HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081786 Ver 2_Minor Variance_20090120 O~~~WArE:~Oc. (;j )> - r- > - - -j o '" D<6- \1 ~ l.D V~ Michael F, Easley, Governor William G, Ross Jr" Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form (For Minor and Major Variances) ~&l@~DW~ @ JAN 2 0 2009 Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE: Thisform may be photocopiedfor use as an original, __ a.!;HR' WATERQUAUTY ....'WV1W AND STORMWATER BRANat Check the appropriate box below: o Major Variance X Minor Variance Please identify which Riparian Area Protection Rule applies (Note-this must be one of North Carolina's four buffered river basins. The River Bain map is available at http://h2o.enr .state.ne. us/admin/maps/.) X Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B.0233) o Tar-Pamlico River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B.0259) Part 1: General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1, Applicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the property): Paul Bradley Forrest and Kathleen Kenney Forrest 2, Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the property and its compliance) Name: Title: Street address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Fax: Paul B. Forrest Homeowner _511 Dundalk Way ______ _Cary, NC 27511 ________________________________ L1319) 381::.59_Q~_________ LJH.m_9.n.::.13_~ 51 3. Contact person who can answer questions about the proposed project: Name: _Paul Forrest or Dave Marr (Contractor)__ Telephone: PFL~J 9)608-1567.__llM (919)291-73Z'L. Fax: ( 919) 677-8352 Email: brad@idealoQicdesiQn,com Dave@ 3dremodelingnet__ Version 3: January 2008 4, Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name - consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): __511 Dundalk Way I Forrest 5, Project Location: Street address: _511 Dundalk Way City, State, Zip: _Cary, NC 27511, County: USA Latitude/longitude: _35 75676000 -78.82405700 6, Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Attach an 8 ~ x 11 copy of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site). _ From Hwy 64 W take the Cary Pakwy exit right. Go straight thru the 6th stoplight (lake Pille Dr.). Aner crossing: lake Pine Dr, take the 3'([ !en ontu Dundalk Way. Gu to the end of DlIndalk 'MiY, S II DlIndalk \Vay is on the len as you enter the circle. 7. Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity: Stream name (for unnamed streams label as "UT" to the nearest named stream): UT to Neuse Ri\cr 8. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required or have been received already for this project? NA Required: Received: Date received: Permit Type: CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification/404 Permit On-site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including stormwater) Non-discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Erosion/Sedimentation Control Others (specify )__________m~________._ Part 2: Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient.) 1. Description of proposed activity [Also, please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan in Adobe (pdt) format) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity, the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity, and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. Include the area of buffer impact in ft2.: The proposed addition is a 336 sq, ft. sunroom/dining room addition, This residential addition plan includes the replacement of a I O'x 12' deck that is approximately 4 feet high (and therefore is considered to be existing impervious square footage), The deck needs to be replaced due to age, The existing deck occupies Zone 2 (95 sq ft) and a portion of Zone I (25 sq ft), The deck was original to the house built in 1980, The proposed plan was redesigned to avoid new encroachment into Zone I, The only new square footage that is in Zone I is within the same footprint of the existing deck that must be replaced. There are approx, 25 square feet of new construction in Zone I. Most of the other new square footage (approx. 295) is within Zone 2, Approximately 20 square feet is Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 3 January 2008 entirely outside of any riparian buffer. A patio is also shown in the plan, though not intended to be implemented at this time, Any future implementation of a patio will be entirely outside of Zone 2, 2. Fill in the table below to identify the square footage of impact to Zones 1 & 2 in the protected riparian buffers and the required mitigation (Fill in the impacts portion of the table, even if mitigation is not required): Buffer Impact Zone of Impact in Number Purpose for Multiplier Required Impact Square Feet (Indicate on the Impact Mitigation Plan Sheet) Zone 1 25 Replace deck 3 75 Zone 2 295 Sunroon 1.5 441 addition Total 325 516 *Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the most landward limit ofthe top of bank or the rooted herbaceous vegetation; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone I, 3. State reasons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished, reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers: The original design of the addition was reconfigured to avoid new encroachment of Zone I, when we became aware of the issue, All new impervious square footage is designed to either occupy the original deck footprint or be outside of Zone I, Any addition of this type could only be added to the rear of the house, Access to new square footage could not happen except where shown in the plan without damage to the structure and functional layout of the original house, 4. Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (i.e., control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow, re- planting vegetation or enhancement of existing vegetation, etc.): New vegetation will be planted around the new construction and additional vegetation will be planted in Zone I that will diffuse flow, 5. Please provide an explanation of the following: (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule. We operate a small business which necessitated the use of our original dining room as a home office, Because of this loss of functional space out of our 1600 square foot home, we have only had a small "breakfast room" for eating/entertaining. This arrangement does not allow adequate space for dinner with guests, Since our deck was beginning to be unstable due to age we thought it best to add this needed space in replacement of the deck, In addition to this, we have never been able to use the deck due to excessive mosquitoes (caused by the intermittent stream we are trying to protect), therefore we wanted to add indoor space to replace the deck function and create a little more living/dining space for our family and guests. (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. The section of intermittent stream in question on our property was originally created by the city of Cary to control the flow of runoff through the neighborhood in the 1980's, Had the town extended the original culvert, the buffer zone rules for the Neuse River would not have been triggered, As it is, both the existing deck and the house itself have issues with Zone I and Zone 2. There is no practical alternate resolution to gain the needed space, Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 3 January 2008 (3) If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. We have borrowed money to begin this project. We have spent money on architectural design and have given a sizeable deposit to our contractor for which we can not easily get a refund, The inability to reconfigure our house in this way will also decrease our property value and represents a long-term economic hardship to us, In addition, the economic hardship represents a loss to our contractor and the local economy, which is in need of economic activity. Part 3: Stormwater Our project has no new impact to Zone I, We are not adding any new impervious square footage to Zone I, Therefore, we believe that this section is not applicable to our project. I, Provide a description of all best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to control nutrients and sedimentation impacts associated with the proposed activity. Please ensure to include all applicable operation & maintenance agreements and worksheets for the proposed BMPs. Also, include the BMPs on your plan sheets. 2. Attach a description of how diffuse flow will be maintained through the protected riparian buffers. Please ensure to include all applicable operation & maintenance agreements and worksheets for the proposed diffuse flow measure(s). Also, include the diffuse flow measure(s) on your plan sheets. 3. What will be the annual nitrogen load contributed by this site after development in pounds per acre per year without structural BMPs (stormwater pond, wetland, infiltration basin, etc)? Attach a detailed plan for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs. Drainage Size of Post-development BMP nitrogen6 Final Final basin drainage nitrogen6 loading removal . 6 . 6 mtrogen mtrogen basin rate without BMPl efficiency5 loading rate loading (ac) (lbs/ac/yr) (%) (lbs/ac/yr) from drainage basin (lbs) 1 ') 2 3 4 5 Totals ------ ------ ------ 4 Attach calculations and references, 5 Attach calculations and references, 6 Include Phosphorus in the Tar-Pam/ico Basin 4. Attach all applicable supplement form(s) and Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Form(s) to this completed application. The applicable supplemental form(s) and I&M form(s) for the proposed BMPs noted in your application can be downloaded from the following website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc,us/su/bmpforms,htm Variance Request Form, page 4 Version 3 January 2008 Part 4: Proposed Impacts and Mitigation Provide a description of how mitigation will be achieved at your site pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0242 for the Neuse Basin and 15A NCAC 2B.060 for the Tar-Pamlico Basin. If buffer restoration is the method you are requesting, be sure to include a detailed planting plan to include plant type, date of plantings, the date of the one-time fertilization in the protected riparian buffers and a plan sheet showing the proposed location of the plantings. A guide to buffer restoration can be downloaded at the following website: http://www.nceep.net/news/reports/buffers.pdf If payment into a buffer restoration fund is how you plan to achieve your mitigation requirement, then include an acceptance letter from the mitigation bank you propose to use stating they have the mitigation credits available for the mitigation requested. Part 5: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 5 ofthis application, you certifY that all structural stormwater BMPs required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 6: Applicant's Certification I, Paul B. Forrest (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certifY that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit ;~~::s. ~=~~~~__~===___ Title: . -----jfff.111E~N.fflS...__ _ _ m ________ _________________._ Part 7: Plan Sheets Be sure to include a copy of all of your completed application form, plan sheets and maps in Adobe (pdt) format on a CD or floppy disk. Variance Request Form, page 5 Version 3 January 2008 rf IS- OUR BeL.l~F ~T WE NtFOED iO c6JV1Pc..ere- ~NL'1 ReQul(Zt'1-ttNtr fer( A- bV! INOR VAf<.t Af,JC ~ .5' Net Au- z~r; '1 sQJ4f(E R7b~ 6 -4 (<fpUjL-EHENT I I . OF A1J eXt $"rltJc,... 4.5 U1G1+ OECK, iI/If, Part 8: Checklist A complete appplication submittal consists of the following components. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. The complete variance request submittal must be received 90 days prior to the EMC meeting at which you wish the request to be heard. Initial below to indicate that the necessary information has been provided. Applicant's Initials ~;tv Iti/ - · llE2/ _ _ u~: -.J ~~ NA. ~ ~'(I /. - ~ f!ti'f N4 i!ti1 -tft~- AJ~ -r/'7-~ ~f"t ~I.,~,~~z--- -11 if 1-;- jr(> I~- I: :J':J ).,.1 r) "J..' -71j;{1 -1_,.{___u _ J~r~4-- ._- -hf(~un n I,., '1::;~-- --- f j, -'11 1fJj1; -1' 1/;";'-' .;lA'/ 1-[7/' Item . Original and two copies of the Variance Reque~t Form and the attachments listed below. A vicinity map of the project (see Part 1, Item 5) Narrative demonstration of the need for a variance (see Part 2) A detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management (see Part 4) =-----... Calculations supporting nitrogen (phosphorus in the Tar-Pamlico Basin) loading estimates (see Part 4) --. Calculations and references supporting nitrogen (phosphorus in the Tar- Pamlico Basin) removal from proposed BMPs (see Part 4) Location and details for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs (see Part 4) Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) and I&M Form(s) for each BMP and/or narrative for each innovative BMP (see Part 4) . TlJree copies of plans and specifications, including: if DevelopmentlProject name N A 0 Engineer and fmn ~ 0 Legend and north arrow ~/ Scale (1" = 50' is preferred) t" Revision number & date ~ ? I Mean high water line (if applicable) (1 Dimensioned property/project boundary <1'/ Location map with named streets or NC State Road numbers ~ Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations fJ A ~ / Details of roads, parking, cul-d~sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter 9' Footprint of any proposed buildings or other structures NA 0 Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist ~ Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations NA 0 Drainage basins delineated ~ l Perennial and intermittent streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries i Location of forest vegetation along the streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries ~. /"..A /' I) 7 " 1""'- 14;'f.'1- I: b ~t;~--- 1-1-' Variance Request Form, page 6 Version 3 January 2008 NOlI1 Ca-cjnQ Envronmentel Management GolTJRlsston JivI on Of Wator Quali~ For ~ Basin W Date . ,20 0 Rovfawad By ~ M. ~ 51{ 1) u tJ DAL-f( W k<1 FDMCST . c,..Io.t;o- . ...-- --- . ~.. . 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KILARNEY WOODS SUBDIVISION, SECTION 3 _~EGEND EIP EXISTING IRON PIPE SIP SET IRON PIPE HON HONUMENT PKN PAHKER KALON NAIL NIl MANIIOLE PP POMER POLE RIM RIGIIT OF MAY l CENTERlI NE LOT 21 ,BLOCK , RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS 1980 , YOL, PAGE 1055 AND DEED BOOK 3'188. PAGE 446 -.-'-----...-------.-~-.-~---------- -- PROPERTy"(jf:--'- ----- ---""----'-~_.----.----~-~----. I, HARVEY It ALLEN, C~!!l\~V.'lN~'I"lH.l,!j PLAT WAS DRAWN P2ul Bradley Forrestt and wi Fe UNDER MY SUPERVISION (~~ ~ VEY HADE , ~:~~i~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ . Jt~\lng~Ot. A6jjRESS:--------~:~hb:~-:~~ :;~'=-'::-------"---- G, S, 47-30 AS A!NDEif'''I.''S'f P L ": -: Cary, North Carol ina 27511 ::: \ ., ~ "c,Ir----~--Lt;:'''-rLTCJw':'?.b~E'-- .1'!;03'"'~_~<:>'!~!'Y..._ _ ~ \ <" L- Jill '>'"'!i ' A.I:: 1" = 30' I'~ -1-~.!fosu)..~~~..~ f / - .-- -. - AllEN & ASSOCIATES . " -:... '>;1' ". ..If . ",)- _-- , " Ait. 11/27 /g2 106 BURGESS STREET. SUITE 202 : -'I' L~IJ'('t.[:"'" :-,,-- j}ir/;'LfZ jH iJiT 11-7 ---- FAYETTEVilLE. NORTH CAHOLlNA 2Blnl '-,-- .,- ,..tc.!L\.L--,. L._y-__ I IliA"" y, HHA PHONE (919) 4B5'3~13 """u"~' - - - -- - -