HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Monitoring Plan_20090129 PCS Phosphate Groundwater Monitoring Plan Draft 1/29/09 PCS Phosphate proposes to monitor Castle Hayne Aquifer groundwater quality around the perimeter of the mining and reclamation areas, utilizing a combination of existing wells and newly drilled wells. PCS has an extensive network of wells in the Castle Hayne between South Creek and Durham Creek, as shown in the attachment. Eight of these wells are proposed to be utilized for sampling, and three new wells are proposed to be drilled where there are gaps in coverage. The eight existing wells proposed to be used are highlighted on the attachment, and include: DW32 near the airstrip along the Pamlico River shoreline, DW314 between Reclamation Area 1 (R-1) and Durham Creek, DW831 west of R-5, DW823 west of R-8, Brantly Swamp east of R-7 and south of Whitehurst Creek, Mine Shift Change north of Whitehurst Creek, and DW910 and DW922 on the NCPC Tract between the existing mine and South Creek. The three new wells will be drilled between R-3 and Porter Creek, west of R-4, and south of R-7. A water sample will be collected quarterly from each of the designated wells and sent to an outside certified laboratory to be analyzed for cadmium, arsenic, chromium and fluoride. The data will be compiled annually and submitted to the Corps of Engineers and the NC Division of Water Quality. As the mine progresses and new reclamation areas are developed, a new well located at the outer perimeter of each reclamation area will be designated to be added to the sampling network. o N i 8 W N g N' UUU I N TII h L N N y W E`R � O Sk b4 pT l N g CaEEa A 9pTMW � � a■ b g � d $ as t y W I 6 I^ C a W M 1 i I h � N C C-t o L I � LZ 3' PAMLICO RIVER orb � U � a • Dr.w RfCLA/Y l � RECLAIM 2 I• nl-A •/ O •/ RECLAIM J .n.u. onv//'� fort-s, � I • ON,I ! RECYCLE CAKE j/ w', own �o+m RECLAIM I •�/f,f,. D aw,o aw— �^f RECLAIM 5 Owfof. 0f6)0 0wfff. RECLAIM 1r_-_- C3 (J RE[YA6f7 w j NEW WELLS 0 i ow fti \\ 0 SENTINEL WELLS �rfm Z� PLANT TEST WELLS WMS WELLS I o 1001. AWo 6000 ❑ UTILITY WELLS DEEP WELLS lNA CTl I/E DEEP WELLS PCS PHOSPHATE PLANT S/TE CASTLE HA ME WELLS R.H. PE TERSON 112,9109 PCS Phosphate proposed groundwater monitoring plan Subject: PCS Phosphate proposed groundwater monitoring plan From: RSmith@Pcsphosphate.com Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:15:27 -0500 To: "Walker, William T SAW" <William.T.Walker@usace.army.mil> CC: "Lamson, Brooke SAW" <Brooke.Lamson@saw02.usace.army.mil>, John Dorney <j ohn.dorney@ncmail.net> Tom: PCS proposes the attached groundwater monitoring plan to address the Corps ' 01/27/09 information request, condition 12 of the 01/15/09 401 Water Quality Certification issued by DENR-DWQ, and groundwater monitoring comments provided to the Corps by PTRF on 07/07/08 . (See attached file: PCS Phosphate Groundwater Monitoring Plan.doc) The attached graphic, "Beaufort Cc Wells.pdf", illustrates the off site Castle Hayne groundwater monitoring well network as requested by the Corps during our conference call on 01/27/09. (See attached file: Beaufort Cc Wells.pdf) The attached graphic, "Plant Site Wells 01-29-09.pdf", illustrates the on site Castle Hayne groundwater well network. The wells proposed for monitoring in this groundwater monitoring plan are identifed by a yellow highlighted box and also described in the plan text. (See attached file: Plant Site Wells 1-29-09.pdf) Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. Ross PCS Phosphate Groundwater Monitoring Plan.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 Beaufort Co Wells.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf Content-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: application/pdf Plant Site Wells 1-29-09.pdf Content-Encoding: base64 1 of 1 1/30/200.9 4:22 PM