HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171428 Ver 1_Jurdistictional Determination_20171107ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JLJRISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND iNFORMATION A. REPORT COMPI.ETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURiSDICTI�NAL DETERMINATION (JDj: B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PER50N REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: NC�OT Highway Di�ision 3 5501 Barbados Blvd„ Casqe Hayne, NC 28429 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, F[LE NAME, AND NIfMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION{S) AND BACKGROUND �NFORMATIDN: Qnslow Bridge 134 vn White Oak River Road {SR �331j over GEbSAn Branch (liS� 7H� AITACHED TABLE TO DOCIlMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT �IFFERENT 51TES} State: NC Countylparishlborough: Onstow City: Center coardinat�s of site (latllang in degree decimal format}: LBt. 34.9i377 °N; Long, �7_z�aos °W. Universal T�ans�erse Mercator: 18S 2992247 3865773 Name of nearest waterbody: ��bso� s��,�n Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the reviaw area: Non-wetland waters: 300 linear feet: 30 width (ft) andlor � acres. Cowardin Class: Riverine Sk�eaRl FIoW: Perenn�a� Wetlands: 0�5 acres. Cowardin Class: Fores��, Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 'i0 waters: Tidal: Non-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): � Office (Desk) Determination. Date: � Field Determination. Date{s): 3�3orzo�s SUPPORTING DATA. Data review�d for prefiminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources 6elow): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on �ehalf of the applicanticonsultant: Environmental Servlces, Inc_ ✓� Data sheets preParedlsubmitted by or on behalf of the app ' nticonsultant. OfFce concurs with data sheetsldelineation report. OfFce does not concur with data sheetsldelineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Aklas: � USGS NHD data � USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ✓❑ U.S. Geologicaf Survey map(s}. Cite scale &�uad name: �ecksonville NE, NC 1:24,oaa Q✓ USDA Natura! Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Clt�flOn: NRCS Digital Soll Survey of Onslow County, 2Q09 ❑ National wetlands in�entory map{s}. Cite name: ❑ StatelLocal wetland inventory map(s}: ❑ FEMAIFIRM maps: � 100-year FloodPlain Elevatian is: {National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑ Phoiographs: ❑ Aeriai {Name & Date): or � Other (Name & Date}: � Previous determination(s). File na. and date of response letter: � Other infarmation {please specify}: 2Qo7 ��d E�a�a��e� oa�, NCDOT Lldar, Onslow County 2 1. The Corps af Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United 5tates on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party wha requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her optian to request a�d obtain an approved ju�isdictional determination (JD) for that s�te. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this prelimir�ary JD has declined to exercis� th� optian to o�tain an approved JD in this instanca and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) o� other general parmit verification requiring "pre-constructian notification" (PCN), or requests �erification for a non-reparting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not re�uestad an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware af the follawing: {1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a perm�t authorizatio� based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an appraved JD befo�e accepting the terms and con�itions of �e permit aut�orizatian, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applica�t has th� right io request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and condiiions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the appiicant can accept a permik autharization and thereby agree to comply with all the tarms a�d canditions of that permit, includi�g whatev�r mitigation requirements the Corps has determine� to be necessary; (5} that under#aking any activity in reliance upon the subjec# permit authorization wit�out requ�sting an apProved JD constitutes tha applicant's accepta�ce af the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD wi11 be processed as soan as is practica3�le; (6} accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a praffered individua{ permit} or undertaking any activity in reliance on ar�y form af Corps permit authorization based on a Preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies an the site affected in any way by that activity ar� jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement actian, or in any administrativ� appeal or in any Federal court; and (7} whether the applicant elects ta use either an approved JD or a pr�liminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an appro��d JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditians contained therein), ar individ�ai permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant #0 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrati�e appeal, jurisdict�onal issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 33'f.�(a)(2}}. If, during that administ�ative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an afficial delineation af jurisdictional waters an the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish ihat result, as saon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that th�r� "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features an the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following informaiion: IMPOI�TANT NOTE: 7he information recorded on this form has not necessarilv been verified bv the Corps and should not be relied uaon for later iurisdictional determinations.^ Digitally signed by Mason Herndon / DN: cn=Mason Herndon, �fa,.` ��„�(o�--- o=NCDOT, ou=Division 3, emai I=tmherndon@ncdot.gov, r—US Date: 2017.11.07 10:56:07 -OS'00' 5ignature and date of Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED} {REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) � Estimated amount of Class of Site Cowardin aquatic resource number Latitude Longitude Class in review area aquatic resource Linear Acres ft. Non-Section SA 34.91315 -77.27395 Riverine 300 10 — Non- wetland WA 34.91307 -77.27385 PFO .5 acres Non-Section 10 - wetland _ �•� � _ � ��� �� _ \ - ` � , , • : , � `� _;,. i � .R , ;, . i,,��i l � ,(!% V I I �y ' n � � - ` ���� ��_.. T�' - , �% �' 0 `-' � `� . �'�' � �. 'I s �/ I 1V i ��- ' / � _ � /j �, '� ,.' � sp - =-� _ -- � � � , � � ��' 1 � �"'�f�' • — �- �- - _ - ` -- yJ � s_ � �f , ` ` _ � - - �J ' ` _ �- . - -_ ,- �� � - .. _ ��- -!���� .�__ _ ' tr...:� _ _� �:� , ,� -- -- - �- ----- ; ' - �� _ -._� r - r = z -; .. - _ = -�.:� ==¢'���T�� -_-=�;_ ___ � - �__ � - .�. �"" � � � --+_ � = - -"__ �¢'4. - ��ile` � = i _ � - �, ", J' � ..,:. - ` �� - :.� - - -_ - - � � _ - ,..",> -� _. � : - � _ � - - � _ ��%� _ - �- � _ _ _ _ � _ i --' •.,�� r; � `:;� / r � � � � .'i_ ,�� , L/ �Nx ` � y � �'y ` _yr - , _ - - � -� 1 - _ � f` J �+,� � #* ; s �' . �� � v - ' / /�, ` - ' _ �- � __ ��` �`�. �' , =++t.� - r� � `� �� � � 1 � i � -.. 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' �` M1'1 a C �, . _ - ��• t . . . V �. =� _,�,. > *�'� P, ♦ � . , �,` . . � .��' � •, - 11 �F.1 � �� . , � {� �. �' , ; � � .y � J � � _i '� �� � �'�': r , � f �,• � . , . ,n �•. . }� �� �.,'S � _ w� �- ,. ` �'`' � � _ � f ''• � k� , 1�' �F�i`: r � - �, �* ,, �� � � , , '-(� ?► � , �, � � � � a .;�. -d � - �.: - ! �__, �'- ry� . �� - z"+� �. � .+i� � � � ' ' � . • . 14. ` �'Tii_� '�.r `� ��� ��.�-�`' i' '.��� • � - ^,� - , .��: ti ' - . a' . .'�`� <� ��',���` '� i;s �' fi �K •'�1 - �� -, - N , _� �' , �� _� � e `�`i� �: " '' . . � � t;� � '�` �� ,� a � �'r�.' ' �.'�'. . _ �1 � , r • � � �, " � r. .. � '�. y- ,. • ' F' . • � _ �'� �;�,d� �, � "'f. - �* �R - . s' • ,��� I . � a� - r,iu . , . �4...� .� �" . � ..ill� ai: �� .���� �. .� . _ 'iM t ' �. ' . , •�'t'-, • •� f`.� .� . _ � - �� � � � I r' � �I � ,� � . � �I - �.�° � . �y � ��� . "� �� .:F. ♦ i 1� �� � l��'.�� *� �l� ,• �,�. � ' �"�,� � � � 4 � �II ��i�� S� �. 7! � 1.. , _ R ��T_' � � �. . �' � — _ . Y t� Y► I. . . 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NC Center for Geographic Information and;:illa�)/SIS��.; NQ .. engineering purposes. � � �- � �y� y�� QOdfCi - x� �.� Yi]F"ti �:S , 7� h �., ,� �'�� � .._!+a..� �.RReF� Path:P:\GeoGra\Pmjects\2016\053\00_08\GIS\Soils\fig_soils_0134.mxtl Date:11/21/201610:48�.42AM Project: ER16053.02 Date: Nov 2016 Drwn/Chkd: LJ/KT Figure: 2 -, '�'.. �` �,; �' +�` : �� , 4 �,�.-�y,,,�� � �: ' ` , ` /� . x e. '��C' � ^z;. . ��` S . } , _ Y� _, i ��' :, .; ,"` �� �y' N . . � `� ~� ' � ��� IF � �� .~ \ � q . a - 3= , •� � , � • _ . ♦ ti � � - . . ' . - : • � 'r '� .. . .y� y ' A. -� . ,'•r� ,� � � M. ���, � a�,, d- � - � '� l � � �r .� � 1 - [� ��, � ~� - � �T, � �� "� , - ' 1j ~-� , .�' � L t 1 _ � _ � �' i� r "s`� �' -,� ��l �, � .�q. t. A� � . .1i / •" �" � � �, �° � ' - � � �1�� ���" � �� � � ��� - � . ` �. , ~ ' 1� n '�� . c� , 4 � � 4. '� :1 ! • �` � L'#� . i . _ ' _ . _ � � �f � �fr� . t � f. � � . � li� s . ���C - �� � rb' �. S . � , � f s'� .. ,y � � �, _ � -_ • . � ., ,� ! 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'v -� .!r f;, v,���-� F � - r ��� - � � R` �°c � � . � ,�' 1 - ti ,� " �"��`��_ - .� ; — � . .�- �.^.. - � � � _�J' ' �v���: j . � r���K �� ` ._} � � ' a '� y�y ; � s - e ,.� '��, q� .. . �' ' ` t - r-; � j� :f,`` � `r' .� �"r �`Y {: _ 7S' `'� � � �' � � � � K � � � r' , "�, - � �' ;� I `� . ' ` �.. .�'y • � i ,�.`.�,. " : .. - x . '� . � - f iry � _ ' l 4 ` 4� � � � �' ~� ' + �.� � � *`� � ` y� ' �' ' � ti � � fl �( ''�' . T�r ` , 1� ! . .\' , �l � i� ` �Y� ' y5 o► � :1 � t . L'"� , ,. � . � t + `� ; , .� �i, . '° a�;�� � � l*A y '" � ' f _ , � _ '' .c (�, :w" .`�,' 1. _ 4, , �'a • � — 'r� =� - QProject Study Area � - � � � �'� — Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US (Perennial Stream) �, �-t� � �, , Potential Wetland Waters of the US (Wetlands) '` "" � T, Flaqpina Seauences '� . . �, o so �oo ,��� 'x ��;� ,� WA 1-10, 1 a-12a • '� '� . ' 1 b-7b, 1 c-10c Feet _ w, SA 1-5, 1 a-8a Source:High Resolution NC Statewide Orthoimagery, CGIA, 2012; r �� r'� �qf ` " " WA10 = SA5a Project Boundary approximated by ESI. � � WA� a= SA2a Disclaimer The informa[ion depicted on this figure is for informational purposes onry and was not prepared for. and is � l WA1 b= SA4 notsuitableforlec�alorengineeringpurposes. Qnen/ja��, j�JC CenterfOf G@O�r2�J�11C �IlfOfiflatl B Oc'11 Ci s � �,��„� �i .""p ?��.1 �:� ero, , � � �,��� Path: P:\GeoGra\Pmjects12016\053\00_OS\GIS\iigJuris_0134_ACOE.mzd Oate: 12/2/2016 9:37:55 AM Project: ER16053.02 Date: Dec 2016 Drwn/Chkd: KT/RT Figure: 3 - �� � - _ � _ _ ��i,iF_ - �'E� S~ _ - . .-�.�i -t-��r�� < '�i �.. � ~ r' _~ •� �. � �i � ��' t'�� rr � ' : �` ' iV � - � * �- '! f �� 3a ~ _.i�s .t � T..,,:. . e ? 1 I�.�r �Y�,�r����-cT;-3f r� ��:'{ gs��� _- - i � _ � .i `�- ��- - - '�i d� � _ ; R x . � . ���.:,,�-�'`, . ';' � - � ` - � � � � � ; _ - , , �, >�.::. -- ; ti t. � _ �.,,�-�,� _ ._ { - : - � } �` t� r,� - � � j :-,t � j � � �.��.' � +L. _ _w - _ r:. -'i.�, .. " - rs"�,, _ - � . � `��' ` ^ . ' , F } 3 � - �- � � � �'u . - � . � �v- M ' ..a" - •" a " ,T � � �' •~L � . r. �$`�� ; . �•Z r���~�'�'" � � F� . i��� ��J T,� � J . '��'� �i; ' �I• ...'�` . �-� �... . y �.y.� . �;��: (�r`i ' � .: . }%F�-��•, • _��yyy - �� ---a_ �'r �'i ~ �� . . ._ � �. - . ' .. --, ' �- �I .' - , ,. . -�. -Ym � p �t. _� r1, _ + � - . . � � � - .. � 1 � .'_ i y . . . r`: •s, - _ , . . . � . - ., . - - ,y� ,, .� � , �� �M .� • y . �.A � - �i. � 5 - . . � �. , ✓-� � \ �� ' � .�� q� � " ` l 1 �. - • � �i _ i.'� �-���fy�. '�.�.J •�� �{ F. J �s�: . . � � �., tr - �� J, S �`,'� ; : �� a: ,.. - A� ' : i� ��� � 4 . � � t'4 '~V� ' �• � k � � . _ - t � .. .. _ . � � - , � - � ' `» �'� _ �_�t' R � � � J , } '`' ,_�.._'� r � `� �� 1 _ � t �.�:. � f r� µn S t �y� t,' �� �1 - . � - y� � • � . _ _i 1 � ' �� _ , y�' �� .. .. � " �Y.� ' i.�� � �'$i, �` L��.' . �f . � '� - ^ -�.� . ,-;'. �J. w�� t . - . ' . . .1► ' . ,-� .. � .. . � � .- _ � � � �.f , r�. � �¢-: .I��i� _ �r�� . ��' ' - ti � * � .+.. t �..•.� y_ . 'r. r '�l `'� '?'��` 4k- r' � ' r `T '� { ib� � . � �� . � ; - ; ��,� . �i ��� _, �.r , ���. ��� - _.� `�, . . �.e .. . ,f } . - � � _ ti �, �, � � �'ti r ,� O Project Study Area ' j =� `' � , �` , �• „ ��= - -_ �.�, Lti �. r � �4�,. =;R. . � Elevation �� `� � '� � . ' ,'- - Hi h �r_` � ` .�f 'ti_ �►, .'\ a �.. 9 � ;� ,�� -:,L, ,� :v� `��i .,� ±��` , � t . � C 4 ,t ♦'� 4 - �9�• jt�` � ��� i� • � �_ � � - _ _ T,� �, � y • '�L; ;�r � . '� LOW � - ♦ .. � ;jz , 0 500 1000 '�•� .'� . �f. � .�. , � �' f>. ' , d 5 � �¢+�. Feet ... _ „�� �I�i �� . � ,��� y Source:High Resolution NC Statewide � _ � Orthoimagery, CGIA, 2012: �' ���� � ' - � _, - Project Boundary approximated by ESL ; ">" . , . . ' ; r _� {' �isclaimer The information depicted on this figure is for • f . - nformational purposes only and was not prepared for. � z�'�� ' andisnotsuitableforlegalorengineeringpurposes ���� �Ii1P�'���iJ: O�C �.'��d'1tE OY G�20C�r2E€91G�If1inf7T1�3t101'1 c"1I1C1 i�`flB�ySIS�, ��'C' 91'4i��oarci" j� .. � �y» 1 H rqR � � ,,; ., ; �I n 2 9q 4q. ,\GF [R�`�`�� Path: P:\GeoGra\Projects\20161053\00_08\GIS\fig_lidar_V2.mxd Date- 3/8/2016 9:46:05 AM Project: ER16053.02 Date: Mar 2016 Drwn/Chkd: KT/RT Figure: 3 USA�E A[0# DWQ # Site # s'A (indicate on attached map) ;,�,; STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following inforination for t6e stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicnnt's name: NG DaT - b,asl� ��r`�' 3. Date of evaluation: 3� � ��� 6 5. Name of stream: G��j � Qr�.,c i. 7. Approximate drainage area: �• s t� ,�,'!cJ 4. Lengtf� oF reach evaluated: t� u�• 2. E�aluator's nume: E 5 L- 2. 1�,...��w � r 4. Time af evaluation: Z P�`"ti b. Ri�er basin: Glk;�'� d�4. ? r.- 8. Stream order: 10. County: �,n s I aw 1]. Site coordinates {if knawn): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivisian name (if any):���-1 Latitude {ex. 34.872312): 3�• � t� �� 1.4n itude (ex. -77.556fi l 1}: -�]� - Z7 `I 0 S Method locatinn determined {circle): GPS Topo Sheet Orih Aerialj PhotolG Qther GIS other l3. Locatian of reach under evaluatian (note nearby roads an and attach map identifying stream{s) location): �l4" �3�k. dr..k �,'Ycr �rK.•f �SR 133!} � 14. Proposed channel work (if any):� ��a (��..��.., h 15. Recent weathcr conditions: fyn T; wU..�,r. 16. Site conditians at time af �isit: ax� �n-, l.��(.,; cv�. ��ern. f3�Ks4 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: _Section 1Q Tidul Waters _Essential Fisheries Habitat _Trout Watecs _�utstanding Resource Waters _Nutrient 5ensiti�e Waters _Water Supply Watershed (I-IV) IS. Is there a pand nr ]ake located upstream of ihe e�aluation point7 YES � If yes, estimate the water surface area: I9. Daes chttnnel appear on USGS guad map? YE NO 2U. Does �hannel appear an U5DA 5oi1 Survey7 � NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: �� % Residential _°/n Commercia! % lndustrial Zfl % Agricultura] 7 0% Forested % Cleared / Logged % �ther ( ] 22. Bankfall width: 3 G f�. 23. Bank height (from 6ed ta top of bank): s�1_ 24. Channel slope down center of st�eam: ✓Flat {0 to 2%} _Gentle (2 to 4%) _Moderate (4 tn 10%) _Steep (�10%} 15. Channel sinuosity: Straight ,_Occasional bends ✓requent meander _Very sinuous _Braided channel Instructians for completion nf worksheet {l��ated on page 2]: Begin by determining the most a�prnpriate ecoregian based on lacation, terrain, �egetation, stream classification, etc. E�ery characterisiic must be scared using the same ecoreginn. Assigo points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 pro►+ides u brief descriptian of how to ret+iew the characteristics identified in the works�eet. 5cores should reflect un overall assessment of the stream reach under e�aluatian. If a characteristic cannot bc evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the camment section. Where there are obviaus changes in the character of a stream under re�iew (e.g., the stream fiows from a pasture into a forest}, the stream may he divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to e�aluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reac� must range between 0 and I00, with a scare of 104 representing a stream ni the highest quality. Total Score {frnm re�erse): ` � Comments: �valuator'sSignalnre � Date 3��°�!� Thls channel evaluAtion form �s lntended to be used anly as a guide tv assist lundowners a� �iranmental prnfessionals in gathering the data required by the Llnited States Army Corps of Englneers ta make a preliminary assessment of stream qualfty. The tatal scnre resulting from the completian of this farm is subject to USACE appro�al and does not fmply a particu[ar mitigntion ratia or reyuirement. Form subject to change - versivn 06143. To Comment, please call 919-$76-8441 x 26. STIYEAII� [�CIALI'I"Y ASS�SSII��TVT WQRKSHEE'T � - ��°(?I�rf�IQN �'OINT RAN�I� # C'HARACTEIdI��'�('S CoAst�l i'aeclman� l�irrunt�in SCOIZ�: , �-- - -- - - � Preser�re ni f7r��w 1 �crsistent ��c�cnls in strearn ,� _ � � _ .� 0 -- S � (s�cr fl���v 1ar �atu�ratioF7 ��� fi: str�on ���ic��1� � tn�x oiratsl __ _ _ — , - Evic�enee of ,�ast hr�rnu�i al'ter�ticon � - � � - ] � - � � ` �,exter�s�vt altecatio�� - ll; n� �lteraticm == �n�x ��isitsy� Ripna-ian z�r�e S 3 _ Q-6 fl-�t �-5 (n+� bra(fcr�- Q conti�u��us. 4v[d� l�uf��r� ��a��oints) __ � --- — ---- - -. _.. _ _ - - -- - F:viclence nf nutrici�t �r ct�emieal clischar�es 4 i}-5 �1-�t �-� S (extensive d�iscE��r�es -= �a: n�� disclt�rges - naax ciit�tsf ,,,� (.r�uiylltirat�er c�iscLar�e � 5 �-3 {1-4 �...,� � � -- -(no dis���ai�c, = 0 s}�rirr�5, s�:e�s rw�tlti�ic�s et�. r��ar•�ints} � (� Presence �F�rfljacct�t 1lnacl�l�in Q = 4 �b -4 0 _ ? `� �,, (nc� flo��i [a�n =(1; cxtez�ss�c floocjpiaa� ; m�s s�ints � �ntrca�catira�enE / i�crracl�lain ��cess .� 7 . o.-� �-� �—_ 5 (dee I entrcr�c3�cc� - 0; fr� ���nt ��oacJin,,�* -: rn�y .cr�nts� �'¢��sei�e� of adjacenk ►+elf,�ncis �- 8 fl-6 {�- 4 fJ- <. S (no �a•ctln��is� (A; 1�3�-��: a�ilac�:nt cr�ctla�r�s - razax _�rpits) -- � Cli�nncl sinKiosikg - {� _ 5 Q- 4 (1 - 3 t� (ext�r�sive cC2ar�i�t�elizaii,�o� ��� C}; n�ttas�E�l rn�ear�c�ea� � rna�x .�intsl ._� - - - Sc[lin�c[at iro��j�t � l@ . . 0�-5 4i � C1-4 fexi[esrs���c dc _o,iti��rt�_D; Gttle e7�r s�f� se c�omcr�t = n�ar ���nts) - -- -- �-- Size & c�iversufy o�'ch�nr�e1 taer� sul�st�afe * l C �I.4 (.i - 4 U- 5 -� {tine, h�mn��� rraus -� U:_�arge, diveese sires -= nias ptiiit�fs} _ � - E:riderocE of caiaN�r�cl iracisx�ao� r�o� 4tii�lciion� � �? �i-5 4-� fl- S ,y� 6de� 'I � it�ciscd = U; sttlbic �Scti c� bai�@,s =� snax xoir�ts ,L, -- -- _ Preser�ce of maj�r b�n�; fail�res � 1� 1�-5 0- 5 0-5 � ►,.. (s�verc �rcision f?�no erosic7n, �tal�I� ha�7ks = maY poin4s} � �t��t deEittt arr�l der�sity ri�a irarak� d i� .. . �-; c�—� r�- s � E, , Qnc�r vrsii�le rc��a15 Q; dGnse r�}c�t�; ihrcr��h�,tit - max�c�ints)__ - ----- e.___� ____ � Im��:��t F�� �grirulti�re, �ivcstnelt, or tim�aer �rodurtion � 15 �} ,• 5 Q1- 4 � 5 (stibstar�cial ini act =-f�; na ev#ciencc = m�x oiiits} T'resence o� riEl3e-paol,+ri�k�rle-�a�al ccarttiplexcs , n, If's l� -, �- 5 0--f �� _�nu rif:��es!t``w� r�1es �E�ao�o15 -_�; wrl�-.flcve(c�;p�e� s��.ix�c�ints} -�- U � '� l[.al�its�t re�na��lcxiEy ,� � 17 ' �}--G �l -G a-6 � '(little oe na l�abitat = 0; fr� uent, varic�i �r_���it�ts =�tax osnts) Carie�gtiv cc�ver:��e mr�er strey-tr�abec� � � � �$ . . �-� �1-� CJ-5 � (no s���din� ve�;et<3taun - 0; c�Y�+ini�c�us ca�i� �ti' = ni�X otnts) Sut�skr�te eta���eddeclnes5 _ l4 NA* Cl -- 4 fl -4 -- 4deeply� ern�e�ci�d =_0 _Icjo��: st�-ucture - niax} _ �� �'r�sence �f strezm inv'ca-ketsrs�tes�sic� ��ge �� . n --,� - � -- i _ (1 - S � I�� � {fl0 CL it�CI1Le == �: �:l}iI1P73�)!1, t1Ul[1CGf1LiS i4 �S - Itl'rL\ }OIflIS} � � F'resenc� �f �tr�tJ�laiiyi�tns E Cl- 4 �--4 0-4 � .�'� ('�a evi�'ence =�1, ce�rl�n�a�r�. t�um��erou� ty� �s = n» � o�ints) �__.__ _-- '"`� T Yresei�cc of Lisli . Q �? p- 4 (�-4 0-4 j ►� Inc� evtd'e�ce, - 0; con�mc�i�. numeri�us tr�es = m�x 4ints} , � ' F vr�lrnce r�f w��c�life i�sc - 2� . �-� �.�.g p._g � (n� evic�ti�� G iD: .aha�2���ar3t c:�iiien'�� qt�ak t�=_}��iis) 'I'c�ti�l 1'aints Possibte 100 1()0 1Ot7 -- _ _ �i'(�TA�, ��(3R�; �(also enter on first page) �� *'3 hcsc cliar��ctcristics are �at asscssc�i in cosstal strcasns. NC DW 5tre�m Identificatinn Fnrm Versian 4.11 �ate: 31�of Z.�� ProjecUSlte: On:�-u t�'{ Evaluatar. E�L- K•T'ur,+ZHfr �'otal Potnts: Stream Is at lesst interm(ttent 3D if 2'19 or nerenrr7al if � 30' County: Q,,s�b,N Stream Determination (c Ephemeral InternnittenK Latltude: 3�. � 13�7 Longitude: -7']_ 2�y(3�' �Other �e,GkJ��,v�r1r N�� nial e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomo holo 5ubtatal = �3•S Absent Weak Moderata Strong 18� Continuity of channel bed and han4c 0 9 2 2. 5inuosit of channel alang thalweg D 9 3 3. In-channel structure: ex. rifFle-paal, step-poo1, � 1 2 3 ri le- oal se uence 4. Parti�le size af stream substrate 0 Z 3 5. Activelrelict flaadplain 0 1 2 �7 6. aep�sitio�a! bars �r benohes 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits c� 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 1 2 3 9. Grade cantral 0.5 1 1.5 iQ. Natural valley U 0.5 1 11. 5econd ar greater nrder channel Nv = 0 es = 3 ,.rr._i_� J[��L�� � ��J. � Jl��_.��e_ ..�......�..� ..�....�.... ..�.. ��.,. ........� .,.... ..�.,.......,..,�... ��. ���...�....� B. Hydr❑lo�y �subtat�i = � � S � 12. Presence of Baseflow 13. Iran Qxidizing bacteria 1A. Leaf litter 15. Sediment nn plants or debris 96. Organic dabris lines or piles 17. Soil-�ased evidence af high water table7 2 2 a:� 1 3 a 1.5 1.5 G. Biolo 5ubt�tal = � 18. Fibrous raots in streamhed 2 1 0 19. Roated upland plants in streambed � 2 1 0 20. Macrohenthos (note diversity and a�urxiancej 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 1 2 3 zz. �isn 0 .5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish Q.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 � 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 2fi. Wetland plants in sfreambed FACW = O.15; OBL = 1.5 Other - "perersnial streams may also 6e identified using other methods. 5ee p. 35 of manual. Notes: Skefch: WETLAND DETERMIHATIDN DAiA FORM —Atlantic and Gu[f Coastai Plain Regian i�ro]ectlSite: Onslow Bridge 134 CitylCounty: Onslow 5amptlng Date: 311Dl2U16 ApplicantlOwner: NC��T 5tate: NG 5ampling Point: WA4A wet Investigator{s): E51- R. Tumbull Section, Townshlp, Range: N!A Landform {hillslope, tercace, etc.]: Drainageway Lacal relief {concave, canvex, none}: �ncave Slnpe t96}: 2'5 Suhregifln (LRR or MLRA): �-�R T �t; 34.91317 �0�9; -77.274�9 aatum: WGS$4 Soil Map Unit Name: Mucicalee loam NWI dassification: PFO Are clfmatic 1 hydrologie conditions on the site typiral fflr this time of year? Yes x No {If na, explain in Remarlcs.} Are Vegetatton , 5oil , or Hydrology signiffaantly disturhed? Are "Normal Ctrcumstances" present? Yes x No Are VegetaNan , 5oil , ar Hydrotogy naturally problematie7 (tf needed, explain any answers in Remarks.} SUMMARY OF FINDiNGS — Attaah site map shawing sampling point lacations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetatlan Present7 Yes X No Is the Samp[ed Area Nydrie 5Qi1 Present? Yes x No W�thin a Wetland7 Yes X Na Wetland Hydrology Present7 Yes x Nfl Remarks: HYOR�L�GY Wetland Hydralagy Indicatcrs: 5econdarv Indicators (minimurRoj two renuiredl Primarv Indicatars �minimum of one is reouired: check all that a��vl ❑ 5urfaee Safl Cracks {Bfi) �Surface Water (A1} ❑ Aquatic Fauna (Bt3] Sparsely Vegetated Cancave Surtace [B8] � High Water Table (A2) Q Marl �eposits (B15J (LRR U} �[]rainage Pattems (B1U] � Saluration {A3} Q Hydrogen 5ulfide adar {CS) Moss'irim Lines (B16j Water Merks (B1) Ql�r Qxidized Rhizespheres alang Li�ing Roats (C3] Ory-5easvn Water Table �C2] 5ediment Deposlts (B�} u Presence of Reduced Iron (C4] � Cra�sh Burraws (C8j Qrift Oeposits {63] Q Recent Iron Reductian In Tilled So{Is {C6j II Saturatian Visible on Aerfal �magery (C9} a Algal Mat ar Crust {8qj Thin Muck SurFace (C7j [I Gevmorphic PosHion [D2) Q lron Deposits [B5] Other {Explain In Remarks] a Shallow AquItard [D3j a Inundativn Visible on Aerial lmagery (67) II FAC-tVeutral Test {D5} a Water•5tained Leaves {B9j II Sphagn�m mess (�8} (LRR T, Uj Fleld 06servations: SurFace Water Present7 Yes X No Depth {inches]: 3 Water Tahle Present7 Yes x Na aepth (in�hesj: surfaee Saturatian Present7 Yes x No Depth {inches}; surFaoe WeUand Hydralogy Present7 Yes x No includes ca llla frin e ❑escribe Recorded Oata {stream gauge, monitaring well, aerfal photos, prevfous Inspectians}, if available: Remarks: US Army Carps of Engineers Atfantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Regian — Version 2.0 VEGETAiION �Four Strata) - Use scientific names of plants. Absolute dominant indicatvr Tr�e Skratum {Plot size; �4� x 3�� ) 96 C4v�r 5neeies7 5tatus �, A�erruhrum 34 Y FAC 2. Pinus taeda 20 Y FAC 3. A. 5. fi. 7. 8. �� = Tatal Cover 5Q96 of totaf cover. 25 2096 af tatal cover: 1 a 5aotinaf5hrub 5tratum (Plot size: 30R X 30R � j. Liguslrum sinense 40 Y FAC Z. A�er ruhrum 2� Y FAC 3. 4. 5. 9. 7. 8. Ba = iatal Cover 5096 of total cover: 30 20% of totat cover. �2 Herb 5tratum (Plot slze: 30ft x 3Uft } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. i2. �� = Tota1 Caver 5D96 of total cover. 5 2095 af total cover: 7 Waody Vine 5tratum (Plot slze: 30ft 7{ 30ft y � 5mllax ratundifolla t0 Y FAC 2. 3. 4. 5. t0 = Tota! Cover 5a96 of tatal co�er: 5 2a°k of lotal caver. 2 Sampting Point: WA4A wat nominance Test worksheet: Number of E3aminani Specles That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: ' {A} Total Number of Oominant Spe�ies Acrass All 5trata: 5 {6J Percent vf �aminant 5pscies That Are OBL, FACW, nr FAC: 100 �,q�g� Prevaiance Inqex worksheet: Total 96 CQver of; Mulfiptv bv: OBL speciss x 1 = FACW specles x 2 = FAC species x 3 = FACU specles x 4 = LfPL species x 5 = Calumn Totals: (A] [Bj Prevalencelndex =HlA= Hydrnphytic Vegstatian Indicatnrs: � 1- Rapid Test far HydrophyNc Vegetatfon II2- Dominance Test is �50% a 3- Prevalence Index is 53.0' a Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain} �Indicatars of hydrlc soil and weVand hydralogy must be present, unless dtsturhed or prohlematic. Tree - Woody plants, exduding vines, 3 in. (7.B cmJ or mare in diameter at breast height (aBH}, regardless af hefght. 5aplingl5hrup - Woody plants, excluding vines, less than 3 In. DBFE and greater than 3.28 ft(1 m] tall. Herh -All herhaceous (non-woody} plants, regardless af size, and wofldy plants less than 3.28 ft tall. Woody vine -All waody vines greater than 3.28 it in hefght. kydrophytic Vegetatton Present? Yes x Nn US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gutf Coasial Plafn Reglon - Version 2.0 501L 5ampting Point: WA4A wst Profile !}es�rfption: (Descrtbe to the depth nseded to dncument the indfeator ar canflrm ths absence af ind[cators.] Uepth M�trix Redox Features [inchesl Calor (moist} '(� Colar {mafsil � Type Loc� Texture Remarks 0-10 10YR 211 100 5L Hlgh arganic content 10-20 9 UYR 311 1 QO S 'T e: C=Cancentratian, a=�e leiton RM=Redu�ed Matrix MS=Masked Sand Grains. �Location: PL=Pare Linin M=Matrtx. Hydric 5of1 Indfeators: (Appllcahle to all LRRs, unless otherwise nated.] Indicators far Problematic Hydrie 5alls': � Histosol [A1) � Polyvalue Below SurFace {58) {LRR 5, T, U] i cm Muck (A9) (LEiR Dj �Histic Epipedan (A2J � Thin Qark Surface {S9) [LRR S, T, Uy 2 cm Muek (A10) (l.RR Sj Blacfc Histic [A3] Loamy Mudcy Mineral (F1) (LRR 0} Reduced Vertic {F18) (oulside MLRA 15�A,B] � Hydrogen Sulfide (A4} Loamy Gleyed Matrfx [F2) Piedmvnt Flaodplain 5oils �Fi9] (LRR P, S, i'j �Stratifisd Layers (A5) Depleted Matrix (F3) _ Anomalaus 9right Loamy 5oils (F24} Qrganic Bad(es (A6) (LRR P, 7, U) Redox Qark Surface (F6) RMLRA 1536] J 5 cm Mueky Mineral (A'T] [LRR P, T, lJj Depleted Dark Surtace {Flj ❑ Red Parent Material {TF2} Muck Presence (ASy (LRR L!) � Redox �epressions [Fe) � Very Shallaw Dark 5urface {TFi2} 1 cm Muck [A9} (l.itR P, T� � Mart �F10) SLRR U) � Dther (Explain in Remarks} D Depleted Selow aark 5urface [A11] � Oepleted �chric �Ft S} (MLRA 151y � Thick �ark SurFace {Al2] n Iron-Manganese Masses (F12y tl.RR D, P, Tj 'Indicaiors of hydrvphytic vegetation and �Coast Prairfe Redox (At6] (MLRA 15flAj Umbric 5urfaee [F13) {LRR P, T, llj wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral [S1J tLRR O, 5j Delta Ochric {F17J (MLRA 151j unless distur�ed or problematic. � Sandy Gieyed Matrix [S4} Reduced Vertic {�18) {MLRA 150A, 750Bj �5andy Redax {55J Pfedm4n! Floodplain Soils {F19) (Ml.RA 149Aj Strlpped Ntatrix [SB) Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F2D) (MLRA 149A,153C,153G} n park 5urtace (57J {LRR P, 5, T, Uj RestHctive Layer (ii oqserved): Type: Depth {Inehes): Hydrfc 5011 Present? Yes x Ha Remarlcs: Ll5 Army Corps of Erigineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Piain Region — Versinn 2.0 WETLAND �E'TERMINATIDN QATA FORM --Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Regian Pra]ecUSite: �nslaw Bridge 13+� CitylCounty: Onslow 5ampling oate: 3li012D18 Appticantl0wner: NCaOT State: NG 5ampling PQint: WA4A up Investigator(s): ESI - R. Tumbull Secttan, Townshlp, Range; �JA Landfarm (hillslope, terrace, etc.]: roaa5ide Lacal relief (concave, convex, nonej: cQn�ave Slope (96y: 2'5 5uhregian [�RR ar MLRA]: ��� T Lat: 34.91317 �0�9: -77.2T409 Datum: WGS� Soil Map Unit Mame: Muckalee loam NYVI classification: NIA Are climatic! hydrolagic condltions an the site typ3cal for this time of year7 Yes x Na {If no, explain in Remarks.J Are Vegetatian X , 5oi1 X , or Hydralogy significantly distufied7 Are "Narmal Ctrcumstances" present7 Yes x N❑ Are Vegetation . Soil , or Hydrnlvgy naturally pro6lematic7 (if needed, ex�lain any answers in Remarks.] SLiMMARY OF FiNDINGS — Attach site map shawing sampling pQlnt locations, transects, lmportant features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetatfon Present7 Yes x No Is the 5ampled Area Hydric 5oil Present7 Yes Na x withln a Wetland? Yes No x Wetland Hydralagy Present7 Yes No x — Roadside fill HYpR�LOGY Wettand Hydrolagy lnttloators: Second��,i�icatars {minimum of two reaufredl Arimary Indicators (minfmum of ane is required: check all that aQ{�v_1 II 5urface 5oil Craeks (88) �5urface Water (A1y ❑ Aquatic Fauna [813J Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surtace {88} High Water Tahte (A2J Q Marl l7eposits jB15} [LRR U) Dreinage Pattems (Bi a) �5aturatian (A3y Q Hydrogen Sulflde �dor (C1) Moss Trim Lines (61B) Water Marks (H1) Q�r Oxidized Rhizflspheres along Living Ravts [C3} Dry-5eason Water 7able (C2) �5ediment peposits (82j u Presence af Reduced Iron (C4} � Cra�sh Burrows iCey Drift aeposfis {H3) Q Recent Iron Reduction in 7illed Saiis (C6j II Saturatfan Visihle on Aerial Imagary [C9) a Algal Nlat or Crust {B+3) Thin Mu�k Surface (C7} II Geamorphi� Pvsition [D2} a Iron Deposlts (B5} Other (Explain in Remarks} II 5hallow Aquftard (D3j [! Inundatian �sihle on Aerisl Imagery {BT} II FAC-Neutral Test [D5) [! Waier-Stafned Leaves (B9J II 5phagnum moss t�8} (LRR T, Uj Fie1d Observat�ans: 5urtace Waier Present7 Yes No x Depth {inches}; H!A Water Tahle Present7 Yes No x Depth (in�hes): '20 5aturatfon Present? Yes No x aepth (Inches): '20 Wedand Hydraingy Present? Yes Na x includes �a illa frin e Describe Recorded Data [stream gauge, manfioring well, aerial photas, previous inspectionsj, if available: Remartcs: US Army Corps at Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal PIa1n Regian – Versfon 2.� VEGETATI�N [Four Strataj - Use scientific names of plants. A6solute aominant Indicaior Tree 5tratum (Plot size: 30R x 30ft � 96 Caver 5oecfes7 5tatus 1. z. 3. A. 5. fi. 7. 8. fl = Tvtal Cover 5095 of total caver: 20% of total cover. 5anlinalShruh 5tratum (Plvt size: 30Ft X 3ak } � Ligustrum sinense BO Y FAC 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. �� = Total Cover 5496 af tfltal co�er. 3fl 2a9� af tatal cover: � 2 Herb 5tratum {Plot slze: 30ft X 30ft � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. �fl = iotal Cover 5d°% af total cover: ' 2a9S of total cover: � WQQdv Vine Stratum tPlat size: a0� X 30ft } �, 5milax rotundifolia 10 Y FAC 2. 3. A. 5. �� = Tota! Co�er 5a9b of total co�er: � 2Q96 of lotal caver: � hvlogi�al adaptatfons below). 5ampling Paint: WAAA up oaminance Test wnrKslleet: Number af Dominant Species That Are DBL, FACW, or FAC; 2 7otaf Numher af daminant 5pecies Acrass A!I Strata: Percent nf Dominant 5pe�ies That Ars QBL, FACW, or FAC: � �aa r�revaience innex worusnee� Tot@I °% Coner of: Mult�lv bv: 06L Spe�es x 1 = FAGW spscies x 2 = FAC speGes x 3 = FACU species x 4 = UPL species x 5 = Column Tatals: (A} {Bj Prevalence Index = BIA = J� 1- Rspid Test fflr Hydrophyti� Vegetallon u 2- Dflminance Test is �5036 a 3- Prevalence Index is 53.d' a Pro6lemaifc Hydrophytic Vegetatian' [Expla]n} 'Indicatars of hydric soil and wetland hydralogy mus! be present, unless disturbed or prablematEc. �eifnitfans of Four Vegetatlan 5trata: Tree - Wovdy plants, exGuding vines, 3 in. {T.8 cm] or more in diameter at breast hefght (OBH), regardless of height. Sapl[ngl8hrub - Woady plants, excluding vines, less than 3 in. tiBH and greater than 3.28 ft[t m) tall. Herb-Afl herhaceaus (nan-waady] plants, regardtess af s�Ze, and woody plants less than 3.28 R tall. Woody vine -All wnady vines greater than 3.28 ft in he3ght. Hydrephytic Vegetatfan Present? Yes x Ho US Army Corps of Ex�gineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plaln Region - Version 2.0 501L 5ampfing Polnt: WA4A up Profiia Descriptlon: tDsscrihe ta the depth needed to dacument the Indlcatnr ar cnnflrm the adsence of indfcatars.j Qepth Matrix x F [in�hesl Color fmoistl _g� Coiar �molst) � Tvoe Texture Remarks o-� � oYR a�t � oa s a-2a '! OYR 412 � ao s �T e: C=Concentration 0=ae letion, RM=Reduced Matrix MS=Masked Sand Grains. zLveat[pn; PI.=Pore Linln , M=Matrix. Hydrlc Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs, unless otherwise noted.) Indicatnrs for Problamatic Hydrlc Solls': � Histosnl [A1j j] Polyvalue Below 5urface [58] {LRR 5, T, U) 1 cm Muck {A9} (L.RR 0} �Histic Epipedon (A2] � Thin I]ark 5urtace (S8} (LRR S, T, Uy 2 cm Mucfc [At0] {LRR 5} Black Nistic �A3] Loamy Mucky Mlneral [F1) (LRR Oj Redueed Verlic (F1 BJ {outside MLRA i5DA,8y � Hydragen Sulfide {A4} Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2y Pfedmont Floodplain Soils [F18) {LRR P, 3, Tj �Stratified Layers {A5) Qepleted Matrix [F3) � Anamalous Bright Loamy Soils {F2a} Organic Bodies {A6J (LRR P, T, U] Redax Dark 5urface (FB) {MI.RA 1538) 5 cm Mucky Mfneral (A7j {LRR P, T, U] � Depleted Dark Surface (F7] ❑ Red Parent Maisrial (TF2) Muek Presence [AS} (LRR Uj Redox ospressions {F8J � Very 5hallaw Dark 5urface [TF12) 1 ctn Muck {A9} {LRR P, Tj � Mart (F1D] (LRR U} �[]ther (Explain in Remarks} bepleted 6eiow park 5urtace (A11) � �epleted Ochric (F11) {MLRA 151J n Th�ek Dark 5urtace tAi2} � tran-Manganese Masses (F12} (LRR �, P, T'j 'Indicata�s aF hydrophytie vegetatfon and �Coast Prairie Redox (A1fi} (MLRA 15DA} Umbric Su�face {F13} {LRR P, T, ll) wetland hydrology must he present, 5andy Mucky Mineral [51) [LRR [], 8j Delta a�hric [F17j {MLRA 151f unless dlsturbed or pro5lematic. Sandy Gteyed Matrix (S4] Reduced Vertic {F18} [MLRA 750A, 15aBJ 5andy Redox j55J Piedmont Fivodplain SQfis (F1S} [MLRA 749Aj Stripped Matrix [56] Anomalous Bright Laamy Soils [F20) (MLRA i49A, 153C, 153Dj D park 5urtace (S7J {LRR P, 3, T, U) Restrictive Layer (If ohservedj: Type: Depth {inches]: Hydric Soil Present? Yes x No Remarks: U5 Army Carps af Enginesrs Atlantlo and Gulf Caastal Plain Region — Verslon 2.0