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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160187 Ver 1_ SR 1513A (Indian Grave)_Sediment Loss and pictures_20171102Wanucha, Dave
Slaughter, Johnathan H
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 2:03 PM
Greer, Brandon S
Wanucha, Dave
FW: SR 1513A (Indian Grave)_Sediment Loss_10-23-17
Driveway at 2560 Indian Grave Rd 24 Oct. 2017 038jpg; Upstream at Indian Grave Rd. #2 24 Oct. 2017jpg
From: Wanucha, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 1:52 PM
To: Slaughter, Johnathan H <>
Subject: RE: SR 1513A (Indian Grave)_Sediment Loss_10-23-17
I was sent an email on Oct 26 from the Asheville Regional office regarding a sediment complaint on Indian Grave Rd. The
attached pictures were taken on October 24t". The complaint was reported by Ms. Maleah Story of 2560 Indian Grave Road
have not visited the site yet but wanted to make you aware of it.
Dave W
Dave Wanucha
Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
NC Department of Environmental Quality
336-776-9703 office
336-403-5655 mobile
NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office
450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300
Winston Salem, NC 27105
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From: Slaughter, Johnathan H
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 7:46 AM
To: Wanucha, Dave <dave_:wa_n_u�ha_..C,�_n_cd_e_n_r.:.�crv>
Subject: FW: SR 1513A (Indian Grave)_Sediment Loss_10-23-17
I vvas on this job last vv��k and can confirm that things look�d pr�tty good at that tim�. W� got pound�d by a r�d/purpl�
thund�rstorm c�ll on Monday. Tornado�s and all. Most of Wilk�s County was out of pow�r for > 24 hrs. with tr��s down
From: Greer, Brandon S
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 5:44 PM
To: Slaughter, Johnathan H <hs.la_u.�_hter(c�_n�d_crt:.�crv>
Cc: Souther, Zachary S<zsscr_ut_her(c�_n�dca.t...�ca.v>; Eller, Douglas W<dwel.ler(c�_n�dcrt.:.�ca.v>; r�ecr_r.�e_(c�_n�dca.t...�ca.v; White, Jason
Subject: SR 1513A (Indian Grave)_Sediment Loss_10-23-17
We received around 4 inches of rain on the project yesterday. We had installed additional checks in the ditch section from the
previous event between 14+00 and 23+00 (Lt.). The rain took out the checks once again. As a result, we experienced sediment
loss on the Whittington & Oliver properties. As you can see from the last picture, a majority of this is road material. We have
begun cleanup on the site. We are in the process of getting permission from the adjacent property owner (James Helton) to add a
new cross line pipe, which should help alleviate the intensity of the flow. If you need anything further, please advise.
Brandon S. Greer
Assistant District Engineer
Boone District Office
North Carolina Department of Transportation
828 268 6027 office
bqreer .ncdot.qov
1829 Hwy. 194 North
P.O. Box 1460
Boone, NC 28607+1460
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