HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171465 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20171115 (2)Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES o��� ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES � $ a � .�.'.` �` � �. '�Q� �� � ��` '` PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM i�' � � ���p �: ��=� � � �� '� o�°. '�' This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;`•�..,,,: ;.,,�� ��;.� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the �.�4 Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No. WBS No Structure 840129 17BP.9.R.62 County: Document.• Stokes LIBR Data Sheet (PCE) or Minimum Criteria Sheet F.A. No: N/A Funding.• � State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 or NWP 14 Project Description: The NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge No. 129 on SR 1484 (Dan George Road) over South Double Creek in Stokes Counry. Bridge No. 129 was built in 1977, and is considered to be structurally deficient andfunctionally obsolete; therefore, it has been selected to be replaced under the State Funded Bridge Replacement Program-Design-Build Year 4 Express Design-Build. There may be minor ditch-line impacts, and an off-site detour is to be used during construction. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) will measure approximately 75 feet to either side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge and 300 feet from either end of the bridge. Based on these measurements and the size of the existing bridge, the APE measures approximately 102, 432 square feet or about 2.35 acres, inclusive of the existing roadway and the existing structure to be replaced. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed the subject project and determined: � There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations are required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. � All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. � There are no National Register Eligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by this project. (Attach any notes or documents as needec� "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 RECOMMENDATION An archaeological survey and evaluation of the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 129 on SR 1484 (Dan George Road) over South Double Creek in Stokes County was conducted on February 4, 2015, by Terri Russ and Laura Griesmer of Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI). As a result of the investigation, a portion of one previously recorded prehistoric archaeological site (31 SK21) was located within the project's APE. The portion of the site within the APE is recommended not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and no further archaeological investigations are required for this project. I concur with this recommendation as the proposed bridge replacement project will not impact significant archaeological resources. If the project expands and impacts subsurface areas beyond the defined APE, further archaeological consultations will be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: � Map(s) Other: Signed: � �� ❑ Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence NCDOT ARCHAEO�.�GIST February 23, 2015 "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2of12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: ESI conducted an intensive archaeological survey for the replacement of Bridge No. 129 over South Double Creek on SR 1484 (Dan George Road) in Westiield, Stokes County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). As defined by the NCDOT, the survey area (Area of Potential Effects [APE]) for archaeology measures approximately 300 feet (91.44 m) from either end of Bridge No. 129. The corridor is approximately 150 feet (45.72 m) wide, extending 75 feet (22.86 m) on each side of SR 1484 from its present centerline. Background Summary A search of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online database (HPOWEB GIS Service) revealed no previously recorded historic architectural resources within the APE that have the potential to yield intact archaeological deposits. A map review and site file search conducted by NCDOT on 25 November 2014 revealed that three previously recorded archaeological sites have been identified within a one-half mile radius of the APE (31 SK21, 31 SK109, and 31 SK167). One of the sites, 31 SK21, is located within the APE and is discussed below. Bennie Keel and Joe Smith recorded site 31 SK21 in 1972. Well known to local collectors, the site is located in a cultivated field roughly bounded by the Dan River to the east, North Double Creek to the north, and South Double Creek to the south. Local collector Joe Smith noted in the 1972 site record that 31 SK21 was comparable to Upper Saratown (31 SK1) and the William Klutz Site (31 SK6). The 1972 record indicated that the site contained a preserved midden "several inches thick" and that Smith had excavated a burial found eroding out of a gully along one of the iield roads. In 1984, Trawick Ward and Stephen Davis of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNGCH) Research Laboratories of Anthropology (RLA) visited 31 SK21 and determined that the site was largely confined to the eastern half of the large field. Ward and Davis divided the site into three loci (31 SK21A, B, and C) and noted exposed concentrations of ceramics, bone, shell, and charcoal in the portion of the site located north of the field road (31 SK21A and 31 SK21B). Limited auger tests confirmed that this portion of the site contained intact cultural features, and the loci appeared to represent temporally distinct occupations. A 1993 site visit by Mark McCrary reported that a feature was found eroding out of a drainage ditch south of the Dan River's confluence with Double Creek (presumably North Double Creek, as the site does not appear to extend south of the Dan River's confluence with South Double Creek). McCrary collected the materials, later confirmed by Trawick Ward to include marginella shells, turtle carapace fragments, and a deer tooth fragment. The site form notes a variety of prehistoric materials reportedly collected from the site including pipes, a polished stone celt, gorget, ceramic sherds, and numerous Archaic and Woodland projectile points. The RLA listed more than 40 diagnostic tools from the site in their catalog of projectile points from North Carolina sites (Davis and Daniel 1990; Daniel and Davis 1996). Among the projectile points noted were two Morrow Mountain II Stemmed projectile points (Middle Archaic), 23 Late Prehistoric Caraway projectile points, one Yadkin Large Triangular (Middle Woodland), one Uwharrie Triangular (Late Prehistoric), Three Savannah River Stemmed (Late Archaic), two Kirk Corner Notched (Early Archaic), two Gypsy Stemmed (Late Archaic), one Randolph Stemmed (Late Prehistoric), and eight indeterminate/unnamed projectile points. The RLA collection database also includes more than 2,100 ceramic sherds collected from the site. Topographic maps, aerial photography, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey maps, and historic maps were examined for information on natural or cultural factors that might have "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 3of12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 affected site locations or preservation. Historic maps, including the 1938 County Road Survey, the 1940 Soil Map, and the 1943 Rural Delivery Routes maps for Stokes County all appear to show the current road alignment. No structures or other noteworthy topographic features were noted. Environmental Setting The APE consists of a mixture of active agricultural fields and steeply sloping wooded areas. Bridge No. 129 and Dan George Road are oriented generally North-South at the South Double Creek crossing. South Double Creek flows south into the Dan River just east of the current project area. Map units (soil series) are named for the major soil or soils within the unit, but may have minor inclusions of other soils (NRCS 2014). The entirety of the APE is currently mapped as Dan River and Comus soils, occasionally flooded (DaA; 0�% slopes), a well-drained, nearly level soil series (NRCS 2014). The 1995 NRCS soil survey for Stokes County identiiies the project area as containing Riverview and Toccoa soils (RtA; 0-4%; occasionally flooded); however, the soil characteristics appear to be the same. Based on field observations, it appears that the southwestern quadrant of the APE (a steeply sloping, eroded hillslope) should be classified as the adjacent soil series, Fairview-Siloam complex (FsD2; 15-25% slopes). This moderately eroded sandy clay loam is encountered on hillslopes on ridges. Results of Investigation The current archaeological investigation included pedestrian (visual) inspection and shovel testing within the APE. Photographs of the project area are shown as Figures 3-8. A systematic visual inspection of the APE was undertaken to search for surface artifacts, above-ground resources, or other signs of cultural activity. The southeastern quadrant of the APE consists of a grassy field. Surface visibility in this area was fair, due to patchy eroded areas of soil. The southwestern quadrant of the APE consists of a steeply sloping, eroded hillside. Surface visibility in this area was poor due to vegetation. The northwestern quadrant of the APE consisted of a moderately overgrown narrow field housing agricultural equipment. Surface visibility was poor in this area. No cultural materials were observed in any of these areas. The northeastern quadrant of the APE, however, had been recently tilled, affording nearly 100 percent surface visibility. Given the known location of previously recorded site 31 SK21, the northeastern quadrant of the APE and areas immediately to the north and east were subjected to a systematic surface inspection along a 7.5-meter (24.6-foot) interval grid. Surprisingly few surface artifacts were recovered from within the APE. A general surface inspection of the adj acent field outside of the APE was undertaken to determine if the lack of surface materials was indicative of site conditions as a whole. A general walkover of the iields indicated a very high concentration of cultural materials in the eastern half of the mapped site boundaries. Numerous ceramic sherds and lithic artifacts were noted but not collected (as this area was well outside of the APE). Shovel testing was conducted at 7.5-meter (24.6-foot) and 15-meter (49.21-foot) intervals along the length of the APE in this portion of the project area. Shovel testing was limited to the eastern edge of the APE in this quadrant, as the western portion of this quadrant was disturbed by the elevated roadbed and ditching along the edge of the field within the APE. Nine shovel tests were excavated; only one (ST 33) contained subsurface materials (one piece of rhyolite debitage recovered from the uppermost 35 centimeters of soil). Surface artifacts were recovered from STs 32, 34, and 37. Artifacts recovered during the investigation consisted of four pieces of rhyolite debitage, two ceramic sherds, and one projectile point base (Table 1). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 4of12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 Table 1: Artifacts Recovered from 31SK21. ST # �c bs) Component Description �m�m� N= Comments Prehistoric crushed quartz temper, Late Woodland ST 32 surface Ceramic incised/cord marked surf. treahnent 30 1 (Dan River?) ST 33 surface Prehistoric �yolite debitage 10 1 Lithic 0-35 Prehistoric �yolite debitage 10 1 Lithic ST 34* surface Prehistoric �yolite debitage 10 1 Lithic ST 37* surface Prehistoric �yolite debitage 50 1 Weathered Lithic Prehistoric Late Woodland Lithic Chert PPK fragment 20 1 (Caraway) Prehistoric Fine Sand and grit temper; 20 1 Late Woodland Ceramic eroded surface treahnent (Eazly Saratown?) *STs located outside ofAPE Soils in the shovel tests consisted of 25 to 40 centimeters of brown sandy loam with pebbles/pea gravel over 25 to 35 centimeters of compact brown silt loam with few pebbles. A dark yellowish brown compact silt or silt loam was encountered at depths between 60 and 65 centimeters below surface. STs 30 and 33 were augured to a depth of at least 150 centimeters below surface to determine if deeply buried deposits or occupational horizons were present; none were encountered. None of the other excavated shovel tests or surface collection points yielded additional cultural materials. Although limited shovel testing and surface inspection was conducted immediately outside of the APE, a visual inspection of the area revealed no significant concentrations of surface materials in the vicinity. It appears as though the majority of cultural materials associated with site 31SK21 are located in the eastern half of the field adjacent to the Dan River. The few artifacts recovered from within the APE were recovered from the recently plowed surface or within the top 35 centimeters of soil. While 31 SK21 represents a significant site and is likely eligible for the National Register, the portion of the site located within the APE does not appear to contain intact subsurface deposits or have the potential to yield signifcant information pertaining to our knowledge of local or regional prehistory. The portion of this site within the APE is recommended not eligible for the National Register, and no further work is recommended at this location. The northwestern quadrant of the APE consisted of a moderately overgrown narrow field. Due to slope and the presence of agricultural equipment, only one shovel test (ST39) was excavated at this location. This shovel test encountered disturbed reddish yellow loamy clay and gravel. The southwestern quadrant of the APE consists of a steeply sloping, eroded hillside and a previously disturbed residential driveway and drainage ditch. No shovel tests were excavated in this portion of the APE although the landform was visually inspected. A barn with a cinder-block foundation, electricity, and running water was observed, but there was no indication of a potential slave structure within the southwestern quadrant as noted in the sketch map for site 31 SK21 on the North Carolina Amateur Archaeological Site Form on file at the Ofiice of State Archaeology (OSA). The southeastern quadrant of the APE consists of a grassy field. Two shovel tests were excavated in this portion of the APE (STs 40 and 41), one on either side of a disturbed earthen driveway used to access the field. ST 40 encountered brown silty loam to a depth of 70 centimeters below surface. Water was encountered at this depth and the shovel test was terminated. ST 41, located approximately 30 meters (98.42 feet) south of ST 40, encountered brown silty loam to a depth of 30 centimeters below surface. At this point, water was encountered and the shovel test excavation was discontinued. No artifacts or "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Sof12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 cultural materials were recovered from either shovel test. In addition, there was no indication of a potential slave cemetery within the southeastern quadrant as noted also in the sketch map for site 31 SK21 on the North Carolina Amateur Archaeological Site Form on file at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA). No plantings, fieldstones, or depressions were observed. There are also no elevated areas in the southeastern quadrant that would be indicative of such a resource. Overall, shovel tests measured 30 centimeters in diameter and were excavated to sterile subsoil, natural obstructions (rock), or the water table. All soils were excavated by natural levels (soil strata) and screened through a 0.25-inch (.635 cm) hardware mesh. Only one artifact was recovered from any of the shovel tests, with the remaining six artifacts recovered from the surface. Based on the results of the background research and field investigations, no significant archaeological resources are located within the APE for Bridge No. 129 in Stokes County. It is recommended that this project be allowed to proceed without concern far impacts to signiiicant cultural resources. Should the boundary of the proposed APE be expanded or moved, additional archaeological investigations may be necessary, as determined in consultation with the NCDOT and/ar SHPO per the Programmatic Agreement. .�iG�yl�u�� Terri Russ Senior Archaeology Manager Environmental Services, Inc. "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 6of12 Project Tracking No.: 14-11-0002 REFERENCES CITED Daniel, I. Randolph, Jr. and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. 1996 The Projectile Point Classification Project: A Classification of Projectile Points in Existing Archaeological Collections from North Carolina (Phase II). Technical Report No. 26. Research Laboratories of Anthropology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr. and I. Randolph Daniel, Jr. 1990 Projectile Point Classification Project: The Classification of Projectile Points in Existing Archaeological Collections from North Carolina. Technical Report No. 19. Research Laboratories of Anthropology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2014 Stokes County Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey. http://websoilsurvev.nres.usda.gov/ accessed January 26, 2015. 1995 Soil Survey of Stokes Counry, North Carolina. Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. North Carolina State Highway Commission 1938 North Carolina County Road Survey of Stokes County. On iile, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. U.S. Department of Agriculture 1940 Soil Map, Stokes County, North Carolina. On iile, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/sin�leitem/collection/ncmaps/id/1152/rec/6. accessed 29 January 2015. U.S. Post Office Department 1943 Rural Delivery Routes, Stokes County, North Carolina. On file, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/cdm/singleitexn/collection/ncmaps/id/1757/rec/8 accessed 29 January 2015. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1964 Hanging Rock, N. C., 7.5-minute topographic map, photorevised 1971 (1:24,000). "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT OR AFFECTED " form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 7of12 Project Trackrng No.: 14-11-0002 ��r, � � "'�� � 1 �. 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NO NATION.4L RLGISTER ELIG/BLE OR LISTED A2Cfl 1EOLOG/CAL S/TES PRESENT O2 AFFECTED " form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement. 8of12 Project Trackrng No.: 14-11-0002 �, . 4 `,�"`.,�+^"�"'�� A�" ,-. ;; � ;,�a � � ; ° ������� � � „ . �,t �; �� ; N � , z � ;r : . ��, ' �. e�. � � � ������� � ���� . �a�t� — �,� � � ,� ; �� �;���,���.��-�;�,> , -� , ,"� , _ � . —, , � r,�� � i'�ti., .��. � . �e�,§ ' �� • Y. �' � � � ` �` ,��' . � STD35� � � a w�. �'��, ���� � � . ' `� ��.' , � o � r � , � � ��� � � , � � � tAi �� �'r�,� ' . SID2n�. � ����"tlr���� k�` . 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N `�� � �� � R �.� �� , �, � �' ,, � ��r, -� .• � e � s .,e+ �� ,, �� y� _ : r; � ' F�� �T , c ` i� � s . w�gh €te � c� �C 5� � ae Onn�m,g�y: + ���� CGIA 201�, P � 8 B dary pr �kd hy NCOOT. ���tC���,�� �t . - F Idwa k 6M E57 I �' � � � '� � �t �,'�' � � �. � n+ [ �. i . itk i .�a n w n � ir - Rg c s w� �� _h ���� ;��Oy �1�.► ��� � � � �I' ��1 �n�,� .,�iac a.� enr e�e�s�.,M 1� � �4��F��j Figure 2. Map of Bridge No. 129 Showing APE and Shovel Test Locations. NO NATION.4L RLGISTER ELIG/BLE OR LISTED A2Cfl 1EOLOG/CAL S/TES PRESENT O2 AFFECTED " form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement. 9of12 Project Trackrng Na: 14-11-0002� � , ;- r iR y e�� '; �� � �������,.-� � � - ' �_ ---� e' r �,e .. . . �,. � � E'��"' 1s . �x+ � - _Y . �. ) : �: J �.S".``� ri `�. �'�kE-a �u.Ygdr�a�c.� � �+s_ t i-.': -+� . �, � .�. _-. � d'.Y 3 � . '7�,�,:��:: . . . r .. 4� � -'r =Q'�' . .� ,.� � t"' �'~�-t 9" . . . � '' �.i, � ; � -: ` �' � +�� e r+ • t � ,� : < � . ., ' ' ^ � � .w ` ^ - r� . � � �tj y' �o: � � v � �" � ; appioaiin�t� loc ition ot ANI� r j� L � �p �+ s 4. �� a - � ,� � � ��, �C .� � � n.�l '� v . . _. sl,; � � J y�.+a .s \�' �i a .�y s ; 3�.r.1�.� o a _ ti.'i�. � . t`�. 1 r7 } . � t<,� `' ; �4 'i� �- i, �'� i : Y'' � ` `7/[ r ' ,$ y -� �. . �, � y.. � n.. "�'ti +� �C N � , !''� ��� i � � -� � ti �� � i T i 'w :� ea _ - � --. �'e `r`ly i s . : . 4 Z � � k � s C T�" � � . ' t�, �'(-` $j�" "� _�,`�' � 1 � �`' � �''!�`+M.•' � �` � r '�6� % �, i. �, Y + x t� �� � . `�- '` � t r� v.y �, .'��- � '� .�x t . G � � 3.. � � �r_ .- � .,� ��-► � �� r ► � �., f . �i �.��y�. � � � I{ .. .� - c� (j��� � S 1t' S > �'. yy "Y1' � 7 2 4 � ��� L In �t_ V � ,+ `, �� -i, � �h. � �., �" 1!'�� tr �. � Y ;' � �- `Y � "'�f `!i�'S � 1 "�� ti&1 �4�'4;�' ��,�-~.. � S � +1 L .y, � . t . � ' .�. �.. ,� �.� � ` � -ce .!t a �� � , T � �y. _' t .c � � a. •1r �� � �t �'�'�A `1 �r +_ ` '� � ���y.'71,� �a � �, � �+y�� "L 'L i" ��'�;' '� � SE��, � �l�q_ , .....et• -�t`� ��. �a .� '1���'� L �:�.��7f� :�Ii..�.,��.�L �i.`•• y 1 Figure 3. View of Northeastern Quadrant of APE, facing North. � '� � a� ; Northern Limits oPAPr � ' ' � �a �� ,� � '�� �� ��1� �� (Approximatc) 1�* ��'' �' �����►-L`��� ,�� n��� � � �: , �i . 11 � � � 'l�[ °' 1 t t��s :l � �� ,y�.i � .. ��o l � .,t ,' '`7,•:, . {i ,'R � �.'�'i'��� ,�� �,������ ���1� ��t ,.p,.�,.�1i1 .�, _ � , ik . � _! .�_ �' �• ,'�..'� '..�_'.�„�, __.,+,�: _ r�,. �r',.d� -r�-_. f,ii���..�...�. — - . _ . . . . - . . ,'y� fiY'." .NJ ��_- . = � ' . � � ���� � -. .. ��� y� 9� �.� ,� .:. . � - k Y s � � rt � ? �;�,t� 3,�.J +�r. .ii4 /`� ; � '���� � y J+� � �� � ��� J � x �� ..�y ' ��� �.'_" . r :�- .. s ,•�L�'•�1� �..i �y.��-:�9 � G-JC' � '���y /�I.w ���'�'MX��z-���''r 'K' y` r'_ � '1=� :, . p^-�i ♦.:�� t �p- . _ - » ��i�l, pr- -'J' ! � .� R "' �✓' ►3J . � r _ .. f� ' � ,• f�?y � . . s '� r4'� x� �'�`x' =,�3�'R <f�y �<�'' i f Y+t's�l..:!�� u'r :.`. i�-y.>-• �� r y -�-r�,-F- � �i i :a�z `. � { 4 � f ` "� f �- �,,�' � � .v� `' � �C'� xf-- -�� . ' � . s " y,,,r,���` . r � -:b,r ..e" r �''�= � .:n'. i �' ,. ,�., ��',.��,,,q �t� � ., s�. * f�J � �. r�'�� T � � �r�e+fi`� i��..'Y . � ,�,�''��`, 'rs=�.�` ;; � � : , ,, /: r.✓ _ f��� � .! '� 'i1 / -,� �4 �� �. X 4 � h.. �+al.i � 'YP �'�:.. y . .� �� �C �. '���� M�"�i�f� d._, Figure 4. View of Northeastern Quadrant of APE from the Dan River, facing West. NO NATION.4L RLGISTER ELIG/BLE OR LISTED A2CI11EOLOG/CAL S/TES PRESENT O2 AFFECTED " form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement. l0of 12 Project Trackrng No.: 14-11-0002 Figure 5. View of Northwestern Quadrant of APE, facing South. �`� `'� `�'�''� , �i � S"� �`� r �� o-''' � � �t �'� . `� : �a �'. . � ,q � ��, � `i; '. ,1 ' F � , ��` /�.�` i�. ^� ��`+� p.�,��1`�i �' j �tt `y,. � 1� �'� W y`: �,+ �, � �.�vi 1 `V, �y �` . , ��,$ � ,. . . "a.�M �. a i�r i' 1 .. \ . - t � '�", — ,�n' +Y :._ _ i � -. . r ?�� . �;� D � . � ti- � ` � �1 '�s..7�� "` 's �. �*1 �.` � � � �� r : i�� , � ���' 7'. .L' A-. 1 ,� $` ` ;r � ( _ Tl . -. t 1 J J . i i�.: (. ' ` � " �'� ' h "., � t`����� \ � �� � i �..,��y � ,� , �,� � . �.� � � iF ��� �:r -��n � .� ' �.Y ,r -�e a •. �F:t� :��' �� � �� �t t ��� �7k 1 ';���� _� I G. } �,/ .. ' ...w , , 1 � ., y� ''�� �� p r� }� S yj$ lt.,� � �� '�' /-s� y:� : 5 �� f;y ii �.:�; t��� ���� � k f� �:�,+�. s ;- t �,.�. �� f � � '?� i � d�.4 S ,�6! � ���` �t'� $�� � „J� . � ' � t. ���� � � � � 4Y ,�. ' s � � �. � ��' � ��F� y � 1 s t ,�� � ;� ' . . a�1:, � a 5 �-�� `kY �6xaR, r � �..A � � °d�� z` ,. , . . a ��d � r . �''� n i g a ti` �iy �a� ,��' �_�A� � �` hy ti „�:. � � . a,.�� a � - - �e. . , ��" k . . . . -�a,, u .. ,'.'� ' _ ,- , "? ., y.v�'�' (� '' � �: . ' .� ry f �C•�* � ' . .T,�':)s.f7R i _' .i •' .�. � , "� �'�{+.. �.3` � ' - .. y•.. . . _ ` � '. ; . � . ' 'a'p {`t,hP rd . . l H , �„� � m._ � � �� ��. •�a°'�k, '� `' "° ����lr'� Figure 6. View of Southeastern Quadrant of APE, facing North. NO NATION.4L RLGISTER ELIG/BLE OR LISTED A2Cfl 1EOLOG/CAL S/TES PRESENT O2 AFFECTED " form %or� Mi�ior� Transyortation Projects aa� Qiralified rn the 1007 Pro�rammsaXic Agreement. llofl2