HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040047 Ver 6_401 Application_20171201SEGS 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Ph: 910.452.2711 Email: office(asegi.us Date: 30 November 2017 To: Ms. Karen Higgins Of: DWR 401 & Buffers Unit Raleigh Attached you will find: ❑ Proposal ❑ Sketch(es) ❑ JD Package ❑ Report(s) Transmittal Letter SEGi Project #: 04.200.01 USACE AID: SAW47 �ii 1�3 0 oEr. o i 2017 ® Permit Application ❑ Signed Wetland Map ❑ Photo(s) ❑ Plans ❑ Information Request ❑ Other Copies Dated Description 4 07/07/17 Village at Mott's Landing IP Modification & a Check for $575.00 *If noted items are NOT attached, please contact our office. These are being delivered: ® For your Review/Comment ❑ For your Records ❑ Returned for Correction(s) ❑ Corrected and Returned ❑ For your Signature ❑ As Requested ❑ Other: Via: ❑ Hand Delivery ® Fed -Ex ❑ UPS ❑ Regular Mail ❑ Other Notes: Karen, should you have any questions or concerns, please call meat 910.443.5330. Signature and (Typed) Name: David A. S 1yster Date: 1 30/17 Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 910.452.2711 (office) • 910.452.2899 (fax) Transmittal Letter Date: 12/8/2017 To: Karen Higgens Of: DWQ 401 & Buffer Unit Attached you will find:* DEC 1 12017 ❑ Proposal ❑ Sketch(es) ❑ Permit ® Wetland Map ❑ Photo(s) ❑ JD Package ❑ Report(s) ❑ Plans ❑ Information Request It Other Copies Regulator Description 1 Karen Higgens The Village at Mott's Landing Application Check " *If noted items are NOT attached, please contact our office. These are being delivered: ® For your Review/Comment ❑ Corrected and Returned ❑ Other: ❑ For your Records ❑ Returned for Correction(s) ® For your Signature ❑ As Requested By: ® Hand Delivery ❑ Fed -Ex ❑ UPS ❑ Regular Mail ❑ Other Notes: Signature and (Typed) Name: Joanne E. Meisenhelder Date: 12/8/2017 V JLP Motts Landing Individual Permit Modification (2016) Application for Department of the army Permit OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 325) Expires December 31, 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This Includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 222024302; and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a current valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your forms to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404,33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to (his application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the Dis(rict Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not complete in full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 SHOULD BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE DATE RECEIVED -- , 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO DE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 1 5. APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent is not required) AFTEW Properties, LLC . 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS 2020 Churchill Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE a. Fax: 910.763.4742 b. Business 910.763.2629 Southern Environmental Group, Inc. (David A. Syster) 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 5315 South College Road, Suite E, Wilmington, NC 28412 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOS. WIAREA CODE a. Residence 910.443.5330(c) b. Business 910.452.2711 (o) 11. Statement of Authorization 1 hereby authorize, Southern Environmental Group, Inc. — David A. Syster to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, ul n request, supplemental infor tion In support of this permit application. �11� ATE APPLICANTSS .NATURE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (if applicable) The Village at Motts Landing 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) Molts Creek 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT i Wilmington, New Hanover NC COUNTY STATE SEG Project #: 04 114. PROJECT STREET Corner of River and NA Kc dso 12017 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTION, IF KNOWN (see instructions) See Attachment 1 —The Village at Mott's Landing Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Modification Request 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE: From UNCW, head south on South College Road through Monkey Junction. Take a right onto Sanders Road. At the intersection of Sanders Road and River Road, take right. Take next left into The Village at Motts Landing. See Attachment l for vicinity maps. ENG FORM 4345, JUL 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE Proponent: CECW-OR Motts Landing Individual Permit Modification (2016) 18. Nature of the Activity: (Description of Project, include all features) The project will include the removal of hydric soil from several jurisdictional wetland areas, within the Mott's Landing Subdivision. Clean earthen fill will then be placed into the areas, to facilitate the construction of road crossings, single family dwellings and driveway access. Please refer Attachment 1 for site specific impact acreages and locations. To ensure disturbance of wetlands does not occur outside the requested areas, sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to the commencement of land altering activities. 19. Project Purpose: (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The purpose of the project is to construct a residential housing community, with associated amenities, in New Hanover County, North Carolina, and make a reasonable return on the investment. Work has already begun on Phase I of this project. An IT was issued in 2005 and modified in 2006, for the remaining phases, though only a small amount of impacts (i.e. 0.16 acre) took place during that time, and then the recession hit, which halted work and the IP expired. Another was secured in 2012 and later modified in 2013. Please refer to Attachment 1 for permitting details. Work, authorized by this IT modification, is expected to begin as soon as USACE and DWQ authorizations have been secured. USE BLOCKS 20.22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO DE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge The fill is necessary to facilitate the construction of several roads, building pads and driveways. Please see Attachment I for details of the impacts. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Clean earthen fill material will be used for this project. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled: (see instructions) With this application, the Applicant is requesting to fill approximately 0.80 acre of US Section 404 wetlands and 125 linear feet of warm water stream. These impacts shall be treated cumulatively with previous impacts associated with The Village at Motts Landing subdivision. In total, 2.19 acres of wetland are proposed for the entire project. A backhoe will be utilized to dig out the hydric soil and replace it with clean earthen fill. 23. is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes X No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Impacts to wetlands have taken place within Phase I (0.33 Ac). However, the impacts being sought with this modification request have not taken place. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Properly Owners , Leases, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Water body (if more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental list Please refer to Attachment 1 — Supplemental Information for details. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in this Application. A Division of Water Quality 401 Certification is being requested concurrently with this application. Stormwater infrastructure has been installed within some of the areas, where impacts are proposed. The Sediment and Erosion Control Permit has been issued. The plan meets the New Hanover County Conservation Overlay District requirements. 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete an accurate. 1 further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. 41&——: i David A. Syster (SEGO July 7. 2017 ' gnrtuce of Apkt Name of Agent Date The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme , or disguises a material fact or make any false fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned no more than five years or both. Please see Attachment 1 — Supplemental Information for details of the project. Attachment I The Village at Mott's Landing Supplemental Documentation to the Individual Permit Modification Requested By: AFTEW Properties, LLC Dr. Arnold Sobol 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date: 6 June 2016 Revised 10 May 2017 T Table of Contents Section Title Page I. Purpose and Need................................................................................ 1 if. Location Existing Conditions................................................................... 1 III. Project History ..................................................................................... 1 IV. Project Description................................................................................ 2 V. Avoidance and Minimization.................................................................... 2 VI. Alternatives....................................................................................... 3 A. No Action.................................................................................. 3 B. Construction Techniques Alternatives ................................................ 4 C. Alternate Site Location................................................................... 5 D. Preferred Location........................................................................ 5 VII. Sequence of Events............................................................................... 5 VIII. Compensatory Mitigation....................................................................... 5 IX. Adjacent Property Owners ....................................... ......... ...... 6 ... ............. X. Other Authorizations.............................................................................. 7 XI. Summary ............................................................................:............. 7 Appendices A. USACE Jurisdictional Determination Issued 28 February 2011 .......................... i B. Google Earth.2015 Aerial Photograph........................................................ ii C. NC EEP Receipt for Wetland Restoration Credit.......... "' D. Motts Landing Wetland Impact Plan and Impact Summary Worksheet ................. iv E. Bridges and.Culverts Estimates................................................................ v F. NC DOT Culvert and Retaining Wall Correspondence and Guidance ................... vi G. Lower Cape. Fear Mitigation Bank Reservation Letter ..................................... vii H. Motts Landing Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan .................................... viii I. Adjacent Property Owner Map................................................................ ix J. Previous Project Layouts........................................................................ x IC6Za1 The Village at Motts Lancling 2016 IP Modification Supplemental information SE -GI I. Purpose and Need The purpose of this project is to complete construction of the Village at Mott's Landing residential subdivision, which includes the installation of infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.), as well as the construction of single family structures and driveway accesses. The project is necessary to meet the demand for residential housing in southern New Hanover County. As originally designed many of the lots contained town houses or small single family homes. Based on current market conditions and the success of the sole builder who has built on all existing lots it is necessary to re -configure the remaining lots to accommodate the current housing market and builder needs. II. Location and Existing Conditions The proposed project is located at the corner of Sanders Road and River Road, within The Village at Mott's Landing subdivision, in New Hanover County, North Carolina (34.1276°N, -77.9136°W). To access the site from South College Road, through Monkey Junction, take a right onto Sanders Road and enter the site across from the Bellamy School entrance. Alternatively, proceed to River Road, and take a right. Take next right into The Village at Mott's Landing. The subject parcel is comprised of approximately 261.89 acres. According to the wetland boundary survey, approximately 64.0 acres of wetlands and 2,025 linear feet of streams exist within the project boundaries (see Appendix A — JD issued 27 June 2011). Currently, work has begun in Phases I and II. Infrastructure has been installed and numerous dwellings have been constructed. The remainder of the site has remained relatively undisturbed (see Appendix B — 2015 Google Earth Aerial). III. Project History A Department of the Army (DoA) Individual Permit (IP) and associated Division of Water Resources (DWR) Major Certification (MC) were issued for the entire project in 2005, but the permits expired prior to all of the impacts taking place. Wetland impacts that took place under the 2005 IP, equalled 0.16 acre. The Applicant applied for and obtained a new IP and MC in 2006. Modifciation to both those permits was issued in February 2012 and later modified again in 2013. The 2013 modificaiton authorized the impact of 1.23 acre of wetlands. Including the impacts that took place in 2006 (0.16 acre), the project has received DoA and DWR authorizations to permanently impact 1.39 acres of 404 wetlands. The project numbers, assigned by the regulatory agencies, include those listed below: Issuing Agency Document Project Number Date Issued Expiration Date Authorized Impacts (AC) USACE Individual Permit 2001-01165 02/15/05 12/31/08 1.51 USACE Individual Permit Mod 2001-01165 04/03/06 12/31/08 1.533 USACE Individual Permit 2009-01847 06/11/12 12/31/17 1.11 USACE Individual Permit Mod 2009-1847 2/22/13 12/31/17 1.23 DWR 401 Water Quality Certification 941084 5/25/04 Concurrent with 404 1.51 DWR 401 Water Quality Certification 9410848 3/14/06 Concurrent with 404 1.533 DWR 401 Water Quality Certification 2004-0047 0 04/04/12 Concurrent with 404 1.11 DWR 401 Water Quality Cert Mod 2004-0047 v4 1/16/13 Concurrent with 404 1.23 DCM CAMA Consistency CD12-071 03/30/12 Concurrent with 404 USACE Signed Wetland Survey 2009-01847 06/27/11 06/27/16 Table/. Project numbers associated with the project. (Note: copies o(these authorizations were not furnished. as the USACE and DWR should have them in their files). Tke Village at Motts Landing 2016 Ir Modification Supplemental information 5E-Gi Wetland impacts that were authorized in 2005 and 2006 were offset by the Applicant's payment to the NC EEP, for 3.25 acres of non -riparian wetland restoration credit (see Appendix C) and preservation of the remaining wetlands, located within Phase I of the project. However, with the reissuance of the 2012 IP and DWR MC, preservation was removed from the compensatory mitigaiton requirements of the 2005 permits. The wetland restoration credit was carried over to cover the impacts authorized under the 2012 permits. Please refer to Table 2, on Page 3, for details of the mitigation for this project. IV. Project Description The Applicant anticipates impacting additional 0.80 acre of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands (0.47 acre riparian and 0.33 acre non -riparian) and 125 linear feet of warm water stream. The impacts are necessary to facilitate the development of lots, road crossing and associated energy dissipaters, and driveway accesses. A single temporary wetland impact (0.06 AC) is necessary to install a stormwater pipe, which will run north along the western property boundary, at lot 271 to a proposed stormwater pond. Cumulatively, the project will permanently impact 2.19 acres of Section 404 wetlands and 125 linear feet of warm water stream. Please refer to Appendix D — Wetland Impact Map and Impact Summary Worksheet, for details of the proposed and cumulative impacts. Please note that no additional lots have been proposed with this request. As originally designed and permitted a number of lots were designed as Townhouse lots. In order to meet the current housing market demands these lots have been modified (increased in size) to allow for the construction of single family homes and duplexes. This has resulted in additional impacts to a number of lots. There have also been some changes to the roadway system in terms of stream and ditch crossings which resulted in increased impacts to these areas. Lots once located to the east of lot 49 (See Appendix I) have been relocated and shown as lots 69-72. These lots were relocated due to the loss of access to Highway 421 (Carolina Beach Rd.). Originally this access was required by the county and granted by NCDOT. However, after the intersection of the Highway 421 and Sanders Road was re -designed, this access point was eliminated by NCDOT. See Appendix J for previous permitted plan. Heavy machinery, such as a bulldozer, grader, back hoe, and track hoe, will be utilized during the construction process. The machinery will be used to clear the land, stabilize the soil, establish grade and to transport and deposit the fill material within the project boundaries. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. Coastal wetlands are not anticipated to be impacted by this project, and the project is located outside any Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs). A CAMA Consistency Determination is being prepared concurrently with this permit application. The Division of Coastal Management's (DCM's) consistency determination will be submitted to the USACE and DWR upon receipt. Threatened and endangered species and archaeological concerns were addressed within the recently issued DoA and DWR permits, as well as the DCM's CAMA Consistency Determination. No changes have occurred since the issuance of those authorizations. V. Avoidance and Minimization It was the Applicant's desire to avoid and/or minimize impacts to wetlands and the stream to the greatest extent practicable. During the design process, roads were situated to cross wetlands perpendicularly to the features. Available uplands, on the northern portion of the project were left to open space. This area is very close to Motts Creek and provides buildable area for 5 single family lots. Leaving these areas to open space avoided approximately 0.32 acre of wetland impact. See Appendix D, Sheet 3. The Applicant removed or reduced the size of energy dissipaters from road crossings, where water is not conveyed through a drainage Swale. This reduced impacts by 0.012 acre. Other alternatives were explored, but were deemed impracticable or infeasible. They are discussed in the next section OA The Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification Supplemental information 5F—G1 VI. Alternatives The Applicant investigated other potential means of developing the subject parcel, and has been unable to find a practicable alternative that would achieve the proposed goal and stated purpose. They are as follows: A. "No Action" Alternative The No Action Alternative (leaving the proposed impact areas undeveloped) would not be feasible for several reasons: As it relates to lot impacts: When originally designed VAML contained lots which would accommodate an average size house footprint in 2005 for most builders. In 2012 when the project was re -permitted most lots were adjusted to accommodate the building footprints of the sole builder to date as that is what the housing market has and continues to support. These homes have a larger footprint and therefore required an adjustment to the lot size resulting in additional wetland impacts in some cases. The current modification is being proposed to adjust the remaining lots within the subdivision to accommodate the sole builder's required footprint. As the subdivision has reached a stabilizing point in terms of house style and price point any drastic change in style or price point will have a negative economic impact on the builder, the applicant and the value of the existing homes. These lots are currently being sold at one hundred to one hundred fifty thousand dollars each. The loss of 14 lots at the lower cost end would result in the loss of $1.4 million which in turn would make the project economically unfeasible. Alternative cost Analysis Market Construction Alternative ROI Value Cost** Gain/(Loss)*** Costs* Mitigation* Project as designed & 1 submitted 7.34% $4,140,000 $3,836,266 $303,734 $2,170,300 $140,400 2 Project reduced by 14 lots -29.63% $2,880,000 $3,733,466 $(853,466) $2,112,900 $95,000 ROI - Return on Investment * These costs are included within the "Cost **" column but were broken out for clarity. ***Gain/(Loss) - Represents the estimated dollar value of the finished project by taking the "Market Value" and subtracting the "Cost". Numbers in parenthesis (XXXX) represent a loss or negative value. If the Applicant were to eliminate a number of lots from the proposed plan it would add additional cost to the remaining lots as the infrastructure cost is distributed over the entire number of remaining lots. For example; the cost to install roads, sewer, water and the amenity centers is spread out over the remaining lots. By eliminating lots it will increase the lot cost above what the market will allow and what they will appraise at. Additionally, if the Applicant were to offer these lots, or a portion of these lots, to a second builder with a different house plan (that would avoid impacts) the existing builder would no longer build in those phases of the subdivision. This in turn would yield a much greater loss as all lots within the remaining phases would not be purchased by the existing builder. While in the process of making these changes a number of design alternatives were reviewed and a number of impacts were removed from lots by adjusting the lot lines, elimination of lot fill outside of building footprints and adjustment of the road alignments. See Appendix J — Previous design drawings. Many of these changes were done at the request or after collaboration with Ms. Emily Hughes, Mr. John Policarpo (both formerly with the USACE Wilmington Regulatory Office) and Mr. Chad Coburn (NC DWR). During previous meetings with the USACE and DWR, it was suggested that the remaining wetlands within several lots would be managed (i.e. mowed or manipulated) and possibly degraded by future lot owners. The Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification Supplemental information SF—Gi Therefore, these areas would need to be accounted for in the impact acreage. This includes Impacts I (Lots 65 & 66), XIII (Lots 329 & 330), XX (Lot 348), XXI (Lot 342), and XXII, XXIII (Lot 343) and.XXV (Lot 293). B. Construction Techniques Alternatives As it pertains to Impact XXVI & XXVII (Lot 377-A driveway access): The Applicant has explored several construction methods, such as bridging, installing a bottomless culvert and incorporating retaining walls, in order to avoid and/or minimize the impact. Bridging: The Applicant received an estimate from Rivenbark Construction Company to construct a bridge across the wetland feature (see Appendix E). The cost of the bridge would prohibit the Applicant from making any profit from the sale of the lot. In addition, the bridge would have to meet DOT standards, per New Hanover County Building Code, which would cause the structure to protrude into the lot a considerable distance, rending the lot unbuildable. Therefore, this alternative is not economically feasible or practicable. Bottomless Culvert 1: The Applicant received an estimate from Contech Engineered Solutions for a bottomless culver that would span the entire width of the wetland feature (see Appendix E). The cost of the structure, in conjunction with the contractor's fees for additional material and labor, would cost more than the Applicant could reasonably expect to receive for the lot, which renders the alternative as not economically practicable. Bottomless Culvert 2: This culvert would span a portion of the feature (see Appendix E). However, as with Bottomless Culvert 1, the estimate received from Contech Engineered Solutions, in conjunction with the contractor's fees for additional material and labor, would cost more than the Applicant could reasonably expect to receive for the lot, which renders the alternative as not economically practicable. As it pertains to the stream crossing (Impact XI, IX & XXVIV): It was the Applicant's intention to utilize retaining walls, along the stream crossing, in order to minimize impacts. Unfortunately, the NC Department of Transportation (NC DOT) would not approve this measure (see Appendix F). Therefore, this option is not a viable alternative. As it pertains to lot till: As discussed previously during permit review meetings (attended by Emily Hughes and Kyle Dahl), the remaining wetlands (i.e. those wetlands situated within lot boundaries) are anticipated to be managed by future home owners, and will likely either indirectly or directly remove a portion of their functional value. Construction techniques are not available to remove this concern and losing the 14 lots would render the project economically infeasible. Therefore, this is not a practicable alternative. As it pertains to driveway accesses on Lots 262 — 264 (Impacts XII, XXIV): The proposed road crossing and driveways will cut off all but approximately 2,800 square feet of the upper reach of the feature. Stormwater will be collected via pipe and swales, which is anticipated to minimize hydrology within that area, leaving it unviable. Removing the lots from the site development plan would not be economically feasible. As it pertains to road crossings (Impacts VII, VIII, XVIII, XIX): The Applicant incorporated headwalls into the road crossings, but use of the measures was denied by the NC DOT (see Appendix F). Therefore, this is not a practicable alternative. 4 The Village at Motts Landing 201 6 IP Modification Supplemental information 5F—Gi C. Alternate Site(s) i. Permittee Owned Site: Although the Applicant owns land across River Road, utilizing this property would not be feasible for several reasons: As it pertains to lot impacts: The property is not large enough to accommodate 14 single family dwellings. The land is already designed to accommodate future development and the placement of these 14 lots on that parcel would result in the loss of additional lots. For these reasons, the land west of River Road would not be a feasible alternate site for the proposed development. ii. Purchase of Alternate Site: Due to the fact that the Applicant owns the land the project is located upon and begun significant development of this parcel, it would not be economically feasible to purchase another property to facilitate the development. Therefore, this alternative is not practicable. D. Preferred Location The proposed impacts are the preferred alternative, as they provide the location specific impacts necessary to meet the purpose and need of the project. The Applicant has removed impacts associated with road construction and limited the proposed impacts to specific needs within current development areas. For those proposed impacts that remain, the economic validity lies within the developer's ability to provide homes which are currently selling in the local market. For example, if the Applicant is unable to provide duplex and single family dwellings, which there is currently a market for in the area and which the Applicant has had success in selling, the viability of the project is at risk. The Applicant also currently has a buyer for the subject lots and could lose the sale of these lots if the wetland impacts are not authorized. VII. Sequence of events The Applicant has secured stormwater and S&EC permits, thus work is to commence as soon as USACE and DWR approvals of the modification request have been issued. The work will consist of clearing the land, removing the hydric soils from the impact areas, and stabilizing the soil and establishing grade. Work is anticipated to begin once the USACE, DWR and DCM authorizations have been issued and the proposed wetland restoration credit payment fulfilled. The Applicant intends to perform the permittee responsible wetland and stream restoration concurrently with the installation of the Glen Ellen Drive. VIII. Compensatory Mitigation The following table summarizes the mitigation that has taken place, to date, for this project: Permit Impact Area AC Mitigation Status 2005 IP 1.51 AC (NR) 2:1 (3.02 AC) Payment to the NCEEP (3.25 AC) Not fulfilled Preservation of the remaining 81 AC of Wetlands Not Fulfilled 2006 IP MOD (Added 0.013 AC) 1.523 AC 2:1 (3.05 AC) Payment to the NCEEP Fulfilled Preservation of the remaining 81 AC of Wetlands Removed 2012 IP 1 11 AC Covered by previous payment (removed preservation mechanism from the 81.0 AC of remaining wetlands) Fulfilled 2013 IP MOD 1.39 AC 2:1 (0.25 AC) Payment to NC EEP Fulfilled i ante z mitigation 3umntary A. Proposed Mitigation: A combination of mitigation mechanisms (i.e. permittee responsible mitigation and payment for wetland and warm water stream restoration credit, through a private mitigation bank) will be used i,1 The Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification jupplemental information 5E-Gi to replace the permanent loss of 0.80 acre of wetlands and 125 linear feet of warm water stream, proposed within this permit application. To date, the Applicant has impacted 0.33 acre of wetlands, but has secured 3.25 acre of wetland restoration credit through the NC EEP (see Appendix Q. Thus, the Applicant and SEGi believe the completed impacts and those previously authorized wetland impacts (i.e. 1.39 AC) have been offset by the previously purchased wetland restoration credits. Therefore, those wetland impacts being proposed within this permit application (i.e. 0.47 acre of non -riparian and 0.33 acre of riparian impacts) will be offset with payment to the Lower Cape Fear Mitigation Bank (LCFMB) and permittee responsible mitigation. Please refer to Appendix H, for details of the permittee responsible mitigation plan. The table below summarizes the proposed mitigation for the additional impacts proposed with this permit application: Type of Impact Impact Acreage Permittee Responsible LCFMB Credit (AC) LCFMB Stream Credit (LF) Riparian 0.47 AC 0.04 AC 0.90 AC - Non -riparian 0.33 AC - 0.70 AC - Warm Water Stream 125 LF 25 LF - 100 LF Total 0.80 AC & 125 LF 1 0.04 AC (R) & 25 LF 1.6 AC 100 LF Table 3 Proposed mitigation summary SEGi and the Applicant believe that the proposed mitigation is sufficient to offset the impacts being requested with this request to modify the USACE IP and DWR MC. IX. Adjacent Property Owners The following table includes all the properties that abut the project limits. Please refer to Appendix 1, for a map of the adjacent properties. Map Key ID Owner's Name New Hanover County Parcel ID 1 Sycamore Grove HOA R07600-006-271-000 2 Williamson, Jerry and Laura R07600-006-233-000 3 First Troy R07600-006-266-000 4 Sycamore Grove HOA R07600-006-270-000 5 Fritz, Brian and Morgan R07600-006-325-000 6 First Troy Spec. R07600-006-326-000 7 First Troy Spec. R07600-006-327-000 8 First Troy Spec. R07600-006-332-000 9 Goodrich, Harvey and Blair R07600-006-333-000 10 First Troy Spec. R07600-006-125-000 11 Hurley, Michael and Margot R07600-006-174-000 12 Hurley, Michael and Margot R07600-006-015-000 13 Middleton, Vanessa Brown Alford R07600-006-175-000 14 Middleton, Alford and Vanessa R07600-006-067-000 15 AFTEW Properties R07600-006-013-000 16 AFTEW Properties R07600-006-014-000 17 Carenbauer, William L. R07600-006-011-024 18 Weddle, Glenn C. R07600-006-011-023 19 Carenbauer, William L. R07600-006-011-022 The Village at Motts Landing 2016 iP Modification Supplemental information 5E- ji 20 Carenbauer, William L. R07600-006-011-021 21 Blanton, Haynes and Carol R07600-006-011-020 22 Kaiser, Gerard and Joan R07600-006-011-019 23 Brinson, Addison Jr. R07600-006-011-018 24 Yarborough, Lenora R07600-006-011-017 25 Varnum, Glenn and Nellie R07600-006-011-016 26 Peterson, David and Sandra R07600-006-011-015 27 Horne, Benjamin et al. R07600-006-011-014 28 Mathews, Donald et al. R07600-006-011-013 29 Mathews, Cliff Jr. 807600-006-011-012 30 Mathews, Sandra and Cliff W. Sr. R07600-006-011-011 31 AFTEW Properties R07600-006-011-025 32 Schenk, Donald and Sally R07600-006-011-010 33 Home, Benjamin R07600-006-011-009 34 Home, Benjamin R07600-006-011-008 35 Home, Benjamin R07600-006-011-007 36 Home, Benjamin R07600-006-011-006 37 Blanton, Haynes II and Mandi R07600-006-011-005 38 Ranieri, Richard and Rosalind R07600-006-01 1 -00 1 39 Barnhill, Carolyn W. Living Trust R07600-006-011-004 40 JJ&K Properties Inc. 807600-006-008-000 41 AFTEW Properties R07600-006-008-001 42 Bowens Chapel AME Zion Church R07600-006-007-001 43 State Employees Credit Union R07600-006-006-000 44 Sanders, Carlotta Hrs. R07600-006-005-000 45 Sanders, Sarah H. R07600-006-004-000 46 Sanders, Carlotta Hrs. R07600-006-003-000 47 Wade, Carolyn R07600-006-002-000 48 Canty, Katie Mae and Graham et al. R07600-006-001-001 49 ATFEW Properties R07600-006-010-000 50 ATFEW Properties 807600-006-181-000 51 Keinath, Christine D, et al. R07600-009-160-000 52 Fritz, Ricky and Laura R07600-009-159-000 53 Lake Brewster HOA R07600-009-115-000 54 Carolina Power and Light R07600-006-079-000 55 Village at Mott's Landing HOA R07600-004-005-000 56 Cape Fear Public Utility Assoc. R07600-006-086-000 Table 4. The Village at Mott 's Landing Adjacent Property Owners as of May 2016 Please note that New Hanover County's GIS system does not provide the inailing address for property owners. Tke Village at Motts Landing 2016 iP Modification jupplemental information 5F—Gi X. Additional Authorizations The proposed project will require the following environmental permits: Type Agency Date Issued or Applied For 401 Water Quality Certification NC DWR Applying for concurrently with IP CAMA Consistency NC DCM Applying for concurrently with IP State Stormwater Permit NC DWR Issued 4 April 2012 S&EC Permit NC DLR Issued 12 .lune 2012 Table S. Other state and local environmental authorizations XI. Summary The Applicant is proposing to permanently impact an additional 0.80 acre of Section 404 wetlands and 125 linear feet of warm water stream, as well as the temporary impact of 0.06 acre of wetlands, which are necessary to facilitate the construction of infrastructure, dwellings and driveways, within Phases II and III of the Village at Motts Landing. In conjunction with the avoidance and minimization efforts (i.e. relocating Mott's Forest Road and removing non-essential sediment and erosion control measures), the Applicant intends to offset the proposed permanent wetland impacts with permittee responsible mitigation, in the form of riparian wetland and stream restoration, and payment to the Lower Cape Fear Mitigation Bank, for 1.6 acre of wetland restoration credit and 100 linear feet of warm water stream restoration credit. The Applicant and SEGi believe the project, as proposed, is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. 8 Tke Village at Motts Landing 2016 Ir Modification 5" PPlemental information 5E-Gi Appendix A Motts Landing USACE Jurisdictional Determination Issued 28 February 2011 F, L U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW -2009-01847 County: New Hanover U.S.G.S. Quad: Wilmington NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: AFTEW Properties LLC C/o Dr. Arnold Sobol Address: 2020 Churchill Drive S. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Telephone No.: (910) 763-4742 Property description: Size (acres) --162 ac. Nearest Waterway Motts Creek USGS HUC 03030005 Agent: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. C/o David Scibetta 5315 College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 Nearest Town Wilmington River Basin Cape Fear Coordinates N 34.1248, W -77.9109 Location description The project area is the greater portion of the subdivision known as the Village at Motts Landing, located on both east and west sides of River Road north of Sanders Road, west of Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Parcel IDs R07600-006-012-000 and R07500-004-006-000. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: A. Preliminary Determination Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S. including wetlands on the above described proiect area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC S 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. _ The waters of the U.S. including wetland on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The waters of the U.S. includine wetlands have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corns Regulatory Official identified below on 6/27/2011. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subiect to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, NC at (910) 796-7215 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Emily Hughes at 910-251-4635. C. Basis For Determination This site exhibits wetland criteria as described in the 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual and is adjacent to Mott Creek. a Navigable Water of the U.S. This determination is based on information submitted by SEG. Inc. and a site visit by Emily Hughes on 3/17/2011. D. Remarks E. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B. above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and request for appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: District Engineer, Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn: Emily Hughes, Project Manager, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Ave. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1398 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the District Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by 8/27/2011. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the District Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence.** Corps Regulatory Offich Date June 27, 2011 Action Id. SAW -2009-01847 Date June 27.2016 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://rep-ulatorv.usacesurvey.com/ to complete the survey online. Copy furnished: Tke Village at Motts Landing 2016 Ir Modification Supplemental information SEGi Appendix B Google Earth 2015 Aerial Photograph •.111W n— _L-eves-Gn ! 'Ob A `� nampion-PI.-I CAa All, r —Sal" R , f r. 1",r_._,. . � CPinsta-D� Jj The Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification Supplemental Information 5E-Gi Appendix C NC EEP Receipt for Wetland Restoration Credit tem PROGRAM RECEIPT Arnold Sobol AFTEW Properties, LLC 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 27403-5308 Project: Village at Motts Landing Subdivision April 20, 2006 DWQ #: 040047 COE #: 200101165 County: New Hanover The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC EEP) has received a check in the amount of $42,649.75, check number 1187, as payment for the compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification and/or US Army Corps of Engineers 404 and/or Division of Coastal Management CAMA permit(s) issued for the above referenced project This receipt serves as notification that the compensatory mitigation requirements accepted by NC EEP for this project have been satisfied. Please note that you must also comply with all other conditions of the cerdfication/permit(s) not accepted by NC EEP and any other state, federal or local government including any additional mitigation conditions permits or authorization associated with this activity. The NC EEP, by acceptance of this payment, acknowledges that the NC EEP is responsible and agrees to provide the compensatory mitigation requirements as indicated in the table below. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the US Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. Wetlands (credits) Stream (credits) Non Coastal ColdCool Ripiart Riparian Marsh1; n 3.05 0 0 0 Buffer Warm (sq. ft.) Please note that a payment made to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is not reimbursable unless a request for reimbursement is received within 12 months of the date of the receipt. Any such request must also be accompanied by letters from the permitting agencies stating that the permit and/or authorization have been rescinded. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Chris Mankoff at (9 19) 716-1921. Sincerely, 9 . ��411 4 . U�� D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wedands/401 Unit Doug Huggett, Division of Coastal Management Jennifer Frye, USACE - Wilmington Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Regional Office - Wilmington �_A File StU.t� W RA , staYc`r�... . Pro" Our . ram, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-04761 www.nceep.net North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement t?rog Cataloging River Basia Unit Cape Fear 03030005 Wetlands (credits) Stream (credits) Non Coastal ColdCool Ripiart Riparian Marsh1; n 3.05 0 0 0 Buffer Warm (sq. ft.) Please note that a payment made to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program is not reimbursable unless a request for reimbursement is received within 12 months of the date of the receipt. Any such request must also be accompanied by letters from the permitting agencies stating that the permit and/or authorization have been rescinded. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Chris Mankoff at (9 19) 716-1921. Sincerely, 9 . ��411 4 . U�� D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wedands/401 Unit Doug Huggett, Division of Coastal Management Jennifer Frye, USACE - Wilmington Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Regional Office - Wilmington �_A File StU.t� W RA , staYc`r�... . Pro" Our . ram, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-04761 www.nceep.net North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement t?rog &1Sffnvifn —Is or.f—,J•,Jornmenr_ hart (or Jrfcllz-0 _ ° AF-IIEW PROPERTIES LLC 118, PH. 910-763-M9 FAX 910-763-4742 2020 SOUTH CHURCHILL WRp -11111 {MMINC'TON, NC 2a403-530853aa ` r� f !1 DATE PAY � C V1 TO THE fJ� F ORDER O�yp�Rv �n BW V ,J BRANCH BANKING ANGTBUST C0 3PANY WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA I SM b FO 11300118W, 1:053 10 1 i 21:5194301 234n8 r VN VOICE April 3, 2006 DWQ#: 040047 W. Arnold Sobol COE#- n/a AFTEW Properties, LLC 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Project: Village at Mous Landing Subdivision County: New Hanover You have elected to satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements of the Section 401/404 permit issued for the above reference project through payment of a fee to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0500, your fee has been calculated as follows (Please note: payment of wetlands is calculated in increments of 0.25 acres). If you have any questions concerning this payment, please call Carol Shaw at 919-733-5205. Riparian Wetlands 0 acres x $ 26,246.00 $ Non -Riparian Wetlands 3.25 acres x $ 13,123.00 = $ 42,649.75 Saltwater Wetland 0 acres x $131,230.00 = $ Stream 0 linear feet x $ 219.00 = $ Buffer — Zone 1 0 square feet x $ .46 __ $ Buffer — Zone 2 0 square feet x $ .96 — — $ TOTAL $ 42,649.75 Please mail a check made payable to North CarOH na Ecosystem Enhancement Program for the total amount due to the address below. NC DENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program I652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 PIease note that a payment made to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program is not reimbursable unless a request for reimbursement is received within 12 months of the date of the receipt. Any such request must be accompanied by letters from the permitting agencies stating that the permit and/or authorization have been rescinded. YOU MUST BE IN POSSESSION OF THE PAYMENT RECEIPT FROM THE NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM PRIOR TO COMMENCING THE ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ARMY PERMIT AND/OR THE 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION. cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Jennifer Frye, USACE-Wilmington Noelle Lutheran, DWQ Regional Office -Wilmington Doug Huggett, DCM-Morehead City File T,e Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification Supplemental information 5E-Cjl Appendix D Wetland Impact Map, Profiles and Summary Worksheet \ SCALE : 1"= 200' 1 0 200 400 600N. 1 C4 NC GRID (NAD 83) R � 1 ED � � 1 1 1 I cqR , 1 I \ \ 1& D \ 1'/V \ pl�e�lLOT I O EQUESTRIAN ESTATES \ ` 1 y MB 18 PG 66 1 \ O 1 � I � III 1 1 1 I ------------- -------------- ---------------- *404 ---- --'404 WETLAND DELINEATION"- AS- DESIGNATED AND SIGNED BY THE U.B: ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS ON `'_ •' •' •' •' •� --------------FEBRUARY 28, 2011 (USACE ACTION ID No.SAW-2009-01847) 304 305 _ \ ..:...:.:... . 1 ` 306 I 307 - .� IMPT AREAXXV] 308 341:9... .0008 A 31� \ ----I---- / 311 --- ---- GA312 313 �• .' 314 KF \ <�- ----__ I_303 3021 301 300 299 298 .:.:.:\Common, •..•.•.-.-. - \ 297 �\?/322 Area , r ...:..... / ` X296 323 f:IMPACTAREA� 324 ` �.":IMPACX F 336: SF. %)0.005 / �F ,,0 /I CT ARE �i 29 539 0.01 ..: 1 I LOT5 `� 1 EQUESTRIAN ESTATES 1 iMB 18 PG 66 60'EASEMENT 1 LOT, IN FAVOR OF 4— W ' EQUESTRIAN ESTATES I MB 18 PG 66 AFTEW ww�s C,Ap ft 1 I , AME ZION CHURCH 1 LATS EQUESTRIAN ESTATESMR 18 PG r6 T LOT I /O .•..� 1 I 1 EQUESTRIAN ESTA1AT-L"' i '•"•"'' �1 I 1 MB 18 PG fib ... ti , I — —I I _ D LOT 13 EQUESTRIAN EST'MB 18 PG::::'404WETLANDDI_LTNEATIQN"-AbES1GNATEDAND SIGNED BY7+3EN:SARMYCORPOF:ENGINEPRSON.'.':..' — FEBRUARY 4 2U1IVSACE-AC.RDN•ID::':': •:•:•:• NO; SAW-20o� at9ar}..:.:-:: ":: :::::' 1 : 1 EQUESTRIAN EQ SI STATES MS ' v — 1 344 50 345 �� J-- I I•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•.•1� 1 N A T EA XXIX I I / :::::::::":::"::... 51 I:.`�48 CREDITNION � 1 v 255 SF / Q1006 AC ::::-:•:•:•:::" 52 EQUESTRIAN ESTATES Common Area; MB 18 Pr 66 I I 1 47 1 WET DETENTION' 1 1 1 BASIN / �� 531, 46 1 56 55 54 ► 45 _ — 1.1 � 1 XXII#,..:.:..') 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WILMINGTON, NC 28412 910-791-0080 PROJECT No. 16-0465 MATCH LINE SHEET 1 MATCH LINE SHEET 2 :I 323 \ . .......; 56 1 f'iMPAc"f�1REA 2 �/� t..:.;.;.;.� ` -1 J 10.005 / 32a : iMpAC `XXII;...::��._� EQMB�I8PG66ATE5 _ COVR 44 1 3 CT AR :;::628;�`F to, . } AC ! I �:;::_.r. 1 \, \ - ENp`N = ' `11 1� ... .:•�/ 29 ! 539 0.01. :.:;::::::: 'Cpmmon,fA�ea;:;:I- / K – 59 1 MATCH LINE SHEET 1 AREA XXT 325 I DETENTI0�1 �:i: IMPACT ARE . i ::: 42 qoa 326 I .. I i- _ _ 1• t: ��' , \, MATCH LINE SHEET 2 4 S 0: " . � :AC: -� _ <- eAstN 5 SFS .01 C s ; \ 1 292 :... B 1,732 f-0.-O4"AC Iii � 1 1 64 63 1 61 � 41 1 34364 8 I f a I. \ - - �, 62 1 1 �, 291 - I - t� t .. - I .. 40 342 349 Ij: gat \2 . :jcoo`� 290 I C ORD COURT 327 _ IEa; I —O §I. 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AG;:.:::;:.:::;:.:::::::: /-- �k3 336 __ c5 _...... f1 �• - --- --��' :::O 1 a- r I 325 I 354 ;� I " �' `1111 1�1 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE :.::::::::::::.: 281 / .._ ____ __-_____.-30�241 l ::' .; I �. mowav�E.umir - J 1 :.:;:- • • •:•�. t1 29 \ :-\ 280 1326 a c SA'.: so' > \ 355 1:. 240 I I I ` ;:;:�_� Q �C Rt I 1rj\2 , 243 244 , 245 246 11 1 NC GRID (NAD 83) 271 IM ACT EA �- "`off; ;:;:;: ;, I -:•:-:- 11 28 272 1327 cC x �''" in Q +-1 `� ;. i \' _..... 1`, m"m 3 SF / .009 Com'::-::: a u v :334 Q o ,ul 0 \ 356 1 I �Pe��.. j 239 \\ 1 - to �`'- 1J X333 M I `.'; :::... - - _ 494 WAR . 1 1 27 1 \ 273 279 A� . Q \ \ \ J :7 " . \ _ - _ - --! J�\ 247 /. WNEAi70N.'-AS, Q \ 238 \ \ . �FWGNATEDAND. \I, 274 275 278 I, '-' ' vcn aln�`, /i „= KE MEADOW COUkr l::5....BYTHEVS� \, \ 26 1,32a �. :W .I a.� moo Ci ARE .III \\ Y -�:•:- 332, 6 .d:0 6'b 237 _ z76 329 :-' I ? / YY :'f" 1'' 1 PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACTS j �. n, K � � 248 TE9RU RY:2%N1l ::� 1 27 \ 277 1::1. 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' '' - - : ' - :. 95II1; , :.: ,; 1o'TEdI�ORaRY :::: -:.l1 2� 3 1 \ AFTEW PROPERTIES LLC f: \ .. I :::::.... •:: .. ."..... •'- .... I I 47 I 1 56 // '/BUFFER I PAr.T A . XXIX O 1 THE VILLAGE AT MOTTS LANDING POND No. 4 �. BUFFFItFROM::::::::::::.:: 0':BUFFERfROM : I I I 55 54 CALF ' "_ bO' 93 1 3;SF.' •:.0 ERALPOINTTOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXFSi.TCH ::•:-:-:-:•:•:•:-::: E>ST; 41iTGH;•:•, 53 I 1 �� 2 N 1 80 NORTH CAROLINA 46 II 1 '.1 48 49 50 51 52 I 10 - 20 94 q::::: :::::::::1 00 O 111 81 *ALE : 1"= 200' DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 i. ~`arRrioti:N • 1`\ ,\ _ --ARKS %' ` > 1 ', N 1i 2 I PORT CITY \ ` t:, v \ \� _ _ _ _ MEL P - 64 /':':':'::'::.:: -..4 -mf 1f5 Ata�CDR... ,.;.;.;.;.;.; 42 43 44 45 _ t4 CAR _ - _ - -- ............. 1 �I 1 LAND SURVEYING, PLLC Qe2oli"[OSpCF _ �i MOU -_ - - 1 1 65 / 1' 70 1 83 FIRM LICENSE No. P-1493 SIS+. _ I 66 y- :-:: 'ry• 17 MATCH LINE SHEET 2 _ ::�.:.:.:.:.:.: ,=aia4il:: 40 41 = _-_ -_ "- – – – ' 1 �ELLTRACT ° 1 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. .... . . . ...... - - 67 1 0 , I 84 11 Amn WILMINGTON, NC 28412 ..... -. -. - = - - - 69 i 910-791-0080 MATCH LINE SHEET 3 ::;:::::::::::::::: �- RK_E _ – \` \\ 84 :;�::;: ACGESSEASEMENi I, 1 39 T CARME` PA -" 31 \ 1 30 29 \\, 9n1`� 71 70 _ _ _ 85 / M(1PBpOK2 SPAGE 85 86 :I::... I 1 38 MOVN - -32 1 1 O 73 - 83 \;•;•_• 86 \ PROJECT No. 16-0465 i%'11 A1'1 34 33 l� Q::: �i 16 II 37 / 1� Nltl 1 1 28 \t 30 74 \ .. PAm�Eu«EAn 1 372 1\u 1 \ l�Gi �/ AREA °� f::::::::::.1 i I /a�:/ c ... ........::'� I-14 I':::::::::::1 1 �- Mu" 66 65 y:: : ' :.: ' ' -- O1 0a MATCH LINE SHEET 2:::9-01sni1: 40 4l-- _-_ -== 6711 I :::::a:':L>RACT `,o MATCH LINE SHEET 3 :-:•:• - • . - . p E \, \, 84 :.c.:.. 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FIRM LICENSE No. P-1493 �;•-� / / �,', SCALE 1"= 200' 5{11181 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. �' ' �.. / 0 200 400 600 WILMINGTON NC 28412 MOTTSVILAGERD •: S9 910-791-0080 PROJECT No. 16-0465 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE ,:.:�/�� —,' . yu �1 N �RRa MOTTS VILIAG �o BELLAMYPARKE J`4 w SANbE R A c3 zd ,rn"� � 5R 1161 w �1�,�pp MOTTS V[LLAGE RD S� LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NC GRID (NAD 83) PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED IMPACTS ►w _ : ter• : _ 1• PDE = PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114 LF 48"RCP SD REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE DETA/L AREA FROW511EET3OF9 WETLAND IMPACT MAP SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR AFTEW PROPERTIES LLC THE VILLAGE AT MOTTS LANDING FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE : 1"= 200' DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 rPORT CITY LAND SURVEYING, PLLD FIRM LICENSE No. P-1493 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. WILMINGTON, NC 28412 910-791-0080 PROJECT No, 16-0465 ]C U \ O \ J \ o \ 0 a open space a > Axa + Ln ` / x 67 � O x< CD o , G..^ NCDOT STD, ENDWALL No. 5.1 w \ \i 48" INV 5.0 CQ:¢/ STD. END No. 5 48" INV 5.0 \\\ /� , SLOPE GRADE IMPACT AREA X PDE 982 SF / 0.02 AC i , , 331 I ' -------------------------------J NDWAL.L, PIPE + RIPRAP� IM ACT\AREA XI 358 SF / .0.08 AC ujuj 0 a I/ I I X I ao \ W O ce \ L �. y a� 330 NCDOT ]C U \ O \ J \ o \ 0 a open space a > Axa + Ln ` / x 67 � O x< CD o , G..^ NCDOT STD, ENDWALL No. 5.1 w \ \i 48" INV 5.0 CQ:¢/ STD. END No. 5 48" INV 5.0 \\\ /� , SLOPE GRADE IMPACT AREA X PDE 982 SF / 0.02 AC i , , 331 I ' -------------------------------J NDWAL.L, PIPE + RIPRAP� IM ACT\AREA XI 358 SF / .0.08 AC ujuj 0 a I/ M K En v NCWTSTD. -------------------------- �/ NDWALL No. 5A - VW/22'x22'x2' E.D. r �i ___________________�_ ---------- 48" INV 4,0 �' — — — EXIST. SOIL DRIVE i � _----- 1,739 S.F. 0.04 Acres w \ EXIST. SOIL DRIVE EXIST. 48' RCP TO BE REMOVED EXIST, 48" RCP . TO BE-REMOy ED AND RESTORED TO BE REMOVED I LYT LE± <-- - 'OF STREAM 11 � _ 1 Sf0 BE RESTORED 7 }� POND No. 3 DETAIL AREA NOT TO SCALE So I I I I / M K En v NCWTSTD. -------------------------- �/ NDWALL No. 5A - VW/22'x22'x2' E.D. r �i ___________________�_ ---------- 48" INV 4,0 �' — — — EXIST. SOIL DRIVE i � _----- 1,739 S.F. 0.04 Acres w \ EXIST. SOIL DRIVE EXIST. 48' RCP TO BE REMOVED EXIST, 48" RCP . TO BE-REMOy ED AND RESTORED TO BE REMOVED I LYT LE± <-- - 'OF STREAM 11 � _ 1 Sf0 BE RESTORED 7 }� POND No. 3 DETAIL AREA NOT TO SCALE So 20 15 10 5 III STREAM IMPACTS IMPACT # PERMANENT IMPACT AREA M+N 125 LF 1 STREAM IMPACT M+N CROSS SECTION HORIZ. 1" = 50' VERT. 1" = 5' NO 15 10 WETLAND IMPACT XVI AND XVII CROSS SECTION HORIZ. 1" = 50' VERT. 1 " = 5' 20 UN i[el WETLAND IMPACT XVIII AND XIX CROSS SECTION HORIZ. 1" = 50' VERT. 1" = 5' W Z O Q H Z WW U0 1 d U c a� O A� x w Ha E- -<4 C\2z �wwz E- �z E-1 Cn >t 12L4 DATE 05-06-16 DESIGN PGT DRAWN MLV 0 TRIPP ENGINEERING, P.C. Ta�T 1 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 11 Phone 910-763-5100 SHEET 1 OF 2 Fax 910-763-5631 0w14TM P .P.c. 14026 We H61 10 WETLAND IMPACT VII AND VIII CROSS SECTION HORIZ. 1" = 50' VERT. 1" = 5' 20 15 Wd WETLAND IMPACT M AND VI CROSS SECTION HORIZ. 1" = 50' VERT. 1 " = 5' 0 TWP ENGINEERING, P.C. 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Phone 910-763-5100 Fax910-763-5631 cm, 1NPP 000lEER . P.C. 0 v� Z O Q E� Z OnW cr) 9 U a� Q U A� x F-1 a E',:� C\2z �wwz E- �z E-1 U) > DATE 05-06-16 DESIGN PbT DRAWN MLV W2 SHEET 2 OF 2 Appendix D Page 4 of 4 Wetland Impact Summary 2016 USACE and DWR Permit Modification Wetland and Stream Impact Summary Worksheet New Proposed Wetland Impacts New Proposed Stream Impact Impact ID Purpose & Need SF AC Resource Type (Riparian or Non- Ri arian Impact ID Purpose & Need LF I Lot Fill 1,882 0.043 NR M & N Road Crossing 125 II Lot Fill 5,836 0.134 NR Total 125 Previous Completed Impacts Under 2005 IP (AC) Total 0.16 AC F Previously Authorized Impacts Under 2013 IP (AC) Riparian 0.58 Non-Ripariani 0.81 Totall 1.23 Proposed Impacts with this Permit Mod (AC & LF) Riparian 0.47 Non -Riparian 0.33 Stream 125 Total 0.80 Cumulative Impacts (AC & LF) Previously Impacted 2005 (NR) 0.16 2013 Permit Wetlands 1.23 Proposed Wetlands 0.80 Proposed Stream 125 Total Stream Impact 125 Total Wetland Impactl 2.19 Proposed Mitigation (2:1) Riparian Wetland Credit 0.86 AC Non -Riparian Wetland Credit 0.66 AC Permittee Responsilbe Wetland Restoration 0.04 AC Permittee Responsible Stream Restoration 25 LF Stream Restoration Credit 100 LF III Lot Fill 697 0.016 NR IV Road Crossing 146 0.003 NR V Road Crossing 449 0.010 NR VI Road Crossing 404 0.009 NR VII Road Crossing 362 0.008 NR VIII Road Crossing 268 0.006 R IX Road Crossing 2,371 0.054 R X Lot Fill 982 0.023 R XI Road Crossing 3,581 0.082 R XII Road and Lot Fill 2,842 0.065 R XIII Lot Fill 1,192 0.027 R XIV Road Crossing 396 0.009 NR XV ('T) Utility Crossing 2,675 0.061 R >M Read Sfessing 120 0.003 NR XV1t I Read Sressing 121 0.003 NR XVIII Road Crossing 540 0.012 R XIX Road Crossing 555 0.013 R XX Lot Fill 635 0.015 NR XXI Lot Fill 1,732 0.040 NR XXII Lot Fill 539 0.012 NR XXIII I Lot Fill 628 0.014 NR XXIV Lot Fill 400 0.009 NR XXV Lot Fill 236 0.005 NR XXVI Driveway Access 1,419 0.033 R XXVII Driveway Access 1,001 0.023 R XXVIII Road Crossing 117 0.003 NR XXVIV I Road Crossing 618 0.014 R M & N Road Crossing 5,162 0.119 R Total Proposed Impactsl 34,990 1 0.80 T = Temporary Impact The Village at Motts Landing 201 6 IF Modification 5UPPlemental information 5FIG i Appendix E Bridge and Culvert Estimates 01/2 5/2016 16:38 9107634742 PAGE 01/02 _ FW:RfIf.�N171A'.11PRe+KrstOQWt47 ffr,l�l From: Tripp Engineering <trippeng@ec,rr,com>-�� To: Arnold 5obol-horns clobos231(Zaol,com>; Amold Sobol-office <Iobo528403@aol.com> Subject: FW: Bridge Quote Request a Quote Date: Thu, Jan 28.2016 12:10 pm al l lei Attachments: 2016 Corporate Brochure.pdf (9486K), Cerdfrcation_ him (253) v See below, quote for bridge. From: Titus Edwards hailto:titus[aRybc.corn] Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10;09 AM To: ri=na@ec,rr,com Subject: RE: Bridge Quote Request a Quote Hello Phil! Good to hear from you again, hope you have been doing well, You and I met years ago when I came up to meet on the RiverSea project and then later we discussed Shallotte River Village project. Regarding The Village At Motts Landing...... for an H520 pile -supported (piling bents every 15' like RiverSea) timber bridge, 22' wide (yields 20' clear driving width) x 120' long, up to 8' of height (deck to grade height)..... you are going to be around $300k out the door (design, engineering, construction, driven timber piling, poly/acrylic timber abutments, poly/acrylic timber guard rail, etc. all included), *This pricing assumes driven timber piling up to 16' in the ground — potential for additional charges if soft soils required deeper in the ground piling. This pricing includes all of our return York Bridge Services that brings us back to the completed bridge some 6 months later to apply protective coatings to the entire bridge and deck, as well as to perform initial maintenance on the bridge. As you can see in our new brochure, our new bridges are more than just a timber bridge, but a combination of acrylic/polymer finishes with pressure treated heavy timbers. What kind of schedule is the project on? Thanks Phil! Titus Edwards, lead Senior Bridge Consultant YORK $RIDGE CONCEPTS, INC.TM° Tifus_evbC. Com www.YBC.com (800) 776.4178 x 105 (office) (813) 765.3527 (cell) 2420 Brunello Trice Lutz, FL 33558 This email and any Flles transmitted whd It are confidential and intended solely for the use of the Individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received t tis email In error please notify the system manager. This mCssap,,a contains confidential Informotion and is intended only for the Individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not dissem;nate, distribute, or copy thlS email, Please notify the sender I.mmedlately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your System. If you are not the intendrd reclplent you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action In relonce on the contents of this in`ormation is strictly prohibited, htlpsAmail.051-Com/webmttil-std/ert-us/PrintMessap 113 C :1► NTECHg ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Contech Engineered Solutions LLC 9025 Centre Pointe Drive. Suite 400 West Chester, OH 45069 Phone: (513) 645-7000 Fax: (513) 645-7993 www.ContechES.com February 17, 2016 Project: 207952 VAML Lot 377A, Wilmington NC (DYOB REFERENCE #207952) As requested, the following is a CON/SPAN® O -Series Bridge System ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE for the above referenced project. This ESTIMATE is intended for preliminary estimating purposes only and should not be interpreted as a final QUOTATION. The information presented is based on the DYOB referenced above. Contech will fabricate and deliver the following described CON/SPAN® O -Series Bridge components and appurtenances: DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIED MATERIALS: • CON/SPAN O -Series 01055 structure ■ 16 L.F. of 1 Cell 01055 55'-0" Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise CON/SPAN® O -Series Precast Concrete units ■ (4 FT. Typical Lay Length) ■ Two (2) precast headwalls ■ Four (4) precast wingwalls with mounting hardware ■ Joint sealant material ■ Masonite shims ■ Filter fabric and perforated drain tile ■ On-site consultation during installation *ESTIMATE - $146,400 Delivered These costs do not include the foundation, or installation costs. As part of the construction process, the contractor is to perform the items listed below in accordance with the installation drawings: ■ Construct cast -in-place foundations ■ Unload and set structure utilizing crane ■ Grout the unit legs and wingwalls into the keyway ■ Apply all joint sealing material ■ Excavate and backfill the structure Please contact me at *Sender Phone* should you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your interest in the CON/SPAN® Bridge System. Respectfully, *Estimate assumes production facility is within 100 miles of the jobsite. This estimate was prepared using a number of assumptions for design loads, earth cover, freight and other considerations. Contact your local *Signature* Contech representative to request a formal quotation. UPSTREAM BRIDGE PLAN DOWNSTREAM The design and inrormahon shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the poled owner, engineer end s NTECH' --- `e 0�7S a.e conlredor by cometh Engineered SoUions LLC ('Cometh'). Neither this drawing. nor any pert thereof, they be VAML Lot 377A zms5z zmrzole used, repoduoed or modified in any manner ari the error written consem of Contech. Failure to comply Is acne CON SPAN• at IN deesoarndakand Untecheaphisidiad.imaamhebintyorraapen•ibiifiyfor aachwe CON/SPAN O -Series 01055 55'-0" Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise a�oyoe Dvoe ENGINEERED SOLUilONS LLC �i-SERIES- if disaepanded between the suppned intormetlon upon which the drawing is based and adual fiaN caMitions are—C--hEs.wm C�NTFCN cv.�o rncnovEo ncaunteretl as site work progressed. Chess discrepancies must be reported to Contecn immediately (or 8025 Canbe Potts Dr., Slits 40D, WastCraubr, OH <50Sg 1 Cell - 16' Long a Dvoe Dvoe av i-tionofthededi n. contact ecce natal for DYOEt Wilmington, North Carolina e�an g pts no aY designs based on missing, Incomplete ar inaccurate 500-33&1122 5738157000 - 5738957993 FAX opAw�"c �romration atppnM W omen. SPAN CROSS SECTION The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the prolan owner, engineer and contractor W Contech Engineered Solutions LLC('Cantech"l. Neither this drawing, nor any part thereol, may be C' NTECH' coN ��` VAML Lot 377A 7.7 a� ao n.,E 2B]9sz zn]rzots used, reproduced or modeled in any manner mahout the prior written wnsenl of Contech, FeINre to mmply ie done at the users own dale and Contech eapmesly diadaims am liskility or reaponaibaity, for such use, ENGINEERED S0LIm0N5 LLC �' _' U—SERIES- CON/SPAN O -Series 0/+1055 5C5'-0" Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise scr.Eo w'H DvoB Dvoe I! diacrepanciae between the e,ppli,d information upon which the drawing is based and actual Geld conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for evaluation of the design. Contech accepts no liability for designs based on missing, or inaccurate Infonnallen supplied by other. —ComtechES.Cpm ggyS Centre Pomba W., Sdb400. Weal Chasse. ON 45" ONrECH DYOB DanWiuc 1 fell — 16' Long Wilmington, North Carolina Ec'm ­DVOB 500.33511 �2 513-645-70gg 513-645]993 FAX `�`"° 2 c 5 UPSTREAM END ELEVATION The assign and information shown on tion Brewing Is provided eit a service to the protect owner, engineer and contractor Ey Contech Engineered Solutions LLC -Contech"). Neither lois drawing, nor any part !hereof, may � � NTECHa 60 QI�A N VAML Lot 377A � r„ n„E 207952 2/172076 ne used, reproduced or mpaHietl in any manner without the prior written conxnt of Codech. Failure to compry ts done che users awn nsk and Contach expressly disclaims am, liability or reaponsinitity for such use. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC irY.Y e7r/"N r O—SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 01055 55'-0” Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise rv� G DYOB �. DYOB I7 diacrcpencies Delween Me supplied informationupon which the drawing is Eased and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for va4aw.ContechES.com 9025 Cenba paints Dr., Suite 400, West Chad.. OH 45M, CorvrF DYOB 1 Cell - 16' Long �xDV08 aDVOB ncvsluat— of the design. Contech accepts no liability for designs Eased on mining, incomplete or inaccurate formalion suppled Ey dhen. Wilmington, North Carolina 800-338.1122 513845-70D0 513845-7993 FAX 3 OF5 DOWNSTREAM END ELEVATION The design dna information enown on b drawing is provided as a x rs c to the protea owner, reoineer and contractor by n Engineered S LLC (t Neither erf nor any vert maybe CONTEC H co SPAN. VRML Lot 377A `���'I na'E zo7ssz I'll 7,-1. oed o, nnara the wch'). comps extl, reproduxd or modHlM In any m rrcer wi11wN Me prior wrnlen mnaenl of contecn. Failure ro comply K done en C -t t the Deer. own nal, ane Comethe.preeely dlaoblms any liability or responsibility for such see. ENGINEERED SOW'nONS LLC �•/ , Y U -SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 01055 55'-0" Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise ovoe a Dvoe If discrepancies between Me ,ppged information upon which the drawing is based and actual geld conditions ere encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for in-evaluation of the design. Contechaboaptsnoliability for designs baked onmissing,Incomplateorinaavrate formation supplied by others. w'w'w'-ContechES.-int 9025 Centre Points Dr., Bulls 000, ~Che itia, 0!105089 Coin - DYOB .>G 1 Cell - 16' Long Wilmington, North Carolina DVOB s DV08 8M0. !122 513$45-]000 513-645-7993 FAX 4 oc 5 REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) If e a a A 4 /a C.I.P. CONCRETE /FO�R�C�I. IN PRECAST CROSS MEMBER ONCRETE PASSAGE BETWEEN CELLS . FOUNDATION WIDTH SECTION (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) PRECAST WINGWALL REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) 10 U / GROUT EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS INSIDE FACE OF "O" SERIES LEG OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PRECAST CONCRETE ,Ya"x51$"TAPERED �- KEYWAY (TYP.) 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING A6 BARS CONTINUOUS TOP 8 BOTTOM X6 LAP SPLICE BARS IN TOP 8 BOTTOM EITHER SIDE OF JOINT FOR LONGITUDINAL BARS elm STRUCTURE LIMITS ¢STRUCTURE Z> S — O Y � YCLRn x ` y w J ri Z iH A'RECMA.ST O m 'nJ V Z R(TVP.) CONCRETE (TYP.) n J n REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) If e a a A 4 /a C.I.P. CONCRETE /FO�R�C�I. IN PRECAST CROSS MEMBER ONCRETE PASSAGE BETWEEN CELLS . FOUNDATION WIDTH SECTION (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) PRECAST WINGWALL REINFORCING BAR (TYP.) 10 U / GROUT EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS INSIDE FACE OF "O" SERIES LEG OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PRECAST CONCRETE ,Ya"x51$"TAPERED �- KEYWAY (TYP.) 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING A6 BARS CONTINUOUS TOP 8 BOTTOM X6 LAP SPLICE BARS IN TOP 8 BOTTOM EITHER SIDE OF JOINT FOR LONGITUDINAL BARS elm STRUCTURE LIMITS ¢STRUCTURE — JOINT TY1TYP TI _ I - (TVP. iH A'RECMA.ST �E� CROSS CAST -IN-PLACE R(TVP.) CONCRETE (TYP.) PRECAST FOUNDATION 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING 4/7 SAMPLE PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN SECTION B (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS The design and Information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the Project owner, engineer antl """T uo INTE mrd, rapn d Contech Engineered 1, an Solutions LLC ("Contech"). ter, er Mir tlf C,m nor any pad thereof. may be Chi NTEC He CON SPAN. VAML Lot 377A zoTasz vnrzo,B used, reprotluced or modified In any manner wktgN the prior water, canthis of Contech. Feilurc to comply ts done C oEscrcp. pa4W� a11he user, own nniind Contech e.presaty, disclaim anyiiaenityor responsiblldy for such ,sa ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC ;1�"--SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 0/1055 55'-0" Span x 8'-11 1/8" Rise OYOS DYOB cie, h If discrepaneWeen the supplied information upon which n the swing Is based and ,duel fiekl conditions are —.ContechES.com 1 hell - 16' Long — DY.. —DVOB }' encountered es me work progresses. these dlscrepandea must be reported to Contech immediately far SIRS Cwtba Pointe Dr., SUhe 400, West Chester, OH 45069 DYOB re-evaluation of the design. Contech accepts no liability for designs based on missing, Incomplete or inaccurate 800.3361112 513645-]000 513.645 i993F4T IMPWInIG Wilmington, North Carolina $ ,to. ro manor supplied by other 5 5 C=::NTECH' ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Contech Engineered Solutions LLC 9025 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 400 West Chester, OH 45069 Phone: (5 1 3)645-7000 Fax: (513) 645-7993 www.ContechES.com February 17, 2016 Project: 207951 VAML Lot 377A, Wilmington NC (DYOB REFERENCE #207951) As requested, the following is a CON/SPAN® O -Series Bridge System ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE for the above referenced project. This ESTIMATE is intended for preliminary estimating purposes only and should not be interpreted as a final QUOTATION. The information presented is based on the DYOB referenced above. Contech will fabricate and deliver the following described CON/SPAN® O -Series Bridge components and appurtenances: DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIED MATERIALS: • CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 structure ■ 18 L.F. of 1 Cell 0530 30'-0" Span x 6-5 3/8" Rise CON/SPAN® O -Series Precast Concrete units ■ (6 FT. Typical Lay Length) ■ Two (2) precast headwalls ■ Four (4) precast wingwalls with mounting hardware ■ Joint sealant material ■ Masonite shims ■ Filter fabric and perforated drain the ■ On-site consultation during installation *ESTIMATE - $74,800 Delivered These costs do not include the foundation, or installation costs. As part of the construction process, the contractor is to perform the items listed below in accordance with the installation drawings: ■ Construct cast -in-place foundations ■ Unload and set structure utilizing crane ■ Grout the unit legs and wingwalls into the keyway ■ Apply all joint sealing material ■ Excavate and backfill the structure Please contact me at *Sender Phone* should you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your interest in the CON/SPAN® Bridge System. Respectfully, *Estimate assumes production facility is within 100 miles of the jobsite. This estimate was prepared using a number of assumptions for design loads, earth cover, freight and other considerations. Contact your local *Signature* Contech representative to request a formal quotation. UPSTREAM BRIDGE PLAN DOWNSTREAM The design aM ,hl—tion shown on this drawing m prawdau as a service mine poled owner, ergmeer anp contract r by Cometh Engineered Sowions LLC ('Contech"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, maybe ( MONTECH' C�N VAML Lot 377A � _� ^� ^• _ 207951 2mrz016 wed. m; aced ormodlnedinany manner withommeplorwritten consent ofcomech. Faueretocon,piywdone e4pi�N s� p at the ours own riska�M Contech eapm,* iiscilany facility or responsibility for such uu. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC 0 -SERIES CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 30'-0" Span x 6'-5 3/8" Rise Dvoe Dvoe If disuapanchm between the supplied information upon which the drawing Is based and aOwl rad conditions are paw-CointechES.com C TF 1 Cell - 18' Long �eovoe "��Dvoe encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for 9075 CSNe PaMM Dr., SWb 400, Vital Chinese, ON 45069 DYOEI evaluation of the design, Contech accepts iw liability for designs based on missing, incompk(e or inaccurate 600-33&1122 513.645.70DO 51&6457993 FAX RAVA Wilmington, North Carolina 9 cEr rm Inbrmeti0 wppliedbyothers. 5 CROSS SECTION owner. engineer are The design and information mown on Ihis dnwi(- 1. mprovked as a service to the no, contractor by Gontech Engineered Salullons LLC ('Gontech"). Neither MIs drawing, nor eny pert thereof, may be NTECH +�N �� VAML Lot 377A E�,�o �� pe.e 207951 2/172016 used, reproduced or modified in any manner wahmat the prim written consent of Contech. Failure to comply is done j at the users own nak and Comech expressly dlsctaims any aamnty or re+popstality for each use. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC �; -SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 300'-0" Span x 6'-5 3/8" Rise ,En sc DYOB cow " DVOB if discrep+notsa between the supplied information upon which the drawing Is based end actual field conditions are —CMtabh E3.wm 1 Cell — 18' Long DVOB " DVOB it+s site work progresses, thea. discrepancies must be reported to Comech immediately for of me design. Contech aaepts no liability for designs baud on missing, incomplete or Inaccurate 9025 Candle points d., Brats 400, V/es(Chnges, 0195089 80433&1172 513815-7000 5138aS7993 FAX DY09 �nAVNNG Wilmington, North Carolina `�`"° Inevaluation finnifemwpplied by others. 2 01 5 UPSTREAM END ELEVATION The design and mrormah- Snow, on this drawing la promded s a —ios to the pmj,ct owner, engineer and wntmGor by Contecn Engineered Solutions LLC ('Contact,'). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be CO NTEC H L+QN si�A1V. VAML Lot 377A o.�cr w cors zo7ssl 2/17/2016 used, reprodu«a or modrcma to any manner without the prior wnhen con,ent or Cometh. Fanufe to comply is done at the user, own neat am Contact, e,pm"dacisms amy lial.iiry or responsibility for sum use. CON/SPAN O 0530 30'-0" Span 6'-5 3/8" Rise , �` ovDB "Droll ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC 0 -SERIES. -Series x If discrepanclea between the supplied Information uponwhim the drawln0 is based and actual fele condition. are www.C-techES.cdm cor�rFr.N 1 Cell - 18' Lon g W�DVOB ,countered as site work progresses, these de,(.pancles must be reported to Contain immediately for 9025 Cb. Pointe Dr„ Suite 400, West Chester, 01145088 DVOB valuation of the design. Contact, accepts no liability for design, based on missing, incomplete or Inaccurate 800 338MS1171 SI7000 513.645-7%3 FAX MnwluG L %9 Wilmington, North Carolina [n r� information wpplied by others, 3 or 5 DOWNSTREAM END ELEVATION owner, engineer and The assign and mermanon at,own on this craw(- le pch"). it a mince a me nor contractor Contech Engineered! Solutions lLC tten this arawing, nor any part thereof, may be C ' NTEC H rJ Q^A w. C�N VAML Lot 377A —J079W 1e p".e 207951 2/172076 co used, reproduced or modalea in any manner without Ina prior written consent of Contech. Failure to comply is done d Edwin t the riot at the users own dakand contact, e.preasly maaaima am liability or—portabilityror such use. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC `�r� Y• O -SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 30'-0" Span x 61-5 3/8" Rise s ueo � DYoa v.�ry " DYOB It discrepancies between Me supplied information upon which the drawing is based end actual held conditions are ncountered as site work progresses, them discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for veluatlon of the design. Contech accepts na liability for designs based on missirg, incomplete or inaccurate inrc- "on supplied by ott,en. —Cont-hES.-. 9025 Certslle Paa., sults a00, West Classes, OH 95069 ccw*e DYOB onnvnru; 1 Cell - 18'Long 9 Wilmington, North Carolina o � DYOB wEo "oDVOB 800-33&1171 513.645-7000 513.64&7993 FM s�� 4 5 REINFORCING BAR (TVP.) 7 ( O 3"CLR. ry E..� QPRECAST WINGWALL J �5 REINFORCING 0 U_ BAR (TVP.) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS INSIDE FACE OF "O" SERIES LEG OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PRECAST CONCRETE iI 734" x 5n' TAPERED II KEYWAY(TYP.) 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING 08 BARS CONTINUOUS TOP 8 BOTTOM 06 LAP SPLICE BARS IN TOP 8 BOTTOM EITHER SIDE OF JOINT FOR LONGITUDINAL BARS 1'-0" (TVP ) II� STRUCTURE LIMITS T,STRUCTURE — — Y,"JOINT (TVP.) ^ PRECAST CROSS CAST -IN-PLACE rill v / GROUT MEMBER(TYR) CONCRETE(TYP.) PRECAST _ FOUNDATION 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING SAMPLE PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN SECTION B (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS f€ o The design and information shown on this drawing is ywrovtded as a service to the project owner, engineer end gohcr w. rvo nsT[ contractor M Contech Engineered Solutions LLC('Contech'I. Neither mh tlrawing, nor any pert thereof, may be C �NTECHe CON SPAN. VAML LOt 377A 2m9st 2117n01S used, reproduced or modified in any manner 4written hout the prior consent of Contech. Failure to comply Is done at the uaera own hes end Contech expmsely decasme any hal:nty orreepm-foilty for such use. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC a -SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 30'-0" Span x 6'-5 3/8" Rise DYO13 ^ DYOB If dlaorep—re. between the supplied,nic—bon upon which the drawing is based and..... Oak conditions are—.ContechES.com Cell – 8' Long DYOB 4�DVOB 4 encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for 9D25 Cams. Points Dr., Sults 400. West Chaster, OH 45088 DYOB i n-evstuallon of thed,sign. Contech accepts nc liability for designsbasedon missing, incomplete or inaccurate 800.33&1122 513-645-1000 51318 7993 FAX DRAINNG Wilmington, North Carolina en ND 8 Informal- wWl.d by omen, 5 5 Z ° OC.I.P. CONCRETE BLOCKOUT IN PRECAST CROSS MEMBER FOR CIP CONCRETE PASSAGE BETWEEN CELLS ZFOUNDATION WIDTH SECTION A (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) ry E..� QPRECAST WINGWALL J �5 REINFORCING 0 U_ BAR (TVP.) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS INSIDE FACE OF "O" SERIES LEG OF PRECAST BRIDGE UNIT PRECAST CONCRETE iI 734" x 5n' TAPERED II KEYWAY(TYP.) 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING 08 BARS CONTINUOUS TOP 8 BOTTOM 06 LAP SPLICE BARS IN TOP 8 BOTTOM EITHER SIDE OF JOINT FOR LONGITUDINAL BARS 1'-0" (TVP ) II� STRUCTURE LIMITS T,STRUCTURE — — Y,"JOINT (TVP.) ^ PRECAST CROSS CAST -IN-PLACE rill v / GROUT MEMBER(TYR) CONCRETE(TYP.) PRECAST _ FOUNDATION 4" THICK GRANULAR SUBFOOTING SAMPLE PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN SECTION B (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) (NOT PROJECT SPECIFIC) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS f€ o The design and information shown on this drawing is ywrovtded as a service to the project owner, engineer end gohcr w. rvo nsT[ contractor M Contech Engineered Solutions LLC('Contech'I. Neither mh tlrawing, nor any pert thereof, may be C �NTECHe CON SPAN. VAML LOt 377A 2m9st 2117n01S used, reproduced or modified in any manner 4written hout the prior consent of Contech. Failure to comply Is done at the uaera own hes end Contech expmsely decasme any hal:nty orreepm-foilty for such use. ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS LLC a -SERIES_ CON/SPAN O -Series 0530 30'-0" Span x 6'-5 3/8" Rise DYO13 ^ DYOB If dlaorep—re. between the supplied,nic—bon upon which the drawing is based and..... Oak conditions are—.ContechES.com Cell – 8' Long DYOB 4�DVOB 4 encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to Contech immediately for 9D25 Cams. Points Dr., Sults 400. West Chaster, OH 45088 DYOB i n-evstuallon of thed,sign. Contech accepts nc liability for designsbasedon missing, incomplete or inaccurate 800.33&1122 513-645-1000 51318 7993 FAX DRAINNG Wilmington, North Carolina en ND 8 Informal- wWl.d by omen, 5 5 The Village at Motts Landing 2016 Ir Modification Supplemental information 5F—(S1 Appendix F Lower Cape Fear Mitigation Bank Reservation Letters LOWER CAPE FEAR UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK STATEMENT OF CREDIT AVAILIBILITY July 3, 2014 TO: Dana Lutheran FROM: Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank SEGi c/o Land Management Group, Inc. 5315 South College Rd 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15 Wilmington, NC 28412 Wilmington, NC 28403 Project: Motts Landing—Wilmington, NC Dear Dana: Pursuant to your recent credit request, the Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (LCFUMB) is providing confirmation of acceptance to supply wetland mitigation credits for impacts to non -riparian wetlands associated with the Motts Landing project (Wilmington, NC). This acceptance is conditional upon receipt of payment as outlined below. Please refer to the table below depicting the type and quantity of credits requested and reserved for your project. Mitigation Type i Stream I Non- Riparian Wetland i Riparian Wetland Credits Requested 0 Credits Reserved 0 0.5 0.0 Based upon receipt of your email request transmitted on July 2 (2014), LCFUMB will reserve 0.5 non -riparian wetland credits for a period of up to 90 days from the date of this letter. Note that requests to reserve credits beyond 90 days may require a deposit of up to 5% of the credit transfer fee. Upon request for receipt of credit transfer, LCFUMB will issue an invoice in the amount of $25,156.50. Upon receipt of payment, LCFUMB will provide an executed Transfer of Credit Certificate. Note that all payments must be made with certified funds. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the credit types and amounts requested are consistent with the compensatory mitigation requirements of the permit(s) issued. LCFUMB and/or its agents are not responsible for determining the applicant's mitigation requirements. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me by phone at (910) 452-0001 or by email at cpreziosi@lmgroup.net. Sincerely, Land nagement Group, Inc. (agent for LCFUMB) C ristian Preziosi Section Manager The village at Motu Landing 201 6 IP Modification jupplemental information 5F—Gi Appendix G NC DOT Culvert and Retaining Wall Correspondence and Guidance Vii The Village at Motts Landing New Hanover County 2"d Submittal Review Comments Instead of SDMH #3, please use a curb inlet in the curbline. Using retaining walls to keep the pipes short should not be allowed. If/when we need to replace the pipes, replacing the walls would be an unnecessary burden on Division of Highways funds. See attachments. - On the pond outlet structure chart, no elevation is given for each orifice. - When calculating the spread, the roadway cross slope should be 0.02 ft./ft. The typical section on C8 shows %" per foot of fall. Please revise. - When calculating the spread in the sags, the steepest longitudinal slope that should be used is 0.003 ft./ft. Please revise. - There are no boxes located in the sag stations calculated from the vertical curve information provided on both Glen Ellen Rd. and Jacob Mott Dr. Boxes should be located in the exact sag location on each side of the road. - The crossline pipe near 9+65 on Glen Ellen Road looks like it will be completely buried below the natural ground. How will this pipe function using the elevations shown? Not acceptable as currently designed. - The cul-de-sac detail shows 22' from the back of curb to the back of curb, but the cul-de-sac cross section shows 26' from back to back. Which is correct? - On C11, the Invert Elevation A for 4 to 4A is incorrect in the table. - For the HGL calculations, the inlet water surface is shown below the actual bottom of the box. This is not possible. The pond elevation is not the controlling elevation for every box. Grade direction arrows shown on the plan view do not match the profile at the beginning of King David Court. - According to the profile, the twin 48" pipes are not buried 20% below the stream elevation. Pipes in the stream should also be analyzed as buried. Culverts A culvert is a conduit that conveys flow through the embankment. Culvert shapes may include circular, rectangular, elliptical, pipe -arch, and arches. They range in size from large multiple barrel culverts to single 18" pipes. 1. The minimum pipe size for cross pipe drainage is 18". 2. Culverts in a riverine environment must be designed for hydraulic conveyance needs in accordance with Division of Highways criteria. Use of oversized structures to circumvent environmental permit responsibility creates excessive cost for Division of Highways in perpetual inspection/maintenance and future replacement needs. Therefore, drainage structures that greatly exceed hydraulic requirements for highway purposes will not be accepted for future maintenance unless to refilse would create "considerable and real hardship" for the applicant. Environmental permitting under a Nationwide Permit to avoid Individual Permit does not constitute "considerable or real hardships." An example of a "considerable and real hardship" would be the presence of "Threatened or Endangered Species" as determined by USFW. Specific locations for use of oversized structures should be coordinated with Division of Highways personnel prior to design and construction of the subdivision. 3. Headwalls are generally used on the inlet end of culverts 36 -inch and larger. Maximum height of headwalls shall be one foot above pipe structure. Neither Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) nor Modular Block walls are considered appropriate for culvert headwall applications. 4. Allowable headwater elevation is established based on designers' evaluation of natural flow depths, potential flooding of upstream structures and land use, as well as proposed roadway elevations. Culverts should be analyzed for both inlet control and outlet control conditions. Where inlet control governs conveyance, headwater depth is also limited to the ratio of headwater depth divided by pipe diameter (rise for arches) equal to 1.2 or 1.5 feet below the shoulder point (at the sag in vertical alignment), whichever results in the lower headwater depth. Where outlet control governs conveyance, the allowable Head (H) should be limited to 2 feet maximum and provide 1.5 feet freeboard below the shoulder point. 5. The slope of a culvert should approximate that of the natural channel. The invert elevation should be slightly below the natural bed ranging from 0.1 +/- feet for small pipes to 1.0 +/- feet for large structures. The normal burial depth for pipes less than or equal to 48" is 20% of the diameter. Pipes larger than 48" are buried 1.0 foot. Where fish passage is a primary consideration, the invert should be a minimum of 1.0 feet below the natural bed. Baffles may be placed in the invert to promote retention of bed material and formation of a low flow channel. If non - erodible rock is found along the entire culvert length at a depth less than 5 feet, a bottomless structure may be constructed on footings which can minimize disturbance of the natural channel bed. NCDOT's Geotechnical Unit must review subsurface investigation reports provided by applicant to confirm acceptable foundation material prior to final selection of a "bottomless" culvert alternate. 19 Culverts must be long enough to accommodate the proposed typical roadway section and a 2:1 fill slope, or flatter, from shoulder point to the crown of structure or roof slab (not headwall). 7. Culverts must be designed to provide for minimum HL -93 live load. 8. Culverts shall be rated in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation and the current edition of the Stricture Design Unit Design Manual. All design load ratings and legal load ratings shall be greater than 1.0. Roadway Dams 1. In those cases, where no other feasible alternatives exist_. the utilization of a dam for a roadway may be considered. 2. Where it is determined that a dans will be utilized as a roadway, the following criteria must be met: a. When applicable, the dam must have certification from the N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development pursuant to the "Dam Safety Law of 1967," (as amended by the General Assembly of 1977). b. All pertinent data regarding the design of the embankment as an impoundment structure must be presented to the Division of Highways for review. C. The top cross section dimension must be the roadway width required (from shoulder point to shoulder point) for the facility plus a minimum of 4 feet. d. Guardrail will be provided on the impoundment side of the roadway and installed in accordance with North Carolina Roadway Standard Drawings. For safety the District Engineer may require guardrail on both sides of the roadway. e. Spillway will be designed to provide 2 feet of freeboard at the shoulder for an estimated 50 -year design frequency outflow as a minimum. f. A means of draining the lake completely will be provided. 3. Design acceptance or approval by the Division of Highways is limited to the use of the dam as a roadway and is in no way intended as approval of the embankment as an impoundment structure. 4. Responsibility incurred by the Division of Highways when a section of roadway crossing a dam is accepted as a part of the state maintenance system is limited to maintenance of the roadway for highway purposes from shoulder point to shoulder point only. Responsibility for the impoundment, any damage that may result there from, and maintenance of the dam or appurtenances as may be required to preserve its integrity as a water impoundment structure, shall remain with the owner of the impoundment. Any such maintenance work will be subject to the provisions of G.S. 136-93. 20 T,e Village at Motts Landing 201 6 IF Modification 5uPPlemental Information 5DSi Appendix H Motts Landing Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan viii 50utkem Environmental GrOUP) Inc. 55 15 jouth College Koad, juite E- • Wilmington, North Carolina 28-+12 910.452.2711 • rax: 1110.452.2899 • office@segi.us www.secrws The Village at Motts Landing Mitigation Plan Requested By: AFTEW Properties, LLC 2020 South Churchill Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 6 June 2016 The Village at Motts Landing Mitigation Plan 9F G Table of Contents Section Title Page 1. Introduction 3 2. Wetland Impact Description 3 3. Proposed Mitigation 3 A. Permittee Responsible Mitigation 4 B. LCFMB Wetland Restoration Credit 4 C. LCFMB Warm Water Stream Restoration Credit 4 4. Summary 5 Table of Appendix Number Title Page A Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan and Profile Drawings i 2 Tire Village at Motts Landing Mitigation Flan 5E -6i 1. Introduction AFTEW Properties, LLC (herein referred to as the "Applicant") has undertaken development activities within The Village at Motts Landing Subdivision, which is located off Sanders and River Roads, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Previously issued permits, by the USACE and DWR, authorized the impact of 1.39 acres of Section 404 wetlands. Prior to the completion of the construction, the recession began and construction nearly halted. Since that time, the Applicant has revised the site plan to meet the demands of the housing market (i.e. single family to multi -family and back again). Based on this occurrence, a modification to the existing Individual Permit is necessary. The Applicant has retained Southern Environmental Group, Inc. to prepare a suitable mitigation plan to off -set all unavoidable wetland impacts associated with the revised subdivision plan. 2. Wetland Impact Description To facilitate the completion of the proposed subdivision, 0.80 acres of Section 404 wetlands, as well as 125 linear feet of warm water stream will be impacted (see Appendix D for details of the impact areas). The areas, where impacts are proposed, are classified as bottomland hardwood forest and pocosin wetlands. 3. Proposed Mitigation The mitigation proposed below includes two mechanisms; permittee responsible restoration of riparian wetlands and warm water stream and payment to the Lower Cape Fear Mitigation Bank (LCFMB). A. Permittee Responsible Restoration i. Construction Sequence The first method of proposed mitigation includes the restoration of 0.04 acre of bottomland headwater forest and 25 linear feet of warm water stream, which were filled prior to the Clean Water Act. The first step, in restoring the wetland and stream, involves removing the existing soil road and culverts, returning the area to its original grade and contour. If necessary, hydric soils from the areas where the new road is to be constructed will be used to ensure good hydric material exist across the entire restoration area. While the restoration work is taking place, the stream will be temporarily blocked upstream of the work, for a period not to exceed eight hours. The short duration of blockage is not anticipated to cause flooding issues up stream, as the feature exhibits good storage capacity in the flood plain. The existing soil road will only be removed during a dry period and shall not be removed within 2 days of a rain event that is anticipated to produce more than ''/2" of rain fall, within a 24 hour period. Stabilization of the impact area will take place immediately after the fill has been removed. This will entail (1) lining the stream banks and floodplain with coir matting, (2) seeding the area with a wetland seed mix and (3) planting native wetland trees and herbaceous vegetation, such as those denoted in the table below: Common Name Scientific Name Sweetbay magnolia* Magnolia virginiana Willow oak* Quercus phellos Winged elm* Ulmus alata Fedder bush Leonia lucida Common ferns A minimum of 360 trees per acre will be planted, with no one species accounting for more than 20 percent of the total. Please refer to the attached zoom and profile drawing of the proposed wetland and stream mitigation area. Tire Village at Motts Landing Mitigation Plan 5F—Gi ii. Monitoring and Success Criteria To ensure the successful restoration of this site, long term monitoring will be required. The key in attaining the desired wetland restoration is to assure every measure will be taken to provide the conditions necessary for wetland hydrology to develop in order to establish the desired vegetation. Vegetative counts will be conducted for a five year period. Findings of the monitoring will be submitted to the USACE and DWR by 31 May of annually until the site has been deemed successful. The success criteria of this mitigation site will be based on the 1987 Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Manual. The mitigation site will be deemed successful once it meets the three wetland parameters outlined in the manual and as further described in this section. The site can be deemed successful by meeting the success criteria for two (2) consecutive years. a. Vegetation Vegetative data will be gathered, which includes survival data of the planted specimens and the presence of nuisance species. Species diversity and composition will be noted. For success criteria to be met, we would expect a survival rate of 320 planted trees per acre after 2 years, and 260 trees per acre after 5 years. No one species should account for more than 20% of the composition. Any area that does not meet these requirements will be spot -planted. b. Hydrology Hydrologic monitoring will not be conducted. It is anticipated, based on the location of the restoration area, that hydrology will exist once the soil road is removed. c. Soils It is anticipated that hydric soils are present under the soil road. Therefore, once the road is removed, the soils will be unveiled and will be able to support the growth of the planted hydrophytic vegetation, as well as naturally occurring vegetation. In the event hydric soils are not present or not sufficient, hydric soils, from the area where the proposed road is to be constructed, will be applied. Soil monitoring is not proposed as part of this mitigation plan. B. LCFMB Wetland Restoration Credit The Applicant proposes to make payment to the LCFMB for 0.86 acre of riparian wetland restoration credit and 0.66 acre of non -riparian wetland restoration credit. The payment will be made prior to the new impacts, proposed within the permit application, taking place. C. LCFUMB Warm Water Stream Restoration Credit The Applicant proposed to make payment to the LCFMB for 100 linear feet of warm water stream wetland restoration credit. The payment will be made prior to the new impacts, proposed within the permit application, taking place. According to the current In -Lieu Fee Schedule, the Applicant will be paying $178,039.90, to offset the proposed impacts. However, by the time the permit is issued, the fee schedule is anticipated to increase by at least 2% and no more than 4%, which would increase the cost to $181,600.70 and $185,161.50 respectively. The table on this and the following page reflects the anticipated cost of the proposed mitigation. Type of Impact Impact AC/LF to be Mitigated LCFMB Credits (]:I &2:]) Fee Schedule Anticipated Cost (] :l) Anticipated Cost (2:1) R 0.43 0.50/0.90 $71,201.00 $35,600.50 $64,080.90 NR 0.33 0.40/0.70 $51,370.00 $20,548.00 $35,959.00 Tke Villaye at Motts Landinj Mitigation Plan SF Cji Stream 100 100 $390.00 $39,000.00 $78,000.00 Total $95,148.50 $178,039.90 4. Summary In summary, the Applicant proposes to impact 0.47 acre of riparian wetland, 0.33 acre on non riparian wetland and 125 linear feet of warm water stream, in order to facilitate the construction of roads, infrastructure, dwellings and driveway accesses within The Village at Motts Landing subdivision. The loss of function of the wetlands and stream will be offset by performing permittee responsible mitigation, in the form of restoring 0.04 acre of riparian wetland and 25 linear feet of warm water stream, as well as making payment to the LCFMB for 0.86 acre of riparian wetland restoration credit, 0.66 acre of non -riparian wetland restoration credit and 100 linear feet of stream restoration credit. It is the Applicant's and SEGPs opinion that the proposed mitigation is sufficient to offset the temporal and spatial losses of function of the wetlands and stream resulting from the development. 6� The Village at Motts Landing Mitigation Plan 9F Cii Appendix A Permittee Responsible Restoration Plan and Profile Drawings PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACTS O&�� PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED IMPACTS WETLAND RESTORATION AREA PDE = PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114LF48'RCP SD REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE DETA/L AREA FROYSHEET3OF3 WETLAND IMPACT MAP SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR AFTEW PROPERTIES LLC THE VILLAGE AT MOTTS LANDING FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: NONE DATE: MAY 17, 2016 PDRT CITY LAND SURVKIIND, PLLC FIRM LICENSE No. P-1493 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. WILMINGTON, NC 28412 910-791.0080 PROJECT No. 16-0465 i' open space �I a '-JC `\ \\\ c \ / 4K \\ Z n NCDOT STD. ENDWALLNo. s.1un 5.0 EN DW LL No. 5 Iw510 ��` �, / / i' SLOPE GRADE IMPACT AREA X ---- --- ' -�---- - PDE 982 SF / 0.02 AC -- 331 GLEN ELLEN DRIVE \ 1,739 S.F. 0.04 Acres EXIST. SOIL DRIVE 48' RCP TO BE REMOVED RCPJ.rEXIST' REMOVED AND RESTORED J/ 25' LFf �! OF STREAM POND No. 3 it TO BE RESTORED r C �\ O 0A vn DETAIL AREA NOT TO SCALE s r I eBUR� ° aMVNlli BI _ LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NC GRID (NAD 83) PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACTS O&�� PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED IMPACTS WETLAND RESTORATION AREA PDE = PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT 114LF48'RCP SD REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE DETA/L AREA FROYSHEET3OF3 WETLAND IMPACT MAP SHEET 4 OF 4 FOR AFTEW PROPERTIES LLC THE VILLAGE AT MOTTS LANDING FEDERAL POINT TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: NONE DATE: MAY 17, 2016 PDRT CITY LAND SURVKIIND, PLLC FIRM LICENSE No. P-1493 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. WILMINGTON, NC 28412 910-791.0080 PROJECT No. 16-0465 i' open space �I a '-JC `\ \\\ c \ / 4K \\ Z n NCDOT STD. ENDWALLNo. s.1un 5.0 EN DW LL No. 5 Iw510 ��` �, / / i' SLOPE GRADE IMPACT AREA X ---- --- ' -�---- - PDE 982 SF / 0.02 AC -- 331 GLEN ELLEN DRIVE \ 1,739 S.F. 0.04 Acres EXIST. SOIL DRIVE 48' RCP TO BE REMOVED RCPJ.rEXIST' REMOVED AND RESTORED J/ 25' LFf �! OF STREAM POND No. 3 it TO BE RESTORED r C �\ O 0A vn DETAIL AREA NOT TO SCALE s r I Wetland Line The Village at Motts Landing Stream and Wetland Restoration Profile Drawing Stream Channel Existing Grade ^3' Existing Grade _�z �z 44 1 Proposed Grade Proposed Grade 2 — 48" RCP to be removed We Line 3 , , , 1 Tke Village at Motts Landing 2016 IF Modification 5uPPlemental information 5F—Gi Appendix I Adjacent Property Owner Map ix village at Motts Landing Adjacent rroRertg Owners Maic- i Wit, c AP AL ut + "41 l 32 � If moi• -- i 41 -....-..._�._.�� ice. The Village at Motts Landing 2016 IP Modification Supplemental Information 5F—Cji Appendix J Previous Project Layouts U S .._ �J�' sd a•M� el. Twp 87GIIiEgiQiG, P.0 wsnaxu n�ec1' MeC6aetaul 94ea1 Mfflll Cero�. �•�I THE VILLAGE ® MOTTS LANDING—PHASE II 4=1"7r, -C NOM CAWLNA 1. 1 0""r 1{'r. - �� �wa�Oaim OUT PARCEL 31.71 ACRES Vl Fr 0""r 1{'r. - -�� �4 c• ►v Iq a� ��a _ _ .�►.�Y kw �/�� - , a ,cs DATE PRINTED (ON SEP 2 1 2012 6) 4�Lo LO_GATI� OtJ MAP � q 0A Lgo She ate. 0. r p � v '--- •a T VO 19 a,A �� �wa�Oaim +�ZIkill II -�� �4 c• ►v Iq a� ��a _ _ .�►.�Y kw �/�� - , a ,cs DATE PRINTED (ON SEP 2 1 2012 6) 4�Lo LO_GATI� OtJ MAP � q 0A Lgo She ate. 0. r p � v '--- •a T VO 19 a,A �� �wa�Oaim •mss,:: , �,. W, 62 w" *' - J_ — �41� MITIGATION a6 SF 3 q 55 MITIG 3 �_ [ON ..:MTI T 31 SA RIEQ STED 3 F 44 2 ITIG DN-.: 400 SF MATCH LINE SHEET 2 0 le :653 4f ED MATCH LINE SHEET I TED N 0171GATIOR R 'Qu E TE 1,*REQUESTED,\ 290 82 40 ORD BURT 319 349 0 341 woo 32350 Zea` 321 --- 1882 NC PR OF M 284 322 REQU F ATION 1; ILOTS 066, 6�-n-4A@Wr, �WTS REQUESTED RE-LOCATED ME to PLACEMENT 34 BRIM P ReQUE$T NEEDED FdR STD�HVATER POND 324 352 _ ------ -- _­AE&0fff-jK LOGTH OF KITTSAII! 3(- 33 337 FOREST ROAD. I ----------- 1 : 32 396 SF 7- 353 ns I.Lhk RD ::MITIGATION 336 0 At f REQUESTED 325 354 1 I _. LOCATION 281 z 335 241 P NOT TO SCALE 326 240 4 ACT RXINrAl 'AS 355 1 DE TED Mo. si6KED o THE 280 M T Tj impact 242 4 NC GRID (NAD 83) Remove ------- 334 ­­­ 1 2441 243% 2 CM OF ON I 3W 239 FqMJARY &,-N� (USAGE MN 1j, 26 279 Mini' iz 243 77 ........ '�'4 27 SF 333 230 247 ------- MEADOW ATI 278 COURT�l �L_f_ 357 237 (1.330 SFRS NO IR \ -A \•�­ 76 DUETORE.A11014WNT 25 8 PDREST RD, 9EGUMT ADDITIONAL WETLAND say» NG 1 277 Remove impact 236 'Mt '0Rn0KF0R­_­ MITIGATION REQUESTED IDA ��i I - ___­ — ", ­ i I I I % +7 de 3311 2w 133 SF) 4 ,.I REQ ES 0 234 697 SF Remove impact 254 146 MITIGATION I MrT IOM 233 L 255 aREA VITHE PREVIOUS WETLAND A LF Q E A MITIGATION APPROVED 23tN­ L WITH REFERENCE NUMBER ff-D 7_1% 2" 2=28 REQUESTED 440 SF 91 24 76 - WETLAND MITIGATION N 77 SHEET 2 OF 2 ...... W. MITIGA Rlsobu 23 FOR 7a f t 2W MIT ATION 06 At- I I:VV PROPERTIES LLC ,e MRE 47 so\ 93 THE VILLAGE AT HMS LANDING UESTED 55 FMAL POINT WWOF ww MCM CW, V%ssr ­- 54 8D Ty ARW P 53' 1! 51 T" NORTH CARUNA 46 w t 52 , % 48 1 49 at Y= 2W WDI 13,2D15 7__ DE,,GotED AND 34 %� t. 1 ­ . \ 64 L ----- - M 82 O*t rf uw­ t PARKS kLi_s� 42 43 fA:7 ----- -- t7 .i 1 0 'a, 41, 41 46 MOUNT LAM—.-- q .1100 ? i \ 85 i3 tcw� _QM7) - I w . "I 0 1 awy 87 �u. 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