HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072702_Draft Permit-Comments_20171129Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P O Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141 0 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc ore November 29, 2017 Ms. Brianna Young NC DEQ/ DWQ— NPDES 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 DEC ®DV/j? ater D1 � pt rmitti�9 Sec f oro RE: Town of Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP \ Renewal of NPDES Discharge Permit NC 0072702 COMMENT from the TOWN OF BEAUFORT for DRAFT NPDES PERMIT NCO072702 Dear Ms. Young - We received our copy of draft permit for the Town of Beaufort Glenda Drive WTP and cover letter with fifteen bullets summarizing the changes proposed for the above -referenced NPDES Permit. The subsequent review Included input from Frank Sansone, WTP-ORC, Donovan Willis, Public Utilities Director and our consulting engineer — Rivers & Associates As we compare the current permit to the draft permit in light of the capabilities of our existing WTP, we ask for consideration of comments, suggestions and requests regarding the draft permit that follow - The Town is amenable to the changes identified by the first six bullets with only three comments; please see fifth bullet regarding Supplement to the Cover Sheet. FIFTH BULLET — On Page 2 of 8, the component we are using for addition of fluoride is Hydrofluorosillcic Acid Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P O Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc ore On Page 2 of 8 and Page 3 of 8 we suggest the discharge description be the same. On Page 2, one could state as "discharge of water softener regeneration -backwash wastewater from Ion Exchange Units". On Page 3 one should delete the phrase "filter backwash and" and state as "discharge water softener regeneration -backwash from Outfall 001" On Page 2, Item 1 speaks of "a design potable flowrate of 0 60 MGD and a maximum, monthly average wastewater discharge of 0.0258 MGD This number does not seem relevant to data covering the most recent 22 months which indicates an average daily flow of 0.0044 MGD and a maximum monthly average of 0.0057 MGD. These numbers are dependent on a varying data -set, and the permit does not include a flow limit. We would suggest deleting reference to maximum daily average wastewater discharge from "Supplement to the Cover Sheet". Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P O. Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc or The Town is unsure of intent and has concern regarding the seventh bullet and twelfth bullet SEVENTH BULLET and TWELFTH BULLET — Footnote 2 refers to Effluent Characteristic — "Flow' with Sample Type — "Instantaneous" and Sample Location — "Effluent". The Town is unsure of intent for changes to flow monitoring. All of the softener backwash - regeneration flow into the softeners passes through a meter; all of softener backwash - regeneration flow exits the softeners as effluent; the effluent flows reported on the DMRs are based on these meter readings for flow into the softeners and subsequently out of the softeners to Outfall 001 The Town believes its current method of measuring softener regeneration -backwash flow with the meter in-place has an appropriate degree of accuracy and should be acceptable without change. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eighth bullet In regard to ninth bullet and the tenth bullet, the Town requests explanation regarding addition of limits for Total Copper and Total Zinc. How is the analysis done to determine a "reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards", and how is determination made for value of numerical limits? Monitoring and associated testing over the past five years provides insufficient data to determine our capability to comply with the proposed limits for Total Copper. However, we believe there is sufficient data to support discontinuance of monitoring and limits for Total Lead and Total Zinc. In April 2010, all new well testing was performed on raw water from the Castle Hayne Aquifer and produced by the Glenda Drive Well for use in Glenda Drive WTP Copper was "Not Detected', lead was "Not Detected" and zinc was "Not Detected"; all — copper, lead and zinc were below the new well allowable limit(s). The Town's water treatment process does not include chemical additives that would increase copper, lead or zinc concentrations from that found in the raw water. We would ask to do no more than monitor Total Copper and neither monitor, nor set limit for Total Zinc as mentioned in ninth bullet. Likewise, we would ask to not to monitor for total lead as mentioned in the tenth bullet. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker . Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day iA� Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P 0 Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc or NINTH BULLET and TENTH BULLET — The water treatment plant operation Is unchanged and records of monitoring over the past five years demonstrate that it might not be necessary to continue sampling and testing at the current level or at a greater level than required by the current permit Enclosed are DMRs for the past 22 months, plus a Summary of those DMRs covering four parameters shown by most recent test results Specific requests relevant to the DMRs and description of the water system with its Glenda Drive WTP follow - With softener regeneration -backwash discharge from the Glenda Drive WTP at a location distant from Turner Creek being only an average of 4,400 GPD, the Town of Beaufort is requesting it no longer be required to monitor the discharge for Total Zinc. The results of prior monitoring shown by the enclosed DMR's demonstrate there might not be a reasonable potential to regularly exceed water quality standards with a significant quantity of this element. COPPER' In regard to limits for copper, testing to -date has only been able to discern and identify its quantity as less than 10 parts per billion, and the DMRs show that Total Copper has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion with only four (4) of the 21 most recent test results having Total Copper greater than ten parts per billion Eighty-one percent of the DMRs show Total Copper less than 10 parts per billion. Total Copper might be less than or more than 1.85 PPB; we simply do not know at this time However, we would not want establishment of a limit that causes issuance of NOVs if testing shows this characteristic greater than 185 PPB LEAD. The DMRs show that Total Lead has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion and none (0) of the most recent 21 test results have Total Lead greater than 10 PPB. ZINC. The DMRs show that Total Zinc has consistently been less than 10 parts per billion with only five (5) of the 21 most recent test results having Total Zinc greater than ten parts per billion. Four (4) of the test result numbers are 11, 14, 15, and 17. Twenty (20) of the 21 recent test results are far less than the proposed Monthly Average and Daily Maximum Limits Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Ho111nshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P 0 Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141 • 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc or One (1) of the DMR numbers is 123; relevant to all of the other numbers it could be considered an out -lying extraneous data point. SUMMARY. The Beaufort Water System Including Its Glenda Drive Water Treatment Plant continues producing and delivering potable water meeting all required drinking water standards. The stable Castle Hayne Aquifer continues to be the source of water; the water conveyed from this aquifer to the water treatment plant only requires softening and disinfection to become desirable potable -water that is enhanced by addition of fluoride. To continue sampling and testing the softener regeneration -backwash discharge for metals that appear to be present only at very low levels should not be a requirement of the permit issued to the Town of Beaufort. All things considered, the Town has no immediate concern regarding the eleventh, thirteenth and fifteenth bullet ELEVENTH BULLET, THIRTEENTH BULLET and FIFTEENTH BULLET — We believe appropriate the footnote stating, "The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 PPB to be in compliance with the permit". The Town would prefer no -change from grab to composite sampling of the small discharge at the Glenda Drive WTP However, it understands position of the NPDES Unit and would ask for assistance in making transition identified in the fourteenth bullet. FOURTEENTH BULLET — Beaufort Is requesting that it not be required install a composite sampler within two (2) months of the date of permit issuance. Instead the Town would request twelve (12) months to utilize hand sampling as described by draft while determining and evaluating "another method approved by Wilmington Regional Office" as compared to Installing a composite sampler. If evaluation determines it best to install a composite sampler, time for planning and design will be needed to ensure having a Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P 0 Box 390 • Beaufort, N.0 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc orQ workable composite sampler for the Glenda Drive WTP. It is not a simple plug -in -play exercise The inherent nature of the three-step softener regeneration -backwash process, with each step having potential of different flow rates, times and salinity(s) provides a challenge for gathering a truly representative composite sample. Considering the physical limitations of the Glenda Drive WTP, the details are a challenge The sampler will need power and a means of control, plus an appropriate location for taking the sample. The sample point must be a sufficient distance downstream of de -chlorination and in the presence of adequate flow to take samples. It will be necessary to create a sampling point and the existing gravity flow line to daylight does not readily lend itself to taking samples. The Town is understands the NPDES Unit requirement for taking a composite sample; Beaufort is only requesting time to make appropriate choice for composite sampling that works and provides a truly representative sample of the softener regeneration -backwash wastewater discharge CLOSING COMMENT: The Town of Beaufort is serving approximately 4,000 people. These people form a small base of 3,000 customers receiving potable water from the Glenda Drive WTP We askthatthe NPDES Unit favorably considerthe comments, suggestions, and requests being made by the Town of Beaufort in regard to the NPDES Permit covering the small softener regeneration - backwash discharge from the Glenda Drive WTP — part of the small water system providing potable water to the public in the Town of Beaufort. Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollinshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day Town of Beaufort 701 Front St • P O Box 390 • Beaufort, N C 28516 252-728-2141. 252-728-3982 fax www beaufortnc or Thanks and call if you have any questions. Sincerely, 94t4 wu 7 John Day Town Manager—Town of Beaufort cc Frank Sansone, Jr. WTP ORC —Town of Beaufort Donovan H. Willis, Public Utilities Director—Town of Beaufort Honorable Rhett Newton, Mayor—Town of Beaufort Gale Smith, P.E — Rivers & Associates, Inc Mayor Richard Stanley Commissioner John Hagle • Commissioner Sharon Harker • Commissioner Marianna Hollmshed Commissioner Ann Carter • Commissioner Charles McDonald Town Manager John Day TOWN OF BEAUFORT \ GLENDA DRIVE WTP NCO072702 SUM MARY of DMRs -partial January 2016 - October 2017 NCO072702 I I IQ -TOTAL: Glenda Drive W'TP TSS x 24 Copper x 4 Dead x12 Zinc x 4 ADF 1 1 /MONTH: day hnonth January 1, 2016 i 3,400 I GPD 105,400 !GALLON 31 days January 6, 2016 < 2.7 PPM 31 PPB <10 PPB <10 PPB I January 20, 2016 3.1 PPM - i - - February 1, 2016 4,200 ;GPD 121,800 GALLON 29 days February 2, 2016 < 2.7 PPM <10 PPB <10 PPB < 10 PPB February 16, 2016 < 2.7 PPM - ; - - March 1, 2016 4,100 :GPD 127,100 GALLON 31 !days March 8, 2016 < 2.7 PPM <10 ;PPB <10 PPB 15 PPB March 30, 2016 < 2.7 PPM - - - April 1, 2016 4,100 GPD 123,000 GALLON 30'days April 5, 2016' <2.7 ;PPM <10 PPB < 10 ;FPB < 10 !PPB April 19, 2016, <2.7 !PPM May 1, 20161 4,000 GPD 124,000 GALLON 31 days May 3, 2016 < 2 7 'PPM <10 PPB < 10 PPB <10 PPB ; May 17, 2016! < 2.7 PPM - - I - June 1, 2016; 4,800 GPD 144,000 !GALLON 30 days June 7, 20161 < 2.7 IPPM <10 PPB < 10 PPB 14 IPPB June 21, 20161 < 2.6 ;PPM - - I - July 1, 2016 1 i I 5,100 GPD 158,100 GALLON 31 days July 5, 2016 < 2.7 PPM <10 PPB <10 PPB 123 IPPB July 19, 2016 < 2.7 PPM - - - August 1, 2016 14,000 GPD 124,000 GALLON 31 days August 2, 2016 < 2.6 PPM < 10 PPB < 10 PPB <10 PPB August 23, 2016 < 2.7 PPM - - - September 1, 2016 3,900 GPD 117,000 GALLON 30 days September 1, 2016 < 2.5 PPM September 27, 2016 < 2.7 PPM <10 ,PPB < 10 PPB <10 PPB Page 1 of 03 TOWN OF BEAUFORT \ GLENDA DRIVE WTP NCO072702 SUMMARY of DMRs -partial tial January 2016 - October 2017 NCO072702 Q -TOTAL Glenda Drive WTP I TSS x 24 Copper x 4 dead x 12 zinc x4 ADF / 1�®1�TI� day /irzorith October 1, 20161 1 5,700 GPD 176,700 GALLON 31 I days October 11, 2016 < 2 6 PPM <10 PPB <10 PPB j < 10 PPB October 25, 2016 3.1 PPM - - - November 1, 20161 5,120 GPD 153,600 GALLON 30 days November 9, 2016 < 2.6 'PPM - PPB <10 PPB - PPB November 22, 2016 < 2 7 PPM - - - December 1, 20161 5,023 GPD 155,713 GALLON 31 days December 6, 2016 < 2.6 PPM - - - December 20, 2016 < 2.6 PPM <10 PPB < 10 PPB < 10 PPB January 1, 2017 4,032 GPD 124,992 GALLON 31 days January 3, 2017 < 2.6 PPM < 10 PPB < 10 PPB < 10 PPB January 17, 2017 < 2.6 PPM - - - February 1, 2017 ! 2,593 GPD 72,604 GALLON 28 days February 7, 2017 < 2 6 PPM < 10 PPB < 10 PPB 11 PPB February 21, 2017 < 2 6 PPM - - - March 1, 2017 3,326 GPD 103,106 GALLON 31 days March 7, 2017 < 2.5 PPM 26 'PPB <10 IPPB 17 IPPB March 21, 2017 < 2 5 'PPM I - - - April 1, 2017 4,290 GPD 128,700 GALLON 30 days April 4, 2017 < 2 5 PPM 12 PPB < 10 PPB <10 PPB April 18, 2017 < 2.6 PPM - - - i May 1, 2017 1 1 4,143 IGPD 128,430 GALLON 31 days May 2, 2017 < 2 6 PPM < 10 PPB <10 PPB <10 IPPB May 16, 2017 < 2 6 PPM - - - June 1, 20174,577 GPD 137,310 GALLON 30 days June 6, 2017 < 2 5 PPM 13 'PPB < 10 PPB < 10 PPB June 20, 20171 < 2.5 PPM - - I I - Page 2 of 03 TOWN OF BEAUFORT \ GLENDA DRIVE WTP NC0072702 SUMMARY of DMRs -partial January 2016 - October 2017 1®TC0072702 Q -TOTAL Glenda Derive WTP TSS x24 Copper x4 Lead ! x 12 Zinc x 4 A]1F /MONTHI /MONTH day /month July 1, 2017 4,703 GPD 145,793 ;GALLON 31 days July 11, 2017 < 2.5 PPM <10 PPB <10 PPB <10 PPB July 25, 2017 < 2.5 PPM - - - i August 1, 2017 4,513 GPD i 139,903 GALLON 31 days August 1, 2017 < 2.5 PPM - - - August 15, 2017 < 2.5 PPM <10 !PPB i <10 PPB < 10 PPB September 1, 2017 4,853 GPD 145,590 GALLON 30 days September 12, 20171 < 2.5 IPPM <10 ;PPB < 10 PPB <10 IPPB September 26, 2017' < 2.6 'PPM - October 1, 2017; 4,910 GPD 152,210 ,GALLON 31 days October 3, 2017 1 < 2.6 ;PPM <10 PPB <10 1 PPB <10 IPPB October 17, 2017 < 2.5 PPM - - - November 1, 2017 ! i AVERAGE - ATDF 4,342 iGPD 2,909,051 GALLON 670 days MAXIMUM - ADF / MONTH 5,700 GPD ; Page 3 of 03 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO, NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH January YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Dive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envnomental Chemist hie CERTIFICATION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Fiank Sansone GRADE B CER•11FICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX I ORC HAS CHANGED ® NO FLOW /DISCHARGE FROM SITE " Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to, 11 1 ATTN CENTRAL FILES X IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DA1 E DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 2 7699-1 61 7 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNO\YLEDGE DWQForm MR -1 1 (11/04) 11 1 Ilil 111 II 1 ! I 11 1 11 .I 111 � 1 I•. I I __-_ MMMMEOW mm� MOM Mj OEM mT� l�l1'M1aJ FM mFu, mm� ®R�'11� �MfFl�''L•!�1� MIM DWQForm MR -1 1 (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO.001 MONTH February YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Watei Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envrlomental Chemist Inc CERTIFICATION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PIION E (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® NO FLOW / DISCIIAIIGE FROM SITE* Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to ATTN: CLNTRAL FILES x DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERA POR IN RE PONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1 61 7 ACCURATE AND COMPLE rE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DWQ Fonn MR -I 1 (11/04) II I 11 11 11 1 11 1 1 f 11 II :1 111 ®® 1 1 __ MM Em MI�MM wY'i�� Emu n ®' MAYti,i/ { 1 MSI! `��!'y m1��G3 i�®_-®___________ MMn Mi�<1:1I KI' DWQ Fonn MR -I 1 (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH March YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Faculty CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envnomental Chemist Inc CERTIFICATION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PIIONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX H, ORC HAS CHANGED 1= NO FLOW /DISCHARGE FROM SI -IF Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to; ATTN CENTRAL FILES X DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNAL URE, I CERTIFY TILT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 11 I II II 11 1 11 1 � 11. I II•:1 I11' � 1 1• I I' _--- M9®KEN mel• om 111 ami®�smm���m��■�� 111om MA�I •f17•f1"© i A A . ®�yy�iin 1 11 : _--____________ MIM: ®II1JM nm �It!$in mm 10M�EF:�n ma�<fJ n" ®�'i�J:i�� mom M�!©rcpt■■■■■■r■■■■■■��■�■r■■e■�■■�■■■■��■■�■■r■■� � If1'•I:At:1E DWQ Fonn MR -1 1 (11104) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGEN0001 MONTH April YEAR2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Enviiomental Chcmist Inc CERTIFICATION NO. DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® NO FLOW/ DISCHARGE FROM SITE* Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to- ATTN CENTRAL FILES X DIVISION OF WATER QUALI CY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 j ACCURATE AND COIYIPLETF, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DWQ Form MR -1 I (1 l/04) lf1i� - mm mum ��� l� ! 111 • ���������� mman / 1 mgr■■m��■si���sm���■■��■■�■��■■� 111 _-_nm ________-___ DWQ Form MR -1 I (1 l/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTII May YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORA 1 ORY Envriomental Chemist hie CERTI ICATION NO. DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this farm) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 979150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED E= NO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to ATTN. CENTRAL FILES x DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 1 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BES r OF MY KNOWLEDGE DWQ ronn MR -1 I (11/04) • Mum Elonm mmnm MIMMM M"' mlmnm msiM= 1 11 MIM"✓mwmfflimnMwnm Mw own= 11, ������■��������� DWQ ronn MR -1 I (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH June YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Facility CLASSI3 COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envriomental Chemist Isle CERTIFICATION NO, DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED =1 NO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE k Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to ATTN. CENTRAL FILES x DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 1 ACCURATEAND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I I 1 I• I I I I, 1 11 I I I 1 1, I� III �Lf' .'Yl.a I I 11 __-_ ©Rt n=m1mmm i A A mummer A A wwwm■w■�■o�r■m��■�A■■. mm minnm wwwMNwN mmnmmA A �r■■w■� wiw ■I mwnm AAA �����■����■������■ A ��■ ■r�s�s ■■■ter m■sr■■i■■r ■■■i�■■■ �mlmn= rmnm��m IlR#mn mm��� m1}7l�'�i mmts�© a��m�■%�■■i■��■�a�r■■r mummy m mA A wmwm mmmo����������■����� mmmm m ' A m 1iCii AAA m ma■w���N■■■w■e �■i■■■��■■�■■r■■r�■■�� DWQ Form MR -1 1 (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT N0, NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO,001 MONTH July YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Watei Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envi iomental Chemist Inc CERTIFICA'T'ION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® NO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to' ATTN: CENTRAL FILES x DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNAI URE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DA PE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 13Y THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 11 1 11 II 1 11 1 f 1 II 1 11 :1 111 � 1 1• I 1 _--- ©oA[o, Mon= Ri1Li�!°" = mriFiJO Mt�modl I.....,.....�1......�..�..�.1.1..��1 MEM = ! 11: _____________ MM M 111 . mra.ir+ 1 11 Mww■�■�wiNww mlFll mEMfy�� Mom: 1 I1 MEMO Mo�©® MEMO mim Mo� r 11 • ° _____________ MEMO m� :� n 1 1 1 MEMO= ®�Q� DWQ Form MR -I l (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH August YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envrlomental Chemist Inc CERTIFICATION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Prank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES pStaff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED taNO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE - Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN CENTRAL FILES X DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERAT R IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT 1S RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 ACCURA7 E AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I I 1 m0 1 1 1 1 - 1 1, 1 I! 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 ill ' :L^• 1 I 1 1 ---_ m� 11 ���®Noun ME�Cil 1 11 ©FM MEM m��s�����w�w��w■rwt���■i■■m��www �a�m��rw�wwww����www��ww�ii�w�wwmwwrw�wwwwwM moo l A A ■■■■���r■n�■�■■■■�i■■�■wwr ®F�?]I 111 • _--____________ Jt 111 m':il•:� m���u 11 • wiim�ww■■i■i■■i me�LSinm mmy�L!�1 1 11 _--_ ___■-______ m MOM mEmn mmm m1m 1 11 mm�a 111 ����■�■��■������� ��® AAA • ���!�__��� DWQ Ponn MR -1 l (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMITNO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO 001 MON'1H September YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Dl Ive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envrlomental Cllenust Inc CERTIFICATION NO DI,S#33729 (list additional laboratoues on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATIONNO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 728-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® NO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE* Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to oil Em ATTN CENTRAL FILES Frank Sansone October 5 2016 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CIIARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY TIDS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY FRAT THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO TIME BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE DWQ Fonn MR -I I (11/04) oil Em ET. 1 OEM= on mom=MMUM 1 11 • _-�_______ ____ SM MON son iJ'w �a E�1�1 ku�� / 1 mr�iii '' mm miR.11 1 __- mtwa�����■����■�ii��■■��� M 1 1ww Mam 111 _--_________ __ M� mo�wwww�■w■�ww��wwiw■�w�w mem©�mtm■�a��t���a�■■■��■■ ! 1 ! 1 ______�_�______ m■■��■■mw■�■■��r■tr■■■■�■■■ts■■■■■ir 1 11 • 3�NE0UMM DWQ Fonn MR -I I (11/04) EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NCO072702 DISCHARGE NO,001 MONTH October YEAR 2016 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive Water Facility CLASS B COUNTY Carteret CERTIFIED LABORATORY Envriomental Chemist Inc CERTIFICATION NO DLS#33729 (list additional laboratories on the backside/page 2 of this form) OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Frank Sansone GRADE B CERTIFICATION NO 978150 PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Staff ORC PHONE (252) 723-2130 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED E= NO FLOW / DISCHARGE FROM SITE Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN CENTRALFILES Frank Sansone DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THA.1 THIS REPORT IS RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 1 ACCURA rE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OT MY KNOWLEDGE DWQ Fonn MR -1 1 (11/04) 11 mom 11 11 E 11 1 11 1 I 1 I1, 1 II :1 III 1 1• 11 _-_- mum MEM EFM No E am�� � >k".1iI'.1 11 M n 111 MFM 1 11 IN am manwwww M n=�� ��■i■i���■���� mmn® 111 ■d���iiiww■��■®�siw�t�■■�ra■r M n t w www w�r� www ■w� w �■■� mUMM���������������� Em min M Y 1: w��. ■■■���s�r���an■��e� DWQ Fonn MR -1 1 (11/04) NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Duve WTP OWNER NAME, Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 11-2016 (November 20I6) PERMIT VERSION• 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC- Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED- No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT' NUMBER 28892 STATUS Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO N u a u o ° u a 6 F. u " H P o N o 1= 0 $ o 0 o 50050 L a Weekly Estimate Z' FLOW 00400 2 X month Gnb pit 50066 2 X month Grab CI1LUnINF. C0610 Monthly Grab N16 N•Cart C0530 2 X moalb Grab TSS •Cunc 00094 Monthly Grob CNUUCiVY 01042 Quertedy Grab COFFER 01051 Monthly Gmb LEAD TGE3E COIall W hIYSD24PF 240D clock 113 2400 clock It. Y@1N mgd su ug/I 111g1I mgfl umboslcm ug/1 ugfl pass/fall 1 0730 a N 00068 2 D730 8 N 0 0052 35 3 0730 8 N 00052 4 0730 8 N 00076 5 0730 3 N 0 0022 6 0730 3 N 00071 7 0730 8 N 00027 8 0730 8 N 00074 9 0730 S N 00028 7-3- 0 8 <26 636 '10 10 0730 8 N 00053 11 0730 3 N O OU53 12 0730 3 N 0 OD29 13 0730 3 N 0 ODS 14 0730 8 N 00028 is 0730 8 N 00051 16 0730 8 N 00082 17 0730 8 N 00082 ra 0730 8 N 00071 <20 19 0730 3 N 00056 20 0730 3 N 00025 21 0730 8 N D D103 22 0730 8 N 00028 7 2 <2 7 23 0730 8 N 0 26 1 0730 3 IN 00079 25 0730 3 N 100024 26 D730 3 N U 0046 27 073U 3 N 0 0086 28 0730 8 N D OD39 29 0730 8 N 0 0081 ]0 0730 8 N M-1bly 0 Av—p Limit 10 125 \I..WY A-8' 000517. 175 0 8 0 636 0 nosy 00103 7 3 35 .08 0 636 0 Dvul Elimmom. U 7 2 D JOB 0 G3G 0 **** No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=NoFIGw-Rcusc/Recyclo, ENVWTHR=NoVlsaatlon— AdverseWeather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO- NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive W TP OWNER NAME. rownofBeaufoil GRADE. PC -I eDMR PERIOD: 11-2016 (November 2016) PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC- Frank lames Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION 10 PERMIT STATUS. Active COUNTY. Caltcret ORC CERT NUMBER 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) a _ U H n Z` O O o` u C O 00400 k Monod `R Grab a` 7 SALINITY 70295 t`1nnlhl Grab RESIUISS 00070 Monthly 0,.h TURBIDTV 01092 Quurierly Gmh ZINC 2400 dock An 2400dUk 1111 YaMIN mg/t mg/l nM ug/l i 10730 8 N 2 0730 8 N 1 0730 8 N 4 0730 8 N 5 0730 3 N 6 0730 3 N 7 0730 8 N s 0730 8 N 9 0730 9 N 03 382 03 10 0730 8 N 1L 0730 3 N t2 0730 3 1 N 13 0730 3 N 14 0730 8 N is 0730 8 N 16 0730 8 N 17 0730 8 N 10 0730 8 N 19 0730 3 N 20 0730 3 N 21 0730 8 N 22 0730 8 N 23 0730 8 N 24 0730 3 N 25 0730 3 N 20 0730 3 N 27 0730 3 N 20 0730 8 N 29 0730 8 N 30 0730 8 N Monthly A—g.7 ime MnmklyA—L� 03 382 03 Dndy M.U."wine 0,3 392 U 3 Dolly M'—.. 03 362 103 ****NoRepornngReasoB ENFRUSE=NoFloty-Rcusc/Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation— Adverse Weather, N0rL0W=NoFlo3v, HOLIDAY=NOVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Di ve WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 11-2016 (November 2016) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: riank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED. No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 2527282130 PERMIT STATUS. Active COUNTY Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS. Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 12/21/2016 12/21/2016 ORC/Certifier Signature- Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The pennittee shall report to the Director of the appiopriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment, Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part ILE,6 of the NPDES permit. 12/21/2016 Permittee/Submitter Signature **' Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@bcaufortnc.org Phone #.252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date, 07/31/2017 i certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME: Enviromnental Chemists Inc CERTIFIED LAB it: 94 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES- Staff PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http,//portal ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/fonns FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data, T No Flow/Discharge From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period * ORC on Site?- ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204 *** Signature of Permittee If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO., NCO072702 PERMIT VERSION: 4,0 FACILITY NAME, Glenda Drive W1P CLASS: PC -1 OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort ORC: Fiank Jumes Sansone GRADE: PC -1 ORC HAS CHANGED No cDMR PERIOD: 11-2016 (November 2016) VERSION: 10 Report Comments: ORC was out duo to surgery Back up ORC was present thru out the month of November PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY Carteiet ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME. Ibwn of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 cDMR PERIOD• 12-2016 (December 2016) PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC 14AS CHANCED: No VERSION: 10 PERMIT' STATUS: Active COUNTY, Carteret ORC CERT N UMBER- 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO C U o F y O o Eo` O O £ 561150 a Weekly a Estimate x Z FJ OW U0400 2 X month Grab PitCHLORINE 50060 2 X month Grob C0610 Mustily Gmb N11J N -Cwc C0530 2 X month Grab TSS Cooc 00094 monthly Grab CNUUC7YY 01042 Quarterly Grab COPPER 01051 monthly Grab LEAD 111411 Mmlthly Grab SALINITY 2400 clack llrr 2400 H.ck Ilre Y/a!N mRd sn ugA mgll Ing/1 ullrlloslem U A uy/l ntgil i 8 N 00056 2 8 N 00009 3 3 N 0 004 4 3 N U 0024 5 8 N 01047 6 8 N 00044 73 <26 78 N 00093 < 20 8 8 N 00069 9 8 N 00024 t6 3 N 00052 11 3 N 0 12 g Y 00078 13 s Y 00086 14 g y 00053 15 8 Y 00051 16 8 Y 00053 17 3 N 00029 111 3 N 00049 19 g y 0 005 20 8 1 Y 00112 72 08 <26 810 <10 <10 04 21 8 Y 00029 Z2 8 Y 00054 23 3 Y 00052 24 3 Y 0 0057 25 3 Y 00024 26 1 Y 0 006 27 3 Y 0 005 28 8 Y 00077 <2U 29 g Y 0,0054 6 8 Y 0 005 3t 3:�:j Y 00032 2Iu.0dyA pLt.,l1 10 125 \Iaalhly Arr.gr 0005023 U 08 U sin 0 0 04 D.nyam„mum 00(12 73 U 08 0 810 U 10 04 Dally DSiolmnm 0 72 0 08 0 810 0 0 04 ****NoRcportnlgRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Rcusc/Rccycic, ENVWT14R=No Visitation- Adverse Weatlicr, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitatlon-Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME Glenda Dl Ive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PCA eDMR PERIOD: 12-2016 (December 2016) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 PERMIT STATUS: ALtive CLASS. PC -1 COUNTY Cartmet ORC: Flank James Sansone ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCAI'I®N: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) «+walloReportnlgReason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse(Recycic, LNVWTHR=No Visitation —Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation— Holiday � e — E d d p = o F y 70299 o � Monthly Gmb RF2iJnI5S ODD70 Nlalitkly Grnb TUMMY MY 01092 Quarterly Grab 7.iNC 2400 clock H. 2400 clock 11n Y/DIN 1 8 N 2 g N 3 3 N 4 3 N 5 8 1 N 6 8 N 7 8 N s 8 N 9 g N ID 3 N 11 3 N 12 8 Y 13 8 Y 14 8 Y Is 8 Y 16 8 Y 11 3 N 18 3 N 19 8 Y 20 g Y 601 02 <10 21 8 Y 22 g Y 23 3 Y 24 3 Y 75 3 Y 16 3 Y 27 3 Y 28 8 Y 29 g Y 10 8 Y 31 3 Y NTontbly A. q. Llmilt Ni.albly A—a' 601 02 0 Way 601 02 0 Dnip Nllnimum 601 02 0 «+walloReportnlgReason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse(Recycic, LNVWTHR=No Visitation —Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Diive WTP OWNER NAME Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 cDMR PERIOD. 12-2016 (December 2016) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 CONTACT PHONE #: 728/2130 PERM11 STATUS: Active COUNTY, Carleiet ORC CERT NUMBER- 28892 STATUS: Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 01/23/2017 01/23/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d wtllis@beaufoitnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signatuie, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The pennittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially thi eaters public health or the environment Any information shall be piovided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee betaine aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table £oi improvements to be made as required by part II E 6 of the NPDES permit 01/23/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature "*" Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufoitnc oig Phone #.252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel propeily gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there aie significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME' Environmental Chenust Inc CERTIFIED LAB #: 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES. Frank Sansone, Mike Long PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting littp //portal ncdenr,org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the repoi ting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Discharge From Site. Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entue monitoring period ORC on Site2 ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 ** * Signature of Permittee If signed by other than the pennittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NC0072702 PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Duve WTP CLASS: PC -1 OWNER NAME Town of Beaufort ORC: Flank James Sansone GRADE PC -1 ORC HAS CHANGED: No eDMR PERIOD: 12-2016 (December 2016) VERSION: 10 Repot t Comments: Operator in responsible charge was out due to surgery fiom Dec 1 to 11, 2016 The Back up opeiatot was onsite PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY. Carteict ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS: Pioccssed NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME, Glenda Di ve WTP OWNER NAME: Town ofAeautort GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD- 01-2017 (January 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1.0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Ptacessed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO IDISCIIARGE*: NO rr♦" No Reporting Reason ENFRIJSE -No Flow-Rcusc)Rccycic, ENVWTHR=No Visitation — Adversc Weather, NOFLOW =No Flow, HOLIDAY =No Visitation— Holiday F y o U F c e E n h a g o s± O` a O sanso a K Weekly a Estimate Z FI,01V aoauo 2 X nionat Grab pit son6n 2 X mouth Grab C7II.ORINC collo Monthly Grub NII] -N - Cane COWnon94 2 X monllt Grab TSS -Cant Monthly Grab CNUUCTI'Y otoax Quarterly Grab COPPER a] 51 Monthly Grab LEAD TGE3E Quarterly Grab nNSD2JPF 2400 Juck llre 2400 clock Lt. WRIN mad so ugA mp/I Mg/1 umlmslcm u W 1 ug/1 passAatl 1 130 3 Y 00058 2 730 3 Y 00053 3 730 8 Y 00049 73 09 <26 1610 <10 <10 4 730 8 Y 00079 5 730 8 Y 00081 22 6 13U 8 y 00033 7 730 3 y 001 a 730 3 Y 0OD52 9 730 8 Y 0 10 730 8 Y 00184 PASS 11 730 8 Y 0 0085 ix 730 8 y 0 13 730 8 Y 0095 14 730 3 Y 0 15 730 3 N O()two 16 730 8 y 00019 17 730 8 Y 0OD72 74 <2( I8 730 8 y 00029 19 730 8 y 00054 < 20 20 730 8 Y 0 21 730 3 Y U UU52 22 730 3 Y 0 21 730 8 Y 0 24 730 8 Y n 25 730 8 y 0 OD63 26 730 8 Y 0 27 1730 8 Y 00062 28 730 3 Y U 29 730 3 Y 0 OD44 30 730 8 1 Y 0 31 73 8 Y Mathly 00047 A—gc Lbmlir 10 12 5 M -thy Mcrogr 0004032 11 09 0 1610 0 D onai �lnvmam 01) 7 4 22 09 0 1610 0 D unity Alinlmnn' 0 7 3 (1 09 0 1610 0 0 rr♦" No Reporting Reason ENFRIJSE -No Flow-Rcusc)Rccycic, ENVWTHR=No Visitation — Adversc Weather, NOFLOW =No Flow, HOLIDAY =No Visitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.. NCO072702 FACILITY NAME- GlendaDtrve WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Bedutort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 01-2017 (January 20I7) PER1M1IT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS, PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 1 0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY. Carteret. ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) ***4 No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse(Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=No Visitation —Hohday � E cg r a � 7 Fn P � o r c E r o U % U6480 a Monthly Grab K SALINITY 70295 Monody Gfeb RESf0188 00670 Monthly Giab TURBIDYY 01092 Q..utefly Grab 7TNC 2406 duck .lrs 1466 clock Ilrs YlnM mg/1 MWI ntu ugfl 1 730 3 Y 2 730 3 Y 3 73D 8 Y 08 968 04 <10 4 730 8 Y 5 7 30 8 Y 6 7 30 8 1 Y 7 730 3 Y 8 730 3 Y 9 730 8 Y to 730 8 Y It 730 8 Y 12 730 8 Y 13 730 8 Y 14 730 3 Y IS 730 3 N 16 730 8 Y 17 730 8 Y 18 .73 8 Y 19 730 8 Y 20 730 8 Y 21 730 3 Y 22 730 3 Y 23 7.30 8 Y 24 730 8 Y 25 1730 1 8 Y 26 730 s Y 27 1730 8 Y 28 730 3 Y 29 7.30 3 Y 30 730 8 Y 31 7 3U 8 Y 5fanthly M cm0e Umlt atomidy merege 09 968 04 0 Ually D2aclmum 108 968 04 0 Daily Etlmmum� o 8 1968 U 4 U ***4 No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse(Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=No Visitation —Hohday NPDES PERMIT NO: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME. Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Bedufort GRADE- PC -1 eD111R PERIOD: 01-2017 (January 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Comphant PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC- Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS- Active COUNTY Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 02/14/2017 02114/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d wrllrs@beaufortne org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as requu ed by part II E 6 of the NPDES permit 02/14/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature *** Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beauforinc.org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date, 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all itlachments were prepared under my diteclion of supcivision in accoidance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME: Environmental Chemist INC CERTIFIED LAB # 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Frank S insmc PARAMETER CODES Paiameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting hup //portal.ncdenr oig/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Discharge Fi om Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period. ** ORC on Srte9. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Permittee. Tf signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME, Glenda Drive V TP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2017 (February 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: Flank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED. No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY, Carteret ORC CERTN UMBER. 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCAI'I®N: EF'F'LUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO e" F 1J' E U` r _p O w IE 9 O 0 O 59950 Weekly & Estunate z FIOw 00400 2 X month Grnb pH 50969 2 X month Gmb CHLORINE C0610 Monthly Grab NllI-N - Cont costa 2 X month Gob T83 -Cane 00094 Monatly Giab CNDUCf\'Y 01042 Quurledy Gmb COPPFn 01051 Mthly Gmb LEAD 00486 Monibl Grab SALINITY 2400 clock Hrc 2400c1or1c ors Yia1N mgd 511 ugjl mg/l .?)I U.host= UO a9/1 mgll 1 730 8 y D 2 730 8 Y 00034 3 730 8 y 0004 4 730 3 Y 0003 5 730 3 N 00037 6 7,30 8 y D 7 7.30 8 Y 00015 72 25 <02 <26 640 <10 <10 03 8 730 8 y 00029 9 7.30 8 Y 00035 la 730 8 y cool It 730 3 y 0 12 730 3 y 00022 13 730 8 y 00034 14 730 8 Y 0 15 730 8 Y 00045 16 1730 8 V 0 007 17 730 8 N 00008 is 730 3 Y 00033 19 730 3 N 0 10 7 30 8 Y 0 DD36 21 730 8 Y 00036 73 <20 <26 2 730 8 y 00042 :, 23 730 8 y 00008 24 730 8 y 0 25 3 y 0OD44 26 730 3 Y 0 27 730 8 Y 0011 28 73p g y 00051 Monthly Average LWit' 10 12 5 \Tenthly Al—KE 0002593 125 0 0 640 0 0 03 WHY Jfas)mmn O U l l 73 25 0 0 640 0 0 03 Way NEW-,. 0 72 0 0 10 1640 10 10 03 ****NoRepodmgRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Rcusc/Recycle, 1;NVWTIIR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOROW—No Flow, HOLIDAY —NO Visitation —Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 cDMR PERIOD. 02-2017 (February 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -I ORC: Fiank Idmcs Sdnbonc ORC HAS CHANGED. No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY- Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER 28892 STATUS Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE' NO.: 001 NO DISCIIARGE*: NO (Continue) o F113 o U 4 is u' a h r C 0 E F C P o° a m a O X 70295 Mon011y Grab RE0ISS 4r 00070 Montbly Grab TUR11111TY 01992 uaderl Grab ZINC 2409 clock 11. 2400 dnrk 11rs Y/B!N mgll nlu ugfi 1 730 8 Y 2 7130 8 Y 3 730 8 Y 4 730 3 Y 5 7-30 3 N 6 730 8 Y 7 730 8 Y 410 02 11 s 730 8 Y 9 730 8 Y 10 730 8 Y 11 .730 3 Y 12 730 3 Y 13 730 8 Y 14 730 B Y 15 730 8 Y 16 7,30 8 Y 17 730 8 N is 730 3 Y 19 730 3 N 20 73D 8 Y 21 730 is Y 22 730 8 Y 23 730 8 Y 24 730 8 Y 25 3 Y 26 730 3 Y 27 730 8 Y 2a 7 30 8 Y M.Ohly A ­ gr r ]mit, nmoWly Au g� 410 02 11 Roily brasLnuini 410 02 11 I1Ndy Almimami FO 02 11 ****No Reporting Rcason ENFRUSB =No Flow-Rcuse/Recycle; ENVWTHR= No Visitation -Adverse Weather, NOFLOW = No Flow, HOLIDAY -No Visitation—Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Di ive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 02-2017 (February 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS Compliant PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS PC -1 ORC- Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANCED: No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Caiteict ORC CERT NUMBER. 28842 STATUS: Ptocebsed SUBMISSION DATE: 03/21/2017 03/21/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail.d Willis@bcaufortne org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signatuic, I certify, that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health of the environment Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee, became awaie of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as requtied by part II E 6 of the NPDES permit 03/21/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature,"* Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail-d.willis@beaufortnc org Phone #,252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address: Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date. 07/31/2017 I eei tify, undei penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations LAB NAME: Lnviromcnial Chemist Inc. CERTIFIED LAB #: DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES- Frank sansone CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http //poi tal ncdenr org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No FIow/Discharge From Site. Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the paiameters on the DMR. for entire monitoring period *� ORC on Sites ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Permittee. If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per I5A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Di ve W I P OWNER NAME: Town ofBeaufml GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 03-2017 (March 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC. Fra11k .Tames Sansone ORC HAS CITANGED: No VERSION. 10 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY. Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO P a N _ e U r 6 H e z F O c O t o u O 50050 a a Weekly Esomme 7 rLOIY 00400 2 X month Grab PH sge6u 2 X month Grab CHLORINE Co61a Monthly Grab N113 N-Canc ros3a 2 X month Grab TSS -Cone aaa94 monthly Grab CNDUCII'Y 0m4x Quarterly Grab COPPER 01asi monthly Grab LEAD 004s0 monthly Grab SALINITY 24an clack H. 2400 clock 11. Y/IDN mgJ su ag/I n1gli mgll mllhos/cal ng/l ug/l mg/I 1 10730 8 Y 100022 2 0730 8 Y 0 UU57 1 0730 8 Y 00029 21 4 07 30 3 N 00027 5 0730 3 N 00047 6 0730 8 Y 00013 7 07 30 8 1.1 00027 73 14 <25 1800 26 <10 09 8 U7 30 8 Y 00027 9 07 30 B Y 0 0056 t0 0730 8 Y 00046 11 0730 8 Y U 12 10730 3 Y 00061 13 17 30 8 Y 0 11 07 30 8 N 00028 is 0730 8 N 0 0036 16 0730 8 N 00016 17 0730 8 N 00022 18 3 N 0 0029 19 .0730 0730 3 N 00013 20 07-30 8 N a 21 0730 8 Y 0006 72 <25 22 0730 8 Y 00023 19 23 0730 8 Y 0 005 24 U7 30 8 Y 00083 25 10730 8 Y 0 26 07 30 8 Y 00073 27 67 30 8 Y 00027 28 07 30 18 j Y 0 29 0730 8 Y 00056 3a 0730 8 Y 0 31 0730 8 Y 00103 "I. afh ly Ali ge Llmtl ip 12.5 Homily A—p 0003326 1 20 14 0 1800 26 0 09 Daily,lraalmom .00103 173 21 14 0 1800 26 0 09 wily htlulmum 11 72 19 14 0 1800 26 0 09 ***°NoReportulgRcason ENFRUSE=NOFImv-Reuse/Rccycle, ENVWTHR=NoVlsltation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitatlon— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.. NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Dl ive WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE PC -1 eDMR PERIOD 03-2017 (March 2017) PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS. PC -I ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 10 PERMIT S1 Al US: Active COUNTY: Caltciet ORC CERTNUMBER 28892 STATUS- Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCIIARGE*: NO (Continue) Q m o e U 6 u` F B . O E F — O - o a O 70296 : M011lhly GrA z Z RES/DISS 00070 M011ihly Grob TVRDIDTY 01092 QOariCTly Gm6 ZINC 2400 clock Tin 3400 dnck nn vat¢+ mg/1 nM ug/l 1 0730 8 Y 2 0730 6 Y 1 0730 8 Y 4 07-30 3 N S 0730 3 N 6 0730 8 Y 7 0730 8 Y 990 0 4 17 8 0730 8 Y 9 0730 8 Y 10 0730 9 Y 11 0730 8 Y iz 10730 8 Y 17 1 10730 8 Y 14 0730 8 N Is 0730 8 N 16 0730 8 N 17 0730 8 N 18 0730 3 N 19 0730 3 N zo 0730 8 N 21 0730 8 Y 22 8 Y 23 .0730 07-30 8 Y 24 0730 8 Y 25 07,30 8 Y 26 0730 8 Y 27 1 07 30 8 Y 29 0730 8 Y 29 07 30 8 Y 30 07 30 8 Y 31 0730 8 Y NI-Ihly Arrrage Llmlt Monthly A.rrnsr 990 04 17 Daily Ttasimam 990 04 17 Doily m-... 990 0 4 17 ****NoRcponmgReason BNFRUSE=No Flow-Rcusc/Recycle, ENVWTHR-No Visitation— Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No How, HOLIDAY=NoVisualim— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Dove WTP OWNER NAME- Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 eDMR PERIOD• 03-2017 (March 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS. Complidnt PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS- PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED, No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS. Active COUNTY- Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 04/26/2017 04/26/2017 ORC/Certmfiei Signature. Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail•d willis@beaufoitnc,org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Duector or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment, Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittec became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances I€ the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part H E 6 of the NPDES permit. 04/26/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature *** Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address. Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date. 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction of supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, om those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and rinpnsonmcnt for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME: Environmental Chemist CERTIFIED LAB #: DSL# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES. Frank Sansone PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 of by visiting http //portal ncdenr oig/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. * No Flow/Discharge From Site, Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period, ** ORC on Site?- ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required pel 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Pcrmittee. If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO., NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda D1 ive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 04-2017 (Apnl2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS; Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: ]EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 ISO DISCHARGE*: N0 q F — a e U E F0 � 0 v F 'El F 8 4 a O O E r- b O H o U W. O 2 50050 Weekly a EsOnlale Z Yr Ow 00400 2 X tnooth Crab PH 50060 7 X month Grab CHLDRINE C0610 Momhiy Grob N113 -N -Cont COS30 2 X month Grnb TSS - Cane 00094 Munthly Grab CADUCTYY 01042 Quarterly Grab COPPLR 01051 Monthly Gmb LEAD TGE3E Quarterly Crab a1VSD24PF 2400 clock no NOD dock IH,, WRIN mgU su UNI 1ngli rng/l urlh.d— ug/1 do pass/fail 1 0730 3 Y 0 2 0730 3 Y 00074 3 0730 8 Y 0 4 0730 8 Y 00049 72 1R O8 <25 698 12 <10 PASS 5 0730 8 Y 00027 6 0730 R Y 00084 7 013D 8 Y 0 807 30 3 IN 00028 9 0730 3 N 0 0053 t0 07 3D 8 Y 100052 11 0730 8 Y U 12 0730 8 Y 00056 13 0730 8 Y 0 14 10730 8 Y 0 15 0730 3 Y 00101 16 0730 3 Y 00057 17 0730 8 I Y 00057 is 0730 8 1 Y 00065 171 <26 19 0730 R Y 0 0076 20 '0730 8 Y 0 008 20 xt D730 8 Y 00055 22 0730 3 N 0OD58 23 07 30 3 N 0 24 0730 8 Y 00051 25 07 30 8 Y 00042 x6 0730 8 ly 00033 27 0730 8 Y 0,0036 28 0730 8 Y 00047 19 07 3U 3 Y 00079 30 07 30 3 Y 1 00027 INI—Ibly A—go Llmil 10 125 aluathly A -Haim 000429 19 08 0 698 12 0 Wit, 00101 72 20 08 0 698 12 U Dady 61,mmam 0 7 1 18 08 10 i698 12 0 ****NoReporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTHR-No Visitation— Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Dirve WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE: PCA eDMR PERIOD: 04-2017 (April 2017) PERMIT VERSION• 4 0 PERMIT STATUS: Active CLASS. PC -1 COUNTY: Carteret ORC: Prank James Sansone ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 STATUS: Piocessed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE : NO (Continue) A v o V F u a� 1- i'• '7 6 — O y D E — O v 0 O Y 00480 mmthty a Grab x` j SALINITY 70295 Monthly Gmb RESIMSS 00070 monthly Grab TUR13IDTV 01092 Quar(erly Crab ZINC 24000-1, 11- 2400 clack rIrs Y7a7N Ingh ntu UPA 1 1 10730 3 Y 2 0730 3 Y 3 0730 8 Y 4 0730 8 Y 03 427 03 <10 5 0730 8 Y s 0730 8 Y 7 0730 8 Y 8 0730 3 N 9 (17 3(I 3 N 10 07,30 8 Y 1I 10110 8 Y 12 10730 8 Y 13 0730 8 Y 14 07 30 8 Y 45 0730 3 Y IC 0730 3 Y 17 0730 8 Y I8 0730 9 Y Ig 0730 8 Y 20 0730 8 Y 21 0730 8 Y 22 07.30 3 N 23 0730 3 N 24 0730 8 Y 25 0730 111 ly i 07.30 s IY 27 07.30 8 Y 38 0730 8 Y 29 0730 3 Y 30 0730 3 Y M1innlhly Aremge 1,,0115 M1mnitdy Arcrvse 03 427 03 0 nauy M1in:,mom 03 427 03 0 UnOy M1finlmum 103 427 103 10 ***'No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, GNVWTUR=No Visitation — AdyerseWeather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY= No Visitation —Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO - NC0072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR. PERIOD: 04-2017 (Apel 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT ST ATUS. Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS: Piocessed SUBMISSION DATE: 05/23/2017 05/23/2017 ORC/Certifter Signature- Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health of the environment Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the cu cumstances If the facility is noncomphant, please attach a list of conective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part ILE 6 of the NPDES permit. 05/23/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature °** Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail,d Willis@beaufortne org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 PerrnitExpiration Date. 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted, Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME: Enviiomnentdl Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAB #. DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http,//portal,ncdenr org/web/wq/swp/ps/rnpdes/forms. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the repos ting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data. t No Flow/Discliarge From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period, ** ORC on Site9 ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as tequired per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Perriuttee. If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory autlioi ity must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME, Glenda DLive WTP OWNER NAME: Pown of Beaufort GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD, 05-2017 (May 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4,0 CLASS. PC -I ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 1,0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteiet ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Piocessed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO D V E V tE e h P a O y o O z O 50050 a z Weekly EVInlatc A FLOW M400 2 X mouth Grab PH 50060 2 X monU1 Grab CHLORINE C0610 monthly Grab NH3-N-Cunt C0530 2 X month Grab TSS -Cone 00094 monthly Grab CNDUCTvv 01042 Quarterly Grab COPPER 01051 MonUlly Grob LEAD 00480 monthly Grab SAI rATTV 2400 duck Hrc 2400 dock Hr. V%flIN -Rd 5U UgA Me me/l 11112hodclil Ugtl URI] m 1 i 07 30 B Y 00056 2 0730 B Y 00106 73 08 126 748 <10 <10 04 3 0730 8 Y 0 4 U7 30 8 Y 00079 5 0730 8 Y 0 6 0731) 3 N D D104 7 0730 3 N 0 8 0730 8 Y 00022 9 0730 8 Y .00052 < 10 10 0730 8 Y 00092 1t 0730 9 Y 00047 12 0730 8 Y 00056 13 0730 3 Y 0 14 0730 3 Y 00071 IS 0730 8 Y 00022 t6 0730 8 Y 00053 73 <26 17 07 30 8 Y 00023 t 8 10730 8 Y 00062 I9 10730 8 Y 00014 20 0730 3 N 0 005 21 1 0730 3 N 0 22 0730 8 Y 00074 23 0730 8 Y 00053 13 24 0730 8 Y 00045 25 0730 8 Y 0 0025 26 0730 8 Y 1 U 0022 27 10730 3 Y 100072 28 0730 3 Y 0 GO 29 07 30 3 N 00056 30 0730 8 Y 0ODS I 11 073D 8 Y 0 Nimbly A crag, Lbn11 id 10 125 02aarhly A,, ga , 0004281 65 08 U 748 U 0 0 4 Dolt) W.imam 001U6 73 13 08 0 748 0 0 04 Daily Minlranm 0 7 3 0 0 8 0 748 0 0 O q ****No Reporting Reason•ENFRU8E=NoFloiv-Reuse/Rccycic, GNVWTIIR=NoVisltation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW-NoFIDW, HOLIDAY=No Visitation —Hohday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 05-2017 (May 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Piaiik James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT ]DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO (DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) n o ao u o o o` N u o _ z z 70295 ManUily Grab Res/Orss 00070 ManOily Grab TU[tnIDTY 01092 Quaderly Grab ZINC 2400 r]ork 11r, 3400 dock Hr. WHIN rnyjI ntu uyJi 1 0730 8 Y 2 0130 8 Y 464 04 < IU 3 0730 8 Y 4 07 30 8 Y 5 0730 8 Y 0 07 3D 3 N 7 07 30 3 N 8 0730 8 Y 9 0730 8 Y 10 0730 8 Y [ i 0730 8 Y 12 0730 B Y 13 0730 3 Y 14 0730 3 Y i5 10730 8 Y 16 07 30 8 Y L7 0730 8 Y 18 0730 8 Y 19 0730 8 Y 10 073D 3 N 21 0730 3 N u 0730 8 Y 2J 0730 8 Y 14 0730 8 Y 25 0730 8 Y 26 07 3U 8 Y 27 0730 3 Y 28 0730 3 Y 29 07 30 3 N 30 0730 S Y }] 07 30 8 Y hlom6ly A[emgr Limit h[a�tn[yAvrrrsr 464 04 0 Dfly 464 04 0 Dally h110lm— 464 04 0 °°""NoReporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reusc1Rccycic, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=No Visitation — Eoliday NPDES PERMIT NO.. NCO072702 PERMIT VERSION- 4 0 PERMIT STATUS: Active FACILITY NAME: Glenda Duve WTP OWNER NAME. Town ofBcaufort GRADE PC -1 eDMR PERIOD. 05-2017 (May 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Cuwpliaot CLASS. PC -1 ORC. Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Piocessed SUBMISSION DATE: 06/12/2017 06/12/2017 ORC/Cortifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. The penmttee shall report to the Duectoi of the appiopt tate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances if the facility is noncomphant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part IT E 6 of the NPDES permit 06/12/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature *** Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d.willis@beaufortnc oig Phone #;252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address, Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date 07/31/2017 I ecrlify, under penalty of law, that (lits document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations LAB NAME: Environmental Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAB #. DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES- Fiank Sansone CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http //portal ncdenr org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Discharge From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period ** ORC on Site?. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Permittee If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatoiy authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 213 0506(b)(2)(D). NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Dl ive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 06-2017 (June 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC. Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION. 10 PERMITSrA•rUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO ` O e (g F 4 O ° V O o` a O q 50050 u Weckly Fsnmale r2 .'` FLOW 011400 2 X —.01 Groh p11 50060 2 X lnanih Grab CHLORINE C0610 1,10rably Grab NII}N - Cane C0530 2 X month Grob TSS •Cone 00094 M-thly Groh CNUUCIl1' 01042 Qo.ulerly Grab COPPFR D1651 Moattily Crab IFAO 1114111 MonOily Grab SAI INITY 2400 clock Ilrs 2400 clock Un Y/11lN rpgd su up/1 I mg/l mP)l umhmkm ug/1 ugn mg/1 t 73D s 100078 2 730 8 Y 00022 3 730 3 N 00049 4 730 3 N 00028 5 730 8 Y 00046 6 730 8 Y 00079 71 1708 <25 738 13 <10 04 7 730 8 Y 0 s 730 8 Y 0 008 9 730 8 Y 0 10 1730 8 Y 00075 11 1730 8 Y 00094 t2 730 8 Y 0 13 730 8 Y .00072 14 730 8 Y 100022 I5 730 8 Y 00019 16 730 8 N 00048 17 730 3 N 0 0027 I8 730 3 N 00057 19 730 8 Y 0 20 730 8 Y 00079 71 <25 21 730 8 Y 00022 22 730 8 Y 00071 22 730 is ly a U029 24 7 311 3 Y 00 7 25 7 30 3 Y 00048 26 730 8 Y 00028 21 7 30 8 Y 0 0052 20 28 730 8 Y 0 005 29 730 8 Y 00053 311 1731 8 Y 00048 Tloalhly A. ng. L1.0, t0 125 M-Ifily Alcroae 0004577 185 0 9 0 738 13 0 04 Dolly Sfaz�mum 00084 7.1 20 08 0 738 13 0 04 uanyAanimwa 0 71 117 108 10 738 13 10 04 ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE =No Flow- Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTIIR=NoVlsitation— AdverseWeather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVlsitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO,: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Di we WTP OWNER NAME. Town ofBeaufoit GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD 06-2017 (June 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Frank Jaines Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED. No VERSION: 1,0 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY, Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Piowssed SAMPLING LOCATION: EF'F'LUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE': NO (Continue) c' 6 F Y0 6 U 4 9 E 12 2L O y O F i O w Ua O 10295 s a Monthly E o Grab a Z nE6JDISS 00070 Monthly Grab rU1tUIU7Y 01092 Quurierl Grab ZINC 2400 dock H. 201) duk I1" WRIN MMI 11tH ug1l 1 730 8 Y 2 730 8 Y 3 730 3 N < 1730 3 N 5 7 30 8 Y 6 730 8 Y 454 05 X10 7 7 30 8 Y 8 7 30 8 Y 9 730 a Y 10 7 30 8 Y 11 7 30 8 Y 12 730 8 Y 13 730 8 Y 8 Y 730 8 Y730 8 N V14730 730 3 N 730 3 N 730 8 Y 730 8 Y 21 1730 8 Y 22 730 8 Y 23 73U 8 Y 24 7 30 3 Y 25 730 3 Y 26 730 8 Y 27 730 8 Y 25 7 30 8 Y 29 7 30 a Y 30 736 8 Y aIuoiLly n,erngc Limrtt Noaibly A.crecc 454 05 0 Uany Murlmum 454 05 0 Daiq 01WIamm, ,154 05 0 s**«NoRepor1n7gRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Iteuse/Recycic, ENVWTHR=NoVisitanon—AdvcrscWcather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NriVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME. Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME- Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD 06-2017 (Tune 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant PERMIT VERSION 40 CLASS PC -1 ORC: Funk James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED. No VERSION. 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 2527282130 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 07/20/2017 07/20/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature- Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufoitnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The pennittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the envnonment Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part II E 6 of the NPDES pennit 07/20/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature•*** Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail.d.willis@beaLifortne.org Phone #•252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address: Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date. 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepaied under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person of persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibihty of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations LAB NAME• Environmental Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAB #: DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Frank Sansone CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http //portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Discharge From Site- Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period ORC on Site? ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 80 0204. *** Signature of Permittee. If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state pet 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D). NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2017 (July 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -I ORC- Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED, No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNfY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO o f e s U p y o p 9 p Y 2 O O E r O p u O SOQSQ a4 w Weekly S Estimate z �°, MOW 0Q40Q 2Xmonth Crab pit 60Q6u 2Xman01 Grab CHLOrUNE C06I0 Monthly Grab N113 -N -Cont CO570 2XmonOi Grab TSS - Cane Qou9d Monthly Grab CNDUCPVY 0[uJ2 Quarterly Grab CLIPPER 01051 Monthly Grab LLAD T6E3E Quarterly Grab N1'SD2JPF 2,100 duck It,, 24QQ dock Drs YIa/N mga su 11w] mgn raWl umhoS/en1 ugil ug/I pawfad r 0730 3 N 00022 2 0730 3 N 00056 3 0730 8 Y 00079 4 0730 3 Y 0 OD45 5 0730 8 Y 00048 6 0730 1 it Y 0 0049 7 0730 8 Y 00048 8 0730 3 Y 0OD5 9 0710 3 Y 0OD28 to 07 30 8 Y 00054 11 0730 8 Y 00047 72 29 09 < 2 5 805 < 10 '10 PASS ix 0730 8 Y O 13 07 30 8 Y 00079 14 07 30 8 Y 0 0052 is 0730 3 N DOD48 16 07 30 3 N Out I7 0730 8 Y 0 008 IB 0730 9 Y D D047 19 8 Y 00049 20 .0730 07 30 8 Y 0 21 0730 8 Y 00044 22 0730 3 Y 00081 23 0730 3 Y 0 OD48 24 0730 R Y .00022 25 0730 8 Y OOD4B 7 <10 <25 26 0730 8 Y D 0057 27 0730 8 Y It 28 0730 8 Y 0 DD98 29 0730 3 N 0 30 0730 3 N 0 0056 31 0730 8 Y 0 0023 3fonlhiy A�eraye Llmll Ia 12 S M.whty A—g` 0004703 145 09 10 Rus D 0 Dairy Nanmum 001 72 29 0 9 U 805 D 0 Dn[[y AilohawaO 7 0 09 0 805 0 0 **** No RLporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation — Adverse Weather, NOFLOW =No Flow, HOLIDAY =No Visitation—Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 07-2017 (July 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Flank fames Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STATUS Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS- Processed SAWLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) o D e U E F e = e O O O w a O = 00480 Monthly ° Grab e� Z SAT INI'IY 70195 Monthly Grab RE8/DI55 00070 Monthly TUIIDID7'Y 01092 Qaodcrly Grab ZINC 2400 clock Ars 2400 clock W, yaw myjl n'p)l 11tu 0911 1 07 30 3 N 2 07 30 3 N 3 07 30 8 Y 4 0730 3 Y 5 0730 8 Y 6 0730 8 Y 7 0730 8 Y 8 0730 3 Y 9 0730 3 Y 10 0730 8 Y 11 0730 8 Y 04 526 12 <10 12 0730 8 Y 13 0730 8 11Y 14 07 30 8 Y 1s 0730 3 N 16 0730 3 N 17 0730 8 Y I8 0730 18 Y 19 07 30 8 Y 20 07 30 8 Y 21 07 30 8 Y 22 07 30 3 Y 23 07 30 3 Y 24 0730 8 Y 25 07,306 Y 26 07 30 8 Y n 0730 8 Y ze 0730 8 Y 29 0730 3 N 30 07 30 3 N 31 D7 30 8 Y h1onlLly Arrange LLnllr WOW A—g- 04 526 12 D Deily Tlutmam U4 526 112 0 Deilyhllnlmum D4 526 12 0 +*"k NoRcportingRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Rcusc/RecyG1c, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO072702 FACILITY NAM -F. Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 cDMR PERIOD: 07-2017 (July 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS. Comphant PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Flank James Sansone ORC HAS CIIANGED: No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS: Active COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS. Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 08/22/2017 08/22/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d.willis@beaufortnc.org Phone #.252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall i eport to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment Any information shall be provided orally wither 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part 11 E 6 of the NPDES permit. 08/22/2017 Permittee/Submittei Signature.*"'F Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortne org Phone #;252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address. Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date, 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based oil my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME' Envnonmental Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAB #: DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: FRank Sansone PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http //portal.nedenr.org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/fomis. FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Discharge From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be entered for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period ** ORC on Site? ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204. *** Signature of Permittee. If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state pei 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME, Town of Beaufort GRADE, PC -I eDMR PERIOD: 08-2017 (August 2017) PERMIT VERSION• 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Prank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS. Expued COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT (DISCHARGE lid®.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO O P 1El° v d e r F F a O Q o° O 50050 z Wcdmy E o Fsbmle FLOW 00100 2 X monlb Gmb pil 50060 2 X month drab CIILDRINC corm MonOily Grab N113 N - Cone C0530 2 X month Grub TSS Conc 00094 Mnalhly Grab Cf.DUCTW 0t04z Qunnerly CruO COPPER 0tust klon(hly Grub LEAD 00450 Monthly Crab SALINITY 2400 cluck If,, 2400 dock 11. Yn3/N mgd 5a ug/I mg/I mpjl nmhoslem ugJl u l 1 0730 8 Y 0 O 7 17 125 2 07 30 8 Y 00057 3 07 30 8 Y 00022 4 07 30 8 Y 0 0076 5 D7 30 3 Y 00023 6 07.30 3 Y 00047 7 0730 8 Y 00048 8 0730 8 Y 0 004 9 0130 9 Y 00043 t0 0730 8 Y 00013 LI 0730 8 N 00049 22 07 30 3 N D 0423 13 0730 3 N 00054 14 0730 8 Y D DD22 15 0730 8 Y 00051 7 20 102 <25 695 <10 <10 03 16 10730 8 Y 0 OD47 17 10730 8 Y 0 to 0730 8 Y 00102 1, 730 0077 3 Y 0 20 07 30 3 Y 0 005 21 10730 a Y 00072 22 0730 8 Y 1 00059 23 0730 8 Y 000.54 24 07 30 8 Y 001 25 0730 8 Y Doffs 26 0730 3 N 00049 27 0730 3 N 0 003 28 07 30 8 Y 00067 29 1711 8 Y 0 0029 30 07 308 Y 00022 JI 2730 8 Y 0 0052 M-41fly At emge Llmlt l0 12S Biunlhly Average 0004513 165 0 0 695 0 0 03 Dolly Alaclnmmi 00102 7 20 0 0 695 0 0 03 Dally 6ilnlmem O 7 13 10 0 695 0 4 .03 ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE= No Flow-RcusclRecycle, ENVWTHR-No Visitation—AdverseWcathcr, NOFLOW=NoF1ow, HOLIDAY= No Visitation — Homey NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME. Glenda Drive WTI' OWNER NAME Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 08-2017 (August 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC- Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS. Expired COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: Placesscd SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) a q 5 a V f- V n F D o O o u o t 70295 Monthly Grab >, >tL'8/DLSS 00070 m..aiiy Gnb TUrtntUTY 01092 Quarterly Grab ZINC 2400 clock Urs 2400 cluck His Y7alN ulP,/1 rtu up/l 2 10730 8 Y 2 0730 8 Y 3 0730 8 Y 4 D7 30 8 Y 5 0730 3 Y 6 0730 3 Y 7 D730 8 Y If D730 8 Y 9 0730 9 Y t0 D730 8 Y It 0730 8 N t2 07 30 3 1 N 23 D730 3 N 14 0730 8 Y 15 0730 8 Y 451 1 1 <10 L6 0730 8 Y 17 07 30 8 Y is 0730 8 Y L9 0730 3 Y 20 0730 3 Y 21 0730 8 Y 22 U7 30 8 Y 23 0730 8 Y 24 D7 30 8 Y 25 0730 8 Y 26 0730 3 N 27 0730 3 N 28 D7 30 8 Y 29 0730 B Y 30 10730 8 1 Y 3L D73D 8 Y hf-thly A -mgr U-1, bl-W3 Ar gc 451 1 i D nNly451 1 L 0 Dully Umimum 451 L 1 0 ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=NoFlow-Reuse/Recyclo, ENVY'VTHR=NoVlsitatlon—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=NoFloly, HOLIDAY=NoVisitation—Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTI' OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD• 08-2017 (August 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS. Coinphdnt PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -I ORC: Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 CONTACT PHONE #. 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS Expired COUNTY. Carteiet ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS- Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 09/25/2017 09/25/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from the time the permittee became aware of the circuinstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part H E 6 of the NPDES permit 09/25/2017 Permittee/Submitter Signature *** Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortnc org Phone # 252-728-2141 Date Peninttee Addiess Glenda Dr Beaufort NC 28516 Permit Expiration Date 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared undei my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathei ng the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment foi knowing violations. CERTIFIED LABORATORIES LAB NAME. Environmental Chemist hic CERTIFIED LAB # DLS// 33729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Frank Sdnsono PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http.//portal ncdelir org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forins FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Dischaige From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a iesult, there are no data to be entered for all of the paiarreters on the DMR foi entre monitoiing pet iod ** ORC on Site9 ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204 *** Signatune of Permittee If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state pei 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D). NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME. Glenda Diwe WTP OWNER NAME: Town ofBcaufoit GRADE: PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2017 (September 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: Flank Tames Sansone ORC HAS CHANGE, D. No VERSION. 1 0 PERMIT STATUS• Lxpued COUNTY Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS- Processed SAMPLING LOCATION: EF'F'LUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO ]DISCHARGE*: NO ****NoRcpodtngRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Plow, HOLIDAY= NoVisitation —Holiday e" F7 E a .q a F E s k < = 6 ~ C o ^ u O { 50n50 b Weekly C Lsumate Z FLOW en400 2 X month Grab Pu 58060 2 X muntll Grab Crla ORiNF 00610 Monthly Crab 1ri Cane 1na Coag 2 X mnnth Gr,b rss - Cone 00094 Monthly Gnb ChDUCTVY 0042 Quarterly Grnb COPPER 01051 Mombly Gmb IEAD 804110 Monthly Grab SAI II,ITY N.(),... 1411 VN clock 11" Yn1R4m d sil uyjl mil mgll umboskm ug/l ug/l mg1l 1 730 8 Y 0 0078 2 7 30 3 Y 00027 3 730 3 Y 0 4 130 3 Y U 0137 5 7-30 8 Y 00051 6 7 30 8 Y 00027 7 730 8 Y 00076 8 7 30 8 N 00029 9 730 3 N 00029 10 7 30 3 N 0007S) 1 1 7 30 8 Y 00035 12 730 8 Y 0004 72 27 09 <25 649 <10 <10 03 13 1730 8 Y U 14 730 8 Y 00101 15 7 30 8 Y 0 UU56 Ifi 730 3 Y 001 17 730 3 Y 100023 ie 7 30 8 Y 100027 t9 730 B Y 00026 20 730 8 Y 00022 21 730 8 N 00049 22 730 8 N 00044 23 1730 3 N 0 0055 24 1730 3 N 0 25 730 B Y 00077 26 730 8 Y 00048 7 12 <26 27 730 8 Y 00079 28 730 8 Y 00049 29 730 8 Y 00046 3U 730 3 Y 00047 �ianlhty A,craec L-11 10 125 \fonrbly A, ernes 0004853 195 09 0 649 U 0 03 Mlymnmlmn,n 00137 72 27 09 0 649 0 0 03 Dmty alln m m 0 7 12 09 0 1649 0 U 103 ****NoRcpodtngRcason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTHR=No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Plow, HOLIDAY= NoVisitation —Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Di ye WTP OWNER NAME, Town of Beaufort GRADE. PC -1 eDMR PERIOD: 09-2017 (Scptcmbei 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -I ORC. Frank lames Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER, 28892 STATUS: Proccsbed SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE' NO (Continue) e o' u u F K o 6 0` o` a o C 70295 MonOily Gnb z nrsmtss GOa70 Monthly Crab TURDIDTY 01092 Qun.ierly Grab ZINC 24000m�k W. 2400 clock Fir, YON 01g/i um ug/I 1 730 8 Y 2 730 3 Y 1 730 3 Y 4 730 3 Y 5 730 8 Y 6 730 8 Y 7 730 8 Y e 730 8 N 9 7 3U 3 N 10 730 3 N 11 730 8 Y 12 730 8 Y 416 03 <10 13 730 8 Y 14 730 8 Y is 730 8 y 16 730 3 Y 17 730 3 Y 18 730 8 Y 19 73U 8 Y 20 730 8 Y 21 730 8 N 22 7 30 8 N 21 730 3 N 24 730 3 N 25 1 1730 8 y 26 730 8 Y 27 730 8 Y 28 730 8 Y 29 730 8 Y 30 730 3 Y nranthry A, er.ge Lim,f mm-mly n.cn6c 416 03 0 DallyAWN".m 416 03 0 D.ay minimum 416 103 0 ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE =No Flow-Reus0Recycle, ENVWTHlt= No Visitation—Adversc Wcatllcr, NOFLOW =No Flow, HOLIDAY=No Visitation—liollday NPDES PERMIT NO.: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME. Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC-] eDMR PERIOD: 09-2017 (September 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS. Compliant PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -I ORC: ri ank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMIT STATUS: Expired COUNTY- Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS Processed SUBMISSION DATE: 10/16/2017 10/16/2017 ORC/Certifier Signature Donovan Heath Willis E-Mail,d wrIli s@beaufortne,org Phone #.252-728-2141 Date By this signature, I certify that tlus report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Director or the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any mfoimatton shall be provided orally within 24 liouis from the time the perinittee became aware of the cacumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part II.E.6 of the NPDES permit 10/16/2017 Peimiltee/Subnutler Signatuie *** Donovan Heath Willis E -Mail d willis@beaufortuc org Phone 9,252-728-2141 Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr BeaufortNC 28516 Permit Expiration Date 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or poisons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations LAB NAME: Erivnonmental Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAII #: DLS # 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES Frank Sansone CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting httpJ/portal ncdenr org/web/wq/swp/pshmpdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data * No Flow/Dischargc From Site, Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there are no data to be enter ed for all of the parameters on the DMR for entire monitoring period ** ORC on Site? ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G.0204 *** Signature of Permittee- If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory autlioi ity must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D) NPDES PERMIT NO: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME- Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town ofBcaufart GRADE. PC -I cDMR PERIOD: 10-2017 (October 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS: PC -1 ORC: Flank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 1 0 PERMIT STATUS: Expued COUNTY: Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER. 28892 STATUS: In Progress SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO o k e ea u 2 2 F' 6 F O — o IE O F O SUED Weekly Esbmate j FLOW 00400 2 X month Grob pH 50060 2 X month Grab CHLORINE C0610 Monthly Grab r,Hi N - Cone C0s10 2 X ...0,Munlhly Grab TSS •Cone 00094 Grnb CI+nDCT" D1042 Q-,I.,Iy Gmb COPT Eli 0105[ Monthly Grab LLAD TGE3E Quarterly Grab NIYSD24PF 2400 e1aek 11. 1400 clack Itrs Y/81N mgd so 08/1 tog/1 mg/1 umhux/em u.fl ug/l pass/tall I 7,30 3 Y 0 007 2 730 8 Y 0 3 730 8 Y U UU73 711 15 03 <26 3090 <10 < 10 PASS 4 730 8 Y 00072 5 730 8 Y 0 6 730 8 Y 00097, 7 730 3 N 00052 8 730 3 N D 9 7 30 8 Y D 0079 10 7 30 8 Y 0 00fi6 11 7 30 8 Y 10 11 730 8 Y 00071 13 730 8 Y 00051 14 1 730 3 Y 0 15 730 3 Y 001 16 730 8 Y 0 17 730 8 Y 00103 7.2 <10 <25 t8 730 8 Y0005 19 730 8 Y 0 0075 20 730 8 Y 00022 21 730 3 N 00053 22 730 3 N 0 D027 23 730 8 Y 00055 24 7 30 8 Y 0 0079 25 7 30 8 Y U 0027 26 7 30 8 Y 0 005 27 7 30 8 Y D 26 7.30 3 Y 00093 29 730 3 Y 00078 3D 730 8Y 00034 31 7 3U 8 Y 0 hfonlbly Average L. i ID 125 6taNhly A. ge 000491 75 03 0 3090 0 0 DAY Dlaxhmmn 00103 72 15 03 0 3090 0 0 Dally \Lmmum 0 71 10 103 1 0 13090 10 to ****No Reporting Reason ENFRUSE=No Flow-Reuse/Recycle, ENVWTHR-No Visitation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, HOLIDAY=NDVisitation—Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO: NCO072702 FACILITY NAME: Glenda Drive WTP OWNER NAME: Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD: 10-2017 (October 2017) PERMIT VERSION: 4 0 CLASS. PC -1 ORC: Frdnk James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED: No VERSION: 10 PERMIT STAT US. Expired COUNTY: Caltclet ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: in Pi og1 ess SAMPLING LOCATION: EFFLUENT DISCHARGE NO.: 001 NO DISCHARGE*: NO (Continue) 't"NoRcportingRenson ENFRUSP=NoFlo%v-Rcusc/Rccycle, ENVWTHR=NoVisltation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, FIOLIDAY-NoVlsitation— Holiday E H e U E- F. o OO y e o` 0 o 60ae0 i Monthly Grnb d 7 SALINITY 70295 Mantlily Grab RESIn195 60070 Monthly Grab TUAIIn)TY 61092 Quarterly Crab ZINC 2400 clock 11r. 1466 clock 11r. VJa1N PPt mpJl nln u9A 3 730 3 Y 3 730 8 Y 3 7 30 8 Y 1 6 1950 03 <10 4 730 8 Y 5 730 8 y 6 730 8 Y 7 730 3 N a 730 3 N 9 730 8 Y 16 730 8 Y 11 730 8 Y 12 730 8 Y 13 730 8 Y 14 730 3 Y 15 730 3 Y 16 730 8 y 17 730 8 Y IE 7.30 8 Y 19 73D 8 Y 10 730 8 Y 21 730 3 N 11 730 3 N 13 7 30 B Y 24 730 8 Y 15 730 8 Y 26 7,30 8 Y 27 730 8 Y Sa 730 3 Y 29 730 3 Y 30 730 8 Y 3t 7.30 8 Y a1.n16tyA,. gs L...1 ,3foatbty A,e p, 16 1950 03 0 n.,1y M.n 1 6 1950 03 111 O.ai 61.1, m t 6 1950 !03 0 't"NoRcportingRenson ENFRUSP=NoFlo%v-Rcusc/Rccycle, ENVWTHR=NoVisltation—Adverse Weather, NOFLOW=No Flow, FIOLIDAY-NoVlsitation— Holiday NPDES PERMIT NO • NCO072702 FACILITY NAME- Glenda Di ive WTP OWNER NAME- Town of Beaufort GRADE: PC -I eDMR PERIOD. 10-2017 (October 2017) COMPLIANCE STATUS: Compliant ORC/Certifier Signature PERMIT VERSION. 4 0 CLASS. PC -I ORC. Frank James Sansone ORC HAS CHANGED, No VERSION: 10 CONTACT PHONE #: 728-2130 PERMI F STATUS: Expired COUNTY- Carteret ORC CERT NUMBER: 28892 STATUS: In Progress SUBMISSION DATE: E -Mail. Phone # Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge The permittee shall report to the Director of the appropriate Regional Office any noncompliance that potentially threatens public health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours Som the time the peimittee became aware of the circumstances A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances If the facility is noncompliant, please attach a list of corrective actions being taken and a time -table for improvements to be made as required by part II E.6 of the NPDES permit Permittee/Submitter Signature,*** E -Mail Phone # Date Permittee Address Glenda Dr BeaufortNC28516 Pei mit Expu ation Date 07/31/2017 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared imdei my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who managed the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations LAB NAME: Environmental Chemist Inc CERTIFIED LAB #: DLS# 37729 PERSON(s) COLLECTING SAMPLES: Frank Sansone CERTIFIED LABORATORIES PARAMETER CODES Parameter Code assistance may be obtained by calling the NPDES Unit (919) 807-6300 or by visiting http•//portal nedenr,org/web/wq/swp/ps/npdes/forms FOOTNOTES Use only units of measurement designated in the reporting facility's NPDES permit for reporting data *No Flow/Discharge From Site Check this box if no discharge occurs and, as a result, there arc no data to be entered for all of the parameter son the DMR for entire monitoring period. ** ORC on Site?- ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8G 0204 *** Signature of Pennittec, If signed by other than the permittee, then delegation of the signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B 0506(b)(2)(D)