HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160897 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20171128� ii. .., , .. Uuuii! y NCD W R Proj cet Nn.: 'i3O I(,,p � 7 Cuunty:1 _�/�4(t lpplicanl: tis:;�:� <�nV..e.\�„c. �{F.i� �i�, :eCc_.*� Projec�Name: lr.+�}�r�i..-� ��/{ly I.�r,�J#�.�i17i-�'�"I Delc o/ ISeUY�fP of 101 WTfef Quelity Ccrti�ntbn: �.J G V� ZI ,%-�� b �C�G'�CCrGn n::�d :: s ����r u DENH.bva'. - >.q-.....,eS jR�W$PORTATIGh �Crii�il I'TIN6 UN(� Certific�te o(Completion l I�n complelion of all work appmved within the 401 Water Qualiry Ceniiieaiion or appiicahla Ru�ler Rulec. and any subseyuem modificaiions, Ihe applicam is rcquired to rctum Ihis certiticate to the 401 Tr;.nspurtatiun Permining Unit. North Cerolina Dirision o( Wa�er Resources. 1617 Mail Service Ccnter. Raleigh, .'JC. 27699-1617. This Fortn may be relumed Io NCDN'0. by the applicant. Ihe dp0licanl's authorized agem. or Ihe prvjecl tngineer II is not necessary ro send ceniGwtes Gom all of ihcsc. ,Ipp/�ir7anl's Cerl!/lcadan 1, !�✓`✓ �% �� � , hercAy sra�e �ha�, [o the hest ol'm� abilities, due care and diligrnce was uxJ in the observa�ion of ihe cunstruction such thai the conshvuion was obxned to be built within substanual comphance and imm�t ol'�he 401 �}�sier Qualiry Cenifica�ion and tluf(er Rulzs. ihe appro�ed plans and �penficalions, and � er opp��rti�lgriaterinls. i ;,,,�„,,, �..�/uZ � �- 9- 2�- i7 , , ,larnt'i Cer:lfJraMon � 1, G �:�S F,n�`1 hereby ciate �ha�. to ihe bes� of my ahili�ies, due care and diligence we5 used in t0e observnlwn ul ihe construaion such that the construcuon was oDsmed m be Duih Nnhm suhslanUal compliance anJ inreni of lhe �UI Waiar Ou�lil} CeniGee�ion anJ Buffrr Kule�. ihr appie�eJ pla�s and cpccficationc. a tha mppon�ng ma�eria6. Signamm /�„"` I�alc �� /I(a' I �' EnRiweer's CexlfcaMnn Partial X Final I, _,� Grnc�S �%l�/� �;.� � f� , a5 � dUl} regislcred Pmfe�sional Engineu in thc Sulr of Vorth Carolina, ha�mg been aulhoritcJ 10 ubxrve fp�riodieall�, wttkly, full lime) Ihe conswnion o(�hr pm�ect for the Pnmintt hereby state Nai. m the besi ot my abihiics. due wre and diligmce wae used +n ihe oburvaiion of �hc conurucuon �uch �hal �he cun.Iruc�ion we� �65eneJ to be buih witltin subelanbal compliance an.l mlenl of d�t J01 Watcr Qualin Ccnifica�ion and ButTer Rules. ihz approved plans and specificaiions. and oiher supponing m�ierial>. till'��OWrc `'����/ Ittgitilydliun ��o �U J 7V � , , � /I /S / % � ,,,,,�,�CAR � � ,,•�°.�N ,,....��. : _Q-�;.FESY,C 2(Q`1 ��,� � �as�o. � ,IJiS v n lllv �� i�