HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW Sockwell Road project (2)Carpenter,Kristi From: Thomson, Nicole J Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 11:55 AM To: 'David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil'; Norton, Apri) R Subject: FW: Sockwell Road project Attachments: Avoidance & Minimization.docx; WBS-17.BP.7.C.17 _IMPACTS DRAFT.XLSX; 17BPJ.C.17_65_PLANS_ 20171117.pdf; 17BP.7.C.17_Rdy_Impacts.dgn; 17BPJ.C.17_Rdy_Row.dgn; 17BPJ.C17_Erosion Contro) Quantities and Calcs_20171115.pdf; 17BPJ.C17_Hydro.PDF Just k��ping you both in th� loop. Th�r� ar� a f�w mor� �mails in this chain that I will also b� forwarding. � � From: Powers, Tim Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:13 AM To: Baumgartner, Tim <tim.baumgartner@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Schaffer, Jeff <jeff.schaffer@ncdenr.gov>; john hutton (jhutton@wildlandseng.com) <jhutton@wildlandseng.com>; Hajnos, Edward A <edward.hajnos@ncdenr.gov>; Rice, Blane <blane.rice@doa.nc.gov>; Horton, Jeffrey <jeffrey.horton@ncdenr.gov>; Thomson, Nicole J<njthomson2@ncdot.gov>; Sandra Hayes <hayess@usi-eng.com> Subject: RE: Sockwell Road project Tim Thank you for your help on this project. We have pull together the information that was requested. Please advise if there are any questions or concerns as we move forward. Thanks again Tim Powers Bridge Program Manager Division 7 Department of Transportation 336 487 0000 Office tpowers�ncdot.qov 1584 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, NC 27405 From: Baumgartner, Tim Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 10:18 AM To: Thomson, Nicole J <n.�thcr_rn�_scr_n�(�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v> Cc: Schaffer, Jeff <jeff.schaffer('�ncdenr.�crv>; john hutton (i�huttcrn(c�wildlandsen�.ccrm�) <ihuttcrn(c�wildlandsen�.ccrrn�>; Hajnos, Edward A <edward.ha�n_crs_(c�_n�denr...�ca.v>; Rice, .................................................. Blane <�I_a_ne.:_ri�e�dca.a..:_n_c:.�crv>; Horton, Jeffrey <jeffre�v.hcrrtcrn('�ncdenr.�crv> Subject: Sockwell Road project Nikki, Thanks for the phone conversation yesterday. As we discussed, NCDOT is planning a culvert replacement along Sockwell Road that is proposed to impact a mitigation conservation easement held by the State for the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Just for reference, we refer to the mitigation site as Agony Acres. Wildlands Engineering is under contract with DMS to deliver mitigation credits from the mitigation site. Therefore, any impacts to the site will affect the easement held by the State as well as credits that Wildlands is in the process of generating. This site is currently in Year 3 monitoring. Here are the steps that we will have to go through if NCDOT desires to impact the Agony Acres site: 1) NCDOT must demonstrate steps of avoidance and minimization to the easement as well as the stream. This is not the same as avoidance and minimization for the 404/401 permit. Specifically, what steps were taken to avoid the mitigation site? This is critical to determine if all alternatives have been exhausted in ensuring protection of the mitigation site and the stream resource. 2) NCDOT must provide DMS (and Wildlands) an overlay of the area of proposed impact shown with the easement boundary. The map must indicated the specific stream footage and buffer acreage proposed to be impacted (both permeant and temporary). 3) We need a copy of your hydrologic analysis report for determining culvert sizing and placement. 4) If DMS (and Wildlands) and NCDOT can come to some resolution concerning the above (and other questions that will arise in the review), DMS and NCDOT would present a proposed encroachment plan to the Interagency Review Team for their approval. Note that the IRT has consistently assessed a penalty of at least 2:1 for impacting stream mitigation projects. 5) NCDOT will need a right of entry from SPO prior to working in the easement boundary. SPO will not issue that right of entry until DMS provides the approval. In addition to the above, the following would have to be met prior to DMS approval for an right of entry: a. NCDOT will have to provide a metes and bounds survey of the proposed encroachment area with specific footage of stream and buffer impact. b. NCDOT will provide compensation for mitigation credits lost. c. NCDOT will bear all costs if any for easement modification. In addition to the above, DMS and Wildlands have the following questions concerning the proposed encroachment: • How many linear feet of channel will be permanently impacted from the pipe extension and rip rap? • How many linear feet of channel will be temporarily impacted during construction? • How many acres of conservation easement will be permanently impacted? Will any portion of the CE become DOT Right-of-way? • Will there be other temporary impacts to the riparian buffer? • Can we be provided a copy of the sediment and erosion control plan for the culvert replacement? • Can DOT shift the work in such a way that the impacts are isolated to the south side of the road away from the project? • Can DOT clarify the existing and proposed pipe inverts (upstream and downstream) and slope of pipes? • Please confirm that the alignment of the proposed pipe matches the alignment of the existing pipe. • Would it be possible to deflect the north end of the pipe to the west to better align with the downstream channel alignment? • Can you clarify the existing and proposed pipe size? There are 2 mitigation projects along Sockwell Road (UT to Reedy Fork and Agony Acres). Will DOT impact any of the other locations along this road? Refer to that map above for reference to the second culvert abutting Agony Acres. KMZs are attached as well for both projects indicating easement boundaries. For the time being, I will be the POC for this situation on our end. Feel free to contact me anytime as we go through this process. Thanks Tim ---------------------------------------- Tim Baumgartner Director Division of Mitigation Services Department of Environmental Quality Office — 919-707-8543 Cell — 919-218-2557 1652 Mail Service Center 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 �; a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,� I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��,