HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160827 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20180111Environmentaf
NCllWIi Project No.: ���0 ���2
Applicanh _N �-
CounQy: �/ cr _
ProiectName: _V�tiG±.�.f'_�_ ��� �L S°l_.���0 J �_�/�%:�j`/!�_��7
Dafc of lssuance of 401 Water Quality Certitica[ion: � � 2/ O/� _
Certificate of Complelion
Upon completiou of all work approved wilhin [he 401 Water Quality Cer[ification or applicable F3uffer Rules, and
nny subsequErit modifications, the applicant is reyuired to retiu-n this cer(ificate to lhe 401 71�ansVortaiion Fermitting
Unit, North CTrolina Division of WaMr Resources, 16! 7 M�il Service Center, Ralcigh, NC, 27699-1617. This form
ntay be returned to NCDWR by the applicant, the applicanPs au[horized agent, or the project engineec It is nol
nececsary ro send certificates from all of these.
Applicmil's Cerlificnlio��
I, �O �' p/ }� yn/7/ , hereby sta[e [hat, to the bes[ of my abilities, due care and diligcnce
was us in the ouservatiuiS oTthe conslruction sucl� that the couslruclion was observed to be built within substauuial
cnmpliance and intent of the 401 Wnter Uuahty Certification and Buffer Rides. the anoroved nlans and
snecilicatior.s, and ocher sut,portina �nateriT!s.
Signat�ure: �� � � Dnte: � �� ���
Age�rl's Cerlificntion
I, , he�eby sta:e [hat, [u the besl of my abili[ies, due care and diligence
was used in [he observation of rhe eonsfruc[ion such that the construetion wes observed to be� built wirhin substantial
compliance and inlenl of lhe 401 �Vnter QualiTy iertificatiun .jnd f3uffer f:ules, thz rpprovzci plans anJ
spe: ifications, and other supporting matcrials.
Si¢nature: Date:
Engineer's Cer(ifica7ion
Partial Final
I, , as' a didy regislered Professional F,ngineer in the State o1'North
Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the consU'uclion oClhe project for thr
Permittec hereby statc Ihat, to the best of �ny abilides, due cflrc and diligencz was us'ed ii� the obscrvation of the
construction such that the conslruction was observed to be built wifhin substantial complilnce and intenL ofthe 401
Weter Quality Cei;ifica[ion and Buffer Rules, the approvcd plans and specifications, and o[her suppoirtiug �nateria!s.
RegistinGon No.
""Nothing Coi��pares - .
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Ih I�'.ial °ercKCC��nize i RoLI�h. �orih r'�rolinC'7GY9-I61'.