HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170185 Ver 2_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20171213 Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 3 15-04-0016 NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: Structure 780283 County: Rockingham WBS No: 17BP.7.R.104 Document: Attachment G F.A. No: N/A Funding: State Federal Federal Permit Required? Yes No Permit Type: To Be Determined Project Description: NCDOT’s Division 7 proposes to replace Bridge No. 283 on SR 2686 (Richardson Drive) over Little Troublesome Creek in Rockingham County. Bridge No. 283 was built in 1939, and is considered to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. There may be minor ditch-line impacts, and an off-site detour is to be used during construction. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) will measure approximately 50 feet to either side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge and 506 feet from either end of the bridge. Based on these measurements and the size of the existing bridge, the APE measures approximately 103,118 square feet or about 2.37 acres, inclusive of the existing roadway and the existing structure to be replaced. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Monday, April 20, 2015. An archaeological survey at this particular bridge location has never been conducted, and no archaeological sites have been recorded within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed project. Digital copies of HPO’s maps (Southeast Eden Quadrangle) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. There is one (1) known historic architectural resource (RK0272 [Robert Payne Richardson House II]) within the vicinity of the project area; however, intact archaeological deposits associated with that resource are not anticipated within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive-type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: At this time, the need for a Federal permit and temporary/permanent easements has not been determined. In addition, this is a State-funded project. For now, there appears to be no Federal connection for this project. However, NC GS 121-12a does apply since the APE overlaps a corner of the Richardson Houses Historic District (RK0270 – 1840-1930 family-related houses), which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 1986. Nevertheless, archaeological resources associated with the historic district are not anticipated within the project’s APE. All proposed project activities are to take place within the proposed APE, defined as 50 feet to either side of centerline and 506 feet from either end of the Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 3 15-04-0016 bridge. Since NCDOT’s existing ROW along SR 2686 (Richardson Drive) measures 60 feet wide, there may be environmental impacts beyond what is currently owned/maintained by the NCDOT. A 100-foot ROW is being proposed. From an environmental perspective, the APE falls within the Piedmont physiographic region, consists of the floodplain for Little Troublesome Creek and the rolling/ undulating terrain characteristic of the region, and is composed of three (3) soil types: Cecil-Urban land complex, 2- 10% slopes (CeC), Chewacla loam (Ck), and Wehadkee silt loam (We). The Office of State Archaeology (OSA) has not reviewed any projects in the vicinity for their potential to impact archaeological resources so unfortunately there are no comparable projects for reference. Nevertheless, the proposed project area consists of heavily modified soils to either side of the drainage, somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained soils within the drainage itself, and moderately sloping topography, all characteristics that would not be conducive to containing intact archaeological components. A review of historic maps shows the location of the three Richardson Houses; however, the portion of the property overlapped by the proposed project consists of terraced lawns and very wide ditchlines so the possibility of historic archaeological remains within the proposed APE is very low. It should be noted too that the Robert Payne Richardson House II (RK0272) was moved to its current spot around 1912 so it is not situated in its original location. Given the degree of various landscape alterations, the somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained soils of Little Troublesome Creek, and the moderately sloping topography within the APE, it is believed that the project area, as depicted, is unlikely to contain intact and significant archaeological resources. Based on the information above, there should be no archaeological survey required for this project. If design plans change or are made available prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding archaeology will be required. At this time, no further archaeological work is recommended. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities, then such resources will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for “unanticipated discoveries,” to include notification of NCDOT’s Archaeology Group. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Map(s) Previous Survey Info Photos Correspondence Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED April 22, 2015 NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST II Date Project Tracking No.: “No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED” form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 3 15-04-0016 Figure 1: Reidsville, NC (USGS 1972). Bridge No. 283 on SR 2686 over Little Troublesome Creek !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Richardson Houses Historic District Robert Payne Richardson House II CeC Ck CeC We CeC PcE2 RICHARDSONC O A C H FAIRWAYMORGANLittle Troubleso me Creek NC OneMap PA 1 5-04-0016Replace Br idge No. 283 on SR 2686 (Richardson Drive)over Little Troublesome Cr eekRockingham County, NC Area of Potential Effects (APE) con_rockingh_02 HYARUT NCHPO_NR_SL_DOE_Boundaries !(NCHPOpoints Streets mapfldhazar Soils_All Rockingham_2010Parcels ¹0 90 180 270 36045Feet