HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061275 Ver 3_Narrative_20171214Received NARRATIVE NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT TOWN OF NAGS HEAD, DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DMEC INTRODUCTION The Town of Nags Head is proposing a beach renourishment project anticipated to commence in the summer of 2018 to restore sand losses that have occurred since the 2011 nourishment project. The proposed 2018 project calls for a maximum quantity of four (4) million cubic yards (cy) of beach -quality sand to be dredged from offshore borrow areas and placed along the previously nourished 10 -mile shoreline. The average fill density (volume of nourishment per linear foot of beach) is 75 cubic yards per linear foot (cy/ft) of shoreline, which is equivalent to an average beach width increase after natural profile adjustment of -60 ft. Two offshore borrow areas 3A and 4, located 1.0-2.5 miles offshore of Nags Head within state waters, are proposed to be used in the 2018 project (Fig 1 and Sheets 01-02 of the permit drawings). Borrow areas 3A and 4 encompass -490 acres and contain over 6 million cubic yards of sand if the maximum -allowed excavation depth is 8 ft (plus 1 ft over dredge) below the existing grade. The Town of Nags Head also proposes a dune management plan including initial dune construction along south Nags Head, installation of sand fencing and planting of vegetation along the entire project area following renourishment, and sand relocation along the areas where sand migrates landward after the proposed project resulting in encroachment onto existing structures. PROJECT PLANNING BACKGROUND The 2011 initial beach nourishment project used offshore borrow areas (Areas 2 and 3 in Fig 1) and placed 4.6 million cubic yards of beach -quality sand along 10 miles of oceanfront. The project was conducted between 24 May and 27 October 2011 without any major environmental incidents. It was the largest locally funded nourishment project ever accomplished in the United States and was also the first project in the northern Outer Banks to utilize an offshore borrow area. Following successful completion of the 2011 project, Nags Head monitored performance and developed strategies for long-term beach maintenance and preservation with the goal of improving protection to all properties and expanding the recreational beach. The short-term plan is renourishment as proposed herein, and the long-term ("30 -year") plan would further widen the beach based on project performance and the goals of the community. Annual beach condition surveys in June for the first five years after completion of the 2011 project show that the project area retained -93 percent of the nourishment sand as of June 2016 with only 430,000 cy lost from the project area (defined as the foredune to -19 ft NAVD) during the first five years. While the project performed better overall than predicted (USACE 2010, CSE 2012) during the first five years, erosion losses varied significantly from north to south in the range of (+)2.8 cubic yards per foot per year (cy/ft/yr) to (-)20 cy/ft/yr. The 2011 project has withstood three major hurricanes (Irene in August 2011, Sandy in October 2012, and Matthew in October 2016) as well as numerous fall and winter storms. There was negligible damage to oceanfront properties and town infrastructure during these storms. The latest hurricane, Matthew, impacted the project area on 8-9 October 2016. This storm produced high water levels, increased wave energy (significant waves >17 ft), and brought strong winds as it approached to Nags Head. A comprehensive beach condition survey was conducted after Matthew's passage, and the results show that -1.43 million cubic yards of sand ("30 percent of the nourishment volume) shifted out of the project area. 1 of 10 Consistent with the short-term plan and maintenance threshold which calls for renourishment when —50 percent of the 2011 volume has eroded from the project area, the Town of Nags Head proposes a 4 million cy renourishment project along the same 10 -mile oceanfront with main purpose and goals as follows: 1) Restore sand losses due to chronic erosion and Hurricane Matthew (2016). 2) Provide higher level of storm protection. 3) Provide wider recreational beach and create habitat for wildlife. 4) Address high erosion rates at the south end of Nags Head. 5) Integrate a dune management plan into the renourishment design. 6) Maintain Nags Head's eligibility for future FEMA community assistance funds. Benthic Studies for the 2011 Project As a condition of the CAMA permit (N45-10) for the 2011 project and per the agency -approved monitoring plan, pre- and post -nourishment macrobenthic surveys of the beach and offshore borrow area including adjacent control areas were conducted seasonally (spring, summer, fall, and winter). Forty (40) sampling stations were established: 20 total beach stations (10 of which were controls) and 20 total offshore stations (10 of which were controls). A total of four (4) pre -nourishment monitoring events and eight (8) post -nourishment monitoring events (four in Year 1 and four in Year 2) occurred at these 40 designated sampling stations. Pre -nourishment data were compared to post -Yl and post -Y2 data by season and with all seasons combined by a series of t-tests or One-way ANOVA tests on taxa richness, abundance, abundance/meter', grain size, and mean differences. Pearson Product Moment correlations were also performed. The results show that seasonal variations dominated the dataset among the controls and the impact areas. Of all the combinations tested (n>50, 14 showed a statistically significant difference, seven of which were favorable for either the offshore borrow area or the nourished beach. The spring offshore abundance (Xpost minus Xpre) was significantly lower in the borrow area for both Y1 and Y2; however, when all seasons were combined for this test, there was no significant difference. Beach taxa richness (Xpost minus Xpre) had no significant differences on either a seasonal basis or when all seasons were combined. The results also demonstrate that sediment quality remained relatively constant before and after the project along the beach and in the borrow areas (CZR 2013). The benthic studies in connection with the 2011 project provide quantitative measures that indicate biological impacts of the project were neutral. Based on this result and similarities between the 2011 project and the proposed 2018 project, the applicant requests waiver of additional biological (benthic) monitoring surveys for the proposed project. ALTERNATIVES Received Two alternatives have been evaluated for the proposed 2018 project: • Alternative 1— No -Action Alternative. ®� IVI��I/ • Alternative 2 — Nourishment in Summer with Offshore Sand Source. Additional alternatives were considered during the planning stages of the 2011 project and the proposed 2018 project, but were approved by resource and regulatory agencies to be dismissed from further analysis for environmental, geological, technical, or economic reasons (cf— USACE 2010). Alternative 2—Construction During Summer Months is deemed necessary in this setting because of high wave conditions during the remainder of the year. The northern Outer Banks do not provide safe working conditions for 2 of 10 offshore dredging during fall and winter. The full scope of work proposed under Alternative 2 would best meet the goals and objectives of the applicant. Construction impacts and the short-term biological impacts of the 2018 project are expected to be similar to the 2011 project because borrow sources and sediment quality are nearly identical. Alternative 2 would add a large volume of sand to the beach system and increase the area of sea turtle and shorebird nesting habitat. It would significantly increase nourishment longevity and reduce the frequency of future remedial or emergency measures. Therefore, Alternative 2 is the applicant's preferred alternative. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed 2018 project is proposed to be conducted by the same means and measures during the same construction window (ie -summer) as the 2011 project. It will involve excavations of beach -quality sand from offshore borrow areas 3A and 4 via hydraulic or hopper dredge. Borrow sediment will be pumped to the beach and spread by land-based equipment (eg - bulldozers) along the beach zone between the toe of dune/mid-dry sand beach and low watermark. The elevation of the nourishment berm will be set at or below the normal dry beach level so that it is naturally overtopped by waves during minor storms. Initial dunes are proposed to be constructed along Reaches 3N, 3S, and 4 where there is lack of a dune or the dune volume is significantly lower than the average dune volume of the entire project length. The nourishment profile will be designed to adjust rapidly to changing wave conditions with an expected gradual shift of sand into deeper water as the profile equilibrates. Backshore areas are expected to be enhanced gradually after construction by natural dune -building processes and installation of sand fencing and planting of vegetation following project completion. The proposed project length will be the same 10.0 miles as the 2011 nourishment beginning -1 mile from the Town's northern limit, near the Bonnett Street public beach access, and extending south to the town line adjacent to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore as shown in Figure 1. Maximum nourishment volume will be 4 million cy to account for potential minor revisions to the preliminary design as well as changed conditions prior to construction. The final scale and scope of the proposed project will depend on funds available. The anticipated maximum impact area during construction for a 10 -mile -long project is -480 acres. The maximum project is expected to create -10 acres of new dune habitat and -160 acres of new dry -beach habitat. Fill densities will vary from 60 cy/ft in Reach 1 to 155 cy/ft in Reaches 3S and 4 (Figure 2 of this Narrative and Sheets 03-18 of the permit drawings) to best achieve the applicant's purpose and goals of the 2018 project. Figure 2 illustrates the average fill templates relative to the average profiles for each reach based on the June 2016 survey. The elevation of the dry -sand berm is set to be at +6 ft NAVD, and the initial constructed berm width varies from 90 ft to 310 ft. Final fill templates for each section of the beach will be determined close to the time of construction (according to standard practice) based on beach conditions. However, the total project volume and the impact area will not exceed the maximum values proposed herein. BORROW AREAS AND SEDIMENT QUALITY The applicant anticipates utilizing two offshore borrow areas, 3A and 4 (Sheets 19-21). Borrow area 3A contains a portion of borrow areas 2 and 3 which were used in the 2011 project. As shown in Figure 1, borrow area 3A is located 1.5-2.5 miles offshore of south Nags Head and has a total area of -340 acres. It is delineated within USACE (2000) borrow area "Sl" based on collection of 17 borings by CSE in July and October 2017. The core density in barrow area 3A is 1 core per -20 acres. Borrow area 4 is located 1.0-1.5 miles offshore along the northern portion of Nags Head and encompasses a total area of -150 acres. Within this area, twelve (12) cores were obtained in July and October 2017, and the core density in borrow area 4 is 1 core per -13 acres. The locations of the cores that were collected in July and October 2017 are shown on Sheets 19 and 20 of the permit drawings. Received 3 of 10 DCM-EC Cores were logged and analyzed for grain size, shell content, and mud content using sample splits at distinct changes in lithology. The results showed that the designated borrow areas meet or exceeded the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission (NCCRC) sediment criteria (15A NCAC 07H.0312 -Technical Standards for Beach Fill Project) (Attachment 1). Sediment samples were collected on the native beach following the NCAC criteria, and the locations of the samples are shown in Figure 3. Sediment quality in the proposed borrow areas, based on the cores collected within the proposed borrow areas, closely matches the existing beach in terms of grain -size distribution and color (Figure 4). Detailed sediment quality data for the beach and borrow areas are contained in the Geotechnical Data Analysis [Appendix C of the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project]. Because the majority of the cores represent the upper 8-9 ft of substrate, the applicant proposes a maximum - allowed excavation depth of 8 ft below the existing grade, which is the same depth permitted and used in the 2011 project. CULTURAL RESOURCES STUDY The coastal waters off the Outer Banks of North Carolina have one of the highest documented concentrations of shipwrecks in the western Atlantic. Hundreds of vessels have been reported lost off the Outer Banks and especially off Cape Hatteras. Although the project survey sites lie within the area of highest sensitivity for historic shipwrecks in North Carolina, no shipwreck remains have been documented on the project beach or in the proposed offshore borrow areas. Data generated by a cultural resources survey by Tidewater Atlantic Research (TAR) for the 2011 project identified two anomaly clusters in Borrow Areas 2 and 3, and a 400 -ft diameter, no -work buffer zone was established around each anomaly. TAR was retained by the applicant and conducted a similar cultural resources survey in October 2017 in the proposed borrow areas 3A and 4 for the 2018 project. Seven (7) pipeline corridors were also surveyed by TAR along the 52,800 -ft project area. Details of the surveys and results are included in EA Appendix F -Cultural Resources Survey. Surveys confirm that there is no evidence of shell middens, paleochannel confluences, or lagoon complexes considered to be associated with prehistoric habitation within the proposed barrow areas. Three magnetic anomalies were identified in Borrow Area 3A. One is located in the middle of Borrow Area 3A, and the other two are located outside of the area within the 200 -ft buffer zone (see Figure 28 on page 55 of the Cultural Resources Survey report and permit drawing Sheets 02 and 19). All of the anomalies have signatures similar to those produced by deteriorated pipe, old cable or deteriorated wire, traps, small boat anchors, and other modern debris. None appear to represent more complex signatures associated with historical vessel remains. No -work buffer zone has been established around each anomaly as shown on Sheets 02 and 19. Because borrow areas 3A and 4 contain fifty percent (50%) more sand than the volume needed for the 2018 project, "no -work' buffer zones around possible anomalies (if any) are not likely to have any impact on construction. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The proposed 2018 project will be similar to the 2011 project in scale, scope, and construction methods. The proposed project will require summer dredging because of safety concerns for crew and equipment, particularly the lack of a nearby safe harbor for ocean dredges. Construction duration is expected to be a maximum of -4-5 months if work is permitted between 1 May and 30 October. The preferred schedule for start of construction is 1 May 2018. Received (, 0 4 of 10 DCM-EC DUNE MANAGEMENT PLAN The Town of Nags Head proposes to integrate a dune management plan into the proposed 2018 renourishment project following recommendations by USACE Regulatory (Wilmington, NC) and NCDEQ—DCM (Morehead City, NC). The purpose of the plan is to establish uniform standards for the entire project length to enhance dune growth and to provide guidance for possible sand relocation activities in the event of encroachment to existing structure occur. The 10 -mile project area gained approximately 1 million cy of sand along the foredune and the back of the beach following completion of the 2011 nourishment by natural wind -generated sand transport (ie — aeolian transport). The extra volume and elevation in the dunes has provided a higher level of storm protection, helping Nags Head avoid any major damage to oceanfront properties during numerous severe storms over the past six years. One negative aspect of dune buildup has been encroachment of sand into private property where there was no fencing or vegetation to intercept it. This problem led the Town of Nags Head to apply for an emergency permit modification in 2014 for a dune maintenance and augmentation program. The dune management plan proposed as part of the renourishment plan and present permit application is built upon Town's experience of the past six years in managing the dune system since completion of the 2011 nourishment. It includes the following actions at three major stages: (1) During Construction — Initial dunes are proposed to be built along all or a portion of Reaches 3N, 3S, and 4 where there is lack of a dune or the dune volume is significantly lower than the average dune volume of the entire project length (see Sheets 15-17). The typical elevation at the top of the dune will be at +10 ft NAVD and not to exceed +12 ft NAVD, the typical width of the dune crest will be 20-50 ft, and the landward and seaward slope will be at the maximum of 1 on 3 (vertical versus horizontal). The protective dune will tie into the existing profile but in no circumstance encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations. (2) Following Construction —Sand fencing will be installed and vegetation will be planted following renourishment along the entire project area. General instructions are illustrated on Sheets 22 and 23, and the exact locations of sand fencing and vegetation will be determined based on the condition after the proposed renourishment. (3) Post -Project —The Town of Nags Head will evaluate the dune encroachment problematic areas and determine the level of actions based on resultant impacts to the frontal dune system after removal and relocation of sand material (Sheet 23). Limited mechanical equipment operations are proposed to be used to transport and deposit sand seaward of the frontal dune if necessary. All work will be conducted between November 16 and April 30, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm unless otherwise authorized by NCDCM. 5 of 10 Receivicd DCPdi-EC SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS An Environmental Assessment (EA) and the following appendices are submitted or will be submitted in support of the permit application: Appendix A) Littoral Processes Report Appendix B) Biological Assessment (BA) Appendix C) Geotechnical Data Report Appendix D) Essential Fish Habitat Assessment (EFH) Appendix E) Biological Monitoring for Nags Head 2011 Beach Nourishment Project Appendix F) Cultural Resources Report Appendix G) Monitoring and Mitigation Measures Appendix H) FEMA Authorization Documents The project team attended two pre -application meetings on 23 March and 8 August 2017 with federal and state regulatory and resource agencies. Initial guidance regarding preparation of environmental documents required by state and federal agencies before, during, or after construction was received by the applicant. The Town of Nags Head also requested Section 7 consultation under the Endangered Species Act at the earliest time, along with instructions regarding endangered species monitoring requirements during construction, and environmental sampling, if necessary, before and after construction. Received DCM-EC 6 of 10 NAGS HEAD CORP. LIMIT 497+007 1010+00 1025+00 Proposed Borrow Area (150 ac) 4 g It �- S1 LLJ L Proposed Borrow Area (340 ac) I 0 N 0 OIL Areas 2 & 3 utilized in the 2011 nourishment project with 46 borings (1 core per -14 acres). 0 8,000 ® .- Scale (Feet) 81 - USACE Designated borrow area FIGURE 1. Map showing applicant's proposed project area illustrating maximum limits of nourishment along the oceanfront in Nags Head (NC). From the 2011 project, one proposed sand source would be the remainder of Borrow Area 3 extending into 2 to make a newly named Borrow Area 3A. This is located about -1.5-2.5 miles offshore of South Nags Head. The second is new Borrow Area 4located-1.0-1.5 miles off the north central portion of Nags Head beach. 7 of 10 CD n CD c' M Q. Reach 1— Between Stations 497+00 and 790+00 2s 2° Berm Cres[ at f[ NAVD ss Average Berm Width ft g fill Slope =l on l7 1° Average Fill Density =60 cy/k z 5 p MHW +1.18 k NAVD .� .____________ ____ __________ o MLW -2.05 it NAVD w -s ao -tW o lW 2W 300 JCO SM fi90 Distance t0 2010 Survey +10 ft NAVD Contour (ft) Reach 3N — Between Stations 920+00 and 975+00 20 ss Berm Crest at+6k NAVD Average Berm Ill, =227 11 S FIII Slope= l on 17 so z Average FIII Density =113 cy/k � s MHW +1.18 ft NAVD ° MLW -2.05 k NAVD M s m 2m o loo xw am aoo soo NO 700 aW Distance to 2010 Survey +10 ft NAVD Contour (k) 2s Reach 4—Between Stations 1010+00 and 1025+00 20 1s germ Cresta, +6 ft NAVD Average Berm Width = 310 k aso Fill Slope=ton 17 i Average FIII Density=155 cy/k � s C MHW .1.18 fl NAVD _________ _________. ° MNW -2.05 k NAVD M -s 1° -IS .100 ° 100 IW e. 9O] SW 600 MJ acO Distance to 2010 Survey +10 k NAVD Contour (ft) Reach 2—Between Stations 790+00 and 920+00 2S 20 Berm Crest at+6 f[ NAVD 1s Average germ Width=130k o Fill Slope =Ion 17 i 10 Average Fill Density =65 cy/k C s MHW +-- It NAVD q---------------- ______ ° ---- MLW-2.05h NAVD w 5 10 IS .ICY n iCa 3V° 3°0 am SCO ma Distance to 2010 Survey+l0 it NAVD Contour (k) Reach 3S — Between Stations 975+00 and 1010+00 zs zo 2s Berm Crest at+ 6R NAVD Average Berm Width = 280 ft o FIII Slope=Ion 11 i 2O Average FIII Density=155 cy/ft r s --_ MHW +1.18 ft NAVD °MLW -2.05.. NAVD u s ao as aao o loo :aa aep aao soo em eco eoo Distance to 2010 Survey +10 k NAVD Contour (n) B of 10 FIGURE 2. Average fill templates for each reach. Beach profiles represent the average condition of each reach in June 2016. Recil rr,:.� D C M-.frate. C 430+00 700.00 450+06 Station 497.00 750+00 Project limit 500+00 800+00 r 550+00 r;. � eso.00 #li � 600400 900+00 650+00 950+00 760+00 7000.00 Station 1025+00 Project limit 750+00 050+00 "v{ 0 6.000 Y' ®FFeet 20n Dune Dune Toe ton- Berm Crest Berm MHW Oft ---.-- --- MTL MLW Bar -8 -1011 - -12 Trough o—_ -16 -20 n.-._.-.-._.-.-._._.-._._._._._._.__._._.-.-.-.-._.............__._. -30 it.---.-._._................__.-.-___.-.-.-.__._-._-.-.-.-_.-. 500ft 1Mft 15001[ Sediment Grab Sample Positions (Typical Beach Profile) -20 -24 ,•_ 2000 ft —2500 n FIGURE 3. [UPPER] Longshore positions of the 14 transects for beach grab samples along Nags Head between stations 450+00 and 1050+00. [LOWER] Cross -shore positions for beach grab samples along each transect following North Carolina sediment sampling criteria rules. 9 of 10 ♦, CJ ^s }W� LQ 6i�t C1 Sediment Grab Sample Positions (Typical Beach Profile) -20 -24 ,•_ 2000 ft —2500 n FIGURE 3. [UPPER] Longshore positions of the 14 transects for beach grab samples along Nags Head between stations 450+00 and 1050+00. [LOWER] Cross -shore positions for beach grab samples along each transect following North Carolina sediment sampling criteria rules. 9 of 10 Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 10018 8 4 2 1 0.5 025 —^ Native Sum 90 Borrow Sum 00 — Native% —_ Borrow % 70 \ 60 -.. rn 50 0 3 40 30 20 10 0 - Native Sum 2458 90 Borrow Sum Project 1458 Jul 2017 Native % Native Location Nags Head, NC 60 Borrow - Date Jul 2017 Sample _,_Borrow % Native Mean 70 Native STD Native Beach Borrow BA3A 60- - Sample ALL rn 50 Native Mean 0.334 mm 3 Native STD 0.645 mm 40 30 Borrow Mean 0.375 mm Borrow STD 0.607 mm 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 -4 -3 .2 -1 4 Grain Size (�) Grain Size Distribution Grain Size (mm) 10018 8 4 2 1 0.5 025 —^ Native Sum 90 Borrow Sum 00 — Native% —_ Borrow % 70 \ 60 -.. rn 50 0 3 40 30 20 10 0 - Project 2458 Location Nags Head, NC Date Jul 2017 - Native Beach Borrow BA4 - Sample ALL Native Mean 0.334 mm Native STD 0.645 mm -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Grain Size (0) Borrow Mean 0.356 mm Borrow STD 0.535 mm FIGURE 4. Sediment grain -size distribution along the proposed project area (composited beach samples) and sediment quality for the proposed offshore borrow areas showing similar, mean grain size and sorting (composited from available cores). Received GGM-EC 10 of 10 NARRATIVE — ATTACHMENT 1 15A NCAC 07H .0312 TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR BEACH FILL PROJECTS Placement of sediment along the oceanfront shoreline is referred to in this Rule as "beach fill." Sediment used solely to establish or strengthen dunes or to re-establish state -maintained transportation corridors across a barrier island breach in a disaster area as declared by the Governor is not considered a beach fill project under this Rule. Beach fill projects including beach nourishment, dredged material disposal, habitat restoration, storm protection, and erosion control may be permitted under the following conditions: (1) The applicant shall characterize the recipient beach according to the following methodology: (a) Characterization of the recipient beach is not required for the placement of sediment directly from and completely confined to a maintained navigation channel or associated sediment basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system; N/A (b) Sediment sampling and analysis shall be used to capture the three-dimensional spatial variability of the sediment characteristics including grain size, sorting and mineralogy within the natural system; Sediment samples were collected at fourteen (14) stations along the beach and thirteen (13) cross - shore locations between the foredune and 20 ft depth contour within the proposed project area. Samples were also collected at various locations and multiple depths within the proposed borrow area to capture the three-dimensional spatial variability of the sediment characteristics. (c) Shore -perpendicular topographic and bathymetric surveying of the recipient beach shall be conducted to determine the beach profile. Topographic and bathymetric surveying shall occur along a minimum of five shore -perpendicular transects evenly spaced throughout the entire project area. Each transect shall extend from the frontal dune crest seaward to a depth of 20 feet (6.1 meters) or to the shore -perpendicular distance 2,400 feet (732 meters) seaward of mean low water, whichever is in a more landward position. Transect spacing shall not exceed 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) in the shore -parallel direction. Elevation data for all transects shall be referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83); Annual shore -perpendicular, topographic and bathymetric surveying of the recipient beach has been conducted in June since the completion of the 2011 beach nourishment project at Nags Head. The surveying extends from the foredune seaward to a depth of over 40 feet. One hundred and twenty-four (124) transects were surveyed along the —10.0 -mile project area and the adjacent areas, and the spacing between each transect within the project area was 500 ft. The spacing between each transect outside of the project area varies from 1,000 ft to 2,000 ft. Elevation data for all transects are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). Details of the survey and its results are described in the Environmental Assessment (EA) — Appendix A - Littoral Processes. Received 1 of 9 DC[A-FC (d) No fewer than 13 sediment samples shall be taken along each beach profile transect. At least one sample shall be taken from each of the following morphodynamic zones where present: frontal dune, frontal dune toe, mid berm, mean high water (MHW), mid tide (MT), mean low water (MLW), trough, bar crest and at even depth increments from 6 feet (1.8 meters) to 20 feet (6.1 meters) or to a shore -perpendicular distance 2,400 feet (732 meters) seaward of mean low water, whichever is in a more landward position. The total number of samples taken landward of MLW shall equal the total number of samples taken seaward of MLW; Sediment samples were collected along fourteen beach transects in June 2016 (see the Geotechnical Report). Thirteen (13) samples were taken along each beach transect at the following cross -shore locations (see Figure 3 in the Narrative or Figure 2.1 in the Geotechnical Report): • dune face • toe of the dune • berm • berm crest • MHW • MTL • MLW • Trough • inshore bar • -8 ft NAVD • -12 ft NAVD • -16 ft NAVD • -20 ft NAVD Received e� There are 7 samples taken landward of MLW (including MLW) and 6 samples taken seaward of MLW. (e) For the purpose of this Rule, "sediment grain size categories" are defined as "fine" (less than 0.0625 millimeters), "sand" (greater than or equal to 0.0625 millimeters and less than 2 millimeters), "granular" (greater than or equal to 2 millimeters and less than 4.76 millimeters) and "gravel' (greater than or equal to 4.76 millimeters and less than 76 millimeters). Each sediment sample shall report percentage by weight of each of these four grain size categories; Sediment samples were inspected for mud then washed, dried, weighed in splits for analysis of grain size, gravel, and shell content (see Sections 3 and 4 of the Geotechnical Report). Grain size distribution of each sample is shown in Attachment 1 of the Geotechnical Report. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis), along with USCS and Wentworth descriptions, and shell and gravel contents, are compiled in Tables 3.1a and 3.1b. Tables 3.2 and 3.3 contain mean grain sizes, standard deviations, and shell and gravel contents averaged by station as well as cross shore position. Overall, materials on the native beach and the borrow areas are both defined as "sand" based on the Rule with fine-grained sediment contents for the recipient beach are less than 1% and the average granular and gravel content (grain size greater 2of9 than or equal to 2 millimeters) is 0.8% (see Tables 3.3 and Figure 3.1 of the Geotechnical Report). Detailed results for the proposed borrow areas are in included in Section 4 of the Geotechnical Report. (f) A composite of the simple arithmetic mean for each of the four grain size categories defined in Sub -Item (1)(e) of this Rule shall be calculated for each transect. A grand mean shall be established for each of the four grain size categories by summing the mean for each transect and dividing by the total number of transects. The value that characterizes grain size values for the recipient beach is the grand mean of percentage by weight for each grain size category defined in Sub -Item (1)(e) of this Rule; Mean (and a grand mean for composite samples) grain size for individual samples and composite samples are summarized in Tables 3.1 to 3.3 and plotted in Figures 3.1 to 3.6 of the Geotechnical Report. The arithmetic mean of the fine-grained sediment content for the recipient beach is less than 1%, and the arithmetic mean of the granular and gravel contents (grain size greater than or equal to 2 millimeters) is 0.8% (see Tables 3.1 to 3.3). (g) Percentage by weight calcium carbonate shall be calculated from a composite of all sediment samples along each transect defined in Sub -Item (1)(d) of this Rule. The value that characterizes the carbonate content of the recipient beach is a grand mean calculated by summing the average percentage by weight calcium carbonate for each transect and dividing by the total number of transects. For beaches on which fill activities have taken place prior to the effective date of this Rule, the Division of Coastal Management shall consider visual estimates of shell content as a proxy for carbonate weight percent; Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content (ie — "shell' content) was determined by acid -burning using dilute hydrochloric acid. Percentage by weight calcium carbonate was calculated for each sample as well as for a composite of all samples along each transect. The results are listed in Tables 3.1 to 3.3 of the Geotechnical Report, and plotted in Figure 3.3 of the same report. The arithmetic average shell content for all samples (n=182) was 1.7% in June 2016 (see Table 3.3). (h) The total number of sediments and shell material greater than or equal to three inches (76 millimeters) in diameter, observable on the surface of the beach between mean low water (MLW) and the frontal dune toe, shall be calculated for an area of 50,000 square feet (4,645 square meters) within the beach fill project boundaries. This area is considered a representative sample of the entire project area and referred to as the "background" value; Some material greater than or equal to three inches (76 millimeters) in diameter was observed along the beach in June 2016. A large-clast survey was conducted in a —50,000 square feet area within the Nags Head project area in June 2016. Survey results show that there were four shells about 3-4 inches in length but none were thicker than one half inch in the survey area. See Section 2.1 of the Geotechnical Report. (i) Beaches that received sediment prior to the effective date of this Rule shall be characterized in a way that is consistent with Sub -Items (1)(a) through (1)(h) of this Rule and shall use data collected from the recipient beach prior to the addition of beach fill. If such data were not collected or are unavailable, a dataset best reflecting the sediment characteristiPoof the. eeived 3of9 h recipient beach prior to beach fill shall be developed in coordination with the Division of Coastal Management; and N/A (j) All data used to characterize the recipient beach shall be provided in digital and hardcopy format to the Division of Coastal Management upon request. All data were described, analyzed, compiled, and plotted in Appendix C — Geotechnical Data. Digital and hardcopy of the report has been submitted to the Division of Coastal Management. (2) The applicant shall characterize the sediment to be placed on the recipient beach according to the following methodology: (a) The characterization of borrow areas including submarine sites, upland sites, and dredged material disposal areas shall be designed to capture the three-dimensional spatial variability of the sediment characteristics including grain size, sorting and mineralogy within the natural system or dredged material disposal area; A variety of potential borrow areas have been evaluated. Details are described in Section 4 of the Geotechnical Report. (b) The characterization of borrow sites shall include sediment characterization data provided by the Division of Coastal Management where available. These data can be found in individual project reports and studies, and shall be provided by the Division of Coastal Management upon request and where available; The borings obtained by the applicant for the 1011 nourishment project (CSE 2011) were reviewed by the Division of Coastal Management. No data were available directly from the Division of Coastal Management. CSE. 2011. Coastal Engineering & Geotechnical Analyses for Beach Nourishment at Nags Head. Prepared for Town of Nags Head, Dare County NC. (c) Seafloor surveys shall measure elevation and capture acoustic imagery of the seafloor. Measurement of seafloor elevation shall cover 100 percent of each submarine borrow site and use survey -grade swath sonar (e.g. multibeam or similar technologies) in accordance with current US Army Corps of Engineers standards for navigation and dredging. Seafloor imaging without an elevation component (e.g. sidescan sonar or similar technologies) shall also cover 100 percent of each borrow site and be performed in accordance with US Army Corps of Engineers standards for navigation and dredging. Because shallow submarine areas can provide technical challenges and physical limitations for acoustic measurements, seafloor imaging without an elevation component may not be required for water depths less than 10 feet (3 meters). Alternative elevation surveying methods for water depths less than 10 feet (3 meters) may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Division of Coastal Management. Elevation data shall be tide- and motion -corrected and referenced to NAVD 88 and NAD 83. Seafloor imaging data without an elevation component shall be referenced to the NAD 83. All final seafloor survey data shall conform to standards for accuracy, quality control and quality assurance as set forth by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE). The currentReumed 4of9 UCIY -EC standards for navigation and dredging can be obtained from the Wilmington District of the USACE. For offshore dredged material disposal sites, only one set of imagery without elevation is required. Sonar imaging of the seafloor without elevation is not required for borrow sites completely confined to maintained navigation channels, sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system; A detailed bathymetric survey with 200 ft spacing for track lines of proposed borrow areas was completed by CSE in June 2016 and October 2017. A submerged cultural resource remote -sensing survey of the proposed borrow area was conducted in October 2017 by Tidewater Atlantic Research (TAR) of Washington, North Carolina. Work performed by TAR consists of a background literature survey, historical research and cartographical investigation, and covered 100 percent of the proposed borrow areas. The remote -sensing investigation and assessment conducted by TAR was developed to comply with the criteria of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-190), Executive Order 11593, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Procedures for the protection of historic and cultural properties (36 CRF Part 800), the updated guidelines described in the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S. C. 3000101 et seq.), "Abandoned Shipwreck Law" (North Carolina General Statute (NCGS] 121, article 3), and the North Carolina Archaeological Resources Act (NCGS 70, article 1). The results of the investigation are designed to comply with North Carolina and Federal submerged cultural resource legislation and regulations. The proposed borrow areas are situated 1 to 2 miles off of north and south Nags Head. The depths of the areas are is from 35 ft to 60 ft with an average of —46 ft below NAVD. A marine cesium magnetometer and digital sidescan sonar along with other supporting equipment was employed in October 2017 to collect bathymetric, magnetic and acoustic data. Details of the study is included in EA Appendix F— Cultural Resources Study. (d) Geophysical imaging of the seafloor subsurface shall be used to characterize each borrow site and shall use survey grids with a line spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet (305 meters). Offshore dredged material disposal sites shall use a survey grid not to exceed 2,000 feet (610 meters) and only one set of geophysical imaging of the seafloor subsurface is required. Survey grids shall incorporate at least one tie point per survey line. Because shallow submarine areas can pose technical challenges and physical limitations forgeophysical techniques, subsurface data may not be required in water depths less than 10 feet (3 meters), and the Division of Coastal Management shall evaluate these areas on a case-by-case basis. Subsurface geophysical imaging shall not be required for borrow sites completely confined to maintained navigation channels, sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system, or upland sites. All final subsurface geophysical data shall use accurate sediment velocity models for time -depth conversions and be referenced to NAD 83; To ensure sufficient data would be available to locate any potentially significant magnetic anomalies and sonar targets in the proposed borrow area, remotely sensed data were collected in October 2017 along parallel lanes spaced on 50 foot intervals. All final subsurface geophysical data used accurate sediment velocity models for time -depth conversions and be referenced to NAD 83. Received 5of9 DMA -EC (e) Sediment sampling of all borrow sites shall use a vertical sampling device no less than 3 inches (76 millimeters) in diameter. Characterization of each borrow site shall use no fewer than five evenly spaced cores or one core per 23 acres (grid spacing of 1,000 feet or 305 meters), whichever is greater. Characterization of borrow sites completely confined to maintained navigation channels or sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system shall use no fewer than five evenly spaced vertical samples per channel or sediment basin, or sample spacing of no more than 5,000 linear feet (1,524 meters), whichever is greater. Two sets of sampling data (with at least one dredging event in between) from maintained navigation channels or sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system may be used to characterize material for subsequent nourishment events from those areas if the sampling results are found to be compatible with Sub -Item (3)(a) of this Rule. In submarine borrow sites other than maintained navigation channels or associated sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system where water depths are no greater than 10 feet (3 meters), geophysical data of and below the seafloor are not required, and sediment sample spacing shall be no less than one core per six acres (grid spacing of 500 feet or 152 meters). Vertical sampling shall penetrate to a depth equal to or greater than permitted dredge or excavation depth or expected dredge or excavation depths for pending permit applications. All sediment samples shall be integrated with geophysical data to constrain the surficial, horizontal and vertical extent of lithologic units and determine excavation volumes of compatible sediment as defined in Item (3) of this Rule; Cores at the proposed offshore borrow areas were obtained using CSE's proprietary system which creates a partial vacuum that allows penetration of a 3 -inch aluminum core barrel into the substrate (Section 2.2 of Appendix C— Geotechnical Data). Lengths of all cores within the borrow areas are from 7.8 ft to 10.0 ft with an average of 8.8 ft in borrow area 3A and from 4.9 ft to 9.6 ft with an average of 7.7 ft in borrow area 4 (see Section 4 and Table 4.1 of the Geotechnical Report). There are 17 cores in the -340-acre proposal borrow area 3A, yielding a core density of 1 core per —20 acres, and 12 cores in the "'150 -acre proposed borrow area 4, yielding a core density of 1 core per —13 acres (see Sheets 19 and 20 of Drawings). There area total of 29 borings within the 490 -acre borrow area (1 per —17 acres). The proposed excavation depth is 8 feet below the existing grade based on the core lengths. Existing core logs are included in Attachment 2 of the Geotechnical Report. ( f) For offshore dredged material disposal sites, the grid spacing shall not exceed 2,000 feet (610 meters). Characterization of material deposited at offshore dredged material disposal sites after the initial characterization are not required if all of the material deposited complies with Sub -Item (3)(a) of this Rule as demonstrated by at least two sets of sampling data with at least one dredging event in between; N/A (g) Grain size distributions shall be reported for all sub -samples taken within each vertical sample for each of the four grain size categories defined in Sub -Item (1)(e) of this Rule. Weighted averages for each core shall be calculated based on the total number of samples and the Received thickness of each sampled interval. A simple arithmetic mean of the weighted averages for II�� each grain size category shall be calculated to represent the average grain size values for each I (ti: 0 5 "'.7 6of9 DCM-EC borrow site. Vertical samples shall be geo-referenced and digitally imaged using scaled, color - calibrated photography; All sediment samples within each vertical sample were inspected for mud then washed, dried, weighed in splits for analysis of grain size, gravel, and shell content (see the methodology in Section 2 of the Geotechnical Report). Grain size distribution of each sample is shown in Attachment 3A of the Geotechnical Report. Descriptive statistics for samples in the borrow areas (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis), along with USCS and Wentworth descriptions, and shell and gravel contents, are compiled in Tables 4.1a and 4.1b. Tables 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 contain the some information for individual cores composited to a specified depth (eg 4 ft 6 ft 8 ft). Overall, fine-grained sediment contents for the final proposed borrow area are less than 196, granular and gravel contents are generally less than 3% with an average of 2.2% and shell content is generally less than 5% with an overage of 2.7% (see Tables 4.1 and 4.5 of the Geotechnical Report). (h) Percentage by weight of calcium carbonate shall be calculated from a composite sample of each core. A weighted average of calcium carbonate percentage by weight shall be calculated for each borrow site based on the composite sample thickness of each core. Carbonate analysis is not required for sediment confined to maintained navigation channels or associated sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inlet shoal system; and Calcium carbonate (CoCO,) content (ie — "shell" content) was determined by acid -burning using dilute hydrochloric acid (see Table 4.1 of the Geotechnical Report). Percentage by weight calcium carbonate was also calculated for a composite of each core at different thickness intervals. The results are listed in Tables 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 5.1, and are plotted in Figures 4.2 and 4.3 of the Geotechnical Report. Table 4.5 shows the arithmetic average for all cores composited to 8 ft is 3.2% which is -1% greater than the recipient beach. (i) All data used to characterize the borrow site shall be provided in digital and hardcopy format to the Division of Coastal Management upon request. All data were described, analyzed, compiled, and plotted in the Geotechnical Report. Digital and hardcopy of the report has been submitted to the Division of Coastal Management. (3) The Division of Coastal Management shall determine sediment compatibility according to the following criteria: (a) Sediment completely confined to the permitted dredge depth of a maintained navigation channel orassociated sediment deposition basins within the active nearshore, beach or inletshoal system is considered compatible if the average percentage by weight of fine-grained (less than 0.0625 millimeters) sediment is less than 10 percent; Materials on the native beach are defined as 'sand" based on the Rule with fine-grained sediment contents for the recipient beach are less than 1%. See Attachment 1 of grain size distributions of beach samples in the Geotechnical Data Analyses report. Received DE^ 0 h "'.7 7of9 DMEC (b) The average percentage by weight of fine-grained sediment (less than 0.0625 millimeters) in each borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage by weight of fine-grained sediment of the recipient beach characterization plus five percent; Materials in the borrow areas are defined as "sand" based on the Rule with fine-grained sediment contents for the borrow areas are less than 1%. See Attachment 3 of grain size distributions of core samples in the Geotechnical Data Analyses report. (c) The average percentage by weight of granular sediment (greater than or equal to 2 millimeters and less than 4.76 millimeters) in a borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage by weight of coarse -sand sediment of the recipient beach characterization plus 10 percent; The arithmetic mean of the granular and gravel contents (grain size greater than or equal to 2 millimeters) for the recipient beach is 0.8% (see Tables 3.1 to 3.3), and 2.2% for the borrow areas (see Table 4.5) in the Geotechnical Data Analyses report. (d) The average percentage by weight of gravel (greater than or equal to 4.76 millimeters and less than 76 millimeters) in a borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage by weight of gravel -sized sediment for the recipient beach characterization plus five percent; The arithmetic means of the granular and gravel contents (grain size greater than 4.76 millimeters less than 76 millimeters) for the recipient beach and the borrow areas are both less than 1%. (e) The average percentage by weight of calcium carbonate in a borrow site shall not exceed the average percentage by weight of calcium carbonate of the recipient beach characterization plus 15 percent; and The average percentage by weight of calcium carbonate of the recipient beach is 1.7% (see Table 3.3 of the Geotechnical Report), the average percentage of the borrow areas is 2.7% (see Table 4.5). (f) Techniques that take incompatible sediment within a borrow site or combination of sites and make it compatible with that of the recipient beach characterization shall be evaluated on a case- by-case basis by the Division of Coastal Management. N/A (4) Excavation and placement of sediment shall conform to the following criteria: (a) Sediment excavation depths for all borrow sites shall not exceed the maximum depth of recovered core at each coring location; The maximum core depth is 10.0 ft. (b) In order to protect threatened and endangered species, and to minimize impacts to fish, shellfish and wildlife resources, no excavation or placement of sediment shall occur within the project area during times designated by the Division of Coastal Management in consultation with other State and Federal agencies. The time limitations shall be established during the permitting Receive docess and shall be made known prior to permit issuance; and 8of9 D C M"E C Acknowledged. (c) Sediment and shell material with a diameter greater than or equal to three inches (76 millimeters) is considered incompatible if it has been placed on the beach during the beach fill project, is observed between MLW and the frontal dune toe, and is in excess of twice the background value of material of the same size along any 50,000 -square -foot (4,645 square meter) section of beach. Acknowledged. 9 of 9 Received DCM-EC I Location Southern Shores oMiles e Point Harbor �Kags (Head '�� Kitty Hawk �$ TCape Lookout fi jlA'ILej, b e� $a9 c `0 �4 Cape Fear C, t n a A t l CS �� Cmml Sderxe G Engineering Received DE" 0J1".7 DMEC PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 Albemarle Sound Manns Harbor BYP J 64 Atlantic Ocean Kill Devil Hills esti lip& Nags. Head -o 0. 9 1a\ 20 Wanchese NC S 00,��ti 12 Croatan Sound Project Location PROJECT.- NAGS ROJECT:NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: VICINITY MAP Oregon Inlet SCALE: SHEET# AS SHOWN DATE: 15 Sep 2017 DRAWN BY: T. Hair 101 APPRMDBY: HLK PROJECT#: 2458 3,000,000 E 2,988,000 E \ 6 ROANOKE SOUND POND IS -- \��- - R 0 A N 0 K E SOUND CAPE HA7TERAS - -doub NA AL SEASHORE o - o N O o 00 O O REACH 4 FILL STA 1010+00 TO 1025+00 IR41 R3S 1,500 LF TOTAL = UP TO 232,000 CY P Reach 3 South FILL STA 975+00 T01010+00 3,500 LF TOTAL = UP TO 543,000 CY o V % / 3A Oi HAT.., TERAS ONA MW-----�._�_CAPE PARK RD.✓,_�.---- 12 a,\ .. - - Areas ` nt.,MO i.�,e. i, •x!81 _ NN (See Sheet 19) 1, Bonnett Street 497+00 12 o� 0 1� N m ,o+n0 ao pOj I Co I ao Co � u 722+00 \ A T L A N T I C O C E A N 745+00 Reach 2 E. Hollowell Street 543+00 Reach 1 R3N FILL STA 790+00 TO 920+00 E. Conch Street 555+00 FILL ST 497+00 TO 790+00 �- 13,000 LF Small Street 630+00 29,300 LF 920+00 TOTAL = UP TO 845,000 CY 14. E. Juncos Street TOT = UP TO 1,758,000 CY Reach 3 North 29,300 60 -1,500 k �eG. ,� FILL STA 920+00 TO 975+00 See Sheets 19-2 For 954+00 790+00 \ 5,500 LF Proposed Borr w Area Details TOTAL = UP TO 622,000 CY 4 p ; A , Proposed Borrow Area _ _ _ — Buffered Magnetic Anomolies 6. O Beach Access 8 Staging Areas T (See Sheet 19) 1, Bonnett Street 497+00 Construclon 2. Curlew Street 532+00 E. Forrest Street 722+00 \ 9. E. Grouse Street 745+00 3. E. Hollowell Street 543+00 Sand Search Area 4. E. Conch Street 555+00 12. �- 5 Small Street 630+00 E. James Street Proposed Borrow Area �--- P 6. Enterprise Street 645+00 -'5,600 7. Epstien Street 690+00 Construclon (Year 2-6) \8. Stations E. Forrest Street 722+00 \ 9. E. Grouse Street 745+00 10. E. Gray Eagle Street 770+00 11. E. Gulfstream Way 783+00 Intial Dune 12. Isabella Street 875+00 0 4,000 P 13. E. James Street 920+00 .\ 14. E. Juncos Street 936+00 ® � 29,300 60 1,758,000 Scale (Feet) 15. E. Surfside Drive 954+00 790+00 3,036,000 E 2 NOTES: DATUM: HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) NC ZONE 3200 CSE Coastal 5dence G Engineering PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT.- NAGS ROJECT:NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT )4,000 E DRAWING TITLE: OVERALL PROJECT PLAN 01 Rev 17 Nov 2017 DRAWN 9Y: 10� T. Hair APPROVEDBY: HLK During RenoudshrnentConsiuction Following PosWrojed Construclon (Year 2-6) Reach Stations Length (9 Average Fit Sand Dens Max Fit Intial Dune Fencing/ FencinVegelalon Sand (cy� Vohme(cy) Construction Relocation 1 497+00to 29,300 60 1,758,000 No Yes As Needed 790+00 2 790+00 to 13,000 65 845,000 No Yes As Needed 920+00 3N 920+00 to 5,500 -113 622,000 No Yes As Needed 975+00 3S 975+00 to 3,500 ^155 543,000 Yes Yes As Needed 1010+00 4 1010+001D 1,500 -155 232,000 Yes Yes As Needed 1025+00 Tolall 497+00 to 1025+00 52,800 ^75 4,000,000 Yes Yes As Needed Average )4,000 E DRAWING TITLE: OVERALL PROJECT PLAN 01 Rev 17 Nov 2017 DRAWN 9Y: 10� T. Hair APPROVEDBY: HLK 6 �,. - 14 a I' m + + x, VIRGINIA DARE TRAIL - - N r d II Lanward Fill @+6 ft NAV I I I I I D� i � �• - Berm Limit @ +6 ft - Fill Toe Elevation Existing stonnwater outfalls maintained by NCDOT are visible on sheets 03, 04 and 17. The outfall on sheet 17 near station 1025+00 will be restored and extended a minimum distance as necessary to maintain functionalityafter the project based on requirements orspecifications provided by NCDOT. bridging or sand -layer protection will be used during construction to avoid an damage to Appropriated9 9 Y P n9 Y 9 the structures when heavyequipment has to run over these outfalls. No fill will be laced over the P r seaward end of the outlalls so that the ouHalls remain functional during construction. lj% r Landward Fill @ +6 ft NAVD-\ NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 MHW=MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) iwj I'i,l , .���ttrr s,:t of .r .J i-•i,�,.y �@ a ►�i. �i�"•1('r. :Icv� .."eY>. '� ,t •- - •�. The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 IT NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. 17 -f - - -� LEGEND ' - - - - - - MHW (+1.18 FT NA VD) MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) t C -7BERM FILL - DRY BEACH FILL SLOPE TO TOE F wn� ,VIRGINIA DARE TRAIL - - o i - � • .i r , � t a w , a' Y iy ,n I� - Fill Toe Elevation ATLANTIC OCEAN PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 ZI1LW /1 PROJECT-' NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT s3 ISI Irl -- ,� Iz I . I It s Work Around Piers: Pipeline maybe placed under piers. Equipment in ress and egress is allowed where feasible under piers. Nourishment sand shall be filled under piers to the extent practicable, without risking damage to the structures. - Berm Limit @ DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN REACH 01 STA 490+00 TO 552+00 DATE: 15 Sep 2011 DRAWN BY: T. Nair O Q J APPROVED BY: HD( o r 'ISM_ I >Fa'4 g CROATAN HWY o Y 8 12 S VIRGINIA l' DARE TRAIL T { Existing stormwater outfalls maintained by NCDOT are visible on sheets 03, 04 and 17. The outfall on sheet 17 near station 1025+00 will be restored and extended a minimum distance as necessa to r I h I 1 t+` ' s .�t maintain functionality after the project based on requirements or q specifications provided by NCDOT. �Appropriate bridging or sand -layer protection will be used Burin construction to avoid an damage to e APP P 9 9 Y P g Y 9 structures the structures when heavy equipment has to run over these ouflalls. No fill be the 1 • i - .. '+ it a "� .� - ;, 1 I 4 �I 1 `'-• r II •'1 ; ' '•.t z •' o will placed over seaward end of NConstruction.e outfalls so that the outfalls remain functional during Consction. ` +'' '."`' t �• `� `-- , _Landward Fill (r�+6 fl NAV�t' , Oyu •� ,i _ f:,, I I 4 .. .. i - .— _— - +.. 05 •- „� . .. -_ _ -- - Berm Limit @ +6 it NAV T A L '. ....: ' . ..,. , ;< ,..::.a .. ... ,::.: •' /1�1L I 3 r ,r , is .:. ' -•Fill Toe Elevation Veda - C.00EAN i it _ � tv I m $' ' '� r4,,:::: N ��nR'wrsn. -. W'. . ,Y�• i`�I ... ~� ...- i, ... _... - -. _. ,. r.. ... J S. VIRGINIA DARE TRAILAll T 1' �. '� 9 ,• yr_ 1ct4 INK t ' rt1►TT .r �. �S\�M fir•-. j'�♦'�. I • :j �, `��( i i .til I,� � •' -w 1 a,� .4 -,� 1 .,.^ (j + a.w % ' � �I �e1Nr., �.A YPCr� C.. r Ir , � ���� I . I I 1 i Y Landward FIII Q +6 fl NAV I � I � 'i (� ' ' -• � I i LLbLNU -Berm Limit@+6ft NAV — - — MHW(N.18FTNAVD) MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) M4 The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. BERM FILL - DRY BEACH 7 .. ' ,. ' .-r/d&/ - ATLANTIC OCEAN ti; / FILL SLOPE TO TOE NOTES:^"� VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) PREPARED FOR: PROJECT.' DRAWING TITLE: ��o"O SCALE: ASSHOW+ SHEET# HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD83 (FEET) 200 NC ZONE 3200 MEANHIGH WATER ® �_ ® S C TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT PROJECT PLANAL REACH 01r.xdrMLW=MEANLOW 14s; �� , �.,Mli APPROVED BY:ILK WATER Scale (Feet) NAGS HEAD NC 27959 STA 552+00 TO 615+00 /2°� -° PROJECT P. Z4se PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016)CoaS0o1Silence`End"g O IMF All r +SNI►,xLA y } S. VIRGINIAUl } 4 1 Nags Head Inn _ ' +. -t tj , Id A! ! �,... zlie Landward Fill @ +6 ft NAV I -- - -- -- --- I - Berm Limit @ +6 fl NAV M5 T L a e N a it ... ,. 1. ►i`�J.13� I t�' t ( �,i i � _ oINN 1 �j� �! 11� r� est ; . �i(. � is Ig i� It 1 'r• 'i r� ,1. .. �t� .. j�. rel ,rrl d l aIle L ilR _ .. • ar at S. VIR ININ'DARET L O .. .. ... . I yam. 1 �1 i4�a y � � ,f ► i, � ! _,1 ;� .� ,� �..- .y. Y1 r i e Jµ' � t _� \ � \e� r( I1(J`+ t�j t•' 1 t Y., - 2,11 _ '� ` I AV IJ Landward rd Fil +6 H N i i ,— -- - _ _ — I LEGEND ; -- —MHW (11.18 FT NAVD) - -- _ -_ - - Berm Limit @ +6 ft --' — — — MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) M5j 1 The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. BERM FILL -DRY BEACH % ATLANTIC OCEAN �/ FILL SLOPE TO TOE ' NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 NC ZONE 3200 200 COS PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY PROJECT.' NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN ,P E" 3i °t�, cAaoelp, a o R p=. a = L SCALE: As SHOWN SHEET# OG O DATE: 15 Sep eon oRewH eT. T'H MHW=MEAN HIGH WATER ® NAGS HEAD STA 615+00 TO 667+00 ; 3J281 = 4 y0/ 's ��€ J APPROVED av: Hix MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) Coosml SderKe GFn9lrteerv1g NC 27959 9. 'n„ qe "`.... PROJECT# 2458 I S. CROATAN HWY ` -.. IF- e AN � 1 I .'OL I i I'ji l" . -A6� s I I*' L"' ?I The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 It NAVD contour in July Il 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. 0 CSE Co rot Science G Engineering WNW i PIT 5 tY� > ,►' rill" lip *.'•'`• ✓ .n` \ - •« Y Cw t :Cry ... o� _.-� ., ' •� P r � "G Jai..' w .,-1. '.YP� •--. I A F P � t v .v'41S. V.IRGINIA DAR E TR'AI_L # ,.._. _ - y; AN, ,.► 14�. yy alar}�y i 'i dr:6iI i ;I - '• ` kit u L f t t ��((t � It, Landward Fill @ +6 it NAV 77777777177 �1 Pi / !-Berm Limit@+6 fl NAVD-J '"•'. - Fill Toe Elevabon Vane #' - LEGEND - - ... ... MNW (+1.18 FT NAVD) — MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) k . f OCEAN 1A ` "y BERM FILL - DRY BEACH FILL SLOPE TO TOE PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: ,'Sti., ARo"•,., SCALE: ASSHOWN SHEET# PROJECT PLAN 15S.p2017 DRAWN By' T. Hair STA 667+00TO708+00BTBf _ Q6 Q S/ZOI I APIRROVED BY: My t' - 11'. a 0 IL r tl'§'npfir,.,'':t d JikaEEk 7u�i°itaa5,�is„ k1i .�• + �W S. CROATAN HWY 158 } •Ya. f 1 III I J77 • j - i� � '•I *ANN" � 1�u- 1.11 kf/ - t • ,,� .?if it 1 yy L' r i'J { I i ALS _ S. VIRGINIA DARE TRAIL 12 fes, ( I rF� ,� i .-i �• � .�7'h, -.til The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 6. MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) � F o, A r •EP A,Y. Landward Fill@+6ftNAVD--\ 1 - Berm Limit @ +6 R ss�Y'.aiL� -Fill Toe Elevation ATLANTIC OCEAN PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT. NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT r.�., ,�.. r���01`P 1 • ;4 G' 5 (li At: :'i.�"..f LEGEND M -r kecedved MHW(+11.18 FTNAVD) —MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) . � ° �+�� BERM FILL - DRY BEACH LT FILL SLOPE TO TOE DRAWING TITLE: .`iN11CAO °••., Ste' ASSBOWN SHEE p OP �rE siifa�Z',4 DATE : PROJECT PLAN '_ 15 Sep 2017 DRAWN 9Y. T. Hair STA 708+00 TO 740+00 5 1 0 ■ APPROVED Bie HLK '•ska 811. ,<`• (,v PROJEM.. 2458 Y TJ I b � ! ':.., -a4r • I T. errl.� r'- N _ 1 J� •' Jyt T _�. a x.. � VVY Willi W w` S. VIRGINIA DARE TRAIL 12 �i J yl l1 111 v C Q+ The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. nv 1 to: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER MLW= MEAN LOWWATER Scale(Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) CSE Coastal 5dence G Engineering J 9 I _— Landward Fill gElevation Berm Limit@+60NAVie I � 11 .i,i .. ATLANTICOCEAN -` Will PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT.- NAGS ROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT Recelved DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 740+00 TO 771+00 LEGEND — — — -- — MHW (+1.18 FT NAVD) — — —MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) BERM FILL - DRY BEACH 7T FILL SLOPE TO TOE DATE: 15 Sep 7017 DRAWN BY: T. Hair ^ v O V APPROVED BY: RLI( Y a*, •i,,..\\ �} ate.. �` r . V A: i e �• p S. CROgT ya AN � '. "� a0.. f L '1 { '�. � � t� .•�, -`�-. s� H,168 12 !',- r_1 I �' 7�1 11 31 i I l yap I y 1 ` �1 i. F r t� �� rj 'r� �4• MI_ _ I II S. OLD OREGON INLET RD ., w .�.� -' . -�-" I t - a`z; Ntx�. ! i��, I .• j __ --_-_• +! R'a'w: � - - •-_ ._i:- -- .r -r_ �.(:. { �, ':s' •111 •M,I r 'I o ' i•. 1r 'yl �It, r� -•� - .i S. VIRGINIA-0ARE TRAIL 12 21 U 31 LIP ki .01 I Landward Fill @ +6 ft NAV ::' " - I I Work Around Piers: Pipeline may be placed under piers. Equipment ingress and egress is allowed where feasible under piers. Nourishment sand shall be filled Reach 2 R ach 1 g = - under piers to the extent practicable, without risking damage to the structures. i I I +-Berm Limit@+6 fl NAV - I s M10 _ M9 z /M - - Fill Toe YElevahon Varies) •�' - - - - -" _ ;_I'F,�IrGIAY tr..� LEGEND - - - - - - MHW (+ 1. 18 FT NA VD) y — — —MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 ft NAVD contour in July - "" ` `" BERM FILL - DRY BEACH )CIA -EC 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. _ „ - ;,- ,; . , . .. . - :.- - �TFILL SLOPE TO TOE NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) ,1 HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) O 200 NC ZONE 3200 6. MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2018) COS E ComOal 5dence 6 Engineering PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT.. NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN STA 771+00 TO 802+00 DATE: 15 Sep 2017 DRAWN BY: 09 T. xer APPROVED BY: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200);@ MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER ® ?6, MLW=MEANLOWWATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) CSE Co ml Sde e G Englneenng PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT ,ec(;,�Ev(IC1 UCi0-k "i DRAWING TITLE.- PROJECT ITLE:PROJECT PLAN REACH 02 STA 802+00 TO 833+00 SCALE: SHEET# AS SHOWN DATE: 15 Sep 2017 DRAWN BY: T. Hair O APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#. 2458 # f I a! ^x.1 c < I W Ides Of yam,., I andward Fill nn aft H NAVI]—. I IWA1 NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 MHW =MEANAN HIGH WATER ® _� MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2018) Cos C CO ml Sde GEnglneering PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE., PROJECT PLAN REACH 02 STA 833+00 TO 865+00 DATE: 15&p2017 RAM BY: T. Her APPROVED BY: HLX i .t S. OLD OREGON INLET RSD - I, i J I � -- c't.` r , 0 Landward Fill @ +6 K NAVD--,, ATLANTIC OCEAN The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 It NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. hV ICJ: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 )FEET) 0 200 I ZONE 3200 6. MHW=MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale(FeeQ 0161 - PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) COS E Co Sml 5deece L Englneertng / - Berm Limit @ +6 it NAVD-J - FIII Toe Elevation Varie PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD INC 27959 I _ r I i�-7�if - 0 Work Around Piers: Pipeline maybe placed under piers. Equipment ingress and egress is allowed where feasible under piers. Nourishment sand shall be filled under piers to the extent practicable, without risking damage to the structures. -re n — r PROJECT.. NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN REACH 02 STA 865+00 TO 896+00 LEGEND - - - — MHW (+I.18 FT NAVD) -- — —MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) 77-7— BERM FILL - DRY BEACH FILL SLOPE TO TOE 4► } %: w_. +Vim bill g i f t tom) o 0 0 i i ti �'_1 - I � S •"i ��1� i Li ' !..'.R�^-,..�::•-... ...n ,-1-,.�a....,aw '�F'_`'4t., _`!. � • i tip.+. ,.. _,.- L- »--•— sm Mimi -- 1s IF- ��- �.r �$���� /; ,1 ,t � �'!,' �` I+� I ��• S .I -S�. � �' j y' I. � lr� �_' � ) t �F�.- fT � I� I I � ��p � � � � ♦ {��, ,��� -I' Landward Fill@+6 ft NAV Rea 3N � eac 2 I I dye: am ..Yi, ds..dI &JA The landward NII limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 it NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 6. MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEANLOWWATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) 0S Coosml Sdence G Engineering I 7 r it r - Berm Limit @ +6 it NA - fiaGc3,tlC]wL �.V.1.1.1 �^ Fill Toe Elevation Vane - - - ATLANTIC OCEAN PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT' NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE., PROJECT PLAN REACH 02 & 03 STA 896+00 TO 927+00 LEGEND - — - -- MHW (°1.18 FT NAVD) MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) BERM FILL - DRY BEACH FILL SLOPE TO TOE ;ilAip : 11,�AR�,•,.., p`pP CESS Y��',a SCALE: ASSHOWN SHEET# DATE: IS Sep 2017 WN BY T. Hair ° 72p1 - (,U 13 APPROVED BY: H� PROJECTC 2458 I -1 OL, • low . t��, _ S OLD 0 EGON INLET RD - - -� FN t •`TAY a .,�. _ ! r �fY�J i II �i I Landward Fill @+6ItNAVD- The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 MHW=MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) Cos C Coastal Science G Fnglrseenng - Berm Limit @ +6 ft J.FA i J �x ' i Is.{I /1._<.C.•J.. LEGEND FlII Toe Elevation Veda ' ._ . - — — — — MHW (+1.18 FT NAVD) at _. ., �..._.. — — —MLW(-2.OS FT NAVD) - [XIOnE- BERM FILL - DRY BEACH FILL SLOPE TO TOE .I. DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN REACH 03 STA 927+00 TO 958+00 ` r -a S. COLONY DR 11 L 4.1: l w I 1, .+ I I _ i • „ p'�i . Agra.' . rFI.. i � , �_ .. � 1 lip h( Dune Crest @ +10 If y I I � - Y t U N _ NA _T , _ Reach 3S Reach Work Around Existing Houses: No fill shall be placed directly under existing houses or landward of houses, and/or over related infrastructure (utilities, septic fields, etc) that is within the fill limits. In the event some houses do not exist at the time of construction, nourishment sand shall be filled to the designed berm elevation as depicted on the drawings. LEGEND ------ MHW(+1.18FTNAVD)LA Veil — — — MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) ® DUNE CREST BERM FILL- DRY BEACH -•. _:., -_ The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the +6 it NAVD contour in July FILL SLOPE TO TOE 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 MHW=MEANHIGH WATER ® 4, MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feel) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) cas; ySE n e¢ -Fill Toe Elevation S. OLD ORFrnPj avi i -r on __ ­ :, r -1 Landward Fill @ +6 0 NAVD-- - Berm Limit @ +6 it WMAWA A protective dune above the normal fill berm elevation will be constructed along all or a portion of Reaches 3N, 35, and 4 (stations 920+00 to 1025+00). The maximum elevation of the protective dune will be+12 feet (ft) above NAVD and the average elevation will be+10 ft NAVD. The typical crest width of the protective dune will be 20-50 ft. The typical slope of the protective dune will be -1 on 5 (vertical versus horizontal), and the maximum will be -1 on 3. The protective dune will tie into the existing profile but in no circumstance encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations. The final design of the protective dune will be determined based on the beach condition at the time of construction. PROJECT.• NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN REACH 03 STA 958+00 TO 990+00 I/ P 0 o _.< 1 i - 1 - + _ .. k Work Around Existing Houses: No fill shall be placed directly under existing houses or landward of houses, �� _' ' d"- J and/or over related infrastructure (utilities, septic fields, etc) that is within the fill limits. In the event some 4: houses do not exist at the time of construction, nourishment sand shall be filled to the designed berm elevation as depicted on the drawings. • '',r ;. -t' 41" Dune Crest@+10RNf Y Y - Fill Toe Elevation Vadi �J�k S OLD OREGON INLET RD ~"ys � ; \,may) •1 ,� s� o V"'u'""-"-"_twwlo'? �^.••oa,w.... �- .o p o_. ATLANTIC OCEAN � -Berm Limit @+6 h NAV[ I A protective dune above the normal fill berm elevation will be constructed along all or a portion of Reaches LEGEND 3N, 3S, and 4 (stations 920+00 to 1025+00). The maximum elevation of the protective dune will be +12 feet (ft) above NAVD and the average elevation will be +10 ft NAVD. The typical crest width of the protective dune - - MHW (+1.18 FT NAVD) will be 20-50 ft. The typical slope of the protective dune will be -1 on 5 (vertical versus horizontal), and the_MLW (-2.05 FT NAVD) maximum will be `3 on 3. The protective dune will tie into the existing profile but In no circumstance encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations. The final design of the protective dune will be ® DUNE CREST determined based on the beach condition at the time of construction. \ BERM FILL- DRY BEACH The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 It NAVD contour in July 1 1 FILL SLOPE TO TOE 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. — — NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 200 NC ZONE 3200 6. MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER MLW=MEANLOWWATER Scale(Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2018) COS E cooswl Sdenw G Engloeenng PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT.: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT PLAN REACH 03 STA 990+00 TO 1021+00 CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL PARK RD t �a _ CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL SEASHORE 4 Work Around Existing Houses: No fill shall be placed directly under existing houses or landward of houses, and/or over related infrastructure (utilities, septic fields, etc) that is within the fill limits. In the event some houses do not exist at the time of construction, nourishment sand shall be filled to the designed berm A ♦-4 I elevation as depicted on the drawings. The landward fill limit depicted on the drawings is based on the location of the+6 ft NAVD contour in July 2017. The actual landward fill limit will be determined by the beach condition at the time of construction. A protective dune above the normal fill berm elevation will be constructed along all or a portion of Reaches 3N, 3S, and 4 (stations 920+00 to 1025+00). The maximum elevation of the protective dune will be+12 feet (ft) above NAVD and the average elevation will be+10 ft NAVD. The typical crest width of the protective dune will be 20-50 ft. The typical slope of the protective dune will be -1 on 5 (vertical versus horizontal), and the maximum will be -1 on 3. The protective dune will tie into the existing profile but in no circumstance encroach on existing vegetation or house foundations. The final design of the protective dune will be determined based on the beach condition at the time of construction. NOTES: VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 TOO -0 MHW = MEAN HIGH WATER 6li!iiiiiiiiiii! 'I. MLW=MEAN LOW WATER Scale (Feet) PHOTO SOURCE: DARE CTY GIS (2016) GSE Ccrnml 5dence 6 Englne ng PREPARED FOR. TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 u IF. z. + .....� -fir;` u• )'. t, I �a'r _i'JELI % IN Landward Fill @ +61t NAVD (PROJECT LIMIT) sA Dune End @ +10 ft NAVD I'M p:f CAPE HATTERAS NATIONAL SEASHORE 1 t- INO WORK) Slormwater Ouffall Existing stormwater outfalls maintained by NCDOT are visible on sheets 03, 04 and 17. The outfall on sheet 17 near station 1025+00 will be restored and extended a minimum distance as necessary to`• maintain functionality after the project based on requirements or specifications provided by NCDOT. Appropriate bridging or sand -layer protection will be used during construction to avoid any damage to ' the structures when heavy equipment has to run over these ouffalls. No fill will be placed over the seaward end of the outialls so that the outfalls remain functional during construction. r .491l ALI PROJECT.' NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT a S. COLtNY OR r, -IF- T ---- 9 -- v'NLET RD . _`._../-.../ / I -Berm Limit @ +6 0 NAVD - Fill Toe Elevation Varies ReceiReceived LEGEND ved - — MHW (+1.18 FT NAVD) MLW(-2.05 FT NAVD) ® DUNE CREST ✓ f -EC BERM FILL - DRY BEACH } FILL SLOPE TO TOE DRAWING TITLE PROJECT PLAN REACH O4 -PROJECT END STA 1021+00 TO 1050+00 DATE Rev 17 Nm 2017 MWN BY: i T. Hai I APPRDVEDBY: �g 25 20 1s _/ > t0 J a z x s 0 0 W -s -10 Reach 1 - Between Stations 497+00 and 790+00 Berm Crest at +6 ft NAVD Average Berm Width = 90 ft Fill Slope = 1 on 17 Average Fill Density = 60 cy/ft MHW +1.18ft NAVD \ ----------------------------------------- MLW05 ft NAVD , Reach 2 - Between Stations 790+00 and 920+00 2s 20 Berm Crest at +6 ft NAVD 15 Average Berm Width = 130 ft S Fill Slope = 1 on 17 � 10 z Average Fill Density = 65 cy/ft x s SD' -------------- w W 5 -10 MHW +1.18 ft NAVD -------------- -MLW -2.05 -- NAVD Reach 31M - Between Stations 920+00 and 975+00 25 20 z SONE. AS SHOWN SHEET4 DATE: Js sav z4v 0 WN BY: _ - a _ rn /s T. Hair W APPROVED BY: -5 -10 Berm Crest at +6 ft NAVD Average Berm Width = 227 ft Fill Slope = 1 on 17 Average Fill Density= 113 cy/ft MHW +1.18 ft NAVD -----------' MLW -2.05 It NAVD -""'----"'-"""""' -15 -15 IS -100 0 IDo 200 300 400 500 60D -100 0 100 200 300 400 Soo 600 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 am Distance to 2010 Survey +10 ft NAVD Contour (ft) Distance to 2010 Survey+10 ft NAVD Contour (ft) Distance to 2010 Survey +30 ft NAVD Contour (ft) 25 20 is .5 -to Reach 3S — Between Stations 975+00 and 1010+00 ------- Berm Crest at +6 ft NAVD Average Berm Width = 280 ft Fill Slope = 1 on 17 Average Fill Density = 155 cy/ft MHW +1.18 ft NAVD MLW .2._0.5_ ft NAVD is -100 0 100 200 300 400 Soo 600 700 am Distance to 2010 Survey +10 ft NAVD Contour (ft) CSE CoostOl Sdence 6 Engineering Reach 4 - Between Stations 1010+00 and 1025+00 25 20 15 a to z 'K s 0 o d ------------------------ W _5 .10 -I5 .100 0 Berm Crest at +6 ft NAVD Average Berm Width = 310 ft Fill Slope = 1 on 17 Average Fill Density = 155 cy/ft MHW +1.18 ft NAVD --------------- MLW _ OS kNAVD ----- 100 200 300 400 Soo 600 700 800 Distance to 2010 Survey +10 ft NAVD Contour (ft) PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT.. NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT FILL Design: (1) Profiles shown on this sheet are the averaged profiles of each reach in June 2016 to represent the typical beach conditions at the time of preliminary design and permit application. (2) Typical berm elevation is designed to be +6 ft NAVD with the possible maximum berm elevation to be +7 ft NAVD along some sections of north Nags Head where the natural dry -sand beach elevation is higher than south Nags Head. (3) Initial protective dunes will be constructed along all or a portion of Reaches 3N, 3S, and 4. The maximum elevation of the protective dune will be +12 feet (ft) above NAVD and the average dune elevation will be +10 ft NAVD. The typical crest width of the protective dune will be 20-50 ft. The typical slope of the protective dune will be -1 on 5 (vertical versus horizontal), and the maximum slope will be -1 on 3. The final design of the initial dune will be determined based on the beach condition and oceanfront structure location at the time of construction. (4) Fill template at each section of the project area will be adjusted based on the beach condition and available funds at the time of final design and construction, but the total fill quantity, of each reach will not exceed the maximum volume listed in the table on Sheet 02. DRAWING TITLE: PROPOSED FILL PROFILES Received `ZN 111CARp"••,. SONE. AS SHOWN SHEET4 DATE: Js sav z4v WN BY: _ - _ rn /s T. Hair 1 V APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT#. „�N 2458 (9) NH -240 0 NH•241 Borrow Area 3A Coordinates Easting Northing Point 3,026,712.08 792,204.05 A 3,027,933.66 792,454.57 B 3,028,491.56 790,016.30 C 3,030,148.73 790,395.49 D 3,030,292.73 787,370.81 E 3,028,006.11 786,600.67 F 3,027,608.50 788,338.37 G 3,025,332.35 787,876.35 H 3,025,033.95 789,346.37 1 3,027,273.83 789,801.03 J VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) 0 1,000 NC ZONE 3200 �I Bathymetry Shown Collected 24 June 2016 and 10 Oct 2017 Scale (Feet) - J Cores Obtained in 2017 CSE Crawl Science 6 Fnglneenng Buffered Magnetic Anomalies (3) A t l a n t i c Area 2 so (Dredged in 2011) Core Length (ft) Mean D (mm) Shell % Gravel % NH -217 8 0.433 3.1 2.6 NH -218 8.4 0.385 3.1 1.0 NH -219 8.8 0.409 2.4 1.8 NH -220 9.1 0.355 2.0 0.2 NH -229 9.3 0.390 2.2 1.0 NH -230 9.7 0.370 1.9 1.7 NH -232 &9 0.400 2.8 0.8 NH -242 9 0.343 1 1.2 0.5 NH -244 9.6 0.312 2.5 1.6 NH -245 8.4 0.314 2.2 1.1 NH -307 &2 0.314 3.3 1.0 N H-308 8 0.318 2.1 0.2 NH -309 7.8 0.346 2.3 0.2 NH -310 10 0.325 1.6 0.5 NH -311 8.9 0.354 1.7 0.4 N H-312 9.6 0.341 1.8 0.8 N H-316 8.7 0.446 2.6 4.1 Average 8.8 0.362 2.3 1.2 Received DCM-E --------------------- t I Borrow Area 3A (1) Borrow Area 3A is located 1.5-2 miles offshore of south Nags Head, and it encompasses a total of -340 acres. if excavation depth is allowed to be 8 ft below the existing grade, it contains -4.4 million cubic yards (cy) of beach quality sand. (2) Seventeen (17) cores have been collected within this area in July and October 2017, and the mean grain size in millimeter (mm) of each core is listed on the drawing. The range of core length is 7.8 ft to 10.0 ft with an average of 8.8 ft. The existing core density is 1 core per 20 acres. (3) Based on the analysis of the collected cores, sand quality appears to be predominantly medium, clean sand with a mean grain size of 0.362 millimeters (mm). PREPARED FOR. TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE., PROPOSED BORROW AREA 3A Borrow Area 4 (1) Borrow Area 4 is located -1 mile offshore of north Nags Head, and it encompasses a total of -150 acres. If excava0on depth is allowed to be 8 ft below the existing grade, it contains -2 million cubic yards (cy) of beach quality sand which should be sufficient for Reach 1 if the maximum permitted volume of 1.758 million cy is awarded at the time of construction. (2) Twelve (12) cores have been collected within this area in July and October 2017, and the range of core length is 4.9 ft to 9.6 ft with an average of 7.7 ft. The existing core density is 1 core per 13 acres. (3) Based on the analysis of the collected cares, sand quality appears to be predominantly medium, clean sand with a mean grain size of 0.376 millimeters (mm). + -63 -62 NH -201 0 0 0 00 00 + o 0 c , L L I I -so I .,.. NH -206 p NH•304 sy_ I O NH -303 I Q NH -306 I I O pp NH -315 D I _ p NH•203 Ii NH•313 Proposed Area 4 I , NH -302 a NH -202 (150 acres) p NH -314 O NH -301 • NH -305 - L Core Length(ft) Mean D(mm) Shell % Gravel % NH -202 6 0.332 2.2 0.9 NH -203 9.1 0.402 3.1 5.3 NH -206 7.8 0.325 4.9 3.5 NH -301 9.6 0.294 3.0 1.6 NH -302 9.4 0.323 3.2 3.1 NH -303 4.9 0.452 2.0 4.3 NH -304 5.7 0.438 1.7 3.9 NH -305 7 0.331 2.8 2.6 NH -306 8.8 0.413 4.6 2.5 NH -313 8.7 0.414 3.4 6.3 NH -314 8.4 0.420 4.9 6.4 NH -315 7 0.365 3.4 4.5 Avera a 1 7.7 0.376 3.3 3.7 Borrow Area 4 Coordinates Easting Northing Point 3,010,828.13 816,183.00 K 3,012,176.47 816,840.26 L 3,012,756.08 812,227.88 M 3,014,104.42 812,885.13 N NH -205 --- - -- a ' I e 3 �Z d1 In 2017 Cores Obtain 2 VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) O 400 , NC ZONE 3200 Bathymetry Shown Collected 24 June 2016 Scale (Feet) CSE Coosml Science G Engineering PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE.- PROPOSED ITLE:PROPOSED BORROW AREA 4 (mean grain size shown) 50.0 -80.0 t 0 -50.0 0 z -60.0 0 -70.0 N Lu BORROW AREA 4 SECTION 5+00 Excavation Depth @ 8ft Below Substrate 500 1000 1500 DISTANCE (FEET) BORROW AREA 4 SECTION 30f00 -80.0 0 500 1000 1500 DISTANCE (FEET) -50.0 0 m -70.0 n' -80.0 -F 0 BORROW AREA 4 SECTION 15+00 Excavation Depth @ 811 Below Substrate . i 500 1000 1500 DISTANCE (FEET) (1) The Town of Nags Head proposes to have an excavation depth of 8 feet below the existing grade with 1 foot overdredge tolerance based on the coring analysis in the borrow areas. This excavation depth was permitted and used in the initial 2011 project. (2)Bathymetric data in Borrow Areas 3A and 4 were collected in June 2016. (3)Additional bathymetric data will be collected in Borrow Area 3A in September to October 2017 to provide the full coverage of the area. VERTICAL: NAVD'88 (FEET) HORIZONTAL: SPCS NAD'83 (FEET) NC ZONE 3200 Bathymetry Shown Collected 24 June 2016 QS E Coastal Science G Eng'neerng PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT. NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE: PROPOSED BORROW EXCAVATION SECTIONS Typical Newly Constructed +10 ft NAVD (Max @ +12 f Beach Building Fencing & Vegetation Landward Dune crest Dune Face 11;_1 I Dune Face The general sand -fencing installation guidance issued by NCDCM is reiterated below. • The fencing must be no taller than 5 feet and built from evenly spaced thin wooden vertical slats connected with twisted wire. . The fencing must be placed as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle nesting, public access and use of the beach. It must not be placed on the wet -sand beach. • If fencing is to be placed parallel to the shoreline, it must not be located waterward of the crest of the frontal or primary dune. • If fencing is to be placed waterward of the crest of the dune, it must be installed at a 45 -degree or greater angle to the shoreline. Each section of fence must not be longer than 10 feet, and sections must be spaced at least 7 feet apart. • Fencing must not extend more than 10 feet beyond either the first line of stable natural vegetation, the toe of the frontal or primary dune, or the erosion escarpment of the dune, whichever is closest to the water. • Sand fencing to be placed along public accesses may be as long as the access, and may include a 45 -degree funnel on the waterward end. The funnel may extend up to 10 feet beyond the end of the access. CSE Coaswl Science G Engineering ' loft' (Typical) 40 ft (Typical) A t l a n t i c O c e a n Landward Dune Crest Typical Newly Constructed Dune @ +10 ft NAVD (Max @ +12 ft NAVD) Dune Management Plan - Sand Fencing And Vegetation On Newly Constructed Dunes Typical Newly Constructed Dune @ +10 ft NAVD -- _ _-- ---._ _ _ _ Dune Toe - ---------- Beach 'rk American Beachgrass Sea Oats, Bitter Panicum (North Pa Variety) or other species. 0 30 Scale (Feet) Landward Dune Crest Dune Vegetation Planted 24' O.C. 20-50' (Typical) Fence Post (Typical) Sand Fence k 1200 to,* Vegetation Planted 24" O.C. ---- 1- ------- ------ --- Dune Crest Dune Crest T- 0" Minimum PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT DRAWING TITLE., PROPOSED SANDFENCING PLAN SCALE: SHEET# AS SHOWN DATE: 15 Sep 2017 n RAWN BY T. Hair 2 (� APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT N. 2458 Dune Management Plan - Sand Fencing And Vegetation (General Plan): Sand fencing will be installed for three categories of properties: Category 1 eg Station 585+00 25 Existing Beach Profile > 25 ft------- Future Dune 0 2U > Fence ZAll As Necessary s x � 15 0� � 0 3 �I Lu 10 m l 5 ..T.. $' AS SHOWN Note Vertical Exaggeration A I 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 Features Not To Scala <I 25 0 23 APPROVED BY: HLK 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Distance (feel) Category 3 20 Category 2 eg Station 970+00 2s 0 Existing Beach Profile eg Station 995+00 Q -------- Future Dune j 20 a -25 ft Existing Beach Profile Z 15 Y�-<i• Fence o -_-- Echelons ij m 10 W I I Ctj 5 I I Landward Fence Limit Ssg I —{ Install Vegetation Dune Management Plan - Sand Relocation Due To Encroachment: The Town of Nags Head will evaluate encroachment problematic areas and determine the level of action as follows: Level A -- No resultant dune impacts It includes minor sand removal and relocation activities performed within the Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) that do not result in any frontal dune disturbance or require any mechanical equipment operating on the active beach. Level B -- Minimal resultant frontal dune impacts: <200 square feet (sf) of land area distur}bance, exclusive of existing improved -upon surfaces, no greater than 8 ft width of material removal, and no vegetation disturbance. It provides limited mechanical equipment operations to transport and deposit sand seaward of the frontal dune as illustrated in the figure below. The Town also specified that all work should be conducted between November 16 and April 30, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. No "beach pushing" or bulldozing of beach sand is allowed on the public beach. Pre and post project conditions are to be recorded via photographic documentation. Level C -- Moderate resultant dune impacts: <1,000 sf of land area disturbance, exclusive of existing improved -upon surfaces, no greater than 100 cy of material removallreloration, and no or minimal vegetative disturbance (<20 sf). Work process is similar to Level B with greater volume. Level D -- Major resultant dune impacts: >1,000 sf of land area disturbance and/or greater than 100 cy of excavation, exclusive of existing improved -upon surfaces, and/or significant vegetative disturbance (>20sf). Work process is similar to Levels B and C with greater volume. 0 1 ..T.. AS SHOWN DATE: 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 RAWH 9Y: 25 Hak 23 APPROVED BY: HLK Distance (feet) 2458 Category 3 20 eg Station 995+00 Q 25 Existing Beach Profile z -- Future Dune j 20 I Ctj >r Ssg I m j fi Fence > ' c -;F i�E° - Echelons 10 ®- q 0 W 70 I I 5 5 I 0 I 0 125 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 125 100 Distance (feet) CSE Coastal klence G Eng'neenng PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF NAGS HEAD 5401 SOUTH CROATAN HWY NAGS HEAD NC 27959 75 50 PROJECT: NAGS HEAD BEACH RENOURISHMENT Varies 25 0 25 Distance (feet) Received ®C IVI-E V Resultant Dune Excavation Area Excavated Sand Deposit Area 50 75 100 125 DRAWING TITLE: PROPOSED SAND EXCAVATION SCAIE: SHEET# AS SHOWN DATE: 15 Sep 7017 RAWH 9Y: Hak 23 APPROVED BY: HLK PROJECT Ik 2458