HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020338_Pretreatment Review of Headworks Analysis-Approved_20171031WaterResources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY October 31, 2017 Mr. Grant F. Trivette Pretreatment Coordinator Town of Yadkinville P.O. Box 816 Yadkinville, NC 27055 Subject: Pretreatment Review of Headworks Analysis - Approved Program: Town of Yadkinville NPDES Permit No. NCO020338 Yadkin County Dear Mr. Trivette: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director The Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collection Systems (PERCS) Unit of the Division of Water Resources has reviewed the Headworks Analysis (HWA) for the Town of Yadkinville. The HWA was received by the Division on August 18, 2017. The Division concurs with the HWA calculations for all pollutants of concern, with the Allocation Table corrections discussed below. These approved Maximum Allowable Headworks Loadings (MAHLs), Maximum Allowable Industrial Loadings (MAILS), and the basis for these values are found on the last page of the enclosed HWA spreadsheet. The results of the HWA are also listed in the bottom section of the enclosed Allocation Table. 1) HWA Corrections: Please feel free to contact PERCS if you have any questions about the changes outlined below, or if you disagree with any of the changes. None of the corrections caused any over allocation that were not resolved by another correction. All corrected spreadsheets were emailed to you for your files, with the changes highlighted. Please ensure the POTW's paper and electronic HWA, AT, and other supporting documents contain these corrected documents, especially the Allocation Table. As needed, please mark any original documents as "replaced" or "voided. a) Ammonia Design Criteria: PERCS chose to use ammonia design criteria to derive ammonia design loading since it is more conservative than pass through NPDES loading. This did not cause any ammonia over allocation. b) Cyanide Stream Standard: Stream standard for cyanide was removed from the pass-through loading table since cyanide is NPDES limited parameter. c) Uncontrollable Mass Balance: Uncontrollable mass balance spreadsheet were updated (see attached) with average influent concentrations for several parameters per submitted removal rate spreadsheet, and subsequently updated HWA spreadsheet. Nothing Compares—, State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 512 N Salisbury Street 11611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 919 7079000 2) Next HWA Due Date: The HWA approved today is primarily based on DMR/LTMP data for the period of January 2014 through December 2016. Unless conditions at the POTW change significantly and thus warrant an earlier submittal (see Comprehensive Guide, Section 8), the POTW must submit an updated HWA using the site-specific data on or before September 1, 2022. Thank you for your continued cooperation with the Pretreatment Program. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Monti Hassan at (919) 807-6314 [email: Monti.Hassan@ncdenr.gov] or Deborah Gore, Unit Supervisor at (919) 807-6383 [email: Debora h.Gore@ncdenr.gov]. MH/Yadkmvdle HWA AT 2017 Enclosures HWA AT, mass balance spreadsheets CC with enclosures. Monti Hassan, PERCS Unit CC without enclosures - Central Files Jim Gonsiewski, WSRO Sincerely, 'toV11111 Mon Hassa Division of Water Resources Nothing Compares ---,- State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 512 N Salisbury Street 1 1611 Mad Service Center I Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 919 7079000 Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Headworks Analysts Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Instructions 2 POTW Name Yadlunvillle 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered Blue cells The rest of worksheet is 3 Date 10/31/2017 protected, password is "2" 4 POTW NPDES # => NC0020338 2) Additional pollutants can be added in cells A34 to A42 Note all Pollutant names are linked from here to other pages in HWA worksheet and also to AT worksheet (i e , automatically entered into 5 POTW Sludge Permit # => W 0001800 other pages in HWA worksheet and also AT worksheet from HWA worksheet) 7 POTW NPDES Permitted Flow(MGD)= 2 5 <=used in AT only 3) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance HWA Chapter 4) HWA, AT and HASL worksheets are linked MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load are 8 POTW Average Flow(MGD)= 0 7378 —used in HWA calculations automatically entered into AT from this worksheet 9 Uncontrollable Flow(MGD)= 0 554 5) If red tab notes are not visible, they can be turned on in the "Tools" menu under "options", in the 10 7Q10 Stream Flow(MGD)= 252 'view" tab click the "comment indicator only" button 11 Stream Classification= WS -IV 13 Class of Sludge generated (A, or B) B 14 Sludge to Digestor Flow(MGD)= N/A Through calc for different POTW use Design 15 Sludge to Disposal Flow(MGD)= 0001441 flows Catena 16 %Solids to Disposal= 2 85 Design Values Average Flow I Permitted Flow Loading 17 Sludge Site Area(acres)= 57 75 W WTF Influent BOD (mg/1) 350 7843 2315 18 Sludge Site Life(yrs)= 50 W WTF Influent TSS (mg/1) 316 12245 3614 x 19 Age of Sludge Site(yrs)= 10 W WTF Influent NH3 (mg/1) 25 4444 131.2 x 20 W WTF Influent Total N(mg(l) 21 Pass -Through Loading Calculations W WTF Influent Total P (mg/I) Stream Standard Pass-Thru Minimum NPDES LIMIT Plant Removal Removal rate NPDES Loading Standard Stream Loading Design Criteria Loading Pass-Thru 23 Pollutant (mg/1) Rate (%) Source Obs/day) (1319/1) Standard Source (lbs/day) Loading (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Basis 24 BOD 16 9796 DMR/LTMP 4,826 7,298 4,826 NPDES 25 TSS 30 9755 DMR/LTMP 7,535 6,589 6,589 Design 26 Ammonia 2 9955 DMR/LTMP 2,735 521 521 Design 27 Arsenic 45 Lit(Default 001 NC-WQS Ws -Iv 04940 04940 Stream Std 28 Cadmium 67 Lit/Default 0 002 NC-WQS aquatic It 01647 01647 Stream Std 29 Chromium 82 Lit/Default 005 NC-WQS aquatic It 75472 75472 Stream Std 30 Copper 7236 DMR/LTMP 31 Cyanide 001 69 Lit/Default 01985 01985 NPDES 32 Lead 61 Lit/Default 0 025 NC-WQS aquatic lit 17417 17417 Stream Std 33 Mercury 9641 Stte S ecific 0000012 NC-WQS aquatic iif 000908 0 00908 Stream Std 34 Molybdenum 33 Lit/Default 35 Nickel 42 DMR/LTMP 0 025 NC-WQS WS -Iv 1 1711 1 1711 Stream Std 36 Selenium 50 Lit/Default 0 005 NC-WQS aquatic Id 02717 0 2717 Stream Std 37 Silver 75 Lit/Default 38 Zinc 5577 DMR/LTMP 39 a 40 b 41 c 42 d 43 e 441f 45 Ig 46 Ili Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 A B C D E F G H I J K 48 49 50 Inhibition Loading Calculations Average Influent NH3 (Mg/1) Average Anaerobic Digester NH3 (mg/1) � only enter when have ANAEROBIC digester 51 Pollutant Prirnary Removal Rate (%) Primary Removal Rate Source A SJNit ff.F A SJNit /P F Inhibition Inhibition Concentration Concentration (1119/1) Source A.SJNit,IT.F. Inhibition Loading abs/day) Digestor Inhibition Concentration (11:19/1) Digestor Inhibition Digestor Inhibition Cone. Source Loading (lbs/day) Minunum Minimum Inhibition Inhibition Loading Loading Obs/day) Source 52 BOD 53 TSS 54 Ammonia 480 AS /NitJT F Inhi 2953 5610 2953 56 AS/Nit/TF ir 55 Arsenic 0 1 A S /Nit,/T F Iain 06153 0 6153 AS/NiVTF ir 56 Cadmium I AS /Nit,/T F Inhi 61533 6 1533 AS/Ntt/TF ir 57 Chromium 0 394 Lit Nmtnfication 24244 2 4244 AS/NitnT i 58 Copper 048 Lit. Nitrification 29536 29536 AS/Nit/TF 59 Cyanide 01 AS /Nit,/T F Inhi 06153 0 6153 AS/Nit/TF it 60 Lead 05 Lit Nitnfication 307661 3 0766 AS/NiVTF ix 61 Mercury 01 A SJNtt /T F Inhi 06153 0 6153 AS/Nmt/rF i 62 Molybdenum 63 Nickel 025 Nit Literature 15383 15383 AS/Nit(IT it 64 Selenium 65 Silver 025 AS /Nit)T F Inhi 15383 15383 AS/Nit/rF ir 66 Zinc I I A S /Nit /T F Inhi 61533 6 1533 AS/Nit/TF ir 67 a 68 b 69 c 70 d 71 e 72 f 73 g 74 h Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 A B C D E F G H I J K 75 76 Sludge Loading Calculations 77 Pollutant Sludge Ceiling Concentration Lumt (mg/kg) Sludge Ceding Load (lbs/day) Sludge Ceiling Load - HASL Calc - (lbs/day) Cumulative Sludge Rate Limit (lbs/(acre*hfe)) Cumulative SludgeLoading Obs/day) Class A Limits Monthly Average Rate Limit (mg/kg) Class A Liimts Monthly Avg Loading (lbs/day) Class A Limits Mon Avg Load - HASL Calc. - (lbs/day) Minimum Minimum Sludge Sludge Loading Loading Obs/day) Sorce 78 BOD 79 TSS 80 Ammonia 81 Arsenic 75 00571 36 02530 41 00571 Sludge Ceili 82 Cadmium 85 00435 34 0 1605 39 00435 Sludge Cerl 83 Chrormum 84 Copper 4300 20354 1338 58475 1500 20354 Sludge Ceih 85 Cyanide 86 Lead 840 04717 267 13842 300 04717 Sludge Ceil 87 Mercury 57 00203 15 00492 17 00203 Sludge Ceilu 88 Molybdenum 75 00778 00778 Sludge Ceib 89 Nickel 420 03425 374 28160 420 03425 Sludge Ceili 90 Selenium 100 00685 89 05629 100 00685 Sludge Cedul 91 Silver 92 Zinc 7500 46061 2498 141647 2800 46061 Sludge Ceil 93 a 94 b 95 c 96 d 97 e 98 f 99 100 lr 101 Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 A B C D E F G H I J K 102 Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading Calculations Minimum Pass Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum g 103 (lbs/day) Source (lbs/day) Source (lbs/day) Sorce Through Loading Pass Through Inhibition Loading Inhibition Loading Sludge Loading Sludge Loadingn Allowable Maximum Allowable Headworks Headworks Loading Loading (lbs/day) Source 104 BOD 48261 NPDES 4826 1 NPDES 105 TSS 6588 6 Desi 6588 6 Design hibi 106 Amnioma 5213, Desi 2953 5610 AS/Nit/TF mh m 5213 Design 107 Arsenic 04940 Stream Std 06153 AS/Nit/TF mlubm 00571 Sludge Cedm 0 0571 Sludge Ceilm 108 Cadrmum 01647 Stream Std 6 1533 AS/Nit/TF mhibm 00435 Slud a Cedm 00435 Sludge Ceilm 109 Chromium 75472 Stream Std 2 4244 AS/Nrt/TF mhibrh 2 4244 AS/Nit/TF inhibition 110 Copper 2 9536 AS/Nd/TF mhibih 20354 Sludge Cedm 20354 Slud Ceilm 111 Cyanide 01985 NPDES 0 6153 AS/Nrt/T F mhbdi 0 1985 NPDES 112 Lead 17417 Stream Std 3 0766 AS/NiUfF mhibiti 04717 Sludge Cedm 04717 Sludge Ceilm 113 Mere 000908 Stream Std 06153 AS/NitlIF mhibm 00203 Sludge Ceilm 000908 Stream Std 114 Molybdenum 00778 Sludge Cedm 00778 Sludge Ceilm 115 Nickel 1 1711 Stream Std 1 5383 AS/Nit/TF mlubib 03425 Sludge Cedm 03425 Sludge Ceilm 116 Selenium 02717 Stream Std 00685 Sludge Cedm 00685 Sludge Cedm 117 Silver 15383 AS/NitllF tnhibdi 15383 AS/Nit/PF inhibition 118 Zmc 6 1533 AS/DhtffF mhibiti 4.4061 Sludge Cedm 46061 Slud Cedm 119 a 120 6 121 c 122 d 123 e 124 f 125 126 h 127 Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 A B C D E F G H I J K 128 129 Maximum Allowable Industrial Loadings Calculations Design vs. Pass - Thru Warning Maximum Allowable Check to Use Uncontrollable Headworks Loading HASL Coles Concentrahon Uncontrollable Uncontrollable 130 Pollutant (lbs/day) MAHL Basis (x) (mg/1) Source Load (lbs/day) Maximum Allowable Industrial Load (lbs/day) 131 BOD 4826 0800 NPDES 232 Mass Balance 1071 9235 3754 1565 132 TSS 6588 6000 Design 206 Mass Balance 9517942 5636 8058 133 Ammonia 5212500 Design 204 Mass Balance 942553 426 9947 134 Arsenic 00571 Sludge Ceiling 0 005 Mass Balance 00251 00340 135 Cadrmum 00435 Sludge Ceiling 00004 Mass Balance 00018 00416 136 Chromium 24244 AS/Nit/TF mhibitt N/A 0 003 Mass Balance 00139 24105 137 Copper 20354 Sludge Ceiling 00474 Mass Balance 02190 1 8164 1381 Cyanide 0 1985 NPDES N/A 00056 Mass Balance 00259 0 1726 139 Lead 04717 Sludge Ceiling 00025 Mass Balance 00116 04601 140 Mercury 0 00908 Stream Std 00001 Mass Balance 0000461 000862 141 Molybdenum 0 0778 Sludge Ceiling 00024 Mass Balance 00111 00668 142 Nickel 0 3425 Sludge Ceiling 00026 Mass Balance 00120 03961 143 Selenium 00685 Sludge Ceiling 0 005 Influent 00231 00454 144 Silver 15383 AS/NiVTF mhibth N/A 00025 Influent 00116 15268 145 Zinc 46061 Sludge Ceiling 0 221 Mass Balance 10211 3 5850 146 a 147 b 148 c 149 d 150 e 151 IT 152 g 1531h Modeled after Chapter 5-HWA Guidance, Appendix 5-A Revision Date February 2008 Allocation Table INDUSTRY NAMES p1 mLaalphMh y) Headworks last approved 10/31/17 Allocation Table updated 10/31/17 Permits last modified 1 03/01/17 IUP Count INDUSTRY NAMES p1 mLaalphMh y) Industry Pen mt number Pipe number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Austin Company 0006 0001 B&G Foods Snacks, Inc 0004 0001 Unifi Inc 0002 0001 Unifi, Inc 0005 0001 FLOW BOD TSS Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits of Effective Effective Permit Cone Load Cone Load Industry Date Date Expires MGD gaUda In 1 ]bs/da In 1 ]bs/da Metal 04/02/14 03/01/17 04/01/19 00250 25,000 8340 2085 Bake 06/12/15 05/31/20 0 0550 55,000E 40000 10000 Column Totals => 6250 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Loadmg (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow Ind (MAIL) still available Percent MARL still available 5 Percent MAT -IL flhs/davl => HWA AT Revised November 2005 Spreadsheet Instructions 1) Applicable Values should be entered In the Heavy Bordered cells Rest of worksheet is protected, password is 2" 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 6 Section C 3) HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked Pollutant Names, MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load in this AT worksheet are automatically entered from the HWA spreadsheet This Includes pollutant names in columns AT through BK FLOW BOD TSS Type Renewal Modification Date Permit Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits of Effective Effective Permit Cone Load Cone Load Industry Date Date Expires MGD gaUda In 1 ]bs/da In 1 ]bs/da Metal 04/02/14 03/01/17 04/01/19 00250 25,000 8340 2085 Bake 06/12/15 05/31/20 0 0550 55,000E 40000 10000 Textile 04/02/14 04/01/19 0 0350 35,000 10000 6250 Textile 04/02/14 04/01/19 0 3000 300,000 500 00 250 00 NPDES NPDES Permitted Flow=>[ 25000 787% 612% NPDES POTW- NPDEJ IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HWA AT Revised November 2005 Allocation Table Headworks last approved 1 10/31/17 Allocation Table updated 10131/171 Permits last modified 03/01/17 Yadkinvillle l l NCO020338 INDUSTRY NAMES WI—JAAn dr) Industry Permit number Pipe number Ammonia Permit Limits Cone Load iniall lbs/day Arsenic Permit Limits Conc Load moll lbs/dav Cadmium Permit Limits Cone Load moA lbs/day Chromium Permit Limits Conc Load m12A lbs/da Copper Pernut Limits Conc Load m lbs/da Cyanide Permit Limits Conc Load m lbs/da Lead Permit Limits Conc Load mWI lbs/da Austin Company 0006 0001 00500 00104 10000 02085 00700 0 0146 00700 00146 02000 00417 B&G Foods Snacks Inc 0004 0001 7001 0 1000 Unrfr, Inc 0002 0001 00013 0 0080 0 0710 00031 00138 Unrfr Inc 0005 0001 0 0540 0 5945 0 0270 0 1351 Column Totals => Basis--> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow Ind (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAHL (lbs/dav) => 1 7 1 00000 1U 01171 I U 21w. l 0 /eutl l 00447 I u lyuol Sludge bludge AWlittrF Sludge Sludge D—an Ceihna Ceilina inhibition Cetlinq NPDES Ceiling POTW- NPDESA- IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Allocation Table Headworks last approved 10/31/17 Allocation Table updated 10/31/17 Permits last modified 1 03/01/17 Yadkinvillle NCO020338 INDUSTRY NAMES <rym�isdtnun,dy) Industry Permit number Pipe number Mercury Permit Limits Cone Load m lbs/da Molybdenum Permit Limits Cone Load m l lbs/day Nickel Permit Limits Cone Load mWl lbs/da Selenium Permit Limits Cone Load m l lbs/day Silver Permit Limits Cone Load mWI lbs/day Zinc a b Perimt Limits Permit Limits Permit Limits Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load MPA lbs/da m lbs/dary mvA lbs/day Austin Company 0006 0001 0 1000 00209 00100 00021 14800 03086 B&G Foods Snacks, Inc 0004 0001 02500 Unrfr, Inc 0002 0001 00167 023001 Unrfr, Inc 0005 0001 01276 180741 Column Totals => Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Loading (lbs/day) => Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) => Percent Allow Ind (MAIL) still available (%) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MAT -IT. (16s/dav) => HWA AT Revised November 2005 0000000 00000 0 1652 00000 00021 25960 000 000 Sludge Sludge Sludge AS/Nit/TF Sludge 1UP Count 1 10 11 12 13 SIU Uncont.Mass.Bal INDUSTRY NAMES lease list alphabetically) Industry Permit/Pipe number FLOW Avera e Discharge MGD al/da :.. Average Discharge Cone Load m 1 lbs/da TSS Average Discharge Cone Load m 1 lbs/da AMMONIA Average Dlschar a Cone Load m 1 lbs/da ARSENIC Avera a Dlschar e Cone Load m I lbs/da Austin Co 0006 0 005 5,000 98 409 124 052 102 00425 0 005 00002 B&G Foods, Snacks 0004 0 024 24,000 3205 6415 6411 1283 191 39231 0 005 00010 Unifi, Inc 0002 0 012 12,000 793 794 3549 3 55 5 58 05580 0 005 00005 Unify, Inc 0005 0 143 143,000 1523 181 64 665 7931 206 24568 0 005 00060 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) => 0 18401 MGD 184000 al/da mg/1 257811 lbs/da mg/1 9621 lbs/da m l 688041 lbs/da mg/1 00077 lbs/da Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) _> 0 73781 737,8001 216 311 1330 981 169941 1045681 16 43110109791 00051 00308 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) _> 0 554 t,o7s t7 949 47 94 2175 0 0231 Uncontrollable Concen from Mass Bal (mg/L) 1 2321 1 2061 1 2041 000501 Uncont from Uncont Sampling (mgtL + lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Concert From Literature (mg/L) => 2501 L 250 L 25 0 003 Uacorl,ollat lc cony to be, iia:d in USA fnig,/Q —> 232 206 20 4 0 005 Spreadsheet Instructions 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells Rest of worksheet is Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used In HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable protected, password is "2" Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5 "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29) Document reasons Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet 2017_PERCS xis SIU Uncont Mass Bal Page 1 of 4 pages 10/31/2017, 3 45 PM Revision August 1999 IUP Count 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIU Uncont.Mass Bal INDUSTRY NAMES lease list alphabetically) Industry Pennit/Pipe number Avera a Discharge e MGD al/da Avera e Dtschar a Conc Load m l lbs/da Average Discharge Conc Load m 1 lbs/da Average Discharge Conc Load m 1 lbs/da Average Discharge Cone Load m l lbs/da Average Dtschar a Cone Load m 1 lbs/da Average Discharge Cone Load m 1 lbs/da Austin Co 0006 0 005 5,000 0 0005 0 00002 02717 0 0113 002717 00011 00053 00002 00025 00001 00001 0000004 B&G Foods, Snacks 0004 0 024 24,000 0 0005 0 0001 0 0054 0 0011 0 1613 00323 00032 00006 0 0025 00005 00001 000002 Unifi, Inc 0002 0 012 12,000 00009 0000091 00041 0 0004 00312 00031 00047 00005 00029 00003 00001 000001 Unifi, Inc 0005 0 143 143,000 00007 000081 0 0029 0 0035 04348 05186 00029 00035 00025 00030 00001 000012 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) _> 0 1840 MGD 184000 al/da m 1 00010 lbs/da m 1 0 0163 lbs m 1 05551 lbs/da m 1 0048 tIbs/:d:ay m 0 0039 ]Lbs/da m 1 000015 lbs/da Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) => 0 73781 737,8001 000051 000311 00051 003081 0 12581 077411 00051 003081 000251 00154.1 000011 00006? Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) => 0 554 0 0020 0 0145 0 2190 0 0260 0 0115 0 00046 Uncontrollable Concen from Mass Bal (mg/L) 1 000041 000311 004741 000561 000251 0000101 Uncont from Uncont Sampling (mg/L+ lbs/day) _> Uncontrollable Concert From Literature (mg/L) => L -0 0-0j,1 0051 0 061 0 0410 049 00003 Llncontrr`i<a�ic euc ro be its to IdVvA trttg�i _> 0 UUU4 0 003 0 0474r 0-0 0-5 6 0 0025 0 00010 Spreadsheet Instructions 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells Rest of worksheet is Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Choose "Uncontrollable Corkxntretion to be u' protected password is "2• Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25) 2) Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E, page 5 "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29) Document reasons "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29) 1 Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet 2017_PERCS As SIU Uncont Mass Bal Page 2 of 4 pages 10/31/2017, 345 PM Revision August 1999 IUP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SIU.Uncont.Mass.Bal INDUSTRY NAMES lease list al habettcall Industry Perimipe number Average Dischar a MGD gal/day MOLYBDENUMFLOW Average Dtschar a Cone Load m l lbs/da Average Discharge Cone Load m 1 lbs/da Average Discharge Average Discharge Average Discharge Cone Load Cone Load Cone Load m 1 lbs/da m l Ibs/da m l lbs/da Average Discharge Average Cone Load Cone m l lbs/da m 1 Austin Co 0006 0 005 5,000 00022 00001 00144 00006 0 945 0 0394 B&G Foods, Snacks 0004 0 024 24,000 00031 00006 00081 00016 0 2738 0 0548 Unifi Inc 0002 0 012 12,000 00032 00003 00038 00004 0 283 0 0283 Unrfi, Inc 0005 0 143 143,000 00026 00031 0 024 00286 0 309 0 3685 Sum of Industrial Loading (lbs/day) =>I 0 18401 1840001 1 000411 1 003121 I I I I 1 04911 Avg Influent loading (lbs/day) MGD 00431 Uncontrollable Load from Mass Bal (lbs/day) => 0 554 0 0112 0 0118 1 0208 Uncontrollable Concen from Mass Bal (mg/L) => 1 000241 000261 022101 Uncont from Uncont Sampling (mg/L+ lbs/day) => Uncontrollable Concert From Literature (mg/L) => 0 021 0 1751 50 Un,wniroHabl@ coYnz, to le arced in HNVA () r0 0024 1-0-0-0510 221 Spreadsheet lnstrvctons 1) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells Rest of worksheet is >ed to HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Choose "Uncontrollable Concentration to be used in HWA" (row 31) from Uncontrollable Choo: protected, password is "2" Concentration From "Mass Balance" (row 25), Conce 2) Formulas are discussed In the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 5, Section E. page 5 )ocument reasons "Sampling" (row 27), or "Literature" (row 29) Document reasons Samt Uncontrollable Mass Balance Spreadsheet 2017_PERCS As SIU Uncont Mass Bal Page 3 of 4 pages 10131/2017, 3 45 PM Revision August 1999