HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171357 Ver 1_Historic/Prehistoric Information_20171024Progra�mmatic Agreement Cultural Resources Screening Checklist Praject Numb�rs: T�P: n/a FA; n/a WBS: 14.204911 Project Name: SR 1416 culvert replace. CO1��tY� Jackson Project Description: Replace/extend 3 culverts under SR 1416 (Shoal Creek Road) in UT Tuckasegee River and UTs Crooked Creek. Funding Source: State Permits Required; NWP 3 and GC 4085 Insttucrions; NCDOT P�oject I1�auagers/Enginee�s, should com�Iete t�ie follo�ving cliecklist based upon ��ouY knowledge af t��e p�aject site ar�d ammed�ate vicinitp. If you cl�ec� "Unable to Dete�uune", effoxts shauld be undertake�� to acquiie avai�able it�fo�naiion on t��:e p�aject. Tf t�ie answe� to an�* c�uestio�i is "Yes" or "Ui�able to Detert�vne," the project :is su�ject to ft�rt��er �vstoric piese�vation .tevie�v, �ot tvi�ssfa��ding othe� dete�tninations undes state envitoninental xevie�v la�vs and xegulatia�s. If tlze ans�vez to all the ques�ions is "No," t�1e p�oject may be excluded �o�n futthe� ��isto�ic p�eservat�o:� fevie��. � Ycs Na Unable to . D etetmiiie A. Does this project contain activities that axe not specified iri Appenciix C of the No�tiz Carol'tna Programmatic Agreement for Minox Transportation X �rojects? (List oF �xem�t Activities an revexse) B. Is this project direct�y related io other actions �;�tii i�dividually insignifica�t, but cumulatively signif carit, enrironmental effects2 i� C. Axe there properties listed on or eligible for 1'ts#ing on tiie National Register of H�storic Piaces in t�re pzoject area? )( D. Is this pxoject quescioned 6y the o�vner of a lusto�ic pxoperty? X E. Is tltere kno�vn public conttovexsy based on liistoric p�eservation issues? )( F. Can tlus pxoject be classified as anything othex tlran a"catego�icai exclusion" (or state-equivaler�t} projecc X Certi�cation By �.ny signatu�e, I ce�:ti£y t�at I Iiave complefed a site visit or ain fannilia�: with t��e speeifics of die pioject ar�d tl�at �y ans�vers to tlie questions abojre aie, ta tlie best a£�y l�notvledge, cortect. I also ux�de�stand d�at na fiir�lier envifonn�.e�ital analysis is iequued acco�:ding to Appe�dix C of t�ie Noxth Ca�olinia Progiammatie Ag�eeme 8P� ��I'ranspoxtation Projects. . L���„�� ��„� 10/24/2017 Dave McHenry 86673FBE42E5415... Naine {print) � 5�gnatuce _ Date ACTNITIES �X�MP7 �'ROM THE PROGRAMMATlC AGC?�'�'MENT The activities i4 Appendi� C are exempted from fuccher re��ie�v, ptovided t��e undertaliing meets all of the folla�ving conditions: � is limited ta the activities speciE�ed; o is aat part of a luget underta[cin� e is aot Guestsoned by the ownet of a histouc propetty; o has po knotva public contcaversy based on ]vstaric preservation issues; and e is classi&ed as a"catego�€cal exclusion" (or state-equit�alent} project. EXEMP'I' ACi'IViTI�S • h4n�ving, seeding/reseeding, ancf other ground cover maintenancc ac#ivities; e Installation ox replacement/repair af fuced stati� signs, interconnechion devices, surveitlaace cameras, closed circuit TV and othex minor incident management devices, railroad �vacc�ing detiices, and improved rail crossing surfaces, • In-kind replacement, reconstructeon, or oadinary repair or modif cation of existing lighting, guardrails, modern fencing, tra€fic signals, curbs and gntters, sidew�s, aad variable message signs; � • Acrivittes that do not involve construction or ground disturbance, such as prelicninary engineerir,g, traicua�g, technical studies, non-invasive inspections, and educational programs; • O�=erlay, n�ifling, graoving, repairing (conctete ar asphait patching at sl�rry sc�l), striping, ar resurfacing of existing ra�np, roadway, and paclsing lot surfaees whete [here ��vill be no new impacts outside an e�cisting facility; rumble strips, loop detectors, paveme�t snarkings (normal and raised), and sno�v and icc de#ectots to the same; � Activities �vithin the existing distucbed snedian, inc]uding installa�ion of new or replacement median barriers or guard ra'tl; • n4odetc�izatian of an existing [ransportation facilicy by �videning less than a travel lane or adding [anes, ptovided �such widening does not estend 6eyood tf�e ]imits of e�isting impro�ed right-of-�vay (incic�des slloulder addiuons to toad�vays, bridge appaoaches, tu�n ]anes witlun Ehe existing impraved facility); • Carrecting st�bstandard roac3way geometrics and inEecsections (i.e., spot improvements), provided such cortectians do not extend be}�ond the limits o£ e�cisting imprnved rigl�t-of-way; • I�tinot bridge rehabilitatian, bridge rails, or substructufe alterations tvheie Ehe urork is conEwed to the bridge iEself, and a. d�e bridge is no older than 45 years at the date of NCDOT's projeet revtew, or � b. the bsidQe has 6eea determined ineli�ible for the Nation�l ]te�ister of �L'sstoric Places: • l�oufilne cleaning, �aintenance ac�d ceptic of e�sting draic�age, stormwater rr3anagement, ari�'zvaEet t�uality faci[ities aad de��ices, �ot �ncluding projects that seek to ea�pand or exteod s�ch facilities; • Iteplaceme�t/xelocat'ton of ersistiag unde�ground utifities in I�ind and witEun e�cisting footprint and xepllcement/relocaEio� oE exis[ing ut�lity poles behueen edge af ex'ssting impraved right-of-�vay and road; o Repau of erosiou control and piotection me�esutes, including but not linuted to: slope stabilization, s[ide repair, rip rap, or retauurig �valls aRd new construction of such de;rices �vithui existing unproved �ight-of-way; • TtehaUilitatian of exist�c�g at-grade zai[xoad crossings aud ins��lation or upgrade of regutatory signs and tailtoad �varning signs and devices, u�grade af advisory signs, and track and rail bed ma'sntenance, �rovided the�e is no chaRge in grade; • Consteuction of l�icycte 2nd pedestuan lanes, �aths, pedesErian signal heads, and facilifies, and multi€-use paths and Eacilit[es provided such construction does not exte�d beyond the licniYs of existing icnproved right-aE �vay; • Conskructian of or improvements to rest areas, truck weigh stations, paiit and ride lots, and atliet transporta#inn related mafntenance, storage, and oEfice facilities, �vhece no new right-of-way is acquued; ' • Landscaping on fi�I-slopes and back-slopes; • Disposal of excess state-otu�ed pcoperties; • Ocher minor actions if deemed appxopriate for coverage under tEvs PA 6y consultation and mutual wr'tt#en ag�eenie�t bettveen NCDOT and HPO/03A.