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per unit) General Sewer Usage (per unit) Separated Uses 80-90 % 25-65% I-5 D.U:s�/Acre N/A I -2 Stories 1,500-3,500 SF3 N/A Auto 600- I ,200 LF4 Setback Requirements Greenways, Natural Areas Curvilinear Low Private Driveway Rural or Suburban 250 GPD 200 GPD � ,. ,: � _ � induded in the form and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(S.F.) - Square Feet a(�F) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 ,s ��,, '� �,; om '� _ ����- ��+ 3< < �rr_ - - � �: _. i d �_ 4 ��', — o - ��_ � � :��� r�� �, _ �. _ ,� �a_ �, p, , � � $. j �,,.��E�� ��"'• = , .,� . _- ; ��•�'' ,� �`'i�. � '; - , : . � _.�a. Place Type Palette Small-lot, residential neighborhoods are found near suburban commercial and office centers. They often locate near schools or parks and tend to have reasonable access to major commuter corridors. Ideally, these neighborhoods are marketed as having better than average commute times. Imagine 2040 � Multi-Family Residential Neighborhood (MFRN) Multi-family residential neighborhoods are generally formed as complexes or communities, with a relatively uniform housing type and density throughout. They support the highest residential density in the suburban landscape, and may contain one of the following housing types: condominiums, townhomes, senior housing, or apartments. Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • apartment • townhome • condominium • senior housing Secondary Land Uses • CilUfCil • community center • pool and amenities • natural areas B.16 ❑ Multi-family suburban neighborhoods are found in close proximity to suburban commercial and office centers, and provide the rooftops necessary to support various suburban commercial and office uses within the centers. Buildings are oriented interior to the site and are typically buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses or landscaped areas. Large parking lots and low street connectivity are common in multi-family suburban neighborhoods. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 90-95% Typical Lot Coverage 30-60% Residential Density 6.0-16.0 D.U:s�/Acre Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height I-4 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-1,500 SF3 Average Non-Residential Building Size N/A Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blod< Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity 600- I ,200 LF^ Setback Requirements Greenways, Neighborhood Park Modified Grid Medium Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot / On-Street Parl<ing Typical Street Cross Section Suburban General Water Usage (per unit) 220 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit) 180 GPD included in the form and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 _===�`_ _ � .�� � : _ �. - - '�+ � � ::} = � �.;_ � ,� � � �� - - �i.,,.,� Afi.. . .. ,N Rj' 4� ' ' �r'� ��� - - - ,,'�':• --u:� .T � ` � � � I � �+�` � � � � � Ir � � -_ . �.� _ ,. . �.:�r_�` �. �. � � �� ' ' -- - ', — - � •�� ' � -+. —'-�: ;��,I���--. ''' i f � � � � _+y.. �.,._,., `j �,. �i _ . �aa. . .; +��� � � —_ ' . . . � � . . . ... �: t � � _—. , __ _. ....�!', .- � _ t IX— � � .. _ _ _ .i _ � . ��� F�� �. .-.I t J�._�.-,.�._� .. l� �I __ ' � iw - y •f _ ' _ . 'E-�-0[ .Mv- AF __ . . -_ t. _ , .� _ . .. Place Type Palette Multi family residentia! neighborhoods are often found near various suburban commercia! and office centers. They are found throughout the region; often on or near major commuter corridors or near highway interchanges that offer better than average commute times. i ,r,r'^,�� � �'::c... f� I � ��� �°''. � �. � � Y. Imagine 2040 � Mixed-Density Residential Neighborhood (MRN) Mixed-density residential neighborhoods are characterized by a variety of housing types and residential densities organized in a cohesive, well-connected community. Neighborhoods are generally designed to promote a wide range of housing choices in the region. Homes are oriented interior to the site and are typically buffered from surrounding development by Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or condifional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home • townhome • condominium • apartment • duplex Secondary Land Uses • natural areas • community center • pool and amenities • SCilOOI • CiIUCCII B.18 ❑ transition uses or landscaped areas. Small blocks and a modified grid of streets support multiple modes of transportation. Mixed-density residential neighborhoods are found in close proximity to suburban commercial and suburban ofiFice centers, and provide the rooftops necessary to support commercial and office uses within the centers. Form & Pattern1 The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of HousingTypes Site Efficiency Factor 85-90% Typical Lot Coverage 0-40% Residential Density 4-12 D.U'sz/Acre Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height I-3 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 1,500-2,000 SF' Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Block Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity NA Auto, Walking 400- I ,200 LF4 Setbacl< Requirements Neighborhood Parks/ Greenways/ Storm Corridors Modified Grid High Parl<ing Provisions Privace Driveway, Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section N/A General Water Usage (per unit) 225 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit) 200 GPD included in the form and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 � ;� _,,� � �,—; . � _._,�,� � � � �. - :���� a = ���x�� �� .r: � ' -� : �y� �- ��� �-�,� � - _- -- � . - _, � ;. .� 1� �M M1 �. _L� � [: � t y � A _' �, f � �'.�, . r �-;,r '��, . ,: �� ��' �'7:. `�`:. � ,� ��eao� � , �, .?� � �;���I���! Y ��,- �� �� � �. fi� �;�;,� � -� ,'' ��__'� . 1i. � i i _.J ,,J �; „ ., � � r� :.... ��. `_��� - , - ,I �� �j� _.. _ y �:. - � � !� � — — �, ��� ��.� � �� � � �'_ � � - �—� I � � � '}L _ ' i � � ,'� � � � � �' � Place Type Palette Mixed-density residential neighborhoods are found near suburban commercial and office centers. They often locate near schools or parks and tend to have reasonable access to major commuter corridors. Ideally, these neighborhoods are better than average commute times. ��-.__ _— - � . 1 - , � � i� � r.� '� - I �� - . I .Y I � � ��� �� ��r� � � tl. � �� i � - 1 �. `p � .. , . ,. _ ���� ar�. `� __ �� ._ _ ii� .- s . w_.� � �° ._ � ��n `-i' ' � �i.. ' - � . "� 5 r . � � �' 7. �- t-', �. . � ? �"'''^�• _ _ _ _ Imagine 2040 � Urban Neighborhood (UN) Urban neighborhoods support a mix of moderate- to high-density housing options. These neighborhoods are relatively compact, and may contain one or more of the following housing types: small lot, single family detached, townhomes, condominiums, or apartments. Buildings are generally oriented toward the street. Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home • townhome • duplex • apartment • condominium Secondary Land Uses • CiIUfCII • SC{lOOI • pocketparks B.20 ❑ The design and scale of development in an urban neighborhood encourages acfive living with a complete and comprehensive network of walkable streets. Cul-de-sacs are restricted to areas where topography, environment, or existing development makes other street connections prohibifive. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of Uses Site E�ciency Factor� 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage•'` 30-65% Residential Density 6-10 D.U:sZ/Acre Non-Residential Intensity N/A Prevailing Building Height I-3 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size I,000-2,000 SF3 Average Non-Residential Building Size N/A Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blocl< Length 300-600 LF" Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Greenways, Neighborhood Park Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot, Private Driveway Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per unit) 225-250 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit) 180-200 GPD included in the form and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Urban neighborhoods are traditionally located near the edge of urban centers or downtowns. They often represent the first tier of residential development around a central city, town, or courthouse area and are well served by a series of streets connecting the central city and post WWII era suburbs. Imagine 2040 � High-Rise Residential (HRR) High-rise residential areas support the highest residential densities in the region outside of metropolitan centers. They generally include one building surrounded by surface parl<ing, which can Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • apartment • condominium Secondary Land Uses • senior housing • ground floor retail • pocket park B.22 ❑ easily be seen for some distance from the site. Some high-rise residential buildings may include parl<ing decks. Apartments and condominiums occupy high-rise residential towers in the region. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Patter Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Blocl< Length Setbacl< or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Parking Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per unit) General Sewer Usage (per unit) included in the form and �attern table. Mix of Uses 90-95 % 85-95 % 28-100 D.U'szlAcre N/A 10-25 Stories 800-2,000 SF3 N/A Auto,Wall<ing, Transit N/A Build to Line Requirements Pocket Parks, Public Plazas N/A N/A Surface Lot/Parl<ing Decl< Urban 180 GPD 150 GPD z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(S.F.) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 � _ : : ;� =_.s.J,� ,�*� �' =�,� �" � `i"�'�� � x" -�`'•' � _ �` ��� `�� � �—. ,,;��,,, }_ _ � !�� ��. �� `��! Place Type Palette High-rise residential areas outside metropolitan centers are limited in the Triangle Region. Exist- ing developments include , , and . Imagine 2040 � Rural Cross Roads (RCR) Rural cross roads represent the small nodes of commercial activity along rural highways. Small-scale businesses, such as gas stations, convenience stores, or restaurants, serve some Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • gas station • sit down restaurant • convenience store • hardware store Secondary Land Uses • fire station • post office • general government center B.24 ❑ daily needs of the surrounding rural population. Employment and other commercial needs for rural residents are provided for in other suburban commercial and suburban office centers. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 90-95% Typical Lot Coverage 10-25% Residential Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.10-0.20 FAR2 Prevailing Building Height I Story Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size I,000-2,000 SF3 Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blocl< Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Natural Areas, Stream Corridors Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions Surface Parking Lot Typical Street Cross Section Rural General Water Usage (per SF) 0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.034 GPD induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 �� � � �LR[ J ' . y. j1,'i +l R ' , � ��_ .-- . �""� •Y _ .__ . � � �� � �� � �� ,.1 , - "�i � � � �i , �,,�- _i� �� r� �i 1' I "`- �, " r ;�� ��UI�'iW �J79 I�� �r-- � -__ _ �:. . _ �•,., �,V�K�r��— ■■i�r■����� ' � � ����r�r[��,��' `�� "T' � �! ""�' I:s"'_'� T''-��. .T �= � - _ ��:����,�'1 ���a�� y ��_ �' � � � ''' `�'.� �� �, i � �: �� �, i � � Place Type Palette Rural cross roads are generally located near the intersection of two farm-to-market roads (i.e., rural highways) where small-scale commercial uses are often clustered. .. _ _ ' •,:; �; � � - �-- _ _ , -;;� : , ., . ,,� ',� '.f 1� � - �= � �, - , � � - --. - , ., ' � , � . Imagine 2040 � Neighborhood Commercial Center (NCC) Small scale, neighborhood commercial centers provide goods and services to surrounding neighborhoods. Their proximity to neighborhoods requires that operations be low-intensity, unobtrusive, and at a scale and design compatible with nearby residential development. The design of neighborhood commercial centers transitions effectively between residential and non-residential Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • sit down restaurant • community-serving retail • small supermarket • convenience store • dry cleaner • bank • barber shop Secondary Land Uses • farmers market • pocketpark ❑ uses, and includes safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access for nearby residents. While this is primarily a commercial category, some neighborhood commercial centers may include upper story residential. Sites also effectively minimize the impact of cut through traffic on nearby neighborhood streets by orienting vehicle access, circulation, etc. toward away from the neighborhood. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Patter Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 25-35% Residential Density 10-15 D.U'sZlAcre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-I.00 FAR3 Prevailing Building Height I-2 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 5,000-20,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Walking, Bicycle, Bus Typical Blocl< Length 400-I,000 LFS Setbacl< or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirements Open Space Elements Pocket Parks, Public Plazas Street Pattern Modified Grid Street Connectivity H igh Parking Provisions Surface Lot/On-Street Parl<ing Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per SF) 0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.034 GPD _ , _. � , �.� _ ,._ ,���, �� . . �,��,�,�, , . , . � , � included in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s � Imagine 2040 �ii � � i� i� �. �T`;_:. . L -31 I : �� � ��� ��s � � ����� �� ��::���.� ��. � �� �� � ���� :T_� Place Type Palette Neighborhood commercial centers are generally located adjacent to residential neighborhoods near major street intersections. Existing village centers in the region include , , and . .������}- �'�, � � � � �`," �� ��� '� t - ` -�,���„ E,�, - _ � � -� _ - i�,. ,� `„�'�' _- _ � - i' � � '� � �. r � �� � � � .,; . , � � Imagine 2040 � Suburban Commercial Center (SCC) Suburban commercial centers serve the daily needs of surrounding residential neighborhoods They typically locate near high-volume roads and key intersections, and are designed to be accessible primarily by automobile. Buildings are set back from the road behind large surface Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • general commercial services • sit down or fast food restaurant • multi-tenant commercial • big box commercial • bank • hotel • professional office Secondary Land Uses • CilUfCil • fire station • police station ■ parking lots, with little or no connectivity between adjacent businesses. Common types of suburban centers in the region include multi- tenant strip centers, big box stores, and large shopping malls. Form & Pattern The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Blod< Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Parl<ing Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per SF) General Sewer Usage (per SF) induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet Separated Uses 80-90% 20-40% N/A 0.15-0.25 FARZ I -2 Stories N/A 10,000-300,000 SF3 Auto N/A Setback Requirements Natural Areas N/A N/A Surface Lot Suburban 0.039 GPD 0.034 GPD � Imagine 2040 , _. ,�a� � _, � ��i:t'l7a I - � � � �}f � �' ',-r`, ������ — . ,�� ��.e _,-- — � Place Type Palette Suburban commercial centers typically locate near high-volume roads, key intersections, and highway interchanges. They are often surrounded by residential development and other suburban commercial uses, and most sites are chosen to maximize vehicular access. Imagine 2040 � Suburban Hotel (SH) Suburban hotels provide short term lodging to the general public, and may include one or more buildings surrounded by surface parking lots. The buildings are generally oriented interior to the site and can be seen for some distance. They tend to locate near high-volume roads and key Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • ilOte� • motel Secondary Land Uses • sit-down restaurant • fast-food restaurant • fitness club • small scale retail • gas station B.30 ■ intersections, and are designed to be accessible primarily by automobile. Common types of hotels in the region include: business hotel, motel, and extended-stay hotel. Several hotels also include one or more ancillary uses such as conference centers, sit-down restaurants, or night clubs. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separate Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 30-50% Residential Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.2-I.00 FARZ Prevailing Building Height 2-8 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 15,000-125,000 SF3 Transportation Choices Auto Typical Block Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Natural Areas Street Pattern N/A Street Connectivity N/A Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot, Parl<ing Deck Typical Street Cross Section Suburban General Water Usage (per SF) 0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.034 GPD � ,. ,: � _ � induded in the form and �attern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 �� -� �' �, ` �. '�. ° " f , '�' � j . .fi T'�'4 ��" �� � � T�� r � . _ .. � ��. � � �� �v � i � � y � ti i tr°� , x i�� ry ��,, 1 � � r — �� ��� � �''��� ..'� Jr ' , �� _- - �'. - �'. ��� � � _�� � L� � � `� �• . � ...�ro . � �� - �� .,`';�� �.n _ � �, � ...L�4 ti. � . .-.. ��� i� ��-� �� xs G �'�:�,�+`. - � - � � iw� �' s`-� .u. ;.,. .. , � T -_ . I Place Type Palette Hotel and lodging areas are present throughout the region, mostly along major thoroughfares and at interstate interchanges. Hotels and motels along Airport Boulevard immediately south of Raleigh-Durham Internafional Airport and Interstate 40 provide some examples for the region. _ � . ' ��Fy� .,,. _ . v �� k - ���' '� ,,' - � . . � � ��i _ _ �_—' -. ,� `�,� ,; �' # a i K'� � � i �' �� � ,� , � °�� ' �' ; ,a � � i � � � ,.. ; �i � �'� � � �'�� ' � 1�� II, I ��I� � •...:. �' �'ti 9 � �� � J y �d � � r4p ��I r7J ^_ 12II, �� �` � �� ��. � ��� y�.��.,� � � ! I � �r�� rs� � � � � � � , � � �� .� S• T ' � � � 7 � � � � i � � � � � � � � � 5 l �iP e���i W � � �I � � � � � � . � .�S � � .. �. ...�-- � . {�s- .. 1��" _ `E :� �` ..���' . —�'� '��: r "� - __ " j..`", • � '�. � _ � � n3 #= . �� , '� y �� i�; '�� � ; ' � ��. ' : -�,i�i, '-� " �� ' _ �' ' - _ e �; � _ ��. �- � = � I=� � � . �- �.r - - ' �_` — _ —�� . . _ '` �. ��� _ � _ , � . s- � �� , �- � y� � �;' � t, , - t � . a � S."� � � _ . . ;.� � ;�,, _ .. � .. . _ +�i's... �, � �, � � p �� . -� � 't� �P.'. �J��` . . �—L _ ' _' Imagine 2040 : � B.3 I Suburban Office Center (SOC) Suburban office centers provide opportunities to concentrate employment in the region on normal workdays. They include both large-scale isolated buildings with numerous employees as well as areas containing multiple businesses Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • multi-tenant professional ofFice • medical ofFice • corporate ofFice • call center • research and development Secondary Land Uses • bank • copy and printing services • sit down or fast food restaurant • flex space • general government services B.32 ■ that support and serve one another. They are typically buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses or landscaped areas and are often located in close proximity to major highways or thoroughfares. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 25-65% Residential Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.20-I.00 FARZ Prevailing Building Height I-3 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-100,000 SF3 Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blod<Length 800-1,200 LF^ Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Pocket Parl<s/Landscape Buffers Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section Suburban General Water Usage (per SF) 0.074 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.064 GPD induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF.) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 �� ,�; :1�1�L a � � I�� ■ j ; ��E.:. . _ , � �7 ��{�_ � l�� � �e� i �� ��• �f jRA� � �� Y'��,����l�n,` �� ` P'F = il:i: �',i��.:��' �`�dK �s:..aq,�.7 _ .- - �•- �' � : a: �`. �.. _ ��` Ya� , : . � �� -:: � � x ___- :_� `� ��� � �. ..r� : _, ve:.+a�• � �4 - ��-. � �{..� �. ��� �� �� �� ��� �� � � �� '�� _ _ _ �. �y���� Place Type Palette Suburban office centers are typically located near major thoroughfares or suburban commercial uses. Accessibility to urban centers, employment service populations, and access to regional transportation (i.e., interstates and intrastate highways, and airportsJ are often site selection criteria for suburban office uses. , j -- I �' � - ��� �� �� �� , - _ � ��� '� ��I � � - I�� ■■� ���, _ -_ ., � ■■�I�� � =���. __: �.- � -�� � ��� �� . ���A{ �: �� �! _ _ � l� �V' � - L �� � � � �` � � � c� �� - ����i k^�� IC� • � �'7�' r�„� +� �_�? �-� Y � . `r"`"�-$P�`�� _ ��J _� .� ' �4'=' - _ '�'" �c'+�'�.,�J� �'- .'�. ,. � s. . -. a'S .�.�'i:T"",# Imagine 2040 � Regional Employment Center (REC) A regional employment center draws people from throughout the region (and beyond) for employment activities. The large-scale development, which includes a hierarchy of streets, large sites for a building or group of buildings, and supporting amenities and dedicated open space. Centers tend to locate near major transportation corridors and often Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • professional ofFice • corporate campus • research and development • government buildings Secondary Land Uses • small retail uses • restaurants ■ at the intersection of two major highways or an interstate exit. Uses in a regional employment center vary greatly; however, most complement each other in some manner for increased learning, production, or other economies of scale. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separate Uses Site Efficiency Factor 70-85% Typical Lot Coverage 25-65% Residencial Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.10-0.50 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-10 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 50,000-500,000 SF^ Transportation Choices Auto,Walking,Transit Typical Blocl< Length 800-3,000 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Setbacl< Requirements Open Space Elements Pocl<et Parks, Greenways Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot, Parking Decl< Typical Street Cross Section Suburban/Rural General Water Usage (per SF) 0.074 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.064 GPD induded in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s � Imagine 2040 �. � #, �� � , � ��: `; _. �;��,��Y W"i���' . - �I,� a;.fi, �.�. ! _ ' 'r � - � ����:���9�P ' . . � y_-. t,� a� t - ' a { �f'.���^ � �. � r 'r� � �1' � '/ (yt1 ��� �r� � � � —v�`aE��Fr;1 : .��� Q J. '} �,.Fy� I � � � �.r, .1 h ! � .�r" i � .'Ir� �y �_�a �, �l .� L .� . �" ' ..... . .� r �� ' i _ F �� ` . �_ i ��_�` . � _ i �' \ � j Y�� -.� ..�j.. � r�'?�•' �� , :�::::`.-.a�,r,:;1IE' Place Type Palette Regional employment centers represent large tracts of land with good access to major thoroughfares, interstates, or railroad facilities. The Research Triangle Park is an example of a very large regional employment center in the Triangle Region. '�� , _ - �_ - � � r �,� � _ '� - � __ � — � 71 � . � I � ' � ■ � - �� � � � I - _ �_ .. � � 1 _ � �, _ �J � f t �� 7' � Ill � � �� .- l�1 I � � � ! ..i �3_- _ � �[ - � �._� � • . — — - _ �,�� y -. - � - � �I ■ .. . __ _s�� ' � „� � �_ �� i� u r �.� � � T� � � _ — �. � ■� � � Imagine 2040 � Light Industrial Center (LI) Light Industrial centers provide opportunities to concentrate employment in the region on normal worl<days. Each center generally supports manufacturing and production uses, including warehousing, light manufacturing, medical research, and assembly operations. These areas are found in close proximity to major transportation corridors (i.e., highway or rail) Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • light manufacturing and assembly • processing facilities • laboratory • warehouse • distribution Secondary Land Uses • small scale commercial uses • natural areas B.36 ❑ and are generally buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses or landscaped areas that shield the view of structures, loading docks, or outdoor storage from adjacent properties. Clusters of uses that support or serve one another are often encouraged to locate in the same light industrial center. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separated Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 15-65% Residential Density N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.10-0.20 FARz Prevailing Building Height I-2 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N(A Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-50,000 SF' Transportation Choices Auto,Trucl<s Typical Block Length 800- I,200 LF4 Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Landscape Buffers Street Pattern Curvilinear Street Connectivity Low Parking Provisions Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section Suburban General Water Usage (per SF) 0.079 GPD General Sewer Usage 0.069 GPD induded in the forrn and �attern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF.) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 ,�'�� -_ � ' � �.� . `- r � T . � ei n i. ;=;-_.- _ l l �� ��� Y�� i �-� '�,��:;� �r � � �" �:^.+� � �.�.� t... �� � � � � = I� �i_�/�e�� A ' -. '� _ � Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Light industrial centers are found near major transportation corridors (i.e., highways or railJ and in locations where water and sewer service is available. They tend to locate away from residential areas but within a reasonable commuting distance of employees. Light industrial uses also are prevalent near airports and commercial centers and along designated trucking routes. �� �� � ���'''�a+�,�`�` �;� � ��_- — – -- _ � B.37 Heavy Industrial Center (HI) Heavy industrial centers support large-scale manufacturing and production uses, including assembly and processing, regional warehousing and distribution, bulk storage, and utilities. These areas are found in close proximity to major transportation corridors (e.g., highways or railroads) and are generally buffered from surrounding development by transitional uses or landscaped areas that increase in size Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • factory • heavy assembly plant • construction contractor • regional warehouse • regional distribution and trucking • landfill Secondary Land Uses • small scale commercial uses • natural areas B.38 ❑ as development intensity increases. Heavy industrial centers may require larger sites because activities are not confined entirely to buildings. Conveyer belts, holding tanks, smoke stacks, or outdoor storage all may be present in a heavy industrial center. Clusters of uses that support or serve heavy industrial centers generally locate in close proximity. Form & Pattern The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Site Efficiency Factor Typical Lot Coverage Residential Density Non-Residential Intensity Prevailing Building Height Average Dwelling Unit Size Average Non-Residential Building Size Transportation Choices Typical Blocl< Length Setback or Build-To Line Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Parl<ing Provisions Typical Street Cross Section General Water Usage (per SF) General Sewer Usage (Per SF) induded in the forrn and �attern table. Separated Uses 80-90% I 0-40 % N/A 0.10-0.20 FARz I -2 Stories N/A 20,000-300,000 SF' Auto,Trucl<s 800- I ,200 LF� Setback Requirements Landscape Buffers Curvilinear Low Surface Lot Suburban 0.079 GPD 0.069 GPD z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet '(LF.) - Linear Feet Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Heavy industrial centers tend to require efficient access to trucking routes and regional transportation facilities. They locate near major transportation corridors (e.g., highways, interstates and/or railroads). They are generally located away from residential neighborhoods and often are found near other industrial uses. .- , __ - -- - - - �—� 1 _ --�� ^ _ _ • _ -- � _ zF_ _ ' �_��<< ._ 3,' ._�4�%�'� � � � � j c . -. � _ . G - � S�s J �" s ! � � . ' .` �� � " - . - _ � � , �' -� _ �ii _ � i _ W r �,� ,��. �� a�,� � � � ` . ,,,, . _ � - a.w � � ��# � �, ��� ' , � '�,. �7��� - _ . � '_ .},. fy + ��' i 2� �.. -. - - � �rp {_�� � � J , . �; ', . , ,_ „�.. � + . � .� , � -s ��. � i°. . - �i�� � . , ��±�,1N ' �Ir�,x►y'i�'..-- ��T�`2�. __ �' ��� - - r �s �.�r�° ,�� � , � .. u { �c;. - �, �> � - ° ; � ` _ *�, . � . E _ ��i`+ r '�� � `, . ��" �� �� _ ��'�' ,: �� , ``�� �� _ . ,, �� - � y � � t,,i. c; � -, s + __- _ aa� , - , fi .j C�� � -. ^ - ,y ��.�IA'!'u .-•=� • • � ' .��* �.� x � �} `� p`�'r,r.p�. f�'+�.tF ' � -� �, ,-z�=t`" �K -, ��R j�, � � ;�'s'_,�i+' _ -f "���' - .�f • . — !��- _ ��t� .�� _ ,� � . �'I '� � . � . � j . � � � � - ��.� �{ � � _: '�+•`�+tc . .s ,� + ',�,� "�� -t. _ � ,� � � 1 i� j•`,�� h _ � - . . - � 1+5.+r, � i _ �.i. �. � � � „ . �P � �� �.. ��� , �'F, 1 . r . �� ' , ' ,� � . . ..�. � _ �..�. r � , i.l�y� '� ' � �� S�� ,"� �► r j� f"��, ' � , � r � �Y � . , fi � � �' ;, - ��. �� .� t � s,�r 1�T '� � � - � •� ,. - #, r ",j ,yi � �ii- 'r � �r � - � � � a �r— 1*j �: `_ ' - � ; . - —' . ` y �' � '' �.' -��'�: r'� �;� : ;, ,� � , -'� .s.t . � . �� � - �� �;: Imagine 2040 � Mixed - Use Neighborhood (MUN) A mixed-use neighborhood offers residents the ability to live, shop, work, and play in one community. These neighborhoods include a mixture of housing types and residential densities integrated with goods and services in a walkable community that residents visit on a daily basis. Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • single-family detached home • condominium • apartment • townhome • sit down restaurant • neighborhood-serving commercial • professional ofFice • government building Secondary Land Uses • CilUfCil • SCilOOI • pocket park • community park • natural areas B.40 ❑ The design and scale of the development encourages active living through a comprehensive and interconnected network of walkable streets. Mixed-use neighborhoods support multiple modes of transportation. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 35-60% Residential Density 4-12 D.U's2lAcre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-1.50 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-4 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size I,000-3,000 SF4 Average Non-Residential Building Size 8,000-50,000 SF' Transportation Choices Auto,Wall<ing, Bicycle,Transit (Bus) Typical Block Length 300-1,200 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirement Open Space Elemencs Pocket Parl<s, Public Plazas,Amphitheater Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface LotlFormal On-Street Parking/ Shared ParkingAgreements Typical Street Cross Section Suburban/Urban General Water Usage (per unidSF) 225/0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit/SF) 200/0.034 GPD � � ,�� �; ,, _ . �i:���;r�_.. , � � ,__. induded in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s Imagine 2040 � Place Type Palette Mixed-use neighborhoods can be found near suburban and urban neighborhoods, commercial centers, and suburban office centers. They often locate near schools or parks and tend to have reasonable access to major commuter corridors. Ideally these neighborhoods are marketed as having better than average commute times with multiple transportation choices, including access to transit. The uses within the development's center are accessible to local populations by car, walking, and bicycling. Existing mixed- use neighborhoods in the region include Meadowmont (Chapel Hill), Carpenter Vlllage (Morrisville), and Southern Vlllage (Chapel Hi11J. ' , ' '� -� -- 71` � � � .. _ :, �' f--v �.: le ... . .. _ - _ . a �. � � q � � .� � „ I � =rt F .. _ - � - I � _,� �._ _ ". - ".;R,:�' "�"_."""�.i.i. "��.�� . . V?' M�� � . F � _ � � . �: i, �� � ,- ;7� �' -»v �� ,X,`�:' � � � � ��� _ _ � � . . �,� �..� � � � � ��� �� �y ,�.� � x ` � . . ��. . .- ;� ,�r '�' � � d I I y �� za. i - _i', �� ���' � '�� .�17p '� F� i � . . :. � - i � ,'� -, . o ° *� � , . � � � t e�. �►�r'�:�`' � . .� L -�* ,•`�. _.K �- �1.. E �� ! �6 �-f'rI�I . , I � ,T;` '4 y y� i� �' �' a � - �, e�-� , . 1 0 � t .-r` . _ � ,,,,:;i-_ �, . . �t..'�. ��,f� � r� . � � �� � � �.. � , y .t� �,, - - � "" -� �- .` ��3 ��� � �ti • � .�. t L L , �� �� �' � � a� J:'� ^ •� �r,. � -.. . � �, � � ��/' �'� _ r x ��� : t''� �� �. - , � � � ' ?'' irt �?`i�5':• >* ,,�. � ��' � • 1@ ._ .... , _ ' r.- y�. . . y .� i. � yµ, �tiy, ' " . ` ,��.•._ � . -�, �.. . �„ -:'.7 � '� �+i' - ` ���- i '�� h -- �1% � � /� .�tv �r �� � '� ��. 1►� �� a ��� -� � , , ; .. �� .' f �� ; , , .._: � �!� t .�� .^ � . _ .�,r .A. _ , . .�W� �, „ -'` �'r:.,� � � f'�7 � �r. , �-_ra,���y'~' �". r.\ �a ��_ ��' �, � " �.�n ....��� � ." � • .!� ' :' i^hp., �p . ' �f 1 F Y ` ` '`�� .� � � ; Y, '� /'1� , �� `7�� :�n+ �¢ � 4�g �\'� �' n'� . . y � � G `"� -- �,�'� �.. ��� � _f �.. � �.r� . � � ��� - .: 4 `'i � • �` 9YaGy�n,r `��' � ( � �'' .r �� '� � - � � '� r,', ° � ! -. � ,R u t: ,' .�ee' � " `�` % '. � � �'� ` � ;� °�"; - � `� . _ � �� ` � •. \ - Ir' .y+V„ � �'1 ¢'-� � �� .� - ,�� R_ � � Q >.'� ._� /.FI���� _ � � � � . � ��. � � •0���� � ;��• y' , is� �Y l i . P �.�� �s. i r. � ,,f �� � . _, j � . y � y �/ r �� � �`f� � � � � � �� f2�, $�'° �`, �� �g�i' ,�N� y' t3� ~ `. � � '� '� r . _� .. -'�'.. o��� � re!.�v�.�i �� � �; l �It.( �� ' �l" :', �� • Imagine 2040 � Mixed-Use Center (MUC) Mixed-use centers serve broader economic, entertainment, and community activities as compared to mixed-use neighborhoods. Uses and buildings are located on small blocl<s with streets designed to encourage pedestrian activities. Buildings in the core of the mixed- use center may stand three or more stories. Residential units or office space may be found Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • sit down restaurant • community-serving retail • professional ofFice • live/work/shop units • townhome • condominium • apartment • public plaza • movie theater Secondary Land Uses • farmers market • pocket park • day care • dry cleaners B.42 ❑ above storefronts. Parl<ing is satisfied using on- street parl<ing. structured parl<ing, and shared rear-lot parl<ing strategies. A large-scale mixed use center is may be surrounded by one or more neighborhoods that encourage active living, with a comprehensive and interconnected networl< of wall<able streets. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Patter Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 50-75% Residential Density 10-30 D.U'szlAcre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-2.00 FAR3 Prevailing Building Height I-5 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-1,500 SF' Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-50,000 SF° Transportation Choices Auto,Walking, Bicycle, Bus Typical Blocl< Length 400-I,000 LFS Setbacl< or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirements Open Space Elements Neighborhood Parl<s/ Pocl<et Parl<s/ Public Plazas Street Pattern Modified Grid Street Connectivity High Parking Provisions Surface Lot/$tructured Parl<ing Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per unit/SF) 180/0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per uniUSF) 150/0.034 GPD � _ _ ,..� ����r,,, , , � induded in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s Imagine 2040 ��'!'. . J- _ '�-. �,��� i ' � �; � �� -� �� - , � _, � '� � . , � -M ica: 3� �.R! b . j n—n `,d k �� ;.. . .s� i � . .. .' _ . .a' .. . � . r--�— L1� Place Type Palette Village centers are concentrated, mixed-use developments that serve one or more surround- ing neighborhoods. Existing village centers in the region include North Hills (RaleighJ, and proposed plans for the Arboretum (Cary). Imagine 2040 � Town Center (TC) Town centers are locally-serving areas of economic, entertainment, and community activity. Uses and buildings are located on small blocks with streets designed to encourage pedestrian activity. Buildings typically stand two or more stories in height with residential units above storefronts. The compact, walkable environment and mix of residential and non- Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • townhome • apartment • senior housing • sit down restaurant • community-serving commercial • professional office • live/work/shop units • post office • community facilities Secondary Land Uses • day care • farmers market • pocket park B.44 ❑ residential uses in a town center often support multiple modes of transportation. Town centers often represent the traditional downtown or courthouse area of historic towns and communities found throughout the Triangle Region. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 90-100% Residential Density 6-10 D.U'sz/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-1.50 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-4 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-1,500 SF4 Average Non-Residential Building Size 5,000-25,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Walking, Bicycle,Transit (Bus) Typical Blocl< Length 300- I,200 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirement Open Space Elements Pocl<et Parl<s, Public Plazas Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface LoUFormal On-Street Parl<ing/ Shared Parl<ingAgreements Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per unidSF) 225/0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit/SF) 200/0.034 GPD induded in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s Imagine 2040 , , „ �� �a,� �Y . ,. � g �,��t � ; � F� ,� � - .. .'?'v 3` iC'n 6 a�i, yq i -� ` �` � �, �r���� 1,�� _. � , ., . r �"` � "� — -- = �x..�� �_ . w �,� � 3 ��. _ ��� _ �.� � 'Y��' �,_�, -� �►' �. .� � �.' �'� � ` � � . � � � ��_ y � ��: �� � �,'���`'� � , � f � � � _ � �; ,� �_; i�' _�� � — — - - � �— � � ,� �, ' � � — _ ��� -- �-_ -r� ��- ` _. .��� �I� � - � �* ;�� : . y�_ _ � � �_ - �� � — _- .� .',� _-� -_� — �m Place Type Palette Town centers represent the historic center of large and small towns in the region. They are often located at the cross-roads of two historical arterial roadways or along a railroad. They are surrounded by residential neighborhoods and/ or agricultural uses. Historically, town centers were established near mills, high points, along transportation corridors, or at the confluence of rivers and streams. Post offices, town halls, and churches are notable features in town centers as well as neighborhood- oriented service and commercial uses. ��_ _ _ _,� _ ,,.:� ! �, - ,Y � �� .` �- . �' I �. � - ` 1 � �' 1 � A� � � ' ` ��,. � t � � ., � T' q q'� w:� �.�' l �> � �� � II �� I i I � i � I - _ �_ i �� ��' - �`1"- ,-. , �� �-_- I� ,� I i � I s �-� - `�� - � ��� � I �il�l �' ��. @� � '�: _ "�c � u Il �►. r i �.. 1 r �' � � � � — . � l., � � -, � _ ��- �� . _,_ _ � _ � . . �. �___ �, - . -_ - _. .��� Imagine 2040 � Transit - Oriented Development (TOD) Transit-oriented development (TOD) represents the concentration of mixed-use, dense development around a transit center. Uses and buildings are located on small blocks with streets designed to encourage bicycle and pedestrian activity. High density development is located primarily within %-mile of the transit station, with progressively lower densities Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • condominium • apartment • townhome • sit down restaurant • general commercial • professional office • live/work/shop units • government building Secondary Land Uses • CIIUYCiI • SCilOOI • public plaza • pocket park • parking structure ■ spreading out into neighborhoods surrounding the center. TOD is credited with relieving traffic congestion on the surrounding street networl< by shifting automobile trips to transit trips and by capturing some trips on-site between complementary residential and non-residential uses. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 90-100% Residencial Density 8- I 5 D.U'sz/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-I.SO FAR3 Prevailing Building Height 2-6 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-1,500 SF4 Average Non-Residential Building Size 5,000-25,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Wall<ing, Bicycle,Transit (Bus, Light Rail, Heavy Rail) Typical Blocl<Length 300-1,200 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirement Open Space Elements Pocket Parks/Public Plazas Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity H igh Parl<ing Provisions Surface LoUFormal On-Street Parl<ing/ Shared Parl<ingAgreements/ Pari<ing Decl< Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per unit / SF) I 80/0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit / SF) 150/0.034 GPD _ �_,�_., , ,,_ ,.. ��_ _,�� ��, _ ,��::. � . , _ ��._._ included in the form and �attern table. z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet � Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Transit-oriented development (TOD) is located exclusively along high frequency transit routes (i.e., bus rapid transit, express bus service, commuter rail, or light rail). Successful TOD developments seek to capture transit ridership through high density development located within '4-mile of the transit station. TOD is not prevalent in the region today; however, ��— Triangle Transit and local governments are �- moving forward with several station area plans that advocate for transit-oriented development around future commuter rail or light rail stations in the region. � ,� ,.,� � s��xv, � } � _ ._ � � fi �" � � r n+ i�4 ' �� i.. y„ .� �L_w. ..ai. �I� - :� �i�'�* t ,�� 7�� .� -- �F ` � c`��•�` '�9`4Fs. . _ .__-- ' - - - -�..�.� . �� � � � � �' �� 4 -�. �� � . � �v � �_ .� � � .� �, � � � �Q � ����.s r � i - � � - � � �'' �+ � � � � � � --��� '� �--•,` r� � � � �. � `� �;fr .�� —_ ,�_� � _ ��'�� ���� ` - r . �� �_ , - � - � � - - � �` - � . - 9� ' � � .. � � .. � _ �-a � Imagine 2040 � Metropolitan Center (MC) A metropolitan center is the focal point of the region. It is the hub of employment, entertainment, civic, and cultural activities, with a mix of housing types and common open space for active living. As a magnet to surrounding towns and neighborhoods, the metropolitan Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • condominium • apartment • townhome • corporate headquarters • sit down restaurant • community-serving commercial • professional office • live/work/shop units • museum • library • arena/conference center • regional transportation hub • government buildings Secondary Land Uses • church • SCilOOI • public plaza • pocketpark • parking deck B.48 ❑ center becomes the iconic symbol of the region, starting with very tall buildings and a traditional grid street network. The compact, walkable environment and mix of residential and non- residential uses in a metropolitan center support multiple modes of transportation. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mix of Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 90-100% Residential Density 10-100 D.U.'s2/Acre Non-Residential Intensity I.0-30.0 FAR3 Prevailing Building Height I-30 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-2,000 SF9 Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-200,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Wall<ing, Bicycle,Transit (Bus) Typical Blocl< Length 300-600 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Build to Line Requirement Open Space Elements Pocl<et Parl<s/Public Plazas/ Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface LoUFormal On-Street Parl<ing/ Shared ParkingAgreements Typical Street Cross Section Urban General Water Usage (per unit / SF) 180/0.039 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit / SF) 150/0.034 GPD induded in the form and pattern table. �D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet . r� - ' in�=�-.. r„� Imagine 2040 �61k .�:1 �p IrA , c �' � ��A�P� _ �U�'� s� � � _ � °:� �LL � ; .,, �� !$'; II'IIiIIINQ �_-^ y--� '�. -.�: Wf E � � �_ _ —� � ,;��� �,,, .,: � z� �:�m.;:� . . . _� ,,,_���-r. _ ., � ._ �� �. ,� ;�_ � � � 1� ..Wm�9V� ' �w��r�� _ ' �Ireaw■eAe' .�..- .,�i'. � `�Qi��� � � a�.� I�i r, ;,i.�i�"��' c�i��,�i�i�i�� �r��� �, ;� � � y 7e�� ti � �'��iW ..n�,. p�� ��� � ; �17y17� �'' y�',�,� � � � � ���,� a ,�1 �� ' �� �w._'r. � � � '�r' �,� ��'#�. f� �� �� _,�� _ . _ Imagine 2040 '� , L� . . .. Place Type Palette Metropolitan centers are located at strategic and historic locations with superior access to regional transportation facilities (i.e., highways, rail or airports). They are typically the employment center of a region. Downtown Durham and Downtown Raleigh are the only metropolitan centers identified for the Triangle Region. � � r �� �I ., �. � , � � r!0 � _ �' w. . . � � �F � �.�� ��., �? •'�.e ��� r � � � _ a I. � � � y ' � , �5` � � 1 � � � � . ��'^ � , r _ _ — ► � ��~ �� � � _`_ �� � � � - ��� ; - � _ _ �: - . '"�' � - ., � . .: � �' l� � y � � � ���,'� � .�x`N, �� 7 'fi�- �� �� ■��^. � �� � —:/► �. � `'� r • � � , # „�?' �, — h •� s . • �a _ �:_: �. � _ � .+1 6.49 Airport (AIR) An airport supports commercial or general aviation air traffic into and out of the Triangle Region. Each may include one or more runways, a terminal, taxiways, jet fuel and storage facilities, or paved aircraft parking areas. Complimentary uses (e.g., rental car facilities, hotels, restaurants, long-term parking lots) may surround an airport. Restricfions on use, placement, and height for Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • airport activities (eg., commercial terminal, control tower, freight facilities, etc.) • flight school • warehouse • aviation-related maintenance and repair • shipping Secondary Land Uses • light industrial • heavy industrial • professional office • flOt2� • general commercial • parking decks • surface parking lots B.50 ❑ some forms of development are followed in designated runway airspace protection areas. Commercial or private aircraft in the Triangle Region are served by Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Triangle North Executive Airport, Horace Williams Airport, Raleigh East Airport, and Triple W Airport. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separate Uses Site Efficiency Factor 70-80% Typical Lot Coverage I 0- I 5% Residential Density 10-30 D.U.'sz/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.05-0.10 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-30 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-I,000,000 SF^ Transportation Choices Auto,Airplanes Typical Blocl< Length 300-600 LFS Setback or Build-To Line Setbacl< Requirements Open Space Elements Street Pattern Street Connectivity Natural Areas Grid High Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section N/A General Water Usage (per SF) 0.058 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.050 GPD ,__ .,� Clu 1 7�� �.�� ....'T:,, �U! fllr� , .�I�iJi"ITi ,,,; . � .,,�.Jii:S included in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet `r;!,�1 . !_in�=�;.. r,;,s Imagine 2040 3 � �: . �' � ' �'_�� : �� ti - . ,s ; <.,*; `N . ,T.�,:i . . Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Commercial and general aviation airports are located with flight paths in mind as well as proximity to adjacent airspace. They are often located away from residential areas in locations with access to local highways and interstates. There are five major airports within the Triangle Region: Raleigh-Durham International Airport, Triangle North Exectutive Airport, Horace Williams Airport, Raleigh East Airport, and Triple W Airport. � 4 �a . . � °'��� - :�' ,� �—,, � i �.^ � "� � ,� 7� �� L 1�• �_ L � -., �qi — — t 'J s �. S � -�jn `� _ ' ` (.. � I I ' ...h i� - � � ;� , -�^ ;b,yll f ,^� ; n } _ .`T� . . � . w � � � ,� .. f "�., �- :-� , - � ��r , ` � �j i�j� � .' �` ��"� *.�_ � c i��kr'+ii'� . " . i : � �. �' �t_ - � �� � B.51 Civic & Institutional Facilities (CIV) Civic and institutional facilities are focal points in the region. They typically include a building or complex of buildings that serve public purpose, including a library, school, public works complex, Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or condifional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • government buildings • library • SCilOOI • prison Secondary Land Uses • public works building • CiIUCCiI • community center • water or wastewater treatment plant B.52 ❑ or town government. Visual qualities of the building and its surrounding grounds often make civic and institutional facilities a landmark within the region. Form & Pattern1 The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separate Uses Site Efficiency Factork 85-90% Typical Lot Coverage�� 30-50% Residential Density 10-30 D.U:sz/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.05-0.10 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-3 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-50,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Walking Typical Blocl< Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Natural Areas/Pocl<et Parl<s/ Landscaped Buffers Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity Varies Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section N/A General Water Usage (per SF) 0.058 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.050 GPD , , �., _ _ ,��� �, ., �,nf:�r�,�iiiun ui; � � induded in the form and pattern table. Z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit 3(FAR) - Floor Area Ratio '(S.F.) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 Place Type Palette Civic and institutional buildings are located throughout the region; including government buildings, schools, and libraries. Imagine 2040 � Health Care Campus (HCC) A health care campus includes various medical and medical-related uses, such as primary care, outpatient surgery, birthing centers, and other specialty services. They are relatively large in scale, and may include a hospital, teaching facilities, research and rehabilitation centers, and Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • primary care buildings • emergency services • research centers • birthing center • rehabilitation center Secondary Land Uses • teaching facilities • private medical office buildings • parking deck • surface parking lot B.54 ❑ private medical office buildings. Buildings are typically oriented in a campus-setting, with large buildings connected via wall<ways, structured parking, or an internal network of streets for circulation. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Mixed Uses Site Efficiency Factor 80-90% Typical Lot Coverage 40-60% Residential Densicy N/A Non-Residential Intensity 0.25-2.00 FARZ Prevailing Building Height I-8 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size N/A Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-I,000,000 SF3 Transportation Choices Auto Typical Blocl< Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setbacl< Requirements Open Space Elements Neighborhood Parl<s/ Pocket Parks/ Plazas/ Greenways/ Stream Corridors Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot/Parking Decl< Typical Street Cross Section Suburban/Urban General Water Usage (per SF) 0.058 GPD General Sewer Usage (per SF) 0.050 GPD �c'� SKiiCa? i U�' �fuo uGCiih7Ei�i j�i� h7(i c irij���;L��i]Ciii On i iC �..�7�.1C�ic,: included in the form and pattern table. z(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio 3(S.F.) - Squore Feet Imagine 2040 � �' � -� I�t��i� ir� ^�� r ,� �{ � , - '1 � � Fy �J..,�� � ' � _ � � � � � �z�� � � Place Type Palette Major health care facilifies are located through- out the Triangle Region; including those operated by the Franklin Regional Medical Center/Novant Health Care, Raleigh Community Hospital / Duke University Health System, Rex Hospital / UNC Health Care, and WakeMed Health and Hospitals. I- -- - - - ��—,� — --�-i — -- � z • � � � � €. � � � +� � : - -_4._-- Imagine 2040 � University Campus (UC) A university campus includes all of the academic buildings, residence halls, athletic facilities, equipment, or other ancillary needed to support an institution for higher education. Buildings are often oriented around a highly-walkable network of internal streets and pedestrian pathways, which support several modes of transportation for reaching the campus (i.e., bicycle, transit, or automobile). Structured parking or large Land Use Considerations Primary and secondary land uses listed for the place type represent typical development in the category. They are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all permitted or conditional uses that would be allowed in the place type. Primary Land Uses • academic buildings • athletic buildings • resident halls • recreafion center • open space / public plazas Secondary Land Uses • private research and development buildings • supporting retail & restaurants supporting retail & restaurants • residential neighborhood • parking deck • surface parking lot B.56 ❑ surface lots, dedicated areas for public gathering, and distinctive architecture also represent a typical university campus. Building uses and intensities on campus vary widely based on the school's mission and available space, topography, etc. Complementary uses near a university may include student housing, residential neighborhoods, downtown, or private research and development buildings. Form & Patternl The form and pattern table inventories generalized development characteristics associated with the place type. Working together, these elements reinforce a sense of place and community brand important to distinguishing development in this category from others in the region. General Development Pattern Separate Uses Site Efficiency Factor�� 75-85% Typical Lot Coverage�� 40-70% Residential Density 25- I 00 D.U's2/Acre Non-Residential Intensity 0.50-3.00 FAR' Prevailing Building Height I-15 Stories Average Dwelling Unit Size 800-1,500 SF^ Average Non-Residential Building Size 10,000-50,000 SF4 Transportation Choices Auto,Walking,Transit Typical Block Length N/A Setback or Build-To Line Setback Requirements Open Space Elements Natural Areas/ Plazas/Recreation Fields/ Greenways/ Stream Corridors Street Pattern Grid Street Connectivity High Parl<ing Provisions Surface Lot Typical Street Cross Section N/A General Water Usage (per unidSF) 180/0.058 GPD General Sewer Usage (per unit/SF) 150/0.050 GPD z(D.U.) - Dwelling Unit '(FAR) - FloorArea Ratio '(S.F.,) - Square Feet Imagine 2040 � � 1-l:� ,�.� � - ' '� �L ' sr' sr� i�.;�tir �i�[ij�i� t�'�.�'Gy� ' �• ` �.�,, v,y � �' '�' ��,� '� �`"r"�'� - I , � � r � „S � � ?� � �J � C �� f �� �:,1 � �- ,y'�Cy�Y'w,-,�.� � .� � i����,� w_ r.r. �'�} � yR ' � . �� � � +�u L �. :�". -: � ' .' s'�y,: • ' 4Y i1 . � . ,y}y � d�,.�� H �1 -r � � ''J�� . -k� y d� L. � � Y ' --_. . � � � '7�`" �f%�'7�,�~ ��#,.�5^; �� .'. R�: '.-.*�~.�-.,�'.:u :: � w, � • � � � � t_- _ �I� 1�� � ' — - '� � �i� � ,� � �. � :� � � �� r �9�r _ �: � �_ Place Type Palette Nine major colleges or universities have a large campus in the Triangle Region; including Camp- bell University, Durham Technical Community College, Duke University, Meredith College, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina State University, Peace College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Wake Technical Com- munity College. �� . �����, � � r�'� �� Imagine 2040 � Complete 540 - Triangle Expressway Southeasf Extension Project Locallurisdiction Outreach & Methodology Updates November 2017 Appendix C: Meeting Summaries and Place-Type Maps from Local Jurisdiction M eeti ngs The following pages include the meeting notes from each meeting with local jurisdictions. Also included are maps of place-type inputs to be used in the 2040 No-Build scenario. These maps were developed from the discussion at the meetings and follow up with NCDOT and FHWA. For each jurisdiction where changes were made to the place types for the 2040 No-Build scenario, there are two maps. • 2040 No-Build (All Parcels): The revised place type inputs for use in a 2040 No-Build scenario for all parcels in the area. Parcels with changes to the place types are shown with an outline. • 2040 No-Build (Changes Only): This map shows the 2040 No-Build place-type inputs but only for the parcels where a change was made based the review and discussion at the meeting. Appendix B: Meeting Notes and Place Type Revision Maps from Local Jurisdiction M eeti ngs The following pages include the meeting notes from each meeting with local jurisdictions and the revised maps of Place Type inputs developed in response to the meetings. For each jurisdiction there are up to four maps. • No Build (All Parcels): The revised Place Type inputs for use in a No Build Scenario for all parcels in the area. Parcels with changes to the Place Types are shown with an outline. • No Build (Changes Only): This map shows the No Build Place Type inputs but only for the parcels where a change was made based the review and discussion at the meeting. • Build (All Parcels): The revised Place Type inputs for use in a Build Scenario for all parcels in the area. Parcels with changes to the Place Types are shown with an outline. • Build (Changes Only): This map shows the Build Place Type inputs but only for the parcels where a change was made based the review and discussion at the meeting. In some instances both No Build and Build are shown on the same map as some jurisdictions had no differences in their recommended Place Type inputs for each scenario. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: September 6, 2016 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Town of Angier Town Hall, Angier, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Sean Johnson, Planning and Permitting Technician, Town of Angier Coley Price, Town Manager, Town of Angier Lew Weatherspoon, Mayor, Town of Angier Ken Gilland, HNTB Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Will Kerr, Michael Baker Engineering Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Town of Cary Notes: Scudder provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for Complete 540. He discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). He discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. Angier's Land Use map reflects land use projections established in 2008. Town planners are currently working on a Land Use Plan Update and a Transportation Plan. They stated that congestion was a concern in Angier and areas within Northwest Harnett are working hard with CAMPO to look at a Regional Approach Transportation Mode. They pointed out that Angier is about 18 miles from Apex, 14 miles from Holly Springs and about 22 miles from downtown Raleigh. They hope to improve commutes to Raleigh and RTP. They anticipate future needs for potential grocery stores and other commercial facilities. While the provision of water and sewer will dictate Angier and Harnett development patterns, sewer lines are in place in Northwest Angier. Angier is interested in creating an identity as an education-centered work force. A more urban town corridor is envisioned and will be master planned. Angier is partnering with Campbell University, and Central Carolina University to look at potentially enhancing educational opportunities in the area and trying to engage schools to attract hi-tech campuses. Angier is averaging about 60 residential building permits per year. Town Board is trying to encourage quality growth and manage the wave of growth coming from the north. Western Harnett experienced substantial growth recently. Some conversion of agricultural land is possible. Currently, large farmers lease smaller parcels using short-term leases. However, much of the region is anticipated to remain in agricultural use. A sweet potato plant is planned near Pea Ridge Road. Old Stage Road corridor could have more mixed use/commercial under the Complete 540 Build Scenario. East Wimberly will likely develop under Build perhaps with some mixed use and commercial. Planned residential development straddles the Wake/Angier boundary. Approximately 468 homes are planned Page 2 of 2 at NC 55 near the border of Harnett County, 103 homes are planned at Atkins Road, and the Town has secured 120 acres of ETJ within Wake County's jurisdiction. Continued voluntary annexations are likely in Angier's ETJ as growth pushes down from the north. In terms of transportation improvements, NC 55 upgrade to 4 lanes has been allocated and is anticipated to begin right of way acquisition in early 2020. The NC 55 corridor north of downtown could experience commercial development. NC 55 will be more commercial at nodes under Build. The US 401 Bypass project is currently being revived as CAMPO and Angier's transportation consultants look for potential transportation solutions. The Town of Angier's economic development strategy will determine potential development north of E. Wimberly Street. This area will probably end up being 80 percent residential but town planners would prefer a mixture that includes a higher percentage of commercial/industrial. Local planners and the Town Mayor feel that completing NC 540 will make a significant difference in development. Under the Complete 540 No Build, NC 55 may need widening to handle traffic to 540. There would be pressure to increase the number of lanes on US 401. Piney Grove Wilbon may be expanded and NC 210 and Old Stage Road may be multi-lane. In terms of regional plans for development, Angier is looking at partnering with Harnett for schools and parks. Currently, there is one primary school, K3-2nd grade; one middle and one high school, three miles west of Angier with one elementary school, 3rd — 5th grade, located within the Town limits. All serve Angier. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed for the Town of Angier review, comment, and approval. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to The Town of Angier meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Town of Apex MEETING MINUTES Date: August 30, 2016 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Apex Town Hall, 73 Hunter Street, Apex, NC 27502 Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Dianne Khin, Planning Director, Town of Apex Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Notes: After introductions, the Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the Town's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 Place Types provided by Apex and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of the Apex and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). This map served as a starting point for discussion. Edits to the map were made based on input from Diane. Updated maps based on those edits maps are attached to these notes for review. Diane noted that the NC Map Act of 1997 was repealed. Parcels within the planned right-of-way for Complete 540 are under development or have been recently approved for development. In Apex, these parcels will be developed into light industrial and low-density residential uses. • Eastern ETJ — Sewer availability has been the limiting factor for development in this area; but a new pumping station is planned. Also, a new high school and a landfill are planned for this area. The infrastructure associated with the high school is likely to spur development in the area. Currently, a company is developing land between Sunset Lake Road and Jessie Drive into residential housing at 2-3 units per acre. Diane also noted that a new residential neighborhood Page 2 of 2 is under development on the eastern boundary of the ETJ. The sewer service for this development comes from the Town of Cary. Some parcels may be developed more densely as townhomes or apartments. • Existin� NC 540 Interchan�e with South Salem Street - The project team asked how the NC 540 interchange with South Salem Street (Old US Hwy 1) has impacted development in that area. Diane stated that there has been development interest in the area and that the area is covered by a Small Area Plan (https://www.apexnc.or�/218/I-540-S-Salem-St-Small-Area-Plan). Mixed use development is planned for this area. • Veridea, west of NC 55 — This area is largely slated for Transit-Oriented Development and mixed use. A single company is working to develop this area and has experienced some internal delays. It is likely that the eastern portion of this development will be Mixed Use Center instead of Transit-Oriented Development due to probable road improvements. Also, some of this area should be Light Industrial Center. The mixed use development planned around the existing NC 540 was spurred by the existing portion of the roadway. Although Diane thought that development would have occurred sooner, it has yet to be realized. Sewer availability, complications associated with mixed use developments, and internal delays have been limiting factors. Diane noted that the changes described above would occur regardless of whether Complete 540 is built. She noted that Apex residents already have access to the portion of NC 540 that has already been built. The Complete 540 project is not likely to have additional development impacts in this area. Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment and approval. Page 1 of 1 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: August 26, 2016 1:OOPMto2:30PM Cary Planning Department, Cary, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Will Hartye, Planner, Town of Cary Kristin Maseman, HNTB Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Will Kerr, Michael Baker Engineering Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Town of Cary Notes: Scudder provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for Complete 540. They discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. According to Will Hartye the Cary 1996 Land Use Plan shows low density development near I-540. There are no real changes from the 1996 Plan. The Team's map is generally accurate. The new Cary land use plan shows a large commercial area between Ten-Ten Road and I-540 as an employment center and this would only be likely if Complete 540 were built. Two mixed use centers have been built or started recently: Ten-Ten Road/ Kildaire Farm Road; and Ten-Ten Road/ Holly Springs Road. The I-540 Build alternative would accelerate development but not change density. Development restrictions cause constraints and there are no plans to extend water and sewer. A lot of area near the I-540 alignments is built out and State Environmental Development rules constrain development. Therefore, Cary probably will not be completely built out by 2040 under Build or No Build. No additional urban service areas are available through annexation. Watershed rules are another development constraint. Character of development near I-540 west is different than I-540 south. Larger parcels of farmland are present and there is a closer proximity to RTP and commuter routes. Therefore development trends similar to those from Western Wake are not expected in the area of the new portion of the roadway. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed for the Town of Cary review, comment, and approval. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to the Town of Cary meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 2 of 2 • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to the Town of Cary meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Town of Clayton MEETING MINUTES Date: August 29, 2016 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Clayton Town Hall, 111 East Second Street, Clayton, NC 27528 Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Jay McLeod, Planner, Town of Clayton Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Notes: After introductions, the Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to the Jay McLeod that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the Town's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team will use the information gathered during this meeting to make maps reflecting the Place Types for the existing conditions, 2040 No Build, and 2040 Build scenarios. These maps are attached to these notes for review. The project team asked if Jay had worked on the Imagine 2040 Place Types. Jay said that he was not working at the Town of Clayton during the Imagine 2040 process; however, he had assigned Place Types for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization's (CAMPO's) Southeast Area Study (SEAS). Jay provided a geodatabase (.gdb) of these classifications to the project team. Jay felt that the Imagine 2040 Place Types are outdated and recommended that the project team should use the Place Types he provided instead. The provided mapping is consistent with the provided place types. Jay described Clayton as a bedroom community primarily serving Wake County employers. The Town controls the areas within town limits and the ETJ. The County controls land outside of the ETJ. Development in Clayton is driven by low land prices and proximity to employers in the industrial area of the town. Past annual growth levels have been about 3 percent. East-west connectivity is limited in this area. The population of Flowers Plantation must take US 70 Business to get anywhere. Page 2 of 2 Some areas are important for biodiversity and/or are in a Johnston County Significant Natural Area (http://ncforestservice.�ov/Urban/pdf/JCNRI report full.pdf and http://digital.ncdcr.gov/cdm/ref/collection/p249901co1122/id/190405). The 100-year floodplain a protected resource area. The Neuse Agricultural Rule applies in Clayton and may require 50-foot forested riparian buffers on streams. Jay also noted that there is some inconsistency between current and future land use goals. For example, increased density is desired in the downtown area; but, it has yet to be realized. The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) includes several projects in Clayton. The scoring for the Southern Connector around Clayton should improve in the next round. The US 70 Bypass is the future I-42. NC 42 is being widened from US 70 Business to NC 50. The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • Area of the Junction of US 70 Bypass and NC 42 — Development in this area would occur with or without NC 540. NC 540 would not impact the level of growth in this area. Clayton's Future Land Use map shows a health care campus in this area. This would be a good place for a White Oak type of development. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Rock Quarry Road — This interchange may increase traffic on Old US Hwy 70 (Garner Road). If Complete 540 is built, more residential development at a higher density may occur in this area. • Area alon� the ETJ's western border — Several large, undeveloped parcels in this area are owned by an HVAC company. Their plans for the land are unclear. A large-scale development along Winston Road is in the works. The development of Complete 540 could put more pressure on this area around NC State University property. Commercial facilities and apartments may develop. The result may be higher density residential development in the north and commercial development along US 70 Business. • Area alon� Ranch Road — Development pressure and interest are present at the Ranch Road interchanges with US 70 Bypass and US 70 Business. Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment and approval. Page 1 of 3 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: August 26, 2016 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM Fuquay-Varina Planning Department, Fuquay-Varina, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Danny Johnson, Assistant Planning Director, Town of Fuquay-Varina Samantha Smith, Long Range Planner, Town of Fuquay-Varina Mike Sorensen, Planning Director, Town of Fuquay-Varina Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Will Kerr, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Kristin Maseman, HW Lochner Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Fuquay-Varina County Notes: Scudder and Ken provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for the Complete 540 Project. Scudder and Ken discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area of the town within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. The group reviewed the 2040 Place Types and the Town representatives said the Land Use Plan from Imagine 2040 reflected thoughts on land use from 5 years ago based on utility plans, growth, infrastructure and 20year extensions of water and sewer. The current land use plan from 2006 most accurately reflects land use without I-540. There was a discussion among Fuquay-Varina planners on development patterns and density in the Imagine 2040 process. Overall, staff felt that the place type inputs for Imagine 2040 were closer to a No Build scenario. Fuquay-Varina is currently going through development scenario planning through March 2017 for a future Comprehensive Plan. North of NC 42, area planners currently project growth in the area will differ from the current 2040 place types shown. They base this assumption on the recent growth patterns of Cary and Apex. They anticipate increased growth, especially in the Holly Springs Road and Banks Road areas. In Fuquay-Varina without the I-540 project and with the extension of water and sewer along US 401 and NC 55 growth patterns would not be different, but the density of development may change. Fuquay- Varina is growing quickly and there is a lot of annexation along US 401 which currently has water and Page 2 of 3 sewer lines. Annexation is also anticipated south of Ten-Ten Road on US 401. Town representatives said the Swift Creek watershed, a high quality watershed, has development constraints. Town planners said higher density would occur under the Build scenario but it is hard to predict. Future development will probably be suburban commercial and mixed-use. In particular suburban commercial would likely occur between Hilltop Road and NC 42, and at the corner of SR 1301 (Sunset Lake Road)/ Hilltop Needmore Road. Town planners believe there are 4 anticipated nodes of development: • Vicinity of I-540/ US 401 • Vicinity of Banks Road to Hilltop Road/Hilltop-Needmore Road • Hilltop Road/ US 401 (SE corner) • Dwight-Rawlins Road to NC 42 In addition Town planners described the following locations of anticipated development: • At I-540/ US 401 the pace of commercial development would be accelerated with the Complete 540 Build Alternative. I-540 will not change development patterns on US 401 based on projections. • Bells Lake Road/ Hilltop Road would see additional commercial development with I-540. Probably in the form of neighborhood centers. • Sunset Lake Road traffic volumes would be higher under a No build. Volumes could go higher at the intersection of Sunset Lake Road/ Holly Springs Road causing increased development. • Under a No Build traffic patterns west and south won't change. • Sunset Lake Road is an attractive location for commercial developers. • Old Stage Road may become more attractive under the Build alternative. • Development density in Wake County north of Hilltop-Needmore Road and south of Ten-Ten Road will increase under both Build and No Build scenarios. • Mixed use development could occur northwest of US 401/Banks Road intersection. Following the discussion of the character of development in various locations the group discussed planned or ongoing roadway projects. Extension of Judd Parkway is planned and the design is to be completed in 4-6 weeks. Right of way is scheduled for October 15t. There is bond money available for this project if needed but the use of Federal Funds is mandated. Hilltop-Needmore Road is being realigned to Holly Springs Road. This will reinforce commercial development at southeast corner of intersection. This would be a Locally Administered project or Division-managed project. NC 55 Bypass traffic will increase under either the Complete 540 Build or No Build alternatives. The group discussed the effect of utilities on County development. Utilities will be extended on US 401 crossing roads based demand and market forces. Utilities probably won't extend further north unless residential development occurs. A water line is present on Sunset Lake Road to Sunset Glenn Road and sewer is available on Sunset Lake Road to first subdivision. During a discussion of development patterns County representatives pointed out that there could be multi-family development at the US 401/ Ten-Ten Road intersection under the No Build but at a slower pace. There would not be a big difference in land use on the west side of town under a Build vs. No Build alternative. The Build alternative would however accelerate growth but not change development patterns or intensity. 2 Page 3 of 3 Staff felt that the control total inputs for Imagine 2040 are underestimated. They believe that 100% buildout is anticipated in 2040 under Build or No Build scenarios. New development ordinances being developed by the County will emphasize higher densities. Development will follow infrastructure. There is a lot of development interest in the southern part of the County. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Mapping developed by the Project team will be revised. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to Town staff for review and approval. 3 Page 1 of 3 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Town of Garner MEETING MINUTES Date: August 30, 2016 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Temporary Garner Town Hall, 914 Seventh Avenue, Garner, NC 27529 Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 —Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Brad Bass, Planning Director, Town of Garner Jeff Triezenberg, Assistant Planning Director, Town of Garner Dave Bamford, Senior Planner, Town of Garner Tim Gardiner, Wake County Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Kristin Maseman, Lochner Notes: After introductions, Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to representatives from the Town of Garner that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the Town's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 land use Place Types provided by Garner and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of the Garner and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). This map served as a starting point for discussion. Place Type changes were recommended by Garner planners. The updated maps are attached to these notes for review. Representatives from the Town of Garner noted that the Imagine 2040 Place Types were assigned assuming that Complete 540 would be built; however, an update is needed to reflect current conditions. Town of Garner planners are working to update Place Types for Connect 2045. An update to the Garner Transportation Plan is also underway. Page 2 of 3 The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with US 401— This area falls under multiple jurisdictions. Garner is considering extending its ETJ in this area. Traffic and the level of service (LOS) at the intersection of US 401 and Ten-Ten Road is a limiting factor at this intersection. The Small-Lot Residential Neighborhood (SLRN) parcel near US 401 and Ten-Ten Road should be changed to Mixed-Density Residential Neighborhood (MDRN). Some residential growth may result in the US 401/Swift Creek area under the Build Scenario; however, the amount of development is limited by the Swift Creek Land Management Plan (http://www.wake�ov.com/plannin�/�rowth/pa�es/swiftcreeklmp.aspx). The highest residential density in this area is anticipated near Ten-Ten Road. Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Old Sta�e Road — Old Stage Road serves as a commuter route. Sewer availability is limited in this area and more difficult to provide logistically. A pump station would be required. Under a Build Scenario, a Suburban Commercial Center may develop. Without Complete 540 (No Build), the development would be smaller, and a Neighborhood Commercial Center is anticipated to develop. The development would most likely be south of Ten-Ten Road. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Benson Road — Benson Road is congested, and not much land is available for development. The large parcel near Benson Road and Ten-Ten Road is likely to develop. In a Build Scenario, this would be a Suburban Commercial Center. Under a No Build Scenario, a Neighborhood Commercial Center is anticipated. Utilities are available north of Ten-Ten Road. The land south of Ten-Ten Road is in a different drainage basin and sewer pump stations would be required to service development. Residential development is also likely south of the interchange along Cleveland School Road. Apartments or mixed-density development is possible due to emerging development pressure from the I-40/NC 42 (Cleveland) area. Planners anticipate that development along Cleveland School Road would be bigger and denser under a Build Scenario than under a No Build Scenario. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with I-40 — Development pressures may increase the density of residential development in this area. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with White Oak Road — An additional interchange at I- 40 and White Oak Road is under consideration; however, this area falls under the rural designation for interchange spacing. This area will be mostly residential with some Parks and Open Space. Traffic congestion is an issue on White Oak Road as it is used as a commuter route. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with US 70 Business — This area and the area to the east toward Johnston County will be subject to planning activity in the Fall of 2016. The area along US 70 Business from I-40 to Clayton should be office space, mixed use, and industrial. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Rock Quarrv Road —This area has the potential to become a commercial center for southeast Raleigh. Under the Build Scenario, the area could become a Suburban Commercial Center. Under the No Build Scenario, development would likely be smaller and less dense. A Neighborhood Commercial Center is more likely. In addition, residential growth is anticipated near the high school. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Auburn-Kni�htdale Road — No changes anticipated. The City of Raleigh may have input on this area. This interchange will create additional access points for Garner. Page 3 of 3 Area near the I-40 Interchan�e with Jones Sausa�e Road — Garner now owns the former Con- Agra property, now called the Garner Technical Center. They anticipate redevelopment of this facility. Garner has lower single residence statistics than other parts of the county. Some development proposals have been submitted for development within the Complete 540 right-of- way. Garner is still considering how this corridor would be classified if the road were not built. Overall, the Complete 540 project is anticipated to have a positive impact on growth in Garner; however utilities (primarily sewer) are still a limiting factor for development rates and density. This increased development pressure raises logistics questions about how to extend sewer to meet the demand. Without the project, this issue would potentially be less pressing. Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 3 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: August 25, 2016 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Michael Baker Engineering, Cary Office Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Jay Sikes, Harnett County, Manager of Planning Services Mark Locklear, Harnett County, Director of Development Services Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Eng. Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Eng. Will Kerr, Michael Baker Eng. Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Eng. Ken Gilland, HNTB Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Harnett County Notes: Scudder and Ken provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for Complete 540. They discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. The group reviewed the 2010 Place Types particularly for underdeveloped parcels where the current place type input may not match current land use. Based on comments from Harnett County Baker staff reviewed undeveloped parcel designations relative to aerial imagery and updated the place type mapping accordingly. Harnett Comprehensive Plan was completed in September 2015. Harnett County staff indicated that the areas near Complete 540 are expected to see a lot of growth, both with and without the highway. Recent development in the Harnett County portion of the FLUSA has been heavy with substantial development over the last 4 years. Harnett County officials noted some changes in land use since the Imagine 2040 place types were developed. They noted that some land use changes could be found in the Harnett County NW Small Area Plan; they also noted that a CTP update is in progress. Improvements to Pine Grove Road will be included in the CTP update. The group discussed the character of development in various locations. Harnett County officials stated that the area near Pine-Grove Rawls Road had experienced development since the 2040 inputs were developed. They also suggested changes to existing place type designations on mapping near the intersection of Atkins Road/Angier Road. They state that the intersection of the Angier Road-Atkins Road/ Purfoy Road area is a hot development area. Development will be primarily 1/4-acre residential Page 2 of 3 lots from this location east toward Angier. This development is anticipated to occur with or without the Complete 540 project. Harnett planners noted there is development pressure east of US 401. They agreed with the current mapping for this area. The presence of water and sewer lines is a key factor in Harnett County development patterns. Water and sewer lines are present along US 401. West of US 401, planned development will consist of large lots because no sewer is available. Large lots are considered half-acre; 30,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet lots comprise the largest county zoning designation. Existing water and sewer along US 401 can support commercial and industrial uses. Harnett County is pursuing improvements to US 401. A US 401 improvement project was in the planning process at one time but acceptable alternatives could not be identified. West of US 401 the high quality watershed and lack of sewer service constrains development in the area. It is anticipated that NC 55 will eventually connect to US 401, although funding for that project is not currently available. Within the Harnett County portion of the FLUSA, the Cape Fear Watershed is listed as a Water Supply Watershed (WS-IV) water, and development restrictions are in place. Because Fuquay-Varina is growing, Harnett County anticipates future development near the Wake County/Harnett County border, especially in the eastern portion of the county outside the Cape Fear watershed. Development is expected to consist of residential development followed by some commercial development. The group discussed whether the pace of commercial and industrial development would be accelerated compared to the 2040 estimate under a Build alternative. Area planners noted that, as an example, following construction of NC 87, substantial development followed 6-8 years later. Planners felt that the pace of development associated with Complete 540 could be quicker than the pace of development following the NC 87 project. NC 87 was completed in 2003-2004. Growth activities spurred by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process caused substantial growth in the Ft. Bragg area after the widening of NC 87 to 4 lanes in 2008. Development quickly followed construction of NC 87 aided by BRAC action at Fort Bragg. Residential development occurred first followed by retail. The group discussed the pattern, density, type and pace of future study area development. In terms of current 2040 place types, Harnett County believes there probably is a need for more commercial and industrial development to support anticipated growth. Both commercial and industrial development may occur under a No Build scenario, with growth happening sooner if Complete 540 is built. US 401 is anticipated to develop commercial nodes with or without Complete 540. However, Industrial development in the County is rare. The group next discussed the character of growth in various areas of Harnett County portion of the FLUSA. Planners anticipate some development pressure for residential uses followed by commercial development would occur under the Build Alternative. The areas most likely to see increased development pressure are: NC 55, Eastern Parkway, and near Buckhorn-Duncan Road. Mixed density development could occur in all three areas. A Food Lion shopping center is possible just northwest of the FLUSA boundary. If the facility were constructed, it may increase development pressure within the FLUSA. East of Piney Grove, development could be denser than small lots with higher likelihood closer to Angier. There is a commercial node at the US 401/Chalybeate Springs Road. This development would Page 3 of 3 likely happen without the construction of Complete 540. Congestion on roads to Fuquay-Varina may result in pressure for growth on US 401. Parcels near the Angier Bypass will probably be small lot residential, not mixed use. Mixed use development could occur closer to Angier. According the area planners, CAMPO anticipates a need for future widening of NC 55, but the project is not currently funded. Planners feel that NC 55 would score better under NCDOT's prioritization formula if Complete 540 were constructed. The project would widen NC 55 to four lanes using complete street designs. County officials would prefer construction of the proposed Angier Bypass but that does not appear possible at this time. Current plans include widening of Kennebec Church Road, which may become part of 55 widening. The Build scenario may increase scoring and the probability of Kennebec Church widening by 2040. Harnett County believes it is needed now but will be more likely with Complete 540. If widening occurs, residential development density will be higher and mixed density would be more likely. However, development along US 401 is more likely than NC 55. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed for Harnett County review. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to Harnett County meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Town of Holly Springs MEETING MINUTES Date: August 30, 2016 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Holly Springs Town Hall, 128 S Main Street, Holly Springs, NC 27540 Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Gina Clapp, Town of Holly Springs Justin Steinmann, Town of Holly Springs Kendra Parrish, Town of Holly Springs Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Notes: After introductions, Scudder provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to the Town of Holly Springs representatives that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the Town's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 land use Place Types provided by Holly Springs and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of Holly Springs and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). This map served as a starting point for discussion Place Type changes were recommended by Town planners. The marked-up maps are attached to these notes for review. The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Holly Sprin�s Road — Area planners indicated that the area currently outside the ETJ to the west of the interchange would likely be high density residential development under the Build Scenario and small-lot residential under the No Build Scenario. The two Mixed Use Centers on Sunset Lake Road would be more likely to develop to this level of density under the Build Scenario. Other parcels along this road to the west are Page 2 of 2 expected to be residential and small commercial regardless of the status of Complete 540. The Suburban Commercial Center at the junction of Holly Springs Road and Kildaire Farm Road would likely be a Neighborhood Commercial Center under the No Build Scenario. Its current designation is correct for the Build Scenario. The Suburban Commercial Center at the junction of Holly Springs Road and Sunset Lake Road would likely become a Neighborhood Commercial Center under the No Build Scenario. Its current designation is correct for the Build Scenario. All other parcels on Holly Springs Road between Complete 540 interchange and just south of Sunset Lake Road should be designated as mixed use under the Build Scenario. Under the No Build Scenario, the development in this area would be less intense. The large mobile home park northeast of the planned interchange will be hard to redevelop as the mobile homes are located on individually owned lots. Under a Build Scenario, connectivity to this park is likely to be impacted, and some of the parcels near its entrance may redevelop. The area southeast of the interchange will be predominantly residential. Holly Springs has a Northeast Gateway Plan (http://www.hollysprin�snc.us/DocumentCenter/Home/View/491) that covers this area. • Old Holly Sprin�s Apex Road/Tin�en Road —The parcel near the intersection of Old Holly Springs Road/Tingen Road and Woods Creek Road should be mixed-density residential development. • Bass Lake Road — Residential development will occur outside the ETJ on this road. This development will occur regardless of the status of Complete 540. • Area Near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with NC 55 — This area is currently served by the existing NC 540. The Complete 540 project is not expected to impact land use in this area. • Northwest Holly Sprin�s — Some growth in expected in this area; however, this growth will not be significant compare to growth in the rest of Holly Springs. The Town of Holly Spring Representatives stated that existing NC 540 has boosted the desirability of Holly Springs for growth. The Council is generally visualizing growth as R-10 with higher density residential growth in nodes, especially at Holly Springs Road. Growth limiting factors for Holly Springs are land cost, environmental buffers, small parcel size, and transportation congestion. Holly Springs extended its ETJ in 2015. The Complete 540 project is expected to impact some of the existing subdivisions along Holly Springs Road. The road may impact community wells or connectivity. If Complete 540 is not built, the development intensity is not expected to shift to other areas. Instead it is likely to be less intense. Holly Springs provides water and sewer service inside of town limits. The Town has the capacity to serve its ETJ and its utility service area (USA). They are working to expand service. Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment, and approval. non-urban area � �S1y O�D US � NWY �`,�, �!z D�,OJ� 1 < Legend Border denotes PT change � FLUSA Boundary �-•-----•• Complete 540 Unbuilt � Town/County Boundary Airport Civic and Institutional Health Care Campus � Heavy Industrial Center � High Rise Residential Large-Lot Residential Neighborhood Light Industrial Center - Metropolitan Center Mixed Density Residential Neighborhood Mixed Use Center Mixed-Use Neighborhood Mobile Home Park Multifamily Residential Neighborhood � � Neighborhood Commercial Center Parks and Open Space - Regional Employment Center Rural Cross Roads Rural Living Shade Tree Residential Neighborhood Small Lot Residential Neighborhood - Suburban Commercial Center - Suburban Hotel - Suburban Office Center � Town Center - Transit-Oriented Development, Type I - Transit-Oriented Development, Type II - Transit-Oriented Development, Type III University Campus Urban Neighborhood � Working Farm � � Z � �1 � •�� � ,�o ��y S� OJ O� a x � ❑ Z ������ � SQ��N�'s NE N��'� �� HOLLY SPRING � ' 7 � � � Z � � Z 1 -� w � � y�<< rSA � R�NGS T �'D � Z.. �.. � �. AVENT FERRY RD , CASS HOLT RD ..� FERRY Holly Springs AVENT FERRY RD o � J ��Q O � � ��� U ��a �O�' P�'� G HOL Y SPRINGS RD � G m z ■ zl D T Z m �, -� � � D Z � � -l�� v F��� � �� � � � � ►� � � �� O _ : s� � GS R� HO�LY SPRIN B'9S \ ��F Rp T �7 � L� ��■a� � �N N <.� �� BASS LAKE RD ��� OPTIMIST FARM � � Z � � r D \m Holl S rin s 2040 Place T es - No-Bu Y p J Yp C N Cary � non-urban area W Y Q � w � Z � � a i Id Scenario 0.75 1.5 3 Miles This is a draft place type map based on discussions with local planning jurisdictions. Some place types are updated from original CommunityVlz inputs used to develop the Imagine 2040 plan. This map is provided for review and comment only. The finalized maps will be used to develop Build and No-Build scenarios for the Complete 540 project. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Johnston County MEETING MINUTES Date: September 1, 2016 1:OOPMto2:30PM Land Use Center, 309 E. Market Street, Smithfield, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Berry Gray, Planning Director, Johnston County Matt Kirkland, Planner, Johnston County Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering (via telelconference) Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering (via telelconference) Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Notes: After introductions, Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to the Johnston County representatives that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the County's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 land use Place Types provided by Johnston County and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of Johnston County inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA. The map was edited with Place Type changes recommended by Johnston County to reflect Complete 540 Build and No Build scenarios. The marked-up are attached to these notes for review. Neither Berry nor Matt were involved in the Imagine 2040 effort. The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • Area around the I-40 Interchan�e with NC 42 —These uses largely reflect what is there now. Floodplains and sewer availability restrict development in this area. Another interchange is planned to the south at the intersection of I-40 and Cleveland Road. All of the undeveloped Page 2 of 2 parcels along Cleveland Road between I-40 and NC 42 should be commercial. Most of the growth in this area is along Cleveland Road. • Area around the I-40 Interchan�e with NC 210 — These uses largely reflect what is there now. • Area near the Intersection of NC 42 and NC 50 —This area has sewer service. A Sheetz and a grocery store are already present. The current map expresses the most likely No Build Scenario. Commercial developers have expressed interest to the north. The area is much less likely to experience commercial development under the No Build Scenario. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with NC 50 - Traffic from Smithfield generally travel along Cleveland Road then turn right onto I-40. From the Pleasant Grove area, commuters take NC 50 to Old Drug Store Road to NC 42 to I-40. Planners are hoping that the Complete 540 project will funnel the Pleasant Grove traffic and some of the Smithfield traffic to the Complete 540 interchange with NC 50. This would increase development potential in the area for the Build Scenario. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with I-40 — Floodplains restrict development in this area. Access issues to the southeast of the interchange also reduce development. The Suburban Commercial Center to the northeast should be a Mixed-Use Center. • Area near the Complete 540 Interchan�e with White Oak Road —The area around Cornwallis Road is an environmentally sensitive district. • Southeast Johnston Countv — No changes anticipated. • Wilson's Mill Area —This is a high growth area with a new high school. Sewer availability limits commercial development in portions of Johnston County. Clayton has its own sewer system. Currently, County sewer lines do not extend north of the US 70 Bypass, but an extension is under consideration. The availability of sewer and water from the County also lessens the incentive for growing areas to incorporate or be annexed. For example, the Cleveland area near to the I-40 interchange with NC 42 is populous, but not likely to incorporate. Transit options in Johnston County area limited. Wilson's Mills and Clayton would benefit from commuter rail; however, residents in the rest of the county are too spread out for rail to be effective. There is some limited bus service. Clayton and the Cleveland area may get Go Triangle bus service. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) includes widening NC 42 to a 4-lane facility from Clayton to NC 50. In western Johnston County, development north of Middle Creek (Cleveland area) is going stronger than pre-recession levels. South of Middle Creek (McGees Crossroads), development is still relatively slow. Complete 540 will ease traffic bottlenecks between McGees Crossroads and I-40, which may spur development south of Middle Creek. This development would most likely be small-lot residential. Most of the development south of Middle Creek occurred in the 2000s, and 25 percent or more of Johnston County's development potential is in this area. Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review and comment. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: September 6, 2016 1:OOPMto2:30PM Knightdale Planning Department, Knightdale, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Jason Brown, Town of Knightdale, Senior Planner Ken Gilland, HNTB Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Eng. Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Eng. Will Kerr, Michael Baker Eng. Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Town of Knightdale Notes: Scudder and Ken provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for Complete 540. They discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. Jason said that within the town land use is proactively zoned land use is very similar to the zoning map. Interchanges with zoning designations are included on the Town zoning map. Rural residential is being preserved through zoning. The group next discussed anticipated development in specific locations. Under the No Build alternative industrial development is expected on Hodge Road. Small lot residential development will also occur of west of Hodge Road, 1,000 residential units are planned. Mixed density is anticipated east of Hodge Road. Jason talked about the importance of utility connections to potential development. There is a pump station planned on Hodge Road which will encourage development in the area. There is no sewer between I-540 and Smithfield Road. This reduces the likelihood of development under the Build and No Build scenarios in this area. Water service is available on Poole Road and may encourage annexation. This not likely without sewer service. Poole Road would be attractive for development if sewer service was installed. Sewer service along Poole Road is a CIP decision. Near Bethlehem Road, the installation of sewer could also encourage development. Jason identified a number of additional development areas in Knightdale. He said that in general the Build scenario would accelerate mixed use development east and west of the I-540 alignment. There is a primary activity center near Poole Road/ I-540 interchange. Mixed use development would occur under the No Build and commercial development is more likely under the Build. Eventually, Clifton Road Page 2 of 2 could become a rural living area under the No Build. The Town was likely to develop park land and open space along the Neuse River trail area under the Build and No Build. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed for the Town of Knightdale review. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to the Town of Knightdale meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 2 Complete 540 – Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: September 7, 2016 2:OOPMto3:00PM City of Raleigh Planning Department, Raleigh, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 – Complete 540 – Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Bynum Walter, City of Raleigh, Senior Planner John Anagnost, City of Raleigh, Planner I Kyle Little, City of Raleigh, Planner I Ray Aull, City of Raleigh, Planner II, GIS Ken Bowers, City of Raleigh, City Planning Director Ken Gilland, HNTB Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for City of Raleigh Notes: Scudder and Ken provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for Complete 540. They discussed the plan to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. The group first discussed the western portion of the jurisdiction within the FLUSA, in the Tryon Road area. Most of this area is coded as Civic and Institutional, is owned by the state, and is unlikely to change due to the regulatory limitations associated with the Swift Creek watershed. If this area was somehow developed, infrastructure improvements would be required. Ken Bowers laterjoined the discussion and agreed with that assessment. The group then turned its attention to the other half of the jurisdiction. Bynum mentioned that the area east of the proposed 540 would be more greatly affected by the road than the west. Not much planning has been done in the urban service area. Commercial development would make sense in the area of Poole Road, especially at Hodge Road. Raleigh planners anticipated that mixed use neighborhood and multifamily residential neighborhood parcels would be likely near this intersection with or without Complete 540. This reflects the City's interchange policy—to allow growth along interchanges at the nearest major intersection. The City explained that the area around Auburn-Knightdale Road is more rural and much of the land is publically-owned. They would like to keep most growth inside the Complete 540 corridor. They noted an existing landfill off Old Baucom Road. A couple of Suburban Commercial Centers would be likely in a Page 2 of 2 Build scenario on Auburn-Knightdale Road at Battle Bridge Road and Rock Quarry Road. City staff pointed out a few proposed roads in the area: one connecting Hodge to Auburn-Knightdale, one north of Rock Quarry connecting New Hope and Barwell, and another between Poole and Hodge. The timing of these roads is uncertain but they would improve connectivity in the area and possibly encourage a node of commercial activity. The proposed facilities are not currently fiscally constrained. The area of the proposed interchange with Auburn-Knightdale road is wet and prone to flooding. Down the road at Grasshopper, City planners noted the potential for a Suburban Commercial in a Build scenario. City staff inentioned that in a No-Build scenario, such development was unlikely and not be redistributed elsewhere. Historically, southeast Raleigh has slower growth than the rest of the city. Building Complete 540 might encourage additional growth but would not likely change the area into a fast growing sector. The City mentioned that parcels coded as Parks and Open Space will not change under either scenario. In the southeastern corner, there are a couple of parcels coded as Small-Lot Residential that will become Civic and Institutional in either scenario. The group discussed plans for Olde Towne Golf Course at Rock Quarry and New Hope Road that has stalled for several years and will likely not change anytime soon. Staff expected that any development there would likely still be Small Lot Residential. The City pointed out a couple of school parcels—at Poole and Old Poole and at Poole and Barwell with adjacent Suburban Commercial in both scenarios. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed for the City of Raleigh review. • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to the City of Raleigh meeting participants for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 3 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Town of Smithfield MEETING MINUTES Date: September 23, 2016 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM Smithfield Town Hall, 350 E. Market Street, Smithfield, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Paul Embler, Jr., Planning Director, Town of Smithfield Mark Helmer, Planner/GIS Technician, Town of Smithfield Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering (via telelconference) Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering (via telelconference) Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Notes: After introductions, Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is to use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build and No Build scenarios for 2040. The team is working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to the Town of Smithfield planners that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the Town's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 land use Place Types provided by Smithfield and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of Smithfield inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). This map served as a starting point for discussion. Place Type changes recommended by Smithfield planners were captured on the map. The marked-up map will be used to generate maps reflecting the outcomes of this meeting. These maps are attached to these notes for review. The Smithfield planners were involved in neither the Imagine 2040 nor the Connect 2045 effort. Smithfield is in the Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization (RPO). They have worked with the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) on a limited basis to submit hot spot information for study. The hot spot they reported was near US 70 and I-95. Page 2 of 3 Smithfield planners also noted that the Smithfield Comprehensive Growth Management Plan (http://www.smithfield-nc.com/page/planning_documents) is from 2003. Updates to the 2008 Unified Development Ordinance and zoning maps are underway. In 2010, Smithfield expanded its ETJ to 2 miles from the town limits. Zoning in this area was adopted from Johnston County zoning and needs to be evaluated further by the Smithfield planners. The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • US 70 Business Corridor in the Northeast — Industrial growth is likely to occur along US 70 Business in the vicinity of the airport. This growth is likely to happen by 2040 independent of the Complete 540 project and will include the existing commercial parcels. • Cross-hatched Area on Smithfield Zonin� Map —This map is available (http://www.smithfield- nc.com/pa�e/plannin� documents). The cross hatching indicates a sensitive watershed area and development is limited. The default land use type should be large-lot residential. Other uses may occur as indicated; however, the allowed percent impervious will be limited. For example, the maximum allowed percent impervious for heavy industrial use in the area is 24%. It should be noted that the edge of this area is not exact. It should be along a ridgeline. When zoning a parcel in this area, the planners visit the site to confirm drainage. • Northeast Area — Small-lot residential is likely in this area. • Area near Smith Creek Road and US 70 Business — This area is a growth node, and a small area plan is recommended. • Area near Smith Creek Road and NC 210 — This area is likely to develop into a Neighborhood Commercial Center. • Cleveland Road — Residential development is spreading towards Smithfield due to increasing land costs in western Johnston County. Several potential small-lot residential developments in this area have requested water and sewer service in this area. The Town has the capacity to serve this area. A commercial node is expected near the intersection of Cleveland Road and Smith Creek Road. Paul provided a partial, marked up map of his recommended changes. The construction of the US 70 Bypass has significantly reduced traffic on US 70 Business, leaving the land along this facility ripe for development as traffic is light on this 4-lane road. Pharmaceutical industries in Clayton are growing by $2 billion. This expansion is likely to influence development in Smithfield. Johnston County supplies water and sewer to most of Smithfield's ETJ expansion. Smithfield utilities also serve this area. Geography limits growth in Smithfield. The Neuse River floodplain and the lack of economic stimulation east of I-95 directs developmental growth in other areas. Overall, Complete 540 would improve commutes for Smithfield residents. The airport is continuing to grow and attracting nearby industrial development. Although the Complete 540 project is unlikely to change the Place Types on parcels in Smithfield's jurisdiction, it may help development on these parcels come to fruition. Page 3 of 3 Next Steps: • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment, and approval. • Ken will send Paul the construction schedule for Complete 540. Page 1 of 3 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach Wake County MEETING MINUTES Date: August 29, 2016 1:OOPMto2:30PM Wake County Planning Office, 336 Fayetteville Street, Suite 101, Raleigh, NC 27602 Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: Bill Shroyer, GIS Analyst, Wake County Tim Gardiner, Planner, Wake County Samantha Smith, Town of Fuquay-Varina Mike Sorensen, Town of Fuquay-Varina Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Emaly Simone, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for Wake County map Notes: After introductions, the Scudder and Ken provided background on the status of the Complete 540 Project and explained the Quantitative ICE process. The Quantitative ICE analysis will estimate the land use impacts and water quality impacts of the proposed road by modeling the land use differences and estimating the acres of different land uses in the future (2040) under two different scenarios: with Complete 540 (Build) and without Complete 540 (No Build). Since the region has already worked at developing existing and future land use projections through the Imagine 2040 process, the project team is trying to pivot off the substantial work already completed. Therefore, the approach for this Quantitative ICE is use the CommunityViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to model development under the Build Scenario for 2040. The team working with Matt Noonkester, who ran the model for Imagine 2040, to rerun the model. The project team explained to Wake County representatives that the purpose of this meeting is to gather data on how land uses in the County's jurisdiction would change in 2040 under the Build Scenario and understand how these land uses would be different from the No Build Scenario. The team brought a map showing the projected 2040 land use Place Types provided by Wake County and used in the Imagine 2040 modeling effort. The map displayed parcels and 2040 Place Types for the portions of Wake County inside the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA) and outside of municipal extraterritorial jurisdictions (ETJs). The map served as a starting point for discussion. County staff supplied edits, and the updated maps are enclosed for review. Page 2 of 3 The project team asked if the Imagine 2040 Place Types were developed with the assumption that Complete 540 would be built. Wake County representatives stated that the Imagine 2040 Place Type designations were assigned with the assumption that the road would be built by 2040; however, they also stated that these designations were developed in 2007-2008, reflect pre-Recession Place Types projections, and assumed that Complete 540 would be a free facility (i.e., not tolled). Given the age of the Place Type designation and the economic changes that have occurred over time, the project team may want to consider running the CommunityViz model for both the Build and No Build scenarios. The project team stated that input from Wake County on Place Type designations for both scenarios would be appreciated. Wake County does not supply water or sewer service; therefore, the County planning department is only responsible for long-range planning in non-urban areas. As land within the County jurisdiction is developed at a denser level, the area is annexed by a Wake County municipality. Wake County has developed a map showing the municipal boundaries, ETJs, short-range urban service areas (USAs), and long-range USAs for each municipality in the county. Wake County representatives noted that the municipalities would best be able to discuss long-range planning within their USAs. Representatives from the Town of Fuquay-Varina noted that they joined the meeting to consult with Wake County representatives and provide input for the Fuquay-Varina USA. Wake County representatives noted that they are familiar with the CommunityViz model. The model uses grids and that the sizes of these grids dictate the sensitivity of the model to Place Type designation changes on a parcel level. County representatives noted that seeing the Place Type designations and the grid input would be interesting.. County representatives also noted that stream order data and buffer information may be included in the model to add other types of information. The meeting attendees then turned their attention to the map to discuss growth in specific areas. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with US 401— Fuquay-Varina is responsible for long- range planning in this area south of Ten-Ten Road. Garner is responsible for long-range planning in this area north of Ten-Ten Road. Fuquay-Varina representatives noted that utilities are available in this area to serve Wake Technical Community College. Under a Build Scenario, this development density would be higher than under a No Build Scenario. In the Build Scenario, the larger undeveloped parcels and some of the older subdivisions would convert to commercial. Land Uses will likely follow the Wake County Fuquay-Varina/GarnerArea Land Use Plan (2004) map for the Ten-Ten/Rand Road Activity Center (http://www.wake�ov.com/plannin�/maps/Documents/Fu�uay%20Land%20Use/ActivityCenter s/TenTenRandRoad.pdf). Under a No Build Scenario, this development node is still likely to occur, but the growth will be slower. For the No Build Scenario, only the big undeveloped parcels and some of the smaller parcels would be converted to commercial uses. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Bells Lake Road — This area is likely to be annexed by Fuquay-Varina by 2040. Commercial development potential is limited in the vicinity of the future interchange. Currently lack of utilities limit residential development south of the interchange. Future development in this area would be on a small scale and more contingent on the Build Scenario. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with Old Sta�e Road — This area is within the Garner USA. This area has the potential for major growth with undeveloped large parcels and redevelopment Page 3 of 3 possibilities. Under a Build Scenario, this area could become a large commercial area with some higher density residential development. Most of the residential development is likely to contain a pairing of higher density development (apartments) with new subdivisions. Under the Build Scenario, this area might resemble the White Oak area. If the road were not built, this development would occur at a lower level and be located along Ten-Ten Road to the south. The amount of residential development associated with commercial development would also decrease. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with NC 50 — This area is in the Garner and Raleigh USAs. Swift Creek passes through this area. Development in this area may include a Neighborhood Commercial Center (gas station/dollar store type of development). • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with I-40 — No changes are expected in this area. • Area of the Complete 540 Interchan�e with White Oak Road — More residential development is anticipated in this area. • Swift Creek Watershed Area — Although Cary has offered to run utilities in this area if funding is secured from another source, it would take a great deal of effort change the development patterns in this area because of the land management plan. Therefore, no changes are expected in this area of the county. Wake County representatives noted that different municipalities had different foci regarding utilities (i.e., water/sewer). Cary is looking to expand. Garner and Raleigh are focusing on improving the existing system. Wake County representatives also noted that the county's growth has been focused from Fuquay-Varina west around Raleigh to Wake Forest. Next Steps: • A representative from Wake County will attend the project team's meeting with Garner to assist with the Place Type designations in Garner's USA. • A draft meeting summary and draft revised Place Type mapping will be developed to reflect this discussion and sent to the meeting attendees for review, comment, and approval. Page 1 of 1 Complete 540 — Quantitative ICE Local Jurisdiction Outreach MEETING MINUTES Date: August 25, 2016 1:OOPMto2:30PM Town of Wendell Community Development and Planning Department, Wendell, NC Project: STIP R-2721, R-2828, R-2829 — Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Attendees: David Bergmark, Planning Director, Town of Wendell Scudder Wagg, Michael Baker Engineering Jon Wergin, Michael Baker Engineering Will Kerr, Michael Baker Engineering Ken Gilland, HNTB Presentation Materials: • Imagine 2040 Place Type Inputs for the Town of Wendell Notes: Scudder and Ken provided background on the Qualitative and Quantitative ICE process and scope of work for the Complete 540 project. Scudder and Ken discussed the plan to use the CommunitiyViz model developed for Imagine 2040 to forecast land use in Complete 540 Build and No Build Scenarios for 2040. They described the area within the Future Land Use Study Area (FLUSA). They discussed the need to review the Place Type inputs to accurately reflect the likely development patterns in a Build and No Build Scenario. The group reviewed the 2040 Place Types. David said land use assumptions for the Town of Wendell need to be updated but not in relation to I-540. Wendell has an arterial and collector street plan in the development process. The group next discussed ongoing development that is independent of Complete 540. A gas station and other neighborhood commercial development is planned near the intersection of Wendell Falls Parkway and NC 264. Residential development is anticipated southwest of the intersection. This would be small lot residential (0.3 to .25 acre lots). Residential development (planned urban development [PUD] with 12-year timeline) is present at Martin Pond Road and Wendell Falls Parkway. Town of Wendell does not think Complete 540 will effect development location or density. The project would not change place types, it may increase the pace of development. Unless something unexpected happens, development patterns should not change. The Knightdale Bypass is a critical connection for the Town of Wendell. They indicated that I-540 will be a plus to transportation patterns the area. They considered the US 64/264 improvements as more critical to transportation access for Wendell. Next Steps: • A meeting summary will be drafted. • Maps showing Build and No-Build 2040 place types will be developed • The meeting summary and revised mapping will be forwarded to David Bergmark for review, comment, and approval.