HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171649 Ver 1_PA 17-08-0026_20171221Project Traeklrrg No.: 17-08-0026 e���� ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM ,�.'�� �`'�" ���- � This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not r'�'� i m t�l ',� �t° . ;="' °i ��.,4 �o valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the ;� ;,; � . Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. �� � PROJECT INFORMATION P�nject No: U'5999 County: Johnston WBS No.• 47117.3.1 Document.• MCC F.A. No: na Fundtng.- � State ❑ Federal Federa! Permit Bequi�d? � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP PtojectDescrlption: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDO'1� Division 4 intends to extend Kellie Drive northwards fxom SR 1923, Bookex Dairy Road, to SR 1003, Buffalo Road north of Smithfield. This project consists almost entirely of new location highway facility. This new facility is estimated to be xoughly 3274 feet (neasly 997.8 meters) in length. An area of potential effects (APE) was drawn to encompass the entire footprint of the project as depicted on pxelui�iaxy designs. This APE is estimated at 11.6 acres (more than 4.69 hectares). SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES REVIEW: SURVEYREQUIRED Briefdescrlption ofreviewactivities; results ofrevreiv, and conclusions: The uiitial review of the site maps and files archived at the North Caxolina Office of State Archaeology (OSA) was conducted on September 19, 2017. One archaeological site appears to be located within or uYunediately adjacent the proposed footprint of the new location transpoxtation facility. Site 31JT25, was identified in 1974, in addition to sites 31JT26, 31JT31, 31JT37, 31JT38, and 31JT83. These sites were all chatacterized as prehistoric sites with components ranging fxom the Eaxly Archaic through the Middle Woodland period in the uplands southeast of the Neuse River. Sites 31JT25 and 31]T26, are located along the margins of a Carolina Bay north of SR 1923. These sites were revisited as part of the archaeological survey fox improvements to Booker Dairy Road (Bxady et al. 2000: 25-27, 35-42). Axchaeologists with Coastal Carolina Research (CCR) axgued for the division of site 31JT26, which was originally located along the southwestern margins of the Caxolina Bay, into two distinct sites based on observed micro-topography and subsurface testing. The original site form for site 31JT26 reported that Paleoindian Clovis pxojectile points had been collected fxom the site by the landowner, although the initial investigations xepoxted only a Middle Archaic Morrow Mountain II point at the site. While site 31JT26A, was not investigated in greatex detail, the portion designated 31JT26B produced an assemblage composed of lithic debitage, a Stanly Stemmed Projectile Point, Native Amexican ceramics, whiteware, salt-glazed stoneware, nails, and glass. The site was considered to have been disturbed by plowing and was not deemed intact enough to be eligible fox the National Registex of Historic Places. Site 31JT25, which appears to be recorded within the limits of the current APE, was not more extensively investigated as part of the Booker Dairy Road survey. According to the axchaeologists with CCR, large numbers of artifacts have been collected from the site over the yeaxs, with diagnostic artifacts indicating occupation from the Eaxly Archaic Pexiod into the Woodland Period. That report suggests that site 31JT25 is located in a preferential spot fox prehistoric occupations along Caxolina Bays (Brady et. A1200: 26). An exainuiation of soils in Johnston County presented on the National Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey (�:/1�i ���Qilsu�ve}��nr�s,usda..goV/av�_/We�iSailS�uve�.as�xl indicates that the following soil "ARCHAEOLOGlCAL SURVEYRL'QU/RED "form for !he Amended Minor Transpormlion Projecls as Qualified in rhe 2015 Yrogrammalic Agreemenl. 1 of 3 Prajeet 7'mcking No.; 17-08-0026 types fall within the delineated APE: Blanton sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes (BnA); Goldsboro sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (GoA); Noxfolk loamy sand, 0 to 2 pexcent slopes (NoA); Norfolk loamy sand, 2 to 6 percent slopes (NoB); and Rains sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes (RA). An intensive axchaeological sutvey will be necessary to determine if 31JT25 does, in fact, extend within the proposed APE for the pYoject. If that turns out to be the case, the site will need to be evaluated with xeference to the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, the proximity of several other prehistoric archaeological sites, suggests that other sites might be located within the remainder of the APE. References Cited: Brady, E. M., B. W. Hall, and L. Lautzenheiser 2000 Archaeological Suruey of the Propo.red Improvement.r to Booker Dairy Bnad, John.rton County, North Carolina. Ms. On file, Environmental Analysis Unit, Noxth Caxolina Depastment of Transportation, Raleigh. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Photos ❑Corre:spoudencc � Other: ��{,p: f Iwehs�ilsurvev.nres.usda.govla��IWehSaiLSurve�.as�x FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST — SURVEYREQUIRED � September 22, 2017 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST TBD Proposed fieldwork completion date Date "ARCHACOL,OG/CAL SUR VEYRLQU/RLD "jorm jor Ihe AmendedMinor Transporla/ion Projecls as Qua[ified in Ihe 20l5 Programmalic Agreemenl. 2 of 3