HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090102 Ver 1_CAMA Permit Application_20090129 Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor ;.VA ~CDE~R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James H. Gregson, Director c.()..t-\o... ~x..p D,\ - D \ 0 ~ Dee Freeman, Secretary Date January 28, 2009 . " "'/'j<-=:! r@ .--' r;::. rd i 1 \\ I = \ fQ\ \ ~\ ~ I~; LI 'V.l ~ '\'~.U \ I. L:::J .:;,.t . ~\ J'_ JAN 2 9 2009 MEMORANDUM: TO: Cyndi Karoly Division of Water Quality-Surface Water Protection DENR . 'N:;5~i~~.~{~~ Sf?}~CH WEiLflNOS ."'.NO FROM: Jason Dail, Express Permits Coordinator 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 SUBJECT: CAMA Express Permit Application Review Applicant: Chris Worden Project Location: Located at 840 Inlet View Road (lot #10), adjacent to Shinn Creek Canal and the AIWW, in New Hanover County Proposed Project: The applicant proposes to construct an access pier and four-slip docking facility Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by February 20,2009. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Jason Dail at (910) 796-7215, when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPL Y: _ This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. _ This agency has no comment on the proposed project. _ This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. _ This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. SIGNED DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-7290 \ FAX: 910-395-3964 \ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Chris Worden 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: 840 Inlet View Road (Lot #10), adjacent to Shinn Creek Canal and the AIWW, in New Hanover County. Photo Index - 2006: 22-7422, 0,8 2000: 22-271,0,8 1995: 22-253, N-O, 11-12 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2354067 Y: 162940 Rover File - V-012610A Long: 77049'45.201" Lat: 34011'31.023" 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit-l/26/09 Was Applicant Present - No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - Completed 1/27/09 Office - Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan - Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Classification from LUP - Conservation, Limited Transition (B) AEC(s) Involved: PT, EW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Private (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - Municipal Planned - None (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Bulkhead Planned - Proposed platform and floating dock (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/ A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands (C) Other 960 sq. ft. (open water) (incorporated) (D) (E) (F) Total Area Disturbed: 960 sq. ft. Primary Nursery Area: Yes Water Classification: SA Open: Closed 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to construct a platform and floating dock adjacent to the existing bulkhead. Chris Worden Page Two 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project site is located at 840 Inlet View Road (Lot # 1 0), adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) and the Shinn Creek Canal, in New Hanover County. To get to the property from the Wilmington Regional office, take Cardinal Drive south to Eastwood Road. Turn left onto Eastwood Road and travel east towards Wrightsville Beach. Turn right onto Military Cut-off Road at the intersection of Eastwood Road and Military Cut-off. Continue along Military Cut-off/Oleander Drive and turn left onto Greenville Loop Road. Follow Greenville Loop Road for approximately 1.4 miles and turn left onto Shinnwood Road. Continue along Shinnwood road and turn right onto Inlet View Road. The subject property is located at the terminal end of the road, south of the cul-de-sac. The subject property is approximately 0.43 acres in size and is undeveloped, with the exception of a wooden bulkhead that stabilizes the southern shoreline. Four (4) tie-pilings are located immediately south of the existing bulkhead and according to the applicant's agent the pilings would be removed prior to rendering a permit decision. Vegetation at the site is sparse and consists primarily of Live Oak and lawn grass. Residential properties border the site to the north and west and Shinn Creek Canal borders the property towards the south. Currently, there are no areas of Coastal of "404" type wetlands located on, or immediately adjacent to the subject property. The Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan classifies the area as Conservation. The waters of the AIWW, in the vicinity ofthe project, are classified SA, by the Division of Water Quality. The area is designated as a Primary Nursery Area (PNA), by the Division of Marine Fisheries and is CLOSESD to the taking of shellfish. PROPOSED PROJECT: The applicant proposes to construct a 16' x 20' platform and an 8' x 80' section of floating dock immediately waterward of the existing bulkhead. The platform would be centrally located along the southern shoreline and would extend towards the south, into the main waterbody of Shinn Creek CanaL An 8' x 80' section of floating dock would be constructed along the western side of the platform, immediately adjacent to the bulkhead. The floating dock would run parallel to the bulkhead and extend in a westerly direction. Side-to dockage would accommodate three (3) vessels along the southern side ofthe floating dock. Water depths in the areas surrounding the proposed floating dock range from approximately -0.6' to -3.0', relative to Normal Low Water (NL W). As proposed, the platform and docking facility would be located within the applicant's area of riparian access, within \4 of the width of the waterbody and outside of the near shore edge of the maintained channeL 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS: As proposed, the planned development would be located within the applicant's area of riparian access. Additionally, the proposed structure does not appear to extend beyond, or into, the edge of the adjacent channel. The construction of the proposed platform and docking facility would incorporate an approximately 960 sq, ft. of estuarine waters and public trust area, Submitted by: Jason Dail Date: January 28, 2009 Office: Wilmington REC'D JAN 2 2 2009 p. 0 Box 868 W~1k BetzdJ. Me. 21U8O I'htHIe/FIlJ( 910-266-3062 F " 5 Mtriflll CtIIIf1wct9IY. I~ Ctlpt. Ed F/ytfn DuIwotI 5'" emlli/:ef/yt9lnM.ctllll RfC'D JAN 2 7 2009 16 Jon. 2009 NCDENR W;/mingtDI1; N.c. 11M MCIDsed CAMA M4jor Permit opp!ict1llD/l for Mr. Chris WDrden.. ,I- 2_ h~_ L ... . J~ is to insfaH a 16'x2lY deck Dnd tI/rx8O' flotJting dDCIt with "". bMt $/ip$ of 840 Inlet ltfew /)riWJ, WilmingttJII. N.c. 28409. TIre /1fY1PD*d structure will be insftllled para/I.I '" the uinil'!J bullthl!t1d tlIId will extend Ius thtJn (IfItJ-forth out intD the water body. The d~ck '!~ IltJIlti,ng cJ.Dflf williJft strictly ft/rths ~iean%!tl1nily #$e. ~ 6ffl fltJou] k70714.6 m~(,?fl.jI6Pi(I46~/'l})I-mfP ,7?d 1lIJ-.n~1..J;ft11'1lt/J1l.4'b ;rrfI;.,ll1it!. lrP fr.lPJt'4,J. tj't7f1'l O'~./IN~ Complete Marine Construction Service For Over 32 Years Piers 1>1 Bulkheads... FICklting Docks ... 80atlifts .... Pilings IV Repairs DIM ..4 ~@~n';j'}) ~ JAN 2 9 lU09 IPPllCITlll1Dr ..Ir I_IIP_. Perllh QENR. WA1~~:,~~~SRr,\;'lCH WE11J,NDS ,.,"'0 51 . (,_.t r.vJeed 12127/08) North Carolina OIVlSION 09 COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant! Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Applicant 1; First Name CAlli! MI LaS~ ,me Woll. Ot.,.} If additional applicants, please attach an BdddiotUtl pagels) wan /James IJSted. Applicant 2: Fitst Name 28 1/03 1}oM}/lJIIIJd /Ul Country UJ IJ POBox Ctty JJ, I"" HI T"h State }.Ie Mailing Address /;3/S lIP Phone No 1/'D -abJ..' 85$$ 1M( FAX No. Slreet Address (If dIfferent/rom above) Clly Stale '1ft -11:J. - aB ZIP Emall cl n.,,'s e WbIW~ Nt l 0 (i\ ~ , 2. Agent/Contractor Information i BUSiness Name ~ 5 1H~,4 ~11ZMav~;k.. Agenll con!fac~or 1, First Nam8EJ MI Lasl Name FL'fAlJ Agenlf ContractOf 2'. First Name MI last Nam; . Mailing Address PO Box City Stale 868 1Jjl.~1't61111~Jj IiG; ZiP. I./fIJ Phone No 1 Phune Nt! :/ '. ;III 1/1> . J,~ Jb6) - - - ext FAX No Contractor ## CJiD" a.s6.. 3lJ6J- Slreel Address (i/ differe1tt from aboVe) City Stale ZIP - Emall t (Ii {l. hlJIt 4 CPM I , <Form c:ontlnues on back> Form oeM MP.1 (page 2 of 4) APPl.'CAT\ON for Major Development Permit Slate Rd. # State Zip l fJ'IDCJ Nt. a, In which NC nvar basin IS Ihe projecllocated? t/ffe ~ c. Is the water ~y idenllfied in (b) above. natural or manmade7 ONatural IYManmad& OUnknown lot Nols) (if many. BUach add,tionsl page w,1h list) Lot. /0 b d e. Is f/opo5ed wor1t within city ii/OIls Of" planning jurIsdiction? l'1ves DNo 4. Site Description if Tetallengttl 01 shorelIne on the Ifact (rl.) I b SIze or enure trael (sQ.ft,) C Size of individuallol(S) /1 jJ6 f ~ ~t. (II man; lot s,ze~. pJeas~ JaCh additional page WIth 8 lIst} e. Vegetallon on tracl Nflfi.41tl /Je'IJ1TtmOn JI. IJrNt. fj f. Man-made features and uses now on Iracl No fni+f)4 /rlllDe ~"Wr.W ' /A9-lJtt\i Lot ) d App Qximale elevatIOn of tracl abol/e NHW (narmsl /lIgh water) Of NWl (normal walef level) J 5' ONHW or Q'NWL -t 9 Identify and describe the eXisting land uses adJacent to the proposed prelect site IG$IO~lI 'wi h, How does local gOl/ernment ~one lha tract? R.t510~1I~1 , IS;the reposed profect consistent With the applicable ZlJ(IIng? (AU h zomng compliance certlficale. .f applicable, es DNa DNA I. ts lhe p/QpOsed i1CbVity part of an urban waterfront rlldevelopment proposal? DVes DNA It;. Has a professlona' archaeological assessment b4hln done lor the Ifact? If yes. allacn a ~ DYes If yes. by \Wlom? I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered HistOllc District or (Ioes it involl/e a National Register listed or eflgibte properly? DYes ~ DNA ==1 <Form continues on next page> Form DeM MP41 {Page 3 of 4} APPLICAT'~N for Major Developmenl Permit m. (i) Are t/'lere wetlands on the site? DVes o (ii)Are there C08$larwetlands 011 tlte sfta? Dves ~o (Iii) If yes to either {i} or (ii} above. has a delineallon been conduCted? (Attach documentatlott. "available) DYes DNa n. Describe exisllng wastewaler treatment facilities. CoVIt~ 5',;tJ~ o. Oescribe sKisting drinking water supply source. C/ ~ p. Oescrib eXISting storm water management Ollfeatment systems "'O~ 5. Activities and Impacts a. Willlhe proJect be fofcllnim'Jrcsal. puDItC. or privale use? f/l/f/1Wi5 090mmerClilt OPubllc/Govemmenl (\lPnIl8t8iQe!llll ,llAlly -;:;"7/;;;;/;::;;' A.;~g;;8D'R:;;;/i/::t~IJJt 1WtlBifJNI1r':JLJIJJ f4m. ~ MPU~'IJ w.n~J ~Jd. c. Describe the proposed construcllon methOdOlogy. types of conslruchon eQuIpment 10 be used dunng construcllon. lhe number of eileh 'ype of equIpment and where It IS 10 be stored JJ:o,olfi;"~RJ,~ tfl'4S-mILC'hJh,. ~J/~.AJonJL h~,j !ttt(J 1JJfHH(L J~1"J fimrH )lJ J.' b b}P~ 70 1Jt 57IJillfrJ QVl )J 711. j;.:~;;~i :;';: :;;;;"'~". a'xfJ 0 I ~/.It'T1~~ {).,;. e. Are the proposed aClIvllies maintenance 01 an 8Klsung projecl, new work. or both? "'~ bJott/t.. 1. What IS the approxunale lOtal disturbao land area resullltlQ from lhe proposed prOlect? 0 - - OSq FI or DAcres g. Will Ihe proposed prOlecl encroach on any public easement publiC aCcessway or other area DVes DNA that tne pubIi<; has established use of? h. Oe5cnbe loutlon and type of eXisting and proposed discharges to walers of lhe stale. f./DN& \. WLll wastewater or slormwater be disd1arged into a weiland? DYes No DNA If yes, WIll this discharged water be of the same saltn/ly as the rec8!vtng wal~r? j. Is there any mttig:allon proposed? I( yes, attacl'\ a mltlgation proposal Dves 0 DYes DNA No DNA <Form continues on back> Form OCM MP~ t (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Oevelopment Permit 6. AdditlonallnformatJon In addition to this corn""ted app/ir;stion fonn. (MP-1) the {tJUOwTng Items be/ow, If applicable. must be rubmtlt&d ;1'1 of'def lot lhe app/lcBIfOfl package to be complete. Items (8) - (f) are always applicable to any major development application. PIesse consult the application instruction booklet on how to PIOperfy PreplJte the requited items below. a. A prOJect nan-iltive. b. An accurate. dated WQtk pial {tncluding plan VIew and cross-sectIonal drawings} drawn 10 scale. Please give the present statUS 01 the proposed project Is any portIOn already complete? If preVIously authonzed worX, clearly inChesta on maps, plals. drawings to CIStmgUlsn "de{"",I'''('''.-corn~amrprapo5~. c. A 511e or location map Illat is suJlicienlly delailed 10 guide agency perSQMeI unlamihar WlIh Ihe area 10 Ihe site. d. A copy of the deed (WIth slale applIcatIon only) or other instrument under whICh the applicant claims hUe 10 the affected propenl8S e. The approptlale application lee Check or money order made payable 10 OENR. f. A list of the names and complete addre!ses of the ad,acent watenront (npanan) landowners and Signed retum receIpts as ploof thaI such owners have received a copy of the application and plals by certlfie<l mall SuCh landowners must be adViSed (hat mey have 30 days in whicn 10 submit commenls on the proposed prOlect to the DIVISIon 01 Coastal Management Name :f~~c t, 5d1tlS Addless8JI:, L't VH~'\J (h.. JJ~/tllJll Name :JDHW €rf\ 12/,/01 Address IS C L.. h VI 'J\1J (;f. 6A4lrntt D67rt.IJ N i. 21 VJ b ) J i, 2 (/'/01 Phone No. cIID_ 1</'1- rJ:t.8 Phone No J11. - 'lIt J J Name PhOne No L Address I q A lis! of prevIOus stale or lederal permlls Issued lor wolk on Ihe prOlect Iral:! Include permtl nvmbP.rs. permlltee, and IsslJlng dates I I h Signed consultant or age"! 2utnoflZ3110n form, If appllCaDle ; I Wetland delineallon, If necessary I! A~~nP.fl AF=C': n.:l7:lrtt I1nl..... I"r nrn!..rl.. .n nr.."nlr...n' 2M". ~"lll't. ~r.e~ .{.!l.j,Js.WI~~c:...~~I..Q~""'~:- ._'~. ~~, . _ , I k, A slalemenl of compliance WIth the N.C. EnVIronmental Polley Acl iN C G S 11 JA t.1 0). If necessary lithe pro,ect Involves expendIture of public funds or use 0' publIC landS. allaen a slatemeOl documentIng ccmphance WIth the Nott\'! Carolina EtlVITonmefllal Polley Act . I 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land -1 I understand thaI any pemu! Issued to response to this applicalron WIll allow only Ihe developmenl descnbed In the application. The prOlect Will be sUb,ecllo the condihons and reslncllons contained In Ihe permit. I certify that I am aulhori,zed to grant, and do [0 tact grant permlSSt()I'110 representallves of slale and rerleral revIew agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connectiOn with evaluating mlormation related 10 thIS permll applieahon and follow-up tnQnrtOling oJ Ihe project I further certjY that lhe rnformqtion prOVIded in thIS application .s lrolhful to Ihe besl of my kl\Owledge Oale/t J~, 206'1 Pnnl Name eel F/..y~rJ Signa"". if ~,~( / Please indicate applicallon attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ODeM MP.2 Excavahon and Fill Information DDeM MP-5 Bndges and Culverts 09CM MP-3 Upland Development Dt>CM Mp.4 Slrvcture5 Information Form DCM MP-4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this fann to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit. Form oeM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental informalion. 1. DOCKING FACILITY/MARINA CHARACTERISTICS a. (I) Is the docking faCIllly/marlna~ / OCommeroal OPubliclGovemmenl Tifprtvate~ c. (i) Oockls} and/or pler{s) I) Iii) Number _ NtA (iii) lenglh (iv) Widlh (v) Floattng DVes ONo I) (i) Ate Plalforms included? Jves ONo If yes (.i) Number -1- (fIl) lengtn l.b.!..- (IV) Width 2.0 I I (v) Floallng DVes MNo Note. Roofed areas are calculaled (rom rJ"plme dImensIons g, (i) Numbet of slips proposed ~ (il) Number 01 slIps eltl$\Ing IJ Cheek the ptoposed type of Siting, Oland r;ul and access channel O}>>en waler; dredgmg for baSin and/Of chat\nel r;a"open waler; 110 dredgIng required Oathsr; please cascooe. I 1<. TYPICal boallenglh ~ m. (i) Wi1llhe 1filily have lie pIlings? DVes IINO (il) If yes number of lie pilings? o This section not applies. b (1) win the raci". be open to the general publiC? oVes ~o d (t) Are Finger Piers mcluded? lfyes (II) Number (IIi) Lengttl (IV} Width (v) Floabng ls ONe -L .BtL BI ~DNO Jw (I) Are Boalhlls Included? Dves If yes- (II) Number (tII) Length (IvjWldl/l h Check alllhe types of servIces 10 be prOVIded N ~ o Full service includIng travel bIt and/or rilll, repel/a! maIntenance service o Dockage. luel. and marine supplies o Dockage ("wet slip:n on1y. number of slips o Dry 5tOlO1ge. number of boats _ o Boar tamp(s). number of 'cIoal ramps' o Other. please descnbe .-t!!2NI3 Descnbe IIle typIcal 'ooal& 10 be served (e 9 . open runabout. ~( boals. sail bOalS, mixed lypesj IlA80/A,VJ I ,., W. th. '''''. L _ 10 '"" .....,,, f)Ubl<<' DVes rt~ :- ..) ( [4' U~,1 -..~ ~ ... ....... oJ, "::j, ~;..; >:3 ! .:,. ...: [2. DOCKING FACILiTY/MARINA OPERATIONS "'/}; <I. Check eacn ollne following sanltary faCIlities thai will be included If\ the proposed project. o Offlce TaUels o T oilels for ~11'Ol'\S; Number: __: Location ~ , m4. ..,,"'" no1 appJi~ o Showers o Boatholding lank pumpoul. Give type- and Iocallon b, Describe treatment type and disposallocalion fOt all saoltary wastewater. c. Oescnbe Ihe dllsposal of Solia waste, fish offal and trash. Q, How Will overboard w:icharge ot SlfWilgf:l trom boats be controlled? e (I) Gille the location al1(l numnet 01 "No Sewage Olsctlafqe" SIgns proposed (iJ) GIVe the location and number of -Pumpoul AvaIlable' Signs proposed Oescnbe the speeral deslQn. d applicable. ror conlalninglndustnatlype pollulanls, such as pall'll, sandblasting wasle and pelroleum products g. Where WI" rBSldue from vessel maintenance be disposed al? h GMf tho number 01 enannel markers and 'No Wake" SignS proposed _ I. Give the loca~ of r~l-handhl19 laclhlles, and descnbe the :lately measures planned to JlfOl.'I area wal@r Quality. What WIll be the marina policy on overnlghl anc1lrve-sbo<Jrc:l dockage? k, Describe deSIgn measures that promOte boat basiI'! nushiny7 If this prOlec' is a/1 expansion of an existl1l9 manna. what tYJ>e$ of setvice$ are currenU)' provKlll(j? ,I oJ . ~ .;:....- J ~ ::-.... C k J . ~ ';. ;:.....1 -: -" :." -~'. m. Is !he marina/docking faC:ility proposed within a primary Of li8C01l(\<lt'f nursery area? Dyes DNo n, Is the mannaldOcl<ing facility proposed within Or adjacent to any shellfish harvesting area? DYes DNa 0, Is the marinaldockif19 fa<;ility propoae(l within or adjacetlllO eoalital...etlllndslmarsh (CW), submerged aquatIC vegetation (SAV). $hen bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checSl8d, prOYide the number of square feel aHeeted Dew OSAV QSs _ OWL _ ONone p, Is lhe propoled marinaldocldng facility locatetJ WIthin or within close proXll1lity to any shelflish leases'} Dyes DNo If yes. give the naMe and address of the leaseholdel(s}, and glvfllhe proximity to Ille tease. 3. BOA THO USE (mcluding covered lifts) a, (i) Is the boathouse structure(5}" DCommerClaJ OPubticlGovernment OPnvale1Communily (11) Number (III) Leftgth ~IV) WIdth Note Roofed areas are calculated from dnplme d;men5Ions. If 8 (Del< g(Dm. US. Mf'.2. Exc.vat'o-"-;nd FdI.! % hiS seCllon nol applicabr 4. GROIN (e.9., wood. sheetpiJe. etc. a (I) Number {1I)lengll'1 (iu) Wld!h 5. BREAKWA TER (e.g., wood, shee/plle, ete) / rfnus sectIon not app/ic8bl a Length_ II Average a.stanCe rrom NtlW. NWl. or wetlands c: MaXImum dIstance beyond NHW. NWL or weUands 6. MOORING PILINGS and BUOYS This sfJf;tion not applicabl a Is the struClure(S): OCommerClsl OPublic:lGolIsrnmenl OPnvate/CommUnrlY b Number _ I;. Dlslance to be placed beyond shoreline _ Nole: ThiS sholJ/O De measuret1 from marsh edge, if prvsent d DeSCription of buoy (calor. InScription, SIze, ancho,. ele ) e. cf>ofc 01 lhe SWIng _ 7. GENERAL a. Proximity of structufe{s) 10 adjacent riparian property lines f '/0 I b Proximity of Sll\Jcture{s) 10 adlacenl docking facilltle$. ...,.. SO J Nale: For buoy or moonng P/1IlIg. use an: of swmg incfudltl9 length of vessel. c Wldlh pf water OOdy ~81' d Water depth al WaleN/aM end of SlfIJ(;lure at NLW or NWl --2!.J.JLW e (I} Will flavigJoo31 aids be required as a result of the projec!'7 DVes &fNo DNA (II) I( yes. explain what lypa and how they Will be implernemed N'Vti2 ~ 18. OTHER a Give cnmplele <JeSCrlpllon f}tg fJ/IJiJ'JjU fad.~ ~~ tIP J~/y ;}OIJun'fffll(.. IJDt./t., WJtf 3 1JoItf'Sl/PS; AI/flU/om 2'1~l' )/lj;; 11~t'lf~l::;r. 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