HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171170 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20171128Coastn! htaitaywnent ENVIRONMENTAL �UALITY November 20, 2017 MEMORANDUM: TO: F1tOM: SUl3JGCT: Applicanh Project Location: Proposed Yroject: Kristi Lynn Carpenter DWR Wetlands Unit Cat1�y Brittingham Major Permits Processing Coordinator ROY COOP£R covunor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Direclor CAMA/DREDGC & FILL Permit Application Review NCDOT-Bridgc No. 30 Beaufort Counh�, at Bridge No. 30 over Campbell Creek on NC 33 (T.I.Y. No. B-SG20). Proposes to replace the existing bridge with a new 1d0' long cored slab concrete bridgc and �ssoci�tcd infrnstructure on ne��� alignment. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and retum this form by December 10, 2017. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact, Stephen Lane, Permit officer at (252) 808-2808. Lxt. 208. Wlien appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. RF.PLY: SIGNED This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This a�ency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves oY the project only if the recommended chai�bes are incorporated. See attached. This abency objects to fhe project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE �Nothing Compares�.� StateofNorthCarotlna I Envlronmen[alQualltylCoastalManagement Morehead CIty O�ce I 400 CommerceAvenue I Morchead Gty, NC 26557 252 808 2808 _ _ . _____ _ __ _- ----MAJOR PERMI-T FEE Mr��'RIX - _ Apnlicant: N � �0'1 �e�,�����i�lyz 3� C8-.rl��I Selection Development Type Fee DCM % DWQ % (14300 1601 4351000931625 6253) (243001602 435100095 2341) I. Private, non-commercial � development that does not $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or o en water areas: II. Public or commercial � development that does not $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) involve the filling or excavation of any wetlands or o en water areas � Major Modification to a $Z50 100% ($250) 0% ($0) CAMA Ma or ermit III. For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre of wetlands and/or open water areas, determine if A, B, C, or D below a lies: III(A). Private, non- � commercial development, if $250 100% ($250) 0% ($0) General Water Quality Certification No. 4097 (See attached can be a lied: III(B). Public or commercial � development, if General $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) Water Quality Certification No. 4097 (See attached) can be a lied: Iil(C). if General Water � (luality Certification No. $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) 4097 (see attached) could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is needed because of concerns related to water quality or a uatic life: III(D). If Generat Water H� � Quality Certiflcation No. 60% ($240) 40% ($160) 4097 (see attached) cannot be a lied: IV. For development that � involves the filling and/or $475 60% ($285) 40% ($190) excavation of more than one acre of wetlands and/or o en water areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD IlWESTIGATION REPORT APPLICANT'S NAME: North Cazolina Department of Transportation LOCATION OF PROJECT STfE: The project is located at Bridge No. 30 over Campbell Creek on NC 33 in Beaufort County (T.I.P. No. B-5620). Photo Index - 2006: 92-8355 (R, 13) 2000: 92-1055 (G, 13) State Plane Coordinates - X: 2,690,266 Y: 567,504 Latitude: 35°32'33" N I.ongitude: 76°38'11" W INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA and D&F INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Site Visit — November 15, 2017 Was Applicant Present — No PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received Complete: November 16, 20017 Off'ice — Morehead City STfE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan — Beaufort County Land Classification From LUP — Conservation I (B) AEC(s) Involved: PTW, PTA, CS, CW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treaunent: Existing — N/A Planned- N/A (F� Type of Structures: Existing — Bridge for public use Planned - Bridge for public use (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source — N/A HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] V ffi,LEp OTHER (A) Open Water Existing Shading 2,200 sf Additional Shadin 440 sf (B) Coastal Wedands 142 sf 9,069 sf Mechanized Clearing 3,564 sf (C) Section 404 Wetlands 799 sf 3,033 sf Mechanized Clearing 1,927 sf (D) High Ground Disturbed by project 36,499 sf (D) Total Area Disturbed: 57,673 sq. ft. (E) Primary Nursery Area: No (F) Water Classification: SA; HQW, NSW Special Secondary Nursery Area: No Open: Yes 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace the existing 101' long bridge on NC 33 over Campbell Creek with a new 140' long cored slab concrete bridge and associated infrastruchue on new alignment: � FIELI) I1�1V��TIGATIOI�1 IiEPORT: N.C.I).Q.T. — BEAUFO1tT BRIDG� NO. 30 O�R CAIV�BELL CItEEK PAGE #2 NARRATIiTE DESCYtIPTIOI�T: Project Setting Bridge No. 30 is located over Campbell Creek on NC 33, approximately five miles east of the Town of Aurora in Beaufort County. NC 33 is the only highway directly connecting Aurora and eastern B eaufort County/northern Pamlico County. Typical elevations in the proj ect area range from 0 to 7 feet above the normal water level of Campbell Creek., The predominant land use in the vicinity of Bridge 30 is silviculture. There are no known archaeological or architectural resources within the project axea. Coastal Wetlands are dominant in all four quadrants of the bridge, with approximately 500' filled causeways on each end of the bridge leading to high ground. Five to ten feet wide canals run parallel with the west side of the road in.the project area. The existing Bridge 30 was constructed in 1948 and is 100.9' long by 27.5', wide. The bridge has 24' of clear roadway width; including two 9' wide travel lanes and 3' wide shoulders. The bridge is a fixed bridge consisting of four spans, with 25' horizontal distance between sparis. The vertical clearance underneath the bridge is 3'. The superstructure consists of a reinforced concrete deck on steel I-beams. The bridge is supported with reinforced concrete caps on timber piles. There are no stormwater runoff controls on the bridge, as the existing bridge deck has drains that lead directly into Campbell Creek. Multiple relic piles remain visible in the water from previous bridge projects. There are several utility lines in the project area. An overhead power 1'ine parallels the west side of NC 33 adjacent to the bridge and crosses aerially over Campbell Creek. A guy wire crosses over NC 33 at approximately 35' south of the bridge and leads to a guy pole on the east side of NC 33. An underground telecommunications line also parallels the west side of the highway, however, it is. attached to the powerline poles and crosses over Campbell Creek with the power lines. Beaufort County also has a water line that parallels the west side of the highway and bridge and erosses under Campbell Creek. Campbell Creek is classified SA; HQW, NSW by the Environmental Management Commission in the area of the proposed construction. Campbell Creek is located within the Tar-Pamlico River Basin, and therefore, subject to the Tar-Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules. Campbell Creek is classified by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission as Inland Waters but has not beeri � classified as a Primary Nursery Area. The waters downstream of the existing bridge are open to shellfishing by the Shellfisfi Sanitation Section of the Division of Marine Fisheries. At the project site Campbell Creek is approximately 75' to 80' wide and has a maximum water deptli of -7' below NWL in the channel. Navigation by small boat is possible up to the bridge. There were no SAV's observed in the project area during the site visit. . Project Proposal NCDOT proposes to replace the existing Bridge No. 30 over Campbell Creek. The project involves the replacement of the existing bridge and related approaches with a new cored slab concrete bridge and new approaches. The project has been designed to be constructed with phased construction techniques to reduce wetland impacts and maintain traffic on the existing highway. To initiate project construction, the west bound lane of the bridge would be closed to traffic. Traffic control would then be set up to provide alternating one-way traffic over the open lane of the bridge. The west bound lane of the bridge would tlien be demolished and removed from the site. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: N.C.D.O.T. — BEAUFORT BRIDGE NO. 30 OVER CAMPBELL CREEK PAGE #3 The westbound lane of the new bridge and approaches would then be constructed appmximately 13' downstream from their current location, to avoid conflicts between the construction machinery and traff'ic. Traffic would then be shifted onto the portion of the new bridge. The process would be repeated for the eastbound lane of the bridge. The new bridge as proposed would be 140' in length and 33' in width, which would be 39' longer and 5.5' wider than the existing bridge. The bride as proposed would include two 11' wide travel lanes, with 30.8' of clear deck width. The bridge would also have a L1' wide concrete rail along each side for safety purposes. The new bridge would consist of three spans; two 45' spans on the ends of the bridge, and a 50' span in the center of the bridge. The bridge would include two bents located within the creek. The design would provide 3.6' of vertical cleazance under the bridge and approximately 49' of horizontal cleuance through the bridge. The bridge would be constructed" utilizing phased construction techniques, which would not require the construction and use of a temporary work bridge. NCDOT has committed to build the new bridge with no deck drains over surface waters. The stormwater from the bridge would be conveyed via a closed deck drainage system to a drop inlet located at -Ir 16+75 RT. The stormwater would be conveyed from the drop inlet via an 18" x 20' pipe to a dissipator pad placed adjacent to the fill slopes and within Section 404 Wetlands, but outside of the Buffer Zones. The design would allow for the treatrnent of the stormwater in the wetland areas and Buffer Zones before being dischazged to the creek. The approach structures to the bridge would also be relocated to the east of their current location to coincide with the new bridge location. A 467' long section of roadway up to 75' wide (including existing fill) would be constructed on the north end of the new bridge and the grade would be raised by up to 6' neaz the bridge. A 215 section of the roadway would be undercut and backf'illed From Sta. 14+85 to Sta. 17+00. A 348' long section of roadway up to 77' wide would be constructed on the south end of the new bridge, and would raise the grade up to 6' above the existing substrate. A 360' section of the roadway would be undercut and backfilled from Sta. 18+15 to Sta. 21+75. The slopes for the new approaches aze to be constructed at a 3:1 ratio. The applicant analyzed the utilization of steeper slopes in the wetland azeas, however, due to the poor soil conditions at the site, it was determined that steeper slopes were not appropriate for the site conditions on this project. New guazdrails would be constructed along NC 33 for approximately 275' from each end of the bridge. The bases of the bridge aze to be stabilized with riprap. 1'he riprap as proposed would be up to 90' in length and 12' in width under each end of the bridge, and would be placed entirely above the normal water level of Campbell Creek. The applicant has proposed to excavate a 20' long x 70' wide section of existing roadway fill from beneath the northern end of the bridge, and excavate a 20' x 65' section of iill from beneath the southern end of the bridge. The two excavation azeas would be graded down to adjacent wefland elevations and allow access to the underside of the bridge for inspection and maintenance purposes, and restore portions of the floodplain. The applicant has also identified multiple relic piles from previous bridges at this location for removal during the proposed project. The replacement of the bridge would require that the existing overhead powerline guy wire that crosses over NC 33 at Sta. 18+50 to be temporarily removed, along with the guy pole that it is attached to. The guy wire and guy pole would be replaced in their previous locations after project FIELD INVESTIGATIOI�T REPORT: . N.C.D.O.T. - BEALTFO1tT BRIDGE NO. 30 OVER CAMPBELL CREEK PAGE #4 completion. The remaining portions of the overhead power line would not be in conflict with the proj ect and would not have to be reloeated. The telecommunications line and the water.line adj acent to the project are not in conflict with and would not be affected by the project. Anticipated Impacts The proposed bridge would permanently shade-2,640 sq. ft. of the waters of Campbell Creek, which would be 440 s.q. ft. more than that which exists with the current bridge. The constxuction of ' the bridge would result in the increase in tlie vertical navigable clearance;under the bridge, from 3.Q' to 3.6'. The increased bridge length would. also .allow an increase in the maximum navigational width from 24', to �49' and reduce the number of bents in the water from three tatwo. The multiple relic� pilings from previous bridges at .the site, ;some just below the water's surface, would be removed during project construction. , � . , - ± The increased:bridge and causeway width would result�in the_filling of 9,069 sq,.ft. of Coastal Wetlands and 3,137, sq. ft. of Section 404 Wetlands.. It would also require mechanically clearing 3;564-sq. ft. of Goastal Wetlands and 1,927 sq. ft. of Section 404 Wetlands. The removal of,the approximately 2,800 sq. ft. high ground causeway under the existing bridge would require 142 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands and 799 sq. ft. of Section 404 Wetlands to be excavated to effectively tie the areas into the existing adjacent wetland elevations. , ,- Approximately 9,153 sq. ft. of area within.the Tar-Pamlico River Basin Riparian Buffer Area adjacent to Campbell Creek would be impacted by the construction of the bridge and roadway,�of wliich 4,746 sq. ft. would be.in Zone I and 4,407 sq. ft. would be in Zone II. ,. The project would result, in a total. of 36,499 sq. ft. of high ground, disturbarice, including the � grading and paving of the new approaches to the bridge and the remo�al of the causeway under the existing bridge. - � The applicant has proposed to mitigate for the unavoidable.wetland,impacts from the project by debiting 0.86 acres of Brackish Marsh Creation credit from the Campbell Creek Mitigation Site, approximately 600' downstream from the project. The site was formally approved for mitigation credit in 2011. . A localized increase in turbidity can be expected during the in-water construction portion of the new bridge and the removal of the,existing bridge. No additional closures of shellfishing waters are expected in.association with the proposed project. Impacts to fisheries resources in Campbell.Creek are expected to be minimal with the applicant's commitment to avoid any in-water work between the dates of April l and September 30 of any year.. � A multitude of other efforts have been utilized to minimize and avoid impacts from this project including but not limited to the use of 3:1 fill slopes in jurisdictional ,areas, the use of Design , Standards in Sensitive Watersheds, and the construction of a longer bridge to minimize impacts to wetlands. The publ'ic is expected to benefit upon completion of the project by the increase in the safety of the new structure, more multi-modal use of the bridge with the wider shoulders for. bicycles/pedestrians on each side of the bridge, and increased navigation adjacent and beyond the bridge. , Submitted by: Stephen Lane —Morehead City District — November 17, 2017 B-5620 - Beaufort County Project Narrative September 12, 2017 Proiect Location: Bridge No. 30 over Campbell Creek on NC 33 in Beaufort County. Pro'ect Descri tion: The purpose of this project is to replace Beaufort County Bridge o. 30 on NC 3 over Campbell Creek. Bridge No. 30 is 101 feet long with a deck width of 25.33 feet. The replacement structure will be a bridge approximately 140 (feet long providing a minimum of 30 feet 10 inches clear deck width. The bridge will include two 11-foot lanes and 2-foot paved shoulders. The bridge length is based on preliminary design information and is set by hydraulic requirements. The roadway grade of the new structure 0.3 percent. The fill slopes of the proposed roadway are set at a 3:1 slope, any steeper would require guardrail and additional shoulder width. That additional shoulder width negates any reduction in impacts that would be achieved by steepening the slopes. The approach roadway will extend approximately 0.155 miles. The roadway will be designed using Regional Tier Guidelines with a 55 mile per hour design speed. Approximately half of the existing bridge will be removed initialiy, allowing one lane to remain open for maintenance of traffic. The new bridge will be constructed 13 feet downstream of the existing bridge crossing. The remaining lane will be removed once the new bridge is completed. This 'Phasing' was done in an effort to reduce the project impacts to CAMA and 404 Wetlands that are located in all four quadrants of the project. A typical, separate, on-site detour would have resulted in significantly greater impacts from the temporary fill of the detour roadway. This narrative should also serve as authorization from NCDOT to debit $475 from 45575.1.1. NOV032017 DCM� 141Hp CIiY �INTB NNTB 0 � B-5620 . . PROPOSED UTILITY l�tARRATIVE BEAiTFO1ZT COUN'TY � ` '. � . _ . . .. . . . , Da�e: August. 7, 2017 .: , : , .. .. . ... , . - ��l��li�l� lll B�9TBE� . _ ; - . . . . . Povvew� . . � Ov�ner:.Tideland E�fiC ,. . . . � Contact info: Ben Beagle , . benbea�le@tidelandemc.com . . 252.943.3046: . � 1'ideland EMC has an aerial pole Iine that runs along the south west side of NC Hwy 33 ° throughout the project. The aerial line is approx. between 20.5' and 25.5' from the ' proposed structure.and shoald not be in conflict. Tideland EMCalso has a guy pole and . wire which crosses NC Hwy 33 at approximate Sta# 18+50. The guy pole and aerial wire � � will, be in conflict as they will restrict crane operation on the east end of.the project. � Tideland EMC will temporarily remove their guy line that crosses NC Hwy 33 at sta# � 18+50 from a pole at sta# 18+50 R to a guy pole at sta# 18+50 L.- They will also temporarily remove the gu�r pole on the north side NC Hwy 33 at sta# 18+50 L for the duration of construction. . Phone Owrner: Centurvlink Contact info: Dave Ison David.ison@centurvlink.com 252.635.9116 Centurylink has an underground line on fhe southwest side of NC Hwy 33 that runs from the beginning of the project to a Tideland pole at Sta# 15+20. The line attaches to ." Tideland EMC poles fr•om Sta# 15+20 to Sta# 18+40 then continues underground along- the,south west side of NC 33 through the project limits. This line is close to the design guardrail but has been determined not to be in conflict. � �������� �IOU � � �Q�� . ����� ��A'�,v� �����' WATER Ovuner: Beaufort Countv Contact Info: ErickJennings Beaufort County Water Division Water Systems Manager � ' 252.402.6547 � - Erick.iennin�s@co.beaufort.nc.us � Beaufort County Water has an 8" PVC, SDR 21, 200 PSI water line that runs on the south west side of NC Hwy 33. This line transitions to 10" HDPE SDR 9 200 PSI pipe�for 477', and. installed by HDD across the creek wfiere it then transitions back to 8" PVC, SDR,21, 200 PSI. The, waterline continues throughout the remaining project on the south west side of NC 33. Th.is line has been determined not to be in conflict. �, L. . . . .. . . . . . . . . �������� ... � AtlOV �Y � �017 ����y ��,r��� ���� �CI� ��-1 - APPLICATIOH �for ����.�, , . _ � �� � . -� M�a" � r D�� ' � � ����� � �o euelopm�nt Permi� � . (lasf revised 12I27/06) :. � ' � ' ' ' . � - � North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT .- � �. y, ' 7 . „� si � � :� ,� r� ..,y �, : 3m�' � � Fv;°+e"'' �. 3' �`.. 2 �w�' � k � � S 7'}T �, 3 r i 6i �.R .�'�q y � �Z � , �9k Pro�ary�pp�►c�n�/��.�ntlov�ne�letformat�on�� ����� � �� �g 5 �, : � � , , � k� �M�,{��'�' '� w { � ,.e ��s ..' '° t;w..sw.,:: ,..s� . , t, ,':e..� :� ... �',,,, � � °? .-,�r zre."SJ;t, a . ,�4, ,�ti . �k ?x ..� , 4{ ,n?.rl�s;.�� , i�.�'.'.-v�.N-�`�'.'�'s�"�� ,yr rr�A�=�. t�,-. . �,��+,..,ror. Business Name � , - � . ' Project Name (if applicable) . ', ' Ncdot Highway Division 2 ' -' B-5.620, Beaufort Bridge'30 APplicant 1:'First Name ; , : MI . . . . .Last Name ; �.. ; : , Hon � F � .° Yeung . ApPlicant 2: First�Name ' ' ' ` MI ° . ` Last Name' . ' ` _ ' If additional applicants, please afiach an additional page(s) with names listed_ •; - Mailing;Address '� - PO Box City : State . � 105 Pactolus'Hwy (NC 33) • 1587 Greenv'ille NC ZIP Country . Phone No. �.` FAX No. 27835 - USA 252.=439=,8227 ext.. - - Street Address (if different from above) �_ ' City - State ZIP � � Email � . .- . hfyeung@ncdot,gov ,. . , ' _ : `._ - � � � u�.� Tc �,�, +�,4 - ibF a F . e �.y'n# � �: t �¢ k� �,�, � a p �4 F b :c'£Y ' r x �. � �.r � �i .i =2 �i�'@►1 �C011 tl'dCYO!' /h�OfqlBi`:Op � �: 7 �� � a � � x r � � x F � �' ��r � k � �s�� i �s. .� �. �-• aa, �+� �P � r � fn t d*,f� 3..: �, .,h�,.�, ��f'�:. ����«�:� v�..k.'' v����� r,� �'� ��. ,5�..:�, v �, '� t-o�`" �`;, �I.'�� Business Name , � AgenU Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name AgenU Contractor 2: First Name . MI � Last Name .� �. ,- Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP � Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 - ext. - - ext. -� FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) . City State ZIP Email . , �������� <Form continues on back> �0� � � 20�7 �����, ���d�� ���� . ��2-80�-2��� a:. �����=���OA�'B' ae �rv�rvvmroc�mas��seas�n,�g�es���a�.��� Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Fermit � � �3 ; tf �� ���� 3 ���Prolect �.ocaf�on °� �� � � � �;�� '� � �' ,r �� ��,�; , �4, � ��-�,�, ° � : � ��� { _ � u � � � . ��. � � � � x. n � �� � 1{d � x.��� ,�.+. ..a' C ._�.��'�+,� �.n a�` .�.t. . a � , ,K -,��. ..�. '' '�..s .ir b�, ,r„ ,h_ 4,a�� 1us c`: County (can �be multiple) v Street Address � State Rd. # Beaufort . NC 33 at Campbell Creek ' 33 � Subdivision Name City State Zip ` N/A Aurora NC 27806 - Phone No. � Lot No.(s) (if many, attach addifional page with list) N/A - . _ . . ext. . N/A, � , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? , b: Name of body ofwater nearest,to proposed project Tar-Pamlico , _ _ Campbell Greek c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? -. d. Name the:elosestmajor water body`to the proposed project site. �Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Pamlico River � e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed. ❑Yes �No . work falls within. ' y . � � � :. �, 'ti ��Y 1. i N : \ .) �1 - k k J ( -. 4'r " .. . vi �. � � �, j „ �,k, S � �. r i � y{ . '� a ",� .. a F , M f � ,� . � � c g i+k . � 4 5►te�Deser� `I�II � �i J 4 4�, ��� \ t a C {r ' \ � ^�} �k� ! �� �J�� t � �� � .s�.��.� - � �.��,. �a .,�' . s,r _.Yil ,. �'� � �.?��,1�.. , �„ ., ,�a. .. r � .,t M�>: . a� . a. Total lengtti of shoreline on the tract (ft.)� 6. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) � � 0 0.6 acre c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract abo've NHW (normal high water) or n/a, NWL (normal water/evel) (If many lot sizes, please atiach additional page with a list) 6-7 ft �NHW or �NWL . e. Vegetation on tract Vegetation within the project area is primarily coastal marsh and maintained roadside communities. , � �������� f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Existing 2 lane bridge on NC33. �(�� �� 2�1� ��� . � �. �' �� ��� g. Identify and describe tlie existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project site. Land uses adjacent to the project and in the project vicinity are agricultural fields, rural residential a[eas, forested lands, and clearcuts. h. How does local govemment zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? N/A (Attach zoning compliance ceftificate, if applicable) DYes �No �NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban watertront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes �No k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. �Yes ❑No ❑NA . If yes, by whom? NCDOT HEU I. Is the proposed projectlocated in a National Registered Historic District or daes it involve a ❑Yes �No �NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> 2 e2�808-��0� :: 1-�88�46tCOASY :: vawew.wccoas4aEo�eaevageeru�n4.ne4 Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? �Yes ❑No (ii) Are there coastai wetlands on the site? �Yes ❑No (iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? �Yes ❑No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. No wasfewater treatment facilities area located within the project area. o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. No water supply source is present in the project area. p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. ` Stormwater currently is collected and discharged into wetlands. 3 �C�Ibl�l@S �Cl� IBP'A03�iC�S , z > � � ' t f ,�� .,; ' ` 4 ,s i ,�,.. t ��: ,+, ,7l F �'� �� `'�5.� �� � it, .� � � `' ;;�' , r .��, . .�:t , . „n- � , , , , ,. ... �.� ,,. �c., , c,. , „� ,n,.,, _. , a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial �PubliGGovemment ❑Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. The project will replace the existing bridge on NC 33 over Campbell Creek. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. The�project will replace the existing reinforced concrete floor bridge with a cored slab bridge. The project work will consist of grading, widening, drainage improvements, bridge replacement, and pavement markings. Approximately haif of existing bridge will be removed to utilize 1 lane for maintenance of traffic. The new bridge will be constructed 13 feet downstream of existing crossing. The remaining lane will be removed once the new bridge is completed. This work will be conducted using standard road construction equipment. Equipment will be stored on-site in upland areas. d. List all development activities you propose. '' Replacement of existing concrete floor bridge with a cored slab bridge. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? new work f. What is the approicimate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 0.4 ❑Sq.Ft or �Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area �Yes ❑No ❑NA that the public has established use of? ' h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. �� �i' � No discharges to waters of the state are proposed. ��`� � � ZQ�� i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? �Yes ❑No ❑N/�, �� q�� p r� � L�1 9� C� If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? �Yes ❑No ❑NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? �Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal. <Form continues on back> 252-808-2�08 :: 1-�88-49tCOAS°P e: wrwworeccoasialenaroa��rn9eea�o%e4 � lgit■ � Form DCM MP-'i (Pa.ge 4 of4) APPLICATION�for Major Development Permit 6, Additionat lnformation • : " : - : � -tn addrt�on.to this completed applicatron torin; {M.P-1) the following items below. if app!lcable, mustbe submitted>in orderfo"r the appCcation package to be complete. � lfems (a) -{� are always appficable to any maJor developii►ent`application: Please consult fbe appllcation � 'instrucGon bookletan hoiv to pitiperly prepare the Tequrred ifems betow, � -• .�' � ' a. A project narraiive. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drewn to scale. Please giye the present sfatus of the proposed project. Is.any porlion already complete? If previously authorized work, ciearljr indicate on maps, pl8ts, drawings to disiinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficienfly detailed to guide agen�y personnel unfamitiar with the area io the si#e. • d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties, e. The appropriate appiication fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. ". f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian} landowners and signed [eturn receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the appiication and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on tlie proposed projeci to the Division of Coastal Management. -. . .. _ .. -'Name See;attached properfy. owner list (Aftachment A) : ,; -:; ' ,;•_ . Rhone No ::_ ; Add�ess ` . . _ ,. . , _ Name Phone No. Address . . _ , ,.. . _._ ... Name _ . � _ 'PhoneNo,`�.: . . . 'AddreSs, . - . • • - g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the praject tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates_ h. Sigried consulfant or agent authorization.form, ff applicable. i. Wetland delineatian, If necessary. J. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inleY a�eas. (Must be signed tiy property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves ezpenditure of puWic funds or use of pubiic lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with ihe North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Ceitiircat�on'and�Permission to Eriter on Lanil :. `' � ' . _ �. .. _. . . . . . , . . . ,. :. f understand that any permit issued in response fo this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be Subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit . I certify fhat I am authorized to grant, and do in facYgrant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to en%r on ttie aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information retated to this permit application and foilow up monftoring of the project. . I further certify that the information provided in this application i� thful to�the. best of my knowledge. � � Date ��S.I 2�i %% -% Print Name _ Signature / . � "������� Rlease indicate application attachments pertaining to yourproposed project. ` ��v ���o�� pDCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information �DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP-3 Upland Development � � � � ��y�� �� � � 0��� pDCM NiP-4 Structures Information `_':��-�'`�r'�-'ia�l7i: ,. `$. s jR.nF.4�3nS: .. Y��.e��9.�.r,t;ti5�3E;S£7{:3':�t.^<,^�."-E��?fit#.,:Y.!`t'.0 Form DCM.INP-5 �RIDGES and CULVERTS - Attach this :form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. a: is the proposed liridge: ` ❑Commercial �Public/Govemment. ❑Private/Community c. Type of bridge (construction material): cored slab e. (i) �II proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? .�Yes �No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: 100.9 ft. (iii) Width of ebsting bridge: 25.3 ft (iv) Navigation clearance undemeath existing bridge: 3.02 ft (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) Yes, all of the existing bridge will be removed and replaced. , 9._ Length of proposed bridge: 140' i. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? �Yes �No If yes, explain: � �. k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 3.62 ft b. Wafer body to be crossed by bridge: Campbelf Creek � d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: 5 ft f. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert? DYes �No If yes, � (ii) Length of existing culvert: (iii) Width of existing culvert: �, ' - (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHV1/ or NWL: (v) �II all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) h. Width of proposed bridge: 33' j. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducingcor increasing the existing navigable opening? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: I. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast" Guard conceming their approval? � �Yes ❑No If yes, explain: USCG Advance Approval Letter is attached. m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable n. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: N/A waters? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: . ��, r5 j' �._���� tn�- is�z£.�ts f1 �u7a �� i t�f� �n� '�'{,� �,�` y� it ; j �' � ��.* � y '*s "' z,y�: j �s�.' �� �'� #�4T1'4��+ '� �2 :� � rti ,4 : 2�.CULVEf�TS � yz k�� �'4 �` �+ � �� � 5 r� r 7� t i -i y�""` r 5� � s ct�onrnot applicab, �14a r �< �' '� yw M�Y �> ��, r;�. a _ kC R,� a w'� �- r�' �3 � r,iC�. ��� �. �7h�. SP. w,�+- ,:�a`� � n.. ..,R�,�.nx 5� �,;s »�,�,. "�w�5.�7 v. r1`6 , _r�,. ? �..�. �n N , 4<. �.;,. ..4., n`. .��€ u, .� a..:ri a �,i`,.n.,., ., .:� Y a. Number of culverts proposed: b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: . �������� < Form continues on back> �o� �� 20�7 - -- ��� � � ��..� ��'� 252-�08-2�08 :: 9-��8�H��OAST :: vaw�r.e�cco����lonaroaafe�a�aa�.net reeBs�d:10l2fal06 ��P� ��� ���� (����i��� �a�� �ee9��e��s �a�� � �� �) c. Type of culvert (construction material): d. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? e. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an e�sting culvert? ❑Yes ❑No DYeS ❑No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (iii) Width of e�tisting bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneatM existing bridge: _ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) f. Length of proposed cuivert: h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, explain: a. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? ❑Yes �No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: c. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high-ground excavation? �Yes �No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg, width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert(s): (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: � (v) Wiil all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) g. Width of proposed culvert: i. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? DYes ❑No If yes, explain: b. (i) �11 the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1�, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. �CW 142 ❑SAV ❑SB �WL 799 ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Construction/improvement of road base �� _" ��� �� �0� � � 201 � �� �� °__�� ���� _ 252-808-��0� :e 9-���-�9t�0e��Y :: �.�eccmas��9�reaee�����u�4.e��@ r�erisede `JO/a6/0� ���'[i� �V�I� ��-� (��ed1��s a�n� �m�e�ee��, i���e 3 �ff �) d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavatibn, please complete the following: (i) , Location of the spoil disposal area: TBD (ii) Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: TBD •. , (iii) Do you claim tifle to the disposal area? �Yes ❑No (Ifno, attach a lettergranting permission fram the owner.) (iv) �II the disposal area be available for future maintenance? �Yes �No � (v) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh �(CVU), submerged. aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (INL), or shell bottom (SB)? ❑CW ❑SAV �WL ❑SB �None If any boxes_ are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. , , (vi) Does the disposal area include. any area below the NHW or NWL? ?❑Yes '�No If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. - e. (i) Will the placeme,nt of the proposed, bridge or culyert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to � be placed below NH1N or NWL? . ❑Yes �No If yes, (ii) Avg, length of area to.be filled: (iii) Avg, width of area to be flled: - (iv) Purpose of fill: . g. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert resulf in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed on high-ground? �Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be filled: 660 ft (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: 60 . (iv) Purpose of fill: roadway approaches a. �II the proposed project require the relocation of any existing utility lines? �Yes �No If yes, explain: No relocations, just removal of guy and guy pole at 18+40 !f this portion of fhe proposed project has already received approval from locaf authorities, please attach a copy of the approval orcertification. f. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CV1�, submerged aqualic vegetation (SA�, shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square _ feet affecfed. � � . �CW 9 069 �SAV " �SB �WL 3.033 ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas' Fillslope on NC 33 on approach . b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary detourstructures? ❑Yes �No If yes, explain: < Form continues on back> � �," � � � � � a � � � l�j � �� 84�up ��� ���� 252-�08-a808 :: �9-80��b���/��'P :: �uw.nc�mas4as�e�ea�a�eme��one@ �evised:70/2fa/06 �°�s'�'z2 ��:=4fi� 3!+5�-�r (�s?dr�es �:�� G�:=vPrts, ���� � �f �;: c. Wili the proposed project require any work channels? d. How will excavated or flll material. be kept on site and erosion �Yes �No cantrolled? lfyes, complete Form DCM-MP-2 NCDOT seiiiment and erosion control BMPs will be used to contain on-site fill material. � e. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, orhydraulic dredge)? _ Standard roadway equipment g. Will fhe placemenYof the proposed btfdge or culvert require any shoreline stabilization? ❑Yes �No !f yes, comple'te form MP-2, SecHon 3 for Shorel/ne Stabilizatlon only, f. WII wetlands be crossed in transporting•equipment to project site? �Yes �No If yes, explain steps that will 6e taken to avoid or minlmlze environmental impacts. .. � � c r. /a l�'G�;i7 - Date � . .. . , - . � .l�b�� . . � Pro�ect Name . . �� . �P.A�vyte� :`-_ . , , .,._ , . .:- Apphcant N me . , :. � ,; ... ; . . . . : . , ,. � . , , � APPlicanfSignature, : " . . .. � ��E-�:f�`u'-28�0 ., i-ax.�-�Y�:�C}.'.;ai .. tr3• �.t�ec+��.;'catrtt�,3.�+c;�rrss�sx�.t;:t: r:'-;°"s���i;'1!„I'd�/�fi Property Owner Contracts (Attachment A) Austin David Carroll PO Box 422 Aurora NC 27806 Jesse H Price Linda A Price 1900 Old Crews Rd Knightdale NC 27545 Austin Brothers LLP PO Box 844 Aurora NC 27806 ����5 ��i�� �10V0��p'17 ���p �vtlo il� '�Y./� {J H No: Frojed Tracki�eg No. (Inter�ra! Ure) . 16-07-.0033 �IISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES " - � NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM_ . This form orily pertains to.Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project: .It. is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the . Archaeology Group. � 45575.1:1 � Federal �. � X Yes No a �c.i i�s�i u • . . Prviect Desc�iplion: Replace Bridge� No. detour nlannedl. . . �. . �T INFORMATION . Cnunry: l�ocrsfnei�t X State USACE. on NC 33 over. Campbell .Creek (no off=site . . : � � ,. � SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE �AND LANDSCAPE5 REVIEW DESCRLPTIONOFREYlEWACTIVlTIES. RESULTS. AND CONCLUSIONS: HPOWeb reviewed on 5. August 2U16 and yielded no NR, SL, DE,�LD, or SS properties tn the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Beaufort - County.current GIS;mapping, aerial pliotography; and tax;informafionindicated a wooded APE with no above-ground resources (viewed 5 August 2016), Constructed in 1948; Bridge No. 30 is not eligible for the National Register according to the NCDOT Historic Bridge Inventory as it is not representative of any distinetive engineering or aesthetic type. Googie Maps "Street View" confirmed the absence of architectural and landseape res.ources in the APE (viewed 5 August 20f6). No architectural survey is.required for #he project as currently defined. � THERBARE NO UMDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT HLSTORICARCHITBCIURAL OR LANDSCAPE RESDURCES IN ' THE PROJECTAREA: APE extends 250 feet from the either end of the exisang b�idge {SE-NW) and 100 � feet to either side:of the NG 33 centerline" (NE-SWj to encompass proposed construction activities. No : � comprehensive county architecturaFsurvey exists for areas outside municipalides, but other previous �. studies recorded: no pr.operties in the APE. Gounty GIS/tax materials and other visuals support the absence of significant architectural and landscape resources. -No National Register-listed properties are 'located within the APE. . ; � Should any aspect, of the project design change,.please notify NCDOT � Historic Architecture as additional review may be neaessary. - ' SUPPORT DOCiTMENTATION X Map(s) �Previous Survey Info. OPhotos []Correspondenee ODesign Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Histo�Architecture-and•Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED � � V v v�v NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Historic Architeciere andlattdscapes NO SURVEY REQUIRED form forMinor Trarispar(aliou ProjecLs ac.Qualifred in llie 1Q07 Programniaric Agreemenl. �������� �lOV � � �917 ���y,-� -4p1�r� � �-� �; ., �5... l .�T7��� !��\'�(��i� J6.,�� ..v-^�� B-5620 Bridge (Vo. 30 Replacement Beaufort County V!/BS No. 45575.1,1 Base map: HPOWeb, nts ,.. NCDOT — Historic Architecture August 2016 � � � � ��'� � Tracking No.16-07-0033 • �Q�� �� � �0�� ��� �`��� �� �'� ��� � � �� � , Project TrackingNo.: • - 16-07-0033 of -;� . NO. ARCHAEOLOGICAL S:URVEY R-EQUIRED FO,RM t�,� . ;�'�o���. This form only. pertains to ARCHAEOLQGICAL RE30URCES ffor thts pro�ect It� is not �� ``! ; tl. �� . z��� �• o� �� v a l i d f o r H� s t o ra c A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d L a n d s c a p e s. Y o u m u s t c o n 5 u t t s e p a r a t e l y w� t h. t h e . ����: � ��. � Historic Architeoture.and La�dscapes Group, � _ . `�. �...,� �: .'� �a PROJECT INFORMATION , � � Projecl No: W13S No: F A. No: . B-5620 , 45575.1.1 Federal Permit Reqziir.ed? County: Beaufort Document.• T�dCC Funding• �. State ❑ Federal � Yes ❑ .No Permii Type: NWP12/CAMA , Project Descriplion: Replacement of Bridge No. 30 over Campbe(1 Creek on..NC 33- in Beaufort.County, North Garo(ina. The archaeological Area. of Potential Effects (APE) is centered on the: bridge strucfure and measures �600ft �in length:(300ft from each bridge end-point) and 150ft in width (75ft from each side of the NC 33 center-line). �� . SUMMARY UF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activiiies, results of review, anrl conclusiorrs:. Permitting and funding informatiomwas reviewed for determining theJevel.of archaeological input required by state and federal laws. Based on the submitted "request for cultucaLresourtes review" form, fhe project is state- � funded with federal permit interaction. As such, Section,106 of the National, Wistoric Preservation Act will apply. Next, construction design and other data was examined (when applicablej to•define the'character and extent of potential iinpacts io the ground surfaces embracing the project locale. Once an APE was outlined, a map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology_(OSA) on Thursday, July 21, 2016. No previously documented archaeological sites are located in the APE or directly adjacent. . ' Ezamination of National Registerof Historic Places (NRHP), State Sfudy Listed jSL'), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), and Surveyed Site (SS) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website is crucial in: estabiishing the location of noteworthyhistorie occupations related to a perspective construction impact area. A cross-check of these mapped�resources concluded that no meaningful historic properties with possible contributing archaeological elements were loca#ed inward of the archaeological APE margins. In addition,, historic maps of eeaufort County were appraised to identify former structure locations, land use patterns, or other confirmatiorr of historic occupation in the project vicinity: Arehaeological/historical reference maferials were inspected as well. In general, the cultural background.review established that no NRHP listed,properties, previously recocded archaeological sites, or cemeteries are loeated within the APE. Based on cultural-historical factors, the APE is considered to have a low potential for the documentation of archaeological resources. further, topographic, geologic, flood boundary, and NRCS soif survey maps were referenced to evaluate pedeological, geomorphological, hydrological, and other environmental determinants that may have resulted in past occupation at this location. Aerial and on-ground photographs (NCDOT Spatial Data Viewer) and the Google Street View map application (when amenable) were also examined/utilized for additional assessment of disturbances, both natural �and human induced, which compromfse the integrity of archaeological sites. Environmental/impact factors do not suggest a heightened potential for archa���r �u���r�o�y. ��� � �v� �ot� I . ���� ��� ���� "No ARCHREOLOGY SURV6YXliQU/RGD"jorm jor ►he Amended Minor Tim�spoda(!mt Projec�s asQualified in Ihe 30/S Pmgramnm�ic Ag'reenie�n. 1 of2 ' ' Project 7Yacki�igNo.: . , 16-07-OQ33 — Brief E�cplanation of why t/;e�avnilRble informntion.provides a reliable bcisis for rensonably pre�licting th:at 1/tere Rre no unulent f ed.l:istoric properties in [he APE: . � No documented cultural resources are contained wiffiin the current APE limits.for the NG 33/Bridge 30 replacement project in Beaufort County; North Carolina. Most of the_APE is underlain by frequently fiooded and ,. very poorly drained soils. The remaining portion' of Lhe APE near the eastern and western proj,ect boundaries iS typified by somewhat poorly drained soils. In such contexts; intact NRHP acchaeological sitesare unlikelyto be present or preserved. No further consultation is adyocated. A finding of "no archaeological surveyrequired" is considered appropriate. -- . SUPPORT DOCUMENTATIOI� � See attached: � Map(s). � Previo.us Survey Info � Photos �Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County.Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST - NOARCHAEOLOGYSURYEY7ZE�UIRED. � � . ����0��� .. ��� � � ���% ���� ��� ���� ... "No ARCFIAGOLOGYSURVCY REQUIRF.D"farm jor rhe Miended Minar Transportprian Projeus as�rolified in 1he 101 S Programmalic Agreemenr. 2 of2 .,.. _ . uu� -- . � ��� � �i �0�� � [�J. ���" ��� �'8`�� : ,� 0 11 j y..Yr1�4� �1 4� a � �� � � r � '_ � ?-- 4 itr �x3 ��� . •:� � ��, t� c��i� �*-"''1_, •�.��.���.,..-•���,r ��,��,* �, � � „'������ . �r ����'' �E�����s� %"*����,.�` �� H ° � �. � '., . , � . . � • $srKsy �,.�..- - .. •r �i � � . _ . . F� x ���ry�4'1� 1�<" i � a ; �,�. ��'' �e � r ' .�y,� , �l�lx £�� ��+ .� *''� ++s� � �� �, �„ � � �� ,,�; r f_ � - � _.�a s��.v . rr }'��,7;;'* Y�z3�*,ry�j'(i �`r .m � ,�FY���,,.',-°- � `� ,. YSv ..e� �a v,i'ti.�,.,� 1 �� �� t : ,�a�� 2� ` -. `� � s ..'nr-1.<` �� , t'� � 'S. i: 14R �r i �¢t � „�d• ai ;� f '��� 3 s� � "�.` , ' e � `{"y ' r �r r h f,�c� � �,+� ��� i �.4� {,�'" �� ;' i\ ,� , •. � ` -��t �r,Fy `� � •: S� � �t � � � �. -2w� 5e��w�+'..t.�?�.. .r� ,-. :v�� x 6k,--�� *�� �I �;'`- 3r.�•�-s, "�•�`�:t,�,.,�q�ro��Y`�,i: ����.� s � � � f ��1 , .+ +::_ i k ; � 5 ,� y�`4 ` ty �� �" �s��r� M(�� � �a t.i� � ?' }4�s{L \ T! �. ;. s ' �. g� �+�s' ,:e",.Y ''a",4. }+£ �.�'ST,.M� �� S�{ ;� .F4{ J ' f u ei" � c ��`'�'��-tY. �� �!' "��,7 1 1 F M1 � ` d {d Y.,S. 'a �t . �" p, � > ��+ T'"�fi tt li �s` s. '�� x !�, ,€ �.' �,�v� 4 ,�� �'v..+�' L,"+• � ����4 � r SYf� _ s �1 '. f�'L�T s°fSr� _..+ �7, �r rt��� �%� i 'S +� � fn P �t�l" -5i:`4�,�=` '` tg,ea.., � � � j . �+ ' �f +.7 �t "'�+ �r �r� •� r, �i-� , s c n � „� t $ �t r �'L�. f �L ...�����e }•� � 6.i�k� t f "r� s i ���W ', °t' � "~ �`� 1 t,�z s�at t�-^� 1 [t�, �J' .4 ,:. a �' ",.� S n • y. ' �tP'C�'„�,r.i ..,���s�,�sr CF�Ys'y�.�." It i..:"'1r r , 4��,�� � �..w. � i ` � �� � � � .,ii� �- �� h ' f "" v }^""�^€ �,c3ei2i? �',� �=t x ���f''s.b . �1�'_ _ ,..,_ ., r_s ,_ 4?a_„-, '��,.."�_" -�':".�� f:;� '"z:�.�3'i`k.s�,.� ARGGIS image displaying the 6oundaries and location of the Area of Potential EffeCts (APE) on NC 33 in Beaufort County i�U��� �� � L'Jii ���m ��� ���� 0 Map unit 5etting .� , - " . • , �t Nabonalmap unitsymboL•3r2s - . � � • = � E/evadon: O feet � . - � . •_ Mean qnnual precipitation: 42:to 58 inches • . • Nlean,annu6! air temperature: 61:to.64 degrees F . • Frost free period: 190 to 270 days � •, Farmland c/assif(catian: Not'prime farmland " . � . Map Unit Composition ' • Guriituck, tidal, ahd similarsoils: 90 percent _, �, ; • EstTmates. are based on o6servations, descriptions, and trqnsects of the mapunic.. Description, of,Currituck, Tidal Setting , � � • Landform: Tid.al marshes • Down-s/opeshdpe: Linear � � • Across-slope shppe: I:inear • Pqrenf materfah. Nerbaceous organic material over sandy fluviomarine deposits Typical profile � � • • Od1- 0 to 321nches: muck � • Oa2 -12 to 30lnches::muck ` �n l�� `�'_ ��� ���� �.,.� 20�� ����� ���� �u�� • Cp-30to80lnches:sand � � Propertlas and quaNtlas • 9ope: 0 to 1 percent • DepM to restrkUwe feature: More than &I inches - • NaNml dralnage doss: Very poorly drained • RunoJf dass: Very high • CopaGry ojMe mos[ dmltlnp laye� to hansmit woter (KsatJ: Moderately hlgh to high �0.57 M 5.95 in/hr) • DeptM1 ro water table: About 0 to 12 inches • FrequenryojJloodlnp:Veryfrequent • FrequencyoJponding:None • Salinfty, maximumin proJlle: Very slightty saline [o slightly saline (2.0 to 4.0 mmhos/cm) • Sodium adsorptlon ratlo, maximum in profile: 10.0 • Avallable watersrorageln proflle: Hlgh (about 11.5 Inches) Interpretive groups • Land mpabllity claxsiJ'irntlon (irrtyatedJ: None specNied . • Land mpablllry classiJkallon (nonlnlga[ed): Sw • HydroloqicSWl Group: A/D At—Augusta (ine sandy loam Map Unk Settl� • Notlonol mop unit symbol: 323 • Elewfion: 0 m 30 feet • Mean annuol predpltatbn: 42 to SS inches • Mean annual atr tempemture: 61 to 64 degrees F � , • Frost Jree perWd: 190 to 270 days • Farmland dosslJkatlon: PAme hrmiand H drak�ed Map Unit Compositbn � • Augusta, dmined, andslmlbrsotls: 80 percent � • Aupusto, undra7ned, and slmUar sdls: 5 percent � • MlnarcomponenB:Bpercent . • Esttmales arc based on o6seMvNons, descrtptbns, ond hansects oJthe mapu�t. DeaMpdon o( Augusta. Mainad SetHn • (andJam: DepressioM on marine terraces, flats on marine urreces • Downsbpeshape:Unear • Anaua/opeshape: Unear • Parent mateAal: Sandy and bamy Nuvlomarine deposks and/or marine depasRs lypkal protik • Ap-Oto5lnches:flnesandybam • Bt-Sto231nches:loam • BCq-13ro311nches:sandybam � • Cg - 31 to 807ntAes: loamy sand PropeKies and QualWes • Sfope: 0 to 2 percent • Deptlr ro resWcNve feature: More than SO lnches • Notuml drolnage class: Somewhat poorly dralned • RunoJJ`doss: Very high � • �paqty of (he most llmlBng layer ro nansm/t water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • Depth M water roble: About 12 to 24 inches ����'� �� • FrequenqOfJloodinp:None - • Frequenty of pond(ny: None � • Avollablewaters[ompelnproJl/e:Moderate(about8.0inches) � p320�1 MterpretNe graups N� • Land mpabllJty classylcation (iMgatedJ: None specifled ^`�a9 ��pWw ��� v 1 iMa � • Lond capability classificatlon (nonirrigotedJ: 2w o HydrolaglcSoilGroup: B/D Description of Augusta, Undrained Setting . • Landform: Depressions on marine terraces, flats on marine terraces � • Down-slope si�ape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Linear . • Parent materlol: Sandy and loamyfluviomarine deposits and/or marine deposits Typical profile . • A-0to5inches:finesandyloam ' 0 8t-Sto23inches:loam ' o BCg - 23 to 31 inches: sandy loam a Cg-31ro80inches:loamysand � Properttes and qualities • Slojle: 0 to 2 percent • Depth to restr/ctive feature: More than 80 inches ' � • Natural droinage class: Somewhat poorly drained • Runoff class: Ve .ry high ' • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • Depth to water tnbte: About 12 to 24 inches � Frequency of flooding: None • frequency of ponding: None • Available waterstorage in profile: Moderate (about 8.0 inches) Interpretive groups • land capability cfassijication (irrigated): None specified • Land capabifity classification (nonirrigated): 3w • Hydiologic Soil Group: B/D . Minor Components Tomotley, undrained • Perceni of map unih 5 percent • Landform: Fiats on marine Yerraces, depressions on stream terraces � • Down-slopeshape: Linear o Across-slope shape: Linear Tetotum • Percent of map unit: 3 percent • Land�orm: Flats on marine terraces • Landform position (two-dimensionalJ: Summit • Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slopeshape: Linear ����8`��� �vo�, � � �o�� ����� ����� ���� ..- �:r -s% .. _.. � � -.��--.. � A- . I� _� }— � �' � . . . ��. �� -' .. � .a:-? � � " �; _ . . � _ P_ -� _ _ - . o - _ ` . : — n T, r =- _ 1 � �l � � T�� .-" � L � � � �: M { @��tr �l ; . '1 -43 . �l. 1 _ �_'1_a . _ 5 J. # - "� y � k.-2- _'�. � � � S � =- n' -S ,;a A[��� � y.�' _ ♦ A �� � � 11 '31 F?3 _ _� _ ..w {' " <��.3- r ' `. , i � 1 '� A (i�� .':L . ' � -�`{ 1 _ �._ 4 i n � r � � i ° . '_' '_..._ -.` __._ ' i 7 II i i y ; BEF1U�aT - : ;- -- - , ; :.� �` '� .\ r}'- . / i -- � - i� /� i / —r :s _ _ -n�2 - � _ T'� n� ..._ _4_-�.a,_ .,......... A y _ _S� � _ � ; � £ - r- - , t¢ _ � ' _ s . _ `= � � ti - - r� -_ "��X;,.'h �� '� :. \\ � �� ��� � �.f . ".� • /� ' �- ~ �1i•� �' . \• _ �/l� '�\. -. � _a.. ..�ERof-`, =,: . HM ���`�_ �1 \ � � - - Ci4 .. }i'� �; _ ��`�-��A�t�-��\pM�OW F.�d �C Uuth Vi�T� 2�. L = �, � ✓' ; R�� _ � Z -�.._= v . j , •G _ - �� ��. � • _ , � , _� .� , �� � �aM.,:,�— � � i� � � � - � 4 1 V \ `� i', _ �,-.�, i . � Pa,�'� ; 1 '�� � � �.� �� '.� � rrii ,�:NEt�A �I ,,r . EROP-l�71��Y�: �1 ' . � ' `� �', yy �fzll � ����FL1W � • ,i a.�. �� i �� � . � � ..-i�t BM. - � �- /')`,-_ .� . _ '_ ';�-i - �^j� - ' . � o. , F ?, �� .: . �� ��\ i' - ey 4 c _ ' - �-�'' ',-���CdL����.�� '3Hwy �. --- -. -,. ..aa�- - -'�.. ent. .. ��� _ � `��� �_ NOV � 3 2017 � 5 _ Y _ ' � E�� q p �qy¢��.p1��}�'s 4 . ' ��Y@Y' 9'AU�iA LO� i P�1 � .�� .•'�.:� ��� . . _ J�^ -TL_ �___.� � _�.1., l. ��'' p � - _ � - _ � • G L� ,'LI .S it." v' �,i n � NCSHPO website map iliustrating the location of the generalized project area on NC 33 in Beaufort County, North Carolina. I Campbell Creek Mitigation Site ONEID 007-001 Compensatory Mitigation The Campbell Geek Mitigation Site is located in Beaufort County with in the USGS unit 03020104 of fhe Tar Pamlico River. NCDOT acquired approxunately 31.48 acres located immediately adjacent to Tetterton Road to mitigate for unavoidable, jurisdictional impacts with T[P R-2510. Monitoring requirements were perfornied from April of 2006 till February 2011 and closed out in 201 I. Table l shows the final mitigation quantities appmved for the site. The site has been placed on the NCD01' On-Site Debit Ledger for use within 11UC 03020104. Table 2 indicates all mitigation debits tliat have occurrcd per rcgulatory agency approval. In order to offset unavoidable impacts 'l�aUlc L Mitigation Quantitics Approved Table 2. Mitigation Debits — Brackish Mazsh Creatiou ., Brackish Marsh 0.094 Close DIV PROJ 200310090 Creation Out Brackish Marsh 0.049 Close B-2805 Creation Out Brackish Marsh 0.01 Close 63809 2009-01390 Creation Out Bratkish Marsh 0.24 Close B-3611 2007-02941 2:1 ratio on Creation Out CAMA permit Brackish Marsh 0.034 Close Bridge 126 Creation Out Beaufort County Breckish Marsh 0.86 Close B-5620 2:1 ratio Creation Out Beaufort County Impacts were 0.43 ��.������+ ��� � � 2��1 ���� ��� �0�� � ° ,,. � .. ��III�f1Wdy � �� . Departm nsporta ,' " ` �a°. 4� St�CC.11W�1t��' . . ' HgtiwayStormwaterProgram A�� . � North tion �- y„ _ �., v. � .�.m� . . ,.. . . , , .,. , ;' ; ' ; ' , , • ` . , �� NP�GEMENTPIr4N�� . ,. S.TORMiNA'TER,INA . � . .` , G , . .�,,,,a. (Version2.07;;Refeased OctobeG2016) __ . �� . . �-'-` � .f � �� . `= � `� - �' FOR NCDOT PROJECTS` ''.,�- : . ; , � � , � - �,- � �. � ,r. . - -. . .- ' --- - �_ WBS Element: 45575.1.1 TIP Plo.: B-5620 Coun ies : Beaufort Pa e 1 of 2 , ... . . . . , " ; : ,, ' °; ,. , : . ' , . � �. ,� . , �,_ r:, ,;., , , �� �. „ r.. , Gederal P[oject lnformation ' � , , . ,. , • , �,. � ._ , ,. ., � WBS Element: 45575.1.1 = . . TIP Number: ;B-5620, . _ _ ` ' �:. - : , . ' Pro'ect T e: Brid e' Re lacement � , ,� Date: r10/25/2017 . ,. . . NCDOT Contact: Ro6ert T; Tumtiull, Environmental Service5, Inc. , r' °.' Contractor / Desi ner. HNSB North:Carolina,;:P.C.'/'James,:A. B rd;�:PE {''' ' �' .._ - Address: 4901 Trademark; Dr. - , Address: 343 E. Six Fork's Road ' � _ , ;' , . Raleigh, NC'27610',. , '�. . ' '' ; Suite 200 ° • . . , � ' , � Raleigh, NC'27609' _' " - Phone: 919'212=1760`� . . ° „ .-. ` `.,. , Phone: 91:9 424-0437. � .,�:. . , , ,> � .,. .,• , , _: , _ Email: rtumbull esinc.oc ' - �_ � � • ' ' ' Email: 'ab rd hntl`s.com " " ' ` " " - ; Ci lTown: - ° .. . .Aurora ,• . Coun ies : , , Beaufort'.„� .• � . :. ' _ _ River Basin s : , ' �Tar-Pamlico ` �. � ; : � ` ° . CAMA Coun . Yes WeUands within Project Limits? Yes ,w t= ; �* R� 1S ;� c ,;- ,. � .�. .. " . n. ., x t k } � � � t " ., Pr'o ect Oescr� tion.n k. . , � : , p � _ s ; r 3 : N�" t „-r^'�, c. .� : �.i $. �x . .5.+. . _ - . .� .r . . . . . r... . . s.. � . :±is . � . . . . . . 4+ _ .. , _ ,. .. . i �.. e . � � .F.ei. ':: �r Ma.._ . � a . -, � .. .- Pro'ect Len th lin. miles or feet : ' Ot18 ` Ru�al Residential�and A nculture '" ` Surroundin Land Use: 9 � ,�w "r x,, ' r Pro s.ediP..roecti::'i° ' � '` - Ezistip .Site.'. ,;#._, �, . . _ ..a .,. . . u . . . . � � _ ,� . . , . _ _ _ . ..__ , ,.. _ Pro'ectBuilt-U onArea ac. .0.6 � Raa .•0.5. `,_' ;'ac. � _ . , . Typical Cross Section Description: 2-11' asphak paJed danes with,2' paved shoulders 3' grass shoulders � 2�- 9' asphalt paved, lanes witti grass shoulders. WeUands and tributaries�to Campbell, "'� ' `• � „ Creek are�p'cesent in all�four'quad�ants, CAMA;wetlands are,distinguished from 404 ,•°,� � ' , ' � , � , weUands.- : , , , - . . � . . _ „ , �_ ,.... ., . Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Desi n/Future: 480 . � � . Year: 2033 _. . � ' E�osting. a � � 240 ` �. � i Year. _; . ��2013� . General Project Narrative: State:project B-5620 involves the replacemenYof Beaufort'County Bridge #060030 on NC 33,over Campbell Creek. The ebstingi bridge,consists of 1@ 25 - 6", 1, @ 24' - 1';1",1 (Description of Minimization of Water @;25' - 1", and�1 @ 25'-b"'reinfo�cetl concr,ete floo� and�continuous l beams on Yeinfo�ced concrete caps anq'timberpiles. It is'to` be�replaced with a;1 `@ 45 0',�1 @ 50' = 0" ,� Quality Impacts) and 1@ 45' -:0`', 21" cored "slati {140' total length, 33`total width) ,13` downstream of.the•e�asting crossing.�.' "' � � � . ,; ,. . . , , , . -. ,., , - .,. �, :. .: . � ' ' � . . In accorance with Tar=Pamlico, River'Buffer Regulations; the propsoed�bndge':does no4 contain deck drains ;All storriiwater from the bridge and approches will be collected'tiy a� storm drainage system and disqfiarged'into tfie:weUands: The drainage, system will.ouUet outside of the-bufferJimits in the wesfiquadrant at; L-.statiort 16+75 RT°with the ouUet pipe.set�at 0.3%a: to reduce,velocify into the wetlands �No•rip rap padwa's specified atthe,'ouUetdue,.to,l,owyelocity and; agency's desire to minimize impacts , � . , . • . . , . ' . . . , ' . .. �._ __. . ..„� _.r; . ... . . ,..... , - .r . , K„,�„„� ,.:.., 'v .. r�., . . . � w t - a s ,x- �cr � � .�.^� :. s �r �� r n s�� "'ir �w ,5�,i a ^ T �- .�^ � � e � . � . , ., . t.�wa"#���'��',�..��: . . �`s�m������.,�� ����-.s�� ��'n��+�.�-�" ."��� �1,f! A!� � ttl?8'ff0�'�,� �#� e.� ��' �`x! 7.� -�. , s r,;r: . _ °�� °�r�.� ��`Yi'� e ,x n'��'c E� .,.::.., h �s >� �ri Surface Water Bod 1 : � � ; � ` �. . Cam bell,Creek � '° ' ' NCDWR Stream Index No.: . ,, . , :: . �. ' 29-33=2= 2 . . Prima ClassiBcation: ' Class;Sq , '. " ' `" ' ` ° ' "3' • NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body ` , Su lemental Classification: Hi h Quali � Waters HQ , NS � Other Stream Classification: " ' `� ' �: � "�, : � °'° . Im airments: . .. _ . _, .. - ... ' :.: , .. � . A uatic T&E S ecies7 �: . Comments: : . - ` � . , � ` -' ;' ; , `_ ... �. i ,� ,.: . ..� _ ° .r.. � a NRTR Stream ID: � °_ 1: Buffer Rules in Effect: . Ta� Pamhco. `' Pro'ect Includes Brid e S annin Water Bod ? Yes _,, , Deck Drains Dischar e Over Buffer? No.. ', Dissi ator Pads Provided in Buffer? ^_ ,�,�% �� Deck Drains Dischar e Over Water Bod . No • (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative)� (If yes, describe in the General Project Narratwe, rf o, stlfy n t e�-' (If ves, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) General Project Narrative) I� iJ `:i `;;�7j ;� ;J 17 ��U`V�" �'�"N� y` ���� � �� Dissipators for CuNerts and Channels (July 2006), as applicable, far design guidance and criteria. N � 17 ���� �6�� ��i�� 0 � � � � E�i U W O � � � �°1[°.°�'1["lE �1F I�1�llg']C'�lI �.�Y$�1L�NA 1[��d 1[���N �1F �][�1H[�A�� BEA UFORT COUI�TY LOCATION: REPLACE BRIDGE N0.30.OVER CAMPBELL CREEK ox xc 33 TYPE OF WORK.• GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVI111G, AND STRUCTURE �.1 m� B-5620 b —-. — _ __ _ . . . _ , .., , . , I . . . , ; . = , _: � .: �_ r ; � ;� ��� �. TO 50. 190� ' ' ` �CYPNE55 SWAMP A01 . .. . . . . , . _ . ,���`v . . .� NOTES: 1. CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERPORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. 2. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA 50 25 0 50 �pp ADT 2013 = 240 ADT 2033 = 480 PLANS K = 10 % D = 60 % 50 75 0 50 100 7- 7 </ • V = 55 MPH PROFILE �HORIZONTAL) • TTST =2% DUAL 5% 'n 11�� fUNC CLASS = �-� � MAIOR COLLECTOR PROFlIE NFRTICAII REGIONAL TIER f� 0 a PROJECT LENGTH P.em•m m rINTBr�����e� ZO(25]ANMFn SPFCIFIURONS TO PI�liCO COpq{y tWE �� � ; � ��rx T � N0��/ $ s 2�17 ���ri� 1�HD CITY rn� rnrrce w: in cnPOIINA. P.C. �NOr�I��Ce�roltl^ SZlg�vg300 sx No: C�I56/ LENGTH OF ROADWAY TIP PROJECT �5620 = 0.155 MILES OAVID W. BASS. PE LENGTH OF STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT �5620 = 0.026 MILES WGEIT OF WAY DATE: `"o��` bNQ°�" APRIL 10. 2017 MONICA 1. DUVAL TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT �5620 — 0.181 MILES P+m�� nnsrcw evcwesx LE777NG DATE: _OCTOBER 4 2017 Nnr.� c vciinir_ oc FIYURAULlCS ENGINIIER ROAUWAY DESfGN ENGINEER PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 9 INCOMPLETE PLANS ... . YCCYNFNT MOl <ONNO[Ilm FIMLL VNLEfS ALLlION1ry�E6 CON�IETEO �, . °.� SCALE• 1��=�iO� -• • e o PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. � . 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J, - J` ue sro F, ra - �'. � MECNANI2ED QEARING IN WEfIANDS �Oq = 0.03 M/659 Sf MECHANIZED RfARING IN WEflAN�S CMM� _�:OOI A<�tO Si PEW+ANENt FlLL IN wEIlAND IMPAQS �O<� = A.OI Ac/119 SF PEVAANENi FlLl IN WFfIpNO IMPqQS CMM� - 000 /u/O $F � �_ ..�..I c.. 30 20 1—._�� � txuvnnoN iN weruNos Iaoa� _� ui n� ia� si a•,c+e, w. t�.�a i ExUVAtION IN WETUNO$ (CPAU� _�O.OI M/19 $f pC miy v[ 4p / PERNANEN� IMCAQS IN SURFACE WATER = c0.01 A� 1 . � . ...- I ..I BEGIN GRADE .. .. � .'-.�: ": A ' � __J—_'_ _ . . . _ . _ ELEV. = 6.00 ��. . � i �+�o-000a o -L- PI - 16+00.00 EL = 6.00' VC = 750' K = 500 VC = 80 MPH+ WS EL= -1.1' SURVEY W-0e-17 ' i PEN�MNENi FlLL IN WETIAN� IMPARS CUA4I = O.li Ac/5➢0 SF ' ECUVATION M WEitANDS IOA� = c.01 ki330 SF ;A EYUVPiION IN WELUNDS ICM+d� <<0,01 A[ /I19 SF TFMPOFARY IMPACi3 IN SURFACE W/.IER = 0 LF �„- .3- _ .. . . . CFW�7Q�-.uCFW� �� � - . . ..: _ � ""'k���i�� ,t '- ...- s�' c i _ y, � '_ _' � _ Z �`�� �.��� �-� Y t Y k y�—� . =y- \ .. _ s-�� s�x�s .. ��� _ . � � _.. .. —_ n =__.. --� � � � � f_r � �i--._...n.- -� SCALE:1"=40' 1�� '.-� 1.��.r . I .... PI 19.10.00 EL = 6.93' VC = 165' K - 157 VC = 60 MPH . w BFo�eEM. LLo OB 9APo �6� ELEV. = 5.43 PI= i1+00.00 El = 5 43' YC = 750' K = 190 VC = 71 MPM -� rur ��a z�+ _.,__ � ir �. nn�,une �_ , v� . W4 mE01ANRE0 QFwRING IN WETLWpS I��� _<0.01 nc/96 SF MECHMIIZED <IFARING IN WR4ND5 �CNA1) = c001 /¢;89 SF PERANNENi fILL IN WEiUND IMPqQS �0�� - 0.00 Ac/0 SF PERNANENi flLL IN WFIIMlD IMPqC15 CMVQ = 000 k/0 Sf f%GVATION IN WETIFNDS a0�� _< 01 A</35 SF E%UVAi�ON IN WEIIANO$ CMv.y = 0.00 .4 �0 $F iEeWOG0.r IMVARS IN SV �CE wniER = 0 l£ MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED 40 BM#7 RR SPIKE IN BASE OF 10" GUM -L- STA 78+27.02, 55.78' RT EIEV. = 3.70 30 . �'-i.� _ t'.. - 2� �Q --"--------__.... . __.. �------ .::-----.._____-rr_ "_.____.--�—�----'--- -------"------"---------- . _ ...._ _ ._ _. .. . I+Jo.o000% . _ _ . . . . . . . �. . . . . � �: ,, ' ( � ' I ' ° BRICGE NYDRAUUC DA7A . I ...� 1 . M I . . ! . . r � I I. I� /. j li i j l m `^-' N -lO _�__y_ . � � I'.__ � �: . : . m . I i _ _ _' Df$lGN OfSCHARGf = 950 CFS � —C � �� � � �-- —i—'� � �� OES/GN FREWENCY = 50 YRS j 1 �- I . } J 4 � '� '. < .f . ' �'.�. . OESIGN h1Y ELEVA7/ON � l9 F7 � �� } :�. I �_��. � �.� I . . �,' ! � �I � I �. I ' ' F BASE DISCHARGf - 1200 CFS { ��.,. �. ,#,_ I.. �� . I .�. � �__j-- . � '� � � � �� '�f ._ I _� '� � Bf5 FREOUENCY = !U9 YRS -20 E -�-----�-- -- — -i--- . . � B15E FhY ELEVA710N = 23 FT � ` �. I � I ' - � —,— p� OVfRTOPP/NG DISCNARGE= X70IX+1 CFS �� i -� •�� I � � � �/ p y OVERTOPP/NG fREWfNCY= JSW�'+) YRS • � .. -, � .. � � . . I ._, � �, � " j . � ' �. ; � � �,� � � Fy � ✓ ERTOPP/NG ELE�'ATION = 532 F i _ � � T� �,. ._ ( � --,- � - - -- - ---- _ OV T �� -..�� -�_. � �a . : _ 1. � �. � ._.:_. 1 _I �� � . j �.-. - I.. . . i .-. � .--I� � . � ��v ��9 2�77 ' � �. �. . ' � . . � DaTE OP SUMEY = 03/OB/n . . ... . . . . . . � . WS.ELfVAT/ON �,� w �� ���� AT OATE OF SUR✓EY '-�� � 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 �7+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 c N �O � � � [� U W O � � L1 v�Cll�lli �� by �IlA�� �i�AO�lla�1V !il ll�][`V1[S�c�N �1F lE����][][�Ai�� BEAUFORT COU11lTY LOCATION: REPLACE BRIDGE N0.30.OVER CAMPBELL CREEK ON lYC 33 TYPE OF WORK GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVIlYG, AND STRUCTURE ��� 8-5620 � PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 9 '` � I'' :: '� ' ', : �m , b > � r a 1 �. i ��, II NOTES: 1. CLEARING ON THI$ PROJECT $HALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD II. 2. THIS PROIECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. GRAPKIC SCAI.ES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 LL � ` � PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) . DESlGN DATA ADT 2013 = 240 ADT 2033 = 480 K = 70 °% D = 60 % T = 7 °/a " V = 55 MPH ' TTST =2% DUAL 5� FUNC CLA55 = MAIOR COLLECTOR REGIONAL TIER PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH OF ROADWAY TIP PROIECT 8-5620 = 0.155 MILES LENGTH OF STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT �5620 = 0.026 MILES TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT 8-5620 — 0.181 MILES Flrep�rM ln IIe OfJlce d: G�INTB NC1L1ien5e�No�kC��155inaS4]fi0B��0 DAV�D W. BASS PE RIGf/T OF WAY DATE: Pxo�ecr sver�x APRIL 10 2077 MONICA 1. DWAL vrtoiscr nesrcH e,vcmxsx LETTlNG DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2017 NCIXIT F1S'DXAUL7C5 ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER e� �%�������� i�IOV �: � 2017 ��)��Tt�a� o`�1i�9� �6i`�' 1\COD9VLETL PLANS � rm ,�.. A. .�. ..��,�n�a� OOCUMFMT MDT LOMyOfllEp FIN1L ��u �u aw�urvxra eorrieteo Z O � •NOTE: THERE ARE NO IMPACTS TO BUFFERS OUTSIDE OF THE WETLANDS ALONG THE TRIB. TO CAMPBELL CREEK, gU FF�R IIl�PACTS THEREFORE BUFFER MITIGATION IS NOT REQUIRED. B2 Campbell Creek Impacts � ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS = 1111 SF ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACTS = 664 SF �eZ �� Campbell Creek Trib. Impacts _ ' "' �ez �� ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS = 2144 SF ��_ �^ ZONE 2 BU.FFER IMPACTS = 2810 SF O � �, � �� � * � � ���� � �',� � ;� � } � � �� � xxre xosrx c�na�ix�, e.c. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. ��� e. .. Fo��, wo a. sz9aa zoa 8-5620 ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS = 1248 SF �� "`1`1��� ����� �•��;��• �� .o.�,. Ho: �•,s:. � ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACTS = 859 SF p WW SHEET Nf PEIVV\IT�DIWVVOIVG � R�AENGINEER�GN / N SHEET 6 O� 9 TURBIDITY r � L�gz zJ� cueraN 3 ,� / �l � Bz �—� ENIi T'IP 1'Id0 ECY' �-5620 , 0ti !%sJ �,S- . ��,�.: ,,.- d,- d'OT ST'A 2I + 75.00 ' �-`-=~`�W �5/ AU571N BR07HERS.LLP �iy. �y � . . 08 f331PG 464 s � �,�,t ��.,.g> � , � � ': O o&' �. � -� �+`� �': f SFiEEf NO. rcorsnuu s ENGINEER . .� ..� � . ., � . . AUSTIN DAVip CARROLL �' �� '. � � > , ,, '� �` � � u� � ygy'�, � � ; � DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL � � � � ,� � � . , � . - _ „ � � ., 26 75 �. UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED , . . p9 �252 pC 972 � ' .� 26 -.� � : � E � � � .�� �,t , 11� 4� .� '��• � -.� �: 26.75' =��e caa,�"� � IN � . � � i � i� �', � � ' i` 2 INC - ne�- = � ... � � :' � �;f BS' � � � � � � � ;,�„� � �', ,� . � , � y�, ,: �'� � � - � : �v� � � ,� � "` � ��i,. ,VvS FAON �EQ'i111t TII' PIdO ECT 8-5620 � � � � � � � � � � o * *� � * * . . ' � . n , o — * S �n5 R � �' * ;� : � o� ` ' �, PODd�AN° j 1 I`- FOT �Tffl I2+20. � i � � .��=„_�*- N � �� * .�� ��� � � � R � - c�—��*�- �- � LL � � � . � �: --- _-�-- - CF�W _ � , a � � • r - �n:s -:,��';-nw-�,. . ... ��-•,: -: ��t ' I , ---'"__ ,� " - - - -_"_ �-- �n .r,�-.,,�.4 �ux � _me-�--�------„u��_� - . . � - - .. - _ :�ux�� . �rGREU 7L-3��.. : ,,, � �i�S.�tD� RQ�?n' i ----__ ! ---- ------ ., g - - � -- — --- - � • - rA �,,-�. / � B�-2 --r— _ � r,..r-.!'vr:�.r'�.:^'v^na � _ l�n B- _ -- _ ". 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RELATIO�lSHIP TO PAVEIVLEi�lT � BZ, ; �' m" �, ��' '� „oo;c; A� BEGIN BRIDGE NTS '" '� ' V 9 END BRIOGE � ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS =, 134 SF .,-� s� -9 -- ++- / Q,��,� _� POC STA t8+27+/- n��, � ZONE 2 BUFFER .IAAPACTS = 64 SF -F � � � s`� 9 � �.y �`' .� ausrw sao�HEas. �ta `�A- 4� „� �- �~� � �8 i331PG 464 5T97E D8 5oPG 3ygApOLtNA " V� � � . � , e0 . � JESSE H. PPoCE REYOCABLE TRUST & �~ � � Z,� ��` ' �O% , � Utd6m t�, PRICE REVOCABLE 7RL15T ;r 1 � �,., 404 WETLANDS , _�_ oa �ezo pc e�s � y B3 '� � � � � � .� ._...._. .,.. '� �. � .� i� .� LEGENO ZONE 1 BUFFER IMPACTS = 108 SF ZONE 2 BUFFER IMPACTS = 10 SF CAMA WETLANDS � ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 7 ✓ ALFRE6 ri. 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