HomeMy WebLinkAbout44604 - Carolina Bays Project DCM start of study comments�- �; ���` F �T >> � .., Coastal Managernent ENW4RONMENTA� QUA�17Y Octobe� 25. 2Q17 Ms. I�i�, �rillespie, �E 1'�.C.. Dep�artment of Transportati�n 154$ Mail Seivice �'enter Ralei�h, NC 27b�9-154$ ROY CO�PER Covernor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. �AVIS Drredor RE: Sta�-t of Stucty for the Propased Carolina Bays Parkway Extensian, fro� SC 9 in H�rry County, SC to US 17 S11ali��te �ypass fln Br�nswick County, I�C. NCDOT Praject �446�4; SC170T Praject P029�54. Dear 1`�✓Is. Gillespie: The N.C. Divisian o� Coastal P✓ianagenient {DCiv1) appreciates the o��port�unity to coinment �n the Start of St�dy lett�r dated r�u�us� 14, 2017, in�ludin� the attached r��icinity map, as well as the projec� scopiii� data sheets and i�1a�s, for the above referenced project. Coininen�s wer�e also conveyed by DCM at the projeci external seopinb n3eeting on October 19, 2017. DC1VI has �°eviewed the information that was pravided by the N.C. Depart�nent of Transportatian (NC�DOT} to determine if ��ere a�-e az�y potential Cc�astai �'�rea Man�Qei�ent A�ct (C�MA) Areas at Environme�tal Co�cern (�EC"s} within the praject �.r�a. �ased u�c�n th� information rece��,�ed irom NCDCIT, it �ppea�s as th�ugh ihere are CAM�, AEC's within tl�e pT•oject area. These inclu�e: P�.�blic Tru�t Areas and �o�stal Shorel`rnes. Ii a pr�oject impacis a CAMA AEC, tl�en a C��VfA p�rrr►it is re�uir�d. If a project does not impact an AE�, but it requip-es a federal licer�se, or it z-eceiv�s Pe�eral fundin�, then a determination of federal consistency� with t�e N.C. Goastal �✓Iana�e�nent Pro�ranl is r�c.�iiired. Th� process ior obtaining a federal cor�sistencv� determination �rom DCM is cEependent upon the tyrp� of S�ction 40�' p�rrr�it that is issued by tl-�e LT.S. Ai�ny Corps of Er�bineers. All of the �,-ai�rs in the �relimin�ry Stuciy A�•ea appear to be desi�ilated as Inlancl Pv'aters, and t1�.ere do not ap�ea�• ta be any Coastai Wetlan�s in tl�;, Prelii-�7inary Study Area. �Io�-er�°er, please be aware that there is an area desi�nated as Caasial ��aters thai �;�pears i� be jus� sc�utFi r�f �he Prelirninary St��dv Area in the v'rcinity of �halflotte. Tl�is ar�a just souih c�f the Preliminaz•y Stucly Ar�a incltEdes Coastal Wetlands and Coastal Waters designated as Prirl�ary I'��ursery Area (PNA}; some o� which are currently spanned b�� a bridge on �he �e�istin� C�S 17 Busin�ss road. Ir the Study Area is moditied �o inelude ar�as ��-here wo�-lc is pa-op�ased in ciesi�nated Primary Tvu�s�ry Areas, thepl in-water wark could �e subject to a n�oratoriun� ar othez• cc�nd�tions �neani to protect 1��`dl fish i� critical st�ages oi -tl�z�i� life history. Also, if t�ne Study Are� is rnadi�i�d to incfl�.�de areas where wor�. is pro��sed in Coasial 'L�v'�tl�nds, t��en minimization ancl avoidance of any temporary �r pe�mai�ent impacts i� C�astal `ii�'etZar�ds io the highest e�t�i�t practicable �,vauld be re��aired, with an adcFitional_ bez�efst of allowimg �1ie ��e�etated �,uffei• �o contiriue tp se��ve a51'Nr� 11dbi�at f�r v�rious fish and invertebrates. State of Nor[h Caralina , Envfronmental Quality Coastal Manageme�t E�WR WetCands Un�t I 5i2 North Salist�ury Street 1b17 Mail Service Center j Raleigh. NC 27b99-Ib17 9I4-707-9iq9 The following are DCM's additional comments far consideration by NCDOT at this early stage of the project development and environmental analysis: • Consider the appropriateness of hurricane evacuation and/or economic development to be considered as components of the project's purpose and need? • Consider revising the draft project purpose and need to provide a rationale for setting the logical termini in N.C. in the vicinity of Shallotte, or consider whether a logical termini location fizrther ta the east, such as the intersection of US 17 with Hickman Road, would meet ihe purpose and need of the project. • Iznplement NCDOT cornrnitments for use of the N.C. Wetland Assessment Method and the N.C. Stream Assessment Method. • Add the status and history of the following NCDOT project to the list of other TIP projects in the area: I-74 interstate from Unian Va11ey Road (SR 1585) in 'Whiteville in Columbus Caunty to the South Carolina state line in Brunswick County. During the permitting or fedexal consistency determinatian process, DCM may have additional comments on the project's enviranmental impacts, and may place conditions on any permit decision or federal consistency determination to minimize any environmental impacts. NCDOT must also demonstrate that the praject is cansistent with all CAMA latzd use plans certified by the Coastal Resources Commission that are curren� at the time the project is authorized by DCM. The information provided in this letter shall not preclude DCM from requesting additional information throughout the permitting and/or federal consistency determination process, and following normal procedures. Thauk you for your consideration of the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Please conta,ct me or Stephen Lane, DCM Field Representative for Transportation Frojects, if you ha�e any questions or concerns. I can be reached at (919} 707-9149 or via e-mail at Cathy.Brittingham(c�ncdenr.gov. Stephen can be reached at (252) 80$-2808 ext. 208 or via e-mail at Stephen.Lane�a ncdenr.�ov. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham Transportation Praject Coordinator N.C. Division of Caastal Management Cc: Stephen Lane, DCM Curt Weychert, DCM Brad Shaver, USACE Joanne Steenhuis, DWR Mason Herndon, NCDOT State of North Carolina I Erniranmental Qcaality � Coaste! Management DWR Wetlands Unrt I 512 North SalEsbury StreeY I lbl7 Mail Service Center I Rafelgh, NC 27699-ib17 919-707-9149