HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171506 Ver 1_Jurdistictional Determination_20171127U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action 1.D.: SAW-20IS01564 Counry: Mecklenbure U.S.QS. Quad: NC-MOUN7'AIN ISI.AND LAKE NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Properry Ownu/Agent Raody Smith, Landmark Development Partners, LI.C/ Redus NC Land LLC, Paul Carty Address: 204 C.- W Woodlawn Road Charlottq North Carolina 28217 Telep6one No.: 704 Si2 0028 Property description: Siu (acres): 116 acres Nearest Town: Charlotte Neams[ Wa[erway: I.ong Creek River Basin: Upper Catawba Coardinates: 35326N, -80.9385 W Hydrologic Unit Code: 03050101 Lowtion Deuription: The site u located at 4000 Moun[ Holly Hun[enville Road, Chadottq Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Coordinates: 35326N, -80.9385W Indicate Which of the Followine Applv: A. Preliminary Determination � _ Based on preliminery information, there may be waters and wetlands on the a6ove dexribed properry. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to detertnine the exhnt of Deparlment of the Amry (DA)'ryrisdictioa To be wnsidued final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Cofps. This preliminary detecmmarion is not an appealable action wder the Regularory Program Adminis[ra[ive Appeal Process ( Referenm 33 CFR Part 331). ). Ifyou wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contaMing Ne Carps district for fiutha insrtuction. Also, you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevalua[e the 1D. B. Approved Determination _ There are Navigable Waters of [he United Sfa[a wilhin the above described prope�Ty subjec[ [o the permi[ requirements of Secrion 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Ac[ and Sectiort 404 ofthe Clean Water Ac[. Unless there is a chenge in the Iaw or ow published regula[ions, this detertnination may be relied upon for a D�od mt to exceed five years from the date of lhis notification. X There are warers and wedands on the above described propeny subject ro the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (C WA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our pu6lished regulations, this determinafion may be relied upon for a period oot to exceed five years from the date af fhis notification. We strongly suggest you have the weters and wetlands on your property delinented. Due to the siu ofyour property and/or our prcsent workload, the Corps may not be able Io accomplish ihis wWand delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obmin a consultant To be considered final, any delineation must be verified 6y the Corps. X The waters and weHands on yow property itave been delinea[ed and [he delineation has been verified by the Corps. We stron�ly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. [Ipon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by ihe Corps. Once verified, [his survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas mbject to CWA jurisdiaion on your property whi<h, pmvided there is no change in the law or our published mgulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. The wa[ers and wetlands have been detineated and surveyed and are accura[ely depiaed on the plat signed by the Corps Regularory Offcial idenufied below on . Unless thero is a change in ihe law or ow published regulations, [his determination may be relied upon for a period not W exceed five ytars from the date of this no[ificatian. _ Tkiere are no waters of the 0.5., W include wetlands, pruent on the above dacribed properry which ere subject ta ihe perrttit requiiements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). UNess Ihere is a change in [he law or ow published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period mt to exceed five years 5rom Ne date of this no[ification. Aclion Id.: SAW-2015-01564 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands wiNout a Departmwt of the Army permit may wnstitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding ihis determination anNor [he Corps regulatory program, please contect William Elliott a[ 828-271-7980. C. Basis For Determination The site coniains weHands as derecmined by the l987 Corps of Engrneers We!lond De(ineation Manua! and the In[erim Regional Suppfement m Ihe Corps of Engineers Wee/onds Delinea�ion Mareual: Eastern Movn7ain and Piedmon! Region. These we[lands are adjacen[ to stmam charmels located on the property [hat eshibi[ indiwtors of ordinary high water marks. The stream channel on the property "is an unnamed tributary to Long Creek w6ich flows into the Uppe� Catawba Rivu. D. Remarks: Jurisdictional "Waters of t6e US" have been identifed on this properly as depiMed by submitted Jurisdictional Request Package on fila E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineatioNde[e�mination has been conduc[ed to identiCy the limits of Corps' Cleen Wa[er Ac[jurisdic[ion for the particuiar site identified in this request. Ihe delinea6oNdetertnination may not be vaiid for the wMland conurvation provisions of the Food Sewrity AM of 1985. If you or yom tenant are USDA Progam participanis, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should requwt a certified wetland de[ermination from the local office of the Nazural Resoufces Coosecvation Service, priar to starting work. F. AppeelS Infol'me[lon (This information applies only to approved jurisdiMional determina[ioos as indicated in B.above) Atteched m this verification is an approvedjurisdiMional detertnination. If you are not in ageement with that approved jurisdictional determination, you can make an adminis[rntive appeal under 33 CFR 331. Endosed you will find a reques[ for appeal (RFA) form. If you request m eppeal this determination you must submit a wmplehd RFA form to the foilowing address: US Atmy Corps of Engincers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason S[eele, Review O�cer 60 Forsy[h Street SW, Room IOMIS Atlantn, Georgie 30303-8801 In order for an RFA to be accep[ed by [he Corps, the Corps mus[ de[ertnine tha[ i[ is complete, tha[ i[ mee[s [he criteria for appwl under 33 CFR part 331.5, and ttiat it haz been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide ro submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address within 60 days of the issue dare below. "•It is not necessery m submit an RFA form [o the Division �ce if you d/o mt object to the determination in this correspondence.•• '--L�/��_ CorpsRegulatoryOfficial: WilliamElliott !/I��// Issue Date: Aueust 10.2015 Expiration Dau: pa¢ust 9.2020 The W ilming[on Disirict is wmmitted to providing the highut level ofsupport m ihe public To help us ensure we wntinue [o do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at htto:Uoer2.nwo.usace.armv.miUsurvev.htrnl ro complete the swvey online. CF: Huysman & Bandy, ina, WEC 170 Dew Drop Road, Sparts, NC 28675 Paul Carty Redus NC Land LLC., 1 Independent Dr, STE 615, 7acksonville, FI. 32202 ---- �v irl —ry=��' ainescumeConsulianis ��_�T rFiyure e an va ua • n � rth Carolina r% �: Sketch �. : � ,� PerenmalChannel ' � �� � 1'�- �' f ti} � � � � Date P tetl' 1�/ �� � � nn 11/2074 9:03 23 AM 5� tl-i35o�inearFeet � r `V� �' Y ���.fl>� �� 1� �"`r� , �'r.:: � �,rl � . °Lu \� �'m r n �Q� , ti']:�f,r' f '`i M1'.r'" � 1-� . � n ( r� � j � i � � ,a,4. ti f �, 1a �i �1';�lja y Y GJ �n.(�Y�p 1�^��� 1�' � � ��. � Data Point � � � � \ ♦ � i '4*A dQ"f� �it \ � 'r' J� � .-_�' 1. .�l Not Wetland �{ � ' � � r�� ' ,.; � j�,t .Cf ��� �1 �' i, I ,.'�;��,ra(+� �"\-,�('\` J . 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CorpsojEngineers theNCOrvivono Vert��a�uQtbYt ' ` � � he LS Army nap rreporuspepareGtorth¢inanbryofreal ' � � I fWoterQ �yqndother W\ CI" olihismepp�2p rt renereS �upetywlihlnMecklenU� ��"�' 4 � �pplOP�iUfelocdlputllO�ItiPs 1� yi y n01ihe0 lhat IM1e a(oreman[ionetl puhfc � C unfy a tl Is comp le0 I�om recortled Ee E5 1' 1�'��" sbliylorNeTlp��poncpntavretlhereln f�mxryrlomelonso�rcess�oultlberonsulletlforvenficalionMecklenhoyCounfyandisma� , I p t I x maP Ys pla m � -.. '..• . ps,ano IM1erpublare.ordsantldala_ I Pping conVaclors assume no I¢ya�