HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181598_Att. 42 - Notes by Gary Jordan, FWS, Oct_20160222Attachment 42 I011 812 0 1 0 Meeting with USFS, NCD�T, FHWA and TCA in Raleigh ■ Main purpose of ineeting was for USFS to disc�ss their issuesl�omrnents an an early �apy of the DEIS � We talked abaut the RC�T issues that we�re discussed at the 1 QIG12Q10 tnee�ing wzih USFS 4,. ..<� ����:{ = _,,:�._�,..,.�;�:,..., ���.. -- - - - <:,,.. .r_ .-.m, ...�:N.�.-::-,�r.._..r...,�_��,- - - _._ ... ,.. .�.�,. �:. v; �._ ;.;- �.n:..r.T_,��,T.� ._ _.._ .. ,... ...�.:.�, _;_�.. _,:.,.?.,,.s.. . ,. ....... - _ - -�---m:,T:., _ �,.� _ ,,. _ - _ _ �� _ . �;r �r _ � �, � �:-_ �d� 'e':��m;a '::li���atile�ta,: "u�ti:eas��o�t `-e:'' b h . tie"�; .`ass`iif�l��b' � �`'T�:vYiIl�,elase:�='li�;-"`'"``;. - N::���......__..�_,��. ��._�-u. . _ _.� b3' ___.�_....x:� ,..>.._......._�_�t e raad: thrs is nat :: --• _....�.:::--._.w:::.<:<.:.�:,,_:...::�-��...,.,;:��.� -.- - �_ _.� ... _.. wltat � understvad fram Lee Tharu�iil at the �.�IG12�I0 mee#ing ■ VVe taIked ahaut how many fimes that rnigk�t accuz- zn a year - each par�el will need tv be bumed �ve�y 2-3 years -- there are multipie par�els, so it may require 4-5 buxx� days per year • Lee Tharnhill said the z'oad must be ciased and he won't utilize piiot cars through smoke • NCDOT did nat make any commitzxzents, but seemed to be carisidering allowing the road to be �losed