HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170939 Ver 1_More Info Received_20171117 Homewood, Sue From:Emmett Perdue <eperdue@eprusa.net> Sent:Friday, November 17, 2017 4:23 PM To:Homewood, Sue Subject:\[External\] RE: Willowbrook Park CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov. Sue, I apologize for the tardy response, I have been in Oklahoma all week in the field with limited access to the internet. For the most part, your statement below is correct. The city does not anticipate mechanized maintenance in the zone 1 native grass areas, however they are requesting the right to be able to maintain the mid story through the removal of saplings and other volunteer woody vegetation. The zone 1 turf grass areas would be mowed areas. Each of these areas includes large containerized tree supplemental planting where the clearing removes any canopy. The exact location of these trees is not specifically called out, but my understanding is the intent is to maintain or if possible improve the current canopy. Also recognize that I require woody vegetation for the successful implementation of restoration, so I will be pushing for as many trees as I can get. That being said, I am having a construction planning meeting with the City on Monday, the purpose is to iron out some of these details as I need to start working up a quantities list and engineers estimate for the project. If necessary, I may be able to provide more detail for you on Tuesday. Thanks for working with me on this project. I do believe we can get this right so both the human use and water quality benefits can be realized within the park. Have a great weekend, Emmett Emmett Perdue, PE Water Resource Engineer Ecosystem Planning and Restoration 919.215.6757 (cell) 919.388.0787 (office) From: Homewood, Sue \[mailto:sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov\] Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:27 PM To: Emmett Perdue <eperdue@eprusa.net> Subject: Willowbrook Park Emmett, Just to confirm what we discussed in the field on Nov. 1. In the buffer drawings you submitted on Oct 2, 2017. The area designated for Zone 1 turf grass with woody vegetation will most likely be maintained area, however the native grasses would be used, and the area designed for Zone 1 native ground cover with woody vegetation would include low growing herbaceous vegetation that would not be maintained by mowing or other mechanical means. Is that correct? Thanks, Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office 1