HomeMy WebLinkAbout20052257 Ver 1_Monitoring Report_20171020Martin Marietta October 19, 2017 Mr. William Elliott United States Corp of Engineers 151 Patton Ave., Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Re: 4th Year Monitoring of Stream Relocation Martin Marietta's Bonds Quarry Action ID 2005-31812-313, DWQ#05-2257 Dear Mr. Elliott: Brian K. North, PE Division Environmental/Land Manager Cant \/ia Ferri Fv OCT 20 2011 Please find enclosed the 4th year monitoring results for Martin Marietta's stream relocation project that was completed in late 2011 at our Bonds Quarry. The attached information documents the progress that has taken place on this project and the continued efforts we have made to enhance this new drainage feature. The information also describes the history of the project, along with the required surveying and cross-sections to document the monitoring and site conditions that have occurred since the as-builts were submitted. Please note Page 16 of the report identifying Future Sampling proposals. Future reports will be provided to you, as our monitoring and enhancement efforts continue over the next year. By copy of this letter, I am submitting a copy of this monitoring report to the North Carolina DEQ, Division of Water Resources, 401 Wetlands Group for their files. If you have any questions, please contact me at (336) 389-6616 or e-mail me at brian.north@martinmarietta.com. erely, Brian K. North, PE cc: 401 Wetlands Group (Sent Via Fed Ex) 684\Bonds Relocation 4th Year Monitoring cvr Mid -Atlantic Division 413 S. Chimney Rock Road, Greensboro, NC 27409 t. (336) 389-6616 f. (336) 605-3628 m. (980) 721-1212 e. brian.north@martinmarietta.com www.martinmarietta.com Bonds Quarry Mitigation Project UT Restoration DWQ #05-2257 USCOE Action ID No. 2003-31912-313 Post -Construction Report 2017 Prepared for submission to: US Corps of Engineers NC Department of Environment Quality Division of Water Resources PREPARED BY: E McGill A S S O C I A T E S FOR: tAMartin MCi"ate OCTOBER 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures .................................................................................................................... iii Listof Tables......................................................................................................................iii EXECUTIVESUMMARY................................................................................................. i PROJECTSITE...................................................................................................................2 PROJECTHISTORY.......................................................................................................... 6 METHODS.......................................................................................................................... 6 RESULTS............................................................................................................................ 6 ExistingConditions 2005....................................................................................................6 AsBuilt 2011....................................................................................................................... 7 PostMonitoring Year 4....................................................................................................... 7 PROBLEM AREAS ............................... FUTURESAMPLING...................................................................................................... 16 AppendixA: ...................................................................................................................... 18 Preconstruction Photographs.................................................................................19 UTB Original Channel Photographs 2015............................................................ 24 AppendixB........................................................................................................................ 26 StreamAs Built Surveys.......................................................................................27 Photographs2011..................................................................................................49 AppendixC........................................................................................................................ 67 UTB Stream & Buffer Photographs 2017............................................................. 68 UTA Buffer Photographs 2017............................................................................. 70 AppendixD....................................................................................................................... 73 Vegetation & Livestake Monitoring Plot Tables 2017 ......................................... 74 Vegetation & Livestake Monitoring Plot Photographs 2017 ................................ 82 AppendixE........................................................................................................................ 86 Cross Section Survey and Photographs 2017 ........................................................ 87 UTAPhotographs 2017......................................................................................... 92 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 ii McGill ASSOCIATES List of Figures Figure 1. Location of Bonds Quarry Stream.............................................................................4 Figure 2. Upper UTA and UTB, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC Aerial Map 2013 ....... 5 Figure 3. Upper to Middle UTA Stream Restoration, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, AerialMap 2013......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 4. Middle to Lower UTA Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013................................................................................................ 6 Figure 5. Lower UTA Stream Restoration Project, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, AerialMap 2013......................................................................................................... 6 Figure 6. Stream Stabilization Cover Sheet, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC ...............12 List of Tables Table 1. Summary of As -built Lengths and Restoration Approaches...........................................3 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 iii McGill ASSOCIATES Bonds Quarry Mitigation Project UT Restoration DWQ 405-2257 USCOE Action ID No. 2003-31912-313 Post -Construction Monitoring 2017 Executive Summary The Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Project entered into the fourth year monitoring and the fifth year after most construction was completed. With almost a mile in stream length relocated, this project was a large scale relocation of a Class C, headwater stream in the Piedmont region that has intermittent flow in the upstream section to no stream flow in the lower section and has major impacts from stormwater runoff upstream. Added to the complexity of the length was the creation of the stream channel in subsurface soils - saprolite and gravel pit substrate with little to no topsoil. The UTA and UTB were relocated as small, headwater streams through a site that frequently sees the two streams drying out and becoming intermittent in the dry months of the year. Riparian conditions (wet, damp soils) are limited to the immediate vicinity of the stream bed in this case and only in the upper sections of the stream. The rest of the project buffer area consists of sloped, xeric conditions with poor soil conditions and little to no flow except during rain events. The stormwater runoff in the past had created major gully conditions in the existing UTA as shown by the photograph from 2005. Martin Marietta addressed the erosion through the relocation of the stream and by installing a stormwater retention basin outside of the stream relocation project, in order to manage the off-site flood impacts to the existing and new stream channel. The photo from 2017 shows the same area post- construction of the relocated stream. UTA 2005 UTA 2017 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 1 E. McGill ASSOCIATES As discussed in the Problem Areas Section of the report, the evolution of the project to address the intermittent, flashy stream flow has shown slow but steady progress. Of the total 5100 linear feet of relocated stream channel, problem areas as discussed in the report totaled only 350 linear feet, or 6.8% of the total stream channel. The lower 300 linear foot section at the bottom of the stream relocation has been repaired and is growing new vegetation. The remaining problem areas are less than 1% of the total length of the project. This was overall a successful relocation and creation of a stable stream system that was in poor condition in its previous location through the quarry. Based on the successful relocation and stabilization of the stream channel, Martin Marietta would like to reduce the amount of stream monitoring that is designed for larger, perennial stream channels. The current longitudinal profile, BEHI, cross section surveys, pebble counts, live stake plots, and photo stations for channel pattern documentation does not provide good information on the small intermittent to dry stream conditions. For the final year, Martin Marietta would recommend reducing the annual monitoring to the following: Photodocumentation of the project stream and buffer photographs, cross section and longitudinal profiles at problem sites, problem area photographs, streambank erosion monitoring and information on repairs and replantings as needed performed by Martin Marietta in future years. Project Site Martin Marietta relocated 4700' of UTA to the eastern boundary of the property down to the discharge into the Rocky River at the southern end of the project area. Along with the relocation of UTA, 400' of UTB on the property was relocated from Weddington Road to its confluence with the relocated UTA. Preconstruction conditions are documented in the photographs in Appendix A. The relocated stream was constructed to the east of the existing quarry site. Buffers for the relocated stream were restored and planted and protected under a recorded Conservation Easement held by Cabarrus County. The pattern, profile and dimension were restored for the two streams within the project site. This Annual Report will summarize the monitoring efforts performed during 2017 (Year 4) at the Bonds Quarry Site Table 1. Summary of As -built Lengths and Restoration Approaches. Reach Name As -built Length (ft) Restoration Approach UTA 4,700 Relocation and Restoration UTB 400 Relocation and Restoration Total 5,100 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 2 E McGill ASSOCIA TES ,�irllY i - A Concord d; Regional a>i► Airport 1 �J O N v 273 'J S Rocky 1"." River Golf Club at Concord •S ji u40ri Smith 131-;r7 i 225 ir.Iz ' Charlotte A.1 oto r rer k Rd Y L Speedwa/ h . °0I RS City of Charlotte. Count} ofCabarrus, State of Figure 1 Site Location Map, UTA and UTB Stream Restoration Project, Bonds Quarry, Martin Marietta, Concord, NC. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation McGill Report of Findings —Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 ASSOCIATES Page 3 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Figure 2. Upper UTA and UTB, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. Figure 3. Upper to Middle UTA Stream Restoration, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. Page 4 �. McGill ASSOCIATES t U7 Y t Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Figure 2. Upper UTA and UTB, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. Figure 3. Upper to Middle UTA Stream Restoration, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. Page 4 �. McGill ASSOCIATES f . w Figure 4. Middle to Lower UTA Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 5 Figure 5. Lower UTA Stream Restoration Project, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, Aerial Map 2013. R-M-cGill ASSOCIATES Project History September 2005 Site Mitigation Plan Completed May 2006 NC DWQ 401 Certification Issued March 2007 US ACOE 404 Permit Issued June 2008 Relocation Construction Began on UTA and UTB March 2011 Fine Grading of New Channel Relocation with Structure/Stability November 2011 Project Inspected by US ACOE and NC DW December 2011 Relocation and Construction Completed January 2012 Trees and Vegetation Plots Planted February 2012 As -Built Drawings and Survey Submitted to US ACE and NC DWQ February 2014 First year Monitoring — Update Channel Survey and Cross -Sections July 2014 Pebble Count and Evaluation of Stream Bank Stability and Vegetation Plots October 2014 Rebuilt bankfull and floodplain lower UTA March 2015 Cross Section Survey and Photostations February — April 2015 Replanting trees May 2015 Vegetation Plot Monitoring MY2 December 2015 Repair and reconnection to Floodplain lower UTA March — May 2016 Monitoring Surveys MY3 Winter 2016-2017 Trees replanted in lower section May 2017 Monitoring Survey MY4 METHODS Annual monitoring will include visual observations, vegetation and livestake monitoring in plots, overall buffer stabilization, BEHI, pebble counts, longitudinal and cross section survey profiles. Longitudinal profiles will be taken every other year for a total of 3 profiles over the monitoring period. There were six cross sections, three livestake plots, and four vegetative monitoring plots established along the project stream. Pre -Construction Conditions 2005 Pre -construction observations in summer of 2005 of the streams UTA and UTB showed impacts from the upstream commercial use in the headwaters of the two streams. Photographs of the pre - construction conditions can be found in Appendix A. UTA appeared to be very stable in the upper reach on the property with well vegetated banks and buffer. Most of this upper section would not be impacted by the restoration project. At the confluence of UTA and UTB and a stormwater drainage way, UTA became extremely entrenched with severe bank erosion. In the lower sections, UTA was impacted indirectly by the removal of groundwater nearby due to quarry activities which resulted in the removal of all flow during the dry months. Martin Marietta. — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 6 E. McGill ASSOCIA rES UTB is an intermittent stream that is heavily impacted by stormwater flows from commercial impervious areas upstream of the project site. Photographs of the old channel are shown in Appendix A. On the project site, the stream showed heavy sedimentation impacts during high water events. Downstream as it neared the confluence with UTA, it became severely entrenched and headcutting of the stream channel was only controlled through bedrock substrate in this area. As Built 2011 As built plan sheets for this project are shown in Appendix B and were submitted to the agencies in February 2012. The active project construction extended over a long period of time with more than a year in construction and planting activities for the project. As can be seen on the timetable of the project history, the stream restoration project phases were completed at varying time from 2008-2013 due to the length and complexity of the project. Vegetation planting efforts were spread throughout this period. Post Monitoring Year 4 VISUAL OBSERVATIONS Visual observations were conducted on the entire project. In stream structures were assessed for functionality and erosion concerns. Stream banks, side slopes and buffer areas were evaluated for stability and erosion problems. Visual observations were used to evaluate the overall success of the project. UTB: The stream channel was stable, and stream banks showed no sign of erosion. Vegetative growth continued to be good and consisted of walnut, yellow poplar, river birch, hickory and oaks volunteers with cattails, sedges, and juncus species in wet spots. There was little to no flow in this stream in May 2017. Photographs can be seen in Appendix C. UTA: This stream continued to show a mixture of hardwoods and evergreens in the upper section of the project where the stream flow was perennial in nature. There was a wetland forming at the junction of UTA and UTB. Along the stream channel black willow, silky willow, river birch, water oak, cattails, juncus sp. and carex sp. were common. Upslope white pine, sweet gum, Eastern false willow, willow oak, yellow poplar, and sycamore could be found. Ground cover was provided by Lespedeza sp, blackberry, goldenrod, trumpeter vine, daisy, and dog fennel along with unknown grass species. Blueberry where planted were still surviving. Growth of trees and shrubs were best in the upper, perennial flow section of the stream. As the buffer progressed downstream, vegetation was reduced to white pine and Lespedeza except where pools and springs entered the stream. By the lower end of the stream project, the stream flow was only stormwater flows and little to no riparian vegetation could be found. At the regraded end of the project before the confluence with the Rocky River, the regrading and the level spreader was beginning to look more like a wetland area with no stream channel. Over Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation E. McGill Report of Findings —Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 ASSOCIATES Page 7 time it will be seen if a channel develops in this area that only flows during storm events. There was no flow in May 2017 during the monitoring, but the area was showing some indications of hydric conditions forming. Other areas in the buffer had bare rock exposed with no vegetation established. Photographs can be seen in Appendix C. Aquatic organisms were observed in flowing channels and stream pools and included minnows, dragonfly larvae, caddisfly larvae, snails, tadpoles, and turtles. Algae was noted growing on some rocks. The water quality appeared to be good with clear visibility and no signs of pollution or sedimentation. VEGETATIVE MONITORING PLOTS General: Vegetative and livestake monitoring results and photographs are found in Appendix D. In general, the plots in reaches with perennial or more consistent stream flow are doing well and establishing stability for the streambanks and buffer around the project stream. Where there is limited to no stream flow except for rain storm events, the vegetation growth of the riparian species planted for the project are not surviving or doing poorly. These drier areas, however, are being naturalized by local upland species where the soil conditions allow (still areas of bare rock and exposed pit gravel) and appear to be well on the way to naturally stabilizing the area. Monitoring Plot #1 : This 25' by 50' vegetation survey plot was established in the stream reach classification C of the relocation project. The first year monitored showed very few planted trees present (no as -built count was made during initial plantings). More trees and shrubs were planted in MY2. Over the four years, survival of planted species has dropped to 33% with total stems/acre of 260. The originally planted species of blueberry and river birch were in good to excellent condition and were well established. Combined with the volunteer species of white pine and sweet gum, the abundant native species contributes to the stability and overall success of the reach. No remediation is recommended at this time. Monitoring Plot #2: This 25' x 50' vegetation survey plot was established in the stream reach classification B of the relocation project, on the upper end. Seven planted blueberry plants were counted the first year with three surviving through MY4. Other plants have been planted over the years to improve the stem count for this buffer area in general, but the soil conditions are so poor that survival has been dropping to 43%. New volunteer stems of white pine and eastern false willow that are in excellent condition and well established are showing that naturalized recovery is expected for this plot and have added to the total 120 stems/acre. No remediation is recommended at this time. Monitoring Plot #3: A 25' x 50' vegetation survey plot established in the lower section of the stream reach classification B restoration section. An initial planting of blueberry, rhododendron, and possibly eastern false willow of 11 stems were counted the first year and additional river birch trees were planted the second year bringing the count to 18 or 400 stems/acre. Survival has dropped to 33% with the loss of most of the blueberry shrubs. Native species of oak and eastern false willow have increased the naturalization to a stable and successful 500 stems/acre in MY4. No remediation is recommended at this time. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation E, McGill Report of Findings —Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 A S S O C: i A T E S Page 8 Monitoring Plot #4: A 25'x 50' vegetation survey plot was established in the lower stream reach classification of E/C restoration section. The first year only 3 live blueberry plants present, due to soil conditions and erosion from flood events in 2013, both from overflows from UTA and from the Rocky River backing up into the section. Additional plants were planted in 2015 but no survival was noted in 2016. This area was regraded in 2016 into a more stable floodplain configuration to take into account the dry stream conditions in summer and the high flood waters during stormwater events. This plot was reset in a new location within the reach. Completely replanted in the winter of 2016-2017, there are currently 23 planted stems (580 stems/acre) in the monitoring plot. The landscaper planted rooted plants available at local nurseries and the species are all ornamentals or non-native species. There are also indications in the plot that the regrading has created suitable conditions to form wetlands in the area which may prevent survival of these planted species. In the adjacent area there are volunteers of the Eastern false willow which is FACW species and may naturalize the area in the coming years. No remediation is recommended at this time until the soil conditions in this section stabilize as either dry/wet. Livestake Plot #1: A plot of 50' long was established on both sides of the stream and planted with livestakes and rooted trees. Survival within the streambanks was excellent over the years, with little to no survival outside the stream channel. Some shading out of species has occurred with the excellent growth of the black willow trees/silky willow shrubs, leading to a natural decrease in the number of stems within this plot (from 121 to 86). The abundant native species contributes to the stability and overall success of the reach and no remediation is recommended at this time. Livestake Plot #2: A plot of 50' long was established on both sides of the stream and planted with livestakes and rooted trees. Almost no survival of plantings was observed since MY1 due to the lack of stream flow/riparian conditions in this section of the project. During May 2017, there was a minimal amount of water flow, a trickle, in the stream channel. All of the riparian species planted would not be able to survive in these conditions unless planted directly into the stream channel. This is not recommended and it is recommended that this area will be naturalized with native trees suitable for upland, drier soil conditions. No Livestake monitoring plot would be appropriate for this section of the project. Livestake Plot #3: A plot of 50' long was established roughly on both sides of the stream channel and planted with livestakes and rooted trees. The initial dimension and pattern was unstable and led to excessive streambank erosion shortly after as built construction. In 2016 this area was completely regraded to a new floodplain configuration that was more suitable to the extreme conditions of a dry stream channel with major stormwater impacts during heavy rain storms. There was no distinct stream channel forming in 2017 and it was dry in May 2017, so replanting the monitoring plot with livestakes would not show stream stabilization results either way. The Plot will be dropped from monitoring and this area will be monitored through Monitoring Plot #4 vegetation stem counts. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 9 E McGill ASS0CIATES Channel Stability The photodocumentation of the project stream channel was taken in May 2017 and can be seen compared with the As -Built photos in Appendix C. Each of the five permanent cross-sections were surveyed and compared to the As -built surveys. Survey results can be seen in tables in Appendix E. Base flows were lower in May 2017 in the lower stream reaches, but were consistent in the upper reaches. Normal rainfall had been experienced in the region within the past week. A computational error in the stream classification calculations were discovered this year and corrections were made going back to 2015 table results. Cross Section #1: riffle has stabilized over the 4 years of monitoring with little changes to stream characteristics. It is a shallow stream at this point but generally has perennial flow and shows good vegetation growth along the streambank as shown in the cross section photograph. The entrenchment ratio has decreased to a stable value. The cross section is in an area of heavy rooted vegetation and is in a stable configuration for the stream flows. Cross Section #2: Stream channel thalweg has shifted to the right from previous years. Banks are stable as shown in the photograph of the cross section. Some aggradation has occurred, primarily from the vegetative growth along the stream channel. The profile, depth and bankfull width has remained fairly constant over the monitoring period. Entrenchment ratio is low and the stream is connected to the floodplain. Depth is low and there is still perennial flow at this monitoring point in the stream channel. Cross Section #3: The graph shows a fairly stable dimension over the four years with only minimal changes in the survey. Bottom and right bank shows increased sediment deposition, but also increased depth and bankfull area. Entrenchment ratio has increased to moderately entrenched. There is perennial flow at this section of the stream and vegetation is well established as shown in the cross section photograph. This site may be moving to a pool condition as shown by the mean depth for this small stream. Cross Section #4: This site is in the section of the stream that is intermittent flow or dry except during rain events. Vegetation growth is minimal along the streambank due to the dry and rocky conditions. The channel has more characteristics of a stormwater conveyance channel than a stream. Survey graph shows a stable dimension over the years since the As Built — the cross section has stabilized at a slightly deeper and wider cross section and has remained consistent over the years. The channel is moderately entrenched and has been since construction in 2011. Cross Section #5: This station was completely reset in 2016 as construction in early 2016 regraded the streambank and floodplain topography changed drastically. This section of the stream is dry except during rain events. The new As Built condition has a wider floodplain, bankfull area, bankfull width while the depth of the dry channel is low. The site is showing none of the problems seen in past reports (headcut, bank erosion). Results can be seen in the table in Appendix E. Vegetation is beginning to recover and stabilize the area. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 10 E, McGill ASSOC IAT ES Cross Section #6 Pool — This cross section was dropped in 2016 after the construction of a new floodplain/stream channel in the lower reach of the project. This was removed as no pool is forming in the new channel, and the area is moving more towards a wetland complex. The stability will be monitored in this area using Cross Section #5. Problem Areas This stream is located in a problematic environment. The channel was constructed in an area that was reduced in elevation by 20;-30', removing the top soil and much of the overlaying soils. It was constructed in saprolite, subsurface soils with large amounts of pit gravel and shale. This soil tends to erode severely if disturbed by any digging activities. The stream flow is intermittent near the beginning of the project and dries out as it flows downstream until it is a dry channel except during rain events. The source of the stream is mixed woods and commercial areas, with large amounts of impervious cover that leads to flashy streamflow events. After major bank erosion occurred in 2013, a stormwater detention basin was installed separate from this project to minimize these extreme events. The growth of vegetation along the stream channel was good in areas where there is flow most of the year, and poor in sections where there is no flow. Traditional riparian vegetation has not established along the stream channel except in the upper sections — and most of that was within the stream channel itself. Steps have been taken over the years to address these problems. In Monitoring Year 4, the remaining problem areas are as noted: • Streambank Erosion, headcutting and lack of vegetation between Station 43+50 and 47+00 (Close out as a problem area) • Exposed bedrock in streambank at Station 15+00 • Failure at a cross vane at Station 18+75 • Streambank erosion at Station 20+20 • Streambank erosion at Station 20+82 • Slow growth of vegetation in the project area These are being tracked and assessed. The total length of the areas compared with the full project length are a small percentage and with continued improvement, reducing in size each year (Figure 6). This year the lengths equaled 350 If. The majority of the length is in the lower section that was completely regraded (300 If) and is stable now. The remaining 501f of unstable streambank is only I% of the total stream relocation length. The problem areas are as follows: Stations 43+50 to 47+00 (Lower 300 If) The stream bank erosion at the end of the project appeared early after construction and was a known problem area with no control over the major factors (flood events from upstream and flooding of the Rocky River up into the UTA floodplain, little to no flow at other times of the Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation McGill Report of Findings —Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 A S S O CI A I' E S Page 11 Area # Stream Stabilization Summary Total Length of Stream - 4,735' Areas of Concern Stabilization Area #1 - 26' (Station 14+99 thru 15+25) Stabilization Area #2 - 8' (Station 18+72 thru 18+80) Stabilization Area #3 - 24' (Station 20+10 thru 20+34) Stabilization Area #4 - 24' (Station 20+82 thru 21+06) Total Length of Concern Areas - 82' Repair Areas Repair Area #5 - 366' (Station 42+55 thru 46+21) Total Length of Repair Areas - 366' 0' 150' 300' 450' 600' I I I I I Scale — 1"=300' Area # Dee�_C ove Dvc �l s o N u ct It J s s 3 8 g 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Area #38� Area #4 Area # Figure 6 - Problem Area Locations UTA Paar 17 S Aoa23 `5�w o Site w B N"y b Vicinity Map No Scale Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation As-Builts Date: 9-8-17 year). There was downcutting of the channel, and erosion of the streambank impacting all streambank vegetation that was planted along the stream channel. After many different design/repairs were considered, an upstream off stream stormwater control basin was installed to manage peak flows. Then Martin Marietta regraded the whole lower 300' section, expanded the floodplain in 2016 and reconnected the stream to the expanded floodplain to allow for more area for flood waters to spread out. This would mimic the old stream channel connection to the Rocky River where a healthy wetland had developed and buffered the flood events both from UTA and the Rocky River. 2015 Photo of lower section 2016 Photo of Lower Section 2017 Photo of Lower Section The area has been replanted with tree species and native species are also showing growth that adds to the stabilization of the area. There is no sign of new erosion in the section. Old channels are dry for most of the year except during rain events. The area should be monitored to ensure vegetation gets established, at least as much as is allowed under the major power lines and over the sewer right of way. This area will no longer be tracked under problem areas as a separate section after this year. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 13 E. McGill ASSOCIATES Station 15+00 2016 Right bank Station 15+00 2016 Looking at left bank Station 15+00 2017 Station 15+00 looking at right bank The size and dimension of this problem area has remained constant. The exposed bedrock provides grade control on river right. Vegetation has continued to expand on the eroded bank on river right and vegetation on river left has remained well established. The total length of rock exposure/streambank erosion is 24 linear feet. The problem area will be monitored, but has not expanded in size over the past few years. No remediation is recommended except to monitor vegetation growth in the area. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 14 E. McGill ASSOCIATES Station 18+75 2016 Cross Vane 18+75 2017 Cross Vane 18+75 There has been no change in size or dimension of the eroded area in the past years. There is more vegetative growth on the exposed bank on stream left which will help to stabilize the area. The area of unstable streambank is 8 if in length. There is pit gravel and shale at this drop, providing Grade control. Last year the Longitudinal Profile has shown some changes over the past 2 years, but upstream and downstream profiles showed maintaining stable conditions. This section will be monitored for further changes and destabilization. Station 20+20 2016 Streambank Erosion 20+20 2017 Streambank Erosion at Station 20+20 As shown in the photograph, the section has maintained the previous condition and is showing some deposition of material in the channel. The total length of the stream bank erosion is 24 linear feet. There is bedrock on stream right providing some bed control. The vegetation has continued to increase coverage with more upland species, aiding in the stabilization of this section. No remediation is recommended at this time. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 15 E, McGill ASSOCIA rES Station 20+82 2017 Streambank Erosion 20+82 This streambank erosion on river left was another location created in the flood of 2013. There is bedrock exposure on river right providing grade control. No further streambank erosion has been observed during the monitoring surveys and vegetation is beginning to stabilize the bank. The total length of this streambank exposure is 24 linear feet. This site will be monitored for further erosion and documented for stabilization. This site was not measured in previous years but was added to the problem areas for monitoring in 2017. Vegetation Stabilization in Buffer This has been noted and discussed in monitoring reports since the first year. This year we noted better planted and volunteer growth of species such as white pine, yellow poplar and eastern false willow. The herbaceous ground cover is shifting in species from lespedeza to more native species like dog fennel, blackberry, goldenrod, and aster family. The soil cover is building up over the exposed pea gravel and is able to support more native vegetation. Most of the vegetation problems in the past were due to planting riparian species where there was no hydrology to support those species. Better results have been noted as the project ages with upslope vegetation and native volunteers from seeds. As can be seen in the photographs of the stream channel and buffer, where there is more consistent water flow in the channel, the riparian vegetation has done extremely well. This can be monitored through photodocumentation and addressed as needed with additional plantings. Future Sampling Martin Marietta proposes that these problem areas be the focus of future monitoring efforts and stabilization activities. Based on the successful relocation and stabilization of most of the rest of the stream channel, Martin Marietta would like to reduce the total amount of stream monitoring for this project. This would allow Martin Marietta to concentrate on the sections of the stream Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation E McGill Report of Findings —Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 ASSOCIATES Page 16 that still need continued surveillance and active stabilization efforts going forward in time. Future monitoring would include photodocumentation of project stability and vegetative growth, profile and cross section surveys at the problem areas, and streambank erosion monitoring. Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation McGill Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four �, October 2017 A S S O C I A 'r E S Page 17 Appendix A Pre -Construction Photographs 2005 UTB Original Channel Photographs 2015 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 18 E McGill ASSOCIATES Upstream section of UTA above relocation, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, April 2005. Page 19 Downstream section of existing UTA looking south, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, April 2005. Downstream section of existing UTA at confluence with WWC4, looking south, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, April 2005. Page 20 ft �, 1' ,n��i'�`,L � ..s+�. _��x !oma - '{ • &* 4.4 Confluence of UTA and Rocky River looking west, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, April 2005. Rocky River at existing confluence with UTA looking west, Bonds Quarry, Cabarrus County, NC, April 2005. Page 23 fin;:A •�LIM - �` �' •- .' t: -'_ ` �� �_ _ �- `:% _tom -T �' I 1%� AWI�K " � _ - � . - .i�► %{sem,, rte`=. � ' . � r-�.. � � _ ��., ►.�'`." � .7th _ _ {TIM4F7 <. ........ - - - - - . � �,� 1. ; — i�--� ..� ' �,►���,' ��,�''�-,: re Appendix B Stream As -Built Surveys Photographs 2011 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 26 RM-wGill ASSOCIATES Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Project Martin Marietta Aggregates A A As -Built Conditions December 2011 • USGS Quad Sheet Exhibit • Longitudinal Profiles • As -Built In -Stream Structures • Monitoring Locations • Cross Sectional Profiles and Calculations • Fixed Stream Photographs • Monitoring Location Reference Coordinates Page 27 �l — 7' Original Stream Location MAJ 85 ,.-1 • • • A 7 �L New Stream Location Site Vicinity Map No scale 650 • • J USGS Quadrangle Map Kannapolis, NC 35080 -D6 -TF -024 INIMEW-4 01`119 USGS Quadrangle Map l = % Harrisburg, NC 35080 -C6 -TF -024 USGS % Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry 0' 500' 1000; 1500' 2000'E'� 1ltIIIII Stream Relocation As-Builts Scale — 1"=1000' Date: 12-19-2011 Longitudinal Profiles In-Stream Structures Monitoring Locations Page 29 Plan #3 -%� ' x V ` ' - Plan #5 'plan #7 Plan #9 Plan #10 Project Control Point NC Grid (NAD 83 2011) N 597,062.13 R E 1,495,367.84 ft Elevation 670.94 ite Map No scale Plan #4 Plan #6 Plan #8 Alan #11 .6 0 Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry 0' 250 5°° 75 '°° Martin I I I I I Stream Relocation As-Builts Scale — 1"=500' Page 30 Date: 12-19-2011 §�%— Constructed Cross Vane -- — Existii.y _ddrock Location— Livestake Monitoring Location — Constructed Riffle �'� — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station s� err 1r o��j 061 Existing Stream x C, �� Begin UTA Stream Re -Location Project BankfiillLocation t ,rr s� PS #1 O -^•-r " +y 0 Vegetation Monitoring O Thalweg Location #1 (25'x50) O Location Relocated PS #2 UTB Stream Scale 1"=50' 0+100 1 00 2 FOO 3+00 4 00 5+0 60 660 0 o. S 650 65 Scale As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "=5' As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation 1Stram P14p 7T 1(H)-1 Relocation As-Builts "=50' 31 Date: 12-19-2011 �- Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location- Livestake Monitoring Location — Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station PS r S 0 Bankfiill Location ` O 00, r- Ln 5 0 PS #3 p """-c - a-___v oo O p ' p p PS #5 PS #4 Thalweg Location Scale 1 "=50' +_00 I -6__00_ 7 00 8 00 9_00 10+0 �60 6 O � � S • � CD 5 ., 50 ------- 6 0 As-Built 2011 Thalweg ElevationMartin Marietta Bonds Quarry Scale • ' ' • As-Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation PlAP#2 Stream Relocation As-Builts (V)-1"=5' (H)—l"=50' 32 Date: 12-19-2011 PS #8 Baakfull Location is Jfl. a'1 - r Ln O PS #10 �� �PS #9 O A o Location PS #7 r � 5' Z m + O !! O PS #6 , O Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location— Livestake Monitoring Location o� Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location -i — Photo Station x Scale 1"--50' 0+00 11400 i1-2_-00 13 00 :14-00 15+0 0 S z I r - - 3 CD 610 650 D • • rt n S • r • m 6 0 ------- ------- 640 ---- -------- Scale As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "=5' ' ' As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation Plq,gL,#3Stream Relocation As-Builts (H)-1 "=50' " Date: 12-19-2011 PS #10 ~— S Banldvll Location r � 9' 41, o` �--�,� m f `�—` U PS #13 rt 00 C rt O () �- I� CD O O Thalweg Location PS #12 � PS #11 �— Constructed Cross Vane -- — Existing Bedrock Location — Livestake Monitoring Location Scale 1"=50' — Constructed Riffle Q — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station 65;0 0 '15 00; ------- 16 -------- 00; 17 00 ----- 18 ------ 00; 19 — 6501 00 r m • • • • i 640 -------- --- 6401 1 • i _ S 1 I --- 630 -------- --- Scale "-5' As—Built 2011 As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Bankfull Elevation Plan #4 Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation As-Builts (V)-1 (H)-1 "-50' Page 34 Date: 12-19-2011 Scale 1"=50' PS #13 n s z Constructed Cross Vane — Existing Bedrock Location— Livestake Monitoring Locc �— Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station 18 00 19 00 20 00 21 00 22-00 o rt . S m 630 —------. 630' n Zr ., 620 I ( I I 620 Scale As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "=5' ' ' As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation PIPAA5#5 Stream Relocation As-Builts (H)—l"=50' Date: 12-19-2011 PS #16 gip Location it 0 N PS #17 i7 O N W Ln 0 p Thalweg Location (� n D PS #18 � 0 -Fa 0 �— Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location)— Livestake Monitoring Location Scale 1"=50' — Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station ;22-._00 23 OQ f24 00 125 00 j26 _00. 0 S r CD -- 62,0 " • 620 o o 9 CD .i 610 As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry Scale .... As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation p 1 6 Stream Relocation As-Builts (V)-1,.=5� (H)-1"=50' Date: 12-19-2011 �– Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location– Livestake Monitoring Location – Constructed Riffle Q – Vegetation Monitoring Location – Photo Station O N OO N Bankfiill Location N o PS #21 N d' O O A.L 7 W m �. ------^--1- W '�. r O ,r ,.r•,r,� A,. m e a O O O N O 4 ` . ' �. r' . PS #19 .Thalweg O O PS #20 O Location Vegetation Monitoring Location #2 (2550) 'a Scale 1"=50' .- 2600 i _ i 27.._00' 128 _.OQ 29. _00 _.430 0 0 0 A S - r ---- --—--- 610 610 -- o A r CD • ------ 600 i 600' Scale As–Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1"=5' As–Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation P14JJ / Relocation As-Builts (H)-1"=50' 3#7Stram Date: 12-19-2011 Bankfull Location o PS #22W (W (N �_ S N rt PS #21 N S(A r 4 o h 5 N W _ J O O Q T W Lp o O O PS #23 r o -I- O O Thalweg Location — Constructed Cross Vane -- — Existing Bedrock Location— Livestake Monitoring Location 1"=50' — Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station Scale 30 00 131-00 32-00 33-00 34-00 6110 610 -- o 0 r N • • n 6Q0 •' 6p0 CD _. 590 590 Scale As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "=5' ' ' ' As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation n L� Stream Relocation As-Builts (H)—l"=50' } Date: 12-19-2011 Vegetation Monitoring Am ,., m Location #3 (25'x50) Bankfvll Location a,., r " PS #26 0 PS #25' � rr • W W .99�0 ? A U) rt W PS Wr oi ✓��+0 W O O � W o 7' W N O r- + O O CD ov Thalweg Location �— Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location— Livestake Monitoring Location "=50' — Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station Scale 1 35-09 36-00; 37 04 38-09 39 00; 0 __.._. n S ------- ---- 600 600 m • O r r •. m ---- 590 ------- 5 90 Scale As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "=5' ' ' ' • As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation P144,#9 Stream Relocation As-Builts (H)-1 "=50' Date: 12-19-2011 nng 0� PS #27 PS #26 o 4� W Ln zr � O � O w O Thalweg 1� m location Bankfiilll ovation is PS #28 PS #29 ra lel. o � h U' Location— Livestake Monitoring Location o �— Constructed Cross Vane -- — Existing Bedrock Scale 1"=50' — Constructed Riffle — Vegetation Monitoring Location — Photo Station 39-00 400a41 O�i -,4-2-.00 43400 o n S r m i• -- ---- -------- 590 j I • 59 o r • n 3 • r 3 m 580 As—Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry Scale "=5' ' ' ' As—Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation Plavl,,# 10 Stream Relocation As-Builts (V)-1 (H)—l"=50' Date: 12-19-2011 Constructed Cross Vane Existing Bedrock Location - Livestake Monitoring Location ,�=%- A - Constructed Riffle - Vegetation Monitoring Location - Photo Station PS #29 LO Bankflill Location > J n PS #32 9 0 � U C O 2 � o Thalweg -- R , >1 fA Location o `� � O U O PS #33 PS #30 _$l­PS #31 Scale 1"=50' Vegetation Monitoring Location #1 (25 Xso) 43-00 44-00 % 45+00 ; ! E 146+06 00 0 rr n z r- .I. 3 m • 580 ------- �• 580 ZJ O n I T • ZJ CD — ----- — ----- 570 -------- -------- -- 570 Scale As-Built 2011 Thalweg Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1"=5' ' ' ' • As-Built 2011 Bankfull Elevation Ptaq,#I I Stream Relocation As-Builts (H)-1 "=50' Date: 12-19-2011 Cross Sectional Profiles and Calculations Page 42 Stream Section C Station 5+98 Cross Section #1 Riffle Section 2011 As -Built Bankfull Area 8.2 Bankfull Width 7.2 Mean Depth 1.2 Max Depth 1.5 w/d Ratio 6 Flood Width 24.8 Entrenchment Ratio 3.4 * Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. 658 M co 0 657 o' D 656 655 Cross Section #1 - Riffle Section Stream Station 5+98 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 658 657 656 655 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Scale ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)—1 "=2; Cross S,Ction #1 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 age 4 Date: 12-19-2011 No Scale Stream Section C Station 11+29 Cross Section #2 Pool Section 2011 As -Built Bankfull Area 6.5 Bankfull Width 12.0 Mean Depth 0.5 ------ Bankfiill Elevation --------------- --------- Max Depth 0.8 * Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. Scale (V)-1 "=2. (H)-1 "=4' 0 655- 654 Y (D 653 0 7 652 651 0 No Scale Cross Section #2 - Pool Section Stream Station 11+29 Station(ft) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 655 654 ------ Bankfiill Elevation --------------- --------- 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation 654 653 652 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 651 Sp MarMaetta Bonds Quary Cross c4ion # 2 Stream Cross Section As-Builts g Date: 12-19-2011 Stream Section B Station 24+36 Cross Section #3 Riffle Section 2011 As -Built Bankfull Area 1.3 Bankfull Width 2.5 Mean Depth 0.5 Max Depth 0.8 w/d Ratio 5.0 Flood Width 7.6 Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 . Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. M m o 615 1+ O Z3 614 613 Cross Section #3 - Riffle Section Stream Station 24+36 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 616 615 614 613 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 Scale -- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 =2Cross Section #3 Stream Cross Section As-Builts , (H)-1 =4, Page 45 Date: 12-19-2011 No Scale Stream Section B Station 29+53 Cross Section #4 Pool Section 606 2011 As -Built m Q Bankfull Area 4.4 Bankfull Width 4.8 603 Mean Depth 1.0 Max Depth 1.3 " Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. Cross Section #4 - Pool Section Stream Station 29+53 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 606 605 604 603 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Scale ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry S,�C4on (V)-1;;=2; Cross #4 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 gDate: 12-19-2011 No Scale 606 M m Q 605 o' 604 603 Cross Section #4 - Pool Section Stream Station 29+53 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 606 605 604 603 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Scale ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry S,�C4on (V)-1;;=2; Cross #4 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 gDate: 12-19-2011 No Scale Stream Section C Station 43+71 Cross Section #5 Riffle Section 2011 As -Built Bankfull Area 8.1 Bankfull Width 5.2 Mean Depth 1.8 Max Depth 2.2 w/d Ratio 2.8 Flood Width 10.7 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 *Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. 585 M G 0 584 fi 0 583 582 Cross Section #5 - Riffle Section Stream Station 43+71 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2425 585 584 583 582 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2425 Scale-- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1 =2, Cross Supon #5 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 Date: 12-19-2011 No Scale Stream Section C Station 44+65 Cross Section #6 Pool Section 2011 As -Built Flood Zone Elevation -----� BankfullElevation ----' Bankfull Area 8.1 Bankfull Width 5.2 Mean Depth 1.8 Max Depth 2.2 w/d Ratio 2.8 Flood Width 8.4 Entrenchment Ratio 2.1 Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. 583 l t i 582 t - Cross Section #6 - Pool Section Stream Station 44+65 " � �) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 580 0 2 4 6 583 582 581 580 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 No Scale Scale ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1;;=2; Cross Section #6 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 Page 48 Date: 12-19-2011 Flood Zone Elevation -----� BankfullElevation ----' 2 4 6 583 582 581 580 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 No Scale Scale ---- As—Built 2011 Elevation Martin Marietta Bonds Quarry (V)-1;;=2; Cross Section #6 Stream Cross Section As-Builts (H)-1 =4 Page 48 Date: 12-19-2011 Fixed Stream Station Photographs Page 49 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #1 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 597,536.14 E 1,495,509.02 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #2 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 597,278.18 E 1,495,362.58 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 50 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #3 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 597,069.01 E 1,495,410.11 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #4 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,908.08 E 1,495,433.18 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 51 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #5 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,726.42 E 1,495,502.27 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #6 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,648.38 E 1,495,609.77 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 52 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #7 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,575.23 E 1,495,669.61 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #8 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,495.81 E 1,495,712.27 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 53 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #9 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,354.00 E 1,495,684.89 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #10 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,190.18 E 1,495,676.91 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 54 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station # 11 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 596,055.07 E 1,495,603.82 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #12 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,970.16 E 1,495,604.00 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 55 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #13 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,881.63 E 1,495,614.56 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #14 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,760.59 E 1,495,600.29 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 56 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #15 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,635.76 E 1,495,609.50 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #16 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,422.77 E 1,495,623.86 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 57 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #17 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,266.94 E 1,495,613.13 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #18 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 595,170.63 E 1,495,571.38 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 58 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #19 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,992.31 E 1,495,537.47 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #20 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,795.00 E 1,495,536.41 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 59 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #21 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,655.19 E 1,495,555.92 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #22 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,494.07 E 1,495,569.44 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 60 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #23 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,349.29 E 1,495,562.09 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #24 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 594,166.51 E 1,495,581.32 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 61 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #25 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,989.89 E 1,495,594.66 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station 926 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,791.14 E 1,495,603.57 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 62 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #27 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,633.09 E 1,495,617.50 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #28 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,524.79 E 1,495,579.89 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 63 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #29 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,399.82 E 1,495,566.45 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #30 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,356.16 E 1,495,494.61 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 64 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #31 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,249.55 E 1,495,437.82 Date: 12-19-2011 Photo Station #32 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,169.70 E 1,495,481.87 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 65 Fixed Stream Station Photos Bonds Quarry Creek Relocation Photo Station #33 (looking downstream) Coordinates (ft) N 593,135.40 E 1,495,450.43 Date: 12-19-2011 As -Built Conditions December, 2011 Page 66 Appendix C UTB Stream & Buffer Photographs 2017 UTA Buffer Photographs 2017 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 67 E McGill ASSOCIATES 2015 UTB from upstream start of project looking downstream, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2015. 2017 UTB from upstream start of project looking downstream, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. 2015 UTB From midpoint of project looking downstream towards confluence with UTA, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2015. Page 68 2017 UTB From midpoint of project looking downstream towards confluence with UTA, May 2017. UTB looking upstream from start of project, intermittent Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2015. Page 69 UTB looking upstream from start of channel, project, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #1 Post Construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. UTA Buffer Photograph #1; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #2 Post construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. Page 70 UTA Buffer Photograph #2; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #3 Post Construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. UTA Buffer Photograph #3; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #4 Post Construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. Page 71 UTA Buffer Photograph #4 Post Construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #5 Post Construction, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. UTA Buffer Photograph #5 looking downstream, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #6 Post Construction; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. Page 72 UTA Buffer Photograph #6 looking downstream; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. UTA Buffer Photograph #7 Post Construction, project end; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, 2011. Page 73 UTA Buffer Photograph #7 looking downstream at project end; Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC, May 2017. Appendix D Vegetation & Livestake Monitoring Plot Tables 2017 Vegetation & Livestake Monitoring Plot Photographs 2017 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 74 i McGll ASSOCIATES ' Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs Page 75 Plant # 2014 V # Alive 2015 # Plants V 2016 # Plantd V 2017 # Plants V 2018 # Plants V UTA Monitorin Plot #1 Li uidambar styraciflua Sweet gum 1 1 1 Liriodendron tuli i era Yellow poplar 2 2 2 Quercus alba White oak 1 Betula nigra River birch 12 4 5 Pinus strobus White Pine 7 6 Unknown s . Unknown 2 2 2 Vaccinium sp Blueberry 2 0 4 4 1 Campsis radicans Trumpeter Vine 3 Total 2 5 5 18 38 10 6 7 0 0 Total Planted + Volunteers 7 21 18 13 0 Survival % ]anted 0% 100% 100% 72% 0% Total stems/acre 100 420 360 260 0 ' Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs Page 75 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs 2017 - Unknown Identified as Groundsel Tree Page 76 Plant # 2014 2015 V # Alive # Plants V 2016 Plantd V 2017 # Plants V 2018 # Plant V UTA Monitorin Plot #2 Li uidambar styraefflua Sweet gum Liriodendron tuli i era Yellow poplar Salix nigra Black willow 1 1 1 1 Betula nigra River birch 4 1 1 Pinus strobus White pine 1 2 Baccharis halimi olia Groundsel tree 1 1 Vaccinium sp Blueberry 7 4 5 1 5 2 Total 7 0 4 10 1 7 4 3 3 0 0 Total Planted + Volunteers 7 11 11 6 0 Survival % planted 57% i 100% 70% 43% 0% Total stems/acre 80 1 220 220 120 0 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs 2017 - Unknown Identified as Groundsel Tree Page 76 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs Unknown shrub - previously ID as blueberry Page 77 Plant # 2014 V # Alive 2015 # Plants V 2016 # Plants V 2017 # Plantd 2018 V # Plants, V UTA Monitorin Plot 43 Li uidambar styraciflua Sweet gum Liriodendron tuli i era Yellow poplar Betula nigra River birch 11 2 4 Quercus SP Oak S. 1 1 1 Quercus SP. Water Oak 1 Baccharis halimi olia Groundsel tree 4 1 1 3 14 Unknown sp Shrub 2 3 Paccinium sp Blueberry 6 1 7 6 2 3 1 3 Rhododendron canadense Rhododendron 1 1 1 Campsis radicans Vine 1 _Trumpeter Total 11 1 9 18 2 6 9 6 19 0 0 Total Planted + Volunteers 9 20 15 25 0 Survival % planted 73% 100/ 33% 33% 0% Total stems/acre 180 400 300 500 0 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs Unknown shrub - previously ID as blueberry Page 77 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs 2014 total primarily vines- not counted in total 2 stems/acre Page 78 during reconstruction of lower stream channel, will be replanted Replanted 2017 Plant # 2014 V # Alive 2015 # Plants V 2016 Plantd V 2017 # Plantd V 2018 #PlantE V UTA Monitorin Plot #4 Li uidambar styraciflua Sweet gum 3 Ilex SP Holly 9 Betula nigra River birch 2 Boxwood 4 Campsis radicans Trumpet Vine 23 23 14 Morella Carolinensis Bayberry family 6 Unknown sp. Chinese Privet variegated 4 Unknowns . Ornamental shrub 3 Vaccinium SP Blueberry 4 3 6 Total 4 23 26 8 14 0 0 23 6 0 0 Total Planted + Volunteers 27 22 0 29 0 Survival % planted 75% 1 1 100% 0% 100% 0% Total stems/acre 80 440 0 580 0 1 Additional trees planted 2015 V= Number of volunteer trees and shrubs 2014 total primarily vines- not counted in total 2 stems/acre Page 78 during reconstruction of lower stream channel, will be replanted Replanted 2017 Livestake Counts Plot #1 Bonds Quarry Restoration Site Species Species Y1 Totals Species Y2 Totals Species Y3 Totals Species Y4 Totals Y4 LS V TREES Salix nigra Black Willow 75 85 78 100 75 Po ulus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 7 8 12 9 7 Betula nigra River Birch 0 3 3 0 0 Quercus phellos Willow Oak 0 1 1 0 0 Plantanus occidentalis Sycamore 1 1 1 Baccharis halimi olia Eastern False Willow 1 1 1 SHRUBS lnus serrulataTag Alder 0 1 1 0 0 Salix isericea Silk Willow 2 2 4 10 2 Totals 84 0 2 106 99 121 86 Y4:Third Year Totals; LS: Live stake; V:Volunteer. This plot was planted with both livestakes and rooted trees; Growth was so healthy that the live stakes could not be identified separately from the trees. Page 79 Livestake Counts Plot #2 Bonds Quarry Restoration Site Species Species Yl Totals Species Y2 Totals Species Y3 Totals Species Y4 Totals Y4 LS V TREES Betula nigra River Birch 0 1 0 0 0 Liriodendron tulipfera Yellow Poplar 0 0 16 0 0 Quercus ISP. Oak Species unknown 0 0 1 1 0 SHRUBS Cornus ammomum Silky Dogwood 0 0 0 Salix sericea Silky Willow 0 0 0 Salix nigra Black Willow 0 0 0 Totals 0 0 0 1 17 1 0 Y4: Third Year Totals; LS: Live stake; V:Volunteer. This plot was planted with both livestakes and rooted trees. Page 80 Livestake Counts Plot #3 Bonds Quarr Restoration Site Species Species Y1 Totals Species Y2 Totals Species Y3 Totals Y2 LS V TREES Sweet gum SalixVnigra 0 1 2 0 Quercus ra Water oak 0 1 2 0 Quercus llos Willow oak 0 1 2 0 Betula River Birch 0 0 3 0 Liriodendron tulipfera iYellow Poplar 0 0 3 0 SHRUBS Vaccinium s. Blueberry 0 1 1 0 Unknown Unknown 0 0 1 0 Totals 0 0 0 4 14 0 Y3: Third Year Totals; LS: Live stake; V:Volunteer. This plot was planted with both livestakes and rooted trees. In late 2015 the plot was completely removed during the re -construction of the lower stream channel. Y4 - Due to no stream flow during summer months, no livestake plot will be re-established - monitoring will be through the vegetative monitoring plot in the area. Page 81 2014 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #1, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2014 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #2, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. Page 82 2017 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #1, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2017 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #2, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2014 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #3, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2014 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #4, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2017 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #3, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC Page 83 2017 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #4; Reset from previous years due to regrading of project floodplain, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2014 Livestake Monitoring Plot #1, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2014 Livestake Monitoring Plot #2, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. Page 84 2017 Livestake Monitoring Plot #1, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2016 Livestake Monitoring Plot #2, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. 2017 No Livestake Monitoring Plot #3 to be 2014 Livestake Monitoring Plot #3, Bonds Quarry reestablished — Monitoring Plot #4 covering Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. similar area, Bonds Quarry Stream Restoration Project, Cabarrus County, NC. Page 85 Appendix E Cross Section Survey Reports and Photographs 2017 Martin Marietta — Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Report of Findings — Monitoring Report Year Four October 2017 Page 86 E McGill ASSOCIATES Stream Section C Station 5+98 Cross Section #1 Riffle Section 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bankfull Area 1.75 2.6 2.1 2.7 2.4 Bankfull Width 7.0 8.3 9.2 10.3 10.2 Mean Depth 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 Max Depth 0.66 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 w/d Ratio 23.3 15.9 30.6 34.3 34.0 Flood Width 24.8 20.6 1 21.3 22.9 22.7 Entrenchment Ratio 3.6 2.5 2.8 2.2 2.2 * Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. * 2017 calculations include revision for (2015 & 2016) M N o 657 0 Me X -Section #1 - No Scale Cross Section #1 - Riffle Section Stream Station 5+98 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 655 0 Scale (V)-1 =2' (H)-1 "=4' 2 4 6 8 658 657 656 655 10 12 14 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross e�tlon # 1 Stream Relocation Project age 8 Date: 5-15-17 `2017 Prof le Flood Zone Eleva ion � `•� `� ``�e - ----------- Bankfull Ele au n y- \ ;.- 2015 Profile __ _-_ w i✓'-'� _2016-Profile 014 Profile -- ---'' _----- ---- i i 2011 Profile-- { Scale (V)-1 =2' (H)-1 "=4' 2 4 6 8 658 657 656 655 10 12 14 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross e�tlon # 1 Stream Relocation Project age 8 Date: 5-15-17 Stream Section C Station 11+29 Cross Section #2 Pool Section 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bankfull Area 7.3 2.1 5.5 6.0 5.8 Bankfull Width 16.5 12.3 18.2 17.2 17.7 Mean Depth 0.4 0.20 0.4 0.4 0.3 Max Depth 0.66 0.50 1.3 1 0.7 0.7 w/d Ratio 39.3 24.4 45.5 43.0 59.0 Flood Width 21.2 17.8 20.5 21.0 22.1 Entrenchment Ratio 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.2 1.2 ` Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. ' 2017 calculations include revision for (2015 & 2016) 0 655- 654 M N 0 653 0 7 652 651 0 2 4 6 8 X -Section #2 - No Scale Cross Section #2 - Pool Section Stream Station 11+29 Station(ft) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 655 Scale (V)-1 "=2' (H)-1 "=4' 2 4 6 8 654 653 652 651 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross Section #2 Stream Relocation Project Page 88 Date: 5-15-17 ` . Flood Zone Elevation Bankfull Elevation ' 2014Profile'=j'-�. 2011 Profle 1 2015 Profilc 2016IProfde 2017 Profile j Scale (V)-1 "=2' (H)-1 "=4' 2 4 6 8 654 653 652 651 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross Section #2 Stream Relocation Project Page 88 Date: 5-15-17 Stream Section B Station 24+36 Cross Section #3 Riffle Section I Zone Eleva on 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bankfull Area 2.8 2.9 5.3 3.8 5.7 Bankfull Width 7.6 8.1 8.5 7.8 7.6 Mean Depth 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 Max Depth 0.75 0.48 0.9 0.8 1.0 w/d Ratio 20.0 16.9 12.1 15.6 10.8 Flood Width 13.3 11.6 11.3 10.9 15.3 Entrenchment Ratio 1.8 1.4 1.3 .1.4 2.0 " Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. " 2017 calculations include revision for (2015 & 2016) M (D 0 615 O D 614 X -Section #3 - No Scale Cross Section #3 - Riffle Section Stream Station 24+36 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21 I Flood I Zone Eleva on - / Bankfull 2015 Profile v Elevation i \` 2014 Profile 2011 Profile 2017 profile 2016 Profile i i 613- 0 Scale (V)-1 =2' (H)-1 "=4' 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Cross *ae�tion #3 g 616 615 614 613 18 20 21 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Stream Relocation Project Date: 5-15-17 Stream Section B Station 29+53 Cross Section #4 Pool Section 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bankfull Area 2.6 2.7 5.3 6.7 5.2 Bankfull Width 5.8 6.5 6.6 7.0 6.6 Mean Depth 0.52 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.8 Max Depth 0.75 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.0 w/d Ratio 11.2 13.0 8.2 7.0 8.3 Flood Width 11.0 7.6 12.2 16.0 12.6 Entrenchment Ratio 1.9 1.2 1.8 2.3 1.9 * Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. * 2017 calculations include revision for (2014-2016) A16I. M N 0 605 0 7 604 X -Section #4 - No Scale Cross Section #4 - Pool Section Stream Station 29+53 Station(ft) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 603 0 Scale (V)-1 "=2' (H)-1 "=4' •e• 605 604 603 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross *Se tion #4 Stream Relocation Project g Date: 5-15-17 _ Flood Zone Elevation ' }, i Bankfull Elevation �i I P .' 2014 Profilel _ 20171Profile 2015 Profile J20111 Profile 2016 Profile i Scale (V)-1 "=2' (H)-1 "=4' •e• 605 604 603 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry Cross *Se tion #4 Stream Relocation Project g Date: 5-15-17 Stream Section C Station 43+71 Cross Section #5 Riffle Section 2011 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bankfull Area 1.9 6.8 2.9 4.6 4.9 Bankfull Width 4.2 5.2 6.1 13.0 13.0 Mean Depth 0.49 0.60 0.51 0.4 0.4 Max Depth 0.75 0.72 0.64 0.5 0.6 w/d Ratio 8.5 11.3 13.1 32.5 32.5 Flood Width 10.7 11.3 7.51 40.0 40.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.5 1.7 1.2 3.1 3.1 * Values listed are in Ft or Sq. Ft. * 2014 Values revised due to 2014 comptation errors. * 2016 Values reflect regrading of lower channel. * 2017 calculations include revision for (2015 & 2016) 583 M co 0 582 o' D 581 580 Cross Section #5 - Riffle Section Stream Station 43+71 Station(ft) X -Section #5 - No Scale 583 582 581 580 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 /U /2 /4 Scale Martin Marietta - Bonds Quarry (V)-1 "-2' Cross *eqion # 5 Stream Relocation Project (H)-1' -5' age Date: 5-15-17 Photo Station #1 12-19-2011 Photo Station #2 12-19-2011 Photo Station #3 12-19-2011 Page 92 Photo Station #1 5-8-2017 Photo Station 42 5-8-2017 Photo Station #3 5-8-2017 Photo Station #4 12-19-2011 Photo Station #5 12-19-2011 Photo Station #6 12-19-2011 Page 93 Photo Station #4 5-8-2017 Photo Station #5 5-8-2017 Photo Station #6 5-8-2017 s x, ,. A4 . i e Photo Station #10 12-19-2011 Photo Station #11 12-19-2011 Photo Station #12 12-19-2011 Page 95 Photo Station #10 5-8-2017 Photo Station #11 5-8-2017 Photo Station #12 5-8-2017 Photo Station #13 12-19-2011 Photo Station #14 12-19-2011 Photo Station #15 12-19-2011 Page 96 Photo Station #13 5-8-2017 Photo Station #14 5-8-2017 Photo Station #15 5-8-2017 r'�•ly t 1 � i� In +'.�. -` 3rn'33' ..Yl rte., - 7 i � Photo Station #19 12-19-2011 Photo Station #20 12-19-2011 Photo Station #21 12-19-2011 Page 98 Photo Station #19 5-8-2017 Photo Station #20 5-8-2017 Photo Station #21 5-8-2017 IA - {' {J •�.�e4 *..gyp., r.:{ �♦ Photo Station #25 12-19-2011 Photo Station #26 12-19-2011 Photo Station #27 12-19-2011 Page 100 Photo Station #25 5-8-2017 Photo Station #26 5-8-2017 Photo Station #27 5-8-2017 1 0 �i � fi'' • � ' �e ,,.i ' •'ti �µ � � +. y. gam, _ d+: Photo Station #31 12-19-2011 Photo Station #32 12-19-2011 .y Photo Station #33 12-19-2011 E Page 102 Photo Station #31 5-8-2017 Photo Station #32 5-8-2017 Photo Station #33 5-8-2017