HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC-133_SOS v1.pdfSTATE OF NORTH CAAOLINA DEP�.z�Nr oF �sPORTA�oN RaY cooP�� GOVERI�OR tuT_I �luT[�]'7���1ilu� November 15, 2017 FROM: Kxista H. Kimmel Design Engineer Division Design Construct — Division Three North Carolina Dep�rtz�rzent ofTransportation 3AME� H. TROGDON, III SECRE'CARY SUBJECT: S�art of Study �or th� Proposed improvements of NC 133 {Castle Hayne Road) from I-140/US 17 (Wilmington Sypass) to SR 1310 (Divisian Drive) New Hanover County. The Narth Carolina DepaY�tment of Transportation (NCDOT) has retained Stantec Consulting Seivices Inc. to prepare a State EAIFONSI for the proposed widening of NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) frorn I-140/US 17 (Wilmington Bypass) �o SR 13 � 0{Division Drive), narth of US 74 (Martin Luther King Dxzve}. The praject is defined as State Transportation Program (STIP) 1'roject No. U- 5863. The project location is shown in Exhibii 1. T�e puzpose of t�is le�te�• is ta pxavide notification of the start of study and ta solicit comments regarding pot�ntial concerns or data within the proj ect corridor. If you haWe any questions please contac� me at 910-341-2000 or khkimmel(c�r�,ncdot.gov. Please subznrt co�nnments by Friday, Decernber I, 20I7. Project Descri�tion The proposed praject would wzden NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) to a multilane facility with bicycle and pedestrian facilities �orn I�140/U5 17 (Wilmington Bypass) to SR I310 (Division Drive). Planning and design studies wiIl evaluate options to increase capacity on Castle Hayne Road by adding travei lanes whe�•e feasible, optimizing signal pkzasing and signal caozdination, consolidating left turns, and providing access control measures, The project length is approximateIy 3.6 miles. Purpose and Neecl The need :for the proposed improvem.ents is primarxly based on current and projected traf%c volumes along th� carridar. Congestion is expected to continue as land along the corridor is further deveioped for residential and commercial uses. The purpose of the project is to increase capacity NC DEPARTME1�iT QF TRANSPORTATiOi` Teleplro�ae: (910) 341-2�00 HIGHVVAY UIVISION 3 Fa.r: (9l0) G75-0143 5501 SARSADOS �OULEVARD CustomerService: I-&77-368-4968 CASTLE HAITIE, NC 23q29 )Yebsire: w4��v.ncdot.gov NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) Widening STIP Project No. U-5863 Start of Study Letter Page 2 of 3 and improve mobility along the project corridor. In addition to mobility benefits, consolidating left turns will reduce vehicle conflicts points which will provide safety benefits along the corridor. General Characteristics of the Project Corridor The following paragraphs provide a description of the general characteristics and natural resources of the project corridor. Environmental features of the project corridor (based on available GIS data) are shown in Exhibit 2A-B. Community studies, stream/wetland investigations, and other studies will be included in the planning and design phase, in accordance with state and federal regulations. Land Use — Land use within the project corridor consist of primarily of residential development intermixed with commercial and institutional uses. The southern portion of the corridor is flanked by a higher amount of commercial development and industrial uses. Historic Resources — There are a number of historic properties along the project corridor. With the exception of Tinga Nursery and Wrightsboro Elementary School, the historic resources shown in Exhibit 2A-B have only been surveyed; it has not been determined whether any of these properties are eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Tinga Nursery is the only historic resource currently listed on the National Register. The property's contributing resources include the home, original barn, wash house, tenant room, and bulb barn, which are still in use at the nursery. Wrightsboro Elementary School was determined to be eligible for the National Register but is not currently listed on the National Register. Archaeological Resources & Cemeteries — Pottery findings along the banks of Ness Creek just west of the project corridor indicate the area was in continuous use been 500 BCE and 1200 AD.1 Although this indicates a potential for archaeological resources, the high level of disturbance along Castle Hayne Road likely precludes the presence of archaeological resources along the project corridor. As shown in Figure 2a-b, the Wrightsboro Baptist Church cemetery is located along the project corridor just north of Tinga Nursery on the west side of Castle Hayne Road. The Bethany Presbyterian Church cemetery is located behind the church outside the immediate project corridor. Socio-economic Characteristics — The project corridor and immediate vicinity have higher percentages of minority, low-income, and linguistically isolated populations than the state average.2 Streams and Wetlands — Based on available GIS data and preliminary field visit, the project corridor crosses two perennial streams. In the northern part of the corridor, the roadway crosses an unnamed tributary to Ness Creek. In the southern portion of the project corridor, the roadway crosses an unnamed tributary to the Cape Fear River. � New Hanover County Planning Deparhnent. 1991. Wrightsboro: An Eye on the Past... A Step Towards the Future. http://planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/1991-Wrightsboro-Plan.pdf 2 USEPA EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool. Accessed April 12, 2017. https://www. epa. �ov/ej screen NC 133 (Castle Hayne Road) Widening STIP Project No. U-5863 Start of Study Letter Page 2 of 3 Threatened and Endangered Species — The corridor is mostly urban in nature with large amount of maintained/disturbed land. According to North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) GIS data, there are no documented occurrences of threatened and endangered species within the project corridor. KHK/acs Attachments cc: File U-5863 — Scoping Fact Sheet November 15, 2017 TIP: U-5863 WBS: 46388.1.1 NCDOT PM: Krista Kimmel Proiect Descriution • Length: • Project limits: • Right of Way Date: • Let Date: • MPO / RPO: • Municipality: • General Description of Project: Drive). Widening project. Design Data • Functional Classification: • Type of Access Control: • Typical Section: • Right of Way: • Design Speed: • Posted Speed: • Current Year AADT: • Design Year AADT: • Full Size Plan Scale • Railroad Involvement: • Design Exception: County: New Hanover F.A.: NA Design PEF: Stantec, Amy Sackaroff 3.6 miles I-140/LTS 17 (Wilmington Bypass) to SR 1310 (Division Drive) FY 2021 FY 2023 Wilmington Urban Area MPO Wilmington NC 133 from I-140/US 17 (Wilmington Bypass) to SR 1310 (Division Minor arterial Existing: none; Proposed: partial control Multi 12-foot lanes, bike lanes, sidewalk, curb & gutter Existing: varies from 60-100 feet 55 mph 45 & 50 mph 9,200-16,900 vpd (2016) 11,000-20,500 vpd (2040) � 1:50 ❑ 1:30 ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes ❑ No � To be determined Other TIP Proiect(s) in the Area: The following projects that may affect the proposed project are assumed to be constructed prior to 2040: • U-3338 — Kerr Avenue Widening: Randall Pkwy to US 74 (Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy) (MTP ID R-1) • R-2633 — I-140 Wilmington Bypass: US 421 to US 74/76 (Andrew Jackson Highway) (MTP ID R-2) • U-6083 — N. 23rd Street Widening: US 74 (Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy) to NC 133/Castle Hayne Rd (MTP ID R-35) • U-5954 — NC 133/Castle Hayne Road & 23rd Street Roundabout (MTP ID R-42) Cost Estimates (uer 2017 feasibility studv; range of two alts) • Right of Way: $6,400,000 - $10,400,000 • Utilities: $3,000,000 - $4,100,000 • Construction: $16,700,000 - $21,100,000 • Total: $26,100,000 - $35,600,000 Rev. 10/30/2017 Discussion Topics Project Background Information See start of study letter. Known Issues Maintenance: Heritage Park neighborhood on the east side of Castle Hayne Road frequently experiences flooding. Traffic: 2040 No Build: all signalized intersections operate at LOS D or better except for the Castle Hayne Road & Kerr Avenue intersection. Utilities: Overhead and underground District: Environmental: One major drainage structure anticipated. Regional Traffic: Hayne Road corridor is a primary commute route for residents of Pender County and also conveys traffic to and from Wrightsboro Elementary School, located within the central portion of the project corridor, the GE facility north of the project, and the Wilmington International Airport, south of the project. Other: Sidewalk and bike lane would require municipal agreements; greenway plan identifies bike lanes and sidewalks for Castle Hayne Road. Planning • Type of Document: ❑ MCDC ❑ CE � EA/FONSI ❑ EIS/ROD • NEPA / 404 Merger Candidate? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Screening meeting needed Public Involvement • Study ArealConcept Public Workshop? • 25% Plan Public Workshop? • 65% Plan Public Workshop? • Public Hearing Required? • Visualization? � Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Unknown Rev. 10/30/2017 Design • Field Inspections? ❑ FDFI/PLFI ❑ CFI • Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities: � Yes ❑ No • Traffic Management Plans: � Yes ❑ No • ITS: ❑ Yes � No • Aesthetic Enhancements: ❑ Yes ❑ No • Landscaping: ❑ Yes ❑ No Tyuical Disciulines for PEF to urovide: • Planning • Traffic Forecasting • Traffic Capacity Analysis • Public Involvement (Coordinate with Division Staffl • Roadway Design • Hydraulic Design • Structure Design • Traffic Design (Signs, Signals, Pavement Markings, Traffic Control, ITS) • Erosion Control • Utility Design • Utility Coordination • GeoEnvironmental • Right of Way Acquisition • Landscaping Disciplines for NCDOT to provide: • Surveying • Pavement Design • Geotechnical Design Important Upcoming Submittal Dates: • Fifth day of each month — NCDOT Division 3 Monthly Design Update Due • Others TBD General Notes: • Submittals shall be in accordance with the "Guidelines to Be Used by Consultants for Producing Roadway Plans" unless otherwise directed. Guidelines can be found at: https://connect.ncdot. _�ov/projects/Roadwav/RoadwavDesi�nAdministrativeDocuments/Road wa,v%20Desi gn%20Consultant%20Coordination%20Guidelines.pdf • Manday estimates shall be generated using approved salary rates by PSMU for the Eastern On-Call Limited Services Contract. Please provide the latest approved salary rate sheet for prime and sub-consultants with your submittal. Ensure that the salary rate sheet and the manday estimate reflect the approved personnel and salary rates. Failure to do so will result in delay of Notice to Proceed. • All submittals shall be sent directly to NCDOT PM for distribution and review. • Please submit twelve full-size plan sets for preliminary plan and field inspection reviews. • Right of way and construction estimates shall be submitted with each plan submittal, excluding 15% plans. Vicinity Map: See attached Rev. 10/30/2017 _ \ X/� ` - - �' .,� -_ � �,_ � ♦ rt�� A ' ; - � - �. � � �,"�� �. ��,�a�� �'ti 7r i ! �, � �� ,�T�� � � s� I� ��. a +��� :'i : - �c � ,i r iP f �' �, � �-�' ��-�"��►ti' "l��10 y ,���` � �'i� � �~ t�0� ti�} • � � ��� .;1• � , a, �,� �v,��g ��` �' � �• � � . -. , • " L�`yc °s;a� i`Q : _ } � # , �( � . �� r ��v�. = � � ��. ` � � . �f � � e 7 " ��,.a '4 �lr, f � ��7���4 ��9� �' �i �,�:�� �s: �` T1• � r y �-� ,`y, Z ! `, �. � ( ) � t�� 'li�'ti � .�. � �,�/ ���' �f _ I ..[9r �I • '� ' �.� � ♦°� 1ti���� �i �\, �,�'��1) 'y.i� � � �._ ,l.y ' y �� ���.r ��h.�`'�t. � `y,�y � �.. - _ � , �e'� � �►. .I F� �gti ,3 ?�it'�$;�Y,� �� � ',� i� ' ~r.�� - 6� 4a 7� , .�! �� � .1 � � �C i _i ,� . . '/ ��1r <i � ' ��<'�, ;�:�l�a- ,a�'�„� �" ,p � s d� �� �;� �� 1 � `^�1 ^,:. �,�? I'� ��i � ` t �'�' e; � '�,;_` !�e,��yQi.�;A. . � �t ri�. � ;���� .�1 s:" 'r I +t � � :a � - -a _ � '��," ��'z�� ��r-�' R a , �+ r '� } : " � . . . 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