HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180072 Ver 1_CR_Historic_20180112Pyso�cctTmakrsgAio. (In�errral U�e) 1�6-11-0006 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM Thas %rm only pertains m Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources, You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PRO.TECT INFORMATIO�I Project No: � Couraty: C�e�eiand WBSNa.: 17BR.1�.R.104 Document e.� Fed Aid No: Fundirtg: X Stafi� Federal Federal X Yes No Permit NWP 3 Permit s: T e s- ProiecrDescrinttor�: Replace Bridge No. 34 on SR 2033 (Dak Grave Road) orier Muddy Fork Cree[c r�o off-sibe detour s ecified . SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE ANll LA�IllSc:��a �cr:vt�w DESCRlPTIONOFREVIEWACTIVITIES RESULTS A1VD CONCLUSIONS: HPOWeb reviewed an 9 December 2Uf6 artd yielded three SS and no NR, SL, LD, or DE properties in the Area of Potent�al Effects (AFE). Cleveland County current GIS mapp�ng, aerial p{�obography, and tax iniormation indi� a mastly woodad APE with resouraes dating beiween the la�e 1940s and ths 2010s (v�ewed 9 Deaember). Several mid-twenNeth-century houses loqted �ust witliin the east and west ends of the APE are unexceptional, alterEd examples of tf�eir types. The western end of the APE inte�ec� a smalE oorner af a large parcel on which the Fr�er�on and Marie Cash House (CL0325} is locabed, appr�xima�efy 700 f�aet west of the APE and well beyond likely project impact. I�CDOT and the North Car�ina State Hisioric Freservation Offiae agreed earlier this year that the T. ]. Elison Water Treatmerrt �acility (CL1501) is not Mat[onal Register-eligibfe (h�storfc archii�ctural studies far the B-5845 project}, and kf�e finding remains valid. The Claude and Clara Hamrick House (CL0326) no longe� stands. 8ridge Alo. 3h, bullt In i.954, �s not eligible for the Nationaj REgister ac�rding to the NCDOT Hlsfioric Bridge Survey as Et Is nat representat�ve of any �fstinctive engfneering or aesthetic type. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed the re3atirre placement of the various resouraes and t�e absence of critical historic buildings and structures and landscapes ir� the APE (viewed 9 December 2�16}. Na architeckural s�nre is re uired for the ro'ect as currentl defined. WHY THBAVAILABLE INFORMATIONPROVIDESA .RBLL9BLE BASIS FOR REASDNABLYPREDICTING THAT THERE A1eE Np CINtDBNTIFlBD S GNIFICAN7f NfSTURIC ARCHITECTYl�I,L OR LANDSCAPE RES URCES IN THEPRQ/ECT'AREf[: APE exbends 3000 feet from each end nf the exlsting bridge (E-W) and 150 feet to eikher side of the SR 2Q33 {Oak Grove Road) c�nter line (N-S} to enaornpass proposed conskruction activities and possible project impacts. The oomprehensive counLy archltectural survey (1996-1998) and later skudies indude no properties in the APE {�tan R. eades, Arr.t�,r't�al�wesofGte�dcounry, Nor�, C�rdina (�elby, Nc: Cleve�a�d CouMy His6oric Preservatian Taskforce, 2443)). COuttty GIS�tex Rlatelials and other visual5 support the absenoe of sEgnfffcant archi�ctural and landscape resources in t�e APE subject to GS 121-12{a) an� 5ectlon 106 compliance. Should any aspect of the projecf desigR change, lease noti NCDOT Historic ArchiteCture as additlonai re�lew ma be necessa . SUPPORT DOCUMENTATIQN X Map(s) ❑Previoas Survey Info. ❑Photos �Carrespondence ❑Design Plans F�NDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HTSTORIAN Hist ic Architectur�and.ba�sd�qape� --�ji0 SURVEY REQUIRED ,, NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Nisrr�ric AnleirecYa�+e aixl l.m�dsr.ap�s NU SiINI'1: Y RIi{,l[11RI:Ufann far A9i��or 7rrxrrpnrrarfm� Projr•rs ar {)ualrfred in ihr 2Up7 NrogmN�nur�ic Agreexrrnf. ?s.._ ` •re _wr _ �E� ;9 'N� �-� e�i � hbr.muNd , q� '9� i {. ��0.0 � "'� � ra � -� � �` � �� ._. _� � � q � . �.�,,.�.n �YMmlL �If�al �c:� 63WneNMc '� � I � �7R. ,�;��fa:naYG, . � � . �Wl2l y�a�s* �d I!.:, t �''� , . � � `51YeSb�! 4_ MnihWt�`�� � y li- � % � r � � �4 . d' Y.' w � pC � 5! r e o.n � :�. � s i � a �" � � s �� '"u� � �` �4"��n � �,, L,».. < � � bi H p1 i NPt qp � � � � '�^�. � � �. � t � � '� � � (� N � ��� Y,baw�.� � '� � �� d, ' � . �,�� I� ! CL6VRANC ��'x � � .+��0 �� aF �? � . . �! Sp.v.yrp q, p "�N. -;�r ��L. � A �'4irm0�ed ' 1l4.iLqYfie �4 L�nNMemaP•F f��. �' .'k„ �uk,F�� 'b d �. �i,ri, ' al� � 4 �9Py�'brk � 1 ' _ ,.,,` � 4 ?5 � � �Yey� � �' r� � -� 4� ;� �s � . . 9.1 �k�,.r 'fib�__ t . � � � � �°���� � ��, �;: �F �'� ' � "°�'`"'�;,,�; ,. �� +�,� � a $ a � � Qc "'�, a� � � � �. � �*�aaaa �� � ... � / `O'+�r0, � qa 4 _. ...—_ _ __—__ __.._. � _'""' Bridge No. 34 Replacement WBS No. 17BP.1Z.R.1�4 NCDO'C -- Historic Architecture December 2016 7racking Ma.16-11-OD06 Cle�eland County Base map: HPOWeb, nts