HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171446 Ver 1_Jurdistictional Determination_20171109Appendix 1- R�C�UEST FOR.CORPS JURISDIGTiDRfAL DEi�RMINATIQN (JA1 ia: Disfrict Name Here • I am requesting a J� oh properiy [oeated at: Bridge 308 on SR 1500, Watauga Road (Streef Address) � Ci#yliownshiplParish: Franklin Counfy: Macon Sfaf�: NC Acreage of F'arceUReview Area for .lb: Section: n/a Tnwnship; n/a Range; n/a l.akitude (dee[ma[ degrees): 35.242615 Longifude (decimal degrees): -83.315788 (Far finear proj�cts, p�ease include lhe center poinf v� the propased alignment,} • Pfease atfach a survey/plat �rta� and vicinity map idenfifying iocation and review area for Ehe Jp. • I currently own ihis prop�riy. ,_ i plan to purchase this property. X] at� an agent/consultant acting on behalf of the requestar. Oti6f (�J�ease eXjll�ftl�: NCDOT, Division 14 • �teason for request: (checEc as many as appl�cable) I infend fa constructldevelo� a�ro)ec# or perform aciivlties an fh(s parcel wi�ich waufd be designed to avoid all aquatic resources, � [ intend to construct/deve�op a projec# ar perforrr� activi#ies on this parcal which wouid be designed to avvid all �urisdicfional aquatic resources under Gorps auEhority. I intend to constr�icildev�fop a project or perform acfivlties on #his parcel which may reguire authorizatiar� from ihe Corps, and the JD would be used ta avoid and minimize Empacts lo jurisdictional aquatic resources and as an init�al ste� in a future permifting proeess, X 1 in�end to corrstructldevelop a project or parforrrt activities on this �arcel which may require auihorization from the Corps; fhis request is accorr►�anied by my perrr�it application and Ehe JD is fo be used in the permit#ing pracess. I�r�tend to constructldevelap a praject vr �erform ac#ivities in a navigable water of the U.S. which is inc9uded oi� ihe district Section '10 IEsf and/ar is suhject fa the ebb and flow of fhe tide. A Carps JD is req�lred in order fa obtaln my localisiafe a�thorization. I intend to contest jurisdiction over a particular aquafie resource ar�d request the Corps eonfirm that jurisdiciion doesldoes not exist over fhe aquatic resource on the pareel. I believe thak lhe site may be camprised eniir�[y of dry 1and. Ofher; � Type of determiriation �eing requested: I am requesting an approved JD. � I am requesting a prel[minary J�. I am requesting a"no permit required° lefter as I believe my prvPosed activ[ty is not �egulated, _ I am cmefear as to which J� I would like to request and require additianal information to inform my decision. By signing beEow, you are indicating that you have fhe auEhorlty, or are acting as f�e d�Ely authorized agent of a person or entity wlth such aufhori#y, to and do hereby grant Corps psrsonnel righk af entry fo [egally access the sI#e if needed to perform fhe JD, Your slgnature shal[ be an affirmailon lhat you possess the req��isiie praperty righfs fo requ d&�r��ls� subject praperfy. ���f� �� 11/1/2017 V.« �`S �g n �tl� {�e: 86673FBE42E5415... date: • Ty�ed or �rinfed name: Dave McHen Company name: NCDOT, Division 14 Address: 253 Webster Road Sylva, NC 28779 i�ayfirne phone no.: 828/586-2141 Emaii add�ess; � d mchen ncdot. ov `AUEhor[tlas; Rlvers a�ci Harbors Acl, Seclfon 10, 33 USC A03; Clean Water Act, Seci[an 404, 33 USC 1344; RrEar€ne Protectbn, Research, and Sancivades Aci, SeCtlon 103, 33 USG 1qi3; Regufatory Program oF iho U.S. Rrmy Corps of Englneers; Fina4 Rule for 33 CFR f'arls 320-332. Prfncipai Purpose: The Informa€lon ihat you provide �rllf be used fn evaluating your request io deiermina whefher lhera are any a�ualic resources wlthln ihe prajecl _ . _._area subJect fo federal ju�€sdlcUon under lhe regulaiory_aulhoriqas raferanced above, ,,._ _ _ , _ . ,_-_ _ __— __--.. ._ .___ ---- — _ . - -- --_ RoufEne Uses: Thls InformaUort may be shared wifh ihe Deparfmant of Jusllce and olher Federal, slata, and Ioca[ government aqencles, and the pubf]c, and may ba made available as part of a publlc noBce as requlred by federal Eaw. Your name a�d properiy IocaVon where federal jurisdleUon Is lo be delermined wlll ba €nctuded in lhs approved Jurlsdictlonal deEerminallon (AJ�}, �vhlch will be made avaliabla to ihe public on 1he [lisiricl's wabsIte and on ihe Headquarfers USAGE website. ptsclosnre: Suhmisslon oi reques�ed Informalion Is �ofunlary; hawsver, Ii fnfor�naUon Is nut provkfed, ihe request for an RJD cannoi he avalualed nor can an AJp be Issued. Appendix Z � �RELIMINARY.]URIS�ICT�ONAI� D�T�RMINATION (�'JDj FORM BACKGROUN� INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPL�TION DATE FOR PJD. Nov 1, 2017 NCDOT, Dave McHenry B. NAM� AND ApDRESS OF PERSON REQIJES�ING PJD: 253 Webster Road Sylva, NC 28779 C, DfSiRICT OFF[CE, F1L.� NAM�, AND NlJMBER: Wilmington District, Asheville Field Office �. PROJECT I.00A�'ION(S) AN� BACKGROiJND INF�RMATION: (US� TH� TABL� B�L�W TO DOCUMEt�T MULT[PLE AQUATIC RESOURCES ANDIOR AQUATiC RESOURC�S AT DIFFERENT SITES} State: N� Countylparis�lboroug�: Macon City; Franklin Cent�r cnorc#inates af site (la�/[ong in degree decimal farmat): L.ai.: xx.xXx° Long.: yy,yyy° 35.242615 -83.315788 Universal Transverse Mercatpr: 289286.8 3902406.7 Zone 17 Nam� af r�earest waterbody; Watauga Creek E. REVIEW PERFORM�D FOR S[T� �VALUAiION �CHECK ALL THAT APPLY}: 0 Office (pesk) Determination. Date: 11/1/2017 ❑ �ie[d Determinatio�. Date(s): TAB�,� O� AQUAiIC RESOURCES 1N REVIEW AREA WHICH ;tMAY ��" SLJBJ�CT T� REGl1LATORY JURISD1C710N. Site Latitude l»ongitude �sfimated amount Type of aquatic Geogra�hic aufhority tiumber (decimal (deci�naE of aquat[c resource resource (i.e., wefland to w�ich the aquatEc degrees) degrees) in re�iew area �s, nan-wefland resnurce "may be" (acreac�e and littear watersy subject (i.e., Seation feet, if appficable) �344 or Secffan �101404) � 35.242615 -83.315788 120 non-wetland 404 '[) The Cor�s of Engineers believes fhat fhere may be jurisdictianaE a�uatic resources in the review area, and the requestor of this PJD is hereby advised of his or her option to requesf and obtai� an approved JD (AJD} for thaf review area base� on an informed decision after havm� disc�ssed the various ty�es of JDs and fheir characteristics and circumstances when they may be appropria#e. 2) fn any circur�stance wi�ere a permit appiicant obkains an individual perrnit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or aiher general permit verif�cation requi�ing "pre- construc#ion notifioation" (�'CN), or requ�sts verification for a non-repo�ting NWP ar other general permif, and #he permik a�plican# has nat requested an AJD for the activify, the permit ap�licant is hereby made aware that: {1) the permit applicanf �as efected to seek a permit authorizaiion based o� a PJD, wi�ich does nat make an o�ficial determi�aiian of jurEsdictional aqua#ic resourees; (2) the a�plicant has fhe opfian to request an AJ� ��for� acc�ptin� the terms and conditions of f�� permit aufhorizatior�, and t�at �asing a perrnit authorizaiion on an A.lD coufd �ossibly resuft in less compensatory mitigaiian bei�g required or different sp�cial conditions; {�) fhe applicant has the rig�t to req�aest an in�ividiial permit rather fhan accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or ofher ger�eral permif aufhorization; (4} the applicant can accept a parrnit.authorization and thereby agree to comply with afl ihe terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mifigatian requirements t�e Cor�s has � deiermir�ed to ba �ecessary; (5} under�aKing any acfivity in reliance upon fhe sUbject pert�it aufhorization without requesfing an AJ� consfitutes the applicant's acce�tance oF the �se af fha PJD; (6) accepfing a permit aut�orization (e,g,, s�gning a proffered individua! permit} or under�aking any activi#y in reliance on any form of Corps pe�mii authorizatian based on a E�JQ constitutes a�reement fhaf al[ a�uatic resources in fhe r�vi�w area aff�cfed in any v+lay by t�at acfivify wii! be treated as jurisdictional, and waives any challenge to such jurisdiction in a�y adrt�inistrative or judicial compliance or �n�orc�ment action, or in any adminisfrative ap�eal or in any Federa! court, and (7) whefher th� applicant e[ects to use eifher an A�D or a PJD, the JD will k�e processed as soon as practicable. Fur�her, an AJD, a proffered indiv[dual �ermit (and alf terrns and condii€ons confained therein), or individua! permit deniaf can be a�minisfratively ap�ealed pursuank ta 33 C.F.R. Pari 331. ff, during an admir�isfrati�e appeal, it becflmes appropriate to make an offfcial determination whefher g�ographic jurisdicfion �xisfs over aquatic resources irt the review area, ar to provicfe an official deiineation of jurisdictionai aquatic resources in the review ar�a, t�e Corps will provide an AJD to accom�lish ihat result, as soon as is praeticab[e. This PJD finc�s t�af there "may be" vr�aters of fhe U.S. andfor that ihere "may be" navigable waters of t�e EJ.S, on the subject revfew area, and idantifies all aquaiic features in the review area thaf could be affected �y #he propose� activity, based on ihe following � infarmation: SUPPOR7iNG �ATA. Data re�iewed for pJD �check all that apply} Checked ifems should be incl�ded in subject f[le. Appropriately referer�ce sources below where indicafed for all checked items: [kX Maps, plans, �iots or plat su�mitted by or or� be�alf of #he PJD requestor: Ma�: � Data sheets pre�arecllsubmiiied by o� on behalf of i�e PJD requestor, [] Office concurs with data sh��tsldelineafinn report. � Office does not concur with data sheetsldelir�eation report. Rationale: � Data sheets prepared by the Corps: � C4rps navi�able wafers' sfudy: ❑ U.S. Geofogical Survey Hydroiogic Atlas: � USGS NH� data. � USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geologicaf Survey ma�{s}. Cite scale & quac[ name: 1:24 K Corbin Knob � N atural Resot�rces Conservation Serviae Soil Surv�y. Citation; _ , ❑ National wetlands invenkory map(s). Cite r�ame: � �tatel{veal wetlan� inventory ma�(s): ❑ FEMAIFiRM maps: ❑ 100-year Floodplain �fevation is: .(National Geodetic Ve�tical Datum of 1929) � Phofographs: [] A�rial �Name & Dafe); ar � �ther (Narrte & Date): Field Scoping 6/25/2013 ❑ Previous determinatfon{s}. File no. and date of ��es�onse leiker: � 4ther information (please specifyj: IMPORTANT NOTE; The informafion recorded on this form has not necessarily beer� �erified bv the Corps and should not be relied upon for later iurisdictional ,,, , ,,. cieterminations. Signafure and date of Regulafory s#aff memf�er completi�g PJD DocuSigned by: ��^ _ ��17 V Signatu�e an date of person request�ng PJD (�t�QUIR�D, imless obtaining ihe signat�re is impractica�[e)' 1 Districts may es(ablish tiinefrarnes for requesEor fo reiurn signed PJD forms. ]f fhe requesfor does noi respand within lhe estab[ished fime frarna, the district may presume cancurrence and na additfonaE follow up is �ecessary prior to f[nalizing an aelion.