HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171506 Ver 1_Project History_20171127U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT ActionlD. SAW-201S01564 County: Mecklenbure USGSQuad: NGMOl7NTAIN ISLAND LAKE GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner / Authorized Agent: Raodv Smith . Mt Island Promenade LLC Address: 204 C. W Woodlawn Road Charlotte. NC 28217 Telephone No.: 704-532-0028 Size and loca[ion of pmperty (water body, road name/number, towq etc.): The oroiect is located at 4000 Mount Hollv Huntersville Road. Chadotte. Mecklenbure Counri, North Carolina Coordinates 35.326N, -80.9385W Description of projech area and ac[ivity: This oermit authorizes excavatioo aod olacement of fill material associa[ed with cermaneot stream imoacts of 1381inear feet and stream bank stabil'vation of 11 lioear feet. Applicable Law: � Sec[ion 404 (Clean Wazer Ac[, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Sec[ion 10 (Rivers aod Harbors Ac[, 33 USC 403) Au[horization: Regional General Pmni[ Number. NationwidePermitNumber: NW39 Addi[ional Remarks and/or $oecisl Pertni[ Conditions Your wark is au[horized by the above referenced permit provided it is attomplished in strict accordance with the attached wnditioos and your submitted application and attached information dated November 13. 2015. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject t6e permi[tee [o a stop work ordeq s restoration order, a Class t administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the ezp'vation date identified below unless the rmtionwide authori�ation is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authori�ation is reissued anNor modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiation dace identifieA below, provided it complies wiN all requirements of the modified nationwide permic If the nationwide permit authori7ation expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such [hat the activity would no longer comply with [he terms and conditions of the na[ionwide pertnit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under connact to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activiry is completed within nvelve months of the date of the nationwide pertniPs exp'vation, modifitation or revocation, unless discretionary authority has 6een ezercised on a caze-by-case basis to modify, susprnd or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Sec[ion 404 (u indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Wa[er Quality Certification. You should wntact [he NC Division of Water Qualily ([elephone (919) 807-6300) lo determine Section 401 requiremen[s. You may alm visi[ [heir website at h[Ip://portal.ncdem.ore/web/wo/swo/ws/webscaoe For ac[ivities occurting wi[hin �he nventy coaztal counties subject to regulation under [he Coastal Nea Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coaztal Management. This Department of ihe Army verificffiion does not relieve the permittee of ihe responsibility to obtain any other required Fedeal, S[ate or local approvalt�permits. If there aze any quwtions regarding this verification, any of the wnditions of the Permit, or Ihe Corps of Engineers regula[ory program, please contact William Elliott at 82 -271-798 Corps Regulatory Official William Elliott r�/ Date: December 29.2015 Ezpiration Date of Verification: Msrch 1S, 2017 The WiLnington District is committed to pmviding the highes[ level of support ro[he public. To help us ensme we continue [o do so, please complete [he Cus[omer Satisfattion Survey Iocated at our websi[e at htto:Ucer2.nwo.usace.army miVsurvev html to compkte the survey online. Copy to: Chris Huysman, Huysman & Bandy, Inc., 170 Dew Drop Road, Sparta, NC 28675 Permit Number: Permit Type: Name oF County: Name of Permittee: Date of Issuance: Project Manager: SAW-20] 5-01564 NW Mecklenburg Randy Smith , Mt Island Promenade LLC December 29, 2015 William Elliott Upon completion of the activity authorized by this pennit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and retum it to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Attention: CESAW-RG-A 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Please no[e that your permitted acUvity is subject to a compliance inspection by an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you ue subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Da[e HUYSMAN & BANDY, INC. W ETLAN� AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS November 9, 2015 US ACE, Asheville Regulatory Field Office Attn: Mr. William Elliott 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 Re: Mt. Island Promenade, LLC- Riverbend Projec[ 4000 Mt. Holly Huntersville Road, Charlotte, NC Meckenburg County (PIN: 03304110) NWP 39 Verifiwtion Request Mr. Elliott: The purpose of this correspondence is to submit a PCN for a mixed use, commercial/multifamily development under NWP 39 as described in the attached documents. A Notification of Jurisdictional Determination was issued for the project site (SAW-2015-01564) on August S0, 2015. The project consists of the proposed commercial and multifamily development, associated infrestruc[ure including roadways and accompanying parking facilities, and some use of retaining walls. A large stormwater BMP will be constructed for the purpose of treating runoff to improve the quali[y to receiving waters. Local approvals also mandate the establishment of open space. Through careful design of the site plan, impacts are limited to two road crossings of one intermittent stream and one perennial stream for site access and infrestruaure. The locations of the proposed roads are dictated by local ordinance and NC DOT driveway requirements which ensure public safety. These impacts are necessary to maximize economic return through net leasable space and total less than 1501inear feet. All other impacts tojurisdictional streams and wetlands have been avoided. Thank you for your consideretion, and please feel free to call me with questions or comments. ���'J�� hNs Huy#rian '�� Cluismpha Huysmaz� Temp BanEy 1]0 Dew Drop Roetl 4108 LB Props[ Drive SpenqNC 286]5 Conma,NC 286t3 336.406.0906 828302343] cm�.x�n�s��.�om rr�ee�ayC��i.� ��F WRTFS,Q Olfice Uae Only. � �'� Caps actlon ID rw. o DW(] proJect no. Frnm Ver�on 1.4 Jenuery 2009 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form A. Applleant IMormation 1. Processing ta. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � � SecUon 404 Peimit ❑ Section 10 PertnR tb. Spedfy Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 39 or Generel Permit (GP) number: ic. Has the NWP ar GP number been verifled by the Corpsl � Yes ❑ No id. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWO (check all that apply): ❑ 401 Water Quelity Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Junsdictional Generel Permk ❑ 401 WaterQualltyCertlficetlon—Express ❑ RlpatlanBufferAuNorizaUon 1 e. Is thls notiflcatlon solely for the record For the record only for DWQ For ihe record only for Corys Permi[: 6eceuae written epproval is nM required7 401 Certificatlon: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mNgeUon bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigafion of impact5l If so, attech the acceptence letter from mitigatlon 6ank ❑ Ves � No a in-Ileu fee program. 1g. Is the pmJed located In any W NC's twenty coastal counlies. If yes, answer 1 h � Yes � No below. 1 h. Is ihe projed located within a NC DCM Area of Environmentel Concem (AEC)7 ❑ Yes � Na 2. ProJact IMormation 2e. Name of projeck Riverbend 2b. Counry: Mecklenburg 2c. Nearestmunicipelity/town: Charlotte 2d. SubdiWslon name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state projecl no: Ma 3. Owner InMrmation 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: MT ISLAND PROMENADE LLC 36. Deed Book and Pege Na. 29667-179 3c. Responsible Parly (for LLC rf Rendy Smith appliceble): 3d. Streel address: 204 C. -W Woodlawn Road 3e. Ciry, stete, zip: Chadorie, NC 28217 3f. Telephona no.: 704-532-0028 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: rs@landmerkdp.Com Page 1 M 10 PCN Fortn — Version 1.4 Jenuary 2009 d. ApplicaM IMormatlon (if diRerent irom owner) 4a. Applicent Is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, speciy: 4b. Name: Randy Smfth 4c. Business name MT ISLAND PROMENADE LLC (if apD�icahle): 4d. SVeet address: 4e. City� state, zip: 4f. Telephone no.: 4g. Farz no.: 4h. Email address: 5. AgeMlConsultaM Infarmation (if appliwble) 5e. Name: Chris Huysman 5b. Businesa name HUysman 8 88ndy, Inc. ('rf applicable): Sc. Street address: 170 Dew Drop Road 5d. City, atate, zip: Sparta, NC 28675 Se. Telephone na.: 336-406-0906 Sf. Fax no.: 5g. Email eddress: chris.huysman�dgmail.com Page 2 af 10 B. Project Informatlon and Prior ProJect Hirtory 1. Properly Idantlflcatlon ia. Properly idenUficadon no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 03304110 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latltude: 35.326 Longitude: -80.9385 tc. Propertysize: 116 aaes 2. SurFaca Waters 2a. Nama of nearest bady of water to proposed projecC UT to Long Creek 2b. Water Quality Clas�cation of nearest receiving water: WS IV 2a Riverbasin: UpperCaWwba 3. Project Uescription 3a. Describe the ebsdng conditlons on the site and the general lend use in the vicinity of the project at the Ume of this epplicatlon: early auccesalon Meltla and wooded ereas on sib. atljacoM propartlas are wmmerclal entl resltlerNel propeNea. 3b. List ihe totel estlmated acreage of all existlng wetlands on the property: 0.03 3u IJst Me total esdmated Ilnear feel of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on Me property: 2600 3d. Explein fhe purpose of the proposad project: mized use, canmerdel / multHemity davalopmant 3e. �escribe the ove211 project in detail, induding lhe type of equlpmeM to be used: provide building lo[s and InhastrucWre for mlxetl use development. Impacfs are requeatetl prlmarily (or atte access at locally approveE locatlmu 4. Jurisdictlonal Determinallons 4a. Have Junsdictional wetland or stream detertninations by tha � y� ❑ No ❑ Unknown Corps or S[ate 6een requestetl or obiained for thls praperty / Comments: Sp,yy-pm5�o1564 mecl includin all rior hases inihe ast7 4b. IT Ne Corps matle the juristlictional de[ertnina0on, what lype of determination was mede? ❑ Preliminary � Final 4c. If yes, who delineated thejUrisdicqonal areas9 Agency/Cansultent Compeny: Huyamen & Bandy, Inc. Name (if known): Chris Huysman O�her. 4d. If yes, list the detes of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations end attadi documentadon. 6AW-2015-01564 Auguat 10, 2015 5. ProJectHlstory Se. Have pertnits or cert�cations been requested or obtained for �Yes � No ❑ Unknown Mis project (induding all prior phases) in the paslT Sb. If yes, explein in deWil according to'help file' instructions. 8. Future Projact Plans 6a. Is ihis a phased project7 ❑ Yes � No Bb. If yes, explain. Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.4 Januery 2009 C. Proposed Impaets Inventory 1. Impacb Summary ta. Which aectlons xrere completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ weeands � Streams—iributaries ❑ Butfers ❑ open Watere ❑ Pond Consvucnon 2. Wetland Impaeh H there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, Nen complete this questlon for each wetlantl aree impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. N. Wetland impecl Type of impact Type of wetland Forested Type afjurisdiction Fvea of number Corps (404,10) or Impact Permenent (P) or DWO (401, other) (acres) Tem W1 - Choose one Chaose one Vas�No W2 - Chooseone Chooaeone Vea�No W3 • CMose one Chooee one YesMo - yy4 - Chaone one Choose one Ves�No WS - Choose one Chooee one Yas/No - WB - CMwe one Choose one VeNNo - 2g. Total Wetland Impaets: 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacte If the2 are pe2nnlel or IrRermKtent siream impacts (inGuding temporary impacis) proposed on ihe sita, ihen complete ihis questlon tor all stream sites impacted. 3a. 36. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impac[ Typa of Impect Stream nema Perennial (PER) or Type of Average Impact number intermittent (IN7�7 jurisdidion atream IengM Pertnanent(P)or width (linear Temporery (T) ({��) feet) 57 P FlII UT to Lonp Creek PER Corpe 2 84 52 P Cuhreh UT in Lang Geek PER Cwps 3 54 $3 P S�abilization UT M Lorp Creek PER Corps 3 11 54 - Choose one 55 - Choase ona � - SB - Chooseone - 3h. Total stream and tributary impec[s 148 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Verslon 1.4 January 2009 �. Open water Impacts If Nere are D�Po$ed impects to lakes, ponds, estuaries, fibuteries, sounds, the Atlantic Oceen, or any other open water of the U.S. then ind'Mduell list all o en water im cb below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4a. Open water Name of waterbody impact number (If appllcable) Type of impect Waterbody Aree of Impact (acres) Pertnanent(P)or type Tem ora O1 - Chooseone Chaoee 02 - Choose one Choose 03 - Cxiaosaone Chooee 04 - Choose ona Chaoae 4f. Total opan wetar impects 4g. Comment8: 5. Pond or Lake Conatruction If ond or lake construcUon ro osed then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. Sd. 5e. Pond ID number Proposed uae or Wetland Impects (ecres) Streem Impecte (feet) Upland purpose W pond (acres) Flooded Filled Ezcaveted Flooded Filled 6ccavated P1 choaseone P2 Chaose ane 5f. ToW: Sg. Commenfs: Sh. Is e dam high hazerd pertnit required7 ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, pertnit ID no: 5i. E�eded pond suAace area (ac2s): Sj. Size oi pond watershed (acres): 5k Methatl M conshuction: 6. BuRer Impeeta (for DWQ) If project will impaG e protected riparfen buffer, than camplete Ne chart below. If yes, then indlvidually Iist ell buffer impacts below. If an Im acts re ulre mki ation then u MUST flll oul Sectlon D of Nis form. 6a. Projed is in which protected basin7 ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamllco ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman ❑ Other 6b. 6c. Bd. 6e. fif. 8g. Bufter Impect Reason far Impac[ Stream name Buffer Zone 1 Zone 2 number— mitlgatlon impact impac[ Permanent (P) or required7 (aquare (square Tem ora feet feet B1 - YesMa 62 - YasMo B3 - veaMo 84 - veeMo B5 - vesmlo BB - ves/Plo Bh. Total Buffer Impacts: Bi. Commants: rage o or iu : 4 : :L �,,�� _ � . ...�� y `L�.'_ • .'�rl���f �L � P i�= �_ � ��r ���r� �I � v � � �� J . } _ ' 1 =r'' � 1 � �'T rl.i � , � •� � � �r t y, ; r _ �' r '_ " ' �+rt � � . yi�`•��i ^'� ,t _'�� '-.�r -ti�-���F�i�`'{ �i` .IF ��}�_-�i�';*r� +`-'_ 4 �_4 __'1 ,'y�Ll' � �-�} � }3 ^'� I_ L •. � � ''' � 1 i�� :i: � I• 'F r � t h �. ''r � �1x r i����r'. ' � -1■ . _� I-, � :'�� . . � � s; . : { � -� � �� � rv{r. � +� . _� I � . '• .4 r � y -�'` ' : ' . -, �,,h . 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Si[e gra�ng will incarporete setliment antl arosion mrNol meawras ta proted etraams. 2. Com aato Miti adon for Im Ms W Watero of tha U.S. or Waters of fhe State 2a. Does the proJect require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yea � No impacis to Walers of ihe U.S. or Weters of the Sfate? 26. If yes, mldgaUon Is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mifi9atlon bank 2c. If yes, which mitlgation option wlll be used for this ❑ peyment M In-lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responaible Mftigetion 3. Com lete ff Usin a MRi atlon Bank 3a. Name of MNgation Bank: Typa: Choose one Quantlty: 3b. Credita Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type: Choose one QuaMity: � Type: Choose one �uar�tiry: 3c. CommeMs: 4. Com lete If Maldn a Pa ent W In-lieu Fea P rom 4a. Approval letter irom in-Ileu fee progrem is aHeched. ❑ Yes 46. Stream mitlgation requested: Ilnearteet 4c. If using stream miGgation, etream temperature: Choose one 4d. Buffer mitlgetlon requesied (DWQ only): square fce[ 4e. Riparian we[land mi4gadon ieques[ed: acres 4f. Non-tiparian wetland mitigatlon requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: ecres 4h. Comments: 5. Complate H Using a Permittee Responsi6la Mltlgation Plan 5e. If using a permittee responsible miti9ation plan, provide a descriptlon of the proposed mftigation plan. Page 6 of 10 PCN Fortn — Version 1.4 January 2009 8. Bufter Mkigatlon (SWte Repulated Riparlan Butfer Rules) — requlred by DWQ Ba. Will the project result in an impeci wBhin e protectetl riparlan buffer Nat requires � �es ❑ No bu/fer mitlgadon7 6b. If yes, then Identi(y the square feet of impac[ to each zone ot Na riparian bufter ihat requires mkigetion. Calculate ihe amount ot mitigation requlred. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Tofal impact Multlplier Required mkigetion (square feat) (square teei) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawbe) Zone 2 1.5 Bf. Tofal buffer mklgation requirad: Bg. If bufFer mWgatlon is required, discuss what rype of mftigation Is proposed (e.g., payment M pdvete mRlgetlon bank, permittee responsible rlperien buffer restoration, payment into an approved iMieu fee fund). 6h. Commenis: Page 7 of 10 E. Stormwater Management and Diffusa Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Dltfuse Flow Plan 1a. Doas the projecl indude or Is it adjeceM to pro[ecled dparian buffers identifled � yes � No wifhin one of tha NC Ri arian BuRer Pro[ection Rules7 tb. If yes, then is a diftuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ ves ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is ihe overall percent Imperviousness of this project7 0� 2b. Dces this ro ect uire a Stortnwater Ma�a ement PIan7 � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require e Stormweter Management Plan, explain why: 2d. Ii this proJed DOES require a Stormwaler Menegement Plan, then provide e brief, narrative description of Ne plan: See plans for ploposed BMP locetlon. 2e. Who will be responsible tor the review of ihe Stortnwater ManagemeM Plan? Ciry al Chenone 3. Cer4Bed Locel Govemment Stormweter ReNew 3a. In which local avemmenPs urisdiction is ihis ro'ect? Cnariotte � Phase ll 3b. Which of the following locelly-implemented atormwater management pmgwms ❑ NSW e USMP epply (check all that apply): Water Supply Watershed � Other: 3c. Has ihe approved Stortnwater Management Plan with prooi of epprovel been ❑ Yes � No attached7 4. DWQ Stommvater Pro ram Revlew �Coastal counties ❑H�W 4a. Which of �he following state-implemented stortnwater managemen[ programs apply �pRyy (check all that apply): ❑Session Lew 2006-246 ❑Other: 4b. Has Me epproved Stormwater Menagement Plan with proof of epproval been � Yee ❑ No atteched� 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review Se. Does Ne Stormwater Manegement Plan meet the appropriate requirements9 � Ves ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met7 ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 7.4 January 2009 F. Supplementary In4ormatlon 7. Environmantal DocumeMatlon (OWQ Requlrement) 1 e. Does the project invoNe an expendilure M public (federal/stetellocal) funds or ihe � yes � No use of public (federel/state) land7 tb. If you answered yes° to the above, doas the project require preparatlon W an environmental document pursuent to the requirements of the National or Stete ❑Yes ❑ No (North Carolina) EnvironmenWl Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)7 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has ihe document review been fi�alized by the State Cleartng House? (If so, attech a copy M the NEPA w SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Camments: 2. Violationa(DWCRequlremeM) 2a. Is the eite in vialation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Weter or Wetland Standards, ❑Yes � No or Ripadan Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 28 .0200)7 2b. Is this an after-the•fect permit epplication7 ❑Yes m No 2c. If you answeretl "yes° to one or both M the above questions, pmvide an e�lanatlon M the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWO Requlrement) 3a. WIII ihis project (besed on pest end reasonebly antiGpatetl future Impacis) result in �yes � No additlonal developmant, which could impect nearby downsheam wa[er qualityl 3b. If you answered'yes° to Uie above, submit a qualiteUve or quanti[ative cumulative impect analysis In accordance wiTh the moet recent DWQ policy. If you answered'no," provide a short narrative descriptlon. edjacenl p�opeNea aze zoned for locally Eesignatetl uees. 4. Sewage Diaposal (DW� Requirement) � 4a. Clearly detall the ultimete treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the pmposed project, or availahle qpacity of the subject tacility. axutiry� senXery sewer utllity (CMUD) Page 9 of 10 PCN Fortn — Varsion 1.4 January 2009 5. E�dangared Spedes and Designated Crltioal Habilet (Corps Requlremant) Sa. WIII Mis project occur In or near en erea with tederelly protected spacies or � Yes � No hebitet? Sb. Have you checked wkh the USFWS conceming Endangered Species Act � Yes � Na Impacts? 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Fleld Otflce you have coMaaed. - 5d. What deta sourcas did you use to determine whether your site would impacl Endan9efed Speaes or Designated Critiwl Habitetl 6. Eesendal Fish Habitel (Corpe Requirement) 6a. Will ihis projec[ occur in or near an area designated es essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No Bb. What data sources did you use to detertnine wheNer your slte would impac[ Essentlal Fish Habitet7 7. Mistoric or Prehiatoric Cultural Rasources (Corps Requlrement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the sta[e, taderal or tnbal govemmenfs have designated as having histonc or cultural preservation � yes � No status (e.g., National Hlatotic Trust designatlon or propartles signiflcant in North Caroline history anE arohaeology)7 7b. What data sourc»s did you use to determine whether your si[e would impact his[aric or ercheological resources? M 6e determined by USACE 8. Fload 2ona Dasignation (Corps Requiremant) Ba. WII this projecl occur in a FEMA-desi8nated 100-yeer flootlplaln7 ❑ Yes � No Bb. If yes, explain how proJect meets FEMA requiremenGs: 8c. What source(s) did you use to maka the floodplain determination7 local �ls �uS��2 l�ys'►�^h'� 11 �� • 201 Applicanf(BgaaYc.2tl�ted Name Appli� VAgenPs Sign ture Date (AganPs aigne ra is velid ony If en ihahatlon letfer (rom tlie e icant le mWAetl. Page 10 of 10 � C- � :RLEp p 390 �ET PPOG. 80 OF B' FliQ op PROPOSED BUICQING T� - /- �IMP�CR r I _ _ _ A � �; r�, (y \\\\\\\\\ \� � � �� END � � � � IMPPC� _ I I 1 - , �a - °Po. 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