HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090068 Ver 1_Site Plan_20090121 Erosion and Sediment Control Notes 1) Once site construction within an area has ceased All disturbed areas will be immediately seeded (temporary annual ryegrass), matted (coconut matting), and stabilized the SAME DAY. 2) All construction areas occurring directly adjacent to the live stream flow of Watauga River will have coir or natural logs placed to prevent sedimentation. ~) Following completion of restoration activities within an area - the banks of the restored channel will be seeded with a native floodplain mix (permanent). 21-) live stakes and biodegradable matting stakes will be used to secure the coconut matting in these high-stress areas. a. Broadcast seeding rates will be as specified from local nursery (15-20Ibs/acre). 5) Native shrub and tree species will be planted throughout the project area at a rate of ~20 stems/acre, securing near bank areas and providing future shading of channel. 6) Existing woody vegetation will be preserved to minimize project impacts. 1) Precautions will be taken to keep heavy equipment out of the stream channel except where absolutely necessary to install bank stabilization/enhancement measures. Rick and Teresa Carpenter B.R. 353 pg. 765 '" CD --' sunshine Drive /- L ~i.- -~_/ "----~ '-. -- / ~/ ~ o ('1\ Lenore Warren B.R. 288 pg. 39 / T em porary Construction Access ~ ~/ // i i I ,/ \. !! ~\!L"/ \ J ! ~'-/ !.i I I .... ""'ftI I , / ! \.. \\ / / ~v 7 \ I \\ I \.. I '-_/ --"-'" i / / _______ __ __ _ ~_,__ /i~ / I _" ,____ CQir or n~tural "Iog~ will be placed ~Iong toe qf p.rop~sed Temp()rary ~onstructlon Access . \ { ! / '.// road.'to-.prev~nt s~dimentation (/ L..//.......----~ Steven Sams B.R. 918 pg. 871 Thomas Fox B.R. 410 pg. 468 tract 2 / :~=::~;::-=:=--'--'--'-----_. o 10 20 40 ~ I Graphic Scale 1" = 40' 80 I 1I"'iUUUOU,, .........\\ :\ \-'\ CIA';"'" ~~% ~o~~ e I , ;~ . SEAL ~~. : .. \ 19670 lJ/r-~' ':. d ". ~ · '" ~ S"""l."ll'e ~ ~ Gel ~ ~ './;,- "..G!Ne.~...o... _ ~ "'", vQ ......... ~'vv ,<>",'" #"'30iJ ~AS Q. ~ ......."".. ta'@Gun"e\\ Legend Symbol Rock Vane v V\ l +o14f Carlos McLean B.R. 405 pg. 245 See Sheet 2/6 For Larger View of This Area Temporary Construction Access Road Vegetated Rock Slope "_"~~o> .~.~."., --..<<S'-,.:::.......>"'.~. ---- _....--~.._".~~'-..:. ..,'"" .,~' ~...' ...... ...... ....... ...... ~...... ~>. ,"~~~~_~__'::_~_2,- - "...~3;~Z':>>." ,<~".~ 09-0068 All ~&@@OW& JAN 2 1 2009 c <, Thalweg Edge of Water Surface ~ .. UeNr.: 1flthi j:t~ t ; ~'i . AND', fI""'" ""'0" wJALI . "hU i:l., RMWATE " , I I (j ~ H ~ 11 !l ~I =:)1 ~ I m (Y) ~ ~~ O~ ~~ ~ ruu (I r.: d Z ,,+-1 -~ >. "I: ~ 0 !... - -I fA !... 0 . VI d.::t. C~ UU ~OJ Io~ 'j J-C . 0 C\J [] C.p l'. 0 0'> IOJ!...IJ)(Y)1J) ~~ ~ 0 o\!5 \!5 f! 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Boulder / / /// /.{s~e Typical S~/C?!lQJJ.L/'/' / /~ /// ///\./ /" /// ,// / / / / /1 / // / // Toe of ~egetated // ~6ck Slope II (see TypJcal Section) I / I / , / / / // I / /. // / / / I / / / / / /1 / / / / / // /// /c ,/~I" /// / / / 1/ /11 // // , / /1 // I / / I / j / I // / /.' ;' /- ;' I / / / / I ./ I ( / I I / I I / ) J ' / /.J ) ,,/'" ~// // /// / / --~. /~ ----~/ / I /~~~~ ~/ / '\., " ,/ / \ /' -,~- \ ~f~::C . . \~\/ "'\.....--"' - -'- . \ \ /~ ". \ '~ .- ..-----.--- \ '-- /' \ "-" ~"",/ \ i choJ',nel In-clci;\ve /' """''">~''-:~~~'':-<~--''~'' '.' . . . :'. . .~ __e___"~-' ..-,.-~~----.-:-_~__.. " " . . " --IC)Cb 'x' "n ,...../. .,.:' S</' w ~ <( o . 1/' , , .. ..-.---- . . / . / . / . I \ "- "~ . . "'"",~ '.' : ~" .... '. \'\ '" . . \\>'~'-'l'~~'''':- ~~ : .~:.~;--. .:.::~'~~ /-, .' '. /// I I . .' / VI /", (f/ /j L// ~j/ / ///..../~ . ! 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" _c' / ,. /,/-_..-- ,/ / I /"c:// 4 52"--~-'-"-- . / / ,'/ Rock Vane (j) // -~-,.,., ~ /' / 9 // \,--""""_.,,---,,,,/""'".''--'''--''--''-''''''''' ."'...... ~ ."'~- 0"""".........., , // ,/ 5 ....-.,,,_........./ o 5 10 20 ~ I I ////,,-~ Graphic Scale //,/~..'/// ~~ 1" = 10' /' ,/ .,//' , .()\ v 2<\ Q\l 4; ~~ ., \ \ '\ Temporary Construction Access Road \ \0 ''.." '........~ -.,------,-.._"',,/._-'-~ '.... '"" <P ", "'-,....., "'~, --\- _/ r?< '~ r-->.// Q ~\---"/f\"'" '--f?\" \ v \ /"'//// --6------- -.-------~-.-.--._.---- ------- . ------~._-----_._-\- _/ ----::///--.../ ~ ----".,----"""--'" \""""'/"-'--'"'' ,///~/ _..----~---~_..-- .--.--..--- "..........' ,.....-/ -/4 - -./---_.-_.----------~--/----.-\-/'// _ _ ",.-' ,." ~ --/-",,,,,,,,,,,,..---,,,,_.._-,-,-" --".........--.,,/./., ~,--.,,----'- ..-,,,, -"..-- --,-""",,-----'0- ",,___----'-- ,~":::."-~ """"~,~,~"-,,,,,,:,,~/ ,<.~ ~ ':'" ,~ ... '::'- '<~~~ '- " . '<2S.>-.'- ,,'... ,,> -"," Vegetated Rock Slope Thalweg o ~ ()' / ..c'- ~ .........---------- \ \ \, \ \ Edge of Water Surface \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ /._-'/--'..............., ---.------ " , / \ \ \ \ I ~ I' Ij ~ 11 J r I ~l I I J [1 ~I ! 01 (I I ~i ~;, I::3O!.... - -II (/.) !.... ~ I cs C" UU \1 OJ Io.-l 'Ii' :J.s: . 0 C\.J C..p I'- 0 (1'l jOJ!....\D(Y)\D ~! J: 0 o\l5 \l5 ~ ZC\.JIJ")IJ") 'I C\.J C\.J ~~;'Xcricri I.-I!....~C\.JC\.J I 0 0) 0) "(1'l..J::: i.-luD-",-'" a 0 -- - D-. u.. li C\.J I D-. '-/ '-/ II I) S III " I~ -. ~ 1M 3~ OJ l-g ; ~~ .... -~ ~ WI 1:5 _ I ~I'- 1\ ..J::: ~ .. !.... (") .' 0 (\j 110 u... ~ ~E tiii! Vl J!ilJ :J .~ .00 110(") ,'f? AilD ~ ,. II FJl I (Y) o .-I\D 00) \DC\.J 0) C\.Ju Z cs '. uj ~~ .",,-.. """Qj Qco (J'j. so aJ ~ l.... ~ 9:: ~ '. Q) c: \:) ....J... Cl:: ~ Q) ,.... ~8 E2~E:S ~~ ~S:Q)W: Cl:: ~ Cl:: c: tf) ~ ~o.. ~~~~ <:v)' ~Q)5l..:. :::le: o..uil' ~~ ~~ aie: ~~ '::( ~ u ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ u <: ~ ~ ~ ::::; ....... c.:: o :::::> ~ ~ 65 & :::::> DRA WING NO. QJ g. Vi ~ o Q:: 1:) ~ J9 QJ t:)) ~. \i..... o ~ .QJ S c:: ~ Q.. 2/6 ~ c: :.:::: e, a :e ~ ~ ~ c: ::J a ~ ::J .1S ~ ~er Watauaga River Longitudinal Profile 1010 Upper Watauga River Classification Pebble Count 110 I 100 "'- '" l'-... ""'- ~ I......... /j' M 90 ~ r, ./ ~ .......... r--- .J '" 1\" v-.... lA .... .....-.....J '- I/"--. -...- K "'- 80 \' (.. \. \ c 70 "'-... CI:I .......... 1-00.' .c I- 'v ~ ... CD I\' c 60 LL \\ fJ!. '\ CD 50 1'\ > - :t:i , V ~ l\ CI:I - ~ v ~.... E I'" 1/.\ ~ 40 - .\ 0 ~ .; V 11\ '-" ~ J /\ ,.... \. .-/I 30 Backfill slope no steeper than 2: 1 -, Backfi II slope no steeper than 2:1 \ _ ~iffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tion 1+36 1030 __ \ "~~ 1020,,~_ "" ,~ 1 : 1 Excavation 1010 \ ~ 1000 f\-. " ~~ 990 t:: DATUM ELEV 980 975.00 1030 Riffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tion 0+26 1020 _ ~ " ""'-. - - 1010 ,,' "'\--, 1000 / ",,"t~ B 990 ./=4 DATUM ELEV 980 / 975.00 ~- ./ ......\1/<' / 1 : 1 Excavation -1 0+00 0+50 1+00 f'.. (X) (\j C) ~ ..q- ~ (\j C) ~ 1+50 0+00 Riffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tion 2+15 1030 1020 ~'" 1010 ~ 100 / 1 : 1 Excavation 990 DATUM ELEV 980 975.00 V Backfill slope no steeper than 2: 1 - ....... , " IV J \ 1.,- / 'I- I / I - hoi 0+00 0+50 1+00 Riffle Cross-Section o.t Sto. tlon 10+06 960 ......, J 950 r......- -"'" - :~ IV I';',' I" DATUM ELEV 940 ( ec nc o.r ) 935. 00 ~h~~ ";1 (\j If) (Y) 0\ \.0 (X) - ~ (\j ~ ....-l \.0 0\ \.0 If) If) If) ..q- If) 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0+00 0+50 1+00 f'.. (X) 0\ 0\ 0+50 /' MI~ -:: o.r ne 0\ (Y) 0\ 0\ YI~ ..q- ~ 0\ 0\ 1+00 - f'.. If) 0\ 0\ 0. t Sto. tion 2+69 Riffle Cross-Section Backfill slope no 1000 'r' steeper than 2: 1 ~ \ ~~Q 980 ' / DATUM ELEV 970.00 / 1 : 1 Excavation J:3 C) C) ~ !-- 1+50 0+00 _. f _ ''01 C) ~ (X) 0\ (\j If) (X) 0\ 0+50 J o\(\j 000\ 0000 0\0\ Riffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tlon 12+41 950 \ 940 DATUM ELEV 930 925. 00 (\j f'.. If) (J'\ 0+00 - If) 0\ (Y) 0\ BI< .........s ..q- (J'\ (Y) (J'\ 0+50 (\j (J'\ (Y) (Y) ..q- ..q- 0\ 0\ C) (X) 0\ 0\ 1+50 -- Riffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tion 1+82 (Y)o\ ..q-..q- 0\0\ 0\0\ 1030 1020 ........ ""\ 1010 1\ 1000 990 DATUM ELEV 980 975.00 J Backfill slope no steeper than 2: 1 - , ) '" / \ l.,~ - C Io..nnel I / 1/ M _ 0+00 0+50 c ve th Iw 10) , _1-- ':""- o.r 1+00 1+50 Excavation of existing slope not required. Riffle Cross-Section 0. t Sto. tion 5+01 980 970 DATUM ELEV 960 955.00 I'\. ........ F III ~Ill bE r !!MC ve 'U' IV" :: h^,~" cho.nnel c1re ~91n9 ..q- f'.. f'.. 0\ C) ..q- f'.. 0\ (X) f'.. \.0 0\ 0+00 0+50 Cross-section Graphic Scale 1" = 30' o 15 30 ~ I -- -- (Y) If) f'.. 0\ \.0 (\j f'.. 0\ 60 I Note: See Sheet 1/6 for General Notes. (j) C) z 5 <( cr:: o z o (J) > W cr:: ~ <( Z LL I I I OJ 0 1 ~ ~ W ~ I- ~ <( ~ 0 0 ; A~~UUOhO"fJ ~\v C 'e ..,,,,,,,,\~ "\ \4 A/f, 16"$,- 11~~"'.;fJ:e:..~i.O.~\.A ~ .v-:o 7<~~~~ ~ ~ Ll(J. SEAL "f \ i ~ \ 19670 (~)fPi .."""'...... ... ~ ~;~ e~~~ ~geQ ~ ~ c>~:t.p ...?/NE~.'~, 'Y _~ d' ~Q 90.... ~V~." 4''''01111 z'AS O. ~ \\.....'~ geauenu''O' ;/~ : '~>i: (J'I , ~ ~~e; ~AD~M Wllll~AS l ~0001781 ro(j ~~ ...- f; FEC ~ p [I [1 I > [J l! ~ II !' I ( II ~! I' ~ =:51 ~ 01 8~ ........ I ~ C\.I B C\.I U \i.( I I oZ > ,,-+-1 ~ >. I~o~ ...... - -II V? ~ 0 R 0 ...Y ell UU ...... f,1 OJ I 0 ...... > I ::5..c . 0 C\.I >i Ij C.p J'.. 0 (J'\ ..> i OJ ~ lJ) 01 ~ ~i > 0 olJ) lJ) .... i. <I: Z C\.I [[) [[) ~llj C\.I C\.I u.p"'x-- > ,J III >. en en i. ~ ...... ~ 0 C\.I C\.I ~ 0 t:Q en en 'I (J'\...y l......uD'^'^ >\ ,1 0 -- - Q.. u.. ., .' " C\.I I Q.. '-/ '-/ it I i I- . (J'\ lJ) I~ OZ o~ -;~ IIJ;I! t,lJ) . I-~ Il --- oq- a". ~'" C\J I t~ OC\J u...oq- flII >. .s:: I 1fI DlQ1~ t~ ~~ ~ 11 I " Ll.i ~c:( <::: ==::' OCIJ (j)~ :;:0 to ~ '. ~ ~ \:) ~~ (J) 5 Cl:: 010;;, QJ lJJCl ~~ES ~~ @ ~ QJ I..( C:(~ Cl:: l:)) oIo.J ~Q. ~c:~U) <:::ui" 1.Lj~c:2 ==>E 2:u~~ @~ Cl:::::: 5C~ ffi E 2:~ o::r.: ~ frl (3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,c: ~ ...::::: \f...... e 0 u a V) <: c:: ~ :S 0 l.:, . ..... ~ 4.-J 55 u QJ ~ V) ffi oIo.J c: ~ ::) :s a ~ e Ct:: ~ U ~ 0) ::) 19 ::::, ~ ~ ~ ~ 2: ::::, DRAWING NO. , /6 Vegetated Rock Slope Typical Section Undisturbed Slo~ Not To Scale Top of Vegetated Rock Slope at Back of Boulder Bring top of fabric to 6 in. below backfill Filter Fabric Undisturbed / Slope/Bank Foundation Boulder Typical Bedform Grading Detail Top of Vegetated Rock Slope at Front of Boulder GZ/D" / J?/ .t',.<'; 1..(' NOTE: Slope face shall not be flatter than nominal1-horizontal to 4-vertical. F"( 0 W ~ BANKFULL -- -- -- Toe of Vegetated Rock Slope WATER SURFACE -- -- -- -- STREAM BED _____ -- -- ---- -- -- Stream Bed (Undisturbed) \ /- PROFILE VIEW --....... .............. ~ ..-- MAX DEPTH POOL -- Typical Channel Re-vegetation Plan View Detail Vegetated Rock Slope Typical Section Excavated Slo~ Not To Scale Top of Vegetated Rock Slope at Back of Boulder Bring top of fabric to 6 in. below backfill Excavate per OSHA guidelines, but not steeper than 1: 1 Filter Fabric Backfill Foundation Boulder PLANTING WIDTH WILL VARY T~ LANDOWNER COMPLI ANCE AND PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION II SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Top of Vegetated Rock Slope at Front of Boulder . NATIVE SOD MATTING AND/OR EROSION CONTROL FABRIC ARE TO BE PLACED ON NEAR BANK, DISTURBED AREAS WHEN AVAILABLE. - To BE SEEDED IMMEDIA TEL Y WITH TEMPORARY RYE GRASS. -FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, AREA TO BE SEEDED WITH A NATIVE, PERMANENT GRASS/HERB MIXTURE. -MATTING AND FABRIC ARE TO BE STAKED DOWN WITH LARGE STAPLES AND/OR NATIVE/WOODY STAKES. -LOWLAND SPECIES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Acer rubrum, Hypericum punctatum, Michella repens, Prunus serotina, Sphar;num affine, Sphagnum fal/ax, Platanus occldentalis, Tsuga canadensis, Verbena hastata, etc NATIVE TREE AND SHRUB SPECIES TO BE PLANTED AT A DENSITY SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE 320 TREES/ACRE AT MATURITY (AS SUGGESTED IN NCDWQ GUIDELINES ~ FOR RIPARIAN BUFFER RESTORATION). -FLOODPLAIN SPECIES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Cepha/anthus occidentalis, I/ex spp., Malus cornaria, Salix serecia, Sambucus canadensis, Vaccinium corymbosum, Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer rubrum, Betula nigra., Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Juglands nigra, etc. NOTE: Slope face shall not be flatter than nominal1-horizontal to 4-vertical. *NOTES: - TREE/SHRUB/GRASS SPECIES LISTED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO AVAILABILITY FROM LOCAL NURSERIES AND FORESTRY SUPPLY STATIONS. - TEMPORARY SEEDING - USE WHERE NEEDED FOR EROSION AND POLLUTION CONTROL, WHEN PERMANENT VEGETATION CANNOT BE ESTABILlSHED DUE TO PLANTING SEASON AND WHERE TEMPORARY GROUND COVER IS NEEDED TO ALLOW NATIVE OR WOODY VEGETATION TO BECOME ESTABILlSHED. - PERMANENT SEEDING- USE IN COMBINIATION WITH WOODY PLANTINGS ON THE UPSLOPE SIDE OF THE RIPARIAN PLANTING. Toe of Vegetated Rock Slope Stream Bed - Undisturbed "..~%.6Hilil9C0i1 '"'t~'....w ell (Ju, ,;.,' -<;-'\" ".t-> 'Q {;," ",.... '1.~ <J.:'" ~V 0'0 tl ;:;- ',':" ....~ 0". . ," \"~/O". '(! ,. ~. "" "",,0 ~ ; SeA, ~~ : ~ ~G;. ,e .et ~ \ 19670 v!{s-f~q :'~\/l~, Ge~~ ,y "'o<~_<'.. Q.-:v,~ . ~ '::~. :.'.!3INE~~Qe.". ~ ",p- VA .hu.". X;V.",..... "'''''''<l'::~4S Q. ~ :..,..'t:s'" Q'CileBij6U"~\\ 0\ V\ I tuv\. Y ~ FcC. Geote><tile F" F I o.br;c ~ I Pl0r1 Typical Rock Vane Detail View I J Insto.llo. tion: The lower rock (heo.d rock) footer will first be plo.ced followed by the heo.d rock to set the initio.l structure elevo. tion, The subsequent rock (Moving upstreo.M) o.nd o.ssocio. ted footers will then be set sighting the proposed 20-30degree bo.nk deflection line, Rock plo.ceMent follows l'loving upstreo.M 0. t 0. 2-71. slope until 0. bo.nkfull elevo. tion is reo.ched 0. t the end of the structun'i wing, A rock sill will then be constructed perpendiculo.r to the structure o.ngle to prevent the fOrMo. tion of 0. cutoff cho.nnel, A trench sho.ll be dug upstreuM on the bo.nkside of the wing where non-woven geotextile fo.bric will be plo.ced with upprox, 2' of overlupJ the trench will then be buckfilled with no. tive MU terio.ls und re-vegeto. ted, Typical Channel Re-vegetation Cross-section View Detail c o +> d > (J) ......J W BQnkful StQ tion '*Note: '* All disturbed o.reo.s o.re to be iMMedio. tely sowed with 0. teMpOro.ry gro.ss Mixture, '* Following site construction 0. no. tive/perMQnent gro.SS Mixture will be o.Pplied when 0. vo.ilo.ble, Note: See Sheet 1/6 for General Notes. i II I I i I il Ii i ~i, ~I ~ ~ i' (Y) I ~~ 011 ~?B I C\J U Ct-i c:S Z H C" ~ :::; >- 1::3 0 ~ - -'j C/.l ~ 0 I, c:S ..Y (~ ~~~gru ~lli C+> f'.. 0 ~ tiQJ~ (Y)\,Q ~I ~~~~~ ~n (\j C\J l+>"X-- I, Vl>-OOOOO 'I ~ ~ C\J C\J O,::QOOOO 1~..Y _ ~UD"'''' I 0 -- - 0... u.. C\JIo..."-,,,-, p I) S " . i .-f ()'l ....0 I ?"- M Z & I- " '2 OJ ~ c:S .,.. ~....o 11 1-1"- '<;j"" I) 0'" '<;j"" ~- I O!:I"- C\J ..yI"- ~ 0 I) OM I LL.~ >. ..s:: I Ul :::5 ~ t=Q t co M ~ ....0 .-f ~ II . . I '. uj ~c( ~:::::' o QJ .....ca ~ . ::::.;0 6S ~ " ~ ~ "tl Cl.:-- ::>~ t'I:: oj.;J QJ ~8 ~~ES ~~ @ ~ QJ LC l:l::~ t'I:: t)) "'"-' ~Cl ~f5~~ ;=: v)' ff~~~ :::iE @~ t'I::::::: ~~ ffi E ff~ <;( J.- U ~ 0 "'- ~ 0 J.- U) ~ ~ .s:: c:: ~ ..::: 0 e .~ a ij u QJ <= :e V) ~ o(S ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi 01..1 . ..... s:: 19 :::J :s 8 QJ ~ Q Ck:: ~ --. ~ t)) t9 :::J 19 . ..... :::> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2: :::> DRAWING NO. (6 Material Specifications Boulder Fascia - 1) Natural stone that is fresh to slightly weathered, hard (rings with hammer blow), and free of open joints or discontinuities. 2) Boulders shall have at least two flat sides that are parallel horizontally when stacked. 3) Boulders are classified as Small, Medium, and Large, as follows: Small - A median diameter of at least 5 ft. but not more than 6 ft. Medium - A median diameter of at least 6 ft. but not more than 8 ft. Large - A median diameter of at least 8 ft. 4) Foundation boulders shall be Large. 5) Boulders for the Vegetated Rock Slope shall be Large. The boulders shall be placed with the median diameter perpendicular to the slope face. The first boulder stacked on top of a Foundation boulder shall be stacked directly above the Foundation boulder. Subsequent boulders shall be set back to achieve a slope face at 1-horizontal to 4-vertical. 6) Boulders shall be placed in a running bond to cover the joint between adjacent boulders below and avoid a stacked bond arrangement of boulders. Filter Fabric - 1 ) Shall be Mirafi 160N, or equal. 2) Fabric shall be overlapped at least 2 ft at all joints, seams and panel edges. Backfill - 1 ) Shall be free-draining gradation of gravel, cobbles, and rip-rap that shall meet requirements for NCDOT Class I Rip Rap. Erosion and Sediment Control Notes 1) Once site construction within an area has ceased ALL disturbed areas will be immediately seeded (temporary annual ryegrass), matted (coconut matting), and stabilized the SAME DAY. 2) All construction areas occurring directly adjacent to the live stream flow of Watauga River will have coir or natural logs placed to prevent sedimentation. 3) Following completion of restoration activities within an area - the banks of the restored channel will be seeded with a native floodplain mix (permanent). 4) Live stakes and biodegradable matting stakes will be used to secure the coconut matting in these high-stress areas. a. Broadcast seeding rates will be as specified from local nursery (15-20Ibs/acre ). 5) Native shrub and tree species will be planted throughout the project area at a rate of 320 stems/acre, securing near bank areas and providing future shading of channel. 6) Existing woody vegetation will be preserved to minimize project impacts. 7) Precautions will be taken to keep heavy equipment out of the stream channel except where absolutely necessary to install bank stabilization/enhancement measures. Overall Construction Sequence 1) Install temporary access road and remove any down(ed) woody vegetation that exists within the proposed path. a. In sections where native fill will encroach upon the live-stream, coir or natural logs will be placed at toe of the temporary access road to prevent sedimentation. 2) Commence construction of Vegetated Rock Slope (VRS) at upstream extent of project reach. 3) As VRS is constructed (moving downstream) the temporary access road will be removed and material blended into the natural slope and channel. a. Grade channel dimensions to include stable/natural riffle-pool sequence as river left construction access road is removed. 4) Once VRS construction has been completed - install 3x rock vanes to tie-into the VRS. 5) Remove temporary access road and grade/slope all disturbed areas in a manor intended to blend in with the natural riverine system. 6) Grade river left bench from approximately Station 3+00 through the bridge (-Sta 6 + 50) and remove any fill placed by landowner in past excavation (see Station 5 + 01 cross-section). 7) Commence natural channel design construction downstream of bridge a. Access this area via bridge and existing ford (shown on Site Plan). 8) Install rock vane(s) in lower project reach. 9) Grade high-flow secondary channel in lower section downstream. 10) Remove any invasive plant species located within the proposed conservation easement area. 11) Re-vegetate the entire riparian corridor with native tree, shrub, herb, and grass . species. z o U) ---1 > <{ w Z 0:::: LL Construction Sequence - Vegetated Rock Slo[.?e 1) Remove overhanging soil, rock, and vegetation from above the work area. 2) Unifour shall observe all foundation excavations during the construction sequence. Foundation bearing capacity shall be verified prior to excavation for foundation boulder. An allowable bearing capacity of at least 4,000 psf is required. Perform remedial foundation preparation according to Unifour Engineering & Testing Laboratories recommendations. Excavate and place foundation boulder. 3) Where necessary to install VRS, temporary excavations shall comply with OSHA guidelines but shall not be steeper than 1: 1. 4) Place filter fabric on soil/bank. Temporarily anchor with stakes/nails or fabric staples. 5) Stack boulders per typical cross-section for design height. Place filter fabric to separate backfill from boulders. 6) Backfill behind each boulder with rip-rap and cobbles prior to stacking next boulder. Tamp backfill with backhoe bucket to consolidate backfill under observation of Unifour's representative. 7) Install vegetation. 8) Remove access road as slope construction progresses downstream. \Vl\\qe3~Ue$cU., ..............~~\ H C4iy,I1Qq,., ....'0; ...0. ......00. WJ!i)4'''' . ~ ,.... .0 ~... ( ... .0. OL;r:'o.. ... ~ ~ 0 9 : SEAL ~: : \ \ 19670 II ~f/t:Ct ~ 0 ."~~ ... ! I "" ~ 0"" .... G'Il\,eoe.~.." $ <#' ~ ".. '1l"~1;P.. .... ... "'<II, <:>'{ ..00.... ~\"...,...,...... 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