HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171239 Ver 1_More Info Received_20171219SECTION 7 - SURFACE RESTORATION 7.00 General The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials required to perform and complete the restoration of all surfaces in the excavation and Work area. The Contractor shall remove all surface materials of whatever nature and shall properly store, guard, and preserve as much material as may be required for restoration of disturbed areas. Topsoil or loam, where encountered, shall be stockpiled separately from other excavated materials to prevent mixing and shall be backfilled to a compacted depth equal to the original condition. Depressions that occur along the line of excavation, due to the settlement, shall be brought to grade, restoring the surface to its original condition. Where trenches cross or disturb improved or unimproved driveways the ground surface shall be returned to its original condition by the Contractor at its own expense. 7.01 Final Grading and Finished Grade Adjustments All areas disturbed during the course of the Work shall be brought to the original grade of the adjacent ground surfaces. The surface shall be graded smoothly with all stones and debris removed. Where called for on the Drawings, the Contractor shall provide all labor and materials necessary to perform any adjustments in grade needed to obtain minimum cover. Excess fill material from the project excavation may be used for grade adjustments provided that it is free of rocks (over 2 -inches in diameter), roots or other objectionable materials. The fill material shall be spread evenly and compacted to at least 85 percent Standard Proctor density in lifts not to exceed one (1) foot in depth. Surface restoration shall be as specified under this Section. In the event that sufficient fill material is not available, the Contractor shall supply all such material at its own expense. 7.02 Maintenance and Restoration of Unpaved Surfaces A. Grasses and Natural Areas - all grassed and natural areas (including shoulders of roads) disturbed during the course of the Work shall be reseeded. The topsoil shall be replaced and raked to an even grade with all stones, and debris removed. All grass, fertilizer and mulch applications shall be furnished and placed in accordance with the following table: Item Application Rate Kentucky 80 lbs/ac. Kenblue 10 lbs./ac. Reliant Hard Fescue 10 lbs./ac. Korean or Kobe Lespedeza 20 lbs./ac. Small Grain Straw 4,000 lbs./ac. 25 -SECTION 7DONE REV 1:10/30/17 7-1 54 -INCH PARALLEL NHCI Item Application Rate Agricultural Lime 4,000 lbs./ac. Fertilizer (Choose One) 5-10-10 1,000 lbs./ac. 10-20-20 500 lbs./ac. 12-24-24 400 lbs./ac. After seeding, the area shall be rolled and mulched with fine grain straw at the application rate specified. An asphaltic tack coat, or an approved equal treatment shall be used to hold the mulch in place. Seeded areas that fail to establish a vigorous stand of grass adequate to restrain accelerated erosion shall be reseeded at the Contractors expense. The Contractor shall not be eligible for Final Payment until a vigorous stand of grass has been established for all disturbed areas. The season for grass seeding shall be from March 1 to June 1, and from September 1 to December 15. Rye grain shall be added to the seed mixture at a minimum rate of 25 pounds/acre for the period from November through February and millet or Sudan shall be added to the seed mixture at a minimum rate of 35 pounds/acre for the period from July through August. In addition, the application rate for emulsified asphalt tack should be specified at about 250 gal/acre. Seeded areas that fail to establish a vigorous strand of grass adequate to restrain erosion shall be promptly reseeded at the Contractor's expense. Seeding at any other time must be requested in writing and approved by the Engineer. The above application shall not be used in designated wetland areas. Use only native herbaceous wetland plants to re -vegetate. The following website contains a list of wetland native plant vendors that can provide the appropriate plants for the re- establishment of the wetland areas: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Water%20Quality/Surface%2OWater%2OProtection/401/Policies Gui des Manuals/Wetland%20Native%20PIant%2OVendor%2OList%20for%2ONorth%2OCarolina 8: 18-17.0 B. Unpaved Roads and Driveways -on all unpaved roads and driveways, the Contractor shall strip and stockpile the existing crushed stone base. After construction, the Contractor shall restore the crushed stone base to its original condition. Additional crushed stone shall be provided by the Contractor at its expense if a suitable surface cannot be established. C. Ditch and Swale Erosion Protection — on all ditches and swales shown on the Drawings to receive erosion protection, shall be lined with an erosion retention blanket as shown on the Drawings and as specified under Section 9. Blanket staples shall be made of wire, 0.091 - inch in diameter or greater, "U" shaped with legs 6 -inches in length and a 1 -inch crown. The area to be covered shall be properly graded and prepared, fertilized, and seeded before the blanket is applied. Unroll blanket so that the netting is on top and the fibers are in contact 25—SECTION 7DONE REV 1:10/30/17 7-2 54 -INCH PARALLEL NHCI with the soil. Install in direction of water flow. Staple ends and side's one (1) row alternately spaced down the center or as otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. The staples shall be driven vertically into the ground. Payment for this Work shall be included under the Unit Prices Bid in Section 9, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls. 7.03 Restoration of Paved Surfaces Where trenches cross or disturb paved streets, driveways, parking areas, sidewalks and curbs, the Contractor shall remove where necessary and shall replace all portions of pavements, curbs, sidewalks, and driveways destroyed or damaged by its operation. The Contractor shall take all precautions to protect the existing pavement from damage by his equipment during construction. It is the intent of these specifications that the Contractor leave all paved surfaces affected by the construction Work equal to or better than the original condition and that all work be done in conformance with approved practice. The Contractor shall not begin final restoration work until the subgrade has been inspected and approved by the agency having authority over the rights-of-way. All pavement and road restoration within State or City owned rights-of-way shall be done as specified herein and as detailed on the Drawings, to the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specification, latest edition and to the approval of the North Carolina Department of Transportation — Division of Highways, District Engineer and the City of Durham. Depressions that occur along the line of the excavation, due to settlement, shall be brought to grade, restoring the base course to its original condition, prior to final pavement restoration. Final pavement restoration shall be deferred at least two (2) weeks after the trench area has been backfilled and exposed to traffic, but shall not be left unpaved longer than three (3) weeks, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer. The existing pavement shall be cut back with a pavement saw and squared off in a neat and workmanlike manner as directed by the Engineer. In general, the base for new pavements shall extend at least one (1) foot on undisturbed subgrade. A. Portland Cement Concrete Driveways and Sidewalks with Driveway Path - The existing concrete shall be cut-back with a pavement saw to the nextjoint beyond the Trench Excavation Limits and shall be replaced to the full length (as measured parallel to the roadway). Existing concrete driveways that do not have existing joints shall be cut-back (saw cut) to the Trench Excavation Limit (minimum) or to a width sufficient to remove concrete damaged by construction or equipment on the property line side of the trench and to the edge of the highway pavement on the highway side of the trench and to the full length (as measured parallel to the highway). No patching shall be allowed. The existing concrete shall be cut-back and squared off in a neat and workmanlike manner as directed by the Engineer. Concrete and work shall be as follows: Concrete — 4,500 PSI Thickness — 8 -inches Finish - as directed 25 -SECTION 7DONE REV 1:10130117 7-3 54 -INCH PARALLEL NHCI Reinforcement* - No. 4 bars at 18 -inches on center. Placement of Reinforcement - as shown on the Drawings Joint Material - Bituminous pre -molded filler type; '/z -inch thick for expansion joints against all structures surrounded by driveway. One -inch thick where concrete abuts against existing pavements or structures. Sidewalks - Sidewalks shall be replaced to the next joint beyond the Trench Excavation Limits and to the full width of the sidewalk. Concrete and work as follows: Concrete — 4,000 PSI Thickness — 4 -inches Finish - Floated or broomed to match adjacent concrete Reinforcement — None Required Joint Material - Bituminous pre -molded filler type; '/2 -inch thick for expansion joints against all structures surrounded by walk. One -inch thick where walks abut against other pavements or structures. Expansion joint spacing - Approximately 20 feet or as directed by the Engineer Curbs - Curbs shall be rebuilt to original lines, grade, cross-section and finish. Any curbing that has settled or shifted shall be re-laid. Concrete — 4,000 Joints - As directed Expansion - '/2 -inch bituminous expansion joint material, matching cross-section, at ends of replacement sections *Reinforcement required even when original had none. 7.04 Measurement and Pavment For completing the Work specified under this Section and shown on the Drawings, payment for the restoration of unpaved surfaces shall be in accordance with the Lump Sum Bid Price stipulated below for Pay Item 7. Pay Item Description Unit 7 Maintenance and Restoration of Unpaved LS Surfaces 25 -SECTION 7DONE REV 1:10/30/17 7-4 54 -INCH PARALLEL NHCI ***END OF SECTION*** 25 -SECTION 7DONE REV 1:10/30/17 7-5 54 -INCH PARALLEL NHCI