HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051457 Ver 1_Public Comments_20090115EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement Subject: EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement From: Fox.Rebecca@epamail.epa.gov Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:41:46 -0500 To: "Pugh, Robin" <Robin.Pugh@arcadis-us.com> CC: "Alan.Johnson@ncmail.net" <Alan.Johnson@ncmail.net>, "allen_ratzlaff@fws.gov" <alien_ratzlaff@fws.gov>, "Jones, Amanda D SAW" <Amanda.D.Jones@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "O'Quinn, Barney" <Barney.0'Quinn@arcadis-us.com>, "Britt. Setzer@ncmail. net" <Britt.Setzer@ncmail.net>, "Bryan_Tompkins@fws.gov" <Bryan_Tompkins@fws.gov>, "chris.goudreau@newildlife.org" <chris.goudreau@ncwildlife.org>, "Cyndi.Karoly@nemail.net" <Cyndi. Karoly@ncmai 1. net>, Manager- <David.Dear@C levelandCounty.com>, "elammt@hotmail.com" <elammt@hotmail.com>, "fred.tarver@nemail.net" <fred.tarver@ncmai 1. net>, "fwa@dnet.net" <fwa@dnet.net>, "gormancm@dhec.sc.gov" <gormancm@dhec.sc.gov>, "gwood@lincolncounty.org" <gwood@lincolncounty.org>, "Wicker, Henry M JR SAW" <Henry.M.Wicker. JR@saw02.usace.army.mil>, "hortonjl@dhec.sc.gov" <hortonjl@dhec.se.gov>, "James. McRight@ncmail.net: " <James.MeRight@nemail.net:>, "smtp-Mead, Jim" <jim.mead@ncmail.net>, "John.Condrey@rutherfordcountync.gov" <John.Condrey@rutherfordcountync.gov>, "keithw@mcgillengineers.com" <keithw@mcgillengineers.com>, "kfortner@gbpw.com" <kfortner@gbpw.com>, "linvillejr@earthlink.net" <linvillejr@earthlink.net>, "manager@ccsdwater.com" <manager@ccsdwater.com>, "marilyns@cityofkm.com" <marilyns@cityofkm.com>, "Melba.Mcgee@ncmail.net" <Melba.Mcgee@ncmail.net>, "mholder@dot.state.nc.us" <mholder@dot.state. nc.us>, "renee.gledhi11-earl ey@ncmail.net" <renee.gledhill-earley@ncmail.net>, "Rick. Howell@cityofshelby. com " <Rick. Howell @cityofshelby. com>, "russtown@nc-cherokee.com" <russtown@nc-cherokee.com>, ron mccollum <teweenot@yahoo.com>, "Tom.Reeder@ncmail.net" <Tom. Reeder@ncmail. net>, "turnerle@dhec.sc.gov" <turnerle@dhec.sc.gov>, Derby.Jennifer@epamail.epa.gov, justin.p.mecorcle@usace.army.mil Henry, Robin, et al, I have reviewed the draft Purpose and Need (P&N) for the First Broad River Reservoir (FBRR) and am providing some initial comments in preparation for our meeting next week. I have not yet had the opportunity to review the alternatives analysis that was sent out yesterday. EPA has provided numerous written and oral comments for this project and our comments have always stressed the need for a strong water conservation/reuse component for use in determining the projected water demand and in developing the alternatives analysis. Although the first objective listed in the project objectives section of the P&N section is to "develop an effective and efficient water supply system" there was little information in this section as to how the use of water efficiency measures was a component in projecting future water needs. Last week, I forwarded a draft paper to the FBRR project development team outlining EPA Region 4 guidelines that any applicant for a reservoir project in the Southeast will be required to utilize in developing water demand projections and alternatives analysis. Water efficiency measures have been shown to provide substantial and documented savings in water and money, and should not be dismissed as impractical and /or insignificant. The use of these measures are even more important in light of the current drought being experienced in the Southeast. EPA Region 4 places a very high priority on applying these measures in determining P&N and evaluating the alternatives analysis for reservoir projects, and recommends the applicant and the COE rigorously apply them in the development of the FBRR EIS. The discussion below is a follow up to the draft Region 4 paper and provides more information on efficiency measures we will expect to see addressed in the water needs projection and alternatives analysis for the FBRR. 1 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement We believe water efficiency measures can and should be central to water supply planning. In comparison, large reservoirs can be very costly in both money and environmental impacts (and mitigation for environmental impacts), and lose very large amounts of water through evaporation. Water conservation measures should not be a policy enacted only in times of drought. The following discussion elaborates on some of the measures outlined in the EPA Region 4 drought measures guidelines paper: Stop leaks: Aged and broken pipes and valves can be responsible for huge quantities of water loss in water supply systems in the U.S. It is not clear from the P&N document if the Cleveland County Sanitary District (CCSD) utilizes a leak detection/repair program. Table 15 contains water loss information that shows an average of 17% unaccounted water loss per year for years 2003-2007, but there was not a discussion of a water loss detection and repair program. The P&N section should contain a detailed discussion of what measures CCSD is using to determine unaccounted for losses of water and what type of leak detection and repair measures are being utilized. Although water losses may be 20% or higher in water supply systems across the country, we believe with advances in technologies and expertise, these losses should be able to be reduced to less than 10%. Leesburg, VA was able to reduce their loss from 33 to 6% and is working on further reductions. Raleigh, NC, through a year round leak detection and abatement program, has been able to reduce their leakage rate to 4.5%. This can represent huge savings in MGD of water usage. Leak detection and the impact of potential repairs to the water supply system should be incorporated into the water demand projections for the FBRR project. There may be money available for this with the new Administration as part of an infrastructure repair component of the financial recovery plan. EPA can provide additional information on this as it becomes available. Water Price: Water should be priced to encourage conservation. This means water should be priced to cover what it actually costs to provide it to the consumer. A two-tier pricing system is recommended. This would include a flat fee to cover fixed utility costs and a second part variable fee that would charge higher rates as water consumption increases to above average levels to discourage waste and encourage conservation. Correct pricing for water has been estimated to be able to provide savings of around 15%. Meter all Users: Generally multi-family units and commercial buildings charge a flat rate for water. This practice does not encourage users to conserve water. Individual user water meters should be installed on all new buildings and incentives should be provided to retrofit old buildings with individual metering. Retrofit all Buildings: Large water savings could be realized if all households and businesses used water efficient appliances and fixtures. Estimates are this could result in 20% savings. This could be accomplished in old buildings by mandating updates be made on resale or establishment of new accounts. Voluntary incentive programs such as rebates and free audits could also help with retrofitting older buildings. Landscape and Irrigation Systems: Large amounts of water usage can be attributed to landscaping (some estimates have it at 30%). Municipalities have been able to greatly reduce this use through measures such as: dedicated irrigation meters for large landscapes with a significantly higher water rate, moisture/rain sensors for all 2 of 7 1/ 15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement irrigation systems, free irrigation system audits, use of different landscape models and plants that use less water. Smart New Buildings: All new buildings should require the most water efficient technologies. This should include the appliances and fixtures, and also dual plumbing systems that allow the use of gray water and harvested rain water for activities that do not require drinking-quality water, like toilet flushing or irrigation. Section 4.1.2 of the P&N section discusses future demands from new housing. These demand projections should be based on the use of efficiency measures in new housing and businesses and not on historical water usage data from houses and buildings not incorporating water efficiency technology and programs. These are just some of the ways water efficiency measures can result in large savings in water and costs. Revised water demand projections for this project should, at a minimum, reflect the incorporation of these and other measures outlined in the Region 4 drought management guideline paper. The demand projections in the P&N appear to be based on historical. usage rates and should be updated to reflect the incorporation of the efficiency measures outlined above. Section 4.42 (Water Supply Needs) does riot contain any mention of the incorporation of water efficiency/conservation measures. This should be a major component in this section. We will be looking for how each of these measures will impact the water demand projections in the revised Purpose and Need section. EPA Region 4 considers this a key component in the evaluation of not only the FBRR project but also all future reservoir projects in the Southeast. Along with the incorporation of the efficiency measures, we are also providing the reminder that any other municipalities, towns, etc that are used to determine water projection demands should have a signed service agreement with CCSD. This information should be included in the P&N section.. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the draft P&N section and look forward to being involved with this project as we move through the EIS development process. Becky Fox Wetland Regulatory Section USEPA Phone: 828-497-3531 Email: fox.rebecca@epa.gov "Pugh, Robin" <Robin.Pugh@arca dis-us.com> To "Wicker, Henry M JR SAW" 01/14/2009 02:58 <Henry.M.Wi,cker.JR@saw02.usace.ar PM my.mil>, "gwood@lincolncounty.or " << wood@lincolncounty.or >, "James.IMERIght@ncmail.net:" <James.McRight@ncmail.net:>, "John.Condrey@rutherfordcountync. gov" <John.Condrey@rutherfordcountync. gov>, "Britt.Setzer@ncmail.net" <Britt.Setzer@ncmail.net>, "linvillejr@earthlink.net" <linville jr@earthlink.net>, ----- -------- - - "chris_goudreau@ncwildlife.org" 3 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement <chris.goudreau@ncwildlife.org>, "Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net" <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail_net>, "Alan.Johnson@ncmail.net" <Alan.Johnson@ncmail.net>, "renee.aledhill-earlev@ncmail.net <ren_ee_gledhill-early@ncmail.net >, "russtown@nc-chero_kee.com" <russtown@nc-cherokee.com>, "mholder@dot.state.nc.us" <mholder@dot.state.nc.us>, "smtp-Mead,Jim" <jim.mead@ncmail.net>, "fred.tarver@ncmaiI ne',- <fred.tarver@ncmail.net.>, "turnerle@dhec.sc.gov" <turnerle@dhec.sc.gov>, "allen ratzlaff@f.ws.gov" <allen ratzlaff@fws.gov>, "Bryan Tompkins(,?fws.gov" <Bryan Tompkinsc?fws.gov>, Rebecca Fox/R4/USEPA/US@EPA, "hortonjl@dhec.sc.gov' <hortonjl@dhec.sc.gov>, "gormancm@dhec.sc.gov" <gormancm@dhec.sc.gov>, "kfortner@gbpw.ccm" <kfortner@gbpw.com>, Manager- <David.Dear@ClevelandCounty.com>, "Rick.Howell@cityofshelby.com" <Rick.Howell@cityofshelby.com>, "marilyns@cityofkm.com" <marilyns@cityofkm.,om>, 11Tom.Reeder(ncma?1.net" <Tom.ReedeY@ncma;?.net. Melba.Mcaee@ncmaLl.ne <Me1ba.Mcgee@ncmaii.ne,>, ron mccollum <teweenot@yahoo.com>, "elammt@hotmail.com" <elammt@hotmail.com> cc "O'Quinn, Barney" <Barney.O'Quinn@arcadis-us.com>, "fwa@dnet.net" <fwa@dnet.net>, "keithw@mcgillengineers.com" <keithw@mcgillengineers.com>, "manager@ccsdwater.com" <_m_naqer@c sdw_a_ter.com>, "Jones, Amanda D SAW" <Amanda.D.Jones@saw02.usace.army. mil> Subject RE: Cleveland County Water Agency/stakeholders scoping meeting January 21, 2009, 10:30 at the NC DENR Mooresville office (UNCLASSIFIED) 4 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement On behalf of Henry Wicker: As you know, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Wilmington District, Regulatory Division is continuing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process in developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Cleveland County Water's (CCW) proposal to construct a 1,300 acre water supply reservo=ir on the First Broad River approximately 1.4 miles north of the Town of Lawndale, Cleveland County North Carolina. The USACE scheduled the first agency and stakeholder meeting on January 21, 2009, at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Mooresville office from 10:30 a.m.to 1:00 p.m. The NCDENR Mooresville Regional Office is located at 610 East Center Avenue in Mooresville. Directions are provided on the following website: http://www.enr.state.nc.us/reaionaloffices/offices/mrowhere.html At the meeting, as well as future agency and stakeholder meetings, participants will be able to provide scoping comments on draft review documentation for the EIS. The agenda for the January 21 meeting is attached. Prior to the meeting, please review the agenda and the attached agency stakeholder letter which outlines the scoping meeting format. The draft Alternatives Analysis, prepared by McGill Associates, is also provided for your review prior to the meeting. Because of the large size of the file, the report is not attached to this email, but is available on the ARCADIS ftp site. To download the report, go to http://filetransfer.arcadis-us.com, (Copy this address into your web browser.) Provide the following (case sensitive) user name and password - Username: arcadisftp Password: Tr4nsf3R. Then click "Login." Select "From ARCADIS" then the "Cleveland County Water" folder. The alternatives report is located in that folder. We will provide hard copies of the reports at the meeting. The draft purpose and need statement was provided to you by email on January 7, 2009. The report is also available on the ARCADIS ftp site. These are the two documents/issues that will be presented at the January 7 meeting. Please contact Robin Pugh if you have problems accessing the reports on the ftp site. We look forward to seeing you on the 21st. Robin Pugh, AICP ARCADIS 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: 919.854.1282 Fax: 919.854.5448 E-mail: rpugh@arcadis-us.com From: Wicker, Henry M JR SAW [mailto:Henry.M.Wicker.JR@saw02.usace.army.mil] Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 10:20 AM To: gwood@lincolncount_y.orq; Jim.McRight@ncmail.net; John.Condrey@rutherfordcountync.gov; Britt .Setzer@ncmail.net; linvillejr@earthlink.net chris.goudreau@ncwildlife.org; Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net; Alan.Johnson@ncmail.net; renee.gledhill-early@ncmail.net; russtown@nc-cherokee.com; ------------------------------- - mholder@dot.state.nc.us; smtp-Mead, L I Jim; fred.tarver@ncmail.net; -. T turnerle@dhec.sc.gov; allen ratzlaff@fws_gov; Bryan Tompkins@fws.gov; Fox.Rebecca@epamail_epa.gov; hortonjlPdhec.sc`qov; gormancm@dhec.sc.gov; 5 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement kfortner@gbpw.com; Manager-; Rick.Howell@cityofshelby.com; marilyns@cityofkm.com; Tom.Reeder@ncmail.net; Melba.Mcgee@ncmail.net; ron mccollum Cc: Pugh, Robin; O'Quinn, Barney; fwa@dnet.net; keithw@mcgillengineers.com; manager@ccsdwater.com; Jones, Amanda D SAW Subject: Cleveland County Water Agency/stakeholders scoping meeting January 21, 2009, 10:30 at the NC DENR Mooresville office (UNCLASSIFIED). Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Hello everyone, The Wilmington District US Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division is continuing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process in developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Cleveland County Water's proposal to construct a water supply reservoir in the First Broad River basin near Lawndale in Cleveland County, North Carolina. We will be having an Agency/stakeholders scoping meeting to get comments on revised draft documents on January 21, 2009, 10:30 at the NC DENR Mooresville office. We will send out the copies of the documentation on January 7 to provide you two weeks to review the documentation (revised Purpose and Need Statement, Alternatives Analysis, and Service Area). If can't make the meeting on January 21, you will still have the opportunity to send your comments to me by February 4. The purpose of this E-mail was to give you enough time to pencil the meeting date on your calendars if you wanted to attend. We will send out more information about the meeting on January 7. Let me know if you have any questions. Henry Henry Wicker Project Manager USACE Wimington District Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Fax (910) 251-4025 (910) 251-4930 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution 6 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM EPA comments on Cleveland Co P&N statement or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by ARCADIS U.S., Inc. and its affiliates.[attachment "CCW-agenda-Jan-21-09 meeting.pdf" deleted by Rebecca Fox/R4/USEPA/US] [attachment "USACE_agency_stakeholder letter_1 14 09.pdf" deleted by Rebecca Fox/R4/USEPA/US] 7 of 7 1/15/2009 10:42 AM