HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030018 Ver 2_More Info Received_20171101119 E. Hargett Street, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27601 p+919 719 1800 f+704 819 1819 url+ www.colejeneststone.com ColeJenest & Stone Date: November 1, 2017 Shaping the Environment Reference: 50449 - Galloway Ridge — Stormwater Update Realizing the Possibilities Attention: Karen Higgins Company: Division of Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Land Planning Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Urban Design We Are Transmitting: Charlotte Raleigh TRANSMITTAL Tel: (919)807-6360 Transmitted Via: ❑ Mail ❑ Overnight ❑ Courier ® Hand Delivery ❑ Pick -Up ® For Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ As Requested ® For Review Remarks: Karen, Please find attached update for the Galloway Ridge Building expansion, stormwater approval. Please contact us with any questions or clarifications. Thank You, By: JoeM Smith, PE — ColeJenest & Stone jsmith@colejeneststone.com (919)645-5982 cc: Sean Gleason, PE — ColeJenest & Stone D U 1 2017 P:\SDSKPR0J\50360LCorrespon den ces\2017\Transm i tta Is ® Herewith ❑ Under Separate Cover Copies Dated Description 1 11/1/2017 Signed/Sealed Engineers Statement 1 9/30/2008 Approved Stormwater Submittal/Calculations 1 9/30/2008 Approved/Constructed Plan Sheet 1 6/30/2017 Proposed Bldg Expansion Imp. Area Maps Transmitted Via: ❑ Mail ❑ Overnight ❑ Courier ® Hand Delivery ❑ Pick -Up ® For Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ As Requested ® For Review Remarks: Karen, Please find attached update for the Galloway Ridge Building expansion, stormwater approval. Please contact us with any questions or clarifications. Thank You, By: JoeM Smith, PE — ColeJenest & Stone jsmith@colejeneststone.com (919)645-5982 cc: Sean Gleason, PE — ColeJenest & Stone D U 1 2017 P:\SDSKPR0J\50360LCorrespon den ces\2017\Transm i tta Is -N Sam N S I r-0S.��6) � S -V `� jim ct� j�l 'dw,'-ca"rnw 3ja cll Awossa-�-IN S: l 3S3ty-N-o ON 3vft1-• r10 Q—e�" (<ao an ` Qah>} -a N n ( a"rMA AWcrO" t nrt 3S 0Vvfq j QS l g V, do ScHnn7j ".Sp g =ND 3VSQ4�� rvatj $& `9g wpz�4 in qa*4 noa o --,.l wr✓i 39r� AN a% iVPA 13DVN*w 17-dZON -t qg {� : 3,S 1 -aN r�lsr�-ddb �jN jo�in� r''L�II� DIEHL & PHILLIPS, P.A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 219 East Chatham Street Cary, North Carolina 27511 September 30, 2008 Telephone (919) 467-9972 • Fax (919) 467-5327 Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Certification Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Re: Minor Modification to Extended Detention Wetlands Galloway Ridge at Fearrington, Chatham County DWQ Project No. 030018 Dear Madam/ Messr: WILLIAM C. DIEHL, P.E. JOHN F. PHILLIPS, P.E. ALAN R. KEITH, P.E. Qc�c�PmoeP=p SEP 3 0 2008 VO MOSANDBTORIIYI RWA M Enclosed is a package regarding a proposed modification to the existing constructed extended detention wetlands (BMP) for Galloway Ridge at Fearrington. The existing BMP device was completed in 2005 following permitting by your office (approval letter enclosed). The device was required due to conditions in the 401 Water Quality Certification that was issued for impact to 0.13 acres of wetland and 125 linear feet of stream on the Galloway Ridge site. There have been no other impacts on the site. Expansion of the facilities at the Galloway Ridge is proposed. There are no wetland or stream impacts associated with the expansion. A condition in the Water Quality Certification requires notification prior to changes to the approved plans. The enclosed information constitutes notification of the proposed work. Further, the land ownership of Galloway Ridge has transferred from Fitch Creations, Inc. to Galloway Ridge, Inc. 3000 Galloway Ridge, Pittsboro, NC 27312. The Operations and Maintenance responsibility for the BMP is by CRSA, Inc. as shown on the enclosed agreement. The Galloway Ridge project was approved with impervious surfaces that were constructed in the initial construction (Phase I) and some future impervious surfaces that were proposed in Phase II of the project. The enclosed plan sheet 1 of 3 shows the constructed facilities from Phase I. Sheet 2 of 3 shows the Phase II facilities that were approved with the Phase I design and the additional Phase II facilities that are proposed. The future surfaces that were approved with Phase I included independent living units, an auditorium, and additional parking. The enclosed worksheet from the project approval indicates the design conditions. The BMP was designed and constructed according to the 1999 State BMP Manual. The actual constructed facility was much larger than the minimum design requirements. The enclosed plan sheet 3 of 3 is taken from a survey by Phillip Post and Associates and it shows the extent of the existing device. A summary of the design requirements and the constructed facility is enclosed. Division of Water Quality Page 2 of 2 September 30, 2008 The proposed Phase II modification to Galloway Ridge involves expansion of the Healthcare unit, a new maintenance building, and additional roads and parking. The modification will increase the drainage area to the BMP and increase the impervious surface. The enclosed calculations cover the original design requirements and the proposed project conditions at buildout of the Phase II expansion. The results of our calculations show that the temporary pool depth must be slightly increased to achieve the required temporary storage volume in order to accommodate the Phase II expansion. Elevating the weir on the outlet structure by +/- 0.1 feet is all that is required to provide the necessary temporary storage volume. We request that you review the enclosed information. The proposed modification is minor and we request that you approve the project. Contact our office if you have questions or if you require anything further. Sincerely, Diehl & Phillips, P.A. Z'54�AOOII Alan R. Keith, P.E. Enclosures Cc: Bill Burke Jason Cronk Peter Epermanis Dan Sears Debbie Edwards OFWATF9 QG Michael F. Easley Governor r William G. Ross, Jr., secretary y Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. 10imek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality October 22, 2003 Mr. Roy B. Fitch, Jr. Fitch Creations, Inc. 2000 Fearrington Village Pittsboro, NC 27312 Subject: Extended Detention Wetland DWO Project No. 030018 v 2 Chatham County Dear Mr. Fitch: This Office is in receipt of the plans dated September 22, 2003 for the extended detention wetland at the subject facility prepared on your behalf by Diehl & Phillips, PA and submitted to the Division on September 24, 2003. Staff from the Wetlands Unit reviewed the plans and found them acceptable. Please note that this approval is for water quality purposes only and shall not be construed as an approval of the design for dam/outlet structure integrity, Dam Safety, public safety, or flood attenuation purposes. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (919) 733-9584 E�K "'W Domey s Unit a isor cc: Raleigh Regional Office Alan R. Keith, PE, Deihl and Phillips, 219 East Chatham St., Cary, NC 27511 Mike Ortosky, S&EC, 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 Todd St. John File North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mal Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 276042260 (Location) 919-733-1786 (phone), 919-733-6893 (fax), httpJ/h2o.enr.state.nc.ushwwetlands/ " U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS C Wilmington District Action ID: 200320343 County: Chatham GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner _ Fitch Creations Inc. Attn: Mr. Roy B Fitch Jr Address 2000 Farrington Village Pittsboro, NC 27312 Telephone Number 919-542-4000 Authorized Agent Soil & Environmental Consu mats Inc_ Attn: Sean Clark Address 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Telephone Number 919-846-5900 Size and Location of Property (waterbody. Highway nametnumber, town etc.): The property is located on the cast side of US 15-501, approximately 0.25 mile north of SR 1700, north of Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina. The site is located adjacent to an unnamed tributary of Pokeberry Creck, in the Cape Fear River Basin. Description of Activity: This permit authorizes mechanized landclearing, excavation, the installation of culverts, and the placement of fill required for the construction of a road crossing ass mociated with the development of Galloway Subdivision. Impacts to waters of the U.S. authori.7by this permit total 125 linear feet of stream channel and 0.13 acre of wetlands. Applicable Law-. X_Seetion 404 (Clean Wetter Act, 33 USC 1344) only. Section 10 (River and harbor Act of 1899) only. Autboriration: Regional General Permit Number 14 Nationwide Permit Number Any violation of the conditions of the Regional General or Nationwide Permit referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army Regional General Permit or Nationwide Permit verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work If}'va have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Todd Tu1 at tel number 919 876 - 8441_ extension 26 c� Regulatory Project Manager Si nature Authorization Date Fe 27 003 Expiration Date February 27 2005 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKET H, WETLAND DELINEATION FORM, ETC„ MOST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) CO Y OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CF: Cyndi Karoly, DWQ, Wetla ds/401 Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 �r•� fir,= (:,.,- c �'V � __>> �� � ; MAR - 3 2003 I { DWQ Project No. 03 0018 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 EXTENDED DETENTION (and POCKET) WETLAND WORKSHEET L PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name Contac Person: Alan Keith, P.E. Phone Number: For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: We` Permanent Pool Elevation _ 422.0 R (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation 422.7 —ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area 26,440 sq, ft. (waw surface area at pent pool mon) Drainage Area 28.1 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 11.47 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Forebay Surface Area *3.700 sq. ft (at permanent pod elevation approximately 15%)' Marsh 0'-9' Surface Area sq. R (at permanent pod elevation approximately 35%)' Marsh 9'-113' Surface Area p�� sq. ft. (at permanent pod elevation approximately 35%)' Micro Pad Surface Area ±4, GOC sq. ft (at permanent pool elevation approximately 15%)' Temporary Pool Volume ±23,000 cu. ft (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SAIDA used 2.16 (surface area to drainage area ratio)' Diameter of Orifice 3 in. (draw down orifice diameter) IL REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to Indic& the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requin ow t has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stomwrAar management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project Initials R44, The temporary pod controls runoff from the 1 inch rain. d g4o., X The basin side slopes are no steeper than 3:1. JCWrlbf t;BAC(dGox oi' A q^ J Ar A"L A planting plan for the marsh areas with plant species and densities is provided. Al A AIL Vegetation above the permanent pool elevation is specified. lA.& An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. w wi t The temporary pod draws down in 2 to 5 days. 11A,c Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pod. A" A sediment disposal area is provided. 4A.A. Access is provided for maintenance. A" A site specific. signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement is provided. AA.tL� The drainage area (including any offsite area) is delineated on a site plan. secs AA • Jt Access is provided for maintenance. A.u-6 Plan details for the wetland are provided. auJ#- Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. Sit Mack A site specific operation and maintenance agreement, signed and notarized by the responsible pa rty is provided (see httpJlh2o.etw.state.nc.ustwwe&vdsbandm.doc). ' Pocket Wetlands have different design parameters and are only assumed to remove 35% TSS — See pp. 19 and 20 of the NC DENR Stornwater BMP Manual, April 1999.10% open water, 50% high marsh, 40% low marsh. * Based ori conversations with Wetland Unit,all surface is lees than 911 in depth to insure plantings will survive. L. )VETLAND DETENTION BASKOPERATION AND AGREEMENT '.:it 4i" •.�+ ....`: is r.:; !' forebays . .. •.e'd'q r_' ! The" v�e 'and deter` on "ba- din `system' U:`defined as' the -.wetland .•detention basin, pretreatment including Maintenance activities shall-be'performed=aslollows: 1. After every significant runoff producing "rainfall event and at least monthly: a.: Inspect the wetland detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, =vegetated.'cover,' and general condition. b. Check-and"clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain .good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and -:repair the. collection- system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. �. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wetland detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75 ...of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an approp,iatf; manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wetland detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. If the elevation of the marsh areas exceed the permanent pool elevation, the sediment should be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then the marsh area shall be excavated six inches below design elevations. Afterwards the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil should not be stockpiled for more than two weeks. When the permanent pool depth reads 0.75 feet in the forebay and micro -pool, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) 0 Permanent Pool Elevation 422.0 Sediment Re 'Val El. 419.7 75% Sediment Removal Elevation 419.7-421.7 75% ------ ----- --- Bottom Eleva 'on 419.0 25% ----------------------------- Bottom Elevation Varies 250% FOREBAY MAIN POND a Page 1 of 2 4101 y °, .,r +M 1 rrR" . t.'iA `^A r .[, �•,'ei'lN..'6[ k'� IF - f'. A4 wait. li-t { { 5 atlas �p a eas es in the mars yeas should be�a ntalned y replarrting bare�'areas-as needed. e a d la houl�dssl1- . endv pggd - o row in the .ma as, y ; . lG.. .-. i, .r.. 6 a 77... asun rnust be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through-,.. O emer-gencydrain shall be minimized to the mawmum extent practical. 7. Alt components of the wetland detention .basin system shall be maintained in good working order. .i! 8. Level spr aders or other structures that provide,rdiffuse. ow shall. be, maintained every:six months. All eccurripla ei se8iment "and del na'shal) be removed frd Ah' structure, and a level elevation shall be maintaflie"across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as,necessary. 1 acknowledge -and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. 29. c.)3 MEN personally appeared the due •executioh of official seal, , I I , a Notary Pc tdo hereby certify that e me this f''day of forgoing wetland detention basin SEAL My commission expires a Page 2 of 2 KZ=77M . for the State of 1.._ / — and acknowledge requirements. Witness my hand and Galloway Ridge Extended Detention Wetlands DWQ Project No. 03-0018 1. Phase I Design Conditions Design wetlands according to 1999 State DWQ Best Management Practices Manual- Design for 3.0 foot deep pool Impervious Surface = 10.5 acres (0.97 acre pool area not considered) Total Drainage Area= 28.1 acres Impervious Percentage =10.5!28.1 x 100% = 37.37% From Table 1.1 BMP Manual SADA for 37.37% = 1.61% Required Surface Area = 28 -lac x.0161 x 43560sf/ac =19,744 sq. ft. Pool Surface Area Required = 2,962 sq. ft. Forebay Surface Area Required = 2,962 sq. ft. Wetland Surface Required = 13,821 sq. ft. Surface Area Provided = 3 0,3 90 sq. ft. Pool Surface Area Provided = 6,428 sq. ft. Forebay Surface Area Provided = 4,786 sq. ft. Wetland Surface Provided = 20,504 sq. ft. 2. Phase II and Future Buildout Conditions Design wetlands according to 1999 State DWQ Best Management Practices Manual- Design for 3.0 foot deep pool Impervious Surface = 16.15 acres Total Drainage Area= 30.1 acres Impervious Percentage= 16.15/30.1 x 100% = 53.65% x 1 W?. = 53.951 From Table 1.1 BMP Manual SADA for 53.65% = 2.18% -m-7o. = z . ►R,7o Required Surface Area = 30.1ac x .0218 x 43560sf/ac = 28,583 sq. ft. Pool Surface Area Required = 4,287 sq. ft. 2 T1'11L} S Q. PP'. Forebay Surface Area Required = 4,287 sq. ft. Wetland Surface Required = 20,008 sq, ft. Surface Area Provided = 30,390 sq. ft. d , ., OK Pool Surface Area Provided = 6,428 sq. ft. Forebay Surface Area Provided = 4,786 sq. ft. Wetland Surface Provided = 20,504 sq. ft. Mrorf�/ �Vwrlon '700� 1-dtrvo4w,,L ;1 gW'n-700 -100d l,'dIvo d lAc 1 -)72o 1 { L,b r 1.1. V �� L rpm Y• �� �J �(J-/7 � i�ll���% 7�iOi./ %1 " W�l✓�� % t�N�%�V V � 1 � %/V/OaWD 1 (V97Slff OYh'--r7(T) -700d A-#V-vod W 31 �/ o9S >nd)-oF x„ s P'P'O 2 gwrrloo 230(yo-3 sit • o = i� LS = r O ;'Jn 9910 = rf-? i I ,J -1no�fi8' 17 t tY�p/ - trvo72-1 Gn-,o:;� `g o D--?/(? 9 dj� I lWnOT / 7 7i Q 3h/�Z�nv�,j m -nor (Y'V4 G_9lo(?2n7-e PaoH ,. < 1'rvy x"99' =1 L = )6:�o -0 ITT L8:4.7 �OG►�'b£ = 1 rho 'o = M"rj of 3W71 '.w �S'� • orr-� -u6�) N?d�� ooh •�,� ew�� y_a_Z, 4p •p -�s ]bio ,o : 1Lrj79 = °� axe rno SIJ rY0 = °M H-( s °N� oz� QZ a rr/1• v�io2S n I (v(v7oorncrvU ;r?j7-/D SNo'? tf(ro:;)ocr�i��/ �90'�y � }/moo -r-► v� N 101 � e erg t VK2M MAP Kra � oeaAeol a w ;:,T .. P CdA Ee me •m PRo,Nptn« ROAp Rpo w.PEt Nu. N< znu PNdcnamam LEGEND SAS ® Cw<REIE TO BE IELN)vm -/- K<EIATfM ro E NEM0VE0 -/- udlr rdnnE ro E RExavEn -/- PAGER llNl! -/- O�E.NA GLm 9eN _,_ ® sTdel tRE ro E Nbn1ED -/- OaTaAM sIM,cluRts Ta NOIAM -/- aTalEl sIM,rnEEs m E IEMo,Eo -/- DEMOLRION NOTES 1. CwMACRIR 5 N®dl9wE Fdt TE <OdCgA— -0 gdIFNdMG 6 Ow1AK1,N 6 �AM 41 RRwtidl(11NFMT5 AND SPEORdTd6 COITRACTw 91N1 N]IET TE EasTEMMM, ILfJ,Td4 ANO drM T ILL aueED UlW1ES (ElEC1RIGL, NEwAxC4.. NAIER, sEIEA, TEIFWWNNNaATKK c•s. ETc) wTMx ME mnmucnw ARu PRaP ro .wr EBGVATNM. nllllEs ARE IWRTRAIID Fw IN— Pu8osE i MLI. ME wlrwnE K aRw< "K, um" L—M-w nEP oI wNOT roE AS ME Nw-EMSTENCE (V HTE- R EMSTMG ruionFr AxoNalEcr -TTNmAumuTm " —M. ME TRAcroR 91ALL ro ETEnINE uTux LxAtlos TE mxTRACTw 91Au PRMEcr ui uTUTEs FRw orrrx cA4sm n Nn aRxATNws aR MOY of N¢ lElE3 AT ME ATT E ro EMSIINa LREEAPM,xO UNITES 91ALL E AFP4Rm CdITIIACTOR's nmEllg. i OfM--I rs N®wselr: roN mds.NATpN of .Nr AEOIxEn Imux wnw w RELOC nw NIM ME NRIGIaF uttlx pME11. TE <ONIRACTd1 91ALL Ca018NNAlE M6 NOMI — 11E AE)PELnK URITT ONEETa SO As NOT TO AOVEn5E1T —T ME PROELT sOIfDIBE. •. ALL NATMN (ExERalEO eY ME 0EN]AllIOM IMT E NAIAID fnON TE 9E NEO OISPOgD Of PFR LO<AL 0161NNIlS MsrAu e' alAw LNw Eoa,: AAaAo PTpRYETER w PNQERx dReNc ' onalnw Aro cwsMurnw. J E 05 NN 41 T PAINT 9 4 E SAW NT AT TE LM Qi aunty KNEE awsTRU<nw PLNIs 91011 1EY15 w-dlT .dIT E dE EWT iAw ME En5TM0 Ea¢ of PAMLFMT. EwN,An. ALL NNOEE PAM]ENT. SLEVNN AIO,dI dlNe ANO auTTEn SM IT E TIE NEM EtOSTNO ad,IR0. JOMT ff dN TIE OY SIMNn .ME— PA MEE RAN. MEAE LA0 Eil$1NIF LUITRd. PI. SN eATFQJK R'Fr 6 1NE LINK R oEIl011TI0w awlnaTe a P AE 41 ROIAw a4N Ara uNlBsduclm ro AIFFC Ai ALL .. � NEEw9BlF FOR 1RMTC CONTrtaL ,nAwz dATMICIIW ,fn mNTRa xANoeaa srANOAws. h r.uL) SII ` 9w1 uOIaTINATE EwITAM SOEIIIAE MM owIEE .1 w OF woM o,—,E ANO sMNTMT s9m SYSTEN(s) 8r 'C CIOR 91ALL AMl)N ion —1-1 u5E 6 ME SrST 111 ?- JA__ TldcTw 91A11 MPAP a NElxAO: ANY ADJAFdT wltElC dNMMc �"'CCO/dt SOEYN% bYA® AS PLAIT d' nFYOI11Nw PROCES LFdl TIE RApVAIpM Q OElldlllw Of alNlaw4T w OTER SIRIE'IIMEs. eE Cdallclm � AlF1lW-Cwiwlw�G Y 1FPo4S ��w0 COUu<T810 A RdOVAIIw w afYdlTw A<TMtt. TE ABESnX NCPEtnw YIIST E ' Cwwc,m BT A MORIH CARdNAME A<OE➢pFn A586105 IN9PECTw. ALL nEIAAATEa AND/w FMABlE A9E5T05-CwiAwwc NAIEMNS Id9111i,ED TEn IXdMWA""�"is EFpK Sb NREI�O'ME�RdpvTpoldl,llw AcnMx. ,•. EnISTMGA .n�NwlsmµAn� �E isA r�0rwc �.mTSA®m4la wM NwM ANO STpE RANI WIEMN ax SItE 7011 lwlpl RF-wsfNLAnoll 1 PiAmnIT To E ETEnYMD — ARdxTE<T W IIIE EEID. 1) Perkins Eastman poop cwNN� Ry>e m,. PNwedo, Nc 2n,1 ,upon MareONr. tllawCwNYw CrY.eY.N e•0, Ne/ 8N0. Gree,MbOo, NC 2]•p9 .rvil6 LNriba{e CxlwlrLl lENwN ,9 EN4 HerOM 9. SUM app, RaiwOn, No 2]fAt bu]umi Rd 1x 8'N�YNrIy sut Gtexpe Aye 3,,.CaTdu 1e03t 164'1011p1, E - - DEMOLITION B R,mMq 91> Tlywi &t. SUM app, (nrNPM, NC 8810.9 DEMOLITION PLAN PIxo.ECT TITLE GALLOWAY RIDGE 3000 GALLOWAY RIDGE RD PITTSBORO I NC 27312 PROJECT No: 69700 -A—TITS. Demolition Plan ..: I..s scALE 0 2.5' S' 10' C-102 PERMIT SET 06/302017 ColeJenest & Stone tH� CARp �¢ SEAL � 016100 46 INE �P G� 1) Perkins Eastman poop cwNN� Ry>e m,. PNwedo, Nc 2n,1 ,upon MareONr. tllawCwNYw CrY.eY.N e•0, Ne/ 8N0. Gree,MbOo, NC 2]•p9 .rvil6 LNriba{e CxlwlrLl lENwN ,9 EN4 HerOM 9. SUM app, RaiwOn, No 2]fAt bu]umi Rd 1x 8'N�YNrIy sut Gtexpe Aye 3,,.CaTdu 1e03t 164'1011p1, E - - DEMOLITION B R,mMq 91> Tlywi &t. SUM app, (nrNPM, NC 8810.9 DEMOLITION PLAN PIxo.ECT TITLE GALLOWAY RIDGE 3000 GALLOWAY RIDGE RD PITTSBORO I NC 27312 PROJECT No: 69700 -A—TITS. Demolition Plan ..: I..s scALE 0 2.5' S' 10' C-102 PERMIT SET 06/302017 y eEPIAa: mEwAuc wTlex MAICNfD AREA 9gMl, / CQMTAXO IIW11 T �umAlpl Ftl. SIIIIC 9DfMN1! neceoYo Tereus ToMATS ED¢ AT E45TMG a6 M A,m <oTr E1 arxum mAIYaATCE I// oRAMAYNAMTENAna sAr RE 4oc..0 WT DE NDAnRG E,iP,x9Dn � MATERIALS & FURNISHINGS SCHEDULE' TE TG mSTMG 9DEwAD� \n •ONNN —T 1 1 iq, S,WMwA,[R I-A—T Aro�xosc:PE�P,Ax c-loa ?i ' mtw Tw. 4T N.,EAIAEs 4TEou,E t I I I Aweowurt _jI 061, 6YABOL PRCOUCT PROCUCT SUGGESnON MANUFACTURER ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER eExcN m� vARE B�G,xA� z tzw.Ttm ,vn w.wtIvvMOCWVAxr. pREOArAtFRr Y,EcriDxl ® ¢� m,A vAe*E rtBI w.TmuM� z tzao.Ttm ,� w.wv,IwtGNewxatalvAxv � [BRvuHP Yzrc,IDxl GIWR a�wxiS BmuW31RB.Y 5 ,1.eU.Ttm ,mn vAxTE�rtBw�E. �A 1�nnvAlex, Ymtll aPwTA to levmA,x>3m ulger�Ewxr 11 weuvscw ❑ �� YtECllatse.tAvws, x ® B1RO101� Aa mm mN,s. YtecrmNS S.awEx A OEaRr noxLL I am TmT D ®TmT m,mT 0 �eB m DA BeMaMNDE ®�,�, ..muds ANo mAxnTes AeE 41Bxsloxs aNLr, IetAL Yu<cnaN sr owu. a—Ialss, tUAlen ] a¢ WTETeNS SOEDME _- AtoBIT rrat sY MATwAIs samtAE • - � = OFtbM0�4➢ ANRE a.o wA \° mpE IS5116VIT. 5FE DnS 2]/�-Jn TW. \ MIEufLL CC114 Co.— Rsx.Ts' \ eE»Y EM,eIG Af114 \ \� Art Eouaoxs 41o.A Rso.sD oTr:: , - am' I I �� ` ' ,cv rota ro W,Tw msmc rv�rr: I ♦ _ VA w.m o on B/C-- � IiIId1 - • o _ - 8 - • •� MAGE RoeN POT. - _— _—_—. 4-5 CMIEl9t SIIECIMM BY DIRER _ e •� a ., E48lMG tRW- o,eETt ro CoamMArt rMLL EOGTNM - u AMD TAI2 fRE PREVp,IOM/Om5 UMMF fdlYlaiATpx .,r. • e1TEatLL mut m1aE1E n _ __.... ,.BT ' ' ]�-� •��//��^/� - AC(FNT TnBFS (R). YEMA,EMNS SCMOIIIE F e• - - ❑B p e • W; - t' GRA dfAMAY NO WMIEMWCE SAV. TW. —i j f n 1=! dd • I fis.5o oFPTN AM atA'Q G0E/0U- I� s -- I 11i nBR,er O�fiMel 1—M.44— c ROAo 1mD ar AnPAENn IMwI. ANS]c OrpTAsrzu T MATEFYALS SCHEDULE mm otae� MrttRLL caoR mIaETE. ,/t' -TDI LNNT-mry BAY CECOIIPOED (RAMIE PAIN c NT. uemselsE aAw e/c-]M sTOY ro M.Ta �y msec euaenu STAKING AND MATEF9ALS NOTES ,. DMENsxTNs AY To eAat a aAw, FA¢ s BueDMo. OR GENn%RE DMTSS OT,EEMY MITEo. z Au owETTRAc ARE AT Po oEUELS tewas DT,ERMY xortn. REmt ro ARaurtcnRLL Pwrs Em Acn,LL wanMc 4. ANr 04a®ANaEs 111— 1xE Ca11RACf ooCUE1tT5 ATm ACNLL I -o COIexlIalS 91ALL E f:41ID ro TI,E ATRR,gt W TIE .—R ANO aglElA — ro PIIouEOMe wM TIIE wRE —.Af:TGR SNNL —TB— ALL MMF,6 ��1WTIq M n AREAS .welt ANo TE Porn ro srAla AND aAxr LwTLUi eAB RETCH wA IAIIDYAPC .Ranco M RT]D Plum ro CDamMATNM a vaRMs ATm STALLAINM Of mIfRE1F. 7. WORdHArt EIPM19pN M1p SapE ,AMT IOCAMN6 INTI .nxTs s• ucx ( iP:Aialrtcr ro wawE�n T vlwx P xECf.4NT. C 145 iDA lvlmYAw RAN AMp LaY-\QTAS w �aITMG e. SET sMn c ,w roR auoelG AAo sToellv,AR P,Ara 5ig3 S �. & Stone OWN a PE��P Perkins Eastman weBellry IYBe ez FewINIBr ]om rMMaw Race Ne a�Aoo�o, M: aT],T COIM,ugiRn MerNper eleeleReeYe CrYes.e. Sm, xP, Bxq rremetnm, Ncn.DB �P�e�Pe e.rA�..e M Br PEM Neryex 9 Sute ]m. NeINGD. NC ZRn 6.x�xA� Me,]�xlp, ENgnmlB PIMMIm. t�T�Tlyeon St�Suele ]~CD, GUltlpe, NC zS3W GALLOWAY RIDGE 3000 GALLOWAY RIDGE RD PITTSBORO I NC 27312 PROJECT No: 80700 DRA— TREE Staking and Materials Plan V-4LE: o® C-103 PERMIT SET 08/302017