HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160189 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20180111PA"fMCC20RY t Ln�ervinr DONAI,D R. VAN DER VAART .. ����������,,,� Water2esot�rces S. JAY ZIMMERMAN ENVIHONMEN I AL OUAIi I'f //� l lll'P[!W' NCDWR Project No.: 20/b `U(5y���� County: UUtie��d�he'_ Applicanl: �jG n C� 0./! ✓�si v�t �� ProjectNamc: (�3i1� e b�%7 o.a S�' /3 I�7 ., /��,�. l3, R/sL Date of Issuance of 401 W�fer Qualify Cerfitication: J.1 � 10�U Certiticate of Completion Upon comple[ion of all work npproved �a�ilhin the 401 Water Qunlity Certification or �pplicable BufFer Rules, and any sul�scquen� modiFcations, the applicant is required to return this certificate lo the 401 Trznspor[etion Permitling Unit, North Carolin� Division of Wnter Resources, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1617. This form may be rehuned to NCDW R by the applicant, the applicant's autliorized agent, m• the projecl engineer. It is not necess�ry to send certificates H�om all of these. ApplrcnnYs Cer�iJicnNon 1. C�'✓ -,�7�' �Jil/ , hereby state that, to the best oFmy zbili�ies, due care and diligence was use in thc observation�f the conslruclion such thal the construc[ion was observed [o be buil[ within substantial compliance and intent of lhe 401 Waler Quali�y Ccr�ific�tion and Bufl'er Rules, [he approved plans and specificalions, and other supportina materials. SienTltu�e: ���y -yJ�Gr _ _ Date: � // .20 / Age��l's Cerlificnlinn I, , hereby state tliai, lo the besl of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the oUservation of the coush uction such �hat the consu'uction was observed [o be built within substantial compliance �nd intent oFthc 401 Water Quality Certitication �nd [3uffer Rules, [he approved plans and specifica[ions, and other supporline materials. Signahv�e: F.ugineer's Cer(ificntio�r Partial Final I , �s a duly rzgistered Professional Engineer in the State of Nortli Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) lhe construciion of the project for the Penniltee hereby state that, �o the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such thet the conslruction was observed to be built �vithin subs[antial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quality Certification an� Buffer Rules, the npproved plans and specifications, and other suppoiting materials. Signature Date Registrllion No. SmtaofNonhCamlinaGm9rminitnWQualily WnlerResources 1617 Mail Service Cenier, Raleigh, Nodh Carolina 27699-1G17 Phone: 919-807�6300