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NC0038377_Appx D - Receptor Surveys_20171101
2017 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update October 2017 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra APPENDIX D RECEPTOR SURVEYS Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey – Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2014) Supplement to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey – Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, November 2014) Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2016) Dewberry Potable Water Evaluation 2017 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update October 2017 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey – Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2014) Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Background ...................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Plant and Ash Basin Description ............................................................................. 2 2.2 Description of Surrounding Properties .................................................................. 2 3.0 site geology and hydrogeology .................................................................................... 3 3.1 Generalized Site Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model ............................................ 3 3.2 Site Geology/Hydrogeology ..................................................................................... 4 3.3 Hydrogeologic Information for Flow Direction Determination ......................... 4 3.4 Flow Direction Determination Results ................................................................... 4 4.0 Drinking Water Well Survey Activities and Findings ............................................ 5 4.1 State Records Review ................................................................................................ 5 4.2 Federal/Other Records Review ................................................................................ 5 4.3 County and Utility Department Records Review ................................................. 6 4.4 Field Survey ................................................................................................................ 6 5.0 Summary of Findings ..................................................................................................... 7 6.0 References ......................................................................................................................... 8 List of Figures Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Layout Figure 3 - Drinking Water Supply Well Survey Map List of Tables Table 1 - Public and Private Water Supply Wells Table 2 - Parcel Ownership Information within Survey Radius List of Appendices Appendix A - EDR Report Appendix B - Example Survey Questionnaire Page i P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy), owns and operates the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo Plant), located near Roxboro, in Person County, North Carolina. The Plant is a single unit, coal-fired electricity-generating facility. Coal combustion residues (CCR) have historically been managed in the Plant’s on-site ash basin. Dry ash has been hauled and disposed in the lined landfill located at the nearby Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (near Semora, NC). Beginning in Fall 2014, CCR from the Plant will be managed in a newly constructed on-site landfill. In accordance with the requirements stipulated in Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August, 2014), a survey was conducted to identify drinking water supply wells and surface water bodies located downgradient of the ash basin, herein referred to as the potential area of interest. In addition, to satisfy the requirements of the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) received by Duke on August 13, 2014, potential water supply wells located within 0.5 mile of the Mayo Plant ash basin compliance boundary are also included. Routine water level measurements and corresponding elevations from the groundwater compliance monitoring well network indicate that groundwater flows from the upland areas (the southwestern portion of the property) towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch. No public or private drinking water wells, or wellhead protection areas, are located within the potential area of interest. This finding is supported by field observations and a review of public records. Shallow groundwater flow across the Mayo Plant facility is from the west/southwest towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch. Based on the anticipated groundwater flow path, none of the wells identified in the water well survey are located downgradient of the ash basin. Maps cross-referenced with tables providing parcel and ownership information for the survey area are provided for completeness, in accordance with the NORR. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy), owns and operates the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo Plant), located near Roxboro, in Person County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The Plant is a single unit, coal-fired electricity-generating facility. Coal combustion residues (CCR) have historically been managed in the Plant’s on-site ash basin (Figure 2). Dry ash has been hauled and disposed in the lined landfill located at the nearby Roxboro Steam Electric Plant (near Semora, NC). Beginning in Fall 2014, CCR from the Plant will be managed in a newly constructed on-site landfill. Discharge from the ash basin is permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources (DWR) under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit NC0038377. SynTerra has completed a survey to identify water supply wells within 0.5 miles of the Mayo Plant ash basin compliance boundary (Figure 2). The compliance boundary for groundwater quality in relation to the ash basin is defined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a) as being established at either 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. This downgradient drinking water well survey report has been prepared to meet the requirements stipulated in Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August, 2014) and the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) (August 13, 2014). As part of the survey, a questionnaire is being sent to owners of property within the survey area as directed by DWR. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine if additional wells may be present in the area that were not observed or have not been previously reported. The questionnaire is also designed to collect additional information, such as well use and construction details. An addendum letter and updated information summarizing the questionnaire findings will be submitted to the DWR no later than November 7, 2014. The information available to date is herein provided. Page 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Plant and Ash Basin Description The Mayo Plant is a coal-fired electricity-generating facility located in Person County, North Carolina, near the City of Roxboro. The location of the plant is shown on Figure 1. The Mayo Plant started operations in 1983. The plant is located on Boston Road (US Highway 501) north of Roxboro. The northern plant property line extends to the North Carolina/Virginia state line. The overall topography of the Plant generally slopes toward the east (Mayo Reservoir) and northeast (Crutchfield Branch). The Mayo Plant ash basin is approximately 153 acres in size with an earthen dike. Ash generated from the plant’s coal combustion is contained in the ash basin. The Mayo Plant NPDES permit (NC0038377) authorizes two discharges to Mayo Lake. Outfall 001 discharges cooling tower water and circulating water system discharge water. Outfall 002 is comprised of a number of streams including internal outfall 008 (cooling tower blowdown), internal outfall 009 (FGD blowdown), ash transport water, coal pile runoff, and other sources including water from wastewater treatment processes. Four stormwater outfalls are also authorized for Mayo Plant. 2.2 Description of Surrounding Properties Properties located within a 0.5 mile radius of the Mayo Plant compliance boundary are located in Person County, North Carolina and Halifax County, Virginia. The properties uses include residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural. Figure 2 depicts the properties surrounding the Mayo Plant. Page 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 Generalized Site Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model The Mayo Plant is situated in the eastern Piedmont of north-central North Carolina. The Piedmont is characterized by well-rounded hills and rolling ridges cut by small streams and drainages. Elevations in the area of the Mayo Plant range between 570 feet above mean sea level (msl) near the Plant entrance along Boston Road to 360 feet msl in the Crutchfield Branch stream area on the north side of the Plant. Geologically, the Plant is located at the contact between two regional zones of metamorphosed intrusive rocks: the Carolina Slate Belt (now referred to as Carolina Terrane) on the east and the Charlotte Belt (or Charlotte Terrane) to the west. The characteristics and genesis of the rocks of these regional metamorphic belts have been the subject of intense study for many years with various approaches employed to describe the geology in tectonic, structural, and/or litho-stratigraphic terms (Hibbard, et. al., 2001). Rocks of Charlotte Terrane near the Plant are characterized by strongly foliated felsic mica gneiss and schist and metamorphosed intrusive rocks. Carolina Terrane rocks in the vicinity of the Plant are typically felsic meta-volcanics and meta-argillites. These conclusions are consistent with the description of the geologic nature of the area according to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985). The Geologic Map of North Carolina describes the felsic meta-volcanic rock as metamorphosed dacitic to rhyolitic flows and tuffs, light gray to greenish gray; interbedded with mafic and intermediate volcanic rock, meta-argillite and meta-mudstone. The felsic mica gneiss of the Charlotte Terrane is described as being interlayered with biotite and hornblende schist. Rocks of the region, except where exposed in road cuts, stream channels, and steep hillsides, are covered with unconsolidated material formed from the in-situ chemical and physical breakdown of the bedrock. This unconsolidated material is referred to as saprolite or residuum. Direct observations at the Mayo Plant confirm the presence of residuum, developed above the bedrock, which is generally 10 to 30 feet thick. The residuum extends from the ground surface (soil zones) downward, transitioning through a zone comprised of unconsolidated silt and sand, downward through a transition zone of partially weathered rock in a silt/sand matrix, down to the contact with competent bedrock. Groundwater within the area exists under unconfined, or water table, conditions within the residuum and/or saprolite zones and in the fractures and joints of the underlying Page 3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra bedrock. The water table and bedrock aquifers are interconnected. The residuum acts as a reservoir for water supply to the fractures and joints in the underlying bedrock. 3.2 Site Geology/Hydrogeology Geologically, the majority of the Mayo Plant, including the largest portion of the ash basin and Mayo Lake are situated in the Carolina Terrane (USGS, 2007), which typically consist of felsic meta-volcanics and meta-argillites. This description is consistent with site-specific observations from drilling activities at the Mayo Plant, which document the bedrock of the northwestern portion of the compliance boundary as intermediate meta- volcanic rock of the Charlotte Terrane and the bedrock of the remainder of the site as felsic meta-volcanics or meta-argillites of the Carolina Terrane. Based on previous activities at the site, subsurface lithology beneath the Plant area is comprised of tan, brown to orange sandy silt and fine to coarse sands grading into partially weathered rock and then competent bedrock. The first occurrence of groundwater tends to be within the partially weathered rock or competent bedrock at depths ranging from nine to 20 feet below land surface (bls) along the downgradient compliance boundary and greater than 30 feet bls upgradient of the ash basin. 3.3 Hydrogeologic Information for Flow Direction Determination Shallow groundwater generally flows from local recharge zones in topographically high areas, such as ridges, toward groundwater discharge zones, such as stream valleys. Ridge and topographic high areas may serve as groundwater recharge zones. Groundwater flow patterns in recharge areas tend to develop a somewhat radial pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward the discharge areas and are expected to mimic surface topography. The closest surface water discharge for the plant is to the north-northeast at Crutchfield Branch and, for the eastern portions of the property, to the east and Mayo Lake. The predominant flow direction across the property is from the topographically higher southwestern portion of the property towards the northeast. 3.4 Groundwater Flow Direction Determination Results Routine water level measurements and corresponding elevations from the compliance groundwater monitoring well network indicate that groundwater flows from upland areas (southwestern portion of the property) towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch. Therefore, the area between southwestern portion of the site and the intersection with the 0.5 mile boundary to the northeast is considered the potential area of interest with respect to drinking water wells. The potential area of interest is shown on Figure 3. Page 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 4.0 DRINKING WATER WELL SURVEY ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS 4.1 State Records Review SynTerra reviewed the NCDENR Department of Environmental Health (DEH) Public Water Supply Section’s (PWSS) Public Water Supply Water Sources Geographic Information System (GIS) point data set (pwsws.shp) and the Water Distribution Map Service (WDMS) data set obtained from the NC OneMap GeoSpatial Portal (http://data.nconemap.com/geoportal/catalog/main/home.page) to identify public water supply sources and water supply lines within a 0.5 mile radius of the Mayo Plant compliance boundary. According to the NC OneMap website, the Public Water Supply Water Sources point data was current through November 18, 2009, and that it is the most current GIS data set of public water supply locations available from North Carolina state agencies. The GIS point data for the public water supply wells includes, but is not limited to information such as public water supply (PWS) system identification numbers, ownership information, PWS source type, well depth, and well yield. The WDMS data set contains information on municipal water lines and other appurtenances. On June 24, 2014, SynTerra reviewed the NCDENR Division of Water Resources (DWR) Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) online database for public water supply sources to identify wells located within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary; to confirm the location of wells included in the Public Water Supply Water Sources GIS point data set, and to identify any wellhead protection areas located within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The NCDENR SWAP database provides detailed assessments of all public drinking water intakes and wellhead protection areas in North Carolina. The website address is: (http://swap.ncwater.org/website/swap/viewer.htm). Virginia’s (VA) Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) maintains a GIS database called "VEGIS" (http://www.deq.virginia.gov/ConnectWithDEQ/VEGIS/VEGISDatasets.aspx) which includes many types of geo-spatial information. The VEGIS database was reviewed, and it appears that it does not contain a database of water wells in the state. Virginia DEQ personnel were contacted to verify that the state does not currently maintain a publicly available searchable database of wells. 4.2 Federal/Other Records Review SynTerra reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) obtained from the USGS National Map Viewer Page 5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra (http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/) to identify surface waters within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. Hydrography data obtained from the USGS NHD is included on Figure 3. A review of public database water well information provided by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) was also conducted. The public water well information reported for the surrounding area (North Carolina and Virginia) has been incorporated in the summary table (Table 1) and on Figure 3. A copy of the EDR report is included as Appendix A. 4.3 County and Utility Department Records Review The location of a City of Roxboro water line and a fire hydrant, just south of the plant’s entrance road is based upon Person County on-line GIS information. These locations are shown on Figure 3. The Halifax County, Virginia GIS information does not indicate the presence of public water utilities in this part of the county. 4.4 Field Survey During March, 2014, SynTerra personnel conducted a vehicular survey along public roads located within 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary in North Carolina and Virginia. Observations on property use, apparent proximity to available municipal water lines and structures that may represent potential water supply wells were noted. No wells were noted downgradient of the ash basin compliance boundary. A written survey questionnaire is being mailed to the owners of properties within the survey area (Table 2). The questionnaire requests information regarding potential well location, well use, well depth and construction, date of completion, etc. Information reported from the questionnaire responses will be compiled and provided as an addendum to the survey on or before November 7, 2014. An example of the survey questionnaire is attached in Appendix B. Page 6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS No public or private drinking water wells or wellhead protection areas are located within the potential area of interest (Figure 3). This finding is supported by field observations and the results of the records review as described in Section 4.0 above. Shallow groundwater flow across the Mayo Plant facility is from the west/southwest towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch (Figure 3). Based on this observation, none of the wells identified in the water well survey are located downgradient of the ash basin. Water wells located upgradient of the facility and within 0.5 miles of the compliance boundary are noted on Figure 3 in accordance with the NORR. Parcel information for these upgradient water well locations is provided in Table 1. A questionnaire is being sent to all the owners of property within the survey area as directed by DWR. These property owners are summarized on Table 2. An addendum letter and updated Figure 3 summarizing the questionnaire findings will be submitted to the DWR no later than November 7, 2014. Page 7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well Survey and Receptor Survey September 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant, Roxboro, NC SynTerra 6.0 REFERENCES Brown, P.M., and Parker, J.M., III, compilers, 1985, Geologic map of North Carolina: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Resources, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Dicken, Connie L., Suzanne W. Nicholson, John D. Horton, Michael P. Foose, and Julia A.L. Mueller, December 2007, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina, Version 1.1: United States Geological Survey, USGS Open File Report 2005-1323, < http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1323>. Hibbard, James P., Edward F. Stoddard, Donald T. Secor, and Allen J. Dennis, 2002, The Carolina Zone: overview of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic peri-Gondwanan terranes along the eastern Flank of the southern Appalachians: Earth Science Reviews, v. 57. Page 8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Mayo Drinking Well Receptor Survey.docx FIGURES PROJECT MANAGER: LAYOUT: DRAWN BY: KATHY WEBB DATE:S. ARLEDGE FIG 1 (USGS SITE LOCATION) 2014-09-30 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10600 BOSTON RD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA CLUSTER SPRINGS, VA QUADRANGLE 2000 GRAPHIC SCALE 1000 IN FEET 10000CONTOUR INTERVAL: MAP DATE: 10ft 1987 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com SOURCE: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ MAYO LAKE POWER PLANT PERSON COUNTY RALEIGH WILMINGTON GREENVILLE GREENSBORO CHARLOTTE FAYETTEVILLE PROPERTY BOUNDARY 500' COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY 6000 600 1200GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEETFIG 2 (SITE LAYOUT)2014-09-30J. WYLIES. ARLEDGEPROJECT MANAGER:LAYOUT NAME:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:K. WEBBDATE:DATE:FIGURE 2SITE LAYOUTwww.synterracorp.com148 River Street, Suite 220Greenville, South Carolina 29601864-421-9999LEGEND2014-09-30500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS MAYO PLANTWASTE BOUNDARYMAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT10600 BOSTON RDROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINABACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)CW-1BG-1SOURCES:1.2010 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF PERSON COUNTY, NORTHCAROLINA OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIALDATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/2. 2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF HALIFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIAWAS OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AThttp://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/3. 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM WSPFLOWN ON APRIL 17, 2014.4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTHCAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200(NAD 83).NORTH CAROLINA-VIRGINIA STATE LINE (APPROXIMATE)BOSTON RD(US HWY 501)MAYO LAKE RDMAYO LAKE RDOLD US 501 MULLINS LNLOUISIANA PACIFICCORPORATION10475 BOSTON RD(TIED INTO THE CITY OFROXBORO WATER LINE)RT HESTER RDRAILROADRAILROADRAILROADRAILROAD HUELL M A T T H E W S HWY (U S H W Y 5 0 1 )PERSON COUNTYHALIFAX COUNTY1 9 8 1 L A N D F I L L P E R M I T N O . 7 3 - BPOWERPLANTBOSTON RD (US HWY 501)RAILROAD WOODY LOOPCRUTCHFIELDBRANCHMAYO CREEKMAYO RESERVOIRMAYOCREEKCRUTCHFIELDBRANCHEDR 1FORMER US HWY 501RAW WATERINTAKESTRUCTUREBG-1BG-2CW-1CW-1DCW-2CW-6CW-2DCW-3CW-4CW-5ACTIVE ASH BASIN W W W W 4806000 600 1200GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEETFIG 3 (DRINKING WATER MAP)(11X17)2014-09-30J. WYLIES. ARLEDGEPROJECT MANAGER:LAYOUT NAME:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:K. WEBBDATE:DATE:FIGURE 3DRINKING WATER SUPPLYWELL SURVEY MAPwww.synterracorp.com148 River Street, Suite 220Greenville, South Carolina 29601864-421-9999LEGENDBACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)2014-09-30500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS MAYO PLANTWASTE BOUNDARYHALF MILE SURVEY BOUNDARYPOTENTIAL AREA OF INTEREST(APPROXIMATE)CW-1GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOWDIRECTION•SUPPORTED BY GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATAOR TOPOGRAPHIC DATAPRW-1DW-1POSSIBLE WATER SUPPLY WELLOBSERVED WATER SUPPLY WELLEDR 1EDR REPORTED SUPPLY WELL (APPROXIMATE)PARCEL LINE (PERSON CO GIS)FLOW DIRECTIONBG-1NORTH CAROLINA-VIRGINIA STATE LINE(APPROXIMATE)BOSTON RD(US HWY 501)MAYO LAKE RDMAYO LAKE RDOLD US 501 MULLINS LNRT HESTER RDRAILROADRAILROADRAILROADRAILROAD RAILROAD HUELL M A T T H E W S HWY ( U S H W Y 5 0 1 )PERSON COUNTYHALIFAX COUNTY19 8 1 L A N D F I L L P E R M I T N O . 7 3 - BACTIVE ASH BASINPOWERPLANTBOSTON RD(US HWY 501)RAILROAD WOODY LOOPCRUTCHFIELDBRANCHMAYO CREEKMAYO RESERVOIRMAYO CREEKCRUTCHFIELDBRANCHEDR 1DEP 1DEP 3DEP 2FORMER US HWY 501RAW WATERINTAKESTRUCTUREPERSON COUNTY WATERLINE (APPROXIMATE)WFIRE HYDRANT LOCATION (APPROXIMATE)FHDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PRODUCTIONWELL - NOT IN SERVICE (APPROXIMATE)DEP 1BG-1BG-2CW-1CW-1DCW-2CW-6CW-2DCW-3CW-4CW-5MAYO STEAM ELECRTIC PLANT10600 BOSTON RDROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA2007 LiDAR CONTOUR MAJOR ANDVIRGINIA USGS CONTOUR MAJOR420SOURCES:1. 2010 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF PERSON COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA OBTAINED FROM THE NRCSGEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AThttp://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/2. 2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF HALIFAX COUNTY,VIRGINIA WAS OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPATIALDATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/3. 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM WSPFLOWN ON APRIL 17, 2014.4. WELL SURVEY INFORMATION, PROPERTY LINE,LANDFILL LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES ARE FROM ARCGISFILES PROVIDED BY S&ME AND PROGRESS ENERGY.5. PARCEL BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM PERSONCOUNTY (NC) GIS DATA AT http://gis.personcounty.net6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OFNORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEMFIPS 3200 (NAD 83).7. 10ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM NCDOT LiDAR DATED2007https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/gis/pages/cont-elev_v2.aspx8. VIRGINIA 10ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM USGSTOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE NRCSGEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AThttp://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/NOTE:1. CONTOUR LINES ARE USED FOR REPRESENTATIVEPURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FORDESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.PRW-5PRW-4PRW-6PRW-3PRW-1PRW-2PRW-7PRW-8PRW-9DW-1DW-2DW-3DW-5DW-6DW-7DW-8DW-9DW-10DW-11DW-12DW-4LOUISIANA PACIFICCORPORATION10475 BOSTON RD(TIED INTO THE CITY OFROXBORO WATER LINE)FHFHCITY OF ROXBOROWATER LINEINSTALLED IN 2006WATER LINETERMINATES ATTHE FIRE HYDRANT TABLES TABLE 1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 0.5 MILE RADIUS OF ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Map Well ID #PARCEL ID NUMBER WELL OWNER/USER OWNER ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER STATE OWNER ZIP PROPERTY ADDRESS (WELL LOCATION)FIELD DESCRIPTION / NOTES DEP-1 ___CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO 550 SOUTH TRYON ST DEC 41B CHARLOTTE NC 28202 10660 BOSTON RD LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE ROAD. DEP-2 ___CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO 550 SOUTH TRYON ST DEC 41B CHARLOTTE NC 28202 10660 BOSTON RD LOCATED OFF NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE ROAD IN A WELL HOUSE. DEP-3 ___CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO 550 SOUTH TRYON ST DEC 41B CHARLOTTE NC 28202 10660 BOSTON RD LOCATED OFF NORTH SIDE OF ENTRANCE ROAD IN A WELL HOUSE. PRW-9 0030-01-07-5825.000 SHEETS CHARLES DAVIS 369 MULLINS LN ROXBORO NC 27574 369 MULLINS LN OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED PRW-8 0020-00-97-8457.000 WOMACK MICHAEL DEAN 236 MULLINS LN ROXBORO NC 27573 236 MULLINS LN OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED DW-12 0020-00-97-3698.000 CLAYTON KEITH W 206 MULLINS LN ROXBORO NC 27574 206 MULLINS LN WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-11 0020-00-97-2996.000 LESTER SHARRIS D 40 MARIETTA ST ATLANTA GA 30303 209 MULLINS LN WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-10 0020-00-97-1921.000 SERRANT WALTER G 153 MULLINS LN ROXBORO NC 27574 153 MULLINS LN WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-7 0020-00-88-8319.000 FLORES LENOR & ALFREDO ANAYA 682 OLD US 501 ROXBORO NC 27574 682 OLD US 501 HWY WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-9 0020-00-87-7738.000 JONES MICHAEL D 77 MULLINS LN ROXBORO NC 27574 77 MULLINS LN WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-8 0020-00-88-5002.000 FLORES FELIPE & MARTHA 582 OLD US 501 ROXBORO NC 27574 582 OLD US 501 HWY WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED BEHIND HOUSE; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-6 0020-00-78-6143.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 309 EASTWOOD LONG DR ROXBORO NC 27574 10524 BOSTON RD WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN FRONT YARD; CITY OF ROXBORO WATER LINE PRESENT ALONG BOSTON ROAD; NO METER OBSERVED PRW-7 0020-00-77-6895.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN ROXBORO NC 27574 10522 BOSTON RD OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; CITY OF ROXBORO WATER LINE PRESENT ALONG BOSTON ROAD; NO METER OBSERVED DW-5 0021-00-85-3594.000 M & M DEVELOPMENT LLC 66 LILY MCCOY LN PITTSBORO NC 27312 11939 BOSTON RD WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED BEHIND BUILDING; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-4 0021-00-85-3594.000 M & M DEVELOPMENT LLC 66 LILY MCCOY LN PITTSBORO NC 27312 11939 BOSTON RD WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN YARD OF RESIDENCE; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA DW-3 0021-00-85-5992.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN ROXBORO NC 27574 12015 BOSTON RD WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED BEHIND HOUSE; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA PRW-6 24410 TINGEN, KEVIN MORTON 12090 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY ALTON VA 24520 12090 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED PRW-4 27009 REAVES, LAURIE S P O BOX 997 ROXBORO NC 27573 12089 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED PRW-5 22883 SLAUGHTER, LAURIE A P O BOX 997 ROXBORO NC 27573 PT. TR. B ROXBORO ROAD OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED DW-2 7855 JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G.P O BOX 3463 ROXBORO NC 27573-3463 1044 WOODY LOOP WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED IN YARD; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA PRW-3 7855 JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G.P O BOX 3463 ROXBORO NC 27573-3463 1044 WOODY LOOP UNOCCUPIED (?) RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED DW-1 27032 WOODY, MARY B 1025 WOODY LOOP ALTON VA 24520 1025 WOODY LOOP WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED BEHIND HOUSE; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES IN AREA PRW-2 26196 WILBORN, WILLIAM J. SR.11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY ALTON VA 24520 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED PRW-1 26301 WILKINS, CHARLES P & NELLIE W 1022 WOODY LOOP ALTON VA 24520 1022 WOODY LOOP OCCUPIED RESIDENCE; NO WELL STRUCTURE OBSERVED; NO MUNICIPAL WATER LINES OBSERVED Notes: Prepared By: RBI Checked By: JAW The Field Description/Notes column is a brief summary of SynTerra field observations or other relevant information. - Possible water well. Water line not available. No well observed. - Observed water well. Well ID refers to location of possible well shown on the survey map. Water supply well list organized by location from southeast to northwest. Parcel ID, owner and address information were obtained from the Person County, North Carolina website (http://www.personcounty.net/index.aspx?page=138) and Halifax County Virginia website (http://arcgis.webgis.net/va/Halifax/). P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Tables\Table 1 Public Private Water Supply Wells Mayo.xlsx Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA PARCEL ID NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS 0021-00-85-3594.000 M & M DEVELOPMENT LLC BOSTON RD 11939 66 LILY MCCOY LN, PITTSBORO NC 27312 0021-00-85-3985.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0031-00-55-5705.000 MERRITT JOHN H III MAYO LAKE RD 3967 9TH LN, VERO BEACH FL 32960 0020-00-88-6091.000 FLORES FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 582 OLD US 501, ROXBORO NC 27574 0031-00-25-6615.000 PEED DOYLE & PEED DURWOOD MAYO LAKE RD 428 BETHEL HILL SCHOOL RD, ROXBORO NC 27574 0021-00-86-5056.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0021-00-86-5198.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0021-00-85-5992.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W BOSTON RD 12015 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-68-6834.000 LOUISIANA PACIFIC CORPORATION BOSTON RD 10475 414 UNION ST STE 2000, NASHVILLE TN 37219 0030-01-07-5825.000 SHEETS CHARLES DAVIS MULLINS LN 369 369 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-88-8319.000 FLORES LENOR & ALFREDO ANAYA OLD US 501 HWY 682 682 OLD US 501, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-88-5002.000 FLORES FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 582 582 OLD US 501, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-87-9909.000 FLORES FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 582 OLD US 501, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-97-3698.000 CLAYTON KEITH W MULLINS LN 206 206 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-97-8457.000 WOMACK MICHAEL DEAN MULLINS LN 236 236 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27573 0030-01-07-1445.000 SEYMOUR MARY LINK MULLINS LN 230 LESTERS WAY, MONCURE NC 27559 0030-01-07-4217.000 SHEETS CHARLES DAVIS MULLINS LN 369 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0030-01-07-5465.000 MAILLET JOSEPH & JEAN MULLINS LN 841 PAMELA DR, PUNTA GORDA FL 33950 0030-01-08-2296.000 KEE GWENDOLYN M MULLINS LN 4133 NE W 67TH TER, CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33067 0020-00-98-4298.000 JONES BONNIE L & LARRY V MULLINS LN 4 PAGE MORE CT, DURHAM NC 27703 0020-00-97-2996.000 LESTER SHARRIS D MULLINS LN 209 40 MARIETTA ST, ATLANTA GA 30303 0020-00-97-1921.000 SERRANT WALTER G MULLINS LN 153 153 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-87-9862.000 POOLE EARL D EST MULLINS LN 630 PROVIDENCE RD, ROXBORO NC 27573 0020-00-87-7738.000 JONES MICHAEL D MULLINS LN 77 77 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 0020-00-88-7240.000 THOMAS EUNICE & CARLTON THOMAS OLD US 501 HWY PO BOX 3121, ROXBORO NC 27573 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Mayo.xlsx Page 1 of 2 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA PARCEL ID NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS 0020-00-78-6143.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 10524 BOSTON RD (NC)309 EASTWOOD LONG DR, ROXBORO NC, 27574 0020-00-77-6895.000 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 10522 BOSTON RD (NC)309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO NC 27574 24410 TINGEN, KEVIN MORTON ROXBORO RD DB446/309 12090 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY, ALTON, VA 24520 27009 REAVES, LAURIE S 12089 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY P O BOX 997, ROXBORO, NC 27573 22883 SLAUGHTER, LAURIE A PT. TR. B ROXBORO ROAD P O BOX 997, ROXBORO, NC 27573 7855 JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G. 1044 WOODY LOOP P O BOX 3463, ROXBORO, NC 27573-3463 27032 WOODY, MARY B TRACT A ROXBORO ROAD 1025 WOODY LOOP, ALTON, VA 24520 7856 WILBORN, WILLIAM J SR & BRENDA L 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY, ALTON, VA 24520 26194 WILBORN, WILLIAM J SR & BRENDA L 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY, ALTON, VA 24520 26196 WILBORN, WILLIAM J. SR.11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY, ALTON, VA 24520 26301 WILKINS, CHARLES P & NELLIE W NEAR BETHEL HILL PB14/45 1022 WOODY LOOP, ALTON, VA 24520 Prepared By: RBI Checked By: JW P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Mayo.xlsx Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX A EDR REPORT FORM-NULL-CCA tropeR ®kcehCoeG RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Duke Energy - Mayo 10600 Boston Rd. Roxboro, NC 27574 Inquiry Number: 3887559.1s March 21, 2014 SECTION PAGE GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched A-17 TC3887559.1s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC3887559.1s Page 1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 1987Most Recent Revision: 36078-E8 CLUSTER SPRINGS, VA NCTarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 478 ft. above sea levelElevation: 4045181.8UTM Y (Meters): 688382.6UTM X (Meters): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 78.8957 - 78˚ 53’ 44.52’’Longitude (West): 36.5353 - 36˚ 32’ 7.08’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES ROXBORO, NC 27574 10600 BOSTON RD. DUKE ENERGY - MAYO TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE REPORT ® TC3887559.1s Page 2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft)TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 478 ft. North South West East573534551536533527499478478478478478492461473493515497495460462506531542535504491478478478478518490487495429429429General SEGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3887559.1s Page 3 Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapCLUSTER SPRINGS NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property 51083C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataAdditional Panels in search area: 37145C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataFlood Plain Panel at Target Property: YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapPERSON, NC FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Electronic DataTarget Property County and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3887559.1s Page 4 > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HIGH Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Not reportedSoil Drainage Class: drained and classified. Class C/D - Drained/undrained hydrology class of soils that can beHydrologic Group: loamSoil Surface Texture: IREDELL Soil Component Name: The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Volcanic RocksCategory:PaleozoicEra: CambrianSystem: Cambrian volcanic rocksSeries: CvCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3887559.1s Page 5 unweathered bedrock sandy loamDeeper Soil Types: very channery - silt loam sandy clay loam silt loam sandy loam sandy clay clay loamShallow Soil Types: channery - silt loam silt loam fine sandy loamSurficial Soil Types: channery - silt loam silt loam fine sandy loamSoil Surface Textures: appear within the general area of target property. Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00Not reportedNot reportedvariable62 inches27 inches 4 Min: 6.10 Max: 7.80 Min: 0.06 Max: 0.20 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayloam27 inches24 inches 3 Min: 5.60 Max: 7.30 Min: 0.06 Max: 0.20 more), Fat Clay. limit 50% or Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayclay24 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 5.10 Max: 7.30 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayloam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Permeability Rate (in/hr) Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3887559.1s Page 6 NC30000013 NC30000009 NC30000008 NC30000006 _________ Site Name NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION GAME LANDS DATABASE OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION No Wells Found STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. 1/2 - 1 Mile ESENC0273427 2 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NWUSGS40000897734 1 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database 1.000Federal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.44004404 40 5 2 0 400440 400440 480440 4 40440 5604004 0 0 4005 6 0 56036003604804804 4 0 400480 36040 04 80 4 4 0 4805205 6 0400 5 20520 4 8 0 56052 0 5205205 20 560 4804 40 520480 480 560 6404406406 40 4004 0 0400400 400 0 44 0 4 4 04404404 4 0440440440 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 440 4 40 4 40440440 60 0 6 0 0 56 0 5 6 0 5 605 60 52 0 520520520520520520520520 5 205 20520 5 20 5 2 0 520520 4804 8 0 4 8 0 480 480480480 480480 480 48 0 4 804 8 0 4 8 0 480 4 8 0 4 804804 80 440 400 440 3 6 0 400400 44044044048 00 0 00011111 22222 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles NC TC3887559.1s Page 8 27573Contact zip: ROXBOROContact city: Not ReportedContact address2: 10660 BOSTON ROADContact address1:336-599-0218Contact phone: BEASLEY, ROBERT EOriginal name: BEASLEY, ROBERT EContact name: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: PrivateOwner type:ActiveStatus: NTNCWSPws type: Surface_waterPWS Source: 6Pwssvcconn:70Population Served: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTPws name: PersonCounty:NCState: 04Epa region:NC0273427Pwsid: 2 ESE 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower NC0273427FRDS PWS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 87Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Felsic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-78.9011203Longitude: 36.5390292Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: PS-004Monloc name: USGS-363220078540501Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 1 NW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40000897734FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 9 disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: coagulationTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: coagulationTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: coagulationTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: coagulationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: coagulationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 10 disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 11 corrosion controlTreatment objective: inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: organics removalTreatment objective: flocculationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: organics removalTreatment objective: flocculationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: disinfection by-products controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 12 corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustmentTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustmentTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustmentTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustmentTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: ph adjustmentTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: corrosion controlTreatment objective: inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 13 Not ReportedVio. Awareness Date: Not ReportedContaminant: Monitoring, Routine/Repeat (SWTR-Filter)Violation Type: Not ReportedAnalysis Method: Not ReportedMaximum Contaminant Level:Not ReportedAnalysis Result: Not ReportedNumber of Samples Taken:Not ReportedNum required Samples: 001 MonthsVio. Period:11/30/93Vio. end Date:11/01/93Vio. beginning Date: Not ReportedPWS Phone:Not ReportedSource ID:9403206Violation ID: VIOLATIONS INFORMATION: YESPWS currently has or had major violation(s) or enforcement: 00000067Population:TreatedTreatment Class: ROXBOROCity Served: 078 58 59Facility Longitude:36 23 36Facility Latitude: 078 52 50Facility Longitude:36 31 40Facility Latitude: RALEIGH, NC 27602 PO BOX 1551 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: NEW HILL, NC 27562 RT 1 BOX 327 MARSHALL LUNDSFORD OR MANAGER System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: ROXBORO, NC 27562 MAYO STEAM PLANTPWS Name: Not ReportedDate Deactivated:8001Date Initiated: NC0273427PWS ID: manganese removalTreatment objective: sludge treatmentTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_GROUND_1Facility name: 1184Facility id: manganese removalTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacility name: 5655Facility id: manganese removalTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:Distribution_system_zoneFacility type: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFacility name: 50740Facility id: manganese removalTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:IntakeFacility type: MAYO LAKEFacility name: 39229Facility id: manganese removalTreatment objective: sedimentationTreatment process:StorageFacility type: STORAGE_HYDRO_1Facility name: 3150Facility id: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 14 State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:3/16/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:3/16/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 15 PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 29.5865421295166Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000013NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 1029.91821289063Acres:Safety ZoneSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000009NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 4166.9736328125Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000008NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 1242.84973144531Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000006NC_WILD Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3887559.1s Page 16 Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%1.200 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 1 Federal Area Radon Information for PERSON COUNTY, NC : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for PERSON County: 3 __________________________________ Max pCi/LMin pCi/LAvg pCi/LNum Results Radon Test Results State Database: NC Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetlands Inventory Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-2090 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC3887559.1s Page A-17 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919-715-3243 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION NC Natural Areas: Significant Natural Heritage Areas Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A polygon converage identifying sites (terrestrial or aquatic that have particular biodiversity significance. A site’s significance may be due to the presenceof rare species, rare or hight quality natural communities, or other important ecological features. NC Game Lands: Wildlife Resources Commission Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps. NC Natural Heritage Sites: Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Sites Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A point coverage identifying locations of rare and endangered species, occurrences of exemplary or unique natural ecosystems (terrestrial or aquatic), and special animal habitats (e.g., colonial waterbird nesting sites). RADON State Database: NC Radon Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4984 Radon Statistical and Non Statiscal Data Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC3887559.1s Page A-18 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC3887559.1s Page A-19 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED APPENDIX B EXAMPLE SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Harry K. Sideris Senior Vice-President Environment, Health & Safety 526 South Church Street: Mail Code EC13WS Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 October 3, 2014 Recipient's Full Name Recipient's Company Name Street Address City, State ZIP Subject: Drinking Water Supply Survey within Half-Mile Radius of [Plant Name] Dear Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Dr. Name: Duke Energy is conducting comprehensive site assessments at operating and retired coal-fired power plants across the state, as required by the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 recently passed by the North Carolina legislature. One aspect of these assessments seeks to identify private water supply wells within a half-mile radius of the [Plant name]. You are receiving this letter because county real estate records indicate that you own property within this half-mile radius; however, it does not mean that your property is at an environmental risk. We need your assistance to provide information about your property for the purpose of completing the comprehensive site assessment. Duke Energy has contracted with HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to assist in collecting this site information. We ask that you complete the enclosed survey and return in the enclosed, pre-paid envelope by October 20, 2014. As part of Duke Energy’s commitment to protecting the environment, the company regularly monitors the groundwater around the plant and submits all results to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the state agency responsible for groundwater quality. The information you provide in response to this well survey will be compiled with information from other neighbors and forwarded to NCDENR. NCDENR will use these survey responses along with technical information about local geology and groundwater to develop future groundwater monitoring requirements. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda Isham, Public Involvement Coordinator for SynTerra, at 864-527-4654. Sincerely, Harry Sideris Environmental, Health, and Safety Enclosures WATER SUPPLY WELL INFORMATION Please provide the following information (to the best of your knowledge) Return the survey via the enclosed stamped envelope by October 20, 2014 Questions please contact Rhonda Isham, SynTerra (864) 527-4654 Name and telephone number of the person completing the survey: Name: _____________________________________________________ Telephone number (optional): ___________________________________ Address(es) of properties in the area that you own: What is the source of your drinking water (check all that apply)? County Water Well Other (explain below) Is there a well(s) on this property(s)? YES NO If the answer is ‘NO’, please disregard the remaining questions, and return the survey in the enclosed stamped envelope. If the answer is “YES” to the above question, please proceed to the back page of this survey. Address of property with well: What is the well(s) used for? (check all that apply) Drinking Irrigation Swimming Pool Water Livestock Well Not In Use Other (specify:__________________________) How many residences are connected to the well(s) – List address(es) below: Please provide any of the following information which is readily available. (The information may be documented on a tag on your well.) Well depth(s): __________ Date well(s) installed: _______________ Casing depth of the well(s): ________ Screen interval of the well(s): __________ Additional well information: ___________________________________________ In the space below, describe or draw the location of the water supply well on your property. (i.e., near mailbox, front yard) Please return this survey in the enclosed envelope by October 20, 2014. Thank you. Questions – contact Rhonda Isham, SynTerra, at (864) 527-4654. 2017 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update October 2017 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Supplement to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey – Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, November 2014) Jerry Wylie, NC PG 1425 Project Geologist Kathy Webb, NC PG 1328 Project Manager SUPPLEMENT TO DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY FOR MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10600 BOSTON ROAD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27574 NPDES Permit #NC0038377 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED: NOVEMBER 2014 Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant – Roxboro, NC SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION The attached figure and table have been prepared to provide an update to the Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, September 2014) for the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo Plant). The report and this update have been prepared to meet the requirements of the Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August 2014) and the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) (August 13, 2014). Additional water well information has been collected by means of a written survey questionnaire mailed to the owners of properties within 0.5 miles of the Mayo Plant ash basin compliance boundary, which is defined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a) as being established at either 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine if additional wells are present in the area that were not previously observed or have not been previously reported. The questionnaire was also developed to collect additional information regarding potential well locations, well use, well depth and construction, date of completion, etc. for the water wells in the survey area. Information reported from the questionnaire responses, received as of October 31, 2014, has been compiled and is discussed below. Due to the private and sensitive nature of the of the questionnaire responses, the well information has been summarized herein. The completed survey questionnaires are available for future reference. A potential area of interest with respect to the ash basin groundwater flow was delineated and presented in the Survey. Based on the available information, this area is considered to be potentially downgradient from the ash basin. Page 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\Mayo Drinking Water Well Survey Supplement Nov 6 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant – Roxboro, NC SynTerra 2.0 WATER WELL SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE APPROACH A current listing of properties located within 0.5 miles of the compliance boundary was obtained from the Person County, North Carolina Geographic Information System (GIS) website (http://gis.personcounty.net/ConnectGIS_v6/Map.aspx?p=person) and the Halifax County, Virginia web site (http://arcgis.webgis.net/va/Halifax/). The GIS data included parcel number, property address, property owner name, and property owner address. A listing of these properties was included as Table 2 of the Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, September 2014). This information was used to send letters with the questionnaires to each property owner within 0.5 mile of the compliance boundary during the week of October 6, 2014. The questionnaires were sent via Certified Mail with Return Receipt to confirm delivery. The recipients were requested to respond by October 20, 2014. The Certified Mail Return Receipts have been logged as received. Letters returned as undeliverable have also been logged. Questionnaire responses received after October 31, 2014 will be incorporated into the Groundwater Assessment Report required by Senate Bill 729 (Section 130A- 309.209(a)(4)). Page 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\Mayo Drinking Water Well Survey Supplement Nov 6 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant – Roxboro, NC SynTerra 3.0 WATER WELL SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Information from the questionnaires that have been received is provided in Table 1 attached. Figure 1 attached has been modified to include new and confirmed well locations. The questionnaires were designed to collect information regarding whether a water well or spring is present on the property, its use, and whether the property is serviced by a municipal water supply. If a well is present, the property owner was also asked to provide information regarding the well location and construction information. Summary of Questionnaire Responses as of October 31, 2014 No. of Questionnaires Sent No. of Return Receipts Received No. of Questionnaires Received No. of Questionnaires Returned as Undeliverable No. of Previously Identified Wells Confirmed by Property Owner No. of Previously Identified Wells Confirmed NOT present by Property Owner No. of New Wells or Springs Identified by Property Owner 36 32 (89%) 19 (53%) 0 (0%) 5 0 5 Based upon the previous survey and the questionnaire information, approximately 22 wells may be located within the survey area (reported wells, observed wells and possible wells). The designation for the wells previously assumed to be present (referred to as possible wells, not previously observed or reported) that have been confirmed based upon the survey questionnaire results have been changed from ‘PRW- _’ to ‘DW-_’ on the table and the figure. The newly reported wells, not previously observed or suspected, are also sequentially identified as ‘DW-_’. The survey information indicates 17 reported or observed wells, ‘DW-_’ and five remain as possible ‘PRW-‘ in the survey area. Page 3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\Mayo Drinking Water Well Survey Supplement Nov 6 2014.docx Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant – Roxboro, NC SynTerra FIGURE FIGURE 1 - DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY – UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\Mayo Drinking Water Well Survey Supplement Nov 6 2014.docx WWWWWW4 8 0 FIG 1 (D WATER SUPPLY WELL & RECEPTOR SURVEY) 2014-11-06 2014-11-06J. WYLIE J. CHASTAIN PROJECT MANAGER: LAYOUT NAME: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: KATHY WEBB DATE: DATE:11/06/2014 11:03 AM P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\FIGURES\DUKE MAYO-DRINKING WATER SUPPLY.dwg 1000 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 0 500250500 www.synterracorp.com 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 864-421-9999 MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10600 BOSTON RD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 1 DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 POTENTIAL AREA OF INTEREST (APPROXIMATE) BG-1 BG-2 CW-1 CW-1D CW-2 CW-6 CW-2D CW-3 CW-4 NORTH CAROLINA-VIRGINIA STATE LINE (APPROXIMATE)BOSTON RD(US HWY 501)MAYO L A K E R D MAYO LA K E R D OLD US 501MULLINS LN RT H E S T E R R D RAILR O A D RAI L R O A D RAI L R O A D RAIL R O A D RAIL R O A DHUELL MATTHEWSHWY (US HWY 501)PERSON COUNTY HALIFAX COUNTY 1981 LANDFILLPERMIT NO. 73-BACTIVE ASH BASIN POWER PLANT BOSTON RD(US HWY 501)RAIL R O A DWOODY LOOP CRUTCHFIELD BRANCH MAYO CREEK MAYO RESERVOIR MAYO CREEK CRUTCHFIELD BRANCH EDR 1 DEP 1 DEP 3DEP 2FORMER US HWY 501 RAW WATER INTAKE STRUCTURE CW-5 PRW-5 PRW-4 PRW-6 PRW-3 PRW-9 DW-1 DW-2 DW-3 DW-5 DW-6 DW-7 DW-8 DW-9 DW-10 DW-11 DW-12 DW-4 LOUISIANA PACIFIC CORPORATION 10475 BOSTON RD (TIED INTO THE CITY OF ROXBORO WATER LINE) FH FH CITY OF ROXBORO WATERLINE INSTALLED IN 2006 WATER LINE TERMINATES AT THE FIRE HYDRANT DW-16 (PRW-2) DW-14 DW-15 DW-13 (PRW-7) DW-17 (PRW-8) LEGEND BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) 500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS MAYO PLANT WASTE BOUNDARY HALF MILE SURVEY BOUNDARY CW-1 GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION•SUPPORTED BY GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA OR TOPOGRAPHIC DATA PRW-1 DW-1 POSSIBLE WATER SUPPLY WELL OBSERVED WATER SUPPLY WELL EDR 1 EDR REPORTED WELL (APPROXIMATE) PARCEL LINE (PERSON CO NC GIS, HALIFAX CO VA APPROXIMATE) FLOW DIRECTION BG-1 CITY OF ROXBORO WATERLINE (APPROXIMATE)W W FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION (APPROXIMATE)FH 2007 LiDAR CONTOUR MAJOR AND VIRGINIA USGS CONTOUR MAJOR420 DW-1 WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING REPORTED BY PROPERTY OWNER DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PRODUCTION WELL - NOT IN SERVICE (APPROXIMATE)DEP 1 SOURCES: 1. 2010 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF PERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ 2. 2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF HALIFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA WAS OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ 3. 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP FLOWN ON APRIL 17, 2014. 4. WELL SURVEY INFORMATION, PROPERTY LINE, LANDFILL LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES ARE FROM ARCGIS FILES PROVIDED BY S&ME AND PROGRESS ENERGY. 5. PARCEL BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM PERSON COUNTY (NC) GIS DATA AT http://gis.personcounty.net 6. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD 83). 7. 10ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM NCDOT LiDAR DATED 2007 https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/gis/pages/cont-elev_v2.aspx 8. VIRGINIA 10ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ NOTE: 1. CONTOUR LINES ARE USED FOR REPRESENTATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. 2. DISPLAYED WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. Supplement to Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey November 2014 Mayo Steam Electric Plant – Roxboro, NC SynTerra TABLE TABLE 1 – PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS – UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\Mayo Drinking Water Well Survey Supplement Nov 6 2014.docx TABLE 1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS - UPDATED NOVEMBER 6, 2014 WITHIN 0.5 MILE RADIUS OF ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MAP WELL ID PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS (WELL LOCATION)PARCEL ID NUMBER MUNICIPALWELLOTHERDRINKINGIRRIGATIONLIVESTOCKSWIMMING POOLNOT IN USEOTHERWELL DEPTH (FEET) WELL CASING OR OPEN HOLE DEPTH (FEET) WELL SCREEN INTERVAL (FEET) DW-1 WOODY, MARY B TRACT A ROXBORO ROAD 27032 Y X 175 UNK UNK DW-2 JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G. 1044 WOODY LOOP 7855 DW-3 EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 12015 BOSTON RD 0021-00-85-5992.000 Y X X X 60 15 DW-4 M & M DEVELOPMENT LLC 11939 BOSTON RD 0021-00-85-3594.000 DW-5 M & M DEVELOPMENT LLC 11939 BOSTON RD 0021-00-85-3594.000 DW-6 EASTWOOD, HOWARD L & DONNA W 10524 BOSTON RD 0020-00-78-6143.000 Y X X X 262 80 DW-7 FLORES, LENOR & ALFREDO ANAYA OLD US 501 HWY 682 0020-00-88-8319.000 Y X X 77 UNK DW-8 FLORES, FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 582 0020-00-88-5002.000 DW-9 JONES, MICHAEL D 77 MULLINS LN 0020-00-87-7738.000 DW-10 SERRANT, WALTER G 153 MULLINS LN 0020-00-97-1921.000 Y X X 240 UNK DW-11 LESTER, SHARRIS D 209 MULLINS LN 0020-00-97-2996.000 DW-12 CLAYTON, KEITH W 206 MULLINS LN 0020-00-97-3698.000 DW-13 (PRW-7)EASTWOOD, HOWARD L & DONNA W 10522 BOSTON RD 0020-00-77-6895.000 Y X X X UNK UNK DW-14 FLORES, FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 0020-00-87-9909.000 Y X X X 142 72 DW-15 MERRITT, JOHN H III MAYO LAKE RD 0031-00-55-5705.000 Y X DW-16 (PRW-2)WILBORN, WILLIAM J. SR.11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 26196 Y X X 132 UNK DW-17 (PRW-8)WOMACK, MICHAEL DEAN 236 MULLINS LN 0020-00-97-8457.000 Y X 280 UNK PRW-3 JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G. 1044 WOODY LOOP 7855 PRW-4 REAVES, LAURIE S 12089 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 27009 PRW-5 SLAUGHTER, LAURIE A PT. TR. B ROXBORO ROAD 22883 PRW-6 TINGEN, KEVIN MORTON ROXBORO RD DB446/309 24410 PRW-9 SHEETS, CHARLES DAVIS MULLINS LN 369 0030-01-07-5825.000 NOTES Municipal includes County, City, or other municipal water source(s). UNK - Unknown - Possible water supply well. - Reported/Observed water supply well. - Water supply well or spring reported by property owner. Parcel ID, owner and well location address information were obtained from the Person County, North Carolina website (http://www.personcounty.net/index.aspx?page=138) and Halifax County Virginia website (http://arcgis.webgis.net/va/Halifax/). DRINKING WATER SOURCE WELL USE Prepared By: HJF Checked By: JAW Last Revised: November 6, 2014 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Mayo\Supplement to DWSW&RS Nov 6 2014\ Table 1 Mayo Supplemental Page 1 of 1 11/6/2014 2017 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update October 2017 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Mayo Steam Electric Plant (SynTerra, September 2016) Jerry Wylie, NC LG 1425 Project Manager Kathy Webb, NC LG 1328 Project Director UPDATE TO DRINKING WATER WELL AND RECEPTOR SURVEY FOR MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 10660 BOSTON ROAD ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27574 NPDES PERMIT #NC0038377 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SUBMITTED: SEPTEMBER 2016 ORIGINAL REPORT SUBMITTED: SEPTEMBER 2014 SUPPLEMENT REPORT SUBMITTED: NOVEMBER 2014 Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra Page i P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1 2.0 DRINKING WATER WELL SURVEY ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS .............. 2 2.1 State Records Review ................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Federal/Other Records Review ................................................................................ 2 2.3 County and Utility Department Records Review ................................................. 3 2.4 Field Survey ................................................................................................................ 3 3.0 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 4 FIGURE Figure 1 Drinking Water Supply Well Survey Map - Updated September 2016 TABLE Table 1 Property Owners Eligible for Replacement Water Per House Bill N.C.G.S. 130A-309.211(c1) APPENDIX Appendix A EDR GeoCheck Report (August 2, 2016) Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra Page 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared to provide an update to the Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, September 2014) and Supplement to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey Report (SynTerra, November 2014) for the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo Plant or Site). The updated survey includes review of the most recent available state, county and other resources and an additional field reconnaissance to observe potential water supply wells near a 0.5 mile radius of the established Mayo Plant ash basin compliance boundary, which is defined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a) as being either 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. Per House Bill 630 Section 130A-309.211.(c1), water supply wells near a 0.5 mile radius of an established ash basin compliance boundary, but separated from the impoundment by the main stem of a river (G.S. 143-215.22G) or other water body that would prevent migration of contaminants from the impoundment to the well, are not included in the survey. Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy), owns and operates the Mayo Steam Electric Plant (Mayo Plant), located at 10660 Boston Road, Roxboro, Person County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The Plant is a single unit, coal-fired electricity-generating facility. Coal combustion residuals (CCR) have historically been managed in the Plant’s on-site ash basin. The ash basin is shown on Figure 1. Beginning in Fall 2014, CCR generated by Mayo Plant is transported to and managed in a permitted on-site landfill located on the western portion of the Mayo Plant property. Discharge from the ash basin is permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) under National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit NC0038377. Groundwater flow across the portion of the Mayo Plant facility containing the ash basin is from the west/southwest towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch. A detailed discussion or the geology and hydrogeology of the Mayo Plant is included in the Comprehensive Site Assessment Report (SynTerra, September 2015) and the Corrective Action Plan Part 1 (SynTerra, December 2015). Initial receptor survey activities, including the mailing of questionnaires to property owners, identified 22 reported or observed wells near the survey area. Site maps, tables summarizing property and well ownership, and an Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) GeoCheck report, included in the previous survey reports, have been updated and are included in this report. Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra Page 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx 2.0 DRINKING WATER WELL SURVEY ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS This drinking water well and receptor survey update included the following activities which were also performed previously in 2014: State records review; Federal/other records review; County and utility department(s) records review; and Field survey. These activities were performed again to document potential changes since 2014. Updates are included in this report and are discussed below. 2.1 State Records Review On August 18, 2016, SynTerra reviewed the NCDEQ DWR Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) online database for public water supply sources to identify wells located near a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary; to confirm the location of wells included in the Public Water Supply Water Sources Geographic Information System point data set; and to identify wellhead protection areas located near the survey area. The NCDEQ SWAP database provides detailed assessments of public drinking water intakes and wellhead protection areas in North Carolina. The website address is: (http://swap.ncwater.org/website/swap/viewer.htm). Consistent with previous state records review, no public water supply sources were depicted near the survey area on the NCDEQ SWAP map. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality does not maintain a searchable, comprehensive database of wells in Virginia. 2.2 Federal/Other Records Review Public database information provided in an updated GeoCheck report by EDR was reviewed. A copy of the EDR GeoCheck report is provided in Appendix A. Consistent with records in the previous EDR GeoCheck report (SynTerra, September 2014), two listings were identified near the survey area. One listing, identified as a United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) water well in the EDR GeoCheck report, is located in the northern portion of the Site property near the Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra Page 3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx intersection of Mayo Lake Road and US Highway 501 along the former route of US Highway 501. The well is reportedly 87 feet deep, but no other relevant information is reported. This well has been observed during field activities. It is a steel pipe (four- inch diameter) with a steel cap secured firmly in place. Several bollards surround the well. An attempt to manually remove the cap to inspect the well was unsuccessful. Review of historical aerial photographs indicates the presence of residences/ farms in this area prior to Plant construction. The second listing, a “public water supply well”, is indicated on the EDR GeoCheck report; however, the installation reference is actually a surface water intake located at Mayo Lake on the eastern side of the Mayo Plant property for use by the Plant, not a water supply well. The Mayo Plant surface water intake is classified as a public water supply system; and therefore, it is included in the EDR GeoCheck report. The Mayo Plant currently uses City of Roxboro municipal water for potable water, and water from the intake is used for process make-up water and fire protection water, as needed. 2.3 County and Utility Department Records Review The location of a City of Roxboro water line and a fire hydrant, just south of the plant’s entrance road is based upon Person County on-line GIS information. These locations are shown on Figure 1. The Halifax County, Virginia GIS information does not indicate the presence of public water utilities in this part of the county. 2.4 Field Survey On July 22, 2016, SynTerra personnel conducted an updated vehicular survey along public roads located near the survey area. Observations on property use, apparent proximity to available municipal water lines and structures that may represent potential water supply wells were noted. Properties located near the survey area are located in Person County, North Carolina and Halifax County, Virginia. No new wells were observed during the field survey. Water wells located upgradient of the facility and near the survey area are noted on Figure 1. Parcel information for these upgradient water well locations is provided in the attached Table 1. Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra Page 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx 3.0 SUMMARY There are a total of 22 reported or observed private water supply wells near the survey area. No additional wells were identified near the survey area that were not reported in the 2014 surveys. Groundwater flow across the portion of the Mayo Plant facility containing the ash basin is from the west/southwest towards the northeast and Crutchfield Branch. Consistent with findings from previous surveys, no public or private drinking water wells or wellhead protection areas are located downgradient of the ash basin. This finding is supported by field observations and the results of the records review as described in Section 2.0 above. Water wells located upgradient of the Plant and near the survey area are noted on Figure 1. Parcel information for these upgradient water well locations is provided in Table 1. Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx FIGURE WWWMAYO LAK E R D RAIL R O A D FH FH BG-1 BG-2 CW-1 CW-1D CW-2 CW-6 CW-2D CW-3 CW-4 NORTH CAROLINA-VIRGINIA STATE LINE (APPROXIMATE) MAYO L A K E R D OLD US 501MULLINS LN RT H E S T E R R D RAI L R O A D RAI L R O A D RAIL R O A D RAIL R O A D PERSON COUNTY HALIFAX COUNTYHUELL MATTHEWS HWY(US HWY 501)1981 LANDFILLPERMIT NO. 73-BACTIVE ASH BASIN BOSTON RD (US HWY 501)WOODY LOOP MAYO CREEK MAYO RESERVOIR MAYO CREEK DEP 1 DEP 3FORMER US HWY 501 DEP 2 MAYO PLANT WATER INTAKE STRUCTURE CW-5 CITY OF ROXBORO WATERLINE INSTALLED IN 2006 WATER LINE TERMINATES AT THE FIRE HYDRANT PRW-9 DW-11 DW-17 (PRW-8) SOURCES: 1.2010 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF PERSON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OBTAINED FROM THE NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ 2.2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF HALIFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA WAS OBTAINED FROM NRCS GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ 3.2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP FLOWN ON APRIL 17, 2014. 4.WELL SURVEY INFORMATION, PROPERTY LINE, LANDFILL LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES ARE FROM ARCGIS FILES PROVIDED BY S&ME AND PROGRESS ENERGY. 5.PARCEL BOUNDARIES WERE OBTAINED FROM PERSON COUNTY (NC) GIS DATA AT http://gis.personcounty.net 6.DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200 (NAD 83). NOTE: 1.DISPLAYED WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.09/14/2016 2:43 PMP:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\FIGURES\DE MAYO-WATER WELL.dwgDW-12 DW-10 DW-7 DW-8DW-6 DW-9 DW-13 (PRW-7) DW-14 PRW-4 PRW-5 PRW-6 PRW-3 DW-3 DW-4 DW-5 BOSTON RD (US HWY 501)DW-15 DW-1 DW-2 CRUTCHFIELD BRANCH CRUTCHFIELD BRANCH LEGEND BACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED) CCR SURFACE IMPOUNDMENT COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PARCEL LINE CCR SUFRACE IMPOUNDMENT HALF MILE SURVEY BOUNDARY POSSIBLE WATER SUPPLY WELL OBSERVED WATER SUPPLY WELL EDR 1 EDR REPORTED WELL (APPROXIMATE) PARCEL LINE (PERSON CO NC GIS, HALIFAX CO VA APPROXIMATE) FLOW DIRECTION CITY OF ROXBORO WATERLINE (APPROXIMATE) FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION (APPROXIMATE) WATER SUPPLY WELL OR SPRING REPORTED BY PROPERTY OWNER DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS PRODUCTION WELL - NOT IN SERVICE (APPROXIMATE)DEP 1 PRW-9 DW-14 DW-11 CW-4 BG-2 POWER PLANT DW-16 (PRW-2) FH EDR 1 WATER WELLS 9/13/2016 9/13/2016J. WYLIE C. NEWELL PROJECT MANAGER: LAYOUT NAME: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: KATHY WEBB DATE: DATE: 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 0 600300600 www.synterracorp.com 148 River Street, Suite 220 Greenville, South Carolina 29601 864-421-9999 MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC POWER PLANT 10660 BOSTON RD. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27574 FIGURE 1 DRINKING WATER SUPPLY WELL SURVEY MAP UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2016 Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx TABLE TABLE 1PROPERTY OWNERS ELIGIBLE FOR REPLACEMENT WATER PER HOUSE BILL N.C.G.S. 130A-309.211(c1)MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANTDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINAMAP WELL IDPUBLIC WATER SYSTEM NAMEPROPERTY OWNERPROPERTY ADDRESS (WELL LOCATION) OWNER ADDRESS PARCEL ID NUMBERMUNICIPALWELLOTHERAPPROXIMATE DISTANCE FROM COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY (FEET)WELL DEPTH (FEET)WELL CASING OR OPEN HOLE DEPTH (FEET)WELLSCREEN INTERVAL (FEET)DW-1 NA WOODY, MARY B 1025 WOODY LOOP 1025 WOODY LOOP, ALTON, VA 24520 27032 Y 2140 175 UNK UNKDW-2 NA JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G 1044 WOODY LOOP PO BOX 3463, ROXBORO, NC 27573 7855 2450DW-3 NA EASTWOOD HOWARD L & DONNA W 12015 BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0021-00-85-5992.000 Y 875 60 15DW-4 NA STARLITES TECH CORP 11939 BOSTON RD 50 PROVIDENCE RD, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0021-00-85-3594.000 775DW-5 NA STARLITES TECH CORP 11939 BOSTON RD 50 PROVIDENCE RD, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0021-00-85-3594.000 815DW-6 NA EASTWOOD, HOWARD L & DONNA W 10524 BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0020-00-78-6143.000 Y 2860 262 80DW-7 NA FLORES, LENOR & ALFREDO ANAYA 682 OLD US 501 HWY 682 OLD US 501, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-88-8319.000 Y 2140 77 UNKDW-8 NA FLORES, FELIPE & MARTHA 582 OLD US 501 HWY 582 OLD US 501, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-88-5002.000 2555DW-9 NA JONES, MICHAEL D 77 MULLINS LN 77 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-87-7738.000 2780DW-10 NA SERRANT, WALTER G 153 MULLINS LN 153 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-97-1921.000 Y 2640 240 UNKDW-11 NA BARWICK TIMOTHY 209 MULLINS LN 209 MULLINS LN , ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-97-2996.000 2415DW-12 NA CLAYTON, KEITH W 206 MULLINS LN 206 MULLINS LN , ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-97-3698.000 2735DW-13(PRW-7)NA EASTWOOD, HOWARD L & DONNA W 10522 BOSTON RD 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0020-00-77-6895.000 Y 3040 UNK UNKDW-14 NA FLORES, FELIPE & MARTHA OLD US 501 HWY 582 OLD US 501, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0020-00-87-9909.000 Y 2420 142 72DW-15 NA MERRITT, JOHN H III MAYO LAKE RD 3967 9TH LN, VERO BEACH, FL 32960 0031-00-55-5705.000 Y 2265DW-16(PRW-2)NA WILBORN, WILLIAM J. SR. 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY, ALTON, VA 24520 26196 Y 2795 132 UNKDW-17(PRW-8)NA WOMACK, MICHAEL DEAN 236 MULLINS LN 236 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO, NC 27573 0020-00-97-8457.000 Y 2825 280 UNKPRW-3 NA JOHNSON, ADDISON JR. & DIANNE G 1044 WOODY LOOP PO BOX 3463, ROXBORO, NC 27573 7855 2555PRW-4 NA REAVES, LAURIE S 12089 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY PO BOX 997, ROXBORO, NC 27573 27009 1035PRW-5 NA SLAUGHTER, LAURIE A PT. TR. B ROXBORO ROAD PO BOX 997, ROXBORO, NC 27573 22883 825PRW-6 NA TINGEN, KEVIN MORTON ROXBORO RD DB446/309 PO BOX 12580, DURHAM , NC 27709 24410 1240PRW-9 NA SHEETS, CHARLES DAVIS 369 MULLINS LN 369 MULLINS LN, ROXBORO, NC 27574 0030-01-07-5825.000 2720NOTESMunicipal includes County, City, or other municipal water source(s).UNK - Unknown NA - Not available- Possible water supply well.- Reported/Observed water supply well.- Water supply well or spring reported by property owner.Parcel ID, owner and well location address information were obtained from the Person County, North Carolina website (http://www.personcounty.net/index.aspx?page=138) and Halifax County Virginia website (http://arcgis.webgis.net/va/Halifax/).DRINKING WATER SOURCELast Revised: July 27, 2016Prepared By: TCP Checked By: RBI P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys ‐ PCR 77\Table 1 Mayo Property Owners.xlsPage 1 of 19/29/2016 Update to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2016 Mayo Steam Electric Plant - Roxboro, NC SynTerra P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\24.Updated Water Supply Well Receptor Surveys - PCR 77\Mayo - Updated Receptor Survey 2016.Docx APPENDIX A EDR GEOCHECK REPORT (AUGUST 2, 2016) FORM-NULL-CCA tropeR ®kcehCoeG RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Duke Energy - Mayo 10600 Boston Road Roxboro, NC 27574 Inquiry Number: 4689797.1s August 02, 2016 SECTION PAGE GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC4689797.1s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2016 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC4689797.1s Page 1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 1987Version Date: 36078-E8 CLUSTER SPRINGS, VA NCTarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 478 ft. above sea levelElevation: 4045181.8UTM Y (Meters): 688382.6UTM X (Meters): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 78.8957 - 78˚ 53’ 44.52’’Longitude (West): 36.5353 - 36˚ 32’ 7.08’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES ROXBORO, NC 27574 10600 BOSTON ROAD DUKE ENERGY - MAYO TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE REPORT ® TC4689797.1s Page 2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft)TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 478 ft. North South West East573534551536533527499478478478478478492461473493515497495460462506531542535504491478478478478518490487495429429429General SEGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4689797.1s Page 3 Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapCLUSTER SPRINGS NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property 51083C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataAdditional Panels in search area: 37145C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataFlood Plain Panel at Target Property: YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapPERSON, NC FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Electronic DataTarget Property County and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4689797.1s Page 4 > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HIGH Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. Not reportedSoil Drainage Class: drained and classified. Class C/D - Drained/undrained hydrology class of soils that can beHydrologic Group: loamSoil Surface Texture: IREDELL Soil Component Name: The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Volcanic RocksCategory:PaleozoicEra: CambrianSystem: Cambrian volcanic rocksSeries: CvCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4689797.1s Page 5 unweathered bedrock sandy loamDeeper Soil Types: very channery - silt loam sandy clay loam silt loam sandy loam sandy clay clay loamShallow Soil Types: channery - silt loam silt loam fine sandy loamSurficial Soil Types: channery - silt loam silt loam fine sandy loamSoil Surface Textures: appear within the general area of target property. Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 Max: 0.00Not reportedNot reportedvariable62 inches27 inches 4 Min: 6.10 Max: 7.80 Min: 0.06 Max: 0.20 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayloam27 inches24 inches 3 Min: 5.60 Max: 7.30 Min: 0.06 Max: 0.20 more), Fat Clay. limit 50% or Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayclay24 inches 7 inches 2 Min: 5.10 Max: 7.30 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 50%), silt. limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Silty passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayloam 7 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Permeability Rate (in/hr) Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC4689797.1s Page 6 NC30000013 NC30000009 NC30000008 NC30000006 _________ Site Name NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION GAME LANDS DATABASE OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION No Wells Found STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. 1/2 - 1 Mile ESENC0273427 2 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NWUSGS40000897734 1 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database 1.000Federal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.44004404 40 5 2 0 400440 400440 480440 4 40440 5604004 0 0 4005 6 0 56036003604804804 4 0 400480 36040 04 80 4 4 0 4805205 6 0400 5 20520 4 8 0 56052 0 5205205 20 560 4804 40 520480 480 560 6404406406 40 4004 0 0400400 400 0 440 4 4 04404404 4 0440440440 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 4 40 4 4 0 440 4 40 4 40440440 60 0 6 0 0 56 0 5 6 0 5 605 60 52 0 520520520520520520520520 5 205 20520 5 20 5 2 0 520520 4804 8 0 4 8 0 480 480480480 480480 480 48 0 4 804 8 0 4 8 0 480 4 8 0 4 804804 80 440 400 440 3 6 0 400400 44044044048 11111 22222 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles NC TC4689797.1s Page 8 inhibitor, polyphosphateTreatment process:corrosion controlTreatment obj: AActivity code:Treatment_plantFacility type: TREATMENT_PLT_MAYO STEAM PLTFacname: 5655Facid: IActivity code: 27573Contact zip:NCContact state: ROXBOROContact city:Not ReportedContact address2: 10660 BOSTON RDContact address1:336-599-0218Contact phone: HATCHER, LARRYContactor gname: HATCHER, LARRYContact: PrivateOwner:NTNCWSPws type: Surface_waterSource:6Pwssvcconn: 70Pop srvd:ClosedStatus: 37145Fips county:Not ReportedZip served: NCState served:Not ReportedCity served: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTPwsname: NC0273427Pwsid: NCState:04Epa region: 2 ESE 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower NC0273427FRDS PWS Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0 Not ReportedWellholedepth units: Not ReportedWellholedepth:ftWelldepth units: 87Welldepth:Not ReportedConstruction date: Not ReportedAquifer type: Felsic GneissFormation type: Piedmont and Blue Ridge crystalline-rock aquifersAquifername: USCountrycode:Not ReportedVert coord refsys: Not ReportedVertcollection method: Not ReportedVert accmeasure units: Not ReportedVertacc measure val:Not ReportedVert measure units: Not ReportedVert measure val:NAD83Horiz coord refsys: Interpolated from mapHoriz Collection method: secondsHoriz Acc measure units:1Horiz Acc measure: Not ReportedSourcemap scale:-78.9011203Longitude: 36.5390292Latitude:Not ReportedContrib drainagearea units: Not ReportedContrib drainagearea:Not ReportedDrainagearea Units: Not ReportedDrainagearea value:Not ReportedHuc code: Not ReportedMonloc desc: WellMonloc type: PS-004Monloc name: USGS-363220078540501Monloc Identifier: USGS North Carolina Water Science CenterFormal name: USGS-NCOrg. Identifier: 1 NW 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher USGS40000897734FED USGS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4689797.1s Page 9 InformalEnf act cat:St Formal NOV issuedEnf act detail: 03/10/2004Enf act date:2004Enf fy: SOrig cd:304Violation id: Enforcement Information: Not ReportedZipserv:NCStateserv: PersonCntyserv:ROXBOROCityserv: 336-599-0218Phone:27573Zip: NCState:ROXBOROCity: Not ReportedAdd2: 10660 BOSTON RDAdd1: 70Popserved: SWPrimsrccd:NTNCWSPwstypcd: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTName: Location Information: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:taste / odor controlTreatment obj: sludge treatmentTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: filtration, rapid sandTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: flocculationTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: coagulationTreatment process:particulate removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:organics removalTreatment obj: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:organics removalTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:organics removalTreatment obj: flocculationTreatment process:organics removalTreatment obj: coagulationTreatment process:organics removalTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:manganese removalTreatment obj: sludge treatmentTreatment process:manganese removalTreatment obj: ph adjustmentTreatment process:manganese removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:manganese removalTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:iron removalTreatment obj: sludge treatmentTreatment process:iron removalTreatment obj: ph adjustmentTreatment process:iron removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:iron removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: coagulationTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: sludge treatmentTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: flocculationTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:inorganics removalTreatment obj: ph adjustment, preTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: sedimentationTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: filtration, pressure sandTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: coagulationTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: filtration, rapid sandTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: activated carbon, granularTreatment process:disinfection by-products controlTreatment obj: hypochlorination, postTreatment process:disinfectionTreatment obj: ph adjustment, postTreatment process:corrosion controlTreatment obj: ph adjustmentTreatment process:corrosion controlTreatment obj: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4689797.1s Page 10 00000067Population:TreatedTreatment Class: ROXBOROCity Served: 078 58 59Facility Longitude:36 23 36Facility Latitude: 078 52 50Facility Longitude:36 31 40Facility Latitude: RALEIGH, NC 27602 PO BOX 1551 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: NEW HILL, NC 27562 RT 1 BOX 327 MARSHALL LUNDSFORD OR MANAGER System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: ROXBORO, NC 27562 MAYO STEAM PLANTPWS Name: Not ReportedDate Deactivated:8001Date Initiated: NC0273427PWS ID: 01/31/2004Cmpedt: 01/01/2004Cmpbdt:Not ReportedState mcl: Not ReportedUnitmeasur:Not ReportedViolmeasur: TCRRule name: 110Rule code: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Viol name: 23Viol code: Coliform (TCR)Contamnm: 3100Contamcd: 2004Viol fy:NCState: SOrig cd:304Violoation id: Violations Information: ResolvingEnf act cat:St Compliance achievedEnf act detail: 02/04/2003Enf act date:2003Enf fy: SOrig cd:201Violation id: Enforcement Information: InformalEnf act cat:St Formal NOV issuedEnf act detail: 12/29/2000Enf act date:2001Enf fy: SOrig cd:201Violation id: Enforcement Information: InformalEnf act cat:St Public Notif requestedEnf act detail: 12/29/2000Enf act date:2001Enf fy: SOrig cd:201Violation id: Enforcement Information: InformalEnf act cat:St Public Notif requestedEnf act detail: 03/10/2004Enf act date:2004Enf fy: SOrig cd:304Violation id: Enforcement Information: ResolvingEnf act cat:St Compliance achievedEnf act detail: 03/16/2004Enf act date:2004Enf fy: SOrig cd:304Violation id: Enforcement Information: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4689797.1s Page 11 State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:3/16/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:3/16/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:3/10/2004 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 304Violation ID: 1/1/2004 0:00:00 - 1/31/2004 0:00:00Compliance Period: COLIFORM (TCR)Contaminant: Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR)Violation Type: CP&L-MAYO ELEC GEN PLANTSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: Not ReportedVio. Awareness Date: Not ReportedContaminant: Monitoring, Routine/Repeat (SWTR-Filter)Violation Type: Not ReportedAnalysis Method: Not ReportedMaximum Contaminant Level:Not ReportedAnalysis Result: Not ReportedNumber of Samples Taken:Not ReportedNum required Samples: 001 MonthsVio. Period:11/30/93Vio. end Date:11/01/93Vio. beginning Date: Not ReportedPWS Phone:Not ReportedSource ID:9403206Violation ID: VIOLATIONS INFORMATION: YESPWS currently has or had major violation(s) or enforcement: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4689797.1s Page 12 PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 29.5865421295166Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000013NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 1029.91821289063Acres:Safety ZoneSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000009NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 4166.9736328125Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000008NC_WILD PERSONCounty:PRVStatus: 1242.84973144531Acres:Game LandSite Type: Carolina Power & LightOwner: MayoSite Name: NC30000006NC_WILD Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC4689797.1s Page 13 Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%1.200 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 1 Federal Area Radon Information for PERSON COUNTY, NC : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for PERSON County: 3 __________________________________ Max pCi/LMin pCi/LAvg pCi/LNum Results Radon Test Results State Database: NC Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetland Inventory Source: US Fish & Wildlife Service Telephone: 703-358-2171 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC4689797.1s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919-715-3243 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION NC Natural Areas: Significant Natural Heritage Areas Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A polygon converage identifying sites (terrestrial or aquatic that have particular biodiversity significance. A site’s significance may be due to the presenceof rare species, rare or hight quality natural communities, or other important ecological features. NC Game Lands: Wildlife Resources Commission Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps. NC Natural Heritage Sites: Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Sites Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A point coverage identifying locations of rare and endangered species, occurrences of exemplary or unique natural ecosystems (terrestrial or aquatic), and special animal habitats (e.g., colonial waterbird nesting sites). RADON State Database: NC Radon Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4984 Radon Statistical and Non Statiscal Data Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC4689797.1s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2015 TomTom North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC4689797.1s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED 2017 Comprehensive Site Assessment Update October 2017 Mayo Steam Electric Plant SynTerra Dewberry Potable Water Evaluation Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation Duke Energy October 27, 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 SUBMITTED TO: Duke Energy . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction and Project Approach .............................................................. 4 2. Phase II Basis of Design ................................................................................ 6 2.1 Potable Water Connection Mapping.............................................................. 6 2.2 Municipal Potable Water Connection Opinion of Probable Cost ................. 6 3. Site Analysis ................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Station Mapping and Household Data .......................................................... 7 3.2 Field Observations .......................................................................................... 7 3.3 Other Considerations ..................................................................................... 8 4. Regulatory Permitting .................................................................................... 9 5. Schedule........................................................................................................ 10 6. Opinion of Probable Cost ............................................................................ 11 Appendix A: Mayo Station Phase II Mapping Appendix B: Mayo Station Household Data Spreadsheet Appendix C: Schedule Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 2 Executive Summary This Phase II evaluation is structured to comply with the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 630: Section 130A-309.211.(c1) of House Bill 630 requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a ½ mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 630, Dewberry performed this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation to supply potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. Preparation of this report is intended to comply with the House Bill 630 requirement to make a report submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2016. On August 18, 2016 a project review meeting was held at the Duke Energy Line and Service Operations Center in Roxboro, NC. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, and the City of Roxboro attended the meeting. Detailed Phase II mapping was developed using Person County, NC and Halifax County, VA property maps that show each household in the ½ mile compliance buffer. Dewberry visually observed the households shown on the Phase II mapping on August 12, 2016. A household database was developed using Person County, NC and Halifax County, VA tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. Based on our site observations and the Phase II mapping, it appears to be technically feasible to install the potable water main in the public road right of way or along private roads using conventional construction methods. Easements will be required along one private road (Mullins Lane). A schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: Report submittal to the North Carolina DEQ no later than December 15, 2016. DEQ renders a final decision to approve or disapprove the report no later than January 15, 2017. Permanent replacement water supplies are provided no later than October 15, 2018. If each of the milestone dates are met, the schedule indicates that project completion can occur in August of 2018 which meets the House Bill 630 schedule requirement for permanent replacement water supplies. An opinion of probable cost was developed to provide potable water service to eight households within the ½ mile compliance buffer. The number of households and the number of waterline connections are the same. The estimated costs are summarized below: Mayo Steam Station Units Opinion of Cost Potable Water Service 8 Households $1,200,000 Potable Water Service per household 1 $150,000 . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 3 The potable water connection cost estimate includes a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a project at the preliminary engineering level of detail. According to Roxboro, the water age in the vicinity of the Steam Station is approximately 9 to 12 days. With such a high water age, the City of Roxboro has water quality concerns related to residual disinfection concentration and disinfection by-product formation for any water connection within the ½ mile compliance buffer. Despite the concerns, Roxboro indicated that they would be open to providing service to the 8 households south of the Steam Station, but indicated it would not be feasible to provide service to the 14 households north of the Steam Station. Therefore this evaluation proposes installation of individual filtration systems for the 14 households. This report provides additional detail on the Project Approach, Basis of Design, and Site Analysis. Mayo Steam Station mapping is provided in Appendix A. The household database is provided in Appendix B. The Mayo Steam Station Potable Water Schedule is provided in Appendix C, and the Opinion of Probable Cost is provided in Appendix D. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 4 1. Introduction and Project Approach PROJECT INTRODUCTION During the Phase I programmatic potable water evaluation desktop study, concept level mapping was developed showing the Mayo Steam Station location, the potential potable water tie-in location, and potential pipe routing to residents within a ½ mile of the compliance boundary. We used the Phase I mapping to develop a concept level cost estimate with a 40% contingency. During this Phase II evaluation sufficient preliminary design work has been performed to prepare a cost estimate with a 25% contingency. Section 130A-309.211.(c1) of House Bill 630 requires provision of permanent water supply for each household that has a drinking water supply well located within a ½ mile radius from the established compliance boundary of a coal combustion residuals impoundment, and is not separated from the impoundment by the mainstem of a river, or other body of water that would prevent the migration of contaminants through groundwater from the impoundment to a well. To address the provisions of House Bill 630 referenced above, Dewberry has performed a Phase I screening level evaluation and this Phase II preliminary engineering evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility to supply municipal potable water to residents within a 1/2 mile radius of the compliance boundary. Preparation of this report is intended to comply with the House Bill 630 requirement to make a report submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by December 15, 2016. Using publicly available information Dewberry evaluated the following criteria to perform the Phase II Mayo Steam Station preliminary engineering study: Identified public road right-of-way widths and ownership along the pipe route Evaluated feasibility to install the proposed water main within the unpaved shoulder of an NC DOT roadway Documented approximate location of U.S. waters, including possible wetlands shown in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (as applicable) Identified potential jurisdictional and permitting authorities to establish permitting needs Estimated potential easement acquisition areas (estimated square footage and number of parcels affected) Evaluated potential conflicts with known existing utilities Estimated the pipeline length and pipe diameter(s) for the water main and the individual service lines Evaluated the potential need for a water booster pump station or elevated tank to sustain adequate water pressure Evaluated the water age and potential need for supplemental disinfection Evaluated the potential need/requirement for fire hydrants and hydrant quantity Evaluated potential construction methods and challenges Evaluated potential municipal water system future improvements based on published Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) or published Master Plan . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 5 PROJECT APPROACH Dewberry contacted the Duke Energy Community Relations District Manager to discuss the information needed to execute the Phase II evaluations, and to arrange for a subsequent meeting with the local water purveyor, the City of Roxboro. On August 18, 2016 a project review meeting was held at the Duke Energy Line and Service Operations Center in Roxboro, NC to discuss execution of this Phase II preliminary evaluation and subsequent project execution. Representatives from Duke Energy, Dewberry, and the City of Roxboro attended the meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to confirm the water distribution system tie-in location, system pressure, pipe size, and water quality at the tie-location, capacity limitations, and whether there are future planned water system projects that could impact the Phase II evaluation. Dewberry also inquired as to whether any households within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary were presently being served by municipal potable water. Following the meeting, Dewberry performed an initial drive-by observation of the potable water pipe route. During Phase I Dewberry obtained municipality mapping of the potable water distribution system and then developed draft maps showing the Mayo Steam Station, the respective potable water distribution system tie-in location, and the water main pipe routing. We used the Duke Energy Drinking Water Receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014 to show compliance boundaries and the water supply wells within a 1/2 mile of the compliance boundary. The maps were prepared using GIS as the native software. During Phase II we developed more detailed mapping based on Person County, NC and Halifax County, VA property maps to identify property owners, property parcels, and household addresses within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer. For the Phase II analysis property parcels that were wholly or partly within the compliance buffer were included in the evaluation. Using the Phase II mapping a database of property owners and household locations was developed. Dewberry also contacted the City of Roxboro to confirm residents along the existing water mains within the compliance buffer who are connected to the system. This information allowed for identification of residents who were located along the existing water line but not connected to the water system. We also prepared a project schedule. Dewberry then developed an opinion of probable cost for the installation of piping infrastructure to the potable water tie-in location. We used vendor budgetary costs for the primary capital equipment and used cost factors to estimate the installation costs. We did not obtain contractor installation cost estimates for this evaluation. Dewberry reviewed the cost data with Duke Energy to obtain concurrence on the methodology and the allowances applied. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 6 2. Phase II Basis of Design The purpose of this section is to document basis of design assumptions that were used to prepare the Mayo Steam Station mapping, opinion of cost, and schedule. 2.1 POTABLE WATER CONNECTION MAPPING Key assumptions for the potable water connection mapping are as follows: Property parcels that crossed the compliance buffer line were included in the evaluation. Homes on these properties were included to receive potable water regardless of whether the home was physically inside the buffer or not. Potable water piping is routed along state roads and may use municipality/county existing easements, where possible. Water main piping in one location will require private easements. 14 households located north of the Mayo Steam Station are recommended to receive individual filtration systems and were not included in the cost evaluation. Power transmission line easements will not be used for installation of the potable water piping. 2.2 MUNICIPAL POTABLE WATER CONNECTION OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Key assumptions for the potable water connection cost estimates are as follows: Item 1 on the cost estimate shows 6” Ductile Iron for the potable water main pipe. The 6” diameter is considered a conservative pipe size to meet the water demand of the households within the compliance buffer and complies with the City of Roxboro. The 6” water main pipe is the smallest diameter allowed for fire hydrant connection. The City of Roxboro water system design standards require fire hydrants be installed. Items 1 through 7 on the cost estimate show material cost for the piping, valves, and associated fittings. The sum of Items 1 through 7 is shown as a separate line item. A 30% cost factor is then applied to the summed value to estimate the cost to install the pipe, valves, and fittings. The cost estimate quantities are based on the Mayo Steam Station mapping and assumptions stated on the cost estimate. The unit costs are based upon vendor budgetary costs and cost data we have from recent similar projects. Item 22 on the cost estimate indicates there are 8 potable water connections with ¾” service taps. The number of household connections shown in the cost estimate is based upon the Person County, NC property maps, drive-by observations, and from exclusion of households that are being served with City of Roxboro water. Items 8 through 17 and items 21 through 25 are installed cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was not applied. Items 18 through 20 are material cost, so a 30% installation cost factor was applied. Items 1 through 25 are summed and shown as a SUBTOTAL. Cost factors are then applied to the SUBTOTAL to estimate the balance of the project costs. We have applied a 25% contingency which is deemed consistent with a preliminary engineering evaluation. Additional assumptions that Dewberry used to prepare the cost estimates are provided as foot notes on the cost estimate Table. Contractor General Conditions are included for the duration of on-site construction phase activities. Easement acquisition includes the cost to compensate land owners for water or service lines extended down private roads and/or across private property. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 7 3. Site Analysis 3.1 STATION MAPPING AND HOUSEHOLD DATA The municipal potable water Phase II overall map in Appendix A shows the proposed tie-in location to the existing City of Roxboro potable water supply system, indicating that over one mile (~5,600 LF) of new potable water piping is required to serve households within the ½ mile compliance buffer. The City of Roxboro is planned to manage and own the water supply, O&M, and metering/billing of water use for the new potable water system and service connections. The Phase II Site map and sheets in Appendix A were prepared by overlaying Person County, NC and Halifax County, VA property maps onto the compliance boundaries detailed in the Duke Energy Drinking Water receptor Surveys for Coal-fired Power Stations developed in 2014. The Appendix A Site map shows the ½ mile compliance buffer and seven (7) rectangular property map sections. Seven sheets were prepared to show the water main route, individual households, and household service line connections within the ½ mile compliance buffer. Dewberry visually observed households shown in the Appendix B sheet mapping during the August 12, 2016 drive-by. The database in Appendix B was created from the Person County, NC and Halifax County, NC tax records tied to the GIS shape file which identifies the property owner and the address for each household within the 1/2 mile compliance buffer, including parcels of land with no residents (empty lot). The parcel data listed on the spreadsheets also includes Parcel ID, Land Use, Easement Requirement, and anticipated Water Demand for each property. Engineering judgment was utilized in cases where homes were located out of sight from the road and/or multiple structures could be seen during an aerial review. Review of the mapping from Appendix A allowed for estimates of the required private easement areas around the Mayo Steam Station. The potable water main proposed to serve residents around the Mayo Steam Station will require private easement acquisition along one private road (Mullins Lane). The typical municipal easement standard was followed around the Mayo Steam Station, which includes multiplying the length of the water main or service line on private property by 20 feet to obtain the area. The area was then multiplied by 50% of the average land value (per acre) as indicated by public tax assessment for properties around the Mayo Steam Station, providing an estimate of the easement cost. Temporary easements were not included in the calculation. 3.2 FIELD OBSERVATIONS As shown in Appendix A, the water main piping will be installed along state roads, where possible. During the August 12, 2016 drive-by Dewberry noticed several areas where large boulders and rock outcroppings exist in the vicinity of the water main routes. We have included rock excavation within the schedule and cost estimate. Based on observations in the drive-by as well as the Phase II mapping, it appears to be technically feasible to install the potable water main in the public road right of way or along the side of the private roads using conventional construction methods, such as an open trench with pipe bedding material. Approximately three water main road crossings and two service line road crossings will be required. Road crossings will be performed by subsurface boring to avoid open road cuts, and traffic impacts. It should be noted that the crossing count could be modified based upon final design and which side of the road the water main is installed. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 8 Dewberry did not observe surface water or apparent wetland infrastructure encroachment impacts. This is consistent with USGS mapping and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory. During the drive-by Dewberry did not observe potential conflicts with known existing utilities. At present the 22 households within the ½ mile radius compliance buffer do not have public water or sewer. Natural gas main and fiber optic markers were not observed during the drive-by, but are typically located within the state road right of way and are typically smaller in diameter than water piping, therefore the potential impact on construction is not deemed significant. Aboveground electric was observed and is not considered an impediment to water main installation. Dewberry observed the public road right-of-way widths and evaluated the feasibility to install the proposed water main within the unpaved shoulder of NC DOT roadway. In areas that we could not determine right of way status (public or not) or areas where private property may have been constructed onto right of way, we either provided an allowance for water main or water service line easement, or the construction impact is accounted for in the cost estimate as a renovation allowance. 3.3 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS The City of Roxboro operates a relatively large water system throughout Person County where they manage the water supply, and meter and bill for water use. The City of Roxboro sources their water from City Lake and Lake Roxboro. The City of Roxboro estimates the pressure in the system around the Mayo Steam Station to range from 50-60 psi. The City has confirmed they have adequate water flow capacity to serve the residents around the Mayo Station. Therefore based on this preliminary information, the flow capacity and pressure is deemed adequate to serve the eight proposed household connections in the ½ mile compliance buffer south of the Mayo Steam Station. Based on discussions with the City of Roxboro, the water age in the vicinity of the Mayo Steam Station ranges from 9-12 days. The new potable water connections are located at the end of the water distribution system and the residual disinfection concentration is low. Two common ways to combat loss of disinfection residual are 1.) disinfection boosting, and 2.) systematic flushing to maintain flow and minimize water age. Roxboro presently conducts regular flushing in the Mayo area to reduce the water age, maintain a disinfection residual, and prevent disinfection by-product formation. With such a high water age, the City of Roxboro has water quality concerns stating that a new water main extension coupled with limited water demand would complicate the disinfection byproduct compliance. Roxboro indicated that they would be open to providing service to the households south of the Steam Station, but indicated that they would not be able to provide service to the households north of the Steam Station. The new water main extension will serve households south of the Steam Station, utilizes the minimum diameter pipe for service allowed by Roxboro, and incorporates system flushing. The connection to the City of Roxboro system would be to an existing 12-inch water main that dead-ends at an existing industrial site. Based upon the current City of Roxboro operational practices and discussions with system operators, disinfection boosting is not proposed for the system. Due to water quality concerns, low water demand of the households north of the Steam Station, and future maintenance costs, Roxboro indicated extending their water system north along US Highway 501 North past the existing industrial site would not be viable. This would also include extending the line into Virginia. Based on the issues stated above, this evaluation proposes that the 14 households north of the Mayo Steam Station will be served with individual filtration systems. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 9 4. Regulatory Permitting The water main design will be required to adhere to requirements of the following agencies and permitting authorities. Each permit will require a separate set of documentation and will be submitted individually to the respective permitting agency. The timeline for submittal and approval is presented in the Mayo Steam Station Potable Water Schedule detailed in Appendix C. NCDOT Right-of-way Encroachment Agreement, Primary and Secondary Roads NCDEQ, Division of Land Quality, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit NCDEQ, Division of Water Resource, Public Water Supply Permit . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 10 5. Schedule The Phase II project schedule is provided in Appendix C. The schedule was prepared in part to show milestone dates needed to comply with House Bill 630 which states the following: “No later than December 15, 2016 an impoundment owner shall submit information on permanent replacement water supplies proposed to be provided to each household” “The Department shall evaluate information submitted by the impoundment owner and render a final decision to approve or disapprove the plan, including written findings of fact no later than January 15, 2017” “As soon as practical, but no later than October 15, 2018 the owner of a coal combustion residual surface impoundment shall establish permanent replacement water supplies” The schedule indicates DEQ report submittal on December 15, 2016 and DEQ approval by January 15, 2017. The schedule includes an initial 90 day negotiation period for development and execution of a Water Authority/Duke memorandum of understanding (MOU). The schedule is subject to change dependent upon the milestone dates for the MOU, the approval/comments from DEQ, and the resident input regarding permanent water supply choice. The balance of the schedule is deemed typical for a municipal design-bid-build water line improvement project and plans for all households to connect to public potable water. The schedule indicates an end date of August 2018 which meets the October 15, 2018 deadline. . Duke Energy | Mayo Steam Station Phase II Potable Water Programmatic Evaluation | 11 6. Opinion of Probable Cost The Phase II opinion of probable cost is provided in Appendix D. The opinion of probable cost was prepared in accordance with the basis of design criteria in Section 2.2 of this report. The opinion of probable cost indicates that the total estimated cost to construct eight new municipal water connections is approximately $1,200,000, which equates to approximately $150,000 per household. A 25% contingency is included. The Phase II opinion of probable cost includes individual allocations for the service connection lines and meters (items 18 through 25) that equates to approximately $9,000 per new connection. We arrived at that allocation as follows: For item 19 the service line lengths were measured for each household using the Phase II sheet mapping. Item 20 is for miscellaneous fittings associated with the service line connections. For items 21 and 22 the meter/meter box allowance was developed from vendor quotations and from recent bid tabulations for similar projects. Item 23 is for road crossings where the household to be served is on the opposite side of the road from the water main. Items 24 and 25 represent site costs associated with approximately 2,300 feet of new service line piping. This text WILL NOT PRINT Size: 11"h x 8.5"w Revised 9.20.12 www.dewberry.com Appendix A: Mayo Station Phase II Mapping ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_P E R S O N C O U N T Y , N CPERSON C O U N T Y , N C H A L I F A X C O U N T Y , V AHALIFAX C O U N T Y , V A Wood y s Store Rd Shiloh C h u r c h Rd BostonRd(US-501)State Road1501 Railway6 7 MayoReservo ir42 3 5 1 Mayo Steam Station 0 2,000 4,000Feet Ü 1 in = 2,000 feetFINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Overall Octo ber 27, 20 16 LegendLegend State Route Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary Duke Energy PlantG ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System ^_^_H u e l l M a t t h e w s H w y /5 0 1 MATCH LINE SHEET 2 MATCH LINE SHEET 1 (39 (37 0 200 400FeetÜ1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 1 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System ^_^_^_^_^_^_H u e l l M a t t h e w s H w y /5 0 1 W oodyLoop MATCH LINE SHEET 2 MATCH LINE SHEET 1 MATCH LINE SHEET 2MATCH LINE SHEET 3(37 (39 (34 (38 (33 (35 (32 (36 0 200 400FeetÜ1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 2 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_W oodyLoop Boston Rd/Hwy 501StateRoad1501HALIFAX COUNTY, VAHALIFAX COUNTY, VAPERSON COUNTY, NCPERSON COUNTY, NCMATCH LINE SHEET 2MATCH LINE SHEET 3Duke Property (36 (28 (33 (32 (29 (31 (26 (27 (39 (1 (7 (8 (6 (2 0 200 400FeetÜ1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 3 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System ^_ ^_ (38 (35 (34 0 200 400Feet Ü1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 4 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System ^_ (30(35 (38 (5 (3 0 200 400Feet Ü1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 5 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System G M u l l i n s L n OldUSHighway501MATCH LINE SHEET 6 MATCH LINE SHEET 7 ArthurWileyRd DukeProperty D uke Prop erty (19(20 (15 (10 (14 (16 (17 (18 (11 (25 (21 (24 (23 (22 (4 (13(12 0 200 400Feet Ü1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 6 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System GMullinsLnOldUSHighway501MATCH LINE SHEET 6MATCH LINE SHEET 7BostonRd/Hwy501OldUSHighway501FontaineRd DukeProperty0 200 400FeetÜ1 in = 200 feet G Duke Energy Plant FINAL Proposed Potable Water SitePreliminary EvaluationMayo Steam Station Duke Energy Dewberry Proj. No. 50081778 Octo ber 27, 20 16 Legend Stream/Lake County BoundaryProposed Potable Water Line(Duke) Railway Existing Potable Water Line(City of Roxboro) Compliance Boundary 1/2 Mile Buffer Wetlands Compliance Boundary (#(Refer to spreadsheet for parcel details)Parcel Reference Number Sheet 7 Proposed Service Lines(Duke) ^_Recommended Individual Filtration System This text WILL NOT PRINT Size: 11"h x 8.5"w Revised 9.20.12 www.dewberry.com Appendix B: Mayo Station Household Data Spreadsheet Label Parcel ID #Site Address North of Plant/ South of Plant City Water Type of Service Land Use Owner Tax Address City State Easement Required Other Notes 1 1738 11969/ 11939 BOSTON RD Northern Business, Office, Factory w/o showers In Use 66 LILY MCCOY LN 0 Gallons/shift Recommended Individual Filtration System 2 1746 BOSTON RD Northern N/A Empty Lot 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN 0 #N/A 3 2742 MAYO LAKE RD Northern Residential In Use 3967 9TH LN 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 4 2787 OLD US 501 HWY Southern N/A Empty Lot 582 OLD US 501 0 #N/A 5 2815 MAYO LAKE RD Northern N/A Empty Lot 428 BETHEL HILL SCHOOL RD 0 #N/A 6 2881 BOSTON RD Northern N/A Empty Lot 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN 0 #N/A 7 2882 BOSTON RD Northern N/A Empty Lot 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN 0 #N/A 8 2883 12015 BOSTON RD Northern Residential In Use 309 EASTWOOD LONG LN 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 9 2937 10475 BOSTON RD Southern yes N/A In Use 10475 BOSTON RD//RICK MILLER 0 #N/A 10 2952 369 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 369 MULLINS LN Yes 480 Gallons/connection 11 2953 682 OLD US 501 HWY Southern Residential In Use 682 OLD US 501 480 Gallons/connection 12 21470 582 OLD US 501 HWY Southern Residential In Use 582 OLD US 501 480 Gallons/connection 13 21473 OLD US 501 HWY Southern N/A Empty Lot 582 OLD US 501 0 #N/A 14 23621 206 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 206 MULLINS LN Yes 480 Gallons/connection 15 23622 236 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 236 MULLINS LN Yes 480 Gallons/connection 16 23623 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 230 LESTERS WAY Yes 0 #N/A 17 23624 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 369 MULLINS LN Yes 0 #N/A 18 23625 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 841 PAMELA DR Yes 0 #N/A 19 23626 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 4133 NE W 67TH TER Yes 0 #N/A 20 23627 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 4 PAGE MORE CT Yes 0 #N/A 21 23628 209 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 119 S MADISON BLVD Yes 480 Gallons/connection 22 23629 153 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 153 MULLINS LN Yes 480 Gallons/connection 23 23630 MULLINS LN Southern N/A Empty Lot 630 PROVIDENCE RD Yes 0 #N/A 24 23631 77 MULLINS LN Southern Residential In Use 77 MULLINS LN Yes 480 Gallons/connection 25 23632 OLD US 501 HWY Southern N/A Empty Lot 682 OLD US 501 0 #N/A 26 3365-24410 Northern N/A Empty Lot P.O.BOX 12580 0 #N/A 27 3365-27009 12013/ 12089 BOSTON RD Northern Residential In Use P O BOX 997 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 28 3365-22883 2093 BOSTON RD Northern Residential In Use P O BOX 997 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 29 3365-24411 12102 BOSTON RD Northern Residential In Use P.O.BOX 12580 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 30 3375-18624 3967 9TH LANE Northern N/A Empty Lot 3967 9TH LANE 0 #N/A 31 3365-27033 1025 WOODY LOOP Northern N/A Empty Lot 1025 WOODY LOOP 0 #N/A 32 3365-27032 1025 WOODY LOOP Northern Residential In Use 1025 WOODY LOOP 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 33 3365-7856 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY Northern N/A Empty Lot 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 0 #N/A 34 3365-26196 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY Northern Residential In Use 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System 35 3365-26194 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY Northern N/A Empty Lot 11243 HUELL MATTHEWS HWY 0 #N/A 36 3365-7855 1044 WOODY LOOP Northern Residential In Use P O BOX 3463 0 Gallons/connection (3) Recommended Individual Filtration System 37 3365-17400 1022 WOOD LOOP Northern N/A Empty Lot 1022 WOOD LOOP 0 #N/A 38 3366-7808 11167 HUELL MATTHEWS HIGH Northern Residential In Use 11167 HUELL MATTHEWS HIGH 0 Gallons/connection (2) Recommended Individual Filtration System 39 3366-26301 1022 WOODY LOOP Northern Residential In Use 1022 WOODY LOOP 0 Gallons/connection Recommended Individual Filtration System Req' Daily Flow Mayo Steam Station Parcel Spreadsheet This text WILL NOT PRINT Size: 11"h x 8.5"w Revised 9.20.12 www.dewberry.com Appendix C: Schedule ID Task NameStart Finish1Mayo DEQ Report Submittal & ApprovalThu 12/15/16Sun 1/15/172Municipality/County Negotiation & AgreementMon 11/14/16Fri 2/10/173Municipality/County Design Agreement PeriodMon 11/14/16Fri 2/10/174Municipality/County System Design (assuming NTP within 30 days of agreement)Mon 2/20/17Wed 8/23/175Field Work/SurveyMon 2/20/17Tue 3/21/17630% Design DevelopmentWed 3/22/17Fri 4/28/177Development of 30% Construction DocumentsWed 3/22/17Fri 4/21/178Review of 30% DesignMon 4/24/17Fri 4/28/17930% Design Review MeetingFri 4/28/17Fri 4/28/171060% Design DevelopmentMon 5/1/17Fri 6/23/1711Development of 60% Construction DocumentsMon 5/1/17Fri 6/9/1712Review of 60% DesignMon 6/12/17Fri 6/23/171360% Design Review MeetingFri 6/23/17Fri 6/23/1714Final Design DevelopmentMon 6/26/17Fri 8/4/1715 Development of 100% Construction DocumentsMon 6/26/17Tue 7/25/1716 Review of 100% DesignWed 7/26/17Fri 8/4/1717100% Design Review MeetingFri 8/4/17Fri 8/4/1718Easement DevelopmentMon 5/1/17Wed 8/23/1719Deed ResearchMon 5/1/17Tue 5/30/1720Develop PlatsMon 6/26/17Tue 7/25/1721Easement AcquisitionWed 7/26/17Wed 8/23/1722PermittingMon 8/7/17Fri 11/17/1723NC EM&L E&S Control PermitMon 8/7/17Fri 10/6/1724NCDOT Encroachment (State and District)Mon 8/7/17Fri 10/27/1725Authorization to construct a public water supplyMon 8/7/17Fri 11/17/1726Advertise, Bidding & ContractingMon 11/20/17Fri 2/16/1827NTPFri 2/16/18Fri 2/16/1828Construction of Water Main & ServicesMon 2/19/18Fri 7/20/1829Substantial Completion, System Testing, & CertificationMon 7/23/18Tue 8/21/1830Project CompletionTue 8/21/18Tue 8/21/184/286/238/42/168/21SepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov3rd Quarter4th Quarter1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th Quarter1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterManual Summary RollupPage 1Project: Mayo Steam Station Proposed Schedule This text WILL NOT PRINT Size: 11"h x 8.5"w Revised 9.20.12 www.dewberry.com Appendix D: Opinion of Probable Cost FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost Mayo Steam Station Potable Water Connection Item Material Unit Qty Unit Cost Extended Cost Main 1 6-inch DI Pipe LF 5,600 15.00$ 84,000$ 2 6-inch Tee EA 2 850$ 1,700$ 3 6-inch Gate Valve w/Box (assume three at every tee and one per 5,000 LF)EA 8 750$ 6,000$ 4 Misc Fittings (Assume 2 fittings per appurtenance plus 1 fitting per 1000 LF pipe times 80# per fitting)LB 1,800 4.00$ 7,200$ 5 Automatic Flushing Devices EA 2 8,000$ 16,000$ 6 Fire Hydrant EA 3 6,000$ 18,000$ 7 1-inch Air Release Valve and Manhole (at highpoints in main)EA 1 2,200$ 2,200$ Subtotal Materials/Equipment:135,100$ Installation (% of Material/Equipment):30%40,600$ 8 Clearing & Grubbing LF 5,600 3.50$ 19,600$ 9 Excavation and Backfilling for Trench LF 5,600 18.00$ 100,800$ 10 Pipe Bedding Material (#67 Stone - assumed for 25% of pipe)CY 130 35.00$ 4,600$ 11 Rock Excavation CY 519 200.00$ 103,800$ 12 Railroad Crossing (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation)EA 0 50,000$ -$ 13 Rural Road Crossing for Main (Casing, Piping, Spiders and Installation)EA 3 20,000$ 60,000$ 14 Erosion Control Measures (Silt Fence/Check Dams based on feet of pipe)LF 5,600 4.50$ 25,200$ 15 Testing, Disinfection, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 25-ft impacted area)LF 5,600 8.50$ 47,600$ 16 Connection to Existing Waterline EA 1 5,000$ 5,000$ 17 Traffic Control LS 1 15,000$ 15,000$ Services Connections/Lines 18 2-inch PVC Pipe LF 0 4.75$ -$ 19 3/4-inch PVC Pipe LF 2,300 3.00$ 6,900$ 20 Misc Fittings for Service Connections (valves, fittings, etc.)EA 8 300$ 2,400$ Subtotal Materials/Equipment:9,300$ Installation (% of Material/Equipment):30%2,800$ 21 2-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 0 6,000$ -$ 22 3/4-inch Services Taps, Meters, Meter Boxes and Misc. Connections to Main Line EA 8 3,000$ 24,000$ 23 Road Crossing for Services - (Jetting/bore, Casing, and Installation)EA 2 1,500$ 3,000$ 24 Excavation and Backfilling for Service Trench LF 2,300 10.00$ 23,000$ 25 Flush, Clean Up, Seed and Mulch (Assume: 5-ft impacted area)LF 2,300 4.00$ 9,200$ 629,000$ Sub-Total FOB Allowance (% of Material/Equipment):2%3,000$ Renovation Allowance (% of Material/Equipment):5%8,000$ Sub-Total 640,000$ Contractor Overhead and Profit:15%96,000$ Contractor General Conditions:MONTH 6 20,000$ 120,000$ Sub-Total:856,000$ Contingency:25%214,000$ Sub-Total:1,070,000$ Design, Bid Phase, and Construction Phase Engineering Services 10%107,000$ Easements Acquistion (Permanent)20,000.00$ 20,000$ 1,200,000$ Notes: 1.) Renovation Allowance to account for private property refurbishment (signs, fences, etc.) 2.) Number of Service Taps taken from field evaluation and property records. 3.) Permanent Easement Acquisition based on 50% of average area property tax value 4.) Temporary easements are not included in this estimate. 5.) No significant water crossings, wetlands, or other abnormal working environment included. 6.) Opinion of Probable Cost dated October 2016; cost may vary depending upon escalation at time of construction. 7.) Piping footage may change with final design. SUBTOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATED CAPITAL COST: 10/25/2016 FINAL